[Haskell-cafe] Re: [wxhaskell-users] FW: Reviving wxHaskell

2006-08-01 Thread shelarcy

Sorry, I used wrong e-mail address to post Haskell-Cafe.
So, I send this mail again.

On Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:03:46 +0900, Eric Y. Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 13:03:52 -0700, Daan Leijen wrote:

One potential challenge is to find a group of testers that are
willing to help compiling wxHaskell on different target systems:
Windows, MacOS X, and Unix/GTK variations.

I volunteer to help test on MacOS X

I voluteer to help test on Windows, too.

Why don't we make the switch to darcs while we're at it?  Revision
control may be the least of our worries, but I think that darcs would
have been helpful specifically for our case  (multiple
revisions of my Unicode patch, Shelarcy's patches for Windows stuff,
Mac Makefile stuff, the new DB-related issues).

Keeping track of patch-on-patch-on-patch has gottten to be tricky.
Having a truly patch-oriented system would
1. make it easier for outsiders to submit modifications
2. make us more resistant to the busy-ness of our project leaders

So, should we go ahead and do this?

I agree with you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future Edison directions

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

   splitWith :: (v -> Bool) -> c -> (c,c)
   splitWith p t
   | isEmpty t = (empty, empty)
   | p (measure t) =
(l,x,r) = splitWithInternal p mempty t
 in (l, pushL x r)
   | otherwise = (empty, empty)

Sorry it should be:

 | otherwise = (t, empty)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Parsec] Backtracking with try does not work for me?

2006-08-01 Thread Udo Stenzel
Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > The first would be to test whether "bb" is followed by "eof" or
> > "comma" before accepting it.
> notFollowedBy actually does the opposite (checking that there are no
> more letters).

Are you sure that you don't actually want

*> many1 letter `sepBy1` comma

?  Just asking, because somehow I have a feeling that the next step is
to accept 'a,c,b'...

The Force is what holds everything together.  It has its dark side, and
it has its light side.  It's sort of like cosmic duct tape.

Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A program which never crashes (even when a function calls "error")

2006-08-01 Thread Clifford Beshers

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

[It is a philosophical question, not a practical programming problem.]

I'm used, in imperative programming languages with exceptions (like
Python) to call any function without fear of stopping the program
because I can always catch the exceptions with things like (Python):

while not over:
  code which may raise an exception...

   except Exception e:
  do something clever

How to do it in Haskell? How can I call functions like Prelude.head
while being sure my program won't stop, even if I call head on an
empty list (thus calling "error")?


Here's another way of looking at it, that I've grown fond of.

If your program is a total function, then there should be no exceptions.

That is, if you properly model the world, in all its messiness, then you 
can write a function that maps every instance of the world to some valid 
output, even if that output is ``Sorry.''

It might seem a daunting task, but liberal use of the Maybe class from 
the ground up helps.  We have suffered through quite a bit of this with 
our hardware detector, where unexpected situations are the norm.  My 
colleague David Fox has spent considerable time computing reasonable 
answers in seemingly impossible situations, to the point where you 
cannot turn around without bumping into a Maybe construct.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future Edison directions

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Jared Updike wrote:

This page:


lists some references at the bottom. Perhaps they would be useful.

Thanks! That page looks really interesting and useful,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [wxhaskell-users] FW: Reviving wxHaskell

2006-08-01 Thread Eric Y. Kow
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 13:03:52 -0700, Daan Leijen wrote:
> One potential challenge is to find a group of testers that are
> willing to help compiling wxHaskell on different target systems:
> Windows, MacOS X, and Unix/GTK variations. 

I volunteer to help test on MacOS X

> I am happy to give volunteers administrator privileges on the
> sourceforge site and help out with the initial transition and building
> the initial new release (which is generally a lot of careful work in
> compiling and packaging correctly).

Why don't we make the switch to darcs while we're at it?  Revision
control may be the least of our worries, but I think that darcs would
have been helpful specifically for our case  (multiple
revisions of my Unicode patch, Shelarcy's patches for Windows stuff,
Mac Makefile stuff, the new DB-related issues).

Keeping track of patch-on-patch-on-patch has gottten to be tricky.
Having a truly patch-oriented system would
1. make it easier for outsiders to submit modifications
2. make us more resistant to the busy-ness of our project leaders

So, should we go ahead and do this?  

Would hackage be the place to host this?  

How do we go about getting something set up on hackage?

I really don't mean to evangelise, but I was just getting sick of
keeping track of patches by hand.

Eric Kow http://www.loria.fr/~kow
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9 Merci de corriger mon français.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future Edison directions

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

7) Finally, I somehow feel like there should be a nice categorical
formulation of these datastructure abstractions which would help to
drive a refactoring of the API typeclasses in a principled way,
rather than on an ad-hoc I-sort-of-think-these-go-together sort of

For the last few months (!!!) I've been thinking about the relationship 
between measured sequences and plain sequences and also whether or not every 
sequence should by indexable by Int. I'm wondering if something like the 
following might be a possible factoring of the ops relating to 

   -- from http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.html
   class Monoid v => Measured v a where
   measure :: a -> v

   instance Measured () a where measure _ = ()

