layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Jon Fairbairn

Two very similar programmmes:

> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
>+++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
>   +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

I think this is extremely bad language design! In general I
like having layout rules, but I've often thought that they
ought to take note of expressions, not just things in {...}
and that there ought to be "dead zones" where no programme
text is allowed, so that everything starting with the second
example and ending with

> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
> +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

should be rejected.

This example clinches it for me.  Can anyone more au fait
with the layout rule figure out how to do it?

(My past irritation was that
  ... if p
  then q
  else r

is acceptable in some circumstances, but one has to use

  ... if p
 then q
 else r

in others. Having programmes rejected I don't mind, but
having them accepted when they are too close to right but
still wrong, I really do mind)


Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 02:26, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

>I think this is extremely bad language design! In general I
>like having layout rules, but

What's the deal with the whole "layout" thing anyway? I've never come 
across it before in another language. Is it an academic thing? It drove 
me nuts when I first started Haskell, until I discovered you could use 
semicolons/braces instead (which I always do).

If I were teaching Haskell to "working programmer" types like myself, I 
would encourage them to always use full semicolons and braces and forget 
layout entirely (except a lot of available Haskell source seems to use 
it). Certainly I find {;} more readable, and I suspect anyone else with a 
C/C++/Java background (or even a Scheme/Lisp background) does too.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 02:46, I wrote:

>What's the deal with the whole "layout" thing anyway? I've never come 
>across it before in another language.

Oh, wait, there's Python and Ruby. For some reason it doesn't bother me 
so much with them.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> At 2002-05-30 02:26, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> >I think this is extremely bad language design! In general I
> >like having layout rules, but
> ...
> What's the deal with the whole "layout" thing anyway? I've never come
> across it before in another language. Is it an academic thing?

How about FORTRAN (to a very small extent) or Python?

I used to dislike layout, but I must say that it didn't take long to become
a supporter once you start using it.

If you look at C (& offspring), it's not the {;} that makes the code
readable, it's the indentation that does.  So why not acknowledge that?

-- Lennart

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread D. Tweed

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> it). Certainly I find {;} more readable, and I suspect anyone else with a 
> C/C++/Java background (or even a Scheme/Lisp background) does too.

Just a data point: I learned Basic, Pascal, Standard ML, C, Haskell, C++,
Perl, Python in that order and actively use Haskell, C++, Perl & Python at
the moment, and I find the `visual noise' of braces and semi-colons in C++
and Perl to be very irritating when, as Lennart points out, to be readable
by me my code has to embody these structures by layout. (It's primarily
the noise of all those `fun', `val' and `end's rather than deeper language
issues that put me off looking at ML again.) Indeed, I (half) there ought
to be a warning on the main page of saying `WARNING: Using
Haskell can lead to semi-colon blindness' since I relatively frequently
spend ten minutes trying to figure out why C++ code isn't compiling only
to realise that, whilst indented structurally the semi-colons are missing

I suspect using layout rule is forever destined to be controversial...

___cheers,_dave_  |  `It's no good going home to practise
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   a Special Outdoor Song which Has To Be
work tel:(0117) 954-5250   |   Sung In The Snow' -- Winnie the Pooh

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 02:54, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

>If you look at C (& offspring), it's not the {;} that makes the code
>readable, it's the indentation that does.  So why not acknowledge that?

In C, the indentation is an important visual clue, but there are many 
different indentation styles. It's the braces that actually tell you the 
beginning and end of a block. I might also use indentation for 
non-blocks, for instance:

void foo (int n)
if (n > 0) bar
"Sproing!",// title
getBounds(n),  // bounds
true,  // bordered
true,  // bright
false, // not transparent
true,  // use v2 appearance
5, // shadow size
null   // next

Equally, I always indent my braced blocks in Haskell as well as C (& o).

If you're used to braces, complicated Haskell expressions with layout 
look confusing, since it's not immediately clear which indentation style 
the layout rules are trying to enforce. It's also not clear to the 
unlearned how best to split an expression onto two lines, or how it 
interacts with parentheses, etc.

And then there are those nasty little infelicities...

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Martin Odersky

 > If you look at C (& offspring), it's not the {;} that makes the code
 > readable, it's the indentation that does.  So why not acknowledge

Redundancy maybe? What's wrong in having both layout and punctuation?
For instance, then you can have an emacs mode that handles the layout
given the punctuation.

