Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

I asked:

But more to the point: Can it send email?

Quoting John Dorsey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Can you give an example of a use case?

I don't need one.  It's not maximally flexible until it can send email.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

But I called it One.

That's a _terrible_ name.  One, surely is (), just as Zero is Void.

While I'm at it, I really don't like the lexical syntax of comments.
Someone should fix that.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Benjamin L . Russell
On Thu, 2 Oct 2008 14:46:32 -0700, Jason Dusek

John Dorsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now you can:
 *  Solve any of the software problems that cannot be solved without
the singleton tuple !

  What would those be? I'm still trying to figure out how a
  singelton tuple is really distinct from a plain value.

Actually, part of my original motivation for suggesting a singleton
tuple had to do with in using it as a tool for modeling complete
partial orders (a.k.a. cpos) (see, such as those
that appear in a lattice (see  A lattice is a
partially ordered set in which every pair of elements has a unique
supremum (see and infimum (see

When I was in college, one of the courses that I took was on domain
theory (see, where we used
complete partial orders to model (partial) results of a computation,
where elements higher in the order extended the information of the
elements below them in a consistent way.  _|_ (bottom) represented an
undefined result, and, if present in a cpo, was a least element for
that cpo.

In a lattice, unlike in a list, since every pair of elements has a
unique supremum and infimum, it is possible to have an ordering where
a pair of elements X1, Y1  Z1 for some element Z1, and X1, Y2  Z2
for some other elements Y2, Z2, but neither Z1  Z2 nor Z2  Z1.  This
kind of ordering cannot be represented in a list in which every
element is a number.

My idea was that it may be possible to use nesting of tuples to
represent this kind of ordering if we, say, allow nesting an element
in a tuple to distinguish that element from the same element not
nested in a tuple, and to define elements or tuples X to have a lower
ordering than either the same elements or tuples X with more nesting
(e.g., X  (X)), or less than elements containing either those
elements or containing tuples containing those elements (e.g., X  (X)
and X  ((X), (Y)) (in the above-mentioned example) (() as _|_ being a
unique least element).

E.g. (in the above-mentioned example), let:  

X1 = (X)
Y1 = (Y)
Y2 = ((Y))

Then, in order to define Z1 and Z2, since

X1  Z1, Y1  Z1
(X)  Z1, (Y)  Z1


X1  Z1, Y2  Z2
(X)  Z1, ((Y))  Z2

just define:

Z1 = ((X), (Y))
Z2 = ((X), ((Y)))


X1  Z1
(X)  ((X), (Y))


Y1  Z1
(Y)  ((X), (Y))


X1  Z2
(X)  ((X), ((Y)))

Y2  Z2
((Y))  ((X), ((Y)))

but not: Z1  Z2
not: ((X), (Y))  ((X), ((Y))) (since they cannot be compared)

and not: Z2  Z1
not: ((X), ((Y)))  ((X), (Y)) (again, since they cannot be compared)

Forgive me if this makes little sense, but I just thought that being
able to define, say, (X) = X1  ((X)) = X2  (((X))) = X3  .. 
(..(^nX)..)^n = Xn

would be useful in this kind of ordering.

Then, X is not the same as (X), because X = X0, (X) = X1, ...,
(..(^nX)..)^n = Xn, and in the context of this example, X  (X)  ...

Having a singleton tuple might then allow the representation of
lattices using tuples, in which _|_ (bottom) = () is a unique least
element, and for each element X in the lattice, X  (X) and X  each
tuple containing X.

Without a singleton tuple, we cannot define X  (X), because then X =

Does this sound plausible?

-- Benjamin L. Russell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about constraints

2008-10-03 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 7:51 AM, jean-christophe mincke

 Thank you for your comments.

 Would not it be feasible to add constraints at type definition, something
 like, in a somewhat free style syntax

 data String2 = String2 (s::String)  with length s = 5

 and with a polymorphic type

 data List5 a= List5 (l::[a]) with length l = 5

Well, yeah, it is possible that to a language.  However, it's a
question of how far you take it.  What do you want that to do?  Is it
a runtime check on the constructor?  Is it a compile-time guarantee?
If it's runtime, how lazy is it -- i.e. when does it check?  If it's
compile-time, how do you enforce it?

Basically it dumps the contents of pandora's box all over the design
space, so it's easier to leave it out and just let module abstraction
take care of the hard questions.  There are definitely ways to
simulate it:

You can simulate the runtime checks as follows:

  subtype :: (a - Bool) - (a - b) - a - b
  subtype p f x = if p x then f x else error Subtype constraint failed

  string2 :: String - String2
  string2 = subtype (\s - length s  5) String2
  -- And don't expose String2 from the module, so string2 is the only
way to make them

But to give an example of why this is not a straightforward thing to
answer, here's a different way which might also be correct, depending
on what you want:

  string2 :: String - String2
  string2 s = partial 5 s
partial 0 _ = error Subtype constraint failed
partial n [] = []
partial n (x:xs) = x:partial (n-1) xs

Which lazily checks the constraint; i.e. only errors if a value is
demanded beyond the index 5 and exists.

Implementing Compile-time checks is typically much harder, and demands
a bit more cleverness, since the way you do it is different for each
type of constraint you have.  For this example, you could create an
algebra of lengthed lists:

  import Prelude hiding (++)

  -- Type level numbers; Z = 0, S n = n + 1.
  data Z
  data S n

  -- Lists of length exactly n
  data Listn n a where
Nil :: Listn Z a
Cons :: a - Listn n a - Listn (S n) a

  -- Type-level addition of numbers
  type family Plus m n :: *
  type instance Plus Z n = n
  type instance Plus (S m) n = S (Plus m n)

  -- Typed append; appends the lists, adds the lengths.
  -- The compiler verifies that the implementation actually does this!
  (++) :: Listn m a - Listn n a - Listn (Plus m n) a
  Nil ++ ys = ys
  Cons x xs ++ ys = Cons x (xs ++ ys)

  -- Type-level less than or equal; represents the type of *proofs* that m = n.
  data m := n where
LeN :: n := n
LeS :: m := n - m := S n

  -- A List5 a is a function which takes a proof than n = 5, and
returns a Listn n a
  type List5 a = forall n. n := S (S (S (S (S Z - Listn n a

So that was a bit of work, wasn't it?  But this solution is quite
expressive; the compiler will not even compile your code if you try to
construct a list with more than 5 elements.  Furthermore, you can
actually write most things you'd expect to because of Haskell's great
GADT typechecking features :-)

The downside is that you have to redefine all the standard list
operations, because, well, they have different types now.

The above is approaching what dependently typed languages do.  My
favorite is Coq (a lot of haskell folks like Agda 2), and in it you
can express directly the constraint you want without all this type

  Definition List5 a := { l : List a | length l = 5 }.

But internally it is doing something very similar to the above Haskell
program.  This also has the property that it is impossible to write a
well-typed program that constructs a List5 of length  5.  In
addition, you can use all the standard list functions, however you
have to prove what they do to the constraint:

  Theorem append_length : forall m n a (xs ys : List a), (length xs =
m) - (length ys = n) - (length (xs ++ ys) = m+n).
(* prove prove prove *)

And then you can use that theorem to prove that the parts of your
program that use List5 are well-typed.

Whew, so now that we're done with that, in summary, it depends on your
situation how you want to do it, and there's really no easy answer.
I hope you got something out of seeing these techniques.

Adding notation like that you suggest is a challenge for the language,
since a runtime constraint changes the strictness properties of the
object, and a compile-time constraint written that concisely actually
does require full dependent types.  Best to leave it to the users.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Galchin, Vasili

One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge science.
Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.

Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort

Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have to
be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?

Kind regards, Vasili
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Jason Dusek
Jason Dagit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John Dorsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Now you can:
   *  Solve any of the software problems that cannot be
  solved without the singleton tuple !
   What would those be? I'm still trying to figure out how a
   singelton tuple is really distinct from a plain value.