   -- then (also based mostly on FingerTree ideas)
   class (Monoid v, Ord i) => IndexMeasure v i where -- no fundep
   index :: v -> i

   class BasicSeq c a | c -> a where
   length :: c -> Int
   empty :: c
   isEmpty :: c -> Bool
   atL :: c -> a
   atR :: c -> a
   pushL :: a -> c -> c
   viewL :: Monad m => c -> m (a, c)
   -- pushR, viewR

   class (Measured v a, Measured v c, BasicSeq c a)  => Measurable c v a | 
c -> v where

   -- precondition: pred is True for v `mappend` (measure c)
   splitWithInternal :: (v -> Bool) -> v -> c -> (c, a, c)

   splitWith :: (v -> Bool) -> c -> (c,c)
   splitWith p t
   | isEmpty t = (empty, empty)
   | p (measure t) =
(l,x,r) = splitWithInternal p mempty t
 in (l, pushL x r)
   | otherwise = (empty, empty)

   splitAt :: IndexMeasure v i => i -> c -> (c,c)
   splitAt i = splitWith (\v -> i < index v)

   size :: IndexMeasure v i => c -> i
   size c = index (measure c)

   -- take, drop, takeWith, dropWith, in terms of split and splitWith

   atWith :: (v -> Bool) -> c -> a
   atWith p t = (\(_,x,_)->x) (splitWithInternal p mempty t)

   at :: IndexMeasure v i => i -> c -> a
   at i = atWith (\v -> i < index v)

where splitWith p s returns (l,r) such that the measure of l `mappend` the 
measure of the first element of r satisfies p (FingerTree paper has 
explanation of this - I assume monotonic p for any useful use).

The idea of the above design would be to allow multiple indexes for the same 
sequence (though the element type is the same in each case so possibly this 
could be confusing though could be prevented by using a fundep in the 
IndexMeasure class), as well as allowing sequences with an arbitrary measure 
that isn't an index (just by having no instances of IndexMeasure) eg:

 data TextBuffer = ...

 newtype Line = Line Int
 newtype CharPos = CharPos Int

 data TextBufferMeasure = ...

 instance IndexMeasure TextBufferMeasure Line where ...
 instance IndexMeasure TextBufferMeasure CharPos where ...

 instance Measureable TextBuffer TextBufferMeasure Char where ...

 Line lineCount = size textbuf
 CharPos charCount = size textbuf

 (before, after) = splitAt (CharPos 56) textbuf

Of course this doesn't solve the problem of using nested sequences, but it 
at least allows general measurement with predicate search to coexist with 
simple indexing and size-with-respect-to-index where these are applicable to 
the relevant concrete sequence.

Anyway just a very rough idea at the moment. I'm looking forward to seeing a 
nice categorical factoring ;-)

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Parsec] Backtracking with try does not work for me?

2006-08-01 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 09:41:40AM +0100,
 Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 105 lines which said:

> The problem is mentioned here:
> http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/daan/download/parsec/parsec.html#notFollowedBy

notFollowedBy seems to work for me and is quite simple, even for my
brain. Thanks.

> The first would be to test whether "bb" is followed by "eof" or
> "comma" before accepting it.

notFollowedBy actually does the opposite (checking that there are no
more letters).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

FW: Reviving wxHaskell (was: Re: [wxhaskell-users] [Haskell-cafe] Troublecompiling wxhaskell)

2006-08-01 Thread Daan Leijen

Dear wxHaskell users,


First of all, I apologize for not being responsive on the
wxHaskell users mailing list. I recently changed jobs and countries and didn’t
properly take care of older email aliases.


Anyway, even though I am motivated to support wxHaskell,
practice proves that the project is too large for me to do alone. It would be
great if someone or a group of people feel motivated enough to take over the
project and release new versions that are compatible with the latest Ghc
versions. One potential challenge is to find a group of testers that are
willing to help compiling wxHaskell on different target systems: Windows, MacOS
X, and Unix/GTK variations. 


I am happy to give volunteers administrator privileges on the
sourceforge site and help out with the initial transition and building the
initial new release (which is generally a lot of careful work in compiling and packaging


All the best,

-- Daan Leijen.


Ps. Include me on the reply list as I am not subscribed properly
to either mailing list at the moment.


From: Simon Peyton-Jones

Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 4:46 AM
To: Daan Leijen
Subject: FW: Reviving wxHaskell (was: Re: [wxhaskell-users]
[Haskell-cafe] Troublecompiling wxhaskell)




Have you seen this thread? Would you care to respond to it?



Behalf Of Jeremy O'Donoghue
Sent: 01 August 2006 09:37
Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Reviving wxHaskell (was: Re: [wxhaskell-users] [Haskell-cafe]
Troublecompiling wxhaskell)


Hi list,

Apologies for continuing with the cross-posting, but wxhaskell-users is not
exactly active.

It seems like there may be enough interest in wxHaskell to justify trying to
revive the project.

At present, from what I can tell, Daan Leijen, the principal developer of
wxHaskell, no longer has much interest in the project - the CVS log shows
little activity for about 15 months now - and using wxHaskell with newer
wxWidgets versions or on Unicode systems requires the application of various
patches (for which the interested potential user must search diligently). 

Ideally, it would be best Daan for to enable new CVS committers to the project
(or even to hand over project administration), but if this is not an option, is
there a possibility of hosting a fork on hackage.haskell.org
(I think there's a benefit in hosting Haskell-specific projects in a
Haskell-friendly location).

