Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-15 Thread Stanley Nachamie
It is important for Jewish libraries to have a say at
ALA (American Library Association), since ALA is one
one of the parties editing the Anglo-American
Cataloguing rules and making other policies that
affect all American libraries.
They have also in the past, passed, with little
discussion, resolutions biased against Israel.

If I read the Ha-Safran messages correctly, there is
nothing in the official bio-blurb that makes reference
to this person's connections to AJL and its issues, so
it was helpful for the poster to point this out.

-Stanley Nachamie

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RE: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-15 Thread Rettberg, Dan
I agree with Bernard. One of the reasons I value my AJL membership in 
general, and this list in particular, is that both facilitate the 
discussion of bibliographical and narrowly professional concerns, without 
too much overflow into discussions of politics of whatever sort. One of the 
results of this, I think, is that AJL, while a much more diverse 
organization than might appear on the surface, is an exceptionally friendly 
and respectful organization, and the participants in the discussions on 
this listserv, to my mind, display these virtues to a fault. The occasional 
overflow on this listserv is just that, occasional, and I usually deal 
with it by using my delete button. I would not like to see us become a 
clearing house for endorsements and discussions of candidates running for 
any sort of office in any organization, ours included. If any member of any 
other organization wants to know to what other professional organizations a 
given candidate may belong, that member should petition the organization in 
question to include such information on the announcement describing the 
candidates background and qualifications. I do not think it a reasonable 
expection that candidates running for office in one organization should be 
vetted on the listserv of another.

Dan Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio


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Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-15 Thread Library
I agree with Stanley.  ALA's past anti-Israel, anti-Jewish history makes it
important for all of us to know when we have the opportunity to vote for
candidates who are AJL members and will speak in a different voice.  The
benefit of sharing this knowledge outweighs the risk of cluttering our
Elizabeth Edelglass
Dept. of Jewish Education of Greater New Haven

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Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-14 Thread Bernard Katz
I must say that I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion on this
important topic. I agree with Ted Koppel's implication that the use of
this list for ALA electioneering is inappropriate, regardless of any
individual's qualifications. I'm not a member of ALA, but I'm sure that
each official candidate for their Council is given the opportunity to
have a bio-blurb about them presented to the voing members of ALA. That's
done in CLA and OLA, to which I belong *and* to AJL! So why would we want
to clutter up our listserv with these things?

Edith Lubetski said: I think it is a service to us to be informed of
ALA candidates who would be, at the very least, sympathetic to our
interests as AJL members. In fact, when there is an ALA election, I
would appreciate hearing from our members which candidates would
support our issues. I do not know any of the candidates personally or
professionally so that any input is helpful.

Where should this stop? Should we include comments about various people
running for public office of all kinds that would impact libraries, or
only Jewish libraries? Should we allow actual full blown lobbying? What
about having comments about people who do *not* support our issues?
Besides all that, what in fact ARE our issues and on which ones have
we registered consensus so we know which way we as a group are prepared
to allow candidates who support them to have their names touted to us?

I think this should be stopped here and now before it gets out of hand!
Shabbat shalom,
Bernard Katz, former head, Special Collections and Library Development
McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
founding former treasurer, AJL-Ontario Chapter
author, descriptive bibliog. of L.M. Montgomery's books (in progress)
and chair, Ontario Library Association Copyright Task Force

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-09 Thread Ted Koppel
No matter what her qualifications are, is it proper to use Hasafran for 
electioneering?  Twice?

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Re: [ha-Safran]: ********** for ALA Council

2005-03-09 Thread Edith Lubetski
I think it is a service to us to be informed of ALA candidates who would
be, at the very least, sympathetic to our interests as AJL members. In
fact, when there is an ALA election, I would appreciate hearing from our
members which candidates  would support our issues. I do
not know any of the candidates personally or professionally so that any
input is helpful.
  Edith Lubetski

Edith Lubetski  Phone:212-340-7720
Hedi Steinberg Library  Fax: 212-340-7808
Stern College for Women
Yeshiva University
245 Lexington Av.
NY NY 10016  USA

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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