Re: [GHC] #5657: section suggestion adds backticks to operators

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5657: section suggestion adds backticks to operators
Reporter:  tinctorius|   Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.2.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  Other   
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * owner:  = simonmar
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * priority:  normal = high
  * milestone:  = 7.4.1



Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5658: Strict bindings are wrongly floated out of case alternatives.

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5658: Strict bindings are wrongly floated out of case alternatives.
Reporter:  benl  |   Owner:  benl
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.2.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  Runtime crash   
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  

Comment(by simonpj):

 Ben: I think this ticket is fixed, but it'd be good to have a test case if
 possible. Could you think about concocting one?  Ideally without depending
 on vector.  If it's hard, just close the ticket.


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5657: section suggestion adds backticks to operators

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5657: section suggestion adds backticks to operators
Reporter:  tinctorius|   Owner:  simonmar
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.2.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  Other   
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  

Comment(by maeder):

 It should be easy to change the printing of a qualified symbol within a
 section (namely without backticks).

 A more smart fix would be to change the internal qualified symbol LT..
 into the two tokens, after a [, because a (qualified) symbol can never
 follow [ AFAICS!

 (Btw I vote against

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5108: Allow unicode sub/superscript symbols in both identifiers and operators

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5108: Allow unicode sub/superscript symbols in both identifiers and operators
Reporter:  mikhail.vorozhtsov  |   Owner:  
Type:  feature request |  Status:  patch   
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Compiler (Parser)   | Version:  7.1 
Keywords:  lexer unicode   |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple| Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown |Testcase:  
   Blockedby:  |Blocking:  
 Related:  |  

Comment(by mikhail.vorozhtsov):

 Replying to [comment:4 simonmar]:
  I'm not keen on this patch for a few reasons:
   * It's inconsistent to allow superscript/subscript on symbols.  Haskell
 doesn't currently allow primes on symbols, for example.
 If fact, GHC already allows unicode primes on symbols. alexGetByte
 classifies OtherPunctuation characters (including primes) as `$unisymbol`.
 $ ghci
 GHCi, version 7.2.2:  :? for help
 Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
 Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
 Loading package base ... linking ... done.
 Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
 λ let a +′ b = a + b
 The patch just makes sure that primes at least do not appear at the start
 of a `@varsym`. We can further restrict sub/sup characters to appear only
 in the suffix of a symbol, i.e. `@varsym = $symbol $symchar* $subsup*`.
   * The patch has a bunch of Unicode constants baked into it
 The same can ultimately be said about `generalCategory`, I mean look at
 `u_gencat`. I can move the sup/sub test to a separate inlinable function.
   * It adds a bunch of extra tests to the inner loop.  I haven't
 measured it but I wouldn't be surprised if this slows down the lexer.
 Hm, I don't know if a few extra comparisons on already rare unicode
 characters will outweight the binary search in `u_gencat`, let alone
 significantly increase the overall lexing time. Is there any way to stop
 GHC right after lexing so I can benchmark?
  Perhaps it might be better just to allow the category Lm (MODIFIER
 LETTER) as part of an identifier?  That would include all the primes and
 subscript/superscript things.
 Lm leaves out a bunch of characters (e.g. sub/sup variants of + - =
 ( )), including the primes which, as I mentioned, are Po. Another
 drawback is that identifies like abcₓdef would be accepted. BTW, we
 already can write something not-so-beautiful like:
 λ let ᵤxᵤy = 1
 because ᵤ is in the Ll category.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind
Reporter:  guest   |   Owner:  dreixel
Type:  bug |  Status:  new
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  7.4.1  
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.3
Keywords:  PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell  |  Os:  Linux  
Architecture:  x86 | Failure:  Other  
  Difficulty:  |Testcase: 
   Blockedby:  |Blocking: 
 Related:  |  
Changes (by lunaris):

  * keywords:  = PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell
  * version:  7.0.3 = 7.3


 I can reproduce what appears to be the same bug with the following:


 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

 module First where

 data Proxy (as :: [*])
   = Proxy

 f :: Proxy as - ()
 f _
   = ()


 module Second where

 import First

 import Language.Haskell.TH

 GHCI session:

 % ghci -XTemplateHaskell Second.hs
 GHCi, version 7.3.20111204:  :? for help
 Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
 Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
 Loading package base ... linking ... done.
 [1 of 2] Compiling First( First.hs, interpreted )
 [2 of 2] Compiling Second   ( Second.hs, interpreted )
 Ok, modules loaded: Second, First.
 *Second $(reify 'f = stringE . show)
 Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package template-haskell ... linking ... done.

 Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
   interactive: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version 7.3.20111204 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
 Exotic form of kind [ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.*{(w) tc 34d}]

 Please report this as a GHC bug:

   Code: (=) reify 'f (.) stringE show
 In the expression: $(reify 'f = stringE . show)
 In an equation for `it': it = $(reify 'f = stringE . show)

 As far as I can tell, there aren't any TH constructors for promoted kinds
 yet, so reifyKind in TcSplice can't do anything better.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind
Reporter:  guest   |   Owner:  dreixel
Type:  bug |  Status:  new
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  7.4.1  
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.3
Keywords:  PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell  |  Os:  Linux  
Architecture:  x86 | Failure:  Other  
  Difficulty:  |Testcase: 
   Blockedby:  |Blocking: 
 Related:  |  

Comment(by dreixel):

 Replying to [comment:3 lunaris]:
  I can reproduce what appears to be the same bug with the following:

 I think they are different things, as the original report wasn't using
 promoted kinds at all.

 (Though we should certainly do something about reification of promoted
 kinds too; thanks for reporting.)

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind
Reporter:  guest   |   Owner:  dreixel
Type:  bug |  Status:  new
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  7.4.1  
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.3
Keywords:  PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell  |  Os:  Linux  
Architecture:  x86 | Failure:  Other  
  Difficulty:  |Testcase: 
   Blockedby:  |Blocking: 
 Related:  |  

Comment(by dreixel):

 I cannot reproduce the original error in ghc-7.2.1 (even after fixing a
 probably unintended type error in the source).

 So I'm leaving this to track only lunaris's report with `-XPolyKinds`.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5612: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind
Reporter:  guest   |   Owner:  dreixel
Type:  bug |  Status:  new
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  7.4.1  
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.3
Keywords:  PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell  |  Os:  Linux  
Architecture:  x86 | Failure:  Other  
  Difficulty:  |Testcase: 
   Blockedby:  |Blocking: 
 Related:  |  

Comment(by lunaris):

 If there's some sort of design in place for how kinds might be handled in
 TH.Kind, then I'm all up for implementing it, but there doesn't appear to
 be one yet.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5706: building ghc from source tarball requires alex?

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5706: building ghc from source tarball requires alex?
Reporter:  kosmikus  |   Owner: 
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.4.1  
   Component:  Build System  | Version:  7.3
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  Building GHC failed
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase: 
Changes (by simonmar):

  * priority:  normal = high
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * milestone:  = 7.4.1


 Alex should not be required for building from source, this is indeed a
 bug.  I'm not sure what could have changed though.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s
  Reporter:  tibbe |  Owner:  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Runtime System|Version:  7.2.1   
Resolution:  wontfix   |   Keywords:  
Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown  | Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Testcase:|  Blockedby:  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new = closed
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 I chatted with tibbe on IRC a bit about this yesterday.  The conclusion is

  * you can use `+RTS -T`, as ezyang noted above
  * you can set this at compile time with `-with-rtsopts=-T`

 which addresses the main issues.

 It's possible that we could enable `+RTS -T` by default, but someone needs
 to do the measurements to see if the impact is really negligible.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0
Reporter:  brinchj |   Owner:   
Type:  bug |  Status:  infoneeded   
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.2.1
Keywords:  biographical profiling  |  Os:  Linux
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  | Failure:  Runtime crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown |Testcase:   
   Blockedby:  |Blocking:   
 Related:  5451, 1519  |  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new = infoneeded
  * difficulty:  = Unknown


 I don't know if your issue is fixed or not.  If you could try with the 7.4
 RC (due out soon) that would be great, otherwise please attach a test case
 and we'll look into it.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5708: Qualified name in binding position

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5708: Qualified name in binding position
  Reporter:  fryguybob |  Owner:  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Compiler  |Version:  
Resolution:  invalid   |   Keywords:  
Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown  | Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Testcase:|  Blockedby:  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new = closed
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * resolution:  = invalid


 Yes, it was a bug in 7.0 that the qualified name was accepted, see

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5709: ghc-7.2 cannot find libraries in non-standard locations

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5709: ghc-7.2 cannot find libraries in non-standard locations
  Reporter:  kosmikus  |  Owner:  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  7.4.1   
 Component:  Package system|Version:  7.2.1   
Resolution:  fixed |   Keywords:  
Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  Other | Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Testcase:|  Blockedby:  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new = closed
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * resolution:  = fixed
  * milestone:  = 7.4.1


 I'm not quite sure how this broke in 7.2, but it is fixed in 7.4 and we
 have a test for it (`ghcilink005`).

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #5710: Profiling looks broken on Windows

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5710: Profiling looks broken on Windows
Reporter:  simonmar  |   Owner:  
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  highest   |   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.2.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
 All the profiling tests are failing on Windows;

 = arr001(profasm) 16 of 3138 [0, 0, 0]
 cd ./array/should_run 
 dir/bin/ghc.exe' -fforce-recomp -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output
 -no-user-package-conf -rtsopts -fno-ghci-history -o arr001 arr001.hs -O
 -prof -auto-all arr001.comp.stderr 21
 cd ./array/should_run  ./arr001 +RTS -hc -p -RTS /dev/null
 Wrong exit code (expected 0 , actual 1 )
 array (1,3) [(1,'c'),(2,'a'),(3,'b')]
 Segmentation fault/access violation in generated code
 *** unexpected failure for arr001(profasm)

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #5711: ghci asked me to report this

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5711: ghci asked me to report this
 Reporter:  guest |  Owner:  
 Type:  bug   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  GHCi
  Version:  7.2.1 |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Windows   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  
 interactive:1:1: Not in scope: `prc'
 ghc.exe: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version 7.0.3 for i386-unknown-mingw32):
 thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

 Please report this as a GHC bug:


 I have tried to reproduce it but couldn't.

