Need help with GHC API and GHC internals

2008-08-01 Thread Mark Tullsen

I'm attempting to write a call-graph generator for Haskell using the GHC
API. I.e., for each top level value definition, I want a list of the  

names used in the definition.

Using GHC API, once I have a 'CheckedModule', I have a dilemma:
 a) If I use this field
  parsedSource :: ParsedSource
I've got a giant AST that I need to traverse for names, there  
being no

help in the compiler to do so, AFAIK.
 b) If I use this field
  coreBinds :: Maybe [CoreBind]
although I've got a simpler type to deal with, and some useful  

(e.g. exprFreeNames), I believe I'm now swimming in waters a bit
deep for me or maybe this is just a flawed approach:
  - the core bindings created do not correspond exactly to the  

in the source and 'exprFreeNames' is acting in surprising ways.
  - etc, etc.

Does anyone have any advice for me here?  Is there some way I can get  
(b) to work without becoming a wizard in GHC internals?  Is there  
anything I'm




Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Views in Haskell

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Tullsen

On Jan 26, 2007, at 6:22 PM, Claus Reinke wrote:
  2) There are other reasons why I want to use Haskell-98 and  
would  like to be able to use other compilers.  Thus, I'd want a  
pattern-binder preprocessor (extending GHC is not as important to  

I see. though I'd hope that as long as we keep our extensions  
simple and

general enough, the other implementations will pick them up anyway.

Here's my motivating example.  Here's a fragment for an STG   
interpreter in Haskell-98:

  rule_CASE_ELIM (Case p alts, s, h, o) =
  ConApp c as - ptsTo p h
  let matchAlt (Alt c' vs e) | c == c' = Just (vs,e)
  matchAlt _   = Nothing
  (vs,e) - matchFirst matchAlt alts
  return (e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o)

yes, abstract machines have inspired many a pattern match extension!-)

are we in Maybe, or in anything more complex?

Yep, just Maybe.

view patterns don't seem to apply, but pattern guards do, and  
lambda-match helps with the local function pattern (ignoring the  
Match type tag for the moment; given the revival of interest in  
pattern functions, eg., in view patterns, I ought to try and see  
whether I can get rid of the type tag in my library for the special  
case of Maybe):

rule_CASE_ELIM =
   (| (Case p alts, s, h, o)| ConApp c as - ptsTo p h
   , (vs,e) - matchFirst (| (Alt c' vs e) | c == c' -(vs,e) )  

   - (e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o) )

which isn't quite as abstract as the pattern binder/combinator  

but at least I can see the scoping,

Thanks for showing how it looks with lambda-match, I see that lambda- 
matches use

more than patterns, they use guards too.

which I am at a loss with in the pattern
binder version:

I'd like it to have a textual form just a little more abstract, I  
can  do that with pattern binders and some appropriate combinators:

  rule_CASE_ELIM =
  { (Case p alts, s, h, o) }
   ptsTo p h === { ConApp c as  }
   alts === matchFirst { Alt #c vs e }
(e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o)
I'll leave it as an exercise to figure out how the last is   
parenthesized ;-).

ok, I give up. there seem to be some new combinators,

yes, but nothing fancy:

 () :: (a - Maybe b) - (b - Maybe c) - a - Maybe c
 () = (.:)   -- as in the paper

 (===) :: a - (a - Maybe b) - Maybe b
 (===) a p = p a

and the pattern binder variables are no longer distinguishable (via  

In this example I'm dropping the $: it's less clear what's going on  
but it looks cleaner,

more like Haskell patterns.

but unless you've changed the translation as well, the only way the  
scopes are going to come out right is if the layout is a lie, right?

The layout /is/ a lie :-( but the scope rule is pretty simple: in  
this expression

  {p} `op` e
everything bound in p scopes over all e.
So, all the variables in the {p}'s above scope to the end of the RHS  

and how does the translation apply to pattern binders not in an  
infix application, in particular, how do vs/e get to

the rhs of .-?


All the pattern binders here /are/ in an infix application, here's  
the parenthesized version:

  rule_CASE_ELIM =
  { (Case p alts, s, h, o) }
   (ptsTo p h == { ConApp c as  }
   (alts === (matchFirst ({ Alt #c vs e }
   (e `sub` (vs,as), s, h, o)
(Oops, I see I'm using # where in the paper I used =.)
I also fixed a type error (nothing like ghci to fix some design  
problems), I'm now using

an additional (rather simple) combinator:

  (==) :: Maybe a - (a - Maybe b) - Maybe b
  (==) = (=)

- Mark

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Views in Haskell

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Tullsen

On Jan 25, 2007, at 3:49 AM, Claus Reinke wrote:
but as far as Haskell is concerned, I am perhaps less radical in my  
approach than Mark is: Haskellers have invested an awful lot of  
work in those conventional patterns, in readibility, in  
optimisations, and in linking them with other extensions (eg., type  
system extensions).

I actually would agree.  The purist in me would want to use a  
language with a simple exhaustive case construct
and pattern-binders and no more; but the pragmatist in me does,  
usually, go with the flow of the language and use some of

the more complex pattern-matching constructs.

However, I did edit the web page to include an improved description  
of First Class Patterns, for a point of

reference and comparison.

- Mark

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell] Views in Haskell

2007-01-24 Thread Mark Tullsen

Sorry to enter the discussion a little late ...

First, I'm not clear what Simon meant by first class abstractions  
in this comment

Several proposals suggest first class abstractions rather that  
first-class patterns. Here are the ones I know of ...

