
2001-10-21 Thread Julian Assange

The following code works fine under ghc, but produces a strange error
under ghci:

Main main
*** Exception: failed
Action: connect
Reason: Unknown error 141312000

It is deterministic - i.e I have verified that it isn't a network

module Main(main) where
import Socket
import IO(hPutStr,hFlush,hGetLine)

alexa_host =

main = connectUp alexa_host 80

connectUp :: Hostname - Integer - IO ()
connectUp host  port =
h - connectTo host (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
hPutStr h GET / HTTP/1.0 \r\n\r\n
hFlush h
line - hGetLine h
putStrLn line

Additionally, I'm a little confused about how to
import the PortNumber constructor from Socket, without
importing everything else. It's behavior seems odd.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


2001-02-22 Thread Julian Assange

Is there a standard construct for something of this ilk:

unliftM :: Monad m a - a

In this case, I need to construct a localised stateful computation

comp :: Int - Int
comp n = unliftM (do x - ... return x)

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Haskell mailing list

Re: Are anonymous type classes the right model at all? (replying to Re: Are fundeps the right model at all?)

2001-01-05 Thread Julian Assange

Peter Douglass [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Julian Assange wrote (Dec 28, 2000):
  This is why all non S-exp like lanaguage are doomed to progressive
  syntactic cancer as the useful parts of operator name space and syntax
  space become progressively polluted and mutated by one fad after
 Could you expand on this? I would think that all languages have identifies
 that, through common usage become standardized, and that this meaning
 becomes a de-facto part of the language.  Do you feel that this has not
 happened in Lisp/Scheme?

The identifier space in lisp/scheme has wide tree depth and is
(essentially) lexically scoped. Infix operator identifiers in other
languages are the antithesis of this. It could be argued, both fairly
and unfairly, that the verbosity of S-exp bracketing leaves short
identifiers less desirable than they otherwise would be, however
tree-width arguments remain.

Polution of syntax space is a more difficult problem. As new syntactic
axioms are intruded, they should remain consistant with the existing
syntax elements. This poses ever increasing restraint on the evolution
of the language. New syntax elements appear less intuitive and more
arbitary in an attempt to fit in with the morass of ever increasing
restraints. If these restraints are not honnored, the language becomes
inconsistant. Eventually the language is guarenteed to become either
inconsistant or moribund as the number of interactions between
language elements overwhelms a language designers attempts understand

The same is even more true of language semantics. The trouble lays in
finding initial axioms which can cleave large sections of future
concept space between them.

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Haskell mailing list

Re: Are anonymous type classes the right model at all? (replying to Re: Are fundeps the right model at all?)

2000-12-28 Thread Julian Assange

George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm writing, but that shouldn't be too hard to tweak.  In particular I have
 followed SML in using "." to express qualification by something, even though
 Haskell already used "." for something else, because I can't be bothered right
 now to dig up a better symbol.

This is why all non S-exp like lanaguage are doomed to progressive
syntactic cancer as the useful parts of operator name space and syntax
space become progressively polluted and mutated by one fad after

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Haskell mailing list

Programming in Latin

2000-09-05 Thread Julian Assange

  Monash University
 School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
 2000 Clayton campus Seminar Series



Programming in Latin (and Why You Really Might Want To)


Dr Damian Conway
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
Monash University

MONDAY, 11 September 2000

2:00 pm


Room 135, Computer Science Building (26), Clayton Campus

Video Wall at Caulfield Campus

Seminar Abstract:

English has a comparatively weak lexical structure. Much of the
grammatical load of a sentence is carried by positional cues. A
statement such as: "The boy gave the dog the food." only makes sense
because of the convention that the subject precedes the verb, which
precedes the indirect object, which precedes the direct object. Changing
the order -- "The food gave the boy the dog." -- changes the meaning.

Most programming languages use similar positional grammatical cues.
The instruction:

maximum = next;

is very different in meaning from:

next = maximum;

Generally speaking, older languages have richer lexical structures (such
as inflection for noun number and case) and so rely less on word order.
For example, in Latin the sentences "Puer dedit cani escam." and "Escam
dedit puer cani." both mean "The boy gave the dog the food." Indeed, the
more usual word order would be "Reverse Polish", with the verb coming
last: "Puer cani escam dedit." This flexibility is possible because
Latin uses inflection to denote lexical roles.

