[ha-Safran]: Basic Reference Books

2009-05-10 Thread Joan Leb
We are about to start reorganizing our temple library that has been 
sadly neglected over the past several years.  Does anyone have any 
suggestions for a core collection of basic reference works?  Is there 
a definitive list anywhere? I already have suggestions from the URJ 
called "Building Your Jewish Library."  Are there others?
Joan Leb
Temple Israel
Long Beach, CA


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[ha-Safran]: Author references/recommendations

2009-05-10 Thread Laurie Margolies
We are a K-8 school in Baltimore, Maryland and would like some 
feedback from anyone who has had experience with Sonia Levitin as an 
author-in-residence.  We would like to know how she related to the 
kids, was she easy to work with, whether she was interesting, 
exciting, etc.  Please respond off-list.

Thank you.

Sonia Kozlovsky
Librarian, Krieger Schechter Day School

Laurie Margolies
Librarian, Krieger Schechter Day School


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: New documentary MY ISRAEL- REVISITING THE TRILOGY

2009-05-10 Thread Women Make Movies Educate
I thought the members of this listserv would be interested to know 
about MY ISRAEL-REVISTING THE TRILOGY now available through Women Make Movies.

In MY ISRAEL-REVISTING THE TRILOGY, Tel-Aviv born Yulie Cohen embarks 
on a difficult and emotional journey to free the surviving terrorist 
who attacked her in 1978, to question the myths of the state that she 
grew up in, and to reconcile with her ultra-orthodox Jewish brother 
after 25 years of estrangement. It is film of remarkable courage and 
understanding set against the last turbulent decade of Israeli 
history, and it successfully combines Cohen's earlier 3 films, MY 
TERRORIST (2002), MY LAND ZION (2004), and MY BROTHER (2007), in an 
incisive and refreshing new way. MY ISRAEL also includes a very 
special 3-film bonus collection of the original full-length films.

VIEW A CLIP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5PVf3XZ9lc

For more information: http://www.wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c752.shtml


Stephanie Houghton
462 Broadway #500LS * NY, NY * 10013 *
Tel: 212.925.0606 x36


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[ha-Safran]: NoveList coverage of Jewish fiction

2009-05-10 Thread Fred Lerner
I took the liberty of relaying to my colleagues at NoveList (for whom I do some
freelance writing) some of the concerns that have been expressed on this list
about their coverage of Jewish fiction.

Their Data Manager told me that she has checked out the AJL website and will be
pointing catalogers in their Data Division to several resource lists 
there: Book
Club Reading Lists (2003-2009), for adult fiction & nonfiction recommendations,
and Notable Children's Books of Jewish Content (1999-2009). She is 
also ordering
these print bibliographies for cataloging: Notable Children's Books of Jewish
Content (covering 1985-2000); Jewish Classics for Kids by Linda Silver (2006).

She also asked, "By the way, who at AJL could tell me about the 
electronic format
of the newsletter book reviews and the fee for licensing?" If someone 
can provide
me this information offline, I'll pass it along.

This seems to me a good response, one that should help to solve some 
of the problems
that Safranim have noted about NoveList's coverage of Jewish books.

Fred Lerner, D.L.S.
Hon. Librarian, Koreman Library
Roth Center for Jewish Life
Hanover, New Hampshire


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[ha-Safran]: To Share room at the AJL Conference

2009-05-10 Thread Nancy Poole

I am interested in finding people who wish to share rooms for the
AJL conference.

I am a first-time attendee.

Thank you!

Nancy ( Poole) Gerlach


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Transforming America's Israel Lobby - a book review

2009-05-10 Thread David Elazar
Safranim shalom,

For those interested in a review of the following book:

Transforming America's Israel Lobby: The Limits of its Power and the 
Potential for Change
By Dan Fleshler   (Potomac Books; 272 pp.; $24.95)


All the best,


David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
Home page   http://sites.google.com/site/mtevansco/
Weekly current events update


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Three New Bibliographies

2009-05-10 Thread threebees
Hi everyone,

We have just added three new bibliographies to the Bibliography Bank 
thanks to Kathe Pinchuck:

Guidelines for Using Holocaust Literature with Middle and High School Students

Counting the Omer


Susan Berman

Bibliography Chairman


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[ha-Safran]: Closing all high school libraries - SOS

2009-05-10 Thread Susan Dubin
To counter that argument that libraries are no longer needed
Susan Dubin
AJL President

- Original Message -
From: Richard K. Moore
To: calib...@lists.sjsu.edu
Cc: herri...@winthrop.edu
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CALIBK12] Closing all high school libraries - SOS


10 Reasons Why the Internet Is No Substitute for a Library [2001]
By Mark Y. Herring, Dean of Library Services
Dacus Library, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina

Aren't There Library-less Universities Now?
 No. The newest state university in California at Monterey opened 
without a library building a few years ago. For the last two years, 
they've been buying books by the tens of thousands because -- 
surprise, surprise -- they couldn't find what they needed on the 
Internet. California Polytechnic State University, home of the 
world's highest concentration of engineers and computer geeks, 
explored the possibility of a virtual (fully electronic) library for 
two years. Their solution was a $42-million traditional library with, 
of course, a strong electronic component. In other words, a fully 
virtualized library just can't be done. Not yet, not now, not in our lifetimes.

