Re: [H] Nero Burning ROM and interrupts.

2007-01-17 Thread Julian Hale
At 07:25 AM 1/15/2007, you wrote:

>I had used Nero Vision to create a DVD (written to the HD).  This way, I could 
>use Nero Burning ROM (NBR) to write the data to DVD at my leisure.
>Anyway, my system seemed sluggish while using NBR to burn the DVD to disk.  I 
>am using the DVD-Video DVD type in NBR.  So, I get looking around and hardware 
>interrupts are using 40-50% of my CPU time.  Since I have a HT CPU, it is 
>probably close to 100% in reality.
>Has anyone else seen this?  Should I be burning the DVD in a different way? 

Sounds like DMA is no longer enabled...


Re: [H] OK, is something going around (spam)

2006-11-17 Thread Julian Hale
At 03:39 AM 11/16/2006, you wrote:
>Suddently, I've got a few clients who are getting tons (I mean hundreds a day) 
>of emails that read:
>Hi it's 
>And then a message purporting to sell stock.  They all seem to originate from 
>randomized IPs.  WTF is the deal?  :)

It sounds like a pump-and-dump scam.  They promote the hell out of a penny 
stock they already bought in to, promote the hell out of it, and sell somewhere 
close to the peak.


Re: [H] Cell phone records

2006-10-09 Thread Julian Hale
At 12:46 PM 10/9/2006, you wrote:
>Actually, she thinks I'm ugly.  After we met, instead of just walking away, 
>she decided to drive the point home in a very devious manner, posing as if she 
>wanted a relationship to lead me on, I guess.  However, when I broke things 
>off, she decided to reveal her vile plan. Frankly, my the only reason I can 
>see why she did this was for her own (and those she works with) enjoyment.  
>This would make such a great the TV talk show story.  Of course, I'm not going 
>to reveal any real personal details here.  She claims to have hacked into my 
>e-mail accounts, called past girlfriends, obtain personal phone records, and 
>more.  Most of it could be lies, though, because she hadn't feed me back 
>anything I didn't tell her.

Holy crap, she is a nut.  IMO, she was mad at you for breaking it off.  She 
said all those things in order to try to make herself look/feel better.  Stay 
away, far, far away, she's no good at all.  She may even force you to file a 
restraining order against her...


Re: [H] Cell phone records

2006-10-09 Thread Julian Hale
At 07:23 PM 10/8/2006, you wrote:
>Nope.  one thing: she works in law enforcement.

Any chance she thought you were cute?  There have been many, many instances of 
law enforcement abusing their ability to access "private" information for the 
purpose of getting a date.  Some of these freaks have also been known to harass 
their "target" when they were told "no thanks".


Re: [H] One giant blunder for mankind: how NASA lost moon pictures

2006-08-10 Thread Julian Hale
At 09:42 AM 8/10/2006, you wrote:
>One giant blunder for mankind: how NASA lost moon pictures
>HE heart-stopping moments when Neil Armstrong took his first tentative steps 
>onto another world are defining images of the 20th century: grainy, fuzzy, 
>But just 37 years after Apollo 11, it is feared the magnetic tapes that 
>recorded the first moon walk - beamed to the world via three tracking 
>stations, including Parkes's famous "Dish" - have gone missing at NASA's 
>Goddard Space Centre in Maryland.

This should get the conspiracy theory buffs going again ;) 

Re: [H] Ooh....

2006-07-07 Thread Julian Hale
At 06:52 AM 7/7/2006, you wrote:

And you might be able to get it for as little as $100 after rebate:

Re: [H] Tricky one: GWBasic under.. anything..

2006-06-01 Thread Julian Hale
What about VMWare running DOS?  That *should* work, although so should the 
other options.


At 07:15 AM 6/1/2006, you wrote:
>Ok, I have a client that is a hotel.  They have their entire accounting 
>software package written in 1992 in GW Basic.  Because it was written by the 
>person who owns the hotel, they refuse to switch.  Up until now, they have 
>been "dual booting" between Windows98 and their software.  We would like to 
>change that. 
>So, I made an image of their HDD, and put it in virtualPC, and DOSBox, etc... 
>but their program never shows anything to the screen no matter what we try.. 
>Do I just need to give up and setup dual boot?

