[Haskell-cafe] Re: Help with IO and randomR

2007-07-16 Thread Niko Korhonen
Tillmann Rendel wrote:
> (A) will be executed before (B) because of the IO monad. But you want r
> to be returned before rest is computed. I would split tpdfs in two
> functions: a pure function converting a infinite list of random numbers
> to another infinite list of random numbers, and an IO-function creating
> the original infinite list of random numbers:
>   tpdfs' :: [Int] -> [Int]
>   tpdfs' (x:y:rest) = (x + y) `div` 2 : tpdfs' rest
>   tpdfs :: (Int, Int) -> IO [Int]
>   tpdfs range = do
> gen <- newStdGen
> return (tpdfs' (randomRs range gen))

This seems like a good solution since it scales well with probability
functions that require more than two random numbers in order to produce
one. I could just write different versions of tpdfs' to process the
stream and feed the functions to tpdfs. Nice.

> I'm not sure your aproach is numerically correct. Let's assume range =
> (0, 1). The resulting number could be
>   (0 + 0) `div` 2 = 0
>   (0 + 1) `div` 2 = 0
>   (1 + 0) `div` 2 = 0
>   (1 + 1) `div` 2 = 1
> with equal probability. Is this what you want?

Come to think of it, a better formula would be something like:

round(x/2 + y/2)

round(0/2 + 0/2) = 0
round(0/2 + 1/2) = round(0.5) = 1
round(1/2 + 0/2) = round(0.5) = 1
round(1/2 + 1/2) = = 1

But that's only because of rounding issues. Otherwise this is exactly
what I want. Triangular distribution is equivalent to two rolls of dice,
meaning that numbers at the middle of the range are much more likely to
pop up than numbers at the edge of the range. Quite like in gaussian
probability distribution.

It's just that the range (0, 1) is too short for the function to work
properly with integer arithmetics. It's difficult to say what the middle
of the range (0, 1) should be. If we always round the result to the
nearest integer, the "middle of the range" is 1. The fixed formula
demostrates that the numbers at the middle of the range (round(0.5)) are
most likely to appear.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Help with IO and randomR

2007-07-16 Thread Niko Korhonen
Bryan Burgers wrote:
> I did not look at it long enough to tell you why there is an infinite
> loop. However, think about it on a high level with me.
> You want a stream of these random numbers (I'm not sure what a
> triangular distribution is, but that's okay). To get one of these, you
> take two random numbers and perform a combination function (\x y -> (x
> + y) `div` 2 ) on them.

Yes, precisely. Triangular distribution is a probability distribution
that is equivalent to two rolls of dice. This means that the numbers at
the middle of the range are much more likely to pop up than numbers at
the edge of the range. It is quite close to gaussian distribution.

I'm toying around with a signal processing toolkit in Haskell. The noise
I'm trying to generate here is needed for a process called dithering, in
which some noise is added to a quantized signal in order to improve it's
accuracy. But not just any kind of noise will do for this purpose. The
best noise for dithering is noise with triangular or gaussian
probability distribution, instead of white noise which has equal
probability distribution.

But, like you said, that's not really important for the purposes of this
discussion. What is is that we take a bunch of random numbers, perform
some mathematical operation on them in order to introduce some
statistical properties to the series and return the processed series.

There are several different probability distribution functions,
triangular being one of them. Triangular distribution requires two
random numbers to generate one, and some functions require more than that.

> So you can lift this from one random numbers to a stream of random
> numbers if you have have two streams of random numbers instead of just
> two random numbers. zipWith is the function that brings us from one
> number to a stream of numbers.
> tpdfs range = do
>   g <- newStdGen   -- get a random generator
>   (g1, g2) <- return $ split g   -- make two random generators out of it
>   return $ zipWith combine (randomRs range g1) (randomRs range g2)
> -- get two streams of random numbers, and combine them elementwise.
> combine x y = (x + y) `div` 2

So, moving on to the next question, how well do you think this solution
would scale if we would need n random numbers to generate one?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] -O2 compile option can give speed increase over -O. Fasta shootout program test runs.

2007-07-16 Thread Derek Elkins
On Tue, 2007-07-17 at 11:24 +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> r.kelsall:
> > I have been playing with the Fasta program in the shootout to see if
> > I can make it umm faster. Starting from dons program on this page and
> > adding some timing calculations as suggested on this wiki page
> > 
> > http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=fasta〈=ghc&id=2
> > http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Timing_computations
> > 
> > I added different OPTIONS into the top line of the program did a
> > ghc --make fasta.hs   and ran it each time with  fasta 250
> > (This is one tenth of the shootout figure.) These runs all keep the
> > existing OPTIONS of  -fbang-patterns -fexcess-precision
> > 
> >   Seconds   OPTIONS Added
> >   ---   -
> >40.5
> >40.5-funbox-strict-fields
> >40.4  {-# INLINE rand #-}
> >17.2-O
> >17.0-O  -fvia-C
> >14.4-O  -optc-march=pentium4
> >11.5-O2
> >11.2-O3
> >11.5-O3   {-# INLINE rand #-}
> >11.3-O2 -optc-march=pentium4
> > 
> > There was a bit of variation, I've averaged over two runs. This is on
> > an Intel Pentium D 2.66GHz running W2K and GHC 6.6.1.
> > 
> > It seems the -O2 option can give a significant speed increase relative
> > to just the -O option. This is contrary to the documentation which says
> > 
> > http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/options-optimise.html
> > http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/faster.html
> > 
> > it won't make any difference. I guess it's program, architecture and
> > operating system specific, but according to these figures the -O2 option
> > seems well worth a try for programs that need speed. It may be that
> > we sacrifice bounds checking or something important with -O2, I don't
> > know.
> Yes, -O2 is getting better, as new optimisations like SpecConstr are
> enabled by it. For shootout problems, I'd selectively test with -O2, and
> if it is better, use that.
> Good work! And yes, I see that it is currently compiled with:
> -O fbang-patterns -fexcess-precision  -fglasgow-exts  -optc-march=pentium4
> if -O2 is consistently better here, then we could happily switch.

Just to add as this was not addressed. -O2 -does not- turn off bounds
checking or any other obvious safety mechanism.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does Data.Map exist when...

2007-07-16 Thread Dan Weston

Your Map' (==) is lying! :)

Your definition purports to establish an equivalence class for all MP 
(key,value) with the same key, but MP(key,1) and MP(key,2) are not 
"equivalent" in any meaningful way outside the internals of Map' (else 
you could dispense with the payload entirely!)

Set is now not a representation of Map', but a co-representation. 
Details are exposed to outsiders to hide them from Map'. Everyone else 
pays so that Map' 's life is a little easier.

Contrast that with, say, a set represented by a list, with compare 
defined to sort before comparing. This is a meaningful (to outsiders) 
equivalence relation because it hides the internal representation 
artifact that lists have a (spurious) ordering.

IMHO the interface should represent the external properties, not some 
internal invariant. In short, Map' doesn't say what it mean and mean 
what it says. If you told me for a, b :: MyPair k v that a == b, I would 
(foolishly) expect that a = b. I suspect that I wouldn't be the only one 
to make that mistake.

Dan Weston

Tony Morris wrote:

Hash: SHA1

...it seems to be a special case of Set? Does Data.Map add anything more
useful than Map' below?

import Data.Set as Set

newtype MyPair a b = MP (a, b)
  deriving Show

instance (Eq a) => Eq (MyPair a b) where
  MP (a, _) == MP (a', _) = a == a'

instance (Ord a) => Ord (MyPair a b) where
  MP (a, _) `compare` MP(a', _) = a `compare` a'

type Map' k a = Set (MyPair k a)

- --
Tony Morris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does Data.Map exist when...

2007-07-16 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Tony Morris:
> ...it seems to be a special case of Set? Does Data.Map add anything more
> useful than Map' below?
> [... Map-like structure based on Data.Set ...]

Note that you could also attempt to go in the other direction (but see
the comments about strictness below):

> type Set' a = Data.Map.Map a ()

Certainly, Data.Map and Data.Set are very similar in their
implementations, but rather than seeing one as a specialisation of the
other, it's more helpful to see them both as specialisations of a basic
underlying binary tree structure. The specialisation occurs both in the
interfaces (for the convenience of the user), and in the implementations
(for efficiency).

For example, at the interface, consider how you would perform the
equivalent of Data.Map.lookup using your Map' type. You'll need a clever
combination of intersection, singleton and toList, with appropriate
lifting into an arbitrary monad.

If you look at the implementations, you'll note that, among other
things, the Data.Map.Map type is strict in the key, but not in the
associated value. Data.Set is not strict in the value, so your Map' type
will not be strict in its key. As well as improving the performance of
Data.Map, strictness in the key also helps avoid problems with memory

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does Data.Map exist when...

2007-07-16 Thread Dan Doel
On Monday 16 July 2007, Tony Morris wrote:
> ...it seems to be a special case of Set? Does Data.Map add anything more
> useful than Map' below?