 In case it may be of help I had loaded the following file 'baby.hs':

 doubleMe x = x + x

 doubleUs x y = doubleMe x + doubleMe y

 doubleSmallNumber' x = (if x  100 then x else x*2) + 1

 qsort [] = []
 qsort (a:b) = (qsort [x|x-b,x = a]) ++ [a] ++ (qsort [x|x-b,x  a])

 log10 x = log x / log 10

 prec a b = -log10 ((max a b) / (min a b) - 1)

 md x = take 3 [(a,b)|a-[1..], b-[1..], a  2, b  3]


 and the previous history was: (dont't laugh at my attempts to learn
 Haskell ;-)


   (Num b0) arising from the literal `3' at interactive:1:15
   (Integral b0) arising from a use of `^' at interactive:1:3
   (Floating b0) arising from a use of `log' at interactive:1:6-8
 Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
 In the second argument of `(-)', namely `3'
 In the second argument of `(^)', namely `((log 8) - 3)'
 In the expression: 10 ^ ((log 8) - 3)
 Prelude 10.0^((log 8) - 3)

 Ambiguous type variable `b0' in the constraints:
   (Num b0) arising from the literal `3' at interactive:1:17
   (Integral b0) arising from a use of `^' at interactive:1:5
   (Floating b0) arising from a use of `log' at interactive:1:8-10
 Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
 In the second argument of `(-)', namely `3'
 In the second argument of `(^)', namely `((log 8) - 3)'
 In the expression: 10.0 ^ ((log 8) - 3)
 Prelude 10.0^(3.1)

 Ambiguous type variable `b0' in the constraints:
   (Integral b0) arising from a use of `^' at interactive:1:5
   (Fractional b0) arising from the literal `3.1'
   at interactive:1:7-9
 Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
 In the expression: 10.0 ^ (3.1)
 In an equation for `it': it = 10.0 ^ (3.1)
 Prelude 10.0^3.1

 Ambiguous type variable `b0' in the constraints:
   (Integral b0) arising from a use of `^' at interactive:1:5
   (Fractional b0) arising from the literal `3.1'
   at interactive:1:6-8
 Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
 In the expression: 10.0 ^ 3.1
 In an equation for `it': it = 10.0 ^ 3.1
 Prelude 10.0^3
 Prelude 10.0**3
 Prelude 10.0**3.1
 Prelude 10**((log 3.1) - (log 3))
 Prelude 10**((log 3.01) - (log 3))
 Prelude log 10
 Prelude log10 10

 interactive:1:1: Not in scope: `log10'
 Prelude log 10,10

 interactive:1:7: parse error on input `,'
 Prelude :r
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( baby.hs, interpreted )
 Ok, modules loaded: Main.
 *Main log10 .002

 No instance for (Num (a0 - c0))
   arising from the literal `2'
 Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (a0 - c0))
 In the second argument of `(.)', namely `2'
 In the expression: log10 . 2
 In an equation for `it': it = log10 . 2
 *Main log10 0.002
 *Main -log10 0.002
 *Main :r
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( baby.hs, interpreted )
 Ok, modules loaded: Main.
 *Main prec 3.001 3
 *Main prec 3.003 3
 *Main prec 3 3.003
 *Main prec 3.0 3.003
 *Main prec 3.0 2.99
 *Main :r
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( baby.hs, interpreted )
 Ok, modules loaded: Main.
 *Main prec 3.0 3.003
 *Main prec 3.003 3
 *Main :r
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( baby.hs, interpreted )

 baby.hs:12:46: parse error on input `)'
 Failed, modules loaded: none.
 Prelude :r
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( baby.hs, interpreted )
 Ok, modules loaded: Main.
 *Main prec 3.003 3
 *Main prec 3 3.003
 *Main :r
 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( baby.hs, interpreted )
 Ok, modules loaded: Main.
 *Main md pi

Re: [GHC] #4364: Template Haskell: Cycle in type synonym declarations

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#4364: Template Haskell: Cycle in type synonym declarations
Reporter:  igloo|   Owner:  simonpj 
Type:  bug  |  Status:  new 
Priority:  high |   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  | Version:  7.1 
Keywords:   |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:   |Testcase:  
   Blockedby:   |Blocking:  
 Related:   |  
Changes (by PHO):

 * cc: pho@… (added)

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0
Reporter:  brinchj |   Owner:   
Type:  bug |  Status:  infoneeded   
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.2.1
Keywords:  biographical profiling  |  Os:  Linux
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  | Failure:  Runtime crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown |Testcase:   
   Blockedby:  |Blocking:   
 Related:  5451, 1519  |  

Comment(by brinchj):

 If ghc 7.4 rc is out soon, i'll give it a go and see if it works.
 Right now, I can't run the 7.4 due to a configuration error when
 installing the enumerator package:

 jos@laptux code/next ±master⚡  cabal install enumerator
 Resolving dependencies...
 cabal: cannot configure text- It requires integer-gmp =0.2 
 There is no available version of integer-gmp that satisfies =0.2  0.4

 Regarding a small test case, I don't really know where to start. The
 project currently contains about 50 haskell modules, and I have no clue as
 to what part could cause the problem.

 There's a lot of IO going on, and the system is doing a bit of forkIO as
 well, running in several isolated lightweight threads.

 The error is triggered by the rts option -hb. Other options, like -hc or
 -p works. Btw, the exit code produced is 134.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0
Reporter:  brinchj |   Owner:   
Type:  bug |  Status:  infoneeded   
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.2.1
Keywords:  biographical profiling  |  Os:  Linux
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  | Failure:  Runtime crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown |Testcase:   
   Blockedby:  |Blocking:   
 Related:  5451, 1519  |  

Comment(by brinchj):

 Riiight, the threads aren't really isolated, but they communicate solely
 using STM and TChan/TMvar.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4372: Extending quasiquotation support

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#4372: Extending quasiquotation support
Reporter:  simonpj   |   Owner:  
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Template Haskell  | Version:  6.12.3  
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by PHO):

 * cc: pho@… (added)

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #2041: Allow splicing in concrete syntax

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#2041: Allow splicing in concrete syntax
Reporter:  igloo |   Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  _|_ 
   Component:  Template Haskell  | Version:  6.8.2   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by PHO):

 * cc: pho@… (added)

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5671: ghc-7.2 vector code segfaults

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5671: ghc-7.2 vector code segfaults
Reporter:  kosmikus|Owner:   
Type:  bug |   Status:  closed   
Priority:  normal  |Component:  Compiler 
 Version:  7.2.1   |   Resolution:  fixed
Keywords:  |   Os:  Linux
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  |  Failure:  Runtime crash
Testcase:  |Blockedby:   
Blocking:  |  Related:   
Changes (by kosmikus):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = fixed


 This seems to have been fixed by the fix to bug #5658, at least I can't
 reproduce the problem with the latest snapshot. I'm closing this for now.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5612: Better support for kinds in Template Haskell (was: panic, impossible happened, Exotic form of kind)

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5612: Better support for kinds in Template Haskell
Reporter:  guest   |   Owner:  dreixel 
Type:  feature request |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  7.4.1   
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.3 
Keywords:  PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple| Failure:  Other   
  Difficulty:  |Testcase:  
   Blockedby:  |Blocking:  
 Related:  |  
Changes (by dreixel):

  * type:  bug = feature request
  * os:  Linux = Unknown/Multiple
  * architecture:  x86 = Unknown/Multiple

 gives a more civilized error. Also for kinds like `Constraint`, which TH
 doesn't handle either.

 I guess this will do for 7.4, and we should indeed come up with a design
 for handling the new kinds in TH.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #1476: Template Haskell: splicing types and patterns

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#1476: Template Haskell: splicing types and patterns
Reporter:  igloo |   Owner:  
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  low   |   Milestone:  _|_ 
   Component:  Template Haskell  | Version:  6.6.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by PHO):

 * cc: pho@… (added)
  * failure:  = None/Unknown

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5706: building ghc from source tarball requires alex?

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5706: building ghc from source tarball requires alex?
Reporter:  kosmikus  |   Owner: 
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.4.1  
   Component:  Build System  | Version:  7.3
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  Building GHC failed
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase: 

Comment(by kosmikus):

 It actually seems to require both alex and happy. The build succeeded once
 I added both packages to the build inputs.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5707: internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead(): 0
Reporter:  brinchj |   Owner:   
Type:  bug |  Status:  infoneeded   
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.2.1
Keywords:  biographical profiling  |  Os:  Linux
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  | Failure:  Runtime crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown |Testcase:   
   Blockedby:  |Blocking:   
 Related:  5451, 1519  |  

Comment(by simonmar):

 The test case doesn't have to be small, as long as it is reproducible and
 you can give us the source code.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s
  Reporter:  tibbe |  Owner:  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Runtime System|Version:  7.2.1   
Resolution:  wontfix   |   Keywords:  
Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown  | Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Testcase:|  Blockedby:  

Comment(by dterei):

 Can we get the haddock documentation for GHC.Stats update please to
 include this information?

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s
  Reporter:  tibbe |  Owner:  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Runtime System|Version:  7.2.1   
Resolution:  wontfix   |   Keywords:  
Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown  | Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Testcase:|  Blockedby:  
Changes (by dterei):

 * cc: dterei (added)

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s

2011-12-16 Thread GHC
#5705: getGCStats only works with +RTS -s
  Reporter:  tibbe |  Owner:  
  Type:  bug   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal|  Milestone:  
 Component:  Runtime System|Version:  7.2.1   
Resolution:  wontfix   |   Keywords:  
Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown  | Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Testcase:|  Blockedby:  

Comment(by ezyang):

 I don't know how I failed to do this the first time around.

 commit 8020e1e5eba5acf52af3b055422f93a738f95740
 Author: Edward Z. Yang
 Date:   Fri Dec 16 14:50:40 2011 -0500

 Document that -T RTS flag is necessary.

 Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam

As mentioned in the committee's annual report
(, our
attempt to join SFC has stalled because they don't have the capacity to
accept new projects at the moment.

We therefore applied to join SPI (, and they
have now offered us associated project status

We intend to accept this offer, but are taking this final opportunity to
seek feedback from the community before doing so.

SPI is very like SFC in what it does and how it operates, so we don't
expect this to make any substantial differences to the FAQ quoted below.


on behalf of the committee

On 10/05/2011 23:44, Don Stewart wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
 of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
 incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
 recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.
 The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
 under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
 that Darcs joined recently):
 If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
 registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
 (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
 Haskell open source community.
 We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.
 -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)
 = A proposal for the incorporation of =
 In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
 Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for use 
 GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
 hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
 drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.
 However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
 these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
 Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with no-one
 being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.
 To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
 project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) The SFC is a non-profit 
 that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
 projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the US
 are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
 and would be able to accept donations on behalf of
 The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
 spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.
 Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
 of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.
 We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:
 Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
  copyleft licence such as GPL?
 A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
 Open Source licence
 Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
  non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
 A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
 not a problem.
 Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
 lists and website?
 A: Yes.
 Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium  and Industrial Haskell
 Group  webpages within
 A: No.
 Q: What will be the relationship between and other
 organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
 A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.
 Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
 created, would be able to join it?
 A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
 would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
 divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
 be renamed in order to avoid confusion.
 Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam
BTW as with the Don's original message about incorporating, I
distributed this widely to increase awareness, but please restrict any
feedback to haskell-cafe@ and committee@.

