Re: [Haskell-cafe] A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-28 Thread Greg Buchholz
Andrzej Jaworski wrote:
 Good direction.
 Perhaps you can also figure out how to replace the disturbing $ operator? 

Something out of Unicode? 


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-28 Thread Greg Buchholz
David House wrote:
 I see this a lot. My personal preference is:
 mylist =
  [ foo, bar, baz,
qux, quux, foo,
bar, baz, qux ]


   mylist = [foo, bar , baz,
 qux, quux, foo,
 bar, baz , qux]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IO is not a monad (and seq, and in general _|_)

2007-01-23 Thread Greg Buchholz
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 That's not quite what I was trying to say.  (p^~p)-q is equivalent  
 to _|_ in the sense that once you derive/compute (respectively) it,  
 the world in which it exists breaks.  (I don't think formal logic  
 can have a Haskell-like _|_, but deriving (p^~p)-q is close to it in  

Here's a couple of papers you might like...

Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct

Precise Reasoning About Non-strict Functional Programs
  How to Chase Bottoms, and How to Ignore Them

Total Functional Programming

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapTuple (intersection types?)

2007-01-11 Thread Greg Buchholz
Udo Stenzel wrote:
 Marco T?lio Gontijo e Silva wrote:
  is there a way to defined something as a map to use in tuples? I tried
  mapTuple f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
  But the type inferred to it is not as generic as I wanted:
  mapTuple :: (t - t1) - (t, t) - (t1, t1)
 What you seem to want to do is impossible.  Just want type would you
 want to assign to mapTuple?  I bet you can't even express that in
 natural language, no wonder it's impossible in Haskell.

Maybe some of the type experts could pipe up, but couldn't you 
express that as an intersection type?  

mapTuple :: ((a - b) ^ (c - d)) - (a,c) - (b,d)

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] why can't you surround (+) in backticks and have it be infix?

2007-01-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
tphyahoo wrote:
 Issues: In Haskell, any function or constructor can be enclosed in backticks
 and then used as an infix operator. 
 But this seems to be contradicted by...
 from #haskell
 -- 09:19  tphyahoo   let func = (+) in 1 `func` 2
 -- 09:19  lambdabot  3
 -- 09:20  tphyahoo but ..
 -- 09:20  tphyahoo 1 `(+)` 2
 -- 09:20  tphyahoo  1 `(+)` 2
 -- 09:20  lambdabot  Parse error
 (+) is a function, is it not?
 Where's the rub?

The thing inside the backticks has to be a syntatic name, not an
expression.  The grammar from the Haskell Report 
( )...

varid   -(small {small | large | digit | ' })reservedid 
conid   -large {small | large | digit | ' }

varop   -varsym  | `varid `   (variable operator) 
qvarop  -qvarsym | `qvarid `  (qualified variable operator) 
conop   -consym  | `conid `   (constructor operator) 
qconop  -gconsym | `qconid `  (qualified constructor operator)

...I've also thought it would be nice to be able to say things like...

(foo `liftM2 (,)` bar)

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Seeking advice on a style question

2006-12-29 Thread Greg Buchholz
Steve Schafer wrote:
 Here's the essence of the problem. If I have this:
  process1 x y =
let u = foo x y;
v = bar u;
w = baz v
in  w
 I can easily rewrite it in point-free style:
  process1 = baz . bar . foo

Not unless you have a much fancier version of function composition,

 But if I have this:
  process2 x y =
let u = foo x y;
v = bar u;
w = baz v u
in  w
 then I can't avoid naming and using an intermediate variable. And that
 annoys me. The u in process2 is of no more value to me (pardon the
 pun) as the one in process1, but I am forced to use it simply because
 the data flow is no longer strictly linear.
 The reason I brought up monads as a possible means of managing this
 problem is that the State, Reader and Writer monads already handle
 certain specific shapes of nonlinear data flow, which suggested to
 me that maybe there was a monadic approach to managing nonlinear data
 flow in a more general way. Of course, if there is a non-monadic,
 purely functional way to do it, that would be even better, but I've
 never seen such a thing (short of doing lots of tupling and

-- Use combinators which automate the tupling/un-tupling.
-- See also, the Joy language...

main = process2 test

process2 = baz . bar . dup . foo

foo = mul . (push 2) . mul

bar = rep . swap . (push 'A')

baz = add . len 

test = (2,(3,()))::(Int,(Int,()))

dup (a,b) = (a,(a,b))
swap (a,(b,c)) = (b,(a,c))
push a b = (a,b)

lift1 f (a,b) = (f a,b)
lift2 f (a,(b,c)) = (f a b,c)

len = lift1 length 
add = lift2 (+)
mul = lift2 (*)
rep = lift2 replicate

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Seeking advice on a style question

2006-12-29 Thread Greg Buchholz
Conal Elliott wrote:
 Warning: I haven't tried to type-check and may have made a clerical error.
 Since questionCategories isn't used, use fst  eliminate another let.
 Then, for my personal preference, and just to mix things up, switch to
 where style:
 process item mediaKind mediaSize language =
  flip combineRows sequenceLayouts $
  paginate item mediaKind mediaSize pagemaster $
  groupBands $
  resolveCrossReferences $
   (bands,sequenceLayouts) =
 buildLayout mediaKind language $
 coalesceNAQuestions $
 fst $
 numberQuestions pagemaster $
 stripUndisplayedQuestions mediaKind $
 appendEndQuestions item
   (loadPagemaster item mediaKind mediaSize) $
 coalesceParentedQuestions $
 validateQuestionContent $
 loadQuestions item

   And just for the heck of it, trading parenthesis and layout for dollar

process item mediaKind mediaSize language =
   (groupBands (resolveCrossReferences bands)))
 (bands,sequenceLayouts) =
   (fst (numberQuestions 
 (loadPagemaster item mediaKind mediaSize) 
(validateQuestionContent (loadQuestions item

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] multi parameter type classes for NP problems

2006-12-20 Thread Greg Buchholz
Joshua Ball wrote:
 Here is how I am trying to solve the problem, using multi-parameter
 type classes.
 class NPProblem inst cert where
validates :: cert - inst - Bool
certificates :: inst - [cert]
decide :: inst - Bool
decide i = any (\x - x `validates` i) $ certificates i
 Unfortunately, ghc throws the following type error:
Could not deduce (NPProblem inst a)
  from the context (NPProblem inst cert)
  arising from use of `certificates' at NPProblem.hs:5:45-58
Possible fix:
  add (NPProblem inst a) to the class or instance method `decide'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `certificates i'
In the expression:
  (any (\ x - x `validates` i)) $ (certificates i)
In the definition of `decide':
decide i = (any (\ x - x `validates` i)) $ (certificates i)

Maybe something like?...

class NPProblem inst cert where
   validates :: cert - inst - Bool
   certificates :: inst - [cert]
   decide :: inst - Bool
   decide i = any (\x - x `validates` i) $ (certificates i :: [cert])

...or a functional dependency of some sort...

class NPProblem inst cert | inst - cert where

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type keeping rounding, typeable (and a difficulty)

2006-11-16 Thread Greg Buchholz
isto wrote:
]  isto wrote:
]  ]   let t = show (typeOf a)
]  ]   in case t of
]  ]   Double  - roundDDec d a
]  ]   Complex Double - roundCDec d a
] I'll guess the reason it didn't compile was different
] types at case branches (am I wrong?) 


] Anyhow, do you know that is it possible to choose the return type
] somehow in the spirit above?  

Maybe you want something like...

 roundDec d (Left a)  = Left  (roundDDec d a)
 roundDec d (Right a) = Right (roundCDec d a)
 roundCDec :: (RealFloat a) = Int - Complex a - Complex a
 roundCDec d (c :+ b) = (roundDDec d c :+ roundDDec d b)
 roundDDec :: (RealFloat a) = Int - a - a
 roundDDec d a = a  -- or somegthing

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type keeping rounding, typeable (and a difficulty)

2006-11-15 Thread Greg Buchholz
isto wrote:
] I've been trying to compile the following function
] (rounding to a desired degree):
] roundDec :: (Num a, Typeable a) = Int - a - a
] roundDec d a = 
]   let t = show (typeOf a)
]   in case t of
]   Double  - roundDDec d a
]   Complex Double - roundCDec d a
]   otherwise - a  -- or something
] The two other functions are 
] roundCDec :: (RealFloat a) = Int - Complex a - Complex a
] roundCDec d (c :+ b) = (roundDDec d c :+ roundDDec d b)
] and
] roundDDec :: (RealFloat a) = Int - a - a
] roundDDec d a = a  -- or somegthing

Maybe you want type classes instead?

 import Complex
 class Round a where
 roundD :: Int - a - a
 instance Round Double where
 roundD d a = a
 instance (Round a, RealFloat a) = Round (Complex a) where
 roundD d (c :+ b) = (roundD d c :+ roundD d b)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] (twice head) (twice tail)

2006-11-11 Thread Greg Buchholz

Over on comp.lang.functional ( ), Toby Kelsey is
wondering about writing a function twice that applies a function to an
argument two times...

 twice' :: (a - a) - a - a
 twice' f x = f (f x)

...that works for things like twice succ 0 and twice tail [1,2,3],
but the type signature means you can't try something like twice head
[[1]].  You can get the twice head case to work with a function

 twice'' :: (forall a. (m a) - a) - (m (m b)) - b
 twice'' f x = f (f x)

...and if you want something like twice (flip (:) []), you'd use...

 twice''' :: (forall a. a - (m a)) - b - (m (m b))
 twice''' f x = f (f x) seems like those type signatures have at least a passing
resemblance, so I was wondering if you could use type classes to combine
these functions.  I tried something like...

 class Twice a b c | a b - c where
 twice :: a - b - c
 instance Twice (a-a) a a where
 twice f x = f (f x)
 instance Twice (forall a. (m a) - a) (m (m b)) b where
 twice f x = f (f x)

...but with ghc-6.6 it chokes with...

Illegal polymorphic or qualified type: forall a. m a - a
In the instance declaration for `Twice (forall a.
(m a) - a) (m (m b)) b'

...I can't say I'm surprised, but I was wondering if anyone else has
thoughts on how this limitation might be worked around. 


Greg Buchholz 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: An example of dependent types [was: Simple GADT parser for the eval example]

2006-11-01 Thread Greg Buchholz
 Greg Buchholz has posed an interesting problem of writing a
 typechecker. Given untyped terms of the form


 We show the solution that uses no GADTs and no representation types.
 We retain however the eval function in the previous message that uses
 GADT. Our solution uses type classes. It seems to some the
 type-checking rules stated as instances of the TypeCheck class take a
 particular natural form.


 rather than the original terms Exp. The conversion is straightforward,
 via Template Haskell:
  type F = Q TH.Exp
  parse :: Expr - F
  parse (ELit x) = [e| FLit $(litE . integerL . fromIntegral $ x) |]
  parse (EInc x) = [e| FInc $(parse x) |]
  parse (EIsZ x) = [e| FIsZ $(parse x) |]
  t1' = $(parse . read $ e1)
  t2' = $(parse . read $ e2)
 *G :t t1'
 t1' :: FIf FLit FLit FLit
 *G :t t2'
 t2' :: FIf (FIsZ FLit) (FInc FLit) (FFst (FPair FLit FLit))

Nice.  But using TH means we have to know everthing about the
strings we want to evaluate at compile time right?  So you can't do
something like...

main = do l - getLine
  print $ (eval.typecheck) ($(parse . read $ l))

...right? (Even if you can get around GHC complaining about a 'stage
restriction').  Whereas, it would be possible with with the my_read
and other versions.  Anyway, as long as we're going down that route, we
might as well get rid of the GADTs and go for a pure type class version
of eval... 

...(great minds think alike, right? ;-)  I guess I should have mentioned
that thread in my first message.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A type class puzzle

2006-10-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Yitzchak Gale wrote:
 Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 If you insist that each index should be given as a separate
 function argument, it may be possible to achieve it using the tricks
 that allow to write the variadic composition operator.
 I am not familiar with that. Do you have a reference?
 Is that the best way to do it? (Is that a way to do it at all?)

  You might find these articles somewhat related...

Functions with the variable number of (variously typed) arguments

Deepest functor [was: fmap for lists of lists of lists of ...]

...That first article is the strangest.  I couldn't reconcile the fact
that if our type signature specifies two arguments, we can pattern
match on three arguments in the function definition.  Compare the number
of arguments in the first and second instances...

 class BuildList a r  | r- a where
 build' :: [a] - a - r

 instance BuildList a [a] where
 build' l x = reverse$ x:l

 instance BuildList a r = BuildList a (a-r) where
 build' l x y = build'(x:l) y

...if you try something like...

foo :: [a] - a - r
foo l x y = undefined'll get an error message like...

The equation(s) for `foo' have three arguments,
but its type `[a] - a - r' has only two


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] A type class puzzle

2006-10-31 Thread Greg Buchholz

Nicolas Frisby wrote:
 On 10/31/06, Greg Buchholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ...That first article is the strangest.  I couldn't reconcile the fact
 that if our type signature specifies two arguments, we can pattern
 match on three arguments in the function definition.  Compare the number
 of arguments in the first and second instances...

