Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Thomas Davie

One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state  
isn't a

good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you the
same because they want to be cool kids, too.

And the one left over will point out that he asked how to do this the  
FP way, not the imperative way?

If it was me btw, I'd take a stab at the problem being that each time  
we do something a time gets updated and we want to know how much time  
has passed since we last did "something".

I'd approach this by generating a lazy list of times at which we  
started doing "something", and then generating a lazy list of time  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memory profiling

2008-06-16 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
2008/6/16 Pieter Laeremans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Which tools do you recommand for memory profiling   haskell programs
> on a *nix system.
> I'm using haskell to develop a CGI program/script.
> The application has to be deployed on shared hosting infrastructure.
> Since I would like to be a good citizen ,
> I would need to meassure the maximum amount of memory allocated to the
> program during execution.
> The best I can do now is look at top but that 's not satisfactory.

Are you aware that by calling the program with the correct RTS options
you can have memory profiling ?
(see option -s for simple statistics)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Ketil Malde
"Magicloud Magiclouds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }

> Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP way?

I would claim the FP way is like this:

  -- | Repeatedly subtract values from a baseline, returning a list
  --   containing each intermediate result
  diff :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
  diff = scanl (-)

  Prelude> diff 100 [1..10]

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008 23:17 schrieb Duncan Coutts:
> […]

> If we get a proper way to export a non-flat namespace then Gtk2Hs will
> certainly switch to using it. Using 'buttonBlah' is horrible but there
> is currently nothing better.

So is there anyone who wants to file a feature request?

> […]

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Michał Pałka
On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 10:19 +0200, Ketil Malde wrote:
> "Magicloud Magiclouds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > static int old;
> > int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
> >   int ret = now - old;
> >   old = now;
> >   return ret;
> > }
> > Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP 
> > way?
> I would claim the FP way is like this:
>   -- | Repeatedly subtract values from a baseline, returning a list
>   --   containing each intermediate result
>   diff :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
>   diff = scanl (-)
>   Prelude> diff 100 [1..10]
>   [100,99,97,94,90,85,79,72,64,55,45]

Better yet, you could create a recursive type that reflects what you are
actually doing:
newtype Step a = Step (a -> (a, Step a))

diff' :: Int -> Step Int
diff' x = Step (\a -> let r = a - x in (r, diff' r))

This way it will be easier to resume previous diff computations.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-16 Thread Abhay Parvate
hGetContents reads the entire contents of the stream till the end (although
lazily). The return value of hGetContents is logically the entire contents
of the stream. That it has not read it completely is only a part of its
laziness, so the result does not depend upon when the caller stops consuming
the result. That is why the handle is semi-closed; logically the handle is
already at the end of the stream.

A complete parser to parse the header and the body has to be used on the
entire contents, or some function which knows how to find the header end and
stop there has to be used.


On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Sebastiaan Visser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I've got a question about lazy IO in Haskell. The most well known
> function to do lazy IO is the `hGetContents', which lazily reads all the
> contents from a handle and returns this as a regular [Char].
> The thing with hGetContents is that is puts the Handle in a semi-closed
> state, no one can use the handle anymore. This behaviour is
> understandable from the point of safety; it is not yet determined when
> the result of hGetContents will actually be computed, using the handle
> in the meantime is undesirable.
> The point is, I think I really have a situation in which I want to use
> the handle again `after' a call to hGetContents. I think I can best
> explain this using a code example.
>  readHttpMessage :: IO (Headers, Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString)
>  readHttpMessage = do
>myStream <- 
>request <- hGetContents myStream
>header <- parseHttpHeader request
>bs <- Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
>return (header, body)
> The Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents in the example above obviously
> fails because the handle is semi-closed.
> So, what I am trying to do here is apply a parser (on that consumes
> Char's) to the input stream until it has succeeded. After this I want to
> collect the remainings of the stream in a lazy ByteString, or maybe even
> something else.
> I tried to open the handler again using some internal handle hackery,
> but this failed (luckily). In the module GHC.IO there is a function
> `lazyRead' that more or less seems to do what I want. But I'll guess
> there is a good reason for not exporting it.
> Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?
> Thanks,
> --
> Sebastiaan
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Isaac Dupree

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 16:04 +0200, Ketil Malde wrote:

And - is there a way to make GHCi use aliased qualification?  I find
my self typing detailed taxonomies all the time there.

The ghci syntax currently is:
:m Data.Set
wouldn't it be much nicer as:
import Data.Set
then we could have the obvious:
import Data.Set as Set

This would be nice! Feature request?

feature request filed for this, .  For extending the 
import syntax in general, I wasn't sure we knew quite what we wanted 
yet, so it seemed a little premature for a feature request. (the first 
step in "implementing" the feature request would have to be specifying 
an exact design and probably asking for community feedback).  So let's 
talk about what we do or don't want for that one some more, perhaps.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Isaac Dupree

Duncan Coutts wrote:

Right. That's exactly why we've not done something like that. With 100+
modules in the Gtk package it's totally infeasible to do qualified
imports of them all.

If we get a proper way to export a non-flat namespace then Gtk2Hs will
certainly switch to using it. Using 'buttonBlah' is horrible but there
is currently nothing better.

okay, it's horrible!  It's no more manually-traceable than anything else 
either, if you just import Gtk2Hs unqualified.  Is there any way it 
could possibly be acceptably concise *and* traceable? let's see

If "GTK" appears in every usage (e.g. GTK.buttonBlah, gtkButtonBlah...), 
probably not at all concise enough for GUI code!  But if it doesn't, 
then we would need at minimum to list each of those ones that we used 
(probably not all 100 of them).  It couldn't get any more concise than 
this to use Button.blah etc.:

import GTK.modules (Button, Window, ...)

never mind the exact syntax yet -- is listing them acceptable? (and if 
there are so many, is it practically traceable by humans anyway? 
Perhaps we're assuming that these humans at least have "search this 
file" editor-capabilities?)

Are there multiple "blah" functions among the GTK modules? I.e. would 
GTK.blah be unambiguous, not mentioning that it's a button function. 
(And would it be too confusing not to mention that it's a button 
function...)  If it would be ambiguous, would typeclasses work to fix 
that (or renaming functions that have no good reason to have the same 
name, or occasionally including blahButton sort of names)?

If 100 modules is too much, would it be a reasonable compromise between 
clarity and conciseness to export coarser-grained, so there are only 
maybe half a dozen GTK modules that your typical program imports?

There have been a few suggestions along these lines. Check the archives.
I'm not sure what is proposed for haskell', probably nothing since
nothing is currently implemented and we're only supposed to be
standardising existing practise.

