Re: Straw Poll (name)

1998-09-10 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 08-Sep-1998, Emery Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I personally lean towards Haskell 98 myself, but just for
 grins (and to hopefully offload this topic from the list):
 Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "Straw Poll".
 Results will be tabulated and announced on September 15, 1998.
 Assuming that the Haskell standard will be announced in 1998,
 I'd prefer that the language specification be called...
 (pick ONE of the following):
 Reason for your vote:

If you're going to have a poll, it would be better to let everyone
list their order of preferences, rather than just their first
preference.  Voting systems based on a single non-transferable
vote are fundamentally flawed (see the quote below, from information on
the Proportional Representation Society of Australia home page

Software for computing a winner from a preferential votes using the
Quota Preferential method is available at

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Marking X is not sufficient

If voters only indicate their first preference there is simply not
enough information for a good selection of representatives. Votes may
be split across several candidates with similar views, leading to all
those candidates losing while another candidate with opposing views
wins with fewer votes in total. Votes for candidates who are not
successful must be wasted since there is no indication of the voter's
second and subsequent preferences. Systems that lead to votes being
wasted encourage insincere voting: rather than waste a vote on the
genuine first preference who may be unlikely to be elected, the vote is
cast for a lower preference who has a chance of getting elected. Often
this results in people voting for the "lesser of two evils" and makes
it very difficult for smaller parties to gain ground. Systems based on
marking multiple X's do not solve the problem and sometimes make things
even worse.

See also Tom Round's thesis
"A matter of preference? Defending the Single Transferable Vote";

Int vs Integer. Reply

1998-09-10 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

John Launchbury  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
asked recently about the Int performance vs Integer one.

In my experience with ghc-2.10 Int was 4-5 times faster than Integer
on the tasks with large amount of integer arithmetic.
Some Haskell, Hugs implementors confirm that this is not an occasion.
Therefore, i often set  Integral i = i  instead of clear Integer. 
For the compiler is expected to specialize this to Int or to Integer
depending on what is needed in the task described in `main'.

Only  ** Int has to break-report on overflow **

- so the user would know when to set  :: Integer rather than Int for
the next compile-run.

Sergey Mechveliani

MISC'99: Final Call for Papers

1998-09-10 Thread MISC 99


Workshop on Applications of Interval Analysis to Systems and Control
with special emphasis on recent advances in Modal Interval Analysis

February 24-26, 1999, Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain

Dear colleague,

Remember that the deadline for full paper submissions is SEPTEMBER 30,

If you want detailed information about MISC'99, please visit its WWW

Best regards,

Dr. Josep Vehi

Re: Int vs Integer

1998-09-10 Thread Paul Hudak

 Standard Haskell is supposed to be a conservative bugfix of 1.4,

IMHO, the use of Int is a BUG, and we should fix it in Standard Haskell,
for all of the reasons that Jon mentions.

Haven't we had this discussion (umpteen times) before??  I thought that
we had already agreed to make this change in Standard Haskell, and I'm
sure that none of us really wants to debate the whole thing again!


Re: Int vs Integer

1998-09-10 Thread Jon . Fairbairn

On 10 Sep, Will Partain wrote:
  As far as I know, none of the existing implementations
 takes the speed of Integer seriously (ghc certainly doesn't), ...
 The GHC implementation has always been a thin wrapper on top
 of the GMP (GNU multi-precision arithmetic) library.  So,
 while we may not have taken Integer performance too
 seriously, we made a point of hanging around with people who
 did.  (Hey, Lennart made much the same choice, and he's not
 one to give away speed for nothing :-)

The question is of performance for Int sized things in Integer, so the
fact that you call a good library isn't relevant; what's important is
what you do when you don't _need_ to use GMP to get the answer.  My
guess is that most of the real cost of doing Int sized arithmetic in
Integers is the cost of detecting overflow.  

18 Kimberley Road[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB4 1HH  +44 1223 570179 (pm only, please)

Re: Int vs Integer

1998-09-10 Thread Will Partain


  As far as I know, none of the existing implementations
 takes the speed of Integer seriously (ghc certainly doesn't), ...

The GHC implementation has always been a thin wrapper on top
of the GMP (GNU multi-precision arithmetic) library.  So,
while we may not have taken Integer performance too
seriously, we made a point of hanging around with people who
did.  (Hey, Lennart made much the same choice, and he's not
one to give away speed for nothing :-)

Will (ex-GHC person)