There is no reason that programming languages could not also make use of
inflection, rather than position, to denote lexical roles. This talk
will describe an alternative syntactic binding for the Perl programming
language. This binding uses inflections based on classical Latin
grammar, rather than positional constraints.

No prior knowledge of Latin will be assumed, but by the end of the talk
the following program will make perfect sense:

maximum inquementum tum biguttam tum stadium egresso scribe.
vestibulo perlegementum da meo maximo .
maximum tum novumversum egresso scribe.
da duo tum maximum conscribementa meis listis.
dum damentum nexto listis decapitamentum fac sic
lista sic hoc tum nextum recidementum cis vannementa listis da.
next tum biguttam tum nextum tum novumversum scribe egresso.

About The Speaker:

Dr Damian Conway is a Senior Lecture in the School of Computer Science
and Software Engineering at Monash University.

His research interests include: language design, the teaching of
programming, object orientation, software engineering, natural language
generation, synthetic language generation, morphing, human-computer
interaction, geometric modelling, the psychophysics of perception,
nanoscale simulation, and parsing.

School Contact:
Damian Conway

- -

A complete list of forthcoming Monash (Clayton) Computer Science and Software
Engineering seminars is available from:

Clayton campus parking information is available from:

- -

Andrew P. Paplinski (seminar coordinator)

- -
Updated: 05 Sep 2000

Re: Precision problem

2000-07-25 Thread Julian Assange

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jon Fairbairn was talking about Haskell.  MSVC is a C/C++ compiler,
 not a Haskell compiler.  For C and C++, there are many many areas of
 undefined, unspecified, or implementation-defined behaviour.  If a
 C or C++ program gives different behaviour on different runs or with
 different compilation flags, this is almost always due to the program
 depending on one of those areas, rather than due to the compiler not
 conforming to the standard.

Standard, shmandard. If a compiler can't produce reproducable code,
then its of little value for scientific computing.


Re: Precision problem

2000-07-22 Thread Julian Assange

Jon Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 to me, anyway.  If two runs (with different flags) of the
 compiler produce programmes that give different results,
 then one of them isn't adhering to the standard, (and so
 should be noted as such).

Microsoft VCC once (still?) suffers from this problem. Whether
it is because it accesses random, unassigned memory locations
or because the optimiser has time thesholds, is unknown.


ANNOUNCE: available!

2000-06-17 Thread Julian Assange

We've created, linked into the Open-Projects irc network. The
channels of interest are #haskell and #functional. 

Haskell has an excellent sense of community but real time
communication (whether on-line or at conferences) is unsurpassed for
bouncing prospective ideas about.

Meeting times are 19:00 GMT Tuesdays and Fridays, although at other times
there will generally be a couple of, albeit a little sleepy, people about who
if treated nicely will probably be happy to answer haskell related questions.

Ocaml users also meet at the same time (if there are any sml,
moscow-ml, miranda or other functional language users on this list,
perhaps they could be encouraged to #functional at the above times too
to maximise cross-fertilisation).

For more information about where to obtain an IRC client (dozens are available
for any platform you care to name), see

Server and port specifications are:

Port: 6667

One of the the four name servers, is currently out
of date. If on the off chance (1/4) you hit this bogus name-server when trying to
resolve `', you always use `' or `' instead.

btw can one of the maintainers add the above to the list
of resources? Thanks.


Re: More on Quantum vectors...

2000-06-11 Thread Julian Assange

Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I would not be surprised to find this article appearing in the next Scientific
 Consider these gems:
   "Finger-Length Ratios and Sexual Orientation," Terrance J. Williams,
   "Why are Toads Right-Handed?" Nature, T. Naitoh and R.J. Wassersug,
   "Effect of Ale, Garlic, and Soured Cream on the Appetite of Leeches," Anders

   "Bed Rest: A Potentially Harmful Treatment Needing More Careful Evaluation,"
   "Pigeons' Discrimination of Paintings by Monet and Picasso," Shigeru
 So, no matter what your problem, rest assured that, sometime, somewhere,
 somewhy, a scientist has probably already reported on it.
 [These citations are courtesy of the Annals of Improbable Research,]

The Annals have gone down hill over time, three* of these papers were excellent.