I had trouble in my first attempt to search the archives... Googling for 
"import" in haskell-cafe found too much code, and my personal e-mail 
records back to March 2007 found nothing else relevant with "import" in 
the title.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Isaac,

Monday, June 16, 2008, 4:02:10 PM, you wrote:

> Are there multiple "blah" functions among the GTK modules? I.e. would
> GTK.blah be unambiguous, not mentioning that it's a button function. 

yes. actually, gtk2hs uses typeclasses to overload functions over
various types

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] cabal-install failure

2008-06-16 Thread Claus Reinke

The main point of the Program abstraction is about configuring and
running programs. As it happens some programs are provided by some
haskell packages (but not all, eg ld, ar, etc).

option to get version info and code to extract it (with one apparently
very special case being hsc2hs).

And ld.exe on windows (we find it in ghc's gcc-lib bin dir).

I didn't notice this special case in Program.hs - are my sources
just out of date, or is this special handling encoded elsewhere?

Btw, most of the version extraction code looks like a regular 
expression match - wouldn't that make the specification easier

(and turn the comments into part of the spec)?

True, in most cases finding the name of the program involves running it
with some --version flag and matching some part of the output. However
that's not always the case. Some programs do silly things like produce
the version output on stderr instead of stdout. We figured the most
general thing was just a function

FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)

which is what we've got. I'm not sure what the advantage would be to
make it more declarative by making it into data rather than a extraction

Usually, the most general approach for this kind of problem is
good as a default/backup, but not so good for maintenance. The
more cases can be handled with dedicated declarative specs, the
smaller the risk of accidental/hidden breakage (eg, moving the 
comments into regex patterns), the more compact and understandable 
the specs (a line per tool, with option and regex, all in one place

would be easier to comprehend than the current free-coding style).

More importantly, concise declarative specs are easier to update
and extend (could be done by users rather than Cabal maintainers,
and preferably outside of Cabal sources).

Also, the Cabal lib cannot depend on any regular expression library
because they are not part of the bootstrapping library set.

Sigh. I've heard that one before, and the ghc-pkg bulk queries are
not as flexible as they could be because I had to use less expressive
functions instead of regexes. Since Haskell-only regex packages
exist, perhaps one should just be added to the bootlib set? After
all, we bother with regexes because they are so frequently useful.

1. Haskell tools should register with Cabal, whether built with it
(such as Alex, Happy, ..) or not (such as GHC, ..). That 
registration should include any build-relevant information

(versions/variants, ..).

2. When checking a build-tools dependency, Cabal checks
(a) whether the tool is registered with Cabal

I'm not sure this helps. We want to know what to install when it's
missing. We can already tell if a program (not package) is available by
searching for it.

But that means either configure or a subset of special configure
rules baked into Cabal's sources, combined with fragile Setup.hs
extensions to that subset. IMHO, the less of configure/hardcoded
rules/Setup.hs, the better (simpler, less breakage with Cabal 
updates, etc.).

How about this: instead of baking rules for those tools into the
Cabal sources, why not have a single "known-tools" package?
On (re-)installing that package, its configure/Setup is run once,
to register availability and build-related information for all those
tools with Cabal (currently, that would mean a package per
tool; later, the known-tools package itself could expose multiple
tools, but Cabal would still need to be able to check which of 
the "exposed-tools" have been found).

That way, the known-tools could be updated independently,
instead of requring Cabal source hacking and releases, and
instead of spreading special configure rules for common tools
over all packages, they'd be located in a single package 
(easier to maintain and improve, and improvements are shared).

(b) whether the tool is registered with the system installation manager

This is hard.

Why? Because there are more installation managers than OSs,
or because so many program installs bypass them? Querying
an installation manager shouldn't be any more difficult than
querying ghc-pkg, say.

If a program is registered with, eg. Windows Add/Remove
Programs, I can use "reg query " to find its registration
info, and if I don't know the key, I can use

reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s

to list all registered programs, or

reg export HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 

to get all registration info dumped to a file, and look for
DisplayNames of the tools I'm interested in:

reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s | 

   find "DisplayName" | find "Opera"
   DisplayName REG_SZ  Opera 9.50

reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s | 

   find "DisplayName" | find "Hugs"
   DisplayName REG_SZ  WinHugs

reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s | 

   find "DisplayName" | find "Haskell"
   DisplayName REG_SZ  Glasgow Hask

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Jules Bean

Duncan Coutts wrote:

If we get a proper way to export a non-flat namespace then Gtk2Hs will
certainly switch to using it. Using 'buttonBlah' is horrible but there
is currently nothing better.

Whilst I'm sure anyone who's used deep module structures has wondered 
about this feature, I've seen no serious proposal of any kind.

Does anyone know what this should look like?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-16 Thread Jules Bean

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?

Don't use hGetContents on a socket. That's asking for trouble.

Use hGetContents either NEVER (easy option) or only on throwaway 
handles/files which won't be used again.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Claus Reinke

Duncan Coutts wrote:

If we get a proper way to export a non-flat namespace then Gtk2Hs will
certainly switch to using it. Using 'buttonBlah' is horrible but there
is currently nothing better.

Whilst I'm sure anyone who's used deep module structures has wondered 
about this feature, I've seen no serious proposal of any kind.

google for "haskell package mounting" or "haskell package grafting".
Perhaps the discussion has appeared under other keywords, but
those are the ones that spring to mind.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-16 Thread Sebastiaan Visser

On Jun 16, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jules Bean wrote:

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?

Don't use hGetContents on a socket. That's asking for trouble.

Can you please explain why?

What is a more easier method to spool your HTTP post data to a file  

  Bs.hGetContens sock >>= Bs.hPut fd


Use hGetContents either NEVER (easy option) or only on throwaway  
handles/files which won't be used again.

My sockets will be thrown away eventually. Isn't anything? I can  
imagine that this can be a problem when using Keep-Alive connections  
- or alike - but that is a whole different story.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-16 Thread Jules Bean

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

On Jun 16, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jules Bean wrote:

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?

Don't use hGetContents on a socket. That's asking for trouble.

Can you please explain why?

Because it's a broken abstraction.

It's only correct if all you will ever do is read all the data into one 
String and don't care about it after that.

In my experience this is almost never true of sockets : there is always 
protocol overhead, handshaking, and the "next request".

It might be fine for unusually simple socket setups.

What is a more easier method to spool your HTTP post data to a file than:

  Bs.hGetContens sock >>= Bs.hPut fd


Yes, that's fine.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Achim Schneider
Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state  
> > isn't a
> > good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you
> > the same because they want to be cool kids, too.
> And the one left over will point out that he asked how to do this
> the FP way, not the imperative way?
There's no difference, as you can't do time-accounting non-strict and
still expect it to give meaningful results: I'm merely trying to be
helpful. None of the other solutions allow for the IO Monad. 

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Lazy IO.