  Connor McBride's Faking It: Simulating Dependent Types in Haskell
 It might help; your example makes me think of the nthFirst function.
 If it's different, I'md wager the polyvariadic stuff and nthFirst can
 be reconciled on some level.

Does that explain how, why, or when you can use more arguments than
you are allowed to use?  Or is it just another example of using more
arguments than you are allowed to use?  Is this a Haskell 98 thing, or
is it related to MPTCs, or fun deps, or something else?

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A type class puzzle

2006-10-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Arie Peterson wrote:
] I'm not sure I'm getting your point, but this is just because in the
] second instance, the second parameter of BuildList is 'a - r', so the
] specific type of 'build\'' is '[a] - a - (a - r)' which is just '[a] -
] a - a - r' (currying at work).

I guess it just looks really strange to my eyes.  For example, foo
and bar are legal, but baz isn't.  That's what I was thinking of the
situation, but I guess the type classes iron out the differences. 

 foo :: Int - Int - Int - Int
 foo 0 = (+)
 bar :: Int - Int - Int - Int
 bar 1 x = succ
 baz :: Int - Int - Int - Int
 baz 0 = (+)
 baz 1 x = succ

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Thanks to everyone who replied (especially Dimitrios Vytiniotis and
Joost Visser).  I now know the standard way to write the GADT parser.
But I'm still curious if anyone has comments pertaining to the version
using type classes.  It seems so close to doing what we want, and it is
pretty straightforward to implement.  The best way I can think to
describe it would be to say it uses the type system to find what it
should parse next, and dies of a pattern match failure if something
unexpected shows up, instead of checking to see if we can assemble a
type safe tree from pre-parsed parts (does that make any sense?).

I'm curious if there could be a small change to the type system to
make the fully general my_read possible, or if it suffers from an
incurable defect. 

Greg Buchholz 

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}  
 main = print test
 test :: Int 
 test = $
 (EIf (EIsZ (ELit 0))   ++
  (EInc (ELit 1))   ++
  (EFst (EPair (ELit 42)++
   (ELit 43
 class MyRead a where
 my_read :: Expr - Term a 
 instance MyRead Int where
 my_read (ELit a)= Lit a
 my_read (EInc a)= Inc (my_read a)
 my_read (EIf p t e) = If  (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
 my_read (EFst a)= Fst (my_read a :: Term (Int,Int))
 my_read (ESnd a)= Snd (my_read a :: Term (Int,Int))
 instance MyRead Bool where
 my_read (EIsZ a)= IsZ (my_read a)
 my_read (EIf p t e) = If  (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
 my_read (EFst a)= Fst (my_read a :: Term (Bool,Bool))
 my_read (ESnd a)= Snd (my_read a :: Term (Bool,Bool))
 instance (MyRead a, MyRead x) = MyRead (a,x) where
 my_read (EPair a b) = Pair (my_read a) (my_read b)
 my_read (EIf p t e) = If   (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
 data Expr = ELit Int
   | EInc Expr
   | EIsZ Expr 
   | EPair Expr Expr
   | EIf Expr Expr Expr
   | EFst Expr
   | ESnd Expr
 deriving (Read,Show)
 data Term a where
 Lit  :: Int - Term Int
 Inc  :: Term Int - Term Int
 IsZ  :: Term Int - Term Bool
 If   :: Term Bool - Term a - Term a - Term a
 Pair :: Term a - Term b - Term (a,b)
 Fst  :: Term (a,b) - Term a
 Snd  :: Term (a,b) - Term b 
 eval :: Term a - a
 eval (Lit i)= i
 eval (Inc t)= eval t + 1
 eval (IsZ t)= eval t == 0
 eval (If b t e) = if eval b then eval t else eval e
 eval (Pair a b) = (eval a, eval b)
 eval (Fst t)= fst (eval t)
 eval (Snd t)= snd (eval t)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Simple GADT parser for the eval example

2006-10-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
I'm trying to create a simple parser for the GADT evaluator from the
wobbly types paper, and I need a little help.  Here's the GADT and the

 data Term a where
 Lit  :: Int - Term Int
 Inc  :: Term Int - Term Int
 IsZ  :: Term Int - Term Bool
 If   :: Term Bool - Term a - Term a - Term a
 Pair :: Term a - Term b - Term (a,b)
 Fst  :: Term (a,b) - Term a
 Snd  :: Term (a,b) - Term b 
 eval :: Term a - a
 eval (Lit i)= i
 eval (Inc t)= eval t + 1
 eval (IsZ t)= eval t == 0
 eval (If b t e) = if eval b then eval t else eval e
 eval (Pair a b) = (eval a, eval b)
 eval (Fst t)= fst (eval t)
 eval (Snd t)= snd (eval t)

...and instead of writing my own read instance, I thought I'd take a
shortcut and just try converting a regular data type to our generalized

 data Expr = ELit Int
   | EInc Expr
   | EIsZ Expr 
   | EPair Expr Expr
   | EIf Expr Expr Expr
   | EFst Expr
   | ESnd Expr
 deriving (Read,Show)
 my_read' :: Expr - Term a 
 my_read' (ELit a) = Lit a
 my_read' (EInc a) = Inc (my_read' a)
 my_read' (EIsZ a) = IsZ (my_read' a)
 my_read' (EPair a b) = Pair (my_read' a) (my_read' b)
 my_read' (EIf p t e) = If (my_read' p) (my_read' t) (my_read' e)
 my_read' (EFst a) = Fst (my_read' a)
 my_read' (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read' a)

...That looks nice and simple, but it doesn't type check.  GHCi-6.6

Couldn't match expected type `a' (a rigid variable)
   against inferred type `Int'
  `a' is bound by the type signature for `my_read'
at eval_gadt_wobbly.hs:45:24
  Expected type: Term a
  Inferred type: Term Int
In the expression: Lit a
In the definition of `my_read': my_read (ELit a) = Lit a

...No surprise there, since there is no way to fail in the event of a
maltyped Expr.  The next thing to try is a type class solution... 

 class MyRead a where
 my_read :: Expr - Term a 
 instance MyRead Int where
 my_read (ELit a) = Lit a
 my_read (EInc a) = Inc (my_read a)
 my_read (EIf p t e) = If (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
 my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a :: MyRead b = Term (Int,b))
 --my_read (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read a) 
 instance MyRead Bool where
 my_read (EIsZ a) = IsZ (my_read a)
 my_read (EIf p t e) = If (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
 --my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a)
 --my_read (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read a)
 instance (MyRead a, MyRead b) = MyRead (a,b) where
 my_read (EPair a b) = Pair (my_read a) (my_read b)
 my_read (EIf p t e) = If (my_read p) (my_read t) (my_read e)
 --my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a)
 --my_read (ESnd a) = Snd (my_read a)

This just about works, except for the definitions for the Fst and
Snd constructors.  The compiler complains...

Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraint:
  `MyRead b'
arising from use of `my_read' at eval_gadt_wobbly.hs:65:28-36
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

...Of course, that makes perfect sense, since, if we're applying Fst
to a term, then we don't care about the other branch of the Pair.  You
can get it accepted by the type checker by making the types more

my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a :: Term (Int,Int))
my_read (EFst a) = Fst (my_read a :: Term (Int,Bool))

...but how does a person fix this to work in the more general case?  Or
is this even the right way to build a parser for the GADT evaluator
example?  Notice the repetition needed: the If, Fst, and Snd
defintions have to be copied to all three instances.  Also, feel free to
comment on this example, and the fact that it will evaluate with no

 static_vs_laziness = eval (my_read (EIf (EIsZ (ELit 0))
(ELit 9)
(EIsZ (ELit 42)))::Term Int)


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Rank N type tutorial?

2006-10-27 Thread Greg Buchholz

Anyone know of a good source for learning about higher ranked types?
I'm not quite sure why this is illegal...

 foo :: Integer - (forall a. Show a = a)
 foo 2 = [foo] 
 foo x = x

...while this is just fine...

 bar :: Integer - (forall a. Show a = a-b) - b 
 bar 2 k = k [bar] 
 bar x k = k x


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rank N type tutorial?

2006-10-27 Thread Greg Buchholz
Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:
 The way to think about it is that foralls are extra function arguments. 
 Your first example is like
   foo :: Integer - (a::Type - Show a - a)
 so a is chosen by the caller, not by you. The second case is like
   bar :: Integer - (a::Type - Show a - a - b) - b
 In order for the first case to work as you expect, you'd need the type
   foo :: Integer - (a::Type, Show a, a)
 which is traditionally written
   foo :: Integer - (exists a. Show a = a)

I thought exists was spelled forall in Haskell?

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] function types as instances of Num

2006-10-26 Thread Greg Buchholz

Let's say we've got a little stack language, where you compute
things by transformations of stacks, using compositions of functions
from stacks to stacks (represented here as nested tuples). (See also
Chris Okasaki's Techniques for Embedding Postfix Languages in Haskell cs252r/archive/chris-okasaki/ )

  For example, the simple program below calculates the square of 4... 

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

 main = print $ test () 
 test  = square . (lit 4)
 lit :: Integer - a - (Integer,a)
 lit val stack= (val, stack)
 dup  (a, b)  = (a, (a, b))
 mult (a, (b, c)) = (b*a, c)
 square = mult . dup let's say I find that using the function lit to annotation
numeric literals ugly.  What I really want is something like...

 test' = square . 4 

...Seems simple enough, I'll just make an appropriate instance of Num
and I'll be able to use fromInteger...

 instance Eq   (a - (Integer, a)) 
 instance Show (a - (Integer, a)) 
 instance Num  (a - (Integer, a)) where
 fromInteger = lit

...but now when I try it, GHC complains...

No instance for (Num (a - (Integer, t)))
  arising from the literal `4' at final.hs:15:17
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (Num (a - (Integer, t)))
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `4'
In the expression: square . 4
In the definition of `test'': test' = square . 4 it seems that (a - (Integer, t)) can't be unified with (a -
(Integer, a)), or somesuch.  Any thoughts on how to get this to work?


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] function types as instances of Num

2006-10-26 Thread Greg Buchholz
Dan Weston wrote:
 How about:

Hmm.  I'm probably being dense today, but when I add the following
definitions to your program... 

main = print $ (square . 4) ()
square (a,b) = (a*a,b)

...I still get the same error...

No instance for (Num (() - (t, t1)))
  arising from the literal `4' at weston.hs:5:25
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (() - (t, t1)))
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `4'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `(square . 4) ()'
In the expression: print $ ((square . 4) ())

...maybe you could show me your implementation of main and square to
help nudge me in the right direction.  (I'm using ghc-6.6)


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: (more) type level functions (type of decreasing list)

2006-10-23 Thread Greg Buchholz
] One way is to use existentials:

 data Seq1 a = forall b. (Pre a b, Show b) = Cons1 a (Seq1 b) | Nil1

] which perhaps not entirely satisfactory because we have to specify all
] the needed classes in the definition of Seq1.

Yes, that seems pretty burdensome, since we can't now create even a
simple function like tail, right?  Or at least I think existentials
are the problem with this...

 tail1 :: (Pre a b, Show b) = Seq1 a - Seq1 b
 -- tail1 (Cons1 x xs) = xs
 tail1 Nil1 = error empty Seq

...ghci reports...

Couldn't match expected type `b' (a rigid variable)
   against inferred type `b1' (a rigid variable)
  `b' is bound by the type signature for `tail_' at dec2.lhs:30:17
  `b1' is bound by the pattern for `Cons1' at dec2.lhs:31:8-17
  Expected type: Seq1 b
  Inferred type: Seq1 b1
In the expression: xs
In the definition of `tail1': tail1 (Cons1 x xs) = xs

...and hugs...

 ERROR dec2.lhs:31 - Existentially quantified variable in inferred type
 *** Variable : _3
 *** From pattern : Cons1 x xs
 *** Result type  : Seq1 _0 - Seq1 _3

] Perhaps a better -- and a more general alternative -- is to use
] type-level programming to its fullest. The following defines a list
] whose elements are constrained to be in the decreasing, increasing,
] or any other (defined in the future) order. This example shows that
] Haskell truly has more kinds than it is commonly acknowledged.


