Re: [GHC] #398: Xlib Types Not Instances of Anything

2006-01-08 Thread GHC
#398: Xlib Types Not Instances of Anything
  Reporter:  jcast  |  Owner:  ross   
  Type:  bug| Status:  closed 
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone: 
 Component:  libraries (other)  |Version:  6.4
  Severity:  normal | Resolution:  fixed  
  Keywords: | Os:  Unknown
Difficulty:  Unknown|   Architecture:  Unknown
Changes (by ross):

  * architecture:  = Unknown
  * resolution:  None = fixed
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * status:  new = closed
  * os:  = Unknown

Old description:

 The types defined by newtype in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types
 are not instances of any type classes.  Ptr, on the
 other hand, which these types are synonyms for, is an
 instance of Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data, Storable,
 and several other classes not relevant to the usage of
 pointers in Graphics.X11.Xlib.

New description:

 The types defined by newtype in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types
 are not instances of any type classes.  Ptr, on the
 other hand, which these types are synonyms for, is an
 instance of Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data, Storable,
 and several other classes not relevant to the usage of
 pointers in Graphics.X11.Xlib.


 The newtypes will be instances of Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable and Data in the
 next major release.

 Storable wouldn't be appropriate, as these types are abstract in this API.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: cvs commit: fptools/libraries/base/Data IntMap.hs Map.hs Sequence.hs Set.hs fptools/libraries/base/Data/Generics Instances.hs Twins.hs

2006-01-08 Thread Jim Apple

Simon Peyton Jones wrote:

simonpj 2006/01/06 07:51:23 PST

  Modified files:
libraries/base/Data  IntMap.hs Map.hs Sequence.hs Set.hs 
libraries/base/Data/Generics Instances.hs Twins.hs 

  Eta-expand some higher-rank functions.  GHC is about to
  move to *invariant* rather than *contra-variant* in function
  arguments, so far as type subsumption is concerned. These
  eta-expansions are simple, and allow type inference to
  go through with invariance.

Why drop contra-variace?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell] A collection of related proposals regarding monads

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 05/01/06, John Meacham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 independent of anything else, giving up error messages on pattern match
 failures in do notation is not acceptable. so, if the split were to
 happen, having two methods in MonadZero, one which takes a string
 argument, would be needed.


Why does that have to be built into the class specification? Already,
GHC can give line/column numbers for failed pattern matches in
lambdas, it should be able to do the same for failed pattern matches
in do-syntax in a similar way.

I've never run into a case where I wanted the pattern match failure
error message in the form of a String, wrapped in my monad datatype
directly. If you were going to go that route, wouldn't a proper data
type be preferred anyway, rather than a String? I can't actually do
anything with that string other than to display it, since the report
doesn't standardise its structure.

Further, these cases seem sufficiently rare that if you're interested
in catching information about where the pattern match failed, and
using it in your program, you'd probably be better off actually
handling failure directly, rather than relying on some system built
into do-notation. Otherwise, what's wrong with just letting the thing
throw an exception with a meaningful error message?

The whole reason things switched to this from the way that they were
in Haskell 98 is that apparently people found it confusing that
refutable pattern matches in their do-blocks were causing these extra
MonadZero typeclass constraints. That may be true, though I'm not sure
it's really a language problem so much as a teaching problem.

Further, pattern matches can switch from being irrefutable to
refutable simply by modifing/extending a datatype, and some found it
confusing that they now had a bunch of MonadZero errors cropping up
after extending their type. Now, I think that this is a bit of a poor
example. In reality, you probably want those error messages -- they
serve as a major warning that your code is now probably incorrect, as
it fails to deal with a potential case in your data type. Improve the
error messages in the compiler if it's confusing.

(People should be more aware that algebraic data types are not meant
to be easily extensible. This is another good reason to want proper
records, as they should take care of situations in which one expects
data to be extended after the fact.)

Does anyone have a real example of a nontrivial use of fail where the
string argument was really important and which wouldn't be better
served by MonadError, or by just throwing an exception? Usually when I
define my monads, I try to ignore 'fail' as much as possible. In most
cases, I just leave it completely undefined, as there's no sensible
way to embed strings into my type, or even to fail properly at all.

Personally, I'd be most happy with just going back to the Haskell 1.4
way of handling do-notation, and I see the reasons for adopting 'fail'
in the first place as a bit specious.

 - Cale
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: ANN: HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity)

2006-01-08 Thread Keean Schupke
My solution to this when developing a database library for my own use 
was to define the API
in a bracket notation style, and only provide safe functions. The idea 
is that the function obtains the resource, calls a function passed as an 
argument, then frees the resource, so all resouces are guaranteed to be 
freed in the correct order... for example:

dbConnectWith ::  DbName - (DbHandle - IO Result) - Result
dbConnectWith name workFn = do
   handle - dbConnectTo name
   workFn handle `finally` dbDisconnect handle

In this way you avoid finalizers... and everthing is safe providing you 
only export the with style functions from the library... Here's an 
example from the library, the connect function:

safeConnect :: (SqlIO m,SqlIfIO m,MonadIO m,MonadPlus m) = SqlDbc - 
OdbcConnection - (SqlDbc - m a) - m a

safeConnect dbc connection doWith = ioBracket (
   ioBracket (ioNewCStringLen (odbcDsn connection)) 
(\(dsnS,_) - ioFree dsnS) (\(dsnS,dsnL) -
   ioBracket (ioNewCStringLen (odbcUid connection)) 
(\(uidS,_) - ioFree uidS) (\(uidS,uidL) -
   ioBracket (ioNewCStringLen (odbcAuth connection)) 
(\(authS,_) - ioFree authS) (\(authS,authL) - do
   status - ioSqlConnect dbc dsnS (fromIntegral 
dsnL) uidS (fromIntegral uidL) authS (fromIntegral authL)
   ioIfFail status (\s - fail ((showString  Bad 
status returned by sqlConnect ( . shows s) )))

   (\_ - ioSqlDisconnect dbc) (\_ - doWith dbc)


Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

Benjamin Franksen wrote:

On Wednesday 04 January 2006 20:13, John Goerzen wrote:


Well, yes and no.  It would be impossible to garbage collect (and
thus finalize) any object for which references to it still exist. 
Statement handles in HDBC maintain references to the database handle

pointers, either directly or indirectly, so I can't see how it is
possible for a database handle to be finalized before the statement
handle in this situation.

Hi John,

I fear it /is/ possible. This is a very unfortunate situation and one I 
had quite some difficulties to understand, when Simon Marlow explained 
it to me.

The problem is that finalization of the statement handle might be 
delayed indefinitely. The data dependencies between statement and 
connection handle only ensures that whenever the statement handle is 
alive, then too is the connection handle. But it does not say anything 
about what happens in which order after /both/ are dead (garbage). As 
soon as the connection handle to garbage, too, bothe handles can be 
finalized in /any/ order.

As I pointed out before, this is a very bad thing, because it makes 
finalizers a whole lot less useful than they could be if an order 
between finalizations could be specified (directly or indirectly). The 
arguments against such a solution are mostly: (1) it is difficult to 
implement efficienty and (2) the programmer could accidentally cause 
finalizer deadlocks by specifying circular dependencies.


This is also mentioned in the documentation:


touchForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a - IO ()

This function ensures that the foreign object in question is alive at the given 
place in the sequence of IO actions. In particular withForeignPtr does a 
touchForeignPtr after it executes the user action.

Note that this function should not be used to express liveness dependencies 
between ForeignPtrs. For example, if the finalizer for a ForeignPtr F1 calls 
touchForeignPtr on a second ForeignPtr F2, then the only guarantee is that the 
finalizer for F2 is never started before the finalizer for F1. They might be 
started together if for example both F1 and F2 are otherwise unreachable, and 
in that case the scheduler might end up running the finalizer for F2 first.

In general, it is not recommended to use finalizers on separate objects with ordering constraints between them. To express the ordering robustly requires explicit synchronisation using MVars between the finalizers, but even then the runtime sometimes runs multiple finalizers sequentially in a single thread (for performance reasons), so synchronisation between finalizers could result in artificial deadlock. 

Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Parsing bug in GHC 6.4.1 ?

2006-01-08 Thread Bruno Oliveira

The following class definition:

 class Foo o where
 (:+) :: o - o - o

and even the following function definition:

 bar f (x,y) = x :+ y

are accepted by GHC. However, when I try to create 
one instance of Foo:

 instance Foo Int where
 x :+ y = x + y

I get the following error message:

Pattern bindings (except simple variables) not allowed in instance 
  x :+ y = x + y

The same error still occurs if I change the infix operator to be (:+:).
However, if I define:

 class Foo3 o where
 (+) :: o - o - o

 instance Foo3 Int where
 x + y = x + y

Everything works as expected.

The only explanation that I have is that this is a (parsing) bug in GHC...

This is probably related to the fact that

 (:+) :: Int - Int - Int 
 f :+ g = f + g

is an invalid definition (it complains that :+ is not a data constructor).

