[HCDX] Monday Morn DX

2011-02-07 Thread Charles Bolland
China, 4920.031, People's Broadcasting Station, Xizang,
1140-1200  Noted ordinary
 Chinese music at tune in.  The music is continuous
during the period as the signal 
stays at a poor level.  (Chuck Bolland, February 7,
Unident, 4690.00,  1155-1210  Noted  a signal here with
a male commenting in
Spanish language.  This sounds like a broadcast, but it
could be a harmonic
or SPUR of another station nearby.   Radio San Miguel
is not on 4700 KHz 
at this time, but it could have fade away by now?  But
as I consider everything
this may be Radio San Miguel off of freq this morning?
Brief music at
1202 UTC. Sounds like news after the hour.  Still no ID
heard.   Signal is 
weak and the noise is strong.   (Chuck Bolland,
February 7, 2011)
26N 081/W
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[HCDX] Friday Morn DX,

2011-02-04 Thread Charles Bolland
Indonesia, 4749.978, RRI Makassar, Tentative,
1030-1045,  Noted a male in Islamic
type reciting until 1034 when a female talks in
Indonesian language.  After
she comments, a brief interlude of music is heard, then
more comments.  
At 1036 a male converses with the female.  Signal was
poor and muffled.
As I decided to tune away, I notice a second signal on
4750.030 starting
to fade in, but it's still too weak to copy anything.
(Chuck Bolland, February 4, 2011)
Micronesia, 4755.452, Cross Radio,Tentative, 1044-1055,
Noted a weak signal here 
with possibly religious singing?  Signal still needs
time to reach it's peak
fade in time.  At 1046, believe a female commented
briefly. Rechecked this at 1145, 
and the signal had improved to a poor level while music
was heard.(Chuck 
Bolland, February 4, 2011)
Peru, 4774.959, Radio Tarma, 1048-1100,  Brief Spanish
language comments
at tune in which was followed with Huaynos music.
Signal remained at a 
fair level during this period.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 4, 2011)
Brazil, 4865.041, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1103-1115,
Principly noted a male 
in Portuguese language comments until about 1108 when a
female comments
in Portuguese. At 1113 the male returns with comments.
This is the only
 signal on or near this frequency at the present time.
I suppose the other
 Brazilian stations and Radio Logos are all "Sleepy
Bolland, February 4, 2011)
Peru, 4955.006, Radio Cultura Amauta, 1117-1130  Yes
with the best signal on
the band, noted a male and female in what sounded like
serious Spanish comments.
Heard the male mention "Amauta" here and there during
his comments.  This sounds
like a news program with reports being presented by
other anouncers.  After listening
for awhile, "Amauta and Peru" are mentioned rather
often.  And as mentioned above,
the signal is good.  (Chuck Bolland, February 4, 2011)
Peru, 4986.385, Radio Manantial, Tent, 1125-1150,
Noted a fair signal at tune in with a 
female in Spanish Language comments.  From her tone,
she sounded as if she were
giving a religious discourse, which continued during
the period.   Tried to find some 
backup information on this.  Ran a search for DXLD, but
Google rejected me.  I'm
use to it.  Checked out AOKI's database and Manantial
was listed on 4991 KHz. 
Next I looked at EIBI and Manantial was listed on 4986
KHz.   Signal was fair
 to threshold during the period.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 4, 2011)
Papua New Guinea, 3325.008, Radio Buka,Tent,
1150-1200,  Noted a thresholds signal here
which is better than usual.  Most of the time just a
carrier is heard on this freq at my
location.  With that in mind, noted a male and female
talking together.  Couldn't 
identify the language 100 percent, but my best guess is
Pidgin.  At 1200 some bridge
music and more comments by a female.  And as mentioned,
the signal is threshold.
   (Chuck Bolland, February 4, 2011)
26N 081W
Note:  If I were to put a value on the work I've done
this morning, I would say I earned
at least $500.00 and that's for only an hour or so.
Relax, I am just joking around.  
Conditions were good this morning compared to the usual
conditions I notice here
in my area and I was able to turn on the receiver a
little earlier than I normally do.
So in the list of loggings above, there are three(3)
stations that I haven't reported 
before.  Things are looking up.
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[HCDX] Tues Morn DX

2011-02-01 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.229, Radio Victoria, 1100-1115,  Noted a
male preaching in 
Spanish language.  Believe the male who is preaching is
David Miranda,
signal is very weak and in the noise for a clear
listen.   (Chuck Bolland, 
February 1, 2011)
Bolivia, 6134.812, Radio Santa Cruz, 1108-1120,   With
a very weak signal, noted
a male in Spanish comments. Signal remained threshold
now.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 1, 2011)
Brazil, 4865.052, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1113-1130,
Noted a female in 
Portuguese language comments. As I listen, there seems
to be a slight 
improvement with the signal which ends up being at a
poor level.  
(Chuck Bolland, February 1, 2011)
Indonesia, 9524.968, Voice of Indonesia, 1145-1155,
Noted music on initial 
tune in.  Notice that VOI was back on their normal
assigned frequency today
instead of what was the norm before of 9526 KHz+-.
Between music selections
a female talks in Chinese which didn't sound like her
native language.  Back
to music after a few comments.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, February 
1, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Monday after noon DX

2011-01-31 Thread Charles Bolland
Gabon, 9580, Africa Number One, 1950-2010,  Noted a
fair signal
here with Highlife type music as an announcer comments
in French
during, before and after the music.  It amazes me that
this station
has remained on the air and on this frequency for so
many years.
 If they can do it from Gabon, why can't the more
countries do it?  As I listen, Radio Australia comes on
the air with
 their theme "Waltzing Matelda".  Still Radio One
remains audible.
On the hour, RNO gives ID followed by news.   Radio
Australia never
starts broadcasting. because they were signing off.
Without any 
interference, Africa Number One is "Fivers'.  (Chuck
January 31, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Monday Morn Dx

2011-01-31 Thread Charles Bolland
Vietnam, 9550, Voice of Vietnam, 1130-1200,  Noted a
faint signal here at 1130 which
took a couple of minutes to fade in; however, by 1135,
the signal was established 
enough where a female and male could be heard in
possibly Vietnamese language
comments.  Language did not sound like Russian.  Later
a male comments at 
length in possibly Vietnamese.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, January 31, 2011)
26N 081w
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[HCDX] Strange one

2011-01-29 Thread Charles Bolland
I have a strange signal on 4873.497 KHz which is an
signal and it sounds like "BagPipes" if one uses his
Any idea what it is at 0058 UTC?
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Re: [HCDX] Tues Morn DX

2011-01-27 Thread Charles Bolland
Ref:  My observation of the signals on 4750 KHz from
RRI Makassar and Bandgladesh.
It was on January 25th at about 1120 UTC, which was
on Tuesday.  Sorry about the date and time being left
I was just making an observation and didn't think there
would be any interest.  
I am using the Excalibur, SDR and the display is very 
sensitive and shows signals that aren't audible. This
handy  when there's a jam up on frequencies and 
the signals are all mixed together.  When I run into a
situation like this, I double check the frequency on 
my NRD545 and sometimes I am not able to un-twist
the signals from each other.  Instead I hear only one
fuequency's carrier.  It makes for an interesting
at times.


From: anker.peter...@mail.dk
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 00:17
To: Charles Bolland
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Tues Morn DX


when did you made this interesting observation ?

Best 73,
Anker Petersen

- Original meddelelse -

Fra: Charles Bolland 
Til: ALF , Arnaldo slaen
, Bob Wilkner
, brainman214
, Carlos GonA?alves
, Cumbre ,
'DSWCI' , Gayle Van Horn
, Glenn Hauser
, Hard-core-dx
, Marie Lamb

Dato: Tir, 25. jan 2011 13:23
Emne: [HCDX] Tues Morn DX

Note: I am hearing and seeing two signals on 4750+-
KHz. One is at 4754.946 KHz 
and the second is 4750.000. I believe the 4754.956 KHz
signal is Indonesia's RRI
Makassar and the signal on 4750.000 is tentatively
Bangladesh Betar, Bandgladesh. I am 
hearing audio from both regardless where I tune either
to one or the other frequency
mentioned. Unfortunately, the signals are too close
together. Possibly someone
with a sharper receiver might be able to tag which
station on which frequency is
broadcasting? I feel that 4754.956 KHz is the correct
frequency for Makassar
based on previous loggings. 


26N 081W
WJ HF1000

Tried all of them.

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[HCDX] Wed Eve Dx

2011-01-26 Thread Charles Bolland
Zimbia, 4965,047, Number One, Africa, 2220-23050,
Noted a male in English language
religious comments.  At 2246 music presented.  This
continues as the signal remains
at a good level. At 2300 heard possible ID as, "...
Radio Christian Voice". Broadcast
continues.   (Chuck Bolland, January 26, 2011)
Angola, 4949.806, Radio Nacional, 2240-2250,  Noted a
male in Portuguese language
comments with a very weak audio. Music at 2248.
Signal was threshold. 
 (Chuck Bolland, January 26, 2011)
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[HCDX] Wed Morn DX

2011-01-26 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.804, Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1030,  At
tune in noted a tune of traditional
music.  At 1022 a male comments in Spanish giving TC.
RSC is alone on the freq 
which allows for a good signal this morning.  (Chuck
Bolland, January 26, 2011)
Bolivia, 5952.45, Emisora Pio XII, 1029-1045,   Noted a
male in Spanish language 
comments.  Although the carrier is good, the audio is
very low in the noise.
Splatter is a major problem also.   (Chuck Bolland,
January 26, 2011)
Bolivia, 4699.969, Radio San Miguel, 1033-1045,  Noted
a female in Spanish language
comments.  Shortly she is joined by a male.  Signal's
audio is threshold with a fair
presentation however.   (Chuck Bolland, January 26,
Indonesia, 4749.949, RRI Makassar, 1040-1100,  At tune
in noted typical music heard
from Makassar usually.   At 1045 a female comments in
Indonesian language and 
she continues until 1055 when music is heard again.
Signal was poor.  There's a 
second signal mixing with Makassar.  It's frequency is
4750.00 KHz and believe it 
to be Tentatively Bangladesh Betar.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 26, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Tues Morn DX

2011-01-25 Thread Charles Bolland
Note: I am hearing and seeing two signals on 4750+-
KHz.  One is at 4754.946 KHz 
and the second is 4750.000.  I believe the 4754.956 KHz
signal is Indonesia's RRI
Makassar and the signal on 4750.000 is tentatively
Bangladesh Betar, Bandgladesh. I am 
hearing audio from both regardless where I tune either
to one or the other frequency
mentioned.  Unfortunately, the signals are too close
together. Possibly someone
with a sharper receiver might be able to tag which
station on which frequency is
broadcasting?  I feel that 4754.956 KHz is the correct
frequency for Makassar
based on previous loggings. 
26N 081W
WJ HF1000
Tried all of them.
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[HCDX] Monday Eve Dx Observation

2011-01-24 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 4864.980, Radio Logos,Tent,  2330-2341,  As
usual, noted three carriers in the
vicinity of 4865:  1. 4864.545 KHz, 2. 4864.980 KHz, 3.
4865.035 KHz.  Believe
the second on 4864.980 is Radio Logos.  It's too early
to hear audio from any
of these especially 4864.980, but at 2341 UTC 4864.980
KHz goes off the air.  This 
happened yesterday also around the same time.  So if I
have idented the correct
frequency for Logos, the signoff time could be
establish at around 2341?  I will try 
and get another reading tomorrow?   (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 24, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Sunday early DX

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
India, 4800.00, AIR, Hyderabad,Tent,  0050-0110,  Noted
a male in a sort of chanting
mode until 0058 when he stops.  This is followed with
persons in conversation
in probably Hindu, but can't be sure due to QRM.  At
0105 heard music commence.
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, January 23, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Saturday DX