2008-06-16 Thread Achim Schneider
Jules Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sebastiaan Visser wrote:
> > On Jun 16, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jules Bean wrote:
> > 
> >> Sebastiaan Visser wrote:
> >>> Does anyone know a pattern in which I can do this easily?
> >>
> >> Don't use hGetContents on a socket. That's asking for trouble.
> > 
> > Can you please explain why?
> Because it's a broken abstraction.
> It's only correct if all you will ever do is read all the data into
> one String and don't care about it after that.
> In my experience this is almost never true of sockets : there is
> always protocol overhead, handshaking, and the "next request".
It works for HTTP, as all responses MUST be in the same order as the

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Design suggestion for Data.Binary.Defer

2008-06-16 Thread Neil Mitchell

I'm in the process of updating the Deferred Binary library, The idea is that its
does serialisation, but certain elements can be marked as deferred -
instead of being written in the current file stream, they are merely
pointed at and if needed, that pointer will be followed.

Example:("hello","world"), where the first field is marked as deferred
would write out:


i.e. [skip 6 characters if you want hello], the "world" data, the
"hello" data we previously promised to put here. When reading, the
"hello" would only be seeked to and read if necessary.

So, its like binary, but some fields are lazy. The question is how to
indicate which fields are lazy. There are three schemes I can think

== Simple Instances ==

put (a,b) = putDefer a >> put b
get = do a <- getDefer; b <- get; return (a,b)

If the put/get and putDefer/getDefer items do not line up perfectly it
will go very wrong at runtime - probably resulting in random values
being created. You also can't derive the instances automatically, with
something like Derive or DrIFT.

== Complex Instances ==

This is the current scheme, based on lazy pattern matching and
exceptions - very confusing, probably low performance.

deferBoth = [\~(a,b) -> unit (,) <<~ a << b]

Where <<~ a means write out the a field lazily, and << b means write
out the b field strictly. The advantage over the simple instances is
that a field being deferred is declared once.

== Lazy Data Type ==

Instead of customizing the instance, you can write a data Defer a =
Defer a type, and then instead of the original tuple write:

(Defer "hello","world")

But now the code must unwrap the Defer before accessing "hello", but
the instance becomes much simpler, and can be derived.

== The Question ==

Is there a simple way of tagging fields in a constructor as deferred,
just once for reading and writing, and ideally outside the instance
definition and not requiring additional code to unwrap? I can't think
of any, but there may be something I have missed.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Thomas Davie

On 16 Jun 2008, at 18:28, Achim Schneider wrote:

Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state
isn't a
good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you
the same because they want to be cool kids, too.

And the one left over will point out that he asked how to do this
the FP way, not the imperative way?

There's no difference, as you can't do time-accounting non-strict and
still expect it to give meaningful results: I'm merely trying to be
helpful. None of the other solutions allow for the IO Monad.

Firstly, I'd phrase that differently -- the IO Monad doesn't allow for  
the other solutions -- the other solutions are the truly functional  
ones.  Secondly, I'm curious as to why you think that the two are  
incompatible, are you saying that for any meaningful kind of  
computation we need to resort to IORefs?  I'd strongly contest that  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
2008/6/15 Magicloud Magiclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I am getting familiar with FP now, and I have a "program design" kind of
> question.
> Say I have something like this in C:
> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
> Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP
> way?

A better question would be to think about what you are trying to
accomplish, and then ask how to achieve that through functional

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Achim Schneider
Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 16 Jun 2008, at 18:28, Achim Schneider wrote:
> > Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>> One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state
> >>> isn't a
> >>> good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you
> >>> the same because they want to be cool kids, too.
> >>
> >> And the one left over will point out that he asked how to do this
> >> the FP way, not the imperative way?
> >>
> > There's no difference, as you can't do time-accounting non-strict
> > and still expect it to give meaningful results: I'm merely trying
> > to be helpful. None of the other solutions allow for the IO Monad.
> Firstly, I'd phrase that differently -- the IO Monad doesn't allow
> for the other solutions -- the other solutions are the truly
> functional ones.  Secondly, I'm curious as to why you think that the
> two are incompatible, are you saying that for any meaningful kind of  
> computation we need to resort to IORefs?  I'd strongly contest that  
> idea.
We have to resort to IO actions to get the time, and to IORefs because
we need to chain up different calls to getCurrentTime using the IO
Monad. The rest of the program can work with whatever you like best.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread pierre
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:31:22AM +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
> Hello,
> I am getting familiar with FP now, and I have a "program design" kind of
> question.
> Say I have something like this in C:
> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
> Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP
> way?
> Thanks.

I think that "called once a second" suggests that you perhaps should
not do that in a FP way.

A state-changing function called frequently suggests that you are
perhaps doing something with a notion of time, maybe a game? Then FRP
is your FP approach. 

Or I would recommend you to explain your problem, because FP approach
could lie on much more higher level than one can figure out looking at
your short snippet.

> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Achim Schneider wrote:

We have to resort to IO actions to get the time, and to IORefs because
we need to chain up different calls to getCurrentTime using the IO
Monad. The rest of the program can work with whatever you like best.

Isn't  (StateT s IO a)  the cleaner alternative to IORef?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Achim Schneider
Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Achim Schneider wrote:
> > We have to resort to IO actions to get the time, and to IORefs
> > because we need to chain up different calls to getCurrentTime using
> > the IO Monad. The rest of the program can work with whatever you
> > like best.
> Isn't  (StateT s IO a)  the cleaner alternative to IORef?
Yes. But then using one IORef in one place won't make your program
harder to understand, using Monad transformers quite certainly will.
Admittedly, I'm becoming dodgy.

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 6/16/08, Magicloud Magiclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am getting familiar with FP now, and I have a "program design" kind
> of question.
> Say I have something like this in C:
> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
> Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP
> way?

The short answer is that your question amounts to "How do I do imperative
programming in an FP way", to which the answer is "you really should try to
avoid it".

Longer answer:

I think you'll be bette served if you describe your problem on a much higher
level than this. Chances are that if you write your program in an FP way,
you wouldn't need a function like your diff.

That said, Haskell do have variables (in this case an IORef would do what
you want), but again, you probably don't want that, so if you post what
problem you're trying to solve using "diff", then it will be easier to help
you design it in an FP way. Doing things in an FP way tend to impact your
program a lot more than just some minor changes to the functions at the
"bottom", it will change the whole design.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monomorphism restriction

2008-06-16 Thread Ryan Ingram
On 6/11/08, Jonathan Cast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This doesn't apply to f, though --- it has a function type, so the user
> presumably already knows it won't be subject to updating, no?
> Distinguishing functions from variables by the form of declaration,
> rather than the type, seems somewhat questionable to me.