Re: [H] S-Video Switch

2006-05-07 Thread Julian Hale
At 10:24 AM 5/7/2006, you wrote:
>At 01:13 PM 5/6/2006, you wrote:
>>I need replace my S-Video switch and I am having a hard time finding one I 
>>I need 4 inputs = S video with two RCA audio, and at least TWO outputs, three 
>>would be great. I also would like to have the output amplified, which is what 
>>I have now.
>>I would pay more money if it also had component cable support.
>>Everything I find I either don't like how it looks or it doesn't meet all my 
>>requirements anybody know where I can find what I need?
>Try rat shack... My mother-in-law has a 5 in, 2 out autoswitch w/ s-video, 
>that she paid something like $20-$30 for.  It works well, and has fine screen 

Sorry, I didn't notice you were looking for something with an amplified output. 
 You could always try the rat shack model, and see if it actually meets your 
needs.  I was surprised that the picture quality through the switch was just as 
good as when hooked directly to the TV.


Re: [H] S-Video Switch

2006-05-07 Thread Julian Hale
At 01:13 PM 5/6/2006, you wrote:
>I need replace my S-Video switch and I am having a hard time finding one I 
>I need 4 inputs = S video with two RCA audio, and at least TWO outputs, three 
>would be great. I also would like to have the output amplified, which is what 
>I have now.
>I would pay more money if it also had component cable support.
>Everything I find I either don't like how it looks or it doesn't meet all my 
>requirements anybody know where I can find what I need?

Try rat shack... My mother-in-law has a 5 in, 2 out autoswitch w/ s-video, that 
she paid something like $20-$30 for.  It works well, and has fine screen 


Re: [H] Regurgitation on the list?

2006-04-12 Thread Julian Hale
Sorry about that... I think I've got one of those 24 hour email viruses.  Do 
you need a towel?


At 06:29 PM 4/12/2006, Chris Reeves wrote:
>Anyone else seemingly getting repeats of days old emails from HWL?

Re: [H] Failure Cars Standard with Wings was....

2006-03-07 Thread Julian Hale
At 12:00 PM 3/7/2006, Greg Sevart wrote:
>Long-term unemployment decreased as of the most recently reported figures, 
>labor force participation is up (though down, for obvious reasons, since 
>Katrina) year-over-year, unemployment in general is down to 4.7% (from a peak 
>of 6.3% in June of 2003), and GDP has been positive for the last 17 quarters. 
>Are all indicators pretty? No. But things aren't as bad now as they were a 
>couple years ago.

Uh, yeah... those numbers are made up.  If you calculated GDP, CPI, and 
unemployment the way they were in the 80s, the numbers are a *lot* less 
favorable.  It's like "1984"... 2,000,000 razors were produced this year.  Do 
you have one I can borrow?


Re: [H] Failure Cars Standard with Wings was....

2006-03-07 Thread Julian Hale
At 05:55 PM 3/5/2006, you wrote:
>Contrary to popular opinion, neither the political party in power
>nor the president has much control over the general US economy.
>Economic cycles wax and wane, based on many factors so
>complex that no one can forecast them with any assurance.
>Gary VanderMolen

Well, yes and no.  The Fed created the tech bubble(easy money policy), and not 
long after it popped, the recession started.  Any gains in the stock market 
currently are the result of inflation, and the DOW is at 1998 levels, once 
adjusted for inflation.  After 9/11, the fed loosened up the money supply to 
prevent a more severe shock to the economy, which created the housing 
bubble(really easy money policy).  The government is borrowing and spending 
like crazy, and the fed is enabling them.  The only thing keeping this whole 
mess afloat is the willingness of foreigners to lend money to the US, which 
likely won't last much longer.  With the Yen Carry Trade coming to an end, that 
will mean a lot less purchasing of treasury bills, which drastically reduces 
the ability of the government to borrow, so they will either need to raise 
taxes a lot, cut spending drastically, or inflate the money supply into 
worthless territory.  They seem to prefer the last option.  Anyway, if you keep!
  an eye on the interest rate yield curve, the signs point to *another* 
recession on the horizon, although that's not a guarantee.