Why does Data.Set exist when it's just a special case of Data.Map?

import Data.Map

type Set a = Map a ()

And, in fact, I think going this way doesn't lose any functionality, whereas 
implementing Map in terms of Set loses you stuff like unionWith (at least, 
barring your taking time to re-implement it specifically), which may or may 
not be a big deal to you (I think I've used it before, though).

The answer is, I suppose, that the interface is subtly different (and the 
semantics may be, too; are you sure that your insert using Set behaves the 
same way as insert on Map?), and when you're doing Set stuff, you don't want 
to be bugged by the fact that you're using a Map of ()s, and vice versa 
(although you could probably finesse things to the point where it wouldn't be 

The real question is why there's Data.Map and Data.IntMap, when the compiler 
should really be able to detect that we're using a certain key type, and 
automatically use the optimized Map for that key type without our having to 
do anything. And the answer to that is that maybe, in the future, that will 
be the case, once associated types/data families are widely available. :)

Dan Doel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why does Data.Map exist when...

2007-07-16 Thread Tony Morris
Hash: SHA1

...it seems to be a special case of Set? Does Data.Map add anything more
useful than Map' below?

import Data.Set as Set

newtype MyPair a b = MP (a, b)
  deriving Show

instance (Eq a) => Eq (MyPair a b) where
  MP (a, _) == MP (a', _) = a == a'

instance (Ord a) => Ord (MyPair a b) where
  MP (a, _) `compare` MP(a', _) = a `compare` a'

type Map' k a = Set (MyPair k a)

- --
Tony Morris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Ray tracer

2007-07-16 Thread ajb

Quoting Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> and why you stopped at 0.5?

I left that job.

Interestingly, I still own the IP on it, apart from some trade
secret (namely the specific target language it was designed for).

> was it due to haskell limitations or
> something else? how haskell looks in this area compared to other
> languages (and what other languages you used)?

The other two were in C++, and there's no comparison.  Declarative
languages are optimal for writing (their own!) compilers in.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: CC-delcont-0.1; Delimited continuations for Haskell

2007-07-16 Thread Dan Doel
Hello again,

I apologize for replying to myself, but since no one else is talking to me, I 
suppose I have no choice. :)

Anyhow, in case some people were intrigued, but simply didn't speak up (and 
because I was interested in seeing how easily it could be done), I took the 
liberty of implementing a version of the parser inverter that mimics the 
OCaml semantics pretty closely (I think). As I mentioned, this involves 
making a list data type that incorporates monads, so that it can be lazy in 
the side effects used to produce it. In short it looks like this:

data MList' m a = MNil | MCons a (MList m a)
type MList m a = m (MList' m a)

So, each list tail (including the entire list) is associated with a side 
effect, which has the ultimate effect that you can build lists in ways such 

toMList :: Monad m => m (Maybe t) -> MList m t
toMList gen = gen >>= maybe nil (`cons` toMList gen)

This is the MList analogue of the toList function from the previous list 
(slightly modified here to demonstrate the similarity):

toList :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
toList gen = gen >>= maybe (return []) (\c -> liftM (c:) $ toList gen)

However, toList uses liftM, which will strictly sequence the effects (the 
recursive toList call has to complete before the whole list is returned), 
whereas toMList simply adds the *monadic action* to produce the rest of the 
list as the tail, and so the side effects it entails don't actually occur 
until a consumer asks to see that part of the list.

So, the proof is in the output. The sample program (source included as an 
attachment) demonstrates normal lexing (where the underlying monad is just 
IO) and inverted lexing (which uses delimited continuations layered over IO). 
The 'lexing' is just the 'words' function adapted to MLists (I thought about 
doing a full-on parser, but I think that'd require making the parser a monad 
transformer (essentially) over the base monad, which would be complex, to say 
the least). The relevant parts look like so:

normalLex :: IO ()
normalLex = printTokens
 "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"))

reqLex :: CCT ans IO ()
reqLex = do p1 <- begin
p2 <- provideSome "The quick brown " p1
pStrLn "Break 1"
p3 <- provideSome "fox jumps over " p2
pStrLn "Break 2"
p4 <- provideSome "the laz" p3
pStrLn "Break 3"
provideSome "y dog" p4 >>= finish
pStrLn "Rollback"
provideSome "iest dog" p4 >>= finish
return ()

Which main invokes appropriately. Output looks like so:

Normal Lexing

Inverted Lexing
Break 1
Break 2
Break 3

So, success! Tokens are printed out as soon as the lexer is able to recognize 
them, properly interleaved with other IO side effects, and resuming from an 
intermediate parse does not cause duplication of output.

So, that wasn't really that hard to hack up. However, I should mention that it 
wasn't trivial, either. When converting list functions to MList functions, 
you have to be very careful not to perform side effects twice. For instance, 
my first pass gave output like:

Break 1

Although it worked fine with the normal lexer. The culprit? I had written 
nullML like so:

nullML :: Monad m => MList m a -> m Bool
nullML m = isNothing `liftM` uncons m

But in that version, testing for null, and then using the list performs side 
effects twice, and due to the way the delimited continuations produce MLists, 
characters were getting dropped! The correct version is:

nullML :: Monad m => MList m a -> m (Bool, MList m a)
nullML m = uncons m >>= maybe (return (True, nil))
  (\(a,m') -> return (False, a `cons` m'))

Which returns both whether the list is null, and a new list that won't perform 
a duplicate side effect. So, I guess what I'm saying is that reasoning about 
code with lots of embedded side effects can be difficult. :)

As a final aside, it should be noted that to get the desired effect (that is, 
laziness with interleaved side effects), it's important to make use of the 
monadic data structures as much as possible. For instance, wordsML produces 
not an (m [MList m a]) or MList m [a] or anything like that (although the 
latter may work), but an MList m (MList m a), which is important for the 
effects to be able to get a hold over printTokens. However, if you want to 
produce something that's not a list, say, a tree, you'll have to write an 
MTree, or, in gene

Re: [Haskell-cafe] -O2 compile option can give speed increase over -O. Fasta shootout program test runs.

2007-07-16 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> I have been playing with the Fasta program in the shootout to see if
> I can make it umm faster. Starting from dons program on this page and
> adding some timing calculations as suggested on this wiki page
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=fasta&lang=ghc&id=2
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Timing_computations
> I added different OPTIONS into the top line of the program did a
> ghc --make fasta.hs   and ran it each time with  fasta 250
> (This is one tenth of the shootout figure.) These runs all keep the
> existing OPTIONS of  -fbang-patterns -fexcess-precision
>   Seconds   OPTIONS Added
>   ---   -
>40.4  {-# INLINE rand #-}
>17.0-O  -fvia-C
>14.4-O  -optc-march=pentium4
>11.5-O3   {-# INLINE rand #-}
>11.3-O2 -optc-march=pentium4
> There was a bit of variation, I've averaged over two runs. This is on
> an Intel Pentium D 2.66GHz running W2K and GHC 6.6.1.
> It seems the -O2 option can give a significant speed increase relative
> to just the -O option. This is contrary to the documentation which says
> http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/options-optimise.html
> http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/faster.html
> it won't make any difference. I guess it's program, architecture and
> operating system specific, but according to these figures the -O2 option
> seems well worth a try for programs that need speed. It may be that
> we sacrifice bounds checking or something important with -O2, I don't
> know.

Yes, -O2 is getting better, as new optimisations like SpecConstr are
enabled by it. For shootout problems, I'd selectively test with -O2, and
if it is better, use that.

Good work! And yes, I see that it is currently compiled with:

-O fbang-patterns -fexcess-precision  -fglasgow-exts  -optc-march=pentium4

if -O2 is consistently better here, then we could happily switch.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Thomas Conway

On 7/16/07, Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, so I'm not genuinely suggesting that you must possess or be studying
for a PhD, to grok Haskell.  But I find nothing alarming about the
suggestion that one needs a fairly high level of intelligence, and some
training, in order to be able to use Haskell effectively.

When I was a teenager I thought people with PhDs were minor deities.
Having done one, and knowing lots of people with them, I can tell you,
the vast majority of people with a PhD (including me)  have merely
above average intelligence. A PhD is not a mark of intelligence. It's
a mark of persistence. (Shall we say obsession?)

I think Malcolm's analogy to other professions is quite apt. If we
expect to be taken seriously as professionals, it would be
unsurprising to find that we need to engage in some strenuous [mental]
effort to acquire the skills.

And this is where I think Haskell has it all over C++, Java, and the
rest. Haskell is easy to learn at a simple level, and hard to learn at
the expert level, but once learned is very powerful and has excellent
payoffs in terms of productivity. With C++ or Java, the expertise is
somewhat easier to acquire, but you never get the payoff. And before
you all flame, yes, I do know C++ at an expert level, and that is
exactly why, after 7 years of writing server software in C++, I now
want to do it in Haskell.

Dr Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] problem with IO, strictness, and "let"

2007-07-16 Thread Matthew Brecknell
Tim Newsham:
> Why can't hClose be more... um... lazy?