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Unident, 4865.018,  2315-2331  While checking the
frequency range from 4864 to 4866 KHz, 
I noticed three Radio Station images using the
WR-G31DDC Receiver.  From previous
checks of these frequencies, I knew that the frequency
of 4865.054 was Brazil's 
Radio Verdes Florestas.  The second frequency noted was
4864.562 which is probably
another Brazilian Radio Station that I haven't
identified yet.  The third frequency noted
of 4865.018 KHz may be Bolivia's Radio Logos, but that
is yet to be determined.  In
the meantime, the station on 4865.018 went off the air
at 2330 UTC.  AOKI's database
says that Logos goes off at 2300 while EIBI says they
go off at 0200 and there's no
schedule mentioned in last year's WRTH for Logos.
Unfortunately the audio on these
three Radio Stations is very threshold if heard at all.
In the meantime, I intend to 
continue checking out this frequency range with hopes
of hearing something 
eventually.   (Chuck Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
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[HCDX] Sat Morn DX

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.801, Radio Santa Cruz, 1025-1035,  Noted
a male in Spanish
comments.  At about 1029 he mentions "Santa Cruz"
during his comments.
At 1031 heard canned promos or ADs.  Signal was poor
this morning.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
Peru, 6019.236, Radio Victoria, 1035-1045,  Due to a
stronger station on 6020kHz
broadcasting, Radio Victoria is only threshold at this
time with Spanish comments
by a male.  The station on 6020 is Radio Australia in
Pidgin language.  (Chuck
Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
Brazil, 4865.031, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1050-1110,
Prior to 1000 signal was threshold,
but after 1000 noted a female in Portuguese language
comments between music.  Although
this frequency is usually activie with other Brazilian
stations, Verdes Florestas is the
only station heard here this morning and it was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2011)
WR G31ddc
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[HCDX] Sound bite mp3 for logging

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Ecuador,  4814.974, Radio El Buen Pastor, Tent,
0001-0030,  Noted a male and
female in Spanish language comments which sound like
news items.  At 0004 
a second male joins with the couple. At 0011 promos
presented. If someone 
listens to the mp3 file attached, they will hear an ID
by a female at 03:05 minutes
into the recording. It didn't sound like "El Buen
Pastor".  I  couldn't copy it. 
My hearing is too old at this point in my life. After
some comments by a male,
music presented at 0024.  Signal was poor with QRM in
(Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Thur Eve Dx

2011-01-20 Thread Charles Bolland
Guyana, 3290, Voice of Guyana,  2310-2320,  Noted a
number of persons in English
language comments.  Believe I heard a female in there
as well as two different males.
Signal was fair so far.   (Chuck Bolland, January 20,
Bolivia, 3310. Radio Mosoj Chaski, 2315-2325, Noted a
male in Spanish language 
comments way down in the noise.  Signal was very
threshold as far as the audio
was concerned, but the RF carrier was just poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Bolivia, 4699.97, Radio San Miguel, 2325-2335,  Noted a
male in Spanish Language
comments.  Very emotional comments by the way.  Signal
was fair at this time.
(Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Peru, 4824.462, La Voz de la Selva, 2335-2345,  Another
one of those signals where
the display is good, but the audio is in the noise and
QRM.  Noted a male talking
in Spanish briefly, the music presented.   (Chuck
Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Unident, 4865.038, 2344-0145,  Have a definite carrier
on this frequency with a 
female in comments.  Audio is very weak, so can't pull
out any details from the
comments or which language is being spoken.  There's a
second signal on
 4864.576KHz which has a good display, but the audio is
buried in the noise. 
Trying to pull out some audio to no avail.  Both
signals had threshold audio.
At 0023, the signal on 4865.038 began to fade in where
the language could
be Identified and it turned out to be Portuguese.
Station on 4865.576 still
too weak to pull out details or language by 0145. So
giving up for now.
(Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Peru, 4954.999, Radio Cultura Amauta, 0003-0015,  Noted
two males in 
a news program.  One sounded like he's in the studio
and the second
reporting via telephone or remote hookup.  Notice that
"Amauta" was 
mentioned often.  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 21, 2011)
China, 4979.991, People's Broadcasting Station,pres.,
0011-0020,  Noted a male 
and female in comments over music. Guessing that this
is PBS, Xinjiang because of
the format of live comments in Chinese between the male
and female. I think 
I had a parallel on 5060.00 KHz.  Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 
21, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Thur Morn DX

2011-01-20 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.804, Radio Santa Cruz, 1040-1105,  Can
barely hear the audio on this,
but what I do hear is a female in Spanish language
comments.  Signal is drifting 
upward as time passes, from 6134.804 to 6134.827KHz.
At 1055 signal 
begins to improve from a threshold to a poor level and
the audio is much better.
(Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Dominican Republic, 6025.082, Radio Amanecer,
1105-1115,  Noted a male in Spanish
language comments over music with a serious tone.
Later he is joined by a second 
male as they both continue commenting with TC's.
Signal was fair but splatter from
Marti ruined it.  (Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Peru, 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1125-1135,  Another one of
those signals that is barely
audible with a male in Spanish comments. A second
station is on 4775 KHz which 
may be the Brazilian, Radio Congonhas?  (Chuck Bolland,
January 20, 2011)
China, 4820.00, People's Broadcasting Station, Tent,
1133-1145, Noted a male and female in 
Chinese/Mandarin language comments during this period.
Signal was really weak.  Tried
to find a parallel for this, but couldn't.   CNR1 is
also listed on this frequency.  
(Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
China, 4919.997, People's Broadcasting Station, Xizang,
1150-1200,  Noted a male in 
possibly Tibetian language comments.  Not sure about
the language.  Noted a parallel
signal on 5240 KHz.   (Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Wed Eve DX

2011-01-19 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 3310.02, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 2355-0005,  Noted
a male and female in conversational
Spanish until 2359 when short burst of music heard.
Then more chatter by a female and
more traditional music as new day begins.  Signal was
good.  (Chuck Bolland, January 20, 2011)
South Africa, 3320.03, Radio Sonder Grense, 0002-0015,
Noted a male in Africaans language
news.  Some interference noted on 3320 from utility in
Sideband with call sign Alfa Whiskey Papa.
At 0005 news finished on Sonder Grense as a female
talks.  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 20, 2011)
Honduras, 3340.01, Radio Misiones, 0006-0020,  At tune
in, noted what sounded like "Rap" 
music in Spanish language.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck
Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Peru, 4746.96, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 0016-0025,  Noted
Huaynos type music with a male in 
Spanish language comments briefly between tunes.  Nice
signal at a fair level.  (Chuck 
Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Peru, 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 0019-0030,  Noted a program
of regular Peruvian type music,
but rather in the noise making for difficult copy.
Noted a male in Spanish comments
between tunes.   Signal was poor unfortunately. (Chuck
Bolland, January 20, 2011)
Brazil, 4775, Radio Congonhas, Pres, 0019-0030,  This
is a second signal next to Tarma
that is probably Congonhas.   It's pretty weak and no
audio is able to be heard.  
Signal was threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, January 20 ,
Bolivia, 4699.96, Radio San Miguel, 0008-0020,  With
what sounded like news, noted a male in Spanish 
language comments.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 20, 2011)
Brazil, 4845.24, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais,
0025-0037,  Noted a male in steady Portuguese
language comments using the echo effect throughout.
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 20, 2011)
Peru, 5024.92, Radio Quillabamba, 0040-0050,  With a
very weak signal, noted a male in 
Spanish language comments.  Radio Rebelde is dominating
the frequency however.
Quillabamba is threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, January 20,
Comment:  Very good signals this evening for awhile.
It's a nice clear night here in
Florida with a 98 percent full moon shining down on my
antenna.  What more could
a Radio Listener want?  Anyone with similarly good
conditions tonight, drop me a
note to tell me about it if you have time?  Thanks
Chuck Bolland
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Monday Ever DX

2011-01-10 Thread Charles Bolland
Unident, 4800, 2350-2359  Noted a female and a male in
Language sounds like it's from the African Continent
but signal is very poor
making copy difficult.   At 2357 noted a series of
canned promos.  Still 
can't recognize the language?  I am thinking  this
might be Radio Buenas 
Nuevas, Guatemala, although at tune above, I thought it
might be an 
African?Still on the air, if anyone wants to take a
try at it, 0008.
 (Chuck Bolland Janaury 10, 2011)
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[HCDX] Mon Morn Dx

2011-01-10 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4746.97, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1040-1050,  Noted
a male in Spanish language
comments.  At 1043 canned promos heard.  Signal was
fair this morning. (Chuck
Bolland, January 10, 2011)
Peru, 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1045-1055,   Pop music
heard at tune in with a live TC
by a male every couple of minutes over the music.
Signal was fair during the
period.   (Chuck Bolland, January 10, 2011)
Bolivia, 4796.02, Radio Lipez, 1048-1058,   Can hear a
male in Spanish language 
comments, but signal is threshold and difficult to pull
out details.   The comments
are possibly religious.   (Chuck Bolland, January 10,
Peru, 4824,47, La Voz de la Selva, 1052-1100,  Noted
music with a male in 
Spanish comments at breaks.  the Jest of the comments
seems to be a 
manifesto or commitment promise for the radio station?
Can't be sure?  
Signal was fair to good.   (Chuck Bolland, January 10,
Brazil, 4925.24, Radio Educacao Rural, 1100-1110,
Noted a very weak signal here with 
music initially, then at about 1101 Protuguese language
comments by two male 
individuals.  Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland,
January 10, 2011)
Peru, 4955, Radio Cultura Amauta, 1105-1110,  Noted a
male in Spanish language 
comments mentioning "Amauta" and "Peru" during the
comments.   These 
comments continue during and beyond the period.  Signal
was fair.  (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 10, 2011)
Peru, 5029.19, Radio Libertad, 1110-1120,   Noted a
threshold signal here with possibly a 
female in Spanish comments.   RHC isn't on the air yet,
so Libertad is audiable barely.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 10, 2011)
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[HCDX] Sat Eve - Sun Early

2011-01-08 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4746.96, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 2335-2345,  Can't
hear much except a little music
here and there.  At 2341 the music gets a little
strong, but still threshold.  (chuck
Bolland, January 8, 2011)
Peru, 4774.95, Radio Tarma, 2340-2350,  Hearing just
music during the period.  Some
comments, but very weak and sporattic.   Have a second
signal on this freq.  See
next entry.  In the meantime, Radio Tarma is threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, January
8, 2011)
India, 4775.00, All India Radio, Imphal, Presumed,
2340-2350, This is another threshold
signal with music.  Can't hear much to ID this due to
it's threshold strength.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 8, 2011)
Bolivia, 4796.045, Radio Lipez, Uyuni, Presumed,
2340-2359,  Just got a carrier here
for frequency check.  Can't hear any audio.  It's
possible that the station has closed
down for the day and it's carrier is still up?
Carrier was fair.  (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 8, 2011)
India, 4840.00, All India Radio, Mumbai, 0001-0020,
Noted a male in somekind
of religious chanting.  At 0003 noted ordinary music
and singing fades in by 0015.
signal turned out to be at a fair level.  (Chuck
Bolland, January 9, 2011)
Bolivia, 4716.68, Radio Yura, 0034-0045, Noted a female
in Spanish language 
comments.  Signal is fair at this point in time.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 9, 2011)
India, 6155, All India Radio, Bangaluru, 0110-0120,
With a clear and solid signal,
heard a male in Urdu singing.  Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 9, 2011)
Canada, 6175, Voice of Vietnam, 0115-0130 This is a
relay via Canada.  Noted a 
male and female in English language news until 0116.  A
musical program of 
music from China.  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 9, 2011)
Iran, 6010.00, Voice of Islanmic Republic, Pres,
0120-0135,  Noted a female
in Spanish language comments until 0127 when Islamic
chanting heard briefly.
Then ordinary music follows.  Signal was good.  (Chuck
Bolland, January
9, 2011)
Used the following Receivers: WR-G31DDC
26N  081W
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[HCDX] Sat Morn DX