My point is that the feds and the FED can have a surprising impact on the 
economy... they don't make the trends, but they tend to push it harder in 
whichever direction it's going.  If you want more detail, I highly recommend 
the book "Empire of Debt" by Addison Wiggin and Bill Bonner.  You can also poke 
around on their website,


Re: [H] Satellite to wireless Internet

2006-02-15 Thread Julian Hale
At 08:57 AM 2/15/2006, you wrote:
>At 12:28 PM 15/02/2006, joeuser wrote:
>>Actually with the latency involved with satellite it will be about the same 
>>as dial up. That's just my opinion based on experience.
>Ouch.  You mean the ads are lying? :) "100 times faster than dial-up!"

Web browsing speeds feel only slightly faster than dialup, but when you go to 
download a file, you definitely see the difference.  It should still be faster 
than 19.2.  Maybe Firefox w/ a prefetch extension would be a good addition to 


Re: [H] Satellite to wireless Internet

2006-02-15 Thread Julian Hale
At 04:44 AM 2/15/2006, W. D. wrote:
>Satellite has a spotty record at best.  On good days, when it
>actually works, you can get about 128 kbps.
>So, to create a wireless network with unreliable technology
>is probably an futile exercise.  I hope it works
>for him, but he'll probably disappointed.

My neighbor has Starband.  Latency is a bitch, but the speed isn't bad.  They 
often get download speeds of 50-80KB/s, and the more expensive service plan has 
even more bandwidth.  I set them up with a home wireless network, and 
everything works fine.  The only difference with what Thane wants to do is 
scale.  It should be pretty easy.  I've been thinking about approaching them 
about sharing their connection with me.


Re: [H] Booth babes banned from E3 2006

2006-01-25 Thread Julian Hale
"Materials, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit 
or sexually provocative, including, but not limited to, nudity, 
partial-nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the Show 
floor, all common areas and at any access points to the Show. ESA, in 
its sole discretion, will determine whether material is acceptable."

Since when are bathing suit bottoms "sexually explicit or 
provocative"?  What constitutes "partial nudity"?  Where does a bare 
midriff fall?  This sounds kinda like "obscenity is whatever gives a 
judge an erection".


At 01:58 AM 1/25/2006, Al wrote:



Re: [H] xmas related tale of Yahoo music to go

2005-12-28 Thread Julian Hale

At 05:28 AM 12/28/2005, you wrote:
I don't want to either one. I'd rather donate $5/album to my fav 
artists, which is about what they make selling me an album to begin 
with, and then copy anything to anywhere for my personal use.

Used to be for $.50 you got 2 singles on a 45, now it's $.99 a song 
and DRM controlled? Lots of pork in the entertainment industry!

Death to DRM!

Just for the sake of argument, lets say that was 1975.  $0.50 in 1975 
would be worth $1.84, or $0.92 per song.  The price is basically the 
same, and the sound quality is much higher.  I don't like DRM either, 
I'm just pointing out that the cost of a song is basically the same 
as it ever was.


Re: [H] -LO- Firefox stability issues?

2005-12-25 Thread Julian Hale

At 06:06 PM 12/24/2005, you wrote:
I'm curious as to why you haven't upgraded to 1.5? Also, I was 
wondering if you were interested in forming a [H]ardware Group 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] team? @:)>

I'm letting you test it first :)  I'll probably wait until the next 
release comes out(1.5.x).  I've become very hesitant to upgrade 
software lately, especially with a brand new version.  Also, since 
I'm on 28.8k dialup, it would take at least an hour to get it, so I 
want to know it's stable before I take the time.


Re: [H] -LO- Firefox stability issues?

2005-12-23 Thread Julian Hale

At 11:08 PM 12/22/2005, you wrote:
I stand somewhat corrected in that after coming in from work tonight 
and having Firefox running all day it is now using 56,624k. So it 
does eat memory albeit an insignificant amount in my case. Are you 
sure you guys are using the latest version? @:D>

I'm running 1.0.5, not 1.5.0, but it's taking up 109,192K of physical 
memory, and 128,956K of virtual.  That's 5 windows open, and 37 
different tabs.  Still, with "only" 512mb of memory, I'm left with 
190,000K of physical memory free, so it's not like it's bringing my 
system to it's knees.


Re: [H] (OT) DVD: Serenity

2005-12-23 Thread Julian Hale

At 09:07 AM 12/23/2005, you wrote:
They could have added more combat scenes for Summer Glau, man that 
girl can move! Also I was shocked when it was revealed where reavers came from.