 Careful when making (or not making) this distinction.  It
 could lead to infinite types such as, a = OneTuple a.

  Perhaps I am lacking in imagination, but I still can't see the
  value of one tuples.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Mitchell, Neil


   You mean shared libraries without the opportunity to 
 inline library code?
   This would result in a huge performance loss, I think.
  Usually _mild_ performance loss, in exchange for major code-size 
  savings, I would think. C obviously has worked quite fine under 
  exactly this restraint (though C implementations obviously aren't 
  built to take as great advantage of inlining library code 
 as Haskell may be).
 I think that the performance loss is much higher in the case 
 of Haskell because of Lazy Evaluation, massive use of higher 
 order functions and possibly more.

Example 1:

foo x | test `isPrefixOf` xs = ...
| otherwise = ...

If you have cross-module inlining, you get the rather obvious if like
construct. If you don't, you have to evaluate otherwise and test its

Example 2:

(a :: Int) + b

If you have cross-module specialisation you get a primitive integer
arithmetic instruction (possibly with a bit of unboxing, although often
not). If you don't, you get a dictionary lookup, followed by a higher
order application.

One reason cross-module inlining is essential is that many Haskell
functions don't do very much, think of (+), (||), (), not, otherwise
etc. In C these would be built-in's, so are always available to the
optimiser (and usually just one instruction), in Haskell you need to get
them from the Prelude.



Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is Haskell-Cafe down?

2008-10-03 Thread Benjamin L . Russell
About two hours ago, I sent two follow-ups to the Announcing
OneTuple-0.1.0 thread on the Haskell-Cafe mailing list, neither of
which has appeared in either my newsreader or my Inbox, even though
they have both appeared on the Web archive; viz.:

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

Is Haskell-Cafe down?

-- Benjamin L. Russell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Mitchell, Neil

 Quoting Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  But I called it One.

I did a similar one for Yhc, and I think I called it Box. My guess was
that boxing/unboxing wasn't an overloaded enough term :-)



Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: Haskell-Embedded System Design: ForSyDe 3.0 and Tutorial

2008-10-03 Thread Alfonso Acosta
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Awesome, native packages now available,

Thanks Don!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Kind-agnostic type classes

2008-10-03 Thread Florian Weimer
I'm trying to encode a well-known, informally-specified type system in
Haskell.  What causes problems for me is that type classes force types
to be of a specific kind.  The system I'm targeting however assumes that
its equivalent of type classes are kind-agnositic.

For instance, I've got

class Assignable a where
assign :: a - a - IO ()

class Swappable a where
swap :: a - a - IO ()

class CopyConstructible a where
copy :: a - IO a

class (Assignable a, CopyConstructible a) = ContainerType a

class (Swappable c, Assignable c, CopyConstructible c) = Container c where
size :: (Num i, ContainerType t) = c t - IO i

I suppose I could address this with creating aliases for the relevant
classes, but I wonder if there is a better workaround.

I see that the ML module system has a similar restriction on type
sharing.  Is there a fundamental reasons behind this?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Dougal Stanton
2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge science.
 Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.

 Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort

 Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have to
 be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?

Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)

I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
first place (or something).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mysql (hsql-mysql-1.7) on Linux with GHC 8.3 - cabal issues

2008-10-03 Thread Anton Tayanovskyy

Thank you for your reply. I benchmarked HDBC.ODBC with MySQL and it is
indeed working well. So whatever slow results I used to get were due
to that particular setup. It looks that HDBC will suit my needs as



 What's more, HDBC has a stronger and more versatile API than HSQL,
 which permits even more speed improvements.  Features such as
 precompiled queries can be huge for many apps, as can referencing
 result columns as an ordered list instead of an association list or

 Personally, I spent the time to write the Sqlite3, ODBC, and
 PostgreSQL bindings for HDBC owing to existing needs.  I have no need
 for a MySQL binding because I avoid MySQL wherever possible, and where
 not possible, use ODBC.

 That said, the API is designed to make development of database
 backends easy.  FFI also is quite nice.  It should not be a
 significant task for an interested party to write a MySQL backend.  I
 think it has not happened yet because the ODBC backend is fully
 functional for MySQL.

 -- John

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Lennart Augustsson
Let me pick one example.  Let's make a class that can convert between
tuples and lists.
Of course there are restriction when this works, but it can still be useful.

class TupleList t l | t - l where
tupleToList :: t - l
listToTuple :: l - t

instance TupleList () [a] where
tupleToList () = []
listToTuple [] = ()

-- XXX This doesn't work, and is just wrong.
--instance TupleList (a) [a] where
--tupleToList (a) = [a]
--listToTuple [a] = (a)

instance TupleList (a,a) [a] where
tupleToList (a1,a2) = [a1, a2]
listToTuple [a1,a2] = (a1, a2)

instance TupleList (a,a,a) [a] where
tupleToList (a1,a2,a3) = [a1, a2, a3]
listToTuple [a1,a2,a3] = (a1, a2, a3)

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jason Dagit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Perhaps I am lacking in imagination, but I still can't see the
  value of one tuples.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Haskell-Cafe down?

2008-10-03 Thread minh thu
2008/10/3 Benjamin L. Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 About two hours ago, I sent two follow-ups to the Announcing
 OneTuple-0.1.0 thread on the Haskell-Cafe mailing list, neither of
 which has appeared in either my newsreader or my Inbox, even though
 they have both appeared on the Web archive; viz.:

 [Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

 [Haskell-cafe] Re: Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

 Is Haskell-Cafe down?

I've received both, if it is what you ask...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread minh thu
2008/10/3 Mitchell, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


   You mean shared libraries without the opportunity to
 inline library code?
   This would result in a huge performance loss, I think.
  Usually _mild_ performance loss, in exchange for major code-size
  savings, I would think. C obviously has worked quite fine under
  exactly this restraint (though C implementations obviously aren't
  built to take as great advantage of inlining library code
 as Haskell may be).

 I think that the performance loss is much higher in the case
 of Haskell because of Lazy Evaluation, massive use of higher
 order functions and possibly more.

 Example 1:

 foo x | test `isPrefixOf` xs = ...
| otherwise = ...

 If you have cross-module inlining, you get the rather obvious if like
 construct. If you don't, you have to evaluate otherwise and test its

 Example 2:

 (a :: Int) + b

 If you have cross-module specialisation you get a primitive integer
 arithmetic instruction (possibly with a bit of unboxing, although often
 not). If you don't, you get a dictionary lookup, followed by a higher
 order application.

 One reason cross-module inlining is essential is that many Haskell
 functions don't do very much, think of (+), (||), (), not, otherwise
 etc. In C these would be built-in's, so are always available to the
 optimiser (and usually just one instruction), in Haskell you need to get
 them from the Prelude.

What happens in the C++ world where good chunk of functionnalities are
in header files (templates or inline methods);
is there the same LGPL problem that the one discussed here w.r.t.
static/shared linking ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Simon Marlow

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dynamic linking doesn't solve all the problems, we still have the problem
that GHC does a lot of cross-module inlining, regardless of whether dynamic
linking is used.  However, I really would like to have a way to have
complete control over what is exposed across a package boundary.  We need
this not just for licensing reasons, but also for making a dynamic library
with a fixed ABI, so it can be upgraded later.

I have a really hard time following this.  Are you seriously saying
that GHC is inlining code from modules _and_ link dynamically at the
same time.  That seems like a remarkably strange thing to do, or maybe
I'm just missing something.

That's exactly what would happen, if we shipped dynamic linking support 
with GHC as it stands.  It's just a linking mechanism, an alternative to 
static linking, and has no impact on the amount or nature of 
inter-module optimisation that GHC does.

My understanding from another thread on here was that dynamic linking
isn't working reliably, not even on Windows, where it once was
supported.  It has never worked on any other platform.