Second, I completely agree with Claus in his comment here that my  
First Class Patterns

paper is definitely related to, and not orthogonal to view patterns:

  The big idea of my paper was to stop the growing complexity of  
the pattern-language
  of Haskell.  The idea was to use the abstraction capabilities of  
the language along

  with some simple syntactic sugar to give us 'pattern omnipotence'.

  However, my approach could be seen as orthogonal in that I did not  
  to change Haskell patterns.  Instead, I suggested some additional  
syntax that could

  serve as a replacement for complicated uses of patterns.

Strangely, for other reasons, I'm planning, within a week or so, to  
start implementing
the pattern-binder syntax I discussed in the paper (either in GHC  
or as a pre-processor).

- Mark

Claus Reinke wrote:
3 what you call first class abstractions are not entirely  
orthogonal to view patterns.

taking Tullsen's and my own proposal as examples:

- the way patterns and alternatives are handled needs to fit  
together. that doesn't
seem to be a problem since your and our proposals agree on  
using what I call
a monadic data parsing framework (using a MonadPlus such as  
Maybe to handle

pattern match failure and alternatives)

- all three proposals have discussed how to handle patterns as  
well. For Tullsen,
that is central to his proposal, for me, it was only one of the  
more advanced

examples because I wanted to focus on match alternatives first.

Tullsen first builds his pattern combinators, then outlines a  
point-free style that
avoids the need for pattern variables althogether but does not  
seem to scale well,
then suggests syntactic sugar for translating patterns with  
variables into applications
of his combinators. So that last part is closely related to, if  
different from, your


In my example, I build up patterns from de-constructors (which  
use tests and
selectors), so that a cons pattern takes a head pattern and a  
tail pattern as
parameters and applies them to the head and tail if it is  
applied to a non-empty
list. To handle variables, I use an old trick from the early  
functional logic
languages, namely that logic variables can be passed unbound,  
then bound to
values later, just what we need for pattern variables. Since  
Haskell doesn't
have logic variables, I have to simulate them, which is the  
only awkward bit

of the example: 

 as long as Haskell doesn't support logic variables, some syntactic  
sugar for
 variables in nested patterns, such as Tullsen's or your's, is  
probably inevitable.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Views in Haskell

2007-01-24 Thread Mark Tullsen

On Jan 22, 2007, at 6:57 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I'm thinking of implementing it in GHC, so I'd be interested in  
feedback of the form

- how desirable is it to have a feature of this general form?

While it looks like a useful extension with a lot of bang for the buck,
I think I'd prefer to live without it; two reasons:
 1) I'm a minimalist
 2) I find that using my pattern combinators
  and do-notation I get by very well without using any of the advanced
  features of patterns.  OK, I guess I'm a little biased.

- can this particular proposal be improved?

I definitely agree with Claus's comment:

 5 possible extension 1 smells of superfluous complexity. There is  
almost no gain
compared to using tuples, but there's a lot to pay in added  
types and rules.m

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is MonadPlus good for?

2005-02-15 Thread Mark Tullsen
Here's an example:  In my paper First Class Patterns,
by defining the pattern combinators using MonadPlus, you get standard 
pattern matching with the Maybe
instance of MonadPlus and you get backtracking pattern matching with 
the [] (list) instance of MonadPlus.

- Mark
On Feb 12, 2005, at 10:08 AM, Benjamin Pierce wrote:
I have seen lots of examples that show how it's useful to make some 
constructor into an instance of Monad.

Where can I find examples showing why it's good to take the trouble to 
that something is also a MonadPlus?  (I know there are many examples of
things that *are* MonadPluses; what I want to know is why this is
interesting. :-)

 - Benjamin

Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Can't use home-grown packages with ghci on Mac OS X

2004-05-05 Thread Mark Tullsen
Platform: Mac OS X (10.3.3)
  (works fine on Linux)
Ghc Version: 6.2.1
  (same error with both
the binary built by Wolfgang Thaller
and version built from source using darwinports)
gcc version: 3.3

  ghci doesn't work with user generated packages.

  While trying to track down why I'm getting this error message for
  a user-built package (which seems a little suspicious):
ghci -package galois
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.2.1, for 
Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Loading package lang ... linking ... done.
Loading package concurrent ... linking ... done.
Loading package QuickCheck ... linking ... done.
Loading package readline ... linking ... done.
Loading package unix ... linking ... done.
Loading package posix ... linking ... done.
Loading package util ... linking ... done.
Loading package network ... linking ... done.
Loading package net ... linking ... done.
Loading package galois ...
GHCi runtime linker: fatal error: I found a duplicate definition 
for symbol
whilst processing object file
This could be caused by:
   * Loading two different object files which export the same symbol
   * Specifying the same object file twice on the GHCi command line
   * An incorrect `package.conf' entry, causing some object to be
 loaded twice.
GHCi cannot safely continue in this situation.  Exiting now.  Sorry.