The western/scifi may have been why it flew under my radar on TV 
originally but was pleasantly surprised after viewing all the eps. 
Still might not have even seen even 1 if not for people GateCon 
constantly pushing how good it was this summer.

Actually, the reason it "flew under the radar" is that Fox 
intentionally suppressed it.  Nobody knows why, but there are 
theories.  The worst thing they did was show the episodes out of 
order, which made it hard for people to follow, and made them not 
want to watch it.  Once it came out on DVD and the SciFi channel, it 
started getting more viewers, since it started to make sense.  For 
some reason, Fox has given Joss a lot of crap over this series.


Re: [H] Web authoring question - protecting email addresses

2005-12-18 Thread Julian Hale

At 07:48 AM 12/17/2005, you wrote:

This weekend I am building a website to help with planning my wedding.
 How careful do I have to be about putting phone numbers, addresses,
and email addresses on it?  I am assuming that nefarious people with
spiders can crawl it or add them to spam lists.  Any ways of
preventing this?


To be absolutely sure, I think the best thing to do would be to 
password protect the area that has personal information, so only 
people you give a password to can get in.


Re: [H] Phishing mis-spellers..

2005-12-12 Thread Julian Hale

At 09:57 PM 12/11/2005, you wrote:
Thanks, Veech. Hovering over the "click me" link is a dead giveaway, 
also. ( Never, ever respond to any of these.


Actually, I've been thinking that jamming these people up with lots 
of false information may cause them sufficient problems to find 
another tactic.  If a small number of the people who receive these 
messages would submit 10 false sets of information, it could cause 
the phishers quite a headache.


Re: [H] USB boot

2005-12-02 Thread Julian Hale
Does it happen on *all* USB ports?  Have you tried plugging a drive 
into one of the main ports on the rear IO panel?  Are you plugging 
USB 1.1 devices into a USB 2 port?  Does it only happen with drives, 
or all USB devices (mouse, scanner, etc.)?


At 07:28 PM 12/2/2005, Winterlight wrote:

At 06:00 PM 12/2/2005, you wrote:
Sounds a lot like a BIOS problem.  Have you checked for updated 
bios for both boards?

yeah, I use the latest BIOS on all my boards

Re: [H] Machine, Animal, or Human...

2005-12-02 Thread Julian Hale
BS... this is just trying to pigeonhole people into one of three 
categories, and many people, myself included, usually don't fit well 
into any one category.  Also, it seems like whoever cooked this up is 
looking to classify those they don't agree with as non/sub 
human.  The history of the 20th century should be lesson enough to 
shout down anyone trying to label anyone as non/sub 
human.  212,000,000 million human beings were murdered by their own 
governments in the 20th century, because those people were considered 
less than human.  I *don't* want to see those same kind of numbers 
for this century.


At 06:42 AM 11/30/2005, Stan Zaske wrote:

There are 3 types of beings in this world:

The 1st type are the machine beings who live in their heads and in 
denial of their hearts. These are the people who are replacing human 
"checkouts" with automated "checkouts". They are the mathematicians, 
scientists, scholars, politicians, lawyers, journalists, doctors, 
priests, businessmen/women etc. These people are out of touch with 
themselves, don't want to know how you feel and live in denial of 
their own human reality. They have nothing but contempt for feelings 
and the gentler side of our nature. They try to pretend that our 
biology is somehow different or "divine" from the animal. The 
grittier aspects of waste removal and sexuality are things "we don't 
want to talk about".

At the opposite side of the spectrum are the animal beings who live 
exclusively in their emotional selves and in denial of their brains 
who base their lives and decisions on "what feels right" despite the 
fact that their decisions are largely "self-defeating" and 
"self-destructive". These beings are often characterized as having 
low "self-esteem", addictive personalities, endlessly pursue 
physical pleasure and even though they would not willingly give up 
the spoils of intellectual creativity and scientific achievement 
(the cars, the stereos, the drugs) they have nothing but contempt 
for machine beings characterizing them as "geeks", "dweebs" or 
"nerds" for their scholastic pursuits. These beings are fully in 
touch with their animal biology deriving great humor from jokes 
about flatulence, defecation and the full spectrum of sexual expression.