2011-01-08 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6019.301, Radio Victoria, 1025-1035,   Hearing
the preacher again this morning, David Miranda.  
It's so easy to pull his babble out of the noise when
he's on the air.  Anyway, the signal of Victoria is
fair this morning which is a rarity at my location.  As
I get ready to tune away, the signal improves
to a good level for a moment or two.   (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 8, 2011)
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1034-1045,   Noted
a male in Spanish live comments before
a presentation by a female is presented.   Signal was
good this morning.  (Chuck Bolland,
January 8, 2011)
Peru, 4774.96, Radio Tarma, 1038-1050,  Only
occasionally does the audio fade in as a male 
comments in Spanish language followed by music.  Signal
remained threshold during the
period.  (Chuck Bolland, Janaury 8, 2011)
Unident, 3201.681, 1053-1100   Heard a male in Spanish
language comments at tune in.
This was followed with music, a female singing.  After
the music(1058) a female comments
in Spanish.   Music continues after the hour.  Signal
is too weak to catch any specific
details. Checked back at 1120 and the signal was still
broadasting but weak.
 (Chuck Bolland, January 8, 2011)
Peru, 3329.643, Ondas Del Huallaga, 1105-1115,  Noted a
male in Spanish comments until 1113
when music is presented.  The music sounded religious
in tone.   Ofcourse, CHU is almost
on top of this station.  Consequently, that makes copy
difficult.  Ondas Del Huallaga was 
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, January 8, 2011)
Indonesia, 4750.01, RRI Makassar, 1123-1135,  At tune
in, noted music being presented.
Don't expect much from this station this morning.  The
audio is barely heard.  As mentioned
when Indonesian comments begin at 1130 from a female,
she is barely audiable. Back to
music after she ID's.   Signal remained threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, January 8, 2011)   
Unident, 4800, 1135-1145,  Noted a male and female in
Unidentified comments.  Tried
different receivers and still no success.   Comments
continued with just a few seconds
of bridge music here and there.  This could be Radio
Buenas Nuevas which broadcasts
a couple of venacular languages during this time
period?  (Chuck Bolland, January 8, 2011)
Indonesia, 9524.96, Voice of Indonesia, 1152-1200 Noted
pop music at tune in.  After
one tune, a female comments in probably Chinese
(listed), then back to music. 
Signal was clear and at a good level.   (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 8, 2011)
Used them all this morning:  WR-G31DDC
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Fri Morn Dx

2011-01-07 Thread Charles Bolland
Guyana, 3289.99, Voice of Guyana, 1013-1020,   Noted a
male in English language comments
until 1021 when music is presented.  Signal is fair but
rather muffled and not easy to copy.
(Chuck Bolland, January 7, 2011)
Brazil, 3375.36, Radio Municipal, pres, 1025-1035,
Noticed a male in Portuguese language comments.
Signal was poor and crashes blocked out portions.
(Chuck Bolland, January 7, 2011)
Peru, 4775, Radio Tarma, 1030-1040,  With a very weak
signal, noted music and periodically a 
male in Spanish language comments.  Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 7, 2011)
Bolivia, 6134.84, Radio Santa Cruz, 1037-1045,  With a
male in Spanish language comments, 
the signal was poor and being covered at times with
noise.   (Chuck Bolland, January 7, 2010)
Bolivia, 5952.45, Emisora Pio XII, 1040-1055,   This is
a threshold signal, althought the carrier
is strong enough to tune in to the null.   Noted a male
in Spanish language comments but 
very weak and down in the noise.   (Chuck Bolland,
Janaury 7, 2011)
Peru, 4746.94, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1050-1100,   Noted
a threshold signal here with music
and an occasional comment in Spanish.   (Chuck Bolland,
January 7, 2011)
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[HCDX] Thur Eve

2011-01-06 Thread Charles Bolland
Cuba, 4990, Radio Havana Cuba, 2355-0010,  Don't know
if someone has caught this frequency
being used by RHC, but here it is anyway.  Prior to the
hour, music presented until 2359
when a male gives ID in Spanish.  On the hour, Interval
Signal followed by ID in English
by a male and female.  This followed by an intro into
the next program, but someone must
have discovered the mistake and RHC drops off this freq
and is found on 5040KHz, their
regular frequency.   Signal on both freqs was good.
(Chuck Bolland, January 7, 2011)
Note:  Have a weak signal on 4417 KHz at 0040.  Don't
know if this is a broadcast or
a utility?  Can hear a male in occasional comments.
Lang unknown and comments
are not steady.  
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[HCDX] Wed Eve DX

2011-01-05 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.732, Radio Santa Cruz, 2310-2320,  Noted
a weak signal here with a male in 
Spanish language comments.  Although the signal is
weak, with a fair amount of tweeking,
it can be cleaned up to be pretty clearly heard. That
didn't last long when the signal began
to fade and around 2320 and music was presented.Still
into music at 2336, but signal very
poor.   (Chuck Bolland, January 5, 2011)
Peru, 6019.262, Radio Victoria, 2339-2350,  It sounds
like Victoria is not broadcasting at 
this time eventhough their carriere is quite strong
because there is no audio being heard.
It's possible that there's a broadcast of something
going on now, but I can't hear it.
(Chuck Bolland, January 5, 2011)
Czech Republic, 5930, Radio Praque, 2350-2359,  Noted a
program of commentary and 
news in the English language.  Signal was at a fair
level.   (Chuck Bolland, January 5, 2011)
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[HCDX] Sun Morn

2011-01-03 Thread Charles Bolland
Cuba, 6140, Radio Havana Cuba, 1040-1103,  Noted a
silent carrier on 6140 which is 
rather strong.  This might be Baltic Radio, but
doubtful?  Will wait until the hour to see what
happens?  At 1100 noted faint comments by a male which
gradually increased to reveal a 
male in Spanish language comments.  The Spanish seemed
to be Castilian.  Thus this turned
out to be Radio Havana Cuba as the male gave an ID at
1103.  Signal at 1103 was good.
(Chuck Bolland, January 2, 2011)
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[HCDX] Sat Morn Dx

2011-01-01 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.257, Radio Victoria, 0920-0930,  Noted a two
ladies in Spanish language 
conversation.  This continues during the period.
Needless to say, the freq is covered
with splatter as well as general interference.  Signal
was fair however.  (Chuck
Bolland, January 1, 2011)
Bolivia, 6134.819, Radio Santa Cruz, 0931-0945,  Noted
a male in Spanish comments
during the period.  Signal is rather muffled which is
not the usual.  Generally, it is
easy to hear.  However, the signal strength was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, January 1, 2011)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Thursday Morn DX - it's still Chilly

2010-12-30 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.806, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1035, Noted a
period of music at tune in.  
At 1024, male breaks in with TC and Spanish comments
about the music.  Back
to music at 1026. At 1030 promos and ID's canned.
Signal was good. 
  (Chuck Bolland, December 30, 2010)
Bolivia, 5952.410, Emisora Pio XII, 1034-1045, At tune
in, heard a male in Spanish
language comments.  Possibly the comments were news
items?  Signal was 
fair but splatter was making copy difficult.   (Chuck
Bolland, December 30, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Fri Chilly Morn DX

2010-12-24 Thread Charles Bolland
Russia, 6075, Radio Rossii, 1135-1145,   Barely able to
hear any audio, but when I do
it's a male in Russian Language comments.  Mainly
hearing the tone that this station
is transmitting from it's own transmitter.  (Chuck
Bolland, December 24, 2010)
Malaysia, 7295, RTM Kuala Lumpur,Pres, 1153-1200  Noted
just music at tune in.  At 1159
a male in English comments.  Signal too weak to pull
out details, but heard a couple
of words such as "Welcome".  This is followed with the
news. A recheck at 1213 produce
a better signal with music being heard.   Signal was
threshold at the top, but was poor
by 1213.  (Chuck Bolland, 24, 2010)
Malaysia, 7270, RTM, Kuching.Pres, 1208-1230,  Heard
some music at tune in, immediately
followed by comments from a female.  Comments were
probably in Iban.  After a moment
local type music is heard.  At 1214 a female in Iban
comments briefly then back to music.
At 1215 the audio portion of the signal drops off the
air while the carrier is still up. Maybe
the band is changing?   Didn't hear anything more after
that.   (Chuck Bolland, December
24, 2010)
Indonesia, 9680.061, RRI Jakarta, 1220-1230,   Noted a
group of individuals in Indonesain
language comments.  This sounds like a discussion
between the group which includes
a female.   Signal was good.   Using the WR-G31DDC
which shows a second signal 
on 9680.00 KHz which could be R Taiwan  International
which is scheduled to be up
on Fridays.   Howeveer, Jakarta is stronger and can't
hear any audio from Taiwan.  
(Chuck Bolland, December 24, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.965, Voice of Indonesia, 1223-1235,
Noted a female in Japanese comments,
but at 1225 she gives an ID in English as, "Voice of
Indonesia ..."  Missed words could have
been Japanese in the ID.  Following this, Japanese
music presented with talk over it in Japanese.
 Signal was Good. Chuck Bolland, December 24, 2010)
Malaysia, 9750.034, Voice of Malaysia, 1220-1245,
Have been listening to this for almost a
half hour without realizing it was Malaysia, since the
announcer was using a language
I wasn't expecting. I still don't know what it was?
Indonesian is scheduled, but it sounded
more like Spanish to my untrained ear. Gotta get my ear
trained.   Anyway at 1239 ID was
 given and I was able to copy "Malaysia" in there.
This was followed with 
music.  At 1243 another ID given by a male in possibly
Indonesian language.  Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, December 24, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] thur DX

2010-12-23 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.238, Radio Victoria, 2318-2330,  Noted a
male in Spanish language comments.
comments seemed to be secular rather than religious.
Unfortunately there's a lot of splatter
and QRM near this frequency which is destroying the
readablity.  Signal was poor. 
(Chuck Bolland, December 23, 2010)
Bolivia, 4699.97, Radio San Miguel, 2327-2335,  Noted a
threshold signal here this evening 
with a female possibly in Spanish language comments.
No other details were possible.
(Chuck Bolland, December 23, 2010)
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[HCDX] Tue Morn

2010-12-21 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1030,   Just a
weak signal with a male in steady
Spanish language comments.  Conditions are poor this
morning on all bands here.  At
1021 a female joins the male in comments.  As noted,
the signal was weak and poor.  
(Chuck Bolland, December 21, 2010)
Cuba, 6180, Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 1030-1045,
Noted a program of music and 
Spanish comments with live ID's by a male.  Signal was
good.  (Chuck Bolland, 
December 21, 2010)
Peru, 6019.287, Radio Victoria, 1045-1055,  With
another very weak signal being covered
with a Het, noted a male (probably David M.) preaching
in the Spanish Language.  At 1047
possibly music presented, but can't be sure?   Signal
was threshold.   (Chuck Bolland,
December 21, 2010)
Peru, 4824.453, La Voz de la Selva, 1100-1110,   With a
threshold signal here, noted a male
in Spanish comments.   (Chuck Bolland, December 21,
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[HCDX] Sat Morn DX