Not necessarily, contrast these two definitions:

f = foldr (+) 0
f_expensive = let n = head $ drop 10 $ fibs 1 1 in foldr (+) n

With the monomorphism restriction in place, f_expensive only
calculates n once.  Without, it gets calculated each time f is

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

David Roundy wrote:

A better question would be to think about what you are trying to
accomplish, and then ask how to achieve that through functional


I was waiting for somebody to say that...

There are a dozen situations in an imperative language where you'd write 
a loop. But in Haskell, you might well do something entirely different 
for each situation. So it really pays to focus on what the end result 
you're after is, rather than how to translate imperative code 
line-for-line into Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr error?

2008-06-16 Thread Ryan Ingram
The simple explanation is "because the FFI standard says so";
primitive types wrapped in newtypes automatically get wrapped and
unwrapped during FFI calls.  See
; the FFI uses "renamed datatype" to mean newtype.

Consider the following declarations translated to C:

> type Weak = Word32
> {- typedef HsWord32 Weak; }

Weak is just a type alias; you can use Word32 and Weak interchangeably
in your code after delcaring this type.

> newtype Strong = Strong Word32
> {- doesn't really exist in C; google for "c strong typedef" -}

Strong behaves exactly like a Word32 at runtime, in terms of storage,
but the typechecker can distinguish it from Word32.

> data Holder = Holder Word32
> {- typedef struct { HsWord32 x; } Holder; -}

Holder, on the other hand, is entirely separate from Word32; in fact,
there are strictly more values in Haskell of type Holder than there
are of type Word32:

> ha, hb, hc :: Holder  -- can all be distinguished at runtime
> ha = undefined
> hb = Holder undefined
> hc = Holder 0

> sa, sb :: Strong -- cannot be distinguished
> sa = undefined
> sb = Strong undefined
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] C-program calling Haskell program?

2008-06-16 Thread Taepke, Bob

I am very new to Haskell, and I work in Windows XP.
Can anyone please point me to a working C / Haskell program pair that does the 

1) The C routine passes one or more scalars, arrays, or matrices to the Haskell 
2) The Haskell routine reads a comma-delimited, ASCII file from the path, 
3) The Haskell routine writes a comma-delimited, ASCII file to the path, 
4) The Haskell routine returns to the C routine one or more scalars, arrays, or 
5) For what it's worth, I'm only using the C-routine as an interface between 
MATLAB and Haskell, because MATLAB can call C-routines.

Has anyone written C / Haskell code that does the above tasks?  If so, would 
you please be willing to pass it along to me?

Thank you!



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design suggestion for Data.Binary.Defer

2008-06-16 Thread Derek Elkins
On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 17:43 +0100, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of updating the Deferred Binary library,
> The idea is that its
> does serialisation, but certain elements can be marked as deferred -
> instead of being written in the current file stream, they are merely
> pointed at and if needed, that pointer will be followed.
> Example:("hello","world"), where the first field is marked as deferred
> would write out:
> [6]"world""hello"
> i.e. [skip 6 characters if you want hello], the "world" data, the
> "hello" data we previously promised to put here. When reading, the
> "hello" would only be seeked to and read if necessary.
> So, its like binary, but some fields are lazy. The question is how to
> indicate which fields are lazy. There are three schemes I can think
> of:
> == Simple Instances ==
> put (a,b) = putDefer a >> put b
> get = do a <- getDefer; b <- get; return (a,b)
> If the put/get and putDefer/getDefer items do not line up perfectly it
> will go very wrong at runtime - probably resulting in random values
> being created. You also can't derive the instances automatically, with
> something like Derive or DrIFT.
> == Complex Instances ==
> This is the current scheme, based on lazy pattern matching and
> exceptions - very confusing, probably low performance.
> deferBoth = [\~(a,b) -> unit (,) <<~ a << b]
> Where <<~ a means write out the a field lazily, and << b means write
> out the b field strictly. The advantage over the simple instances is
> that a field being deferred is declared once.
> == Lazy Data Type ==
> Instead of customizing the instance, you can write a data Defer a =
> Defer a type, and then instead of the original tuple write:
> (Defer "hello","world")
> But now the code must unwrap the Defer before accessing "hello", but
> the instance becomes much simpler, and can be derived.
> == The Question ==
> Is there a simple way of tagging fields in a constructor as deferred,
> just once for reading and writing, and ideally outside the instance
> definition and not requiring additional code to unwrap? I can't think
> of any, but there may be something I have missed.

This isn't an answer to your question. This is just my opinion based on
my values.

I'd just immediately do option three.  It seems the simplest, most
composable and most flexible, and I like having things reflected in my
types.  It seems easy enough to code up the first option given the last.
I don't really understand what you are getting at with the second
option, but I suspect it too is easy to do on top of the third option.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Evan Laforge
So, I know this has been discussed before, but:

> 1/0
> 0/0

... so I see from the archives that Infinity is mandated by ieee754
even though my intuition says both should be NaN.

Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn these
into signals, while GHC is turning that off.  Or something.  But then
what about this note in Control.Exception:

(NOTE: GHC currently does not throw ArithExceptions except for DivideByZero)

Doesn't this imply GHC should be throwing DivideByZero?  Why is it in
the stdlib if it's turned off?  And why would it be turned off?

I suppose I could accept the above since Infinity *is* an exceptional
value meant to represent things like 1/0, and it can be nice to see
NaNs in your output instead of crashing everything (this is, I assume,
why ieee754 has these modes in the first place), but how about this:

> round (0/0) :: Integer
(huge negative number)

Ok, so integral types don't have that exceptional value.  Shouldn't
trying to convert NaN or Infinity to an Integral throw something?  Is
it a performance thing?  I'd think if you're converting to Integer you
don't really need hardware level performance anyway, so a couple of
checks wouldn't kill anyone.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design suggestion for Data.Binary.Defer

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Neil Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> == The Question ==
> Is there a simple way of tagging fields in a constructor as deferred,
> just once for reading and writing, and ideally outside the instance
> definition and not requiring additional code to unwrap? I can't think
> of any, but there may be something I have missed.

Is there any reason not to just write all lazy fields of variable size
in a deferred manner? That would seem like the best option to me, but
maybe that's just because I don't see any downside besides the
requirement that one use some space to write the size.  But that seems
like it would almost always be a trivial issue, as any small data
element will have a fixed size (so that the deferred/non-deferred
distinction doesn't exist).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Evan Laforge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I know this has been discussed before, but:
>> 1/0
> Infinity
>> 0/0
> NaN
> ... so I see from the archives that Infinity is mandated by ieee754
> even though my intuition says both should be NaN.