I have not tried this code in other Haskell compiler (like Hugs) or even 
previous versions of GHC. I would be interested to know how do those



Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Parsing bug in GHC 6.4.1 ?

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 08/01/06, Bruno Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The following class definition:

  class Foo o where
  (:+) :: o - o - o

 and even the following function definition:

  bar f (x,y) = x :+ y

 are accepted by GHC. However, when I try to create
 one instance of Foo:

  instance Foo Int where
  x :+ y = x + y

 I get the following error message:

 Pattern bindings (except simple variables) not allowed in instance
   x :+ y = x + y

 The same error still occurs if I change the infix operator to be (:+:).
 However, if I define:

  class Foo3 o where
  (+) :: o - o - o

  instance Foo3 Int where
  x + y = x + y

 Everything works as expected.

 The only explanation that I have is that this is a (parsing) bug in GHC...

 This is probably related to the fact that

  (:+) :: Int - Int - Int
  f :+ g = f + g

 is an invalid definition (it complains that :+ is not a data constructor).

 I have not tried this code in other Haskell compiler (like Hugs) or even
 previous versions of GHC. I would be interested to know how do those



Infix operators which start with a colon are reserved for use as data
constructors. Names starting with an uppercase letter are reserved in
the same way. You can define a type:

data Complex a = a :+ a

and write values of type Complex Double like (1.0 :+ pi), but you
can't use :+ as the name of an ordinary function.

I'm not sure if it's ideal that the class declaration is allowing that
type signature to occur, but afaict, the syntax does permit it.

 - Cale
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: Parsing bug in GHC 6.4.1 ?

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Simons
Bruno Oliveira writes:

  class Foo o where
(:+) :: o - o - o

The Haskell report specifies in section 2.4 Identifiers and

  An operator symbol starting with a colon is a constructor.

Think of ':' as a character that is interpreted as uppercase;
you can't use it to start a function or variable name.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: Parsing bug in GHC 6.4.1 ?

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 08/01/06, Bruno Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 08 Jan 2006 16:37:47 +0100, Peter Simons wrote:

 Bruno Oliveira writes:

   class Foo o where
 (:+) :: o - o - o

 The Haskell report specifies in section 2.4 Identifiers and

   An operator symbol starting with a colon is a constructor.

 Think of ':' as a character that is interpreted as uppercase;
 you can't use it to start a function or variable name.

 Then this declaration should be rejected as invalid, right?

 That's why I think this is a parsing bug...



Hmm... yeah, it does seem like a parsing bug. The relevant rules from
the report are:

topdecl  - ...
|   class [scontext =] tycls tyvar [where cdecls]

cdecls   -  { cdecl1 ; ... ; cdecln }   (n=0)
cdecl   -  gendecl
| ...

gendecl  -  vars :: [context =] type   (type signature)
| ...

vars -  var1 , ..., varn(n=1)

var  -  varid | ( varsym )

varsym   -  ( symbol {symbol | :})reservedop | dashes

So it should not be permitting a type declaration for something
starting with a colon, since symbol does not match colon.
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] New look for MediaWiki

2006-01-08 Thread John Peterson
As everyone has noticed during the making Haskell more open
discussion, MediaWiki was suggested as a better wiki technology for  Ashley Yakeley has generously installed MediaWiki and we
would like to migrate the main pages of into this wiki.
The migration is not complete - only the front page is finished - but
I'd like to make this public now so that there's time for comments.
In the end, this will allow anyone to come in and fix up the main pages - the people, the projects, the help for beginners,
whatever you want.  Olaf and I will then step back and let the
community work directly on the entire site without having to bother us
(a big advantage!).

This will also impact the old Haskell wiki.  Rather than try to
automatically convert the old wiki to the new one, we're going to ask
the community to come in and do this for us.  In particular, the new
wiki is under the GNU FDL so the licenses are not necessarily
compatible.  We will keep the two wikis going side by side for a
while but in the long term I hope all content migrates to MediaWiki
(we won't be deprecating the Trac stuff - this will stay as is).
I believe that MediaWiki is more professional looking and
has a nice separation of documentation and discussion that MoinMoin
lacks.  I hope that this will result in better wiki content and a more
organized site.  Moving content by hand will give us all a chance to
spruce up the existing content as it moves (and get rid of all the
ugly CamelCase page names!).

I expect that it will take another week or so for the rest of the pages to move into the new wiki - at that point we'll
flip the switch and take down the old pages (but not the old wiki
yet) and change the main page to point into the MediaWiki.  Content
that isn't being maintained by Olaf and I will stay as before although
I hope that more and more pages will move into the wiki and we won't
have to give out accounts to people on just to host

The new wiki isn't yet visible from the front page but you can find it

For you style sheet gurus, the style sheet itself is also in the wiki

If anyone wants to help move the main pages over, drop me an email and
I'll coordinate things.

Feel free to start adding stuff to the new wiki.  It won't be visible
to the outside world immediately but you can get it ready for the
switch over.

This isn't a completely done deal - there is still time to object to
the whole thing or make suggestions.  Nothing will be visible to the
outside world until we make the switch later.  But I believe this will
result in a much better site and also make life a lot easier for Olaf
and I.  (And I apologize to everyone that's asked for updates to recently - I've been avoiding them to concentrate on

I'm sure some of the MediaWiki settings still need to be tweaked.
Send me mail if something in the configuration of MediaWiki needs to
be changed.

A big thanks again to Ashley!

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] New look for MediaWiki

2006-01-08 Thread Neil Mitchell
 wiki is under the GNU FDL so the licenses are not necessarily

As far as I understand, this means that if I see a sample of code on
the haskell wiki, and just want to steal it for my project, I'm not
allowed to, unless I also release my code under the GNU FDL?

And another point, will this wiki be backed up? I am lead to believe
that the existing hawiki isn't, so I keep backups of sections I'm
involved with.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] New look for MediaWiki

2006-01-08 Thread John Peterson
 wiki is under the GNU FDL so the licenses are not necessarily

As far as I understand, this means that if I see a sample of code on
the haskell wiki, and just want to steal it for my project, I'm not
allowed to, unless I also release my code under the GNU FDL?

This is something worth debating.  Certainly you can ask the author of
the code for permission to use it but this is an extra burden.  Would
be nice to have a special wiki construct to mark content as posessing
an extra license.  The whole license debate should take place as
soon as possible before we get a lot of content in there.  I'm not
wedded to the FDL.

And another point, will this wiki be backed up? I am lead to believe
that the existing hawiki isn't, so I keep backups of sections I'm
involved with.

We back up all of except some of the old ghc releases.
That shouldn't be a problem.
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] New look for MediaWiki

2006-01-08 Thread Neil Mitchell
 This is something worth debating.  Certainly you can ask the author of
 the code for permission to use it but this is an extra burden.  Would
 be nice to have a special wiki construct to mark content as posessing
 an extra license.  The whole license debate should take place as
 soon as possible before we get a lot of content in there.  I'm not
 wedded to the FDL.

Is there any reason for not putting the content under a do whatever
you want with it license (i.e. Public Domain or BSD), and then (if
necessary) allowing people to mark certain contributions with
additional restrictions? Especially given GHC is released under the

I can't imagine anything anyone would be able to do with the content,
which would be bad and would be stopped by something like the FDL.


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] License for content

2006-01-08 Thread John Peterson
I believe the scenario that the FDL addresses is that someone
(probably Paul Hudak!) borrows massive amounts of stuff from the wiki,
adds his own good stuff, and then publishes a nice book or something
without having to share his additional contribution.  Some people
would like to be sure that their contributions can't be exploited in
this manner.

I'm no license lawyer - the BSD license would work just fine for me
personally but we need to generate some overall agreement on this
issue since everyone who contributes is potentially affected.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] New look for MediaWiki

2006-01-08 Thread Anders Höckersten
sön 2006-01-08 klockan 21:12 -0500 skrev John Peterson:
  wiki is under the GNU FDL so the licenses are not necessarily
 As far as I understand, this means that if I see a sample of code on
 the haskell wiki, and just want to steal it for my project, I'm not
 allowed to, unless I also release my code under the GNU FDL?
 This is something worth debating.  Certainly you can ask the author of
 the code for permission to use it but this is an extra burden.  Would
 be nice to have a special wiki construct to mark content as posessing
 an extra license.  The whole license debate should take place as
 soon as possible before we get a lot of content in there.  I'm not
 wedded to the FDL.

Hmm, here's a quick suggestion. The wiki currently says:
Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.
We change this to:
All Haskell source code on this page is released into the public
domain. All other content is available under GNU Free Documentation
License 1.2. Haskell source code could also be a link to an exact
definition of what is and what is not to be regarded as Haskell source
code, but I think that seems a bit over the top.

It might even be reasonable to release everything into the public
domain. If nothing else, it means we can change the license later if it
ends up being abused (which I personally believe is a rather low risk


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Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: License for content

2006-01-08 Thread Ashley Yakeley
 Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why not use the GPL, then?
 FWIW, the GFDL is considered non-free by Debian[1], so that would mean
 any documentation or anything derived from the wiki couldn't be packaged
 for Debian.
 Apart from the issue of code itself on the wiki, that other people have
 already mentioned, presumably you'd also have licence fun if you try to
 take surrounding explanatory text to use as haddock docs etc.

