[Haskell] Haskell Job Opportunity

2007-04-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

HAppS LLC has part-time and full-time positions open for haskell programmers to:

 * improve the open source haskell codebase at HAppS.org
 * implement infrastructure to make it work well in Amazon S3/EC2 environments
 * make http://pass.net reliable enough to be used by live apps
 * build the mass market apps we want to run on top of the HAppS/Pass.net 

We are looking for people who:

 * have substantial experience programming Haskell
 * have experience building Internet apps (not necessarily in Haskell but would 
be good), and
 * live in any of these places:
* the Internet (with comfort working entirely over email,skype,tightVNC 
* New York
* San Francisco
* Los Angeles

If you qualify and are interested, please send an email with your cv/resume to 
me or to  AT .


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] -compiler-options vs {#-LANGUAGE Flags-#}

2007-03-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I think the LANGUAGE pragma is better than the OPTIONS_GHC pragma but 
I am relatively indifferent on that issue.  My only point is that 
module authors should put this information in the module source rather 
than in the build system.


On Fri, 23 Mar 2007, Alec Berryman wrote:

S. Alexander Jacobson on 2007-03-23 17:16:26 -0400:

The correct answer, I believe, is to require that module authors put
flags in the module themselves where they belong.

Does the OPTIONS_GHC pragma solve your issue?

Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] -compiler-options vs {#-LANGUAGE Flags-#}

2007-03-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
In theory, Haskell modules should contain all information necessary to 
interpret/compile them properly.  In practice, many modules don't because their 
authors are flagging required language extensions in build systems rather than 
in module sources.  This practice causes problems because then it becomes much 
hard to move modules between packages or to use a particular module outside of 
a particular build system context.  I experience this problem when I use 
SearchPath to build HAppS applications.  For example,

  $ sp runhaskell MyModule.hs

will recursively download imported modules into a local directory and then run:

  $ runhaskell -i.haskell-cache MyModule.hs

If all the imported modules contain all the right flags in their source then 
MyModule.main will just run (no need for manual recursion of through a cabal 
package depency tree!).  If some of the imported modules do not include the 
correct flags, then an error message will result and I am then forced to do:

  $ sp runhaskell MyModule.hs -cpp -fglasgow-exts -etc

And this is bad because (1) some of the modules may not want a particular 
extension turned on and (2) it is annoying to the user to have to guess at 
required extensions until they are all added on the command line.  Problem (1) 
is probably small as evidenced by cabals use of global extensions without much 
complaint.  Problem (2) is bigger.

Most other modern languages e.g. Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc. don't 
rely on the compiler/interpreter command line options to designate 
language extensions.  Neither should haskell.

The correct answer, I believe, is to require that module authors put 
flags in the module themselves where they belong.  At very least it 
should be considred bad style not to have them in your code and really 
what would make more sense is for compiler writers to disable command 
line flags that specify lanaguge-extensions.


PS Until this is resolved, though it is a hack, I will probably have 
searchpath automatically add all ghc language extension flags to the 
command line if the user is using ghc, runghc, or ghci i.e.:

  "-cpp -fth -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances 
-fallow-incoherent-instances -fallow-overlapping-instances"

Another solution would be to have searchpath map files also carry 
cabal file URLs and get the flag from there, but some people still use 
makefiles or other randomness and I would like to make Searchpath work 
with java, perl,python, and ruby without much change.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: STM applications and examples?

2006-06-13 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
The HAppS MACID monad runs on top of STM.  It is open source and 
available via darcs at http://happs.org

http://Pass.net is a production application that uses this 
infrastructure.  The source ofr pass.net is available via darcs get 

Hope that helps.


On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Simon Marlow wrote:

Hi Folks,

I'm interested in gathering information about existing STM applications
and example code that people might be working on or have lying around.
It would be great to maintain a list of such applications and example
code on the wiki somewhere, and use it as a resource for learning STM
and research into STM implementations.

If you have an application using STM, please let us know.  If you can
supply the code, even better.  Similarly if you have some STM code that
might be suitable as samples or benchmarks, we'd love to collect it.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Google Summer of Code Projects

2006-05-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is there a link to the project descriptions somewhere.  They look 
really interesting.


On Wed, 24 May 2006, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

We are very pleased to announce that nine Haskell projects have been
selected to receive funding to the value of $45k under Google's 2006
Summer of Code program. A wide range of projects will be worked on,
contributing to the community important tools and libraries. The
students have until August 21 to complete their projects, and receive
their grants.

The Haskell.org team of mentors would like to thank Google for
recognizing the importance of supporting the Haskell language and

This year was extremely competitive, with over 110 Haskell project
submissions. Of these, 38 projects received high scores and willing
mentors, and 66 received positive reviews overall. We hope that many of
the unsuccessful projects will be worked on nonetheless.

The following projects were successful. Congratulations to these students!

 * Fast Mutable Collection Types for Haskell,
   Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho,
   Mentor: Audrey Tang

 * Port Haddock to use GHC,
   David Waern,
   Mentor: Simon Marlow

 * A model for client-side scripts with HSP,
   Joel Bj?rnson,
   Mentor: Niklas Broberg

 * GHCi based debugger for Haskell,
   Jos? Iborra L?pez,
   Mentor: David Himmelstrup

 * HaskellNet,
   Jun Mukai,
   Mentor: Shae Erisson

 * Language.C - a C parser written in Haskell,
   Marc Ernst Eddy van Woerkom,
   Mentor: Manuel Chakravarty

 * Implement a better type checker for Yhc,
   Mathieu Boespflug,
   Mentor: Malcolm Wallace

 * Thin out cabal-get and integrate in GHC,
   Paolo Martini,
   Mentor: Isaac Jones

 * Unicode ByteString, Data.Rope, Parsec for generic strings,
   Spencer Janssen,
   Mentor: Don Stewart

We wish the students good luck and good hacking!

The Haskell.org Team.
Haskell mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com___
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] monads, records, verbosity

2006-01-05 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Much of the discussion here recently has been related to debate about 
complexifying the monad hierarchy.  The fact that Haskell record 
syntax is abysmal and the verbosity of various possible solutions.

They appear to interrelate.

Would it be possible/reasonable to get rid of data, class, and 
instance declarations and rely on type inference for everything?

Here is my strawman version:

* functions definitions imply the data declarations required

  foo True = Just "abc"
  foo False = Nothing


  data A1 = True | False
  data A2 a = Just a | Nothing

* all function definitions are actually instance declarations of an 
implicit class that implements that function so e.g.

  foo True = Just "abc"
  foo False = Nothing


  class Foo a b where foo::a->b
  instance Foo A1 A2 where
 foo True = Just "abc"
 foo False = Nothing

* multiple definitions of the same function imply distinct instance 

  foo 0 = Nothing
  foo x = Just (x+1)

  ==implies ==>

  class Foo a b where foo::a->b -- same as above definition of Foo
  instance Foo A1 (A2 A1) where .

* field labels happen in context

  mkPot = Pot {profit=0,amounts=[]}
  updatePot p = p {profit \= (1+),amount \= (1:)}
  getProfit p = profit p

  == implies ==>

  data A3 = Pot Int [Int]
  class Profit a where profit::a->Int
  class Amounts a where amounts::a->[Int]
  instance Profit A3 where profit (Pot a _)=a
  instance Amounts A3 where amounts (Pot _ a)=a
  class UpdatePot a where updatePot::a->a
  instance UpdatePot A3 where updatePot (Pot a b) = Pot (1+a) (1:b)
  getProfit p = profit p

* default instances are as follows

  foo a b c = b -- the default instance
  foo (a::Pot) b c = c -- the specialized instance

Is this possible/reasonable?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: ECT and SearchPath

2005-12-13 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Sven Moritz Hallberg wrote:

is a good scheme. For it to _really_ work, however, we should form a
registry of "officially assigned" module names (i.e. ones without a
disambiguation suffix) and also one for the author and/or organization
names to be used as suffixes. I for example am known by the nickname
Pesco, or (more recently) by the mnemonic SM at domain KHJK.ORG.

My solution to this problem in SearchPath is module maps.  SearchPath 
lets you use multiple module maps simultaneously.  So you can for 
example simultaneously use a global module map as haskell.org, an 
industry module map at yourassociate.org, an internal company map 
located on your_intranet, and a personal map located on your computer. 
Conflicts are handled by the order in which you invoke the maps.
So a map is official to the extent your community shares it. 
Different entities can also compete to provide maps of differing 
qualities e.g. is the map audited for security issues?  does the map 
point to the repository head of all modules or a static version? etc.

Clay Shirky famously observed that in namespace construction there is 
a pretty direct tradeoff between have names be memorable, global, and 
non-political.  I think shared module maps represents a good 

I just
read your ECT article which seems to start with the same assumption and
takes the theory to its logical conclusion.

I take that as a compliment. ;) Thank you.

It was intended that way!  :-)

The main issue that springs to my mind is authenticity control. How do I
know the module I'm downloading is the one I want? Note that this
question is always there, even in the local case, but it is usually not
seen as a problem until module sources are distributed over the Net.

I think https URLs solve this problem.  You choose module maps from 
authors you trust and access those maps via https.  These "friendly" 
module maps then point to "friendly" modules that you can also access 
via https.  Since, you choose which CAs you trust to sign server keys, 
you are safe from MITM attacks.

Note, I thought about supporting pgp but there is no obvious way to 
sign a CVS/SVN/darcs repository and what I like about ECT is that you 
can point to such repositories rather than specific checked out 
versions in the comfort that things won't break.  I LOVE that in 
combination with ECT, you get notified that you are using a deprecated 
version on the next compile without having to check all your imports 

FYI, the main thing that I would really like, but don't have and can't 
implement, is for :r in ghci to invoke SearchPath to hunt for missing 
modules rather than forcing you to quit out and restart ghci every 
time you add an import of an undownloaded module in your code.  Using 
searcpath make thing very smooth, but this feature would make it 
completely so.


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] implicit responses/values

2005-09-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I am now using implicit parameters quite happily.  But I also feel the 
need for the reverse.  There are occasions where I want to pass a 
value back through the set of calling functions e.g. produce HTTP 
cache header info through functions that are not really about that.

I am not sure how this would work, but it strikes me as useful.
Anything like that in the offing?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] Realistic max size of GHC heap

2005-09-15 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Should one interpret this as GHC now targets 64-bit systems or does 
one need to employ some sort of clevernesss to use this much memory?
(I posted this question a while ago and was told that GHC did not at 
that time support 64-bit so could not use that much memory)

On a related note, does GHC now distribute IO threads over multiple 
CPUs or is it still a 1 CPU system?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 15 September 2005 01:04, Karl Grapone wrote:

I'm considering using haskell for a system that could, potentially,
need 5GB-10GB of live data.
My intention is to use GHC on Opteron boxes which will give me a max
of 16GB-32GB of real ram.  I gather that GHC is close to being ported
to amd64.

Is it a realistic goal to operate with a heap size this large in GHC?
The great majority of this data will be very long tenured, so I'm
hoping that it'll be possible to configure the GC to not need to much
peak memory during the collection phase.

It'll be a good stress test for the GC, at least.  There are no reasons
in principle why you can't have a heap this big, but major collections
are going to take a long time.  It sounds like in your case most of this
data is effectively static, so in fact a major collection will be of
little use.

Generational collection tries to deal with this in an adaptive way:
long-lived data gets traversed less and less often as the program runs,
as long as you have enough generations.  But if the programmer really
knows that a large chunk of data is going to be live for a long time, it
would be interesting to see whether this information could be fed back
in a way that the GC can take advantage of it.  I'm sure there must be
existing techniques for this sort of thing.

Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANN: SearchPath 0.5 and Request for https module URLs

2005-05-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
At Simon Marlow's suggestion, I have implemented Internet import 

You wrap your compiler/interpreter call with "searchpath", pass the 
correct parameters and it will find all your module imports, if they 
are not local, it will look them up in Internet module directories you 
specify, retrieve the relevant modules, put them on your path and then 
run your compiler/interpeter with the appropriate commandline 
options. e.g.

 searchpath ghc MyModule.hs OtherModule -isomeDir --internet localModules.map 
-iotherdir --internet https://hackage.org/modules.map -iotherDir2 -cache cache
will result in the download of all the modules it can find each directory and 
 ghc MyModule.hs OtherModule -isomeDir --icache/internet1 -iotherdir 
-icache/internet2 -iotherDir2
Mapfiles have the form:
  HAppS  http://happs.org #comment
  *.*.HaXml.*  http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/darcs/HaXml/src #another comment
Simon, I am now handling import chasing, Haskell extensions, literate 
haskell, latex haskell, and HTTPS URLs (via curl).

It works with the ghc command line, except that it doesn't handle 
multiple directories passed on the same -i.  (Can someone tell me what 
the official path separator is for ghc -i?).

It doesn't yet work with other compilers/interpreters, but should be 
easy to adapt.

It does not handle package files right now.
Request: This will work better as people expose their modules via 
http(s).  If your modules are visible this way, please email me a 

Location: http://happs.org/SearchPath.hs
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: Proposal: Relative Module Imports

2005-05-05 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 3 May 2005, Samuel Bronson wrote:
Maybe something like
from Text.HaXML.XML import (Types, Escape, Pretty)
would be nice.
The problem with this one is that you need a way to express all the 
other stuff in import statements like "qualified" or "as", the 
imported list, etc.

If you don't like the dots and are willing to deal with having to type 
the current module hierarchy twice, a more verbose syntax would be

  module Foo.Bar.Baz.Bing where   module Foo.Bar.Baz.Bing where
  from Foo.Bar.Baz
 import Blip  import Foo.Bar.Baz.Blip as Blip
  from Text.HaXML.XML
 import Types import Text.HaXML.XML.Types as Types
 import Escapeimport Text.HaXML.XML.Escape as Escape
Not as tight as the prior syntax I proposed, but more readable and 
still a large improvement on the status quo.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
On Tue, 3 May 2005, Samuel Bronson wrote:
On 5/3/05, S. Alexander Jacobson  alexjacobson.com> wrote:
Problem: We need a way to simplify module imports.
Problem details:
* Hierarchical module names are getting really long (including a
functional area, a package name, and a module name).
* People typically import multiple modules from areas close to each
other in the hierarchical module namespace (especially in the case of
intra-package imports).
* Long module names are required even for non-exposed modules because
a program may contain only one module with a given name (regardless of
its visibility).
Idea: Allow module relative imports in a manner that does not break
any existing code.
This would be really nice, but I'm not sure I like the way you propose
to do it. Those bare dots don't look very nice to me, and I really
don't like the idea of having to count them... I'm not even sure I
like the idea of imports relative to the current module.
I almost want "import Text.HaXML.XML.{Types,Escape,Pretty}", but not
quite. And that would not be nice for qualified imports, anyway.
Maybe something like
from Text.HaXML.XML import (Types, Escape, Pretty)
would be nice.
-- Sam
Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Proposal: Relative Module Imports

2005-05-03 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Problem: We need a way to simplify module imports.
Problem details:
* Hierarchical module names are getting really long (including a 
functional area, a package name, and a module name).

* People typically import multiple modules from areas close to each 
other in the hierarchical module namespace (especially in the case of 
intra-package imports).

* Long module names are required even for non-exposed modules because 
a program may contain only one module with a given name (regardless of 
its visibility).

Idea: Allow module relative imports in a manner that does not break 
any existing code.

* Use preceding dots to indicate that module name is relative
* Use from keyword to specify a different relative base.
 Dot relative syntax Translation
 --- ---
 module Text.Space.Foo.M where   module Text.Space.Foo.M where
 import .M2  import Text.Space.Foo.M2 as M2
 import ..Bar.Bazimport Text.Space.Bar.Baz as Bar.Baz
 import Data.Set import Data.Set
 from ...HaXML.XML
   import .Types import Text.HaXML.XML.Types as Types
   import .Escapeimport Text.HaXML.XML.Escape as Escape
   import .Prettyimport Text.HaXML.XML.Pretty as Pretty
I believe that the proposed syntax is much more concise and readable 
than the current equivalent.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] How to make Haskell more popular

2005-04-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
FYI Perl 6 is being implemented in Haskell (in <4k of code!), so you 
can do both!

Project: http://pugscode.org/
Interview: http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2005/03/03/pugs_interview.html
On Fri, 1 Apr 2005, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
On Apr 1, 2005 12:28 PM, Jon Fairbairn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1) If another language has a feature, add it to Haskell, so
Bah! Why don't you just use Perl! :-)
Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell mailing list
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Stop untracked dependencies! (was RE: mapping module identifiers to URLs (was RE: [Haskell] URLs in haskellmodule namespace))

2005-03-31 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
A major problem in every major language I have ever used is module 
systems that make it all too easy for untracked dependencies to creep 
silently into code.  The result has repeatedly been nasty surprises 
when moving code between machines.  A Haskell example of this problem 
might look something like this:

* Oh, Network.HTTP is non-standard!? Thats wierd.
* Uh Oh. Google reveals at least three different implementations...
* Now, how do I determine which one is installed here?
* Is there a local copy of the package somewhere?
* No? Ok, is it available for download somewhere?
* Uhm, is the version I am using still available for download?
* Oh, we made local changes too!? What were they?
* Ok, we added Network.Socket.SSL. That's standard right? [rinse/repeat]
[A lot of detective work later...]
* Ok, now we've figured out all the packages, how do we ship them?
[shipping strategy devised...]
* But what happens if I don't have root/admin on the target machine? [...]
* Oh, this package conflicts with something already installed? [etc.]
It is true that Cabal's Build-Depends doesn't do everything you want it
to, but your proposal also duplicates some of the functionality of
Build-Depends, and makes it so that there are two places where
dependencies are stored. We should only have to specify 
dependencies once.
I agree you should only have to specify dependencies once.  But, 
deferring dependency tracking to the point you are ready to ship (with 
Cabal or otherwise) is a recipe for disaster.  Every code dependency 
should be explicit and verified at compile time. You should be able to 
to look at any block of code at any time and be able to produce the 
list of packages required to make it run.

Strawman proposal 2:
  Modify the import syntax to allow package identifiers:
   import qualified HaXML HaXML.XML.Parse
   import HAppS HAppS.ACID
   import Personal MyLib
  Define a packages file format to resolve package ids to locations:

 http://haskell.org/HAppS.hkg"; />
 http://oldversion"; to="http://newversion"; />

  Add a -p option to the compiler pointing to a packages file
  and use the content of that file to resolve module ids to
  implementations.  The compiler MUST give an error if the user tries
  to associate the same module id with two different implementations
  [no grafting/module relativity!]
  Remove the -i compiler option.  Any import of a module not
  in the local path must have a package id.  [Get rid of import path
  order/overlap ambiguity!]
  Replace Cabal's Build-Depends field label with a Packages field
  label that takes a path to a packages file as a value.  Add option
  to include a copy of all packages used by the current package.
  Give error if modules from other packages give conflicting module
  implementations.  Allow user to resolve conflict in imported package
  files by using remap and redirect elements in the packages file.
I don't think it's necessary to specify dependencies with module
granularity.  This just increases the number of possible error cases,
without adding functionality.
If I use multiple packages that export the same module identifier, I 
need a way to specify which one I want to use.  Haskell's existing 
packaging model doesn't let met do that easily.

  - Package dependencies in Build-Depends could be specified using
But then dependencies aren't checked at compile time and you can't 
specify which modules come from which packages.

  - Cabal could download, build, and install dependencies without any
user intervention.
Download and build? Great!  Install? No thank you!
In a fundamental sense, *installation* of third party libraries is 
exactly what I am opposing here.  Library installation is what allows 
untracked dependencies to creep in.  Users of executables definitely 
want a process for installation of executables in their local 
environment because they need a way to adjudicate potential conflicts 
between them (e.g. file associations).  However, what users of 
libraries want is just a safe and easy way to populate a local cache 
of module-implementations from various sources and that is what I am 
asking for here.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

mapping module identifiers to URLs (was RE: [Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace)

2005-03-29 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
My original goal in this thread was to explore a way to map module 
identifiers to the locations of module implementations that 
implementations can retrieve and compile with minimal user 
intervention.  We got sidetracked into grafting, and 
I'd like to return to the original goal.

The big open question is whether that mapping of imported module 
identifiers to retrieval locations is determined per import (like HTML 
links), per module (like HTML base tags), per build (think -i), per 
system (the registry), or centrally/federated like the DNS.

Per system and Centrally/Federated feel like they involve too much 
bureacracy either through a local sysadmin or an IANA like entity 
(currently the libraries mailing list) and they give the programmer 
too little control over which packages they actually want to use.

