[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results

2005-06-30 Thread Bernard Pope
[moved to haskell-cafe]

On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 14:46 -0700, John Meacham wrote:
 Unfortunatly hat suffers from the same problem that pretty much every
 non-trivial preprocessor does, as soon as you start using ghc's special
 or experimental features that have not been added to hat yet, they stop

I agree this is a problem. 

 I am not sure what the general solution would be. perhaps
 hat being integrated with ghc? 

I think it is preferable to keep them separate. Already a big effort was
put into making hat independent of nhc98. 

There will always be more tools that Haskell could use, which must
transform the source code one way or another. I'd rather not see them
all be pushed inside ghc, or whatever other compiler was popular at the
time. It's probably better for ghc's maintainability to keep these tools
out of its source tree (pure speculation on my part though).

 or better yet would be a standard
 interface for ghc to call a preprocessor but at some intermediate level
 where most of the extensions have been sugared away but most of the
 original source structure still exists... the nice thing about a
 standard interface would be that jhc and other compilers could support
 it too. It wouldn't even need to be a plugin based thing, but rather an
 executable that ghc can run and pass commands to it on stdin and read
 results on stdout.

Sounds nicer. Perhaps GHC-as-a-library might be close to what is needed.
There is a danger that we won't be able to settle upon what is the right
core language to use, and some tools will be left out, thus reverting to
the solution employed by hat at the moment.

  Being able to just work on any unmodified program the
 compiler supports is a huge feature. 


The problem is that Haskell is being torn in two directions. One
direction is a research vehicle. The other direction is a work-horse.
GHC sits somewhere in the middle, and does an amazing job too. The
trouble is that it has become a fast moving target.

Overall I think Hat's solution is a reasonable compromise between the
competing needs of the tool.

If anything I would like to see the Haskell community produce a Haskell
front end which was compiler neutral. That would facilitate many
interesting projects, and that might even help with the need to support
new extensions as they come along. There are already some candidates
floating around, but it seems they are not widely adopted.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

Let me a bit elaborate on what I wrote yesterday.

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 I think matrices and derivatives are very different issues. I have often
 seen that the first derivative is considered as vector, and the second
 derivative is considered as matrix. In this spirit it is used like
   x^T * (D2 f)(x) * x

It should be h^T * D2 f x * h (if at all the transposition notation is
used) if the curvature of f at x is meant.

  but this is only abuse of the common multiplication definitions. A good
 interpretation and notation should seamless extend to higher derivatives.
 But the interpretation above does not work in higher dimensions.

 I like the following type for derivation.
  derive :: ((i - a) - b) - ((i - a) - (i - b))
   Here i is the index type, (i - a) is the vector type, b is the type the
 vector function maps to. Its derivative has the same type of argument, but
 the result is a vector with indices of type i. You see that it is easy to
 repeat the application of 'derive', just replace b by say i-b. The second
 derivative yields vectors of type (i - i - b). This can be interpreted
 as matrix because it has two indices. But this is certainly not a matrix
 which represents a linear mapping as usual, but it is a matrix
 representing a bilinear form. The only thing we need is a multiplication
 to reduce one level of indices.
  mul :: (i - c) - (i - b) - b
   Though, what we still need is a general (overloaded?) definition of the
 scaling of b by c and a sum of b.

That is b must be a vector space with respect to c.

'derive' in this form is a bundled partial derivative, but it can be
identified with the total derivative. That is
 derive f x i   is the partial derivative of f at x with respect to the i-th 
 derive f x is the total derivative of f at x.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results

2005-06-30 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| If anything I would like to see the Haskell community produce a
| front end which was compiler neutral. That would facilitate many
| interesting projects, and that might even help with the need to
| new extensions as they come along. There are already some candidates
| floating around, but it seems they are not widely adopted.

Well, ghc -c -fext-core Foo.hs is a Haskell front end that produces
System F code (External Core), in a file Foo.hcr.  I'm not sure
whether that was what you meant.

However, External Core doesn't seem to have really caught on.   Only 5%
said it was essential, with another 16% saying nice to have.  I'm sure
there's room to improve the ExtCore route.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results

2005-06-30 Thread Bernard Pope
On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 10:36 +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
  | If anything I would like to see the Haskell community produce a
 | front end which was compiler neutral. That would facilitate many
 | interesting projects, and that might even help with the need to
 | new extensions as they come along. There are already some candidates
 | floating around, but it seems they are not widely adopted.
 Well, ghc -c -fext-core Foo.hs is a Haskell front end that produces
 System F code (External Core), in a file Foo.hcr.  I'm not sure
 whether that was what you meant.

