[HCDX] The Latest

2014-06-12 Thread Radio Heritage Mail

June 13 2014



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Radio Heritage Foundation
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] KBC Latest News, HLR + Swedish DX Federation Transmissions

2014-03-28 Thread tom taylor
KBC Latest News, HLR + Swedish DX Federation Transmissions

KBC Latest News!!
The Mighty KBC is not moving to 9925 kHz, but staying on 7375 Khz until May.
This is only for our broadcasts to the USA, Canada and South America.
Please spread the word.

(This show is recorded, so we will be mentioning the wrong frequency on our

Every Saturday and Wednesday the programs of HLR.

06.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz
09.00 to 12.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz
12.00 to 16.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz

Every Sunday the programme of HLR
12.00 to 16.00 UTC program in German 0n 9485 kHz

Please send all reports to: *redakt...@hamburger-lokalradio.de
redakt...@hamburger-lokalradio.de*  Thank you!

PS. The MV Baltic Radio Transmitter will be silence on the following dates:

   April  9th, 12th and 13th.

The Swedish DX Federation Transmissions

The Swedish DX Federation continues its monthly broadcasts on medium-wave
and shortwave as follows:

April6th - Radio Merkurs on 1485 kHz at 18.00 UTC

April  19th - Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz at 11.00 UTC

May  11th - Radio Merkurs on 1485 kHz at 18.00 UTC

May  17th - Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz at 11.00 UTC

June   8th - Radio Merkurs on 1485 kHz at 18.00 UTC

June 14th - Hamburger Lokalradio on 7265 kHz at 11.00 UTC

The programmes are mainly in Swedish and hosted by Ronny Forslund. Short
announcements in English and German will also be included. Reports of
reception can be sent to SDXF, Box 1097, SE-405 23 Göteborg, Sweden. For
QSL response please enclose some form of return postage.

Good Listening 73s   Tom
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] The latest Shortwave Report (November 24) is up on the web

2011-11-25 Thread Stewart MacKenzie

From: Dan Roberts outfarpr...@saber.net
Subject: The latest Shortwave Report (November 24) is up on the web
To: Dan Roberts outfarpr...@saber.net, Stewart Mackenzie 
Date: Thursday, November 24, 2011, 5:56 PM

Dear Radio Friend,             The latest Shortwave Report (November 25) is up 
at the website http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml  in 3 forms- (new) 
HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or 
streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom   (If you have access to 
Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there 
{35MB} http://www.audioport.org/index.php?op=producer-infouid=904nav=;)
     This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio 
International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of 
Russia.    From JAPAN- The Grand Assembly of Traditional Afghanistan has voted 
to allow US troops to remain in the country until 2024. A Japanese government 
panel is considering resuming the construction of a fast-breed nuclear 
reactor.    From  CHINA- A review of the current nuclear power policies in 
European nations. The British Medical Association has recommended that smoking 
while driving should be banned in the UK.    From GERMANY- There was a week 
long debate at the UN on cluster bombs- most countries want complete abolition, 
but the US, Russia, and China want old stockpiles reduced while continuing 
production. The UN released new figures on the prevalence and growth of 
HIV/Aids in the world. Russia has called new sanctions against Iran 
unacceptable and against international law. 
   From CUBA- There will be a conference next week in Washington DC calling for 
the removal of Cuba from the list of states that sponsor terrorism. Ecuador is 
creating a joint proposal calling for the democratization of the UN.    From 
RUSSIA- A commentary on the UN sponsored forum held to discuss methods of 
turning the Middle East into a nuclear free zone. Russia strongly condemned the 
sanctions that the US has placed against Iran.There is an article about the 
Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line 
-http://www.campusprogress.org/soundvision/780/big-stories-shortwaves  I was 
interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available 
at http://radio.mediageek.net 
  All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to 
rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in 
the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you 
just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- 
lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a 
high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow 
connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will 
play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, 
iTunes, etc) you have on your computer. NEW TIME SLOT on KZYX! This program 
will be aired on Sunday afternoon at 4pm (PDST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might 
be able to stream via  http://www.kzyx.org   There are several other streams 
that work better-  http://www.freakradio.org Freak Radio Santa Cruz  now 
streams this program on Friday at
 9:00am.(PDST)NEWLY CORRECTED!!!  The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a 
podcast from  feed://radio.indymedia.org/en/podcast?keys=shortwave++
I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I 
am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put 
into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations 
rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. 
You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No 
Guilt! (maybe a little) links for this week's edition-   
http://www.outfarpress.com/swr_11_25_11_128.mp3   (27 MB) HIGHEST QUALITY  
http://www.outfarpress.com/swr_11_25_11.mp3   (16MB) Broadcast Quality  
http://www.outfarpress.com/swr_11_25_11_24_22.mp3   (6MB) Slow Modem 
streamingWebsite Page-  http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml        
¡FurthuR!      Dan Roberts
--Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
– Rosa Luxemburg
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Order your WRTH 2011:
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Bogdan's latest LW-MW-SW logs