Per import and per module mapping seem like unjustified maintenance 
headaches absent module identifier relativity (a feature rejected in 
the 2003 grafting thread to which Simon referred [1] though Malcolm 
seems to be backtracking on the issue in in this thread)

Therefore per build seems like the way to go.  One implementation of 
per build is to extend -i to take URLs but that requires the 
implementation to query every URL on the search path for every import 
and that seems inefficient.  I actually think -i is harmful in general 
because it makes it much harder to track dependencies.

Here is a strawman proposal for replacing -i.
  The compiler/interpreter should accept a "Modules" file that maps
  thid party module identifiers to URLs at which source may be found.
  Here is a strawman file format:
   #moduleId url(s)
   Foo.Bar.* http://domain.com/package-v1.0.hkg 
   Foo.Bar   http://domain2.com/package2.hkg
  The urls on any line enumerate all packages that have compatible
  implementations of the module identified by the module identifier on
  that line.
  Each imported packages may contain at most one Modules file.  The
  implementation attempts to find module URL implementation agreement
  among all imported packages.  If that fails, foreign Modules files
  are interpreted as being included at the line where they were
  imported.  Later URLs for the same moduleId override earlier ones.
  The implementation should give a warning if third party packages
  give conflicting module locations.
Note: Yes, I know about Cabal's Build-Depends, but it doesn't serve 
the need described here.

[1] http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2003-September/001457.html
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005, Simon Marlow wrote:
On 23 March 2005 13:11, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
I think this will be trivially possible once the compilers support
multiple versioning of packages.  (Ghc may even support it already.):
{-# OPTIONS -package foo-1.0 #-}
module Old (module Foo) where
import Foo
{-# OPTIONS -package foo-2.2 #-}
module New (module Foo) where
import Foo
module Convert where
import qualified Old
import qualified New
convert (Old.Foo x y) = New.Foo y x
We're not going to support this, at least for the forseeable future.
It's a pretty big change: every entity in the program becomes
parameterised by the package name as well as the module name, because
module names can overlap.
This means a change to the language: there might be multiple types
called M.T in the program, which are not compatible (they might have
different representations).  You can't pass a value of type M.T that you
got from version 1.0 of the package to a function expecting M.T in
version 2.
This issue came up in the thread about grafting from late 2003 on the
libraries list (sorry don't have a link to hand).
Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace

2005-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
Import statements should be allowed to include URL of Cabal packages.
Module namespace in these import statements should be with respect to
the package and not the local environment.  e.g. these import
statements allow us to import two different versions of Network.HTTP
   import http://domain.org/package-1.0.cabal#Network.HTTP as HTTP
   import http://hage.org/package-2.1.cabal#Network.HTTP as HTTP2
  --note use of HTTP fragment identifier for module name
I cannot see any of the Haskell compilers ever implementing this idea
as presented.  It would introduce an enormous raft of requirements
(networking client, database mapping, caching, etc) that do not belong
in a compiler - they belong in separate (preprocessing/packaging)
tools.  Furthermore, these tools already exist, albeit they are young
and have a long maturation process still ahead of them.
Ok, well lets unpack what is actually required here:
1. Change of syntax in import statements
GHC already has lots of new syntax.
2. Module names with package scope
GHC already has a -i.  I assume the complexity of generating a -i 
w/r/t a notation provided in the import statment is not that high.

3. Networking Client
I think GHC already bundles Cabal and Cabal already handles being a 
network client and doing some database mapping.  (Lemmih: Please 
correct me if I am mistaken).  Also, it is ridiculous for a modern 
language implementation NOT to have a network client library.

4. Caching
Caching is new, but it is not that difficult to add to an extisting 
HTTP requester and the benefits seem well worth this marginal cost.

5. Maturation of Packaging Tools
I agree that the packaging tools are immature.  That is why it makes 
sense to evaluate this proposal now.  No one has a big investment in 
the current packaging model and packaging tools optimized for a 
language that works in the way I propose would look very different 
from packaging tools organized for the pre-Internet world.

* Simplified place for user to track/enforce external dependencies.
No, it spreads the dependency problem over lots of import statements,
which will quickly become a maintenance headache when the URLs
become invalid.  Imagine a GUI project that uses, say, the GTK+
libraries in a hundred different import statements.  Then the GTK
server moves to a different URL.  Disaster!
Disaster?  I don't think so.  That is why purl.org exists.  The HTTP 
302 status code is your friend.  If you don't want to use purl.org, 
feel free to set up your own redirect server.  I imagine various 
different redirect servers operated by different people with different 
policies about what counts as a bug fix vs what counts as a new 
version, etc.

And btw, it is a failure of Haskell right now that imports don't 
create dependency.  Right now, I would like a sane way to import two 
different versions of the same module so I can do file conversion.  It 
seems like the only way to accomplish this in Haskell as it stands 
is to rename one version and then I'm back in the world of global 
search and replace on import lines again.  It would be MUCH 
niceer do this via packages URLs instead.

It would be much better to group the dependencies into a single
file per project - so there is just one place where changes need to
be made.  This possibility already exists - just create a .cabal file
for the project.
How do I depend on multiple versions of the same package in a single 
module?  How do I make sure that my .cabal file is up to date with the 
actual content of my imports?  I am proposing to automate this 
process.  You appear to want to keep it manual.

If you are using non-standard modules, you had better know where they
came from and how to get another copy.  This proposal provides a sane
way to do that (see below).
The Hackage project is exactly a database of package/location mappings,
which the /author/ of each package can keep up-to-date, not the user.
Much more maintainable.
See my comment to Lemmih about the possibility of multiple hackage 
servers and needing to know locations on each of those servers.

If Haskell allowed import of package URLs then a hackage server would 
just be one of many 302 servers (like Purl.org) and not require 
special plumbing.  Note, you different people might have different 
judgements about what constistutes a bugfix vs a new version.  You 
can't rely on the package author to agree with you!

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace

2005-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Lemmih wrote:
The idea with Hackage was to create a central place for people to put
software or links to software, so keeping only one server for free (as
in beer) packages would be desirable. However, this does in no way
limit how Hackage can be used for private code repositories.
So I assume that means you also think we need a way to locate packages 
on various repositories.  Would you agree that URLs would be a good 
way of doing so?

And, if there are multiple hackage servers, we are going to need to
indentify the server from which a particular package originates and
the location of that package on that server.  This proposal provides
an obvious method of doing so.
Specifying sources on the cmd line or in /etc/cabal/sources.list
sounds more maintainable to me.
Except you then need to notice when you are no longer using a 
particular package and do bookkeeping.  You also have no way of saying 
that one of your modules is using version X of a package while another 
is using version Y without command line specification.

If module names were with respect to packages that would be entirely
fine.  But right now module names are global and that is a serious
But they are! GHC can even handle several versions of the same
package. Modules from a package wont be in scope if you hide or ignore
But suppose you want to use two different verions of the same package 
in a single modulePerhaps because you need to read a file saved 
with a show corresponding to an old version into a data structure 
defined in the new version...

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace

2005-03-22 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Proposal restatement:
Import statements should be allowed to include URL of Cabal packages. 
Module namespace in these import statements should be with respect to 
the package and not the local environment.  e.g. these import 
statements allow us to import two different versions of Network.HTTP

  import http://domain.org/package-1.0.cabal#Network.HTTP as HTTP
  import http://hage.org/package-2.1.cabal#Network.HTTP as HTTP2
 --note use of HTTP fragment identifier for module name
* Simplified place for user to track/enforce external dependencies.
If you are using non-standard modules, you had better know where they 
came from and how to get another copy.  This proposal provides a sane 
way to do that (see below).

* It makes it easy to move code between machines.
The implementation takes care of retreiving and building the packages 
automatically and as necessary.  There is no need for a separate 
retrieve/build/install cycle.

* Eliminates the horrible globality of Haskell's module namespace
You can use two modules with the same name and different functionality 
and you can use two modules that use different versions of the same 
module. (see below).

* Users no longer need to think about package installation scope.
Package installation is with respect to the current use.  Whether 
multiple users are able to share the same installation is up to the 
installation.  User's can't infest the machine's local namespace by 
adding new packages.

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Lemmih wrote:
   1. knowing the source package for each module used in their code
  even if they didn't insall the packages in the first place i.e.
  import Foo.Bar just worked on my development machine.
I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying but knowing
the exact URL for every single module import seems more of a hassle
than installing a few packages. You could perhaps even make a shell
script containing 'cabal-get install package1 package2 ...'.
I am assuming that I may want to move my code to another machine and 
that therefore I need to keep a record *somewhere* of the source 
package of every module I actually use.  If I don't, then moving will 
be much more difficult.  Yes, keeping track of these packages is a 
hassle, but I don't see how it can be avoided.

Once I am keeping track, the *somewhere* that it makes the most sense 
to me to do so is the point in the code where I am importing the 
module.  That way the implementation can enforce correspondence and if 
I stop using the module, the package dependency automatically 

Doing this sort of work in a separate script strikes me as a 
maintenance headache and means that all modules I use have to coexist 
in a shared namespace which seems likely to create more headache.

   2. knowing the current location of those packages even if they
  didn't obtain them for installation on the original machine
  where they used them and aren't on the mailing list for them.
I assume you meant something like "The developer don't know where to
find the packages".
The location of the packages is irrelevant to the developer since it's
handled by Cabal/Hackage.
I don't understand.  Are you saying that there will be only one 
Hackage server ever and it will have all information about all 
packages everywhere and that the location of this hackage server will 
be hard coded into every cabal implementation?

If so, I find that vision incredibly unappealing.  I believe there 
should/will be multiple hackage servers with carrying different 
hackages under control of different parties (e.g. a corporation might 
have one for its own private code).

And, if there are multiple hackage servers, we are going to need to 
indentify the server from which a particular package originates and 
the location of that package on that server.  This proposal provides 
an obvious method of doing so.

And a big bonus here is we get a simple solution to the problem of
Haskell's global module namespace.
There was a problem with module name spaces? Wouldn't there only be a
problem if two packages used the same module name for different
Yes, and that happens whenever you have different modules using 
different versions of the same module and it also happens when two 
different authors both chose to name their libraries Network.HTTP or 

If module names were with respect to packages that would be entirely 
fine.  But right now module names are global and that is a serious 

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace

2005-03-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
The current Haskell/Cabal module and packaging system is substantially 
annoying for the typical non-sysadmin end-user.  In particular, if 
they move their code to another machine they have to do a bunch of 
different administrivia including:

  1. knowing the source package for each module used in their code
 even if they didn't insall the packages in the first place i.e.
 import Foo.Bar just worked on my development machine.
  2. knowing the current location of those packages even if they
 didn't obtain them for installation on the original machine
 where they used them and aren't on the mailing list for them.
  3. going through the hassle of doing a "cabal-get install" for each
 of them once they have figured it all out.
I'd rather have a system that takes care of 1-3 for me and just 
reports errors if particular modules are irretrievable.

That being said, Cabal definitely solves a lot of problems that my 
original proposal left unaddressed (e.g. producing executables needed 
to build modules, handling C code, versioning?).  Perhaps the correct 
answer is to import Cabal packages rather than haskell source e.g.

  import http://package.org/package-1.0.cabal#Foo.Bar as Baz
  import http://package.org/package-2.0.cabal#Foo.Bar as Baz2
  --note use of HTTP fragment identifier for module name
And a big bonus here is we get a simple solution to the problem of 
Haskell's global module namespace.  Now module namespace is local to 
individual packages.

If cabal also has a "cabal-put package MyPackage http://myhost.com/dir"; 
then we have a really simple and beautiful system for sharing 
libraries over the Internet as well!

If the change of import syntax is blessed by the powers that be, would
it be hard to adapt Cabal to work like this?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Lemmih wrote:
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 23:06:25 +0100, Sven Moritz Hallberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings Alexander,
I have been thinking about something very much similar for some time.
Am 21. Mrz 2005 um 21.47 Uhr schrieb S. Alexander Jacobson:
As I move from machine to machine, it would be nice not to have to
install all the libraries I use over and over again.  I'd like to be
able to do something like this:
  import http://module.org/someLib as someLib
The extra complexity outstrips the gain since installing a package
will soon be as easy as this: 'cabal-get install myPackage'. Checkout
the Cabal/Hackage project.
I'm not sure a URL is the right thing to use. For instance, what about
the http part? In the end, the URL gives a certain location for the
module, which might change. Programs using the module should not become
invalid just by movement of the dependency.

If the requested module itself does local imports, the implementation
would first try to resolve the names on the client machine and
otherwise make requests along remote relative paths.
If would be nice if implementations cached these http requests and did
If-Modified-Since requests on each compile.  If the document at the
URL has been modified it might show the diff and ask the user if it is
appropriate to upgrade to the new version.
Exactly. I think, even, that this kind of handling is what we _need_. I
routinely feel, in writing my own modules, the hassle of questions like
"how do I package this?". It would be much easier and accessible to
just put my modules up one by one on the Web, advertise them (by
posting the documentation, preferably ;)) and know that people's GHC or
whatnot will just auto-fetch them.
This is exactly what Cabal and Hackage is solving.
The next thought of course is versioning. To make sure my Haskell
system gets the version I meant when I wrote my program, modules need
version numbers. I'd propose the following.
module A [1,5.2] (...) where ...
The bracketed expression after the module name is an interval of
interface numbers: This version of the module exports interface 5.2,
the decimal indicating the second revision since no. 5. The module
further declares to be backwards-compatible with all interfaces down to
version 1, inclusively (i.e. they form a sequence of subsets). Nota
bene this scheme is the same as that used by GNU libtool (although
libtool explains it much too complicated).
A module author would start with interface 1 (i.e. write [1,1]) and
upon changing the module:
- If the change was only a code revision with no interface or semantic
changes at all, raise the fractional part, e.g. [1,1.1]
- If there was any change in the module exports, or the semantics of
existing exports, raise the interface number (upper bound) to the next
integer, e.g. [1,2]
- If the change broke compatibility with the last version (i.e.
removed or changed any of the existing ex

Re: [Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace

2005-03-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
A few quick thoughts:
1 Although technically HTTP URLs are locations rather than 
identifiers, that is the behavior we want in this context.  If you 
want to trust someone else to serve you the correct module, you should 
specify it. A formal spec should define exactly what URI schemes are 
supported.  I would like support for HTTP and HTTPS.

2. Versioning is an issue independent of whether Haskell allows 
HTTP URLs as module locators.  However if Haskell does end up with 
versioning AND HTTP support, it might make sense for it to use WebDAV 
versioning to access remote modules.

3. I love the concept of adapters.  In particular, I'd really like a 
way to make sure that Prelude.read does not produce an error when the 
saved representation of a datatype differs from the current one. 
Manual management is a big PITA. (And yes, this too is orthogonal from 
the question of URLs in haskell module namespace.)

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Sven Moritz Hallberg wrote:
Greetings Alexander,
I have been thinking about something very much similar for some time. But:
Am 21. Mrz 2005 um 21.47 Uhr schrieb S. Alexander Jacobson:
As I move from machine to machine, it would be nice not to have to install 
all the libraries I use over and over again.  I'd like to be able to do 
something like this:

  import http://module.org/someLib as someLib
I'm not sure a URL is the right thing to use. For instance, what about the 
http part? In the end, the URL gives a certain location for the module, which 
might change. Programs using the module should not become invalid just by 
movement of the dependency.

If the requested module itself does local imports, the implementation would 
first try to resolve the names on the client machine and otherwise make 
requests along remote relative paths.

If would be nice if implementations cached these http requests and did
If-Modified-Since requests on each compile.  If the document at the URL has 
been modified it might show the diff and ask the user if it is appropriate 
to upgrade to the new version.
Exactly. I think, even, that this kind of handling is what we _need_. I 
routinely feel, in writing my own modules, the hassle of questions like "how 
do I package this?". It would be much easier and accessible to just put my 
modules up one by one on the Web, advertise them (by posting the 
documentation, preferably ;)) and know that people's GHC or whatnot will just 
auto-fetch them.

The next thought of course is versioning. To make sure my Haskell system gets 
the version I meant when I wrote my program, modules need version numbers. 
I'd propose the following.

module A [1,5.2] (...) where ...
The bracketed expression after the module name is an interval of interface 
numbers: This version of the module exports interface 5.2, the decimal 
indicating the second revision since no. 5. The module further declares to be 
backwards-compatible with all interfaces down to version 1, inclusively (i.e. 
they form a sequence of subsets). Nota bene this scheme is the same as that 
used by GNU libtool (although libtool explains it much too complicated).

A module author would start with interface 1 (i.e. write [1,1]) and upon 
changing the module:

	- If the change was only a code revision with no interface or 
semantic changes at all, raise the fractional part, e.g. [1,1.1]
	- If there was any change in the module exports, or the semantics of 
existing exports, raise the interface number (upper bound) to the next 
integer, e.g. [1,2]
	- If the change broke compatibility with the last version (i.e. 
removed or changed any of the existing exports), snap the lower bound up to 
reduce the interval to a single element again, e.g. [3,3].

import A 2 (...)
The import statement includes a single integer interface number which is the 
number of the interface this module was written against. It indicates that 
any version of module A whose interface interval contains 2 is compatible.

Obviously, the Haskell system should be able to provide some convenience for 
managing the interface numbers. It should also be possible to devise a smart 
way of handling omitted interface info (both on the ex- and import side).

Finally, one will wish for a system of providing adaptor modules to interface 
old importers to new versions of their importees. That way, interfaces can be 
evolved rapidly because backwards-compatibility need not be retained, as long 
as one provides a suitable adaptor (to be auto-installed by an importing 
system). In such a setting, the simple "latest compatible interval" approach 
also becomes sufficient to handle even strong interface fluctuation because 
gaps can always be bridged with adaptors.

Does this make sense?
Sven Moritz
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] URLs in haskell module namespace

2005-03-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
As I move from machine to machine, it would be nice not to have to 
install all the libraries I use over and over again.  I'd like to be 
able to do something like this:

  import http://module.org/someLib as someLib
If the requested module itself does local imports, the implementation 
would first try to resolve the names on the client machine and 
otherwise make requests along remote relative paths.

If would be nice if implementations cached these http requests and did
If-Modified-Since requests on each compile.  If the document at the 
URL has been modified it might show the diff and ask the user if it is 
appropriate to upgrade to the new version.

Does this make sense?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] par and forkIO

2005-02-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Multicore and multi-cpu machines are getting more and more common.
e.g. http://www.anandtech.com/systems/showdoc.aspx?i=2354&p=2
Do the current implementations of par and forkIO in e.g. GHC take 
advantage multiple CPUs/cores or is special plumbing needed (GPH?)?

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

instance Show Data.Map? (was Re: [Haskell] Data.Map missing keysFM_GE, eltsFM_GE?)

2005-02-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ok, thanks.  I also notice that Data.Map derives Show, but not Read
and that the shown format is slightly annoying to parse because it 
creates this new pseudo-operator (:=).

Given that you can't hide instance declarations, it would be better 
either not to implement Show at all, to implement it as 
(show.assocs), or to provide a Read instance.

Any hope of the above, or do I need to refactor my code not to use 
(Read,Show) around Data.Map?

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 02:39:54PM -0500, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
Data.FiniteMap has functions keysFM_GE and eltsFM_GE which return the
keys or elts of pairs greater than or equal to the provided key.
These functions do not appear to be in the new Data.Map.
Is this intentional?
There is
   splitLookup :: (Ord k) =>
  -> Data.Map.Map k a
  -> (Data.Map.Map k a, Maybe a, Data.Map.Map k a)
   toAscList :: Data.Map.Map k a -> [(k, a)]
so you can write keysFM_GE and eltsFM_GE yourself, for example:
 eltsFM_GE k m = maybe [] return eq ++ Prelude.map snd (toAscList ge)
 (_, eq, ge) = splitLookup k m in
Best regards
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Data.Map missing keysFM_GE, eltsFM_GE?

2005-02-21 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Data.FiniteMap has functions keysFM_GE and eltsFM_GE which return the 
keys or elts of pairs greater than or equal to the provided key.