*No, I'm not telling you which three :)


Re: Changing - to :=

2000-05-01 Thread Julian Assange

"Mike Jones" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 imperative constructs, then build it in another language. If I can use :=, I
 can make it look more like the final system, which is good for

"-" is visually intuitive and faster to type than ":=". So even in completely
new (non ML/Haskell derived) language it seems preferable.

Re: Additions to the FFI API

2000-03-27 Thread Julian Assange

Sven Panne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1) Although the Haskell 98 report states that Char should be a Unicode
character, a plain char is used here. No implementation uses Unicode so
far, and char is what one wants most of the time, anyway.

HBC uses unicode for source. I'm not sure if this includes type Char ;)


Re: Additions to the FFI API

2000-03-27 Thread Julian Assange

Sven Panne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 itself and that compound values are a case for a (un-)marshaling
 library. We already have some ideas what this lib should look like
 and some slightly differing modules for this exist, see e.g. C-HS,
 the MPI binding or HOpenGL. Before a design for this is presented,
 the low-level details should be finished.

Have you looked at the nice (un-)marshaling features of Ocaml? The
implementation is such that fist class functions can be marshaled,
un-marshaled and subsequently executed, even for natively compiled
code. md5 checkums of functions ensure functional equivalence.  Though
in the native case you have to be running the same bit for bit binary
at both ends of the marshaling pipe. i.e the scope of the md5 checksum
is the entire binary. More interesting would be checksuming the
function and type dependencies of functions to be marshalled as a
parse tree. Or merely the names and types. In the latter cases
marshaling would inolve either agreeing on function and type
enumerations or sending canonical strings, although just how his can
consistantly be done with anonymous lambdas remains to be seen. If you
expect to be able to unmarshall stored functions after a code change,
or have a number of possibly divergent co-operating (un-)marshalers
that pass functions to one another, this ability to abstract away
variance within a category from variance TO the category is vital, and
something that haskell might be well suited to, given it's strong
referential transparency.


Re: why software needs an explicit license

2000-03-15 Thread Julian Assange

George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have no problem with software having an explicit license, I just don't see
 that it normally needs to be quoted at the top of EVERY module.   (There
 are probably exceptional jurisdictions where it does, but not many.)
 The GHC method, where the license file is in the distribution and easy
 to find if you want it, seems fair enough to me.

I take a compromise position and simply write (c) Copyright . See
"LICENSING" file for details.

Stefan Kahrs in [Kah96] discusses the
   notion of completeness--programs which never go wrong can be
   type-checked--which complements Milner's notion of
   soundness--type-checked programs never go wrong [Mil78].

Re: FYI: ghc to be dropped from potato (debian) + hbc

2000-03-11 Thread Julian Assange

Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 06:32:00AM -0500, Sengan wrote:
 It already *has* been dropped.  Apparently the "sponsor" idea did not
 work as well as it should have.

Hasn't been dropped from NetBSD :)

btw, lennart, if you are reading, how about a hbc NetBSD pkg?


2000-02-12 Thread Julian Assange

I'm having problems building HOpenGL on NetBSD/i386:

/usr/local/bin/green-card --target ghc --name-mangling-scheme=classic --haskell1.4  
GLUT_Callbacks.gc -o GLUT_Callbacks.hs
"GLUT_Callbacks.gc", proc. spec "", line 354: Parse error: Enum,Bounded) CUnsignedInt [
gmake[1]: *** [GLUT_Callbacks.hs] Error 1
gmake: *** [depend] Error 1

the same error is apparent both with and without --haskell1.4. Also,
you were using --taget=ghc, which was wrong (should be --target ghc).

Comments in GLUT_Callbacks.gc suggest that my green-card is antiquated,
but however /usr/local/bin/green-card --version produces:

green-card, version 2.0

And I can't seem to find any more recent version than that.

Any ideas?


Re: Haskell Clean

2000-02-08 Thread Julian Assange

Michael Hobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Adrian Hey wrote:
  On Mon 24 Jan, Michael Hobbs wrote:
   (*) One place where the World - (World, a) model breaks down is when
   the IO function is a blocking function such as "getChar :: IO Char". If
   this function was equivalent to World - (World, a) then that would mean
   that the result is completely determined by the input World value.
  As a world value sceptic myself, I am reluctant to say this, but in
  all honesty I don't think that this argument holds. If I understand
  you correctly your objection is that getChar should never block, it
  should get a character instantly because the information about which
  character will eventually be got should already be embedded in the
  input world value.
 Actually, I never thought about whether or not getChar should ever
 block. My intention is to point out that trying to wed referential
 transparency with I/O using the concept of World values is filled with
 philosophical ambushes and tiger traps. The particular trap I was trying
 to point out here was that of determinism. You just pointed out a
 different one along the same lines: If getChar really was referentially
 transparent, with respect to the given World value, should it block?