But a Virtual State Library Would Do It, Right?
 Do what, bankrupt the state? Yes, it would. The cost of having 
everything digitized is incredibly high, costing tens of millions of 
dollars just in copyright releases. And this buys only one virtual 
library at one university. Questia Media, the biggest such outfit, 
just spent $125 million digitizing 50,000 books released (but not to 
libraries!) in January. At this rate, to virtualize a medium-sized 
library of 400,000 volumes wo uld cost a mere $1,000,000,000! Then 
you need to make sure students have equitable access everywhere they 
need it, when they need it. Finally, what do you do with rare and 
valuable primary sources once they are digitized? Take them to the 
dump? And you must hope the power never, ever goes out. Sure, 
students could still read by candlelight, but what would they be reading?

from.American Libraries, April 2001, p. 76–78.
© 2007 American Library Association.


Are these paragraphs holding up?

Richard K. Moore, InfoSherpa
Huntington Beach, CA
A poem represents the mastering, even if just for a moment, of the 
pessimism and the melancholy, and enables you - you the poet, and 
you, the reader - to go on. -- Philip Larkin

-Original Message-
From: Becca Todd 
To: calib...@lists.sjsu.edu
Sent: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:52 am
Subject: Re: [CALIBK12] Closing all high school libraries - SOS

If anything, there is even MORE of a need for a collaborative space where

students from different small learning communities can communicate in an

educational setting. There is even MORE of a need for the resources that

can be provided collectively with funding from each of the SLCs, rather

than duplicating expensive resources many times over or going without

them. When I worked at a high school that moved to become small schools

rather than one big high school, our usage increased. The same is true for

Berkeley High, which has 4 small schools and 2 programs serving the 3400

students. We have 2 teacher librarians and one beautiful library that

serves everyone on that campus. Aren't the SLCs still sharing the

socer/football field? What about the cafeteria, the auditorium?

Becca Todd, District Library Coordinator

Berkeley Unified School District

1720 Oregon St. Room 9

Berkeley, CA 94703

(ph) 510.644.4895

(f) 510.644.8933


"Debra Bohnett"  writes:

 >Dear all,


 >This is for the high schools utilizing the small learning community

 >model. How have your library services changed utilizing this model? Do

 >you see an increased need for school libraries utilizing this model, a

 >decrease or the same?  Our district has moved to this model for all four

 >of our comprehensive=2
0high schools and there is a movement to eliminate

 >high school libraries because there is a perceived notion that libraries

 >will not be necessary.  I am the teacher librarian at a relatively new

 >high school that has been utilizing the SLC model since it opened so I do

 >not have a comparison.



 >Please respond ASAP – the district librarian is at a hearing today that

 >may determine the fate of high school libraries in our district. . .



 >Thank you,


 >Debra Bohnett

 >Teacher Librarian

 >Cesar Chavez High School

 >Stockton, CA

 >(209)933-7480 ext. 8761


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[ha-Safran]: Elazar Website - new URL

2009-05-10 Thread David Elazar
Safranim shalom,

Due to the fact that Geocities is closing down, I have transferred my 
site to Google.

New URL:

   Homepage:  http://sites.google.com/site/mtevansco/

   Classification site: 

Please inform anyone having links to my site to replace them with the new URLs.

Comments and/or suggestions are welcome.

All the best,


David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
Home page   http://sites.google.com/site/mtevansco/
Weekly current events update


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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran}: "Children's Jewish Book Month"????

2009-05-10 Thread Heidi Estrin
I got an inquiry from a non-Jewish kidlit blogger, asking me if I'd 
ever heard of Children's Jewish Book Month - which I hadn't. She'd 
received the press release below from Artscroll. It looks like they 
are initiating a Children's Jewish Book Month as a way to pump up 
sales in May. Does anyone know anything about this? Is this a wider 
effort to create a new literary holiday, or is it a single-publisher 
sales event? The press release that my friend received is below.
Thanks, Heidi

-- Forwarded message --

  News From ArtScroll Publications

   *Leading Publisher Introduces* "*Children's Jewish Book Month"*

NEW YORK, May 7, 2009 - In a move timed to coincide with National Children's

Week, ArtScroll -- the world's leading publisher of Judaic literature -- has
announced the

introduction of Children's Jewish Book Month*.* According to ArtScroll vice

Rabbi Gedaliah Zlotowitz, the Jewish-themed literary event will, like its

counterpart, take place every May and will feature related programs designed
to get kids

excited about books and reading.