I don't have the time to nurture huge ambitions for wxHaskell, but I think it
is realistic to aim for the following in the short term: 

* Patches to ensure that wxHaskell compiles against latest wxWidgets versions
on Mac, Linux and Windows (exists today)
* Add Eric Kow's Unicode patches (exist today)
* Produce suitable binary packages for whatever targets we can get maintainers
for, compatible with up-to-date versions of both GHC and wxWidgets. 
* Improve samples and documentation.

In the longer term, we could look at:

* Fixing operation with sash windows (a personal gripe ;-) - easy
* Wrapping some of the more complex widgets - easy.
* Subclassing of widgets in Haskell ( i.e. allow C++ virtual methods to be
redefined in Haskell) - moderately hard
* Move from the Eiffel wxc bindings to wxC project to give better maintained interface to wxWidgets - time consuming, but easy
* Porting to other Haskell implementations (Hugs, YHC etc) 

Taking on a project like this is a very significant commitment, and only makes
sense if there are a number of willing contributors. I'm happy to kick this off
and try to cover some of the boring 'administrative' bits, as well as
contributing on documentation and smaller bug fixes, but I don't have time to
save wxHaskell from permanent bit-rot. If there's enough interest, I'll push
ahead with trying to organize this. 


On 01/08/06, shelarcy

> On
7/31/06, David F. Place <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi:
>> I'm having trouble compiling wxhaskell 0.9.4 under both ghc 6.4.2 and
>> ghc 6.5.   Does anyone know where I should direct my

If you use ghc 6,4,2 under Windows platform, you
can use my patched version of wxHaskell.

And you can get my patch from Kamiariduki's source.


I also know Eric Y. Kow's unicode patch doesn't
include db problems fix. These problems has not
only wxWidgets 2.6.x change, but also unicode

I try to fix latter case, use attached after unicode 
patch, this fixes compile problem ... but it has
another problem that can't use non-ascii characters
correctly. So, if want to accesss DB by wxHaskell's
ODBC, data is garbled and cause problems.

I don't know how to fix that. 

Attached is already sent wxhaskell-user's list, but
you can't get this file. So I send again.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future Edison directions

2006-08-01 Thread Jared Updike

This page:


lists some references at the bottom. Perhaps they would be useful.


On 8/1/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:
[snip other points]
> 7) Finally, I somehow feel like there should be a nice categorical
> formulation of these datastructure abstractions which would help to
> drive a refactoring of the API typeclasses in a principled way,
> rather than on an ad-hoc I-sort-of-think-these-go-together sort of
> way.  Unfortunately, my category-fu is quite weak, so all I have is
> this vague intuition that I can't substantiate.  I'm sort of familiar
> with initial algebras, but I think they may be too concrete.  I'm
> looking for some way to classify algebras that have, eg, the property
> of having folds, or of being set-like, etc.  If anybody can point me
> in the right direction wrt this, that would be great.

I'd love to find out more about these categorical abstractions also, since
Monads and Monoids (the only ones I know about) are an incredible source of
power and expressiveness in Haskell programming, so I've got the feeling
that I'm wasting tremendous amounts of time reinventing the wheel when other
abstractions that may be equally useful are just waiting to be used...

Can anyone recommend a good book or web tutorial about category theory
that's not too difficult? I'm thinking about something which would have lots
of diagrams and discussion about the relevance of the concepts to practical
computing problems but not something loaded with complicated proofs or LaTeX
symbols :-)

Thanks, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

reverse ")-:"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future Edison directions

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:
[snip other points]

7) Finally, I somehow feel like there should be a nice categorical
formulation of these datastructure abstractions which would help to
drive a refactoring of the API typeclasses in a principled way,
rather than on an ad-hoc I-sort-of-think-these-go-together sort of
way.  Unfortunately, my category-fu is quite weak, so all I have is
this vague intuition that I can't substantiate.  I'm sort of familiar
with initial algebras, but I think they may be too concrete.  I'm
looking for some way to classify algebras that have, eg, the property
of having folds, or of being set-like, etc.  If anybody can point me
in the right direction wrt this, that would be great.

I'd love to find out more about these categorical abstractions also, since 
Monads and Monoids (the only ones I know about) are an incredible source of 
power and expressiveness in Haskell programming, so I've got the feeling 
that I'm wasting tremendous amounts of time reinventing the wheel when other 
abstractions that may be equally useful are just waiting to be used...

Can anyone recommend a good book or web tutorial about category theory 
that's not too difficult? I'm thinking about something which would have lots 
of diagrams and discussion about the relevance of the concepts to practical 
computing problems but not something loaded with complicated proofs or LaTeX 
symbols :-)

Thanks, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

John Meacham wrote:

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 02:56:21AM +0100, Brian Hulley wrote:

Now the problem is that person C may come along and notice that
there is a useful abstraction to be made by inheriting both from
ClassA and ClassB. But both of these define "foo" and there is no
mechanism in the language to resolve this.

This is not true at all. every name in haskell can be uniquely

module ClassA where
class ClassA a where
foo :: a -> Int

module ClassB where
class classB a where
foo :: a -> String

import ClassA
import ClassB
class (ClassA a, ClassB a) => ClassC a where
bar :: a -> (Int, String)
bar x = (ClassA.foo x, ClassB.foo x)

Hi John -
Thanks for pointing this out. The only thing that I find slightly uneasy 
about it is that you have to keep the module names and class names in sync 
so that "ClassA.foo" which means "the value foo exposed by the module 
ClassA" is in truth the same as "the foo method of class ClassA". The 
language doesn't enforce this correspondence (indeed perhaps such a 
correspondence would be undesirable but it's difficult to get used to this 
need to keep different entities in sync instead of just being able to name 
the concept once in one place).