2009-10-18 Thread aurel chiochiu

Warm greetings to all of you !

A lots of things going on, some good, other bad... I haven't DXed in a 
while, except randomly, and while the propagation wasn't extra-good, it was 
nice to enjoy DXing with a friend who was astonished at how good Venezuela 
was received on the mediumwave AM broadcast band... I live with him 
nowadays, so I seldom have access to the Internet right now... That being 
said, I will still try to get in touch with you as often as possible !

Some topics of interest: Medi Un is stronger than ever on 9575 kHz SW, while 
LW 171 seems off. When the awful computer generated noise is off there is 
NOTHING on 171 kHz other than static... However, despite the crisis, 
Iceland-189 is often huge !

On MW, some snippets of TA audio here and there, mostly on 585, 594 and 1134 
but nothing compared to LW (which even that TA band is slightly below par), 
but most of the regular Latins are quite good... However, I badly miss a 
huge aurora - one that would take away all that awful IBOC hiss - all that 
unbearable hash !

As for the Aventure FM airchecks, I found some 99% music airchecks with the 
recording stopped while the jock is talking... It isn't really what I was 
looking for but it's better than nothing ! I haven't received them 
officially yet, but they lead toward mainly late 80s Dance Music from the 
pre-MaXXimum era !

Into the logs now:

Trans-Atlantic DX

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis OCT 16 0410 - discussing contemporary 
French litterature. Fair and improoving with transmitter site grayline dawn 
enhancement. (Chiochiu*P-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador (no) OCT - no reception of this station during 
the last couple of nights. However, on late afternoons, 9575 kHz SW has been 
fair to good, so apparently they increased power on SW while working on 
their LW transmitter ? (Chiochiu*P-QC / Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg AUG 6 0310 - playing Elle a les yeux 
revolver 1985 French variety classic by Marc Lavoine, then the man 
announcer talking about the birthday of this great singer ! Very good 
reception, one of the best showings of Europe 1 the past summer ! 

189 ICELAND   Rikisútvarpid, Gufuskalar OCT 16 0340 - playing some hard rock 
music selections done by a man in Icelandic. Poor-fair with static 
scratches; the only LW broadcaster audible then. (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC) +OCT 
18 0450 - playing some psychedelic classic rock with some Ruv Fur jingles 
interspersed in beetwen. At 0600 had a short IS followed by nx in Icelandic. 
Powerful signal, but disturbed by static scratches with the PK's Shielded 
Magnetic longwave loop on a SW-NE bearing ! SINPO 45252 (Chiochiu*P-QC)

198 ENGLAND   BBC Radio 4, Droitwich OCT 16 0407 - Very poor with talk in 
British accented English. Destroyed at home in Pierrefonds by an awful 
computer-like buzz ! (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