This doesn't seem to be a problem to me. The second time around the
world is different. Consequently the code is executed. Haskell has
no sense of time, so whether it blocks or not is unimportant to the
language. But the passage of time can be mixed in with the change
of state in the world, if need be.

Minerva uses world state passing too, btw.


Re: On Haskell and Freedom

2000-02-08 Thread Julian Assange

Jerzy Karczmarczuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The tombstone of Nicos Kazantzakis (The Last Temptation of Christ)
 has the following inscription:
  I hope for nothing.
  I fear nothing.
  I am FREE.
 Perhaps this is a tiny bit closer to my personal perception of
 freedom than the metaphysics of the Free Software Foundation.

Well and good, but without fear and hope there is no motivation to do
anything. Which is quite apt for a body in the ground, but for upright
specimens such philosophical sentiment leads to stagnation.


Re: Haskell Clean

2000-02-08 Thread Julian Assange

Julian Assange [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Minerva uses world state passing too, btw.



Re: rounding in haskell

2000-02-08 Thread Julian Assange

George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (LONG and about floating point, so I suspect many Haskellers are not
 going to be interested in this message . . .)

Excellent, thanks george.

 Now I think the original suggestor wanted the library to spot that the answer
 is "very close to" 0 and actually replace it with 0.  Absolutely not!  For example,
 suppose I am trying to approximate the derivative of sin(x) near x=pi, by
 computing sin(x+epsilon) for very small epsilon, then the last thing I need is
 for the graph of the computed function to look like

Once you are within a few UDP, the underlaying grainyness of the
representation is going to get you, so that smoothe, monotonic line
segment you have below, will look like an appalling zigzag at
best. This is my point. Near the limits of precession, the error
introduced by rounding is trivial compared to the error introduced by
the precission itself.

This gsl library has special flags to deal with ieee maths on
just this issue. See: 


Stefan Kahrs in [Kah96] discusses the
   notion of completeness--programs which never go wrong can be
   type-checked--which complements Milner's notion of
   soundness--type-checked programs never go wrong [Mil78].

rounding in haskell

2000-02-07 Thread Julian Assange

The precission and or rounding used by hugs/ghc seems strange, to wit:

Prelude sin(pi)
Prelude pi


module Main where
main = do
print pi
print (sin pi)


While this maybe accurate in terms of ieee foat and double, most maths
libraries round if a value is `close' to a small integer (such as 1,
0, -1), inorder to avoid amplification of missing precission during
iterative processes.

#include math.h
#include stdio.h
printf("sin(%f) = %f\n", M_PI, sin(M_PI));

M_PI is defined by math.h as 3.14159265358979323846

sin(3.141593) = 0.00


   Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, recorded a message that
   one of its Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles was
   about to launch from its silo due to a computer malfunction. To
   prevent the possible launch, an armored car was parked on top of
   the silo.

 - Shaun Gregory, The Hidden Cost of Deterrence: Nuclear Weapons
   Accidents, Brassey's UK, London, 1990, pp. 181-182.

Re: rounding in haskell

2000-02-07 Thread Julian Assange

Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Haskell performs no worse or better than C.  Your comment about how math
 libraries round might be accurate for some languages, but for C it's pure nonsense.

It seems that you are right in this instance. However I recall seeing
comments about error cascading reducing rouding in the guts of
libmsun, or in some fpe code somewhere (perhaps billm's linux fpe
code?). Maybe they were only comments and not code. Does IEEE Std
754-1985 make internal rounding verboten? What about if you have 64
bits in your fp regs, but only advertise 56 bits through to the api?


netbsd ghc pkg now available

1999-12-15 Thread Julian Assange

Hi Simon.

The ghc package has been commited to the netbsd cvs repository
and is now available in pkgsrc as lang/ghc.

Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 By the way, did you also modify fptools/ in order to get the
 netbsd-elf target?