Let's discuss it on the wiki:

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?

2006-01-08 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

From: Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2006 16:18:59 +


  I need to ask for some help to test x86 code generation.

There is a factor of two runtime difference between the code I am
benchmarking on my OS X powerbook G4 (ghc 6.4.1) and shootout's speed on
a linux x86 machine (ghc 6.4.1).

Could someone else running on x86 test the three versions pasted below
before I think about submitting another one to the shootout?

Here are the tests on P4 2.4 ghz and athlon 64 3000 linux test1-3 in 
respective order

of appearance (note:OPTIONS didn't do anything I have to
compile -O2 -fglasgow-exts explicitely, because I've got compile error for 
test3.hs )

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/haskell/myhaskell] $ time ./test1  sum-file-test-input

sys 0m0.080s
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/haskell/myhaskell] $ time ./test2  sum-file-test-input

sys 0m0.060s
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/haskell/myhaskell] $ time ./test3  sum-file-test-input

sys 0m0.050s

This is on athlon64 3000 , linux :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ time ./test1  sum-file-test-input

sys 0m0.056s

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ time ./test2  sum-file-test-input

sys 0m0.052s
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ time ./test3  sum-file-test-input

sys 0m0.072s

Greetings, Bane.

To compile ghc --make filename.hs -o program

To run cat input-file | time ./program

where to save space, the gzip'd input file is at

-- Original version
{-# OPTIONS -O2 #-}
import Char( ord )

main :: IO ()
main = getContents = print . accP 0 0

accP :: Int - Int - String - Int
accP before this  []   =   before+this
accP before this ('\n':xs) = accP (before+this) 0xs
accP before this ('-' :xs) = accN  before   this xs
accP before this (x   :xs) = accP  before  (this*10+ord(x)-ord('0')) xs

accN :: Int - Int - String - Int
accN before this  []   =   before-this
accN before this ('\n':xs) = accP (before-this) 0xs
accN before this (x   :xs) = accN  before  (this*10+ord(x)-ord('0')) xs

-- Faster on G4, 2x slower on x86
{-# OPTIONS -O2 -funbox-strict-fields #-}
import GHC.Base

data I = I !Int

main = print . new (I 0) = getContents

new (I i) []   = i
new (I i) ('-':xs) = neg (I 0) xs
where neg (I n) ('\n':xs) = new (I (i - n)) xs
  neg (I n) (x   :xs) = neg (I (parse x + (10 * n))) xs
new (I i) (x:xs) = pos (I (parse x)) xs
where pos (I n) ('\n':xs) = new (I (i + n)) xs
  pos (I n) (x   :xs) = pos (I (parse x + (10 * n))) xs

parse c = ord c - ord '0'

-- Explicitly unboxed proposal, faster on G4
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -O2 #-}

import GHC.Base

main = print . sumFile = getContents
where sumFile = (\rest - newLine rest 0#)

newLine [] rt = (I# rt)
newLine ('-':rest) rt = negLine rest 0#
where negLine ('\n':rest) soFar = newLine rest (rt -# soFar)
  negLine ( x  :rest) soFar = negLine rest (d2i x +# (10# *# 

newLine (x:rest) rt = posLine rest (d2i x)
where posLine ('\n':rest) soFar = newLine rest (rt +# soFar)
  posLine ( x  :rest) soFar = posLine rest (d2i x +# (10# *# 

d2i (C# c) = (ord# c) -# z
where z = ord# '0'#


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do {x-[1,2,3]; True - return (odd x); return x}.. why? (do notation, monads, guards)

2006-01-08 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Marc,

Sunday, January 08, 2006, 3:19:56 AM, you wrote:

MW list2=do { x - [1,2,3]; guard (odd x); return x} -- - provided by xerox

list3 = [ x | x - [1,2,3], odd x]

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] fastest Binary library!

2006-01-08 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Donald,

Sunday, January 08, 2006, 3:43:51 AM, you wrote:

 and got the (de)serialization speed about 50 mb/s with my 1 ghz cpu.

DBS Excellent! How does this compare to NewBinary? 

ghc's Binary performs 4-6 mb/s in the same situations. if you are asking
about features - see readme.txt, it is yet unfinished library docs

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I/O and utf8

2006-01-08 Thread Andreas Kägi
i want to read a file encoded in utf8 and at a later time output portions of it
on the console. Is there an easy way to do this in haskell? using the standard
i/o functions i can read the file but the output gives me \1071 ... instead of
the unicode characters. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is there a notion for identity?

2006-01-08 Thread Tim Walkenhorst
{- Disclaimer: I'm rather new to Haskell and completely new to this board.
 I may not use the correct terminology in all cases, but I hope my 
 intention becomes clear when you have a look at the code-snippets. -}

Hey ho,

Is there any way two find out whether two variables refer to the
same cell? That is I'm looking for a notion of identity (compareable
to == in Java) as opposed to equality (== in Haskell).

The motivation is that I need to find out whether two infinite
structures are identical.

Consider this Haskell implementation of the simple typed lambda calculus
(STLC) with the primitive Type TyUnit and the primitive value TmUnit:

data Type = TyUnit | TyArrow Type Type
  deriving (Show,Eq)

data Term = TmUnit | TmVar String | TmAbs String Type Term | TmApp Term Term
  deriving Show

{- Context is some LIFO structure which stores Argument-Type bindings: -}
data Context = {- ... -}
ctxEmpty:: Context 
addBinding  :: Context - String - Type - Context
getBinding  :: Context - String - Type

typeof :: Context - Term - Type
typeof _   TmUnit  = TyUnit
typeof ctx (TmVar s)   = getBinding ctx s
typeof ctx (TmAbs s ty1 t) = let ctx' = addBinding ctx s ty1
 ty2  = typeof ctx' t
 in TyArrow ty1 ty2   
typeof ctx (TmApp t1 t2)   = let (TyArrow ttp tte) = typeof ctx t1
 tta   = typeof ctx t2
{- (1) problem here: -}   in if tta==ttp then tte 
 else error ...  

-- eval omitted...

The STLC does not provide a notion for recursion as it stands. My
idea was to simulate recursion by using infinte structures 
of type Type.

Consider this definition of the omega-combinator:

omegaType :: Type
omegaType = TyArrow omegaType omegaType

omega, omegaAbs :: Term
omega = TmApp omegaAbs omegaAbs
omegaAbs = TmAbs x omegaType (TmApp (TmVar x) (TmVar x))

Now it would be nice if typeof ctxEmpty omega would return
omegaType. Unfortunately it doesn't. Instead it loops on line
((1)), since omegaType and omegaType will never be compared to
be equal using (==).

If we had a function `sameAddress` we could write 
tta `sameAddress` ttp || tta==ttp instead of tta==ttp
in line ((1)). If I interpret the chapter about infinite
lists in the bird book correctly, this should be sound.
omegaType will be represented by a cyclic graph in
the runtime system and will therefore always refer to
the same cell.

The issue becomes a little more complicated if we

omegaType, omegaType' :: Type
omegaType  = TyArrow omegaType  omegaType
omegaType' = TyArrow omegaType' omegaType'

omega, omegaAbs, omegaAbs' :: Term
omega = TmApp omegaAbs omegaAbs'
omegaAbs  = TmAbs x omegaType  (TmApp (TmVar x) (TmVar x))
omegaAbs' = TmAbs x omegaType' (TmApp (TmVar x) (TmVar x))

In this case it wouldn't be clear whether 
 omegaType `sameAddress` omegaType'  should be True
or False, as a clever compiler might detect that
both are identical and make them refer to the same
address (, correct me if I'm wrong). This might
be a reason that there is no `sameAddress`.

My questions are: Is there any way to implement
sameAddress in Haskell? Or is it at least
possible to implement it with GHC using some 
compiler-specific notation?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do {x-[1,2,3]; True - return (odd x); return x}.. why? (do notation, monads, guards)

2006-01-08 Thread Marc Weber
On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 12:19:40PM +0300, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Marc,
 Sunday, January 08, 2006, 3:19:56 AM, you wrote:
 MW list2=do { x - [1,2,3]; guard (odd x); return x} -- - provided by xerox
 list3 = [ x | x - [1,2,3], odd x]
list4= take 2 $  [2*x+1,x-[0..]] ;-)

Hi Bulat.. 
Thanks for your reply.
Of cause I know this version, too.

My goal has been to understand why the other versions list1,2rewritten
give the same result.. (especially which monadic implementation of =
is used in each case..)
I'm trying to understand this simple example because I want to
understand some other monad examples beeing more complicated..

See my comments of the last post for details..
If something is unclear.. Please tell me..

Some hints like: look at the defintion of Monad xy should be

Sincerly Marc
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there a notion for identity?