216 FRANCE   RMC Info, Romoules OCT 16 0425 - French soccer-related chatter. 
Good. SINPO 34454 (Chiochiu*P-QC)

234 LUXEMBOURG   RTL, Junglister / Beidweler OCT 16 0412 - French weather 
reports. Poor, but readable ! (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC) +OCT 18 0430 - two men 
discussing in French. Fair signal, but completly destroyed by a computer 
growl... Unlike the beacons who are using NEARBY frequencies, the COMPUTER 
GROWL WAS RIGHT ON 234 kHz. SINPO 31241 (Chiochiu*P-QC)

252 ALGERIA   Alger Chaîne 3, Tipaza OCT 16 0410 - Algerian weather repport. 
Briefly up at a poor-fair level with almost no QRM. (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC) 
+OCT 18 0440 - talking about the morning show going on until 9AM local time. 
Fair with a high pitched growl other than local UL 248 NDB QRM. SIO 322. 

585 SPAIN   Radio Nacional de España, Madrid OCT 6 0444 - Morning show 
announcement. Fair to nil with the Sanyo MCD-S830 analog dial tuned in 
between the 580 and 590 kHz domestics... Unfortunatly, during the upcoming 
days this one was unreadable ! It isn't as reliable as one might think... 
Adjacent channel semi-local CFRA dropping power from 50 kW days to 10 kW 
nights certainly helps ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

594 unID OCT 3 2207 - Man talking in unID language. Very weak, essentially a 
threshold signal. (Chiochiu*P-QC)

1134 CROATIA   Glas Hrvatska (600 kW), Zadar / SPAIN   COPE synchros (around 
10 kW) OCT 16 0410 - Man talking in Spanish mixed with Slavic talk. Poor in 
huge WBBR splatter. Best reception was on 1137 kHz in AM Wide mode, as on 
1136 kHz in AM Narrow mode the audio was too Low-Fi - hi ! 

1215 unID OCT 16 0415 - bits of very threshold audio. Unreadable ! 

9460 TURKEY   Voice of Turkey, Çakilar OCT 17 2149 - playing a wonderful 
dark-edged Turkish vocal Eurotrance track followed by a cheap Turkish pop. 
Good signal with some fading. SINPO 45543 - an overall of 4 or 3 over 5 
depending on a good but less than stellar signal and a good but less than 
stellar propagation mixed together, so SINPO 45543 ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

9575 MOROCCO   

[HCDX] the latest LW/MW DX logs in semi-auroral condx

2009-01-04 Thread aurel chiochiu
Season's greetings to all of you ! 

Make sure 2009 will make falling asleep more natural without the ever-present 
temptation of turning your radio on and of getting out of bed by pure curiosity 
during the last few seconds it takes to disconnect from the DXer friendly world 
! This resumes well what I did three nights ago. DXing, DXing and...again 
DXing, turning up and down both the LW and MW bands until around 5 o'clock when 
I couldn't stand any sound other than my own breath ! A new way to start 2009 
was to relog 1 or 2 seldom heard Latins during semi-auroral condx, while DXing 
wasn't really above-average, but promising, though promising in vain as tonight 
was extremely poor for both Latin MW and TA LW DX and the moderate CME didn't 
turned my Montreal area QTH into a concrete based house with concrete roof and 
a big window near the radio toward the south... Well, into the logs !...

