[Haskell] Call for Participation: XLDI 2012 (@ ICFP 2012)

2012-08-03 Thread Torsten Grust


 XLDI 2012

  First International Workshop on
   Cross-Model Language Design and Implementation


   Affiliated with ICFP 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
  Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

   September 9, 2012 (Sunday before ICFP)

  You need an ICFP Sunday pass to participate in XLDI 2012.
  For details on ICFP registration please see


XLDI 2012 focuses on the foundations, design, implementation,
and  applications of languages that smoothly integrate different
execution or data models.

We have assembled an interesting program of 7 presentations, covering
software-defined networks, Haskell DSLs for interactive web services,
typing of massive JSON datasets, rewrite optimization of dataflow
programs, and languages designed to build domain-specific runtimes.


- Fritz Henglein (DIKU, University of Copenhagen)
- Christopher Re (University of Wisconsin)


- Naga Praveen Katta, Jennifer Rexford, David Walker:
  Logic Programming for Software Defined Networks

- Andrew Farmer, Andy Gill:
  Haskell DSLs for Interactive Web Services

- Dario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli, Carlo Sartiani:
  Typing Massive JSON Datasets

- Fabian Hueske, Aljoscha Krettek, Kostas Tzoumas:
  Enabling Rewrite Optimizations of Data Flow Programs
  Through Static Code Analysis

- Panchapakesan Shyamshankar, Zachary Palmer, Yanif Ahmad:
  K3: Language Design for Building Multi-Platform,
  Domain-Specific Runtimes


XLDI 2012 is sponsored by LogicBlox and Oracle Labs.

We are looking forward to see you in Copenhagen,

   --James Cheney, Torsten Grust
 (XLDI co-chairs)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] PhD/Postdoc Position at U Tübingen (Germany)

2013-04-09 Thread Torsten Grust
  [ Dear Haskell folks, while the job posting below may sound somewhat
``databasey'', our group performs most of its research in the trenches
between the PL and DB worlds.  Haskell definitely is our research
vehicle of choice.  Database-Supported Haskell (Hackage: DSH) and our
work on bringing back monad comprehensions into GHC are testament
to this, I guess.  Please consider joining us! 

Cheers, Torsten 

Starting October 2013, the DATABASE SYSTEMS Chair (Prof. Dr. Torsten
Grust) at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Computer Science of
Universität Tübingen (Germany), has a vacant position for a


We encourage both, university graduates and Postdocs, to apply.


Our team currently performs research in the following areas:

 - the interplay of database technology and various aspects of
   functional programming languages,
 - the compilation and optimization of (new) database languages, and
 - database systems for non-relational data (trees, nested lists, ...).

It is a principle of our work to construct systems (see
db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/research/dsh or ferry-lang.org) that make
our ideas tangible and assessable.  The chair's research contributions
are recognized internationally and more often than not are the fruit
of collaboration with associated research groups.

Our teaching activities embrace the classical topics of database
technology as well as Computer Science, both at undergraduate and
graduate levels.  Whenever possible, we try to intertwine our
research and teaching activities.


We are looking forward to grow our team and welcome applications of
highly motivated candidates with an excellent university degree (in
Computer Science or a closely related field) who are willing to
support our research and teaching efforts.  We are open to proposals
for new research directions and hope that you like systems building as
much as we do.

Good knowledge of German (teaching) as well as English (research and
publication) are a requirement.


Successful candidates will sign a contract with the Universität Tübingen
under the current regulations applicable to employees in Public Service
(TV?D).  You will be working in Tübingen, the traditional university town
in the Neckar valley (Stutgart region). Tübingen is a beautiful and lively
medieval town with a large university population. Located in southern Germany,
at the edge of the Swabian Jura and Blackwood Forest, the surrounding country
is characterized by rolling hills, forests, river valleys, historic towns,
and extensive walking and biking trails. The quality of life is excellent.

Universität Tübingen aims at increasing the number of female employees
and thus especially welcomes applications of female candidates.

Applications of disabled candidates will be given priority, depending on
their suitability.