"Children's Book Week was conceived 90 years ago as a way to introduce
children to the

pleasure and value of reading," observes Rabbi Zlotowitz. "Jewish Children's

Month shares that goal but has the additional objective of introducing
Jewish children to

the many wonderful books out there that speak to their own culture and

As is true of children's literature in general, Rabbi Zlotowitz points out,
the quality of

Jewish-themed children's books has come a long way in recent years. The
selections have

grown to encompass a wide array of picture books, individual chapter books
and books in

a series - many by award-winning authors and illustrators. Jewish children's

generally feature Jewish characters who, through thrilling adventures or

escapades, manage to learn and teach important lessons.

"Experts agree that when it comes to getting a child hooked on reading-books

themselves are the very best motivators, "Rabbi Zlotowitz points out.

With summer vacation just weeks away, he notes, it is especially important
to stock up on

quality reading material for kids. "Studies have clearly shown that children
who read

during the summer months do much better in the following school year.
But there's
a lot

of competition for our children's leisure hours in the summer. Keeping a
collection of

wholesome, entertaining and age-appropriate books around the house helps
ensure that a

child will set aside time for reading every day. "

Providing children with their very own stock of books create yet another
incentive for

reading. "There's nothing like having that favorite book up on a shelf,
being able to

return to some faraway place or exciting adventure whenever the mood
strikes," the

ArtScroll representative says. "And when parents purchase books for their
children, it

sends a message that they consider reading an essential and worthwhile

"Supplementing their children's collections with Jewish-themed books sends a

about the importance of Jewish values and ideas, as well. "

In honor of the inaugural Children's Jewish Book Month, Artscroll is
offering a 30%

discount on all its children's books. The imprint's entire collection for
children ages three

through twelve can be viewed at www.Artscroll.com


Chanie Friedman ,516-239-3816 or 917-331-3342


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Barcodes in Athena

2009-05-10 Thread Joan Tedlow

Do any of you who use the Athena cataloging system know how to print 
a list of available barcodes?


Joan Tedlow

Temple Solel, Cardiff, CA


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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Jewish cartoonists at TCAF this weekend

2009-05-10 Thread Steven M. Bergson
 >From : "miriam libicki" 

On Sunday afternoon from 4:30-5:00, in the "Learning Centre 2", I'll 
be doing a comic reading/slideshow & talk, which is, like the Toronto 
Comic Arts Festival, utterly free & open to the public! I've done 
variations of this reading for students at UW as well as the 
Association of Jewish Libraries, but this is my first time doing it 
in Canada, & first time in a comic con setting! If there were a 
promotional blurb, it would go:

"Miriam Libicki brings her innovative comics reading/slideshow to the 
Toronto Comic Arts Festival! Join the acclaimed autobiographical 
cartoonist as she dramatically reads from her Israeli Army memoirs, 
as well as her provocative drawn essays "Towards a Hot Jew," 
Ceasefire," and "Jewish Memoir Goes Pow! Zap! Oy!" In between, Miriam 
will discuss her influences, what led her to choose comics as a 
format, why she started the jobnik! series, her self-publishing 
experience and how her work has been received thus far (in Israel and 

& it will be all that & more! I'll have books & merch there, so even if you
can't make it to the rest of the show, please come to this! I'd hate for my
sparkling prose & personality to be wasted on an empty room. & if you 
have any friends in toronto, please pass on the word & let them know 
too! Here's the official link to events (scroll all the way down for 
me), & remember it's free.

Hope to see you soon!

May 9-10, 2009
Toronto Comic Arts Festival
Toronto Reference Library
789 Yonge St.
Toronto, Ont., CANADA




[Steve Bergson adds :]

Other notable comix guests will include :

* Willow Dawson, a talented Canadian artist, who has illustrated the 
anthology No Girls Allowed : Tales of Daring Women Dressed as Men for 
Love, Freedom and Adventure, written by Susan Hughes & published by 
Kids Can Press. The anthology includes the story of Esther Brandeau, 
the first Jewish person to immigrate to Canada.

* Dan Goldman, author-illustrator of a short piece titled "Schmear" 
(in Smut Peddler #2), which he describes as "Jewish porn" (since it 
takes place in the backroom of a Brooklyn bagel shop), as well as a 
special 1-page illustration for The New York Post titled "Israel Turns 60".