]  data Cons a b = Cons a b
]  data Nil = Nil

...if we build our lists with tuple-like Conses, our types end up being
as long as our lists, right?  So an infinite list has an infinite type,
which seems like it could be problematic to type check.  For example,
here's an arbitrarly long increasing list...

 data Seq' a = Cons' a (Seq' (Succ a)) | Nil' deriving Show

 from :: a - Seq' a
 from x = Cons' x (from (S x))

 inf = from Z

...with some of the usual functions...

 tail_ :: Seq' a - Seq' (Succ a)
 tail_ (Cons' x xs) = xs

 class Take a where 
 take_ :: a - (Seq' b) - (Seq' b)

 instance Take Zero where 
 take_ Z _ = Nil'
 instance Take a = Take (Succ a) where
 take_ (S n) (Cons' x xs) = Cons' x (take_ n xs)
 take_ _ Nil' = error can't take_ that many

 class Drop a b c | a b - c where
 drop_ :: a - Seq' b - Seq' c

 instance Drop Zero b b where
 drop_ Z xs = xs

 instance Drop a (Succ b) c = Drop (Succ a) b c where
 drop_ (S n) (Cons' x xs) = drop_ n xs
 drop_ _ Nil' = error can't drop_ that many

...Anyway, for fun, here's a list that alternates between two types in a
linearly increasing manner.  So you can start out with one Int and then
two Strings, then three Ints, four Strings, etc.  I don't know if it is
going to yeild to a type classless GADT solution yet, but I'll keep
thinking about it.

 data Fancy a b left next =  
 forall c d left' next' lz decleft .
 (Show c, Show d,
  Zerop left lz,
  If lz (Succ next) next next',
  Pre left decleft,
  If lz next decleft left',
  If lz b a c,
  If lz a b d
 ) = Cons a (Fancy c d left' next') | Nil
 fancy :: Fancy Integer String Zero (Succ Zero)
 fancy = (Cons 1 
 (Cons a (Cons b 
 (Cons  2  (Cons  3  (Cons 4 
 (Cons c (Cons d (Cons e (Cons f
 (Cons  5  (Cons  6  (Cons  7  (Cons  8  (Cons 9 Nil)))

 instance (Show a, Show b) = Show (Fancy a b c d) where
 show (Cons x xs) = (Cons  ++ (show x) ++   ++ (show xs) ++ )
 show Nil = Nil

 data Succ a = S a deriving Show
 data Zero = Z deriving Show 
 data TTrue
 data TFalse
 class Pre a b | a - b 
 instance Pre (Succ a) a
 instance Pre Zero Zero
 class If p t e result | p t e - result
 instance If TTrue  a b a
 instance If TFalse a b b
 class Zerop a b | a - b
 instance Zerop Zero TTrue
 instance Zerop (Succ a) TFalse
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: type level functions (type of decreasing list)

2006-10-18 Thread Greg Buchholz
Stefan Holdermans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What about the following (tested with GHC 6.6)?

and [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One way is to use existentials:
 Perhaps a better -- and a more general alternative -- is to use
 type-level programming to its fullest.

Thanks everyone, those are interesting solutions!


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type level functions (type of decreasing list)

2006-10-17 Thread Greg Buchholz

I'm wondering about creating a data structure that has the type of
decreasing numbers.  If I want an increasing list, it is easy...

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}  
 data Succ a = S a deriving Show 
 data Zero   = Z   deriving Show
 data Seq' a = Cons' a (Seq' (Succ a)) | Nil' deriving Show

...which can be used like...

 zero  = Z
 one   = S zero
 two   = S one
 three = S two
 increasing = Cons' zero (Cons' one (Cons' two (Cons' three Nil')))

...on the other hand, if I want the decreasing list, I can try...

 class Pre a b | a - b 
 instance Pre (Succ a) a
 instance Pre Zero Zero
 data (Pre a b) = Seq a = Cons a (Seq b) | Nil
 decreasing = Cons three (Cons two (Cons one Nil))

...but that complains about Not in scope: type variable `b'.  Of
course that makes perfect sense, but I'd like to know if there is a
Haskell idiom that I'm missing in order to get this to work.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type level functions (type of decreasing list)

2006-10-17 Thread Greg Buchholz
Spencer Janssen wrote:
] Here's an attempt with GADTs:
] \begin{code}
] {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
] data Succ a
] data Zero
] data Seq a b where
] Cons :: a - Seq a b - Seq a (Succ b)
] Nil  :: Seq a Zero
] \end{code}
] Seems to work for me.

Hmm.  Maybe I'm missing something.  With the program below I get the
following error message (with ghci 6.6)...

Couldn't match expected type `Succ Zero'
   against inferred type `Zero'
  Expected type: Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))
  Inferred type: Succ (Succ Zero)
In the first argument of `Cons', namely `two'
In the second argument of `Cons', namely
`(Cons two (Cons one Nil))' 

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}  
 data Succ a = S a deriving Show 
 data Zero   = Z   deriving Show
 zero  = Z
 one   = S zero
 two   = S one
 three = S two
 data Seq a b where
 Cons :: a - Seq a b - Seq a (Succ b)
 Nil  :: Seq a Zero

 decreasing = Cons three (Cons two (Cons one Nil))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Q Programming Language can do symbolic manipulation -- Haskell?

2006-08-16 Thread Greg Buchholz
Casey Hawthorne wrote:
 The Q Programming Language can do the following:
 sqr X = X*X
 ==sqr 5
 ==sqr (X+1) 
 Can Haskell do symbolic manipulation?

Typeful symbolic differentiation of compiled functions

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Type-Level Naturals Like Prolog?

2006-07-13 Thread Greg Buchholz
Jared Warren wrote:
 Haskell's type checking language is a logical programming language.
 The canonical logical language is Prolog.
 Why can't Haskell (with extensions) do type-level Peano naturals in
 the same fashion? The code would be something like:

  Also of possible interest, _Fun with Functional Dependencies_...

This paper illustrates how Haskell's type class system can be used to
 express computations. Since computations on the type level are performed
 by the type checker, these computations are static (i.e., performed at
 compile-time), and, since the type system is decidable, they always
 terminate. Haskell thus provides a means to express static computations,
 and has a clear distinction between static and dynamic computations. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lists as instances of a class?

2006-07-10 Thread Greg Buchholz
David Roundy wrote:
 I'm sure I'm missing something lame here, but can someone tell me why
 we apparently can't declare a list to be an instance of a class in
 Haskell 98?

I think it is a feature of H98 intended to disallow any
possibility of overlapping instances.  If you have...

instance Vec [Double]

...there's nothing from stopping you from also declaring...

instance Num a = Vec [a]

...but since Double is a member of Num, which instance should the
compiler use?

 Or is there perhaps some other syntax by which I'd declare
 this instance? 

Not by the looks of section 4.3.2 of the Haskell Report (at least by
my reading).

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Eager Parser Combinators [was: Functional programming for processing of largeraster images]

2006-06-22 Thread Greg Buchholz
Ralf Hinze wrote:
 Also, in a non-strict language recursive definitions are not
 limited to function types. Users of parser combinators heavily rely
 on this feature. Just try to define/use parsing combinators
 ins a strict language.

Anyone care to comment on what goes wrong with parser combinators in
an eager language?  Is it mainly a space usage problem (where the lazy
version might essentially perform a depth-first-search, while the eager
version is breadth-first)?  Or is there something else I'm missing?  

As a reference, back when I was trying to understand monads, I
ported the parser combinators from the Hutton and Meijer paper to


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learning C after Haskell

2006-06-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
Chad Scherrer wrote:
 My question is, as I learn C, are there any particular Haskell concepts I
 should keep in the back of my mind, or is it better to approach C from

One thing from Haskell I'd try keep in mind is to minimize side
effects and keep the scope of side effects as contained and local as
possible.  So avoid mutating global variables, try not to write to the
same file from multiple different subroutines, etc. 

   And if you start getting seg-faults, you'll probably want a tool to
help you, since reasoning and debug by printf on pointers can only take
you so far in a language like C.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Inferred type not most general?

2006-06-09 Thread Greg Buchholz

I'm curious about a type inference oddity.  In the code below, if I
leave off the type signature for tmap, both GHC and Hugs infer that tmap
has type...

tmap :: (b - a, b - a) - Twist b b - Twist a a 

...I'm wondering why they couldn't infer the more general...

tmap :: (a - b, c - d) - Twist a c - Twist b d

data Twist a b = Nil | Cons a (Twist b a) deriving Show

x = (Cons foo (Cons 1 (Cons bar (Cons 2 Nil

tmap :: (a-b,c-d) - Twist a c - Twist b d
tmap _ Nil = Nil
tmap (f,g) (Cons x rest) = Cons (f x) (tmap (g,f) rest)


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type class hell

2006-06-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
Christophe Poucet wrote:
 The idea however is that MonoType is going to be used in a recursive 
 way. For instance:
 newtype FMT = FMT MonoType FMT
 instance FMT where...

Er, I'll ignore this part.
 And this definition will have to reside on recursive definitions. In the 
 style of how HasVars was instantiated:
 instance HasVars a = HasVars (MonoType a) where
 freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
 freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs
 occurs x (TyVar y) = x == y
 occurs x (TyConst _ xs) = or . map (occurs x) $ xs
 So for Type
 instance Type a = Type (MonoType a) where
 That's where it becomes rather troublesome.

Yeah, after a certain point of complexity with type classes, it
starts to look like C++ templates.  How about something like...

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
import List

type Var = String
type Const = String

data MonoType mt = TyVar Var
 | TyConst Const [mt] deriving (Eq, Show)

data PolyType mt = TyPoly [Var] mt deriving (Show)

class Type a b where
toType   ::   b - a b
fromType :: a b - b
freeVars :: a b - [Var]
occurs   :: Var - a b - Bool

data Nil = Nil

instance Type MonoType Nil where
freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = [???]

instance (Type a b) = Type MonoType (a b) where
freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs
occurs x (TyVar y) = x == y
occurs x (TyConst _ xs) = or . map (occurs x) $ xs

main = print $ freeVars $
TyConst foo [TyConst bar  [Nil],
   TyConst baz  [Nil],
   TyVar   quux  ]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type class hell

2006-06-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
Christophe Poucet wrote:
 I'm not certain but I think this will still fail for exactly the piece that
 you ignored, which is the crux of the problem.

-- You're not looking for this solution, right?

import List

type Var = String
type Const = String

data MonoType mt = TyVar Var
 | TyConst Const [mt] deriving (Eq, Show)

data PolyType mt = TyPoly [Var] mt deriving (Show)

newtype FMT = FMT (MonoType FMT)

class Types a where
freeVars :: a - [Var]

instance Types FMT where
freeVars (FMT (TyVar x)) = [x]
freeVars (FMT (TyConst _ xs)) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs

main = print $ freeVars 
(FMT (TyConst 
[(FMT (TyVar abc)),
 (FMT (TyVar 123)),
 (FMT (TyConst 
  [(FMT (TyVar www))]))])) 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type class hell

2006-06-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
Brandon Moore wrote:
 I don't quite understand the problem, but maybe an example involving an 
 explicit recursion operator will help.

-- Maybe he's looking for something like...

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

import List

type Var = String
type Const = String

data MonoType mt = TyVar Var
 | TyConst Const [mt] deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }

class Types a where
freeVars :: a - [Var]

instance Types (a (Fix a)) = Types (Fix a) where
freeVars (In x) = freeVars x

instance Types a = Types (MonoType a) where
freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs

main = do
  print $ freeVars 
   [(In (TyVar abc)),
(In (TyVar 123)),
(In (TyConst 
   [(In (TyVar www))]))]))
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type class hell

2006-06-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
Christophe Poucet wrote:
 What I would like to do is combine HasVars and Type (mostly because in my
 framework the two concepts shouldn't be divided from a design perspective)
 into one type class to clean it up a bit. However I fail to see how I would
 implement toType and fromType for the given instance. Is this feasible
 without resorting to ugly hacks?

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

-- Multiparameter type classes?

import List

type Var = String
type Const = String

data MonoType mt = TyVar Var
 | TyConst Const [mt] deriving (Eq, Show)

data PolyType mt = TyPoly [Var] mt deriving (Show)

class Type a b where
toType   ::   b - a b
fromType :: a b - b
freeVars :: a b - [Var]
occurs   :: Var - a b - Bool

instance Type MonoType Int
-- yada, yada, yada...

instance Type MonoType (MonoType Int) where
freeVars (TyVar x) = [x]
freeVars (TyConst _ xs) = nub . concatMap freeVars $ xs
occurs x (TyVar y) = x == y
occurs x (TyConst _ xs) = or . map (occurs x) $ xs

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] A road for Haskell into the kernel of a full-fledged OS

2006-06-02 Thread Greg Buchholz
Joel Reymont wrote:
 I think this is an awesome idea. I believe the folks at Galois have  
 customized the Haskell runtime for embedded devices but... I wonder  
 if us mere mortals will spend more time fighting laziness (and thus  
 high memory usage) than focusing on driver functionality.

In a similar vein, the Coyotos Project ( ) is 
writing their own language, BitC, to support their microkernel...

BitC is conceptually derived in various measure from Standard ML,
Scheme, and C. Like Standard ML [10], BitC has a formal semantics,
static typing, a type inference mechanism, and type variables. Like
Scheme [8], BitC uses a surface syntax that is readily represented as
BitC data. Like C [1], BitC provides full control over data structure
representation, which is necessary for high-performance systems
programming. The BitC language is a direct expression of the typed
lambda calculus with side effects, extended to be able to reflect the
semantics of explicit representation.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tips for converting Prolog to typeclasses?

