Re: [Haskell-cafe] state and exception or types again...

2006-08-30 Thread Andrea Rossato
Il Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 10:02:38AM +0100, Brian Hulley ebbe a scrivere:
Ím getting back so late because it took me a while to understand
monadic transformation...

 data Result a
= Good a State Output
| Bad State Output
deriving Show
case runSOIE m x of
Good a y o1 -
case runSOIE (f a) y of
Good b z o2 - Good b z (o1 ++ o2)
Bad z o2 - Bad z (o1 ++ o2)
Bad z o2 - Bad z o2  -- (*)

This is brilliant and highly instructive (for me at least)!!
Thank you very much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] data structures question

2006-08-30 Thread Tamas K Papp

Having read some tutorials, I would like to start using Haskell for
real, but I have some questions about data structures.

The mathematical description of the problem is the following: assume
there is a function V(a,b,theta), where a and b can have two values,
High or Low, and theta is a number between zero and n (n is given).
The range of V is the real numbers.

Then there is an algorithm (called value iteration, but that's not
important) that takes V and produces a function of the same type,
called V'.  The algorithm uses a mapping that is not elementwise, ie
more than the corresponding values of V are needed to compute a
particular V'(a,b,theta) -- things like V(other a,b,theta) and
V(a,b,theta+1), where

data State = Low | High
other :: State - State
other High = Low
other Low = High

Question 1: V can be represented as a 3-dimensional array, where the
first two indices are of type State, the third is Int (= n).  What
data structure do you suggest in Haskell to store V?  Is there a
multidimensional array or something like this?

Let's call this structure TypeV.

Question 2: I would like to write

valueit :: TypeV - TypeV
valueit V = mapondescartesproduct [Low,High] [Low,High] [0..n] mapV where
-- mapV would calculate the new V' using V
-- mapV :: State - State - Int - Double

to fill the new data structure.  How to do this sensibly?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] data structures question

2006-08-30 Thread Chris Kuklewicz

Tamas K Papp wrote:


Having read some tutorials, I would like to start using Haskell for
real, but I have some questions about data structures.

The mathematical description of the problem is the following: assume
there is a function V(a,b,theta), where a and b can have two values,
High or Low, and theta is a number between zero and n (n is given).
The range of V is the real numbers.

Then there is an algorithm (called value iteration, but that's not
important) that takes V and produces a function of the same type,
called V'.  The algorithm uses a mapping that is not elementwise, ie
more than the corresponding values of V are needed to compute a
particular V'(a,b,theta) -- things like V(other a,b,theta) and
V(a,b,theta+1), where

data State = Low | High
other :: State - State
other High = Low
other Low = High

Question 1: V can be represented as a 3-dimensional array, where the
first two indices are of type State, the third is Int (= n).  What
data structure do you suggest in Haskell to store V?  Is there a
multidimensional array or something like this?


It sounds like you need Data.Array (lazy) or Data.Array.Unboxed (strict)

Let's call this structure TypeV.

Question 2: I would like to write

valueit :: TypeV - TypeV
valueit V = mapondescartesproduct [Low,High] [Low,High] [0..n] mapV where
-- mapV would calculate the new V' using V
-- mapV :: State - State - Int - Double

to fill the new data structure.  How to do this sensibly?

Your definition is almost clear.

mapV takes the i :: (State,State,Int) index of an entry in V' and takes the 
whole old array V and computes the value at location i in V'.

data State = Low | High deriving (Eq,Ord,Ix) -- assuming Ix is derivable...

type TypeV = Array (State,State,Int) Double  -- or UArray instead of Array

mapV :: TypeV - (State,State,Int) - Double
mapV = undefined

valueit :: TypeV - TypeV
valueit oldV = listArray (minI,maxI) [ mapV oldV i | i - range (minI,maxI) ]
  where minI = (Low,Low,0)
maxI = (High,High,n)

-- or move mapV to where clause; it can still use oldV

valueit :: TypeV - TypeV
valueit oldV = listArray (minI,maxI) [ mapV i | i - range (minI,maxI) ]
  where minI = (Low,Low,0)
maxI = (High,High,n)
mapV :: (State,State,Int) - Double
mapV = undefined



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to force HTML (rather than XML) output from Haskell XML Toolbox?

