[GHC] #907: Case sensitive ghci commands

2006-09-23 Thread GHC
#907: Case sensitive ghci commands
Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Owner:
Type:  feature request  |   Status:  new   
Priority:  lowest   |Milestone:
   Component:  GHCi |  Version:  6.4.1 
Severity:  trivial  | Keywords:  case command colon
  Os:  Unknown  |   Difficulty:  Easy (1 hr)   
Architecture:  Unknown  |  
In spanish keyboards you have to use the shift key to get a colon (:).
 This bites me when I do :r in ghci.  Half the time I get :R.  I would
 like to request that case made no difference in this case.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/907
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Year 2038 problem in GHC 6.4.2 runtime

2006-09-23 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Cyril,

Friday, September 22, 2006, 6:16:44 PM, you wrote:

 As far as I can see, the current (6.4.2) GHC runtime
 suffers the year 2038 problem; that is, the System.Time
 module does not support dates from 2038 onwards
 (the code below reproduces the problem).

there is new Time library, which is supposed to replace old
System.Time. we hope that it will happen before 2038 :D

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

bug in mallocForeignPtrBytes (both 6.4 and 6.6)

2006-09-23 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello glasgow-haskell-users,

the attached program show up the bug in mallocForeignPtrBytes (and
newPinnedByteArray#) implementation - it allocates two times more
memory as requested. The bug seen both on 6.6rc and june 6.4 windows
builds, namely:


after program prints 40 mb allocated look at Task Manager indication
- it shows that two times more memory actually in use. it seems that
problem is only with allocating memory buffers whose sizes are powers
of 2 or very close - bug shows for bufsize = 4kb, 1mb or 4095, but not
not for 4000 or 10^6

Best regards,
 Bulat  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: bug in mallocForeignPtrBytes (both 6.4 and 6.6)

2006-09-23 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sat, 2006-09-23 at 13:58 +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello glasgow-haskell-users,
 the attached program show up the bug in mallocForeignPtrBytes (and
 newPinnedByteArray#) implementation - it allocates two times more
 memory as requested. The bug seen both on 6.6rc and june 6.4 windows
 builds, namely:
 after program prints 40 mb allocated look at Task Manager indication
 - it shows that two times more memory actually in use. it seems that
 problem is only with allocating memory buffers whose sizes are powers
 of 2 or very close - bug shows for bufsize = 4kb, 1mb or 4095, but not
 not for 4000 or 10^6

The reason for this is that for larger objects ghc has an allocation
granularity of 4k. That is it always uses a multiple of 4k bytes.
However a byte array has some overhead: it needs one word for the heap
cell header and another for the length. So if you allocate a 4k byte
array then it uses 8k. So the trick is to allocate 4k - overhead. This
is what the Data.ByteString library does.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: User preferences lost between Hugs upgrades on Windows

2006-09-23 Thread Claus Reinke

[some possibly shared hugs/ghci concerns]

The settings on Windows are stored under a registry key for each
specific release. This means that if you install WinHugs, carefully
set up everything, then upgrade, you loose all your settings.

part of the reason was also to enable multiple independent versions
of Hugs to be installed, I think? So:

a) shouldn't there be a way from within Hugs (or GHCi) to 
   export/import settings?

b) shouldn't there be an installation option checking for compatible
   old settings and offering to copy them?

c) given the move towards cabal, shouldn't there be a way for new
   Hugs/GHC installs to take over existing library install setups 
   (provided that the libraries sources haven't been removed, and 
   that the rebuild is possible with the new Haskell implementation)? 

while on the subject of user preferences, does the current round
of Hugs/GHC releases on Windows do away with that we take 
over the handling of Haskell files, no matter what the user wanted?

- it's a pain to have Hugs and GHCi compete with each other on this

- I don't want either to be the default handler for .hs/.lhs files; not
   only do I tend to have several versions of Haskell implementations
   installed at any time (usually including 2 ghcs), I want Haskell files 
   to open in my favourite editor, not in any of those Haskell 
   implementations (and no, going via WinHugs :e is not an option, 
   eg when browsing files from some darcs repo on the web)

any chance of Haskell implementations being less greedy and more
cooperative on Windows this time round?-)


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: User preferences lost between Hugs upgrades on Windows

2006-09-23 Thread Neil Mitchell


a) shouldn't there be a way from within Hugs (or GHCi) to
export/import settings?

That can be added, but no one will use it - too much effort, not
obvious thats what needs to be done.

b) shouldn't there be an installation option checking for compatible
old settings and offering to copy them?

Reasonable, although I still think just having one set of settings is
a better way forward.

c) given the move towards cabal, shouldn't there be a way for new
Hugs/GHC installs to take over existing library install setups
(provided that the libraries sources haven't been removed, and
that the rebuild is possible with the new Haskell implementation)?

A cabal issue, since Hugs has no knowledge of Cabal, but a reasonable idea.

while on the subject of user preferences, does the current round
of Hugs/GHC releases on Windows do away with that we take
over the handling of Haskell files, no matter what the user wanted?