Please send your complete application in PDF format via e-mail
to Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust (torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de).

The deadline for applications is May 19, 2013.

Inquiries with respect to this position may be directed to

  Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust
  +49 7071 / 29 75477

| Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust
| Database Systems — Universität Tübingen (Germany)
| torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de
| db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Full Professorship (U Tübingen, Germany)

2013-12-14 Thread Torsten Grust

Dear colleagues,

you may be interested in the following position of a Full Professor (tenure)
at the University of Tübingen, Germany.  Closing date: Jan 5, 2014.

(Announcement, in German, below.)


An der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen ist im
Fachbereich Informatik eine

  W3-Professur für Praktische Informatik

zum 1. Oktober 2014 zu besetzen.  Der/Die künftige
Stelleninhaber/in sollte in Forschung und Lehre primär das Fach
"Praktische Informatik" vertreten und sich im vollen Umfang an der
Grundausbildung in Praktischer Informatik beteiligen. Der
Forschungsschwerpunkt soll in dem Bereich Software Engineering,
insbesondere moderne Programmierkonzepte (Deklarativität, Verteilung,
Nebenläufigkeit und Parallelität) und deren Anwendungen, liegen.

Einstellungsvoraussetzung ist die Habilitation oder eine
gleichwertige Qualifikation sowie nachgewiesene didaktische
Eignung. Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in
Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb entsprechend
qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdrücklich um Ihre
Bewerbung. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen und einem Forschungs- und
Lehrkonzept sowie dem ausgefüllten Formular "Bewerbungsbogen"
(unter http://www.mnf.uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaet/service.html)
werden bis zum 5. Januar 2014 in elektronischer Form erbeten an
den Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der
Universität Tübingen (deka...@mnf.uni-tuebingen.de).

| Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust
| Database Systems — Universität Tübingen (Germany)
| torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de
| db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] PhD/Postdoc Position at U Tübingen (Germany)

2016-11-07 Thread Torsten Grust
[ Dear Haskell folks, while the job posting below may sound somewhat
  ``databasey'', our group performs most of its research in the trenches
  between the PL and DB worlds.  We largely perceive query formulation,
  translation, and optimization as functional programming activities.  We
  collaborate with PLers, among them Klaus Ostermann whose office is just
  below mine (he could hear me stomping on the floor right now, I guess).

  Haskell definitely is our research vehicle of choice. Database-Supported
  Haskell (Hackage: DSH) and our work on bringing back monad comprehensions
  into GHC are testament to this.  Please consider joining us!

  Cheers, Torsten

Starting Januar 2017, the DATABASE SYSTEMS Chair (Prof. Dr. Torsten
Grust) at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Computer Science of
University of Tuebingen (Germany), has a vacant position for a


We encourage both, university graduates and Postdocs, to apply.


Our team currently performs research in the following areas:

 - the interplay of database technology and various aspects of
   programming languages,
 - the compilation and optimization of (new) database languages,
 - the derivation of data provenance for (very) complex queries, and
 - the design and implementation of debuggers for declarative query

It is a principle of our work to construct systems (see db.inf.uni-
tuebingen.de/research.html) that make our ideas tangible and assessable.
The chair's research contributions are recognized internationally and
more often than not are the fruit of collaboration with associated
research groups.

Our teaching activities embrace the classical topics of database
technology as well as Computer Science, both at undergraduate and
graduate levels.  Whenever possible, we try to intertwine our
research and teaching activities.


We are looking forward to grow our team and welcome applications of
highly motivated candidates with an excellent university degree (in
Computer Science or a closely related field) who are willing to
support our research and teaching efforts.  We are open to proposals
for new research directions and hope that you like systems building as
much as we do.

Good knowledge of German (teaching) as well as very good knowledge
of English (research and publication) are a requirement.