2006-01-08 Thread Marc Weber
On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 12:43:31PM +0100, Tim Walkenhorst wrote:
 {- Disclaimer: I'm rather new to Haskell and completely new to this board.
  I may not use the correct terminology in all cases, but I hope my 
  intention becomes clear when you have a look at the code-snippets. -}
 Hey ho,
 Is there any way two find out whether two variables refer to the
 same cell? That is I'm looking for a notion of identity (compareable
 to == in Java) as opposed to equality (== in Haskell).

If you haven't seen this thread already:
Detecting Cycles in Datastructures covering exactly your topic, I
You can use google groups to find it. It's from okt.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Brian Hulley

Hi -
A main problem I've found with Haskell is that within a module, too many 
things are put into the same scope. For example

   data Tree a b = Leaf a | Node {elem::b, lhs::Tree a b, rhs::Tree a b}

puts Leaf, Node, elem, lhs, and rhs, into the module's namespace,
as well as Tree. This means that if you want another kind of tree in
the same module you've got to try and think of another word for Leaf,
or else prefix every value constructor with some prefix of the tycon to
try and prevent name collisions.

I propose that the above declaration should introduce a *new module* Tree, 
as a sub module of the containing module, and Leaf, Node, elem etc will be 
put into this module, and not the module containing the data declaration 

Identifiers in this child module could then either be used qualified or 
unqualified as long as they don't conflict with anything in the parent 
(containing) module, thus in the parent module, we could have:

   a = Tree.Leaf 3
   b = Node{elem = 6, lhs = Leaf 2, rhs = Leaf 3}
   c = Tree.elem b
   c = b^elem

where ^ is just a helpful sugar which binds tighter than function 
application and can be used anywhere to allow an object oriented way of 
thinking where the first arg is put on the left of the function (more on 
this later).

Also, we could generalise the GHC GADT style data declarations by allowing 
any declarations to appear in the where part, and allow modules to consist 
of a single data declaration (ie begin with the keyword data instead of 
module) so that the contents of the Data.Set module would instead be 
something like:

   data Ord a = Set a =  where
   insert :: Set a - a - Set a

This would allow Set to be imported qualified into other modules where we 
could refer to the Set type by the single word Set instead of Set.Set (which 
I always think looks very strange indeed) ie

   module M where
   import qualified Data.Set as Set

   f :: a - Set a-- no longer need to write a - Set.Set a

In fact, the whole complexity asociated with hiding components of a module 
and allowing unqualified imports could be discarded, since the correct 
resolution for each identifier would be determined by its typed context, 
just as in OOP the resolution is determined by the type of the object.

So to summarise so far, for any value f  :: T0 - T1 - ... - Tn, we 
construct the tuple (Q0, Q1, ... Qn) where for each i, Qi is obtained from 
Ti by ignoring all predicates and quantification and replacing each tyvar by 
the symbol '?'.

For example, for

module M where
foo :: forall b. Eq a =  Set (Tree a) - Tree ([a],b) - [Tree (a,b)]

we ignore the forall and Eq, and replace tyvars and tuple the results to 

  M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

as the fully qualified reference to the entity we've just declared.

If we call the tuple (Set, ...) the ty-tuple, which specifies a space of 
values (ie something that each value is considered to belong to - the 
analogue of the object in OOP), then we can define a projection from a space 
into a containing space as follows:

1) Let Qi == Ui Si0 Si1 ... Sik be any element of a ty-tuple P. Then we can 
form a new ty-tuple P' by replacing Qi by Ui.

2) Let Qi be any element of a ty-tuple P of arity n+1. Then we can form
P' == (Q0, ..., Qi-1, Qi+1, ... Qn) of arity n

In both cases, we can use P' to qualify the identifier to get a value 
reference as long as this still has enough information for disambiguating 
other uses of the identifier in M.

Applying these transformations of the ty-tuple to the example above,
any of the following could be used as a partial qualification of foo in M:

   (Set Tree, Tree ([],?), [Tree]).foo
   (Set, Tree, []).foo

Rule 2 allows us to propagate identifiers back up to their ancestor modules 
as long as there are no conflicts along the way.

The type inference algorithm could then be modified (I hope) to use the 
top-level annotation for a value declaration to determine the entities that 
identifiers refer to, by searching in the appropriate value spaces 
determined by the types of the args and return value.

   label :: Tree a - Int - (Tree a, Int)
   label (Leaf x) i = (Leaf i, i+1)

The identifier Leaf is resolved in the current namespace augmented by the 
namespace for module Tree, thus we don't have to explicitly write Tree.Leaf 
even though the declaration of label occurs outside the Tree module itself.

(I suggest that top-level type annotations should be mandatory since without 
them one just drowns in a sea of TI confusion when there is a type error. By 
making them mandatory the TI algorithm could make real use of them to 
resolve identifier bindings as in OOP)


   foo :: a - Set a
   foo x = singleton x

There is no need to say Set.singleton x, because we know that the result of 
foo has type Set a therefore we search in the current module augmented by 
the contents of 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do {x-[1,2,3]; True - return (odd x); return x}.. why? (do notation, monads, guards)

2006-01-08 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Sonntag, 8. Januar 2006 01:19 schrieb Marc Weber:
 Here is a simple program implementing the above function in 4 different
 ways.. See my comments to get to know where I have problems:

 --  begin test.hs --

 module Main where

 import IO
 import Control.Monad.List

 {- list1,2 are both implementations of the same function f=[1,3] ;-)
I've both rewritten with the translation rules for do notation to
better understand what's going on and where the differences are

 list1=do { x - [1,2,3]; True - return (odd x); return x}
 list2=do { x - [1,2,3]; guard (odd x); return x} -- - provided by xerox

 list1rewritten :: [Int]
 list1rewritten=let ok x = let ok2 True = do return x  --1r1
 ok2 _ = fail ok2  --1r2
 in return (odd x) = ok2   --1r3
  ok _ = fail outer--1r4
in [1,2,3] = ok
 {- The outer let .. in = is used to call the inner =
for each element of [1,2,3] (the list Monad causes this)

True - return (odd x): really nice trick...!
if x is odd then line --1r1 is matched the values is returned
otherwiseline --1r2 is matched calling fail
   which is implemented as
 = [] ignoring the message hence no
 element is added but I'm not sure which implementation of = is used in
It should satisfy (Monad m) = m Bool - (Bool - m Int), right ?

Let's figure that out (I use Int, although Integral a = a is the most general 
Overall, we have 'ok :: Int - [b]', from the expression '[1,2,3] = ok'.
Now in line 1r3 we see that ok x (since that pattern is irrefutable, there's 
no need for line 1r4) is 'return (odd x) = ok2', so by that line alone we 
can infer the type 'Monad m = Bool - m c' for ok2. But the result of ok2 is 
the result of ok, so we find '[b] === m c', hence in line 1r3, = is used at 
type [Bool] - (Bool - [b]) - [b]. Finally, by 1r1 we see that 'b' is the 
input-type of ok, i.e. Int, so our type-inference has led to

= let ok :: Int - [Int]
  ok x = let ok2 :: Bool - [Int]
 ok2 True = return x -- might as well write [x]
 ok2 _  = fail ok2
 in ((=) :: [Bool] - (Bool - [Int]) - [Int]) (return (odd 
x) :: [Bool]) ok2
  in ((=) :: [Int] - (Int - [Int]) - [Int]) [1,2,3] ok

Looking at the definition taken from GHC/Base.lhs:

   class  Monad m  where
   (=)   :: forall a b. m a - (a - m b) - m b

   and a sample implementation:
   instance  Monad []  where
   m = k = foldr ((++) . k) [] m

   I wonder how a, b (from m a and m b)  and m (from class Monad m) are
 renated? Can you tell me how the implementation declaration of m a - (...)
 - m b differs in these cases: eg: 1. a = Int, b=String 2. the other way
 round: a=String b=Int? -}

The difference is not really in the types a, b, but in the monad m.
For [] we have

list = func = concatMap func list,

for Maybe it's

Just x  = func = func x
Nothing = func = Nothing

and look at the code for more, I can recommend -- besides the 
Control.Monad.Whichevers -- ReadP and Parsec. If you've spent some time 
grasping that, you'll become more comfortable with monads.

 list2rewritten :: [Int]
 list2rewritten = let ok x = guard (odd x)   return x
ok _ = fail I think never used?
in [1,2,3] = ok

 {- Here ok is feeded with 1,2 and three due to the list Monad again?
 So fail will never be called, right?

 I also know that guard returns either the monad data type constructor
 mzero or return () But how is this used in combintation with  return
 x::Int to return either [] or [x] ? -}

mzero is not a constructor (as witnessed by the lowercase spelling), but a 
special value that 'm a' must contain for a MonadPlus m (and arbitrary a).

One of the laws requested for instances of MonadPlus is
'mzero = f === mzero'. For lists, this is fulfilled, since

concat (map f []) = concat [] = [].

