[ha-Safran]: Censorship case

2008-08-26 Thread Andrea Rapp
Early in August the Wall Street Journal ran an opinion piece about 
the decision of Random House to cancel publication of a novel about 
Aisha, the favorite wife of Muhammad, on the grounds that it could be 
"offensive to some in the Muslim community." Radom House expressed 
regret that it "cannot" publish the book at this time.

   The publisher is quoted as expressing fear for the safety of 
Random House employees, booksellers, and others, should it publish this book.

About ten days ago I emailed the ALA's Office of Intellectual Freedom 
about this case of self-censorship due to intimidation, or fear of 
intimidation asking whether ALA has taken a stand or action on this issue.
I haven't heard back, and I wonder whether anyone else has pursued this.
The WSJ piece, titled "You Still Can't Write About Muhammad" can 
be found here:


  Andrea Rapp
  Cincinnati, Ohio

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Censorship of Books in US Prisons

2007-07-24 Thread Marion Stein
What can we do as an organization about this?  I'd support sending a message
to the appropriate persons.  Marion

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship of books in US prison libraries

2007-07-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This does seem another example of censorship that AJL might very well 
wish to comment on.  Oversight of this process is crucial to maintain 
our constitutional rights. Note however, that the ADL has taken the 
position that the concern that some religious texts may be 
inflammatory and should be examined.

Excerpts from The Jewish Week and a couple of other sources give the 
context of this debate and would enlighten this debate:

The new rule follows release of a report last September by George 
Washington University and the University of Virginia that warned that 
American prisons had become a major breeding ground for Islamic terrorists.

Three inmates at the federal prison in upstate Otisville — a Jew, a 
Christian and a Muslim — have filed suit against the federal Bureau 
of Prisons seeking to reverse the policy after it was implemented 
there late last month.

  Five Orthodox Jewish groups and the American Jewish Committee have 
all challenged the bureau’s handling of this issue. In a letter this 
week to Harley Lappin, the bureau’s director, the AJC’s general 
counsel, Jeffrey Sinensky claimed that to “arbitrarily cap the number 
of books available to inmates unjustifiably punishes those seeking 
both religious inspiration and texts that are essential for the 
proper observance of their faith.”

There are about 5,000 Jewish inmates in federal prisons around the 
country, according to the ALEPH Institute, which runs prison programs 
and arranges rabbinic visitation for Jewish inmates.

More details and links from today's issues of Christianity Today 

Steven Freeman, associate director of civil rights for the 
Anti-Defamation League, applauds the measures as limiting extremism in prisons.

"It's a legitimate concern that the government has in terms of what 
books are available to prisoners," he said. "Hopefully that decision 
is made with some good discussion and good discretion about what is 
extremist and what is mainstream."

Herald Tribune posted an Associated Press article covering the events 
at the Otisville prison.

The Anti-Defamation League website has a post providing answers to 
questions concerning 
prison extremism and 
the First Amendment.

The BOP released a 
review on Muslim 
religious service providers in April 2004.

One of the goals of the 
Institute is to protect religious freedom.

Prison Fellowship 
is working to counter this censorship. The organization also works in 
prisons across the country to spread the gospel to inmates.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship of books in US prison libraries

2007-07-24 Thread Dina Tanners
 I am in Israel now so cannot make a phone call based on what I 
have just read.

 Gary Friedman is the chaplain of Jewish Prisoners Services 
International, based in Seattle where I live.  He is the "expert" on 
Jews (and books) in prisons.  I suggest that someone tri to contact 
him.  Here is the main 

Dina Tanners

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship of books in US prison libraries

2007-07-23 Thread Andrea Rapp
I assume that Christian books and Bibles were also removed.
This would be a good thing for Jews and Christians to join together to resolve.
Andrea Rapp

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[ha-Safran]: Censorship of Books in US Prisons

2007-07-23 Thread Eli Wise
I think that this move is an aspect of political correctness. The 
overwhelming majority of prisoners are not Jewish as we know. If we 
add the fact that prison communities do not always reflect the 
pluralism of the general public in American society then there would 
be prisoners that would find Jewish materials offensive. Society has 
made prisoners an enigma. On the one hand they are disenfranchised 
because of their crimes on the other hand people believe that they 
have rights and perhaps even voting privileges. At any rate if these 
factors are considered then Jewish prisoners have a right to their 
identity. What about religious services? Is the next step to band 
Jewish religious services? Will Rabbinic chaplains be banned from 
prison? I believe that AJL must vigorously protest this move for two 
reasons. As Judaica librarians we are entrusted with resources of 
Jewish history, culture, religion, and heritage as well as dispersing 
these materials to patrons who wish to educate themselves no matter 
where they may be. As librarians we must protest censorship. It is 
irrelevant what the reasons are the important thing is maintaining 
American tradition and values as well as serving our co-religionists.