That is one option, but it wasn't really what I meant. I was thinking of
plain old Haskell library code that implements Lexer, Parser, Desugar,
Type Inference etc. All the bits that happen at the front of a Haskell
compiler. This is what hatchet was supposed to be, and may one day

I've tried in the past to pull the front end off ghc and nhc98 without
much luck. Though it looks like ghc-as-a-library might be just what the
doctor ordered. 

There is also the Programmatica project which seems to do a lot of what
I'm thinking of already. 

 However, External Core doesn't seem to have really caught on.

One problem is that different tools will want different views of the
code. External Core is probably too far away from the original source
for something like hat. 

 Only 5% said it was essential, with another 16% saying nice to have.  

I would hazard a guess that fewer than 5% of GHC's users are writing
source transformation tools :)

 I'm sure there's room to improve the ExtCore route.

You are right, and to be honest I haven't really given much thought to
that route until now. 

Thanks for the pointer.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results

2005-06-30 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 | If anything I would like to see the Haskell community produce a Haskell
 | front end which was compiler neutral. That would facilitate many
 | interesting projects, and that might even help with the need to support
 | new extensions as they come along. There are already some candidates
 | floating around, but it seems they are not widely adopted.
 Well, ghc -c -fext-core Foo.hs is a Haskell front end that produces
 System F code (External Core), in a file Foo.hcr.  I'm not sure
 whether that was what you meant.

External Core is great for some purposes - if you want to play
with new optimisation techniques for instance.  A tracing system
like Hat however wants to have lots of direct linkage back to the
original source code.  External core doesn't bear a terribly close
resemblence to the source - it would require a significant amount
of re-sugaring for presentation to the user of Hat.  It also loses
the actual location of expressions (line/column), although perhaps
GHC-as-library would be better in this respect.

The ideal front-end for a syntax-directed tool like Hat consists solely
of a lexer/parser to an abstract syntax tree, with no desugaring
whatsoever, and no typechecking.  This is essentially what we have
at the moment, but based on nhc98's front-end.  For better coverage
of language extensions, ghc's parser might be preferable.  One can
imagine that other tools would want to plug into the pipeline at
differents points (after desugaring but before type-checking; after
type-checking; etc.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] programatica and haddock

2005-06-30 Thread Christian Maeder

Bernard Pope wrote:
 There is also the Programmatica project which seems to do a lot of what
 I'm thinking of already. 

Yes, programatica does a good job. We have switch from using Hatchet to
Programatica (and we may switch to the ghc frontend promised for ghc-6.6
that we would need to extend by formulas for specifications)

Programatica has an alternative way for producing html documentation
from Haskell sources. browse

I would like to see the advantages of both, programatica's documentation
generation and haddock, to be united. (programatica sources don't go
through haddock and have few type signatures that haddock could exploit,
and haddock comments are useless for programatica.)

Unfortunately, the markup used by both programs is different. {-+ in
programatica and {- | in haddock.

Is there any chance that both documentation approaches could be streamlined?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread David Roundy
On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 10:23:23PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 More specific:
  You give two different things the same name. You write
and you mean a matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication means
 finding a representation of the composition of the operators represented
 by A and B.
  But you also write
  and you mean the matrix-vector multiplication. This corresponds to the
 application of the operator represented by A to the vector x.
  You see: Two different things, but the same sign (*). Why? You like this
 ambiguity because of its conciseness. You are used to it. What else?
  But you have to introduce an orientation of vectors, thus you
 discriminate two things (row and column vectors) which are essentially the
  What is the overall benefit?

I just wanted to insert a few thoughts on the subject of row and column
vectors.  (And I'm not going to address most of the content of this

If we support matrix-matrix multiplication, we already automatically
support matrix-column-vector and row-vector-matrix multiplication, whether
or not we actually intend to, unless you want to forbid the use of 1xn or
nx1 matrices.  So (provided we *do* want to support matrix-matrix
multiplication, and *I* certainly would like that) there is no question
whether we'll have octavish/matlabish functionality in terms of row and
column vectors--we already have this behavior with a single multiplication
representing a single operation.  There is indeed a special case where one
or more of the dimensions is 1, but it's just that, a special case, not a
separate function.