  I created a trivial package and now I get the following (bus error):

$ ghci -package mytest
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.2.1, for 
Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package mytest ... Bus error
In both of these cases, I can compile, link, and run without problems.
My files are as follows (also attached as tar file):
--- Makefile ---
libmytest.a: Test.hs
ghc -package-name mytest -c Test.hs
rm libmytest.a
ar qvs libmytest.a Test.o
install: libmytest.a mytest.pkg
rm mytest.o  # -g not updating this
ghc-pkg -u -g  mytest.pkg
ghc-pkg -s mytest
ghci -package mytest Main.hs
ghc -o main -package mytest Main.hs
--- Test.hs ---
module Test where
succ2 :: Int - Int
succ2 x = x + 2
--- Main.hs ---
module Main where
import Test
main = print $ succ2 0

--- mytest.pkg ---
Package { name = mytest,
  import_dirs  = [${PWD}],
  source_dirs  = [],
  library_dirs = [${PWD}],
  hs_libraries = [mytest],
  extra_libraries = [],
  include_dirs = [],
  c_includes   = [],
  package_deps = [base],
  extra_ghc_opts = [],
  extra_cc_opts  = [],
  extra_ld_opts  = []}


- Mark

Description: Unix tar archive

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

when is defaulting supposed to occur?

2003-10-24 Thread Mark Tullsen
Note the following program
 x = 1
 y = x :: Int
This is accepted by ghc but it is rejected hugs (May 2003 cvs):
 ERROR IntegerTest.hs:4 - Type error in type annotation
 *** Term   : x
 *** Type   : Integer
 *** Does not match : Int
My guess is that hugs is doing defaulting after a declaration group
is type-checked, but that ghci leaves 'x' with type 'Num a', then
processes further declaration groups, and then does defaulting.
I don't see that the report specifies this (did I miss it?).

- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: learning to love laziness

2003-09-25 Thread Mark Tullsen
Haskell has lazy/lifted products and not true products.  This feature
is considered by many to be an unfortunate aspect of Haskell.  A 2-tuple
is just syntactic sugar for
  data Tuple2 a b = Tuple2 a b
Maybe from seeing this, it's clearer why laws such as
  x = (fst x,snd x)
do not hold.  Neither does the following law hold
   (uncurry . curry) f = f
which is unfortunate (for a language named after Haskell *Curry*).
To see why it doesn't hold, compare t1 and t2 in this program:
  f (_,_) = 1
  t1 = f undefined
  t2 = (uncurry . curry) f undefined
- Mark

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 02:07  PM, Norman Ramsey wrote:
Consider the following Haskell function:

asPair x = (fst x, snd x)
This function has type forall a b. (a, b) - (a, b)
and is almost equivalent to the identity function, except it
can be used to make programs terminate that might otherwise fall
into a black hole.
My students are extremely mystified by such functions---and I can 
blame them!  Is there a good place to read about programming with lazy
evaluation that will cover such functions and when to use them?

Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list

should -fglasgow-exts support Haskell98?

2002-11-07 Thread Mark Tullsen
I don't know if ghc -fglasgow-exts should always accept valid
Haskell 98 programs.  If that is the intention, then here is a bug:
  The following program is legal Haskell98 (works fine w/ ghc) but
  gives a parse error with -fglasgow-exts:

  let _ # _ = 1 in (#)


BTW, I've just noticed that the :t command in ghci now gives me some
very useful information for values without type signatures (when they
are in a binding group in which other values have signatures): the names
of quantified type variables are nabbed from the other signatures.
This is really nice!

- Mark

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

bug/feature/? of ghci with concurrency

2002-10-01 Thread Mark Tullsen

Maybe this is by design, but in case it isn't: I was a little
suprprised when I came across this behavior of ghci:

   ...  GHC Interactive, version 5.04.1, for Haskell 98. ...

   Prelude :m Concurrent
   Prelude Concurrent let loop c = putChar c  loop c
   in forkIO (loop 'a')  (loop 'z')
   aPrelude Concurrent sum [1..100]
   aPrelude Concurrent  1+2

Obviously, loop 'a' has never been terminated and starts running anytime
execution is in progress.  I might expect that either interrupting the
execution would kill *all* processes or that after interrupting loop 'z'
that I would still see the loop 'a' executing.

This is on 386 Linux.

- Mark

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

infinite loop in ghc5.04

2002-09-10 Thread Mark Tullsen

When I attempt to compile the following code with ghc 5.04

 newtype Server i o = Server (i - (o, Server i o))

 machine :: s - ((i,s) - (s,o)) - Server i o
 machine init next = Server (f init)
   f s i = (o, Server (f s'))
   (s',o) = next (i,s)

I get the following

   $ ghc -c T.hs
   stack overflow: use +RTS -Ksize to increase it

   $ ghc -c T.hs +RTS -K10m
   stack overflow: use +RTS -Ksize to increase it

   $ ghc -c T.hs +RTS -K20m
   stack overflow: use +RTS -Ksize to increase it


But if I transform the program to the equivalent

 newtype Server i o = Server (i - (o, Server i o))

 machine :: s - ((i,s) - (s,o)) - Server i o
 machine init next = Server (f next init)

 f next s i = (o, Server (f next s'))
   (s',o) = next (i,s)

ghc compiles without a problem.  Changing 'newtype' to 'data'
also makes the problem go away.  This is on a Linux (RH 7.3)
machine with an i686 processor.


- Mark

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: GHC bug,or Hugs feature?

2002-08-09 Thread Mark Tullsen

I believe the incompatibilities are explained thus:

  In section 4.5.1 of the Haskell Report it only states that
   A dependency analysis transformation is first performed to increase

  But hugs appears to be using a more refined version of the dependency
  analysis as explained in section 11.6.3 of Mark Jones' paper Typing
  Haskell in Haskell.  Read that section.