* Miss Lasko-Gross, author-illustrator of the graphic autobiographies 
Escape from "Special" and A Mess of Everything

* Jim Ottaviani, author of Wire Mothers: Harry Harlow and the Science 
of Love and Fallout : J. Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, and the 
Political Science of the Atomic Bomb

* Paul Pope, author-illustrator of the story "Berlin Batman" in The Batman
Chronicles #11 (reprinted in Batman : Year 100, in which Batman is a Jewish
painter named Baruch Wane).

* Jonathan Rosenberg, author-illustrator of the webcomic Goats, which 
includes the Jewish character "Jon", as seen in the strip from Nov. 24, 2005

According to the Facebook guest list, both Alan Oirich (author of 
issues 1 & 2 of the comic book series Jewish Hero Corps and Gina Kamentsky
(author-illustrator of the comic book series T-Gina) will be 
attending, although neither of them are official guests (i.e. they 
will be around, but will not have exhibitor tables).


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Help with an article

2009-05-10 Thread Smadar D Wisper
Hi everybody,

One of our Professors  is interested in an article written by Wallace 
E Lambert.. . He remembers that it was published around 1970-71 and 
dealt with Lithuanians. I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Can 
someone please help  by sending me the reference?
Thank you very much!
Smadar Wisper
English Seminar Library
Bar Illan University


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Ghetto: Jews,African-Americans, and the Urban

2009-05-10 Thread Lee Jaffe
Imaginary at UC Santa Cruz
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A Dialogue With:

Nathaniel Deutsch, UC Santa Cruz
Mitchell Duneier, Princeton University
Sudhir Venkatesh, Columbia University

Moderated by Eric Porter, UC Santa Cruz

*Where:* Humanities 1 room 210
*When:* Tuesday, May 19, at 4:00pm

Since its inception in sixteenth century Venice, the term "ghetto" has
been applied to Jewish urban spaces in Europe and the United States.
Over the last half century, it has also become associated with African
American inner city neighborhoods. Highly regulated and surveilled by
the state, Jewish and African American ghettos have also been marked by
a high degree of social autonomy. Ghettos have functioned as sites of
extraordinary cultural and religious creativity­and extreme violence and
repression. Alternately mythologized and pathologized, the ghetto also
exists as an imaginary space that has defined and distorted the
historical representation(s) of Jews and African Americans,
respectively. Over time, ghetto has come to signify a place, a way of
being in the world, and a state of mind.

In this interdisciplinary dialogue, the first of a series that will
bring together scholars of Jewish Studies with scholars from other
fields, Professor Nathaniel Deutsch, Co-Director of the Center of Jewish
Studies at UCSC, Professor Mitchell Duneier of Princeton University, and
Professor Sudhir Venkatesh of Columbia University will discuss these and
other aspects of the ghetto. Professor Eric Porter, Chair of the
Department of American Studies at UCSC and author of the award winning
book "What Is This Thing Called Jazz? African American Musicians as
Artists, Critics, and Activists," will introduce and moderate the
dialogue. The event is made possible by a grant from the David B. Gold
Foundation and is co-sponsored by the Department of Sociology, the
Department of American Studies, and the Urban Studies Working Group.

Sudhir Venkatesh is William B. Ransford Professor of Sociology at
Columbia University. He is an award-winning author, most recently of the
New York Times bestseller "Gang Leader for a Day" (Penguin), a film
maker, and radio producer, whose work has appeared in "The New York
Times," "This American Life," and other venues. Venkatesh's research on
Chicago street gangs served as the basis for a chapter in "Freakonomics."

Mitchell Duneier is Professor of Sociology at Princeton University and
regular Visiting Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the City
University of New York, Graduate Center. His first book, "Slim's Table:
Race, Respectability, and Masculinity" won the 1994 American
Sociological Association's award for Distinguished Scholarly
Publication. His second book "Sidewalk" (1999), won the Los Angeles
Times Book Prize and the C. Wright Mills Award.

The event is made possible by a grant from the David B. Gold Foundation
and is co-sponsored by the Department of Sociology, the Department of
American Studies, and the Urban Studies Working Group. Supported by the
Institute for Humanities Research, UCSC.

Lee Jaffe
Assessment & Planning Librarian
3366 McHenry Library
University of California
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, California 95064


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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Blessed is the Match DVD now available

2009-05-10 Thread Enid Sperber
Dear Colleagues,
i am pleased to announce the release for educational institutions of 
the excellent film about Hannan Senesh called Blessed is the 
Match.  Below are the instructions on how to order as well as 
2  PDFs, one with a poster and one with all of the information. I 
highly recommend this very moving film.  Roberta Grossman, the 
filmaker and my friend has made it available to us for a very 
reasonable price.

Own the inspirational true story of Hannah Senesh, now on DVD for 
educational institutions only. This 10-time audience award winner for 
best documentary celebrates the remarkable life of one the great 
heroines of the 20th century. The film is available in an 85-minute 
version and a 45-minute version for classroom use. A free study guide 
is available online from Facing History and Ourselves.