Successful candidates will sign a contract with the University of
Tuebingen under the current regulations applicable to employees in
Public Service (TVoeD).  You will be working in Tuebingen, the
traditional university town in the Neckar valley (Stutgart region).
Tuebingen is a beautiful and lively medieval town with a large university
population. Located in southern Germany, at the edge of the Swabian Jura
and Blackwood Forest, the surrounding country is characterized by
rolling hills, forests, river valleys, historic towns, and extensive
walking and biking trails. The quality of life is excellent.

University of Tuebingen aims at increasing the number of female
employees and thus especially welcomes applications of female

Applications of disabled candidates will be given priority, depending on
their suitability.

Please send your complete application in PDF format via e-mail
to Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust (torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de).

The deadline for applications is December 9, 2016.

Inquiries with respect to this position may be directed to

  Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust

| Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust
| Database Systems — Universität Tübingen (Germany)
| ✉︎ torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de
| db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de
Haskell mailing list

Re: quicksort and compiler optimization

1998-05-11 Thread Torsten Grust

On May 10 (18:58 -0300), Mariano Suarez Alvarez wrote with possible deletions:
 | [...]
 | The same idea works in general: if E is some expression,
 | E (foldr f1 b1 xs) (foldr f2 b2 xs)
 |   = let (a,b) = (foldr f1 b1 xs,foldr f2 b2 xs)
 | in E a b
 |   = let (a,b) = (foldr f1 b1 xs,foldr f2 b2 xs)
 | in E a b
 |   = let (a,b) = foldr (\x -> (f1 x # f2 x)) (b1,b2) xs
 | in E a b
 | This is useful, since usually list traversing functions can be writen 
 | using foldr. I remember reading about this somewhere...

I don't know if this is the reference you were trying to recall here,
but Andrew Gill, John Launchbury, and Simon Peyton-Jones used this
technique as a preprocessing step for subsequent deforestation in
their "A Shortcut to Deforestation" (FPCA `93) paper.

  | Torsten Grust   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |http://www.informatik.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

Re: category theory

1998-10-15 Thread Torsten Grust

On October 14 (16:33 -0400), S. Alexander Jacobson wrote with possible deletions:
 | Having only recently learned to use Monads and appreciate their
 | utility, I am encountering new category-theoretic material in reading
 | about arrows in Jansson and Jeuring's Polytypic Compact Printing and
 | Parsing paper.  
 | It strikes me that I should just get the basics under my belt rather than
 | skipping ahead hear.  What is a good place to start learning the
 | basics of category theory, monads, and algebra (as in algebraic types not
 | high school math) for use in a programming context?  Books? Papers?
 | Websites? 

I can definitely recommend Richard Bird's and Oege de Moor's ``Algebra
Of Programming'' here.  

   Richard Bird, Oege de Moor
   Algebra Of Programming
   Prentice Hall Int'l Series in Computer Science, 1997
   ISBN 0-13-507245-X

  | Torsten Grust  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |   http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

Re: Haskell as a relational database language

1998-12-15 Thread Torsten Grust


On December 15 (01:45 +), Michael Hobbs wrote with possible deletions:
 | Tom Pledger wrote:
 | > In the last 12 months or so, all the database-related messages in this
 | > list have involved interfacing to SQL engines.  By contrast, how about
 | > using Haskell as a non-SQL relational database language?
 | I've always thought that a functional language such as Haskell would
 | provide a very good framework for using relational algebra in order to
 | combine and extract data. (In contrast to using something like a
 | Structured Query Language.) I dabbled with this a bit, but didn't get
 | very far before I lost interest. :)

You might be interested in our work on mapping SQL (resp. OMDG's OQL)
to the monad comprehension calculus and, subsequently, a combinator
representation that is finally cheaply deforested to obtain a---how
the database folks call them---streaming program from an algebraic
query.  The streaming paradigm of query evaluation and the notion of
tree-less functional programs are remarkably close, IMHO.

A broad range of heuristic query optimization approaches turn out to
be simple rewriting steps in the monad comprehension calculus.  That's
esp. true for queries involving aggregates, grouping, and
quantification (but for the vanilla select-from-where query as well),
ie. for a class of queries which isn't mapped easily (if at all) to a
"classical" relational algebra.