The 3rd type of being and throughout history the smallest percentage 
of the three strives toward "wisdom" which is the fusion of 
intelligence and emotion. These beings strive to use their brains in 
a manner that is consistent with "reality" and "function" while 
remaining in touch with their feelings. They ask themselves: why do 
I do this, why do I feel this way and is this the best way for me to 
live my life? Of the three types, these are the beings most closely 
associated with being "human". Of the three types, these beings are 
the least likely to believe in "certainty" because they know that 
there is no certainty. They live with the sure knowledge that there 
is no "perfection" and all we can do is "do our best" and "make the 
best of it". They pursue intellectual achievement and strive to 
understand our animus, our motivation, our behavior. They try to 
focus within as well as observe others in the attempt to understand 
themselves and what it means to be truly "human". Intelligence and 
feeling is what describes this smallest of minority beings on the 
planet and hopefully in the future, if our species matures, the 
majority of people can be characterized as truly "human" as they 
are! Happy Holidays everyone!

Re: [H] USB boot

2005-12-02 Thread Julian Hale
Sounds a lot like a BIOS problem.  Have you checked for updated bios 
for both boards?


At 12:13 PM 12/2/2005, you wrote:
I have two fairly modern workstations. One is based around a Asus PC 
DL Deluxe, and one is a Intel 865PERL. Both are around 18 months 
old, and come with at least six onboard USB2 ports.

 I can't boot off any USB flash drive, or even leave a USB drive 
connected during a boot up, and I can't figure out why. I have all 
USB options enabled in the BIOS. I have no problems using USB in 
Windows. However, if I inadvertently even leave a USB drive in the 
port, and powered up during a reboot, my PCs will hang during POST, 
and I don't mean from a non bootable disk error. I mean they just 
hang solid. If this only happened on one PC I would suspect that 
motherboard but not on both.

I boot from the same USB drives all the time on my Thinkpad ... so 
what am I doing wrong on the Workstations?

Re: [H] It's a mad, mad world!

2005-11-29 Thread Julian Hale

At 03:56 AM 11/29/2005, you wrote:
And we learn a two interesting things. 1)There are way too many red 
lights in Paris.  2)Pigeons have an amazingly good self-preservation instinct.


At least those ones do... I've seen one run over in stop and go 
traffic, moving about 1mph.  That bird just didn't get out of the 
way.  Maybe the car was moving to slow to trigger the flight mechanism???


Re: [H] memory

2005-11-28 Thread Julian Hale

At 05:46 PM 11/28/2005, you wrote:
I'll enter my Pentium 200 classic in the oldest computer in use 
contest. Just a backup/file server but still running 24/7

Yeah, but the P3V4X is my main computer... been giving me fits lately, too.


Re: [H] memory

2005-11-28 Thread Julian Hale
Dinosaur???  I'm still running a P3V4X, w/ a [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd kill 
for an A7N8X.


At 07:42 AM 11/28/2005, Greg Sevart wrote:

Or drop that dinosaur entirely. :)

Re: [H] Frappr!

2005-11-28 Thread Julian Hale

At 10:27 AM 11/28/2005, you wrote:

Uh, which website is that? @:|>

That'd be or more specifically,

Log in, and it will show you who is subscribed.


Re: [H] Frappr!

2005-11-28 Thread Julian Hale

At 07:51 PM 11/27/2005, jeff.lane wrote:

Anybody know how many members there are, including lurkers?

The website shows 143 subscribers.



2005-11-16 Thread Julian Hale

At 01:34 PM 11/15/2005, Wayne Johnson wrote:

At 03:21 PM 11/15/2005, Julian Hale typed:
Hey, come on.  Quit picking on Chuck just because you don't agree 
with his decisions.  It's his business, he can run it the way he wants.

I didn't write anything about subject other than what was posted but 
why make these moral statements that just don't make sense like

At 09:37 AM 11/15/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:
If out of ignorance I err on the side of caution, it may cost a 
little more, but I can sleep at night knowing it will work.

How is that a moral statement???  I too will spend more money to get 
a more reliable product, especially if it's for a customer.  I'm not 
saying that AMD products are less reliable, but they don't have the 
lengthy history of Intel.