2010-12-11 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.323, Radio Victoria, 1035-1045,  Noted the
usual morning format of preaching
in Spanish language by David Miranda.  He's so easy to
identify from his style.  Signal
was poor.   (Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.814, Radio Santa Cruz, 1045-1100,  Noted
a very weak signal here with a person 
in Spanish language comments.   The signal never
improved during the listening period.
(Chuck Bolland, December 11, 2010)
Peru, 4824.478, La Voz de la Selva, 1055-1105,  At tune
in notice some music with a male
in Spanish comments during the music.  Visually(SDR)
the signal is good, but the audio 
is very weak.  Overall the signal is poor.   (Chuck
Bolland, December 11, 2010)
Peru, 4774.96, Radio Tarma, 1100-1110,  Noted music
until 1101 when a male talks briefly
in Spanish comments.  At 1103 noted some flute type
music while the male is still talking.
Signal was threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, December 11,
Peru, 4746.98, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1106-1115,   Noted
a male in Spanish language comments.
No other details noted.  Signal was poor.   (Chuck
Bolland, December 11, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.97, Voice of Indonesia, 1134-1145,
Noted a female in possibly Chinese(scheduled)
 language over flute music.  Signal is just popping out
of the noise and isn't audible all of the time.  
 Signal is poor.   (Chuck Bolland,  December 11, 2010)
26N 81W
I am home now.  My Back is sore where the incision was
made, however the Simulator is 
blocking the spinal pain I was having.  Hopefully, when
the incision is healed, I will be as good
as new?
Chuck Bolland
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[HCDX] Tues eve DX

2010-12-07 Thread Charles Bolland
United States, 3145, Unident, 0240-0300  Noted a male
preaching in English language.  He's joined
by a second male babbling in the back ground at 0253.
Never heard a ID, but the fellow said his 
name was "Star", Brother Star.   Signal was good.  Ran
a search on Google, but couldn't find
Star's web page. (Chuck Bolland,  December 8, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Tues Morn Dx

2010-11-30 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.266, Radio Victoria, 1040-1100,   Noted a
male in Spanish comments which
sound like religious chatter.   Signal's not that
prominent this morning as the splatter
causes some problems. (Chuck Bolland,  November 30,
Peru, 5039.20, Radio Libertad, 1058-1110,  Tried to
pull the audio out on this one, but
could not hear anything except the carrier.  Gave the
the hf1000 and 545 a chance 
too, but they were not any better.  (Chuck Bolland,
November 30, 2010)
Guyana, 3290.00, Voice of Guyana, 1105-1110,  Noted a
male in English language comments.
Signal was threshold.   (Chuck Bolalnd, November 30,
Indonesia, 9680.06, RRI Jakarta, 1125-1135,  Noted a
female in Indonesian language presenting
news or commentary.  Can hear a second station mixing
with Jakarta ever so slightly.  It's 
frequency measures on 9680 exactly, while Jakarta is
slightly off freq.  It could be Taiwan which
is schedule for this time slot too on the same
frequency.  At 1130 music from Jakarta. 
 Jakarta was at a good level. (Chuck Bolland, November
30. 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.96, Voice of Indonesia, 1131-1140,
Noted a female in Chinese language comments.
So much splatter and noise on this band now, making for
poor copy.   (Chuck Bolland, November 30, 2010)
Thailand, 11750.00 Voice of America, 1159-1210  "This
is the Voice of America signing on".  On the
hour news in English presented.   Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, November 30, 2010)
WinRadio G31DDC
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Sun Dx

2010-11-28 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.809, Radio Santa Cruz, 1003-1015, Noted a
male in steady Spanish conversation
with a second man.  At 1009 singing introduced.  Signal
was good.  (Chuck Bolland.
November 28,2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Tues Morn Dx

2010-11-23 Thread Charles Bolland
Tawain, 7280, SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sh,(pres), 1155-1205,
Noted a male and female in chinese language comments
which was probably news judging from the format.  At
1158 canned promos of somekind.  Not sure if this is
 Tawain, but the Mainland China broadcast usually go
silent at 57 minutes before the hour.  This station
went into
 the promos mentioned above.   On the hour five time
tones, four short and one long.  This was followed by
 possibly the ID.   Happy music follows with canned
comments from a child and female.  Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, November 23, 2010)
Unident 5954.220, Radio Republica, 0135-0200, With a
male in Spanish language
comments with occasional ID heard.   Lot's of noise
this evening.   Signal remains at 
a poor leverl however. (Chuck Bolland, November 23,
26N 81W
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[HCDX] Cancel

2010-11-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Please cancel me logging on Bolivia, 5970 Panamericana.
wasn't them.
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[HCDX] Sun Eve Dx

2010-11-21 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6025.09, Radio Illimani,(TENT/Doubtful),
2245-2359,   Steady butterfly type music
 without any breaks.  At around 2258 Spanish comments
by a male.  After the hour,
 religious/Church music and comments.  Noise increases,
making anymore copy difficult.
(Chuck Bolland, November 21, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.785, Radio Santa Cruz, 2310-2325, Local
popular music heard from tune in.  
Unfortunately  the splatter and noise blocks RSC out
completely.  But it sounds like it's
still audible aroun 2323 when the station on 6140 stops
with music.  (Chuck Bolland,
November 21, 2010)
Bolivia, 4699.97, Radio San Miguel, 2325-2330,  Noted a
male in Spanish language comments.  
These comments continue during the entire period.
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland
November 21, 2010)
South Africa, 3320, Radio Sounder Grense, 2337-2355,
Signal not yet faded in well enough, but
noted a male in Afrikaans language comments.  Signal
was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, November 21, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Sun Afternoon DX

2010-11-21 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 5970, Radio Panamericana,(pres), 2210-2230
Noted a male in Spanish language comments down in
the noise.  Judging from the nuances, it sounds like a
sporting event being described; however, at 
 a female joins the group.  Neglected to mention
it, but a second station is also on the freq and it
is slightly better, thus covering Panamericana
somewhat.  Panamericana is threshold.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 21, 2010)
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[HCDX] Sun Morn DX

2010-11-21 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.27, Radio Victoria, 1010-1020, There seemed
to be a program with different 
individuals in Spanish conversation.   Noted a strong
presents of splatter from 6030KHz
on the band.   Victoria was only at a poor level.
(Chuck Bolland, November 21, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.825, Radio Santa Cruz, 1018-1030,   At
tune in, noted a female in Spanish
language comments.  Signal rather muffled, thus getting
details at this time was difficult.
Others joined the conversation after a few moments.
Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland,
November 21, 2010)
Peru, 5024.93, Radio Quillabamba, 1030-1045,
Unfortunately Rebelde is dominating
this frequency.   But noted some activity from
Quillabamba as Rebelde fades every
once in awhile.   Tried notching Rebelde out, but to no
avail.   (Chuck Bolland, 
November 21, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Fri eve & Sat

2010-11-20 Thread Charles Bolland
 Bolivia, 4699.97, Radio San Miguel, 2305-2315,   Noted
just one male in Spanish language
comments during the listening period.  This continues
during the period.  However, the 
signal never improved beyond threshold unfortunately.
(Chuck Bolland, November 19, 2010)
Unident, 4814.97, 2330-2359,  Noted a very weak station
here with comments.  Unable to
pull any details from the comments due to the QRM
that's just nearby.   Ecuador and
Brazil are both listed on this frequency, but the noise
is too solid to hear anything 
significant. Can't even identify the language.
(Chuck Bolland, November 19, 2010)
Spain, 21540.007, REE, 1445-1455   Noted news and
comments in Spanish during the period.
At 1455 full ID in Spanish by a female before going off
the air at 1455*.  Signal was fair 
with interference from Kuwiat.  (Chuck Bollandl,
November 20, 2010)
Kuwait, 21539.997, Radio Kuwait, 1445-1500,   Mixing
with Spain, noted Arabic language comments
with plenty of local music.   Heard the place Kuwait
mentioned a couple of times before they
went off the air.  (Chuck Bolland, November 20, 2010)
Note:  Both of the above 21540 stations are off freq
slightly.  I wonder if that is intentional or just
a mistake by the Engineers?   I guess they are within
their assigned parameters, but it is 
interesting.   Since they both subscript to HFCC, I
wonder why  they are on the same freq
at the same time?   Why belong to a frequency assigning
committee if the result is QRM?   
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Wed morn Mystery

2010-11-17 Thread Charles Bolland
Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1130-1145,  Noted Jakarta
here with music and hosting by
a male and female in Indonesian language comments.
Noting the display, I see two signals
on or near this frequency.   Jakarta seems to be on
9680.000 while a second station is
on 9680.046 KHz.  This could be vice versa, since it's
difficult to separate the two.  
Also, I can only hear the audio from Jakarta regardless
whether I detune to either frequency.  The
station on 9680.046 seems to be the stronger signal.  I
am tempted to assign the 9680.046 signal
to Jakarta and the 9680 signal to the mystery station,
but I know I'd be on the hot seat if I did. But
you can, if you want?  Sometimes the mystery station
seems to fade in to threshold and it 
sounds like an Asian which probably would make Radio
Tawian International the unidentifed
station on 9680.046 KHz or as mentioned above, vice
versa.   (Chuck Bolland, November 17, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Tues Morn Dx

2010-11-16 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.838, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1030,  Noted
a female and male in a language 
type lesson.  At 1024 canned promos and ID heard.
Signal kept improving as it became
later from a poor to a fair level.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 16, 2010)
Peru, 6019.276v, Radio Victoria, 1028-1040, Noted the
usual religious broadcast with the 
male named Miranda.  However this was different as
Miranda preached in Spanish and 
a second fellow translated into another language,
possibly one of the vernaculars.  
Signal was fair once tuned in properly using LSB. I
noticed a drifting  upward as time passed.  
This was only a couple of cycles from 6019.272 to
6019.276 KHz.(Chuck Bolland, November
16, 2010)
Russia, 6075, Radio Rossii, 1040-1050,  Noted persons
in Russian language comments with
local popular music periodically.   Signal was
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, November 26, 2010)
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1053-1105   Noted music
at tune in which was immediately followed
by a female in Indonesian language comments until the
hour (1100).  It seems like the same 
female continues talking after the hour, but the is
threshold making it difficult to distinguish the
different individuals, if any?  (Chuck Bolland,
November 16, 2010)
Thailand, 7255, Radio Thailand, 1123-1130,  Noted a
male in Cambodian Language comments.  
At 1129 bridge music followed by ID and schedule in
English.  Then dead air for a moment
followed by VOA in Indonesian.   Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, November 16, 2010)
Russia, 7205, Voice of Russia, Chita-Aramanov,
1132-1145,  Noted a male and female in 
English language conversation about food or cooking.
Later other topics are discussed.
Signal was fair.   (Chuck Bolland, November 16, 2010)
When tuning in Radio Rossii, I tried the WJ HF1000 and
the JRC NRD545 receivers too.
All three seemed to get the same results.  
26N 081W
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2010-11-12 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.786, Radio Santa Cruz, 2225-2240,  Noted
singing by a male.  Signal was still very weak, so
not much making it to South Florida.   However, noticed
the signal drifting upwards from 6134.786KHz 
at tune in to 6134.801KHz at 2240.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 12, 2010)
Peru, 6019.275, Radio Victoria, 2240-2250,  Noted a
poor signal here with a male in Spanish comments.
Signal is still just starting to fade in, but with a
threshold signal.  Tuned into the harmonic on
which was just as threshold as Victoria on 6mHz.
(Chuck Bolland, November 12, 2010)
Peru, 4746.958, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 2300-2310,  Noted
a poor signal here with a few persons in
Spanish comments and music.   Signal was actually
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2010)
Wanted!  Someone to identify the three
carriers/stations on the following frequencies: 
1.   4864.696KHz  2.  4864.979 KHz  3.  4865.025KHz
I mainly interested in Identifying the Bolivian, Radio
Logos which is supposed to be 
one of the three.  Thanks in Advance for your help.
Honduras, 3339.97, Radio Misiones Int.(HRMI),
0005-0020,  Noted a male in English and a female
translating his comments to Spanish.   Comments are
religious.  Signal was fair.   (Chuck 
Bolland, Novembeer 13, 2010)
Bolivia, 3309.99, Radio Mosoj Chaski, -00150-0030,
Signal just audible over the noise.   Heard 
a female in Spanish language comments until 0018, and
at that time music is presented.  Signal
was threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, November 13, 2010)
Guyana, 3289.98, Voice of Guyana, 0018-0030,   Noted a
female in English language comments
for a couple of minutes.  This is followed with 40's
type dance music.   Signal is poor and 
struggling with the noise.   (Chuck Bolland, November
13, 2010)
Guatamala, 4052.46, Radio Verdad, 0022-0035,   Noted a
male in Spanish language comments.  
The males diction is very poor.   He talks while
someone plays the "Organ" behind him.   
Signal was Good except for the poor comments.   (Chuck
Bolland, November 13, 2010)
Brazil, 4915.97, Radio Difusora de Macapa, 0033-0045,
Signal is rather poor with music and 
Portuguese language comments from a number of
individuals.   Station not yet faded in
well enough this evening.   (Chuck Bolland, November
13, 2010)
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[HCDX] Wed Morn

