[Hardhats-members] Meeting report?

2004-10-18 Thread Ignacio Valdes
Hello all, I will be unable to attend the community meeting. Could 
someone please take notes and post them to Linux Medical News about 
the goings on? Thanks!

-- IV
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Will CPRS run on Linux with WINE?

2004-10-18 Thread Nancy E. Anthracite
Kevin, I kid you not.  This has been tried multiple times, not just by little 
ole me, but by sophisticated sorts.  I keep hoping the new releases will 
work, but so far, no.  I have also tried Crossover Office, and WineX.  
Win4Lin I have not tried, but I have been told it works.

On Monday 18 October 2004 09:29 pm, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I hear what both of you are saying, but has someone
> actually TRIED IT?  CPRS will work fine with win 98
> code.  And Nancy, there is a big cost for a commercial
> evaluation re CPRS, but there is no charge for someone
> downloading the code and just trying to get it to run
> themselves.
> I have a lot of irons in the fire right now.  Is
> anyone interested in installing WINE and giving it a
> whirl?
> Thanks
> Kevin
> --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My experience with Wine and Winsock is that if the
> > problem is with
> > Winsock, don't use Wine.  The native Winsock and
> > WSock32 dlls do not
> > work with Wine.  Also, the builtin Winsock dlls do
> > not work very well in
> > anything except Win98 mode.  I made an incorrect
> > assumption that
> > TransGaming (a variant of Wine) worked better.  I
> > have been told that it
> > doesn't.
> >  -Shaun
> >
> > Nancy E. Anthracite wrote:
> > >Oh yes, we have.  It has been tried fairly recently
> >
> > as well.  Codeweavers
> >
> > >would be happy to evaluate what it will cost to
> >
> > make it run for $2500.  But
> >
> > >with a java based replacement on the way, hopefully
> >
> > next year, I am not sure
> >
> > >it is worth it, but I'll still throw in $50 if you
> >
> > want to work on that
> >
> > >$2500.
> > >
> > >On Monday 18 October 2004 07:13 pm, Kevin
> >
> > Toppenberg wrote:
> > >>Has anyone tried to get CPRS to run under linux
> >
> > with
> >
> > >>WINE?  I have not played with WINE, but I have
> >
> > come
> >
> > >>across some articles that make it seem powerful.
> >
> > I
> >
> > >>think the key factor would be the winsock code
> >
> > that
> >
> > >>will be heart of CPRS connectivity.  I don't know
> >
> > if
> >
> > >>WINE has that part of windows implementated
> >
> > I
> >
> > >>read that WINE can use native windows .dll's, so
> >
> > may
> >
> > >>that could get it working.
> > >>
> > >>Has anyone tried this?
> > >>
> > >>Thanks
> > >>Kevin
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>___
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> >>
> > >>___
> > >>Hardhats-members mailing list
> >>
> >>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/hardhats-members
> ---
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> > on ITManagersJournal
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> ___
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Nancy Anthracite

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Fwd: Text of Article from Modern Physician