These functions do not appear to be in the new Data.Map.
Is this intentional?
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Proposal: Allow "\=" for field update in record update syntax

2005-02-18 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:
Its a pity template haskell cannot define infix operators, but you could use 
TH like:

  $update rec field fn
which would expand to:
  rec { field = fn (rec field)  }
That doesn't help you so much if you want to update more than 
one field at a time.  I think the best case syntax in this spirit is 
to define:

   x // f = f x
   infixl 6 //
   $(a field val) => \rec -> rec {field = val}
   $(u field fn) => \rec -> rec {field = fn (field rec)}
Which we would then be able to use like this:
   fun rec = rec // $(u field1 fn) . $(a field2 val)
But, I'm not sure that is superior to having the user explicitly 
derive u_ and a_ functions on the rectype which looks like this:

   $(deriveUpdate RecType)
   fun rec = rec // u_field1 fn . a_field2 val
Aside: Why doesn't TH allow infix?  Haskell doesn't allow operators 
that start with ':' so it would seem natural for TH to use those for 
infix.  Then we could have e.g. (:=) and (:\=) and end up with a 
syntax that looks like this:

  rec // field :\= fn . field2 := val
And that is BETTER than the Haskell syntax that I originally proposed. 
Are TH infix operators on the agenda?

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

I don't know what it takes to get this sort of change into circulation, but 
I assume it starts with a clear and specific description of the problem, 
exploration of alternatives, and a specific proposed solution.  So here 

Proposal: Allow "\=" for field update in record update syntax
Specifically, intepret
   rec {field\=fn}
   rec {field = fn (field rec)}
It is extremely common when updating records to be updating a field value 
based on its prior value rather than simply assigning a new value from 
nothing.  Unforunately the syntax supports the later clearly but makes the 
former awkward to read, understand, and debug:

   myFun db myType1 =
  db { tMyType1 = insert myType1 $ tMyType1 db
   nextId = 1 + (nextId db)
One solution to this problem that does not involve changing syntax is to 
generate field update functions for every field of a type e.g.:

   update_tMyType1 f s = s {tMyType1= f $ myType1 s}
   update_nextId f s = s {nextId = f $ nextId s}
Once you have those functions, myFun looks much better:
   myFun db myType = update_nextId (+1) $ update_tMyType1 f db
 where f= insert myType1
But, generating the update_ functions is not programming; its just manual 
syntax generation.  And, even if you have template haskell to do it,

  * it is annoying to have to find/write the TH code to implement
  * update_ is incredibly verbose
  * shortening it risks proliferation of psuedo-syntax:
 u_tMyType, u__tMyType, or utMyType?
  * it adds clutter to have to call the TH for each record type, and
  * it pollutes the name space/increases risk of name collision
Rather than force the user to jump through these hoops, why not make the 
syntax flow naturally from the existing record update syntax? It makes 
sense to use \= for this task as it is the functional generalization of C 
or Java's += or *= . Then myFun would have the elegant and clear syntax:

myFun db myType1 =db {tMyType1\=insert myType1, nextId\=(+1)}
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Proposal: Allow "\=" for field update in record update syntax

2005-02-17 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I don't know what it takes to get this sort of change into 
circulation, but I assume it starts with a clear and specific 
description of the problem, exploration of alternatives, and a 
specific proposed solution.  So here goes:

Proposal: Allow "\=" for field update in record update syntax
Specifically, intepret
   rec {field\=fn}
   rec {field = fn (field rec)}
It is extremely common when updating records to be updating a field 
value based on its prior value rather than simply assigning a new 
value from nothing.  Unforunately the syntax supports the later 
clearly but makes the former awkward to read, understand, and debug:

   myFun db myType1 =
  db { tMyType1 = insert myType1 $ tMyType1 db
   nextId = 1 + (nextId db)
One solution to this problem that does not involve changing syntax is 
to generate field update functions for every field of a type e.g.:

   update_tMyType1 f s = s {tMyType1= f $ myType1 s}
   update_nextId f s = s {nextId = f $ nextId s}
Once you have those functions, myFun looks much better:
   myFun db myType = update_nextId (+1) $ update_tMyType1 f db
 where f= insert myType1
But, generating the update_ functions is not programming; its 
just manual syntax generation.  And, even if you have template haskell 
to do it,

  * it is annoying to have to find/write the TH code to implement
  * update_ is incredibly verbose
  * shortening it risks proliferation of psuedo-syntax:
 u_tMyType, u__tMyType, or utMyType?
  * it adds clutter to have to call the TH for each record type, and
  * it pollutes the name space/increases risk of name collision
Rather than force the user to jump through these hoops, why not make 
the syntax flow naturally from the existing record update syntax? It 
makes sense to use \= for this task as it is the functional 
generalization of C or Java's += or *= . Then myFun would have the 
elegant and clear syntax:

myFun db myType1 =db {tMyType1\=insert myType1, nextId\=(+1)}
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Job Posting (Looking for a few good functional programmers)

2005-02-03 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Yaron, would you mind sharing the reason your firm 
chose OCaml over Haskell for your applications?

For others, I would love to organize an informal 
gathering of NYC Haskell programmers if there are 
any.  If you are interested, please contact me and 
I'll try to make it happen.

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Yaron Minsky wrote:
Jane Street Capital (an affiliate of Henry Capital
<http://henrycapital.com>) is a proprietary trading company located in
Manhattan. The quantitative research department is responsible for
analyzing, improving, and generating trading strategies.  It's an open
and informal environment (you can wear shorts and a t-shirt to the
office), and the work is technically challenging, including systems
work, machine learning, statistical analysis, parallel processing, and
anything that crosses our path that looks useful.
One unusual attraction of the job is that the large majority of our
programming is done in OCaml.  Pay is competitive, and we're a
reasonably small company (around 85 employees), so advancement is
pretty quick for someone who performs well.
Here's what we're looking for:
- Top-notch mathematical and analytic skills.  We want people who
 can solve difficult technical problems, and think clearly and
 mathematically about all sorts of problems.
- Strong programming skills.  Pretty much all of our programming is
 in OCaml, so being a solid caml hacker is a big plus.  But we're
 also interested in great programmers who we are convinced will be
 able to pick up OCaml quickly, so anyone with a high-level of
 proficiency with functional languages could be a good match.
- Strong Unix/Linux skills --- We're looking for someone who knows
 their way around the standard unix tools, can write makefiles,
 shell scripts, etc.  We use a beowulf cluster for compute-intensive
 jobs, so experience programming for and administering clusters is a
 big plus.
If you're interested (or have any students you think might be a good
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Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] field record update syntax

2005-01-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
(Moved to Haskell list because this is now a 
suggestion for the language)

I do a lot of this soft of thing.
  foo {bar = fn $ bar foo
  ,baz = fn2 $ baz foo
It would be much nicer if this syntax did the 

  foo {bar \= fn
  ,baz \= fn2
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
I have a lot of code of the form
   foo {bar = fn $ bar foo}
Is there a more concise syntax?  I am thinking
the record equivalent of C's foo+=5...
I imagine there is some operator that does this e.g.
foo {bar =* fn}
But I don't know what it is...
If you have only few different record fields you may like to define an
update function for each record field.
updateBar fn foo = foo {bar = fn (bar foo)}
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] pattern matching accross instance declarations

2004-12-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
My point is that I want to be able to add new
toMyType definitions without having to modify some
central library file and I want the compiler to
warn me when I haven't defined one for each


On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

> S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
>  >   data MyExistantialType=forall v.(Show v)=>EType v
>  >
>  >   class MyExistentialTypeable a where
>  >toMyType::String->MyExistantialType
>  >
>  >   instance MyExistentialTypeable String where
>  >toMyType "String" = EType "foo"
>  >
>  >   instance MyExistentialTypeable Int where
>  >toMyType "Int" = EType "bar"
>  >
>  >   tVal (EType v)=show v
>  >   main = print $ tVal $ toMyType "String"
> The type class isn't necessary here, since toMyType has the same type in
> every instance anyway (namely String->MyExistentialType). You can simply
> write
>data MyExistantialType=forall v.(Show v)=>EType v
>toMyType "String" = EType "foo"
>    toMyType "Int" = EType "bar"
>tVal (EType v)=show v
>main = print $ tVal $ toMyType "String"
> -- Ben

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] why no strictness annotations in labelled fields?

2004-12-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is there a good reason one can't do:

  data Foo = Foo {bar::!String}


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] pattern matching accross instance declarations

2004-12-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Doing read/show on existential types would be a
lot easier if pattern matching worked *accross*
instance declarations and not only within them

For example, this code produces an "Ambiguous type
variable" GHC error, but it would be really
helpful if it didn't:

   data MyExistantialType=forall v.(Show v)=>EType v

   class MyExistentialTypeable a where

   instance MyExistentialTypeable String where
toMyType "String" = EType "foo"

   instance MyExistentialTypeable Int where
toMyType "Int" = EType "bar"

   tVal (EType v)=show v
   main = print $ tVal $ toMyType "String"

I know Haskell has a general prohibition on
defining functions in multiple locations, but
instance declarations already violate it.  Why not
go all the way?

My current approach is manually writing
lookup functions in addition to per-instance
functions and that is both annoying and


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: understanding HaXml and escaping

2004-10-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

You have a Dtd2Haskell tool, but DTDs are very
inexpressive and the result is string based types.

Is there a tool for converting e.g. relaxNG into
haskell types?  Then we get direct support for
e.g. doubles or URLs.  I know there is a relaxNG
validator written in haskell, but that is not the
same thing...



On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

> "S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there a good entry point into HaXml?
> > I've now spent some time trying to understand it
> > and feel like I've gotten nowhere.
> It is a large package with many diverse facilities, so I'm not
> surprised.  I take it you have read the ICFP'99 paper linked to from
> the HaXml webpage?  To give a fuller answer, it would be helpful to
> know more about your specific XML needs.
> > The Haddock documentation enumerates what each
> > function does, but I still don't know how to
> > produce a valid XML document?
> Where does your document come from?  Has it been parsed already,
> then manipulated, and you want to spit it out again?  Or are you
> trying to generate a fresh document from nothing?  Or perhaps you
> have some existing Haskell data-structure you want to convert to XML
> for external representation only?
> > For example, this is obviously the wrong way to
> > go:
> >
> >   simp2 = document $ Document (Prolog Nothing [] Nothing []) [] $
> > Elem "root" [("attr",AttValue [Left "v\"al"])]
> >  [CString False "<<<<<>>&&&"]
> >
> > Because, it produces the obviously wrong:
> >
> >   <<<<<>>&&&
> Ah.  Escaping of special characters within text is a separate
> issue.  It need only be done once, just before output.
> See Text.XML.HaXml.Escape - specifically you want something like
> simp2 = document $ Document (Prolog Nothing [] Nothing []) [] $
>   xmlEscape stdXmlEscaper $
>   Elem "root" [("attr",AttValue [Left "v\"al"])]
>[CString False "<<<<<>>&&&"]
> > I assume/hope that the combinators properly
> > encode/escape attribute values and CDATA,
> No, at the moment they don't.  You can always do it one-shot at the
> end, as in the example above, although it would probably be better
> from a correctness point of view if the combinators did as you suggest.
> > And once I've done so, is there a way to put PIs
> > in via the combinators
> Currently, there are no combinators specifically for generating PIs
> (simply because no-one has asked for them before), but it would be
> extremely easy to add.  For instance:
> mkPI :: String -> String -> CFilter
> mkPI pitarget str = \t-> [ CMisc (PI (pitarget,str)) ]
> Regards,
> Malcolm

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: understanding HaXml and escaping

2004-10-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> It is a large package with many diverse facilities, so I'm not
> surprised.  I take it you have read the ICFP'99 paper linked to from
> the HaXml webpage?  To give a fuller answer, it would be helpful to
> know more about your specific XML needs.

It would be helpful to have an example of
using combinators to take a value of type e.g.

  import Network.URI
  import System.Time
  data Foo = Foo {uri::URI,

and produce e.g. a string such as

 uri="http://someURL"; name="blah"
 stamp="Mon, 11 Oct 2004 09:05:31 -0400"/>

Note, I think I've figured out how to do this
using raw types (after modifying to allow PIs in
the prolog!), but I assume using the combinators
is more correct.

> Ah.  Escaping of special characters within text is a separate
> issue.  It need only be done once, just before output.
> See Text.XML.HaXml.Escape - specifically you want something like
> simp2 = document $ Document (Prolog Nothing [] Nothing []) [] $
>   xmlEscape stdXmlEscaper $
>   Elem "root" [("attr",AttValue [Left "v\"al"])]
>[CString False "<<<<<>>&&&"]

Yes, thank you.  I figured this much out after
posting the last mail.  It would have been nice if
the documents made the use of both document and
xmlEscape more clear at the beginning.  But, I
actually think the document function should
*automatically* implement xmlEscape.  Otherwise,
it is too easy for the user to produce incorrect
documents notwithstanding what the library claims
to promise!

> > I assume/hope that the combinators properly
> > encode/escape attribute values and CDATA,
> No, at the moment they don't.  You can always do it one-shot at the
> end, as in the example above, although it would probably be better
> from a correctness point of view if the combinators did as you suggest.

Actually I think the one shot at the end is
correct.  Everything else is manipulation of the
data model and therefore shouldn't worry about
escaping.  But, as I said above, the user should
not, by default, have to worry about escaping.

> > And once I've done so, is there a way to put PIs
> > in via the combinators
> Currently, there are no combinators specifically for generating PIs
> (simply because no-one has asked for them before), but it would be
> extremely easy to add.  For instance:
> mkPI :: String -> String -> CFilter
> mkPI pitarget str = \t-> [ CMisc (PI (pitarget,str)) ]

Will this work to insert a PI before the first


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] understanding HaXml and escaping

2004-10-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is there a good entry point into HaXml?
I've now spent some time trying to understand it
and feel like I've gotten nowhere.

The Haddock documentation enumerates what each
function does, but I still don't know how to
produce a valid XML document?

For example, this is obviously the wrong way to

  simp2 = document $ Document (Prolog Nothing [] Nothing []) [] $
Elem "root" [("attr",AttValue [Left "v\"al"])]
 [CString False "<<<<<>>&&&"]

Because, it produces the obviously wrong:


I assume/hope that the combinators properly
encode/escape attribute values and CDATA, but
can't figure out how to generate even the
simple XML above.

And once I've done so, is there a way to put PIs
in via the combinators or do I have to import
Types and risk have unescaped stuff in my


On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

> "S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I modified the Prolog type to be
> >data Prolog = Prolog (Maybe XMLDecl) [Misc] (Maybe DocTypeDecl) [Misc]
> > and then modified the Prolog parser
> Thanks for spotting this bug and providing a fix.  I also note that
> the XML spec allows "misc*" to follow the document top-level element:
> document ::=  prolog element Misc*
> and this too is incorrect in HaXml.  There may well be other
> occurrences of the same omission.
> > Given that this fix was so very easy and given
> > that the parser was already spec consistent, I now
> > have to assume that there was good reason for the
> > Prolog to be spec inconsistent, but I don't know
> > what it is...
> I originally assumed that Misc's were unimportant and could be
> discarded, like comments are discarded by a compiler.  I failed to
> notice that PI's should be passed through to the application.
> > Implementation question: Why is there so much
> > replicated code in HaXML/Html (parse.hs and
> > pretty.hs)
> The HTML parser does some correction of mal-formed input, which
> is not otherwise permitted by the XML spec.  Likewise, the HTML
> pretty-printer makes some wild and unjustified assumptions about the
> way that humans like to format their documents, whereas the XML pp
> is more strictly-conforming.  Once XHTML becomes common, the HTML
> parser/pp will be obsolete.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] HaXML incorrect interpretation of XML spec!

2004-10-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I modified the Prolog type to be

   data Prolog = Prolog (Maybe XMLDecl) [Misc] (Maybe DocTypeDecl) [Misc]

and then modified the Prolog parser (which
actually was correct) to actually use the misc
values in constucting the Prolog.  I replace the
prolog function in pretty.hs with

   prolog (Prolog x m1 dtd m2) = maybe xmldecl x $$
 vcat (map misc m1) $$
 maybe doctypedecl dtd $$
 vcat (map misc m2)

and did a few more similar things in
Haskell2XML and XML2Haskell (about a 5 min
operation) and it all seems to work properly.

Implementation question: Why is there so much
replicated code in HaXML/Html (parse.hs and

Given that this fix was so very easy and given
that the parser was already spec consistent, I now
have to assume that there was good reason for the
Prolog to be spec inconsistent, but I don't know
what it is...



On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

> The XML spec defines the prolog(1) as follows:
>   [22]prolog ::=  XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)?
> In other words you can have Misc before AND after
> the doctype declaration!
> HaXml defines the prolog(2) as:
>   data Prolog = Prolog (Maybe XMLDecl) (Maybe DocTypeDecl)
> HaXml therefore does not allow PIs before the
> beginning of the top level element.  This is a
> problem in practice for people who want to use
> e.g. XML-Stylesheets(3) where if one is using XSL
> to produce HTML it is necessary to put
> the stylesheet declaration BEFORE the root element
> (if the root element is not HTML).  e.g.
> Is there some way to puta PI before the
> root element in combinators?
> -Alex-
> (1) http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-prolog-dtd
> (2) http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/HaXml/HaXml/Text.XML.HaXml.Types.html#Prolog
> (3) http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/
> __
> S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] HaXML incorrect interpretation of XML spec!

2004-10-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
The XML spec defines the prolog(1) as follows:

  [22]  prolog ::=  XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)?

In other words you can have Misc before AND after
the doctype declaration!

HaXml defines the prolog(2) as:

  data Prolog = Prolog (Maybe XMLDecl) (Maybe DocTypeDecl)

HaXml therefore does not allow PIs before the
beginning of the top level element.  This is a
problem in practice for people who want to use
e.g. XML-Stylesheets(3) where if one is using XSL
to produce HTML it is necessary to put
the stylesheet declaration BEFORE the root element
(if the root element is not HTML).  e.g.


Is there some way to puta PI before the
root element in combinators?


(1) http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-prolog-dtd
(2) http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/HaXml/HaXml/Text.XML.HaXml.Types.html#Prolog
(3) http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/
S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Haskell XML

2004-10-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I am looking at trying to produce XML with
Haskell and it appears there are at least two
dominant options: HaXML and WASH.

I read some of the Peter Thiemann paper on the
reason he chose a different architecture from
HaXML but don't feel like I am in a position to
judge the merits (and given the age of the paper)
am not sure those issues weren't addressed in a
subsequent version of HaXML.

In reading the HaXML documentation, it appears to
rely on DRIFT for some of its functionality.  But
I also undersand that DRIFT is being phased out in
favor of TemplateHaskell.

Is there a consensus on how to produce XML (from
Haskell types) if one is starting a project today?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] modern language design, stone age tools

2004-06-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Hmm, those options don't work with ghci (where you
are more likely to be debugging).

Also, is there a way to get the typesystem to
tell you which functions may fail i.e. which
functions have failMsg as an implicit parameter?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Switching on profiling (-prof -auto-all) does essentially just this. The
> cost centre stack is just like an implicit parameters, only one that
> does not show up in the types.
> Since there really is some extra parameter passing going on, you really
> do need to recompile (all) the code.  That's a nuisance, but it's a
> price that I can't see how to avoid in a call-by-need language.
> Simon
> | -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Alastair Reid
> | Sent: 23 June 2004 21:44
> | To: S. Alexander Jacobson
> | Subject: Re: [Haskell] modern language design, stone age tools
> |
> | On Wednesday 23 June 2004 20:38, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
> | > It would be really nice if you could pass an
> | > error message down to every function that might
> | > fail. e.g. using implicit parameters*:
> | >
> | >myFunc 0 x = head x with ?failMsg="myfunc 0 caused the error"
> |
> | Interesting.  Two variations on that:
> |
> | 1) Getting a 'stack' trace (i.e., a list of ancestors) can be more
> |useful than just knowing the immediate ancestor so you might want
> |myFunc to also take an implicit parameter and to add that
> |parameter to what it says:
> |
> |  myFunc 0 x = head x
> |   with ?failMsg="myfunc 0 caused the error but myFunc was called
> because "
> |++ ?failMsg
> |
> |[I can't remember if with acts as a let or a letrec.  The intention
> is
> | to use the ?failMsg passed implicitly to myFunc]
> |
> | 2) If you don't want to put errors in the type system, you could
> instead use
> |exceptions something along the lines of:
> |
> |   myFunc 0 x = mapException
> |  (\ err -> show err ++ "when invoked by myFunc 0")
> |  (head x)
> |
> |[Not quite type correct but hopefully clear enough.  The idea is to
> combine
> | the exception value returned with some extra information about the
> context
> | with the idea that whoever called myFunc might add extra
> information.
> | Ideally, the Exception type would be recursive so we could build
> chains of
> | exceptions without having to use Show.]
> |
> | --
> | Alastair Reid
> | ___
> | Haskell mailing list
> | http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] modern language design, stone age tools

2004-06-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Thank you for the programming practice
recomendation, but I would still prefer to
have something like the implicit parameters
solution I described.