If you want to introduce a more general set of tensor datatypes, you could
do that, but matrix arithmetic is all *I* really need.  I agree that when
you add other data types you'll need other operators (or will need to do
something more tricky), but starting with the simple case seems like a good
idea, especially since the simple case is the one for which there exist
fast algorithms (i.e. level 3 BLAS).

There are good reasons when if I've got a set of vectors that I'd like to
multiply by a matrix that I should group those vectors into a separate
matrix--it's far faster (I'm not sure how much, but usually around 10 times
faster, sometimes more).  In fact, I'd think it's more likely that a
general tensor library will be implemented using matrix operations than the
other way around, since it's the matrix-matrix operations that have
optimized implementations.

In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point, since
they're where most of the interesting algorithms are (that is, the ones
that are interesting to me, such as diagonalization, svd, matrix
multiplication, etc).
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, David Roundy wrote:

 If we support matrix-matrix multiplication, we already automatically
 support matrix-column-vector and row-vector-matrix multiplication, whether
 or not we actually intend to, unless you want to forbid the use of 1xn or
 nx1 matrices.  So (provided we *do* want to support matrix-matrix
 multiplication, and *I* certainly would like that) there is no question
 whether we'll have octavish/matlabish functionality in terms of row and
 column vectors--we already have this behavior with a single multiplication
 representing a single operation.

Of course, I only wanted a separate vector type (which also means a
separate matrix-vector multiplication) and I argued against a further
discrimination of row and column vectors.

 If you want to introduce a more general set of tensor datatypes,

Did someone requested tensor support? At least not me. I used the tensor
example to show that MatLab throws them all together with matrices and
vectors and I wanted to give an idea how to make it better by separating

 In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
 plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
 that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
 that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
 library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point,

Matrices _and_ vectors! Because matrices represent operators on vectors
and it is certainly not sensible to support only the operators but not the
objects they act on ...  Adding a vector type by a library that is build
on top of a matrix library seems to me like making the first step after
the second one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 02:20:16PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, David Roundy wrote:
  If we support matrix-matrix multiplication, we already automatically
  support matrix-column-vector and row-vector-matrix multiplication,
  whether or not we actually intend to, unless you want to forbid the use
  of 1xn or nx1 matrices.  So (provided we *do* want to support
  matrix-matrix multiplication, and *I* certainly would like that) there
  is no question whether we'll have octavish/matlabish functionality in
  terms of row and column vectors--we already have this behavior with a
  single multiplication representing a single operation.
 Of course, I only wanted a separate vector type (which also means a
 separate matrix-vector multiplication) and I argued against a further
 discrimination of row and column vectors.

  If you want to introduce a more general set of tensor datatypes,

 Did someone requested tensor support? At least not me. I used the tensor
 example to show that MatLab throws them all together with matrices and
 vectors and I wanted to give an idea how to make it better by separating

I disagree.  Vectors *are* tensors... and once you've added rank-1 tensors,
you'll also be wanting to add support for rank-0 tensors.  These are nice
objects (and would be nice to support eventually), but they add
considerable complexity.  There's only one matrix-matrix multiplication,
but there are two vector-vector multiplications, two vector-matrix
multiplications.  All four of these multiplications can be expressed in
terms of the single matrix-matrix multiplication.

I agree that if we introduce a vector type there's no reason to introduce
separate row and column vectors, but I think we can get by quite well for
many purposes without introducing the vector type, which adds so much

I guess I've left out the .* pointwise multiply, probably because I'm a
physicist and am tensor-biased, and it's not a tensor operation in the
physics sense (it doesn't behave right under unitary transformations of its

  In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
  plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
  that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
  that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
  library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point,
 Matrices _and_ vectors! Because matrices represent operators on vectors
 and it is certainly not sensible to support only the operators but not
 the objects they act on ...  Adding a vector type by a library that is
 build on top of a matrix library seems to me like making the first step
 after the second one.

No, matrices operate on matrices and return matrices.  This is the
wonderful thing about matrix arithmetic, why it's unique, and why I'd like
to have a library that supports matrix arithemetic.  Tensors are also nice,
but are much more complicated, since most tensor multiplications change the
rank of the tensor--and that complication is precisely what you want.