If anyone is interested, details on all stages of the query
compilation and optimization process in such a purely functional
framework are described in a range of articles that can be found
hanging off my homepage.

I also recommend to have a look at Leonidas Fegaras' (Univ of Texas,
Arlington) excellent work in this area (http://lambda.uta.edu/).

Best wishes,

P.S. The connection between the database and FPL communities is
 quite tight, IMHO.  It always has been (the functional data model
 [Shipman et al.] dates back to the 70's), and it is today:  Kluwer
 publishes a Special Issue of its JIIS on the ``Functional
 Approach to Intelligent Information Systems'' early next year.

  | Torsten Grust  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |   http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

Re: Zipping two sequences together with only cons, empty, foldr

1999-07-02 Thread Torsten Grust

Hi Lennart and everyone else,

On July 1 (18:00 -0700), Lennart Augustsson wrote with possible deletions:
| [...]
| I think the type should (almost) explain what it does :), let me
| exemplfy for lists 
| recurse c n [] = n
| recurse c n (x:xs) = c x xs (recurse c n xs)
| So it's like foldr, except that the cons function gets the tail of the list,
| not just the head.  With it you can define an efficient tail function.

this is nothing more than a wild suspicion, but is there any relation
between `recurse' and paramorphisms? (Maybe not as close as between
`foldr' and catamorphisms, but the availability of xs to the cons
function rang a bell.)

  | Torsten Grust  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |   http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

Re: What is a functional language?

1999-09-27 Thread Torsten Grust

On September 27 (10:11 +0200), Bjorn Lisper wrote with possible deletions:
| Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
| >The issue I'm thinking about is equational reasoning and program
| >transformation. For a lazy (non-strict) language, transformations
| >are constrained so that a function definition which is non-strict
| >in an argument is never transformed into one which is strict in the
| >same argument. (Or so I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong).
| [...]
| Note that if we want the transformations to preserve the semantics of the
| language w.r.t. termination we will have to deal with bottom in equations
| also in strict languages, since also strict languages contain certain
| operations with nonstrict semantics (e.g., conditionals). Of course, we can
| consider a coarser semantics without the bottom, where we do not distinguish
| functions w.r.t. termination properties, and then have a different set of
| equalities: a good example is x - x = 0 which is valid if bottom is
| discarded but not valid if it is included. (I believe it may be this kind of
| discrepancy which has lead you to think that nonstrict languages do not
| permit equational reasoning.)
| [...]
| >Doesn't having to treat _|_ as a value spoil equational reasoning?
| No, see above.

I think that Dave Turner's ``Elementary Strong Functional
Programming'' explains this point quite well.  Find it in the
Proceedings of Functional Programming Languages in Education (FPLE),
Nijmegen, Netherlands, December 1995, LNCS 1022.

Best wishes,
  | Torsten Grust  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |   http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

Re: [...| xs = [0..n], ...]

1999-10-09 Thread Torsten Grust

On October 9 (13:22 +0400), S.D.Mechveliani wrote with possible deletions:
| I wrotef n = [(x,y,z,u) | xs = [0..n],  x <- xs,
|   ys = xs\\[x], y <- ys,
|   zs = ys\\[y], z <- zs,  u <- zs\\[z]
|  ],
| and  Gofer  allowed this. But  Haskell-98  does not.
| So, i write here
|  ...  xs <- [[0..n]],  x <- xs,
|   ys <- [xs\\[x]], y <- ys  ...