- Mark

Arthur Baars wrote:
 In Mark Jones' paper Typing Haskell in Haskell, I found the following
 example(in the section on binding-groups):
 f   :: Eq a = a - Bool
 f x = x==x || g True
 g y = y=y || f True
 According to the paper the inferred type of g should be:
  g::Ord a = a - Bool
 Hugs infers this type but GHC infers the following *ambiguous* type:
 *Main :i g
 -- g is a variable, defined at Test.hs:25
 g :: forall a. (Eq a) = Bool - Bool
 When adding an explicit type signature for g, Hugs happily accepts the code,
 but GHC gives the following error:
 f   :: Eq a = a - Bool
 f x = x==x || g True
 g   :: Ord a = a - Bool
 g y = y=y || f True
 Couldn't match `{Ord a}' against `{Eq a1}'
 When matching the contexts of the signatures for
   g :: forall a. (Ord a) = a - Bool
   f :: forall a. (Eq a) = a - Bool
 The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be
 When generalising the type(s) for g, f
 Failed, modules loaded: none.
 I think the problems are caused by differences in the binding group analysis
 in Hugs and GHC. 
 Malcolm, could you check what NHC says about the examples above?
 Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: Mutable arrays in Haskell 98

2002-03-27 Thread Mark Tullsen

José Romildo Malaquias wrote:
 My attempt was
   mapIOArray :: Ix ix = (a - b) - IOArray ix a - IO (IOArray ix b)
   mapIOArray f v = do w - newIOArray bounds 
   mapping w (range bounds)
   bounds = boundsIOArray v
   mapping w (i:is) = do x - readIOArray v i
 writeIOArray w i (f x)
 mapping w is
   mapping w [] = return w
 But I do not know what to use to replace the . Is there
 a polymorphic value in Haskell that can be of any type?

Yes, use undefined from the Prelude:

  undefined:: a
  undefined | False = undefined

- Mark
Haskell mailing list

Re: Haskell report (August release)

2001-09-27 Thread Mark Tullsen


Here's a minor quibble with the organization of the Report and Library,
not with the content.  Sorry if this has been brought up before.

In section 4.3.3, Derived Instances, of the Report there is

  The only classes in the Prelude for which derived instances are
  allowed are Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, and Read, all mentioned in
  Figure 5, ...  Classes defined by the standard libraries may also be

In the introduction to the Library Report there is

  Classes defined in libraries may be derivable. This report includes
  the derivation of such classes when appropriate.

Now, unless I missed something, the only class in the Library Report
which is derivable is Ix.

I would argue for bringing the Ix class into the Report for these reasons
  * One does not have to search through the Library Report to determine
what is derivable.

  * I think one would expect that the Libraries contain stuff that could be
implemented in Haskell by the user.  Until Haskell has the ability 
to allow for user-defined derivable classes, Ix cannot be
defined by the user.

- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Why is there a space leak here?

2001-06-05 Thread Mark Tullsen


I noticed this post after I had just posted my own response.

You have to realize that Alastair Reid is one of the truly
great Haskell programmers on planet earth.  I'm serious.  
So, when he says incredibly subtle space leak I wouldn't 
expect the solution to be simple.  As far as I can tell, your 
argument would also apply to foo2, which doesn't have a space leak.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I think this space leak
really /is/ subtle and in order to see the problem seems to
require some /tedious/ hand-reductions, taking into account both 
the sharing and the strictness properties.  See my recent posting
for a very brute-force analysis.

- Mark

Tom Moertel wrote:
 Alastair David Reid wrote:
  Executive summary: David's program has an incredibly subtle space leak
  in it (or I'm being incredibly dumb).  I encourage the honchos (and
  would be honchos) to have a look.  Users of other compilers might give
  it a shot too.
  David Bakin wrote:
  Why is there a space leak in foo1 but not in foo2?
 The reason that foo1 leaks space is because the middle of v grows
 faster than its head.  So taking elements from v causes its in-memory
 footprint to grow.  To see why this is the case, evaluate foo1 by hand:
  -- This has a space leak, e.g., when reducing (length (foo1 100))
  foo1 m
= take m v
v = 1 : flatten (map triple v)
triple x = [x,x,x]
 Focusing on just v for now, and letting f = flatten for notation
 purposes, we have
 (1) v = 1 : f (map triple v)
 (2)   = { unwrap v }
 1 : f (map triple (1 : f (map triple v)))
 (3)   = { eval map }
 1 : f (triple 1 : map triple (f (map triple v)))
 (4)   = { eval triple }
 1 : f ([1,1,1] : map triple (f (map triple v)))
 (5)   = { eval f (= flatten = foldr (++) []) }
 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : f (map triple (f (map triple v
 In order to expose elements 2-4 of v, we had to evaluate v to the extent
 that the overall expression held in memory *grew*.  Notice how in (1) we
 had a single (f (map triple ...)) expression in the tail of v but in (5)
 there are two such expressions, nested.
 Continuing further, if we want to expose the 5th-7th elements of v, we
 have to expand the expression yet even more.   Noticing that the (f (map
 triple v)) subexpression in (5) is identical to the tail of (1), we can
 apply the same expansion that we derived in (1)-(5) to yield
 (6)   = { repeat (1)-(5) for f (map triple v) in (5) }
 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
 f (map triple (1 : 1 : 1 :
 f (map triple (
 f (map triple v)))
 (7)   = { eval map }
 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
 f (triple 1 : map triple (
 f (map triple (
 f (map triple v
 (8)   = { eval triple }
 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
 f ([1,1,1] : map triple (
 f (map triple (
 f (map triple v
 (9)   = { eval f }
 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
 f (map triple (
 f (map triple (
 f (map triple v)
 Notice how in (9) we have three nested (f (map triple (...)))
 expressions in the tail of v whereas in (5) we had only two and in (1)
 we had but one?
 Now you can see why foo1 has a space leak:  In order to take the Nth
 element of v, v's definition must be expanded to the point where there
 are 1+(N+1)/3 (f (map triple (...))) subexpressions in the tail of v
 *that will never be reached*.  In other words, v's middle grows faster
 than its head, ensuring that take will never consume the tail.  Taking
 elements from the head only makes the middle grow larger.  The more your
 take, the larger it grows.
 So the problem isn't Hugs but rather the definition of v, which grows
 faster than it can be consumed.
 Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: Why is there a space leak here?

