RE: [H] Verizon DSL

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Resnick

Sounds like your problem with Comcast might be location
One of my kids lives in southern NJ and has Comcast. 
They set it up for her at no cost, including a free SB cable modem.
Throughput up and down is fantastic - at least as good as
(i.e., Cablevision).
Anyway, after her service was up and running I just added a D-Link router
for her without any problems.
I even asked the installer when he was at her house if there was any
problem adding a router. 
He said no, but suggested that Comcast's on-line support (monkeys) might
ask for it to be removed if they were troubleshooting a problem.
The way he told it, it wasn't that Comcast had a problem with the router
as much as it was that their support monkeys would use it as an excuse
for any problems that were reported to them.  
By the way, how would Comcast know which specific router you

At 07:15 PM 1/8/2006 -0500, AMDSpeed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've had nothing but great service
with Verizon DSL at my place in Queens
NYC. My girlfriend just switched over from Comcast in Pittsburgh to
DSL. Sorry, but Comcast blows chunks. Wouldn't allow any aftermarket
to be used, shoddy service. I've been using Verizon for over 3 years now
Queens and have had to reset the modem maybe once a year. I just switched
the $15/month plan and the speed is quite acceptable. Only while
large files such as MS updates or large files do you notice it, but it
the rest of the internet is slow enough that my connection is usually
the bottleneck. I'm currently using Optimum Online and its great except
$$$ so I'll be switching her also.
You'll need to use their software to setup the modem and initialize
account, but afterwards, you don't need any extra software to access

Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will
not have, nor do they deserve, either one. - Benjamin 

Re: [H] OT - Intelligent Design dealt harsh blow by NJ Judge

2005-12-22 Thread Mike Resnick

Your question, and the choices you provide presuppose that
there is a God and that your two alternatives are the only ones
Neither your premise, nor your choices are necessarily true.

At 07:06 PM 12/22/2005 -0800, you wrote:
I've never said to an ant Act this way, and I'll get you into
Plus we were given reason, the ability to discern between good and
And your point is...?God is evil?
(can't say I disagree, if he does exist, that means the bastard put
disease and religion on the world)
Answer me this question then:
Would you rather that God a) had made people mere robots, or
b) that humans have a free will, enabling them to commit evil?
Gary VanderMolen

Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will
not have, nor do they deserve, either one. - Benjamin 

Re: [H] cell to land line

2005-12-12 Thread Mike Resnick

If you don't mind spending $25-$30 per month, you can sign
up for Vonage VoIP telephone service. 
They offer a ton of options included in your monthly fee - including
being able to have all calls that go to your (VoIP) land-line also
forwarded to any other number concurrently - this includes your
cell phone. 
Note that with this setup you can have all calls go to your Vonage
land-line and then ring for however long you want (I have mine set to 40
seconds) and then if you don't pick up it will automatically ALSO be
routed to your cell phone while your land-line continues to ring.
That way, if you're home you can pick up your land-line, and if you're
out of the house the call will also ring on your cell phone.
PROS: you keep your land-line number; you only need to give out one phone
number (your land-line number); you never have to manually 'forward your
land-line to your cell phone when you leave the house; you never miss
another call
CONS: extra cost of $25-$30 per month; reduced 9-1-1 service (it goes to
a regional center); requires (reliable) cable/DSL service
Mike Resnick

At 06:33 AM 12/12/2005 -0500, you wrote:
I've been thinking about ditching
verizion telephone service and just adding a cell line with the home
number. It would be nice if I could integrate two 900 MHz telephones for
use since the cell is small and does not make a loud enough ring to here
throughout the house. Anybody have experience in this or has looked into
something like this?

Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will
not have, nor do they deserve, either one. - Benjamin 