The fundamental mechanisms are working on {x86, x86-64, PPC, PPC64} / 
{Linux, OS X, Windows} and possibly other OSs.  However right now you 
need a few small patches to the source tree to get it to build.  Most of 
the unresolved issues are around how to construct binary installs, and 
how executables will find their libraries when the run (e.g. if you 
install GHC privately in your home directory).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Kind-agnostic type classes

2008-10-03 Thread Derek Elkins
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 12:22 +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
 I'm trying to encode a well-known, informally-specified type system in
 Haskell.  What causes problems for me is that type classes force types
 to be of a specific kind.  The system I'm targeting however assumes that
 its equivalent of type classes are kind-agnositic.
 For instance, I've got
 class Assignable a where
 assign :: a - a - IO ()
 class Swappable a where
 swap :: a - a - IO ()
 class CopyConstructible a where
 copy :: a - IO a
 class (Assignable a, CopyConstructible a) = ContainerType a
 class (Swappable c, Assignable c, CopyConstructible c) = Container c where
 size :: (Num i, ContainerType t) = c t - IO i

instane Container Maybe where...

What does copy :: Maybe - IO Maybe mean?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Kind-agnostic type classes

2008-10-03 Thread Luke Palmer
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Florian Weimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to encode a well-known, informally-specified type system in
 Haskell.  What causes problems for me is that type classes force types
 to be of a specific kind.  The system I'm targeting however assumes that
 its equivalent of type classes are kind-agnositic.

There is no choice of kinds, they are forced by the methods (since the
kind of an actual argument is * by definition).  But see below.

 For instance, I've got

 class Assignable a where
assign :: a - a - IO ()

 class Swappable a where
swap :: a - a - IO ()

 class CopyConstructible a where
copy :: a - IO a

 class (Assignable a, CopyConstructible a) = ContainerType a

 class (Swappable c, Assignable c, CopyConstructible c) = Container c where
size :: (Num i, ContainerType t) = c t - IO i

Which is illegal because the three above classes force c to be kind *,
but you're using it here as kind * - *.

What you want is not this informal kind-agnostic classes so much as
quantification in constraints, I presume.  This, if it were supported,
would solve your problem.

class (forall t. Swappable (c t), forall t. Assignable (c t), forall
t. CopyConstructible (c t)) = Contanter c where ...

Incidentally, you *can* do this if you go to a dictionary passing
style (because then you are providing the proofs, rather than asking
the compiler to infer them, which is probably undecidable (what isn't

data Assignable a = Assignable { assign :: a - a - IO () }
data Swappable a = Swappable { swap :: a - a - IO () }
data CopyConstructible a = CopyConstructible { copy :: a - IO a }
data ContainerType a = ContainerType (Assignable a) (CopyConstructor a)
data Container c t = Container {
   containerAssignable :: forall t. ContainerType t - Assignable (c t),
   containerSwappable :: forall t. ContainerType t - Swappable (c t),
   containerCopyConstructible :: forall t. ContainerType t -
CopyConstructible (c t),
   size :: forall i. (Num i) = ContainerType t - c t - IO i }

And then to make an instance of Container (construct an object of
it), you need to provide a proof of eg. forall t. ContainerType t -
Assignable (c t).

For what it's worth, this is a well-known but very infrequently used
technique.  Try to come up with something simpler that accomplishes
the big picture you have in mind   (spend more time thinking about
the problem and less about the solution you think you want).

Also, OO-esque modeling like this in Haskell almost always leads to
overcomplexity, pain, and desire for yet more missing features.  A
more functional solution will serve you well (it takes time to learn
how to come up with functional solutions).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Kind-agnostic type classes

2008-10-03 Thread Florian Weimer
* Derek Elkins:

 On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 12:22 +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
 I'm trying to encode a well-known, informally-specified type system in
 Haskell.  What causes problems for me is that type classes force types
 to be of a specific kind.  The system I'm targeting however assumes that
 its equivalent of type classes are kind-agnositic.
 For instance, I've got
 class Assignable a where
 assign :: a - a - IO ()
 class Swappable a where
 swap :: a - a - IO ()
 class CopyConstructible a where
 copy :: a - IO a
 class (Assignable a, CopyConstructible a) = ContainerType a
 class (Swappable c, Assignable c, CopyConstructible c) = Container c where
 size :: (Num i, ContainerType t) = c t - IO i

 instane Container Maybe where...

 What does copy :: Maybe - IO Maybe mean?

Maybe is not an instance of CopyConstructible, so this shouldn't
compile.  On the other hand, for IORef a,

  copy = (= newIORef) . readIORef

and for mutable arrays,

  copy = mapArray id

(if I'm not mistaken).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread John Van Enk
...gigabytes of data per second that they end up keeping, out of the
petabytes that are produced in the first place...

Sounds like a good application for lazy evaluation! (Actually, they may have
to read over it all to make sure they can throw it away...)

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:47 AM, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge
  Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.
  Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort
  Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have
  be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?

 Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
 the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)

 I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
 researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
 infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
 they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
 first place (or something).


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Rafael Gustavo da Cunha Pereira Pinto

 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 07:47, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge
  Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.
  Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort
  Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have
  be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?

 Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
 the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)

Man, that was almost as good as the Large Hardon

 I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
 researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
 infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
 they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
 first place (or something).

There is a lot of data filtering, looking for the right trigger event...

Rafael Gustavo da Cunha Pereira Pinto
Electronic Engineer, MSc.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Anton van Straaten

Dougal Stanton wrote:

2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge science.
Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.

Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort

Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have to
be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?

Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)

That's close:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Magnus Therning
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Magnus Therning wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dynamic linking doesn't solve all the problems, we still have the problem
 that GHC does a lot of cross-module inlining, regardless of whether
 linking is used.  However, I really would like to have a way to have
 complete control over what is exposed across a package boundary.  We need
 this not just for licensing reasons, but also for making a dynamic
 with a fixed ABI, so it can be upgraded later.

 I have a really hard time following this.  Are you seriously saying
 that GHC is inlining code from modules _and_ link dynamically at the
 same time.  That seems like a remarkably strange thing to do, or maybe
 I'm just missing something.

 That's exactly what would happen, if we shipped dynamic linking support with
 GHC as it stands.  It's just a linking mechanism, an alternative to static
 linking, and has no impact on the amount or nature of inter-module
 optimisation that GHC does.

Ah, now I understand.  The object for GHC would be to reduce the
system-wide use of memory rather than substitutability of DLLs then,

Why would it be interesting to have sharable objects without substitutability?


Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)  Jabber:|twitter: magthe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Simon Marlow

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Magnus Therning wrote:

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dynamic linking doesn't solve all the problems, we still have the problem
that GHC does a lot of cross-module inlining, regardless of whether
linking is used.  However, I really would like to have a way to have
complete control over what is exposed across a package boundary.  We need
this not just for licensing reasons, but also for making a dynamic
with a fixed ABI, so it can be upgraded later.

I have a really hard time following this.  Are you seriously saying
that GHC is inlining code from modules _and_ link dynamically at the
same time.  That seems like a remarkably strange thing to do, or maybe
I'm just missing something.

That's exactly what would happen, if we shipped dynamic linking support with
GHC as it stands.  It's just a linking mechanism, an alternative to static
linking, and has no impact on the amount or nature of inter-module
optimisation that GHC does.

Ah, now I understand.  The object for GHC would be to reduce the
system-wide use of memory rather than substitutability of DLLs then,

Why would it be interesting to have sharable objects without substitutability?

It'll make our binary distributions a lot smaller for one thing.  Also, the 
on-disk size of binaries will be a lot smaller - this is something you 
notice if you run a GHC test suite, for example.

Also, the GHCi binary contains the base package, but loads up another 
complete copy when it starts up.  And if you load up the GHC package inside 
GHCi, then you have two complete copies of GHC in memory.  Dynamic linking 
fixes all this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alex and Flex

2008-10-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 3, 2008, at 09:24 , Manlio Perillo wrote:

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:
However I have noted that there are some difference in the syntax  
between Alex and Flex?

What is the rationale?