This is just an excuse to not do the research. If he wants to 
operate his business that way fine. He states that he can sleep but 
it doesn't stop him from complaining about how he can't compete 
therefore everything is not so rosie. Every extra penny that he 
spends on a machine costs his customer more & more. Sorry but them 
is the facts whether they are sugar coated or not.

Nobody will be able to compete on the basis of price.  There are 
always going to be unscrupulous sellers peddling bottom of the barrel 
product.  Saving his customers a dollar here or a dollar there at the 
potential sacrifice of reliability would be foolish.  In fact, he may 
be saving his customers in the long run, because they don't have to 
spend money on service.  He uses what he is familiar with, and 
there's nothing wrong with that.  It's almost like the stupid old 
Chevy man/Ford man argument... All this aside, it's HIS DAMN 
BUSINESS!  I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it if I came on here and 
criticized your business decisions on a regular basis.  All this 
childish behavior directed towards Chuck is really starting to piss 
me off, and I can't be the only one.  Stop acting like school yard 
bullies, and start acting your age.



2005-11-15 Thread Julian Hale
Hey, come on.  Quit picking on Chuck just because you don't agree 
with his decisions.  It's his business, he can run it the way he wants.


At 06:39 AM 11/15/2005, you wrote:

At 10:19 AM 15/11/2005, Ben Ruset wrote:

Why's that?

Because he's been using Intel CPUs for the last 100 years and 
they've never failed. :P


Re: [H] Gas prices

2005-08-26 Thread Julian Hale
No I don't think that the drug laws have a significant effect on 
consumption.  I know quite a few people who indulge in a variety of 
drugs on a regular basis, regardless of the laws.  I also know of 
high school students getting high on OTC drugs, which is certainly 
worse than smoking a little weed, and that is a direct negative 
result of current drug laws.

Assuming for a moment that you are correct, and 2x as many people 
start smoking MJ, who gives a shit?  The effects are not particularly 
different than drinking alcohol, except that one is a lot less prone 
to go out and get into trouble.  The ultimate question, however, is 
what business is it of yours if your neighbor smokes pot?  In what 
way does it harm you?


PS: It's not fear of reprisal, it's just that they got over 
it.  Almost every single person I know has smoked weed at some point 
in their lives.  Some give it up, some don't.  Some use it 
responsibly, some don't.  None of them seem particularly hurt by it.

At 11:25 PM 8/25/2005, you wrote:

I am none of the below and thanks for making it about me.  I always
enjoy ad hominem attacks, it is a sign of a weak position.  The last
thing I believe is that the government is always right, you could not be
further from the truth.  I am also not the product of any warped era
(whatever that is).I am also not an addict, never have been.

I will ask you the same thing, you don't think punishment does not deter
drug use?  That is just plain silly.  If mary jane were legal and sold
at the local drug store there would be at least 2x as many people
smoking it.  You think some of those who are not smoking might be
abstaining because of fear of reprisals?  LOL


Re: [H] Gas prices

2005-08-26 Thread Julian Hale
Me?  I thought you were the condescending one.  Anyway, go to 
walmart, costco, etc. and look at the price of generic drugs.  You 
can get 200 generic excedrine for $4.  400 generic aleve for 
~$8.  Generic claritin is similarly priced.  It's the drugs on patent 
that are ridiculously priced.  So again, regardless of whatever 
mythical difference you may try to cook up, alcohol prohibition and 
drug prohibition are exactly the same.  Ending said prohibition will 
have the same results as it did the last time.


At 11:15 PM 8/25/2005, you wrote:

Like all the other drugs from Pharmaceutical companies?  Now, that is a
good one.  Add to it all the taxes that are sure to be imposed and all
of the legal obligation that comes from being part of the delivery
chain.  Low prices are a dream.   BTW, do you always find it necessary
to be so condescending?


Re: [H] Gas prices

2005-08-25 Thread Julian Hale
There was also a thriving, legal business for MJ, opiates, cocaine, 
etc. before prohibition.  Again, no difference at all.  Legal drugs 
will come from, and this may shock you, pharmaceutical companies... 
since there is no patent, prices will be low.


At 12:52 PM 8/25/2005, you wrote:

Big difference, there was already a thriving legal business for alcohol
prior to prohibition.  So we make drugs legal, where are they going to
come from?