2001-06-05 Thread Mark Tullsen

Tom Moertel wrote:
 Mark Tullsen wrote:
  You have to realize that Alastair Reid is one of the truly
  great Haskell programmers on planet earth.  I'm serious.
  So, when he says incredibly subtle space leak I wouldn't
  expect the solution to be simple.
 Whoops.  Now don't I feel foolish.
  As far as I can tell, your argument would also apply to foo2,
  which doesn't have a space leak.
 Hmmm...  Let's see.
 foo2 m
   = take m v
   v = 1 : flatten (map single v)
   single x = [x]
 v = 1 : flatten (map single v)
   = 1 : flatten (map single (1 : flatten (map single v)))
   = 1 : flatten (single 1 : map single (flatten (map single v)))
   = 1 : flatten ([1] : map single (flatten (map single v)))
   = 1 : 1 : flatten (map single (flatten (map single v)))
   = Aaaarrh!  You're right.
 Now don't I feel double foolish.  :P
 Okay, then, what is the *right* way to reason about these things?

I don't know if this approach is the *right* way but it's one
way.  This approach is very brute force, and I'm sure there are experts 
out there who can think and reason at a much higher level than
this.  But the brute force approach is this:

  Start evaluating your program symbolically
You can do this at the source level using a CBN (call-by-need)
  If the program (the program in CBN includes the heap) starts
  growing in size faster than expected then you have a space leak.

Simple, but a bit tedious.  It would be great if we had a tool that
could output such a trace.

- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Haskell 98 Report

2001-05-30 Thread Mark Tullsen

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I've finished what I hope is the final version of the Haskell 98
 Language and Library Reports
 However, experience shows that bug fixes are often themselves
 buggy, so I urge you, once again, to take a look at your favourite
 passages and check they are correct.
 As ever, there's a complete list of changes at the above URL,
 with the ones I've made since the April release identified for your
 Comments (hopefully vanishingly few) by 15 June please.

Sorry to get this comment in so late, but it is a small change.
In the List module, the type signature for deleteBy is not as general
as it could be, given the definition.  It could be generalized to
the following (no change to the definition):

  deleteBy :: (a - b - Bool) - a - [b] - [b]

I've found it usefully used at this more general type.


- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Haskell 98 Report

2001-05-30 Thread Mark Tullsen

Zhanyong Wan wrote:
 Hello Simon,
 Looking at the definition for deleteBy:
   deleteBy:: (x - a - Bool) - x - [a] - [a]
   deleteBy eq x []= []
   deleteBy eq x (y:ys)= if x `eq` y then ys else
   y : deleteBy eq x ys
 I can't help wondering why it isn't
   deleteBy'  :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
   deleteBy' f [] = []
   deleteBy' f (y:ys) = if f y then ys else
  y : deleteBy' f ys
 The point is that in the definition of deleteBy, all references to eq
 and x are in the form (eq x), and hence the two parameters can be
 combined.  Is there a reason that the current design was favored when
 Prelude was designed?  Thanks.
 - Zhanyong

I didn't mean to open up a can of worms!  Although, when viewed in
isolation, it would make sense to change deleteBy as you suggest;
but when we look at the conventions of the List module, I think that
it would be undesirable, even if we didn't care about breaking programs,
because it would break the xBy convention described below.

Originally we had this:

  delete  :: Eq a = a - [a] - [a]
  deleteBy:: (a - a - Bool) - a - [a] - [a]

And all the functions x with a xBy form have types which
are related in a particular way, for some functor f:

  x  :: Eq a = f a
  xBy:: (a - a - Bool) - f a

Now, if we generalize the type of deleteBy as I previously suggested,
we have these two types:

  delete  :: Eq a = a - [a] - [a]
  deleteBy:: (a - b - Bool) - a - [b] - [b]

And it is still the case that functions x and xBy have types
which are related as follows (generalizing the rule):

  x  :: Eq a = f a a
  xBy:: (a - b - Bool) - f a b

(Where we would instantiate 'b' to 'a' for xBy functions which 
have a less general type.)

- Mark

Haskell mailing list

Re: Recursive types?

2001-05-29 Thread Mark Tullsen

Tom Pledger wrote:
 I don't know whether this is a shining example of an advantage,
 and am keen to see other comments.

For what it's worth, I've pulled some snippets from some code I wrote.  
I wanted three recursive types which were nearly identical (Exp,ExpQv,ExpPr).

Rather than write three different type declarations
  data Exp = ...
  data ExpQv = ...
  data ExpPr = ...

I was able to abstract out the commonality into one non-recursive type
  data FctrExp a = ...

Note how concise some of my Sample Functions can be.  These would
have been very long and ugly to write were I to use the first
approach.  At the expense of now using a two-level type, I've gained
some expressiveness.