You're taking an interperetation of what you mean by the math and wanting
to encode it in the type system.  Matrix arithmetic is entirely
self-contained, and I'd like to have *that* reflected in the type system.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Jacques Carette
David Roundy and Henning Thielemann have been arguing about the nature 
of vectors and matrices, in particular saying:

On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 02:20:16PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, David Roundy wrote:

Matrices _and_ vectors! Because matrices represent operators on vectors
and it is certainly not sensible to support only the operators but not
the objects they act on ...  Adding a vector type by a library that is
build on top of a matrix library seems to me like making the first step
after the second one.

No, matrices operate on matrices and return matrices.  This is the
wonderful thing about matrix arithmetic, why it's unique, and why I'd like
to have a library that supports matrix arithemetic. 

The really funny thing about that exchange is that you are *both right* 
!  You're just using different interpretations of the same objects.

1) Matrices represent linear operators which naturally act (via 
application) on vectors
2) Matrices of compatible sizes, almost form a non-commutative graded 
ring.  It does not matter what a matrix represents here, this is true 
purely algebraically.  [to be a proper ring, the ``compatible sizes'' 
condition would need to be dropped]

There is a problem that the _types_ associated with both interpretations 
are quite different.  But if you want 2 different products on vectors 
(inner and outer) represented as matrices, you have no choice -- the 
``inner product'' will return a 1x1 matrix, not a real. 

The same thing is true for differential operators, BTW.  They can either 
represent actions on spaces of smooth-enough functions, or represent 
elements of a Weyl Algebra (or Ore Algebra if you really want to be 
algebraic).  You end up having the dichotomy of algebraic D-modules 
versus analytic D-modules, where they share a number of theorems, but 
the ``corner'' cases behave quite differently.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Unicode.hs (was: RE: Re[2]: ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results)

2005-06-30 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Vadim Konovalov wrote:

that file reads:

-- Based on the GHC.Unicode library, Copyright 2005, Dimitry Golubovsky.
-- See GHC's LICENSE file for the full license text.

That said, it is part of GHC?

Clarifying on Unicode stuff in GHC I contributed:

It is in CVS now, and I believe will be in 6.4.1

At least it shows up at:

(MAIN branch)

But this module is just an interface to another module, WCsubst.c:


which in turn was produced from UnicodeData.txt (? I believe this is
correct name of the file from www.unicode.org) by the shell script:


This API handles simple case conversions (Char - Char), and
categorization of characters according to what is in the
UnicodeData.txt file.

Before (i. e. up to and including 6.4), Unicode stuff was handled
through wc* locale based functions for wide chars conversion. Since
not every installation of Unix (or some other OS) has this set up
properly (mine was not: personal itch), this code was proposed for GHC
and finally made it there.

Hope this explains everything. In fact, Unicode.hs itself is not
completely mine ;)

PS: Autrijus (the guy who develops Pugs) included those files on his
own because 6.4 was just out, and Unicode stuff was not there yet.

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
You need instances

(*) :: Matrix - Matrix - Matrix
(*) :: RowVector - Matrix - RowVector

[many other instances removed.]

Definitely not.  You could do:
Data Orientation = Row | Column
Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]
(well, the size should be in there too, but I'll skip that).  That 
easily takes care of most of the complexity.  And you can easily define 
operations that can choose to ignore Orientation if they wish (like 
inner product of vectors).

I said that this design works.  Of course, implementing it along the 
lines you suggested in this email would have been idiotic - there is a 
better way to do it.  If you go back to my original email, the sheer 
complexity of all the combinations possible (several thousand) should 
have given you a clue that your proposal above was a complete and utter 

Is the design discussion related to linear algebra for Maple documented

Unfortunately not.  The design is documented, with some of the 
discussion captured, but those documents are still in internal papers to 
Maplesoft Inc.  There is no profit to be made in publishing it (in their 
estimation), so that information remains internal.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell parser for java bytecode?

2005-06-30 Thread Kimberley Burchett

Jerzy Karczmarczuk asked:

Why for goodness' sake, people interested in Haskell *should* worry
about parsing of Java bytecode chunks?

Are you asking why I'm interested in bytecode instead of source code, or 
are you asking why I'm interested in Java at all?

One answer to the first question is: because java bytecode is a simpler 
problem domain than java source.  For example, name resolution is trivial 
when working with bytecode (there's no ambiguity between 
package/class/variable names, inherited names are already resolved, 
overloaded functions are already resolved, etc).  Also, many of the newer 
features of java disappear at the bytecode level: inner classes, generics, 
the new foreach statement, etc.

Another answer to the first question is: because java bytecode can be used 
as a target for several languages these days, and by working with it 
directly, I can work with any language that compiles to the jvm, rather 
than restricting myself just to java.