I'm also wondering if it would be a good idea to be able to declare
some class methods as final, so they don't clutter up the dictionary
at runtime, and so that we could end the dubious practice of
declaring some functions which are conceptually part of a class as
top level functions outside the class just to save space/time in the
dictionary and therefore needing the physical module to create the
conceptual grouping instead of using the language level grouping
provided by the class name.

I think a fundamental thing you are missing is that Haskell classes
are not like C# or Java or other OO classes. Not because of
implementation, but rather they are actually fundamentally different

The reasons people don't place certain functions in classes has
nothing to do with the size of class dicionaries. Heck, jhc doesn't
even use dictionaries at all, there is no cost for adding methods to
a class. People place them in top level functions because it makes
more sense. of course, sometimes it is gotten wrong, and something
would have been better off as a class method, but in general there
are different concerns when dealing with haskell classes than OO

An OO class could be considered equivalent to a triplet of a Haskell
data type, a Haskell existential with a class constraint, and a class
with the resriction the class type can _only_ appear as the first
argument to each method. In haskell all of these things are separate
independent tools and are much more general and powerful than the
limited and conjoined form that OO programming provides.

I think the transition from OOP to Haskell is difficult because although OOP 
is less powerful for the reasons you've mentioned, many of the decisions you 
have to make when writing Haskell code just don't exist in OOP eg in C# 
there are no modules to worry about, every class belongs to a file with the 
same name, you don't need to decide where to put the object argument and 
there are no top level functions or values.

In contrast, in Haskell you have to juggle class declarations, instance 
declarations, types, values which may or may not be part of a class, and 
decide which combinations of the above should go into which modules and what 
the names of the modules should be and manually remember to keep some module 
names and class names (or type names eg Data.Set and data Set a = ...) in 

Anyway these are probably more long term ideas but I mentioned them
now just to hopefully start the ball rolling (the above should not
be taken as a criticism of Haskell, I'm just saying that at some
point we need all the normal mechanisms that everyone else (Java,
C#) takes for granted because there's no point waiting till we
encounter the same well-known software engineering problems that
already have well established good solutions).

It is best to think of haskell primitives as something completely new,
they reuse some naming conventions from OO programming, but that
doesn't mean they suffer from the same limitations.

Hopefully my neural pathways will reconnect themselves soon to take 
advantage of all this new power!!! :-)

It took me a few
trys to wrap my brain around it. I liken learning haskell to tipping
over a vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it
back and forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly
the flash of insight hits and it all makes sense.

Great image! We need a film or video of "a day in the life of Haskell" with 
these kind of things in it eg camera cutting from scene of vending machine 
satori to animated folds rippling through space gathering structure like a 
new planet forming, then another cut to a silent robed figure casting 
objects fr

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memoizing longest-common-subsequence

2006-08-01 Thread Jared Updike

On 8/1/06, Mark T.B. Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wanted a longest common subsequence function and a bit of Googling
failed to turn up a functional one, except for in a scary bit of darcs.

I saw a thread from back in the day about this when I was looking for
a good implementation of sdiff (or diff) in Haskell (thank Googleness
for Google):

all message in thread:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 14:37 +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Brian,
> Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:23:53 AM, you wrote:
> >> That's a tough call to make. Changing the kind of Sequence to * from *
> >> -> * means losing the Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus superclasses and
> >> all the various maps and zips.
> > But there's no option if you want to be able to support non-polymorphic
> > sequences like Data.ByteString etc. I think the Functor class is just 
> > fundamentally too limited - it assumes the whole world is polymorphic and it
> > isn't.
> it's possible, at least in principle, to make ByteString parametric
> class:
> data PlainSequence a = ...
> type ByteString = PlainSequence Word8
> and then rewrite all ByteString functions so that they will work with
> elements of any type, not just Word8

Much of the performance advantages that we can get are due to the
special representation and knowing the types involved. This would not
work for arbitrary types.

For one thing all the performance advantages of using a packed
representation would be lost as we would have to use pointers to boxed
objects rather than flat arrays of bytes.

We can use low level standard C functions like memchr because we know
the representation.

There is certainly a place for a general strict sequence type but there
is also a need for efficient handling of big chunks of bytes. It'd be
even better if the special case representation collections could fit
into a general framework.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Brian,

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:43:23 AM, you wrote:

As you've pointed out, there are 2 separate issues that are in
danger of being confused:
1) Forcing all sequence instances to support all operations
2) Bundling all the ops into a single huge class

Collections library (darcs get --partial
http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/collections/) defines good
hierarchy of collection classes

Hi Bulat - Thanks for the link to the collections repository. I've at last 
taken the plunge and installed darcs and managed to get this onto my 
computer (although with a strange warning from darcs: 'plink: unknown option 
"-O" ').