There is a good reason for 1/0 being infinity, as it allows correct
programs to give correct answers even in the presence of underflow and

> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
> program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn these
> into signals, while GHC is turning that off.  Or something.  But then
> what about this note in Control.Exception:

That's just not true.  It depends on how your system (compiler?) is
configured, but the default on most systems that I've used is to
return NaNs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:18 PM, David Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Evan Laforge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
>> program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn these
>> into signals, while GHC is turning that off.  Or something.  But then
>> what about this note in Control.Exception:
> That's just not true.  It depends on how your system (compiler?) is
> configured, but the default on most systems that I've used is to
> return NaNs.

Sorry, I just read my post, and realized I quoted too much.  I was
responding to the first sentence about other languages, thinking of
octave, C and C++.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread John Meacham
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:07:33PM -0700, Evan Laforge wrote:
> So, I know this has been discussed before, but:
> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
> program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn these
> into signals, while GHC is turning that off.  Or something.  But then
> what about this note in Control.Exception:

No, The issue is that '/' is always floating point division in haskell,
for integer division, use `div`.

1 `div` 0 throws an exception like you expect. 

GHC behaves exactly the same as C here. But in C whether '/' means
floating point or integral division depends on the types of its
arguments, in haskell they are separate operators.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Xiao-Yong Jin
"Evan Laforge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, I know this has been discussed before, but:
>> 1/0
> Infinity
>> 0/0
> NaN
> ... so I see from the archives that Infinity is mandated by ieee754
> even though my intuition says both should be NaN.
> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
> program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn these
> into signals, while GHC is turning that off. [...]

No, C will not, with floating point type.  The following
program prints out a string "inf\n".

int main (void) 
double a=1, b=0; 
double i; 
i = a / b; 
printf ("%g\n",i);
return 0;

I believe Haskell is behaving rationally.

<\ * (__
*/\  <
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Evan Laforge
> No, The issue is that '/' is always floating point division in haskell,
> for integer division, use `div`.
> 1 `div` 0 throws an exception like you expect.
> GHC behaves exactly the same as C here. But in C whether '/' means
> floating point or integral division depends on the types of its
> arguments, in haskell they are separate operators.

Aha, I was missing something.  Indeed, 1.0/0.0 gives me infinity with
C.  Thanks for the clarification.  Python does throw for 1.0/0.0, but
I think there's a (not very commonly used) module to turn that off.
It might be nice for GHC to have a some way to turn exceptions on, but
I can accept getting NaNs, and doing the ieee754 thing by default
seems entirely reasonable.

But what about that NaN->Integer conversion thing?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Dan Doel
On Monday 16 June 2008, Evan Laforge wrote:
> So, I know this has been discussed before, but:
> > 1/0
> Infinity
> > 0/0
> NaN
> ... so I see from the archives that Infinity is mandated by ieee754
> even though my intuition says both should be NaN.
> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
> program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn these
> into signals, while GHC is turning that off.  Or something.  But then
> what about this note in Control.Exception:


int main (int argc, char **argv)
  float f1 = 1.0/0.0;
  float f2 = 0.0/0.0;

  printf("%f\n%f\n", f1, f2);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

% ./Inf

In a Haskell program, 1/0 is floating point division. In C, 1/0 is integer 
division, which may get implicitly converted to a floating point if you 
say "float f = 1/0;". That's why you get the exception in C.

> but how about this:
> > round (0/0) :: Integer
> (huge negative number)
> Ok, so integral types don't have that exceptional value.  Shouldn't
> trying to convert NaN or Infinity to an Integral throw something?  Is
> it a performance thing?  I'd think if you're converting to Integer you
> don't really need hardware level performance anyway, so a couple of
> checks wouldn't kill anyone.

This is a (known by some) bug of sorts in the various floating point -> 
integral transformations (which ultimately boil down to decodeFloat or 
something like that at some point). It apparently doesn't know about the 
various exceptional values in the IEEE representation, so it just treats the 
representation like any other value. Infinity and NaN look like various huge 
numbers if you interpret them like any other value, so that's what you get 
out of round/ceiling/floor/etc.

It's not ideal, but I guess no one's bothered to fix it. Might be something to 
bring up on the libraries mailing list.

-- Dan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread John Meacham
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:41:23PM -0700, Evan Laforge wrote:
> But what about that NaN->Integer conversion thing?

I think that may be a bug or at least a misfeature. The standard is
somewhat vauge on a lot of issues dealing with floating point since
it is such a tricky subject and depends a lot on the environment. The
various rounding funcitons are particularly ugly IMHO. I added varients
of them that preserved the floating point type and properly implemented
IEEE behavior for jhc.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:50:05PM -0700, John Meacham wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:41:23PM -0700, Evan Laforge wrote:
> > But what about that NaN->Integer conversion thing?
> I think that may be a bug or at least a misfeature. The standard is
> somewhat vauge on a lot of issues dealing with floating point since
> it is such a tricky subject and depends a lot on the environment. The
> various rounding funcitons are particularly ugly IMHO. I added varients
> of them that preserved the floating point type and properly implemented
> IEEE behavior for jhc.

I think the Data.Binary guys think it's a feature, since they rely in
this behavior (well, they rely on the equivalently-foolish behavior of
toRational).  I think it's a bug.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Don Stewart
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:50:05PM -0700, John Meacham wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:41:23PM -0700, Evan Laforge wrote:
> > > But what about that NaN->Integer conversion thing?
> > 
> > I think that may be a bug or at least a misfeature. The standard is
> > somewhat vauge on a lot of issues dealing with floating point since
> > it is such a tricky subject and depends a lot on the environment. The
> > various rounding funcitons are particularly ugly IMHO. I added varients
> > of them that preserved the floating point type and properly implemented
> > IEEE behavior for jhc.
> I think the Data.Binary guys think it's a feature, since they rely in
> this behavior (well, they rely on the equivalently-foolish behavior of
> toRational).  I think it's a bug.

You mean:

instance Binary Double where
put d = put (decodeFloat d)
get   = liftM2 encodeFloat get get


if you've a portable Double decoding that works in GHC and Hugs, I'm
accepting patches.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 05:08:36PM -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
> droundy:
> > On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:50:05PM -0700, John Meacham wrote:
> > > On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:41:23PM -0700, Evan Laforge wrote:
> > > > But what about that NaN->Integer conversion thing?
> > > 
> > > I think that may be a bug or at least a misfeature. The standard is
> > > somewhat vauge on a lot of issues dealing with floating point since
> > > it is such a tricky subject and depends a lot on the environment. The
> > > various rounding funcitons are particularly ugly IMHO. I added varients
> > > of them that preserved the floating point type and properly implemented
> > > IEEE behavior for jhc.
> > 
> > I think the Data.Binary guys think it's a feature, since they rely in
> > this behavior (well, they rely on the equivalently-foolish behavior of
> > toRational).  I think it's a bug.
> You mean:
> instance Binary Double where
> put d = put (decodeFloat d)
> get   = liftM2 encodeFloat get get
> ?
> if you've a portable Double decoding that works in GHC and Hugs, I'm
> accepting patches.

I really don't understand why being portable is such an issue.  Is it
really better to behave wrong on every platform rather than behaving
wrong on a very small minority of platforms?

Anyhow, I've not hacked on binary, because I've not used it, and have
trouble seeing when I would use it.  So maybe I shouldn't have brought
the subject up, except that this use of decodeFloat/encodeFloat is a
particularly egregious misuse of floating point numbers.  decodeFloat
really ought to be a partial function, and this should be a crashing
bug, if the standard libraries were better-written.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Don Stewart
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 05:08:36PM -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
> > droundy:
> > > On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:50:05PM -0700, John Meacham wrote:
> > > > On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 04:41:23PM -0700, Evan Laforge wrote:
> > > > > But what about that NaN->Integer conversion thing?
> > > > 
> > > > I think that may be a bug or at least a misfeature. The standard is
> > > > somewhat vauge on a lot of issues dealing with floating point since
> > > > it is such a tricky subject and depends a lot on the environment. The
> > > > various rounding funcitons are particularly ugly IMHO. I added varients
> > > > of them that preserved the floating point type and properly implemented
> > > > IEEE behavior for jhc.
> > > 
> > > I think the Data.Binary guys think it's a feature, since they rely in
> > > this behavior (well, they rely on the equivalently-foolish behavior of
> > > toRational).  I think it's a bug.
> > 
> > You mean:
> > 
> > instance Binary Double where
> > put d = put (decodeFloat d)
> > get   = liftM2 encodeFloat get get
> > 
> > ?
> > 
> > if you've a portable Double decoding that works in GHC and Hugs, I'm
> > accepting patches.
> I really don't understand why being portable is such an issue.  Is it
> really better to behave wrong on every platform rather than behaving
> wrong on a very small minority of platforms?

The Binary instances are required to be portable, as that's the part
of the definition of Binary's mandate: a portable binary encoding.
> Anyhow, I've not hacked on binary, because I've not used it, and have
> trouble seeing when I would use it.  So maybe I shouldn't have brought
> the subject up, except that this use of decodeFloat/encodeFloat is a
> particularly egregious misuse of floating point numbers.  

> decodeFloat
> really ought to be a partial function, and this should be a crashing
> bug, if the standard libraries were better-written.

It's a bug in the H98 report then:

Section 6.4.6:

"The function decodeFloat applied to a real floating-point number returns
the significand expressed as an Integer and an appropriately scaled
exponent (an Int). If decodeFloat x yields (m,n), then x is equal in value
to mb^n, where b is the floating-point radix, and furthermore, either m
and n are both zero or else b^d-1<=m

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Haddock Trac

2008-06-16 Thread Misha Aizatulin


  I wasn't able to add an attachment to a ticket, is something wrong 
with permissions?

Python Traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/web/", line 387, 
in dispatch_request

  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/web/", line 237, 
in dispatch

resp = chosen_handler.process_request(req)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/", line 
361, in process_request

self._do_save(req, attachment)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/", line 
494, in _do_save

attachment.insert(filename, upload.file, size)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/trac/", line 
180, in insert

  File "", line 156, in makedirs
makedirs(head, mode)
  File "", line 159, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread John Meacham
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 05:39:39PM -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
> It's a bug in the H98 report then:

Yes, I consider a whole lot of the floating point stuff in the report a
bug of sorts IMHO :) It is certainly something that I hope to work on for


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 05:39:39PM -0700, Don Stewart wrote:
> > decodeFloat really ought to be a partial function, and this should
> > be a crashing bug, if the standard libraries were better-written.
> It's a bug in the H98 report then:
> Section 6.4.6:
> "The function decodeFloat applied to a real floating-point number returns
> the significand expressed as an Integer and an appropriately scaled
> exponent (an Int). If decodeFloat x yields (m,n), then x is equal in value
> to mb^n, where b is the floating-point radix, and furthermore, either m
> and n are both zero or else b^d-1<=m floatDigits x.  encodeFloat performs the inverse of this transformation.
> "

Yes, it is a bug in the report, that it doesn't fully specify the
behavior this function when given a NaN or infinity.  There's also a
bug in the standard libraries, which is that they don't conform to the

let x = 0/0
let (m,n) = decodeFloat x
Prelude> (m,n)
Prelude> let x = 0/0
Prelude> x
Prelude> let d = floatDigits x
Prelude> let (m,n) = decodeFloat x
Prelude> let x' = (fromInteger m :: Double)*2^n
Prelude> x'
Prelude> 2^d-1<=m
Prelude> m<2^d

So for the ghc decodeFloat, when operating on a NaN, the
specifications of decodeFloat are almost completely unsatisfied.  On
the plus side, at least it's true that m

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Thomas Davie

On 16 Jun 2008, at 19:24, Achim Schneider wrote:

Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 16 Jun 2008, at 18:28, Achim Schneider wrote:

Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state
isn't a
good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you
the same because they want to be cool kids, too.

And the one left over will point out that he asked how to do this
the FP way, not the imperative way?

There's no difference, as you can't do time-accounting non-strict
and still expect it to give meaningful results: I'm merely trying
to be helpful. None of the other solutions allow for the IO Monad.

Firstly, I'd phrase that differently -- the IO Monad doesn't allow
for the other solutions -- the other solutions are the truly
functional ones.  Secondly, I'm curious as to why you think that the
two are incompatible, are you saying that for any meaningful kind of
computation we need to resort to IORefs?  I'd strongly contest that

We have to resort to IO actions to get the time, and to IORefs because
we need to chain up different calls to getCurrentTime using the IO
Monad. The rest of the program can work with whatever you like best.

And in what way is this incompatible with either FRP as pierre  
suggested, or with generating an infinite list of times at which we  
call the function, and scanning it to find the differences?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 Jun 16, at 19:18, David Roundy wrote:

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Evan Laforge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
program, so I'm guessing it's telling the processor / OS to turn  

into signals, while GHC is turning that off.  Or something.  But then
what about this note in Control.Exception:

That's just not true.  It depends on how your system (compiler?) is
configured, but the default on most systems that I've used is to
return NaNs.

It's how the system FPU is configured; most FPU hardware on Unixlike  
systems let you configure the FPU behavior on a per-process basis,  
although the amount of configurability may vary.

That said, the divide by zero exception you get in both C and Haskell  
is *integer* divide-by-zero.  Floating is mandated by IEEE standard to  
produce Inf (but as said above, can usually be configured).

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Richard A. O'Keefe

On 17 Jun 2008, at 11:07 am, Evan Laforge wrote:

So, I know this has been discussed before, but:





... so I see from the archives that Infinity is mandated by ieee754
even though my intuition says both should be NaN.