The answer to the second question is: because the rest of the world 
matters to some people.

Kimberley Burchett
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

 Henning Thielemann wrote:

 I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
 multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
 You need instances
  (*) :: Matrix - Matrix - Matrix
  (*) :: RowVector - Matrix - RowVector
 [many other instances removed.]

 Definitely not.  You could do:
 Data Orientation = Row | Column
 Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]

In the first mail you wrote
 9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.

I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Data Orientation = Row | Column
Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]

In the first mail you wrote
9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.

I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected

Sorry, I should have been more precise, I used too straightforward an 
encoding from Maple (which is dynamically typed) into Haskell.  I should 
have used the usual type-trickery to encode the Orientation as 2 
different types, to have ``types reflect values''. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

 Henning Thielemann wrote:

 Data Orientation = Row | Column
 Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]
 In the first mail you wrote
  9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
 types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.
 I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
 the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
 vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected
 Sorry, I should have been more precise, I used too straightforward an
 encoding from Maple (which is dynamically typed) into Haskell.  I should
 have used the usual type-trickery to encode the Orientation as 2
 different types, to have ``types reflect values''.

You mean phantom types?
 data Vector orient a = Vector [a]

 I'm excited to add lots of new orientations then! :-]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell parser for java bytecode?

2005-06-30 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 11:02:47AM -0400, Kimberley Burchett wrote:
 Jerzy Karczmarczuk asked:
  Kimberley Burchett writes:
  I'm interested in using haskell to do static analysis of java bytecode.
  To my surprise, I wasn't able to find any existing haskell libraries
  for parsing java .class files.
 Why for goodness' sake, people interested in Haskell *should* worry
 about parsing of Java bytecode chunks?
 Are you asking why I'm interested in bytecode instead of source code, or 
 are you asking why I'm interested in Java at all?

Jerzy is asking why you are surprised. There's nothing wrong in being
interested in Java/bytecode, but it's a bit strange to expect every
language to have a library for reading Java bytecode.

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] RE: Re[2]: ANNOUNCE: GHC survey results

2005-06-30 Thread Konovalov, Vadim
 btw, in Pugs sources 

 there is Unicode.hs module wich can classify and convert full range of
 Unicode symbols under any OS. i don't understand - is this module
 already included in GHC 6.5? if not, it would be good addition

that file reads:

-- Based on the GHC.Unicode library, Copyright 2005, Dimitry Golubovsky.
-- See GHC's LICENSE file for the full license text.

That said, it is part of GHC?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell parser for java bytecode?

2005-06-30 Thread Kimberley Burchett

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

Jerzy is asking why you are surprised. There's nothing wrong in being
interested in Java/bytecode, but it's a bit strange to expect every
language to have a library for reading Java bytecode.

My apologies.  I didn't mean to imply that there *should* be a library for 
this, or that the haskell community was in any way failing to live up to 
my expectations.  I was just surprised that nobody had gotten around to 
doing it before me.

Kimberley Burchett
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: haskell parser for java bytecode?

2005-06-30 Thread karczma
Kimberley Burchett writes: 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk asked:

Why for goodness' sake, people interested in Haskell *should* worry
about parsing of Java bytecode chunks?

Are you asking why I'm interested in bytecode instead of source code, or 
are you asking why I'm interested in Java at all? 

One answer to the first question is: because java bytecode is a simpler 
problem domain... 

The answer to the second question is: because the rest of the world 
matters to some people.


Actually, I didn't ask why *YOU* are interested in Java, sorry for
the misunderstanding. You do whatever you wish, and I respect it.
All is very fine, and far from any personal doubts. 

I reacted because you said that you *were surprised* that Haskell
milieu did not elaborate libraries for parsing of Java code, as it were
natural that everybody, who develops the support for pure functional
languages should immediately think about parsing of Java code. I found
it a bit preposterous. 

People interested in Haskell did not address you, but the developers
of Haskell. Also, I underlined the word *should*. Had your question been
formulated more modestly, in a less revindicative way, I wouldn't even
open my mouth.
That's all to it. The project of writing such a parser may be useful and
interesting, but it is far from being the ultimate goal of haskellians...
Of course, this is just my private opinion. 

Now, if YOU are really interested in programming in Haskell, and you need
such parser, go ahead. Convince people reading this list - I do speak
seriously - that there exists a fabulous application niche for Haskell,
that they might become famous and rich doing such thing. 