I used to believe in layout, but got converted the other way round.
We used Scala, a new functional/object oriented language we design, in
a course with 100+ students. Scala used to have layout rules somewhat
like Haskell's. In our experience it was the single thing that
confused students most. Problems were: (1) Students did not properly
indent their code. (2) Students used editors that disagreed in the
handling of tabs. (3) Students wrote multi-line statements that
started at the same column.

I came away with with the learning experience that a little redundancy
in the syntax is a good thing.


 -- Martin
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread George Russell

I like layout but I think the existing rules are too complicated.  Unfortunately it's
difficult to do anything with them without breaking vast swathes of existing code,
so we'll just have to put up with them.

The reason I think layout is better than using {'s and ,'s is that humans
use the layout to group the structure anyway, which means you can have 
confusing situations where a structure looks alright to a human but not
to a computer.
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ketil Z. Malde

Martin Odersky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Redundancy maybe? What's wrong in having both layout and punctuation?

Short answer: What's wrong with it is that humans use layout to infer
the semantic meaning, compilers use punctuation.  Thus it's not really

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Johannes Waldmann

> What's the deal with the whole "layout" thing anyway? I've never come 
> across it before in another language.

Python has it as well (they stole it from Haskell?)

> If I were teaching Haskell to "working programmer" types like myself, I 
> would encourage them to always use full semicolons and braces ...

while we're at it - what's the deal with type inference?

sometimes I think it is *really bad* language design 
if the program may contain untyped declarations of identifiers.

ghc -Wall warns nicely about undeclared top-level types but what about locals? 
I've never came across a language that would allow them declared untyped.

of course I know (some of) the `academic' background
(type inference, type checking) but what about it
from a software engineering point of view?


.. I think neither the layout rule nor  type inferencing
are likely to disappear from Haskell ..
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/252 --
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Johannes Waldmann

> ... layout rules somewhat
> like Haskell's. In our experience it was the single thing that
> confused students most.

same here, for exactly these reasons. students get really confused.

on the other hand, students regularily get confused by other things as well,
like homework assignments on formal languages,
so that alone is not enough reason to drop the subject altogether :-)
-- Johannes Waldmann --
-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/252 --
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 04:10, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

>ghc -Wall warns nicely about undeclared top-level types but what about 

You'd have to declare them in terms of the top-level types, i.e. other 
type annotations. I think GHC allows some form of this, but IIRC it's a 
bit tricky. If it weren't for this difficulty I'd probably type-annotate 

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 04:19, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

>same here, for exactly these reasons. students get really confused.
>on the other hand, students regularily get confused by other things as well,
>like homework assignments on formal languages,
>so that alone is not enough reason to drop the subject altogether :-)

In the latter case, they are learning something useful. In the former 
case, the confusion emerges out of a useless property of the language. 
Let the students use {;} if it eliminates confusion, it's still perfectly 
good Haskell.

I am certainly not proposing Haskell be modified to eliminate the layout 
option. I'm just curious as to why Haskell programmers choose to use it.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-05-30 03:59, Ketil Z. Malde wrote:

>Short answer: What's wrong with it is that humans use layout to infer
>the semantic meaning, 

No... layout by itself can't be trusted. It's only a clue. One needs to 
learn the precise Haskell-specific layout rules, and they're not obvious.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> I am certainly not proposing Haskell be modified to eliminate the layout
> option. I'm just curious as to why Haskell programmers choose to use it.

Because I find programs using layout to be more readable.
In Haskell (not in C) programs using {;} I've found that the indentation is
often sloppy, and since layout is not enforced by the compiler I find it harder
to read.

I think it is largely a matter of taste.

Martin's point is well taken, though.  I think the redundancy can be useful
for beginners.  I suspect it's more the ; than the {} that makes it somewhat
easier for beginners.

-- Lennart

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Han Tuong Hau

Hi everyone,

I thought I would bring a students perspective into this discussion.
Moving from a C background to Haskell, the layout wasn't very intuitive at
first. This was mainly due to my hand's on approach (looking at examples
and trying to code similar programs). Given that if i read up on the
layout first I would have had less trouble. I did notice that the error
messages generated by incorrect layout don't offer much clue to the
origin of the layout error, well from a beginner's interpretation of the
error messages anyway.