2006-06-01 Thread Greg Buchholz
Robert Dockins wrote:
 To make this work, you're going to have to convince the compiler to accept 
 overlapping instances and then make sure they don't overlap :) In the 
 second instance, what you really want to say is instance c [a] c, only where 
 c is not an application of (-).  As I recall, there is a way to express 
 such type equality/unequality using typeclasses, but I don't remember how to 
 do it offhand.

Now that I think about it more, I see what you are saying.  And I
think we can be a little more general than c is not an application of
(-).  A better statement might be c is not a function application
which takes an 'a' as the first argument.  That should allow us to have
a function of type Int-Int-Double-String return a function
Double-String when applied to a list of Int's.  So in Prolog...

:- op(1000,xfy,=).

app(A=B,[A],C) :- app(B,[A],C).
app(C,[A],C) :- not(isfuncwithhead(C,A)).


...Now I just need to figure out how to represent not without cut.
I'll take a look at what Oleg has done.


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tips for converting Prolog to typeclasses?

2006-06-01 Thread Greg Buchholz
Robert Dockins wrote:
] In the second instance, what you really want to say is instance c [a]
] c, only where c is not an application of (-).  As I recall, there is
] a way to express such type equality/unequality using typeclasses, but
] I don't remember how to do it offhand.

For those playing along at home, here's the less general version
which uses Oleg Kiselyov's IsFunction relation and associated TypeCast
machinery from the HList paper...

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} 
 {-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
 data HTrue
 data HFalse
 class IsFunction a b | a - b
 instance TypeCast f HTrue = IsFunction (x-y) f
 instance TypeCast f HFalse = IsFunction a f
 class TypeCast   a b   | a - b, b-a   where typeCast   :: a - b
 class TypeCast'  t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'  :: t-a-b
 class TypeCast'' t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'' :: t-a-b
 instance TypeCast'  () a b = TypeCast a b where typeCast x = typeCast' () x
 instance TypeCast'' t a b = TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' = typeCast''
 instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x
 class Apply a b c where -- | a b - c where
 apply :: a - b - c
 instance Apply b [a] c = Apply (a-b) [a] c where
 apply f [] = error Not enough arguments
 apply f (x:xs) = apply (f x) xs
 instance IsFunction c HFalse = Apply c [a] c where
 apply f _ = f
 main = do print (apply g [(1::Int)..] ::String)
 g :: Int - Int - Int - Int - String
 g w x y z = show $ w*x + y*z 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Tips for converting Prolog to typeclasses?

2006-05-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Lately, in my quest to get a better understanding of the typeclass
system, I've been writing my typeclass instance declarations in Prolog
first, then when I've debugged them, I port them over back over to
Haskell.  The porting process involves a lot trial and error on my part
trying to decide when to use functional dependencies and which compiler
extension to enable ( -fallow-undecidable-instances,
-fallow-overlapping-instances, etc.).  Which might be okay, but I still
can produce things that won't compile, and I don't necessarily know if
I'm making a fundamental mistake in a program, or if there's something
trivial that I'm not doing quite right.

For example, there was a question on haskell-cafe last week about
creating an apply function.  My first solution ( )
was to use type classes and nested tuples for the collection of
arguments.  This works fine.  But then I wanted to try to get closer to
what the original poster wanted, namely to use regular homogenous lists
to store the arguments.  So I thought I could reuse the class definition
and just provide new instances for a list type, instead of the nested
tuple type.  Here's the class definition...

 class Apply a b c | a b - c where
 apply :: a - b - c

...So I wrote the following Prolog snippets which seemed like they might
properly describe the situation I was looking for...

:- op(1000,xfy,=).  % use = instead of - for arrow type
app(A=B,[A],C) :- app(B,[A],C).

...which I translated into the following Haskell instances...

 instance Apply b [a] c = Apply (a-b) [a] c where
 apply f [] = error Not enough arguments
 apply f (x:xs) = apply (f x) xs
 instance Apply c [a] c where
 apply f _ = f

...and here's a test program...

 g :: Int - Int - Int - Int - Int 
 g w x y z = w*x + y*z 

 main = do print $ apply g [1..]

...but I haven't been able to get GHC to accept this yet.  So I'm
wondering if there's an easy route to learning this stuff.  Some sort of
comprehensive tutorial out there which I should be reading that
describes what should be possible with Haskell's typeclasses plus GHC
extenstions, and when and where to enable these extentions.  (Bonus
points awarded if it explains things in terms of Prolog).  Or is this
just one of those things that requires reading lots of papers on each
extentsion and possibly the source code of the implementation?


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie: Applying Unknown Number Arguments to A Partial Function

2006-05-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
Aditya Siram wrote:
] I am trying to write a function 'applyArguments' which takes a
] function and a list and recursively uses element each in the list as
] an argument to the function. I want to do this for any function taking
] any number of arguments.
] applyArgument f (arg) = f arg
] applyArgument f (arg:args) = applyArgument (f arg) args
] This has failed in Hugs, so my question is: Can I conceptually do
] this? If so, what is the type signature of this function?

OK, here's a program that is similar to your applyArgument.  Instead
of the arguments in a list, it stores them in a nested tuple, so that we
can have different types of arguments.  You'll have to use the -98
option when using Hugs.  Also, it doesn't seem to interact well with
type inference, so I had to provide type signatures for the function f
and some of the parts of args.  Anyone know of a better way to define
Apply so we could eliminate these type signatures?

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} 

 class Apply x y z | x y - z where
 apply :: x - y - z

 instance Apply (a-b) a b where
 apply f x = f x

 instance Apply b as c = Apply (a-b) (a,as) c where
 apply f (x,xs) = apply (f x) xs
 f :: Int - Double - String - Bool - Int
 f x y z True = x + floor y * length z
 f x y z False= x * floor y + length z

 args =  (1::Int,(3.1415::Double,(flub,True)))

 main = print $ apply f args 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie: Applying Unknown Number Arguments to A Partial Function

2006-05-19 Thread Greg Buchholz
Aditya Siram wrote:
] I am trying to write a function 'applyArguments' which takes a function and 
] a list and recursively uses element each in the list as an argument to the 
] function. I want to do this for any function taking any number of arguments.
] applyArgument f (arg) = f arg
] applyArgument f (arg:args) = applyArgument (f arg) args
] This has failed in Hugs, so my question is: Can I conceptually do this? If 
] so, what is the type signature of this function?

It seems like it should be doable, but I'm not enough of a Haskell
wizard to figure it out.  But here is my thought process, FWIW.  First
off, since you want it to work for *any* function, we know that it can't
use lists, since in Haskell all list elements have to have the same
type.  Nested tuples, like (1,(foo,(3.14,Nil))) can have elements of
arbitrary types, so that's a possibility for the container storing the
function's arguments.  Next we'll note that the return type of
applyArgument can be different depending on the input argument types.
For example, lets invent a function and some possible argument

foo x y z = x + y + z
one = (1,Nil)
two = (1,(2,Nil))
three = (1,(2,(3,Nil))) the type of applyArgument foo three would be Integer, while the
type of applyArgument foo two would be Integer-Integer, and the type
of applyArgument foo one would be Integer-Integer-Integer.  But
Haskell doesn't allow a single function to different types.  What we can
do though, is define an infinite family of functions which have
different types, but share the same name.  That is the purpose of type
classes.  Here's a fun example that I like...

instance Num a = Num [a] where
(+) = zipWith (+)

...that little snippet says that whenever we have a list of type a
(the [a]), where a is also in the class Num, then we can add two of
those lists together.  So now something like [1,2,3]+[4,5,6] is legal.
But that also happens to be a recursive definition since a list like
[1,2,3] is now also in class Num.  So things like...

[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] + [[7,8,9],[0,1,2]]
[[1,2,3]] + [[4,5,6]]

...will also work.  Now here is where I run into trouble.  The code
below is what I think you should be able to do to define applyArgument
(shortened to app), but it doesn't quite work, failing with a type

  Illegal instance declaration for `Apply (a - b) b (a, c)'
  (the instance types do not agree with the functional dependencies of the 
  In the instance declaration for `Apply (a - b) b (a, c)'

...Maybe someone can chime in to correct me, or point out the flaw in my

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} 
 data Nil = Nil  -- A type to terminate our nested tuples
 class Apply a b c | b-c where
 app :: (a-b) - (a,c) - b
 -- base case: ran out of arguments, so stop recursion
 instance Apply a b Nil where
 app f (x,Nil)  = f x
 -- recursive case: If types a, b, and c are member of the 
 --  class Apply, then the types (a-b), b, and (a,c) are
 --  also a member, so keep going...
 instance Apply a b c = Apply (a-b) b (a,c) where
 app f (x,rest) = app (f x) rest
 g w x y z = w*x + y*z
 args = (1,(2,(3,(4,Nil
 main = print $ app g args 

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie: Applying Unknown Number Arguments to A Partial Function

2006-05-19 Thread Greg Buchholz
Greg Buchholz wrote:
 instance Apply a b c = Apply (a-b) b (a,c) where

Whoops, instead of that, I think I meant...

instance Apply (b-c) c d = Apply (a-b-c) (b-c) (a,d) where

...where we strip off one layer of types, because of the recursion.  Of
course, that still doesn't work though.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Partial Derivatives

2006-05-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
Gerhard Navratil wrote:
 I need a library that provides partial derivatives for functions. The
 solution I came up with is based on a datatype using reversed polish
 notation to store the function:

I like Oleg Kiselyov's Typeful symbolic differentiation of compiled

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] show for functional types

2006-03-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Neil Mitchell wrote:
 Now lets define super show which takes a function, and prints its
 code behind it, so:
 superShow f = not
 superShow g = \x - case ...
 now superShow f /= superShow g, so they are no longer referentially 

OK.  I'm probably being really dense today, but where did g come
from?  Is this is the internal definition of not?  And does this loss
of referential transparency contaminate the rest of the language, or is
this superShow just an anomaly?


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] show for functional types

2006-03-31 Thread Greg Buchholz
Brian Hulley wrote:
] Here is another example. Consider two functions f and g which, given the 
] same inputs, always return the same outputs as each other such as:
]  f x = x + 2
]  g x = x + 1 + 1
] Now since f and g compute the same results for the same inputs, anywhere in 
] a program that you can use f you could just replace f by g and the 
] observable behaviour of the program would be completely unaffected. This is 
] what referential transparency means.
] However, if you allowed a function such as superShow, superShow f == x + 
] 2 and superShow g == x + 1 + 1 so superShow f /= superShow g thus you 
] could no longer just use f and g interchangeably, since these expressions 
] have different results.

Hmm.  It must be a little more complicated than that, right?  Since
after all you can print out *some* functions.  That's what section 5 of
_Fun with Phantom Types_ is about.  Here's a slightly different example,
using the AbsNum module from...

 import AbsNum
 f x = x + 2
 g x = x + 1 + 1
 y :: T Double
 y = Var y
 main = do print (f y)
   print (g y)

...which results in...

   *Main main
   (Var y)+(Const (2.0))
   (Var y)+(Const (1.0))+(Const (1.0)) this competely unrelated?


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] multiple computations, same input

2006-03-27 Thread Greg Buchholz
Neil Mitchell wrote:
 I suspected that you actually wanted to do something cleverer with
 the list, for the sake of argument, I'm going to change 1 to p1 and
 2 to p2 - to show how this can be done in the general case. With the
 specific information you know about 1 vs 2 you can do better, but
 this gets across the general point:
 f lst = show (sumPairs (1) (2) lst)
 sumPairs :: (Int - Bool) - (Int - Bool) - [Int] - (Int, Int)
 sumPairs p1 p2 [] = (0, 0)
 sumPairs p1 p2 (x:xs) = (add p1 a, add p2 b)
(a,b) = sumPairs xs
add pred value = if pred x then x+value else value
 [Untested, something like this should work]

Nope.  That won't work because you end up creating huge add thunks
which cause end up causing a stack overflow (tested with GHC -O2).  I
think you are probably going to need strictness in order to skin this
cat in Haskell.  Here's an example that does work...

import Data.List
main = print $ para_filter_sum ( 1) ( 2) lst

twos = 2: twos
lst = take 1000 $ [1,2,3,4,5] ++ twos

-- f lst = show (filter ( 1) lst, filter ( 2) lst)
para_filter_sum f g xs =
foldl' (\(n,m) elem - seq n $ seq m $
 (n+if f elem then elem else 0,
  m+if g elem then elem else 0 ) ) (0,0) xs

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] multiple computations, same input

2006-03-27 Thread Greg Buchholz
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 I wonder if it would be possible to remove the space-leak by running both
 branches concurrently, and scheduling threads in a way that would
 minimise the space-leak. I proposed this before

FWIW, (not much), I asked a similar questions over on the
Lambda-the-Ultimate blog a while back...