2010-11-10 Thread Charles Bolland
Russia, 7330, Voice of Russia, 1155-1205,  Prior to the
hour, heard the  tone signal that 
VOR usually transmits before their scheduled
transmission.   The interesting observation of
this was there were two tones being transmitted.  One
was on 7329.170 KHz and the other 
was on 7330.836 both on and off.  In the meantime, a
steady carrier remained on 7330.000 KHz.
On the hour, both the side tones ceased and the regular
schedule programming began with
news in Russian on 7330.000 KHz.   The tones when they
were transmitting, were at a 
good level, however, the program signal was very poor
when it began on the hour.  (Chuck
Bolland, November 10, 2010)
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[HCDX] Magna updated also

2010-11-06 Thread Charles Bolland
Hi all,
I just updated Magna application found at
as of the 7th of November.  
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2010-11-05 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4789.956, Radio Vision, 2350-2359,  Noted a male
in Spanish comments between
ordinary secular music.  Lots of band noise while the
signal is poor.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 5, 2010)
Guatemala, 4052.460, Radio Verdad, 2330-2335, Noted a
couple of vales in conversation.
 Signal was fair with no noticable interference. (Chuck
Bolland, November 5, 2010)
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[HCDX] Wed Morn

2010-11-03 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 3329.65, Ondas del Huallaga, 1028-1045,  Got a
broadcast here of a male and possibly a 
female in Spanish language comments.  Can't make out
too any details of what is being said 
due to the signal being interferred with by CHU.  Ondas
del Huallaga best heard in LSB mode
at this time.  (Chuck Bolland, November 3, 2010)
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[HCDX] Tue Eve Dx

2010-11-03 Thread Charles Bolland
Moldova, 6240, Radio Pridnestrovye, 2310-2330,  At tune
in, noted a female in French language
comments. ID at 2316 as, "... Radio Pridenstrovye" by
female in French. At 2317 music in   
Russian language.  Very good signal.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 2, 20109)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Tue Morn DX

2010-11-02 Thread Charles Bolland
China, 10500, Firedrake (pres), 0940-1100,  Noted
steady instrumental Chinese music 
for our listening pleasure.  Signal was fair which is
noteworthy for this early and such 
a high frequency.   (Chuck Bolland, November 2, 2010)
Ecuador, 3280, La Voz del Napo, (pres), 1013-1020,
Noted a female in Spanish language
comments.  Can't pull out details, but the woman sounds
like she was praying.  
At 1018 music presented for a minute then more
comments.   The audio sounds 
distorted.  Signal was fair.   (Chuck Bolland, November
2, 2010)
26N 81W
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[HCDX] MAGNA Updated to new schedules

2010-11-01 Thread Charles Bolland
Hi friends,
Just uploaded the most recent versions of EIBI and
AOKI's database for the new schedules (B10)
You can download it by going to
NRD525, NRD 345.  The first web page gives links for
these programs.  
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[HCDX] Sun Dx

2010-10-31 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.294, Radio Victoria, 0930-0945,  At tune in,
noted a male in steady Spanish
language comments.   Frequency measurement is as
precise as possible to get using
the WR-G31DDC unit while in LSB mode.   At 0934 music
presented.  Signal was 
poor.  (Chuck Bolland, October 31, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.782, Radio Santa Cruz, 0938-0950,  Noted
a male in live Spanish 
comments, which were possibly a drama of some sort.
There was crowd reaction in 
the back ground as the male talked.   Noticed sound
effects at one point too.Signal
was too weak to get any sense of what was being
broadcast specifically.  (Chuck
Bolland, October 31, 2010)
Guyana, 3290.03, Voice of Guyana, 1005-1020,  Noted a
program of recorded pop
music which continues un-interrupted for the entire
period.  Signal was fair at the
beginning but continued to fade into the noise.
(Chuck Bolland, October 31, 2010)
26N 81W
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[HCDX] Sat Eve Dx

2010-10-31 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4746.89, Radio Hunta Dos Mil, 2340-2350,   At
first noted a female in live Spanish
comments.  Then a moment later a couple of canned
promos followed with music.
The signal was poor with noise.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 30, 2010)
Mariana Islands, 15430, Radio Free Asia, (pres)
2350-2359, Noted a program of Chinese 
language comments by two males and a female.Signal
was good and steady during the period.  
Noted a parallel broadcast on 15485 and 15585 KHz all
listed relays from Mariana Islands.
  (Chuck Bolland, October 30, 2010)
26N 81W
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[HCDX] Fri Morn DX

2010-10-29 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.30, Radio Victoria, 1030-1045, Noted the
usual shouting and preaching
that this station broadcasts each morning it seems.
Caught it all rather late in
the morning, so the signal strength was poor.  A
recheck at 1101 reveals the 
preaching still going on.  Signal was slightly better
than at 1030.
 (Chuck Bolland, October 29, 2010)
China, 5925, China National Radio 5, 1040-1055,  Noted
both a male and female in 
Chinese language broadcast which sounded like
commentary of somekind.  Signal
was poor but was very slightly improving as the morning
progressed.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 29, 2010)
Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1053-1105,  At tune in,
noted local type music and 
Indoneisan language comments.   Signal was fair at this
time.   (Chuck Bolland, 
Octobeer 29, 2010)
Indonesia, 9526, VOI, 1100,  Not on the air this
morning at this time at least.
26N 81.W
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[HCDX] Wed Morn Dx

2010-10-27 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 4799.926, Radio San Miguel, 0915-0930,   At
tune in, heard music until 0916 when a male
commences Spanish language comments.  Back to music by
0918,   Signal is muffled, but at a
fair level.   (Chuck Bolland, October 27, 2010)
Surname, 4989.99, Radio Apintie, (pres), 0925-0935,
Noted a very weak signal here with comments
and bridge music.   It's possible to recognize when
comments are being spoken or music being 
presented, but not able to pickup what's being said or
the language spoken, that's how 
poor or threshold the signal is.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 27. 2010)
Guyana, 3289.99, Voice of Guyana, 0945-0955,  Noted
music with brief English comments 
between each tune.   Signal was fair to poor with band
noise here and there.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 27, 2010)
Bolivia, 3309.95, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0947-0955,   At
tune in, noted a person in 
Spanish comments.   It sounded like a female, but
signal was not strong enough
to hear.   So considered the overall quality as
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, 
October 27, 2010)
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2010-10-26 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.282v, Radio Victoria, 1001-1015  Prior to
1003 could only hear the carrier, but at 1003
the signal pop in, like someone had opened the window
and a bird flew in so to speak.   Noted 
a male in Spanish language comments.   Even though
Victoria was better, it was still being hit
by the station on 6020 KHz which I had already notched
out.  As it turned out, the programming
from Victoria was religious, but the preacher sounded
different than the usual fellow.   Took a 
quick look out the window (regular window), and I was
definitely in the gray zone as it was just 
starting to get light outside.   At 1110 Victoria's
signal dropped into the noise slightly.  Over
all it was fair and then gone.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 26, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Sun Morn DX

2010-10-24 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 5952.54, Emisoras Pio XII, 1000-1015,  Noted a
female in Spanish comments between
musical selections. At 1010 a male joins in..  Signal
was poor..   (Chuck Bolland, October 24, 2010)
Peru, 6019.368, Radio Victoria, 1015-1025,  With the
usual need to notch out the stronger signal
on 6020, noted a male in Spanish comments.  Victoria
not yet strong enough to hear details
however, and signal tuned to frequency where best
heard, down to one Hertz.  (Chuck Bolland, 
October 24, 2010)
Bolivia, 6155.33, Radio Fides, (Tent) 1030-1045, With a
very weak signal here, noted a male 
and female in Spanish language comments.   Comments are
barely audible under the noise.
So based on the frequency, think this may be Fides?
(Chuck Bolland October 24, 2010)
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2010-10-23 Thread Charles Bolland
Kuwait, 15540, Radio Kuwait, 1845-1910   Prior to the
hour noted steady music which was 
mainly popular tunes.  On the hour full ID as Radio
Kuwait followed by a segment of 
English comments.  Signal was good.  (Chuck Bolland,
October 23, 2010)
26N 081.W
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[HCDX] Fri Eve Dx

2010-10-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Guatemala, 4055.21, Radio Verdad, 2320-2335,  Noted two
males in Spanish conversation until 2325.
At that time a third male talks possibly religious
topic?  This is followed by music which sounds 
religious.  " Radio Verdad ... punto  metros
onda corta ... Radio Verdad ...  numero cinco,
Guatemala ..."
Music  continues as signal improves from a very poor to
fair.   (Chuck Bolland, October 22, 2010)
British Indian Ocean Territory, 4319, AFN, Los Angeles,
2345-2359,  Noted English news and comments
as well as promos and public announcements.  Signal was
good which causes me to wonder if this
is really Diego Garcia or another AFN station somewhere
closer?   (Chuck Bolland, October 22, 2010)
Iran, 3985, Voice of the Islamic Republic, 0025-0035,
At tune in notice a female talking, but after 
a moment or two a male takes over and continues talking
in Arabic language.  Signal had various
strenghts from poor to fair during the period.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 23, 2010)
India, 4920, AIR, Chennai, 0045-0055,  At tune in,
noted steady local music with Hindi language 
singing by a male.  Signal was fair.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 23, 2010)
India, 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthap, 0053-0100,  Noted
some local music for a few moments that
a male and female both comment in Hindi.  At 0056 a
male talks probably presenting news.  
Signal was good.   (Chuck Bolland, October 23, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Fri morn DX

2010-10-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 5039.40, Radio Libertad, 1010-1030,  Of course
Cuba is on 5040; but being able to notch 
Cuba out, Radio LIbertad is audible at a threshold
level.  Noted a male in Spanish language 
comments. The jest of the talk from Radio LIbertad
sounds political. But since the signal is
threshold, it's just a guess at this point.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 22, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Tue MOnr DX

2010-10-19 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134. 79, Radio Santa Cruz, 0955-1005,  Noted
a female in Spanish comments.  At 0958
canned comments by a male.  Followed by more canned
promos.  On the hour a program of 
traditional music is heard.   At 1001  a canned ID,
"... onda media  kilohertz onda corta ..."
That's all that made it.  Then back to music.   Signal
was poor and fading.  (Chuck Bolland, 
October 19, 2010)
Peru, 47476.81, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1005-1015, Noted
different persons in Spanish language
comments which sounded like canned promos.   This
continued during the period.  Signal was
poor, but sometimes fading to a fair level.  Singing
and comments heard at 1012. (Chuck 
Bolland, October 19, 2010)
Peru, 4774.99, Radio Tarma,(pres) 1015-1025, Steady
music heard at tune in.   Music 
continues during the period as the signal diminishes to
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 19, 2010)
Peru, 3329.52, Radio Ondas del Huallaga, 1025-1035,
Ofcourse this is just on the edge of CHU which
is much stronger, making copying very tenuous.
Consequently, "Ondas" is only audible at irregular 
times depending on where CHU is in its time routine.
Noted music and comments from ODH between
CHU's announcements.   ODH was threshold.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 19, 2010)
Peru, 6019.34, Radio Victoria, 1038-1030,  This is a
toughy this morning since there's a strong 
het produced by the signal on 6020 KHz.   As for Radio
Victoria, David Miranda, the Preacher,
is preaching in his usual way and manner.   Tried to
log this earlier in the morning, but the signal
hadn't developed yet.  It Seems to be much better at
this time which leaves it at a poor 
level.   (Chuck Bolland, October 19, 2010)
26N 081W
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[HCDX] Mon Morn DX

