Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keean Schupke wrote:
> I have refactored your code into a type level Haskell program.
> This has the nice advantage that it is extensible.

Wow.  Color me impressed.  A little under a week ago, I stumbled
onto Joy, and thought to myself that it could be translated almost
directly into Haskell (which would imply it was possible to statically
type).  Well, it wasn't quite as direct as I had initially thought, but
it looks like you've done it.  Are there any papers/books out there
which I could study to learn more about these (and other) tricks of the
type system wizards? 


Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Keean Schupke
Greg Buchholz wrote:
Keean Schupke wrote:

Haskell is not dependantly typed, so cannot deal with types that "depend" on

   Can anyone recommend a nice dependently typed language to play with?
Cayenne, Epigram, other?
I have refactored your code into a type level Haskell program.
This has the nice advantage that it is extensible. You can add a new
primitive to the language as:
data PrimName
primName :: PrimName
primName = undefined
instance Apply PrimName a b where
   apply _ a = {- method implementing primName -}
Programs are assembled as types like:
   fac4 = lit nul `o` lit suc `o` lit (dup `o` pre)
   `o` lit mult `o` linrec
Recursion requires a primitive to aviod infinite types, see
definitions of times, linrec and genrec.
programs are run by applying the contructed type representing the
program to a stack... for example:
   putStrLn $ show $ apply (lit hThree `o` fac4) hNil
We could have written this:
   putStrLn $ show $ apply fac4 (hCons hThree hNil)
I have attached the debugged code, simply load into ghci, in the same
directory as the HList library (download
as Joy.hs.
   ghci -fallow-overlapping-instances Joy.hs
(you need the flag to get the code to run interactively, however you
dont need the flag just to run 'main' to perform the factorial tests)

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module Joy where

import MainGhcGeneric1

type HOne = HSucc HZero
hOne :: HOne
hOne = undefined
type HTwo = HSucc HOne
hTwo :: HTwo
hTwo = undefined
type HThree = HSucc HTwo
hThree :: HThree
hThree = undefined

data Lit a
lit :: a -> Lit a
lit = undefined
unl :: Lit a -> a
unl = undefined
instance HList s => Apply (Lit a) s (HCons a s) where
	apply a s = hCons (unl a) s

class (HBool b,HList s) => HIfte b t f s s' | b t f s -> s' where
	hIfte :: b -> t -> f -> s -> s'
instance (HList s,Apply t s s') => HIfte HTrue t f s s' where
	hIfte _ t _ s = apply t s
instance (HList s,Apply f s s') => HIfte HFalse t f s s' where
	hIfte _ _ f s = apply f s

data Ifte
ifte :: Ifte
ifte = undefined
instance (Apply b s r,HHead r b',HIfte b' t f s s')
	=> Apply Ifte (HCons f (HCons t (HCons b s))) s' where
	apply _ (HCons f (HCons t (HCons b s))) = hIfte (hHead (apply b s :: r) :: b') t f s

data Nul
nul :: Nul
nul = undefined
instance HList s => Apply Nul (HCons HZero s) (HCons HTrue s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = hCons hTrue s
instance HList s => Apply Nul (HCons (HSucc n) s) (HCons HFalse s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = hCons hFalse s

data EQ
eq :: EQ
eq = undefined
instance (HList s,TypeEq a b t) => Apply EQ (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons t s) where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = hCons (typeEq a b) s

data Dip
dip :: Dip
dip = undefined
instance (HList s,HList s',Apply a s s') => Apply Dip (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons b s') where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = hCons b (apply a s)

data Dup
dup :: Dup
dup = undefined
instance HList s => Apply Dup (HCons a s) (HCons a (HCons a s)) where
	apply _ s@(HCons a _) = hCons a s

data Pop
pop :: Pop
pop = undefined
instance HList s => Apply Pop (HCons a s) s where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = s

data Swap
swap :: Swap
swap = undefined
instance HList s => Apply Swap (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons b (HCons a s)) where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = hCons b (hCons a s)

data Suc
suc :: Suc
suc = undefined
instance (HNat a,HList s) => Apply Suc (HCons a s) (HCons (HSucc a) s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = hCons (undefined::HSucc a) s

data Pre
pre :: Pre
pre = undefined
instance (HNat a,HList s) => Apply Pre (HCons (HSucc a) s) (HCons a s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = hCons (undefined::a) s

data Add
add :: Add
add = undefined
instance (HList s,HAdd a b c) => Apply Add (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons c s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons _ s)) = hCons (hAdd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)) s

class (HNat a,HNat b) => HAdd a b c | a b -> c where
	hAdd :: a -> b -> c
instance HAdd HZero HZero HZero where
	hAdd _ _ = hZero
instance HNat b => HAdd HZero (HSucc b) (HSucc b) where
	hAdd _ b = b
instance HNat a => HAdd (HSucc a) HZero (HSucc a) where
	hAdd a _ = a
instance (HNat (HSucc a),HNat (HSucc b),HNat c,HAdd a b c)
	=> HAdd (HSucc a) (HSucc b) (HSucc (HSucc c)) where
	hAdd _ _ = hSucc $ hSucc $ hAdd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)

data Sub
sub :: Sub
sub = undefined
instance (HList s,HSub a b c) => Apply Sub (HCons b (HCons a s)) (HCons c s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons _ s)) = hCons (hSub (undefined::a) (undefined::b)) s

class (HNat a,HNat b) => HSub a b c | a b -> c where
	hSub :: a -> b -> c
instance HSub HZero HZero HZero where
	hSub _ _ = hZero
instance HNat a => HSub (HSucc a) HZero (HSucc a) where
	hSub a _ = a
instance HNat a => HSub HZero (HSucc a) HZero where
	hSub _ _ = hZero
instance (HSub a b c) => HSub (HSucc a) (HSucc b) c where
	hSub _ _ = hSub (undefined::a) (undefined::b)
data Mult
mult :: Mult
mult = undefined
instance (HList s,HMul

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Peter G. Hancock

> Greg Buchholz wrote (on Wed, 09 Mar 2005 at 20:08):

> Can anyone recommend a nice dependently typed language to play with?
> Cayenne, Epigram, other?