...Anyway, I can't help but think that there might be a happy medium
between eager and lazy evaluation.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Eval of a syntax tree for reduction

2006-03-27 Thread Greg Buchholz
Steve Downey wrote:
] I'm considering changing eval1 to be ArithExpr-Maybe ArithExpr
] If the expression is reducible, then I return Just t, and if it's not
] reducible, then Nothing
] It makes eval1 a bit more complicated, and not as straightforward
] translation from the type system being described, though.
] e.g reducing If looks more like
] eval1 (TmIfExpr t1 t2 t3) =
] let t1' = eval1 t1
] in  case t1' of
] { Just t1'' - Just $ TmIfExpr t1'' t2 t3
] ; Nothing - Nothing
] }
] I'm looking for some suggestions on the direction to proceed.

If you are looking to get rid of the noise caused by Maybe, you
could package up all of the case and Just stuff into a few reusable
functions.  In fact, its already been done for you, since Maybe is a

...You could try something like...

 import Control.Monad  -- for liftM3, etc.
 eval1_ :: ArithExpr - Maybe ArithExpr
 eval1_ (TmIfExpr TmTrue  t _) = return t
 eval1_ (TmIfExpr TmFalse _ t) = return t
 eval1_ (TmIfExpr t1 t2 t3) = liftM3 TmIfExpr (eval1_ t1) (return t2) (return 

...and if it turns out you don't like the resulting Maybeified
program, you can get the original functionality back by changing the
type signature to use the Identity monad instead of Maybe.

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Deepest functor [was: fmap for lists of lists of lists of ...]

2006-03-15 Thread Greg Buchholz
 The code below is more general that required. It also generic: it
 works for any Functor and any combination of Functors.  It performs
 fmap over arbitrarily deep `collections': lists of maybes of maps of
 IOs, etc. -- arbitrarily nested fmappable things.

Excellent.  I guess I'll be brushing up on my typeclass-fu in order
to figure out how all this works.


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Deepest functor [was: fmap for lists of lists of lists of ...]

2006-03-15 Thread Greg Buchholz
 The code below is more general that required. It also generic: it
 works for any Functor and any combination of Functors.  It performs
 fmap over arbitrarily deep `collections': lists of maybes of maps of
 IOs, etc. -- arbitrarily nested fmappable things.

Excellent.  I guess I'll be brushing up on my typeclass-fu in order
to figure out how all this works.


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] fmap for lists of lists of lists of ...

2006-03-14 Thread Greg Buchholz
Is it possible to make a typeclass like Functor, that has a function
(say f_map), which would work for the infinite hierarchy of types:
([],[[]],[[[]]],...)?  Does that make sense?  This doesn't work...

class Funct f where
f_map :: (a - b) - f a - f b

instance Funct [] where
f_map = map

instance Funct a = Funct [a] where
f_map f = map (f_map f)

main = print $ fmap (+1) [[[1,2,3]]]

...but maybe it gets the idea across?


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Trying to get a Composite design pattern to work

2006-03-13 Thread Greg Buchholz
Asfand Yar Qazi wrote:
 I'm trying to implement hierarchical states in Haskell, following on from my
 work at doing them in C++.
 Here's what I've got so far:
 data StateNode a= CompositeState [ StateNode a ] | State a
 stateslist :: StateNode a - [a]
 stateslist(State x) = [x]
 stateslist(CompositeState xs) = {- return list of objects of type a -}
 The following give errors (as they should)
 -- stateslist(CompositeState xs) = [ stateslist(x) | x - xs ]
 -- stateslist(CompositeState xs) = map stateslist xs
 You see what I'm trying to do?  This is how I want it to behave:
 sm1 = CompositeState [ State 1, State 2, State 3 ]
   = [1, 2, 3]


stateslist :: StateNode a - [a]
stateslist (State x) = [x]
stateslist (CompositeState xs) = concatMap stateslist xs

Greg Buchholz
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Looking for a random-access sequence data structure

2006-01-13 Thread Greg Buchholz
Duncan Coutts wrote:
 I've been looking around (unsuccessfully) for an efficient data
 structure to implement a sequence data type with indexed

 See also, Robert Will's Democratic Sequences which strive for O(log
 n) complexity for all major operations...

Democratic Sequences: an Abstract Sequence Data Type which is not
optimised for some algorithms (as Deques and many other
implementations are), but which aims to provide a very simple and
consistent interface for day-to-day programming and prototyping,
where any sensible operation runs with acceptable performance,
although possible none is optimal.

...unfortunately the write-up and code seems to have lost its home, so
you'll have to get it from the Google cache ( ).

Greg Buchholz

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Statements spanning multiple lines?

2005-12-22 Thread Greg Buchholz
Daniel Carrera wrote:
 Hi all,
 How do I write a statement that spans multiple lines?
 I have this function:
 pythagoras n = [(a,b,c) | a -[1..n], b -[1..n], c -[1..n], a = b, b 
  c, a*a + b*b == c*c]
 This should all be in one line. I know some ways to make the line 
 shorter, like defining local functions and using 'filter'. But the code 
 would be clearer if I could just make this one statement span several lines.

Haskell's layout rules mean that you have to keep intenting at the
beginning of a line to continue a definition.  Try something like... 

pythagoras n = [(a,b,c) | a - [1..n], 
  b - [1..n], 
  c - [1..n], 
  a = b, 
  b   c, 
  a*a + b*b == c*c ]


pythagoras n = [(a,b,c) | 
  a - [1..n], b - [1..n], c - [1..n],
  a = b,  b   c,  a*a + b*b == c*c ]

...See also...

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Statements spanning multiple lines?

2005-12-22 Thread Greg Buchholz
You might also like to try the slightly more efficient...

pyth n = [(a,b,c) | a - [1..n],  
b - [a..n],   
c - [a+1..n], 
a*a + b*b == c*c ]

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can't Haskell catch up with Clean's uniqueness typing?

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
 It might be possible to get extremely fast code out of ghc, but as an overall
 impression, it's not easy, whilst Clean sort of gives it for granted (well,
 struggeling with wrongly assigned uniqueness attributes aside).


 programs generated by ghc generally need multiples of time and space of the
 Clean version, even though the latter is, in many cases, a nearly literal
 translation from Haskell.

Maybe you'd be interested in Hacle?

   The aim was to develop a translator which is capable of reading in any
   given Haskell'98 program and writing out a semantically equivalent Clean
   one. Why? To investigate the suitability of the Clean compiler for
   compiling Haskell programs, i.e.  Can the Clean compiler, in combination
   with this tool, produce faster executables than existing Haskell

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existentially-quantified constructors, Eq and Show

2005-12-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
Joel Reymont wrote:
 Is there a less verbose way of doing this:
 data State a
 = Start
 | Stop
 | (Show a, Eq a) = State a

   I'm curious, what is the difference between the above and...

data State a = Start 
 | Stop  
 | State a  deriving (Show, Eq)
...Does it give better error messages at compile time or something?


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type classes and hFoldr from HList

2005-11-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
Ralf Lammel wrote:
 What you can do is define a dedicated *type code* for composition.
 comp  = hFoldr (undefined::Comp) (id::Int - Int) test
 data Comp
 instance Apply Comp (x - y,y - z) (x - z)
   apply _ (f,g) = g . f

That does it!


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type classes and hFoldr from HList

2005-11-06 Thread Greg Buchholz

  I was playing around with the HList library from the paper...

Strongly typed heterogeneous collections

...and I thought I'd try to fold the composition function (.) through a
heterogeneous list of functions, using hFoldr...

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

import CommonMain

main = print $ comp abc

test = HCons ((+1)::(Int-Int)) (HCons ((*2)::(Int-Int)) (HCons length HNil))

comp = hFoldr (.) id test

instance Apply (a - b - c - d) (a, b) (c - d)  
apply f (a,b) = f a b

...but it fails with the following type error...

]Compiling Main ( compose.hs, interpreted )
]No instances for (Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c)
](Int - Int, r)
]([Char] - a3),
]  Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c) (Int - Int, r1) 
]  Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c) ([a2] - Int, a1 
-a1) r1)
]  arising from use of `hFoldr' at compose.hs:10:7-12
]Probable fix:
]  add an instance declaration for (Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c)
] (Int - Int, r)
] ([Char] - a3),
]   Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c)
](Int - Int, r1) r,
]   Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c)
]([a2] - Int, a1 - a1) r1)
]In the definition of `comp': comp = hFoldr (.) id test

...Anyway, I couldn't quite tell whether I was using hFoldr incorrectly,
or if I needed to have more constraints placed on the construction of
test, or if needed some sort of type-level function that resolves...

Apply ((b - c) - (a - b) - a - c)

...into (a - c), or something else altogether.  I figured someone might
be able to help point me in the right direction.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Working inside the fold

2005-10-06 Thread Greg Buchholz

Recently I've been browsing some of Oleg Kiselyov's articles entitled
Towards the best collection traversal interface...

A programming language system gives us typically one of the two
interfaces to systematically access elements of a collection. One
traversal API is based on enumerators -- e.g., for-each, map, filter
higher-order procedures -- of which the most general is fold. The 
second approach relies on streams, a.k.a. cursors, lazy lists. 

...where he argues that (since they're both intraconvertible) a default
enumerator/fold choice is better than the lazy-list approach.  I was
sufficiently intrigued I thought I'd take up the challenge and see what
could be done working inside the fold.  This message is literate Haskell
source, for those of you playing at home.  The first thing to do is
define a few folds which will take the place of lists.  I'll start out
with a finite and infinite one...

numsTo10 f unit = foldr f unit [1..10]
nats f unit = foldr f unit [1..]

If you want the sum of the first ten naturals you'd invoke it as...

*Main numsTo10 (+) 0

...and to see that you can convert back to a list...

*Main numsTo10 (:) []

That's nice, but the first thing you'll notice is that while there are
numerous list processing functions in the prelude, there are none for
specifically working inside a fold.  Let's try and define a few...

map_ :: (a - b) - (b - c - d) - a - c - d
map_ f g a b = g (f a) b if we want the sum of the first ten squares...

*Main numsTo10 (map_ (^2) (+)) 0 

...or the actual list...

*Main numsTo10 (map_ (^2) (:)) []

...Filter is also a nice function...

filter_ p f a b = if p a then f a b  else b

*Main numsTo10 (filter_ odd (:)) []

...and we can also play nice with infinity...

takeWhile_ unit p f a b = if p a
  then f a b
  else unit

*Main nats (takeWhile_ [] (15) (:)) []

...That's a little bit ugly because you have to supply the unit value
(in this case []) for the fold to takeWhile_.  The dropWhile_ function
is also a little quirky, since it uses the tupling trick from...

A Tutorial on the Universality and Expressiveness of Fold

dropWhile_ p f a (ys, xs) =((if p a 
 then ys 
 else f a xs), f a xs)

*Main numsTo10 (dropWhile_ (5) (:)) ([],[])
*Main numsTo10 (dropWhile_ (5) (+)) (0,0)

...where the first member of the pair is the desired answer.  If you
want to do more than one thing inside the fold, fork might be the
solution (is there a better name?) 

fork f g z (x,y) = (f z x, g z y)

*Main numsTo10 (fork (:) (+)) ([],0)
*Main numsTo10 (fork (filter_ odd (:)) (fork (+) (*))) ([],(0,1))

...And you can mostly compose these operations, although for infinite
lists you'll hit bottom if anything other than takeWhile_ is the first

c = nats (takeWhile_ ([],(0,1)) (20) 
(filter_ even (map_ (^2) (fork (:) (fork (+) (*))

*Main c

...So a few generic munging functions can be defined for inside the fold.
I couldn't think of how to define take or drop or figure out what a
zipWith would mean.  Are there any other interesting functions that
could be defined?  Is there a better way define these functions?  Is
there anything other than curiosity which would motivate someone to use
these functions?


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trapped by the Monads

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Buchholz
Mark Carter wrote:
 What struck me was this bit of code:
 assemblyLine w = (return w) = makeChopsticks = polishChopsticks = 
 Interestingly, this looks like Forth (!), where you put a value on the 
 stack, and successive operations fiddle with the stack as a series of 
 transformations. Not that I know Forth, you understand. Hmm, so Haskell 
 can be a concatenative language if you want it to be.

  You might also like take a look the Joy language...

...sort of a functional, higher level cousin of Forth.  In Joy, you
create programs by composing functions with other functions.  This is in
contrast to other languages where functions are mainly applied to other
functions (and data).  The composition operator Joy is denoted by white
space.  This is similar to the way juxtaposition is used to denote
function application in more conventional languages.  (i.e., in Joy f
g means g composed with f, while in other languages f(g) means
apply function f to argument g).  Now, what if we had a name for
this implicit composition operation?  We could then modify it to do a
whole host of other things with the functions f and g besides just
the boring old composition (like maybe skipping the execution of g if
f fails, or allowing backtracking, or something more bizarre and
clever).  And what should we name this new super composition operator?
= maybe?  Ah... 

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell versus Lisp

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Buchholz
Bill Wood wrote:
 As to utility, quite the contrary, I think.  Offhand I can think of the
 screamer package for Common Lisp, which provides non-deterministic
 mechanisms for use in backtracking applications.  For a while in the
 80's there was practically a cottage industry implementing various
 flavors of Prolog and other Logic Programming languages in Lisp; one
 notable example was LogLisp.