If we evaluate the above ok, we have

ok 1 = guard (odd 1)  return 1
 = guard True = (\_ - return 1)
 = return () = (\_ - return 1)
 = [()] = (\_ - return 1)
 = concat $ map (\_ - return 1) [()]
 = concat $ [return 1]
 = concat [[1]]
 = [1]

ok 2 = guard (odd 2)  return 2
 = guard False  return 2
 = mzero = (\_ - return 2)
 = concat $ map (\_ - return 2) []
 = concat []
 = []

   -- print result of all implementations to show that they are equal
   sequence [ print x| x - [[1,3], -- [1,3] should be the result
   list2rewritten ] ]

 --  end -

 I hope there will be some time when I can say: Monads.. I don't bother
 anymore I'm practicing every night while dreaming 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expanding do notation

2006-01-08 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Samstag, 7. Januar 2006 23:56 schrieben Sie:
 Daniel, i also included you in crossposting because these letters can
 also help you understand how run-time compilation works. basically
 it's a very simple thing: when we can compute at compile time value of
 some computation, many compilers will do it and substitute expression
 with its final value.

Yes, I thought they did. It's a good and clever thing, but calling that 
RunTimeCompilation would be a misnomer, wouldn't it? That's rather 
CompileTimeEvaluation, isn't it?

 the same can be done at the run-time - as soon
 as we can compute value of some expression used in program or at least
 simplify it using our knowing of part of arguments, this can be used
 to reduce number of computations which program need to perform. say,

 n - readIO
 print (factorial n)
 print (factorial n)

 here, factorial n can be computed just one time. it's obvious. in
 this case

 n - readIO
 flip mapM [1..100] $ \x -
   print (x^n)

 it's not so obvious that when program read value of `n`, it can
 substitute instead of `x^n` the concrete, faster algorithm, say 'x*x'
 for n=2. Haskell's ideology of graph reductions makes such run-time
 optimizations automatically. it it the thing that called run-time
 compilation on those wiki page.

Cool. So let's see if I got it.
If I have

n - readIO
mapM_ (func n) list

in my programme, the runtime system will/might build object code for
func n that is then used instead of using the general code for func and 
supplying both arguments to that?

That'd be wow, triple wow!
And run-time compilation is a fitting name for that.

 in KMP algorithm we compile string
 searched to algorithm that will do the search of this concrete string.
 another examples from my own practice is compilation of strings
 representing regular expressions to functions which tests compliance
 with these regexprs, and compiling list of sorting criterions to
 compare function (you can find last example at the end of
 RunTimeCompilation hawiki page)

Unless I'm grossly mistaken, that made things much clearer.
Would somebody add an explanation along these lines to the HaWiki-page
(I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one who didn't understand the wiki-page)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Expanding do notation

2006-01-08 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Daniel Fischer wrote:

Cool. So let's see if I got it.
If I have

n - readIO
mapM_ (func n) list

in my programme, the runtime system will/might build object code for
func n that is then used instead of using the general code for func and 
supplying both arguments to that?

That'd be wow, triple wow!
And run-time compilation is a fitting name for that.

Well, it's possible to do that.  But I don't know of any Haskell
implementation that does.  Sure, you might get a little bit of
that if func is defined suitably, like
  func 0 = foo
  func 1 = bar
  func n = baz
Implementations that have the full laziness property will handle
one argument at a time to a function, and may do some work with just
one argument to func.  But it's nothing like having real run-time code

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Sonntag, 8. Januar 2006 14:06 schrieb Brian Hulley:
 Hi -
 A main problem I've found with Haskell is that within a module, too many
 things are put into the same scope. For example

 data Tree a b = Leaf a | Node {elem::b, lhs::Tree a b, rhs::Tree a b}

 puts Leaf, Node, elem, lhs, and rhs, into the module's namespace,
 as well as Tree. This means that if you want another kind of tree in
 the same module you've got to try and think of another word for Leaf,
 or else prefix every value constructor with some prefix of the tycon to
 try and prevent name collisions.

 I propose that the above declaration should introduce a *new module* Tree,
 as a sub module of the containing module, and Leaf, Node, elem etc will be
 put into this module, and not the module containing the data declaration

What speaks against putting the data declaration in a separate module:

module ThisKindOfTrees where

data Tree a b = ...

and then use qualified imports (with a short alias), if you want to use 
different kinds of trees in one module?
Yes, more files, but, IMHO, much more readable.

 Identifiers in this child module could then either be used qualified or
 unqualified as long as they don't conflict with anything in the parent
 (containing) module, thus in the parent module, we could have:

 a = Tree.Leaf 3
 b = Node{elem = 6, lhs = Leaf 2, rhs = Leaf 3}
 c = Tree.elem b

You get that by unqualified import.

 c = b^elem

 where ^ is just a helpful sugar which binds tighter than function
 application and can be used anywhere to allow an object oriented way of
 thinking where the first arg is put on the left of the function (more on
 this later).

'^' is definitely a bad choice, 'cause it's exponentiation (and has a long and 
venerable history as symbol therefore).

 Also, we could generalise the GHC GADT style data declarations by allowing
 any declarations to appear in the where part, and allow modules to consist
 of a single data declaration (ie begin with the keyword data instead of
 module) so that the contents of the Data.Set module would instead be
 something like:

 data Ord a = Set a =  where
 insert :: Set a - a - Set a

 This would allow Set to be imported qualified into other modules where we
 could refer to the Set type by the single word Set instead of Set.Set
 (which I always think looks very strange indeed) ie

 module M where
 import qualified Data.Set as Set

 f :: a - Set a-- no longer need to write a - Set.Set

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

does the trick and I prefer it over your suggestions below.

 In fact, the whole complexity asociated with hiding components of a module
 and allowing unqualified imports could be discarded, since the correct
 resolution for each identifier would be determined by its typed context,
 just as in OOP the resolution is determined by the type of the object.

 So to summarise so far, for any value f  :: T0 - T1 - ... - Tn, we
 construct the tuple (Q0, Q1, ... Qn) where for each i, Qi is obtained from
 Ti by ignoring all predicates and quantification and replacing each tyvar
 by the symbol '?'.

 For example, for

 module M where
 foo :: forall b. Eq a =  Set (Tree a) - Tree ([a],b) - [Tree (a,b)]

 we ignore the forall and Eq, and replace tyvars and tuple the results to

M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

 as the fully qualified reference to the entity we've just declared.

Looks absolutely horrible to me. What would we gain?
We could have

M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo
M.(Int, Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

but why? Do we really want it? I certainly don't.

 If we call the tuple (Set, ...) the ty-tuple, which specifies a space of
 values (ie something that each value is considered to belong to - the
 analogue of the object in OOP), then we can define a projection from a
 space into a containing space as follows:

 1) Let Qi == Ui Si0 Si1 ... Sik be any element of a ty-tuple P. Then we can
 form a new ty-tuple P' by replacing Qi by Ui.

 2) Let Qi be any element of a ty-tuple P of arity n+1. Then we can form
 P' == (Q0, ..., Qi-1, Qi+1, ... Qn) of arity n

 In both cases, we can use P' to qualify the identifier to get a value
 reference as long as this still has enough information for disambiguating
 other uses of the identifier in M.

 Applying these transformations of the ty-tuple to the example above,
 any of the following could be used as a partial qualification of foo in M:

 (Set Tree, Tree ([],?), [Tree]).foo
 (Set, Tree, []).foo

 Rule 2 allows us to propagate identifiers back up to their ancestor modules
 as long as there are no conflicts along the way.

 The type inference algorithm could then be modified (I hope) to use the
 top-level annotation for a value declaration to determine the entities that

Re[7]: [Haskell-cafe] Project postmortem II /Haskell vs. Erlang/

2006-01-08 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Joel,

Thursday, January 05, 2006, 2:01:43 PM, you wrote:

JR Could you give us a bit more detail on this?

forget about this :)  i forget that direct i/o on sockets will block
entire app. GHC organizez its own complex non-blocking machinery

JR How does using handles involve large memory/CPU pressure?

just look at GHC.Handle, .IO, .IOBase modules

JR On Jan 5, 2006, at 10:01 AM, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

 i also recommend you to try FD from my Binary package instead of
 Handles because using 1000 Handles may involve a large memory/cpu  

JR --

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?