The solution you describe forces you to put code
in functions to handle cases that are outside its
domain.  Usually I just want to know what function
are calling with the pathological input.


  quadratic a b c = read $ show ((-b + root)/2/a),(-b - root)/2/a)
   where root = sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)

I want to know which function is passing in things
to make the root imaginary or a==0.  I don't want
to rewrite this function so it handles these
exceptions explicitly.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:

> I like to write programs so functions cannot fail...
> so head should really be:
> maybeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
> maybeHead (a:_) = Just a
> maybeHead _ = Nothing
> etc...
> The the calling function can do something like:
> case maybeHead x of
> Just y -> 
> Nothing -> fail "failed in..."
> This way you can pass the failure back up to somewhere where
> its meaningful.
> In my opinion you should either be encoding failure in the
> return type, or using exceptions... anything else is just
> bad coding.
> Finally use guards (that can be conditionally compiled out)
> before functions that might fail:
>   if null x then fail "sesible error message" else ...
> Keean.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] modern language design, stone age tools

2004-06-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
It would be really nice if you could pass an
error message down to every function that might
fail. e.g. using implicit parameters*:

   myFunc 0 x = head x with ?failMsg="myfunc 0 caused the error"

Head would be defined as e.g.

   head [] = fail $ "empty list.\n" ++ ?failMsg
   head (x:xs) = x

It would be even nicer if lineNumber was
automatically packed in the failMsg so the output
of myFunc [] would be

   Prelude.head: emptyList. [Line ???]
   MyModule.myFunc: "myfunc 0 caused the error" [Line 50]

But, just being able to pass a msg would make
debugging LOADS easier (eliminating much of the
need for a debugger to supply a stack trace).

Since implicit parameters are part of the type
system, it would be even cooler to be able to
identify all the functions in your code that may
fail (i.e. that carry ?failMsg).  You can then
target your debugging on those functions.

Does this make any sense?


* I've never actually used implicit parameters.
I just swiped the syntax I saw skimming:

S. Alexander Jacobson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565  http://alexjacobson.com

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> On 23-Jun-2004, Hal Daume III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Fergus Henderson wrote:
> >
> > > On 23-Jun-2004, MR K P SCHUPKE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > This may not be the right answer to the question (which is of
> > > > course lets write a debugger) - But I have never used a debugger,
> > > > and find them more or less the most unfriendly and useless things
> > >
> > > So how do you debug problems like "Prelude.head: empty list"
> > > in large programs?
> >
> > Wasn't addressed to me, but here's what I do:
> >
> > write the following function:
> >
> >   head_ x [] = error ("head_: " ++ show x)
> >   head_ _ l  = head l
> >
> > and then replace each occurance of "head" with "head_ 1" or "head_ 2"
> > etc., so I can know where it failed.
> Well, there are quite a lot of such occurrences in the code that I'm working
> on:
>   bash$ find . -name \*.hs -o -name \*.lhs | xargs grep -w head | wc -l
>   130
> Replacing all of those occurrences by hand is going to be very very
> tedious and somewhat time-consuming.  Doing it with a script would be
> better, but that's not a trivial task.
> Even once that is done, there's no guarantee it will actually help to
> find the problem.  After all, the problem might well be arising from a
> call to "head" in one of ghc's standard libraries:
>   bash$ find ~/ghc6-6.2/hslibs \*.hs -o -name \*.lhs | xargs grep -w head | wc -l
>   104
> So not only do I have to edit my own code, and the libraries written by
> my colleagues, I also need to edit the ghc library code, and figure out
> how to build and reinstall the ghc libraries.  That could take a long time.
> After all that, hopefully I will finally know which function called
> "head" with an empty list.  But even then there's still no guarantee
> that I've actually found the source of the problem; the real problem
> might be in that function's caller, or the caller's caller, etc.  So I
> might have to go through the whole process again.
> > (it is rather sad that this is the best approach i could come up
> > with...basically tries to get around the [lack of/uselessness of/inability
> > to use with ghci] stack traces)
> Yes :-(
> --
> Fergus J. Henderson |  "I have always known that the pursuit
> Galois Connections, Inc.|  of excellence is a lethal habit"
> Phone: +1 503 626 6616  | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: sizeFM type

2004-04-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Robert Will wrote:
> I understand the Int type to be as large as pointers on each kind of
> hardware.  So one cannot possible have any data structure whose size
> doesn't fit in an Int.

If my data structure is created/destroyed lazily,
I don't see why not.  Trivially, [0..2^128].
Or, if my data structure maps to a file in some
waySee my prior post on the annoyance of
hFileSize vs take.

> > > Moreover, it is not clear that the CPU/memory
> > > overhead of returning Integer rather than Int for
> > > sizeFM is sufficiently high to be worth bothering
> > > the programmer about.
> Well, Int is built-in to any hardware, while Integer isn't.  Since
> Int/Integer is one of the most used data types in almost any program, the
> difference would be _very_ big.

I'll cite that hoary Hoare quotation here.
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil."

People who need high performance can use
specialized int functions where it is truly
necessary.  Everywhere else it is a waste of
programmer time to force futzing.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] Why is newChan in the IO Monad?

2004-04-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Yes, that makes sense, but I'm ok with passing in
an identity.  I'd like a function like this:

  newChanSafe::Identity -> Chan a
  type Identity = Double -- or whatever


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Nick Benton wrote:

> Channels have identity, so allocating a new one is a side effecting
> operation. Having it outside the IO monad would require (for example):
> (newChan, newChan) = (let x = newChan in (x,x))
> which is wrong. If you wrap newChan in unsafePerformIO then the compiler
> will feel free to apply rewrites like the above, which is unlikely to be
> what you wanted.
>   Nick
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of S. Alexander Jacobson
> Sent: 23 April 2004 19:22
> To: Haskell Mailing List
> Subject: [Haskell] Why is newChan in the IO Monad?
> Nothing actually happens when newChan is called
> except construction of a new datastructure.  It
> would be nice to have non IO monad code be able to
> create a new Chan that gets passed to IO code that
> uses it somewhere else.
> Alternatively, is there a way to create a Chan
> outside the IO monad?
> -Alex-
> _
> S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Why is newChan in the IO Monad?

2004-04-23 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Nothing actually happens when newChan is called
except construction of a new datastructure.  It
would be nice to have non IO monad code be able to
create a new Chan that gets passed to IO code that
uses it somewhere else.

Alternatively, is there a way to create a Chan
outside the IO monad?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Announce: Haskell ACID Relational DBMS v0.1

2004-04-14 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
In thinking about a data storage model for a web
app I wanted to develop, and in finding Haskell so
concise and expressive, I wondered if one could
write a relational DBMS in Haskell in under 1000
lines of code.  The answer appears to be yes!

* non-destructive-update Haskell DBMS (can use a
  relational database without escaping to the IO
* supports user defined types
* supports user defined relations and functions
* command pattern structure for write-ahead logging
* Inner,Outer,Left,Right joins on arbitrary
  (user-defined) relations (not just "=")
* in-memory/in-process means no disk/marshalling overhead

Risks include:
* functions/aggregates not yet implemented e.g.
   (amailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
  Haskell ACID Relational Database Management System v.01
  Copyright (C) 2004 S. Alexander Jacobson 
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

* All data fit in memory (at least in this version!)
* We want an in-process Haskell DBMS
* Atomicity via app level definition of transaction (e.g. prevayler.org)
* Consistency via the app wrapper around database
* Isolation via haskell's referential integrity
* Durability via write-ahead logging of update requests and state serialization

--see test example at the end!!

import Maybe
import Data.Set
import Data.FiniteMap 
import Data.Typeable

import List hiding (union,intersect)
import Control.Monad
import Random

--Conceptual model:
--A database is a set of records (tableId is just a property of a record.)
--A record is a mapping from propertyIds to propertyValues with a unique identity.

type RecordSet = Set Record
type Record = FiniteMap PropId PropVal
newtype RecordId= RecordId String deriving (Eq,Ord) 
newtype PropId  = PropId String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
newtype PropVal = PropVal {propVal::String} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) 

--A value has meaning only w/r/t the type of its identifier (is "2" < "100"?)
data PropTypeId = PropTypeId {ptName::String,ptArgs::PropTypeArgs}   deriving 
type PropTypeArgs = [String]

--Abstract representation of database
class DBImpl db => DBInterface db where
--You need to define propId types before you assign them values in records!
putPropId::db -> PropId -> PropTypeId -> db 
getPropId::db -> PropId -> Maybe PropTypeId
delPropId::db -> PropId -> db
indPropId::db -> FiniteMap PropId PropTypeId
--SQLish interpretation of basic interface
dbInsert::db-> [Record] -> ([RecordId],db) -- 201 created location
dbSelect::db -> SelectExpr -> WhereExpr -> GroupBy -> OrderBy -> [Result]
dbDelete::db -> Set SetId  -> WhereExpr -> db
dbUpdate::db -> UpdateExpr -> SelectExpr -> WhereExpr -> GroupBy ->  db
--support functions (default implementation can use these)
dbInsertRecord::db -> Record -> (RecordId,db)  
dbWhereExpr:: db -> WhereExpr -> Set JoinedRecordIds
dbGroupBy::   db -> GroupBy-> Set JoinedRecordIds -> Set (Set 
dbSelectExpr::db -> SelectExpr -> Set (Set JoinedRecordIds) -> ResultSet
dbOrderByPairs:: db -> OrderBy-> ResultSet -> [(JoinedRecordIds,Result)]
dbOrderBy::db -> OrderBy -> ResultSet -> [Result]
  A relational database allows declarative manipulation of sets of records
  based on the relation of their property values to specified constants 
  and on the relation of their property values to those of other records.
type JoinedRecordIds = FiniteMap SetId RecordId --recordIds related in some way
newtype SetId = SetId String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type Result = FiniteMap SetIdPropId (Maybe PropVal)  --recordid is property of record 
type SetIdPropId = (SetId,PropId) 
type ResultSet = Set (JoinedRecordIds,Result)

data SelectExpr

RE: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs

2004-04-08 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
> Actually Haskell doesn't let you redefine *everything*, but GHC does:
> read section 7.3.5 of the GHC manual
> http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/syntax-extns.htm

Mostly.  It looks like you still can't redefine
Monad to have an Ord or EQ constraint.

   In particular, it is essential that the
   functions GHC finds in scope must have the
   appropriate types, namely:

   (>>=) :: forall m a. (...) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

But, either way, I'm assuming I can't do this
(making up syntax):

   import Data.FiniteMap using MyPrelude as Prelude

So that every place in FiniteMap that Prelude
functions are called, MyPrelude functions are
called instead?  Then I could simply redefine just
and nothing as return and mzero.

Aside: I assume that FiniteMap's lookupFM, like
lookup in the Prelude calls Constructor literals
(e.g. Just, Nothing) rather than functions that
call these literals (e.g. just=Just,
nothing=Nothing) so in practice this import
function wouldn't help me as much as I would like.
But, I wonder if exposing constructor literals is
actually bad style.  Should good libraries hide
their constructors and expose only:

  * functions that implement construction (e.g. just)
  * functions that provide dispatch on each
constructor (e.g. foldr, maybe, either, etc)

Or is this too restrictive?  Is the prelude good
style even though it exports Just and Nothing?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> | > Haskell is pretty good about letting you install a different
> Prelude, so you could try it yourself.
> |
> | Hmm.  That's interesting!  How does this work?
> It's very simple. Write your own Prelude as a Haskell module MyPrelude.
> Then to use it, say
>   module Foo where
> import Prelude ()
> import MyPrelude
> (GHC lets you omit the 'import Prelude ()' by saying
> -fno-implicit-prelude.)
> No, there is no auto-magic; you are simply getting a different library,
> that is all. And you have to write that library.
> No problem with some modules using MyPrelude and some using Prelude.
> (Any more than there's a problem when some modules import module A and
> some import module B.)
> Simon

Haskell mailing list

Coginitive Dimensions and Haskell (was RE: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs)

2004-04-08 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Also, out of curiosity (since you are at MSFT) are
you using any formal Cognitive Dimension stuff in
the design of Haskell or its libraries?


Your Excel paper is mentioned in the end-notes.

If so, is there a publicly available CD analysis
of Haskell and its libs available?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Alex
> You've become a very sophisticated Haskell programmer!
> We did at one stage do something like this, by making list comprehensions into monad 
> comprehensions.  So
>   [ x*x | x <- xs, pred x]
> meant the same as
>   do { x <- xs; if pred x then mzero else return (); return (x*x)}
> But in the next iteration of the language we undid the change, a controversial 
> decision that some still regret.  Because naïve users were getting too many 
> perplexing error messages about monads and functors when they thought they were just 
> manipulating lists.
> Haskell is pretty good about letting you install a different Prelude, so you could 
> try it yourself.
> Simon
> | -Original Message-----
> | From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S. Alexander
> | Jacobson
> | Sent: 08 April 2004 04:42
> | To: Haskell Mailing List
> | Subject: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs
> |
> | It feels like the Prelude insists on using [] and
> | Maybe too much.  I keep writing things like this:
> |
> |foo = foldl union emptySet $ maybe mzero return $ lookup pairs key
> |goo = maybe emptySet toSomething $ lookup pairs key
> |
> | which really should look like this:
> |
> |foo = concat $ lookup pairs key
> |goo = fmap toSomething $ lookup pairs key
> |
> | But, even if we don't have a Monadic/Functor Set,
> | foo should at least be:
> |
> |foo = foldl union emptySet $ lookup key
> |
> | In other words, shouldn't Prelude define concat
> | and lookup as:
> |
> |concat = foldr mplus mzero -- (Also, see PS)
> |
> |lookup key [] = mzero
> |lookup key ((x,y):xyz)
> |  | key == x = return y
> |  | otherwise = lookup key xyz
> |
> | And if it is a fundamental problem adding
> | constraints to instances, why not add all
> | automatically derivable classes as constraints to
> | all the Prelude classes (esp.  Monad and Functor!)
> | and automatically derive instances of all
> | derivable classes unless the programmer defines
> | his/own methods.
> |
> | -Alex-
> |
> | PS Shouldn't concat be defined with foldl and not
> | foldr?  Doesn't foldr imply that you can't concat
> | infinite lists?  (I know this is a FAQ, but
> | where?)
> |
> | _
> | S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
> | ___
> | Haskell mailing list
> | http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs

2004-04-08 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> You've become a very sophisticated Haskell programmer!

Thank you, but I think it may only seem that way.
I'll post a complete program up somewhere and they
we'll see where I really stand.  Among other
things, I don't yet have a feel for idiom/style
(e.g. when do you define classes rather than
modules, when do use in default methods, in what
order do you define types classes functions etc
for maximum readability).

> We did at one stage do something like this, by making list comprehensions into monad 
> comprehensions.  So
>   [ x*x | x <- xs, pred x]
> meant the same as
>   do { x <- xs; if pred x then mzero else return (); return (x*x)}
> But in the next iteration of the language we undid the change, a controversial 
> decision that some still regret.  Because naïve users were getting too many 
> perplexing error messages about monads and functors when they thought they were just 
> manipulating lists.

I guess I'm in the regret group.  Nothing stops
beginners from importing BeginnerUtils and using
list typed functions with names like concatList
(or implementors from writing better error message
copy).  But, ok...

> Haskell is pretty good about letting you install a different Prelude, so you could 
> try it yourself.

Hmm.  That's interesting!  How does this work?

* Can this change propogate through the libs so
  that e.g. lookupFM also returns a Monad rather
  than Maybe without manual modification of all
  the libs? (Note: I am actually using lookupFM in
  my code, I used lookup in my example to

* If I modify Monad in my prelude to have Ord,
  will do-notation work in my new monad class?
  Will the IO monad work? Can I make () an
  instance of Ord or EQ?

* Can different modules use different Preludes?
  It seems like making a module dependent on a
  different Prelude means potential
  incompatibilities with third party modules.
  e.g. if I want to use HaXML and it
  hypothetically changes to define one
  Prelude and HaskellDB which
  hypothetically changes to define another
  Prelude, is there an easy way to import ONLY the
  functions defined in those modules and not all
  the functions defined in their respective

* Is there a formal definition of what in the
  Prelude is actually core to Haskell and what is
  really just common utilities located their?
  Alternatively, does an "advanced prelude"
  already exist that does what I probably want but
  don't know yet?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

> Simon
> | -Original Message-
> | From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of S. Alexander
> | Jacobson
> | Sent: 08 April 2004 04:42
> | To: Haskell Mailing List
> | Subject: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs
> |
> | It feels like the Prelude insists on using [] and
> | Maybe too much.  I keep writing things like this:
> |
> |foo = foldl union emptySet $ maybe mzero return $ lookup pairs key
> |goo = maybe emptySet toSomething $ lookup pairs key
> |
> | which really should look like this:
> |
> |foo = concat $ lookup pairs key
> |goo = fmap toSomething $ lookup pairs key
> |
> | But, even if we don't have a Monadic/Functor Set,
> | foo should at least be:
> |
> |foo = foldl union emptySet $ lookup key
> |
> | In other words, shouldn't Prelude define concat
> | and lookup as:
> |
> |concat = foldr mplus mzero -- (Also, see PS)
> |
> |lookup key [] = mzero
> |lookup key ((x,y):xyz)
> |  | key == x = return y
> |  | otherwise = lookup key xyz
> |
> | And if it is a fundamental problem adding
> | constraints to instances, why not add all
> | automatically derivable classes as constraints to
> | all the Prelude classes (esp.  Monad and Functor!)
> | and automatically derive instances of all
> | derivable classes unless the programmer defines
> | his/own methods.
> |
> | -Alex-
> |
> | PS Shouldn't concat be defined with foldl and not
> | foldr?  Doesn't foldr imply that you can't concat
> | infinite lists?  (I know this is a FAQ, but
> | where?)
> |
> | _
> | S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
> | ___
> | Haskell mailing list
> | http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs

2004-04-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
It feels like the Prelude insists on using [] and
Maybe too much.  I keep writing things like this:

   foo = foldl union emptySet $ maybe mzero return $ lookup pairs key
   goo = maybe emptySet toSomething $ lookup pairs key

which really should look like this:

   foo = concat $ lookup pairs key
   goo = fmap toSomething $ lookup pairs key

But, even if we don't have a Monadic/Functor Set,
foo should at least be:

   foo = foldl union emptySet $ lookup key

In other words, shouldn't Prelude define concat
and lookup as:

   concat = foldr mplus mzero -- (Also, see PS)

   lookup key [] = mzero
   lookup key ((x,y):xyz)
 | key == x = return y
 | otherwise = lookup key xyz

And if it is a fundamental problem adding
constraints to instances, why not add all
automatically derivable classes as constraints to
all the Prelude classes (esp.  Monad and Functor!)
and automatically derive instances of all
derivable classes unless the programmer defines
his/own methods.


PS Shouldn't concat be defined with foldl and not
foldr?  Doesn't foldr imply that you can't concat
infinite lists?  (I know this is a FAQ, but

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] insufficiently [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- more counterintuitive stuff

2004-03-30 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Thanks for the ~ syntax, but my question is really
why you need it?  What benefit do you get from
"refutable patterns"?

Alternatively, would anything break if a future
Haskell just treated all patterns as irrefutable?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Martin [ISO-8859-1] Sjögren wrote:

> tis 2004-03-30 klockan 17.30 skrev S. Alexander Jacobson:
> > I would assume that this function:
> >
> >   foo list@(h:t) = list
> >
> > is equivalent to
> >
> >   foo list = list
> >  where (h:t)=list
> >
> > But passing [] to the first generates an error
> > even though h and t are never used!  Passing [] to
> > the second works just fine.
> You can write this as
> > foo' list@(~(h:t)) = list
> foo' [] will evaluate to []. The H98 report calls it an "irrefutable
> pattern", IIRC.
> Regards,
> Martin

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] insufficiently [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- more counterintuitive stuff

2004-03-30 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I would assume that this function:

  foo list@(h:t) = list

is equivalent to

  foo list = list
 where (h:t)=list

But passing [] to the first generates an error
even though h and t are never used!  Passing [] to
the second works just fine.

At this point, I sort of understand the reason for
MR and not having partially applied type synonyms,
but this seems entirely like an issue of syntactic

FYI, I encountered this issue attempting to write
code that merges the content of two lists of tuples e.g.

  merge left@((xL,yL):restL) right@((xR,yR):restR)
| left==[] = 

I imagine this issue is fairly common so perhaps
its another idiom issue.