I think the goal was to present an application where Lisp macros
made for a more succinct program than the equivalent Haskell version.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Practical introduction to monads

2005-08-02 Thread Greg Buchholz
Paul Moore wrote:
 One thing I haven't found a really good discussion of, is practical
 examples of building monads. There's plenty of discussion of the IO
 monad, and the state monad, and a lot of good theory on monads, but
 although I've seen tantalising statements about how powerful the
 ability to define your own monads can be, but no really concrete
 examples - something along the lines of
   - here is problem X
   - this might be our first cut at coding it
   - we can abstract out this stuff, as a monad
   - see how the code looks now, how much cleaner it is

Maybe you could try going in the opposite direction, and convert
something like monadic parser combinators... into their non-monadic form (explictly passing the parsed string

 I've only skimmed - so pointers to areas in these documents I might
 have missed would be appreciated. On the other hand, pointers to
 papers I've missed altogether would also be gratefully received.

I found the papers by Philip Wadler to be the most helpful...

...especially _Monads for functional programming_ and 
_Imperative functional programming_.

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Lists vs. Monads

2005-07-15 Thread Greg Buchholz

Here's a question for the Haskell community that I've been wrestling
with lately.  When we say lists are monads what does that mean?  I can
see one of two things.  First the slightly superficial...

  A.) Lists can be made members of the Monads class, and you can define
  a couple of functions, bind and return that obey the Three Laws.

...or the more fundamental...

  B.) Monads somehow define lists.  If you had a version of Haskell 
  without recursive data types you wouldn't be at a loss, because 
  you could always use monads to recreate lists.  Maybe bind would
  replace the job of cons and return would replace head or 

I'm of the mind that A.) is the right interpretation, but I've seen the
lists are monads meme mentioned enough that I sometimes question it.
In fact, I had a hard time articulating B.) because I don't know what
the other possibilies are. In case it isn't clear enough, here's another

  A.) Insects are cold blooded animals.

...while that is 100% true, many other animals are cold blooded.  It
doesn't get at the essence of what it means to be an insect.  Compare
with a statment like...

  B.) Insects are six-legged animals with an exoskeleton.

...which tells us a lot more about the fundamental nature of insects.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Template Haskell Question: Spliced expr. of type TypeQ

2005-06-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
Eike M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was wandering if I could do something similar to Depended Types
 using Template-Haskell. The documentation of GHC (6.2.2 and 
 6.4) says that a splice may occur in place of a type, but I 
 get a parse error when I try that.

From the TH homepage (

 Not all of even the original design has been implemented yet. The
  known issues are:

* You can only splice in lists of declarations and expressions, not
* types, patterns etc 

..and it gives a link...

Maybe that's the key?

Greg Buchholz

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] resolving missing class instances @ compile time

2005-05-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
Bernard Pope wrote:
 Perhaps this section of the report might help:
 From Section 4.3.2 Instance Declarations in the Haskell Report:
 If no binding is given for some class method then the corresponding
 default class method in the class declaration is used (if present); if
 such a default does not exist then the class method of this instance is
 bound to undefined and no compile-time error results.

I may be missing the big picture, but why is this behavior more
desirable than failing with an error at compile time?

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] resolving missing class instances @ compile time

2005-05-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
Samuel Bronson wrote:
 Aren't the warnings just about as usefull as failures? Anyway, you
 could always use the -Werrror flag for ghc...
 In any case, I would not like to have to implement an entire typeclass
 at once... it would interfere with incremental development.

Hmm.  I guess I'm doing a terrible job of asking my question.  I
don't want to implement the entire typeclass either.  Just the part that
my program actually uses.  Why can't the fact that my program uses an
unimplemented instance of a class be statically determined?  Is there a
theoretical reason it can't be done?  Is it more convienient for
compiler/specification writers this way?  Is it just because that's the
way its always been done?


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] resolving missing class instances @ compile time

2005-05-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
Samuel Bronson wrote:
 After thinking about it for a while, I'm positive it would be a LOT of
 work to get that to work in general, if it is even possible. Even
 getting it to work in only specific, limited cases (such as within a
 module) would probably not be easy, since it is such an indirect kind
 of thing. It probably wouldn't be all that usefull anyway, either.

(This is my last time, I promise).  Why?  Here's my thought process.
Let's say I a have a program like...

main = print $ (foo 42)

...(that's the whole thing).  The compiler parses it, determines that
foo is a function being applied to 42 and tries to look up foo in
the symbol table.  That fails because there is no function foo.  Why
is it any different if foo is part of some type class?  We must know
where to look for foo since we know the type of foo from its
arguments and return value (it passed the type checker after all).


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] resolving missing class instances @ compile time

2005-05-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
Samuel Bronson wrote:
 The former may not be hard, but the latter would require functions
 with typeclass constraints on their types to be annotated in the
 interface file with what typeclass methods they called. Does that
 sound hard yet?

Compared to writing the rest of the compiler?  No.  I've never
written a Haskell compiler, but I'd say it sounds like it might be a
tedious book-keeping problem though.

Greg Buchholz 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Squashing space leaks

2005-05-05 Thread Greg Buchholz
Josef Svenningsson wrote:
 I think the thing that really kills you is the way you shuffle around
 the list in the advance function. Your commented out rotations
 function has the same problem. Here is my attempt to solve the problem
 a little more efficiently:

We're heading in the right direction anyway.  I can now compute 1
million iteration in about 2 minutes (with +RTS -H750M -K100M).  Well
almost, since it now doesn't compute the right answer, so something must
be amiss in the shuffling section.  Now if we can get it to us a little
less than 1G of memory, we'll be in good shape.


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Speed comparison?

2005-05-04 Thread Greg Buchholz
Aaron Denney wrote:
 On 2005-05-03, David Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  An interesting challenge would be to rewrite fftw in haskell, and see how
  close one could come to the performance of the original... :)
 What precisely do you mean by that?  FFTW is C code generated by OCaml?
 Do you want to retarget ti so that Haskell is generated, or rewrite the
 generator in Haskell? (Or both?)

Maybe not completely related, but you might find this paper interesting...

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to speed things up

2005-04-28 Thread Greg Buchholz
Dmitry Vyal wrote:
 Hello everybody.
 I have a long list consisted of a small number (about a dozen) of 
 elements repeating in random pattern. I know all the possible elements.
 I need to count number of occurences of each particular element and to 
 do i quickly.
For example
 quick_func Eq a = [a] - [(a,Int)]
 quick_func [1,2,3,1,2,9,1,9] == [(1,3),(2,2),(3,1),(9,2)]
 According to profiler this function is the bottle-neck in my sluggish 
 program so I really need to speed it up.

What's been tried so far?  Below is a snippet using arrays.  You'd
probably get a faster program with Unboxed arrays and unsafeAccumArray.

 import Data.Array
 main = print $ quick_func [1,2,3,1,2,9,1,9]
 quick_func is = assocs $ accumArray (+) 0 (1,12) [(i, 1) | i-is]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to speed things up

2005-04-28 Thread Greg Buchholz
Dmitry Vyal wrote:
 By the way, how to use Unboxed arrays and unsafeAccumArray Greg Buchholz 
 mentioned? I can't find them in GHC 6.2 documentation.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linux device drivers

2005-03-20 Thread Greg Buchholz
Mark Carroll wrote:
 I was wondering about the possibility of using Haskell for developing
 device drivers that would be kernel modules for Linux. If nothing else,
 it would be quite an educational experience for me, as I've not yet
 experimented with either the Linux kernel or Haskell FFI, nor have I
 had to learn how to squeeze much performance out of my Haskell code.
 Clearly, this application demands special things from the compiler and
 the runtime. But, I'm not exactly sure what, nor how to achieve such
 given current compilers. Does anyone have any thoughts?

You might be interested in hOp:

hOp is a micro-kernel based on the RTS of GHC. It is meant to
 enable people to experiment with writing device drivers in Haskell. 

or maybe House...

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-11 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keean Schupke wrote:
 The things to notice are using types as instance labels, that constraints
 form horn clause compile time meta-programs (in a non-backtracking prolog
 style) and that multi-parameter classes with functional depandencies simulate
 some dependant types.

I think I understood everything in that sentance up to the word as ;-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keean Schupke wrote:
 Haskell is not dependantly typed, so cannot deal with types that depend on

Can anyone recommend a nice dependently typed language to play with?
Cayenne, Epigram, other?

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keean Schupke wrote:
 I have refactored your code into a type level Haskell program.
 This has the nice advantage that it is extensible.

Wow.  Color me impressed.  A little under a week ago, I stumbled
onto Joy, and thought to myself that it could be translated almost
directly into Haskell (which would imply it was possible to statically
type).  Well, it wasn't quite as direct as I had initially thought, but
it looks like you've done it.  Are there any papers/books out there
which I could study to learn more about these (and other) tricks of the
type system wizards? 


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keean Schupke wrote:
 I dont see why this is illegal... what do we want? take the top two 
 items from the stack?

With the code below (direct translation from tuples to HLists) I
still get an occurs check error when trying to define fact5...

Compiling Main ( joy3.hs, interpreted )

Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: l = HCons e l
Expected type: HCons
   (HCons e (HCons e l) - HCons e l)
(HCons e3 l3 - HCons e3 (HCons e3 l3))
 (HCons e1 l2 - HCons e1 l2)
 (HCons (HCons e2 l1 - HCons Bool l1) a)))
   - c
Inferred type: HCons
   (HCons e (HCons e l) - HCons e (HCons e l))
(l4 - l4)
(HCons (l4 - HCons e (HCons e l))
(HCons (l4 - l5) l4)))
   - HCons e (HCons e l)
In the second argument of `(!)', namely `linrec'
In the definition of `fact5':
fact5 = quote (nul)) ! (quote (suc))) ! (quote (dup ! pre)))
 ! (quote (mult)))
! linrec
Failed, modules loaded: MainGhcGeneric1, TypeCastGeneric1, Label3,
TypeEqGeneric1, TypeEqBoolGeneric, GhcExperiments, GhcSyntax,
CommonMain, Datatypes2, Variant, TIC, TIP, HTypeIndexed, GhcRecord,
Record, HZip, HOccurs, HArray, HListPrelude, FakePrelude.

Looks to me like a very similar error to the tuple case.

Greg Buchholz

--Joy combinators in Haskell
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}

import MainGhcGeneric1
import Data.Typeable

main = do   print $ ((lit 10)!(lit 4)!mult) bot  -- 4*10
print $ ((lit 3) ! cube ) bot-- 3^3
print $ ((lit 4) ! fact5) bot-- 4!

bot = HNil
square = dup ! mult
cube   = dup ! dup ! mult ! mult
nul = (lit 0) ! eq
suc = (lit 1) ! add
pre = (lit 1) ! sub

--In Joy:  [null]  [succ]  [dup pred]  [*]  linrec
fact5 :: HCons Integer a - HCons Integer a
fact5 = quote(nul) ! quote(suc) ! quote(dup ! pre) ! quote(mult) ! linrec

--primitive combinators
(!) f g = g.f
i(a, b)  = (a b)
add  (HCons a (HCons b c)) = (HCons (b+a) c)
sub  (HCons a (HCons b c)) = (HCons (b-a) c)
mult (HCons a (HCons b c)) = (HCons (b*a) c)
swap (HCons a (HCons b c)) = (HCons b (HCons a c))
pop  (HCons a b)   =  b
dup  (HCons a b)   = (HCons a (HCons a b)) 
dip  (HCons a (HCons b c)) = (HCons b, (a  c)) 
eq   (HCons a (HCons b c)) | a == b= (HCons True c)
   | otherwise = (HCons False c)

ifte (HCons f (HCons t (HCons b stack))) 
  | hHead(b stack) = (t stack)
  | otherwise  = (f stack)

linrec (HCons rec2 (HCons rec1 (HCons t (HCons p stack
  | hHead (p stack) = (t stack)
  | otherwise   = rec2 (linrec (HCons rec2 
   (HCons rec1 
   (HCons t 
   (HCons p (rec1 stack))

lit val stack = (HCons val stack)
quote = lit

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Freitag, 4. M?rz 2005 19:35 schrieb Greg Buchholz:
  So, can anyone direct me towards more information on exactly
  what an Occurs check is, or does anyone see an easy fix to my
 If I remember correctly, an occurs check is checking whether a type 
 (call it 't') occurs as an argument to a tuple constructor or function arrow 
 in a type expression to be substituted for t, as above or in 
 t = t - t1.
 Such occurences would lead to an infinite type, hence are forbidden.

   Interesting, I'll have to think it over. (Of course being a relative
newcomer to Haskell, I have to do a lot of thinking when it comes to
most things.)  BTW, can anyone recommend a good introductory resource
for learning about type theory?  I once flipped through Pierce's
Types_and_Programming_Languages, but at first glance, it seemed to be a
little advanced for my understanding (the foreign-looking equations per
word ratio seemed a little too high).