Comprehension come with `let'-syntax which might be of help here:

[ ... | ..., let xs = [0..n],x <- xs,
 let ys = xs \\ [x], y <- ys, ... ]

Best wishes,
  | Torsten Grust  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
  |   http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/~grust/ |
  | Database Research Group, University of Konstanz (Lake Constance/Germany) |

[Haskell] PLAN-X 2007: Call for Papers and Demos

2006-07-21 Thread Torsten Grust
(INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)
  - Sophie Tison(U Lille, France)
  - Philip Wadler   (U Edinburgh, UK)

-- PLAN-X 2007 Workshop Chairs

  - General Chair       - Program Chair

Torsten Grust Giorgio Ghelli
TU MünchenU Pisa
Munich, Germany   Pisa, Italy

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] PLAN-X 2007: Call for Papers and Demos (Deadline Extended)

2006-09-20 Thread Torsten Grust
  (Oracle, USA)
  - Alain Frisch (INRIA Roquencourt, France)
  - Giorgio Ghelli, Chair(U Pisa, Italy)
  - Haruo Hosoya (U Tokyo, Japan)
  - Anders Møller(U Aarhus, Denmark)
  - Mukund Raghavachari  (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
  - Alan Schmitt (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)
  - Sophie Tison (U Lille, France)
  - Philip Wadler(U Edinburgh, UK)

-- PLAN-X 2007 Workshop Chairs

  - General Chair       - Program Chair

Torsten Grust Giorgio Ghelli
TU MünchenU Pisa
Munich, Germany   Pisa, Italy

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] PLAN-X 2007: Call for Participation

2006-11-29 Thread Torsten Grust

 Call for Participation

 P L A N - X   2 0 0 7
   Programming Language Technologies for XML

   An ACM SIGPLAN Workshop collocated with POPL 2007

Nice, France -- January 20, 2007


Please join us for PLAN-X 2007, the fifth workshop in the PLAN-X series,
dedicated to the interaction and integration of programming language
technology and the world of XML.

The XML data model and its associated languages add interesting twists
to programming language practice as well as theory. Just like its four
predecessors, the PLAN-X 2007 workshop turns the spotlight on how
programming language technology can embrace and explain streaming XML
transformations, types for XPath and XML updates, web service contracts,
tree patterns in XQuery, LINQ and XML Schema, and more. PLAN-X 2007 will
feature eight talks, three system demonstrations, extensive opportunity
for discussion, and a keynote address (speaker to be announced).

PLAN-X 2007 will be held in the Plaza Hotel (Nice, France) all-day on
Saturday, January 20, 2007, just after and collocated with POPL 2007,
the ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages (January 17-19, 2007).


   Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya 
   XML Transformation Language Based on Monadic Second Order Logic

   Nate Foster, Benjamin C. Pierce, Alan Schmitt
   A Logic Your Typechecker Can Count On: Unordered Tree Types
   in Practice

   Alain Frisch, Keisuke Nakano 
   Streaming XML Transformations Using Term Rewriting

   Giuseppe Castagna, Nils Gesbert, Luca Padovani   
   A Theory of Contracts for Web Services

   Sebastian Maneth, Helmut Seidl   
   Deciding Equivalences of Top-Down XML Transformations
   in Polynomial Time

   Jan Hidders, Philippe Michiels, Jerome Simeon, Roel Vercammen
   How to Recognise Different Kinds of Tree Patterns From Quite a
   Long Way Away

   Pierre Geneves, Nabil Layaida, Alan Schmitt  
   XPath Typing Using a Modal Logic with Converse for Finite Trees

   James Cheney 
   Lux: A Lightweight, Statically Typed XML Update Language


   Jorge Coelho, Mario Florido
   XCentric: A Logic-Programming Language for XML Processing

   Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya
   MTran:  An XML Transformation Language Based on
   Monadic Second Order Logic

   Ralf Lämmel
   LINQ to XSD


PLAN-X 2007 is held in cooperation with POPL 2007. You can register for
the workshop via the POPL 2007 registration process (online or offline).
Please visit


Registration rates are shown below. The rates are unaffected by the POPL
2007 early bird registration deadline. Note that you can upgrade an
existing POPL 2007 registration to include PLAN-X 2007. Workshop-only
registration is possible as well.

ACM or SIGPLAN Member   $89
Non-Member  $99
Student $89

Your registration includes a copy of the PLAN-X 2007 informal
proceedings, coffee breaks, and lunch.