- Mark

 Fix Type -

data Fix f = In (f (Fix f))

class FixEq f where
  fixEq :: Eq a = (f a - f a - Bool)

class FixShow f where
  fixShowsPrec :: Show a = (Int - f a - ShowS)

instance FixEq f = Eq (Fix f) where
  (==) (In x) (In y) = fixEq x y

instance FixShow f = Show (Fix f) where
  showsPrec p (In x) = showString In ( . fixShowsPrec p x . showChar ')'

 Types for Documentation --

type Var   = String
type Env x = [(Var,x)]
type Pat  = Exp
type Type = Exp

 Form  FormPr Related Types -

typeQv= (Exp,Exp)

dataPr= Pstep (ExpPr,Justifier,ExpPr)
  | Pletu (Var, Type, ExpPr)

data Justifier= Stub1
  deriving (Show,Eq)

 Exp,ExpPr,ExpQv Types 

data Ftype = Stub2 deriving (Show,Eq)
data Ltype = Stub3 deriving (Show,Eq)
data Const = Stub4 deriving (Show,Eq)

data FctrExp a = 
 Econ Const
   | Evar Var
   | Eapp (Ftype, a, a)
   | Elet (Ltype, Pat, Type, a, a)  -- let x:t=e1 in e2
   | Elam (Ftype, Pat, Type, a) -- \x:t=e
   | Eqnt (Ftype, Pat, Type, a) -- |~|x:t=e
   | Etup [a] -- e1,e2,...
   | Emu a
   | Ecase a  -- case e
   | Ein (a,a)-- In i e
   deriving (Show,Eq)

data FctrExpQv a  = ExpQvExp (FctrExp a) 
  | ExpQvQv Qv
  deriving (Show,Eq)

data FctrExpPr a  = ExpPrExp (FctrExp a) 
  | ExpPrPr Pr
  deriving (Show,Eq)

type Exp  = Fix FctrExp
type ExpQv= Fix FctrExpQv
type ExpPr= Fix FctrExpPr

 Define Appropriate Functors --

instance Functor FctrExp where
  fmap = fmapFctrExp

fmapFctrExp :: (a-b) - (FctrExp a - FctrExp b)
fmapFctrExp f e =
  case e of
Econ x- Econ x
Evar x- Evar x
Eapp (x,e1,e2)- Eapp (x,f e1, f e2)
Elet (x,v,t,y,z)  - Elet (x,v,t,f y,f z)
Elam (x,v,t,e)- Elam (x,v,t,f e)
Eqnt (x,v,t,e)- Eqnt (x,v,t,f e)
Etup es   - Etup (map f es)
Emu e - Emu (f e)
Ecase e   - Ecase (f e)
Ein (i,e) - Ein (f i,f e)

 Make Exp,ExpQv,ExpPr instances of Show and Eq 

instance FixEq   FctrExp   where  fixEq= (==)
instance FixShow FctrExp   where  fixShowsPrec = showsPrec

instance FixEq   FctrExpQv where  fixEq= (==)
instance FixShow FctrExpQv where  fixShowsPrec = showsPrec

instance FixEq   FctrExpPr where  fixEq= (==)
instance FixShow FctrExpPr where  fixShowsPrec = showsPrec

 Sample Functions -

expToExpPr :: Exp - ExpPr
expToExpPr (In x) = In (ExpPrExp (fmap expToExpPr x))

firstExpPr, finalExpPr :: ExpPr - Exp
firstExpPr (In x) = case x of 
  ExpPrExp e  - In $ fmap firstExpPr e
  ExpPrPr (Pstep (p,_,_)) - firstExpPr p
  ExpPrPr (Pletu _)   - error firstExpPr

finalExpPr (In x) = case x of 
  ExpPrExp e  - In $ fmap finalExpPr e
  ExpPrPr (Pstep (_,_,p)) - finalExpPr p
  ExpPrPr (Pletu _)   - error finalExpPr

Haskell mailing list

Re: Specifications of 'any', 'all', 'findIndices'

2001-01-23 Thread Mark Tullsen

Johannes Waldmann wrote:
 I'd rather write clear code, than worry about efficiency too early.
 Who said this, "premature optimization is the root of all evil".

I've always attributed this to Donald Knuth:

  Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming.

Though I can't confirm it.  I do find this similar statement
in his "Structured Programming with go to Statements" 
(Computing Surveys 6 4, Dec 1974):

  ... premature emphasis on efficiency is a big mistake
  which may well be the source of most programming complexity
  and grief.

Note also one of Alan Perlis's epigrams:
  Optimization hinders evolution. 


- Mark Tullsen

Haskell mailing list

Important error in Download GHC 4.08.1 page

2000-11-27 Thread Mark Tullsen

On the page

The link titled "RedHat 7 binary" should be changed 
from this URL:
to this URL:

^ oops



Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: The type of zip

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Tullsen

Matt Harden wrote:
 It has always seemed to me that having multiple zip functions with
 different names (zip, zip3, zip4, etc..) was unfortunate, and a single
 zip that handled all possible tuples would be better.  Now, with
 Multi-Parameter Type Classes and Functional Dependencies, we have an
 opportunity to make zip more sensible.

 Note: I am not proposing this as a "typo" for the current report, but
 for a future version of standard Haskell.  Obviously, this would only be
 valid if MPTC's and FD's become part of the future standard.
 I would propose:
o  zip be renamed to zip2 and zipWith to zipWith2
o  zip be changed to map tuples-of-lists to lists-of-tuples (the
 "opposite" of unzip)

Yes, I've always thought this should be the more sensible type.  I know
most Haskellers prefer to always curry, but I tuple in places where it 
seems to make sense, like here.

o  A Zippable class be created, defining zip and unzip for all tuple
 types (or at least the first few)

For _all_ tuple types?  That's a lot of instance declarations ;-)!

o  (optional) a ZipFunctor class (subclass of Functor) defining a
 function which applies a collection of functions to a collection of
 values giving a collection of results.  The list type ([]) would of
 course be a member of this class.