I'll have to have a proper look into it. On superficial inspection, there 
are some unusual choices - for example putting (size) and (null) into 
Foldable instead of Collection, and calling "null" "null" instead of 
"isEmpty" (considering that Collection has a method called "isSingleton" 
which follows the usual convention of starting unary predicates with "is"). 
In any case it's interesting to see another possible factoring of the 
concept of collections to compare with Edison and the existing base 

Regards, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Memoizing longest-common-subsequence

2006-08-01 Thread Bayley, Alistair
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark T.B. Carroll) writes:
> > I wanted a longest common subsequence function and a bit of Googling
> > failed to turn up a functional one, except for in a scary 
> bit of darcs.
> The code in darcs is a translation of the example code in the 
> Eugene Myers
> paper mentioned in the comments and the C code in GNU diff. I 
> didn't try
> much to simplify it because I first wanted to see how close I 
> could come
> to the perfomance of the C code. 
> [..]
> > Take this as your cue to point out the much better LCS 
> algorithm that
> > already exists in the standard libraries, that I couldn't find. (-:
> There is a nice implementation of the Hunt-Szymanski algorithm by
> Ian Lynagh at http://urchin.earth.li/darcs/ian/lcs/.
> Benedikt

I also had a go at this a while ago, using this Eugene Myers' paper as
the specification:

which claims improvement over the one you mention above:

and also ended up with an STArray based implementation. I can send the
code if you're interested. I have no idea how well it performs compared
to Ian's, or the one in darcs (which uses PackedStrings).

There's some kind of summary/comparison of LCS algorithms (including
Hunt-Szymanski) here:

also by Eugene Myers.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble compiling wxhaskell

2006-08-01 Thread Jinwoo Lee


You can post wxHaskell related questions to the wxHaskell mailing list

I had problems when compiling wxhaskell 0.9.4 using wxWidgets 2.6.3.
And I found out that in wxWidgets 2.6.3, some DB-related field names
have changed:
   columnSize --> columnLength
   bufferLength --> bufferSize

So I modified the file "db.cpp" (wxc/src/db.cpp), and succeeded to compile.
I'm attaching the modified file.


On 8/1/06, David F. Place <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm having trouble compiling wxhaskell 0.9.4 under both ghc 6.4.2 and
ghc 6.5.   Does anyone know where I should direct my queries?


David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Jinwoo Lee
Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Memoizing longest-common-subsequence

2006-08-01 Thread Benedikt Schmidt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark T.B. Carroll) writes:

> I wanted a longest common subsequence function and a bit of Googling
> failed to turn up a functional one, except for in a scary bit of darcs.

The code in darcs is a translation of the example code in the Eugene Myers
paper mentioned in the comments and the C code in GNU diff. I didn't try
much to simplify it because I first wanted to see how close I could come
to the perfomance of the C code. 


> Take this as your cue to point out the much better LCS algorithm that
> already exists in the standard libraries, that I couldn't find. (-:

There is a nice implementation of the Hunt-Szymanski algorithm by
Ian Lynagh at http://urchin.earth.li/darcs/ian/lcs/.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Future Edison directions

2006-08-01 Thread Robert Dockins

Hello all,

There has been very recently a thread discussing the design decisions  
involved in creating a sequence abstraction.  This was naturally of  
interest to me as the current Edison maintainer, and generated a fair  
bit of interesting discussion.  I'd like to kick off a new thread  
here to talk about future directions for the Edison API in particular.

1) Regarding Sequence, I have become convinced by the discussion that  
the Edison Sequence class should be broken down into smaller  
classes.  Furthermore, it would be very nice to make these smaller  
classes shared across the various families of data structure  
abstractions in Edison (Sequences, Collections and Associative  
Collections).  The formulation of Sequence of kind * -> * may need to  
be sacrificed to this end.  I am not convinced that losing the maps  
and zips would be a major blow; however there are a couple of  
strategies for retaining them in some form.

2) The associated collection API is in a similar situation, except  
there are no zips.

3) I am reluctant to undertake a major overhaul of the Edison API  
while the future of type classes in Haskell' is so hazy.  I haven't  
heard any news from the Haskell' type classes focus group in quite  
some time, and last I was aware, discussion was somewhat stalled.  I  
there any hope for a coherent story here in the nearish future?

4) I am on the verge of deciding that nobody wants non-observable  
collections (ie, collections in which the element values are not  
available for inspection).  Currently Edison has no implementations  
which are non-observable, and I am not aware of anyone else creating  
a datastructure implementation in Haskell which is non-observable.   
Therefore, I am considering removing this feature of the Edison  
typeclass hierarchy to reduce complexity.  Shout if you think this  
would be a terrible mistake.

5) OTOH, something people DO seem to want is collection "views", or  
the ability to treat a datastructure as though it were something  
else.  For example, it would be nice to transparently treat the keys  
of a finite map as a set, or to treat a nested sequence as a single  
flattened sequence.  Such uses require the separation of operations  
which can create datastructures from those which merely inspect them  
(or some fancy bidirectional stuff I don't think I want to get into).

6) Edison 1.2 has now been out for a couple of months.  If you've  
used or looked at the new Edison, I'd love to hear what you think.  I  
think the next development cycle will involve pretty substantial  
changes, and if you want to get your gripes addressed, now is a good  
time to voice them.  Alternately, if you think there are some aspects  
that are very important to keep, that's also good information.