Lazy in what way? hGetContents already closes the OS handle when it
reaches the end of file.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Monday 16 July 2007, Hugh Perkins wrote:
> On 7/16/07, Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After all, we would expect the same attributes (intelligence and
> > training) from a neurosurgeon, a nuclear scientist, or someone who
> > calculates how to land a person on the moon.  Programming computers may
> > not seem very skilled to most people, but maybe that is simply because
> > we are so familiar with it being done so badly.  I'm all for improving
> > the quality of software, and the corollary is that that means improving
> > the quality of programmers (by stretching our brains!).
> You want people doing difficult expensive high-risk tasks to be intelligent
> and well trained, but you want their task to be as easy as possible.
> Would you rather a nuclear reactor needs to be controlled by feeding in
> punch cards, or by having a big round dial labelled "power", that you can
> move from 0 to 200 MegaWatts?  Of course, you'd like the guy moving that
> dial to be well trained and intelligent.  Welcome to why flying airlines is
> well-paid and boring.

*For airline pilots.*  For most people, flying airliners is poorly-paid and 
quite exciting (at least up until the inevitable crash).  Haskell may be a 
PhD language, but (that is, it isn't, but even if it were) it's quite easy to 
work in for PhDs.  Which isn't at all the same thing as being easy to work in 
for VB programmers.

Jonathan Cast
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Hugh Perkins

On 7/16/07, Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After all, we would expect the same attributes (intelligence and
training) from a neurosurgeon, a nuclear scientist, or someone who
calculates how to land a person on the moon.  Programming computers may
not seem very skilled to most people, but maybe that is simply because
we are so familiar with it being done so badly.  I'm all for improving
the quality of software, and the corollary is that that means improving
the quality of programmers (by stretching our brains!).

You want people doing difficult expensive high-risk tasks to be intelligent
and well trained, but you want their task to be as easy as possible.

Would you rather a nuclear reactor needs to be controlled by feeding in
punch cards, or by having a big round dial labelled "power", that you can
move from 0 to 200 MegaWatts?  Of course, you'd like the guy moving that
dial to be well trained and intelligent.  Welcome to why flying airlines is
well-paid and boring.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: xkcd #287 "NP-Complete"

2007-07-16 Thread apfelmus
Tom Pledger wrote:
> We've seen some nice concise solutions that can deal with the original
> problem:
> solve 1505 [215, 275, 335, 355, 420, 580]
> I'll be a nuisance and bring up this case:
> solve 150005 [2, 4, 150001]
> A more scalable solution is to use an explicit heap that brings together
> all the ways to get to each partial sum.  I coded one using Data.Map,
> but it's a bit long-winded and ugly.

How about

  import Data.Map as Map

  xkcd purse xs = foldl' (flip add) (Map.fromList [(0,[])]) xs ! purse
add price = Map.unionsWith (++)
  . take (purse `div` price + 1) . iterate (additem price)

additem price = Map.map (map (price:))
  . Map.mapMaybeWithKey clip
  . Map.mapKeysMonotonic (price +)
clip cost x = if cost <= purse then Just x else Nothing


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] maybe OT: open standards: ooxml, are haskellers interested ?

2007-07-16 Thread Marc Weber
At the moment I only know of questions about interfacing the API of
Microsoft office eg using COM technology.

This shows that at least some haskellers are interested in office

That's why I want to mention

Microsoft wants to create a new ISO standard for its OOXML format which
you will never be able to implement completely. 
It's also about 6000 pages compared to 600 pages (ODT, OpenOffice is
using this)

Most haskell libraries are kind of open source. If tey weren't haskell
wouldn't be that appealing.

More information about topics like this can be found on www.ffii.org

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: xkcd #287 "NP-Complete"

2007-07-16 Thread Hugh Perkins

Your solution looks really elegant, and runs insanely fast.  Can you explain
how it works?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: xkcd #287 "NP-Complete"

2007-07-16 Thread Hugh Perkins

On 7/16/07, Chung-chieh Shan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's my solution to the xkcd problem (yay infinite lists):

dynamic programming?

Cool :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Re[4]: In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Smith
Hugh Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Careful. Although writer's solution (the "reference" solution) must run in
> under 1 second in Java, many problems run really close to the 2-second limit
> in practice.  That means if your language is inherently 30% slower, you may
> fail the harder problems.

As I said, in my experience with TopCoder (mainly a couple years ago), I 
never ran into a problem with the time limit.  I've run into plenty of 
problems where I wasn't able to complete the problems due to time limit 
there.  I suspect most others have similar experiences.  If you've 
competed and your programs timed out a lot, you're probably better off 
with better algorithms than hunting for a faster language.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] xkcd #287 "NP-Complete"

2007-07-16 Thread Hugh Perkins

On 7/16/07, Tom Pledger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll be a nuisance and bring up this case:

 solve 150005 [2, 4, 150001]

Argh, that makes my "solution" hang! :-/
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Isaac Gouy
On Jul 15, 1:25 pm, "Hugh Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > or maybe 'pidigits', a lazy pi generator,

> This is I/O bound, which isnt interesting, unless you really want to
> benchmark I/O to console?

a) output is redirected to /dev/null - read the FAQ

b) the I/O is cheap

   PiDigitSpigot class
and change
   Console.Write (digits.Next ());
   Console.Write (1);

~0.15s down from ~12.8s 


Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re[4]: In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Hugh Perkins

On 7/16/07, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Topcoder certainly isn't about benchmarking.  Undoubtedly, it would be
> absolutely awesome to be able to use Haskell in topcoder... but it
> wouldn't say anything about speed.  My guess is that practically no
> topcoder submissions fail by exceeding the allowable time limit.  The
> competition (the alg one, which is the only one anyone really cares
> about) is about solving problems quickly (in programmer time) and
> accurately.

that's ideal for haskell. like ICFP, if they will allow haskell code,
then all winer solutions will be written using it

Careful. Although writer's solution (the "reference" solution) must run in
under 1 second in Java, many problems run really close to the 2-second limit
in practice.  That means if your language is inherently 30% slower, you may
fail the harder problems.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Martin Coxall

> Well they've been written in both Haskell[1], and C#[2], so VB might
> not be out of the realm of possibility (in fact, I think any language
> that compiles to CIL is fine for [2])!

Ah, but that's really VB.Net rather than proper Old School VB. VB.Net
is just C# in a flowery frock.

My point stands though, although you can write any program in any
Turing-complete language, doesn't mean you *should*.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 16/07/07, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 16/07/07, Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 17:41 +0100, Martin Coxall wrote:
> > >
> > > Ah, the secret of Haskell is to make low-level-looking code run slower
> > > than high level code so that people write high-level code.
> > >
> >
> > The secret of programming is to know which tools to use for which job.
> > If you're writing device drivers in Visual Basic, you've made a
> > strategic misstep and need to re-evaluate.
> That  sounds like a challenge.

Well they've been written in both Haskell[1], and C#[2], so VB might
not be out of the realm of possibility (in fact, I think any language
that compiles to CIL is fine for [2])!

[1] http://programatica.cs.pdx.edu/House/
[2] http://programatica.cs.pdx.edu/House/

[2] http://research.microsoft.com/os/singularity/

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 16/07/07, Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 17:41 +0100, Martin Coxall wrote:
> >
> > Ah, the secret of Haskell is to make low-level-looking code run slower
> > than high level code so that people write high-level code.
> >
> The secret of programming is to know which tools to use for which job.
> If you're writing device drivers in Visual Basic, you've made a
> strategic misstep and need to re-evaluate.

That  sounds like a challenge.

Well they've been written in both Haskell[1], and C#[2], so VB might
not be out of the realm of possibility (in fact, I think any language
that compiles to CIL is fine for [2])!

[1] http://programatica.cs.pdx.edu/House/
[2] http://programatica.cs.pdx.edu/House/

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] can't build hIDE

2007-07-16 Thread Vadim
Salvatore Insalaco wrote:

>> src/Hide/Plugin/LoaderMidLevel.hs:126:26: Not in scope: `moduleFS'
> hIDE uses low-level GHC APIs to do some of its tricks. Unfortunately, GHC
> APIs change faster than hIDE, so the last version of hIDE is not
> compatible
> with GHC 6.6.
> As far as I know, in GHC 6.6 moduleFS has been renamed moduleNameFS.
> You can
> try to replace "moduleFS" with "moduleNameFS" on line 126 in
> src/Hide/Plugin/LoaderMidLevel.hs, and try to recompile.

thanks for the help.