PS This code is part of a joinSets function for data.Sets

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-03-01 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   If indeed the read performance is at premium and updates are
> infrequent, by bother with ternary etc. trees -- why not to use just a
> single, one-level array. Given a reasonable hash function

Because updates are not so infrequent that I want
to pay the cost of replicating the entire array
every update (or every ten!).  I'm willing to
exchange *some* read time for faster update. Also,
because small array copies may be sufficiently
faster than tree traversals that I may pay very
little extra for faster reads.

FYI, my current code looks like this:

  type HTArray base elt = Array base (HT base elt)
  data HT base elt = HT (Maybe (HTArray base elt)) (Maybe elt)
  data MyMap base key elt = ArrMap (HTArray base elt) (key->[base]) (HT base elt)

  newMap minBase maxBase toBase = ArrMap proto toBase emptyHT
proto= array (minBase,maxBase) [(x,emptyHT) | x<- [minBase..maxBase]]
emptyHT=HT Nothing Nothing

  lookup (ArrMap _ toBase ht) key = lookup' ht $ toBase key
  lookup' (HT x y) [] = y
  lookup' (HT Nothing _) _ = Nothing
  lookup' (HT (Just ar) _) (k:ey) = lookup' (ar!k) ey

  insert (ArrMap proto toBase ht) key elt = ArrMap proto toBase newHT
 where newHT= insert' proto ht (toBase key) elt
  insert' _ (HT x _) [] = HT x
  insert' proto (HT Nothing y) key = insert' proto (HT (Just proto) y) key
  insert' p (HT (Just ar) y) (k:ey) = \val -> HT (Just $ newArray val) y
where newArray val = ar//[(k,insert' p (ar!k) ey val)]


  testMap=newMap (chr 0) (chr 255) id
  main = do print $ lookup (insert testMap "abc" (Just "def")) "abc"

Make the difference between in minBase and
maxBase larger in the call to newMap to prefer
reads more.

Note: This format seems awkward.  I feel like I
want to have the user to define an enumeration
type e.g.

  data UpToFive = One | Two | Three | Four | Five
  instance Ix UpToFive where

and have

  newMap::(Bounded base,Ix base)=>(key->[base]) -> MyMap base key elt

But I can't figure out a nice way to auto-generate
arbitrary size enumerations and manually doing so
is too wearisome to contemplate.

If you can generate these enumeration classes,
then it would seem you could auto-derive functions
that translate from an arbitrary key into [base].


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-02-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is fixing GHC arrays a big research job or is it
something that someone can straightforwardly
handle if my site actually gets enough traffic to
warrant it?


On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> | But in managing this tradeoff, what is faster:
> | * constructing/destructing e.g. 16 trees (for a 65000 item table)
> | * 2 memcpy of 256 item arrays (perhaps after you primop?)
> |
> | If the later is not dramatically slower than I
> | will bias towards more arrayness.
> I doubt the latter is dramatically slower, but you'd have to experiment
> to find out.  And GHC is not doing as well as it should on arrays just
> now.  (One of the things on our to-do list.)  Might vary between
> implementations too.
> Simon

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-02-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I know that array copy is much more expensive than
a single update.  But when you say:

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Haskell's current story is to use O(log n) structures such as trees --

Yes, I got that.  The question is how I trade off
between reads and writes.  If I write very
infrequently I may be willing to pay for varying
levels of more arrayness (lower read time, higher
update time).

But in managing this tradeoff, what is faster:
* constructing/destructing e.g. 16 trees (for a 65000 item table)
* 2 memcpy of 256 item arrays (perhaps after you primop?)

If the later is not dramatically slower than I
will bias towards more arrayness.  In this
context, I believe that mmx insns in modern CPUs
dramatically accelerate in-cache memcpy.  If that
is the case, then e.g. 256 element arrays could
be optimal.

> You should feel no need to apologise.  Our community *needs* people like
> you, who are using Haskell for real applications.  That's how we'll
> learn "where the shoe pinches".   Ask away.

Thank you.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-02-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Hal Daume III wrote:
> > It seems like updates could be very fast because I
> > assume // is implemented with a fast memcpy

> (//) is very slow

Is that inherent in Haskell (or laziness) or is it
just an artifact of the current GHC
implementation?  Would the problem be solved by
making my arrays strict or by using Unboxed
arrays?  Is there a faster array implementation


PS I'm sorry if these are obvious beginner
questions.  I would really realy like to use
Haskell for a production web application and am
trying to work through the various issues. It is
hard to find information on these sorts of things
and the absense of field testing means you just
have to ask these questions in advance.

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Use Radix for FiniteMap? (was Re: [Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap)

2004-02-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
[Rewrote prior code to be cleaner]
Isn't the following more efficient than Data.FiniteMap?

   class Ix a=>Radix a where maxRange::(a,a)

   class Radix a => HashKey b a where hashKey::b->[a]
   instance Radix Char where maxRange=(chr 0,chr 255)
   instance Radix a=> HashKey [a] a where hashKey x=x

   data HT radix elt = HT (Maybe (Array radix (HT radix elt))) (Maybe elt)
   emptyHT=HT Nothing Nothing
   emptyArray = Just (array maxRange [(x,emptyHT) | x<- [(fst maxRange)..(snd 

   hLookup table key = hLookup' table (hashKey key)
   hLookup' (HT x y) [] = y
   hLookup' (HT Nothing _) _ = Nothing
   hLookup' (HT (Just ar) _) (k:ey) = hLookup' (ar!k) ey

   --insert table key val = insert' table (hashKey key) val
   insert' (HT x _) [] val = HT x val
   insert' (HT Nothing y) key val = insert' (HT emptyArray y) key val
   insert' (HT (Just ar) y) (k:ey) val = HT (Just $ ar//[(k,insert' (ar!k) ey val)]) y

Isn't hLookup substantially faster than the
binarySearch in FiniteMap for e.g. Strings?

Doesn't insert compete with FiniteMap because
small array copies should be blisteringly fast?

Also, basic Haskell questions:
* How do I get insert to typecheck? insert' works fine.
* How do I hide the "lookup" automatically imported from GHC.List?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

> On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, JP Bernardy wrote:
> >
> > > I believe FiniteMap works by representing the data
> > > in binary trees.  It is therefore O(log2(n)) to
> > > read and update.
> > >
> > > However, if my application reads many more times
> > > than it writes, then perhaps I can get a
> > > substantial performance boost by increasing the
> > > branch factor on the tree.  For example, if each
> > > node was an array of 256 elements, reads would be
> > > O(log256(n)), a 128x improvement!
> >
> > Not quite.
> >
> > In fact, O(log256(n)) is equivalent to O(log2(n)),
> > because there is only a constant factor between the
> > two. That's why basis of logarithms are usually
> > omitted in O() expressions.
> >
> > Besides, the ratio between log256(n) and log2(n) is
> > more like 8 than 128. (And you'd loose this factor
> > in searching the right subtree, as Ketil pointed out)
> >
> > Tuning Data.FiniteMap probably is not what you want.
> >
> > I don't know, but you can have a look at
> > Data.Hashtable.
> >
> > Just my 2 cents,
> > JP.
> >
> >
> >
> > __
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Re: [Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-02-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Ok.  I just looked more carefully at FiniteMap and
the Data.HashTable documentation and coded what I
had incorrectly imagined would be there.  Isn't
the following more efficient than FiniteMap
without requiring the IO Monad?

  class MaxRange a where maxRange::(a,a)

  data HashTable key elt = HashTable (Maybe (Array key (HashTable key elt))) (Maybe 
  emptyHT=HashTable Nothing Nothing

  hLookup (HashTable x y) [] = y
  hLookup (HashTable Nothing _) _ = Nothing
  hLookup (HashTable (Just ar) _) (k:ey) = hLookup (ar!k) ey

  insert (HashTable x _) [] val = HashTable x val
  insert (HashTable Nothing y) (k:ey) val = HashTable (Just initArray) y
initArray = array maxRange [(x,if x/=k then emptyHT
else insert emptyHT ey val) |
x<-[(fst maxRange)..(snd maxRange)]]
  insert (HashTable (Just ar) y) (k:ey) val =
HashTable (Just $ ar//[(k,insert (ar!k) ey val)]) y

  --support String keys
  instance MaxRange Char where maxRange=(chr 0,chr 255)


It seems like the depth of the tree and therefore
the speed of lookups is dependent on the size of
maxRange and faster than the repetitive lookups in
FiniteMap.  I don't know how lookups compare to

It seems like updates could be very fast because I
assume // is implemented with a fast memcpy
(though not as fast as the destructive updates in

Note: I don't know how to avoid the namespace
conflict with GHC.List.lookup so its hLookup.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, JP Bernardy wrote:

> > I believe FiniteMap works by representing the data
> > in binary trees.  It is therefore O(log2(n)) to
> > read and update.
> >
> > However, if my application reads many more times
> > than it writes, then perhaps I can get a
> > substantial performance boost by increasing the
> > branch factor on the tree.  For example, if each
> > node was an array of 256 elements, reads would be
> > O(log256(n)), a 128x improvement!
> Not quite.
> In fact, O(log256(n)) is equivalent to O(log2(n)),
> because there is only a constant factor between the
> two. That's why basis of logarithms are usually
> omitted in O() expressions.
> Besides, the ratio between log256(n) and log2(n) is
> more like 8 than 128. (And you'd loose this factor
> in searching the right subtree, as Ketil pointed out)
> Tuning Data.FiniteMap probably is not what you want.
> I don't know, but you can have a look at
> Data.Hashtable.
> Just my 2 cents,
> JP.
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
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[Haskell] performance tuning Data.FiniteMap

2004-02-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I believe FiniteMap works by representing the data
in binary trees.  It is therefore O(log2(n)) to
read and update.

However, if my application reads many more times
than it writes, then perhaps I can get a
substantial performance boost by increasing the
branch factor on the tree.  For example, if each
node was an array of 256 elements, reads would be
O(log256(n)), a 128x improvement!

Note: I don't know what sort of penalty writes
would have.  In theory they would be 128x as
expensive as well because each update would
require copying 256 branches.  However, in
practice, I would bet that memcpy of 1k blocks can
be optimized at the CPU so much that the
difference might not be meaningful.

Am I interpreting the performance issues correctly?
Does FiniteMap used Arrays, Lists, or Algebraic Types?
If arrays, is there an easy way to change the branching in FiniteMap?
Do Haskell arrays do fast memcpy for small arrays?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] updating graphs non-destructively

2004-02-17 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Thank you for the link to FGL.  I also looked at
the boilerplate stuff.  If *feels* like there
should be a way to embed the graph stuff in the
boilerplate stuff to allow non-destructive update
of arbitrary object graphs without handcoding the
mapping of the datastructure to an object graph?

Is this possible?  Has anyone does this?  Any
reason to believe its a bad idea?

Alternatively, I could decide up front to
represent my data as RDF triples (amenable to a
graph system), but I'd rather take advantage of
Haskell's type system.


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, andrew cooke wrote:

> have you looked at the functional graph library?  i can't remember the
> details, but think it is efficient and it is certainly a better way to
> think about graphs :o) - the details are in the paper by erwig
> http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/fgl/
> andrew
> S. Alexander Jacobson said:
> > In imperative languages, updating an object in a
> > graph is an O(1) operation.  However,
> > non-destructive update appears to be O(n) with the
> > size of the graph.  For example, suppose we were
> > to implement an auction system like eBay:
> >
> >   --Data structures
> >   data Bid = Bid BidId Auction User Price DateTime
> >   data Auction = Auction Seller Title Description [Bid]
> >   data User = User UserId Name [Auction] [Bid]
> >
> >   --Top level database
> >   type Auctions = FiniteMap AuctionId Auction
> >   type Users = FiniteMap UserId User
> >   type Bids = FiniteMap BidId Bid
> >   type Database = (Auctions,Users,Bids)
> >
> > If I want to add a bid, it seems like I have
> > to traverse the whole Database looking for objects
> > that point to the bid.
> >
> > One alternative is to store pointers rather than
> > values e.g.
> >
> >   data Bid = Bid BidId AuctionId UserId Price DateTime
> >   data Auction = Auction SellerId Title Description [BidId]
> >   data User = User UserId Name [AuctionId] [BidId]
> >
> > But that makes graph traversal expensive as each
> > edge traversal then costs O(log n).  O(log n) may
> > be okay for this app, but what if I was
> > implementing Friendster/LinkedIn/Tribe/etc.?
> >
> > Is there a better way to think about this?
> >
> > -Alex-
> >
> > _
> > S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
> > ___
> > Haskell mailing list
> > http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
> >
> >
> --
> personal web site: http://www.acooke.org/andrew
> personal mail list: http://www.acooke.org/andrew/compute.html

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] updating graphs non-destructively

2004-02-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
In imperative languages, updating an object in a
graph is an O(1) operation.  However,
non-destructive update appears to be O(n) with the
size of the graph.  For example, suppose we were
to implement an auction system like eBay:

  --Data structures
  data Bid = Bid BidId Auction User Price DateTime
  data Auction = Auction Seller Title Description [Bid]
  data User = User UserId Name [Auction] [Bid]

  --Top level database
  type Auctions = FiniteMap AuctionId Auction
  type Users = FiniteMap UserId User
  type Bids = FiniteMap BidId Bid
  type Database = (Auctions,Users,Bids)

If I want to add a bid, it seems like I have
to traverse the whole Database looking for objects
that point to the bid.

One alternative is to store pointers rather than
values e.g.

  data Bid = Bid BidId AuctionId UserId Price DateTime
  data Auction = Auction SellerId Title Description [BidId]
  data User = User UserId Name [AuctionId] [BidId]

But that makes graph traversal expensive as each
edge traversal then costs O(log n).  O(log n) may
be okay for this app, but what if I was
implementing Friendster/LinkedIn/Tribe/etc.?

Is there a better way to think about this?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

RE: [Haskell] GHC 64bit?

2004-02-13 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Dell's poweredge server with the max 12gb RAM costs $15k.
Moore's law says that
1. you only need an extra bit/year.
2. processing that extra bit will cost 50% less next year

Though perhaps processing time is not linear with
the number of bits for historical/architectural

I presume that, if we are conservative in the
number of bits we use then we don't run into the
ptr driven storage problem that Axel described.

In particular, if we need only 2 or 4 times as
much memory, we should only grow pointers by 1 or
2 bits...rather than growing immediately all the
way to 64...

Perhaps there could be a command line option to
specify desired ptr size.  I assume it is
impossible to adjust pointer size dynamically at
runtime depending on memory consumption (I
assume you would do it at garbage collection time
if it were possible).


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Simon Marlow wrote:

> > alex:
> > > Is there a maximum memory GHC can use/reach?
> > > Specifically, can GHC address more than 4gb of
> > > memory?
> >
> > SimonM may want to comment, but at the moment I think GHC is
> > limited to
> > 4G, but only due to lack of 64bit machines/demand on the developers.
> >
> > If you look in ghc/rts/MBlock.h you'll see some references to this.
> >
> > I *think* it would be easy to overcome this limit.
> >
> > (this should really be on glasgow-haskell-users)
> In principle, there's no problem.  In practice, GHC's storage manager
> needs a (fast) function of type
>Ptr a -> Bool
> to indicate whether a particular address is part of the dynamic heap or
> not.  This is currently implemented as a bytemap, which is 4k long on a
> 32-bit machine.  To cover the whole of a 64-bit address space, this
> method isn't practical.  Nevertheless, we can extend the bytemap to
> cover a lot more real memory, as long as we have a way to map from
> virtual memory addresses to elements of the bytemap - this is the tricky
> bit.  So far we haven't tackled this problem in a general way.
> Cheers,
>   Simon

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] GHC 64bit?

2004-02-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Is there a maximum memory GHC can use/reach?
Specifically, can GHC address more than 4gb of


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] behavioral difference between GHC and GHCi

2004-02-08 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
This code works echos lines properly under GHCi,
but just sucks in input when running the GHC
compiled executable.

  import IO
  main= do
  x<-hGetLine stdin
  putStr x

Am I doing something wrong?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Making Haskell web development easier

2004-02-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I decided to try developing a web app using
Haskell/HaskellWebServer/HaXML and found the
barriers both very high and perhaps easily

Could someone out there:
1. Provide a link to the Haskell web server CODE
   on <http://www.haskell.org/practice.html> (or,
   if it has been end of lifed, remove it from
   the CVS repository)

2. Document anon CVS access to haskell.org in some obvious location?

3. Add a README for the package saying
   * this the package doesn't build with enclosed Makefile
   * this the package doesn't buld on win32 because it depends on the posix package
   * STRONGLY suggest that people use the sourceforge package rather than this one

Also, what does it take to get posix/HWS working on win32?

I suspect that much of posix is easily portable,
but that a few functions are not.  I don't know if
HWS is dependent on these functions?  If HWS (and
other packages) actually use the portable subset
of posix, perhaps it makes sense to create a
separate posix_LowestCommonDenominator package.

If not, how much effort is involved in making the
posix package work on win32?


S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com
Haskell mailing list

Re: How to make reading an array from disk more efficient

2003-12-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Hal Daume III wrote:
> one other thing you might find useful is to read it imperatively and then
> use unsafeFreezeArray (i think that's the name) to get a pure array out of
> it.  since all you'll be doing is reading, this should work nicely for
> you.

I must say, this sort of reply is EXTREMELY DISTURBING.

It is ridiculous that one needs to get so intimate
with implementation issues just to read a file!

Is this inherent in Haskell or is it just that no
one has bothered to create a the Haskell
equivalent of BufferedReader?

And if so, is there something about Haskell that
makes a Haskell implementation of such a lib

S. Alexander Jacobson  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel:917-770-6565   http://alexjacobson.com

> On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, andrew cooke wrote:
> >
> > Thanks.  I should have added that I will only use the array for reading
> > once it's created.  I don't mind whether creating is lazy or eager (it's
> > currently eager because I was fighting a space leak, but I think that was
> > down to some other error).
> >
> > I don't fully understand how either of the suggestions you make will speed
> > up creation, though (I guess allocating less memory is faster).  I'm
> > looking for a factor of tens of thousands improvement.  But I will try
> > what you suggest.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andrew
> >
> > PS Thanks for the very speedy reply and thanks to whoever maintains the
> > list archive for updating the archive for each message (I'm pretty sure it
> > used to be made daily, which was a nuisance if you wanted to forward URLs
> > to interesting discussions).
> >
> > Hal Daume III said:
> > > (1) use unboxed arrays, otherwise you're wasting too much space with
> > > pointers.  that is, unless you need laziness on the elements, which i
> > > don't think you do based on your list
> > >
> > > (2) (maybe) use imperative arrays; this will help you ensure that
> > > everything is being evaluated quickly.
> >
> >
> --
>  Hal Daume III   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  "Arrest this man, he talks in maths."   | www.isi.edu/~hdaume
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

Re: haskell httpd

2003-11-13 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson


Its been 4 years since I seriously looked at
Haskell.  I would have expected that over this
time, someone here would have consolidated it into
a language useful for real world applications.

The Haskell in Practice page is shockingly short
and many of the examples are not actually Haskell
in practice.

Does anyone here eat the Haskell dog food or is
this all just fooling around (basic reasearch)?

Simon, why did you write the Haskell web server?

Ok. Is anyone running this web server at all?
What is changing in Haskell that makes 3 year old
code so uncompilable?


S. Alexander Jacobson  Check out my new blog!!!
1-212-787-1914 voice   http://alexjacobson.com

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Peter Simons wrote:

> S Alexander Jacobson writes:
>  > 1. Is there ssl support for the haskell httpd somewhere?
> Not that I'd know.
>  > 2. Does this httpd actually build w/ modern GHC?
> It probably will, but not out-of-the-box. The code hasn't
> been actively maintained for a while.
>  > More complex question: [...]
> HWS-WP is an _experimental_ web server; it is by no means
> ready for the kind of production set-up you apparently need.
> Peter
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

Re: haskell httpd

2003-11-11 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Thank you for the discussion, but let me ask some
more questions:

Simple questions:

1. Is there ssl support for the haskell httpd somewhere?
2. Does this httpd actually build w/ modern GHC?
3. Why doesn't haskell.org run this httpd?

More complex question:

* This httpd can do >1000 req./sec. on modern CPUs (enough for me)
* I write-ahead log all PUT/POST/DELETE requests before executing
* I can reproduce server state at a given time by replaying the log
* I checkpoint periodically so I don't have to replay the whole log
* I treat each HTTP PUT/POST/DELETE as a discrete state transition

Can I make sure that I have concurrency only w/r/t
client communication?

I don't want the thread of control to change during state
transitions.  What happens if state is too big to
fit in memory?