I like this idea.  Back before the days of "Functional Dependencies" 
I took a stab at trying to do something like this, unsuccessfully.

 The advantages I see:
o  zip . unzip === id
o  types of zip  unzip are consistent with each other
o  zip could be extended via the class mechanism to work with
 non-list collections, and non-tuple elements
o  Existing code using zip would break
o  Implementation might be less efficient than current zip  unzip
 Sample implementation:

shameless plug

I have a paper ("The Zip Calculus", MPC 2000) which is a bit more
ambitious, and is correspondingly more complex.  My solution allows
one to write the generic zip without use of the class system and
the theoretic need for an infinite number of instance declarations.
It allows you to write transpose
  transpose  :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f)) - ((a,c,e),(b,d,f))
generically for any m*n "matrix".

I hope to write up a proposal for how to add this capability to Haskell
in the not too distant future.

You can get the paper here if you're interested:

\shameless plug

- Mark Tullsen

Re: The type of zip

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Tullsen

Matt Harden wrote:
 Mark Tullsen wrote:
  Matt Harden wrote:
  o  A Zippable class be created, defining zip and unzip for all tuple
   types (or at least the first few)
  For _all_ tuple types?  That's a lot of instance declarations ;-)!
 No doubt.  But seriously, I was thinking of a "built-in" Zippable
 instance just like we have for Ord, Enum, Show, etc.  

That's what I thought you meant. But since I have a pet peeve about
how Haskell implementations work ...

 I think the
 language definition specifies these instances for all tuple types that
 have sensible instances of these classes. 

Yes, AFAIK the Report doesn't say anything about implementations being
allowed to not support "deriving" for 6-tuples or 8-tuples or whatever.

 Actual Haskell
 implementations don't provide these instances for all tuples, AFAIK.

Yes, ugh.  I just tested hugs and ghc: they stop at 5-tuples.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the problem appears to
arise because tuples are not "really" first class in Haskell.
They are just syntactic sugar for fully applied uses of the 
following constructors:
Which seems to be the reason why tuples are lifted in Haskell.
(Or they are lifted for other reasons, and thus this implementation
then makes sense.)

  shameless plug
  I have a paper ("The Zip Calculus", MPC 2000) which is a bit more
  ambitious, and is correspondingly more complex.  My solution allows
  one to write the generic zip without use of the class system and
  the theoretic need for an infinite number of instance declarations.
  It allows you to write transpose
transpose  :: ((a,b),(c,d),(e,f)) - ((a,c,e),(b,d,f))
  generically for any m*n "matrix".
  I hope to write up a proposal for how to add this capability to Haskell
  in the not too distant future.
  You can get the paper here if you're interested:
 I have lots of questions, but I'll wait until I've read your paper.

The paper is a little heavy going with all this Pure Type System
stuff.  In case it's helpful, I put a copy of the slides from my
MPC talk on the web:

- Mark

Re: partition and lifted products

2000-01-21 Thread Mark Tullsen

Ross Paterson wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 03:18:34PM -0700, Joe Fasel wrote:
  *Sigh*  And the language named in honor of Haskell Curry
  for which Currying is not a valid transformation strikes
 Worse, not only are the built-in product and function types lifted,
 but one can't define the unlifted ones.  Before Haskell 1.3, even though
 the built-in product was lifted, one could define pairs as an abstract
 type exporting functions to make pairs and extract their components,
 which would then behave as true products.  But then seq was introduced
 (and in Haskell 98 extended to type variables) so everything is lifted.
 Can we have extensional products and functions (or at least the means
 to define them) please?

Just to add my vote: Yes, please give us these!  I'm working on a program
transformation system for a subset of Haskell.  But it's not really a
subset of Haskell, it has true products and functions.  This is because
to do without them means either that I have to jettison lots of laws and 
equivalences or that I have to transform using "partial correctness" 
---equivalence modulo termination---rather than "total correctness": yuck).

Most people I've talked to consider lifted products a mistake.  
(This may not mean that most consider it a mistake, maybe only that 
those who have disagreed have not bothered to tell me so.)
Numerous others are unaware that products are lifted in Haskell!  
A while back, I asked John Peterson about the history of lifted products
in Haskell.  He told me that the decision was based on pragmatics 
(not semantics or efficiency): that it was simpler for implementations
to represent an n-tuple as an n-ary constructor than to add an extra
construct to the language (am I quoting you correctly, John?).

- Mark Tullsen

Laws for MonadPlus

2000-01-12 Thread Mark Tullsen

The Haskell 1.4 Report states that instances of MonadZero and
MonadPlus should satisfy these laws:

m  zero   =  zero
zero = m  =  zero

m ++ zero = m
zero ++ m = m

Now that MonadPlus has been moved out of the Prelude (and has changed
the names of all its operators), I see that no mention of these laws
is in section 10.2 of the Haskell 98 Library Report.  I assume this is
inadvertent and that instances of MonadPlus should still satisfy these

But I have a question: Would it be reasonable to expect any instance
of MonadPlus to satisfy the following law (using `mplus', not ++ now)?

  m = (\x-f x `mplus` g x)  
  (m = f) `mplus` (m = g)

It is true for the Maybe and list instances.