I still get errors, though:

[5 of 6] Compiling Hide.Plugin.LoaderMidLevel (
src/Hide/Plugin/LoaderMidLevel.hs, dist/build/Hide/Plugin/LoaderMidLevel.o )

Couldn't match expected type `SrcSpan'
   against inferred type `UnlinkedBCO'
In the second argument of `linkExpr', namely `unlinked'
In a 'do' expression: hvalue <- linkExpr hscEnv unlinked
In the expression:
do name <- fmap expectOneName (parseName session symbol)
   Just tything <- lookupName session name
   let globalId = getGlobalId tything
   hscEnv <- sessionHscEnv session
   unlinked <- coreExprToBCOs (hsc_dflags hscEnv) (Var globalId)
   hvalue <- linkExpr hscEnv unlinked
   return (hvalue, idType globalId)

Couldn't match expected type `ModuleName'
   against inferred type `Module'
In the first argument of `moduleNameFS', namely `(nameModule n)'
In the first argument of `zEncodeFS', namely
`(moduleNameFS (nameModule n))'
In the first argument of `unpackFS', namely
`(zEncodeFS (moduleNameFS (nameModule n)))'

setup build failed for packages/hidePlugin

Thanks once again!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] problem with IO, strictness, and "let"

2007-07-16 Thread Tim Newsham

The problem is that you're closing the file twice.  When you call any
function of the getContents family, you assign to that function the
responsibility to close the file, no sooner than it is no longer needed.
Don't call hClose yourself, Bad Things will happen.

If you close the file, the stream will suddenly end.  I believe silent
data corruption is worse than a crash :)  (currently, hGetContents also
truncates on I/O error, but that's much less common and syslog will tell
you about it anyway)

Why can't hClose be more... um... lazy?


Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

2007-07-16 Thread Stefan Holdermans

I wrote:

I came up with [...]

apfelmus' solution is of course more elegant, but I guess it boils  
down to the same basic idea.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] -O2 compile option can give speed increase over -O. Fasta shootout program test runs.

2007-07-16 Thread Richard Kelsall

I have been playing with the Fasta program in the shootout to see if
I can make it umm faster. Starting from dons program on this page and
adding some timing calculations as suggested on this wiki page


I added different OPTIONS into the top line of the program did a
ghc --make fasta.hs   and ran it each time with  fasta 250
(This is one tenth of the shootout figure.) These runs all keep the
existing OPTIONS of  -fbang-patterns -fexcess-precision

  Seconds   OPTIONS Added
  ---   -
   40.4  {-# INLINE rand #-}
   17.0-O  -fvia-C
   14.4-O  -optc-march=pentium4
   11.5-O3   {-# INLINE rand #-}
   11.3-O2 -optc-march=pentium4

There was a bit of variation, I've averaged over two runs. This is on
an Intel Pentium D 2.66GHz running W2K and GHC 6.6.1.

It seems the -O2 option can give a significant speed increase relative
to just the -O option. This is contrary to the documentation which says


it won't make any difference. I guess it's program, architecture and
operating system specific, but according to these figures the -O2 option
seems well worth a try for programs that need speed. It may be that
we sacrifice bounds checking or something important with -O2, I don't


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

2007-07-16 Thread Stefan Holdermans

Conor's exercise:

To that end, an exercise. Implement a codata type

data{-codata-} Mux x y = ...

which intersperses x's and y's in such a way that

  (1) an initial segment of a Mux does not determine whether the next
element is an x or a y (ie, no forced *pattern* of alternation)

  (2) there are productive coprograms

demuxL :: Mux x y -> Stream x
demuxR :: Mux x y -> Stream y

(ie, alternation is none the less forced)

You may need to introduce some (inductive) data to achieve this. If  
always think "always", then you need codata, but if you eventually  

"eventually", you need data.

I came up with:

  data Stream a = ConsS a (Stream a) -- CODATA
  data Mux a b  = Mux (L a b) (R a b) (Mux a b)  -- CODATA

  data L a b = LL a | LR b (L a b)
  data R a b = RL a (R a b) | RR b

  lastL  :: L a b -> a
  lastL (LL x)   =  x
  lastL (LR y l) =  lastL l

  initL  :: L a b -> Stream b -> Stream b
  initL (LL x)   =  id
  initL (LR y l) =  ConsS y . initL l

  lastR  :: R a b -> b
  lastR (RL x r) =  lastR r
  lastR (RR y)   =  y

  initR  :: R a b -> Stream a -> Stream a
  initR (RL x r) =  ConsS x . initR r
  initR (RR y)   =  id

  demuxL :: Mux a b -> Stream a
  demuxL (Mux l r m) =  ConsS (lastL l) (initR r (demuxL m))

  demuxR :: Mux a b -> Stream b
  demuxR (Mux l r m) =  initL l (ConsS (lastR r) (demuxR m))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Derek Elkins
On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 17:41 +0100, Martin Coxall wrote:
> >
> > Ah, the secret of Haskell is to make low-level-looking code run slower
> > than high level code so that people write high-level code.
> >
> The secret of programming is to know which tools to use for which job.
> If you're writing device drivers in Visual Basic, you've made a
> strategic misstep and need to re-evaluate.

That  sounds like a challenge.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell for categorists

2007-07-16 Thread Derek Elkins
On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 14:23 +, Dave Bayer wrote:
> Miguel Mitrofanov  yandex.ru> writes:
> > There are a lot of tutorials ensuring the reader that, although
> > Haskell is based on category theory, you don't have to know CT to use
> > Haskell. So, is there ANY Haskell tutorial for those who do know CT?
> If you know category theory, it's a good bet that you're used to learning new
> subjects by reading research papers. You may even subscribe to the old acorn
> that it's best to read original sources.
> One can't learn Haskell _just_ by reading papers, but it sure helps give
> perspective on how Haskell came to be, which in turn helps Haskell make more
> sense. Go read the original papers suggesting that category theory might be
> helpful in functional programming. 

> Then try to find monads in the classic
> category theory textbooks, and stare at the surrounding pages.

This is likely to be useless (in that particular connection).

But by all means, Moggi's Notions of Computation is good and anything by
Wadler can safely be assumed to be good in both quality in presentation.
In fact, bringing in aspects from another thread, I wonder how many
"newbies" never touch the research papers simply because they are
research papers and they assume them to be scary (a good dose of Wadler
or Peyton-Jones will dispel that).

As to the original question: there is nothing that's explicitly a
tutorial for categorists (why would there be?), but many papers do use
that perspective such as Jeremy Gibbons "Calculating Functional

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Martin Coxall

Ah, the secret of Haskell is to make low-level-looking code run slower
than high level code so that people write high-level code.

The secret of programming is to know which tools to use for which job.
If you're writing device drivers in Visual Basic, you've made a
strategic misstep and need to re-evaluate.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Derek Elkins
On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 11:53 +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> On 16/07/07, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Sebastian,
> >
> > Sunday, July 15, 2007, 9:05:14 PM, you wrote:
> >
> > > As we've demonstrated there's nothing stopping you from writing
> > > imperative "C-like" algorithms in Haskell (just like C#), and there
> > > certainly wasn't any major performance difference
> >
> > as Donald mentioned, this test is just limited by cache speed, not by
> > speed of code generated.
> But wouldn't you say that in general, if you spend the effort you can
> write low-level imperative algorithms in Haskell that perform
> reasonably well? Especially compared to e.g. C#? I think your own
> libraries demonstrate this!
> I'm not saying it's as convenient (see the recent thread about "monad
> splices") to write low-level imperative code in Haskell, but using
> laziness in C# was hardly a walk on the beach either!
> So my point is that Haskell isn't geared towards low-level
> optimizations and performance, but in the few places where you do need
> it, you *can* get it (IMO for only moderately more inconvenience than
> you pay for *everything* in a low-level imperative language). Whereas
> C# is a bit the other way around (easy to modify state, inconvenient
> to write high-level/lazy/concurrent/etc. code), though something like
> C is even more the other way around.

Ah, the secret of Haskell is to make low-level-looking code run slower
than high level code so that people write high-level code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Malcolm,

Monday, July 16, 2007, 4:52:01 PM, you wrote:

> After all, we would expect the same attributes (intelligence and
> training) from a neurosurgeon, a nuclear scientist, or someone who
> calculates how to land a person on the moon.  Programming computers may
> not seem very skilled to most people, but maybe that is simply because
> we are so familiar with it being done so badly.

are you ever tried, for example, programming GUI applications using
WinAPI directly? it required serious skills but i don't think that we
lose too much with all the modern RAD tools

otoh, i don't think that Haskell by itself is too complex. i seen the
same complaints in the early GUI era, early OOP era. Haskell and
functional programming in whole just need to have larger teaching
base: courses, books and so on. and PhDs will always find some tricky
ideas just to prove that they are smarter than other people ;)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

2007-07-16 Thread apfelmus
Conor McBride wrote:
> To that end, an exercise. Implement a codata type
> data{-codata-} Mux x y = ...
> which intersperses x's and y's in such a way that
>   (1) an initial segment of a Mux does not determine whether the next
> element is an x or a y (ie, no forced *pattern* of alternation)
>   (2) there are productive coprograms
> demuxL :: Mux x y -> Stream x
> demuxR :: Mux x y -> Stream y
> (ie, alternation is none the less forced)
> You may need to introduce some (inductive) data to achieve this. If you
> always think "always", then you need codata, but if you eventually think
> "eventually", you need data.

- Spoiler warning: significant λs follow -

A very interesting exercise! Here's a solution:

 -- lists with at least one element
  data List1 x = One x | Cons x (List1 x)

  append :: List1 x -> Stream x -> Stream x
  append (One x) ys = x :> ys
  append (Cons x xs) ys = x :> prepend xs ys

 -- stream of alternating runs of xs and ys
  codata Mix x y = Stream (List1 x, List1 y)

  demixL ((xs,ys) :> xys) = xs `append` demixL xys
  demixR ((xs,ys) :> xys) = ys `append` demixR xys

 -- remove x-bias
  codata Mux x y = Either (Mix x y) (Mix y x)

  demuxL (Left  xys) = demixL xys
  demuxL (Right yxs) = demixR yxs

  demuxR (Left  xys) = demixR xys
  demuxR (Right yxs) = demixL yxs

A non-solution would simply be the pair (Stream x, Stream y), but this
doesn't capture the order in which xs and ys interleave. I think this
can be formalized with the obvious operations

  consL :: x -> Mux x y -> Mux x y
  consR :: y -> Mux x y -> Mux x y

by requiring that they don't commute

  consL x . consR y ≠ consR y . consL x

Or rather, one should require that the observation

  observe :: Mux x y -> Stream (Either x y)

respects consL and consR:

  observe . consL x = (Left  x :>)
  observe . consR y = (Right y :>)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re[8]: In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Aaron Denney
On 2007-07-16, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> once i summed up my experience - you may either write
> 1) high-level code, which is written 10x faster than in C but works
> 100x slower
> 2) low-level code that is written 3x slower than in C and works 3x
> slower too

Well, replace "you may" with "Bulat may", and I'll agree.

I'd call the low-level code about equal writing time.  People's milage
will vary enormously.

Aaron Denney

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread Joachim Breitner

a similar variation of the idea can be found on 
A nice feature o this game is that you can upload the (lua) code while
the game is running, so the rounds tend to be quite long (~1h maybe) and
the people can adjust their AI constantly.

It was very popular at the last two GPN conferences in Karlsruhe.


Am Montag, den 16.07.2007, 11:31 -0400 schrieb Re, Joseph (IT):
> Interestingly enough, we're doing something very similar for [EMAIL 
> 2007 MechMania XIII contest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechmania), an
> AI competition hosted during our annual Reflections Projections
> conference.
>   I can't release too many details until the day of the contest (Oct
> 13), but it's tactical, grid based combat game where you get one day to
> write an AI (while testing in a pre-arena of sorts that is rendered to a
> video wall in the middle of the conference building's atrium) and then
> the next morning we run a (usually double elimination) tournament and
> display all the simulations on a giant projector.  You can look at
> screenshots / client API docs from 2006 as an example until we post the
> details the night of the contest.
>   After the contest we post results, (hopefully) clean up the code, and
> release it for people to play with.  We're not professionals, nor do we
> mainly write games, but it should be clean enough for someone to modify
> and play around with.
>I guess it goes without saying that you can actually enter the
> contest proper by coming to the conference if you happen to live in the
> middle of nowhere (Champaign-Urbana, IL USA).  Registration will be up
> (www.acm.uiuc.edu/conference/) towards the end of summer.
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hugh Perkins
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 2:47 PM
> To: haskell-cafe
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell shootout game
> Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.
> The arena itself comprises:
> - a 2d grid, of a certain size (or maybe variable size) 
> - each grid cell can be a wall, or one of the opponents
> - the boundaries of the grid are walls
> - random blocks of wall are placed around the grid
> This can run on a hosted webserver probably, because each match is part
> of a webpage request, and lasts a maximum of about a second, so shouldnt
> be terminated prematurely by cpu-monitoring scripts.
> NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender. Sender does 
> not intend to waive confidentiality or privilege. Use of this email is 
> prohibited when received in error.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
  mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Key: 4743206C
  JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
  Debian Developer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread Re, Joseph (IT)
Interestingly enough, we're doing something very similar for [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s
2007 MechMania XIII contest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechmania), an
AI competition hosted during our annual Reflections Projections
  I can't release too many details until the day of the contest (Oct
13), but it's tactical, grid based combat game where you get one day to
write an AI (while testing in a pre-arena of sorts that is rendered to a
video wall in the middle of the conference building's atrium) and then
the next morning we run a (usually double elimination) tournament and
display all the simulations on a giant projector.  You can look at
screenshots / client API docs from 2006 as an example until we post the
details the night of the contest.
  After the contest we post results, (hopefully) clean up the code, and
release it for people to play with.  We're not professionals, nor do we
mainly write games, but it should be clean enough for someone to modify
and play around with.
   I guess it goes without saying that you can actually enter the
contest proper by coming to the conference if you happen to live in the
middle of nowhere (Champaign-Urbana, IL USA).  Registration will be up
(www.acm.uiuc.edu/conference/) towards the end of summer.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hugh Perkins
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 2:47 PM
To: haskell-cafe
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell shootout game

Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.

The arena itself comprises:
- a 2d grid, of a certain size (or maybe variable size) 
- each grid cell can be a wall, or one of the opponents
- the boundaries of the grid are walls
- random blocks of wall are placed around the grid

This can run on a hosted webserver probably, because each match is part
of a webpage request, and lasts a maximum of about a second, so shouldnt
be terminated prematurely by cpu-monitoring scripts.

NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender. Sender does not 
intend to waive confidentiality or privilege. Use of this email is prohibited 
when received in error.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread apfelmus
Alex Queiroz wrote:
> On 7/16/07, Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK, so I'm not genuinely suggesting that you must possess or be studying
>> for a PhD, to grok Haskell.  But I find nothing alarming about the
>> suggestion that one needs a fairly high level of intelligence, and some
>> training, in order to be able to use Haskell effectively.
> What I'm saying is that almost every topic in Haskell Café evolves
> into a very high level discussion that may frighten some beginners,
> as it seems that without a PhD in programming languages and category
> theory, the language is not for you.

  read . takeWhile (not . frightening)


Personally, I perceive Haskell as being easier than every other
programming language. In other words, if Haskell requires a PhD, Visual
Basic requires a Nobel Prize. How the heck do imperative programmers
produce working code and how are they able to read the resulting mess
afterwards? I just don't get it :)

To be serious, those frightening things are often very simple concepts
but will remain frightening if not explained well. My experience is that
wikis, blog posts and online tutorials can't replace a textbook-quality,
well, textbook. Unless the online materials are textbook-quality as
well, of course. Really, the best way to learn Haskell (and most other
things) is to read/buy/borrow a textbook.

This also applies to the mailing list and the "cache of answers" for
optimization volume. One example is the "hGetContents - hClose"
question. I think that most people encountering this problem won't
realize on the first try that hGetContents is the culprit. But how to
formulate a good search query then? In the end, I think that the best
way to avoid trouble with hGetContents is to be introduced to it in a
textbook chapter "IO and Files".


PS: hGetContents-hClose is particularly strange since you need
operational semantics of lazy evaluation to understand it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell for categorists

2007-07-16 Thread Dave Bayer
Miguel Mitrofanov  yandex.ru> writes:

> There are a lot of tutorials ensuring the reader that, although
> Haskell is based on category theory, you don't have to know CT to use
> Haskell. So, is there ANY Haskell tutorial for those who do know CT?

If you know category theory, it's a good bet that you're used to learning new
subjects by reading research papers. You may even subscribe to the old acorn
that it's best to read original sources.

One can't learn Haskell _just_ by reading papers, but it sure helps give
perspective on how Haskell came to be, which in turn helps Haskell make more
sense. Go read the original papers suggesting that category theory might be
helpful in functional programming. Then try to find monads in the classic
category theory textbooks, and stare at the surrounding pages.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Help with IO and randomR

2007-07-16 Thread Niko Korhonen
Bryan Burgers wrote:
> Uh, I know that's a very poor explanation, but hopefully it gives you
> an alternate way to look at the problem.

Yes, this was extremely helpful, thank you very much. The moments where
one realizes that a large piece of clumsy code can be replaced with a
simple high-level function application seem to be an integral part of
learning Haskell. This time it was zipWith. Previously (for me) it has
been the folds :)

I know that in Haskell there almost always is a high-level solution to a
recursive problem (the legendary "here's a one-line fold that replaces
your entire program"), but sometimes it can be very difficult to see,
especially if IO is involved.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] When is extra-libraries config in .cabal

2007-07-16 Thread Edward Ing

Before solving the problem, GHC builds would proceed fine. The link
problem occurred during runtime.

What libraries on the Windows operating would the build have succeeded
on? Win32 Api -- do those have the standard C functions.

If these libraries are available, I wonder why the link failed during runtime.

(There is a libmsvcrt.a under  c:\ghc\ghc-6.6.1\gcc-lib, should this
have played a role? )

Edward Ing

On unix the C compiler generally links to the standard C library without
you having to ask for it explicitly.

I'm not sure that if we automatically linked to msvcrt that everyone
would be happy. Many people seem to think msvcrt is to be avoided in
preference of 'native' win32 calls.

> Information for understanding this problem would be great.

This is a slightly tricky problem because the names of the libraries to
link to are different on different operating systems.

We don't have a proper solution to this at the moment. I'm posting this
to the cabal-devel list in case anyone has any good practical realistic


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] can't build hIDE

2007-07-16 Thread Salvatore Insalaco

src/Hide/Plugin/LoaderMidLevel.hs:126:26: Not in scope: `moduleFS'

hIDE uses low-level GHC APIs to do some of its tricks. Unfortunately, GHC
APIs change faster than hIDE, so the last version of hIDE is not compatible
with GHC 6.6.

As far as I know, in GHC 6.6 moduleFS has been renamed moduleNameFS. You can
try to replace "moduleFS" with "moduleNameFS" on line 126 in
src/Hide/Plugin/LoaderMidLevel.hs, and try to recompile.

Tell me if you manage to compile it with this fix, hIDE authors could be

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell & monads for newbies

2007-07-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:


I saw a quote somewhere round here that went like this:

 "Haskell isn't really suited to heavily I/O-oriented programs."
 "What, you mean like darcs?"
 "...oh yeah."

Great quote! :)

TY. :-)

Be even greater if I could remember who the heck said it... (It's 
probably a #haskell quote from the Humour section on the Wiki, as a guess.)

Actually, thinking about it, if you wanted to demonstrate just how badly 
Haskell sucks at I/O, we have:

- Darcs
- XMonad
- Lambdabot
- Frag
- Wasn't there a stand-alone HTTP server somewhere?
- GHC (provides make-like functionallity, and also invokes half a dozen 
external programs to do its work)

- Any others?

Yep, I'd say that's pretty conclusive. ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Alex Queiroz


On 7/16/07, Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, so I'm not genuinely suggesting that you must possess or be studying
for a PhD, to grok Haskell.  But I find nothing alarming about the
suggestion that one needs a fairly high level of intelligence, and some
training, in order to be able to use Haskell effectively.

If I say I'm not stupid, would you believe me? I'm not saying
that Visual Basic-level programmers should be able to understand
haskell without a lot more studying and practice. What I'm saying is
that almost every topic in Haskell Café evolves into a very high level
discussion that may frighten some beginners, as it seems that without
a PhD in programming languages and category theory, the language is
not for you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Malcolm Wallace
"Alex Queiroz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  This is so much true. It has the effect of disguising Haskell as
> a PhD-only language.

And what would be wrong with Haskell being a PhD-only language, if it
were true?

OK, so I'm not genuinely suggesting that you must possess or be studying
for a PhD, to grok Haskell.  But I find nothing alarming about the
suggestion that one needs a fairly high level of intelligence, and some
training, in order to be able to use Haskell effectively.

After all, we would expect the same attributes (intelligence and
training) from a neurosurgeon, a nuclear scientist, or someone who
calculates how to land a person on the moon.  Programming computers may
not seem very skilled to most people, but maybe that is simply because
we are so familiar with it being done so badly.  I'm all for improving
the quality of software, and the corollary is that that means improving
the quality of programmers (by stretching our brains!).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help with IO and randomR

2007-07-16 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Niko Korhonen wrote:

So, in short, how do I do this without getting into an infinite loop:

tpdfs :: (Int, Int) -> IO [Int]
tpdfs (low, high) = do
  first <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
  second <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
  let r = (first + second) `div` 2
  rest <- tpdfs (low, high)-- (A)
  return (r : rest)-- (B)

(A) will be executed before (B) because of the IO monad. But you want r 
to be returned before rest is computed. I would split tpdfs in two 
functions: a pure function converting a infinite list of random numbers 
to another infinite list of random numbers, and an IO-function creating 
the original infinite list of random numbers:

  tpdfs' :: [Int] -> [Int]
  tpdfs' (x:y:rest) = (x + y) `div` 2 : tpdfs' rest

  tpdfs :: (Int, Int) -> IO [Int]
  tpdfs range = do
gen <- newStdGen
return (tpdfs' (randomRs range gen))

The only IO action (newStdGen) is executed when tpdfs is called, but the 
infinite result list is lazily created when needed. This is possible 
because newStdGen uses split to create a new source of randomness 
exclusively for the tpdfs' function wich is not accessed anywhere else.

tpdfs can be written more concisely as one of these

  tpdfs range = liftM (tpdfs' . randomRs range) newStdGen
  tpdfs range = return (tpdfs' . randomRs range) `ap` newStdGen
  tpdfs range = newStdGen >>= (randomRs range >>> tpdfs' >>> return)

using either Control.Monad or Control.Arrow.

I'm not sure your aproach is numerically correct. Let's assume range = 
(0, 1). The resulting number could be

  (0 + 0) `div` 2 = 0
  (0 + 1) `div` 2 = 0
  (1 + 0) `div` 2 = 0
  (1 + 1) `div` 2 = 1

with equal probability. Is this what you want?

  Tillmann Rendel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread David LaPalomento

On 7/16/07, Claus Reinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There are lots of "robot battle" games out there, like
> but none in Haskell, of course.

do the icfp contests count? not even limited to haskell, and
there were several tasks that look related, including:





Perhaps it would be interesting to generalize the notion of a 'game' so that
programmers could design their own simple games to compete in as well as
designing game-playing agents?  I'm not sure if this presents problems as
far as running untrusted code but it would add a lot of appeal to the site
in my mind.  If designed right, the agents could be run against multiple
games; seeing a hierarchy of agent performance across a number of different
challenges would be very cool.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help with IO and randomR

2007-07-16 Thread Bryan Burgers

On 7/16/07, Niko Korhonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm writing some code to generate a dither (=noise) signal. I'm trying
to generate an infinite series of noise with triangular distribution but
my code hangs into an infinite loop. The problem is that I'm not very
good with Haskell IO yet and I can't figure out how to write this piece
of IO code without it looping infinitely.

So, in short, how do I do this without getting into an infinite loop:

tpdfs :: (Int, Int) -> IO [Int]
tpdfs (low, high) = do
  first <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
  second <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
  let r = (first + second) `div` 2
  rest <- tpdfs (low, high)
  return (r : rest)

Caller site:

  nums <- tpdfs (2, 12)
  let ns = take 7 nums


I did not look at it long enough to tell you why there is an infinite
loop. However, think about it on a high level with me.

You want a stream of these random numbers (I'm not sure what a
triangular distribution is, but that's okay). To get one of these, you
take two random numbers and perform a combination function (\x y -> (x
+ y) `div` 2 ) on them.

So you can lift this from one random numbers to a stream of random
numbers if you have have two streams of random numbers instead of just
two random numbers. zipWith is the function that brings us from one
number to a stream of numbers.

tpdfs range = do
  g <- newStdGen   -- get a random generator
  (g1, g2) <- return $ split g   -- make two random generators out of it
  return $ zipWith combine (randomRs range g1) (randomRs range g2)
-- get two streams of random numbers, and combine them elementwise.

combine x y = (x + y) `div` 2

Uh, I know that's a very poor explanation, but hopefully it gives you
an alternate way to look at the problem.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[8]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Sebastian,

Monday, July 16, 2007, 2:53:36 PM, you wrote:
> But wouldn't you say that in general, if you spend the effort you can
> write low-level imperative algorithms in Haskell that perform
> reasonably well? Especially compared to e.g. C#? I think your own
> libraries demonstrate this!

i've said that
1) low-level programming in Haskell is possible, although not as
convenient as in C
2) low-level code will be much faster than high-level one, but not as
fast as C code

once i summed up my experience - you may either write
1) high-level code, which is written 10x faster than in C but works
100x slower
2) low-level code that is written 3x slower than in C and works 3x
slower too

if you think that Haskell code may be as fast as C one - try to
rewrite sha1 in any haskell style and compare it to highly optimized C

it's all about small self-contained "number-crunching" algorithms -
for larger ones and especially for whole applications i got very
different results - code is, say, 3x slower while written 3x faster.
it's probably because OS calls, C libraries and highly-optimized
libraries written by other people are taken into account; also ghc
imho has better global-level optimization than C++ compilers, for
example it has better inlining policy

> I'm not saying it's as convenient (see the recent thread about "monad
> splices") to write low-level imperative code in Haskell, but using
> laziness in C# was hardly a walk on the beach either!
> So my point is that Haskell isn't geared towards low-level
> optimizations and performance, but in the few places where you do need
> it, you *can* get it (IMO for only moderately more inconvenience than
> you pay for *everything* in a low-level imperative language).

are you really wrote such code or just believe to Haskell advertizing
company? :D

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Help with IO and randomR

2007-07-16 Thread Niko Korhonen
I'm writing some code to generate a dither (=noise) signal. I'm trying
to generate an infinite series of noise with triangular distribution but
my code hangs into an infinite loop. The problem is that I'm not very
good with Haskell IO yet and I can't figure out how to write this piece
of IO code without it looping infinitely.

So, in short, how do I do this without getting into an infinite loop:

tpdfs :: (Int, Int) -> IO [Int]
tpdfs (low, high) = do
  first <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
  second <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
  let r = (first + second) `div` 2
  rest <- tpdfs (low, high)
  return (r : rest)

Caller site:

  nums <- tpdfs (2, 12)
  let ns = take 7 nums


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread Oliver Batchelor


I've had a go at making a robot battle game in Haskell (a robocode clone), I
was using Yampa for both the robots and the game logic - however using Yampa
for the game logic presented a number of problems, mostly in ensuring every
single piece of data "emitted" from the game logic portion was evaluated.