All the best. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Dynamic binding / Scala paper

2005-06-30 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Friday 24 June 2005 14:28, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
 Ralf Lammel wrote:
  I would like to add a peer-reviewed clear reference
  to the OOHaskell paper about the red herring that you mention.
  I don't have such a reference. May I kindly ask you to offer
  a few for selection?

 Off-hand, I recall a paper by Martin Odersky and the Scala people
 discussing their approach to the Expression Problem, and a related
 paper by Jacques Garrigue, where he proposes to solve it using
 OCaml's polymorphic variants. Both should be easy to dig up with
 Google, and probably contain further pointers.

Inspired by this post I read some of the available papers on Scala 
(among them the above).

I find Scala very, very interesting.

However, I am quite curious how the inventors of Scala managed to to 
write 100's of dense pages of papers, citing influences from 10's of 
other languages...

...and at the same time completely fail to even once mention Eiffel, 
which shares a lot of interesting features with Scala. The paper An 
overview of the Scala Programming Language lists allogether 10 
Authors. Have really none of those 10 authors ever heard of Eiffel and 
its famous attitude of we are using multiple inheritance more often 
than loops?

Ok, Eiffel has a few holes in its type-system, doesn't naturally 
integrate with Java/.Net, and doesn't support XML directly. And Eiffel 
does not support deferred types in class definitions.

But: IIRC, Eiffel was the first OO-language that almost completely 
solved the multiple-inheritance problem, providing solutions very 
similar to ones in Scala. For instance, mixin-type inheritance is 
easily possible in Eiffel. Also, Eiffel provides the same kind of 
automatic replacement of deferred (expected) methods and attributes 
with concrete (implemented) ones.

In a few places, Eiffel is even more general. For instance, in Eiffel 
you can even inherit two concrete methods with the same name. In order 
to resolve the name conflict you just rename one of them in your 
derived class. Furthermore, Eiffel does not distinguish between class 
and trait (although maybe the distinction is a good idea) without 
placing any restrictions on classes. Another nice feature of Eiffel is 
that access can be restricted in a very fine grained way, i.e. for each 
single method (or group of methods) you can give a list of classes that 
are allowed to call this method.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Dynamic binding / Scala paper

2005-06-30 Thread Colin Paul Adams
 Benjamin == Benjamin Franksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Benjamin Ok, Eiffel has a few holes in its type-system, doesn't
Benjamin naturally integrate with Java/.Net, and doesn't support

In what way? Eiffel compilers target these systems successfully.

Benjamin XML directly.

How do you mean? What language DOES support XML directly? XSLT - yes
(which is slightly more on topic here, as it is a pure functional
language), but others?
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Wednesday 29 June 2005 22:54, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Dan Piponi wrote:
  On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:
  Distinction of row and column vectors is a misconcept
  Row and column vectors are sometimes worth distinguishing because
  they can represent entirely different types of object. For example,
  if a column vector represents an element of a vector space V over a
  field F, then row vectors can be used to represent elements of the
  dual space, V* = {f:V-F, f linear}. Quite different objects and in
  some applications it makes sense to distinguish them.

 If f is a function
   f :: a - a
  then, of course, the dual space is again a vector space. But it
 contains functionals and they have very different type, namely
   f' :: (a - a) - a
  If dual spaces would represent the concept of transposition then the
 dual space of the dual space should be original space. It is not, it
 can even not be identified in many cases, only if the space is
 reflexive. f'' :: ((a - a) - a) - a
  has certainly a type very different from (a - a)!

IIRC, finite-dimensional spaces are always reflexive, as witnessed by 
the identification of elements of the dual space f with the vector y in 
f x = x,y (real scalars, here), where the identification is, of 
course, with respect to a given basis. I bet you know all this very 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Dynamic binding / Scala paper

2005-06-30 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Thursday 30 June 2005 23:21, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
  Benjamin == Benjamin Franksen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Benjamin Ok, Eiffel has a few holes in its type-system, doesn't
 Benjamin naturally integrate with Java/.Net, and doesn't support

 In what way? Eiffel compilers target these systems successfully.

Which Eiffel compiler allows to use Java classes directly in your Eiffel 
code, just as if they were Eiffel classes?

 Benjamin XML directly.

 How do you mean? What language DOES support XML directly? XSLT - yes
 (which is slightly more on topic here, as it is a pure functional
 language), but others?

Well, I was talking about a concrete language, didn't I? See 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list