Re: [H] Gas prices

2005-08-25 Thread Julian Hale
Crack open a history book.  What happened after the end of 
prohibition is what makes us think that ending drug/MJ prohibition 
will make them walk away.  The is no difference between the 
two.  However, excessively high taxation will create a black market.


At 12:24 PM 8/25/2005, you wrote:

That is one of the most ludicrous arguments being tossed about by the
legalizing drugs crowd.  What in God's name makes you think that
organized crime will walk away from their BILLION dollar empires?  Tax
the drugs??  LOL.


Re: [H] Gas prices

2005-08-25 Thread Julian Hale
On that note, in states where they have high taxation of tobacco, 
they are starting to see "illegal" tobacco sold, often coming from 
the middle east(supposedly was financing Saddam).  You make a product 
that is in demand illegal, and the illegal sorts fill that 
demand.  Make it legal, and you cut their legs out from under them.


At 01:04 AM 8/25/2005, you wrote:
BC Bud! Didn't you see the prime time report? They sell it in shops 
on the streets using the best seeds from around the globe! Gotta 
love British Columbia! 

What hypocrisy that we still haven't learned "Prohibition" doesn't 
work even after all the organized crime that came as a result of 
"criminalization"! Try to do the same with tobacco and see what 
happens! So what if you smoke a bowl in the evening to relax? Who's 
business is it anyway? Our money would be better spent on public 
education and rehab rather than interdiction and criminalization! 
Addictive behavior is associated with "self-esteem" and that's where 
our focus should be! So much for wisdom in government!

Re: RE: Re: [H] Gas prices

2005-08-17 Thread Julian Hale

Hey, no shit... I just live a little north of you.  I'm in Elk.


At 04:57 PM 8/17/2005, jeff.lane wrote:


- Original Message - From: "Mark Dodge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'The Hardware List'" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:15 PM
Subject: RE: RE: Re: [H] Gas prices

You don't live in Washington do you?

[H] Diabetes blood glucose monitor

2005-07-14 Thread Julian Hale
I seem to remember there was a discussion on the list about a really 
good glucose monitor maybe 2 years ago... I just found out that my 
dad has not been testing his blood sugar, because his monitor is too 
hard for him to use.  He has very poor dexterity, and can't manage to 
get the blood to drop onto the little round dot very well.  What he 
needs is something that a 6 year old could use, because he just 
doesn't have the dexterity to manage anything else.  Does anybody 
have a recommendation?


Re: [H] Replacing SCSI Plextor 1210S

2005-07-01 Thread Julian Hale
I seem to remember a discussion about this a couple years ago... I think 
the consensus was to just put in an IDE CDRW, given how the SCSI variants 
have fallen behind, and Burnproof has largely bridged the gap between SCSI 
and IDE burners.


At 07:13 AM 7/1/2005, you wrote:
I am so scared of that day, because I don't think anyone else makes a SCSI 
CDRW anymore except Plextor who charges like $200-300ish for it.

I'd almost rather just go with an IDE one in a USB/Firewire enclosure.

- Carroll Kong

Re: [H] GAH! QB2005

2005-06-25 Thread Julian Hale
Sorry, my bad.  I was actually shocked to think that the president of 
Intuit would treat a customer that way, and I'm not easily shocked.  Glad 
to hear that *wasn't* the case...


At 08:35 PM 6/24/2005, you wrote:
I think it was CW's client screaming at QB's TS people not the other way 

Keep farming shit off-shore people, it will be the end of us all. Good 
news is that we'll be taking all the off-shore economies with us!

Re: [H] GAH! QB2005

2005-06-24 Thread Julian Hale
Whoah!  "A bit of a hothead" is putting it mildly... I certainly won't do 
business with someone who treats customers this way, and I'll pass on the 
story of his conduct.  Thanks for the warning.


At 07:59 PM 6/24/2005, you wrote:

Meanwhile, we're talking on the phone to someone clearly not in the US.. the
owner of the company (who could best be said is a bit of a hothead and VERY
rigid in his views) gets on the phone and starts screaming "you MFs!  Do you
know how much this costs me, MF?  I've got 19 trucks out there.. we do XYZ a
day.. and you can't get your POS to work? "

Re: [H] [OT] Early Friday off-topic

2005-06-24 Thread Julian Hale
Actually, it's a proposal for a constitutional amendment.  I have doubts it 
would ever make it all the way through both houses of congress, *and* be 
ratified by 38 states.  I don't think it's got a snowballs chance in hell, 
so don't sweat it.