Nope :) I emailed off to people about this offering to cooperate
nicely with GHC and Hugs, but no one ever got back to me, so both
WinHugs and GHC steal the preferences. GHC also replaces the .hs
document icon with one that is more ugly. I tried to submit a patch,
and have emailed over the icons, but the GHC installer stuff isn't
publically available, so I have no way to fix it.

- I don't want either to be the default handler for .hs/.lhs files; not
only do I tend to have several versions of Haskell implementations
installed at any time (usually including 2 ghcs), I want Haskell files
to open in my favourite editor, not in any of those Haskell
implementations (and no, going via WinHugs :e is not an option,
eg when browsing files from some darcs repo on the web)

Have you used a recent copy of WinHugs? The default action is to open
the file in WinHugs, but there is also an edit action which opens
the file in whichever editor you have configured WinHugs to use. It
does this by firing off WinHugs, checking your settings for the best
haskell editor, and starting it. If you haven't configured any editor
specially, it will find the editor that seems best - i.e. if you have
TextPad and Notepad, it will pick TextPad, otherwise it will pick
Notepad if thats all it can find. All very seamless.

I'd love to make Edit be the default, i.e. rename it to Open, and then
add Open with WinHugs. However, this is a change in how WinHugs
operates. Initially I tried to adhere quite closely to how WinHugs
worked before I hacked on it, now I think the time has come to have
Open be Edit and add Open in WinHugs.

any chance of Haskell implementations being less greedy and more
cooperative on Windows this time round?-)

This time around, no - you just missed the boat on WinHugs and you're
probably too late for GHC 6.6. Next time around, perhaps. I'm willing
to do the WinHugs side, but it does need someone to do the GHC side.
This is especially important because (as far as I was able to make out
last time I started asking questions), the GHC installer is generated
with a proprietory Haskell script which is not publically available.
This means the community cannot play with the GHC installer and fix
these issues.

I am willing to adapt the Hugs on Windows installer to GHC, if thats
something the GHC team would rather? You could also then have nightly
builds that included an installer.

For reference, Yhc is moving to the Hugs installer, and the Yhc
nightly builds will come with an installer. For the moment Yhc won't
register any file extensions, but if some suitable agreement can be
found, I'll make sure Yhc follows that.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-23 Thread Christian Sievers

I don't take my advice to go to haskell-cafe  :-)

The discussion continued outside the mailing list, and now I have
two questions myself:

1. Why do the rules of the monomorphism restriction explicitly mention
   *simple* pattern bindings?
   Where is the difference, especially as there is a translation to
   simple pattern bindings?
   Why should

   p | a==b  = 2
 | otherwise = 3

   be treated different than

   p = if a==b then 2 else 3

2. The gentle introduction says in section 12.3:
   An identifier is monomorphic if is either not overloaded, or is overloaded
   but is used in at most one specific overloading and is not exported.

   How does that relate to the report?

Maybe I have to withdraw what I said about haskell being well defined.

All the best
Christian Sievers
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Performance, Optimization and Code Generation

2006-09-23 Thread George Beshers

This starts out with my being interested in darcs - git related
Since git uses sha1 I wanted to have the ability to calculate sha1 in
an application where I was intending to use darcs as a back-end.

The performance gap is  * 30 between Haskell and sha1sum. That
seemed rather steep and so I started looking...

Using ghc 6.4.2

The following code is from SHA1:

-- {-# INLINE step #-}
step :: ABCDE - BS.ByteString - ABCDE 
step abcde0@(ABCDE a b c d e) words = abcde5
 where s16 = get_word_32s words
 s80 = s16 ++ (zipWith4 f0) (drop 13 s80) (drop 8 s80) (drop 2
s80) s80
 f0 a b c d = rotL (a `xor` b `xor` c `xor` d) 1
 (s20_0, s60) = splitAt 20 s80
 (s20_1, s40) = splitAt 20 s60
 (s20_2, s20) = splitAt 20 s40
 (s20_3, _) = splitAt 20 s20
 abcde1 = foldl (doit f1 0x5a827999) abcde0 s20_0
 abcde2 = foldl (doit f2 0x6ed9eba1) abcde1 s20_1
 abcde3 = foldl (doit f3 0x8f1bbcdc) abcde2 s20_2
 ABCDE a' b' c' d' e' = foldl (doit f2 0xca62c1d6) abcde3 s20_3
 f1 (XYZ x y z) = (x .. y) .|. ((complement x) .. z)
 f2 (XYZ x y z) = x `xor` y `xor` z
 f3 (XYZ x y z) = (x .. y) .|. (x .. z) .|. (y
.. z)
 abcde5 = ABCDE (a + a') (b + b') (c + c') (d + d') (e + e')
-- {-# INLINE get_word_32s #-}
get_word_32s :: BS.ByteString - [Word32]
get_word_32s s = map f [0..15]
 where f i = foldl (+) 0 $ map (\n - toEnum (fromEnum (BS.index
s (i*4+n))) `shiftL` (8 * (3-n))) [0..3]
-- {-# INLINE doit #-}
doit :: (XYZ - Word32) - Word32 - ABCDE - Word32 -
doit f k (ABCDE a b c d e) w = ABCDE a' a (rotL b 30) c d
where a' = rotL a 5 + f (XYZ b c d) + e + w + k
-- {-# INLINE rotL #-}
rotL :: Word32 - Rotation - Word32
rotL a s = shiftL a s .|. shiftL a (s-32)
-- rotL a s = a `seq` rotate a s

I want to focus on the rotL function ---
get_word_32s might be faster with a rewrite.