"One of the major untold stories of the Holocaust." Martin Gilbert
"A miracle -- moving, informative, unforgettable." Gloria Steinem.
"Beautiful, meaningful, memorable." Michael Berenbaum

To order your DVD, visit www.blessedisthematch.com.
For more information please contact: Roberta Grossman 


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Nomi Levy (San Diego Hebrew School)

2009-05-10 Thread ALBA TOSCANO
Please forgive, campers, but I can't think of another way to get to Nomi
Levy at the San Diego Hebrew Day School

I send you emails and stuff and they all get bounced back at me with the
note: "Inappropriate Language used!!!". It is true that I have been
known to make sailors blush while cruising certain bars down on the
wharf, but in the case of what I hack out on the internet, my Bobbsey
Twin sinagoga newsletters could win a Swiss Catholic Girl's Convent
School seal of approval on any random day of the week. (Does anyone
still read those books, by the bye? I had my mother's 1920's collection
and they were real page turners. It took me forever to figure out what a
velocipede was let alone pronounce it).

Anywhosits, do you have another email address?
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador La Javura
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
46007 Valencia (SPAIN)


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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal

2009-05-10 Thread Clare Kinberg
Hi all,
I'm new to this list and just entering my third term in the LIS 
program at Wayne State University.
For the past 20 years I've been the general and managing editor of 
Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, which is now published by Indiana 
University Press
Bridges has a brand new special issue, "Jewish Feminists and Our 
Fathers" guest edited by Rebecca Alpert and Laura Levitt
Here is a link to the table of contents:

Clare Kinberg, Managing Editor
Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal
4860 Washtenaw Ave #I-165
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Order Bridges at


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Audio and Video of AJL-NYMA Workshops Available Online

2009-05-10 Thread Bernstein, Steven (Library)
The New York Metropolitan Area Chapter is pleased to announce that 
the following are now available on our website:

2009 School Library Workshop

Guidelines for Using Holocaust Literature
With Middle School and High School Students
Beryl Bresgi
  - Librarian, Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen Co.
Kathe Pinchuck
  - Chair, Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee
  - Librarian, Congregation Beth Sholom, Teaneck, NJ
  - Part-time Librarian, Montclair Public Library

Audio Available at: 

2009 Cataloging Workshop

XML for Catalogers in 2009:
Emerging Technologies, Tools, and Trends
Kevin Reiss, Systems Librarian
Office of Library Services
City University of New York

PowerPoint Presentation with Synced Audio Available at: 

And be sure to check out the Events section of our website for audio, 
video, and textual files from previous workshops!

  Steven Jay Bernstein
  Association of Jewish Libraries
  New York Metropolitan Area Chapter
  I serve as the:
   - Cataloging Workshop Coordinator
   - Webmaster
  Contact me at:
   - catalog...@ajlnyma.org
   - webmas...@ajlnyma.org


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Modern Zionism textbook

2009-05-10 Thread Lillian Steinberg
Dear Colleagues,

I have been asked to post the following title by the author, a 
colleague in my school.  I have included some reviews, too.

Lillian Steinberg
Librarian, HAFTR High SchoolCedarhurst, NY 11516

"For the Sake of Zion:  Pride & Strength through Knowledge"

Tuvia Book

This educator's guide is intended to provide students with a sense of 
pride and understanding of modern Zionism and its achievements.

Once Jewish students leave the protective bubble of school, home or 
intimate social group and enter the "real world" of a mixed college 
campus, sometimes hostile to Jews and Zionism, they often find 
themselves uncomfortable, on the defensive and unable to speak about 
Israel, in part, because they lack the passion for Zion.

In order to respond effectively with a sense of self-respect and to 
be proactive, students need a sense of commitment and pride, as well 
as knowledge and tools.

The units in this guide are structured to paint broad-brush strokes 
of Zionist literacy and focus on key documents and understand the 
motivation of the heroic men and women who helped shape the Zionist 
dream.  There are many "triggers" that should lead to passionate 
group discussion and debate.  The clips on the suggested films listed 
in the index will enhance many units.

In addition, the educator should also utilize the resources provided 
in the appendix in order to develop a comprehensive course on Israel 
that will provide the students with the specific responses to 
challenging questions.  The appendix includes:

A bibliography containing recommended books to enhance each unit.
A list of suggested films to accompany each unit.
A list of useful educational websites.
An index of maps and illustrations.
A timeline.