2006-01-08 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Branimir,

Sunday, January 08, 2006, 1:57:06 PM, you wrote:
BM of appearance (note:OPTIONS didn't do anything I have to
BM compile -O2 -fglasgow-exts explicitely, because I've got compile error for 
BM test3.hs )


{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fglasgow-exts #-}

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Expanding do notation

2006-01-08 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Lennart,

Sunday, January 08, 2006, 5:45:16 PM, you wrote:

 Cool. So let's see if I got it.
 If I have
 n - readIO
 mapM_ (func n) list
 in my programme, the runtime system will/might build object code for

not object code itslef. haskell program in compiled form is a large
tree which nodes contain object code. run-time compilation can
substitute instead of node which computes func n the node which will
compute concrete func 2 value. it is the partial case of
calculation of lazy program by substitution evaluation results
instead of function calls. the key may be just what haskell functions
are curreied, so you can see fucntion f a b as function with two
arguments returning Int, or as function with one argument returning
Int-Int. for example

regexpr - getStrLn
filtered - filterM (match regexpr) lines

with definition

match *= const True
match regexp = \str - ...

when your input is * it will compute {match *} as const True and
pass this argument to the filterM call (to be exact, it will pass
unevaluated thunk {match *}, which will be evaluated to const True
on first use)

 func n that is then used instead of using the general code for func and 
 supplying both arguments to that?

yes. i don't know how to guarantee it. i just define my
time-critical functions as having one arguments. you can see an
example on those hawiki page, another example is my regexpr code:

data RegExpr = RE_End
 | RE_Anything
 | RE_FromEnd RegExpr 
 | RE_AnyChar RegExpr 
 | RE_CharChar RegExpr
 | RE_FullRE  Regex   

is_wildcard s  =  s `contains_one_of` ?*[

translate_RE re = ^++ (replaceAll * .*
.replaceAll ? .
.replaceAll $ \\$
.replaceAll [[[ [^  
.replaceAll ^ \\^
.replaceAll [^ [[[  
.replaceAll + \\+
.replaceAll . \\.) re ++$

compile_RE s  =  case s of
   - RE_End
  *- RE_Anything
  '*':cs - if ('*' `elem` cs) || ('[' `elem` cs)
  then RE_FullRE  (mkRegex$ translate_RE$ s)
  else RE_FromEnd (compile_RE$ reverse$   s)
  '[':cs - RE_FullRE   (mkRegex$ translate_RE$ s)
  '?':cs - RE_AnyChar  (compile_RE cs)
  c  :cs - RE_Char   c (compile_RE cs)

match_RE re s  =  case re of
  RE_End- null s
  RE_Anything   - True
  RE_FullRE   r - isJust (matchRegex r s)
  RE_FromEnd  r - match_RE r (reverse s)
  RE_AnyChar  r - case s of
- False
 _:xs - match_RE r xs
  RE_Char   c r - case s of
- False
 x:xs - x==c  match_RE r xs

match re {-s-}  =  match_RE (compile_RE re) {-s-}

third example is the functions used in my program to combine tests for
many regexprs. this also work in run-time compilation manner

-- |Map on functions instead of its' arguments!
map_functions [] x  =  []
map_functions (f:fs) x  =  f x : map_functions fs x

all_functions []  = const True
all_functions [f] = f
all_functions fs  = and . map_functions fs

any_function []  = const False
any_function [f] = f
any_function fs  = or . map_functions fs

 That'd be wow, triple wow!
 And run-time compilation is a fitting name for that.

more or less :)

LA Well, it's possible to do that.  But I don't know of any Haskell
LA implementation that does.  Sure, you might get a little bit of
LA that if func is defined suitably, like
LAfunc 0 = foo
LAfunc 1 = bar
LAfunc n = baz
LA Implementations that have the full laziness property will handle
LA one argument at a time to a function, and may do some work with just
LA one argument to func.  But it's nothing like having real run-time code
LA generation.

of course, it's just graph reduction. and by explicitly moving last
argument to the right part of function definition i help compiler to
properly optimize such code

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: fastest Binary library!

2006-01-08 Thread Joel Reymont
Thanks Bulat! I'm happy with Erlang for the time being but I'll  
consider your library for my next IO-intensive Haskell project.

On Jan 7, 2006, at 6:08 PM, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Joel, if you are interested in switchinh to my library - write me. i
have ideas about supporting your 150 records using your own DDL. smth
like this:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Where does memory go?

2006-01-08 Thread Joel Reymont

I compiled a simple one-liner: main = print Blah.

This is the GC report:

  5,620 bytes allocated in the heap
  0 bytes copied during GC

  0 collections in generation 0 (  0.00s)
  0 collections in generation 1 (  0.00s)

  1 Mb total memory in use

Where did the memory go?

What is 5K and what is (more suprisingly) 1Mb?

Thanks, Joel


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where does memory go?

2006-01-08 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 17:01 +, Joel Reymont wrote:
 I compiled a simple one-liner: main = print Blah.
 This is the GC report:
5,620 bytes allocated in the heap
0 bytes copied during GC
0 collections in generation 0 (  0.00s)
0 collections in generation 1 (  0.00s)
1 Mb total memory in use
 Where did the memory go?
 What is 5K and what is (more suprisingly) 1Mb?

At the most coarse level GHC's rts manages memory in 1Mb blocks so the
minimum amount of memory that ghc allocates for it's heap is 1Mb.

That doesn't mean that it uses all of that 1Mb so the VM system may not
need to dedicate the a whole 1Mb of actual RAM. Check with the OS to see
how much of each mapped area is actually resident.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Brian Hulley

- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Haskell-cafe
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces 
instead of modules

Am Sonntag, 8. Januar 2006 14:06 schrieb Brian Hulley:

Hi -
A main problem I've found with Haskell is that within a module, too many
things are put into the same scope. For example

data Tree a b = Leaf a | Node {elem::b, lhs::Tree a b, rhs::Tree a b}

I propose that the above declaration should introduce a *new module* 
as a sub module of the containing module, and Leaf, Node, elem etc will 

put into this module, and not the module containing the data declaration

What speaks against putting the data declaration in a separate module:

module ThisKindOfTrees where

data Tree a b = ...

and then use qualified imports (with a short alias), if you want to use
different kinds of trees in one module?

All I'm proposing is that the compiler should do all this painful work for 
you, so that you don't need to bother creating a different file that then 
needs two import directives to achieve the effect I want. Is there any case 
where you would *not* want a type to be declared in its own module?

Yes, more files, but, IMHO, much more readable.

In what way is it more readable?

For example, for

module M where
foo :: forall b. Eq a =  Set (Tree a) - Tree ([a],b) - [Tree (a,b)]

we ignore the forall and Eq, and replace tyvars and tuple the results to

   M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

as the fully qualified reference to the entity we've just declared.

Looks absolutely horrible to me. What would we gain?
We could have

M.(Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo
M.(Int, Set (Tree ?), Tree ( (,) ( [] ?) ?), [] (Tree ( (,) ? ?))).foo

but why? Do we really want it? I certainly don't.

I agree that I would certainly not want to have to write out the fully 
qualified name (or superfluously qualified name as you point out with 
Int,...), but I think we would gain a great deal from this, because just by 
making a declaration in module M, we've effectively created an infinite 
number of child modules that the declaration belongs to, without having to 
create an infinite number of files and write an infinite number of import 
directives in M.

For example, suppose I'm writing a module M that deals with grammar, where 
the elements in a grammar rule are parameterised so that rules can be 
written using strings but processed as if we'd used ints instead:

   data Element a = Terminal a | Nonterminal a | Action a

   data Rule a = Rule (Element a) [[Element a]]

Now I want to convert elements and rules from a to Int, so at the moment I 
have to write:

   convertElement :: Element a - CM (Element Int)

   convertRule :: Rule a - CM (Rule Int)

for some appropriate monad CM.
Whereas I would have much preferred to use just the word convert in both 
cases. It is tremendously annoying to have to suffix everything with the 
type name.

In another situation, suppose we have two types T1 and T2, and some function 
convert :: T1 - T2
The problem I have is which module (if I used a separate module for T1 and 
T2), should I put the convert function in? Essentially I think it belongs to 
the space of relations between T1 and T2, hence my idea to use tuple 
notation to get a module called (Q1,Q2) eg (Set,Map). But I certainly don't 
want the bother of having to create a new file and type import directives 
into M every time I want to define a function on some different relation 

Really I don't want to have to think about modules at all, since I'd like to 
write code that organises itself into modules (using these ty-tuples and 
top-down type/identifier-resolution inference) so I can concentrate on typed 
values and relations between them without all the module-level plumbing.


you'd havoc because sometimes you've just made an error -- which wouldn't
then be spotted by the type-checker.

I agree this could be a disadvantage - ease of coding is gained but some 
kinds of errors cannot be caught so easily.

Finally (apologies for this long post), returning to the use of ^ to 

an object oriented way of thinking consider:

insert :: a - Set a - Set a
ps = singleton 3
qs = insert 4 ps
rs = ps^insert 4

When resolving insert used in the binding for rs, the compiler should 
that we are looking for some function Set Int - Int - Set Int, and 
will be looking in the current module augmented by the Set module. 
the Set module only has a binding for insert with type a - Set a - Set 

So the compiler should generate a new function insert' from insert by
moving the first Set a arg to the front.

Automatic permutation of arguments? Has its merits, but goodbye to
type-safety, I believe.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 08/01/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For example, suppose I'm writing a module M that deals with grammar, where
 the elements in a grammar rule are parameterised so that rules can be
 written using strings but processed as if we'd used ints instead:

 data Element a = Terminal a | Nonterminal a | Action a

 data Rule a = Rule (Element a) [[Element a]]

 Now I want to convert elements and rules from a to Int, so at the moment I
 have to write:

 convertElement :: Element a - CM (Element Int)

 convertRule :: Rule a - CM (Rule Int)

 for some appropriate monad CM.
 Whereas I would have much preferred to use just the word convert in both
 cases. It is tremendously annoying to have to suffix everything with the
 type name.