Using -prof -auto-all and -P at runtime produced the following

%alloc ticks bytes
get_word_32s MySHA1 39.3 35.0 10597
rotL MySHA1 22.6 18.5 6089
step MySHA1 21.2 24.1 5701
doit MySHA1 16.2 21.8 4362

As part of a larger program, but the sha1 portion was where 98% of the
time went.

  I tried using the built-in "rotate", 
  I tried inlining, 
  I tried using -fasm directly
  I tried generating C with -O2,
  I tried using 'seq' in a number of places.

None of this made much difference.

Comment, the C code for just rotL would be
unsigned int
rotate(unsigned int a, int b)
 return (a  b) | (a  (b - 32));

and the assembler at gcc -O2 is concise and straightforward:
 .file "rotate.c"
 .p2align 4,,15
.globl rotate
 .type rotate, @function
 pushl %ebp
 movl %esp, %ebp
 movl 8(%ebp), %edx
 movl 12(%ebp), %ecx
 popl %ebp
 movl %edx, %eax
 sall %cl, %eax
 subl $32, %ecx
 shrl %cl, %edx
 orl %edx, %eax
 .size rotate, .-rotate
 .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
 .ident "GCC: (GNU) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-3)"

GHC's code on this part is nothing like competitive because of the need
for closures --- I think.

1) What approaches to getting the compiler to optimize have I
overlooked? Or, how would
 you change the code to get the compiler to generate better code for

2) Am I missing an easy way to get strictness on the rotL function?

3) Is there something I am missing that keeps ghc's code from becoming
about as
concise as gcc -O2? 

4) Is the code generator simply not able to handle this?

Thanks in advance,


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Performance, Optimization and Code Generation

2006-09-23 Thread roconnor
according to http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/base/GHC/Word.hs, GHC's 
rotate is implemented as

(W32# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
| i'# ==# 0# = W32# x#
| otherwise  = W32# ((x# `shiftL32#` i'#) `or32#`
 (x# `shiftRL32#` (32# -# i'#)))
i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 31#)

So you can see that it takes i modulo 32 first (by anding it with 31). 
Perhaps one needs an uncheckedRotate32# function (if it doesn't exist).

Also, shouldn't the calls to shiftL32# and shiftRL32# be calls to 
uncheckedShiftL32# and uncheckedShiftR32# since i'# and (32# -# i'#) are 
provably safe?

Russell O'Connor  http://r6.ca/
``All talk about `theft,''' the general counsel of the American Graphophone
Company wrote, ``is the merest claptrap, for there exists no property in
ideas musical, literary or artistic, except as defined by statute.''
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Dr Haskell 0.1

2006-09-23 Thread Neil Mitchell

Hi Haskell,

This is the first release of Dr Haskell, a tool to help suggest
improvements to your code.


See http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/projects/drhaskell.php for
details on how to download and install the program. There are prebuilt
Windows binaries. This project requires Yhc to be installed and
working, of which there are also prebuilt binaries (see the above web
page for pointers). This program should work fine on Linux/Mac etc,
provided you first have Yhc installed.


Imagine you have a program, and somewhere deep inside the program it
has the expression:

take 5 (repeat '!')

An experienced Haskell user might realise that this is in fact
replicate, but a beginner has no way of discovering this function for
themselves, besides reading the standard libraries!

Put that definition in a Haskell source file, say Test.hs, then run:

drhaskell Test.hs

I can apply use_replicate in check_elem (5:10-6:80)

Dr Haskell gives a suggestion (use_replicate) to a specific function
(check_elem) and a given source location (line 5, column 10)

Of course, they might have written take 5 $ repeat '!', or take n .
repeat, or quite a few other variations. Dr Haskell can see through
these things nicely.

Of course, Dr Haskell can make more powerful suggestions, for example:

if f x then 4 else if g x then 4 else primes !! 10

And Dr Haskell will suggest you use f x || g x instead

The hints are isolated from the program, and can be easily changed by
the user. More hint patches are most welcome. See
http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/darcs/drhaskell/Hints.hs for a list of the
hints currently available in the code.


Requires a working copy of Yhc. You must first have your program/file
successfully compiling with Yhc. Once you have got over the admin side
(compiling etc, invoking correctly), the actual hint algorithm is
pretty robust.

Bug reports/suggestions/patches most welcome.