 I have a fix for the factorial and similar recursive functions, though it's 
 not really easy (and needs extensions):
 don't define the recursion combinators via Stack, do it like this:
 linrec2 :: forall a. (forall b. (a,(a,b)) - (a,b)) -
  (forall b. (a,b) - (a,(a,b))) -
(forall b. (a,b) - (a,b)) -
(forall b. (a,b) - (Bool,b)) -
(forall b. (a,b) - (a,b))
 linrec2 rec2 rec1 t p stack
| fst $ p stack = t stack
| otherwise = rec2 $ linrec2 rec2 rec1 t p (rec1 stack)

Nice.  Definitely something for me to study.  Of course, IFAICT, the
main motivation for Joy is to try and define everything in terms of
function composition instead of function application.

 I don't know Joy, but probably there the stack is (roughly) a heterogenous 
 list, which is hard to model in Haskell,

Yeah, I don't know Joy either, other than reading a few documents,
but I do think its stack is really heterogenous list.  The one reason I
was thinking this might be doable in Haskell, is the fact that the few
combinators I looked at don't recurse down the whole stack.  That, of
course, would be a complete nightmare in Haskell.   Instead they take a
stack, munge a few (finite number of) items at the top, and return
another stack.  I was hoping that the type variable a in (Integer,
a) - (Integer, a) would be amorphous enough to match whatever was left
over after grabbing a few items off the top of this stack.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-07 Thread Greg Buchholz
Daniel Fischer wrote:
 I think, it would be possible to define recursion combinators for specific 
 patterns, like this functions takes 4 elements from the stack, this one 3 and 
 so on, but then you would need combinators for all these patterns, which is 
 rather cumbersome.

Hmm.  The standard Joy combinators probably can't be typed, so maybe
my next step would be to find/create a recursion combinator with a
static type.  Surely one must exist? If you can have a typed lambda
calculus, you must be able to have a typed SK combinator calculus,
right? (Now I'm way out of my league.)  I'll have to think some more on
why you couldn't have a recursion combinator which was more generic than
the one that takes 3 items off the stack, or 4 items, rather than n
items.  Or maybe the whole idea of using a stack is the essential

 IMO, it's just not the thing to do things in Haskell exactly like in Joy (or 
 in Java, prolog, or - horribile dictu- in C/C++). Even if it's possible, the 
 spirit of the languages is so different that you should do the same thing in 
 different ways. But of course it's interesting to see whether it can be done.

Yeah.  I'm only in it for the brain exercise, not to convert the
masses over to Joy ;-)

  ...another stack.  I was hoping that the type variable a in (Integer,
  a) - (Integer, a) would be amorphous enough to match whatever was left
  over after grabbing a few items off the top of this stack.
 Well, it's fairly amorphous, but it must be the same type in both 
 type-expressions, and that's why the points-free definition of fact doesn't 
 type-check without the type signature, the 'fact' in the else-branch is used 
 at type (Integer,(Integer,a)) and so on, without the type signature, the 
 type-checker assumes that it must be instantiated at exactly the same type, 
 which it isn't. With the signature, the type-checker knows that 'fact' is 
 polymorphic and that it's perfectly all right to instantiate it at a 
 different type in the recursive call. 

That pretty much sums up why I thought the whole crazy scheme might
work, only in better words.

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-04 Thread Greg Buchholz

Recently, while investigating the (non-statically typed) stack-based
functional language Joy (,
I became interested in seeing if I could implement Joy's combinators in 
Haskell.  I started with a stack based implementation using nested
tuples as the stack.  Things worked out well until I got to the
recursion combinators.  Even then, things didn't seem that bad, since
Haskell was able to infer types for the the linrec and genrec
combinators.  Trouble popped up when I tried to apply the recursion
operators to a function (in this case calculating the humble factorial).
In the code below, fact3,4  5 all fail with an Occurs check that
looks something like the following...

Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: t = (a, t)
Expected type: ((a5 - (a, (a, t)), a5) - (a, t),
((a1, t3) - (a1, (a1, t3)),
 ((a2, t2) - (a2, t2), ((a3, t1) - (Bool, t1),a4
   - c
Inferred type: ((a5 - (a, (a, t)), a5) - (a, (a, t)),
(a5 - a5, (a5 - (a, (a, t)), (a5 - (Bool, b),a5
   - (a, (a, t))

...Normally, I would have given up and declared that Joy wasn't an easily
typed language, but I'm motivated to dig further because if you remove
the type signature from fact below, it also fails with an Occurs
check.  So, can anyone direct me towards more information on exactly
what an Occurs check is, or does anyone see an easy fix to my


Greg Buchholz 

P.S. The first thing you should note about the code below is the
definition of the reverse composition operator (!), which I used to give
the program a more Joy-like feel. (i.e. (!) f g = g.f)

--Joy combinators in Haskell

main = do   print $ ((lit 6) ! fact) bot-- factorial of 6
print $ ((lit 2) ! square ! fact2) bot  -- factorial of 4

bot = EOS -- end of stack
square = dup ! mult
cube = dup ! dup ! mult ! mult

--In Joy: factorial == [0 =] [pop 1] [dup 1 - factorial *] ifte
fact :: (Integer, a) - (Integer, a)
fact =  (quote ((lit 0) ! eq)) !
(quote (pop ! (lit 1))) !
(quote (dup ! (lit 1) ! sub ! fact ! mult)) !

--In Joy: [1 1] dip [dup [*] dip succ] times pop
fact2 = (quote ((lit 1) ! (lit 1)))
! dip ! (quote (dup ! (quote mult) ! dip ! suc))
! times ! pop

{- fact3,4  5 don't type check, fails with...
-- Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:

--In Joy: [null] [succ] [dup pred] [i *] genrec
fact3 :: (Integer, a) - (Integer, a)
fact3 = (quote nul) ! (quote suc) ! (quote (dup ! pre)) ! (quote (i ! mult))
! genrec

fact4 :: (Integer, a) - (Integer, a)
fact4 = genrec.quote(mult.i).quote(pre.dup).quote(suc).quote(nul)

--In Joy:  [null]  [succ]  [dup pred]  [*]  linrec
fact5 :: (Integer, a) - (Integer, a)
fact5 = quote(nul) ! quote(suc) ! quote(dup ! pre) ! quote(mult) ! linrec

nul = (lit 0) ! eq
suc = (lit 1) ! add
pre = (lit 1) ! sub

linrec (rec2, (rec1, (t, (p, stack
  | fst (p stack) == True = (t stack)
  | otherwise = rec2 (linrec (rec2, (rec1, (t, (p, (rec1 stack))

genrec (rec2, (rec1, (t, (b, stack
  | fst (b stack) == True = (t stack)
  | otherwise = (rec2.quote(genrec.quote(rec2).quote(rec1).
  quote(t).quote(b))) (rec1 stack)

times (p, (n, stack)) | n0 = times (p, (n-1, (p stack)))
  | otherwise = stack

(!) f g = g.f
i(a, b)  = (a b)
add  (a, (b, c)) = (b+a, c)
sub  (a, (b, c)) = (b-a, c)
mult (a, (b, c)) = (b*a, c)
swap (a, (b, c)) = (b, (a, c))
pop  (a, b)  =  b
dup  (a, b)  = (a, (a, b))
dip  (a, (b, c)) = (b, (a  c))
eq   (a, (b, c)) | a == b= (True, c)
 | otherwise = (False,c)

ifte (f, (t, (b, stack))) | fst (b stack) == True = (t stack)
  | otherwise = (f stack)

lit val stack  = (val, stack) -- push literals on the stack
quote = lit

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parsec and type (IO t) error

2005-01-13 Thread Greg Buchholz

This is probably an easy question, but I'm having a problem with
parsec in the IO monad.  The essential parts of my program looks like

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

main = do input - getContents
  putStr $ show $ parse_text shape_parse input
  --(cam, sh) - parse_text shape_parse input 
  --putStr $ (show cam) ++ \n ++ (show sh)
  putStr \n

parse_text p input = case (parse p input) of
Left err - error $ Invalid input++(show err)
Right x  - x

shape_parse = do cam - camera_parse
 shapes - many1 (sphere_parse | plane_parse)
 return (cam, shapes)

-- blah, blah, blah, etc.

  This works fine in GHC.  The types for parse_text and shape_parse

*Main :t parse_text
parse_text :: forall a tok. GenParser tok () a - [tok] - a
*Main :t shape_parse
shape_parse :: forall st. GenParser Char st (Camera, [Shape])

Now when I change main to...

main = do input - getContents
  --putStr $ show $ parse_text shape_parse input
  (cam, sh) - parse_text shape_parse input
  putStr $ (show cam) ++ \n ++ (show sh)
  putStr \n

 I get the following message from GHCi...

Couldn't match `IO t' against `(Camera, [Shape])'
Expected type: GenParser Char () (IO t)
Inferred type: GenParser Char () (Camera, [Shape])
In the first argument of `parse_text', namely `shape_parse'
In a 'do' expression: (cam, sh) - parse_text shape_parse input

I'm probably missing something silly.  Any hint would be appreciated.


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsec and type (IO t) error

2005-01-13 Thread Greg Buchholz
Mike Gunter wrote:
 I'd guess that
  let (cam, sh) = parse_text shape_parse input
 is what you want?  (Completely untested ...)

Yep.  That did it. 


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building GUIs for Haskell programs

2005-01-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
Dmitri Pissarenko wrote:
 My goal behind experimenting with Haskell-based GUIs is to determine whether
 UI development in Haskell is much better (for instance, simpler, testable,
 maintainable) than in an imperative language.

You might also be interested in wxFruit...

...although still a research project, it takes a more functional
approach to GUI's.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some random newbie questions

2005-01-06 Thread Greg Buchholz
Benjamin Pierce wrote:
 * What are the relative advantages of Hugs and GHC, beyond the obvious (Hugs
   is smaller and easier for people not named Simon to modify, while GHC is a
   real compiler and has the most up-to-date hacks to the type checker)?  Do
   people generally use one or the other for everything, or are they similar
   enough to use Hugs at some moments and GHC at others?
 * I wrote a little program for generating Sierpinkski Carpets, and was
   astonished to find that it runs out of heap under Hugs (with standard
   settings -- raising the heap size with -h leads to a happier result).

As one data point, I don't think SOEGraphics works with GHC or
recent versions of Hugs (  I
also tried a modified version of your Sierpinkski carpet program
(changed to spit out a PostScript file, since I don't have SOEGraphics).
Hugs chokes without increasing the stack, while my copy of GHC 6.2.1 runs
the program below quite fine, even without enabling optimizations.

Greg Buchholz

--Floating point PostScript version of Sierpinkski Carpet

fillSquare x y s = putStr $ x1 ++ y2 ++
x1 ++ y1 ++
x2 ++ y1 ++
x2 ++ y2 ++  box\n
x1 = (show  x)++  
x2 = (show (x+s)) ++  
y1 = (show  y)++  
y2 = (show (y+s)) ++  

carpet x y s =
  if s  1
  then fillSquare x y s
  else let s' = s / 3
in do carpet xys'
  carpet (x+s')   ys'
  carpet (x+s'*2) ys'
  carpet x(y+s')   s'
  carpet (x+s'*2) (y+s')   s'
  carpet x(y+s'*2) s'
  carpet (x+s')   (y+s'*2) s'
  carpet (x+s'*2) (y+s'*2) s'

psPreamble = putStr $ %!PS-Adobe-2.0\n ++
  /box\n ++
  { newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill} ++
  def\n 0.05 setlinewidth\n

main = do psPreamble
  carpet 50 250 500
  putStr showpage\n

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-technical Haskell question

2004-12-03 Thread Greg Buchholz
Jason Bailey wrote:
 As well as a lack of decent online tutorials, examples, etc.  If it 
 wasn't for the book /Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming/   I 
 would be much farther back in my comprehension then I am now.

Speaking of books, are there any intermediate/advanced Haskell
books?  Ones that aren't introduction to programming texts?  If I own
the Hudak book, is it worthwhile to also acquire the Thompson book?
Here's an analogy from the perl universe.  If the _School_of_Expression_
is to _Learning_Perl_ (the llama), what are the Haskell equivalents of
_Programming_Perl_ (camel) and _Perl_Cookbook_ (ram)?

I suppose I should stop being lazy and contribute to the Haskell
version of the PLEAC project...

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Processing of large files

2004-11-01 Thread Greg Buchholz
Peter Simons wrote:
 Read and process the file in blocks:

On a related note, I've found the collection of papers below to be
helpful in understanding different methods of handling files in Haskell.

Now that cursors and enumerators are inter-convertible, an
implementor of a collection has a choice: which of the two interfaces to
implement natively? We argue that he should offer the enumerator
interface as the native one. The paper elaborates that enumerators are
superior: in efficiency; in ease of programming; in more predictable
resource utilization and avoidance of resource leaks. We present a
design of the overall optimal collection traversal interface, which is
based on a left-fold-like combinator with premature termination.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Global Variables and IO initializers: A proposal and semantics

2004-10-12 Thread Greg Buchholz
John Meacham wrote:
 I have put some thought, some time ago, into the  'global
 initializers' problem in haskell but for various reasons never wrote
 up my conclusions.