* Does forkIO switch control if a thread writes to
the disk but write-caching is enabled or if the
thread access some part of memory that is swapped
to disk?

Optimization question:
If I am using RAID, can I allow control to
switch if I am handling multiple GET requests but
lock for PUT/POST/DELETE requests?

* Write-caching means the app is not slowed by disk writes

* Write-ahead logs mean not worrying about crashes during writes

* If necessary, I can scale up GET performance using caching and multiple
  CPUs each doing log recovery.


S. Alexander Jacobson  Check out my new blog!!!
1-212-787-1914 voice   http://alexjacobson.com

Haskell mailing list

Re: haskell httpd

2003-11-10 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
Thank you for the discussion, but let me ask some more questions:

Simple questions:

1. Is there ssl support for the haskell httpd somewhere?
2. Does this httpd actually build w/ modern GHC?
3. Why doesn't haskell.org run this httpd?

More complex question:

* This httpd can do >1000 req./sec. on modern CPUs (enough for me)
* I write-ahead log all PUT/POST/DELETE requests before executing
* I can reproduce server state at a given time by replaying the log
* I checkpoint periodically so I don't have to replay the whole log
* I treat each HTTP PUT/POST/DELETE as a discrete state transition

Can I make sure that I have concurrency only w/r/t client communication?

I don't want the thread of control to change during state
transitions.  What happens if state is too big to fit in memory?

* Does forkIO switch control if a thread writes to the disk but
write-caching is enabled or if the thread access some part of
memory that is swapped to disk?

Optimization question:
If I am using RAID, can I allow control to switch if I am handling
multiple GET requests but lock for PUT/POST/DELETE requests?

* Write-caching means the app is not slowed by disk writes

* Write-ahead logs mean not worrying about crashes during writes

* If necessary, I can scale up GET performance using caching and multiple
  CPUs each doing log recovery.


S. Alexander Jacobson  Check out my new blog!!!
1-212-787-1914 voice   http://alexjacobson.com

Haskell mailing list

haskell httpd

2003-11-04 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson
I've been working on a new project and evaluating
the Twisted python framework which relies on
asynchIO rather than threading to achieve speed.

The resulting idioms feel like they would be much
more elegant in Haskell.

So my question at this point is:

Is there a reasonably efficient Haskell httpd
implementation around that uses poll/select?


S. Alexander Jacobson  Check out my new blog!!!
1-212-787-1914 voice   http://alexjacobson.com

Haskell mailing list

MIME-RPC as an FFI (was Re: Storable Class)

2002-01-04 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Sven Panne wrote:
> Did you have a look at the FFI draft
> http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/haskell/ffi.ps.gz

I just read this paper.  It seems to focus on
local interfaces rather than on interfaces that
will also work accross network connections.

A modern FFI interface should offer both
transparent object serialization (like Java, but
readable) and interfaces that work between
programs running on different machines (RPC).

MIME provides the infrastructure required for
doing so.  It defines both a serialization format
and a public type system that individual
languages may support in different ways.

MIME is already in use in millions of web
applications and web browsers.

I've tried to document its use as an FFI at
MIME-RPC.com (and created a discussion
group for MIME-RPC related issues at

I had been thinking of it as a system for
inter-process messaging (as well as object
serialization),  and created an implementation in
Python for doing so.

However, there are no Haskell or C implementations
yet.  I would welcome thoughts from people here on
how to do both efficiently and how to use such
implementations for in-process communication as
well as network communication.


PS Dave Winer's Scripting.com just picked up
MIME-RPC so I think the idea is gaining some

S. Alexander Jacobson   i2x Media
1-212-787-1814 voice1-603-288-1280 fax

Haskell mailing list

Re: GUI Library Task Force

2001-09-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Great.  So that is something that goes into some library conventions
document.  Java has a convention that libraries should have reverse domain
name structure.  Is that how we should use _?


On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> "S. Alexander Jacobson" wrote:
> > On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> > > > Given that Haskell98 is not ready for libraries anyway, why are you so
> > > > concerned about it?
> > >
> > > It isn't?  Why?  Because of the lack of hierachical name
> > > spaces?  Then, C isn't ready for libraries either.
> >
> > As I posted in a prior thread:
> > * Library namespace is broken
> > So is C's, however it relies MUCH more strongly on build tools like
> > Make.  All popular languages that have been created in the last 20 years
> > appear to have saner systems (Java, Perl, Python, etc).  The problem is
> > worse in Haskell because the number of built in libraries is very small
> > and the code reuse goals are much more ambitious.
> Yes, the Library namespace is not ideal, and there has been a suggestion
> to add `.' to module names to solve this.  If we don't want to do that, just
> use `_' as a name separator instead of `.'.  This way you can build hierarchies.
> -- Lennart

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

RE: GUI Library Task Force

2001-09-26 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:
> > Given that Haskell98 is not ready for libraries anyway, why are you so
> > concerned about it?
> It isn't?  Why?  Because of the lack of hierachical name
> spaces?  Then, C isn't ready for libraries either.

As I posted in a prior thread:
* Library namespace is broken
So is C's, however it relies MUCH more strongly on build tools like
Make.  All popular languages that have been created in the last 20 years
appear to have saner systems (Java, Perl, Python, etc).  The problem is
worse in Haskell because the number of built in libraries is very small
and the code reuse goals are much more ambitious.

* Library Interfaces
This is a much bigger issue for Haskell than C.  Are they monadic and
which monad and should they really be arrows but then they will rely on
non-standard syntax, etc.

> > A GUI system without concurrency is still incomplete.
> There are loads of large GUI-based applications out there
> that don't use concurrency.
> BTW, my point was not to say that we rule out concurrency.
> I said, we do not demand it.  (Same as in many GUI libraries
> for the most widespread imperative languages.)

Haskell will not be production quality without concurrency.  If concurreny
allows for a cleaner API and easier to use library, then use it.  BeOS had
deep concurrency throughout and was a much better OS as a result.  Its
2001, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to have two threads drawing
things on the screen simultaneously.

If the issue is that we still don't know how to do concurrency in
Hasskell, that seems like a MUCH higher priority than sorting out GUIs.

> > The haskell library interface story is still pretty weak because there is
> > no consensus about what monad they should expose (and whether they should
> > really expose arrows or something else).   Why not focus on rolling from
> > H98 into a production quality Haskell system and make the best GUI for
> > that system?
> Currently, there doesn't seem to be much interest in going
> for a completely new version of Haskell.  The idea of adding
> addenda to H98 and so slowly and in incremental steps move
> to more functionality seems to be more popular.

Thats great.  I don't disagree.  Its just a matter of priority.
So how about this agenda?

Addendum .5?: Parametrized Libraries
Addendum 1: Hierarchical Library Namespace
Addendum 2: Concurrency
Addendum 3: FFI
Addendum 4: Exceptions
Addendum 4.5?: Proc Syntax for Arrows
Addendum 5: Library Interface Compatibility Guidelines
Addendum 6: Enumeration of standard Haskell libraries (GUI etc)

If we could focus on converging these addenda rapidly and in a particular
order, then Haskell could reach a much better place much more quickly.
Many of these things are individually small changes from H98, but
together they make it a much stronger language.


PS I don't know if this agenda is in the right order.  I do think that
everyone randomly thrashing about with different language features will
make everything take much longer.

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

RE: GUI Library Task Force

2001-09-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Given that Haskell98 is not ready for libraries anyway, why are you so
concerned about it?  A GUI system without concurrency is still incomplete.
The haskell library interface story is still pretty weak because there is
no consensus about what monad they should expose (and whether they should
really expose arrows or something else).   Why not focus on rolling from
H98 into a production quality Haskell system and make the best GUI for
that system?


On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:

> "Simon Peyton-Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > | * Start from the API of GTK+ as a base line:
> >
> > That's fine by me.  But can I suggest that the task force be sure
> > to read the details of the Clean GUI library design.   Peter Aachten
> > (while visiting Cambridge) rendered a good chunk of it into Haskell,
> > using MVars exactly as you describe.   (The type structure became
> > a good deal simpler than the Clean library when using MVars instead
> > of state-passing.)
> >
> > The reason I think its worth a careful look is that the Clean folk have
> > developed their library interface over a long period, and have a lot
> > of experience in its use.  It is not specific to any one platform or
> > toolkit, nor does it attempt to implement everything, so its general
> > goals fit with the ones you describe.
> I have looked at the Clean Object IO.  While it is certainly
> worthwhile to take from this approach whatever we can, I
> have a number of reasons why I am not convinced that the
> model itself should be adopted for the Haskell GUI:
> * Non-standard extensions: It requires concurrency and
>   judging by Section 6 rank-2 polymorphism.  I am not quite
>   sure how crucial the later is.
> * It integrates facilities for concurrent and distributed
>   programming (asynchronous communication via channels).  I
>   still think, we can keep the GUI API and concurrency as
>   two orthogonal features.  If you take these features out
>   and use IORefs instead of MVars, you are already quite
>   close to the model that we currently aim at.
> * I am not a big fan of introducing an extra monad (`GUI' in
>   this case).  It can easily become a pain in programs that
>   do a lot of "normal" IO as you have to lift all IO
>   functions to GUI.
> * After this, the main difference that remains is the
>   representation of GUI components as a vanilla data type
>   instead of opaque handles that do not make the structure
>   of the components explicit in the types (like the TupLS
>   does).  From the paper, it wasn't clear to me how useful
>   that is for the application programmer.
> Cheers,
> Manuel
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Joy and Concatenative Programming

2001-09-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I just found out about a functional programming language called Joy (see

Joy differs from Haskell in that it has no variables.  Instead, all
functions are postfix, taking a stack as their argument and returning a
stack as a result.

Joy advocates contend that the elimination of variables and environments
improves on functional languages in much the same way the elimination of
state improved on imperative languages.  In particular, they claim the
result is massively simplified semantics and implementation (all the
tree-rewriting rules go away), faster development, easier optimization
(search and replace lists of functions) and even simple meta-programming.
Here is a quick example program to give a flavor for how it works.

[1 2 3 4]  [dup *]  map == [1 2 3 4] [square] map

is the same as Haskell's

map (\x->x*x) [1,2,3,4] == map square [1,2,3,4]

Recursion is handled via some built in combinator primitives.  For example
this is qsort:

qsort == [small] [] [uncons [>] split] [[swap] dip cons concat] binrec
(the explanation of how this works is at

Currently Joy is a interpreted language without a compiler checked
type-system, but there is some discussion about adding such a system.
(It is also apparently non-lazy, but I'm not sure what that means in a
world without variables).

The system is very new and primitive, but looks promising.  I am curious
what the wiser and more experienced people on this list think of Joy's


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Re: RFC: GUI Library Task Force

2001-09-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Try http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/ralf/hw2001/3.html
I originally saw it on lambda:


On 24 Sep 2001, Carl R. Witty wrote:

> "Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > + More sophisticated approaches (that often require
> >   language extensions or are still experimental) can be
> >   implemented on top of this basic API - eg, FranTk,
> >   Yahu, Fruit, iHaskell, etc.
> I keep seeing references to Fruit (as a "functional" Haskell GUI) but
> I can't find any real information about it.  Is there a web page for
> it?
> Carl Witty
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-16 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I don't know that it is possible for Haskell98 to have industrial strength
libraries (even if the authors wanted to finish and support them).

* Library namespace issues are not resolved
There is no guarantee that a library with a given name will not conflict
with another library of the same name.  There have been various
discussions of creating nested namespaces but they are not part of
Haskell98.  Without a clean namespace, libraries cannot rely on and
integrate with each other.  (Note: the related issue of library version
management also needs some resolution).

* Parametrized libraries
There have been various discussions of importing libraries in ways that
allow the importer to control which types and classes the library actually
uses.  I think this issue may have been dropped but it creates some
uncertainty for library authors w/r/t firming up library structure.

* Library interfaces
This is going more over my head.  But I believe that there is an issue of
choosing a standard library interface.  If I understant things
correctly, whether a library interface is a Monad (and which monad) or an
Arrow (and which arrow) or an X substantially constraints what libraries
can be used with it.

It is perhaps the case, that these constraints lighten considerably in the
presence of existential types (or fundeps?) and that Arrows are more
viable in the presence of Proc syntactic sugar, but none of these are
part of Haskell98 even if they are really likely to be part of Haskell2.

Unless I am wrong about all of the above, it seems more important to
converge Haskell to a language that can support industrial
strength libraries and that is Haskell2 rather than Haskell98.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Bill Halchin wrote:

> Jeff has hit the nail on the head .. thanks Jeff. You said eloquently what I was 
>hinting at
> or saying very implicit (because I didn't know how to say it eloquently). The 
> library" seems to be contributions by individuals (who should be commended!!), but as
> an "industrial" programmer who writes in imperative languages everyday (and sees
> them as many times getting in the way, e.g. C++, and not modeling a particular
> problem very elegantly!), with Haskell I would like to see a library API part of the
> Haskell Report, i.e. a nice list of type signatures by topic, e.g. numeric. (maybe 
> is already the situation ... I unfortunately have not had a lot of chance to write
> Haskel code even though I like FPL's and Haskell in particular). The haskell library 
> should be part of the Haskell standard just as the standard C library is part of the
> ANSI C standard!
> Regards, Bill Halchin
> >From: Jeffrey Palmer
> >Subject: Re: The future of Haskell discussion
> >Date: 14 Sep 2001 17:06:49 -0500
> >
> >On Fri, 2001-09-14 at 15:12, Mark Carroll wrote:
> > > On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Bill Halchin wrote:
> > >
> > > > Probably this question has been brought before. Besides the Preludes,
> > > > why doesn't
> > > >
> > > > Haskell have libraries like Java, Squeak (Smalltalk). I found this:
> > > (snip)
> > >
> > > I'm puzzled - it does! - see http://www.haskell.org/libraries/ for some of
> > > them.
> > >
> >
> >I think the question is more along the lines of "Why doesn't Haskell
> >come bundled with complete, useful and _supported_ libraries?"
> >
> >For example, the Edison home page describes the library in this way:
> >
> >"in its current state, the library is mostly a framework. That is, I
> >provide signatures, but not yet very many implementations..."
> >
> >This is not the type of thing that your standard software engineer wants
> >to hear. Professional software developers need to be highly productive,
> >and are often unwilling to invest time learning libraries that aren't
> >part of the core language environment. However you feel about the
> >design of the Java Collections API, at least it's a supported part of
> >the language. Developers feel comfortable that any time spent learning
> >the how to use these APIs is worthwhile.
> >
> >I felt this very recently when looking for a quality GUI framework for
> >Haskell. There appear to be many(!) libraries available, and all seem
> >to be in various states of completion. Personally, I would like to see
> >someone complete the port of the Clean library that

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-14 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

If the GUI is based on the IO monad, then it doesn't seem like there is
a lot of advantage  to doing it in Haskell.  It seems like a better
idea to use a more natural language for IO and make RPC/interproc calls
to a haskell server to get stuff done.

In other words, what is the value of the GTK+ haskell interface?
Shouldn't more effort be put into getting Fruit production quality and/or
figuring out how to use arrows to manage textual and network IO?


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:

> "S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > Out of curiosity, how does GTK+ compare with Fruit?
> GTK+ has a C API heavily based on call backs and mutable
> state.  Thus, the Haskell transcription of that API heavily
> relies on the use of the IO monad - as does H98 textual IO.
> > It seems like it would make sense for the standard Haskell GUI also to be
> > functional.
> A functional GUI would be nice, but standard Haskell text
> and file I/O is not functional either.  Functional GUIs like
> Fruit are from a research perspective very interesting, but
> their design is rather far from being a solved problem,
> which makes them a not very likely candidate for a standard
> that people seem to like to have sooner rather than later.
> Cheers,
> Manuel
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-13 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Out of curiosity, how does GTK+ compare with Fruit?
It seems like it would make sense for the standard Haskell GUI also to be


PS I don't do GUI stuff so I don't really know much.  I did read the Fruit
paper and it looked interesting.

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:

> Wolfgang Jeltsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > That's why I
> > think GTK+ should be used mainly to develop applications which are intended
> > to run under GNOME and preferably not to do cross-plattform GUI programming.
> > I think the best solution for the latter thing is to use a library which has
> > multiple implementations based on different "native" libraries like Win32,
> > GTK+, Qt. wxWindows (http://www.wxwindows.org/) is an example for this kind
> > of library.
> wxWindows is quite C++ centric and AFAIK nobody has made a
> serious effort at a C++ FFI yet.  One of the big advantages
> of GTK+ is that it was written with bindings for other
> languages in mind.  Therefore, it is probably the toolkit
> with the most language bindings.
> One alternative would be to standardise on a kind of subset
> of the GTK+ API and then somebody with a lot of spare time
> could implement that on top of the Win32 API natively - in
> the meantime, the original GTK+ libraries would at least
> provide some form of implementation under Win32.  (You
> should bear in mind that anything that doesn't build on
> existing infrastructure involves a lot of coding and I
> haven't seen many volunteers stepping forward yet.)
> Manuel
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Re: The future of Haskell discussion

2001-09-13 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Rather than talking about general features of the language that might
improve adoption in general, it is more useful to talk about specific
features of the language that make it killer in a particular application

In his classic book, "Crossing the Chasm : Marketing and Selling High-Tech
Products to Mainstream Customers", Geoffrey Moore argues that the way to
gain mainstream adoption of a new technology is to target specific
segments of the customer population and to deliver whole product to them
(because integration challenges are daunting).

In http://www.paulgraham.com/lib/paulgraham/bbnexcerpts.txt, Paul Graham
argues that:
   One of the reasons to use Lisp in writing Web-based applications
   is that you *can* use Lisp.  When you're writing software that is
   only going to run on your own servers, you can use whatever language
   you want.

And further that:
   Until recently, writing application programs meant writing software to
   run on desktop computers.  In desktop software there was a strong bias
   toward writing the application in the same language as the operating

I would add that web based applications can use web interfaces and that
HTML is a good interface to many applications.  (and that Paul Graham's
comments about Lisp are also true of Haskell)

As such, I would like to see a focus on making Haskell great for web
application and web service development.  Some of the the pieces required
are application level, some are libraries, and some are language features.
Here is my quick take:

Application Framework
* a simple build/install process on both unix and win32
* a way to run/link haskell applications to a web server (apache)
* a decent libary organization and CPAN-like library sharing system
* a system for publishing apps to live servers

* an OS file/directory access library
* a database connection library (even just ODBC would be fine!)
* a database connection pool library
* a mail handling library
* an XML parser library
* an XML-RPC/SOAP library

Language Features
* concurrency (to make requests to multiple servers simultaneously)
* FFI (to access libraries in other languages)
* exceptions (may not matter depends on the webserver/haskell interface!)

* an O'Reilly class book on learning and developing web apps in Haskell
* sample applications that demonstrate useful web service functions
* a process for managing Haskell web app development

As a general matter, the addendum process strikes me as confusing and
dangerous.  I don't want to have a conversation like: I am using
Haskell'98 with Addendum A, C, and E.  I'd rather say, I am using Haskell
2001 and know that it is useful for developing web apps.

I know this is a lot of work, but it was what you get from Python, Perl,
and Java.  If Haskell wants to compete in this arena, it needs to provide
this level of service.  Also, I think a lot of these exist in pieces, so
the real work is in compiling it all into a good usable package.  I am not
volunteering to do it, but I would be happy to help beta if someone else


PS There may be other better/easier initial application domains for
Haskell, but this is what I know.

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:

> Olaf Chitil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > Here a short summary by Malcolm and me of the final discussion at the
> > Haskell workshop:
> I also took a couple of notes which I like to add.
> > John Launchbury and many further people made a plea that the single
> > biggest hindrance to the further spread of Haskell is the lack of a
> > standard
> > cross-platform GUI. Alas, no answer to the problem was found. There is
> > no agreement which (existing) library could be the basis of a standard
> > one and nobody wanted to commit himself to developing and supporting
> > such a library. Well, Manuel Chakravarty promised to continue developing
> > the GTK+ binding and would be happy about people helping him. (The GUI
> > library presented at the workshop is not intended to solve the standard
> > GUI problem.)
> In fact, the recent release of binary packages for Gtk+HS
> and an example applications that demonstrates how to use
> the GTK+ API in Haskell have been a reaction to the
> discussions at HW & ICFP.
> Let me reiterate: Gtk+HS as it is today is sufficient for
> applications requiring a GUI of medium complexity.  As far
> as I see, despite not covering all of GTK+ yet, Gtk+HS
> already has a wider variety of widgets and functionality
> than Tcl/Tk provides in its whole API.  So, at least on
> Unix, the statement that there is no GUI for Hask

Re: Another question wrt hiding imports

2001-07-12 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I asked this a while ago and never got an answer.  Asking again in
better context:

How do you control importing operator precedence?