Sorry for the noise!


On 16/12/2011 09:08, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
 As mentioned in the committee's annual report
 (, our
 attempt to join SFC has stalled because they don't have the capacity to
 accept new projects at the moment.
 We therefore applied to join SPI (, and they
 have now offered us associated project status
 We intend to accept this offer, but are taking this final opportunity to
 seek feedback from the community before doing so.
 SPI is very like SFC in what it does and how it operates, so we don't
 expect this to make any substantial differences to the FAQ quoted below.
 on behalf of the committee
 On 10/05/2011 23:44, Don Stewart wrote:
 Hello everyone.

 The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
 of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
 incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
 recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.

 The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
 under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
 that Darcs joined recently):

 If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
 registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
 (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
 Haskell open source community.

 We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.

 -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)


 = A proposal for the incorporation of =

 In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
 Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for use 
 GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
 hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
 drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.

 However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
 these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
 Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with no-one
 being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.

 To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
 project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) The SFC is a non-profit 
 that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
 projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the 
 are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
 and would be able to accept donations on behalf of

 The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
 spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.

 Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
 of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.

 We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:

 Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
  copyleft licence such as GPL?
 A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
 Open Source licence

 Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
  non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
 A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
 not a problem.

 Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
 lists and website?
 A: Yes.

 Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium  and Industrial Haskell
 Group  webpages within
 A: No.

 Q: What will be the relationship between and other
 organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
 A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.

 Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
 created, would be able to join it?
 A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
 would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
 divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
 be renamed in order to avoid 

Re: [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam

As mentioned in the committee's annual report
(, our
attempt to join SFC has stalled because they don't have the capacity to
accept new projects at the moment.

We therefore applied to join SPI (, and they
have now offered us associated project status

We intend to accept this offer, but are taking this final opportunity to
seek feedback from the community before doing so.

SPI is very like SFC in what it does and how it operates, so we don't
expect this to make any substantial differences to the FAQ quoted below.


on behalf of the committee

On 10/05/2011 23:44, Don Stewart wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
 of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
 incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
 recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.
 The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
 under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
 that Darcs joined recently):
 If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
 registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
 (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
 Haskell open source community.
 We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.
 -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)
 = A proposal for the incorporation of =
 In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
 Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for use 
 GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
 hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
 drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.
 However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
 these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
 Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with no-one
 being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.
 To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
 project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) The SFC is a non-profit 
 that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
 projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the US
 are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
 and would be able to accept donations on behalf of
 The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
 spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.
 Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
 of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.
 We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:
 Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
  copyleft licence such as GPL?
 A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
 Open Source licence
 Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
  non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
 A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
 not a problem.
 Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
 lists and website?
 A: Yes.
 Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium  and Industrial Haskell
 Group  webpages within
 A: No.
 Q: What will be the relationship between and other
 organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
 A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.
 Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
 created, would be able to join it?
 A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
 would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
 divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
 be renamed in order to avoid confusion.
 Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam
BTW as with the Don's original message about incorporating, I
distributed this widely to increase awareness, but please restrict any
feedback to haskell-cafe@ and committee@.

Sorry for the noise!


On 16/12/2011 09:08, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
 As mentioned in the committee's annual report
 (, our
 attempt to join SFC has stalled because they don't have the capacity to
 accept new projects at the moment.
 We therefore applied to join SPI (, and they
 have now offered us associated project status
 We intend to accept this offer, but are taking this final opportunity to
 seek feedback from the community before doing so.
 SPI is very like SFC in what it does and how it operates, so we don't
 expect this to make any substantial differences to the FAQ quoted below.
 on behalf of the committee
 On 10/05/2011 23:44, Don Stewart wrote:
 Hello everyone.

 The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
 of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
 incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
 recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.

 The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
 under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
 that Darcs joined recently):

 If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
 registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
 (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
 Haskell open source community.

 We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.

 -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)


 = A proposal for the incorporation of =

 In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
 Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for use 
 GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
 hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
 drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.

 However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
 these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
 Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with no-one
 being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.

 To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
 project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) The SFC is a non-profit 
 that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
 projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the 
 are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
 and would be able to accept donations on behalf of

 The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
 spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.

 Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
 of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.

 We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:

 Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
  copyleft licence such as GPL?
 A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
 Open Source licence

 Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
  non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
 A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
 not a problem.

 Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
 lists and website?
 A: Yes.

 Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium  and Industrial Haskell
 Group  webpages within
 A: No.

 Q: What will be the relationship between and other
 organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
 A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.

 Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
 created, would be able to join it?
 A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
 would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
 divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
 be renamed in order to avoid 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] smt solver bindings

2011-12-16 Thread Levent Erkok

The SBV library ( can indeed
use Z3 as a backend SBV solver. However, it uses Z3 via SMT-Lib2, not
via it's C-API. It aims to provide a much higher level interface,
integrating with Haskell as smoothly as possible, keeping the
SMT-solver transparent to the user.

I'm actively developing and using SBV
(, so any comments/feedback would be
most welcome. Do let me know if you decide to use it and see any


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Josef Svenningsson wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Dimitrios Vytiniotis wrote:

 I've a quick question:

 Are there Haskell wrappers for the Z3 C API around?

 I believe sbv recently got support for Z3 but I don't know if it uses the C
 API. Neither have I tried the Z3 backend, I only played with the Yices
 backend. If you contact Levent Erkök, the author of sbv, he should be able
 to give you more information.



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam

As mentioned in the committee's annual report
(, our
attempt to join SFC has stalled because they don't have the capacity to
accept new projects at the moment.

We therefore applied to join SPI (, and they
have now offered us associated project status

We intend to accept this offer, but are taking this final opportunity to
seek feedback from the community before doing so.

SPI is very like SFC in what it does and how it operates, so we don't
expect this to make any substantial differences to the FAQ quoted below.


on behalf of the committee

On 10/05/2011 23:44, Don Stewart wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
 of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
 incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
 recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.
 The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
 under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
 that Darcs joined recently):
 If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
 registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
 (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
 Haskell open source community.
 We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.
 -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)
 = A proposal for the incorporation of =
 In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
 Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for use 
 GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
 hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
 drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.
 However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
 these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
 Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with no-one
 being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.
 To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
 project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) The SFC is a non-profit 
 that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
 projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the US
 are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
 and would be able to accept donations on behalf of
 The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
 spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.
 Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
 of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.
 We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:
 Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
  copyleft licence such as GPL?
 A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
 Open Source licence
 Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
  non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
 A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
 not a problem.
 Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
 lists and website?
 A: Yes.
 Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium  and Industrial Haskell
 Group  webpages within
 A: No.
 Q: What will be the relationship between and other
 organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
 A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.
 Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
 created, would be able to join it?
 A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
 would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
 divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
 be renamed in order to avoid confusion.
 Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parallel Matrix Multiplication

2011-12-16 Thread Eric Kow
Hi Mukesh,

Great to hear you're trying parallel Haskell! I can't yet help debug your 
parallel performance, but maybe I can offer something for your last request.

Have you tried the Parallel Haskell portal?

You will find some links mainly aimed at helping people to get started, and 
also a list of parallel Haskell readings.

Hope this helps :-)

On 10 Dec 2011, at 18:14, mukesh tiwari wrote:
 I am trying to learn parallel Haskell and  I have gone through couple of 
 resources ( Real world Haskell and
  ). I understood par and pseq and I wrote matrix multiplication using these 
 two function but it does not look.  Although I did not get all these details 
 but none of the sparks converted which is really important for parallel 
 Could some one please tell me how to improve this.

 Also kindly recommend me some  literature for parallel programming in Haskell.

Eric Kow

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] SMP parallelism increasing GC time dramatically

2011-12-16 Thread Mikolaj Konarski
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 15:55, Tom Thorne wrote:
 Yes I will try to run threadscope on it, I tried it before and the event log 
 output produced about 1.8GB, and then crashed.

Hi Tom,

I'm one of the TS/ghc-events hackers and I'd like to learn more,
fix it or at least put it on the TS/ghc-events issue tracker
( Could you help me reproduce
the problem? Did ThreadScope crash or RTS? Which versions?
Was it 1.8GB of the log file or RAM? Did you succeed eventually?
Any other TS feedback?

Thank you,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam
BTW as with the Don's original message about incorporating, I
distributed this widely to increase awareness, but please restrict any
feedback to haskell-cafe@ and committee@.

Sorry for the noise!


On 16/12/2011 09:08, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
 As mentioned in the committee's annual report
 (, our
 attempt to join SFC has stalled because they don't have the capacity to
 accept new projects at the moment.
 We therefore applied to join SPI (, and they
 have now offered us associated project status
 We intend to accept this offer, but are taking this final opportunity to
 seek feedback from the community before doing so.
 SPI is very like SFC in what it does and how it operates, so we don't
 expect this to make any substantial differences to the FAQ quoted below.
 on behalf of the committee
 On 10/05/2011 23:44, Don Stewart wrote:
 Hello everyone.

 The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
 of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
 incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
 recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.

 The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
 under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
 that Darcs joined recently):

 If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
 registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
 (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
 Haskell open source community.

 We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.

 -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)


 = A proposal for the incorporation of =

 In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
 Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for use 
 GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
 hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
 drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.

 However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
 these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
 Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with no-one
 being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.

 To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
 project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) The SFC is a non-profit 
 that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
 projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the 
 are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
 and would be able to accept donations on behalf of

 The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
 spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.

 Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
 of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.

 We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:

 Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
  copyleft licence such as GPL?
 A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
 Open Source licence

 Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
  non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
 A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
 not a problem.

 Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
 lists and website?
 A: Yes.

 Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium  and Industrial Haskell
 Group  webpages within
 A: No.

 Q: What will be the relationship between and other
 organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
 A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.

 Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
 created, would be able to join it?
 A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
 would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
 divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
 be renamed in order to avoid 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: hxournal- - A pen notetaking program written in haskell

2011-12-16 Thread Ian-Woo Kim
Hi, all,

I just uploaded hxournal-0.5.1 which is implemented with .hxournal
config file, Use X Input menu enabled, and a fix for compilation
problem of gdkconfig.h by Custom build during cabal configure using
pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0

Please try the new version by
 cabal update
 cabal install hxournal

I have made a google group of hxournal :
Any issues on hxournal will be welcome and discussed there.