2004-10-18 Thread Joseph Conn

Re: market size
According to an AMA survey from 2001, 33% of what it calls 
"patient care physicians" are in solo practice, another 11% are in practice in 
two-physician offices, 8.5% in three-physician offices. These exclude 
government and military docs.  That 52.5% is in practices so small most EMR 
vendors I've spoken with don't want to bother with them because the sales costs 
excede the returns. 
The vendors' interests might change some if an 
Oklahoma gold rush mentality develops to get an EMR, and say a salesman's 
batting average rises to one hit for every three times up to bat, as opposed to 
one hit in 10, but while physicians are much more receptive to the idea of 
buying an EMR today than just four years ago, price is still the No. 1 
barrier to EMR purchase, as cited by the recent MGMA survey and the Modern 
Physician IT survey last year. 
The AMA says there is no direct number of "patient care 
physicians" to multiply these percentages against, because they are for a 
sample, not a total count, but that said, there are about 514,016 docs in what 
the AMA calls "office-based physicians in patient care,"which is not exactly the 
same as patient care physicians, I'm told, but it is probably close enough for 
handgrenades and this estimate. 
So, doing the math, that's  171,167 in solo 
practice, 57,570 in dual-practice, 43,691 in trio-practice, and 272,428 in those 
three combined. That's the market that's being underserved right now and 
where EMR penetration rates are lowest (10%) according to the latest MGMA 
Joseph ConnOnline EditorModern 
PhysicianModernPhysician.comModern Physician STATHeatlh IT 
Strategist312-649-5395[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check out the NEW ModernPhysician.com, and register now for MP 
Stat and MP Point of Care>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
10/15/04 01:07PM >>>May I suggest shifting the frame of reference 
to the global contextwhich is where open source really matters. In this 
context the numbersof potential adopters for VistA, whether for clinics or 
hospitalsbecomes staggering. Not one of any of the current vendors of any 
systemhas the capacity or business model to ramp up the way a well 
designedopen source application with an effective community behind it 
can.VistA is a classic example of a disruptive technology...stay tuned 
weare just at the beginning of the ride.JosephOn 
Fri, 2004-10-15 at 17:03, Michael Ginsburg wrote:> Bill,>  
> Let's not confuse ourselves. As far as I know, there are no 
commercial> vendors planning to release their products as Open Source or 
to put> them in the public domain. If I'm wrong, please let us know! If 
I'm> right, than the VistA community, regardless of the actual number, 
is> larger than a non-existent (fill in the blank) community. So 
worrying> about something that doesn't exist isn't going to help 
us.>  > Having said that, the size of the VistA community 
will be important as> we move forward. It's the law of Small Numbers. 1% 
market penetration> is 4000! That's a lot of potential customers for any 
business. These> are customers that will need help implementing their 
systems, training> their users and fixing problems when they arise. They 
will also be> constantly demanding upgrades and improvements. Figuring 
out how to> provide all that to the same standard set by the best 
non-VistA> vendors is the challenge for the VistA community. And I say 
community> because references and credibility are the keys to product 
acceptance.> If a VistA site crashes and burns it will reflect badly and 
impede the> efforts of everyone.  You are right, the community needs 
to get> serious.>  > As for documentation, I can 
assure you that VistA-Office EHR will be a> high quality product in all 
respects, including good documentation. As> for M, I see that as being a 
big plus since it's the only technology> that I know of that is 
purpose-built to handle medical information.>  > But that's 
just my opinion.>  > Mike> > >>> 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/15/2004 4:17:15 PM  > Hi 
Michael,> - Original 
Message - > From: 
Michael Ginsburg> To: 
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 1:18 
PM> Subject: Re: 
[Hardhats-members] Fwd: Text of Article 
from> Modern 
> In my opinion, (and, as 
always, I speak only for myself) 
I> would agree that in a 
head to head competition with 
"Open> Logician" that 
VistA-Office EHR would lose. That is if all 
you> were comparing was 
functionality. As a system for 
the> physician's office, 
Logician is a more mature offering, 
no> question. 
VistA-Office EHR is only in the embryonic stage. 
> However, if you were to 
compare them in "open 
source"> market and all 
that implies and entails, VistA-Office 
EHR> would be the clear 
winner. To the best of my 
knowledge,> Logician does 
not have a rabid (and I mean that only in 

Re: [Hardhats-members] What to do on Wednesday

2004-10-18 Thread Steve Wagner
Check this out (directions to Oleen):
Steve Wagner
On Oct 18, 2004, at 2:38 PM, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
I will be driving from TN up to Greenbelt Tuesday
night.  My original intent was to attend the
VistA-Office meeting on Wednesday.  But when I look at
the notice on the CMS website, it seems that the
targeted audience is vendors, and drumming up support
for VistA.
Is anyone attending the VistA office meeting?  If not,
should I be the token member from the WorldVistA
community to attent?
On the other hand, if I attend the GT.M acculturation
workshop, can someone tell me more specifically, where
it is located?  If I have an address, I could use

You need to come to the GT.M acculturation workshop
at the offices of Oleen in Silver Spring at 9am on
Wednesday, October 20!

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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] What to do on Wednesday

2004-10-18 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
I will be driving from TN up to Greenbelt Tuesday
night.  My original intent was to attend the
VistA-Office meeting on Wednesday.  But when I look at
the notice on the CMS website, it seems that the
targeted audience is vendors, and drumming up support
for VistA.

Is anyone attending the VistA office meeting?  If not,
should I be the token member from the WorldVistA
community to attent?

On the other hand, if I attend the GT.M acculturation
workshop, can someone tell me more specifically, where
it is located?  If I have an address, I could use



>You need to come to the GT.M acculturation workshop 
>at the offices of Oleen in Silver Spring at 9am on 
>Wednesday, October 20!

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Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Will CPRS run on Linux with WINE?