I can only think to the famous Rev. Niemoller comment about not 
protesting. If they censor in prisons it is not too far off that they 
will do so in the general society.
The slippery slope has begun. We need to stop the momentum as best as we can.

Eliezer M. Wise
Tuttleman Library of Gratz College

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[ha-Safran]: Censorship of books in US prison libraries

2007-07-23 Thread Stephanie Gross
According to the Jewish Week, Jewish books have been purged from federal
prison libraries.  What, if anything, are Jewish librarians, AJL chapters,
etc. doing if anything?  Although I admit that there is always valid reason
to review collection development policies, I failed to see how this massive
purging of religious material threatens American democracy.  Please see the
link below to the article as it appeared in the past issue of JW.


Stephanie Gross, MLS
Electronic Reserves
Pollack Library Rm. 406
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York NY 10033

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[ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-21 Thread yoel sheridan
Much of the dispute regarding censorship seems to emanate from the 
word itself. As rich as is the English language, it nevertheless 
fails from time to time  to provide an accurate word for the 
occasion. "Censorship" is one such word.

There is an old Jewish anecdote about a judge presiding over a case 
where divorced parents argue as to who should have custody of their 
child. The mother explains at length why she should have custody and 
the judge says "You are right". The father then explains why he 
should have custody of the child and the judge says to him "You are 
right". The clerk to the court then intervenes and tells the judge 
that he cannot say that both sides are right, whereupon the judge 
exclaims "You are also right!"

So it is with the censorship discussion so far.

The trouble arises from the wide definition of the word which can be 
used equally for censoring for good and evil purposes. Most will 
agree that censorship for the common good is acceptable, although 
many would dispute what is for the common good.

Different words need to be found to describe more accurately the many 
forms of censorship in existence. Who will take up the challenge?

Plato used the word in the following context

And shall we just carelessly allow children to hear any casual tales 
which may be devised by casual persons, and to receive into their 
minds ideas for the most part the very opposite of those which we 
should wish them to have when they are grown up?

We cannot.

Then the first thing will be to establish a censorship of the writers 
of fiction, and let the censors receive any tale of fiction which is 
good, and reject the bad; and we will desire mothers and nurses to 
tell their children the authorized ones only.

Yoel Sheridan

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-18 Thread Andrea Rapp
 >.Otherwise, having segregated restaurants, lunch counters, etc. 
wouldn't have
been found unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court so many years ago.
Did the Supreme Court do that? Maybe you are right, but as one 
old enough to remember the 1960's, I think it was legislation passed 
by Congress, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, rather than a Supreme Court 
decision, that desegregated public accommodations.  Many legislators 
felt that the act was not constitutional, and ultimately I believe it 
was the commerce clause that was cited and interpreted to cover these 
private establishments,

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I am no attorney, but I think Andrea Rapp, thank goodness, is correct
the constitutional protection of free speech applying only to restraints
of the government.  Mr. Katz's examples of segregated restaurants, etc.
nothing to do with speech.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"And in the place where there are no men, strive to be a man."
 --Pirke Avot 2:6

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-17 Thread Bernard Katz
Abigail Yasgur's suggestion for an informal conference session on
the topic of how free speech affects various organizations and 
individuals, as well as non-government bodies would be informative.
It's an important subject that all librarians working in the USA
need to be clear about.

I strongly suspect that Andrea Rapp's "the constitution's constraints 
apply to government bodies only, not to parents, stores, publishers, 
and so on" is incorrect, her civics class notwithstanding. Otherwise, 
having segregated restaurants, lunch counters, etc. wouldn't have 
been found unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court so many years ago.

Bernard Katz, former head, Special Collections and Library Development
McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
author, descriptive bibliog. of L.M. Montgomery's books (in progress)
and founding treasurer, ALJ - Ontario Chapter

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship and rights

2006-05-16 Thread Andrea Rapp
I think anyone can censor - e.g. parents censor their children's 
reading,  history textbooks censor constantly (see Diane Ravitch's 
The Language Police).  But censorship by a bookstore or by a parent 
does not amount to denying a person his consitituional rights, since 
the constitution's constraints apply to government bodies only, not 
to parents, stores, publishers, and so on.
Or so I was taught in Civics class, back in the days when they 
had Civics classes.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-16 Thread Susan Dubin
it was the publisher, McGraw Hill, that invited her in the first place
and then asked her not to come. The issue is whether a publisher that
sponsors programs like SRA and "canned" reading can accept criticism
from one of their authors who feels strongly that literacy is other than
sounding out words.
The International Reading Association "disavows all knowledge" of the
Suzi Dubin

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-15 Thread Etta Gold
Linda, thank you for sharing this with us.  I will certainly pass it on to
our teachers!