Home page: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yhc
Build details: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yhc/Building
Windows snapshot: http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yhc/Snapshots

If Yhc won't build for you, or you have other difficulties, please bug
the Yhc Team on their mailing list, yhc -at- haskell -dot- org.


Haskell mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell] Performance, Optimization and Code Generation

2006-09-23 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello roconnor,

Saturday, September 23, 2006, 4:13:39 PM, you wrote:

 Also, shouldn't the calls to shiftL32# and shiftRL32# be calls to
 uncheckedShiftL32# and uncheckedShiftR32# since i'# and (32# -# i'#) are
 provably safe?

yes. below is the code used in my lib:


(I# a) # (I# b) = (I# (a `iShiftL#` b))
(I# a) # (I# b) = (I# (a `uncheckedIShiftRL#` b))

#else /* ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */

a # b = a `shiftL` b
a # b = a `shiftR` b

#endif /* ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] BitSyntax for Haskell

2006-09-23 Thread Adam Langley

Erlang's bit syntax[1] is a great for building and breaking up binary
structures. I've knocked up something similar (although a little
clumsy) for Haskell:


I'm sure that this isn't the best possible way to do this, but it
suffices at this stage for many problems.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread John Goerzen
On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 12:39:34PM -0400, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
 If you do this at all, reuse the regular quotes, don't invent yet
 another weird and wonderful lexical syntax.  Haskell is already bad
 enough that way, with \ used for lambda and so on.  @ would be okay I

Why not just go the Python way and use  ?

That is, three literal quotes at the beginning and end.

After all, Python has lifted quite a few things from Haskell.  Time to
return the favor. ;-)
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread John Meacham
I would also like to see these. I like the python syntax


but really most anything will do.

the triple quote doesn't eat any usable syntax though and won't require
any special cases in the parser so I would much prefer something like


John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread Ian Zimmerman

Ian If you do this at all, reuse the regular quotes, don't invent yet
Ian another weird and wonderful lexical syntax.  Haskell is already bad
Ian enough that way, with \ used for lambda and so on.  @ would be
Ian okay I guess.

John Why not just go the Python way and use  ?  That is, three
John literal quotes at the beginning and end.  After all, Python has
John lifted quite a few things from Haskell.  Time to return the
John favor. ;-)

Because it will confuse language-agnostic tools.

Do you use Emacs?  How does it handle the Python syntax?  I am not a
Python programmer, so I can't answer that myself.  But I'll hazard a
guess: badly.

She had a passion for anyone who could do anything really well.
...Not for an engineer, not for a technician!
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master  Margarita
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread John Goerzen
On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 09:30:50PM -0400, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
 John Why not just go the Python way and use  ?  That is, three
 John literal quotes at the beginning and end.  After all, Python has
 John lifted quite a few things from Haskell.  Time to return the
 John favor. ;-)
 Because it will confuse language-agnostic tools.

I don't understand -- what language-agnostic tools would this confuse 
more than any other syntax?

 Do you use Emacs?  How does it handle the Python syntax?  I am not a
 Python programmer, so I can't answer that myself.  But I'll hazard a
 guess: badly.

python-mode actually handles Python syntax a lot better than 
haskell-mode handles Haskell syntax, particularly regarding indentation.

-- John
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread Ian Zimmerman

John python-mode actually handles Python syntax a lot better than
John haskell-mode handles Haskell syntax, particularly regarding
John indentation.

Automatic indentation is only one aspect of Emacs modes, and as far as I
am concerned not nearly the most important one.

Here's a quick test: put the cursor in front of a triple-quoted string,
then hit Control-Alt-F (forward-sexp).  It should move just after the
whole string.  Does it?

Any tool which assumes strings are delimited by a single front delimiter
and a single end delimiter, which they are in most reasonable languages,
will have trouble.

She had a passion for anyone who could do anything really well.
...Not for an engineer, not for a technician!
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master  Margarita
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread Alistair Bayley

On 22 Sep 2006 23:54:42 -0400, Ian Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here's a quick test: put the cursor in front of a triple-quoted string,
then hit Control-Alt-F (forward-sexp).  It should move just after the
whole string.  Does it?

Any tool which assumes strings are delimited by a single front delimiter
and a single end delimiter, which they are in most reasonable languages,
will have trouble.

(just speculating here...)

In order to produce one double-quote inside a double-quote delimited
string, many (most?) languages let you use two adjacent double quotes.
So a string starting with triple double-quote would result in a string
that has one double quote as its first char.

I imagine that smarter language-aware editors would handle this case,
otherwise they would not correctly recognise whether or not the cursor
was inside a string literal.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread Ian Zimmerman

Alistair In order to produce one double-quote inside a double-quote
Alistair delimited string, many (most?) languages let you use two
Alistair adjacent double quotes.  So a string starting with triple
Alistair double-quote would result in a string that has one double
Alistair quote as its first char.

Alistair I imagine that smarter language-aware editors would handle
Alistair this case, otherwise they would not correctly recognise
Alistair whether or not the cursor was inside a string literal.