2004-10-18 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
I hear what both of you are saying, but has someone
actually TRIED IT?  CPRS will work fine with win 98
code.  And Nancy, there is a big cost for a commercial
evaluation re CPRS, but there is no charge for someone
downloading the code and just trying to get it to run

I have a lot of irons in the fire right now.  Is
anyone interested in installing WINE and giving it a


--- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My experience with Wine and Winsock is that if the
> problem is with 
> Winsock, don't use Wine.  The native Winsock and
> WSock32 dlls do not 
> work with Wine.  Also, the builtin Winsock dlls do
> not work very well in 
> anything except Win98 mode.  I made an incorrect
> assumption that 
> TransGaming (a variant of Wine) worked better.  I
> have been told that it 
> doesn't.
>  -Shaun
> Nancy E. Anthracite wrote:
> >Oh yes, we have.  It has been tried fairly recently
> as well.  Codeweavers 
> >would be happy to evaluate what it will cost to
> make it run for $2500.  But 
> >with a java based replacement on the way, hopefully
> next year, I am not sure 
> >it is worth it, but I'll still throw in $50 if you
> want to work on that 
> >$2500.
> >
> >On Monday 18 October 2004 07:13 pm, Kevin
> Toppenberg wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Has anyone tried to get CPRS to run under linux
> with
> >>WINE?  I have not played with WINE, but I have
> come
> >>across some articles that make it seem powerful. 
> I
> >>think the key factor would be the winsock code
> that
> >>will be heart of CPRS connectivity.  I don't know
> if
> >>WINE has that part of windows implementated  
> I
> >>read that WINE can use native windows .dll's, so
> may
> >>that could get it working.
> >>
> >>Has anyone tried this?
> >>
> >>Thanks
> >>Kevin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>___
> >>Do you Yahoo!?
> >>Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!
> >>http://vote.yahoo.com
> >>
> >>
> >>This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product
> Guide on ITManagersJournal
> >>Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you
> think of them. Give us
> >>Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift
> Certificates! Click to find out more
> >>___
> >>Hardhats-members mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  
> >
> This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide
> on ITManagersJournal
> Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you
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> Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates!
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Will CPRS run on Linux with WINE?

2004-10-18 Thread CS Wagner
My experience with Wine and Winsock is that if the problem is with 
Winsock, don't use Wine.  The native Winsock and WSock32 dlls do not 
work with Wine.  Also, the builtin Winsock dlls do not work very well in 
anything except Win98 mode.  I made an incorrect assumption that 
TransGaming (a variant of Wine) worked better.  I have been told that it 

Nancy E. Anthracite wrote:
Oh yes, we have.  It has been tried fairly recently as well.  Codeweavers 
would be happy to evaluate what it will cost to make it run for $2500.  But 
with a java based replacement on the way, hopefully next year, I am not sure 
it is worth it, but I'll still throw in $50 if you want to work on that 

On Monday 18 October 2004 07:13 pm, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:

Has anyone tried to get CPRS to run under linux with
WINE?  I have not played with WINE, but I have come
across some articles that make it seem powerful.  I
think the key factor would be the winsock code that
will be heart of CPRS connectivity.  I don't know if
WINE has that part of windows implementated   I
read that WINE can use native windows .dll's, so may
that could get it working.
Has anyone tried this?

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Hardhats-members mailing list


This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Will CPRS run on Linux with WINE?

2004-10-18 Thread Nancy E. Anthracite
Oh yes, we have.  It has been tried fairly recently as well.  Codeweavers 
would be happy to evaluate what it will cost to make it run for $2500.  But 
with a java based replacement on the way, hopefully next year, I am not sure 
it is worth it, but I'll still throw in $50 if you want to work on that 

On Monday 18 October 2004 07:13 pm, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Has anyone tried to get CPRS to run under linux with
> WINE?  I have not played with WINE, but I have come
> across some articles that make it seem powerful.  I
> think the key factor would be the winsock code that
> will be heart of CPRS connectivity.  I don't know if
> WINE has that part of windows implementated   I
> read that WINE can use native windows .dll's, so may
> that could get it working.
> Has anyone tried this?
> Thanks
> Kevin
> ___
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> This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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> ___
> Hardhats-members mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/hardhats-members

Nancy Anthracite

This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] Will CPRS run on Linux with WINE?