The units are structured in the following manner:

The first three units are foundation units dealing with the necessity 
to define Zionism in the twenty-first century.  This involves 
exploring our historical and religious connections to the Land of Israel.
The next four units concern the rise of the modern Zionist movement 
and theYishuv (pre-state Israel).  Streams of Zionism will be 
reviewed, as well as theChalutzim (pioneers), and the hope and 
betrayal of the British Mandate era.
The culminating units relate to the Modern Jewish State, including 
Israel at War and peace, and acknowledge the importance of having a 
Jewish country of our own after almost two stateless millennia.

Praise for Tuvia Book's For the Sake of Zion:

"This book is a wonderful road map to one of the great journeys of 
human history – the return of the Jewish people to Israel. Tuvia Book 
combines the head of a knowledgeable expert with the heart of a 
passionate educator, to produce a volume rich in facts, ideas, and 
creative pedagogy. This guide will be an invaluable resource for 
those who really care about bringing Israel into the hearts and souls 
of our young and not so young. This book in the hands of educators 
who care will fill a great void."

Professor Barry Chazan

"Tuvia Book has written a fascinating and informative survey of 
Zionism from its early days to the present.  This book is an 
important addition to the existing educational material."

Sir Martin Gilbert

"It is a splendid work, enlightening, full of important information, 
well-organised and beautifully produced.  I need hardly say how 
valuable a contribution it is, given the sad state of disinformation 
anddemonisation of Israel in so many circles today.  I congratulate 
you on it and hope it is widely read and reflected on."

Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks

"Kol Hakavod and congratulations on this important and much needed book!"

Natan Scharansky

"Bravo! Putting his extensive knowledge and experience to great use, 
Tuvia Book has produced an essential guide for teachers and students, 
offering pithy, practical, exciting, illuminating and substantive 
units on Zionist history, Zionist ideology, and the State of Israel. 
This helpful guide will help bring Zionist education and Israel 
studies into the twenty-first century."

Professor Gil Troy

"For the Sake of Zion is extremely informative.  The book inspires 
students to delve deeper into vital historical subjects for the 
Jewish people and the Zionist enterprise.  This is indeed an 
important project."

Elie Wiesel

"Since its publication, thousands of copies of the curriculum source 
book have been sold to schools, Federations, Jewish institutions and 
youth movements in Australia, South Africa, Europe and North America. 
The materials in the curriculum text are meant to assist Jewish 
students to better understand their connection to Israel, thereby 
helping them when they attend college to confidently identify with 
and, if necessary, defend Israel against critics."

Emunah Magazine

"…This excellent resource guide is long overdue…it provides powerful 
intellectual and historic background…Worksheets, topics for 
discussion, an excellent chronolo

[ha-Safran]: Lecture on Nazi Propoganda at Library of

2009-05-10 Thread Gail R Shirazi
Congress-May 18 atNoon
X-Original-To: Hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
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European Division and the Hebrew Language Table of the Library of 
Congress  Present:

What: Lecture-Nazi Propaganda: The Machinery of Evil
Lecture  by Professor Gabriel Weimann

When: Monday, May 18, 2009 at Noon

Where: Pickford Theater, Library of Congress, Madison Building

This presentation by Dr. Gabriel Weimann, a Professor of 
Communication at Haifa University, Israel and at the American 
University, Washington, DC, will examine the social and psychological 
mechanisms activated by the sophisticated and powerful Nazi 
propaganda. The multi-media presentation includes posters, movies, 
speeches, public events, books, cartoons and other media used by the Nazis.

Program is free and open to the public . For more information contact 
Gail Shirazi: 202-707-9897,g...@loc.gov

Weimann is currently a visiting professor at the American University 
in Washington, D.C. His research interests include the study of media 
effects, political campaigns, persuasion and influence, media and 
public opinion, modern terrorism and the mass media. He is the author 
of five books including "Communicating Unreality," "The Influentials: 
People Who Influence People," "The Theater of Terror," "Hate on 
Trial" and "The Singaporean Enigma."

Weimann's report titled "Terror on the Internet," which was published 
in 2007 by the nonpartisan, congressionally-funded U.S. Institute for 
Peace, has received much media attention. The report concludes that 
the potential for terrorist cyber-attacks over the Internet is an 
"overrated" threat. Instead he suggests that policymakers and 
journalists should focus on "the numerous uses that terrorists make 
of the Internet every day." These include psychological warfare; 
publicity and propaganda; data mining; fundraising; recruitment and 
mobilization; networking; sharing information and planning and coordination.


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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Lecture on Ethiopian Jewry at the Library of

2009-05-10 Thread Gail R Shirazi
Congress May 11at noon
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Hebrew Language Table of the Library of Congress
in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel presents:

What: Ethiopian Jewry: History, Dream and Aliyah
  Lecture by Dr. Yohannes Zeleke (in English)

When: Monday, May 11, 2009 at Noon
Where: Library of Congress, Pickford Theater, 3rd Floor, Madison Bldg.