This is what typeclasses are for.

class Convert c where
convert :: c a - CM (c Int)

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Brian Hulley

- Original Message - 
From: Cale Gibbard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Haskell-cafe

Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces 
instead of modules

On 08/01/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For example, suppose I'm writing a module M that deals with grammar, 

the elements in a grammar rule are parameterised so that rules can be
written using strings but processed as if we'd used ints instead:

data Element a = Terminal a | Nonterminal a | Action a

data Rule a = Rule (Element a) [[Element a]]

Now I want to convert elements and rules from a to Int, so at the moment 

have to write:

convertElement :: Element a - CM (Element Int)

convertRule :: Rule a - CM (Rule Int)

for some appropriate monad CM.
Whereas I would have much preferred to use just the word convert in 

cases. It is tremendously annoying to have to suffix everything with the
type name.

This is what typeclasses are for.

class Convert c where
   convert :: c a - CM (c Int)

Type classes just seem overkill for this kind of thing. All I want is 
compile time resolution of an overloaded identifier, whereas type classes 
give all the machinery that would be needed if I wanted runtime ad-hoc 
polymorphism, with all the attendant verbosity, just so that the compiler 
can then optimize out the runtime polymorphism behind the scenes for cases 
like the example above.

After all, I just want to write two very simple functions, so the effort to 
factor into a type class + two instances, also having to include the Convert 
c in the context whenever I call one of them just seems really painful. 
Also, the word Convert is now used up as well...

Also, when I'm just writing code in an exploratory way, I don't know in 
advance what the common things are that could be factored out into type 
classes (except perhaps in very simple examples like that above), so while 
I'm writing the code for the first time there is still a problem trying to 
think up different names.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 08/01/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Cale Gibbard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Haskell-cafe
 Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 5:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces
 instead of modules

 On 08/01/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For example, suppose I'm writing a module M that deals with grammar,
  the elements in a grammar rule are parameterised so that rules can be
  written using strings but processed as if we'd used ints instead:
  data Element a = Terminal a | Nonterminal a | Action a
  data Rule a = Rule (Element a) [[Element a]]
  Now I want to convert elements and rules from a to Int, so at the moment
  have to write:
  convertElement :: Element a - CM (Element Int)
  convertRule :: Rule a - CM (Rule Int)
  for some appropriate monad CM.
  Whereas I would have much preferred to use just the word convert in
  cases. It is tremendously annoying to have to suffix everything with the
  type name.

 This is what typeclasses are for.

 class Convert c where
 convert :: c a - CM (c Int)

 Type classes just seem overkill for this kind of thing. All I want is
 compile time resolution of an overloaded identifier, whereas type classes
 give all the machinery that would be needed if I wanted runtime ad-hoc
 polymorphism, with all the attendant verbosity, just so that the compiler
 can then optimize out the runtime polymorphism behind the scenes for cases
 like the example above.

There's no such runtime polymorphism going on there. Barring
existential types, everything is always resolved at compile time.
Further, I wouldn't consider the polymorphism ad-hoc, so much as it is
a restricted form of parametric polymorphism. Further, it's not really
that much typing. You type:

class Convert c where
convert :: c a - CM (c Int)

instance Convert Rule where
convert (Rule lhs rhss) = ...

instance Convert Element where
convert (Terminal t) = ...
convert (Nonterminal n) = ...
convert (Action a) = ...

rather than

convertRule :: Rule a - CM (Rule Int)
convert (Rule lhs rhss) = ...

convertElement :: Element a - CM (Element Int)
convert (Terminal t) = ...
convert (Nonterminal n) = ...
convert (Action a) = ...

which is 8 lines rather than 6, but, hey, what do you want? You get
the convenience of not typing qualifiers everywhere, and restricted
parametric polymorphism if you ever need it.

 After all, I just want to write two very simple functions, so the effort to
 factor into a type class + two instances, also having to include the Convert
 c in the context whenever I call one of them just seems really painful.
 Also, the word Convert is now used up as well...

First, you only add the context when the type variable escapes and
gets universally quantified (modulo that class restriction). That is,
you only end up typing anything extra if you use the convert function
in a way which is polymorphic, something that you can't do with your
ad-hoc polymorphism, or with modules. Convert is only used up *as the
name of a typeclass*, which is a pretty sparse namespace to begin
with. Just name the classes after the functions you're generalising,
and you'll run out of names at exactly the same time.

Secondly, if the functions are really different, and you never plan to
use them polymorphically, why the heck would you want to call them the
same thing? That's just confusing to anyone that has to read the code
later. If you end up qualifying all the uses of them with implicitly
declared module names, and all the modules are in (qualified) scope,
that's basically the same as adding qualifications to the names in the
first place.

It's just as bad to end up with a bunch of almost-empty namespaces as
it is to end up with one large too-cluttered namespace.

 Also, when I'm just writing code in an exploratory way, I don't know in
 advance what the common things are that could be factored out into type
 classes (except perhaps in very simple examples like that above), so while
 I'm writing the code for the first time there is still a problem trying to
 think up different names.

Perhaps a thesaurus? :) I'm sorry, but I've always had a really hard
time taking this sort of complaint seriously. You *really* can't come
up with a unique name? Try adding an adjective, or if that's too much
typing, even a (meaningful) single letter prefix/postfix. Some people
hate those, but I see no problem with them when used sparingly. In the
case of different tree types, you can name one of them RoseTree, and
another BinaryTree.

If it's still really hard to come up with a name, possibly you
shouldn't be naming the thing in the first place. Rather than trying
to keep your fingers moving, think about the design a moment longer.
Why are you defining it? What function does it serve to the 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?

2006-01-08 Thread Chris Kuklewicz
Brian Sniffen wrote:
 The first couldn't even complete on my 2.26 GHz Celeron! It's only got
 512 MB of RAM,  which may be part of the problem.

I should not leak memory but it may be an optimization problem.

Try explicitly using ghc -O2 -funbox-strict-fields.

 Stack space overflow: current size 1048576 bytes.
 Use `+RTS -Ksize' to increase it.
 ./test1  sum-file-test-input  25.33s user 2.89s system 18% cpu 2:32.02 total
 ./test2  sum-file-test-input  4.79s user 0.20s system 94% cpu 5.276 total
 ./test3  sum-file-test-input  4.46s user 0.14s system 99% cpu 4.623 total
 Brian T. Sniffen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Brian Hulley

Cale Gibbard wrote:


Thanks for the illustration - I see another advantage with type classes is 
that you only need to write the type signature once (in the class 
declaration) instead of before each instance binding.

Secondly, if the functions are really different, and you never plan to
use them polymorphically, why the heck would you want to call them the
same thing? That's just confusing to anyone that has to read the code

For example, Data.Map declares:

insert :: Ord k = k - a - Map k a - Map k a

whereas Data.Set declares:

insert :: Ord a = a - Set a - Set a

This is an example where type classes can't be applied even though the 
functions in a sense do the same thing. My system would solve this problem, 
by allowing the programmer to type d = insert a b c and have the type 
inference algorithm work out that Data.Map.insert was meant, as long as c or 
d has been typed as Map p q.

But perhaps there is a way to get the signature for Data.Map.insert into the 
same form as that of Data.Set.insert?

Regards, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there a notion for identity?

2006-01-08 Thread Robert Dockins
On Sunday 08 January 2006 06:43 am, Tim Walkenhorst wrote:
 {- Disclaimer: I'm rather new to Haskell and completely new to this board.
  I may not use the correct terminology in all cases, but I hope my
  intention becomes clear when you have a look at the code-snippets. -}

 Hey ho,

 Is there any way two find out whether two variables refer to the
 same cell? That is I'm looking for a notion of identity (compareable
 to == in Java) as opposed to equality (== in Haskell).

Another poster has already replied with a link to a long answer.  The short 
answer is no, not really.

An attempted rationale:

The semantics of such an identity operator are unclear.  The operator could 
be a test for leibenz equality (ie, structural equality, ie replaceability in 
all contexts), but such an operator cannot be decidable (proof due to 
Church), so that wouldn't help in your situation anyway.  The general 
usefulness of such an operator is debatable.

We could instead provide an implementation-dependent operation that tests for 
identical heap location, but such an operator would give different results 
with different Haskell implementations and would be sensitive to 
optimizations.  That would either be a horribly broken operator or (to fix 
the brokeness) greatly constrain the avaliable optimizations and 
implementation strategies.

For the problem at hand (involving the STLC), you will not be able to type 
omega because omega is a non-normalizing closed term and STLC has the strong 
normalization property.  You will have to move to a more expressive calculus 
to type omega.

Rob Dockins
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?

2006-01-08 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

From: Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Haskell Cafe
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 20:33:57 +

Brian Sniffen wrote:
 The first couldn't even complete on my 2.26 GHz Celeron! It's only got
 512 MB of RAM,  which may be part of the problem.

I should not leak memory but it may be an optimization problem.

Try explicitly using ghc -O2 -funbox-strict-fields.