Hmm, you're right.  I myself know of only one such language, Pascal
(and its derivatives, such as Ada), but Pascal should definitely
be handled by Emacs.  I'll have to take a look at the Pascal mode
to see how they do it.

Still, I prefer the other syntax :-)
(single double quotes with a pseudo operator prefix).

She had a passion for anyone who could do anything really well.
...Not for an engineer, not for a technician!
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master  Margarita
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread John Goerzen
On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 11:54:42PM -0400, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
 John indentation.
 Automatic indentation is only one aspect of Emacs modes, and as far as I
 am concerned not nearly the most important one.
 Here's a quick test: put the cursor in front of a triple-quoted string,
 then hit Control-Alt-F (forward-sexp).  It should move just after the
 whole string.  Does it?

Yes, it does.

But I don't think we should be limiting our language by what Emacs

 Any tool which assumes strings are delimited by a single front delimiter
 and a single end delimiter, which they are in most reasonable languages,
 will have trouble.

Then the tools are buggy.  What sort of tools are you thinking of

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Here-docs in Haskell source

2006-09-23 Thread Neil Mitchell


Any tool which assumes strings are delimited by a single front delimiter
and a single end delimiter, which they are in most reasonable languages,
will have trouble.

In current haskell any tool which assumes characters start and end
with a ' are also wrong, because you can have name' as a function name
etc. My editor is one of these, I accepted it, turned off character
syntax hilighting and moved on.

As a side note, perhaps if you're shoving massive amounts of text into
a Haskell source file you want to either move to something more
structured (like haskell source extensions), or if it really is just
some large constant, then put it in a separate file.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why am I not allowed to use CStringLen inforeignexport?

2006-09-23 Thread Brian Hulley

Andreas Marth wrote:

low_l :: Word8 = fromIntegral (len .. 0x)
low_h :: Word8 = fromIntegral (shiftR len 8 .. 0x)
high_l :: Word8 = fromIntegral (shiftR len 16 .. 0x)
high_h :: Word8 = fromIntegral (shiftR len 24 .. 0x)

Hi -
I just noticed the mask should be changed to 0xFF for the BSTR8 version 
Also, I'm not actually sure if a mask is needed at all. I just used one to 
make sure there would be no chance of an overflow exception being thrown, 
but the Haskell report doesn't seem to specify anything at all about the 
behaviour of (fromIntegral) when converting between types of different 

Perhaps someone on the list can clarify whether or not a mask is needed ie 
is fromIntegral allowed to throw exceptions or does it always just silently 
discard unwanted bits of the argument being converted?

Thanks, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trying to write a TCP proxy

2006-09-23 Thread Christian Sievers
John Ky wrote:

 I finally realised that hGetLine strips out the \n newline character
 so when I forward the line to the server, I need to append it again.

Or use hPutStrLn instead of hPutStr ?
(I may be missing something...)

Christian Sievers
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Program

2006-09-23 Thread Tim Newsham
The company I work for was gracious enough to allow me to release a 
haskell program I wrote for them:


There's a python version and a rewrite in haskell.  I used some looping 
constructs discussed earlier on this list to keep the haskell code similar 
to its original python code.  Don Stewart was kind enough to help me 
optimize some of the code using ByteString and a faster PRNG (the 
System.Random class seems to be a bit on the slow side!).  Prior to using 
ByteString and optimizing the code it was a bit slower than the python 
version, but with optimizations it is quite a bit faster.  (In practice, 
the external program being invoked is usually the performance bottleneck).

Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Polymorphism/monomorphism (and the restriction)

2006-09-23 Thread Christian Sievers
Aaron McDaid wrote:

 This code experiments with Int, Float and (Num a) = a, and I 
 tried to print x*2 and x/2 for each. (4::Int)/2 isn't allowed because / 
 isn't defined for Ints.

More exactly: (/) is a member function of the Fractional class, and Int is not
an instance of this class.

 You can see that
  kN :: (Num a) = a
 took two different types depending on what method ( / or * ) was applied 
 to it.
  kN / 2 = 2.0
  kN * 2 = 8
 kN/2 is a Float (it can't use Int as / isn't defined for Int, so it uses 
 Float, for which / is defined).

kN/2 has type  Fractional a = a  (try :t kN/2 in ghci)
and when you apply it to show, a specific type will be chosen
by defaulting (Haskell report section 4.3.4).
Without an explicit default declaration, Haskell will try first Integer, then
Double.  Integer is not an instance of Fractional, so Double will be used.

You will get the types you claim to get when you add the line
default (Int,Float) at the top of your file.

 kN*2 is an Int.

By itself, it's  Num a = a,  then it will default to Integer.

 The above outputs demonstrates polymorphism, doesn't it? i.e. Not only 

Polymorphism (or rather: overloading) and defaulting.

 has the compiler got a variety of types to choose from, but a variety of 
 types can be used at runtime?