2006-08-30 Thread Jared Updike

which is close but not exactly as wanted. The meta (and I expect
other tags like br will have the same) tag has closing slash as it
would have in XML (XHTML), but not in HTML. Also the DOCTYPE has been

I've had similar problems outputting XHTML. For example, naive output
(correct according to the definition of XML and (X)HTML) breaks in IE
because IE doesn't like link ... /  or script ... / tags, instead
it wants link .../link  and script .../ script. Pages with
correct XHTML, but with these unhappy tags in the HTML head, load
in IE as a blank page! To make pages that will load in 90% of
browsers, I've always generated my own (X)HTML with special pretty
printers that know these caveats and a few others.


On 8/30/06, Dimitry Golubovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am developing a code that reads a HTML page (template), modifies it
(adds some stuff) and then writes the output file which is to be HTML,
not XML.

I use hxt-5.3 (but I may upgrade if necessary).

It is desired to preserve the original HTML template pieces maximally
close to the original.

But output appears to be closer to XML rather than HTML.

The code I use:

  let attrs = [(a_parse_html, 1),
   (a_output_xml, 0),
   (a_encoding,   utf8)]

  (res, err, rc) - getXmlDocument attrs (fromJust $ tmplPath dopt)

  putXmlDocument attrs (fromJust $ outPath dopt) res


for this input HTML file:


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
  titleEmpty Page Template for Haskell Applications/title
  meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8




  titleEmpty Page Template for Haskell Applications/title
  meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8/


which is close but not exactly as wanted. The meta (and I expect
other tags like br will have the same) tag has closing slash as it
would have in XML (XHTML), but not in HTML. Also the DOCTYPE has been

Is this something hxt is not able to provide, or just a bug fixed
since 5.3? Or should I write my own output code (because I am
guessing, hxt functionality regarding manipulation over XML trees is
sufficient for what I need)? Or should I use another package?

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

reverse )-:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to force HTML (rather than XML) output from Haskell XML Toolbox?

2006-08-30 Thread Neil Mitchell


 which is close but not exactly as wanted. The meta (and I expect
 other tags like br will have the same) tag has closing slash as it

Just a bit of info on the br, IE treats br/ as a line break, but
br/br as 2 line breaks. Just in case you go for the obvious
solution of always expanding out a/ to a/a, br won't work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to force HTML (rather than XML) output from Haskell XML Toolbox?

2006-08-30 Thread Jared Updike

Just a bit of info on the br, IE treats br/ as a line break, but
br/br as 2 line breaks. Just in case you go for the obvious
solution of always expanding out a/ to a/a, br won't work.

but br / with a space works.  And this applies to most tags with
this behavior---the space helps, and it validates with W3C XHTML

reverse )-:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ReadP question

2006-08-30 Thread Chris Kuklewicz

Udo Stenzel wrote:

Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

Again, Parsec requires you to put try where you need it

I'm pretty sure it does, although this

Udo Stenzel wrote:

countBetween 0 n p = p : countBetween   0   (n-1) p | return []

is a place where it's not needed in general.  You should know what
you're doing, though.  And I like ReadP better in general, exactly
because 'try' is a bit trippy.


I just tried to mimic regular expression matching with ReadP and got what seems 
like a non-terminating program.  Is there another way to use ReadP to do this?

import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

type R = ReadP Int

-- Consume a specific character, return length 1
c :: Char - R
c x = char x  return 1

-- Consume like x? x+ x* and return the length
quest,plus,star :: R - R
quest x = option 0 x
plus x = liftM sum (many1 x)
star x = liftM sum (many x)

-- Concatenate two with sum of lengths
infixr 5 +
(+) :: R - R - R
(+) x y = liftM2 (+) x y

-- Concatenate list with running total of length
match xs = match' xs 0
  where match' [] t = return t
match' (x:xs) t = do v - x
 match' xs $! t+v

-- Simulate (a?|b+|c*)*d regular expression
test = star (choice [quest (c 'a')
,plus (c 'b')
,star (c 'c')]) + c 'd'

go foo = readP_to_S test foo

'go' works if I remove the leading 'star' operation from 'test'

But 'go' seems to not terminate with the leading 'star'

My regex-dfa package has a failure which seems similar, and I have been adding 
the ability to internally rewrite the pattern to avoid the problem.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: data structures question

2006-08-30 Thread Chris Kuklewicz

Benjamin Franksen wrote:

Matthias Fischmann wrote:

The trick is that Int is not the only index data type, but tuples of
index data types are, too.  Do this:

| type Point = (State, State, Int)
| type TypeV = Array State Double
| matrix :: TypeV

| matrix = array bounds values

Surely you meant to say

| type TypeV = Array Point Double



type Value = Double
newtype PointNat = PointNat Int deriving (...Ix)
type Point = (State,State,PointNat)

Or even

type TypeVof a = Array PointNat a
type TypeV = TypeVof Value

I did not even run the code I wrote through ghci, I was just showing what it 
could look like.