Yes, I did, however it's done in a way that is somewhat dependent on pkg magic,

--- /p/lang/ghc/old/fptools/configure.inWed Sep 15 09:03:35 1999
+++ configure.inWed Dec 15 16:37:23 1999
@@ -138,7 +138,16 @@
+   if test "$HASKELL_OBJ_FMT" = "a.out"; then
+   HostOS_CPP='netbsd'
+   else
+   if test "$HASKELL_OBJ_FMT" = "ELF"; then
+   HostOS_CPP='netbsd_elf'
+   else
+   exit 1
+   fi
+   fi
HostPlatform=i386-unknown-solaris2 # hack again

Here's the pkg Makefile (with a few targets removed) that defines
HASKELL_OBJ_FMT. the nature of the ghc.lprl hackage is
self-evident. It would be nice to be able to pass the default ghc
compiler link paths in via configure.

Keep well,

# $NetBSD$

DISTNAME=   ghc-4.04
DISTFILES=  ghc-4.04-src.tar.gz ghc-4.04-x86-hc.tar.gz


DEPENDS+=   readline-4.0:../../devel/readline
DEPENDS+=   gmp-2.0.2:../../devel/gmp

USE_PERL5=  yes

CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-hc-boot --libdir=${PREFIX}/lib/ghc
WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/fptools

(   lnl=${WRKDIR}/longandlow; \
${ECHO} 'int main(){exit(0);}'  $$lnl.c  \
${CC} $$lnl.c -o $$lnl  \
file $$lnl | ( ${EGREP} '[^a-zA-Z][Ee][Ll][Ff][^a-zA-Z]'  \
${ECHO} ELF || ${ECHO} a.out ) \
)  ${WRKDIR}/obj_fmt

${SED}  ${WRKSRC}/ghc/driver/ghc.lprl \
${WRKSRC}/ghc/driver/ghc.lprl.hacked \
'/push(@SysLibrary, "-l$LibGmp")/s%^%push(@SysLibrary, 
"-L'${LOCALBASE}/lib'");%'  \
${MV} -f ${WRKSRC}/ghc/driver/ghc.lprl.hacked \

Re: netbsd ghc pkg now available

1999-12-15 Thread Julian Assange

 Is NetBSD moving to ELF permanently?

NetBSD supports 27 different platforms (see  Some of platforms have always had
native elf support, due to object format standisation by the vendor
(e.g alpha). The i386 port has supported elf for a number of years,
primarily for linux + freebsd binrary compatability.  As of NetBSD1.5
(which given the combined forces of the moon and sun should be
released sometime early next century), the i386 port shall stride into
the faery kingdom and, as it were, `go native with elves'. To confuse
matters further, on those platforms which support it, the entire build
system can be instructed to produce elf _or_ a.out executables,
libraries, etc, by simply setting OBJECT_FMT to `a.out' or
`ELF'. Unbelievably this `just works' -- however -- if the aforementioned
variable is not set, the only reliable way to determine the object
encoding preference is to build a test executable (which is the approach
I've taken in the NetBSD ghc package).

Keep well,

  Here's the pkg Makefile (with a few targets removed) that defines
  HASKELL_OBJ_FMT. the nature of the ghc.lprl hackage is
  self-evident. It would be nice to be able to pass the default ghc
  compiler link paths in via configure.
 Good point.  I'll take a look at this.

Stefan Kahrs in [Kah96] discusses the
   notion of completeness--programs which never go wrong can be
   type-checked--which complements Milner's notion of
   soundness--type-checked programs never go wrong [Mil78].

Re: 4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-14 Thread Julian Assange

Hi Simon, I eventually managed to produce an executable (but see
below) with the following patches (note that the address family
enumeration below is *not* identical to freebsd):


--- ghc/lib/misc/SocketPrim.lhs Wed Sep 15 09:06:26 1999
+++ ghc/lib/misc/SocketPrim.lhs Tue Dec 14 13:00:08 1999
@@ -941,10 +941,56 @@