7) Finally, I somehow feel like there should be a nice categorical  
formulation of these datastructure abstractions which would help to  
drive a refactoring of the API typeclasses in a principled way,  
rather than on an ad-hoc I-sort-of-think-these-go-together sort of  
way.  Unfortunately, my category-fu is quite weak, so all I have is  
this vague intuition that I can't substantiate.  I'm sort of familiar  
with initial algebras, but I think they may be too concrete.  I'm  
looking for some way to classify algebras that have, eg, the property  
of having folds, or of being set-like, etc.  If anybody can point me  
in the right direction wrt this, that would be great.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memoizing longest-common-subsequence

2006-08-01 Thread Janis Voigtlaender

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

Take this as your cue to point out the much better LCS algorithm that
already exists in the standard libraries, that I couldn't find. (-:

I don't know of a version in the libraries, but since you mentioned you
were unsuccessful looking for any functional algorithms solving this
problem: I would be very surprised if none could be found in some paper
of Richard Bird's.

Also, something like the memoizing implementation you give should be
easily in reach using Giegerich and Kurtz' "algebraic dynamic
programming" approach that I recently mentioned here. Of course, it
would then be less straightforward to apply subsequent optimizations
(like strictifying and unboxing), as the details of the implementation
would be hidden inside their DSL.

Ciao, Janis.

Dr. Janis Voigtlaender
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Memoizing longest-common-subsequence

2006-08-01 Thread Mark T.B. Carroll
I wanted a longest common subsequence function and a bit of Googling
failed to turn up a functional one, except for in a scary bit of darcs.
So, I tried making a memoized functional version of the LCS delta
algorithm on the problem's Wikipedia page. It's not the fastest, but
it's simple and should be polynomial, growing with the product of input
sequence lengths. I've not played with unboxing or strictness here yet,
but with the help of Data.Array I have:

longestCommonSubsequence xs ys =
let lastIndex = (length xs, length ys)
memo = array ((0, 0), lastIndex)
 [ ((xi, yi), deltaLCS (xi, x) (yi, y)) |
   (xi, x) <- zip [0..] (undefined : xs),
   (yi, y) <- zip [0..] (undefined : ys) ] 
deltaLCS (0, _) _ = (0, [])
deltaLCS _ (0, _) = (0, [])
deltaLCS (xl, x) (yl, y) =
if (x == y)
then let (xylShrunk, xysShrunk) = memo ! (xl-1, yl-1)
 in (xylShrunk + 1, x : xysShrunk)
else let xaShrunk@(xlShrunk, _) = memo ! (xl-1, yl)
 yaShrunk@(ylShrunk, _) = memo ! (xl, yl-1)
 in if xlShrunk > ylShrunk then xaShrunk else yaShrunk
in reverse (snd (memo ! lastIndex))

I haven't looked much at optimizing this further so there are probably
yet some easy wins to be had - I'd be interested to see what they are.
Still, I thought it worth sharing as an example of laziness making 
memoization easy in a simple functional longest common subsequence 

Take this as your cue to point out the much better LCS algorithm that
already exists in the standard libraries, that I couldn't find. (-:

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Bayley, Alistair
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Meacham
> I liken learning haskell to tipping over a
> vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it back and
> forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly 
> the flash of insight hits and it all makes sense.
> John

This reminds me of the Simpson's episode where Homer attacks a vending
machine and it falls on him, crushing him while at the same time spewing
chocolate into his mouth. He falls into a coma.

Haskell can be like that too, some days.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jul 31, 2006, at 10:27 PM, John Meacham wrote:


It is best to think of haskell primitives as something completely new,
they reuse some naming conventions from OO programming, but that  

mean they suffer from the same limitations. It took me a few trys to
wrap my brain around it. I liken learning haskell to tipping over a
vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it back and
forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly the  
flash of

insight hits and it all makes sense.

Do you have a lot of personal experience attaining zen-like insight  
by tipping over vending machines? I'll have to try that some time ;-)


Thanks for making me laugh this morning.


Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Einar,

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 1:58:30 PM, you wrote:

> class ElementType c a | c -> a
> class Foldable c where
>   fold :: ElementType c a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> c -> b

i love it! will it be possible to write smth like this:

class Stream m h | h->m

data T h = (Stream m h) => C (m Int)

? currently, i need to pass 'm' parameter to T type constructor too,
because GHC can't guess what 'm' is determined by 'h'

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A program which never crashes (even when a function calls "error")

2006-08-01 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Stephane,

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 10:52:06 AM, you wrote:

>except Exception e:

don't look at anything except than "Tackling the awkward squad:
monadic input/output, concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-language
calls in Haskell"

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello John,

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 6:27:29 AM, you wrote:

> It is best to think of haskell primitives as something completely new,
> they reuse some naming conventions from OO programming, but that doesn't
> mean they suffer from the same limitations. It took me a few trys to
> wrap my brain around it. I liken learning haskell to tipping over a
> vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it back and
> forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly the flash of
> insight hits and it all makes sense.

btw, http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/gpce06/ can help on this way. i
think that there is also other papers that can help too

but i also agree with Brian - there is some constraints in Haskell
comparing to C++ and vice versa. while developing Streams library i
was many times bitten by these restrictions

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Brian,

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:43:23 AM, you wrote:

> As you've pointed out, there are 2 separate issues that are in danger of
> being confused:
> 1) Forcing all sequence instances to support all operations
> 2) Bundling all the ops into a single huge class

Collections library (darcs get --partial 
defines good hierarchy of collection classes

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Brian,

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:23:53 AM, you wrote:

>> That's a tough call to make. Changing the kind of Sequence to * from *
>> -> * means losing the Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus superclasses and
>> all the various maps and zips.