Currently, I branched 0.5.1 version for stabilization and now started
to focus on pdf background rendering (which is most relevant for my
purpose)  in the master branch.

Thank you for your interest and reports.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
 When I attempt to build on Ubuntu, I get:

 ezyang@javelin:~$ cabal install hxournal
 Resolving dependencies...
 Configuring hxournal-
 Preprocessing library hxournal-
 In file included from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkscreen.h:32:0,
                 from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkapplaunchcontext.h:31,
                 from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdk.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h:32,
                 from Device.hsc:3:
 /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdktypes.h:55:23: fatal error: gdkconfig.h: No such 
 file or directory
 compilation terminated.
 compiling dist/build/Application/HXournal/Device_hsc_make.c failed (exit code 
 command was: /usr/bin/gcc -c 
 dist/build/Application/HXournal/Device_hsc_make.c -o 
 dist/build/Application/HXournal/Device_hsc_make.o -fno-stack-protector 
 -Di386_HOST_ARCH -Icsrc -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 
 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 
 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/ -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 
 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/libdrm -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/cairo 
 -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 
 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include 
 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include 
 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1 
 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 
 -I/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/base- -I/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/include 
 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
 hxournal- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
 ExitFailure 1

 This may be of interest:

 ezyang@javelin:~$ locate gdkconfig.h


 Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Mon Dec 12 20:10:19 -0500 2011:
 Very fancy! I am a big fan of Xournal, so I will have to take this for a 


 Excerpts from Ian-Woo Kim's message of Mon Dec 12 06:56:09 -0500 2011:
  Hi, everyone,
  I am very pleased to announce a pen notetaking program: hxournal,
  which is written entirely in haskell using gtk2hs.
  I uploaded the package on hackage. This program accompanies with
  two library packages, xournal-parser and xournal-render for parsing
  and rendering xournal format file.
  Installing hxournal should be very simple:
   cabal update
   cabal install hxournal
  hxournal can be currently regarded as a clone of xournal, which is a
  notetaking program developed in C. (See
  As xournal, hxournal can take wacom tablet X11 input in subpixel unit
  so that it can result in very smooth notetaking experience.
  Currently, basic pen operations and eraser operations, file open/save
  operations, rectangular selection, cut/copy/paste operations have been
  implemented. So the application is semi-usable. The file format is
  the same as xournal but gunzipped. So to view/edit xoj files generated
  from xournal, just gunzip the xoj files and read them in hxournal.
  Gunzipped xoj files generated from hxournal are readable in xournal
  One NEW special feature of hxournal compared with xournal:
  This program can make a split view (horizontal and vertical and

Re: [Haskell-cafe] SMP parallelism increasing GC time dramatically

2011-12-16 Thread Tom Thorne

I can't remember if it was threadscope that crashed or the RTS, since I was 
also having segfaults in the RTS because of this bug, that is fixed in 7.2.2:

I successfully used threadscope by running my code for fewer iterations to 
produce a smaller log, and it was helpful to make sure I was dividing work 
equally between the threads.

I think I still have the log file that was about 1.8GB so I will try running 
threadscope on it and see what happens.

The performance problems I was having turned out to be fixed completely by 
changing the GC options passed to the RTS.



On Friday, 16 December 2011 at 09:20, Mikolaj Konarski wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 15:55, Tom Thorne 
 ( wrote:
  Yes I will try to run threadscope on it, I tried it before and the event 
  log output produced about 1.8GB, and then crashed.
 Hi Tom,
 I'm one of the TS/ghc-events hackers and I'd like to learn more,
 fix it or at least put it on the TS/ghc-events issue tracker
 ( Could you help me reproduce
 the problem? Did ThreadScope crash or RTS? Which versions?
 Was it 1.8GB of the log file or RAM? Did you succeed eventually?
 Any other TS feedback?
 Thank you,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Giovanni Tirloni
On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:08 AM, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

  Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
  created, would be able to join it?
  A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
  would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
  divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
  be renamed in order to avoid confusion.

Would it be a too ambitious goal to create the Haskell Foundation at this

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam
On 16/12/2011 10:59, Giovanni Tirloni wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:08 AM, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
  Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
  created, would be able to
 join it?
  A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
  would become the owner of the
 domain name, with the cost
  divided between the members. The entity that is part of the
 SFC would
  be renamed in order to avoid confusion.
 Would it be a too ambitious goal to create the Haskell Foundation at
 this moment?

It would be a lot of administrative effort - managing accounts, tax
filings, etc. While it would give us more control, I don't think the
benefits would be very significant.

So in my view for now it's best not to go it alone.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DB vs read/show for persisting large data

2011-12-16 Thread C K Kashyap
Thank you so much .. I am going to try out acid-state. I've been shying
away from template-haskell ... but from the looks of it,
acid-state/safecopy can do what I am looking for.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:13 AM, Bas van Dijk wrote:

 On 14 December 2011 15:22, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
  I ran into this very nightmare in one project, and was recommend safecopy
  [0] by someone on the #haskell IRC channel.  I've not (yet) used it but
  looks very nice!

 Or better yet, use acid-state which is build on top of safecopy:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: hxournal- - A pen notetaking program written in haskell

2011-12-16 Thread Ivan Perez
Thanks :)

It's working now. I tried it with XInput and without it. Lines seem
smoother when XInput is activated.

On 16 December 2011 11:33, Ian-Woo Kim wrote:
 Hi, all,

 I just uploaded hxournal-0.5.1 which is implemented with .hxournal
 config file, Use X Input menu enabled, and a fix for compilation
 problem of gdkconfig.h by Custom build during cabal configure using
 pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0

 Please try the new version by
 cabal update
 cabal install hxournal

 I have made a google group of hxournal :
 Any issues on hxournal will be welcome and discussed there.

 Currently, I branched 0.5.1 version for stabilization and now started
 to focus on pdf background rendering (which is most relevant for my
 purpose)  in the master branch.

 Thank you for your interest and reports.

 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
 When I attempt to build on Ubuntu, I get:

 ezyang@javelin:~$ cabal install hxournal
 Resolving dependencies...
 Configuring hxournal-
 Preprocessing library hxournal-
 In file included from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkscreen.h:32:0,
                 from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkapplaunchcontext.h:31,
                 from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdk.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h:32,
                 from Device.hsc:3:
 /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdktypes.h:55:23: fatal error: gdkconfig.h: No such 
 file or directory
 compilation terminated.
 compiling dist/build/Application/HXournal/Device_hsc_make.c failed (exit 
 code 1)
 command was: /usr/bin/gcc -c 
 dist/build/Application/HXournal/Device_hsc_make.c -o 
 dist/build/Application/HXournal/Device_hsc_make.o -fno-stack-protector 
 -Di386_HOST_ARCH -Icsrc -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 
 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 
 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/ -I/usr/include/pixman-1 
 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/libdrm 
 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 
 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include 
 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 
 -I/usr/include/libpng12 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/cairo 
 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include 
 -I/usr/include/pixman-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng12 
 -I/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/base- -I/usr/lib/ghc-7.0.3/include 
 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
 hxournal- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
 ExitFailure 1

 This may be of interest:

 ezyang@javelin:~$ locate gdkconfig.h


 Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Mon Dec 12 20:10:19 -0500 2011:
 Very fancy! I am a big fan of Xournal, so I will have to take this for a 


 Excerpts from Ian-Woo Kim's message of Mon Dec 12 06:56:09 -0500 2011:
  Hi, everyone,
  I am very pleased to announce a pen notetaking program: hxournal,
  which is written entirely in haskell using gtk2hs.
  I uploaded the package on hackage. This program accompanies with
  two library packages, xournal-parser and xournal-render for parsing
  and rendering xournal format file.
  Installing hxournal should be very simple:
   cabal update
   cabal install hxournal
  hxournal can be currently regarded as a clone of xournal, which is a
  notetaking program developed in C. (See
  As xournal, hxournal can take wacom tablet X11 input in subpixel unit
  so that it can result in very smooth notetaking experience.
  Currently, basic pen operations and eraser operations, file open/save
  operations, rectangular selection, cut/copy/paste operations have been
  implemented. So the application is semi-usable. The file format is
  the same as xournal but gunzipped. So to view/edit xoj files generated
  from xournal, just gunzip the xoj files and read them in hxournal.
  Gunzipped xoj files 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 16 December 2011 11:10, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
 On 16/12/2011 10:59, Giovanni Tirloni wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:08 AM, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

      Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation The Haskell Foundation was
          created, would be able to
     join it?
      A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
          would become the owner of the
     domain name, with the cost
          divided between the members. The entity that is part of the
     SFC would
          be renamed in order to avoid confusion.

 Would it be a too ambitious goal to create the Haskell Foundation at
 this moment?

 It would be a lot of administrative effort - managing accounts, tax
 filings, etc. While it would give us more control, I don't think the
 benefits would be very significant.

 So in my view for now it's best not to go it alone.

I agree.  If at some point we feel that having a Haskell Foundation
would be desirable (despite the additional overheads) there shouldn't
be anything stopping us from doing so.  Are there any drawbacks in
joining such an organisation?  How do they finance their overheads?
Would a donation to include a fee to SPI?  I couldn't find
any information on their website.

/ Thomas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Ganesh Sittampalam
On 16/12/2011 13:21, Thomas Schilling wrote:
 On 16 December 2011 11:10, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:
 On 16/12/2011 10:59, Giovanni Tirloni wrote:

 Would it be a too ambitious goal to create the Haskell Foundation at
 this moment?

 It would be a lot of administrative effort - managing accounts, tax
 filings, etc. While it would give us more control, I don't think the
 benefits would be very significant.

 So in my view for now it's best not to go it alone.
 I agree.  If at some point we feel that having a Haskell Foundation
 would be desirable (despite the additional overheads) there shouldn't
 be anything stopping us from doing so.  Are there any drawbacks in
 joining such an organisation?  How do they finance their overheads?
 Would a donation to include a fee to SPI?  I couldn't find
 any information on their website.

Yes - 5% goes to SPI to cover their overheads. It's detailed in but not on
their donations page at

5% seems reasonable to me and in line with what similar donation
aggregators charge, for example the Charities Aid Foundation in the UK
charges 4%:

In effect we've been getting the admin for free from Galois up till now,
but it's been getting too troublesome for them.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Proposal to incorporate

2011-12-16 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 16 December 2011 13:36, Ganesh Sittampalam wrote:

 Would a donation to include a fee to SPI?  I couldn't find
 any information on their website.