+#if netbsd_TARGET_OS || netbsd_elf_TARGET_OS
+data Family =
+   AF_UNSPEC   -- unspecified
+  |AF_UNIX -- local to host (pipes, portals)
+  |AF_INET -- internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc.
+  |AF_IMPLINK  -- arpanet imp addresses
+  |AF_PUP  -- pup protocols: e.g. BSP
+  |AF_CHAOS-- mit CHAOS protocols
+  |AF_NS   -- XEROX NS protocols
+  |AF_ISO  -- ISO protocols
+--|AF_OSI is the same as AF_ISO
+  |AF_ECMA -- european computer manufacturers
+  |AF_DATAKIT  -- datakit protocols
+  |AF_CCITT-- CCITT protocols, X.25 etc
+  |AF_SNA  -- IBM SNA
+  | AF_DECnet  -- DECnet
+  | AF_DLI -- DEC Direct data link interface
+  | AF_LAT -- LAT
+  |AF_HYLINK   -- NSC Hyperchannel
+  |AF_APPLETALK-- Apple Talk
+  |AF_ROUTE-- Internal Routing Protocol
+  |AF_LINK -- Link layer interface
+  |Pseudo_AF_XTP   -- eXpress Transfer Protocol (no AF)
+  | AF_COIP -- connection-oriented IP, aka ST II
+  | AF_CNT -- Computer Network Technology
+  | Psuedo_AF_RTIP  -- Help Identify RTIP packets
+  | AF_IPX -- Novell Internet Protocol
+  | AF_INET6   -- IPv6
+  | Pseudo_AF_PIP   -- Help Identify PIP packets
+  | AF_ISDN -- Integrated Services Digital Network
+--| AF_E164is the same as AF_ISDN
+  | AF_NATM-- native ATM access
+  | AF_ARP -- (rev.) addr. res. prot. (RFC 826)
+  | Pseudo_AF_KEY   -- Internal key-management function
+  | Pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT -- Used by BPF to not rewrite hdrs in iface output
+  | AF_MAX
+   deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Show)
+packFamily = index (AF_UNSPEC, AF_MAX)
+unpackFamily family = (range (AF_UNSPEC, AF_MAX))!!family
 -- Alpha running OSF or a SPARC with SunOS, rather than Solaris.

 #if osf1_TARGET_OS || osf3_TARGET_OS || sunos4_TARGET_OS || hpux_TARGET_OS || \
-   aix_TARGET_OS || freebsd2_TARGET_OS || freebsd3_TARGET_OS
+   aix_TARGET_OS || freebsd2_TARGET_OS || freebsd3_TARGET_OS || \
+   netbsd_TARGET_OS || netbsd_elf_TARGET_OS
 data SocketType =
| Datagram
diff -u -r old/fptools/ghc/rts/MBlock.c work.i386/fptools/ghc/rts/MBlock.c

--- ghc/rts/MBlock.cWed Sep 15 09:06:54 1999
+++ ghc/rts/MBlock.cTue Dec 14 10:27:15 1999
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
 #define ASK_FOR_MEM_AT 0x5000

+#elif netbsd_TARGET_OS
+/* NetBSD i386 shared libs are at 0x4000
+ */
+#define ASK_FOR_MEM_AT 0x5000
 #elif linux_TARGET_OS
 /* Any ideas?

--- ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl Wed Sep 15 09:05:45 1999
+++ ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl Tue Dec 14 22:09:04 1999
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 $T_HDR_direct   = "\t.SPACE \$TEXT\$\n\t.SUBSPA \$CODE\$\n\t\.align 4\n";

-} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ 
/^i386-.*-(linuxaout|freebsd2|nextstep3|cygwin32|mingw32)$/ ) {
+} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ 
+/^i386-.*-(linuxaout|freebsd2|netbsd|nextstep3|cygwin32|mingw32)$/ ) {
# NeXT added but not tested. CaS

 $T_STABBY  = 1; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
@@ -135,12 +135,12 @@
 $T_HDR_direct   = "\.text\n\t\.align 2,0x90\n";

-} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(solaris2|linux|freebsd3)$/ ) {
+} elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-.*-(solaris2|linux|freebsd3|netbsd_elf)$/ ) {

 $T_STABBY  = 0; # 1 iff .stab things (usually if a.out format)
 $T_US  = ''; # _ if symbols have an underscore on the front
 $T_PRE_APP = # regexp that says what comes before APP/NO_APP
- ($TargetPlatform =~ /-(linux|freebsd3)$/) ? '#' : '/' ;
+ ($TargetPlatform =~ /-(linux|freebsd3|netbsd_elf)$/) ? '#' : '/' 
 $T_CONST_LBL= '^\.LC(\d+):$'; # regexp for what such a lbl looks like
 $T_POST_LBL= ':';
 $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = '\.L';
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 $T_COPY_DIRVS   = '\.(globl)';