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-15 Thread Daniel Stuhlman
At 02:05 PM 5/14/2006, you wrote:
>Below is a message to librarians, media specialists, and educators
>that author/illustrator Patricia Polacco has posted.  It has been -
>and deserves to be - widely disseminated.  Polacco's website contains
>some additional comments about this disturbing issue.
>But, then, a very disturbing turn of events transpired. My staff 
>started receiving phone calls and
>emails from this firm in Ohio requesting that I furnish them with a 
>detailed written outline of what I intended to include in my 
>speeches. I assumed, of course, that this was asked so that a 
>synopsis of my content could be included in a printed brochure 
>furnished to the conferees.

I am not sure that Linda wanted to start a debate, but let me put my 
two cents in.

First I am against censorship.  I have even written about the dangers 
of censorship.

However, the description of this event hardly seems to be censorship 
or an issue of free speech.  Let me give you another example,  a 
Jewish day school hires an entertainer who has a reputation of being 
an excellent comedian, but also tells off color jokes when in Las 
Vegas.  The school puts into the contract that the nature of the show 
and specifies that no jokes should be off-color or in any way offend 
the observant Jewish audience.  The school asks for copies of the 
jokes and stories in advance to make sure the terms of the contract 
are being observed.

The comedian is hired help and has no grounds to claim academic 
freedom of speech.

Once Patricia Polacco learned of the agenda of the hiring agency, she 
had two choices, attend and alter the speech or not attend.  It would 
have been much worse if she were cut off in the middle of the speech 
and publicly embarrassed.   Perhaps she is totally right in her 
criticism of the no child left behind? If one has a philosophical 
disagreement with an employer, one should either convince them of the 
error of their ways or shut up.

Censorship is when a governmental body or a public agency decides 
what the public may or may not read or hear.  A private company 
paying the bill can dictate the messages they want to 
publicize.   Parents guiding their children to the best materials is 
not censorship.  Organizations choosing the content of those who give 
speeches to their membership is not censorship.

At worse SRA/McGraw Hill Company deceived Ms. Polacco.  At best it 
was just a lack of communications.

Daniel Stuhlman
Chicago, IL  60645
dstuhlman @ stuhlman   biz

http://home.earthlink.net/~ddstuhlman/liblob.htm  Librarian's Lobby
http://stuhlman.biz  Home page

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-15 Thread Andrea Rapp
Thank you for forwarding.  The New York Times actually had a story on 
this about 2 days ago; the emphasis was a tad different but it did 
make clear that the author was 'disinvited.'  I was surprised at the 
story's rather prominent placement, given the truly momentous issues 
that do not get coverage at all!
   I don't think it is accurate to say that any of her 
'constitutional' rights were violated, however.  If the Reading 
Association is a non-government organization it does not owe her, or 
anyone, a platform of free speech.

Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

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[ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-14 Thread Linda Silver
Below is a message to librarians, media specialists, and educators 
that author/illustrator Patricia Polacco has posted.  It has been - 
and deserves to be - widely disseminated.  Polacco's website contains 
some additional comments about this disturbing issue.

Linda Silver, President


Urgent Notice

To All Educators, Librarians, and Media Specialists
Regarding the cancellation of my appearance at the IRA
in Chicago for May 2 and 3, 2006

A few months ago I was approached by The Buchanan
Associates in Dublin, OH to appear at the
International Reading Association Conference in
Chicago on May 2 and 3, 2006. I was to be part of 5
events. Speeches, 'meet and greet' and book signings.

I was happy to accept the invitation which, I assumed,
was coming from the I.R.A. and my publisher. It is
always such an honor for me to speak and interact with
teachers and librarians from around the country.

But, then, a very disturbing turn of events
transpired. My staff started receiving phone calls and
emails from this firm in Ohio requesting that I
furnish them with a detailed written outline of what I
intended to include in my speeches. I assumed, of
course, that this was asked so that a synopsis of my
content could be included in a printed brochure
furnished to the conferees.

You can imagine my astonishment when I finally called
this firm and learned that this was not the reason.
They requested my written outline because their
'client' wanted to make sure that I would not discuss
my deep concern about NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND
MANDATE...as well as my concern that there is a link
between this mandate and the SRA/McGraw Hill Company
who manufactures, prints, and profits from the sale of
these tests to school systems all over our country.