> But there's no option if you want to be able to support non-polymorphic
> sequences like Data.ByteString etc. I think the Functor class is just 
> fundamentally too limited - it assumes the whole world is polymorphic and it
> isn't.

it's possible, at least in principle, to make ByteString parametric

data PlainSequence a = ...

type ByteString = PlainSequence Word8

and then rewrite all ByteString functions so that they will work with
elements of any type, not just Word8

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Einar Karttunen
On 31.07 16:27, Brian Hulley wrote:
> None of the above type classes would be compatible with Data.ByteString! 
> (You mentioned this issue before wrt Data.Edison.Seq but it just clicked 
> with me now for the above refactoring.) For compatibility, the element type 
> would need to appear also thus:
>   class Foldable f_a a | f_a -> a where
>fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f_a -> b

With the new System FC (when it is merged) we could make these classes

class ElementType c a | c -> a

instance ElementType [a] a
instance ElementType ByteString Char
instance IArray a e => ElementType (a i e) e

class Foldable c where
  fold :: ElementType c a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> c -> b

This won't work at the moment due to limitations in GHC, but seems
like a cleaner solution.

- Einar Karttunen
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A program which never crashes (even when a function calls "error")

2006-08-01 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

> [It is a philosophical question, not a practical programming problem.]
> I'm used, in imperative programming languages with exceptions (like
> Python) to call any function without fear of stopping the program
> because I can always catch the exceptions with things like (Python):
> while not over:
>   code which may raise an exception...
>except Exception e:
>   do something clever
> How to do it in Haskell? How can I call functions like Prelude.head
> while being sure my program won't stop, even if I call head on an
> empty list (thus calling "error")?

Catching errors is quite a hack. If the head of an empty list is
requested, then this is considered a programming error, not a user error.
Thus the best is to stop the program. Don't mix programming errors with
problems caused by users (that is, exceptions).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Parsec] Backtracking with try does not work for me?

2006-08-01 Thread Chris Kuklewicz

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 06:51:27PM +0100,
 Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 102 lines which said:

minilang = do
  char 'a'
  optional (try (do {comma ; char 'b'}))
  optional (do {comma ; char 'c'})
  return "OK"

I now have a new problem which was hidden beneath. If the language
authorizes "a,bb" and "a,bbc", "a,bbc" is not accepted by my parser
since it already accepted "a,bb" and the "c" which is left triggers a
syntax error.

This time, "try" believes it succeeded but should not. I need more
look-ahead but I'm not sure how?

The problem is mentioned here:


Your whole parser is indeed failing, and again it is because of the "failing 
after consuming some input" issue.  For "a,bbc" your "bb" token parser consumes 
the "bb" and then the dangling "c" causes the error.

So you cannot commit to consuming the "bb" unless you know the rest of the 
string is okay.  There are a few ways to accomplish this.  The first would be to 
test whether "bb" is followed by "eof" or "comma" before accepting it.  Another 
solution is to try and parse what follows "bb" before accepting "bb".

A small fix would look like:

minilang' = do
   string "a"
   optional (try $ do {comma ; string "bb"; endToken})
   optional (do {comma ; string "bbc"})
   return "OK"
  where endToken = eof <|> lookAhead (comma >> return ())

A more general fix looks like this:

stringLang :: [String] -> GenParser Char st [String]
stringLang items = polyLang comma (map string items)

listLang :: [Char] -> GenParser Char st [Char]
listLang items = polyLang comma (map char items)

The first version of polyLang uses the "test eof or comma before accepting" 

polyLang :: (Show element,Show token) => GenParser element state ignore 
 -> [GenParser element state token] -> GenParser element state [token]

polyLang _ [] = eof >> return []
polyLang separator input = (use input) <|> polyLang separator (tail input)
  where use (opX:xs) = do 
  (x,test) <- try (do x <- opX

  test <- more
  when test (separator >> return ())
  return (x,test))
  rest <- if test then (loop xs <|> unexpected ("(problem after "++show x++")")) 
  else return []

  return (x:rest)
more = option True (eof >> return False)
loop [] = (unexpected "cannot parse")
loop input' = use input' <|> loop (tail input')

The second version polyLang' uses the "test rest of input before accepting" 

polyLang' :: (Show element,Show token) => GenParser element state ignore 
  -> [GenParser element state token] -> GenParser element state [token]

polyLang' _ [] = eof >> return []
polyLang' separator input = (use input) <|> polyLang' separator (tail input)
  where use (opX:xs) = try (do x <- opX
   test <- more
   rest <- if test
 then separator >> (loop xs <|> unexpected ("(problem 
after "++show x++")"))
 else return []
   return (x:rest))
more = option True (eof >> return False)
loop [] = (unexpected "cannot parse")
loop input' = use input' <|> loop (tail input')

It works:

*Main> run (stringLang ["a","bb","bbc"]) "a,bbc"

The error reporting gets a bit strange, and is different between the two 
versions of polyLang'

*Main> run (polyLang comma (map string ["a","bb","bbc","dd"])) "a,bbc,bb"
parse error at (line 1, column 7):
unexpected cannot parse or (problem after "bbc")
expecting "dd"

*Main> run (polyLang' comma (map string ["a","bb","bbc","d"])) "a,bbc,bb"
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected "c", cannot parse, (problem after "bbc"), (problem after "a") or "a"
expecting end of input, ",", "dd", "bb" or "bbc"