Suppose that you have:
f x = 2 + 2 * x

And an imported module increases the precedence of (+).
You end up getting mangled.

My assumption is that the only way to protect yourself from this is to
import qualified so A.+ has a different precedence from +.

But I don't think the report promises this.  The report just promises that
A.+ has the same precedence as (+) inside module A.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Re: Why is there a space leak here?

2001-06-08 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On 6 Jun 2001, Carl R. Witty wrote:

> "S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > For example w/ foldl:
> >
> > foldl + 0 [1..1]
> > foldl (+) ((+) 0 1) [2..1]
> > foldl (+) ((+) ((+) 0 1) 2) [3..1]
> >
> > Can't the implementation notice that each iteration leads to a
> > larger closure and, if it is running out of space go ahead an just
> > evaluate (+) 0 1?
> It's complicated.  You can't (in general) know whether application of
> a function will increase or decrease the space used.  If you were
> running out of space, would you just search the whole unevaluated
> program graph for reductions which somehow seemed "likely" to reduce
> the space used?  Would you add such reduction nodes to some global
> list at the time they were created?

I'm not clear why you can't in general notice that you are using
more space after function application than before.  I it hard to see why a
program couldn't do the analysis I just did on foldl.

You could accumulate statistics on funtions that increase/decrease space
used at runtime and evaluate those that do reduce space used...

> > I realize that there is a risk of evaluating _|_ unnecessarily, but if you
> > are otherwise going to run out of memory, you might as well give it a
> > shot.
> >
> > In practice, how often do you expect to see growing expressions that cover
> > a _|_ that are not actually an error in any case?
> It's certainly possible.

You are trading off the likelihood that an exploding expression contains a
bottom against the liklihood that the programmer would prefer the
exploding expression not to explode.  Much of this type of work can be
done as test-time warnings

> One portable way to implement a memoizing function in Haskell (if the
> domain of the function is countable) is to lazily build a data
> structure that contains the results of the function on every possible
> argument.  Then you evaluate the portions of the data structure that
> you need; the result on each argument is only evaluated once.  This
> probably would count as a "growing expression", and it's certainly
> possible that the function on some arguments would be bottom.

I don't think I understood this.  Can you clarify?


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Re: Why is there a space leak here?

2001-06-05 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

This whole discussion seems strange...
Is laziness an operational or a semantic issue?
Why can't haskell implementations reduce some expressions to save space?
In particular, why can't haskell mark expressions that grow after
evaluation, and reduce them if too much space is being consumed.

For example w/ foldl:

foldl + 0 [1..1]
foldl (+) ((+) 0 1) [2..1]
foldl (+) ((+) ((+) 0 1) 2) [3..1]

Can't the implementation notice that each iteration leads to a
larger closure and, if it is running out of space go ahead an just
evaluate (+) 0 1?

I realize that there is a risk of evaluating _|_ unnecessarily, but if you
are otherwise going to run out of memory, you might as well give it a

In practice, how often do you expect to see growing expressions that cover
a _|_ that are not actually an error in any case?

Hunting down memory leaks is already so obscure, that you might as well
take a shot at solving the problem automatically...

Alternatively, is there some magical way of warning about leaky
expressions at compile time?  You don't have to ban them, but it would be
nice if the programmer were aware of which parts of the code are likely to


On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Tom Moertel wrote:

> Alastair David Reid wrote:
> >
> > Executive summary: David's program has an incredibly subtle space leak
> > in it (or I'm being incredibly dumb).  I encourage the honchos (and
> > would be honchos) to have a look.  Users of other compilers might give
> > it a shot too.
> > David Bakin wrote:
> >
> > Why is there a space leak in foo1 but not in foo2?
> The reason that foo1 "leaks" space is because the middle of v grows
> faster than its head.  So taking elements from v causes its in-memory
> footprint to grow.  To see why this is the case, evaluate foo1 by hand:
> > -- This has a space leak, e.g., when reducing (length (foo1 100))
> > foo1 m
> >   = take m v
> > where
> >   v = 1 : flatten (map triple v)
> >   triple x = [x,x,x]
> Focusing on just v for now, and letting f = flatten for notation
> purposes, we have
> (1) v = 1 : f (map triple v)
> (2)   = { unwrap v }
> 1 : f (map triple (1 : f (map triple v)))
> (3)   = { eval map }
> 1 : f (triple 1 : map triple (f (map triple v)))
> (4)   = { eval triple }
> 1 : f ([1,1,1] : map triple (f (map triple v)))
> (5)   = { eval f (= flatten = foldr (++) []) }
> 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : f (map triple (f (map triple v
> In order to expose elements 2-4 of v, we had to evaluate v to the extent
> that the overall expression held in memory *grew*.  Notice how in (1) we
> had a single (f (map triple ...)) expression in the tail of v but in (5)
> there are two such expressions, nested.
> Continuing further, if we want to expose the 5th-7th elements of v, we
> have to expand the expression yet even more.   Noticing that the (f (map
> triple v)) subexpression in (5) is identical to the tail of (1), we can
> apply the same expansion that we derived in (1)-(5) to yield
> (6)   = { repeat (1)-(5) for f (map triple v) in (5) }
> 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
> f (map triple (1 : 1 : 1 :
> f (map triple (
> f (map triple v)))
> (7)   = { eval map }
> 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
> f (triple 1 : map triple (
> f (map triple (
> f (map triple v
> (8)   = { eval triple }
> 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
> f ([1,1,1] : map triple (
> f (map triple (
> f (map triple v
> (9)   = { eval f }
> 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :
> f (map triple (
> f (map triple (
> f (map triple v)
> Notice how in (9) we have three nested (f (map triple (...)))
> expressions in the tail of v whereas in (5) we had only two and in (1)
> we had but one?
> Now you can see why foo1 has a space "leak":  In order to take the Nth
> element of v, v's definition must be expanded to the point where there
> are 1+(N+1)/3 (f (map triple (...))) subexpressions in the tail of v
> *that will never be reached*.  In other words, v's "middle" grows faster
> than its head, ensuring that take will never consume the tail.  Taking
> elements from the head only makes the middle grow larger.  The more your
> take, the larger it grows.
> So the problem isn't Hugs but rather the definition of v, which grows
> faster than it can be consumed.
> Cheers,
> Tom
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

Happy and Macros (was Re: ANNOUNCE: Happy 1.10 released)

2001-05-10 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Combining two threads...

Like macros and preprocessors, Happy generates code.
I assume the justification for this is that hand-coding a parser in
Haskell is presumed to be too difficult or that it is too hard to get the
right level of abstraction (and therefore a macro-like facility is

However, I've also used Hutton & Meijer style monadic parsers and
found them extremely elegant, clean, and easy to use in both Haskell and
Python (though in Python they were too slow for my xml application --
function call overhead is _very_ high in Python).

I am not a parsing expert, but given the recent discussion on macros, I
have to ask: why use happy rather than monadic parsing?  Monadic parsing
allows you to avoid a whole additional language/compilation step and work
in Hugs (where you don't have a makefile).  What does Happy buy you here?

And generalizing from the above, since Monads/Arrows are types that
describe a computation declaratively and Macros are functions that
describe a computation procedurally, is it possible that, for any
application of Macros, you can find a suitable Monad/Arrow?  Or am I not
understanding either well enough?


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-646-638-2300 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

Haskell mailing list

RE: Haskell jobs (fwd)

2000-07-19 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson


I have seen a few answers here.  Let me add a few other constraints:
* we are unix shop so win32 solutions don't work well here
* the codebase needs to be production qualty (handle millions of hits
per day)
* there should be a network of users (or a support organization) running
and supporting the software
* we are largely running Java as our platform so easier Java integration
is important. 

> S. Alexander Jacobson writes:
>  > Off the top of my head here are some Haskell specific things that we need:
>  > * HSP pages (like ASP or JSP or PHP)
> Erik Meijer has done this. Can't find the preprint online, though. (Erik?)

Is this production quality.  Proof-of-concept implementations don't cut
>  > * in memory Haskell server analogous to JServ that talks to apache
> mod_haskell? 
>   http://losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl:8080/

Same question.  It appears to be 0.1.
>  > * Haskell access to a pool of database connections
> Daan Leijen's HaskellDB?
>   http://haskell.cs.yale.edu/haskellDB/

Windows Only.
>  > * Haskell access to Java classes
> Erik's Lambada
>   http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/erik/Lambada.html

I know about lambada.  It is experimental.  According to the homepage:
"The current release does not offer much tool support to access Java
  classes from Haskell yet"
It is also windows only.
Is anyone here using it?  

>  > * Encapsulation of Haskell as Java classe
> I don't know what that means, exactly. You mean a Hugs-like implementation in
> Java? Not a bad idea... do you need that, though, now that GHC can produce
> Java bytecode? Anyway, once the Java backend stabilizes, you would (in
> principle, at least :) be able to cross-compile GHC into a Java binary, and
> then use its upcoming interactive frontend. You still wouldn't have
> programmatic hooks (i.e., a Java-level rather than console-level interface) to
> the front-end, but it would become much easier to add.

Actually, the ability generate Java bytecode would be a BIG win here if
GHC generated code could smoothly cal Java classes as well.  (then you get
dbpools from java!)
>  > And all of this has to be relatively zipless and compatible with an
>  > existing JServ/JSP/Apache installation.
> Eh? "zipless"?

It has to be relatively easy to configure and install.  

Overall, Haskell has a lot of promise. It is just not there.  Perhaps
when I get the right people, we will take a look and discover that the
hurdles aren't so great.  Mainly I need developers who would explore
this.  If I get that, the rest is easy.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-420-7700 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

RE: Haskell jobs (fwd)

2000-07-18 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I think many of the issues were discussed with great clarity on slashdot.
If we get the relevant critical mass of functional programmers, you will
definitely be hearing from us.  Off the top of my head here are some
Haskell specific things that we need:
* HSP pages (like ASP or JSP or PHP)
* in memory Haskell server analogous to JServ that talks to apache
* Haskell access to a pool of database connections
* Haskell access to Java classes
* Encapsulation of Haskell as Java classe

And all of this has to be relatively zipless and compatible with an
existing JServ/JSP/Apache installation.

I am leaning towards python because it has curry, map, filter, lambda
expressions and a Java interpreter.  


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-420-7700 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, Manuel M. T. Chakravarty wrote:

> "S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> > I am President of Shop.com and know and love Haskell (and FP in general).
> > Nonetheless, the issue with using Haskell commercially is that:
> > * we cannot afford the training costs associated with getting new
> > programmers up to speed and finding programmers at all (much less Haskell
> > programmers) is fairly difficult.
> > * Haskell interfaces with databases and existing Java libraries are not
> > all that complete/clean
> Could you maybe tell us what it is that you need with
> respect to database interfaces and Java libraries (and where
> appropriate where deficiencies are in existing solutions)?
> I think, many people here would be happy to help plugging
> holes if that makes Haskell more usable, but it is sometimes
> a bit difficult for us to see which holes bite users most.
> Thanks,
> Manuel

RE: Haskell jobs (fwd)

2000-07-14 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I am President of Shop.com and know and love Haskell (and FP in general).
Nonetheless, the issue with using Haskell commercially is that:
* we cannot afford the training costs associated with getting new
programmers up to speed and finding programmers at all (much less Haskell
programmers) is fairly difficult.
* Haskell interfaces with databases and existing Java libraries are not
all that complete/clean

All that being said, we are just now building our team out.  If we can get
a critical mass of good functional programmers who want to work in our NY
office, I would definitely be willing to explore developing our site using
FP techniques if not languages.

Shop.com is a pre-IPO idealab!-backed company.  We now have funding and
are looking for people in New York City who have:
* competence with Java, JDBC and SQL
* competence with functional programming (in python or haskell)
* experience with CVS, Linux, and Apache
* experience building database backed web sites

We are also trying to establish an enjoyable environment for
developers.  The progamming style here will follow a mix of XP and
McConnell style:
* daily huddle (reduces meetings)
* daily build & smoke (the site must always be publishable)
* pair programming (rather than code reviews)
* bugs fixes come first 
* active risk management
* UI prototype and acceptance tests before coding

If you are interested, please send your info to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-420-7700 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Benjamin Leon Russell wrote:

> Speaking of Haskell- and Haskell-related- jobs, does anybody know of any
good Haskell internships?  Somebody told me that there are many more
academic opportunities in functional programming in England than here, but
what about non-academic ones?
> --Ben Russell
> On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:44:27 -0500
>  Brett Letner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Group -
> >
> > Does anyone out there know of any haskell, or haskell
> > related jobs in the
> > U.S.?
> > If so, please let me know so that I can send a resume (or
> > you can find it
> > on the internet at resumes.dice.com/bletner).
> > I've searched sites like hotjobs.com and monster.com but
> > haven't found
> > much.
> >
> > I appologize for sending this since it is off-topic, but
> > as payment I offer
> > a few tidbits you might enjoy...
> > 1)  If you want some blank stares, start talking to a
> > contracting company
> > sales-rep about haskell and why you want to work with it.
> > 2)  If you are lonely, post a resume to the major job
> > sites with C++ and
> > UNIX and indicate you are willing to relocate.
> > 3)  Anybody think there is a market for teaching haskell
> > in industry?  This
> > is about the only way I can think of to earn a living and
> > work with haskell
> > at the same time.
> > 4)  Should I just try for a Ph.D. and wait for the rest
> > of the country to
> > catch up?
> >
> > Any ideas or leads would be appreciated.
> > Thanks
> > Brett Letner
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

FRP/FRAN vs O'Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Can someone give a brief comparison of the FRP approach with O'Haskell?
Both frameworks seem to revolve around asynchronous interaction between
objects in continuous time.  The O'Haskell folks argue that you
need a new language to express this activity well.  The FRP folk seem
happy with Haskell as is.  FRAN handles events (e.g. mouseclicks).  Is
there any reason it couldn't handle network events too? 
Where does FRP fail such that a new language is required?
If the two systems are complimentary, how would FRP be enhanced by


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop (sm)

On Fri, 19 May 2000, Paul Hudak wrote:

> > Has anyone built any block simulators (for modeling continuous
> > electronic systems, like OP Amps, RC networks, etc) in Haskell?
> There have been several replies to this already, but permit me to add my
> 2 cents worth:
> FRP ("Functional Reactive Programming") is an abstraction of Fran
> ("Functional Reactive Animation") that is ideally suited to describing
> such things, since it is based on continuous (time-varying) values, as
> opposed to discrete values.  You can find out a lot about Fran from
> Conal Elliott's home page (http://www.research.microsoft.com/~conal) and
> from my book (http://haskell.org/soe), and about FRP at
> http://haskell.org/frob.  My student Zhongong Wan and I also have a new
> PLDI paper on the formal underpinnings of FRP if anyone is interested
> (it's not on the web yet).
> As for Haskore:
> > I'm also interested in this. I am thinking of extending
> > Paul Hudak's Haskore system to generate and handle true audio data
> > (instead of, or in addition to) MIDI data.
> > 
> > I don't think I'll have enough time to do the programming myself,
> > but since I'll be using Hudak's book in next term's course,
> > I hope I can attract some students, and set them in the right
> > direction.
> > 
> > In fact one student who read the course announcement
> > (and the book's web page) already asked me
> > about functional audio signal processing.
> The latest release of Haskore (http://haskell.org/haskore) includes an
> interface to Csound.  That is, one can wire up oscillators, modulators,
> special effects, etc. in a nice declarative style in Haskell, which then
> gets compiled into a Csound instrument file, which in turn gets compiled
> by Csound into actual sound files (.wav, .snd, etc.).  The nice thing
> about this is that it's fairly efficient because of the back-end
> processing.  To do this in FRP would be much less efficient.
> Hope this helps,
>   -Paul

FYI: Mozilla Languages and RDF Inference

2000-04-11 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

There is a lot of talk right now of building new languages into Mozilla.

Mozilla RDF / Enabling Inference
This page discusses using SWI-Prolog for inference on RDF markup and the
Semantic Web (see http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Semantic.html).
The author is looking for suggestions of better/more-appropriate languages
for this task.  XSB is on this list, why not Mercury, Charity, or

Report from the Mozilla Developers Meeting
This discussion veered into that of better client side scripting in
Mozilla. Some lobbying for an open language implementation (or our
favorite language), might be appopriate.

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

RE: runtime optimization of haskell

2000-03-28 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

The issue is not just generating the data for a particular running
instance, but rather:
1. generating the data from all/many running instances on user machines
2. sending that data back to the developer for analysis
3. generating useful reports on aggregate data 

Jacob Nielsen says that data from 5 users is enough to address most user 
porblems so the above may be overkill, but I think it depends on the
problem you want to solve (performance optimization being somewhat more

In any case, the point is to collect data on behavior of the code under
real life operating conditions rather than the test conditions of the lab.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> One such tool is coming up.  GHC is producing cost-centre stack logs, which
> we feed into Stephen Jarvis's call-graph profile browser.  It highlights the
> 'hot' path for you.  It's fantastic!  
> Our goal is to release it with the next GHC release, but it depends a bit
> on Stephen's time. 
> If this isn't what you meant, maybe you can say more precisely what
> you were after?
> Simon
> | -Original Message-
> | From: S. Alexander Jacobson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> | Sent: 28 March 2000 02:43
> | Subject: Re: runtime optimization of haskell
> | 
> | 
> | Good web developers do log analysis to figure out what users 
> | like and what
> | they don't and to figure out which paths to shorten.
> | 
> | It would be nice if haskell programs could generate similar "access
> | logs" or traces that would feedback to the programmer or maintainer
> | information about which functions were accessed when and how. 
> | 
> | The developer, knowing a lot about what is causing the user grief and
> | the domain in which the user is spending most of his/her time 
> | could better
> | optimize the interface and specification as well as the 
> | implementation of
> | future versions.
> | 
> | A trace-feedback implementation would be a great way to give 
> | developers
> | feedback and would do much more to improve software than any 
> | type of rt
> | optimization.
> | 
> | -Alex--
> | 
> | ___
> | S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
> | 1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop
> | 
> | 
> | On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:
> | 
> | > I'm not currently working on dynamic compilation, but I went to
> | > Vasanth Bala's talks at the Dynamic Compilation Workshop before PoPL
> | > and later at MIT.  I, too, was intrigued by the possibility of doing
> | > this sort of dynamic compilation for functional languages.  
> | I've given
> | > the technical points some thought, so I thought I'd share what I'd
> | > come up with.
> | > 
> | > First, Dynamo, Crusoe, and their ken focus on optimization 
> | of run-time
> | > program traces.  It was quite clear from Bala's talk that traces
> | > should not be assumed to match function boundaries; we may compile
> | > some trace through a function (the recursive case, for 
> | example) while
> | > interpreting the rest (eg. the base case).  The efficiency of the
> | > technique depends on the fact that we compile _only_ the 
> | code which is
> | > being frequently executed, as we have a limited cache to hold that
> | > compiled code.
> | > 
> | > The biggest promise of this approach is that it eliminates most
> | > unknown control flow.  In C code this is things like function return
> | > (a trace doesn't necessarily end when a function returns), calls to
> | > dynamically-linked functions, and calls to function pointers/virtual
> | > functions.  All of these are far more common in Haskell than in C;
> | > this makes the technique look very attractive indeed.
> | > 
> | > On the other hand, Dynamo at least does not always succeed.  Very
> | > unstructured symbolic code such as GCC and Go slow down and cause
> | > Dynamo to give up.  This is less promising; symbolic 
> | applications seem
> | > like just the sort of thing we want to re-code in Haskell, as they
> | > involve the complex data structure manipulation that is so 
> | much easier
> | > with algebraic types.
> | > 
> | > A good step toward trying this out, though, would be to devise a
> | > trace-compilable bytecode for Haskell.  I'

Re: runtime optimization of haskell

2000-03-27 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Good web developers do log analysis to figure out what users like and what
they don't and to figure out which paths to shorten.

It would be nice if haskell programs could generate similar "access
logs" or traces that would feedback to the programmer or maintainer
information about which functions were accessed when and how. 

The developer, knowing a lot about what is causing the user grief and
the domain in which the user is spending most of his/her time could better
optimize the interface and specification as well as the implementation of
future versions.