By the way, here is the list of differences between Alex and Flex I  
have found, for people interested:

3) Alex does not support
  that must be rewritten as

The only *reliable* way to write that cset is to put the '-' as the  
first item.  Likewise for ']' (and if you must match both, [-]...]).

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Kind-agnostic type classes

2008-10-03 Thread Florian Weimer
* Luke Palmer:

 For instance, I've got

 class Assignable a where
assign :: a - a - IO ()

 class Swappable a where
swap :: a - a - IO ()

 class CopyConstructible a where
copy :: a - IO a

 class (Assignable a, CopyConstructible a) = ContainerType a

 class (Swappable c, Assignable c, CopyConstructible c) = Container c where
size :: (Num i, ContainerType t) = c t - IO i

 Which is illegal because the three above classes force c to be kind *,
 but you're using it here as kind * - *.

 What you want is not this informal kind-agnostic classes so much as
 quantification in constraints, I presume.  This, if it were supported,
 would solve your problem.

 class (forall t. Swappable (c t), forall t. Assignable (c t), forall
 t. CopyConstructible (c t)) = Contanter c where ...

In the meantime, I figured out that in ML, it suffices to make the
Container type c non-polymorphic (although the syntactic overhead is
rather problematic).  Trying to the same in Haskell, I learnt something
about functional dependencies.  I actually ended up with:

class (Assignable c, CopyConstructible c, Swappable c, ContainerType t, Num s)
= Container c s t | c - s, c - t where
size :: c - IO Int
empty ::c - IO Bool

empty c = do
  sz - size c
  return (sz == 0)

(In fact, I stumbled across A Comparative Study of Language Support for
Generic Programming by Garcia et al., which contains a very helpful
Haskell example with functional dependencies and multi-parameter type
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008 13:36 schrieben Sie:

 What happens in the C++ world where good chunk of functionnalities are
 in header files (templates or inline methods);
 is there the same LGPL problem that the one discussed here w.r.t.
 static/shared linking ?

I've never heard about problems with macros etc. but I think that the LGPL is 
problematic if you use templates.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Jason Dusek
Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let me pick one example. Let's make a class that can convert
 between tuples and lists.

 -- XXX This doesn't work, and is just wrong.
 -- instance TupleList (a) [a] where
 --tupleToList (a) = [a]
 --listToTuple [a] = (a)

  It's not clear to me what is so wrong about it. If the 1-ary
  tuple is the 1-ary product, it makes sense.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread David Leimbach
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 4:36 AM, minh thu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2008/10/3 Mitchell, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
You mean shared libraries without the opportunity to
  inline library code?
This would result in a huge performance loss, I think.
   Usually _mild_ performance loss, in exchange for major code-size
   savings, I would think. C obviously has worked quite fine under
   exactly this restraint (though C implementations obviously aren't
   built to take as great advantage of inlining library code
  as Haskell may be).
  I think that the performance loss is much higher in the case
  of Haskell because of Lazy Evaluation, massive use of higher
  order functions and possibly more.
  Example 1:
  foo x | test `isPrefixOf` xs = ...
 | otherwise = ...
  If you have cross-module inlining, you get the rather obvious if like
  construct. If you don't, you have to evaluate otherwise and test its
  Example 2:
  (a :: Int) + b
  If you have cross-module specialisation you get a primitive integer
  arithmetic instruction (possibly with a bit of unboxing, although often
  not). If you don't, you get a dictionary lookup, followed by a higher
  order application.
  One reason cross-module inlining is essential is that many Haskell
  functions don't do very much, think of (+), (||), (), not, otherwise
  etc. In C these would be built-in's, so are always available to the
  optimiser (and usually just one instruction), in Haskell you need to get
  them from the Prelude.

 What happens in the C++ world where good chunk of functionnalities are
 in header files (templates or inline methods);
 is there the same LGPL problem that the one discussed here w.r.t.
 static/shared linking ?

I don't know what happens on platforms that don't have shared libraries with
LGPL.  If you build stuff statically, I'm pretty sure you can't claim stuff
is loosely coupled.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 10:08 -0700, David Leimbach wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 4:36 AM, minh thu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/10/3 Mitchell, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
You mean shared libraries without the opportunity to
  inline library code?
This would result in a huge performance loss, I think.
   Usually _mild_ performance loss, in exchange for major
   savings, I would think. C obviously has worked quite fine
   exactly this restraint (though C implementations
 obviously aren't
   built to take as great advantage of inlining library code
  as Haskell may be).
  I think that the performance loss is much higher in the
  of Haskell because of Lazy Evaluation, massive use of
  order functions and possibly more.
  Example 1:
  foo x | test `isPrefixOf` xs = ...
 | otherwise = ...
  If you have cross-module inlining, you get the rather
 obvious if like
  construct. If you don't, you have to evaluate otherwise and
 test its
  Example 2:
  (a :: Int) + b
  If you have cross-module specialisation you get a primitive
  arithmetic instruction (possibly with a bit of unboxing,
 although often
  not). If you don't, you get a dictionary lookup, followed by
 a higher
  order application.
  One reason cross-module inlining is essential is that many
  functions don't do very much, think of (+), (||), (), not,
  etc. In C these would be built-in's, so are always available
 to the
  optimiser (and usually just one instruction), in Haskell you
 need to get
  them from the Prelude.
 What happens in the C++ world where good chunk of
 functionnalities are
 in header files (templates or inline methods);
 is there the same LGPL problem that the one discussed here
 static/shared linking ?
 I don't know what happens on platforms that don't have shared
 libraries with LGPL.  If you build stuff statically, I'm pretty sure
 you can't claim stuff is loosely coupled.

What I've always heard is that in that case you have to distribute
object files.

This would work for Haskell, except that changing the distributed
library is still liable to invalidate the object files, due to
cross-module inlining.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Tillmann Rendel wrote:

Seriously, what are you talking about? The haddock page for
Control.Applicative hoogle links to begins with

This module describes a structure intermediate between a functor and
a monad: it provides pure expressions and sequencing, but no binding.
(Technically, a strong lax monoidal functor.) For more details, see
Applicative Programming with Effects, by Conor McBride and Ross
Paterson, online at

This interface was introduced for parsers by Niklas Röjemo, because
it admits more sharing than the monadic interface. The names here are
mostly based on recent parsing work by Doaitse Swierstra.

This class is also useful with instances of the Traversable class.

I agree that this is hard to understand, but it's more then just 
strong lax monoidal functor, isn't it? More importantly, there is a 
reference to a wonderful and easy to read paper. (easy in the easy 
for Haskell programmers sense, not in the easy for the authors, and 
maybe the inventors of Haskell sense). Just give it a try.

Just in case you missed the link for some reason, here is it again:

You must have a radically different idea of easy to read paper than I 
have. ;-)

Anyway, after multiple hours of staring at this paper and watching 
intricate type signatures swim before my eyes, I simply ended up being 
highly confused. (I especially like the way that what's described in the 
paper doesn't quite match what's in the actual Haskell standard 
libraries...) After many hours of thinking about this, I eventually 
began to vaguely comprehend what it's saying. (I suspect the problem is 
that, rather like monads, the concepts it's attempting to explain are 
just so extremely abstract that it's hard to develop an intuitive notion 
about them.)

So... something that's applicative is sort-of like a monad, but where 
the next action cannot vary depending on the result of some prior 
action? Is that about the size of it? (If so, why didn't you just *say* so?)

But on the other hand, that would seem to imply that every monad is 
trivially applicative, yet studying the libraries this is not the case. 
Indeed several of the libraries seem to go out of their way to implement 
duplicate functionallity for monad and applicative. (Hence the sea of 
identical and nearly identical type sigantures for functions with 
totally different names that had me confused for so long.)

If you think in terms of containers, then c x is a container of x 
values. Then, the type signature

 sequence :: c1 (c2 x) - c2 (c1 x)

kind-of makes sense. (Obviously the two containers are constrained to 
particular classes.) So that's traversable, is it?