-- PLAN-X 2007 Workshop Chairs

  - General Chair   - Program Chair

Torsten Grust Giorgio Ghelli
TU MünchenU Pisa
Munich, Germany   Pisa, Italy

-- PLAN-X 2007 Program Committee

  - Michael Benedikt (Lucent, USA)
  - Daniela Florescu (Oracle, USA)
  - Alain Frisch (INRIA Roquencourt, France)
  - Giorgio Ghelli, Chair(U Pisa, Italy)
  - Haruo Hosoya (U Tokyo, Japan)
  - Anders Møller(U Aarhus, Denmark)
  - Mukund Raghavachari  (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
  - Alan Schmitt (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)
  - Sophie Tison (U Lille, France)
  - Philip Wadler(U Edinburgh, UK)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] PLAN-X 2007: Call for Participation [and Program Updates]

2006-12-14 Thread Torsten Grust

 Call for Participation

 P L A N - X   2 0 0 7
   Programming Language Technologies for XML

   An ACM SIGPLAN Workshop collocated with POPL 2007

Nice, France -- January 20, 2007


   || UPDATE: - Christoph Koch (U Saarland, Germany) will give the  ||
   ||   PLAN-X 2007 keynote speech. ||
   || - The detailed program is available (included below). ||

Please join us for PLAN-X 2007, the fifth workshop in the PLAN-X series,
dedicated to the interaction and integration of programming language
technology and the world of XML.

The XML data model and its associated languages add interesting twists
to programming language practice as well as theory. Just like its four
predecessors, the PLAN-X 2007 workshop turns the spotlight on how
programming language technology can embrace and explain streaming XML
transformations, types for XPath and XML updates, web service contracts,
tree patterns in XQuery, LINQ and XML Schema, and more. PLAN-X 2007 will
feature eight talks, three system demonstrations, extensive opportunity
for discussion, and a keynote address (speaker to be announced).

PLAN-X 2007 will be held in the Plaza Hotel (Nice, France) all-day on
Saturday, January 20, 2007, just after and collocated with POPL 2007,
the ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages (January 17-19, 2007).

-- PROGRAM (Saturday, January 20, 2007)

   09:00--10:00 Welcome
Invited Talk by Christoph Koch (U Saarland,  

(title to be announced)

   10:00--10:30 Coffee break

   10:30--12:00 Session 1: Research Papers
Streaming XML Transformations Using Term Rewriting
  (Alain Frisch, Keisuke Nakano)
How to Recognise Different Kinds of Tree  
Patterns From

Quite a Long Way Away
  (Jan Hidders, Philippe Michiels, Jerome Simeon,
  Roel Vercammen)
Lux: A Lightweight, Statically Typed XML Update
  (James Cheney)

   12:00--01:30 Workshop lunch (provided)

   01:30--03:10 Session 2: Research Papers and Demo Presentations
A Theory of Contracts for Web Services
  (Giuseppe Castagna, Nils Gesbert, Luca Padovani)
XML Transformation Language Based on Monadic
Second Order Logic
  (Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya)

Demo: MTran: An XML Transformation Language  
Bases on

Monadic Second Order Logic
  (Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya)
Demo: XCentric: A Logic-Programming Language for
XML Processing
  (Jorge Coelho, Mário Florido)
Demo: LINQ to XSD
  (Ralf Lämmel)
Demo: GeLaBa: A Framework to Define Classes of
XML Documents and to Automatically Derive
Specialized Infrastructures
  (Benoit Pin, Georges André Silber)

   03:10--04:00 Interactive Demos and Coffee break

   04:00--05:30 Session 3: Research Papers
XPath Typing Using a Modal Logic with Converse for
Finite Trees
  (Pierre Geneves, Nabil Layaida, Alan Schmitt)
Deciding Equivalence of Top-Down XML  

in Polynomial Time
  (Sebastian Maneth, Helmut Seidl)
A Logic Your Typechecker Can Count On:
Unordered Tree Types in Practice
  (Nate Foster, Benjamin C. Pierce, Alan Schmitt)


PLAN-X 2007 is held in cooperation with POPL 2007. You can register for
the workshop via the POPL 2007 registration process (online or offline).
Please visit


Registration rates are shown below. The rates are unaffected by the POPL
2007 early bird registration deadline. Note that you can upgrade an
existing POPL 2007 registration to include PLAN-X 2007. Workshop-only
registration is possible as well.