Having said that, now that I have gotten used to the Haskell layout I
simply adore it. I often remember tiredly coding in C and relying on the
compiler to locate where i had left out a ';' at the end of a statement or
two. With Haskell there is no such need!

a happy haskell student..

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Jon Fairbairn

> I like layout but I think the existing rules are too
> complicated.  Unfortunat ely it's difficult to do anything
> with them without breaking vast swathes of existing code,
> so we'll just have to put up with them.

Well, there's two things to consider: Haskell 98, which
probably shouldn't change, and extended Haskell, which
probably should. Especially if we can make the rules both
simpler and better.

> The reason I think layout is better than using {'s and ,'s is that humans
> use the layout to group the structure anyway, which means you can have 
> confusing situations where a structure looks alright to a human but not
> to a computer.

Which is exactly the problem with the programme I
posted. Having thought about it a bit, it strikes me that
the particular problem is the insertion of a closing brace.
From the human reader's point of view, there's no visual
equivalent of the closing brace in the example:

> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
>   +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

What happens is that a semicolon is inserted because the
indentation is the same as the previous line -- that's fair
enough, subject to some quibbles about treating all
expressions the same -- but then the +++ is a syntax error
unless a closing brace is inserted.

Visually, the equivalent of a closing brace is when
indentation is less (to my eye it ought to be right down to
where the 'do' is and inbetween be an error).  What's wrong
with the notion that closing braces should only be inserted
when the indentation is less (or the file ends)? This would
reject some programmes, but only ones where the appearance
is misleading.


> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
>+++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

> whatever ...

parses as 

> possible_int = do {skip_blanks
>   ;fmap Just int
> +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

>   }
> whatever ...


> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
>   +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

> whatever ...

parses as 

> possible_int = do {skip_blanks
>   ;fmap Just int
>   ;+++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

>   }
> whatever ...

and then gives a syntax error


> possible_int = do skip_blanks
>   fmap Just int
>  +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

> whatever ...

parses as 

> possible_int = do {skip_blanks
>   ;fmap Just int
>   }
>  +++ (literal "-" `as` Nothing)

> whatever ...

Which is just about acceptable to me, because the +++ does
stick out, though I'd prefer that one to be rejected too.

I wasn't fit enough to follow the earlier discussions of the
layout rule, so I'm not sure how this interacts with
previous awkward cases.  I'd be happiest if we could come up
with a rule that didn't involve sticking in braces and
semicolons because it won't parse otherwise. Can someone
remind me why the "A close brace is also inserted whenever
the syntactic category containing the layout list ends" part
of the rule is there?


31 Chalmers Road [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB1 3SZ+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Jon Fairbairn wrote:

> I wasn't fit enough to follow the earlier discussions of the
> layout rule, so I'm not sure how this interacts with
> previous awkward cases.  I'd be happiest if we could come up
> with a rule that didn't involve sticking in braces and
> semicolons because it won't parse otherwise. Can someone
> remind me why the "A close brace is also inserted whenever
> the syntactic category containing the layout list ends" part
> of the rule is there?

It's so you can write
let x = 2+2 in x*x
(and similar things)

I think this inserting a '}' when there would otherwise have been
a syntax error is a terrible mistake.  It makes it almost impossible
to implement correctly, and to understand.  But it's with us now in H98.

-- Lennart

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

> Can someone remind me why the "A close brace is also inserted whenever
> the syntactic category containing the layout list ends" part
> of the rule is there?

x = (3, case True of 
 True -> 4)

The ')' ends the syntactic category 'tuple'


Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread George Russell

Jon Fairbairn wrote
> Well, there's two things to consider: Haskell 98, which
> probably shouldn't change, and extended Haskell, which
> probably should. Especially if we can make the rules both
> simpler and better.
How can I resist?  I proposed the following revised layout rule some time 
ago in a message to the Twa Simons.  Note that unlike the standard Haskell 
layout rules it does not need to read the parser's mind.  Of course the problem 
is that while it should work fine for the way I lay out Haskell, it might not 
work for other people.

We represent the lines in a file in a tree like structure:
   data Grouped line = Grouped line [Grouped line]
The meaning of 
   Grouped A lines
is a line A, followed by a list of groups, each beginning at the same deeper ind

So for example


would go to something like 
   Grouped A [Grouped B [Grouped C []],Grouped D []]

In the code I've written
produces an error message, but on second thoughts I think the best behaviour wou
ld be to
treat it like
   A ++ B
though it's too late to code that now . . .