Again, we have sequence and sequenceA, indicating that monads and 
applicatives aren't actually the same somehow. Also, before you can put 
anything into Traversable, it has to be in Functor (no hardship there) 
and Foldable. Foldable seems simplish, except that it refers to some odd 
monoid class that looks suspiciously like MonadPlus but isn't... wuh?

OK, maybe I should just stop attempting to comprehend this stuff and 
write the code... At this point learning about applicative and 
traversable isn't actually solving my problem.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Kind-agnostic type classes

2008-10-03 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Florian Weimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to encode a well-known, informally-specified type system in
 Haskell.  What causes problems for me is that type classes force types
 to be of a specific kind.  The system I'm targeting however assumes that
 its equivalent of type classes are kind-agnositic.

 There is no choice of kinds, they are forced by the methods (since the
 kind of an actual argument is * by definition).  But see below.

 For instance, I've got

 class Assignable a where
assign :: a - a - IO ()

 class Swappable a where
swap :: a - a - IO ()

 class CopyConstructible a where
copy :: a - IO a

 class (Assignable a, CopyConstructible a) = ContainerType a

 class (Swappable c, Assignable c, CopyConstructible c) = Container c where
size :: (Num i, ContainerType t) = c t - IO i

 Which is illegal because the three above classes force c to be kind *,
 but you're using it here as kind * - *.

 What you want is not this informal kind-agnostic classes so much as
 quantification in constraints, I presume.  This, if it were supported,
 would solve your problem.

 class (forall t. Swappable (c t), forall t. Assignable (c t), forall
 t. CopyConstructible (c t)) = Contanter c where ...

 Incidentally, you *can* do this if you go to a dictionary passing
 style (because then you are providing the proofs, rather than asking
 the compiler to infer them, which is probably undecidable (what isn't

You don't necessarily need explicit dictionaries.

For example, I've occasionally wanted to have a constraint (forall a.
Show a = Show (f a)). One fairly simple way to do this to declare a
new class.

class Show1 f where
showsPrec1 :: (Show a) = Int - f a - ShowS

instance Show1 [] where
showsPrec1 = showsPrec

The same technique is used in Data.Typeable.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alex and Flex

2008-10-03 Thread Manlio Perillo

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:


I'm starting to write a CSS parser with Alex and Happy.
The grammar is defined here:

However I have noted that there are some difference in the syntax 
between Alex and Flex?

What is the rationale?

One more thing.
it seems that there is an error with
macrodef  :=  @smac '=' set
   |  @rmac '=' regexp

it should be
macrodef  :=  $smac '=' set
   |  @rmac '=' regexp

Ok, this is not an error, sorry.

By the way, here is the list of differences between Alex and Flex I have 
found, for people interested:


Another problem.

In this rule:
@comment= \/\*[^\*]*\*+([^\/\*][^\*]*\*+)*\/

[^\*] means all characters except '*', but Alex seems to not include 
the new line character.

So a comment like
/* A comment

generates a lexical error.

Is this true?

Thanks  Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

David Menendez wrote:

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Andrew Coppin

David Menendez wrote:

You could try using an exception monad transformer here

I thought I already was?

No, a monad transformer is a type constructor that takes a monad as an
argument and produces another monad. So, (ErrorT ErrorType) is a monad
transformer, and (ErrorT ErrorType m) is a monad, for any monad m.

Right, OK.

If you look at the type you were using, you see that it breaks down into
(Either ErrorType) (ResultSet State), where Either ErrorType :: * - *
and ResultSet State :: *. Thus, the monad is Either ErrorType. The
fact that ResultSet is also a monad isn't enough to give you an
equivalent to (=), without one of the functions below.

OK, that makes sense.

Uh... what's Applicative? (I had a look at Control.Applicative, but it just
tells me that it's a strong lax monoidal functor. Which isn't very
helpful, obviously.)

Applicative is a class of functors that are between Functor and Monad
in terms of capabilities. Instead of (=), they have an operation
(*) :: f (a - b) - f a - f b, which generalizes Control.Monad.ap.

(As an aside, Control.Monad.ap is not a function I've ever heard of. It 
seems simple enough, but what an unfortunate name...!)

The nice thing about Applicative functors is that they compose.

With monads, you can't make (Comp m1 m2) a monad without a function
analogous to inner, outer, or swap.

So I see. I'm still not convinced that Applicative helps me in any way 

From your code examples, it isn't clear to me that applicative
functors are powerful enough, but I can't really say without knowing
what you're trying to do.

The whole list-style multiple inputs/multiple outputs trip, basically.

The fact that the functions you gave take a
state as an argument and return a state suggests that things could be
refactored further.

If you look at run_or, you'll see that this is _not_ a simple state 
monad, as in that function I run two actions starting from _the same_ 
initial state - something which, AFAIK, is impossible (or at least very 
awkward) with a state monad.

Really, it's a function that takes a state and generates a new state, 
but it may also happen to generate *multiple* new states. It also 
consumes a Foo or two in the process.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jake McArthur

Andrew Coppin wrote:
But on the other hand, that would seem to imply that every monad is 
trivially applicative, yet studying the libraries this is not the 
case. Indeed several of the libraries seem to go out of their way to 
implement duplicate functionallity for monad and applicative. (Hence 
the sea of identical and nearly identical type sigantures for 
functions with totally different names that had me confused for so long.)

Actually, it is the case. It is technically possible to write:

   instance Monad m = Applicative m where
 pure = return
 (*) = ap

We don't include the above definition because it elimimates all 
possibility of specialization. The reason for the separation of the two 
for many functions is so that types which are instances of only one of 
the two can still take advantage of the functionality.
Foldable seems simplish, except that it refers to some odd monoid 
class that looks suspiciously like MonadPlus but isn't... wuh?
A Monoid is simply anything that has an identity element (mempty) and an 
associative binary operation (mappend). It is not necessary for a 
complete instance of Foldable.

- Jake
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Micah Cowan
Hash: SHA1

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
 Am Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2008 20:33 schrieben Sie:
 Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
 You mean shared libraries without the opportunity to inline library code?
 This would result in a huge performance loss, I think.
 Usually _mild_ performance loss, in exchange for major code-size
 savings, I would think. C obviously has worked quite fine under exactly
 this restraint (though C implementations obviously aren't built to take
 as great advantage of inlining library code as Haskell may be).
 I think that the performance loss is much higher in the case of Haskell 
 because of Lazy Evaluation, massive use of higher order functions and 
 possibly more.  Maybe one of the GHC developers could comment on this?

Perhaps the best approach currently for creating dynamically loadable
modules in Haskell is to expose the interface via FFI, then? (I suspect
that in most cases, you'd want to provide that as an option, but of
course not as the only means of interfacing with the library, for those
who don't want to make the DLL-vs-optimizations tradeoff.)

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer.
GNU Maintainer: wget, screen, teseq
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alex and Flex

2008-10-03 Thread Manlio Perillo

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:

Another problem.

In this rule:
@comment= \/\*[^\*]*\*+([^\/\*][^\*]*\*+)*\/

[^\*] means all characters except '*', but Alex seems to not include 
the new line character.

Again sorry.
The problem was not here.
There was a missing rule for '.', to scan every characters.

Regards   Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hoogle? [Stacking monads]

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Andrew Coppin wrote:

After much searching (Hoogle rather failed me here), I discover that...

I could probably elaborate on that point further.

Try doing a Hoogle search for c1 (c2 x) - c2 (c1 x). Hoogle correctly 
states that Data.Traversable.sequence will do it for you.

Now try doing c1 k (c2 x) - c2 (c1 k x). The 'sequence' function will 
also do this, but now Hoogle returns 0 results.

This is puzzling, since AFAIK, the above two type signatures are 
equvilent in some sense. (Specifically, replace every type X with type 
Y and you get from one to the other.) To me, this looks like a Hoogle 
bug. (It goes without saying that Hoogle also failed to find anything 
for the more specific type signature I was searching for, despite the 
fact that 'sequence' unifies with it.)