It only chooses (i.e. tries in order) the types given in the (posibly implicit)
default declaration.  At runtime it doesn't care about types, but of course
the same polymorphic or overloaded function can be used with different types.

 The interesting thing is that k behaves as a Float in both cases. This 
 is monomorphism isn't it? i.e. the compiler may have a variety of types 
 to choose from, but it picks one and sticks to it for every usage. In 
 summary, k didn't give the same outputs as kN.

Since (/) is used with k, it must be Fractional, so as in kN/2,
defaulting makes it Double.

 I'm fairly new to these lists, so apologies if I'm covering old ground 
 again. My first aim is to understand exactly what polymorphism and 
 monomorphism is and demonstrate corresponding results, before thinking 
 about the restriction.

The type of   map :: (a - b) - [a] - [b]
is polymorphic.
Here we are talking about overloading, also known as
ad-hoc polymorphism.  In Haskell overloaded functions
are recognizable by the context in their type, e.g.:
   abs :: Num a = a - a

I think I also mixed this up in one of my earlier mails.
Seems we need a glossary.

Christian Sievers
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [newbie] How to test this function?

2006-09-23 Thread Benjamin Franksen
 Bruno Martínez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 15:12:07 -0300, Benjamin Franksen
  OK.  Thanks.  I didn't find that one because it's not offered as an
  identation option in emacs haskell mode.
  Emacs is evil!

David House wrote:
 I'll ignore the throwaway flaimbait there ;)

Jón Fairbairn wrote:
 That's a great exaggeration

Of course. I am sorry, couldn't resist the urge, if you know what I mean. Oh
and forgot the ubiquitous smiley, so here goes: ;-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart

Just in case it has gone unnoticed, haskell.org seems to have been down
for a few hours now.

Do we have an admin looking into this?

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Why am I not allowed to use CStringLen inforeignexport?

2006-09-23 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Brian,

Friday, September 22, 2006, 9:03:01 PM, you wrote:

 withBSTR8 :: [Char] - (BSTR8 - IO a) - IO a
 withBSTR8 s f =
 (createBSTR8 s)
 (\bstr - free (bstr `plusPtr` (-4)))
 (\bstr - f bstr)

this may be shortened to

 withBSTR8 s =
 (createBSTR8 s)
 (\bstr - free (bstr `plusPtr` (-4)))

my lib contains a tons of such brackets

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-23 Thread Bernie Pope

On 23/09/2006, at 4:33 AM, Christian Sievers wrote:


I don't take my advice to go to haskell-cafe  :-)

I will take your advice :)

The discussion continued outside the mailing list, and now I have
two questions myself:

1. Why do the rules of the monomorphism restriction explicitly mention
   *simple* pattern bindings?
   Where is the difference, especially as there is a translation to
   simple pattern bindings?
   Why should

   p | a==b  = 2
 | otherwise = 3

   be treated different than

   p = if a==b then 2 else 3

They are the same (both are simple pattern bindings). The report says  
in section that the first can be translated into the second.

A simple pattern binding is one where the lhs is a variable only.

If a pattern binding is not simple, it must have a data constructor  
on the lhs, therefore it cannot be overloaded. So the (dreaded) MR only

applies to simple pattern bindings.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Paul Hudak
Thanks Don.  I alerted our IT staff this morning, and they seem to have 
things working again, although here is their final response:

   The web server had over 150 client connections which exceeded
   its limit. I restarted the web server and all is well.

   I'll keep and eye on it and see if someone is trying a denial of
   server attack, or it could be you need a newer faster machine. :-)

So either Haskell is getting really popular (on a Friday night?) or 
there's something fishy going on.


Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Just in case it has gone unnoticed, haskell.org seems to have been down
for a few hours now.

Do we have an admin looking into this?

-- Don

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Program

2006-09-23 Thread Neil Mitchell

Cool! Were you going to tell us what the program does, or are we
supposed to read the source and figure it out?

From the web page:

File Fuzzers

These tools are useful for testing any program which processes binary
file inputs such as archivers and image file viewers.

FileP is a python-based file fuzzer. It generates mutated files from a
list of source files and feeds them to an external program in batches.
Prerequisites: Python 2.4

FileH is a haskell-based file fuzzer. It generates mutated files from
a list of source files and feeds them to an external program in
Prerequisites: GHC 6.4.2


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [newbie] How to test this function?

2006-09-23 Thread Stefan Monnier
 First, how do I fix the identation of the if then else?
 getList = find 5
 where find 0 = return []
 find n = do
 ch - getChar
 if ch `elem` ['a'..'e']
 then do tl - find (n-1)
 return (ch : tl)
 else find n
 OK.  Thanks.  I didn't find that one because it's not offered as an
 identation option in emacs haskell mode.

It's not just a missing option, it's a bug.  I'll hopefully get around to
fixing it soon.

 Emacs is evil!

Of course, that's why we like it so much.

 It also inserts random tab characters into your code just to save a few
 space bytes.

Actually, it has nothing to do with saving space: it only uses TABs because
many people *want* to use tabs.  Of course, the rest of the users *doesn't
want* to use tabs, so we get to be flogged both ways.