Trans-Atlantic DX

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis JAN 2 0607 UTC - noted in passing with 
morning show in FF at a good level through moderate computer-like QRN. + JAN 3 
0628 - promo for Comment voyager... trip and adventure-related px - 
dimanche sur France Inter, then extensive traffic  weather reports, followed 
by a short newscast about a 6 months jail sentenced for a youngster who stoled 
a car, etc. Very good to fair. SINPO 45332 +JAN 3 0855 - w/ talk about the real 
value of life, then greetings to the sociologist who made the speech, extensive 
traffic and eather annc, time pips during the weather, then jingle leading to 
nx. (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador JAN 3 0355 UTC - at tune-in w/ a raï number 
followed by warm comments by the DJ who introduced, both in FF  AA, the latest 
track by HJ singer Juanes (which seems popular worldwide, even in my native 
Romania). SINPO 35343 with a fair signal and very minor high-pitched growl from 
a computer or from several computers in the neighborhood. The best LW broadcast 
signal this evening ! When this one, usually 9575 isn't propagated and 
vice-versa. 9575 is better during the greyline and 171 way before sunrise at 
the tx-site and way after sunset in Montreal, at least it seems to be that way 
according to my own observations. This is the only Moroccan that seems to be 
received in the Montreal area on LW. The target of Azilal 207 is always buried 
in NDB QRM; in fact, even marginary level audio wasn't heard (yet) from the 
Azilal RTM outlet on 207 kHz. Well... +JAN 3 0406 UTC - up to a very good peak 
right now (S5 over S7) playing a dance oriented raï vocal with exotic female 
voice Mon amour; only the chorus is in FF, the rest of the tune is in AA ! 
+JAN 3 0424 UTC - with a musical request toward two lovers with mention 
...Florent Pagny sur Medi Un, then the soft-rock MoR vocal Savoir aimer by 
Florent Pagny recorded again in duo with FF-Canadian singer Isabelle Boulay, 
then the DJ greeted a Casablanca listener who requested a Raï duo. Good ! With 
the CATV disconnected from upstairs, the only QRN consists of a slight 
high-pitched growl, instead of the unbearable buzz that hammered reception on 
this channel (and many others) just a few days ago ! This appears to be 
bilingual AA/FF px with musical request of mainly more or less upbeat 
FF/EE/SS/AA songs. +JAN 3 0452 UTC - almost completly lost due to tx-site 
sunrise, but still hanging on with trad. AA mx ! (Chiochiu-QC)

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg JAN 2 0345-0903+ UTC - ending the nighttime 
talk show talking about the helpful relationship between animals and criminals 
or autistic children (zootherapy). Then at 0400, Europe 1 Info begun with the 
announcement of some astonishing events, for exemple the burning of cars around 
the 31th of December with the burning rate being 30% higher than the past year 
(1147 cars were fired up ! according to the Europe 1 anncr.) and also some 
strange weather notes about the current temprature in the eastern suburbs of 
Paris which was -8C. Weird, as the Gulf Stream should make exceptionnal 
anything under 0 C, EVEN AT THIS time of the year ! Very good and still hanging 
on at a poor level at 0903 UTC (03:03 AM EST). This was the loudest broadcast 
signal on LW, while RUV-189 was apparently knocked out by the semi-auroral 
condx... Still surprised to get this as even regular MW TAs such as Spain-585 
were absent and Colombia-770 made several showings burrying the NYC powerhouse, 
WABC. +JAN 3 2355 -  Very strong w/ end of a talkshow about wife complaining 
that their husbands or boyfriends are too much into music (just like me!), then 
an ugly FF chansonnette leading to the end of the show, followed by nx, sx and 
wx, then Si vous devez nous écouter sur les Grandes Ondes, rendez-vous 
maintenant sur la FM closing annc of the Germany-183 tx, then Europe 1, 
Europe 1 singed jingle, then switched abruptly to dead air after the first 
tone of a coming song, then off the air for good leaving only a SLIGHT amount 
of powerlines-like noise... Seems 

[HCDX] Reply: Latest Recording 28/5: 1549.73 HJLT, Cali (Colombia)

2005-05-28 Thread malm-ecuador
Thanks Henrik!  WRTH is not updated for a long
time on this. I logged the station on it´s 2nd
harmonic already year 2001:

DXLD 1-019 February 11 2001: 
3100.46H, HJLT, Santiago de Cali (Colombia). Feb
2001 - 1100 UT. HJLT Radio Bohemia is listed.
Jingle: La radio de la gran Comisión. Harmonic
from MW 1550 kHz (2 x 1550.23). (Bjorn Malm DXLD

On the web site you found the name is clear:
.Emisora en AM 1550 KHZ  Revivir en Cristo
la radio de la Gran Comisión..