 Yes - 5% goes to SPI to cover their overheads. It's detailed in but not on
 their donations page at

 5% seems reasonable to me and in line with what similar donation
 aggregators charge, for example the Charities Aid Foundation in the UK
 charges 4%:

Yes, that sounds reasonable.  Credit cards donations also cause an
overhead of 4.5% (and the 5% are deducted from the rest), so the total
overhead for a credit card donation would be: (1 - 0.955 * 0.95) =
9.3%  That's fairly high, but I don't see a way around that.

 In effect we've been getting the admin for free from Galois up till now,
 but it's been getting too troublesome for them.

Yes, I certainly understand that.  The other reason are tax-deductible
donations, which I assume isn't really possible with Galois handling
all the financials.

/ Thomas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 16 December 2011 05:26, Brent Yorgey wrote:
 I, for one, would be
 quite in favor of changing the current Monoid (Maybe a) instance to
 correspond to the failure-and-prioritized-choice semantics

So lets do this. Some questions:

1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?

2) What about the Last type? It could be deprecated in favor of Dual.

3) Do we need a new type (like the current Maybe) for lifting
semigroups into a Monoid? IMHO we don't since the semigroup package
does a better job with the Option type (like Brent mentioned).

4) How much code will break from this change?

5) Anyone up for proposing this to



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Bas van Dijk
Attached is a git patch for base which makes the proposed changes.
From 824bdca994b3fcceff21fcb68e1b18f1d4f03bd5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bas van Dijk
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 15:16:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Give the Maybe Monoid the expected
 failure-and-prioritized-choice semantics instead of the
 lift-a-semigroup-to-a-monoid semantics. The old semantics
 didn't even achieve the latter since it required a Monoid
 instance on a, rather than a semigroup Also DEPRECATE First
 in favor of Maybe and Last in favor of Dual.

 Data/Monoid.hs |   46 --
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Data/Monoid.hs b/Data/Monoid.hs
index 228e254..d1d9564 100644
--- a/Data/Monoid.hs
+++ b/Data/Monoid.hs
@@ -186,14 +186,14 @@ instance Num a = Monoid (Product a) where
 -- @
 -- findLast :: Foldable t = (a - Bool) - t a - Maybe a
--- findLast pred = getLast . foldMap (\x - if pred x
---then Last (Just x)
---else Last Nothing)
+-- findLast pred = getDual . foldMap (\x - if pred x
+--then Dual (Just x)
+--else Dual Nothing)
 -- @
 -- Much of Data.Map's interface can be implemented with
 -- Data.Map.alter. Some of the rest can be implemented with a new
--- @alterA@ function and either 'First' or 'Last':
+-- @alterA@ function and either 'Maybe' or 'Dual Maybe':
 --  alterA :: (Applicative f, Ord k) =
 --(Maybe a - f (Maybe a)) - k - Map k a - f (Map k a)
@@ -204,28 +204,21 @@ instance Num a = Monoid (Product a) where
 -- insertLookupWithKey :: Ord k = (k - v - v - v) - k - v
 -- - Map k v - (Maybe v, Map k v)
 -- insertLookupWithKey combine key value =
---   Arrow.first getFirst . alterA doChange key
+--   alterA doChange key
 --   where
---   doChange Nothing = (First Nothing, Just value)
---   doChange (Just oldValue) =
--- (First (Just oldValue),
---  Just (combine key value oldValue))
+--   doChange m@Nothing = (m, Just value)
+--   doChange m@(Just oldValue) = (m, Just (combine key value oldValue))
 -- @
--- | Lift a semigroup into 'Maybe' forming a 'Monoid' according to
--- \Any semigroup @S@ may be
--- turned into a monoid simply by adjoining an element @e@ not in @S@
--- and defining @e*e = e@ and @e*s = s = s*e@ for all @s ∈ S@.\ Since
--- there is no \Semigroup\ typeclass providing just 'mappend', we
--- use 'Monoid' instead.
-instance Monoid a = Monoid (Maybe a) where
+instance Monoid (Maybe a) where
   mempty = Nothing
-  Nothing `mappend` m = m
-  m `mappend` Nothing = m
-  Just m1 `mappend` Just m2 = Just (m1 `mappend` m2)
+  Nothing `mappend` r = r
+  l   `mappend` _ = l
 -- | Maybe monoid returning the leftmost non-Nothing value.
+-- /DEPRECATED in favor of 'Maybe'!/
+{-# DEPRECATED First Use Maybe instead #-}
 newtype First a = First { getFirst :: Maybe a }
 #ifndef __HADDOCK__
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
@@ -237,11 +230,13 @@ instance Show a = Show (First a)
 instance Monoid (First a) where
-mempty = First Nothing
-r@(First (Just _)) `mappend` _ = r
-First Nothing `mappend` r = r
+mempty = First mempty
+First l `mappend` First r = First (l `mappend` r)
 -- | Maybe monoid returning the rightmost non-Nothing value.
+-- /DEPRECATED in favor of 'Dual'!/
+{-# DEPRECATED Last Use Dual instead #-}
 newtype Last a = Last { getLast :: Maybe a }
 #ifndef __HADDOCK__
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
@@ -253,9 +248,8 @@ instance Show a = Show (Last a)
 instance Monoid (Last a) where
-mempty = Last Nothing
-_ `mappend` r@(Last (Just _)) = r
-r `mappend` Last Nothing = r
+mempty = Last mempty
+Last x `mappend` Last y = Last (y `mappend` x)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Dutch national FP day, January 6, Utrecht

2011-12-16 Thread S D Swierstra

you will find the program and registration  information about the next Dutch 
National Functional Programming day, on January 6, Utrecht University.

Please forward this mail to anyone interested.

Any questions can be directed to me.

Hoping to meet you all,
Doaitse Swierstra

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Yves Parès
 1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?

Personnaly, I'm in favor of following the same logic than Int:
Int itself is *not *a monoid. You have to be specific: it's either Sum or

It should be the same for Maybe: we remove its instance of Monoid, and we
only use First and Last.

2011/12/16 Bas van Dijk

 On 16 December 2011 05:26, Brent Yorgey wrote:
  I, for one, would be
  quite in favor of changing the current Monoid (Maybe a) instance to
  correspond to the failure-and-prioritized-choice semantics

 So lets do this. Some questions:

 1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?

 2) What about the Last type? It could be deprecated in favor of Dual.

 3) Do we need a new type (like the current Maybe) for lifting
 semigroups into a Monoid? IMHO we don't since the semigroup package
 does a better job with the Option type (like Brent mentioned).

 4) How much code will break from this change?

 5) Anyone up for proposing this to



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Yves Parès
Sorry, I meant Sum and Product for the monoid equivalents of a Num instance.

2011/12/16 Yves Parès

 1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?

 Personnaly, I'm in favor of following the same logic than Int:
 Int itself is *not *a monoid. You have to be specific: it's either Sum or

 It should be the same for Maybe: we remove its instance of Monoid, and we
 only use First and Last.

 2011/12/16 Bas van Dijk

 On 16 December 2011 05:26, Brent Yorgey wrote:
  I, for one, would be
  quite in favor of changing the current Monoid (Maybe a) instance to
  correspond to the failure-and-prioritized-choice semantics

 So lets do this. Some questions:

 1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?

 2) What about the Last type? It could be deprecated in favor of Dual.

 3) Do we need a new type (like the current Maybe) for lifting
 semigroups into a Monoid? IMHO we don't since the semigroup package
 does a better job with the Option type (like Brent mentioned).

 4) How much code will break from this change?

 5) Anyone up for proposing this to



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Michael Litchard
I'm learning what it means to be a professional Haskell programmer,
and contemplating taking on side jobs. The path of least resistance
seems to be web applications, as that is what I do at work. I've been
investigating what some web developers have to say about their trade.
One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?  I
imagine potential clients would need to be assuaged of their fears
that hiring me would lead to a lock-in situation at best, and no one
to maintain a code base at worst. Lock-in won't be part of my business
model, also sooner or later we part ways with the client. When the
client wonders, What happens then?, what is a good answer?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Colin Adams
I would think there were plenty of Haskell programmers ready to jump in as

On 16 December 2011 15:37, Michael Litchard wrote:

 I'm learning what it means to be a professional Haskell programmer,
 and contemplating taking on side jobs. The path of least resistance
 seems to be web applications, as that is what I do at work. I've been
 investigating what some web developers have to say about their trade.
 One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
 RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
 replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
 developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?  I
 imagine potential clients would need to be assuaged of their fears
 that hiring me would lead to a lock-in situation at best, and no one
 to maintain a code base at worst. Lock-in won't be part of my business
 model, also sooner or later we part ways with the client. When the
 client wonders, What happens then?, what is a good answer?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Michael Litchard
Yes! I could cite the large and growing set of libraries on hackage as evidence.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Colin Adams wrote:
 I would think there were plenty of Haskell programmers ready to jump in as

 On 16 December 2011 15:37, Michael Litchard wrote:

 I'm learning what it means to be a professional Haskell programmer,
 and contemplating taking on side jobs. The path of least resistance
 seems to be web applications, as that is what I do at work. I've been
 investigating what some web developers have to say about their trade.
 One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
 RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
 replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
 developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?  I
 imagine potential clients would need to be assuaged of their fears
 that hiring me would lead to a lock-in situation at best, and no one
 to maintain a code base at worst. Lock-in won't be part of my business
 model, also sooner or later we part ways with the client. When the
 client wonders, What happens then?, what is a good answer?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Marc Weber
What about just replying with this one link:

As thumb of rule it takes half the time to review code compared to
writing it (Don't remember where I read it ..).

Thus even RoR can be a lock in and delay updates if stuff changes.
The only chance is creating a team and provide services as team.

But in the end its a matter of costs: If you have to share ideas - if
you have to keep each other up to date it'll take more time and somebody
has to pay for it in the end..

Its not only a Haskell vs RoR qusetion IMHO.

Marc Weber

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Ketil Malde
Michael Litchard writes:

 One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
 RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
 replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
 developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?

In this particular case, you could argue that more people know PHP and
Python than Ruby, so surely one should avoid Ruby as well.

Managers like to think of their company as a factory, and from this
perspective, it makes sense to build your factory from easily obtainable
parts.  But the factory mindset only works when you want to manufacture
stuff, nobody who takes a minute to actually think will say that you can
replace any programmer with any other, as long as they know the same
programming language or framework.

Anyway, here's something I found interesting in that respect:

(This probably turned out less helpful than I intended, sorry :-)

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dutch national FP day, January 6, Utrecht

2011-12-16 Thread Mathijs Kwik
Ik wil me graag inschrijven, inc dinner.


On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 3:31 PM, S D Swierstra wrote:

 you will find the program and registration  information about the next Dutch 
 National Functional Programming day, on January 6, Utrecht University.

 Please forward this mail to anyone interested.

 Any questions can be directed to me.

 Hoping to meet you all,
 Doaitse Swierstra

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Brian Hurt
I think the truck-factor implications of the programming language as
dwarfed by the implications of everything else in the project.  Any project
of any significant size is going to have a huge amount of project-specific
information tucked up inside the programmers head.  It doesn't matter if
there are a million other programmers who know the language you used, or
only a dozen- if you're the only one who knows how things were done, and
more importantly, why they were done that way, and you get hit by a truck,
then your boss has a big problem.  Whether there are millions of candidate
replacement programmers, or only dozens, none of them had the
project-specific knowledge you had.  Finding a replacement who knows the
language is the least of his problems.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Colin Adams colinpaulad...@gmail.comwrote:

 I would think there were plenty of Haskell programmers ready to jump in as

 On 16 December 2011 15:37, Michael Litchard wrote:

 I'm learning what it means to be a professional Haskell programmer,
 and contemplating taking on side jobs. The path of least resistance
 seems to be web applications, as that is what I do at work. I've been
 investigating what some web developers have to say about their trade.
 One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
 RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
 replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
 developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?  I
 imagine potential clients would need to be assuaged of their fears
 that hiring me would lead to a lock-in situation at best, and no one
 to maintain a code base at worst. Lock-in won't be part of my business
 model, also sooner or later we part ways with the client. When the
 client wonders, What happens then?, what is a good answer?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Steve Schafer
On Fri, 16 Dec 2011 11:17:20 -0500, Brian Hurt wrote:

I think the truck-factor implications of the programming language as
dwarfed by the implications of everything else in the project.  Any project
of any significant size is going to have a huge amount of project-specific
information tucked up inside the programmers head.  It doesn't matter if
there are a million other programmers who know the language you used, or
only a dozen- if you're the only one who knows how things were done, and
more importantly, why they were done that way, and you get hit by a truck,
then your boss has a big problem.  Whether there are millions of candidate
replacement programmers, or only dozens, none of them had the
project-specific knowledge you had.  Finding a replacement who knows the
language is the least of his problems.

I believe that you're absolutely right. I also believe that corporate
decision makers rarely, if ever, think that way. And that's the problem:
You have to deal with the perception, not the reality.

So, that's the real question that needs to be answered: How do you deal
with the _perception_ that hiring a Haskell developer instead of a
Rails, etc. developer will result in more chaos when said developer is
hit by a bus?

-Steve Schafer

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Ivan Perez
Just like Michael, I've been learning what it means to be a professional
Haskell programmer for a few months.

I think the case of Ruby on Rails and Haskell are very, very, very different.

Ruby on Rails has been around for many years. There are books, tutorials,
examples, websites, etc. Still, there are not as many developers that use
Rails than those that use PHP, or Java, or .NET, or Python (for web
development). But there are many.

This is definitely not the case with Haskell. If you go around the internet,
it's not just that you can't find Haskell programmers with the necessary skills.
You also cannot find people demanding these jobs, servers that support
Haskell for web, or success stories to convince others and yourself that this
is the right platform for this job.

After several months, I just found the first client for which I'll
create a website
using Yesod.

Being a professional Haskell developer requires many skills that have nothing
to do with Haskell. Unless you are born with the talent of having the tax rules
embedded in your head, you'll have to learn them. Maybe the hard way. That is
true for lots of tasks related to social skills, design, management,
such as how do I know what the client really wants without wasting
hundreds of hours, how the heck do I show my client what I have in mind
or should this button go on the right or on the left and why should I care.

Learning them takes time, and most of us don't learn them unless we actually
need to. It's not that there aren't any people capable of creating
websites using Haskell, or Haskell programmers who could learn to do it.

It's just that not many people know enough, as of this day, to deliver
a professional
product with the results that clients expect.

In my experience, the following help:

 - Have a good portfolio, a list of websites you've created in Haskell
that shows they
have nothing to fear. If you can't find clients, create websites for
may help. You'll know the list is good when there are great jobs that
you choose not
to include in it.

 - Ask your previous clients and those you created websites for to
leave feedback,
acknowledge your work publicly or recommend you on linkedin.

- Make a list of your competitors names and addresses (and put my name
on top of the list ;) may help. So can linkedin,, peopleperhour,
etc. If they ask, tell them
that there are tens of programmers with the necessary experience to go
on if they are not
satisfied with your work. If you want, we can created a group in a
social network just
for this, with the requirement that you must have created an actual
product to be in the group.

The amount of packages in hackage means Nothing to me. It means
nothing to my clients.

Good luck.


On 16 December 2011 17:08, Ketil Malde wrote:
 Michael Litchard writes:

 One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
 RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
 replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
 developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?

 In this particular case, you could argue that more people know PHP and
 Python than Ruby, so surely one should avoid Ruby as well.

 Managers like to think of their company as a factory, and from this
 perspective, it makes sense to build your factory from easily obtainable
 parts.  But the factory mindset only works when you want to manufacture
 stuff, nobody who takes a minute to actually think will say that you can
 replace any programmer with any other, as long as they know the same
 programming language or framework.

 Anyway, here's something I found interesting in that respect:

 (This probably turned out less helpful than I intended, sorry :-)

 If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type checker for haskell-src-exts (was: Typechecking Using GHC API)

2011-12-16 Thread Niklas Broberg
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Sean Leather wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:07, Niklas Broberg wrote:

 Envisioned: The function you ask for can definitely be written for
 haskell-src-exts, which I know you are currently using. I just need to
 complete my type checker for haskell-src-exts first. Which is not a small
 task, but one that has been started.

 That's good to know! I presume it's something like Haskell98 to start
 with? I'd be even more impressed (and possibly also concerned for your
 health) if you were going to tackle all of the extensions!

Actually, no. Starting with Haskell98 would just lead to great pains later
on, since many of the extensions require very invasive changes compared to
a H98 checker. My starting point has been to identify the core structural
and algorithmical requirements for a type checker that would indeed tackle
all of the extensions.

My current checker (which I wouldn't even call half-complete) is based on a
merge of the algorithms discussed in [1] and [2]. Between the two, they
give, on the one hand, the bidirectional inference needed to handle
arbitrary-rank types, and, on the other hand, the power of local
assumptions needed to handle GADTs and type families.

I thank you for your concerns for my health. However, I assure you they are
quite misplaced. Typing Haskell-with-extensions in Haskell is not only a
far smaller beast than what it's made out to be, when walking in the
well-documented footsteps of giants. It is also lots of fun. :-)

 I've been trying to find a student to write a haskell-src-exts type
 checker for me. It should use a particular kind of mechanism though, using
 constraints similar to [1]. Then, I want to adapt that to do
 transformations. What approach are you using? Maybe I can somehow steal
 your work... ;)

As you note from my starting references, I'm using the same approach and
base algorithms as GHC does. I looked at some alternatives briefly,
including the work you reference, but I discarded them all since none of
them had support for everything I wanted to cover. In particular, it is not
at all clear how these systems would merge with bi-directional inference or
local assumptions. Tackling *that* problem would be a large and very
interesting research topic I'm sure, but not one I have time to dig into at
the current time. Indeed, the feasibility of my project (and thus the
sanctity of my health) relies very heavily on the footsteps-of-giants

So as not to give anyone false hopes, I should point out that I currently
have next to no time at all to devote to this, and the project has been
dormant since August. I'll return to it for sure, but at the moment cannot
tell when.



[1] S. Peyton Jones, D. Vytiniotis, S. Weirich, and M. Shields. Practical
type inference for arbitrary-rank types.
[2] D. Vytiniotis, S. Peyton Jones, T. Schrijvers, M. Sulzmann.
OutsideIn(X) – Modular type inference with local assumptions
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type checker for haskell-src-exts (was: Typechecking Using GHC API)

2011-12-16 Thread Niklas Broberg
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Thomas Schilling

 What exactly are the hopes for such a type checker?  I can understand
 it being interesting as a research project, but as a realistic tools
 there are two huge issues:

  1. It's going to take a LOT of time to reach feature parity with
 GHC's type checker.

  2. Assuming that can be done, how is it going to be maintained and
 kept up to date with GHC?

 If it is going to be used as a development tool, both of these are a
 major requirement.  I haven't looked into the issues, but I'd expect
 it would be more realistic (although definitely not trivial) to
 translate from GHC's internal AST into an annotated haskell-src-exts

With all due respect, the sentiments you give voice to here are a large
part of what drives me to do this project in the first place. Haskell is
not GHC, and I think that the very dominant position of GHC many times
leads to ill thought-through extensions. Since GHC has no competitor, often
extensions (meaning behavior as denoted and delimited by some -X flag) are
based on what is most convenient from the implementation point of view,
rather than what would give the most consistent, logical and modular user
experience (not to mention
third-party-tool-implementor-trying-to-support-GHC-extensions experience).

As such, I'm not primarily doing this project to get a development tool
out, even if that certainly is a very neat thing. I'm just as much doing it
to provide a Haskell (front-end) implementation that can serve as a better
reference than GHC, one that very explicitly does *not* choose the
convenient route to what constitutes an extension, and instead attempts to
apply rigid consistency and modularity between extensions. Also, just like
for haskell-src-exts I hope to build the type checker from the roots with
the user interface as a core design goal, not as a tacked-on afterthought.

Mind you, in no way do I intend any major criticism towards GHC or its
implementors. GHC is a truly amazing piece of software, indeed it's
probably my personal favorite piece of software of all times. That does not
mean it comes free of quirks and shady corners though, and it is my hope
that by doing what I do I can help shine a light on them.

Answering your specific issues:

1) Yes, it's a lot of work. Probably not half as much as you'd think
though, see my previous mail about walking in the footsteps of giants. But
beyond that, I think it's work that truly needs to be done, for the greater
good of Haskell.

2) Well, I think I've done a reasonably good job keeping haskell-src-exts
up to date so far, even if the last year has been pretty bad in that regard
(writing a PhD thesis will do that to you). I'll keep doing it for the type
checker as well. But I am but one man, so if anyone else feels like joining
the project then they are more than welcome to.

Sort-of-3) Yes, both implementation and maintenance are likely going to be
far more costly than the alternative to do a translation via the GHC API.
I'm not interested in that alternative though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Yves Parès
Tell them that if you were instead on Rails, you'd have a huge chance of
being hit by a train, which is likely to deal far more damage than a bus.