Can anyone give me a reasonable instance of MonadPlus which wouldn't
satisfy this but does satisfy the above four laws?  Or, is there some
deep reason why this "should" be true?


- Mark

Can't install H/Direct on Linux with ghc 4.00

1998-11-18 Thread Mark Tullsen

I can't get the current H/Direct (0.12) to install on my Linux system
with ghc 4.00  (though I used ghc 3.02 to compile ihc).
Thanks for any help.

- Mark Tullsen

Here's what's happening:

-- Information about my system:

  hdirect-0.12 $ uname -a
  Linux HAGGIS.CS.YALE.EDU 2.0.35 #1 Thu Jul 23 14:01:04 EDT 1998 i686

  -- i.e., Red Hat Linux release 5.1

-- What I've Done So Far:

  cd /usr/local/fptools-3.02; make install  (1)
 -- make ghc-3.02 the compiler
 -- if I compile with ghc-4.00, ihc core dumps right away 
 -- in step (4).

  cd /usr/local/hdirect-0.12(2)
  make boot

  cd /usr/local/fptools-4.00; make install  (3)
-- switch back to ghc-4.00

  cd /usr/local/hdirect-0.12(4)
  make -k lib

-- What Happens:
-- (granted, some of the following may be bogus thanks to the use of
"make -k")

hdirect-0.12 $ make -k lib
make -C lib boot  make -C lib all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/hdirect-0.12/lib'
/usr/local/bin/ghc -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend  -optdep-o
-optdepo-fglasgow-exts -fno-prune-tydecls -recomp Pointer.lhs
HDirect.lhs PointerPrim.hs
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/hdirect-0.12/lib'
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/hdirect-0.12/lib'
/usr/local/bin/ghc -fglasgow-exts -fno-prune-tydecls -recomp -c
Pointer.lhs -o Pointer.o -osuf o
Pointer.lhs:265: Value not in scope: `foreignObjToAddr'
Pointer.lhs:275: Value not in scope: `foreignObjToAddr'
Pointer.lhs:308: Value not in scope: `foreignObjToAddr'

Compilation had errors
make[1]: *** [Pointer.o] Error 1
/usr/local/bin/ghc -fglasgow-exts -fno-prune-tydecls -recomp -c
AutoPrim.hs -o AutoPrim.o -osuf o
AutoPrim.hs:8: Could not find valid interface file `Com'
AutoPrim.hs:8: Module `Com' does not export `checkHR'
AutoPrim.hs:8: Module `Com' does not export `marshalliptr'
AutoPrim.hs:8: Module `Com' does not export `IUnknown'
AutoPrim.hs:8: Module `Com' does not export `mkIID'
AutoPrim.hs:8: Module `Com' does not export `IID'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Could not find valid interface file `HDirect'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `Ptr'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `sizeofAddr'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `allocOutPtr'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `marshallBool'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `marshallptr'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readptr'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `unmarshallref'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `trivialFree'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `doThenFree'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `sizeofInt32'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readInt32'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `unmarshallString'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `freeString'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `sizeofInt16'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readInt16'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `sizeofFloat'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readFloat'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `sizeofDouble'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readDouble'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readBool'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `sizeofChar'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `readChar'
AutoPrim.hs:9: Module `HDirect' does not export `unmarshallBool'

Compilation had errors
make[1]: *** [AutoPrim.o] Error 1
/usr/local/bin/ghc -fglasgow-exts -fno-prune-tydecls -recomp -c
ComPrim.hs -o ComPrim.o -osuf o
ComPrim.hs:6: Could not find valid interface file `HDirect'
ComPrim.hs:10: Could not find valid interface file `Pointer'

Compilation had errors
make[1]: *** [ComPrim.o] Error 1
/usr/local/bin/ghc   -monly-3-regs  -fglasgow-exts -fno-prune-tydecls
-recomp -c WideString.hs -o WideString.o -osuf o
WideString.hs:7: Could not find valid interface file `Pointer'
WideString.hs:8: Could not find valid interface file `HDirect'
Module `Foreign' does not export `foreignObjToAddr'

Compilation had errors
make[1]: *** [WideString.o] Error 1
cc -DCOM -c PointerSrc.c -o PointerSrcCom.o
In file included from PointerSrc.c:40:
comPrim.h:13: parse error before `IID'
comPrim.h:13: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
comPrim.h:28: parse error before `OLECHAR'
comPrim.h:28: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
comPrim.h:29: parse error before `*'
comPrim.h:29: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
comPrim.h:30: parse error before `*'
comPrim.h:30: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
comPrim.h:32: parse error before `*'
comPrim.h:32: warning: data definition has no type or sto

Re: Haskell program manipulator

1997-09-22 Thread Mark Tullsen

Mariano Suarez Alvarez wrote:
 Has anyone written a Haskell program manipulator?
 What I have in mind is some kind of interactive environment allowing one
 to, say, fold/unfold definitions, typecheck (sub)expressions,

Not yet, but that is exactly what I am working on in my
dissertation research.  After working a little on
partial evaluation techniques to a lazy language like
it seemed to me that a program transformation system would
the natural tool which could subsume a partial evaluation

Hopefully in a year I'll have something cool which would
much of Haskell.  My goal is to create a _useful_ tool
and I will post to this group when I believe I've got
in a useful form.

I'd certainly welcome any suggestions as to what people
find useful.

- Mark Tullsen

Mark Tullsen  
Dept. of Computer Science  Tel: (203) 432-1267
Yale University
51 Prospect St.
P. O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520-8285