-if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /freebsd3/ ) {
+if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /freebsd3|netbsd_elf/ ) {
 $T_hsc_cc_PAT   = '\.ascii.*\)(hsc|cc) 

Makefile typos

1999-12-14 Thread Julian Assange

--- /p/lang/ghc/old/fptools/MakefileWed Sep 15 09:03:33 1999
+++ MakefileWed Dec 15 16:04:58 1999
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # on whether we do `make install' or not. Having a $(ifeq ... ) would
 # be preferable..
-SUBDIRS = $(shell if (test x$(CURRENT_TARGET) = xinstall) ; then echo 
$(ProjectsToInstall); else echo $(ProjectsToBuild); fi)
+SUBDIRS = $(shell if test x$(CURRENT_TARGET) = xinstall) ; then echo 
+$(ProjectsToInstall); else echo $(ProjectsToBuild); fi)

 ifneq "$(Project)" ""
include $(shell echo $(Project) | tr A-Z a-z)/mk/

4.04 posix/AF_UNIX lossage

1999-12-13 Thread Julian Assange

when attempting to bootstrap under netbsd-current:

==fptools== gmake all -r;
 in /orb/s/netbsd/usr/pkgsrc/lang/ghc/work.i386/fptools/ghc/lib/misc

rm -f CString.o ; if [ ! -d CString ]; then mkdir CString; else find CString -name 
'*.o' -print | xargs rm -f __rm_food ; fi ;
../../../ghc/driver/ghc -i../concurrent:../posix -recomp -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C 
-Rghc-timing -O -split-objs -odir CString -static-c CString.lhs -o CString.o -osuf 
ghc: 90101184 bytes, 52 GCs, 2037934/3905668 avg/max bytes residency (4 samples), 
10M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 2.22 MUT (2.51 elapsed), 0.97 GC (0.96 elapsed) 
ghc: module version unchanged at 1
touch CString.o ;
rm -f SocketPrim.o ; if [ ! -d SocketPrim ]; then mkdir SocketPrim; else find 
SocketPrim -name '*.o' -print | xargs rm -f __rm_food ; fi ;
../../../ghc/driver/ghc -i../concurrent:../posix -recomp -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C 
-Rghc-timing -O -split-objs -odir SocketPrim -static  -I../std/cbits -H12m 
-optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE  -c SocketPrim.lhs -o SocketPrim.o -osuf o

SocketPrim.lhs:14: Variable not in scope: `packSocketType'

SocketPrim.lhs:14: Variable not in scope: `unpackFamily'

SocketPrim.lhs:14: Variable not in scope: `packFamily'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `SocketType'

SocketPrim.lhs:14: Type constructor or class not in scope: `Family'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `Family'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `SocketType'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `Family'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `SocketType'

SocketPrim.lhs:241: Variable not in scope: `packFamily'

SocketPrim.lhs:241: Variable not in scope: `packSocketType'

SocketPrim.lhs:273: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

SocketPrim.lhs:308: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

SocketPrim.lhs:480: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_INET'

SocketPrim.lhs:500: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_INET'

SocketPrim.lhs:678: Variable not in scope: `unpackFamily'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `Family'

SocketPrim.lhs:679: Variable not in scope: `packFamily'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `Family'

SocketPrim.lhs:681: Variable not in scope: `packSocketType'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `SocketType'

SocketPrim.lhs:1090: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

SocketPrim.lhs:1090: Data constructor not in scope: `Stream'

SocketPrim.lhs:1093: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

Type constructor or class not in scope: `Family'

SocketPrim.lhs:1134: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

SocketPrim.lhs:1140: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_INET'

SocketPrim.lhs:1150: Variable not in scope: `unpackFamily'

SocketPrim.lhs:1152: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

SocketPrim.lhs:1154: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_INET'

SocketPrim.lhs:1186: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_UNIX'

SocketPrim.lhs:1192: Data constructor not in scope: `AF_INET'

Compilation had errors

gmake[1]: *** [SocketPrim.o] Error 1
gmake: *** [all] Error 1
*** Error code 2