BTW, when was the last time you tried haskell-mode?  Haskell-mode (at least
since version 2.0) makes it difficult for the user to insert TABs
by mistake.

 Tends to completely trash indentation e.g. when pasting code
 into mails etc.

Huh?  You mean your mail reader doesn't display tabs in the same way as
8 spaces?  TABs are evil for many reasons, but I've never seen this one.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-23 Thread Michael Shulman

On 9/23/06, Bernie Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If a pattern binding is not simple, it must have a data constructor
on the lhs, therefore it cannot be overloaded. So the (dreaded) MR only
applies to simple pattern bindings.

I thought it was simple pattern bindings that could be *exempted* from
the MR by supplying an explicit type signature, while non-simple
pattern bindings are always subject to it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [newbie] How to test this function?

2006-09-23 Thread Stefan Monnier
 For that one, if it doesn't get mended for long enough,
 Haskell' might accept the present layout.

Hmm... the bug in haskell-mode has been known for almost a year now.
So you're saying that I should just wait even more and it'll get fixed
by Haskell'?
IOW Haskell isn't just lazy but it even rewards laziness?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-23 Thread Bernie Pope

On 24/09/2006, at 1:46 AM, Michael Shulman wrote:

On 9/23/06, Bernie Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If a pattern binding is not simple, it must have a data constructor
on the lhs, therefore it cannot be overloaded. So the (dreaded) MR  

applies to simple pattern bindings.

I thought it was simple pattern bindings that could be *exempted* from
the MR by supplying an explicit type signature, while non-simple
pattern bindings are always subject to it.

Actually, I realised after I posted my message that what I wrote was  
dubious. I'm sorry about that, please ignore it.

This section from the Report seems to clear things up:

In Motivation, section 4.5.5:

Rule 1 prevents ambiguity. For example, consider the declaration group

  [(n,s)] = reads t

Recall that reads is a standard function whose type is given by the  

  reads :: (Read a) = String - [(a,String)]

Without Rule 1, n would be assigned the type forall a. Read a =a and  
s the type forall a. Read a =String. The latter is an invalid type,  
because it is inherently ambiguous. It is not possible to determine  
at what overloading to use s, nor can this be solved by adding a type  
signature for s. Hence, when non-simple pattern bindings are used  
(Section, the types inferred are always monomorphic in their  
constrained type variables, irrespective of whether a type signature  
is provided. In this case, both n and s are monomorphic in a.

Sorry for  the confusion,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] variadic functions and typeCast

2006-09-23 Thread Michael Shulman

Hi all,

I am writing, for my own amusement, a more general version of the
trick to implement variadic functions in Haskell outlined at
http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/vararg-fn.lhs.  (If someone else has done
this already, please point me to it!)  Code is attached at the end of
the message.  My question concerns the use of `typeCast', which is
defined as follows:

class TypeCast x y | x - y, y - x where
   typeCast :: x - y

instance TypeCast x x where
   typeCast = id

This is taken from the paper Strongly typed heterogeneous
collections by Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Lammel, and Keean Schupke.  As
observed there, the TypeCast instance declaration must occur in a
separate module; otherwise the compiler is too eager about type
simplification.  (I also get the same errors if VarArg is interpreted
by GHCi, even if TypeCast is in a separate module.)  I think I
understand the reason for this, but I find it a little surprising; it
wasn't clear to me from the documentation that fundeps introduce a new
dependence on module boundaries.

Anyway, my main question about typeCast is this: why is it needed here
at all?  If I omit it entirely, the code compiles fine, but then
using it gives error messages like the following:

Prelude VarArg build 'h' 'i' :: String

   No instances for (VarFold [a] [a] [Char], VarAccum Char [a])
 arising from use of `build' at interactive:1:0-4

I don't understand why the type-checker is unable to infer that the
type variable `a' should be specialized to `Char' here, since the only
available instance of VarFold whose third type is [Char] has the first
type also being [Char].  I've given the compiler all the type hints I
can think of.  Can someone explain this to me?

I should say that if I add a functional dependency l - a to the
class VarAccum, then this particular example works.  However, I have
other examples in mind for which l doesn't functionally determine a,
so I don't want to do that.  And I don't see why it's necessary.

Here's the code:

class VarAccum a l where
   accum :: a - l - l

class VarFold b l r where
   varFold :: (l - b) - l - r

instance (TypeCast b c) = VarFold b l c where
   varFold f xs = typeCast (f xs)

instance (VarFold b l r, VarAccum a l) = VarFold b l (a - r) where
   varFold f xs x = varFold f (accum x xs)

-- This is the type of variadic functions from lots of As to a B.
type a :-- b = forall r. (VarFold b [a] r) = r
infixr 0 :--

instance VarAccum a [a] where
   accum x xs = (x:xs)

varArg :: forall a b. ([a] - b) - (a :-- b)
varArg f = varFold (f . reverse) ([] :: [a])

build :: forall a. a :-- [a]
build = varArg (id :: [a] - [a])

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Unable to profile program using Data.ByteString.Lazy

2006-09-23 Thread Lyle Kopnicky

Hi folks,

I wrote a program that uses some of the Data.ByteString libraries. I'm 
using GHC 6.4.1 and FPS 0.7.