Is this a known issue?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jake McArthur

Andrew Coppin wrote:
(As an aside, Control.Monad.ap is not a function I've ever heard of. 
It seems simple enough, but what an unfortunate name...!) 
I think it makes sense. It stands for apply, or at least that is what 
I think of when I see it. If we have a function f :: A - B - C - D 
and values a :: m A, b :: m B, c :: m C, then we can do:

   f `liftM` a `ap` b `ap` c

... which is the same as (using Applicative):

   f $ a * b * c

... both having type m D.

- Jake
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-03 Thread Mads Lindstrøm

Gour wrote:
  Don == Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Don * Only a small percent of Haskell libarires are LGPL, and
 Don nothing for which we don't have workarounds (e.g. HDBC vs
 Don galois-sqlite3 vs takusen).
 Hmm, Gtk2Hs  wxhaskell - major GUI libs...

wxHaskell uses a modified LGPL license (wxWidgets license). One that
allows static linking. See . From the
description of the wxWidgets license :

The wxWindows Licence is essentially the L-GPL (Library General Public
Licence), with an exception stating that derived works in binary form
may be distributed on the user's own terms. This is a solution that
satisfies those who wish to produce GPL'ed software using wxWidgets, and
also those producing proprietary software.


Mads Lindstrøm

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jake McArthur wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:
(As an aside, Control.Monad.ap is not a function I've ever heard of. 
It seems simple enough, but what an unfortunate name...!) 
I think it makes sense. It stands for apply, or at least that is 
what I think of when I see it.

There can be little doubt that this is what the designers intended. 
However, why didn't they name it, say, apply? I just think that 
Haskell already has too many names like id and nub and elem and 
Eq and Ix. Would it kill anybody to write out more descriptive names?

Also, I'm fuzzy on why ap is even a useful function to have in the first 
place. I can see what it does, but when are you ever going to need a 
function like that? (I'm not saying we should get rid of it, I'm just 
puzzled as to why anybody thought to include it to start with.)

If we have a function f :: A - B - C - D and values a :: m A, b :: 
m B, c :: m C, then we can do:

   f `liftM` a `ap` b `ap` c

... which is the same as (using Applicative):

   f $ a * b * c

... both having type m D.

Again we seem to have two different sets of functions which none the 
less appear to do exactly the same thing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Andrew Coppin
 David Menendez wrote:

 Applicative is a class of functors that are between Functor and Monad
 in terms of capabilities. Instead of (=), they have an operation
 (*) :: f (a - b) - f a - f b, which generalizes Control.Monad.ap.

 (As an aside, Control.Monad.ap is not a function I've ever heard of. It
 seems simple enough, but what an unfortunate name...!)

I believe it's short for apply.

ap generalizes the liftM* functions, so

liftM2 f a b = return f `ap` a `ap` b
liftM3 f a b c = return f `ap` a `ap` b `ap` c

and so forth. It wasn't until fairly recently that people realized
that you could do useful things if you had return and ap, but not
(=), which why we have some unfortunate limitations in the Haskell
prelude, like Applicative not being a superclass of Monad.

This leads to all the duplication between Applicative and Monad. In a
perfect world, we would only need the Applicative versions.

 The nice thing about Applicative functors is that they compose.

 With monads, you can't make (Comp m1 m2) a monad without a function
 analogous to inner, outer, or swap.

 So I see. I'm still not convinced that Applicative helps me in any way

To be honest, neither am I. But it's a useful thing to be aware of.

 From your code examples, it isn't clear to me that applicative
 functors are powerful enough, but I can't really say without knowing
 what you're trying to do.

 The whole list-style multiple inputs/multiple outputs trip, basically.

Would you be willing to share the implementation of ResultSet? If
you're relying on a list somewhere, then it should be possible to
switch the implementation to one of the nondeterminism monad
transformers, which would give you the exception behavior you want.

 The fact that the functions you gave take a
 state as an argument and return a state suggests that things could be
 refactored further.

 If you look at run_or, you'll see that this is _not_ a simple state monad,
 as in that function I run two actions starting from _the same_ initial state
 - something which, AFAIK, is impossible (or at least very awkward) with a
 state monad.

 Really, it's a function that takes a state and generates a new state, but it
 may also happen to generate *multiple* new states. It also consumes a Foo or
 two in the process.

That's what happens if you apply a state monad transformer to a
nondeterminism monad.

plusMinusOne :: StateT Int [] ()
plusMinusOne = get s = \s - mplus (put $ s + 1) (put $ s - 1)

execStateT plusMinusOne 0 == [1,-1]
execStateT (plusMinusOne  plusMinusOne) 0 == [2,0,0,-2]

(FYI, execStateT is similar to runStateT, except that it discards the
return value, which is () in our example.)

So it might be possible to rewrite your code along these lines:

type M = StateT State []

run :: Foo - M ()

runOr :: Foo - Foo - M ()
runOr x y = mplus (run x) (run y)

runAnd :: Foo - Foo - M ()
runAnd x y = run x  run y

The type StateT State [] alpha is isomorphic to State - [(alpha,
State)], which means that each of the computations in mplus gets its
own copy of the state.

There are a few ways to add exceptions to this, depending on how you
want the exceptions to interact with the non-determinism.

1. StateT State (ErrorT ErrorType []) alpha

This corresponds to State - [(Either ErrorType alpha, State)].

Each branch maintains its own state and is isolated from exceptions in
other branches.

In other words,

catchErr (mplus a b) h == mplus (catchErr a h) (catchErr b h)

2. StateT State (NondetT (Either ErrorType)) alpha

(NondetT isn't in the standard libraries, but I can provide code if needed.)

This corresponds to State - Either ErrorType [(alpha, State)].

Left uncaught, an exception raised in any branch will cause all
branches to fail.

mplus (throw e) a == throw e

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Andrew Coppin
 Jake McArthur wrote:

 Andrew Coppin wrote:

 But on the other hand, that would seem to imply that every monad is
 trivially applicative, yet studying the libraries this is not the case.

 Actually, it is the case. It is technically possible to write:

   instance Monad m = Applicative m where
 pure = return
 (*) = ap

 We don't include the above definition because it elimimates all
 possibility of specialization.

 I don't follow.

For some monads, there are implementations of * which are more
efficient than the one provided by ap. Similarly, there are ways to
implement fmap which are more efficient than using liftM.

Of course, the *real* reason we don't define the instance given above
is that there are instances of Applicative that aren't monads, and we
want to avoid overlapping instances.

 The reason for the separation of the two for many functions is so that
 types which are instances of only one of the two can still take advantage of
 the functionality.

 Well, that makes sense once you assume two seperate, unconnected classes.
 I'm still fuzzy on that first point though.

It's historical. Monad pre-dates Applicative by several years. Because
it's part of the Haskell 98 standard, no one is willing to change
Monad to make Applicative a superclass. Thus all the duplication.
(Also, many of the duplicate functions are found in the Haskell 98
report, so we can't replace them with their more-general Applicative

 Foldable seems simplish, except that it refers to some odd monoid class
 that looks suspiciously like MonadPlus but isn't... wuh?

 A Monoid is simply anything that has an identity element (mempty) and an
 associative binary operation (mappend). It is not necessary for a complete
 instance of Foldable.

 Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the method
 names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?

There are at least three reasons why MonadPlus and Monoid are distinct.

First, MonadPlus is older than Monoid, even though Monoid is more general.

Second, MonadPlus and Monoid have different kinds, * - * and *,
respectively. Instances of MonadPlus are more restricted, because they
have to work with any type parameter, whereas instances of Monoid can
place constraints.

Third, instances of MonadPlus must follow additional laws relating the
behavior of mplus and mzero to return and (=).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jake McArthur wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:
But on the other hand, that would seem to imply that every monad is 
trivially applicative, yet studying the libraries this is not the case.

Actually, it is the case. It is technically possible to write:

   instance Monad m = Applicative m where
 pure = return
 (*) = ap

We don't include the above definition because it elimimates all 
possibility of specialization.

I don't follow.

The reason for the separation of the two for many functions is so that 
types which are instances of only one of the two can still take 
advantage of the functionality.

Well, that makes sense once you assume two seperate, unconnected 
classes. I'm still fuzzy on that first point though.

Foldable seems simplish, except that it refers to some odd monoid 
class that looks suspiciously like MonadPlus but isn't... wuh?
A Monoid is simply anything that has an identity element (mempty) and 
an associative binary operation (mappend). It is not necessary for a 
complete instance of Foldable.

Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the method 
names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Don Stewart
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:47 AM, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge science.
  Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.
  Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort
  Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have to
  be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?
  Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
  the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)
  I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
  researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
  infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
  they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
  first place (or something).
 Well, with the LHC efforts I don't think a technology like Haskell
 really has a least not now.  Even just a few years back,
 when I worked on this stuff, we were still doing lots of simulation in
 preparation for the actual live experiment and Haskell might have been
 a good choice for some of the tools.  All of the detector simulation
 was written in C++, because C++ is the new FORTRAN to physicists, and
 you ain't seen nothing till you've seen a jury-rigged form of lazy
 evaluation built into a class hierarchy in C++.  Now, would the C++
 based simulation have run faster than a Haskell based one?  Quite
 possibly.  On the other hand, I remember how many delays and problems
 were caused by the sheer complexity of the codebase.  That's where a
 more modern programming language might have been extremely helpful.

How about EDSLs for producing high assurance controllers, and other
robust devices they might need. I imagine the LHC has a good need for
verified software components...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Perhaps I am lacking in imagination, but I still can't see the
  value of one tuples.

You can use them to defeat seq.

undefined `seq` x == undefined
OneTuple undefined `seq` x == x

That might be useful if a polymorphic function is using seq to force
evaluation, and you don't want it to. But I can't imagine that coming
up much in practice.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Paul Johnson

Andrew Coppin wrote:

Oh, no. The entire bar is 2 Kg, I wasn't actually planning to eat the 
whole thing! o_O My god, my pancreas would explode or something...
My Dad once ate two bars of dark cooking chocolate.  He said he got some 
odd visual distortions; flickering auras around things, and size 
distortions where small things looked big and big things looked small.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Andrew Coppin
 Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the method
 names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?

MonadPlus is a class for type constructors, generic over the type of
the elements:

class MonadPlus m where
mzero :: m a
mplus :: m a - m a - m a

(note the lack of a in the class signature; the methods have to be
defined for ALL possible a).

whereas monoid is a class for concrete types:

class Monoid a where
mempty :: a
mappend :: a - a - a

The MonadPlus instance for lists is very constrained:

instance MonadPlus [] where
mzero = [] -- only possibly definition
mplus = (++)

There's no other possible fully-defined definition of mzero, and the
laws for mplus constrain its definition significantly; the only real
change you are allowed to make is to merge the elements of the two
input lists in some interesting fashion.  Even then you need to keep
the relative ordering of the elements within a list the same.

The monoid definition is far more open, however; there are many
possible monoid definitions for lists.  This admits a definition like
the following:

instance Monoid a = Monoid [a] where
mempty = [mempty]
mappend xs ys = [x `mappend` y | x - xs, y - ys]

Of course, other definitions are possible; this one fits the monoid laws:
   mempty `mappend` a == a
   a `mappend` mempty == a
but there are other choices that do so as well (one based on zipWith,
for example, , or drop the Monoid a constraint and just use [] and

It's similar to Monad vs. Applicative; you can use any Monad
definition to create a valid Applicative definition, but it's possible
that other definitions exist, or, at the least, are more efficient.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

David Menendez wrote:

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Andrew Coppin

(As an aside, Control.Monad.ap is not a function I've ever heard of. It
seems simple enough, but what an unfortunate name...!)

I believe it's short for apply.

Yeah, but shame about the name. ;-)

ap generalizes the liftM* functions, so

liftM2 f a b = return f `ap` a `ap` b
liftM3 f a b c = return f `ap` a `ap` b `ap` c

and so forth.

Now that at least makes sense. (It's non-obvious that you can use it for 
this. If it weren't for curried functions, this wouldn't work at all...)

It wasn't until fairly recently that people realized
that you could do useful things if you had return and ap, but not
(=), which why we have some unfortunate limitations in the Haskell
prelude, like Applicative not being a superclass of Monad.

This leads to all the duplication between Applicative and Monad. In a
perfect world, we would only need the Applicative versions.

OK. So it's broken for compatibility then? (Presumably any time you 
change something from the Prelude, mass breakage ensues!)

So I see. I'm still not convinced that Applicative helps me in any way

To be honest, neither am I. But it's a useful thing to be aware of.

OK. (Now that I've figured out what it *is*...)

Would you be willing to share the implementation of ResultSet? If
you're relying on a list somewhere, then it should be possible to
switch the implementation to one of the nondeterminism monad
transformers, which would give you the exception behavior you want.

Consider the following:

 factorise n = do
   x - [1..]
   y - [1..]
   if x*y == n then return (x,y) else fail not factors

This is a very stupid way to factorise an integer. (But it's also very 
general...) As you may already be aware, this fails miserably because it 
tries all possible values for y before trying even one new value for x. 
And since both lists there are infinite, this causes an endless loop 
that produces (almost) nothing.

My ResultSet monad works the same way as a list, except that the above 
function discovers all finite solutions in finite time. The result is 
still infinite, but all the finite solutions are within a finite 
distance of the beginning. Achieving this was Seriously Non-Trivial. (!) 
As in, it's several pages of seriously freaky code that took me days to 

AFAIK, nothing like this already exists in the standard libraries.

If you look at run_or, you'll see that this is _not_ a simple state monad,
as in that function I run two actions starting from _the same_ initial state
- something which, AFAIK, is impossible (or at least very awkward) with a
state monad.

Really, it's a function that takes a state and generates a new state, but it
may also happen to generate *multiple* new states. It also consumes a Foo or
two in the process.

That's what happens if you apply a state monad transformer to a
nondeterminism monad.

So it might be possible to rewrite your code along these lines:

type M = StateT State []

run :: Foo - M ()

runOr :: Foo - Foo - M ()
runOr x y = mplus (run x) (run y)

runAnd :: Foo - Foo - M ()
runAnd x y = run x  run y

The type StateT State [] alpha is isomorphic to State - [(alpha,
State)], which means that each of the computations in mplus gets its
own copy of the state.

What does mplus do in this case? (I know what it does for Maybe, but not 
for any other monad.)

There are a few ways to add exceptions to this, depending on how you
want the exceptions to interact with the non-determinism.

1. StateT State (ErrorT ErrorType []) alpha

Each branch maintains its own state and is isolated from exceptions in
other branches.

Nope, that's wrong.

In this program, Foo is provided by the user, and an exception 
indicates that user entered an invalid expression. Thus all processing 
should immediately abort and a message should be reported to the wetware 
for rectification. (That also means that there will never be any need to 
catch exceptions, since they are all inherantly fatal.)

2. StateT State (NondetT (Either ErrorType)) alpha

(NondetT isn't in the standard libraries, but I can provide code if needed.)

Left uncaught, an exception raised in any branch will cause all
branches to fail.

That looks more like it, yes.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

David Menendez wrote:

For some monads, there are implementations of * which are more
efficient than the one provided by ap. Similarly, there are ways to
implement fmap which are more efficient than using liftM.

Of course, the *real* reason we don't define the instance given above
is that there are instances of Applicative that aren't monads, and we
want to avoid overlapping instances.

OK, now I understand. (Of course, if Applicative was already a 
superclass of Monad, presumably that last wouldn't still stand?)

Well, that makes sense once you assume two seperate, unconnected classes.
I'm still fuzzy on that first point though.

It's historical.

Ah. So brokenness in the name of backwards compatibility?

(Is this why we have alternate Prelude modules?)

Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the method
names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?

There are at least three reasons why MonadPlus and Monoid are distinct.