2011/12/16 Michael Litchard

 I'm learning what it means to be a professional Haskell programmer,
 and contemplating taking on side jobs. The path of least resistance
 seems to be web applications, as that is what I do at work. I've been
 investigating what some web developers have to say about their trade.
 One article addresses the question above. His answer was that he uses
 RoR which has a large community and he is therefore easily
 replaceable. My question, for freelancers in general, and web
 developers in particular is this: How do you address this question?  I
 imagine potential clients would need to be assuaged of their fears
 that hiring me would lead to a lock-in situation at best, and no one
 to maintain a code base at worst. Lock-in won't be part of my business
 model, also sooner or later we part ways with the client. When the
 client wonders, What happens then?, what is a good answer?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Bardur Arantsson
Michael Litchard wrote:


If getting hit by a bus is a significant factor in the overall outcome of 
the project then I think those are pretty good odds, aren't they?

(I do realize that traffic accidents are a lot more frequent than we like to 
think, but still...)

Bárður Árantsson

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 16/12/2011 07:05 PM, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

Michael Litchard wrote:


If getting hit by a bus is a significant factor in the overall outcome of
the project then I think those are pretty good odds, aren't they?

(I do realize that traffic accidents are a lot more frequent than we like to
think, but still...)

The /actual/ probability of being hit by a bus is irrelevant. The only 
thing of concequence is the /percieved/ probability. This latter 
quantity is not related to the former in any meaningful way. In fact, 
due to an effect known as availability bias, the probability of any 
potential threat varies depending on how long you spend thinking about it.

(In other words, if you've never even considered what would happen if 
your sole developer got hit by a bus, your estimate of the probability 
of this will be very low. If you sit down and think about how much 
trouble you'd be in if this actually happened, suddenly your estimate of 
the probability starts increasing. This is completely illogical - which 
is why it's called a cognitive bias.)

Ever heard the phrase fear, uncertainty and doubt? It's a killer in a 
business context.

It seems clear [to me] that there are actually quite a few Haskell 
programmers around, and it's not especially hard to find them. The 
question is how many good ones there are. Good is all vague and 
subjective and hard to measure, unfortunately.

On the other hand, if you just start the project with more than one 
developer on board in the first place, then the possibility of just one 
of them being killed prematurely becomes drastically less serious. (For 
the business. I'm sure it's still fairly serious for the person who just 

PS. Kudos to Ketil Malde for the best link I've seen today.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Brian Hurt
On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Andrew Coppin

 On 16/12/2011 07:05 PM, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

 Michael Litchard wrote:


 If getting hit by a bus is a significant factor in the overall outcome of
 the project then I think those are pretty good odds, aren't they?

 (I do realize that traffic accidents are a lot more frequent than we like
 think, but still...)

 The /actual/ probability of being hit by a bus is irrelevant. The only
 thing of concequence is the /percieved/ probability. This latter quantity
 is not related to the former in any meaningful way. In fact, due to an
 effect known as availability bias, the probability of any potential threat
 varies depending on how long you spend thinking about it.

 (In other words, if you've never even considered what would happen if your
 sole developer got hit by a bus, your estimate of the probability of this
 will be very low. If you sit down and think about how much trouble you'd be
 in if this actually happened, suddenly your estimate of the probability
 starts increasing. This is completely illogical - which is why it's called
 a cognitive bias.

There are a lot of ways that, from the perspective of the business, a
person could get hit by a bus- they could get into an accident, including
getting hit by a bus, die for some other reason, get sick, retire, get
another job, or even quit to join the Peace Corp and get shipped off to
Uganda (actually had that happen to me once).  Sooner or later, everyone
will be metaphorically hit by a bus, in that they will not be here
anymore.  Next time this discussion comes up, as the room how many people
have been at their company for 20 years or more.  Then ask them to guess
how many people in the room will still be at the company in 20 years time.
 The high probability is that very few, if any, people will still be at the
company in 20 years time.

It doesn't matter why Bob is no longer here with his specialized knowledge
of Bob's code, but the end result is the same.  And the problem is the
same- someone else has to be brought in to deal with Bob's code.  And that
someone, even if they know the language the code is written in as well, or
even better, than Bob, doesn't know the *code*.  And it's just a question
of when, not if, Bob will no longer be there to maintain the code.

If anything, using Haskell *reduces* the truck-factor compared to other
languages.  Someone new coming in needs to be able to make small changes
fairly quickly (major reorganizations and refactorings can generally be
delayed while the new person comes up to speed, but small bug fix and small
feature additions are a constant need).  What Nancy the new hire can do, if
the code is in Haskell, is simply change the function, and let the compiler
figure out where it's being used.  Also, types are a wonderful bit of
documentation- see the paper Theorems for Free by Phillip Wadler.  This
makes it easier fo the new person to come up to speed on what the code
does, if not necessarily how or why.

 Ever heard the phrase fear, uncertainty and doubt? It's a killer in a
 business context.

 It seems clear [to me] that there are actually quite a few Haskell
 programmers around, and it's not especially hard to find them. The question
 is how many good ones there are. Good is all vague and subjective and
 hard to measure, unfortunately.

 On the other hand, if you just start the project with more than one
 developer on board in the first place, then the possibility of just one of
 them being killed prematurely becomes drastically less serious. (For the
 business. I'm sure it's still fairly serious for the person who just

Again, it depends.  If there was this large body of code that only one
developer ever worked on, then you have truck-factor problems.

 PS. Kudos to Ketil Malde for the best link I've seen today.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list**mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Bardur Arantsson
Andrew Coppin wrote:

 On 16/12/2011 07:05 PM, Bardur Arantsson wrote:
 Michael Litchard wrote:


 If getting hit by a bus is a significant factor in the overall outcome of
 the project then I think those are pretty good odds, aren't they?

 (I do realize that traffic accidents are a lot more frequent than we like
 to think, but still...)
 The /actual/ probability of being hit by a bus is irrelevant. The only
 thing of concequence is the /percieved/ probability. This latter
 quantity is not related to the former in any meaningful way. In fact,
 due to an effect known as availability bias, the probability of any
 potential threat varies dependi
 ng on how long you spend thinking about it.

[snip blah blah blah]

- Not to be rude, but... (*)

That was the point of my post.

If you're actually confronted with this perception that traffic accidents 
are relevant to project success, you're already in deep manure because 
there's so much more than code in a project. That's what you need to 

Code is the means of getting us to an end. It seems these people are 
worring about the means when the big problem is actually conveying the 

(Again, just my take on the situation, I'm not claiming canonicity or 

Bárður Árantsson

(*) I realize that this is rude. I can only apologize.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I've just heard of a neat security measure that when you compile the code it generates different object code...

2011-12-16 Thread KC
... with the same functionality.

Thus, your program would be a moving target to hackers.

Would this be challenging with ghc?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I've just heard of a neat security measure that when you compile the code it generates different object code...

2011-12-16 Thread Chris Wong
On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 12:27 PM, KC wrote:
 ... with the same functionality.

 Thus, your program would be a moving target to hackers.

 Would this be challenging with ghc?

Although it's possible, I doubt this would do anything. Most exploits
are just programmer mistakes; changing the object code doesn't change
the fact that there's a gaping security hole in your program. Plus, it
would be harder to debug the compiler, since the mangling code would
be non-deterministic by definition. So I doubt anyone would try to
implement that.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type checker for haskell-src-exts (was: Typechecking Using GHC API)

2011-12-16 Thread Thomas Schilling
On 16 December 2011 17:44, Niklas Broberg wrote:
 With all due respect, the sentiments you give voice to here are a large part
 of what drives me to do this project in the first place. Haskell is not GHC,
 and I think that the very dominant position of GHC many times leads to ill
 thought-through extensions. Since GHC has no competitor, often extensions
 (meaning behavior as denoted and delimited by some -X flag) are based on
 what is most convenient from the implementation point of view, rather than
 what would give the most consistent, logical and modular user experience
 (not to mention
 third-party-tool-implementor-trying-to-support-GHC-extensions experience).

I agree.  Various record proposals have been rejected because of the
not easily implementable in GHC constraint.  Of course, ease of
implementation (and maintenance) is a valid argument, but it has an
unusual weight if GHC is the (in practise) only implementation.  Other
extensions seem to just get added on (what feels like) a whim (e.g.,

 As such, I'm not primarily doing this project to get a development tool out,
 even if that certainly is a very neat thing. I'm just as much doing it to
 provide a Haskell (front-end) implementation that can serve as a better
 reference than GHC, one that very explicitly does *not* choose the
 convenient route to what constitutes an extension, and instead attempts to
 apply rigid consistency and modularity between extensions. Also, just like
 for haskell-src-exts I hope to build the type checker from the roots with
 the user interface as a core design goal, not as a tacked-on afterthought.

 Mind you, in no way do I intend any major criticism towards GHC or its
 implementors. GHC is a truly amazing piece of software, indeed it's probably
 my personal favorite piece of software of all times. That does not mean it
 comes free of quirks and shady corners though, and it is my hope that by
 doing what I do I can help shine a light on them.

Wll... I've gotten a little bit of a different perspective on this
since working at a company with very high code quality standards (at
least for new code).  There is practically no observable code review
happening.  I'm sure Dimitrios and Simon PJ review most of each
other's code every now and then, but overall there is very little code
review happening (and no formal, recorded code review whatsoever).
Cleaning up the GHC code base is a huge task -- it uses lots of dirty
tricks (global variables, hash tables, unique generation is
non-deterministic, ...) which often complicate efforts tremendously (I
tried).  The lack of a unit tests doesn't help (just rewriting code so
that it can be tested would help quite a bit).

Don't get me wrong, I certainly appreciate the work the GHC team is
doing, but GHC strikes a fine balance between industrial needs and
research needs.  I'm just wondering whether the balance is always

 Answering your specific issues:

 1) Yes, it's a lot of work. Probably not half as much as you'd think though,
 see my previous mail about walking in the footsteps of giants. But beyond
 that, I think it's work that truly needs to be done, for the greater good of

Right OutsideIn(X) (the Journal paper description, not the ICFP'09
version) seems like the right way to go.  I wasn't aware of the other
paper (the original work on bidirectional type inference seemed very
unpredictable in terms of when type annotations are needed, so I'm
looking forward to how this new paper handles things).

 2) Well, I think I've done a reasonably good job keeping haskell-src-exts up
 to date so far, even if the last year has been pretty bad in that regard
 (writing a PhD thesis will do that to you). I'll keep doing it for the type
 checker as well. But I am but one man, so if anyone else feels like joining
 the project then they are more than welcome to.