On p4. 2.4 ghz 512mb first example takes about 2.5 mb of ram.
I've compiled explicitelly with -O2, because without optimisations it takes
ridicilously large amount of RAM.
I've changed {# OPTIONS to OPTIONS_GHC as Bulat sugested
but still no effect. Options have to be specified on command line in
order to work.

Greetings, Bane.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?

2006-01-08 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
 From: Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Haskell Cafe
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?
 Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 20:33:57 +
 Brian Sniffen wrote:
  The first couldn't even complete on my 2.26 GHz Celeron! It's only got
  512 MB of RAM,  which may be part of the problem.
 I should not leak memory but it may be an optimization problem.
 Try explicitly using ghc -O2 -funbox-strict-fields.
 On p4. 2.4 ghz 512mb first example takes about 2.5 mb of ram.
 I've compiled explicitelly with -O2, because without optimisations it takes
 ridicilously large amount of RAM.
 I've changed {# OPTIONS to OPTIONS_GHC as Bulat sugested
 but still no effect. Options have to be specified on command line in
 order to work.

Ensure that the {-# OPTIONS ... #-} lines is the *first* line of the
file, and that no comments precede it.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 08/01/06, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cale Gibbard wrote:

 Thanks for the illustration - I see another advantage with type classes is
 that you only need to write the type signature once (in the class
 declaration) instead of before each instance binding.

  Secondly, if the functions are really different, and you never plan to
  use them polymorphically, why the heck would you want to call them the
  same thing? That's just confusing to anyone that has to read the code

 For example, Data.Map declares:

 insert :: Ord k = k - a - Map k a - Map k a

 whereas Data.Set declares:

 insert :: Ord a = a - Set a - Set a

 This is an example where type classes can't be applied even though the
 functions in a sense do the same thing. My system would solve this problem,
 by allowing the programmer to type d = insert a b c and have the type
 inference algorithm work out that Data.Map.insert was meant, as long as c or
 d has been typed as Map p q.

 But perhaps there is a way to get the signature for Data.Map.insert into the
 same form as that of Data.Set.insert?

 Regards, Brian.

Well, that's an interesting case, since the types are actually
reasonably different. Prior to these being named the same way, we had
addToSet / addToFM, which didn't require qualified imports. Of course,
with qualified imports, we get the same effect as postfixing, so it's
basically the same thing.

Unifying these two under a single operation is certainly trickier, and
it's a little more questionable that it should be done at all, given
that their types are so different -- below is the closest I could come
to it off-hand.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} -- for fundeps/multiparameter classes
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

class Insert t c a | c a - t where
insert :: t - c a - c a

instance (Ord a) = Insert a Set a where
insert x s = Set.insert x s

instance (Ord k) = Insert (k,a) (Map k) a where
insert (k,v) m = Map.insert k v m

exampleSet = insert 5 $ insert 6 $ Set.empty
exampleMap = insert (1,2) $ insert (2,7) $ Map.empty

Perhaps someone else will have some ideas as to suitable typeclass
magic to allow for the curried form rather than using tuples.

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Cale Gibbard
 Unifying these two under a single operation is certainly trickier, and
 it's a little more questionable that it should be done at all, given
 that their types are so different -- below is the closest I could come
 to it off-hand.

 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} -- for fundeps/multiparameter classes
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Map (Map)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import Data.Set (Set)

 class Insert t c a | c a - t where
 insert :: t - c a - c a

 instance (Ord a) = Insert a Set a where
 insert x s = Set.insert x s

 instance (Ord k) = Insert (k,a) (Map k) a where
 insert (k,v) m = Map.insert k v m

 exampleSet = insert 5 $ insert 6 $ Set.empty
 exampleMap = insert (1,2) $ insert (2,7) $ Map.empty


 Perhaps someone else will have some ideas as to suitable typeclass
 magic to allow for the curried form rather than using tuples.

  - Cale

Oh, this is a little less general, but simpler to use:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

class Insert t c | c - t where
insert :: t - c - c

instance (Ord a) = Insert a (Set a) where
insert x s = Set.insert x s

instance (Ord k) = Insert (k,a) (Map k a) where
insert (k,v) m = Map.insert k v m

exampleSet = insert 5 $ insert 6 $ Set.empty
exampleMap = insert (1,2) $ insert (2,7) $ Map.empty
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?

2006-01-08 Thread Branimir Maksimovic

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donald Bruce Stewart)
To: Branimir Maksimovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:15:51 +1100


 From: Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Haskell Cafe
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] x86 code generation going wrong?
 Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 20:33:57 +
 Brian Sniffen wrote:
  The first couldn't even complete on my 2.26 GHz Celeron! It's only 

  512 MB of RAM,  which may be part of the problem.
 I should not leak memory but it may be an optimization problem.
 Try explicitly using ghc -O2 -funbox-strict-fields.
 On p4. 2.4 ghz 512mb first example takes about 2.5 mb of ram.
 I've compiled explicitelly with -O2, because without optimisations it 

 ridicilously large amount of RAM.
 I've changed {# OPTIONS to OPTIONS_GHC as Bulat sugested
 but still no effect. Options have to be specified on command line in
 order to work.

Ensure that the {-# OPTIONS ... #-} lines is the *first* line of the
file, and that no comments precede it.

Aaah, I didn't knew that. Now this works, thanks!

Greetings, Bane.

FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding name collisions by using value spaces instead of modules

2006-01-08 Thread Brian Hulley

Cale Gibbard wrote:

Unifying these two under a single operation is certainly trickier,
and it's a little more questionable that it should be done at all,
given that their types are so different -- below is the closest I
could come to it off-hand.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} -- for fundeps/multiparameter
classes import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

class Insert t c a | c a - t where
insert :: t - c a - c a

instance (Ord a) = Insert a Set a where
insert x s = Set.insert x s

instance (Ord k) = Insert (k,a) (Map k) a where
insert (k,v) m = Map.insert k v m

exampleSet = insert 5 $ insert 6 $ Set.empty
exampleMap = insert (1,2) $ insert (2,7) $ Map.empty

Perhaps someone else will have some ideas as to suitable typeclass
magic to allow for the curried form rather than using tuples.

 - Cale

Oh, this is a little less general, but simpler to use:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

class Insert t c | c - t where
insert :: t - c - c

instance (Ord a) = Insert a (Set a) where
insert x s = Set.insert x s

instance (Ord k) = Insert (k,a) (Map k a) where
insert (k,v) m = Map.insert k v m

exampleSet = insert 5 $ insert 6 $ Set.empty
exampleMap = insert (1,2) $ insert (2,7) $ Map.empty

Thanks! I'm impressed. Obviously there is a lot more power in type classes 
than I'd thought. I hadn't realised that you could separate the Ord a and 
Ord k from the type signature in the class declaration, and put them in 
instance declarations like that (for example).
It would be really interesting to see how far one could go in factoring all 
the collection type functions/values into type classes.

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] In for a penny, in for a pound.

2006-01-08 Thread David F. Place

Hi All,

Regarding the Fannkuch Shootout Entry:

If we are willing to specialize flop in the way shown on the wiki,  
another 8% can be gained by similarly specializing rotate:

rotate 2 (x1:x2:xs) = x2:x1:xs
rotate 3 (x1:x2:x3:xs) = x2:x3:x1:xs
rotate 4 (x1:x2:x3:x4:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x1:xs
rotate 5 (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x5:x1:xs
rotate 6 (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x1:xs
rotate 7 (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x7:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x7:x1:xs
rotate 8 (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x7:x8:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x7:x8:x1:xs
rotate 9 (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x7:x8:x9:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x5:x: 
rotate 10 (x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x:6:x7:x8:x9:x10:xs) = x2:x3:x4:x5:x: 

rotate n (x:xs) = rot' n xs
where rot' 1 xs = x:xs
  rot' n (x:xs) = x:rot' (n-1) xs

Cheers, David

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] In for a penny, in for a pound.

2006-01-08 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
 Regarding the Fannkuch Shootout Entry:
 If we are willing to specialize flop in the way shown on the wiki,  
 another 8% can be gained by similarly specializing rotate:
 rotate 2 (x1:x2:xs) = x2:x1:xs
 rotate 3 (x1:x2:x3:xs) = x2:x3:x1:xs

Cheers, I've updated the proposed entry on the wiki. It now runs 40%
faster than Bertram's original entry, and its within 25% of an
imperative version I wrote yesterday translating from the currently
fastest C version.

Note that the imperative version is unoptimised so far though, so there
could be room to move here, and it may be worth while translating some
of the other C entries, to submit a fast, alongside an elegant entry.

Entries that may currently be worth submitting:
   takfp -
   pidigits (currently 2nd!) - 
   harmonic  -
   fannkuch (pure and impure) -

Chris, would you like to submit these?

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where does memory go?

2006-01-08 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Joel,

Sunday, January 08, 2006, 8:01:00 PM, you wrote:

JR I compiled a simple one-liner: main = print Blah.

JR5,620 bytes allocated in the heap

again, see at the GHC.Handle and so on :) try to find print
definition and manually substitute all the code generated by this
line. btw, one time i seen 15k raised (stripped) exefile just after
adding one line of code to Haskell app

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list