2010-10-18 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 5952.48, Radio Emisora Pio XII, 0954-1005,
Noted a male and female discussing
a topic in Spanish Language.  At 0959 noted music being
presented.  After the hour,
the splatter increases considerably blocking Emisora
Pio pretty well. Thus the signal
ended up as a threshold quality.  (Chuck Bolland,
October 18, 2010)
Peru, 6019.38, Radio Victoria, 1015-1030,  Prior to
1015, couldn't hear any chatter, 
however, at that time a moments of Spanish language
faded in which turned out to
be the regular preacher, David Miranda.  So much
splatter on the band which 
covers many of the weaker signals.  Consequently Radio
Victoria remained threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, October 18, 2010)
Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1117-1130,  Tuned into a
program of steady Indonesian
Popular music. At 1124 a male in Indonesian comments
talks briefly.  Signal was
fair with usual splatter.  (Chuck Bolland, October 18,
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Thur Morn DX

2010-10-14 Thread Charles Bolland
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar,(pres) 0935-0945, Noted a
signal here with a female 
in comments.  Can't actually hear it well enough to
identify the language, but it's
definitely a female talking.  At 0941 some promo type
music as bridge then more
comments.  Signal remains at a threshold level
throughout the period.  Possibly
a later check will reveal a better signal?  That's
called "wishful thinking", because
a recheck at 1023 showed that conditions had gotten
worse instead of better.
 (Chuck Bolland, October 14, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.78, Radio Santa Cruz, 0957-1005,
Conditions are very bad so far on
this band at this time, but I think that is only a
temporary condition.  Probably  in
a few minutes signals will improve.  At present
however, can hear a male in 
Spanish language comments as the noise smoothers the
signal.  On the hour
music heard.  Rechecked at 1022 and conditions were
worse, so my prediction
of better conditions never happened.(Chuck Bolland,
October 14, 2010)
26.37N  081.05W
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[HCDX] Tues Morn Dx

2010-10-12 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 5921.26, Radio Bethel, 1030-1045, At tune in
noted just music from a signal that was
at a  poor level.   At 1035 heard a female in Spanish
language comments then back to music.
Signal at this point was threshold and starting to fade
into the noise. (Chuck Bolland, October
12, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.79, Radio Santa Cruz, 1040-1050,  Noted a
female in Spanish Language lessons.
At 1042 a series of canned promos heard.  Following
that, the language lessions continue.
Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2010)
Peru, 4789.84, Radio Vision, 1050-1100,  Signals on the
lower bands are begining to disappear
for the day as Radio Vision presents a male in Spanish
Language comments.  Signal was 
poor.  (Chuck Bolland October 12, 2010)
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1105-1120, Initially
noted a female in Indonesian language comments,
but by  she is joined by a male as they converse
together.  Signal was threshold.   (Chuck Bolland,
Octobeer 12, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Monday EVE DX

2010-10-12 Thread Charles Bolland
Costa Rica, 5954.19, Radio Casino, Pres, 2355-0015,
Noted a male and possibly
a female in Spanish language comments.  Believe there's
music also on the freq,
but everything is mixed up with interference, so can't
be sure.  After the hour things
clear up slightly and the signal improves in gain, but
very muffled.  Just down the band
at 5952.91 can see a trace of Emisoras Pio XII fading
in.  So drop this at a good
level at 0015.  (Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2010).  
Bolivia, 5952.41, Emisoras Pio XII, 0014-0030, Noted a
very weak signal here with so
much splatter on top of it.  Casino isn't helping much
with it's signal interferring.
(Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.84, Radio Santa Cruz, 0040-0050, At tune
in noted local type pop
music being presented. Signal improves as the time
passes.  The music continues
and becomes more listenable but the station's signal
doesn't.  It remains at a fair
level.   (Chuck Bolland, October 12, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Sun Morning DX

2010-10-10 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 592126, Radio Bethel, (Pres).1023-1035,  Noted a
male in Spanish language 
talk which sounds like a scoccer game.  At 1026 canned
ADs or promos briefly,
 then ordinary music is presented.  The scoccer game
entry above may 
have been just a recording of an earlier game from
Sunday that was being 
 heard.   This signal begain to get beatup by
conditions at 1034 and
 resulted in it becoming a threshold. It have been a
just a recording of an earlier
 game.  Can't find this station listed anywhere, so
this may be a harmonic or 
something?  However, I seem to recall Radio Bethel
being heard recently.  
  (Chuck Bolland, October 10, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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2010-10-09 Thread Charles Bolland
 Bolivia, 6134.83, Radio Santa Cruz, 0950-1020,  Noted
a female and two
males in Quecha Language comments while the signal
bounces between 
good and poor.   At 0956 music presented.  At times the
language sounds like
Quecha and then Spanish.  Signal seemed to peak on the
hour to a good level.
 (Chuck Bolland, October 9, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Thurs DX

2010-10-07 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4775, Radio Tarma, 1035-1100,   Noted a program
of Huaynos type music and 
Spanish language comments between and during the
musical selections.  The signal
is continously fading into the noise as the "clock
ticks" which results in Tarma being
threshold by 1048.   (Chuck Bolland, October 7, 2010)
Peru, 6019.26, Radio Victoria, 1050-1100,  Covered with
the stronger signal from Australia
on 6020KHz, noted a program of preaching in Spanish
from Victoria.   Victoria is very 
threshold due to the stronger RA signal.   Notching out
RA does not improve on Victoria's
quality, it remains at a threshold level.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 7, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Tues Morn DX

2010-10-05 Thread Charles Bolland
Dominican Republic, 6025, Radio Amanecer International
(pres), 1025-1045, Had a very weak carrier here 
prior to 1025 which believe might have been Radio
Illimani, but Amanecer comes on the air around
1025 with religious pop music.  At about 1033 two males
comment in Spanish about religious topics.
Amanecer's signal continues to improve from a poor to a
good during the period, although there's
still splatter from 6030's Radio Marti.  (Chuck
Bolland, October 5, 2010)
Romania, 17510, Radio Romania International, 1108-1135,
At tune in, noted a female in English language
news.  At 1110, news is finished and sports news is
presented in English by a male.  "You are 
tuned to Radio Romaine International, broadcasting from
Bucharest".   More comments and news 
follows.  Signal was fair to good as the morning
progressed. (Chuck Bolland, October 5, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Sun Morn

2010-10-03 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 4700.14, Radio San Miguel, 1000-1015,  With a
weak signal, noted a program of
music and canned promos.  Lots of noise this morning
covering the signal at times.  
(Chuck Bolland October 3, 2010)
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[HCDX] Sat Morn Dx

2010-10-02 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0959-1010,  At tune
in, which was later than usual, noted 
local type music.  At 1002 canned ID, "... Santa Cruz
.. Bolivia"  Signal was good this morning
with no interference from Brazil.  (Chuck Bolland,
October 2, 2010)
Noted:  Have a carrier on 3985 KHz at 1015-1020, but no
audio heard due to weak signal.  
This might be an RRI station.  
Indonesian, 3325, RRI Palangkaraya, 1020-1030,  At tune
in, noted a male singing the
Qu'ran or simular until 1025.  Following this, a male
in comments which was very low
in the noise.  Back to music at 1026.  Signal was
threshold.  Using Ishida's Monttoring
Report.   (Chuck Bolland, October 2, 2010)
Indonesia, 3345, RRI Ternate, (TENT)1028-1030,  Notice
a carrier on this freq but no 
audio.  Signal was threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, October
2, 2010)
Peru, 4746.96, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1030-1045,   Noted
local type music unti 1033
when a male talks in Spanish.  He continues during the
period.  Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, October2, 2010)
Peru, 5039.39, Radio Libertad, 1040-1050,  Noted a very
threshold signal next to
Radio Havana Cuba.  Heard a person in comments only.
(Chuck Bolland,
October 2, 2010)
Peru, 6019.33, Radio Victoria, 1043-1050  A halfhour
ago I could not pull Victoria out 
of all of the QRM, but now it's rather easy.   Noted a
program of music at tune in,
but still plenty of QRM on 6120 which is notched.
(Chuck Bolland, October 2, 2010)
Australia, 2485, ABC, Katherine, 1050-1100,  Noted two
males in English language
comments.  Signal was poor, but audible.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 2, 2010)
Unident, 2340, 1000-1115  Noted music on this frequency
simular to what I've 
here from stations on Papua New Guinea.  In my personal
DB I have PBS, China
on this freq, but the music sounds like it's from Papua
New Guinea.  Can't find
anything listed. Starting to fade by 1113.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 2, 2010)
26.37N  081.05W
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[HCDX] Fri morn after 1100

2010-10-01 Thread Charles Bolland
Indonesia, 4870, RRI Wamena, 1134-1145, Noted a person
(believe it was female) in Indonesian
comments until 1136 when music is presented.  Signal
was threshold but it was still encouraging
to hear Indonesia fading in to South Florida on this
freq.  (Chuck Bolland, October 1, 2010)  
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1137-1145,  Noted a
female in Indonesian comments at tune in.
Believe she is followed with Qu'ran type singing.
Signal was threshold,  (Chuck Bolland, October
1, 2010)
26.37N  081.05W
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[HCDX] Fri Morn Dx

2010-10-01 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, Ondas Del Huallaga, 1005-1015.  Just next to CHU
with music and Spanish comments.
Signal is very poor as it's interferred with by CHU.
(Chuck Bolland, October 1, 2010)
Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1013-1020  Another
weak signal with Spanish comments
and music.   Signal was very poor.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 1, 2010)
Peru, 4747.05, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1020-1030,  Noted
a male in steady Spanish comments
during the period.   Signal was threshold.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 1, 2010)
Peru, 4775, Radio Tarma, 1026-1035,   Barely audiable
with steady music being presented.  
during the period.  Signal was threshold.  (Chuck
Bolland, October 1, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Thur DX

2010-09-29 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0935-0945,  Noted
traditional type music at tune in.  When the
tune is finished, a male comments and gives ID as, "...
transmision Radio Santa Cruz".  After a 
few minutes of Spanish comments, the music continues.
Signal was good at this early hour.
(Chuck Bolland, September 29, 2010)
Peru, 6019.40, Radio Victoria, 0950-1000,  Really a
tough catch this morning with a het and weak
signal influencing the results.   But noted the usual
religious Spanish comments heard at this
time usually.  Signal was poor with QRM.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 29, 2010)
Bolivia, 4700, Radio San Miguel, 0957-1005,   At tune
in, noted a female in live Spanish 
comments.   At 0959 canned promos and ID heard until
the hour mark when a male comments.
Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, September 29, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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2010-09-28 Thread Charles Bolland
China, 10500, Firedrake, 1030-1045,  Noted a strong
signal here with Chinese instrumental 
music being played.   Compared this music with that
heard on 8400 KHz and it wasn't
in sync. 10500 KHz music seemed to be ahead in time.
Anyway, 10500 signal was 
at a good level this morning.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 28, 2010)
China, 8400, Firedrake, 1030-1045 Noted a weak signal
here with Chinese Instrumental;
music.   Signal was not the usual fair level heard
before.  Checked othere Firedrake
frequencies scheduled during this period and heard only
10500 KHz.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 28, 2010)
Philippines, 9430, FEBC, 1050-1100,   Noted a program
of Chinese language comments
from a number of individuals.  At 1059 after a female
stops talking, religious type music
is presented.  At possible canned ID on the hour.
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland,
September 28, 2010)
Japan, 9695, Radio Japan, 1108-1115,  Noted a female in
Vietnamese language news
or comments at tune in.   Signal had QRM as a Het which
was easily tuned out with
the notch.   AOKI"s database says this is on until 1130
UTC.  English is scheduled
at 1200 according to AOKI.  Signal here was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, September 28, 2010)
Taiwan, 9735, Radio Taiwan International, 1113-1130,
Noted a male in Japanese language
comments with bridge music between phrases.  At 1115 a
female commences talking. 
She is followed by pop music.   Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, September 28, 2010)
Mariana (Northern) Islands, 9845, Voice of America,
1118-1145  Noted a program of news and comments
in the Chinese language.  Every once in awhile the VOA
jingle is presented in English.  This format
continues during the period.  Signal improves from a
poor to a good.  (Chuck Bolland, September 28, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Magna Updated