Comments, photos and recordings at:

73s Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador

Do You Yahoo!?
Información de Estados Unidos y América Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias.
Visítanos en http://noticias.espanol.yahoo.com
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World Radio TV Handbook 2005 is coming out. Preorder yours and support open 
communications for DXers:


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Re: Latest Recordings 23/3: 1549.97 R. Reloj, Calarcá (new?)

2005-03-23 Thread Henrik Klemetz

Mañanitas de Radio Reloj and ID
Radio Reloj 1550. At half and full hour ID with
QTH Calarcá. Anyone has information about this

   Yes, sure, if you refer to the WRTH 1995 edition, you will find 
Radio Reloj, Calarcá, listed on 1550 kHz.  Armenia, where Caracol Armenia is
located, is 5 km further to the west along the main road leading to Cali. 
(Henrik Klemetz)

---[Start Commercial]-

World Radio TV Handbook 2005 is coming out. Preorder yours and support open 
communications for DXers:


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Re: Latest Recording 13/3: What is this? 4949.96 I.D.L. Radio

2005-03-13 Thread Glenn Hauser

I`m not so sure the third letter is L, but the reference to the 15 February Ley
seems to refer to Peru, as this item was in Con Dig for Feb 19:


So likely R. Madre de Dios relaying something or with a new name.

73, Glenn Hauser

--- malm-ecuador [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quito 13/3 2005 
 *** Sunday edition: 
 *** Recording of 4949.96 I.D.L. Radio 
 Last night 0100 UTC I heard a station on 4949.96
 kHz where I never have logged a LA station
 before. The ID was I.D.L. Radio. The ID on my
 recording is very clear. 
 Now, what is this? I want you to tell me and if
 you have the answer please send me a mail.The
 answer will be published on next edition of
 Voces de América Latina together with another
 recording from the same occasion. 
 Comments, photos and recordings at:
 73s Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador

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World Radio TV Handbook 2005 is coming out. Preorder yours and support open 
communications for DXers:


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] WRTH latest Winter updates file now available for download.

2005-03-07 Thread International Editor - WRTH
For all our readers,
An update file for WRTH 2005 is now available for download at the WRTH web 
The file is pdf document and you will require the free adobe acrobat reader 
5 or above to read it.
Please follow the simple instructions on site to download.
This file contains the latest International broadcaster updates, schedule 
changes and new stations for the winter (B04) season. The file is just over 
100k so won't take too long to download.
New/changed entries are marked in RED so they are easy to identify.

Sean D. Gilbert G4UCJ/G4001SWL

International Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)

Fax: +44 (0) 709 2332287
WRTH Web site: 
G4UCJ's Radio Website: 

WRTH - THE Directory of Global Broadcasting

WRTH2005 is now available - 688 pages (80 in full colour) visit 
www.wrth.com to order yours

---[Start Commercial]-

World Radio TV Handbook 2005 is coming out. Preorder yours and support open 
communications for DXers:


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] RE: Latest Recordings 25 Okt.: 2640.04 unID Peru

2004-10-25 Thread Henrik Klemetz
Hi Björn: Sounds like Radio Regional, don´t you think?
Henrik Klemetz

-Original Message-
From: malm-ecuador [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: den 25 oktober 2004 18:31
Subject: Latest Recordings 25 Okt.: 2640.04 unID Peru

Quito 25/10 2004

*** Monday Edition:
*** Recording of unID Peru 2640.04 kHz

Please listen to the ID on my recording and tell
me your opinion. 

Comments and Recordings at:

73s Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador

Do You Yahoo!?
Información de Estados Unidos y América Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias.
Visítanos en http://noticias.espanol.yahoo.com

---[Start Commercial]-

World Radio TV Handbook 2005 is coming out. Preorder yours and support open 
communications for DXers:


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt