Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-02-17 Thread Jay Cox

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Dylan Thurston wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:38:59PM +0100, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
> > I think MATLAB's matrix language provides about the right level of
> > abstraction for a high-level matrix language. You can for instance write
> > things like
> >
> > Y = inv(A)*B
> >
> > to assign to Y the solution of Ax = B. ...
> Just a comment on a long post...  I am personally found of MetaFont's
> approach, where you write
>  Ax = B
> to find the solution to Ax = B.  When working with transformations and
> such, being able to write all your equations "forwards" makes it much
> easier to keep everything straight; plus, if you have several equations
> for a variable, you don't have to figure out how to gather them
> together.  Can anyone see a way to implement something like this in
> Haskell?  Or is it better to make a small interpreted language?
> Best,
>   Dylan Thurston

why not write some software that does something like

let y = ((Matrix A) :*: (Vector X)) := (Matrix B))

data MatrixExp =  ...
data Sym = A | B | C  ...
data Unknown = X | Y ...
solve :: MatrixExp -> Maybe (Vector Sym)


Jay Cox

Haskell mailing list

Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-02-16 Thread Dylan Thurston

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:38:59PM +0100, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
> I think MATLAB's matrix language provides about the right level of
> abstraction for a high-level matrix language. You can for instance write
> things like
> Y = inv(A)*B
> to assign to Y the solution of Ax = B. ...

Just a comment on a long post...  I am personally found of MetaFont's
approach, where you write

 Ax = B

to find the solution to Ax = B.  When working with transformations and
such, being able to write all your equations "forwards" makes it much
easier to keep everything straight; plus, if you have several equations
for a variable, you don't have to figure out how to gather them
together.  Can anyone see a way to implement something like this in
Haskell?  Or is it better to make a small interpreted language?

Dylan Thurston

Description: PGP signature

Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-02-16 Thread Stephen J Bevan

Jerzy Karczmarczuk writes:
 > Steven Bevan wrote interesting numeric routines a long time ago.

Actually I did little more than transliterate the algorithm
descriptions I found in a book on numerical analysis.  I know next to
nothing about numerical analysis so I have no idea if they are
interesting or useful.  Implementing them was a pleasant diversion
from what I was supposed to be doing at the time :-)
Haskell mailing list

Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-01-31 Thread Eray Ozkural (exa)

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 25 January 2002 13:25, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
> Block recursive Schemes in Matlab are easier than in C++. Implementing
> pyramid algorithms is not difficult. Slicing, reshaping, cloning, etc.
> of matrices are very powerful tools, but they are so imperative, that
> it is not easy to see how to replace them with something "functionally
> purified".

I think there is a very simple answer to all this.

I'd considered the same thing; making haskell a front end for 
numerical/optimizations/etc codes. I now recall papers about compiling 
dense/sparse matrix codes in an architecture independent way. To summarize: 
it's better if the system knows about algebra.

However, I don't think that it's feasible to write a haskell library that 
does it, or extend haskell such that it becomes "linear algebra" aware.

I suppose the right direction is to write a compiler/interpreter for a linear 
algebra/numerical language in Haskell!

That language can be made very mathematical, and still much more capable and 
efficient than matlab. Otherwise all you're going to have is another matlab 
clone. The hard part here is of course the design of this specific 

Nevertheless, writing a matlab clone is haskell would be fun as well! It 
could be more extensible and reliable than matlab itself surely.


- -- 
Eray Ozkural (exa) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
GPG public key fingerprint: 360C 852F 88B0 A745 F31B  EA0F 7C07 AE16 874D 539C
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Haskell mailing list

Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-01-25 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Simon Peyton-Jones:
> Lots of people have observed that Haskell might be a good "scripting
> language" for numerical computation.  In complicated numerical
> applications, the program may spend most of its time in (say) matrix
> multiply, which constitutes a tiny fraction of the code for the
> application. So write the bulk of the application in Haskell (where the
> logic is complex but the performance doesn't matter) and then link to a
> C or Fortran library to do the small part that is really compute
> intensive.
> You'd need to find a "real" application though. The classical "kernels"
> (matrix multiply, inversion etc) are precisely the things you may not
> want to do in Haskell.

That's it. With one "grain of salt". It happened to me that I wanted to
write some structurally trivial routines for matrix inversion, iterators for
ODEs, etc., but I wanted them *polymorphic*. (And, sometimes, lazy: 
manipulators of power series, asymptotic expansions, some automatic dif-
ferentiation stuff, etc.)

Then Haskell was a decent tool, and - as Björn Lisper remarks, the hindrance
was the lack of integrated tools. Writing a triple loop to invert a matrix
instead of having something like `recip` defined within the field of square
matrices, and implemented with some efficiency considerations in mind, is
a bit clumsy.

Björn quotes and comments:

> >The classical "kernels" [...] you may not want to do in Haskell.
> With the current compiler technology for Haskell, one would add. I don't
> think it would be impossible to compile such Haskell programs into efficient
> code. Functional languages for matrix/array computing was a quite active
> research area 10-15 years ago, with efforts like Sisal and Id. These
> languages were strict and first order, but you can write such programs in
> Haskell. I think it would be possible to have a Haskell compiler that could
> manage a subset of Haskell matrix programs quite well. 

Steven Bevan wrote interesting numeric routines a long time ago.

Thorsten Zoerner wrote a Clean package Class with several Lin. Algebra
and some "slicing" utilities, which emulated the "vectorized" approach
of Matlab. This can be in its greater part translated into Haskell.

--- But, please, some criticisms of Matlab are weakly justified. BL says:

> Also, MATLAB is very ill-suited to
> expressing block-recursive matrix algorithms, which are becoming
> increasingly important in numerical computing. And, of course, there is no
> decent type system, no higher order functions, etc...

Block recursive Schemes in Matlab are easier than in C++. Implementing
pyramid algorithms is not difficult. Slicing, reshaping, cloning, etc.
of matrices are very powerful tools, but they are so imperative, that
it is not easy to see how to replace them with something "functionally

The Matlab type system is dynamic and "indecent", but you have objects
and inheritance, and you *HAVE* higher-order functions as well. All the
Matlab GUI tools, very powerful and reconfigurable are based on objects,
which accept callbacks as parameters. This is not so clean as we would
like to have, but pragmatically OK.

What bothers me a bit in our Haskell world is the fact that the efforts
are atomized. People work on GUIs, and don't care about drawing/painting
routines. Those who care, are often far away from the numerical world.
The numerically-oriented folk often disregard with a lot of desinvolture 
the attempts to put the Haskell numerical classes in an abstract algebraic
framework (really useful from the point of view of code reusing), etc.
I have the impression that this is changing, but slowly, while the scientific
computation/visualization world is marching very fast, not only in the
direction of very-fast-even-more-dirty routines, but also in the direction
of new conceptualization/representation models (like, e.g., "actors" in VTK).

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

Haskell mailing list

RE: ideas for compiler project

2002-01-24 Thread George Russell

One thing I would very much like to see done in a functional language is fault-tree 
A fault tree has as nodes various undesirable events, with as top node some disaster 
(for example, 
nuclear reactor meltdown) and as leaves various faults which can occur, with their 
(valve fails, operator doesn't notice red flashing light, and so on).  Each internal 
node has
a logical operator (often just AND or OR) associated with it; the fault associated 
with that node
cannot happen unless the operator applied to the children nodes occurs; EG ("the water 
won't get too high unless the valve fails AND the operator doesn't notice the red 
flashing light").
Thus you can (assuming all the faults at the leaves are independent) bound the 
probability of the
top node happening by bounding the probability of a particularly horrendous logical 
in a number of independent binary variables being true.  Unfortunately working out the 
is extremely hard to do (it's #P-complete) and simulation (running it lots of times) 
is not accurate
since the top probability is (hopefully) extremely low, and so hard to estimate 
accurately without an
awful lot of tests.  So the commercial software for this (extremely important) problem 
has to
adopt a very large number of heuristic approaches, for example trying to split the 
problem into
smaller parts which only have a few nodes in common, trying to come up with a set of 
"cut sets"
of faults, such that the top event cannot occur unless at least one of the cut sets 
has all faults
occurring, and so on.  There are lots of potential logical reorderings you can attempt 
on the tree
to try to simplify things.  The challenge is to come up with a reasonable way of 
finding a good upper
bound for the top probability, while keeping your code sufficiently simple that those 
of us who
live near nuclear reactors can trust it.  

I think my approach would be to regard this as a graph transformation problem where 
the aim is
to transform the input fault tree into one of a simpler form (where it is not too hard 
to bound
the top probability) by a number of well-defined operations guaranteed not to decrease 
the top
probability.  The heuristic part of the program (the largest part) would use a number 
of ad hoc
methods (such as simulations and attempting to compute partial derivatives in terms of
node probabilities) to search for the reduction which increases the top probability 
the least;
it would hand over the result of its search to a verification part which would compute 
the actual
bound, so that only the verification part would have to be guaranteed bug-free.

Has anyone done anything like this already, by the way?  There ought to be money in it 
. . .

Haskell mailing list

Re: ideas for compiler project

2002-01-24 Thread Bjorn Lisper

>Lots of people have observed that Haskell might be a good "scripting
>language" for numerical computation.  In complicated numerical
>applications, the program may spend most of its time in (say) matrix
>multiply, which constitutes a tiny fraction of the code for the
>application. So write the bulk of the application in Haskell (where the
>logic is complex but the performance doesn't matter) and then link to a
>C or Fortran library to do the small part that is really compute

>More concretly, suppose you built an FFI interface to BLAS or some
>readily available numerical library, and then demonstrated the utility
>of the resulting beast by writing some non-trivial numerical application
>in it.  

This is an interesting idea that I think can be made to work to some
extent. One issue will be to find the right tradeoff between stateful and
purely functional, i.e., allowing nice matrix-algebra based expressions
while ensuring that memory can be reused to the extent necessary. If all
matrix operations are wrapped up in some state monad, then you lose the nice
matrix algebra style. If, on the other hand, you have no way to express
updating, then you lose memory reuse (unless you have a *really* smart

The best tradeoff is probably to mimic a small imperative language with
clean, side effect-free matrix operations, where updates are effectuated by
explicit matrix assignments. Of course, this is possible only if the BLAS
routines are side effect-free themselves our can be wrapped up as such.

It is interesting to note that MATLAB started out exactly as a convenient
scripting language for a Fortran matrix library. MATLAB is a system for
matrix computing that contains nice graphical possibilities and a matrix
programming language. It is very popular in engineering, and is widely used
for applications like signal processing, automatic control, and PDE solving,
in particular in the early prototyping phase. Its popularity does not stem
from its speed, since it's quite slow, but rather from:
- nice graphics capabilities (plottings, etc)
- convenient matrix language (to some extent, I would add), and
- above all, lots of "toolboxes", i.e., MATLAB software wrapped up for
  various applications (simulation of control systems/signal processing,
  etc.) There is a big third-party market for this kind of software.

I think MATLAB's matrix language provides about the right level of
abstraction for a high-level matrix language. You can for instance write
things like

Y = inv(A)*B

to assign to Y the solution of Ax = B. To some extent this is what you'd
like to have, On the other hand, a closer look at the language will reveal
that it has many strange and ugly semantical corners, where the
imperativeness shines through in nasty ways. This is a hindrance to
optimizing compilation, since good optimization of matrix code requires
extensive reordering transformations. Also, MATLAB is very ill-suited to
expressing block-recursive matrix algorithms, which are becoming
increasingly important in numerical computing. And, of course, there is no
decent type system, no higher order functions, etc...

So, I think it could be interesting to embed a purified version of MATLAB's
matrix language in Haskell. This would be interesting as a demonstration of
what a good matrix language could look like, but don't expect to be able to
sell it to the world since the competitors are far ahead in all other

>You'd need to find a "real" application though. 

There are plenty. Signal processing, automatic control, PDE solvers,...

>The classical "kernels"
>(matrix multiply, inversion etc) are precisely the things you may not
>want to do in Haskell.

With the current compiler technology for Haskell, one would add. I don't
think it would be impossible to compile such Haskell programs into efficient
code. Functional languages for matrix/array computing was a quite active
research area 10-15 years ago, with efforts like Sisal and Id. These
languages were strict and first order, but you can write such programs in
Haskell. I think it would be possible to have a Haskell compiler that could
manage a subset of Haskell matrix programs quite well. (Christoph Herrmann
did some interesting work in this direction: Christoph, you're reading this
list aren't you?) Whether it would be worth the (big) effort is another

Björn Lisper

Haskell mailing list

RE: ideas for compiler project

2002-01-24 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

Lots of people have observed that Haskell might be a good "scripting
language" for numerical computation.  In complicated numerical
applications, the program may spend most of its time in (say) matrix
multiply, which constitutes a tiny fraction of the code for the
application. So write the bulk of the application in Haskell (where the
logic is complex but the performance doesn't matter) and then link to a
C or Fortran library to do the small part that is really compute

More concretly, suppose you built an FFI interface to BLAS or some
readily available numerical library, and then demonstrated the utility
of the resulting beast by writing some non-trivial numerical application
in it.  

You'd need to find a "real" application though. The classical "kernels"
(matrix multiply, inversion etc) are precisely the things you may not
want to do in Haskell.


| -Original Message-
| From: Hal Daume III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 22 January 2002 22:00
| To: Haskell Mailing List
| Subject: ideas for compiler project
| Hi All,
| I'm currently taking a class in compiler optimization for
| high performance computing (i.e., parallel architectures, 
| including VLIW, FPGA, multimedia extension architectures, 
| systems-on-a-chip, etc).  It's the second of two graduate 
| level compiler courses, and it purely project based.  And the 
| project is of our choosing.
| The professor has made some suggested projects, which I could
| do, but none of them are really FP specific.  I'm curious if 
| anyone has any ideas of a project I could do.  I'm looking 
| for something that's open, yet 
| constrained, etc (standard semester-long-project-course 
| stuff), hopefully having to do with optimizations 
| specifically for FPLs, or at least ones that would benefit them.
| I'm open to all ideas...
|  - Hal
| --
| Hal Daume III
|  "Computer science is no more about computers| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |
| ___
| Haskell mailing list

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