The program compiles and works just fine. But when I try to profile it, 
by compiling with -prof, I get:

   Failed to load interface for `Data.ByteString.Lazy':
   Could not find module `Data.ByteString.Lazy':
 locations searched:

Why can it find the module when it's compiling without -prof, but not 
when it's compiling with it? I would really like to get profiling to work.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unable to profile program using Data.ByteString.Lazy

2006-09-23 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
 Hi folks,
 I wrote a program that uses some of the Data.ByteString libraries. I'm 
 using GHC 6.4.1 and FPS 0.7.
 The program compiles and works just fine. But when I try to profile it, 
 by compiling with -prof, I get:
Failed to load interface for `Data.ByteString.Lazy':
Could not find module `Data.ByteString.Lazy':
  locations searched:
 Why can it find the module when it's compiling without -prof, but not 
 when it's compiling with it? I would really like to get profiling to work.

Probably you didn't build fps with profiling as well? You can rebuild
fps with:
runhaskell Setup.hs configure -p 
as the first step.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FFI and LD_PRELOAD - segfault

2006-09-23 Thread Stephan Walter

I'm trying to use a shared lib written in Haskell to overload C functions
via LD_PRELOAD. You might think this is a bit silly, but hey, why not?

I want to overload connect() from sys/socket.h. I'll document what I've
written so far; unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of
documentation about this topic.

This is my haskell code (in testffi.hs):

 module Socks where
 import Foreign.C.Types
 import Foreign.Ptr
 newtype S_sockaddr = S_sockaddr ()
 foreign export ccall connect connect ::
   CInt - Ptr (S_sockaddr) - CUInt - IO CInt
 connect :: CInt - Ptr (S_sockaddr) - CUInt - IO CInt
 connect _ _ _ = return (-1::CInt)

Here's how I compile it:

  ghc -Wall -c -fffi testffi.hs
  ghc -Wall -optl -shared -optl -Wl,-soname,libtestffi.so \
-o libtestffi.so testffi.o testffi_stub.o

I'm not at all sure about these compiler and linker options, but this is
the best I could come up with (i.e., no errors or warnings)

Then I run a test program which calls connect(). I won't include the C
source of that program, but it basically connects to the IP address given
as the first argument (at port given by third argument) and sends a
string. Basic error checking is done, i.e. the program does test the
return value of connect():

  LD_PRELOAD=./libtestffi.so ./conntest HELO 1234

This aborts with a segfault in scheduleWaitThread() from ./libtestffi.so

The test program doesn't use threads, so I'm wondering what I did wrong?

Any help is appreciated.

Stephan Walter

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sat, 2006-09-23 at 09:58 -0400, Paul Hudak wrote:
 Thanks Don.  I alerted our IT staff this morning, and they seem to have 
 things working again, although here is their final response:
 The web server had over 150 client connections which exceeded
 its limit. I restarted the web server and all is well.
 I'll keep and eye on it and see if someone is trying a denial of
 server attack, or it could be you need a newer faster machine. :-)
 So either Haskell is getting really popular (on a Friday night?) or 
 there's something fishy going on.

I've noticed this happen several times in the past. It would have 150
hung connections but not very high cpu or network usage. On those
occasions I restated httpd to get things going again.

Looking at the httpd access logs it looked to me like an errant indexing
bot. One example of something we might want to ban bots from is from
accessing all past revisions and diffs of wiki pages. But generally we
probably just need to look at the logs and try and see what's going on.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Tony Morris
I have been linked before on slashdot to my humble web server (all
333MHz of awesome CPU power). I can attest to the effect that you are

Tony Morris

Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 06:03:41PM +0200, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 Yesterday there was a link to haskell.org on reddit.com,
 precisely to http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Simple_unix_tools .
 The server experienced something like a slashdot effect.
 On the other hand, I think haskell.org was linked from reddit
 before and I don't remember similar problems. Perhaps reddit
 got more popular or the link was also put on other similar
 Best regards
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Paul,

Saturday, September 23, 2006, 5:58:02 PM, you wrote:

 So either Haskell is getting really popular (on a Friday night?) or
 there's something fishy going on.

are you sure that all haskellers live in England? ;)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell.org down

2006-09-23 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
 Thanks Don.  I alerted our IT staff this morning, and they seem to have 
 things working again, although here is their final response:
The web server had over 150 client connections which exceeded
its limit. I restarted the web server and all is well.
I'll keep and eye on it and see if someone is trying a denial of
server attack, or it could be you need a newer faster machine. :-)
 So either Haskell is getting really popular (on a Friday night?) or 
 there's something fishy going on.

Hmm. Looks like its gone down again?

Seems fishy...

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list