At 10:45 AM 6/24/2005, Al wrote:

meanwhile our "can't agree on any real issues" congress is right passing
a bill to make it illegal to desecrate the flag.

That and pickin' on SpongeBob Squarepants.


"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)

RE: [H] Firefox 1.03 out

2005-04-20 Thread Julian Hale
FF has two choices for opening a page, Open in New Window, or Open in New 
Tab.  Ctrl-click opens in a new tab, Shift-click opens in new 
window.  Right clicking on a link gives the same options.

Julian Hale
At 06:58 PM 4/18/2005, rls wrote:
Otherwise IMO Opera is
more configurable, has more features, killer download speeds and creates all
new pages in tabs. In 'open in a new page' Firefox creates another separate
window instead of automatically adding a tab.

Re: [H] Smoking (was To all my Dell hating...)

2005-03-17 Thread Julian Hale
It's not necessarily (just) genetics... if you create an environment where 
people's minds are not challenged, their mettle is never put to the test, 
than nobody is ever driven to better themselves.  If nobody ever gets the 
chance to make a mistake, they never get to learn.  Eventually you create a 
mass of people who are sedentary and ignorant, and it will get worse every 
generation.  Sound familiar?

At 09:56 AM 3/17/2005, you wrote:
AKA:  "Pissing in the gene pool"

Re: [H] Smoking (was To all my Dell hating...)

2005-03-17 Thread Julian Hale
"The ultimate consequence of protecting men from the results of their own 
folly is to fill the world with fools."
-Herbert Spencer

I think that pretty well describes what we're seeing in the world today...
At 10:12 PM 3/16/2005, you wrote:
I have no desire to tell anyone how to run their life.
But I do support reasonable laws that will help curtail the
foolish and foolhardy from doing things that will cost me money.
Gary VanderMolen

Re: [H] Smoking (was To all my Dell hating...)

2005-03-16 Thread Julian Hale
There's another one I don't like.  Hey, I can't help it if some bleeding 
heart wants to pay for treating a smokers cancer... if someone engages in 
risky behavior, they take what they get.  The problem is that people want 
to steal your and my money to "fix" stuff that's really none of their damn 
business.  If I fuck up, I don't go crying to the government for help.

At 10:43 AM 3/16/2005, you wrote:
It's in the same category as requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets
or car occupants to wear seat belts. When one engages in risky 
(prohibited) activities, the innocent taxpayers often wind up paying the 
resulting medical bills.

Gary VanderMolen

Re: [H] Smoking (was To all my Dell hating...)

2005-03-16 Thread Julian Hale
True, no law in and of itself prevents crime.  However, there are different 
kinds of laws... murder, theft, rape, assault, etc. are outlawed because 
those actions violate the rights of others.  Even though people will still 
engage in these activities, the violation of the rights of others can not 
be tolerated.  These kinds of acts are called Mala In Se, or "evil in 
itself".  Then there are things like alcohol prohibition, which are called 
Mala Prohibita.  These laws basically say, "It's bad because we say 
so".  Mala Prohibitum laws are impossible to enforce, and generally lead to 
a loss of civil liberties.  Who's got the right to tell a woman she can't 
have sex for money, or to tell a person that they can't ingest whatever 
plant matter they choose?

At 11:19 AM 3/13/2005, you wrote:
Using that rational why outlaw anything?

[H] Smoking (was To all my Dell hating...)

2005-03-13 Thread Julian Hale
We can all see how well outlawing drugs has worked, or alcohol in the 
'20s.  Prohibition creates more crime and social problems than the drug 
itself.  If you outlaw tobacco, people will just start growing it in their 
houses, yards, national forests, etc.  Ever seen a booby trapped pot 
plantation on public land?  That's what will happen if you outlaw tobacco, 
only the plant will change.  On top of that, imagine someone getting 10 
years in prison for growing and selling tobacco... does that sound even 
remotely reasonable?

At 08:39 AM 3/11/2005, warpmedia wrote:
You want them problem solved? Outlaw the product since besides age & what 
location you can smoke in there are no limits or effects like alcohol.