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Reviving wxHaskell (was: Re: [wxhaskell-users] [Haskell-cafe] Trouble compiling wxhaskell)

2006-08-01 Thread Jeremy O'Donoghue
Hi list,Apologies for continuing with the cross-posting, but wxhaskell-users is not exactly active.It seems like there may be enough interest in wxHaskell to justify trying to revive the project.At present, from what I can tell, Daan Leijen, the principal developer of wxHaskell, no longer has much interest in the project - the CVS log shows little activity for about 15 months now - and using wxHaskell with newer wxWidgets versions or on Unicode systems requires the application of various patches (for which the interested potential user must search diligently).
Ideally, it would be best Daan for to enable new CVS committers to the project (or even to hand over project administration), but if this is not an option, is there a possibility of hosting a fork on 
hackage.haskell.org (I think there's a benefit in hosting Haskell-specific projects in a Haskell-friendly location).I don't have the time to nurture huge ambitions for wxHaskell, but I think it is realistic to aim for the following in the short term:
* Patches to ensure that wxHaskell compiles against latest wxWidgets versions on Mac, Linux and Windows (exists today)* Add Eric Kow's Unicode patches (exist today)* Produce suitable binary packages for whatever targets we can get maintainers for, compatible with up-to-date versions of both GHC and wxWidgets.
* Improve samples and documentation.In the longer term, we could look at:* Fixing operation with sash windows (a personal gripe ;-) - easy* Wrapping some of the more complex widgets - easy.* Subclassing of widgets in Haskell (
i.e. allow C++ virtual methods to be redefined in Haskell) - moderately hard* Move from the Eiffel wxc bindings to wxC project to give better maintained interface to wxWidgets - time consuming, but easy * Porting to other Haskell implementations (Hugs, YHC etc)
Taking on a project like this is a very significant commitment, and only makes sense if there are a number of willing contributors. I'm happy to kick this off and try to cover some of the boring 'administrative' bits, as well as contributing on documentation and smaller bug fixes, but I don't have time to save wxHaskell from permanent bit-rot. If there's enough interest, I'll push ahead with trying to organize this.
RegardsJeremyOn 01/08/06, shelarcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/31/06, David F. Place <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> Hi: I'm having trouble compiling wxhaskell 0.9.4 under both ghc 6.4.2 and>> ghc 
6.5.   Does anyone know where I should direct my queries?If you use ghc 6,4,2 under Windows platform, youcan use my patched version of wxHaskell.And you can get my patch from Kamiariduki's source.
I also know Eric Y. Kow's unicode patch doesn'tinclude db problems fix. These problems has notonly wxWidgets 2.6.x change, but also unicodechange.I try to fix latter case, use attached after unicode
patch, this fixes compile problem ... but it hasanother problem that can't use non-ascii characterscorrectly. So, if want to accesss DB by wxHaskell'sODBC, data is garbled and cause problems.I don't know how to fix that.
Attached is already sent wxhaskell-user's list, butyou can't get this file. So I send again.http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=16222530
My patch where I put Kamiariduki's project page doesn'tinclude unicode support that I noticed above Mailng-List'slog.Don't worry about this. You can use both my patch andunicode patch, if you want. These cause conflict message
but this is not problem.On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 08:18:27 +0900, Jason Dagit<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I've done this recently.  I put my notes on the wiki:
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/WxHaskell/Install#WindowsI don't know this problem when I made patch.So, my patch doesn't fix this problem.
--shelarcy capella.freemail.ne.jp>http://page.freett.com/shelarcy/-
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A program which never crashes (even when a function calls "error")

2006-08-01 Thread Matthias Fischmann
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 08:52:06AM +0200, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
> From: Stephane Bortzmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 08:52:06 +0200
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] A program which never crashes (even when a function
>   calls "error")
> [It is a philosophical question, not a practical programming problem.]
> I'm used, in imperative programming languages with exceptions (like
> Python) to call any function without fear of stopping the program
> because I can always catch the exceptions with things like (Python):
> while not over:
>   code which may raise an exception...
>except Exception e:
>   do something clever
> How to do it in Haskell? How can I call functions like Prelude.head
> while being sure my program won't stop, even if I call head on an
> empty list (thus calling "error")?

in haskell98, you can't.  if you cannot prove a list will always be
non-empty, you should use pattern matching instead of head.

one disadvantage of exceptions is that the byte code tends to be slow
and ugly and hard to generate, in particular in pure lazy languages.
but admittedly sometimes exceptions are cool.  therefore ghc comes
with a quite sophisticated and mature exception handling library.


looks a little different from python, but should do the trick.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A program which never crashes (even when a function calls "error")

2006-08-01 Thread J. Garrett Morris

On 8/1/06, Stephane Bortzmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How to do it in Haskell? How can I call functions like Prelude.head
while being sure my program won't stop, even if I call head on an
empty list (thus calling "error")?

Try looking at Control.Exception.  For example:

module Test where

import Control.Exception
import Prelude hiding (catch)

example =
  (do print (head (tail "a"))
  return "ok")
  `catch` (\e -> do putStrLn ("Caught exception: " ++ show e)
return "error")


*Test> z <- example
Caught exception: Prelude.head: empty list
*Test> z

This might be the beginning of what you want.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list