2010-09-26 Thread Charles Bolland
Hi folks,
We just updated the Magna database file with the latest
AOKI update.  EIBI hasn't updated
his database yet.  He'll probably do that at the end of
You can download the new update of Magna at
Have fun.
If you received this update as an error, please excuse
me and let me know.  I will delete you from
my phone directory.  Thanks 
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[HCDX] Sat early

2010-09-26 Thread Charles Bolland
India, 5010.41, AIR, 0126-0140,  Noted a few bars of
music until the half
hour when a female commences to talk.  She's suppose to
be in Hindi
according to listing.   Signal began to fade by 0135 or
maybe it was
gone?   (Chuck Bolland, September 18, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.88, Radio Santa Cruz, 0925-1005,  Heard a
few Spanish language
comments by a male at 0926, then heard a Radio Drama
possibly?   Signal is 
rather weak at the presented time, so not possible to
gatherr details yet. At 1000
a bunch of canned promos and ADs with an ID mixed in.
Signal had improved
slightly by then.   (Chuck Bolland, September 26, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.93, Voice of Indonesia, 1005-1020,
Noted a female in English language
news.  At 1010 news finished with "The last item ..."
"... news from the Voice of Indonesia"
This is followed with music and comments.   Signal was
good.   (Chuck Bolland, 
September 26, 2010)
Inodesia, 9680.05, RRI Jakarata, 1012-1020  Noted two
females in Indonesian coversation.
Signal was Good.   (Chuck Bolland, September 26, 2010)
Wr-g31DDC, NRD545, WJ HF1000
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Thur DX

2010-09-23 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.41, Radio Victoria, 2330-2345, This evening
noted Radio Victoria on 6019.41 KHz without
any nearby QRM at least for a few minutes.  Heard a
male in steady Spanish language comments
for awhile.  The first gent is joined by another male
and female.  Signal was fair to poor.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 23, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.83, Radio Santa Cruz, 2342-2359, Noted
music initially with the usual het needing
notcing out on 6135 KHz.  Believe a male and female
talk in Spanish over the music.  Condition 
seem to be slightly better this evening as RSC is at a
fair level here.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 23, 2010)
Bolivia, 3310.12, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 2354-2359,
Noted steady popular music.  At 2356 a
female(believe?) talks briefly in Spanish.   Signal is
very poor but readable at about 80
percent.   Back to music after a few comments.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 23, 2010)
South Africa, 3320.16, Radio Sonder Grense, 0001-0015,
Noted a male in Africaans language
news until.  After that it sounds like a female talks
for a number of minutes.  Signal was
fair.  (Chuck Bolland, September 23, 2010)
India, 4920.15, AIR, Chennai, 0013-0025,  At 0013,
noted Interval signal until 0015.  At that time
a female comments (probably ID) and singing by a group
which is probably NA.  Incidently, 
the interval was a wind instrument continous tune with
about five notes to it.  At 0016
a female comments in Hindi which is followed with
"charmer" type music.  Signal was
fair throughout.   (Chuck Bolland, September 24, 2010)
26.37N  081.05W
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[HCDX] Tues Morning Dx

2010-09-21 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.85, Radio Santa Cruz, 1000-1015,  At tune
in noted a program of 
local type music.  Between tunes canned comments and
ID.  Signal was good
for a minute or two at 1000, but then dropped into the
noise to a poor level.  However,
things improved by 1015 and Santa Cruz was at a good
level by then with language
lessons. Chuck Bolland, September 21, 2010)
Peru, 6019.26, Radio Victoria, 1005-1015,  With the
usual Het type QRM from 
station on 6020KHz, noted a male and female in Spanish
conversation on 
Victoria.  The interference is tremendous.  (Chuck
Bolland, September 21, 2010)
Bolivia, 4699.98, Radio San Miguel, 1017-1030,  At tune
in heard a male in Spanish
comments which continued during the period.  Signal was
poor however.  (chuck
Bolland, September 21, 2010)
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1130-1145  At tune in,
noted a female in Indonesian 
live Indonesian comments.  This is followed by canned
promo by a male.  At 1134,
female talks.   Signal is fair but audio is poor.
(Chuck Bolland, September 21, 2010)
WinRadio  G31DDC
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[HCDX] Thur noon Dx

2010-09-16 Thread Charles Bolland
France, 15160, Adventist World Radio, 1520-1535,  Noted
a program of Hindi type
music until 1530 when ID is given in English an other
languages "This is Adventist 
World Radio Broadcasting in (missed).  Listed as Oromo
in AOKI database.
After a minute music continues.  Signal was fair but
lots of noise.   (Chuck 
Bolland, September 16, 2010)
France, 17735, Radio Japan, 1545-1600,  This is a relay
via France of a program of
Japanese language comments and features.  I'm sure
there was an ID in there
somewhere during the steady comments until 1551 when
music was presented.
Signal was good.   (Chuck Bolland, September 16, 2010)
WinRadio G31DDC
26.37n 081.05w
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[HCDX] Thurs DX

2010-09-16 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4857.50, Radio la Hora, 0008-0025,  Noted a weak
signal here with music (male singing).
Signal remains threshold during the period.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 16, 2010)
WinRadio G31DDC
26.37N 081.05w
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[HCDX] Thur MOrn DX

2010-09-16 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 4699.99, Radio San Miguel, 0920-0930,  With a
very muffled audio, a male comments
in Spanish language. After a few moments steady music
heard.  Signal was rather weak 
this morning.   (Chuck Bolland, September 16, 2010)
Peru, 6019.32, Radio Victoria, 0956-1005,  With the
usual Het, noted a male in Spanish language
religious comments until 0958, when he is replaced by
another male with live secular comments.
After notching out interfering het, Victoria was easier
to hear.   Even so, the signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, September 16, 2010)
Peru, 4826.60, Radio Sicuani, 1001-1015,   Not a steady
signal.  It keeps fading into the noise
and disappearing every few seconds.  However, noted a
male in Spanish language comments
when signal was audible.  Overall, the signal was
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland September 16, 2010)
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[HCDX] Wed Eve Dx

2010-09-15 Thread Charles Bolland
Guinea, 4900, Familia FM, (Pres), 2300-2310,  Tuned in
to a female in news or comments until 
2305 at which time hilife type music is presented.
Believe the female was using French, but 
can't be certain due to poor signal strength.  Music
and comments continue, but signal
never improves.  (Chuck Bolland, September 15, 2010)
United Kingdom, 5940, CVC International, (pres),
2315-2335,  Noted a period of possibly religious
comments until 2325 when music presented.  After music,
more comments at 2330.  Signal is
very muffled making copy difficult.  (Chuck Bolland,
September 15, 2010)
Peru, 6019.30, Radio Victoria, 2336-2345  At last Radio
Victoria alone on the this frequency for
awhile.  With a lot of noise however, heard the usual
religious comments in Spanish.  At 2338, 
noted live Spanish comments from the announcer.  Heard
the place names "Lima" and "Santa 
Cruz" mentioned.  At 2340 back to religious talk.
Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland, September 15, 2010
Bolivia, 6134.86, Radio Santa Cruz, 2346-2359,  Tried
notching out the interference with partial 
success.  Noted a female in Spanish language comments.
The band is starting to wakeup
during this time, which makes for a fun time.  RSC was
at a fair level with splatter.
At 2349 a male comments over music.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 15, 2010)
WinRadio G31DDC
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[HCDX] Tues Morn Dx

2010-09-14 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 0908-1016,  Noted
steady local type music. 
At 0921 a male commented for a few minutes, then back
to music.  
Signal went from poor to fair during the period.
Recheck at 1015 and signal
had imrpoved to a good level with a Female in a Spanish
Language lesson.
   (Chuck Bolland, September 14, 2010)
Peru, 6019.29, Radio Victoria, 0949-1000,  Noted the
usual male in Religious Spanish
comemnts as the signal improved slightly from poor to
fair during this time frame.  
(Chuck Bolland, September 14, 2010)
Unident, 6075, 0958-1015,   Noted a steady carrier
until 1000.  At that time a female started
talking.  I thought this might be Radio Causachun Coca,
but from the tonal quality of the 
comments, that may not be the case?   Sounds more like
a Chinese Station from the 
audio which is very, very weak.   AOKI lists VO Russia
in Chinese on this freq at 1000.  
Comments lasted until 1006. From 1006 until 1011, dead
air,  At 1011, the female 
continues to talk.  Signal was very weak.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 14, 2010)
Bolivia, 5952.38, Emisoras Pio XII, 1027-1035,  At tune
in, noted a male in Spanish
comments.  Comments sounded like news by the male where
Bolivia was mentioned
often.  .  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, September
14, 2010)
Peru, 4826.55, Radio Sicuani, 1035-1045,  With a very
weak signal, noted some comments
from a male here.  Signal was only audible briefly.
Catching it earlier would have been 
a better oportunity to hear it.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 14, 2010)
Peru, 3329.60, Ondas del Huallaga, 1046-1100,  Noted
music briefly at tune in.  This was
followed by a male in Spanish comments.  He is joined
by a female.  Both continue 
talking for the remainder of the hour.  Signal was
fair. Best heard using LSB.
(Chuck Bolland, September 14, 2010)
Papua New Guinea, 3385, Radio East New Britain,
1056-1105,  Noted a female in Pidgin
language comments until 1057 when music is presented as
bridge, then the female
returns in comments.  Signal was poor.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 14, 2010)
26.37N  081.05W'
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[HCDX] Sun Morn Dx

2010-09-12 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.26, Radio Victoria, 0953-1005,  Noted a
male, David Miranda, the preacher in his usual 
sermon type comments.  At 0959, canned ID by a
different person.  Heard some words like "Kilohertz"
but not all. After the canned ID, Miranda returns to
his sermon.Signal was poor with a Het causing
interference.(Chuck Bolland, September 12, 2010)
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1005-1020,  Initially
noted the usual Islamic type chanting by a male.
At 1006 a live male comments in Indonesian language.
This is followed with music.  Signal 
faded between threshold and poor.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 12, 2010)
NRD545 & WINRADIO G305e/pd
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[HCDX] Sat morn Dx

2010-09-11 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.26, Radio Victoria, 0953-1005,  Noted a male
in Spanish language at tune in.
Immediately, he stops and music is presented.   At 0958
canned promos heard. After the
hour live Spanish comments from a female.  Signal was
at a fair level, but adjacent signals
influenced it's readability.  (Chuck Bolland, September
11, 2010)
WR G305e/pd
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[HCDX] Sat early DX

