Re: [H] AGP video upgrade

2007-12-02 Thread j maccraw
So true! Ever since like Catalyst 7.6+ they have been
fracking the AGP users and 
to a lesser extent the non-HD series PCIe users!

Still loving my X850XT AGP with older drivers but am
in the process of aquiring 
parts for a new Intel system  will likely not buy ATI
even if I go X38 chipset. 
No SLI for X38 because nvidia are being lamers not
letting their driver do SLI 
on it but who can resist the 8800GT when the price

Winterlight wrote:
 At 05:44 PM 11/27/2007, you wrote:
 I think you can find an ati 2900 that's agp, I'd
have to check.
 Thing is I am sink of ATI drivers and problems. I
have been using ATI 
 video and TV stuff for about five years now, and I
am not happy.


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Re: [H] How do you turn off connection actions in XP?

2007-12-02 Thread j maccraw
I think you need to kill Auto Insertion Notification
(AIN) also.

Brian Weeden wrote:
 Already tried that the last 10 times it has
connected.  Still pops up
 both windows :(
 On Nov 26, 2007 7:01 PM, Bobby Heid
 Off of the top of my head, I think that you click
on the always do this
 checkbox and then select no action from the list.
 Or something like that.


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Re: [H] Links to MWOven TS?

2007-12-02 Thread j maccraw
Someone say Reefer? LOL

Yes, I know there is also a meaning for this context!

DHSinclair wrote:
 Thanks Rick,
 This one did float thru my brain !
 I am going to try this one also, after I move the
MWO to
 the other side of the reefer. If that doesn't do it,
I'll try the
 extension cord business. Great idea. Thanks.
 Yes, I do suspect the phone line is in the wall
parallel to
 the AC wiring to the MWO.  The previous owner did
 have a computer.  He did dishwashers and reefers to
 the lady happy!
 At 09:27 11/30/2007 -0500, you wrote:
 I just thought of a nutty idea...
 Plug the MW into a heavy extension cord run
 to a different room of the house...
 Maybe the phone lines run next to the power
 line that feeds the MW...


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Re: [H] X-Box 360 questions...

2007-12-02 Thread j maccraw
XB 360 = 1 in 3 failure rate. There are cheaper ways
to destroy media LOL!

WII on the other hand looks cool, cheaper, has a few
good titles  inovative 

PS what? They still make those? ;)

Christopher Fisk wrote:
 On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Veech wrote:
 I'm researching getting the kids an XBox 360 for
Christmas. Is the 
 XBox 360 Premium worth the extra bucks? Any pros or
cons to XBox vs 
 other platforms such as PlayStation 2?  They want
Guitar Hero, is XBox 
 the best - or only - platform to buy for this game?

 Finally, is there a way to get any deals or is it

 Thanks for any info...
 Guitar Hero 3 is available for PS2, PS3, Wii and
XBox360.  Go with 
 whichever one offers the other features you want.


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Re: [H] Video Card Question

2007-12-02 Thread j maccraw
Agreed on Sapphire's RMA being no sweat, good company.

HD3850 Best bang compared to 8800GT when they hit $200
in a few weeks??? News to me!

zaske wrote:
 James Maki wrote:
 I've owned several Sapphire cards and even had a
Radeon 9600XT go out on 
 me. Sapphire gave me an RMA no questions of warranty
and sent out a 
 replacement within a couple weeks. Highly
recommended! I hope you'll 
 support AMD because as we all know without their
competition we'd still 
 be barely past the era of the PIII and prices would
be astronomical as 
 well. You should read some reviews on the new AMD
3850's as they are 
 currently the best bang for the buck @ an
inexpensive $180. It's really 
 not that much more expensive than the others you're
looking @ and would 
 future proof you for a couple more years.


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Re: [H] QX9650 Phenom 9500 thoughts

2007-12-02 Thread j maccraw
Got a heads up on what's good in X38 boards that are
DDR2? Frackers are damn 
expensive at over $250, never mind the $300+ ones, so
I want to choose right.

Was going to try  track down the disco'd GA-680i-DQ6
until I read the bad press 
on 680i's SATA problems from last year combined with
trouble now on newer CPU's. 
  Of course loosing SLI option in the process, but no
likely to use it anyway.

Intend on getting a Q6550 CPU since it's good for what
I can afford.

Chris Reeves wrote:
 Ok, we're in the middle of like the Christmas push
here so all the QX9650s
 are going out the door.  Just some thoughts:
 . People on Nvidia 680i boards: you're totally
f*(*.  It doesn't work.
 Hell, it barely posts.  But, like the Q6600, it just
sticks at multiplier 6
 when it does post.. and that's not often. 
Humorously, the Intel
 965/Q33/P35/X38 all get it.  (The Intel 975 does
not..).  So, if you
 invested heavy in a 680i board and SLI.. you're
hosed until the 780i, which
 isn't until the 17th. 
 . The performance is SICK.  Forget the fact that
it's the same speed as the
 QX6850.. the thing runs damn near cold.  Using an
Artic Pro 7 fan, the
 processor easily sticks under 30C.. that's pretty
 * Team it up with an X38 P5E3-WiFi, and you get
5.9's down the board in
 Vista.. not bad.
 * DDR3 is still incredibly expensive compared to
DDR2, and you really don't
 want DDR3-1066, you want DDR3-1333.  
 * Sticking with your 680i?  Wolfdale 2 core out in


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