Other people have other intuitions.  It may be that your intuition
is telling you that neither result should be an ordinary number,
and if that's what it's really telling you, it's right: the C
function isfinite(x) is true of all signed zero, subnormal, or
normal x, false of signed infinities and NaNs.

> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the


Not true.  C99 *definitely* allows both infinities and NaNs (see
Annex F of the C99 standard) and C89 practice also allowed it.
Some C89 systems required you to use signal() with SIGFPE to
turn IEEE extended results into exceptions; others required you
to use signal() to disable this; others used yet other means.

The Scheme systems I tried turn (/ 1.0 0.0) into a printed
representation of IEEE infinity.  Of the Prolog systems I checked,
some did and some didn't.  The Standard ML system I tried gave
"inf" as the response to 1.0/0.0.

Basically, with any programming language implementation that
truthfully claims conformance to IEEE 754 or a successor standard,
x/0 MUST NOT crash unless your program explicitly asks for such
behaviour.  As for programming language implementations that do
not make such a claim, who knows what they will do?

Since integers do not have the special IEEE values, conversion
of IEEE values to integral values really ought to be checked.
(Of course, in C what you typically get is garbage, but that can
be put more generally...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Evan Laforge
>> ... so I see from the archives that Infinity is mandated by ieee754
>> even though my intuition says both should be NaN.
> Other people have other intuitions.  It may be that your intuition
> is telling you that neither result should be an ordinary number,
> and if that's what it's really telling you, it's right: the C
> function isfinite(x) is true of all signed zero, subnormal, or
> normal x, false of signed infinities and NaNs.

Yeah, on reflection, I think my "intuition" derives from me asking a
math teacher back in high school "isn't n/0 infinity?" after looking
at a graph, to which he said "no, it's undefined, you can only say it
approaches infinity in the limit, but it isn't infinity".

>> Every other language throws an exception, even C will crash the
>> program,
> Not true.  C99 *definitely* allows both infinities and NaNs (see
> Annex F of the C99 standard) and C89 practice also allowed it.
> Some C89 systems required you to use signal() with SIGFPE to
> turn IEEE extended results into exceptions; others required you
> to use signal() to disable this; others used yet other means.

Yes, I was mistaken here, as has been pointed out.

And I should definitely know better than to make some generalization
about "every other language" among this crowd :)

> (Of course, in C what you typically get is garbage, but that can
> be put more generally...)

Heh, one for the C-bashing quotes file...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Achim Schneider
Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 16 Jun 2008, at 19:24, Achim Schneider wrote:
> > Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On 16 Jun 2008, at 18:28, Achim Schneider wrote:
> >>
> >>> Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >
> > One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state
> > isn't a
> > good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell
> > you the same because they want to be cool kids, too.
>  And the one left over will point out that he asked how to do this
>  the FP way, not the imperative way?
> >>> There's no difference, as you can't do time-accounting non-strict
> >>> and still expect it to give meaningful results: I'm merely trying
> >>> to be helpful. None of the other solutions allow for the IO Monad.
> >>
> >> Firstly, I'd phrase that differently -- the IO Monad doesn't allow
> >> for the other solutions -- the other solutions are the truly
> >> functional ones.  Secondly, I'm curious as to why you think that
> >> the two are incompatible, are you saying that for any meaningful
> >> kind of computation we need to resort to IORefs?  I'd strongly
> >> contest that idea.
> >>
> > We have to resort to IO actions to get the time, and to IORefs
> > because we need to chain up different calls to getCurrentTime using
> > the IO Monad. The rest of the program can work with whatever you
> > like best.
> And in what way is this incompatible with either FRP as pierre  
> suggested, or with generating an infinite list of times at which we  
> call the function, and scanning it to find the differences?
Argh. I should not have copypasted that GLUT code, as it introduces
IORefs not because they're 100% necessary but because that code is
called back from C. My main point is that his task, if it is as simple
as he described it, will stay imperative. My point also depends on that
code being part of a main driver loop, as you see it in games: It's
just the thing I instantly recognised in his code.

Consider this:

update :: MyState -> Int -> MyState
draw :: MyState -> IO ()

mainLoop :: MyState -> Int -> IO ()
mainLoop st old = do
now <- getTimeOfDay
let td = now - old
st' = update st td
draw st'
mainLoop st' now

This, to my understanding of things, is imperative, although there's no
IORef to be found. OTOH, recursing like this is "the FP way" to do it.
mainLoop's arguments are variables to my eyes.

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past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
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signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Richard A. O'Keefe

Since Haskell-Café often strays into mathematics,
this may not be too far off topic.

On 17 Jun 2008, at 2:29 pm, Evan Laforge wrote:

Yeah, on reflection, I think my "intuition" derives from me asking a
math teacher back in high school "isn't n/0 infinity?" after looking
at a graph, to which he said "no, it's undefined, you can only say it
approaches infinity in the limit, but it isn't infinity".

Let's put this kindly:  it is POSSIBLE that your maths teacher knew
what he was talking about and was just telling what the "Science of
Discworld" authors call "lies-to-children".  It is certainly likely
that it didn't occur to him that you might transfer what he said
about the mathematical real numbers to a rather different algebraic
system, IEEE floats.

The usual "real numbers" R form an ordered field.
*In that structure*, n/0 is undefined.
But there is another algebraic structure which includes all
the real numbers plus one more: infinity.
It's call the real projective line.
In that structure, n/0 is perfectly well defined, and is indeed
infinity.  That structure has all the properties you really need
to do calculus, but isn't a field and isn't ordered.  However,
whenever an operation on elements of R is defined, the
analogous operation on the corresponding elements of \hat R is
defined and has the corresponding value.

Basically, you can define operations any way you want as long as
you are willing to live with the consequences.  For example, it
turns out to be possible to define an alternative arithmetic in
which (-x)*(-y) = -(x*y) for positive x, y.  The price is that
it doesn't satisfy all the usual axioms, though it does satisfy
other possibly useful ones that the usual systems don't.

In an analogous way, the IEEE designers decided that it would be
useful to have +/- epsilon instead of 0 and +/- (1/epsilon)
instead of infinity, but then decided that the ordering operations
should identify -epsilon with +epsilon, so the result still isn't
quite a proper total order, even ignoring NaNs.  (What happens if
you sort a list of mixed +0.0 and -0.0?  What, if anything,
_should_ happen?)  They obtained the benefits they wanted, at the
price of making the resulting structure less like R.  But then,
floating point numbers never were _very_ much like R to start with.
It's not clear to me that *R offers anything more than a heuristic
analogy to IEEE arithmetic.  For one thing, *R is ordered.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

答复: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Magicloud
Yes, that's it, State.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 代表 Achim Schneider
发送时间: 2008年6月16日 12:01
主题: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

"Magicloud Magiclouds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
You do it with variables, of course. This is out of some GLUT code,
using IORef's:

idle :: State -> IdleCallback
idle state = do
t0 <- get $ t state
t1 <- get elapsedTime
t state $= t1
let td = fromIntegral t1 - fromIntegral t0
fps state $= 1/td * 1000

angle' state $~! (+2)

(bpx, bpy) <- get $ ballPos state
(bvx, bvy) <- get $ ballVel state

ballPos state $= (bpx + bvx*td, bpy + bvy*td)   
postRedisplay Nothing

One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state isn't a
good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you the
same because they want to be cool kids, too. 