2004-10-18 Thread Kevin Toppenberg
Has anyone tried to get CPRS to run under linux with
WINE?  I have not played with WINE, but I have come
across some articles that make it seem powerful.  I
think the key factor would be the winsock code that
will be heart of CPRS connectivity.  I don't know if
WINE has that part of windows implementated   I
read that WINE can use native windows .dll's, so may
that could get it working.

Has anyone tried this?


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Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS Delphi version?

2004-10-18 Thread Kevin Toppenberg


I think you have to have Delphi 4, 5, or 6
**PROFESSIONAL** in order to achieve compile. If you
are going to be at the world vista conference, we can
talk about where to get a disk.


--- Bill Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anybody know what (minimum) version of Delphi
> is required to accurately compile CPRS?  
> Also, what is it, if anything, that's specific to
> Delphi in the VistA-side code for CPRS?
> Thanks,
> Bill

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

2004-10-18 Thread Maury Pepper
- Original Message - 
From: "Gordon Moreshead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

> Is there any kind of schedule printed for when and where the sessions are to
> be held?
> Gordon

I'll be posting a draft agenda shortly.  I hope to have it revised before tomorrow.

This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

2004-10-18 Thread Gordon Moreshead
Is there any kind of schedule printed for when and where the sessions are to
be held?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Beron,
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

Tom, please see
rm.html  if you have not registered. Hotel information is

The 2 hour Training Session Topics have not been updated from last call.
Currently they include:
*   Essential VistA APIs, presented by Rick Marshall
*   VistA Coding Techniques,  presented by Rick Marshall
*   CPRS Demo & Overview, presented by Ross Flecher/Joseph Dal Molin
*   VistA Business & Project Management, presented by Claudine Beron
*   Web Interface for VistA presented by Bob Miller
*   Train the Trainer for Vista, presented by Rodney Kay (projector
*   Learning about OpenForum and VistA, presented by David Whitten
(Internet needed)
*   Unification of Code Base among EHRs, presented by Rick
Marshall/Maury Pepper (1 hr)
*   Discussion about VistA Software Allliance, presented by Barbara
Boykin (new 10/8)

There will also be panel discussion which include:
*   Systems & Capacity Management
*   OpenSource and VistA (Workshop/Panel)
*   VistA Software Lifecycle
*   Configuring VistA to support GTM/Cache
*   Requirements of Collaborative SW (new 10/8)

WorldVistA Organization -- Subjects for discussion will include:
*   Continued work on Organization Plan
*   Code of Conduct
*   International component
*   Transition Planning
*   Planning for 2005 Conferences
*   Coordination with VSA and other groups  

Special Sessions -- Current sessions include:
*   Vista International Day Forum (see below) Oct 20th
*   VistA History, presented by Marty Johnson
*   CMS (TBD)

Information on the VistA Community Meeting can be found at the
WorldVistA website at
Action Item1: Anyone interested in participating in the Oct 21-24
meeting, please register at:
Action Item2: Room sharing - call for anyone who lives in the DC area
and willing to house someone during the conference. WorldVistA provides
a Yahoo groups page for discussion.  See

Claudine Beron, PMP
Project Manager
HP Services

301-918-5610 Phone
703-599-1203 Cell
301-918-5527 Fax

PLEASE NOTE: This e-mail message may contain confidential and privileged
material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not
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this communication in error, please contact me immediately by e-mail or
by telephone at (301)918-5610 and delete the original message and any
copies. Thank you.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 12:16 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

This is Tom Munnecke, hopefully joining the right list with the right
email address...

I will be coming to the OpenVistA meeting most of Weds and thru noon on
Thursday, and would like to reconnect with as many of the old gang as

I'm exploring a little to see what I might be able to do to help the

a quick update on what I'm doing: I'm officially retired from SAIC now,
having drifted off from health care into philanthropy over the past few
years.  I started a group called GivingSpace
(www.givingspace.org) to look at innovative uses of the Internet for
philanthropic and humanitarian activities. I took a fellowship at
Stanford's Digital Visions Program, and am now active in the Omidyar
Network (www.omidyar.net/home) started by eBay founder and
philanthropist Pierre Omidyar (www.givingspace.org/omidyar.htm).

I's still not sure what i want to do when I grow up, but I'm interested
in getting a feel for where OpenVistA is, and where it might go.

two quick questions: 

1.  where is the best place to get a room?
2.  Can I just install the whole system on a 1 gb USB memory module?