I'm not really qualified to answer, but does anyone think that this
paper might have a solution?

   The configurations problem is to propagate run-time preferences
throughout a program, allowing multiple concurrent configuration sets to
coexist safely under statically guaranteed separation.  This problem is
common in all software systems, but particularly acute in Haskell, where
currently the most popular solution relies on unsafe operations and
compiler pragmas.

We solve the configurations problem in Haskell using only stable and
widely implemented language features like the type-class system.  In our
approach, a term expression can refer to run-time configuration
parameters as if they were compile-time constants in global scope.
Besides supporting such intuitive term notation and statically
guaranteeing separation, our solution also helps improve the program's
performance by transparently dispatching to specialized code at
run-time.  We can propagate any type of configuration data---numbers,
strings, IO actions, polymorphic functions, closures, and abstract
data types.  No previous approach to propagating configurations
implicitly in any language provides the same static separation

Greg Buchholz
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-10-11 Thread Greg Buchholz
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 For instance, the shootout often requires that a task be carried out N
 times, to make the timings large enough to measure.  In all the naive
 Haskell implementations of these tasks, Haskell wins by a mile.  Why?
 Because the language quite reasonably says that if you multiply
 a matrix by itself N times, but only use the result of the last
 multiplication, well it is jolly well not going to bother computing
 the first (N-1) identical multiplications - what a waste of time!
 So is it fair to compare the default lazy Haskell solution with all
 the eager solutions out there that laboriously do all this unnecessary
 work?  Apparently not, so we have gone to all kinds of trouble to slow
 the Haskell solution down, make it over-strict, do the work N times,
 and thereby have a fair performance test.  Huh.

Well, the shootout appears to have two types of tests.  Each
individual test is labeled as either being implemented in the Same Way
or doing the Same Thing.  I agree that the Same Way test are usually
too synthetic and too geared toward measuring artifacts of imperative
programming which aren't appropriate in Haskell.  But there are also the
Same Thing tests that are free to be coded in any style at all.  And
of the Same Thing tests, the largest slowdown in the GHC programs is
caused by lazy I/O (I think using better I/O routines would fix
Reverse a File and Statistical Moments).  To get GHC to come out on
top of the CRAPS Scorecard, we need to emphasize the Same Thing tests
and downplay the Same Way tests as well as properly weighting lines of
code vs. memory consumption and speed.  Here's one way to do it...

What we probably need to do is create some new tests which aren't as
phony and convince the powers-that-be to drop some of the synthetic
tests or convert them to Same Thing tests (I think the Sum a Column
of Integers and Spell Checker would be good candidates to convert).

Just for reference, here's a list of the Same Thing tests:

Simple TCP/IP Server
Matrix Multiplication
Statistical Moments
Process Instantiation
Reverse A File
Ring of Messages
Count Lines/Words/Chars
Word Frequency  

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Purely Functional Data Structures [was: OCaml list sees abysmal...]

2004-10-10 Thread Greg Buchholz
Robert Dockins wrote:
 BTW can you give some references to these known techniques?

See also, Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki for
functional implementations of queues, dequeues, etc.

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Algebraic Collections [was: OCaml list sees abysmal...]

2004-10-08 Thread Greg Buchholz
Robert Dockins wrote:
 Actually, I've been wondering about this.  If my understanding is 
 correct, Haskell lists are basicly singly-linked lists of cons cells (is 
 that correct?)  A simple (I think) thing to do would be to make the 
 lists doubly-linked and circular.  That would let us do nice things like 
 have O(1) primops for reverse, tail, (++) and other things that access 
 lists at the end.  However, I'm still pretty new to FP in general, so I 
 don't know if there are any theoretical reasons why something like this 
 couldn't work.  Obviously lazy and infinite lists add some wrinkles, but 
 I think it could be worked through.
 BTW can you give some references to these known techniques?

Don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I found
these articles quite interesting.

Greg Buchholz 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-10-05 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keith Wansbrough wrote:
 I just saw this on the OCaml list (in a posting by Rafael 'Dido' 
 Sevilla [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the Observations on OCaml vs. Haskell 
 thread).  I can't believe that a simple wc implementation should be 
 570 times slower in Haskell than OCaml - could someone investigate and 
 fix the test?

I've been looking at the other shootout results (with the hope of
learning something about making haskell programs faster/less memory
hungry) and I couldn't quite figure out why the Hashes, part II test
comsumes so much memory ( ). 
So I started to try heap profiling, and generated the following graphs
for the different types of profiles...

biography =
retainer  =
closure   =
type  =
cost cntr =

...but I have a hard time figuring out how to prevent something like
stg_ap_3_upd_info or void cells from consuming so much memory.
Anyone have pointers on how to best use the profile information?  I'm
still trying to digest Heap Profiling for Space Efficiency 
Are there any other related papers out there?  (Of course it might be
the case that I need a FiniteMap tutorial)

Here's the code in question...

import System (getArgs)
import Data.FiniteMap

main = do
 [n] - getArgs 
 let get fm k = lookupWithDefaultFM fm 0 k
 let keys = map (\x - foo_ ++ show x) [0..]
 let hash1 = listToFM $ zip keys [0..]
 let hash2 = listToFM $ zip keys (repeat 0)
 let update k fm = addToFM_C (+) fm k (get hash1 k)
 let res = foldr update hash2 (concat $ replicate (read n) keys)
 putStrLn $ unwords $ map show [get hash1 foo_1,
get hash1 foo_,
get res foo_1,
get res foo_]


Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results]

2004-09-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
Sam Mason wrote:
 You probably want some strictness annotations in there. . .

Now we're getting somewhere.  When I replace the tuples with my own
(strict) data structure, it gets about 7.5 times faster than the original
shootout example (or about 24 times faster than the version with
tuples).  I get another 2x speedup when I pass '+RTS -G1' to the
executable.  So the version below is about 15 times faster than the
original using the 3MB data file from the shootout. (Now we're only
about 40x slower than ocaml).  Don't forget to turn on '-funbox-strict-fields' 
for an additional improvement.

-- Compile with...
-- ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -fvia-c -funbox-strict-fields -o wc_fold2 wc_fold2.hs
-- execute as...  ./wc_fold2 +RTS -G1 input.txt
import IO

main = do   file - getContents
putStrLn $ show (foldl wc (St 0 0 0) file)

data Stuple = St !Int !Int !Int  deriving Show

wc (St l w c) '\n' = St (l+1) w(c+1)
wc (St l w c) ' '  = St  l   (w+1) (c+1)
wc (St l w c)  x   = St  lw(c+1)

...It still seems like it's using a lot of memory (or at least doing a
lot of garbage collecting).  But it it still vastly better than before.
Is there any way to reduce this more?  (60,000,000 bytes divided by
3,000,000 chars = 20 bytes per char).  Here's the memory usage report...

 61,387,752 bytes allocated in the heap
 11,837,148 bytes copied during GC
 99,780 bytes maximum residency (234 sample(s))

234 collections in generation 0 (  0.11s)

  1 Mb total memory in use

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time0.15s  (  0.15s elapsed)
  GCtime0.11s  (  0.14s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time0.26s  (  0.29s elapsed)

  %GC time  42.3%  (48.3% elapsed)

  Alloc rate409,251,680 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  57.7% of total user, 51.7% of total elapsed

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 Here are the results, in seconds, on my machine (2.4GHz x86/Linux)
 for the suggested input (N=500) from the shootout site.  All Haskell
 versions were compiled with ghc-5.04.2 -O2.

I thought I'd take a stab at timing a few of the examples with
different compiler versions to see what difference that would make
(ghc-6.2.1 vs. ghc-6.3.20040928).  I compared Kevin Everets' version with
the two Tomasz Zielonka versions.  I ran the test with N=2500 (i.e. 2500
copies of the original file, which is what is apparently used in the
shootout) on my AthlonXP 1600 under x86/Linux.

6.2.1   6.3.20040928
--- ---
Kevin   3.615s  3.156s  
Kevin  (+RTS -G1)   1.666s  1.405s
Tomasz (pretty) 0.725s  0.481s
Tomasz (fast)   0.403s  0.430s

Interesting to see the speed increase going from 6.2.1 to 6.3 for
Tomasz' pretty example.  Anyone have an explaination for the 2x speed
increase for running Kevin's version with '+RTS -G1'?

(And for reference, here's the results on my machine for the perl and
gcc versions of the test and gnu/wc)

perl-5.8.4  0.535s
gcc-3.4.2   0.102s
gnu/wc  0.435s

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
Andrew Cheadle wrote:
 +RTS -Sstderr -RTS and +RTS -sstderr -RTS will probably indicate why.
 I'd be surprised if the amount of data copied for the semi-space
 collector isn't much less than for the generational.

Ahh. Data copied with '-G1' = 58MB vs. 203MB without.  For posterities 
sake, here are the numbers...

With '-G1'
306,616,872 bytes allocated in the heap
 58,844,344 bytes copied during GC
 99,316 bytes maximum residency (1169 sample(s))

   1169 collections in generation 0 (  0.62s)

  1 Mb total memory in use

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time0.68s  (  0.71s elapsed)
  GCtime0.62s  (  0.68s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time1.30s  (  1.39s elapsed)

  %GC time  47.7%  (48.9% elapsed)

  Alloc rate450,907,164 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  52.3% of total user, 48.9% of total elapsed

306,616,872 bytes allocated in the heap
203,339,812 bytes copied during GC
109,088 bytes maximum residency (131 sample(s))

   1169 collections in generation 0 (  2.22s)
131 collections in generation 1 (  0.05s)

  2 Mb total memory in use

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time0.79s  (  0.92s elapsed)
  GCtime2.27s  (  2.23s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time3.06s  (  3.15s elapsed)

  %GC time  74.2%  (70.8% elapsed)

  Alloc rate388,122,622 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  25.8% of total user, 25.1% of total elapsed

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OCaml list sees abysmal Language Shootout results

2004-09-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
Georg Martius wrote:
 Some more general comment: The code for the shootout doesn't need to be 
 extremly fast in my eyes, it needs to be elegant and reasonable at 
 performance and memory consuptions (In this order). I don't want to say 
 that Thomaszs solution is bad, but it is not a typical Haskell style 
 application. If someone (not haskeller) looks at the implementation it 
 should be very obvious and clear.

It might also be nice if the code would run under the other haskell
compliers like Hugs and nhc98 right out-of-the-box.

Greg Buchholz 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell] Monads in Perl

2004-08-26 Thread Greg Buchholz
Hopefully this isn't too far off topic.  In my quest for monad
understanding, I decided that it would be helpful if I translated
Haskell code examples into a language I had a better understanding of.
I ended up choosing Perl, and I decided to write up an article with my
findings, in the hope of helping other newbies.  FWIW, you can read it

(every true haskell hacker has to write at least one monad tutorial

If anyone has any questions/comments/suggestions, I'd be interested in
hearing them.


Greg Buchholz
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] for large x, log (x::Integer) :: Double

2004-06-30 Thread Greg Buchholz
-- Inspired from Mr. Howard Oakley.  Might not qualify as good,
-- but with this function I get log10(x)=849.114419903382

main = do

x = 

log10 :: Integer - Double
log10 n = let i = length(show(n)) - 1
  t = take 12 (show(n))
  r = read(t)
  f = r / 10 ^ (length(t) - 1)
  in fromIntegral(i) + log(f)/log(10)

--Greg Buchholz
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Favorite/recommended math books

2004-01-28 Thread Greg Buchholz
I was wondering if the Haskellers out there have any favorite math
texts they recommend for someone hoping to improve their programming
skills by learning more math.  I'm thinking about something at the
undergraduate level that you enjoyed reading.  What about Mr. Haskell
Curry's _Foundations of Mathematical Logic_?

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: newbie question regarding type declarations

2003-11-02 Thread Greg Buchholz
On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, gangadhar npk wrote:

   I am a newbie to Haskell. I am reading the tutorial by Hal Daume III.
  Regarding the function types which are an extension of lambda calculus,
  I was wondering if at all it is possible to write a type that would
  return two values as the output - something like a square function
  which would take a pair and return a pair. I tried this, but there are

 square :: (Num a, Num b) = (a ,b)
 square (x , y) = (x*x , y*y)
 How can I specify that the square functions output would be a pair ?

I'm also a Haskell newb, but I believe Num is actually a class
of types, not an actual type itself.  So you can't sustitute it for the
Integer  type below...

square :: (Integer, Integer) - (Integer, Integer)

...Instead you have to say...

square :: (Num a, Num b) = (a,b) - (a,b)

...Note the use of both the big arrow (=) and the small arrow (-).  This
is the most general type you could make for this particular function and
allows you to mix amd match arguments like...

square(3, 4)
square(3.14, 4)
square(2.718, 6.022)

Greg Buchholz
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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