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

答复: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Magicloud
I think if I do not use a state, and the function would be called for many
times, it would waste memory, if using something like loop, right?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 代表 Achim Schneider
发送时间: 2008年6月16日 12:01
主题: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

"Magicloud Magiclouds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
You do it with variables, of course. This is out of some GLUT code,
using IORef's:

idle :: State -> IdleCallback
idle state = do
t0 <- get $ t state
t1 <- get elapsedTime
t state $= t1
let td = fromIntegral t1 - fromIntegral t0
fps state $= 1/td * 1000

angle' state $~! (+2)

(bpx, bpy) <- get $ ballPos state
(bvx, bvy) <- get $ ballVel state

ballPos state $= (bpx + bvx*td, bpy + bvy*td)   
postRedisplay Nothing

One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state isn't a
good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you the
same because they want to be cool kids, too. 

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Achim Schneider
"Magicloud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think if I do not use a state, and the function would be called for
> many times, it would waste memory, if using something like loop,
> right?
nope, at least not in general.

update :: MyState -> Int -> MyState
draw :: MyState -> IO ()

mainLoop :: MyState -> Int -> IO ()
mainLoop st old = do
now <- getTimeOfDay
let td = now - old
st' = update st td
draw st'
mainLoop st' now

runs in constant space. Look up "tail recursion" in wikipedia.

> -邮件原件-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 代表 Achim Schneider
> 发送时间: 2008年6月16日 12:01
> 收件人:
> 主题: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?
> "Magicloud Magiclouds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > static int old;
> > int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
> >   int ret = now - old;
> >   old = now;
> >   return ret;
> > }
> >
> You do it with variables, of course. This is out of some GLUT code,
> using IORef's:
> idle :: State -> IdleCallback
> idle state = do
> t0 <- get $ t state
> t1 <- get elapsedTime
> t state $= t1
> let td = fromIntegral t1 - fromIntegral t0
> fps state $= 1/td * 1000
> angle' state $~! (+2)
> (bpx, bpy) <- get $ ballPos state
> (bvx, bvy) <- get $ ballVel state
> ballPos state $= (bpx + bvx*td, bpy + bvy*td)   
> postRedisplay Nothing
> One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state isn't
> a good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you
> the same because they want to be cool kids, too. 

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

答复: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

2008-06-16 Thread Magicloud
But if there are some beautiful arithmetics that do not use something like
state, I won't say no to them.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 代表 Achim Schneider
发送时间: 2008年6月16日 12:01
主题: [Haskell-cafe] Re: How to do this in FP way?

"Magicloud Magiclouds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
You do it with variables, of course. This is out of some GLUT code,
using IORef's:

idle :: State -> IdleCallback
idle state = do
t0 <- get $ t state
t1 <- get elapsedTime
t state $= t1
let td = fromIntegral t1 - fromIntegral t0
fps state $= 1/td * 1000

angle' state $~! (+2)

(bpx, bpy) <- get $ ballPos state
(bvx, bvy) <- get $ ballVel state

ballPos state $= (bpx + bvx*td, bpy + bvy*td)   
postRedisplay Nothing

One half of all Haskell coders will tell you that mutable state isn't a
good starting point to learn Haskell, the other half will tell you the
same because they want to be cool kids, too. 

(c) this sig last receiving data processing entity. Inspect headers for
past copyright information. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, renting, public performance and/or broadcasting of this
signature prohibited. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

答复: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP wa y?

2008-06-16 Thread Magicloud
OK. Here it is.
I want to make a monitor tool for linux. It runs for a long time, and give
out a certain process's io stat per second. The way I get io stat is to read
from /proc/pid/io. But the data in this file is a total, I need to read it
first, then next second, read it again, and shows the difference, and go on.
So, what is your idea?

发件人: David Roundy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
发送时间: 2008年6月17日 1:17
收件人: Magicloud Magiclouds
主题: Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to do this in FP way?

2008/6/15 Magicloud Magiclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I am getting familiar with FP now, and I have a "program design" kind
> question.
> Say I have something like this in C:
> static int old;
> int diff (int now) { /* this would be called once a second */
>   int ret = now - old;
>   old = now;
>   return ret;
> }
> Because there is no "variable" in Haskell. So how to do this in a FP
> way?

A better question would be to think about what you are trying to
accomplish, and then ask how to achieve that through functional


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Topkata

2008-06-16 Thread Ariel J. Birnbaum
> In the mean time -- who knows enough to make ghc target ARM, and get
> this to link against the iPhone libraries?  This would be quite a coup
> if it could be made to run there!
For that matter, there's another ARM-based target in which I'm interested: 
Nintendo DS. Has anyone got any Haskell code to run on one of these?
PS: Maybe this discussion should be moved to a new "Haskell on ARM" thread?
Ariel J. Birnbaum
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] 1/0

2008-06-16 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Dan Doel wrote:

On Monday 16 June 2008, Evan Laforge wrote:

(huge negative number)

Ok, so integral types don't have that exceptional value.  Shouldn't
trying to convert NaN or Infinity to an Integral throw something?  Is
it a performance thing?  I'd think if you're converting to Integer you
don't really need hardware level performance anyway, so a couple of
checks wouldn't kill anyone.

This is a (known by some) bug of sorts in the various floating point ->
integral transformations (which ultimately boil down to decodeFloat or
something like that at some point). It apparently doesn't know about the
various exceptional values in the IEEE representation, so it just treats the
representation like any other value. Infinity and NaN look like various huge
numbers if you interpret them like any other value, so that's what you get
out of round/ceiling/floor/etc.

It's not ideal, but I guess no one's bothered to fix it. Might be something to
bring up on the libraries mailing list.

This could be combined with improving performance:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design suggestion for Data.Binary.Defer

2008-06-16 Thread Neil Mitchell

Derek: Yes, I was slowly coming round to the idea of the third option.
It does mean that if you want to change the deferredness of a field,
you have to change the type, which is a substantial alteration.

> Is there any reason not to just write all lazy fields of variable size
>  in a deferred manner?

I completely hadn't though of this! You will loose a bit of time, for
example reading fields which were previously not deferred will require
a file seek, but the effort/thought/efficiency trade-off is good. I
think I will go with this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list