It was then that I closely reviewed all if the emails
(I had not up until this time because I had been doing
school visits and was not home until now) I then
realized that the "client" that this firm referred to,
but never names, was indeed, SRA/McGraw Hill! I also
learned from the Officials of the IRA that SRA/McGraw
Hill was indeed sponsoring the event that I had been
invited to. I was shocked!

This "firm" insisted that my speech be "upbeat,
non-controversial, and non-political"...I countered
with the fact that the plight of the American teacher
is far from "upbeat" and they are caught in the vice
grip of the most controversial and political LIE that
has ever been perpetrated on the American teacher.

I was also quite mystified as to why SRA/McGraw Hill
would even select ME and invite me to be a part of
their program knowing how strongly I feel about this
entire situation.

My speeches certainly do inspire teachers...I truly
believe they are among the last hero's we have in our
country...but I always mention the destructive path
that is laying wasted to our schools and that is the
No Child Left Behind Mandate!

I did mention to them that I considered this broaching
"censorship" and a violation of my freedom of speech.

Finally, after receiving numerous emails from this
'firm' that got more and more 'insistences'...I
finally sent them a written refusal to alter my
speeches in any way, Certainly I can moderate their
length, but I refused to alter the content. I made
them aware if they truly had a problem with this, then
they could "un-invite" me to be part of their event.

Needless to sat, SRA/McGraw Hill cancelled my programs
within the hour!

My main concern here, is that I very much fear the
conferees will be led to believe that it is I who
cancelled this event. The cancellation was the choice
of SRA/McGraw Hill and was generated by a blatant
attempt to CENSOR my remarks and the content of what I
say to teachers, which is a clear infringement of my
constitutional right to freedom of speech. I pride
myself on being an advocate for America's teachers as
well as being one of the most reliable speakers at
conferences in our country.

My lawyers and I have set a formal request to
SRA/McGraw Hill through their representative, The
Buchanan Associates in Dublin, Ohio, to post the
following signs outside of each venue at the
conference where I am scheduled to speak.


Call anyone you know that was either going to attend
my events, or that did and were disappointed and tell
them why this happened.

I am very disturbed by this on may levels. It seems
that we Americans are losing, by leaps and bounds, our
constitution "guaranteed" rights.

I am insulted and very offended not only on my own
behalf, but also because of these various
organizations that seek to profi from the misery for
our teachers and school children. Profits and money
seem to matter much more that truly making changes to
our educational systems that would truly help our
children. I have to admit that I have a certain amount
of pride in taking this stand on y

[Ha-Safran] censorship

2003-10-29 Thread Lani Droz
This is re the ongoing discussion about politically correct collections, 
for those people following it.

This is my opinion only, and it may be misguided and idiodic at best, 
offensive at worst, so please be forgiving and take it with your own 
measures of salt: although I am among the minority in the library 
profession, I think censorship is a reasonable exercise.

We always censor naturally for personal agendas (we don't buy everything, 
we don't read everything, we don't allow everything into our mouth or 
home).  When we represent an organization, as in the role of the Librarian, 
we may also build our collection according to the agenda of the 
organization.  Although the organization (school, public lib, college, 
whatever) is a combination of different people, they are all generally 
working towards a defined, common goal/agenda.

Relevant to the conversation, if a library is considered "Jewish," no one 
looking for books there should expect to find Christian or Muslim 
works.  No patron should be upset if other faiths are not represented, 
because the library is not being billed as a multicultural, multi-ethnic 
learning center.  A synagogue, or Jewish day school, for that matter, etc, 
is Jewish.

If the organization is Orthodox Jewish, they do not need to represent 
Reform (etc) Judaism.  If the school/center is Reform (etc), they do not 
need to represent Orthodox.  (although, the Torah is still a part of Reform 
(etc) Judaism, and, for research collections even in Orthodox 
organizations, material from other sects or faiths may be helpful to have 
on hand.)

If libraries choose to offer material alternative to their agenda, because 
they feel that the material will help their patrons in some way, 
gazuntaheit.  If they feel that their mission or agenda is to expand the 
minds of their patrons in some way, then they are welcome, to that end, to 
purchase ANY material that they feel will meet that goal, be it learning 
hindi or crocheting scarves.

But any collection developer(s) can decide what and what not to include in 
their collection, and are not beholden to "peer pressure" that they should 
or should not include certain "mind-expanding" material.  If they think it 
is practical for their collection, to address the needs/meet the goals of 
their organization, fine, and if not, the material will most likely be able 
to find another welcoming home.

Obviously, finding good material is a goal, and sometimes undesirable 
writers produce good works--or desirable topics obligate the purchase of 
poorly written works.  But in selecting books, both the quality and the 
content are relevant.

Thank you for tolerating this expression of opinion.  Only the highest 
regards for all of you!

Lani Droz

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