I had a fair amount of work done, and it was shaping up nicely, but it
needed simplification, trying to add in too many extras such as physical
simulation of collisions etc. turned it into a bit of a monster when the
core design needed some work!


I'd definitely like to give it another go, this time without Yampa for game
logic - though it seems fantastic for the user robot code, perhaps it
needn't be compulsory - interested users could always use Yampa if they

Oliver Batchelor

On 7/16/07, apfelmus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hugh Perkins wrote:
> Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.
> scripts "fight" in an arena for a second or so, and the results are
> published to the website

Sounds great :)

There are lots of "robot battle" games out there, like


but none in Haskell, of course. I think there's a classic predecessor to
those but I don't know exactly.

> Each turn is represented by a function something like:
> doturn :: String -> [[GridValue]] -> (Action,String)

The explicit state can be dispensed with by introducing a stream type

  data Robot = Robot (BattleField -> (Action, Robot)

  type BattleField = [[GridValue]]

This way, the program is entirely free in how to choose its state
representation. You can turn any  doturn - based program into a
stream-based one

  toRobot :: String -> (BattleField -> String -> (Action,String))
-> Robot
  toRobot s doturn = Robot $ \arena ->
 let (action, s') = doturn bf s in (action, toRobot s' doturn)

The drawback is that it's no longer possible to save a snapshot of each
program's state to disk and resume the fight later.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell for categorists

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Miguel,

Monday, July 16, 2007, 10:00:21 AM, you wrote:
> There are a lot of tutorials ensuring the reader that, although
> Haskell is based on category theory, you don't have to know CT to use
> Haskell. So, is there ANY Haskell tutorial for those who do know CT?

it's like driving courses for Chemistry Professors :)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

benchmarks Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: SHA1 again

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Dominic,

Sunday, July 15, 2007, 11:44:10 PM, you wrote:

>> forget it if you're interested in performance near a C implementation
>> such as GNU sha1sum.

> I don't think it's unreasonable to think we could get near to C performance 
> and
> we've been getting closer.

btw, if someone interested in fair comparison of quality of code,
generated by various compilers, then sha1 or something like it will be
good idea. it's clearly algorithm limited by raw processing power
rather than cache speed, libraries or something else

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Sebastian,

Sunday, July 15, 2007, 9:05:14 PM, you wrote:

> As we've demonstrated there's nothing stopping you from writing
> imperative "C-like" algorithms in Haskell (just like C#), and there
> certainly wasn't any major performance difference

as Donald mentioned, this test is just limited by cache speed, not by
speed of code generated.

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[6]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 16/07/07, Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Sebastian,

Sunday, July 15, 2007, 9:05:14 PM, you wrote:

> As we've demonstrated there's nothing stopping you from writing
> imperative "C-like" algorithms in Haskell (just like C#), and there
> certainly wasn't any major performance difference

as Donald mentioned, this test is just limited by cache speed, not by
speed of code generated.

But wouldn't you say that in general, if you spend the effort you can
write low-level imperative algorithms in Haskell that perform
reasonably well? Especially compared to e.g. C#? I think your own
libraries demonstrate this!

I'm not saying it's as convenient (see the recent thread about "monad
splices") to write low-level imperative code in Haskell, but using
laziness in C# was hardly a walk on the beach either!
So my point is that Haskell isn't geared towards low-level
optimizations and performance, but in the few places where you do need
it, you *can* get it (IMO for only moderately more inconvenience than
you pay for *everything* in a low-level imperative language). Whereas
C# is a bit the other way around (easy to modify state, inconvenient
to write high-level/lazy/concurrent/etc. code), though something like
C is even more the other way around.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:


On 7/15/07, Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is no version of bytestrings without stream fusion and there never
was.  Bytestrings have no compiler support, it is just a library.

I'm not sure that's correct. Stream fusion is a particular fusion
technique that wasn't introduced until fairly recently.

>From what I can tell, none of the versions available from
 include it. You have to go
to  and get the
code from the fps-unstable branch.

That's right. Both stream fusion for lists and bytestrings are currently
only in darcs,


Bytestrings will be streamed by the next release.

...which brings me back to my original "how do I know if it's there?" 
question. ;-)

My copy of GHC sitting here certainly *has* support for lists and byte 
strings in it - but I have no clue what version...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Maintaining the community

2007-07-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

Chris Smith wrote:
Well, it doesn't have to "go over" anywhere.  I'm reading and posting 
just fine with NNTP right now.  It works great.

How'd you manage that?

I found out I could do so by reading this thread.  Until then, I'd 
avoided haskell-cafe, hanging out mostly on IRC for the last few months 
because I didn't want the high volume of email.

I've been avoiding it for over a year for the same reason. (And because 
I didn't want people to have my real email address, but never mind...)

Actually, since this is the first time I've tried to seriously use 
Thundrebird for email, I'm surprised at how buggy it is...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread Claus Reinke

There are lots of "robot battle" games out there, like
but none in Haskell, of course. 

do the icfp contests count? not even limited to haskell, and
there were several tasks that look related, including:





Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Indentation Creep

2007-07-16 Thread Claus Reinke

as Thomas pointed out off-list, the transformation sequence as given 
is not type-preserving. i even documented that problem in my email, 
because i thought the type was dodgy, but forgot to track it down 
before posting. so here are the changes. a good demonstration that

"does it still compile?" is not a sufficient test for refactoring!-)


 to prepare for our next step, we apply lift to all barebones STM
 operations, readTVar, write, empty, nullT. at this stage, our types
 (asking ghci, with :t dmin') are slightly redundant:

   dmin' :: (MonadTrans t1, Monad (t1 STM)) 
 => TVar (Trie t) -> t1 STM (Maybe (t, Bool))

 since our particular MonadTrans, MaybeT, already wraps results in
 Maybe, this is one level of Maybe too much. so, when we remove our
 local definitions of mplus and >>> (replacing >>> with >>=), we remove
 that extra layer of Maybe, by removing the redundant (Just _) in
 returns, and by replacing 'return Nothing' with 'mzero'. 

we also need to take into account that the second readTVar already 
returns a Maybe, so we only need to wrap it in MaybeT, without 
applying the full lift.

we could now declare the type as

   dmin' :: TVar (Trie t) -> MaybeT STM (Maybe t, Bool)

there's that dodgy type. it should just be:

   dmin' :: TVar (Trie t) -> MaybeT STM (t, Bool)

 after all that refactoring, the code should look something like this:

   dmin p = maybe (error "dmin: no values") (return . fst) 
   =<< runMaybeT (dmin' p)

   dmin' p = do
   t <- lift $ readTVar p
   case t of
   Empty -> mzero
   Trie l m r -> 
   (dmin' l >>=

   (\ (v,e) -> do
 case e of
 True -> do
 me <- lift $ empty m
 re <- lift $ nullT r
 lift $ write m p (v,me && re)
 False -> return (v,e)))
   `mplus` (((lift $ readTVar m) >>=

it was the return-wrapping of lift that introduced the extra Maybe 
here. this TVar already holds Maybes, so this should just be:

   `mplus` (((MaybeT $ readTVar m) >>=

 next, we can make use of the fact that pattern match failure in
 do-notation invokes fail in the monad, by defining 'fail msg = mzero'
 in our wrapped monad, and by pattern matching directly on the result
 of the first readTVar' (we only need the Trie-case, the other case
 will fail to match, leading to mzero, which is what we wanted anyway).

we can also use this feature to replace the "half-lifted" second
readTVar with a fully lifted readTVar' followed by a pattern match
on 'Just v'.

   - final version
   dmin p = maybe (error "dmin: no values") (return . fst) 
  =<< runMaybeT (dmin' p)

   dmin' p = do
   Trie l m r <- readTVar' p
   (do (v,e) <- dmin' l
   (do guard e
   me <- empty m
   re <- nullT r
   write m p (v,me && re))
`mplus` return ((v,e)))
`mplus` (do v <- readTVar' m

by employing pattern-match failure handling, this can become:

   `mplus` (do Just v <- readTVar' m

re <- nullT r
write m p (v,re))
`mplus` (do (v,e) <- dmin' r
when e $ writeTVar' p Empty
return ((v,e)))
`mplus` error "emit nasal daemons"
   readTVar'  var = lift $ readTVar var
   writeTVar' var val = lift $ writeTVar var val

   write m p (v,False) = lift $ writeTVar m Nothing >> return ((v,False))
   write m p (v,True ) = lift $ writeTVar p Empty   >> return ((v,True))

   nullT :: Monad m => TriePtr t -> m Bool
   nullT t = undefined

   empty m = lift $ liftM isNothing $ readTVar m

   data MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }

   instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
 return  = MaybeT . return . Just
 a >>= b = MaybeT $ runMaybeT a >>= maybe (return Nothing) (runMaybeT . b)
 fail msg= mzero

   instance Monad m => MonadPlus (MaybeT m) where
 mzero   = MaybeT $ return Nothing
 a `mplus` b = MaybeT $ runMaybeT a >>= maybe (runMaybeT b) (return . Just)

   instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
 lift m = MaybeT $ m >>= return . Just

   - final version

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread PR Stanley

Is this some sort of a war game?
At 11:14 16/07/2007, you wrote:

This would be a lot of fun! Make sure to take the lessons from
into account.