See also the sexy IDE alfa:

Peter Hancock

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Greg Buchholz
Keean Schupke wrote:
> Haskell is not dependantly typed, so cannot deal with types that "depend" on
> values.

Can anyone recommend a nice dependently typed language to play with?
Cayenne, Epigram, other?

Greg Buchholz

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Joy Combinators (Occurs check: infinite type)

2005-03-09 Thread Keean Schupke
Greg Buchholz wrote:
Keean Schupke wrote:

I dont see why this is illegal... what do we want? take the top two 
items from the stack?

   With the code below (direct translation from tuples to HLists) I
still get an occurs check error when trying to define fact5...

Okay the reason is that types in the code end up depending on values. The
type of the stack changes when items are pushed or popped. So the type 
of the stack returned from recursive functions depends on the recursion 

Haskell is not dependantly typed, so cannot deal with types that "depend" on
values. This is why your code with tuples, and the HList code (which is
really doing the same thing through a defined API) both fall down on the
One solution is to make all elements the same type and use lists... like:
   data Elem = ElemInt Int | ElemChar Char...
But this looses any static type checking. The alternative is to lift the 
to the type level, using something like Peano numbers to represent naturals:

data HZero = HZero
data HSucc x = HSucc x
Now different values have explictly different types, so we can have types
which depend on them...
Attached is an example implementation of "times" using this technique 
and the
HList library (its not debugged... so there might be some mistakes).


{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module Joy where

import MainGhcGeneric1

data Lit a = Lit a 
instance Apply (Lit a) s (HCons a s) where
	apply (Lit a) s = HCons a s

data If = If
instance Apply t s s' => Apply If (HCons f (HCons t (HCons HTrue s))) s' where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons t (HCons _ s))) = apply t s
instance Apply f s s' => Apply If (HCons f (HCons t (HCons HFalse s))) s' where
	apply _ (HCons f (HCons _ (HCons _ s))) = apply f s

data Eq = Eq
instance TypeEq a b t => Apply Eq (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons t s) where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = HCons (typeEq a b) s

data Dip = Dip
instance Apply a s s' => Apply Dip (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons b s') where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = HCons b (apply a s)

data Dup = Dup
instance Apply Dup (HCons a s) (HCons a (HCons a s)) where
	apply _ s@(HCons a _) = HCons a s

data Pop = Pop
instance Apply Pop (HCons a s) s where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = s

data Swap = Swap
instance Apply Swap (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons b (HCons a s)) where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = HCons b (HCons a s)

class (HNat a,HNat b) => HAdd a b c | a -> b -> c where
	hadd :: a -> b -> c
instance HAdd HZero HZero HZero where
	hadd _ _ = hZero
instance HAdd HZero (HSucc b) (HSucc b) where
	hadd _ b = b
instance HAdd a b c => HAdd (HSucc a) (HSucc b) (HSucc (HSucc c))
	hadd _ _ = hadd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)

data Add = Add
instance HAdd a b c => Apply Add (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons c s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons _ s)) = HCons (hadd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)) s

data Mult = Mult
instance HMult a b c => Apply Mult (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons c s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons _ s)) = HCons (hadd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)) s

data a @ b = a @ b
instance (Apply a s s',Apply b s' s'') => Apply (a @ b) s'' where
	apply (O a b) s = apply b (apply a s :: s')

type Square = Dup @ Mult
type Cube = Dup @ Dup @ Mult

data I = I
instance Apply a s s' => Apply I (HCons a s) s' where
	apply _ (HCons a s) = apply a s

data Times = Times
instance Apply Times (HCons p (HCons HZero s)) s where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = s
instance Apply p s s' => Apply Times (HCons p (HCons (HSucc n) s) (HCons p (HCons n s')) where
	apply _ (HCons p (HCons _ s)) = HCons p (HCons (undefined::n) (apply p s))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parity of the number of inversions of a permutation

2005-03-09 Thread Henning Thielemann
I think it is a quite popular problem. I have a permutation and I want to 
count how often a big number is left from a smaller one. More precisely 
I'm interested in whether this number is even or odd. That's for instance 
the criterion to decide whether Lloyd's shuffle puzzle is solvable or not.

  1 4 3 2
I can choose six pairs (respecting the order) of numbers out of it, namely 
(1,4) (1,3) (1,2) (4,3) (4,2) (3,2), where in the last three pairs the 
first member is greater than the second one. Thus I have 3 inversions and 
an odd parity.

I' searching for a function which sorts the numbers and determines the 
parity of the number of inversions. I assume that there are elegant and 
fast algorithms for this problem (n * log n time steps), e.g. a merge sort 
algorithm. A brute force solution with quadratic time consumption is

countInversions :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int
countInversions = sum . map (\(x:xs) -> length (filter (x>) xs)) . init . tails
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