And stop calling me Shirley.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] monadplus as monoid, safe?

2006-08-30 Thread Nicolas Frisby

I'm using the following code in some of my projects:

newtype MonadPlusAsMonoid a = MPM { unMPM :: a }
instance MonadPlus m = Monoid (MonadPlusAsMonoid (m a)) where
mempty = MPM mzero
MPM l `mappend` MPM r = MPM (l `mplus` r)

Is there some sort of pitfall I'm not considering?

It seems fine to me, but I ask because I couldn't find this instance
in the darcs repo for the next base library package. I expected to
find it there because it has similar instances for numbers as monoids
(e.g. Sum and Product from Data.Monoid).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: monadplus as monoid, safe?

2006-08-30 Thread Nicolas Frisby

Of course I find it two minutes after I send the question.

Sorry for the two noop emails.


On 8/30/06, Nicolas Frisby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm using the following code in some of my projects:

 newtype MonadPlusAsMonoid a = MPM { unMPM :: a }
 instance MonadPlus m = Monoid (MonadPlusAsMonoid (m a)) where
 mempty = MPM mzero
 MPM l `mappend` MPM r = MPM (l `mplus` r)

Is there some sort of pitfall I'm not considering?

It seems fine to me, but I ask because I couldn't find this instance
in the darcs repo for the next base library package. I expected to
find it there because it has similar instances for numbers as monoids
(e.g. Sum and Product from Data.Monoid).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell - fpga

2006-08-30 Thread Matthew Pocock

Does anybody know of any compilers that can compile portions of a haskell 
program to an FPGA? I have found a few domain-specific languages implemented 
in haskell for FPGAs, but so far no back-ends for compilers like ghc.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell - fpga

2006-08-30 Thread Lennart Augustsson

General Haskell constructs map really poorly to FPGAs.
You could define a subset that maps nicely, though.  But as far as I  
know noone has made such a compiler.  It's a rather big undertaking.

You could look at Cryptol and Bluespec, they are languages with  
similarities to Haskell better suited for hardware.

-- Lennart

On Aug 30, 2006, at 17:30 , Matthew Pocock wrote:


Does anybody know of any compilers that can compile portions of a  
program to an FPGA? I have found a few domain-specific languages  

in haskell for FPGAs, but so far no back-ends for compilers like ghc.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ReadP question

2006-08-30 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 8/30/06, Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -- Simulate (a?|b+|c*)*d regular expression

But 'go' seems to not terminate with the leading 'star'

Unless I'm missing something... The part of the pattern inside the
parentheses should successfully match at least the empty string at the
beginning of the string. Since it's regulated by the second (outer)
'star', it will keep matching as long as it keeps succeeding; since it
keeps matching the empty string, it keeps matching forever in the same

To solve this problem, your implementation of 'star' could perhaps be
changed to answer no more matches rather than infinitely many
matches once the body fails to consume any characters.

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Galois Connections seeking a developer

2006-08-30 Thread Isaac Jones
Galois is seeking a full-time candidate for software development and
systems integration in the field of high assurance computing.  A
successful candidate should have a good understanding of the
inner workings of databases, good development skills in a number of
languages, including at least one functional language (preferably
Haskell), and web development.  The candidate should have excellent
Linux and Unix skills.  If the candidate does not know Haskell, they
should be good at learning new programming languages, and can
reasonably expect to be fluent in Haskell within a few months.

 * Database analysis
 * Python and PHP web development
 * Learning and adapting Linux-related technologies including Xen,
   SELinux, and Knoppix
 * Creating or modifying Debian packages
 * Haskell development

 * Databases implementation internals
 * Web development, Services-Oriented Architectures
 * Fluent in Haskell or other functional languages
 * Grounding in computer security
 * XML
 * Linux and Unix

 * Extreme Programming (XP) development experience
 * Experience deploying software products
 * Open source software development experience
 * Ability to get US security clearance

 * Masters degree or equivilent experience

Please respond with a resume and a cover letter explaining your fit to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Feel free to forward to interested parties.


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