ACM or SIGPLAN Member   $89
Non-Member  $99
Student $89

Your registration includes a copy of the PLAN-X 2007 informal
proceedings, coffee breaks, and lunch.

-- PLAN-X 2007 Workshop Chairs

  - General Chair   - Program Chair

Torsten Grust Giorgio Ghelli
TU MünchenU Pisa
Munich, Germany   Pisa, Italy

-- PLAN-X 2007 Program Committee

  - Michael Benedikt (Lucent

[Haskell] PLAN-X 2007: Last Call for Participation

2007-01-02 Thread Torsten Grust

  Last Call for Participation

 P L A N - X   2 0 0 7
   Programming Language Technologies for XML

   An ACM SIGPLAN Workshop collocated with POPL 2007

Nice, France -- January 20, 2007


Please join us for PLAN-X 2007, the fifth workshop in the PLAN-X series,
dedicated to the interaction and integration of programming language
technology and the world of XML.

The XML data model and its associated languages add interesting twists
to programming language practice as well as theory. Just like its four
predecessors, the PLAN-X 2007 workshop turns the spotlight on how
programming language technology can embrace and explain streaming XML
transformations, types for XPath and XML updates, web service contracts,
tree patterns in XQuery, LINQ and XML Schema, and more. PLAN-X 2007 will
feature eight talks, four system demonstrations, extensive opportunity
for discussion, and a keynote address by Christoph Koch (U Saarland,

PLAN-X 2007 will be held in the Plaza Hotel (Nice, France) all-day on
Saturday, January 20, 2007, just after and collocated with POPL 2007,
the ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages (January 17-19, 2007).

-- PROGRAM (Saturday, January 20, 2007)

   09:00--10:00 Welcome
Invited Talk by Christoph Koch (U Saarland,  

XPath Leashed

   10:00--10:30 Coffee break

   10:30--12:00 Session 1: Research Papers
Streaming XML Transformations Using Term Rewriting
  (Alain Frisch, Keisuke Nakano)
How to Recognise Different Kinds of Tree Patterns
From Quite a Long Way Away
  (Jan Hidders, Philippe Michiels, Jerome Simeon,
  Roel Vercammen)
Lux: A Lightweight, Statically Typed XML Update
  (James Cheney)

   12:00--01:30 Workshop lunch (provided)

   01:30--03:10 Session 2: Research Papers and Demo Presentations
A Theory of Contracts for Web Services
  (Giuseppe Castagna, Nils Gesbert, Luca Padovani)
XML Transformation Language Based on Monadic
Second Order Logic
  (Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya)

Demo: MTran: An XML Transformation Language  
Bases on

Monadic Second Order Logic
  (Kazuhiro Inaba, Haruo Hosoya)
Demo: XCentric: A Logic-Programming Language for
XML Processing
  (Jorge Coelho, Mário Florido)
Demo: LINQ to XSD
  (Ralf Lämmel)
Demo: GeLaBa: A Framework to Define Classes of
XML Documents and to Automatically Derive
Specialized Infrastructures
  (Benoit Pin, Georges André Silber)

   03:10--04:00 Interactive Demos and Coffee break

   04:00--05:30 Session 3: Research Papers
XPath Typing Using a Modal Logic with Converse for
Finite Trees
  (Pierre Geneves, Nabil Layaida, Alan Schmitt)
Deciding Equivalence of Top-Down XML  

in Polynomial Time
  (Sebastian Maneth, Helmut Seidl)
A Logic Your Typechecker Can Count On:
Unordered Tree Types in Practice
  (Nate Foster, Benjamin C. Pierce, Alan Schmitt)


PLAN-X 2007 is held in cooperation with POPL 2007. You can register for
the workshop via the POPL 2007 registration process (online or offline).
Please visit


Registration rates are shown below. Note that you can upgrade an
existing POPL 2007 registration to include PLAN-X 2007. Workshop-only
registration is possible as well.