Dr. Yohannes Zeleke, an Ethiopian Jew, is an historian, 
archaeologist, anthropologist and former curator of the National 
Museum of Ethiopia. He has been teaching as an adjunct professor at 
George Washington University and American University. Dr. Zeleke has 
a Ph.D. in anthropology from the Russian Academy of Science and an MA 
in archaeology and BA in history from St. Petersburg State University.


For more information: Gail Shirazi g...@loc.gov, 202-707-9897


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Question about the Middle East

2009-05-10 Thread Brenda Yi
Dear AJL librarians,

I am posting this reference question for my colleague.

We need to find the components of populations in the 6 GCC countries 
in the Middle East (UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and 
Kuwait). Would you know of any resources that give the percentage or 
the number of people by nationality for each of these countries (or 
for the GCC as a whole)? For example (I'm just making this up), it 
could be something like this: Saudi Arabia's population is made up of 
60% of Saudi Arabia people, 30% Israelis and 10% Lebanese.

We've looked at the statistics on the websites of each of these GCC 
countries. But they only give very simple breakdown: percentage of 
"Nationals" and "non-Nationals". No breakdown of what these non-Nationals are.

Any leads will be welcome.  Please reply me and I will relay the message.



Brenda Yi, Librarian
Jewish Community Centre
One Robinson Place
70 Robinson Road
Hong Kong S.A.R., China
E-Mail: jcc...@jcc.org.hk
Tel: (852)2589-2660
Fax: (852)2877-0917


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[Hasafran]: American Girl series, Rebecca

2009-05-10 Thread Helene or Murray Tuchman
Jackie Greene, the author of 'Out of Many Waters" and "One Foot ashore' and
'Nathan's Hanukkah Bargain' is going to be in New York at the Children's
Book Expo and the Jewish Book Council's author luncheon. This will be part
of the launch of her American Girls series, "Rebecca" 6 volumes about a
Russian Jewish immigrant girl in 1914 New York. May 31st is the official
launch date. Jackie is a wonderful and frequent speaker at our Book Fairs at
Temple Emanuel in Newton MA. The children love her talks and even write
letters to her afterwards. She also has a new Kar-Ben book launching at the
same time " The Secret Shofar of Barcelona".  Be sure to stop by her booth.
Helene Tuchman
Librarian, retired
Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library
Temple Emanuel of Newton MA


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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Duplicate copies of Conservative Judaism

2009-05-10 Thread Marga Hirsch
I have duplicate copies of numerous issues of Conservative Judaism, 
available for the cost of postage:

Vol 60 – no. 3 (Spring 08) and no. 4 (Summer 08)

Vol 59 – no. 1 (Fall 06), no. 3 (Spring 07), no. 4 (Summer 07)\

Vol 58 – no. 1 (Fall 05), nos. 2-3 (Winter/Spring 06), no. 4 (Summer 06)

Vol 57 – no. 1 (Fall 04)

Vol 56 – no. 1 (Fall03), no. 2 (Winter 04), no. 4 (Summer 04), 
Special Supplement on The Problem of Judaism in America

Vol 55 – no. 3 (Spring 03), no. 4 (Summer 03)

Please let me know if you would like any or all of them.



Marga Hirsch


Park Avenue Synagogue

50 East 87th St.

New York, NY 10128

212.369.2600, x127



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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: AJL newsletter reviews

2009-05-10 Thread Heidi Estrin
I only just noticed this line of discussion about AJL's newsletter 
reviews with Linda's message below. I'd like to add my 2 cents.

I agree that it is in AJL's best interests to share our reviews as 
widely and freely as possible. Only by having the outside world 
become aware of our points of view can we expect to have any impact 
on Jewish content in publishing or book purchasing.

Putting our reviews on Amazon is an excellent plan. Not only is 
Amazon itself widely used, but reviews posted to Amazon end up moving 
virally across the internet on other bookselling sites and Amazon 
affiliate sites. Anyone can create an account and post a review. The 
only stumbling block is time to input the information. Hopefully our 
recent reviews are available digitally (in Word or some such) so that 
they could be cut-and-pasted rather than retyped into Amazon.

As to which reviews to include, I'd say we should include all reviews 
starting with the most recent issue of AJL Newsletter, and then work 
backwards as time permits. And of course, as new newsletters come 
out, those new reviews would take priority over back issues for being 
added to Amazon.

We might also consider adding our reviews to AJL's blog, "People of 
the Books." This would provide valuable content in an AJL sanctioned 
venue, and would allow our blog to remain current. However, I would 
still want to see them included on Amazon, because they'll be seen by 
more people in that environment.

I agree completely with Linda's points that negative as well as 
positive reviews must be included, and that there is no need for 
password protection. It is much more valuable to share our reviews 
with the wider world than it is to hold reviews back as a recruitment 
tool. I too doubt that many people join AJL for the reviews alone.