2010-09-10 Thread Charles Bolland
Unknown, 5900, Voice of Russia, 0025-0045,  Commentary
and news in English language presented by 
male and female.  In between some music heard.   The
"Voice of Russia" ID heard at 0032 by a 
female.  Judging from the strength, this signal sounds
like a relay - probably via
 MOLDOVA-PRIDNESTROVIE?  Yes the signal was very good.
(Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2010)
Iran, 6025, Voice of Islamic Republic,
(Tent),0055-0105,  Noted a weak signal here with
Islamic type chanting at
one point and a male in Arabic type language comments
at another.   Signal was very poor with Splatter.
I was looking for Radio Illimani.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 11, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0103-0115,   Noted
a male in Spanish language comments which is
fading in and out more or less.  At 0104 a second male
talks briefly then into music.  Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2010)
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[HCDX] Thur Dx

2010-09-09 Thread Charles Bolland
Guinea, 4900, Familia FM, (tent) 2320-2330,   Noted
music until 2324 when it is interrupted by a male and
in French language comments.  After comments, more
hilife type music is presented.   Signal was poor.  
Could not find any information about this station
except for one entry in AOKI on 4900 KHz.  Checked
the station's  Web page http://www.familiaFm.com/ which
was all in French, but nothing mentioned about 4900
At 2337 a female (sameone as before) commences with
chatter again.  (Chuck Bolland, September 9, 2010)
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[HCDX] Wed Morn DX

2010-09-08 Thread Charles Bolland
Papua New Guinea, 3335, Radio East Sepik, 1000-1015,
Noted a male and female presenting
the news in Pidgin language.  However, the audio was
too muffled to understand.  The signal's
strength however was at a fair level.  (Chuck Bolland,
September 8, 2010)
Papua, New Guinea, 3385, Radio East New Britain,
1007-1015,   Noted a signal male in Pidgin 
language comments.  Although the signal was at a fair
level, a utility station on the same 
frequency caused interference.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 8, 2010)
Guyana, 3290, Voice of Guyana, 1011-1020,   With a
female noted in English language
conversation with a male.  Signal was poor.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 8, 2010)
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[HCDX] Tuesday Morning Dx

2010-09-07 Thread Charles Bolland
Suriname, 4990, Radio Apintie, 0605-0615,  Noted a
person in comments from a very threshold signal.
No other details were heard.  (Chuck Bolland, September
7, 2010)
Cuba, 6150, RHC, 0635-0645+, Noted a program of news
and commentary in English language.  Signal
was good as far as strength, but was muffled with the
audio.  (Chuck Bolland, September 7, 2010)
China, 8400, Firedrake, 1035-1040,  Noted steady
Chinese type music during the period.  Signal was
good.   (Chuck Bolland, September 7, 2010)
China 9379.98, Firedrake 1035-1040 Noted Steady Cinese
type music during the period which was
parallel with 8400 KHz.  Signal was good.   (Chuck
Bolland, September 7, 2010)
WinRadio G305e/pd
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[HCDX] Mon MOrn DX

2010-09-06 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0938-1000,
Initially noted a male in Spanish language
comments.  Then at 0940 music commences.  At 0944 male
returns with more comments.
Signal was fair this morning.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 6, 2010)
Brazil, 4807.98, Radio Difusora Do Amazonas(pres),
0945-1000,  Noted a very weak signal 
here with a male in Portuguese language comments.
Signal doesn't improve at all from
this point.  It remains threshold.  (Chuck Bolland,
September 6, 2010)
Bolivia, 5952,42, Radio Emisoras Pio XII, 1009-1015,
Noted a male and female in Spanish
comments.  These comments could be the news.  Not too
sure since there's plenty
of Splatter on the freq.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck
Bolland, September 6, 2010)
WinRadio G305e/pd
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[HCDX] Sat Morn

2010-09-04 Thread Charles Bolland
Australia, 4910, ABC, Tennant Creek, 0806-0830, Noted a
male in English language comments.  Signal
is not that strong being overwhelmed by the noise.
Infact, can't make out topic of the comments.
(Chuck Bolland, September 4, 2010)
Brazil, 5045, Radio Cultura Para,(pres) 0815-0830,
Noted a program of Bras Pop music with canned
short promos between each tune.  This continued until
0900.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland
September 4, 2010)
Russia, 5940, GTRK, Magadan(?), 0906-0915,  With the
usual canned ID as "Radio Rossii" at tune in
 as news is presented by a male and female in Russian
language.  At 0910 news finished and another 
canned ID presented.  This is followed by a commentary
until 0916 when brief music is heard.  
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, September 4, 2010)
Russia, 5930, GTRK, Kamchatka(?), 0926-0935,  Noted
same program of music as heard on 5940 KHz
at this time; however, this transmission is much better
than 5940 KHz now. There is a hum on this 
freq unfortunately which has been reported as coming
from Kamchatka's own transmitter.  At 0930
a male comments in Russian language for a few minutes
then back to music.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, September 4, 2010)
Brazil, 5990, Radio Senado, 1010-1020,  Noted some
music, but mainly heard canned promos and 
Ads during the period.   Most of the content was canned
making any ID difficult due to the poor
quality.   Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland, September
4, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.788, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1030,   Been
checking this all morning with no results
until now at 1020.   Noted a male in Spanish language
news reports.   "... Informa te..."  Male
continues to comment during the period.  At 1029 heard
live ID as "... Santa Cruz ...".   Then
back to comments.   Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 4, 2010)
Note:  Haven't heard Radio Victoria on 6019.30 KHz for
more than a week.  I am wondering if
they are on the move?   Anyone hear them around?
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[HCDX] Fri MOrn Dx

2010-09-03 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4775, Radio Tarma, 1025-1035, Booming in with
Huaynos music this morning.   
Never heard an ID due to the fact that the music was
non-stop.   After 1035, the
signal began to fade from a reasonably fair signal to
threshold.  (Chuck Bolland,
September 3, 2010)
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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx

2010-09-02 Thread Charles Bolland
Brazil, 9665.45, Radio Voz Missionaria, 1002-1015,
Noted a male in Portuguese 
language Religious comments.  The male sounded like the
preacher named
 David Miranda heard on Radio Victoria, Peru in the
mornings.  Later a female joins
in the activities.  Signal was poor with noise.
(Chuck Bolland, September 2, 2010)
Korea N. 9650, Voice Of Korea, 1015-1030, Noted
Japanese language comments presented by a 
female.   At 1019 a male comments also in Japanese.
Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, 
September 2, 2010)
Brazil, 9645.41, Radio Bandeirantes, 1021-1030,  Noted
both a male and female in Portuguese
language comments here.Between the noise and the
weak signal, there's not much 
left of this station by 1030.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 2, 2010)
Philippines, 9615, Radio Veritas, 1033-1045,  Noted a
male and female in Chinese language 
comments - probably religious?  Noted a very good
signal at this time with no fading.  
(Chuck Bolland, September 2, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.947, Voice of Indonesia, 1048-1100,  At
tune in heard a musical interlude.
During this period, the signal was good with just
slight fading.  (Chuck Bolland, September 2,
Indonesia, 9680.071, RRI Jakarta, 1100-1115,   At tune
in, noted Qu'ran type chanting in 
progress.  This was followed by a male and female in
Indonesian comments.  At 1101
a male gives ID and more chanting follows.  Another
full ID at 1104 with National Anthem.
 Signal was good.   (Chuck Bolland,  September 2, 2010)
Lots of noise this morning possible caused by the
hurricane off the Atlantic Coast.
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[HCDX] Mon morn DX

2010-08-30 Thread Charles Bolland
Cland, 6297.06, National Radio of Sahara AD, 0745-0800
The WRTH says this is coming from Rabouni, Algeria. 
Noted poliltical type speeches by a female and other
comments by a male in Arabic.  Near the end of the 
hour, popular music was presented.  Signal was fair.
On the hour ID followed by National Anthem type 
music then off the air. (Chuck Bolland, August 30,
Clandistine, 5897.98, 0803-11+  Noted a female in 5
figure Spanish groups.   For example
6.886 40.50 300.. 5.583 ...4 6652. 505.6 0600. 02106
12530 9.6..1 5.01. 06025 2  Signal
was fair with crashes knocking a holes in the copy.
The message is rather long, still
going on at 0810.   At 0815 the female repeats the
message.   (Chuck Bolland, August 30, 2010)
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[HCDX] Sat Eve Dx

2010-08-28 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 3329.61, Radio Ondas del Huallaga, 2340-2359,
Noted a person in Spanish language comments.
This is followed with Huaynos type music which
continues until 2354.   At that time noted some
comments.  Signal was poor with QRM from a utility
station which was SSB  and also from CHU.
(Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2010)
South Africa, 3320, Radui Sonder Grense, 2357-0015
Noted two people in Africaans language comments 
for a minute, then music presented.  Signal was fair
this evening.  (Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2010)
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[HCDX] Sat Morn

2010-08-28 Thread Charles Bolland
Guyana, 3290, Voice of Guyana, 0915-0930,  At tune in
noted a male in English comments.
Music at 0922.  Signal is poor with steady pain
inducing crashes covering it.   (Chuck 
Bolland, August 28, 2010)
Japan, 3925, Radio Nikkei1, 0925-0935,   Noted a female
in Japanese language comments
with music as a bridge. She is joined by a male.   Lots
of ARO interference here, but Nikkei1
 remains audible with a fair signal.  (Chuck Bolland,
August 28, 2010)
Solomon Islands, 5020, SIBC, 0933-0945,   At tune in
noted just music for awhile.   Between
 music, a male comments briefly.  Signal is poor.
(Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2010)
Russia, 5930, GTRK(pres), Kamchatka(?), 0945-1000,
Noted a male in Russian language
 comments between musical selections.   Signal is just
poor enough that it's difficult to copy details of 
comments. Also noticed the hum that has been causing
poor reception of the audio. Noted a
 parallel signal on 5940 KHz even poorer thatn here.
News presented by a male on both
 outlets on the hour. (Chuck Bolland, August 28,
Russia(pres), 6075, Voice of Russia, Vladivostok(?),
1005-1031, Noted a female in steady
 Chinese language comments/news until 1010. At that
time music is presented.  Music sounds like Russian 
vice Chinese, but can't be certain since the signal is
threshold.  At 1013, female returns with more
comments.   (Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.76, Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1035,  Noted a
male in Spanish comments from
 the start at 1015.  At 1019 music is heard. At 1031
canned promos and ADs heard.
Signal was poor.   (Chuck Bolland, August 28, 2010)
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2010-08-21 Thread Charles Bolland
Guyana, 3290, Voice of Guyana, 0945-1000,  At tune in
noted music from  India which continued
steady during the period.   On the hour a male talks
but it's too muffled to comprehend.  Signal
was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, August 21, 2010)
Peru, 4826.54, Radio  Sicuani, 1001-1015,  Signal just
starting to fade in with Spanish comments
from a male and music.  Signal is threshold this
morning.  (Chuck Bolland, August 21, 2010)
Russia, 5940, Radio Rossii, 1010-1020  Noted a male and
female in Russian language conversation.
At 1019 a brief period of Russian music.  Signal was
fair this morning.  (Chuck Bolland, August 21, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 1025-1035,  At tune
in noted one male in Spanish comments.
He is joined by a female who comments briefly.  Signal
is threshold at this point.  (Chuck
Bolland, August 21, 2010)
Papua New Guinea, 5960, Radio Fly, 1030-1045, A very
difficult situation here.  Noted a good carrier, but
the audio only peaks in occasionally with a male in
comments. Between comments music is heard.  The signal
remained threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, August 21, 2010)
NRD545 & Watkins Johnson HF1000
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[HCDX] Radio Fides Active

2010-08-20 Thread Charles Bolland
Radio Fides is active on 6155.36 KHz NOW! at 1040
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2010-08-18 Thread Charles Bolland
China, 8400, Firedrake, 1049-1100  Noted usual music
with a fair signal here. August 18, 2010
China, 9380, Firedrake, 1050-1100  Noted usual music
with a Good signal here, August 18, 2010
Check a few other freqs, but they were Nil Heard in my
location.  (Chuck Bolland, August 18, 2010)
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