ACM or SIGPLAN Member   $89
Non-Member  $99
Student $89

Your registration includes a copy of the PLAN-X 2007 informal
proceedings, coffee breaks, and lunch.

-- PLAN-X 2007 Workshop Chairs

  - General Chair   - Program Chair

Torsten Grust Giorgio Ghelli
TU MünchenU Pisa
Munich, Germany   Pisa, Italy

-- PLAN-X 2007 Program Committee

  - Michael Benedikt (Lucent, USA)
  - Daniela Florescu (Oracle, USA)
  - Alain Frisch (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
  - Giorgio Ghelli, Chair(U Pisa, Italy)
  - Haruo Hosoya (U Tokyo, Japan)
  - Anders Møller(U Aarhus, Denmark)
  - Mukund Raghavachari

[Haskell] Open Position (PhD student or Postdoc ), U Tübingen, Germany

2010-01-11 Thread Torsten Grust
 [ Dear Haskellers!  This job opening may sound a bit database-ish
   on a first read, but there is lots of Haskell and functional
   programming inside.  Please contact me if you're in doubt.

   Best wishes, --Torsten ]

Join us on the fringes between
  database and programming languages

The Database Systems Research Group (Prof. Torsten Grust) at the
Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Computer Science of Eberhard Karls 
Universität Tübingen, Germany, opens a position for a

  Research Assistant
 (PhD student or Postdoc level, three-year, full-time)

in the Ferry research project[1]. Ferry explores how far we can push the
idea of relational database engines that support the super-fast
execution of programs written in a variety of programming languages. Our
current focus is on LINQ, Ruby, and Philip Wadler's Links, but consider
this list as open-ended.


We search for, design, and implement new compilation strategies that map
data types and idioms prevalent in (functional) programming and
scripting languages into efficient database queries. Ferry targets
off-the-shelf SQL database systems as well as a number of off-beat
database engines (e.g., X100, MonetDB, or kdb+). 

We build on technology developed in the context of our project 
Pathfinder[2].  Implementation languages are Haskell, O'Caml and C.

This demo video[3] provides a flavor of the ideas behind Ferry.
Ferry is supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation).


We are looking forward to grow our team and welcome applications of
highly motivated candidates with an excellent university degree (Master
in Computer Science or a closely related field) who are willing to
develop and shape the future of Ferry. If you are a database person,
that's great. If you are into (functional) programming languages, that's
perfect. (Yes, we love SQL /and/ Haskell.) Last but not least, we hope
that you like systems building as much as we do.

The position has no teaching obligations -- if you would like to get
involved with teaching nevertheless, please let us know.

Good knowledge of English (research and publication) is a requirement,
a reasonable command of German will be helpful.



Successful candidates will sign a contract with the Universität Tübingen
under the current regulations applicable to employees in Public Service
(TV-L). This is a three-year full-time position. The exact start date
in the time frame March till May 2010 is negotiable.

You will be working in Tübingen, the traditional university town in the
Neckar valley (Stuttgart region). Our group offers an informal, open,
and fun working environment.

Universität Tübingen aims at increasing the number of female employees
and thus especially welcomes applications of female candidates.
Applications of disabled candidates will be given priority, depending on
their suitability.

Please send your complete application in PDF format via e-mail
to Prof. Torsten Grust (torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de).

The deadline for applications is Feburary 19, 2010.

Inquiries with respect to this position may be directed to

  Prof. Torsten Grust
  +49 7071 / 29 75477

[1] http://www.ferry-lang.org/
[2] http://www.pathfinder-xquery.org/
[3] http://bit.ly/4GKEhQ (MP4, approx. 10MB), or
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRKmRiW_v4Q&fmt=18 (YouTube)

  | Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust  torsten.gr...@uni-tuebingen.de |
  |  www-db.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de |
  |   Database Systems - Universität Tübingen (Germany) |

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