A trace-feedback implementation would be a great way to give developers
feedback and would do much more to improve software than any type of rt


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:

> I'm not currently working on dynamic compilation, but I went to
> Vasanth Bala's talks at the Dynamic Compilation Workshop before PoPL
> and later at MIT.  I, too, was intrigued by the possibility of doing
> this sort of dynamic compilation for functional languages.  I've given
> the technical points some thought, so I thought I'd share what I'd
> come up with.
> First, Dynamo, Crusoe, and their ken focus on optimization of run-time
> program traces.  It was quite clear from Bala's talk that traces
> should not be assumed to match function boundaries; we may compile
> some trace through a function (the recursive case, for example) while
> interpreting the rest (eg. the base case).  The efficiency of the
> technique depends on the fact that we compile _only_ the code which is
> being frequently executed, as we have a limited cache to hold that
> compiled code.
> The biggest promise of this approach is that it eliminates most
> unknown control flow.  In C code this is things like function return
> (a trace doesn't necessarily end when a function returns), calls to
> dynamically-linked functions, and calls to function pointers/virtual
> functions.  All of these are far more common in Haskell than in C;
> this makes the technique look very attractive indeed.
> On the other hand, Dynamo at least does not always succeed.  Very
> unstructured symbolic code such as GCC and Go slow down and cause
> Dynamo to give up.  This is less promising; symbolic applications seem
> like just the sort of thing we want to re-code in Haskell, as they
> involve the complex data structure manipulation that is so much easier
> with algebraic types.
> A good step toward trying this out, though, would be to devise a
> trace-compilable bytecode for Haskell.  I'm not sure that e.g. G-code
> really fits the bill---we want a bytecode that we can unroll
> dynamically without having to keep track a lot of context information
> (such as what's on the stack).  We would also want "usual case"
> bytecodes that would verify unknown control flow against a guess at
> the actual control flow.  
> I suspect producing traces of pure bytecode which unroll control flow
> with guesses ought to produce pretty good speedups when compared to
> current bytecode interpreters (hugs, nhc); I'd be very interested to
> see if this approach can compete with machine code that doesn't do any
> guessing.  In any case, this seems like a good proof of concept---if
> we can't speed byte code up in this way, I wouldn't expect trace
> compilation to do any better than any other kind of JIT compilation.
> I'd love to get the chance to do this experiment some day.
> -Jan-Willem Maessen
> Here are some references, btw: 
> Dynamo: http://www.hpl.hp.com/cambridge/projects/Dynamo 
> Read the tech report from HP, as it contains a fair level of detail
> and gives a pretty good feel for the strengths and weaknesses of the
> approach.  As I say, it really wins when there's lots of unknown
> control flow (jumps to addresses in registers) that turns out to be
> fairly predictable in practice.
> The best chance I've seen at matching this statically was the GRIN
> project, which Thomas Johnsson was pursuing a while back at Chalmers.
> He used an exhaustive control-flow analysis to reduce each instance of
> unknown control flow (eg. the forcing of a thunk) to a small set of
> known destinations (eg. the possible thunks that actually reach that
> program point).  Combine that with interprocedural register allocation
> (courtesy Urban Boquist) and you get the fastest Haskell code I've
> seen.  Any comments on this from the Chalmers folks?  Alas I don't

Re: Relection

2000-01-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

This discussion feels like deja-vu all over again!
What is wrong with the various generic programming extensions that have
already been discussed? Derive, PolyP and their progeny?


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> On 25-Jan-2000, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tue, 25 Jan 2000 18:12:32 +0100, jwit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
> > 
> > > What I'm getting at is some kind of way to get your
> > > hands on an abstract syntax representation of a Haskell
> > > expression/datatype/module, modifying it, re-typechecking it,
> > > and then transforming it back into a Haskell value.
> > 
> > In other words you want to embed a Haskell compiler in your program.
> > 
> > It could be useful in practice sometimes, but it's a very far concept
> > from a simple extension of the language to allow reflection.
> > 
> > Haskell is quite complex and can be compiled. IMHO the distance
> > between the source code and the running program is very big in the
> > case of Haskell. In other words, much is done at compile time instead
> > of runtime. I like this principle, because it allows an elegant and
> > powerful language with lots of static checking and optimizations,
> > even though it makes reflection harder.
> > 
> > A function definition is the specification of what an identifier
> > means in its scope, not the physical bytes of its compiled or
> > source code. It can be inlined, instantiated, unfolded, analyzed for
> > strictness, rewritten using RULES etc. - it does not have to appear
> > in a physical form that can be examined by the program. C's dlopen()
> > is different because C is a more low level language - in C there is
> > a closer correspondence between the source function and the execution
> > time object.
> Well, Mercury has the same approach as Haskell, in the sense of being
> a language which at least aims at being elegant and powerful with
> lots of static checking and optimizations.  But we do support
> dynamic linking (on some platforms), using an interface built
> on top of dlopen() and dlsym().
> Supporting dynamic linking need not inhibit optimization to any
> significant degree, I believe.  At worst, you may need to disable
> inter-module dead-function elimination.  Even that need only be done
> if dynamic linking is used.
> The next stage of support for reflection, being able to at run-time
> get your hands on an abstract syntax representation of a Haskell
> expression/datatype/module, does have a higher cost.  The compiler
> needs to keep information around at run-time which it would otherwise
> not need.  In Mercury we currently support that for types, but not
> for expressions or modules.
> One way of reducing the cost of this feature is to require
> programmers to explicitly mark with some declaration
> those entities for which the compiler should keep the
> information around at run-time.  ISO Prolog takes this
> approach; predicates for which you can use the
> `clause/2' builtin to look up their definition
> need to be declared "dynamic" using a `:- dynamic' declaration.
> Ada takes the converse approach: by default, it keeps
> around some tables to allow you to convert enumeration constants
> into strings, but there is a standard pragma which allows
> you to suppress that for a given enumeration.
> The final stage -- being able to take a representation of
> a Haskell expression, re-typechecking it, and then transforming
> it back into a Haskell value -- does not actually _require_
> any language or runtime support, I think; you can program
> it in standard Haskell.  Though I guess some support might be
> required if you want to introduce new types at run-time.
> -- 
> Fergus Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
> WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
> PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

RE: drop & take [was: fixing typos in Haskell-98]

2000-01-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, BYRNE, Peter wrote:
> (2) If take and drop are to be defined for negative integers, what happens
> to
>   take (-n) xs
>  when n > len xs?  Judging from the definitions proposed:
>   take (-5) [1..4] == [1,2,3]
>  and things look less useful than confusing.

The python behavior is:
take n list | length list + n < 0 = []
drop n list | length list + n < 0 = list

I think this is the correct complement (dual?) of:
take n list | length list - n < 0 = list
drop n list | lenght list - n > 0 = []
(the current behavior)

The consistent overall behavior on "abc" results in this:
-3  -2  -1  0   1   2   3  
take""  "a" "ab""abc"   "a" "ab""abc"
drop"abc"   "bc""c" ""  "bc""c" ""  

(take n list) ++ (drop n list) == list

This is sane and consistent with itself and python.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

> > -Original Message-
> > From:   S. Alexander Jacobson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:   Tuesday, January 25, 2000 10:16 AM
> > To: Tommy Thorn
> > Subject:Re: drop & take [was: fixing typos in Haskell-98]
> > 
> > > IMHO, that would be the _insane_ definitions :-)  Firstly, nothing
> > > suggests to me that rationale of such behaviour.  
> > 
> > The rationale is:
> > 1. these are useful functions
> > 2. if this is insane, so is python. The corresponding python is:
> > 
> > def take list n: return list[:n]
> > def drop list n: return list[n:]
> > 
> > Python interpreter example:
> > >>> list="abcdef"
> > >>> list[:-2]
> > 'abcd'
> > >>> list[-2:]
> > 'ef'
> > >>>
> > 
> > 3. think of n as being calculated 'mod' length of the list
> > take n list | n<0 = take (n `mod` (length list)) list
> > drop n list | n<0 = drop (n `mod` (length list)) list
> > --(equivalent definitions)
> > 
> > > Secondly, it would mean loosing an important set of laws:
> > 
> > >   drop n . drop m === drop (n + m)
> > >   take n . take m === take (n + m)
> > > (which, I note in passing, is broken also by suggestion A)
> > 
> > All the proposals break this law as well, so I this argument is weak (if
> > not insane :-))
> > 
> > -Alex-
> > ___
> > S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
> > 1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Tommy Thorn wrote:
> > 
> > > S. Alexander Jacobson writes:
> > >  > The correct definitions would be:
> > >  > 
> > >  > take -2 -- drops the last 2 elements from the list
> > >  >(takes everything except the last 2 elements)
> > >  > drop -2 -- grabs the last 2 elements from the list
> > >  >(drops everything except the last 2 elements)
> > > 
> > >  > These are also sane definitions..  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > >Tommy
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: drop & take [was: fixing typos in Haskell-98]

2000-01-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

> IMHO, that would be the _insane_ definitions :-)  Firstly, nothing
> suggests to me that rationale of such behaviour.  

The rationale is:
1. these are useful functions
2. if this is insane, so is python. The corresponding python is:

def take list n: return list[:n]
def drop list n: return list[n:]

Python interpreter example:
>>> list="abcdef"
>>> list[:-2]
>>> list[-2:]

3. think of n as being calculated 'mod' length of the list
take n list | n<0 = take (n `mod` (length list)) list
drop n list | n<0 = drop (n `mod` (length list)) list
--(equivalent definitions)

> Secondly, it would mean loosing an important set of laws:

>   drop n . drop m === drop (n + m)
>   take n . take m === take (n + m)
> (which, I note in passing, is broken also by suggestion A)

All the proposals break this law as well, so I this argument is weak (if
not insane :-))

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voice    The Easiest Way To Shop

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Tommy Thorn wrote:

> S. Alexander Jacobson writes:
>  > The correct definitions would be:
>  > 
>  > take -2 -- drops the last 2 elements from the list
>  >(takes everything except the last 2 elements)
>  > drop -2 -- grabs the last 2 elements from the list
>  >(drops everything except the last 2 elements)
>  > These are also sane definitions..  
> Regards,

RE: fixing typos in Haskell-98

2000-01-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Ok. so I got it backward.  The functionality is still useful and belongs
with take and drop.

The correct definitions would be:

take -2 -- drops the last 2 elements from the list
(takes everything except the last 2 elements)
drop -2 -- grabs the last 2 elements from the list
(drops everything except the last 2 elements)

drop n list | n<0 = drop (length list + n) list
take n list | n<0 = take (length list + n) list

These are also sane definitions..  


On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Brian Boutel wrote:

> On Tuesday, January 25, 2000 8:38 AM, S. Alexander Jacobson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Why not do what python does?
>   drop -2 -- drops the last 2 elements from the list
>   take -2 -- grabs the last 2 elements from the list
>   take n list | n<0 = drop (length list + n) list
>   drop n list | n<0 = take (length list + n) list
>   [...]
>   I think this solution also satisfies Chris Okasaki's:  
>   take n xs ++ drop n xs == xs
>   (except where the list is infinite)
> try it:
> take -2 [1,2,3,4] -> [3,4]
> drop -2 [1,2,3,4] -> [1,2]
> take -2 [1,2,3,4] ++ drop -2 [1,2,3,4] -> [3,4,1,2]
> --brian

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

Re: fixing typos in Haskell-98

2000-01-24 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Why not do what python does?

drop -2 -- drops the last 2 elements from the list
take -2 -- grabs the last 2 elements from the list

take n list | n<0 = drop (length list + n) list
drop n list | n<0 = take (length list + n) list

If the list is an infinite list, the behavior is equivalent to B.
If the list is finite, these are really useful primitives, like chop() in

I think this solution also satisfies Chris Okasaki's:  

take n xs ++ drop n xs == xs

(except where the list is infinite)


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

> > > Take and drop
> > > [..]
> > > I can see three alternatives:
> > > 
> > > (A) Make them defined for any n.  If n < 0, do something reasonable:
> > >   take:   give empty list
> > >   drop:   give whole list
> > >
> > > (B) Make them defined for n > length xs, but fail for n < 0.
> > >
> > > (C) Status quo
> > > 
> > > PROPOSAL: Use alternative (A)
> > 
> > I vote for (B). 
> Ditto, though I would say that the restriction is that the 
> argument should be a natural number, and its simply a 
> failing of the type system that it cannot express this.
> -- 
> Jón Fairbairn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 18 Kimberley Road[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Cambridge CB4 1HH  +44 1223 570179 (pm only, please)

Re: deleteBy

1999-12-07 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Can we stop polluting the namespace with list based function
definitions?  Most of these functions: delBy, filter, map, concat, length,
take, takeWhile, etc. are well specified for data structures other than
lists.  Regardless of whether Haskell includes generic programming
extensions, it would be nice to be able to use these function names for
the same operation in other datastructures (even if they are implemented


On Tue, 7 Dec 1999, S.D.Mechveliani wrote:

> To my proposal to add to  Haskell-2  library
>  delBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
> Keith Wansbrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> writes on 06 Dec 1999 
> > So what do you propose as the definition for
> > 
> > del :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
> >
> > ?
> > 
> > Section 7.6 of the Library Report:
> >
> > "By convention, overloaded functions have a non-overloaded 
> > counterpart whose name is suffixed with ``By''."
> Does this really imply that having  delBy,  the library has 
> necessarily to include `del' ?
> Anyway, let us try to improve the proposal:
> ---
> (1) To change in the `List' library the  deleteBy  definition to
>   deleteBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
>   deleteBy _ [] = []
>   deleteBy p (a:as) = if  p a  then  as  else  a:(deleteBy p as) 
> deleteBy  of Haskell-98  to rename to  
> delByR2e  (delete by binary relation (a->a->Bool) and element a).
> - or better to remove it at all. For its type looks esoteric.
> I wonder, who ever uses it.
> (2) To change in the Section 7.6 of the Library Report
>   "
>   By convention, overloaded functions have a non-overloaded 
>   counterpart whose name is suffixed with ``By''.
>   "
> to
>   "
>   By convention, an overloaded function may have several 
>   non-overloaded counterparts whose names are suffixed with 
>   `By'[ss].
>   Examples:  By means "by something simplest",
>  ByPby predicate,
>      ByR2   by binary relation,
>  ...
>   "
> -
> --
> Sergey Mechveliani

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

Re: RE to Peyton-Jones

1999-11-25 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

It is not obvious that Haskell provides an order of magnitude improvement
in any of these areas.  Where I think Haskell (or Haskell compiler
writers), could really be useful is in providing better XML transformation
languages and implementations.  XML Schemas are emerging as the defacto
type system for the Internet.  XSLT is the w3 designed functional
programming language for processing XML.  It seems like the people in this
community know more about the "right" way to design and implement an
XML transformation language than anyone else.  For example, XSLT does not
easily support fold-type operations for accumulating report summaries,
though this is exactly the type of task that an XML transformation
language should be designed to accomplish.  In addition XSLT
implementations are INCREDIBLY SLOW.  

A funcitional programming language that allows speedy processing of XML
datastructures would be a big win here.

I know that this may not be Haskell as it is currently conceived, but I
assume that the people here know more about the right answers than anyone


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Eduardo Costa wrote:

> >| I mean, a group who could produce a
> >| competitive compiler, useful not only to people who are
> >| interested in testing
> >| the language, but also in using it to produce commercial and
> >| industrial tools.
> >
> >I think that would be absolutely splendid and I would do whatever
> >I could to support such a person/group/company.
> >
> >Simon
> Then, don t you think that, if we contact software companies, we
> could find some one who would buy the idea? Of course, I would
> not be able to sell the idea, but there are people in the Haskell
> community with a better chance to get commercial and industrial
> support for Haskell. As far as I can see, Haskell is a good product
> (I mean, from the point of view of an investitor).
> It is used in many universities, even in my country (for instance,
> it is used as introductory language in the Computer Science 
> Department of my own university). With a little make up, things
> like Zermello-Frankel notation would give a good replacement 
> for SQL. A good computer algebra library (like the one that 
> prof. R. Malaquias is creating) would make Haskell a good 
> scripting language to replace things like Mathlab, Maple, etc. 
> I really think that it is possible to lure a software company 
> into investing in Haskell.
> You could say that it would be better to have groups
> of voluntary programmers (like the people who created Linux
> and GNU), instead of companies like Microsoft. Well, I guess 
> that Haskell has atractive features to these groups too. For instance,
> Haskell could be used to produce a free version of Maple, 
> Matlab, or even Labview.
> I want to suggest to the Haskell community
> the creation of something like a public relation interest group,
> who would search support from the software industry, and
> from strong teams of voluntary workers(GNU, Linux, etc.)
> EdCosta
> This e-mail has been sent to  you courtesy of OperaMail,  as a  free  service  from
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> account is waiting at: http://www.operamail.com/

XSLT: Is assignment really necessary for performance?

1999-10-10 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

In this article
(http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/archive/msg07336.html), Clark
Evans claims that XSLT is too slow or too memory intensive because it is a
functional language.

He suggests adding Hashtables to XSLt to improve performance.  Is this
really necessary? Is the problem functional programming or something
broken in the design of the XSLt lanuage?

Backround: XSLt is a functional programming language designed to process
XML documents.  It is still in the draft stage.  When it becomes a
standard, XSLt functional programming is likely to be one of the dominant
forms of Internet programming.  We are already using XSLt here to manage
generating the site.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

Re: OO in Haskell

1999-10-05 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, George Russell wrote:
> Perhaps I'm being stupid.  (It certainly wouldn't be the first time!)
> But what does OO give me that I can't get with existential types
> (in datatype definitions) and multiparameter type classes? The latter
> seem to me much more powerful, since I can add dancing and singing methods
> to objects without having to go back to the original class definition.

Encapsulation of state.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

CPP is not part of Haskell

1999-09-30 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

The Haskell report says that, by convention, only _HASKELL_ files have a
.hs or .lhs extension.

By convention, the style of comment is indicated by the file extension,
with ".hs" indicating a usual Haskell file and ".lhs"
indicating a literate Haskell file

It is always a surprise when you try to load a .hs or .lhs file in
hugs and discover that it really requires cpp.  

Either, cpp (or some preprocessor standard), should be made part of the
Haskell language definition or Haskell files that require a preprocessor
should have a different extension.  

Since, I assume that the hugs team has a good reason not to build in cpp
functionality, I am suggesting that Haskell files with preprocessor
directives have the extension .hs.cpp

One could argue that Hugs is actualy more flexible because it supports any
arbitrary preprocessor, but the substantive issue is that running each
imported script through python & cpp adds substantial load time.  This
load time is much less acceptable in an interpreted environment, than in
the compile time environment of GHC. In this environment, it is much
better to "compile" .hs.cpp files into .hs files before runtime.  

In the case of Xtract, we are renaming all the files to .hs.cpp,
generating a clean set of .hs files, and then running hugs.  The
alternative is just too slow.


S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

Xtract with hugs and Haskell implementation inconsistency

1999-09-29 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

I am trying to get Malcolm Wallace's Xtract code to run with Hugs and have
noticed a few inconsistencies between whatever compiler he is using and

1. Where `maybe` is exported
His compiler does not export `maybe` from the Maybe library but Hugs
does.  The report says that Maybe should be exported from both.
I think the report is wrong and that `maybe` should only be exported from
Maybe.  In any case, Hugs correctly implements H98 and his compiler does
(MW, you need to hide maybe in ParseSTXml.hs ParseSTHtml.hs and

2. Allowing use of qualified names without importing qualified
MW's compiler allows use of Prelude.elem without qualified import of
the prelude.  Hugs does not like that.  I think Hugs is right, but I am
not sure which is "correct".
(MW, the offending line is in Combinators.hs on line 169)

3. Inadequacy of Haskell
There are a few places where MW relies on the preprocessor rather than
Haskell.  Xtract has this code:
-From ParseSTXml.hs
#define PARSEARG(tok)  P (\st inp -> case inp of { \
  ((p,tok n):ts) -> [(n,st,ts)]; \
  ts -> [] } )
name :: Parser SymTab Token Name
name =  PARSEARG(TokName)

string, freetext :: Parser SymTab Token String
string =   PARSEARG(TokName)
freetext = PARSEARG(TokFreeText)
Is there clean a way of achieving the same functionality without relying
on the preprocessor?


PS If you want to use HUGS to test, you need to pass HUGS a preprocessor:
runhugs +98 -F"python hpp.py" XTract.hs
Here is a short preprocessor in Python:
import sys,string,os;
cpp = 'gcc -E -xc -traditional -D__HASKELL_98__ '+sys.argv[1];
for line in os.popen(cpp).readlines()[1:]:
  if line:  print line[:-1];

S. Alexander Jacobson   Shop.Com
1-212-697-0184 voiceThe Easiest Way To Shop

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