 Sort-of-3) Yes, both implementation and maintenance are likely going to be
 far more costly than the alternative to do a translation via the GHC API.
 I'm not interested in that alternative though.

Fair enough.  As I am interested in building reliable (and
maintainable) development tools my priorities are obviously different.
 For that purpose, using two different implementations can lead to
very confusing issues for the user (that's why I was asking about bug
compatibility).  Apart from the bus factor, there is also the
bitrotting issue due to GHC's high velocity.  For example, even though
HaRe does build again it doesn't support many commonly used GHC
extensions and it is difficult to add them into the existing code base
(which isn't pretty).

Anyway, good luck with your endeavours.

/ Thomas
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-16 Thread Matthew Farkas-Dyck
On 15/12/2011, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
 1) Documentation really needs to be improved
 2) some/many cannot be physically separated from Alternative, but there
 *might* be an advantage to creating a subclass for them anyway purely for
 the sake of conveying more information about a type to users
 3) Maybe and [] are sensible instances of Alternative, even if many/some
 often enters an infinite loop.
 4) It is possible to provide special instance of many/some that satisfy the
 equations of many/some, with the slight disadvantage that these solutions
 are no longer the least solutions.

 Based on all of this, at this moment in time it seems to me that the most
 sensible way forward is to fix the documentation, tweak the definition of
 Alternative to no longer require the least solutions of the equations, and
 then to adopt the new instances for Maybe and [].


(1) If we do (4), then the documentation ought to be adequate as-is.
(2) In my opinion, no. If one is writing code polymorphic in
(Alternative f = f), then one needn't worry. If one is using such
code, then one ought to know whether some and many are sane for the
types in question, anyhow (O_ō)
(4) This is very reasonable; not the least solutions, but hey, they
converge (^_^)


Matthew Farkas-Dyck

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Matthew Farkas-Dyck
On 15/12/2011, Conor McBride wrote:

 On 15 Dec 2011, at 15:19, Brent Yorgey wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 06:49:13PM +1000, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

 So at the end of the day... what is the point of even making Maybe
 and [] instances of Alternative?

 The Alternative and Monoid instances for [] are equivalent.  However,
 the Alternative and Monoid instances for Maybe are not. To wit:

 (Just (Sum  4)) | (Just (Sum 3))
  Just (Sum {getSum = 4})

 (Just (Sum 4)) `mappend` (Just (Sum 3))
  Just (Sum {getSum = 7})

 The current monoid instance for Maybe is, in my view, unfortunate.

 Types are about semantic purpose, not just data representation.
 Many purposes can be represented in the same way. We should identify
 the purpose of a type (or type constructor), then define instances
 consistent with that purpose. And better, we acquire by instance
 inference compound instances consistent with that purpose! (A similar
 view is often articulated well by Conal Elliott. But perhaps it's
 just a Con thing.)

 The purpose of Maybe, it seems to me, is to model failure and
 prioritized choice, after the manner of exceptions. It's clear
 what the failure-and-prioritized-choice monoid is.

 It so happens that the same data representation can be used to make
 a semigroup into a monoid by attaching an identity element. That's
 a different semantic purpose, which deserves a different type.

 This really bites. I really like being able to write things like

newtype P a x = P ([a] - Maybe (x, [a])) deriving Monoid

 and then make MonadPlus/Alternative instances just by copying the
 monoid that results, but it doesn't work!

 It's unfortunate that we don't have local quantification in
 constraints, so we can't write (forall x. Monoid (f x)), hence the
 need for constructor classes doing basically the same job, with,
 of necessity, newly renamed members. I think it compounds the
 problem to choose inconsistent behaviour between the constructor
 class and the underlying type class.

 Maybe I'm an extremist, but I'd prefer it if every Alternative
 instance was constructed by duplicating a polymorphic Monoid

 Meanwhile, as for the issue which kicked this off, I do think it's
 good to document and enforce meaningful (i.e. total on total input)
 usages of operations by types where practical. At present, refining
 one type class into several to account for subtle issues (like
 whether some/many actually work) is expensive, even if it's
 desirable. I'd once again plug default superclass instances and
 Control.Newtype, then suggest that the library might benefit from a
 little pruning.

 All the best


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

By my reason, the instance (Monoid a = Monoid (Maybe a)) is
appropriate, since we have another class for inner-type-agnostic
choice -- Alternative! (and MonadPlus, but that's essentially the
same, and would be if (Functor m = Applicative m = Monad m), as it

Matthew Farkas-Dyck

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

 (1) If we do (4), then the documentation ought to be adequate as-is.

I see your point that if we do (4) then some and many are no longer problematic 
for Maybe and [], and thus we don't need warnings for those types.  However, 
nonetheless we will *still* need *big warnings* *for the sake of others who 
write Alternative instances* for new types to make sure that these instances do 
not fall into the same trap as Maybe and [].  That is, we want to let future 
authors of instances know about the conditions under which they will need to 
write their own versions of some and maybe in order to make sure that these 
methods have sensible behavior.

In addition to this, we also really need some additional documentation 
explaining what the point of some and many are, since few people have any clue 
about them.  :-)

Finally, if we adopt (4) then we will need to change the documentation to 
remove least from least solutions of the equations since the phrase will no 
longer be correct.  Better still, we could replace the phrase entirely with 
something like least *converging* solutions of the equations. (*)


(*) P.S:

Dear people who are better at this kind of technical language than I:

I am fully aware of the fact that the phrase least converging solutions of the 
equations [...] is sloppy wording at best and absolutely wrong at worst, but 
hopefully you should at least understand what I am *trying* to get at.  Thus, I 
would welcome either your feedback on what it is that I am supposed to be 
thinking and saying, or an explanation about why the idea I am trying to 
conceive and convey is so intrinsically poorly formed that I am best off just 
giving up on it.  ;-)___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 1:26 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

 1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?
 Personnaly, I'm in favor of following the same logic than Int:
 Int itself is not a monoid. You have to be specific: it's either Sum or Mult.
 It should be the same for Maybe: we remove its instance of Monoid, and we 
 only use First and Last.

+1 for this idea, because it follows the principle of least surprise.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 1:26 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

 1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?
 Personnaly, I'm in favor of following the same logic than Int:
 Int itself is not a monoid. You have to be specific: it's either Sum or Mult.
 It should be the same for Maybe: we remove its instance of Monoid, and we 
 only use First and Last.

+1 for this idea, because it follows the principle of least surprise.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

 By my reason, the instance (Monoid a = Monoid (Maybe a)) is
 appropriate, since we have another class for inner-type-agnostic
 choice -- Alternative! (and MonadPlus, but that's essentially the
 same, and would be if (Functor m = Applicative m = Monad m), as it

Yes, but the problem here is that having different behavior for Alternative, 
MonadPlus, and Monoid instances is inherently confusing, in the sense that this 
would almost certainly surprise someone who wasn't already aware of the 
difference between the instances.

Regardless, even if we keep the current behavior, we *really* *really* need to 
improve the documentation for the Monoid instance of Maybe.  Currently it reads:

 Lift a semigroup into Maybe forming a Monoid according to Any semigroup S may be turned into a 
monoid simply by adjoining an element e not in S and defining e*e = eand e*s = 
s = s*e for all s  S. Since there is no Semigroup typeclass providing just 
mappend, we use Monoid instead.

Now, I just happened to have recently spent time studying the properties of 
Semigroups and Monoids, so this explanation made perfect sense to me and was a 
beautiful way of explaining what is going on.  A typical user, however --- 
which would have included me roughly one month ago :-) --- would have looked at 
this and just seen goobledegook which reinforced their perception that Haskell 
is first and foremost a playground for mathematicians.  It would be much, much 
better for the documentation to be something like this:

The Monoid instance for Maybe has the property that, for all x and y, (Just x) 
wins when combined (on either side) with Nothing values, and when (Just x) is 
combined with (Just y) then the result is (Just (x `mappend` y)).

For the more mathematically inclined, you may think of this as being equivalent 
to the standard practice of turning an arbitrary semigroup into a monoid by 
simply adding a new element to the semigroup to serve as the identity element, 
where in this case the identity element is the Nothing value of Maybe;  
unfortunately, since the base libraries do not come with a Semigroup typeclass, 
this process is expressed in code as lifting from the Monoid typeclass.

NOTE THAT the behavior of the Monoid instance of Maybe is DIFFERENT from the 
behavior of the MonadPlus and Alternative instance of Maybe.  For the latter 
two typeclasses, the behavior is that when (Just x) is combined with (Just y) 
the x and y values themselves are not combined but rather y is discarded so 
(Just x) simply wins;  put another way, for all x and z, we have that (Just x) 
`mappend` z is *always* equal to (Just x), regardless of whether z is equal to 
Nothing or whether it is equal to (Just y) for some y.  For this reason, unlike 
the instance for Monoid, the instances for these MonadPlus and Alternative 
place no additional constraints on the type lifted into Maybe.

Incidentally, would people be interested in me sending a patch to update the 
documentation to be more along these lines?  (After applying your feedback, of 
course!)  If so, could you point me to where I could learn about the process 
for doing so?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 2:57 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

 +1 for this idea, because it follows the principle of least surprise.

Sorry about the double-post!  I was foolish enough not only to use 
unsafePerformIO to send my e-mail, but to forgot to mark the sending routine 
with NOINLINE pragma.  As a result, the sending action was sparked and run 
twice by the runtime environment.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type checker for haskell-src-exts (was: Typechecking Using GHC API)

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Thomas Schilling wrote:

 Wll... I've gotten a little bit of a different perspective on this
 since working at a company with very high code quality standards (at
 least for new code).  There is practically no observable code review
 happening.  I'm sure Dimitrios and Simon PJ review most of each
 other's code every now and then, but overall there is very little code
 review happening (and no formal, recorded code review whatsoever).
 Cleaning up the GHC code base is a huge task -- it uses lots of dirty
 tricks (global variables, hash tables, unique generation is
 non-deterministic, ...) which often complicate efforts tremendously (I
 tried).  The lack of a unit tests doesn't help (just rewriting code so
 that it can be tested would help quite a bit).

So in other words, would it be helpful it we recruited GHC janitors?  That is, 
similar to how we have the Trac which gives people bug reports to pick out and 
work on, would it make sense to have a Trac or some other process which gives 
people chunks of code to clean up and/or make easier to test?

(I am of course inspired in suggesting this by the Linux kernel janitors, 
though it doesn't look like the project has survived, and maybe that portends 
ill for trying to do the same for GHC...)

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