Tom Munnecke
(858) 756 4218

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RE: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

2004-10-18 Thread Beron, Claudine
Tom, please see
rm.html  if you have not registered. Hotel information is

The 2 hour Training Session Topics have not been updated from last call.
Currently they include:
*   Essential VistA APIs, presented by Rick Marshall
*   VistA Coding Techniques,  presented by Rick Marshall
*   CPRS Demo & Overview, presented by Ross Flecher/Joseph Dal Molin
*   VistA Business & Project Management, presented by Claudine Beron
*   Web Interface for VistA presented by Bob Miller
*   Train the Trainer for Vista, presented by Rodney Kay (projector
*   Learning about OpenForum and VistA, presented by David Whitten
(Internet needed)
*   Unification of Code Base among EHRs, presented by Rick
Marshall/Maury Pepper (1 hr)
*   Discussion about VistA Software Allliance, presented by Barbara
Boykin (new 10/8)

There will also be panel discussion which include:
*   Systems & Capacity Management
*   OpenSource and VistA (Workshop/Panel)
*   VistA Software Lifecycle
*   Configuring VistA to support GTM/Cache
*   Requirements of Collaborative SW (new 10/8)

WorldVistA Organization -- Subjects for discussion will include:
*   Continued work on Organization Plan
*   Code of Conduct
*   International component
*   Transition Planning
*   Planning for 2005 Conferences
*   Coordination with VSA and other groups  

Special Sessions -- Current sessions include:
*   Vista International Day Forum (see below) Oct 20th
*   VistA History, presented by Marty Johnson
*   CMS (TBD)

Information on the VistA Community Meeting can be found at the
WorldVistA website at
Action Item1: Anyone interested in participating in the Oct 21-24
meeting, please register at:
Action Item2: Room sharing - call for anyone who lives in the DC area
and willing to house someone during the conference. WorldVistA provides
a Yahoo groups page for discussion.  See

Claudine Beron, PMP
Project Manager
HP Services

301-918-5610 Phone
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-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 12:16 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

This is Tom Munnecke, hopefully joining the right list with the right
email address...

I will be coming to the OpenVistA meeting most of Weds and thru noon on
Thursday, and would like to reconnect with as many of the old gang as

I'm exploring a little to see what I might be able to do to help the

a quick update on what I'm doing: I'm officially retired from SAIC now,
having drifted off from health care into philanthropy over the past few
years.  I started a group called GivingSpace
(www.givingspace.org) to look at innovative uses of the Internet for
philanthropic and humanitarian activities. I took a fellowship at
Stanford's Digital Visions Program, and am now active in the Omidyar
Network (www.omidyar.net/home) started by eBay founder and
philanthropist Pierre Omidyar (www.givingspace.org/omidyar.htm).

I's still not sure what i want to do when I grow up, but I'm interested
in getting a feel for where OpenVistA is, and where it might go.

two quick questions: 

1.  where is the best place to get a room?
2.  Can I just install the whole system on a 1 gb USB memory module?

Tom Munnecke
(858) 756 4218

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Hardhats-members mailing list

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Re: [Hardhats-members] hello from the past

2004-10-18 Thread K.S. Bhaskar
On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 12:15, Tom Munnecke wrote:

[KSB] <...snip...>

> 2.  Can I just install the whole system on a 1 gb USB memory module?

Yes you can.  Let's discuss options in Greenbelt.

-- Bhaskar

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Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] hello from the past

2004-10-18 Thread Tom Munnecke
This is Tom Munnecke, hopefully joining the right list with the right
email address...

I will be coming to the OpenVistA meeting most of Weds and thru noon
on Thursday, and would like to reconnect with as many of the old gang
as possible.

I'm exploring a little to see what I might be able to do to help the cause...

a quick update on what I'm doing: I'm officially retired from SAIC
now, having drifted off from health care into philanthropy over the
past few years.  I started a group called GivingSpace
(www.givingspace.org) to look at innovative uses of the Internet for
philanthropic and humanitarian activities. I took a fellowship at
Stanford's Digital Visions Program, and am now active in the Omidyar
Network (www.omidyar.net/home) started by eBay founder and
philanthropist Pierre Omidyar (www.givingspace.org/omidyar.htm).

I's still not sure what i want to do when I grow up, but I'm
interested in getting a feel for where OpenVistA is, and where it
might go.

two quick questions: 

1.  where is the best place to get a room?
2.  Can I just install the whole system on a 1 gb USB memory module?

Tom Munnecke
(858) 756 4218

This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more
Hardhats-members mailing list