The layout processor would group the lines according to this algorithm.  It woul
d then
output the result of the grouping.  When it came to
   Grouped first rest
it would determine if the last token of first is "do", "of", "where" or "let",
and rest does _not_ begin with a "{" token.  If both these conditions were satis
fied, it
would output "{" before, ";" inbetween elements, and "}" after when outputting t
he "rest" list.

This seems to me to solve most of the fundamental problems, and be somewhat more
than the existing algorithm.  It would behave differently in that
  if test 
 then do
 else do
is legal.  But it would also be necessary to alter the context-free-syntax so th
(1) the contents of the module were not separated by ";"'s, but by each being a 
item in the [Grouped line] list.
(The old where {decl1 ; decl2 ;  . . . ; decln} syntax would probably have
to remain, for compatibility reasons).
(2) single-line forms without braces, like "let a = 5 in a+a" work.

This is only a first approximation, in that

  if test
  then do
  else do
isn't legal.  Perhaps one way of fixing this is to modify the layout algorithm s
o that
tokens such as "then", "else", "in" and ")" before which a semicolon can't make 
any sense
anyway, get tagged onto the previous group if that began at the same column as t
hey did.

I don't claim this as the perfect solution.  But since layout is something which
 is rather
confusing and at the moment seems to have distinctly rough edges, it might be wo
experimenting with something like this, to see how much code it would break
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Jon Fairbairn

I wrote:
> > Can someone remind me why the "A close brace is also inserted whenever
> > the syntactic category containing the layout list ends" part
> > of the rule is there?

Lennart wrote:
> It's so you can write
> let x = 2+2 in x*x
>  (and similar things)

and Arjan van IJzendoorn wrote:
> x = (3, case True of 
>  True -> 4)
> The ')' ends the syntactic category 'tuple'

So we get all this misery just so that people can cram
things onto fewer lines?

> let x = 2+2 in x*x

could be

> let {x = 2+2} in x*x


> let x = 2+2
>  in x*x

> x = (3, case True of 
>  True -> 4
> )

would be fine.

I'd like to see a "-fuse-simpler-layout-rule"¹ option on the
compilers. . .


1. Why "-f" anyway? It took me ages to work out what
"-fallow-overlapping-instances" meant -- I wondered how
"fallow" could apply to overlapping instances.

31 Chalmers Road [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB1 3SZ+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Andrew J Bromage

G'day all.

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 01:10:03PM +0200, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

> Python has it as well (they stole it from Haskell?)

Python's layout rule looks more like Occam's than Haskell's, to my eyes.

Aside: Was Occam the first language of the post-punched-card era to use
layout as syntax?

> while we're at it - what's the deal with type inference?
> sometimes I think it is *really bad* language design 
> if the program may contain untyped declarations of identifiers.

Presumably you're not suggesting requiring type declarations in
every pattern match too?

I think it's something to do with where you draw the line.  You could
theoretically require type declarations:

- Nowhere, unless the type inference mechanism can't cope
  with it.
- Module interfaces.
- Top-level declarations.
- "where" clauses too.
- "let"
- Everywhere that a variable could be defined, including
  case-expressions, list comprehension generators and
- Every subexpression.

I personally think it's wrong not to require explicit type declarations
for everything exported from a module for engineering reasons.  Sane
separate compilation is important, IMO.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-30 Thread Alexander V. Voinov

Hi All,

Andrew J Bromage wrote:
> G'day all.
> On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 01:10:03PM +0200, Johannes Waldmann wrote:
> > Python has it as well (they stole it from Haskell?)
> Python's layout rule looks more like Occam's than Haskell's, to my eyes.
> Aside: Was Occam the first language of the post-punched-card era to use
> layout as syntax?

I fuzzily recall that SICStus Prolog silently tolerated omissions of
commas and dots, allowing for:

p(X) :-

g(Y,Z) :-

But Haskell already existed at this point.

Haskell mailing list

Re: layout rule infelicity

2002-05-31 Thread Ketil Z. Malde

Jon Fairbairn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Why "-f" anyway? It took me ages to work out what
> "-fallow-overlapping-instances" meant -- I wondered how
> "fallow" could apply to overlapping instances.

I suppose it's a GCCism, where options starting with -f specifiy
*f*lags.  (Which doesn't seem to apply to GHC, unless there's a
-fno-allow... (of -fdont-allow...?))

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell mailing list