The only point I (sort of) disagree with is the idea of moving the 
newsletter completely online. I can see the benefit, but it's a 
rather long newsletter and I know that I personally would never read 
it if I had to do so digitally.

Heidi Estrin

AJL PR Committee


Date: Sun, 03 May 2009 21:08:47 -0400

From: Linda Silver 

To: Hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu

Subject: RE: [ha-Safran]: Seeing a list of past book reviews

 My computer died and this is the first time I've been reading or

writing email messages in quite a while.  I'm not sure of the origins of the

discussion about access to AJL Newsletter book reviews that was summarized

by Suzi Dublin in her HaSafran message of April 21, but I want to chime in

and say how important I think it is for there to be online access to AJL

Newsletter reviews.  My concern for years has been that our reviews reach a

very limited audience and not the wider world of book selectors who could

certainly use a Jewish perspective on Jewish books. For example, the large

public library database that I use most frequently (Clevnet) has a feature

in its catalog called Online Extras.  It consists of published reviews from

SLJ, Booklist, etc.  As we know, those are not always the best sources of

reviews of Jewish children's books and they are sometimes misleading.  Each

time I read one, I wish that the AJL Newsletter review was also available.

 In researching books of Jewish content, I often use Novelist, one of

hundreds of databases available through Clevnet.  Again, reviews from

secular media are in it but never reviews from the Jewish media.  Moreover,

some important Jewish books are not included and other rather poor ones are.

This, I'm pretty sure, is a result of the available reviews.  If AJL

Newsletter reviews were available online, they would be accessible to

database searchers and could be more easily included in some of the big,

popular databases like Novelist.  It is worth noting that AJL Newsletter

reviews of books for children and teens are included in the Children's

Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD) and have been for about five years.

CLCD is a subscription service so its contents are limited to those who pay

the yearly fee or, like some AJL members, have it waived.

 Recently, I suggested to the Newsletter editors that they look into

posting Newsletter reviews on Amazon.  This seems like a good way to make

them available to the wider public but someone in AJL would have to be

responsible for finding out if and how it could be accomplished.

 Regarding the questions in Suzi's messages from AJL Council:

1) Which reviews do we make public?  Why not all of them?  How else would

one choose?  Certainly not just the reviews that are positive.  Negative

reviews are very important as well.

2)  How far back do we go?  Start with the current and work backwards as

time allows.

3)  Password protection for current reviews:  Not necessary IMHO.  How many

people join AJL just for access to Newsletter reviews?

 To add one more thought to the mix, why not consider publishing the


Re: [ha-Safran]: AJL-NYMA Spring Conference

2009-05-10 Thread Susan Dubin
Congratulations to NYMA for once again hosting such an outstanding 
opportunity for professional growth. Thank you for setting the 
standards in our profession.
Susan Dubin
AJL President


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: NoveList coverage of Jewish fiction

2009-05-10 Thread Fred Lerner
I took the liberty of relaying to my colleagues at NoveList (for whom I do some
freelance writing) some of the concerns that have been expressed on this list
about their coverage of Jewish fiction.

Their Data Manager told me that she has checked out the AJL website and will be
pointing catalogers in their Data Division to several resource lists 
there: Book
Club Reading Lists (2003-2009), for adult fiction & nonfiction recommendations,
and Notable Children's Books of Jewish Content (1999-2009). She is 
also ordering
these print bibliographies for cataloging: Notable Children's Books of Jewish
Content (covering 1985-2000); Jewish Classics for Kids by Linda Silver (2006).

She also asked, "By the way, who at AJL could tell me about the 
electronic format
of the newsletter book reviews and the fee for licensing?" If someone 
can provide
me this information offline, I'll pass it along. (Please do so before noon on
Friday, as I'll be away from this computer for a couple of weeks after that.)

This seems to me a good response, one that should help to solve some 
of the problems
that Safranim have noted about NoveList's coverage of Jewish books.

Fred Lerner, D.L.S.
Hon. Librarian, Koreman Library
Roth Center for Jewish Life
Hanover, New Hampshire


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: Educational websites about Lag Ba'Omer

2009-05-10 Thread Jacob Richman
Hi Everyone!

The Jewish festival "Lag Ba'Omer" is Tuesday, May 12, 2009.
If you are flying over Israel on Monday night (11th) and you
look down out of your plane, you will see thousands of bonfires
dotting the landscape as far as the eye can see. There
are various customs and explanations for these celebrations.

I posted on my website 38 links to learn about "Lag Ba'Omer".
All 38 links have been reviewed / checked this week.

The web address is:


I also added Lag Ba'Omer stickers to the Facebook
"Send Jewish Stickers" application at:

Enjoy the bonfires!


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: hasaf...@osu.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to: Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org