Bas van Dijk

On 7/15/07, Hugh Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.

The way it would work is:
- you email a haskell program to a specific address
- it shows up on a web-page

The webpage shows the last submitted solution for each person
- anyone can select two solutions and click "Fight"
-> the scripts "fight" in an arena for a second or so, and the results are
published to the website

The arena itself comprises:
- a 2d grid, of a certain size (or maybe variable size)
- each grid cell can be a wall, or one of the opponents
- the boundaries of the grid are walls
- random blocks of wall are placed around the grid

The opponents only perceive what is in a section of space to their front, in
a 45 degree arc from either side of the direction they are facing
- each player can face along one of the four grid axes

Each player takes it in turns to move
- at each move the player can:
   - move one square
   - turn 90 degrees, in either direction
   - fire

Firing will score one point if the opponent is in the line of fire at that
time, and there are no intervening walls.

Opponents can see the direction the other opponent is facing, as long as the
other opponent is in their view arc, and there are no intervening walls.

Each turn is represented by a function something like:

doturn :: String -> [[GridValue]] -> (Action,String)

-- [[GridValue]] is a map of what Me sees this turn, or has seen previously
-- the Strings are a way for the function to pass state to itself between

data GridValue = Opponent | Me | Wall | Empty
data Action = Fire | MoveNorth | MoveSouth |MoveEast | MoveWest | TurnLeft |
TurnRight | Wait-- (players can move backwards and sideways)

The turn would be run as a separate thread, which either terminates
successfully, or is aborted after a fixed time x milliseconds (maybe 10

The String that doturn produces at the end of a turn is passed back in at
the beginning of the next turn (so one could use gread/gshow to
serialize/deserialize arbitrary data types, and there is no limitation on
what data can be stored in the state).

After say 1000 turns, the results are the points of each script. (or we
could give each script a number of "lives" and if its loses them all the
other script wins outright)

This can run on a hosted webserver probably, because each match is part of a
webpage request, and lasts a maximum of about a second, so shouldnt be
terminated prematurely by cpu-monitoring scripts.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Ray tracer

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello ajb,

Monday, July 16, 2007, 5:00:54 AM, you wrote:
>> But I don't think that means there is no role for Haskell in
>> rendering. Examples of places I think Haskell could play a role are:
>> the shader language, [...]

> For the record, I've written 2.5 production shader compilers.  The
> 0.5 was in Haskell. :-)

and why you stopped at 0.5? was it due to haskell limitations or
something else? how haskell looks in this area compared to other
languages (and what other languages you used)?

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re[4]: In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Chris,

Monday, July 16, 2007, 8:46:37 AM, you wrote:

> Topcoder certainly isn't about benchmarking.  Undoubtedly, it would be
> absolutely awesome to be able to use Haskell in topcoder... but it 
> wouldn't say anything about speed.  My guess is that practically no 
> topcoder submissions fail by exceeding the allowable time limit.  The 
> competition (the alg one, which is the only one anyone really cares 
> about) is about solving problems quickly (in programmer time) and 
> accurately.

that's ideal for haskell. like ICFP, if they will allow haskell code,
then all winer solutions will be written using it

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-07-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jon,

Sunday, July 15, 2007, 9:46:42 PM, you wrote:

> This should tell you that your C++ is not very good. This is several times
> faster, for example:

> For some reason you were using C-style allocation rather than the C++ STL to
> implement a bit vector. The STL implementation is optimized.

i bet that this version allocates exactly one bit per element, like
Haskell version. so *this* comparison is fair, while old was unfair

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread Bas van Dijk

This would be a lot of fun! Make sure to take the lessons from
into account.


Bas van Dijk

On 7/15/07, Hugh Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.

The way it would work is:
- you email a haskell program to a specific address
- it shows up on a web-page

The webpage shows the last submitted solution for each person
- anyone can select two solutions and click "Fight"
-> the scripts "fight" in an arena for a second or so, and the results are
published to the website

The arena itself comprises:
- a 2d grid, of a certain size (or maybe variable size)
- each grid cell can be a wall, or one of the opponents
- the boundaries of the grid are walls
- random blocks of wall are placed around the grid

The opponents only perceive what is in a section of space to their front, in
a 45 degree arc from either side of the direction they are facing
- each player can face along one of the four grid axes

Each player takes it in turns to move
- at each move the player can:
   - move one square
   - turn 90 degrees, in either direction
   - fire

Firing will score one point if the opponent is in the line of fire at that
time, and there are no intervening walls.

Opponents can see the direction the other opponent is facing, as long as the
other opponent is in their view arc, and there are no intervening walls.

Each turn is represented by a function something like:

doturn :: String -> [[GridValue]] -> (Action,String)

-- [[GridValue]] is a map of what Me sees this turn, or has seen previously
-- the Strings are a way for the function to pass state to itself between

data GridValue = Opponent | Me | Wall | Empty
data Action = Fire | MoveNorth | MoveSouth |MoveEast | MoveWest | TurnLeft |
TurnRight | Wait-- (players can move backwards and sideways)

The turn would be run as a separate thread, which either terminates
successfully, or is aborted after a fixed time x milliseconds (maybe 10

The String that doturn produces at the end of a turn is passed back in at
the beginning of the next turn (so one could use gread/gshow to
serialize/deserialize arbitrary data types, and there is no limitation on
what data can be stored in the state).

After say 1000 turns, the results are the points of each script. (or we
could give each script a number of "lives" and if its loses them all the
other script wins outright)

This can run on a hosted webserver probably, because each match is part of a
webpage request, and lasts a maximum of about a second, so shouldnt be
terminated prematurely by cpu-monitoring scripts.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread Jules Bean

apfelmus wrote:

Hugh Perkins wrote:

Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.

scripts "fight" in an arena for a second or so, and the results are
published to the website

Sounds great :)

There are lots of "robot battle" games out there, like


but none in Haskell, of course. I think there's a classic predecessor to
those but I don't know exactly.

I suspect they are probably viewed as 'descendants' in a weak sense from 
Core War, which in turn was inspired by Darwin. However these two, since 
the act more 'directly' in the memory space of a virtual CPU are quite 
different in character.

I can't substantiate that suspicion with any evidence, though.

Either way it would be a fun thing for someone to write for haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell shootout game

2007-07-16 Thread apfelmus
Hugh Perkins wrote:
> Had an idea: a real shootout game for Haskell.
> scripts "fight" in an arena for a second or so, and the results are
> published to the website

Sounds great :)

There are lots of "robot battle" games out there, like


but none in Haskell, of course. I think there's a classic predecessor to
those but I don't know exactly.

> Each turn is represented by a function something like:
> doturn :: String -> [[GridValue]] -> (Action,String)

The explicit state can be dispensed with by introducing a stream type

  data Robot = Robot (BattleField -> (Action, Robot)

  type BattleField = [[GridValue]]

This way, the program is entirely free in how to choose its state
representation. You can turn any  doturn - based program into a
stream-based one

  toRobot :: String -> (BattleField -> String -> (Action,String))
-> Robot
  toRobot s doturn = Robot $ \arena ->
 let (action, s') = doturn bf s in (action, toRobot s' doturn)

The drawback is that it's no longer possible to save a snapshot of each
program's state to disk and resume the fight later.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

2007-07-16 Thread Conor McBride

Hi Derek

On 16 Jul 2007, at 02:48, Derek Elkins wrote:

On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 02:29 +0100, Conor McBride wrote:


data{-codata-} Punter = Speak String (String -> Punter)


data{-codata-} Stream x = x :> (Stream x)

cafe :: Punter -> (String -> Punter) -> Stream (String, String)
cafe (Speak question learn) guru =
  let  Speak answer guru' = guru question
  in   (question, answer) :> (cafe (learn answer) guru')

If the Punter asks the appropriate question, perhaps the guru will  

the rest of time thinking about an answer.

It's true that answers can take a while, but not forever if the guru is
also a productive coprogram. In more realistic examples, mere  

might not be enough: you might want to be sure that questions will
eventually be answered, after some initial segment of "busy" responses.

To that end, an exercise. Implement a codata type

data{-codata-} Mux x y = ...

which intersperses x's and y's in such a way that

  (1) an initial segment of a Mux does not determine whether the next
element is an x or a y (ie, no forced *pattern* of alternation)

  (2) there are productive coprograms

demuxL :: Mux x y -> Stream x
demuxR :: Mux x y -> Stream y

(ie, alternation is none the less forced)

You may need to introduce some (inductive) data to achieve this. If you
always think "always", then you need codata, but if you eventually think
"eventually", you need data.

All the best


Haskell-Cafe mailing list