First, MonadPlus is older than Monoid, even though Monoid is more general.

Second, MonadPlus and Monoid have different kinds, * - * and *,
respectively. Instances of MonadPlus are more restricted, because they
have to work with any type parameter, whereas instances of Monoid can
place constraints.

Third, instances of MonadPlus must follow additional laws relating the
behavior of mplus and mzero to return and (=).

OK, good.

Also, I notice that the documentation for Monoid mentions that numbers 
form one. But that's not actually correct. Numbers for *several*! And 
yet, a given number type can only have *one* Monoid instance. (Or 
indeed, only one instance for _any_ typeclass.) How do you get round that?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Andrew Coppin
  factorise n = do
   x - [1..]
   y - [1..]
   if x*y == n then return (x,y) else fail not factors

 This is a very stupid way to factorise an integer. (But it's also very
 general...) As you may already be aware, this fails miserably because it
 tries all possible values for y before trying even one new value for x. And
 since both lists there are infinite, this causes an endless loop that
 produces (almost) nothing.

You should look at LogicT at

The magic words you are looking for are fair disjunction and fair

The paper is full of mind-stretching code but it already does
everything you want.  And it is a monad transformer already, so it's
easy to attach Error to it.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Paul Johnson wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:

Oh, no. The entire bar is 2 Kg, I wasn't actually planning to eat the 
whole thing! o_O My god, my pancreas would explode or something...
My Dad once ate two bars of dark cooking chocolate.  He said he got 
some odd visual distortions; flickering auras around things, and size 
distortions where small things looked big and big things looked small.

I understand that chocolate does contain chemicals which are actually 
moderately toxic. (It just doesn't contain very much of them - or at 
least, the normal *milk* chocolate doesn't. Dark chocolate would 
presumably contain more of these.)

For what it's worth, 80% of my diet is cheese, and 10% is chocolate. 
Apparently that particular combination is supposed to have all sorts of 
dire effects (including severe headaches). I suffer no such symptoms 
that I'm aware of. Never have. (But then, people tell me they get a 
lift from caffine, and I find no such effect. Nor do I have severe 
withdrawal symptoms when I stop taking it.)

Maybe I'm just weird? (Oh, wait... I use Haskell!)

In other news... apparently chocolate is leathaly toxic to dogs. Random.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Alex Sandro Queiroz e Silva

Andrew Coppin wrote:
 In other news... apparently chocolate is leathaly toxic to dogs. Random.

 Chicolate is extremely toxic to cats.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Andrew Coppin wrote:

run_or s0 x y =
 either_rset1 = sequence $ run s0 x
 either_rset2 = sequence $ run s0 y
 either_rset3 = do rset1 - either_rset1; rset2 - either_rset2; 
return (merge rset1 rset2)

 in case either_rset3 of
   Left  e- throwError e
   Right rset - lift rset

Do you realise, this single snippet of code utilises the ErrorT monad 
[transformer], the ResultSet monad, *and* the Either monad, all in the 
space of a few lines?? That's three monads in one function! o_O

I scare *myself*, I don't know about you guys...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 20:43 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
 David Menendez wrote:
  It wasn't until fairly recently that people realized
  that you could do useful things if you had return and ap, but not
  (=), which why we have some unfortunate limitations in the Haskell
  prelude, like Applicative not being a superclass of Monad.
  This leads to all the duplication between Applicative and Monad. In a
  perfect world, we would only need the Applicative versions.

 OK. So it's broken for compatibility then? (Presumably any time you 
 change something from the Prelude, mass breakage ensues!)

I'm not a big fan of backward-compatibility myself, but changing Monad
to be a sub-class of Applicative actually would have broken every monad
instance in existence (at the time Applicative was added, since it
didn't have any instances yet).  I don't know what proportion of Haskell
programs/libraries/etc. have at least one Monad instance in them, but I
would guess it's high.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monoids [Stacking monads]

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Ryan Ingram wrote:

Newtypes is the general ( sadly unsatisfactory) answer:

Oh dear. Well that _is_ pretty unsatisfactory...

Given the constraints of the Haskell type system, could we do better in 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 3, 2008, at 15:10 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
The reason for the separation of the two for many functions is so  
that types which are instances of only one of the two can still  
take advantage of the functionality.

Well, that makes sense once you assume two seperate, unconnected  
classes. I'm still fuzzy on that first point though.

Foldable seems simplish, except that it refers to some odd  
monoid class that looks suspiciously like MonadPlus but  
isn't... wuh?
A Monoid is simply anything that has an identity element (mempty)  
and an associative binary operation (mappend). It is not necessary  
for a complete instance of Foldable.

Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the  
method names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?

Because typeclasses aren't like OO classes.  Specifically:  while you  
can specify what looks like class inheritance (e.g. this Monad is  
also a Monoid you can't override inherited methods (because it's a  
Monad, you can't specify as part of the Monad instance the definition  
of a Monoid class function).  So if you want to define MonadPlus to  
look like a Monad and a Monoid, you have to pick one and *duplicate*  
the other (without using the same names, since they're already taken  
by the typeclass you *don't* choose).

Usually this isn't a problem, because experienced Haskell programmers  
don't try to use typeclasses for OO.  But there are the occasional  
mathematically-inspired relationships (Functor vs. Monad, MonadPlus  
vs. Monoid, Applicative vs. Monad, etc.) that can't be expressed  
properly as a result.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jonathan Cast wrote:

On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 20:43 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

OK. So it's broken for compatibility then? (Presumably any time you
change something from the Prelude, mass breakage ensues!)

I'm not a big fan of backward-compatibility myself, but changing Monad
to be a sub-class of Applicative actually would have broken every monad
instance in existence (at the time Applicative was added, since it
didn't have any instances yet).  I don't know what proportion of Haskell
programs/libraries/etc. have at least one Monad instance in them, but I
would guess it's high.

Hmm, that's quite a lot of breakage.

So if it had been set up this way from day 1, we wouldn't be having this 
conversation, but it's now too expensive to change it. Is that basically 
what it comes down to?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 21:02 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
 Jonathan Cast wrote:
  On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 20:43 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

  OK. So it's broken for compatibility then? (Presumably any time you
  change something from the Prelude, mass breakage ensues!)
  I'm not a big fan of backward-compatibility myself, but changing Monad
  to be a sub-class of Applicative actually would have broken every monad
  instance in existence (at the time Applicative was added, since it
  didn't have any instances yet).  I don't know what proportion of Haskell
  programs/libraries/etc. have at least one Monad instance in them, but I
  would guess it's high.

 Hmm, that's quite a lot of breakage.
 So if it had been set up this way from day 1, we wouldn't be having this 
 conversation, but it's now too expensive to change it. Is that basically 
 what it comes down to?

Sort of.  (Although I note that Monad isn't a sub-class of Functor,
either, and I think those are coeval.)  It is too expensive to change it
during the period between when Applicative was discovered and now.  But
that could change in the future --- I'm sure a much higher of types with
Monad instances happen to have Applicative instances as well now.  If
that proportion rises by enough, the backward compatibility argument
would become less compelling.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Building gtkhs, OpenSolaris x86

2008-10-03 Thread Lally Singh
Hey folks,

  I know it seems an obtuse OS to build on, but trust me, it's pretty
nice despite the hassles.

  I'm getting these three errors (repeated a few times) while building
gtkhs-0.9.13 on ghc 6.8.3, and was hoping for any suggestions on where
to go from here:

Could not find module `Data.Map':
  it is a member of package containers-, which is hidden
Failed to load interface for `Position':
  Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed to load interface for `System.Glib.UTFString':
  Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

What did I screw up?  Is there something else I should load?  Maybe an
older version of gtkhs? ghc?

Thanks for any help!
H. Lally Singh
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science
Virginia Tech
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Lennart Augustsson
But (a) is not a lifted version of a, whereas (a,b) is a lifted
version of the a b product.
So it's not consistent, and thereby wrong.

  -- Lennart

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let me pick one example. Let's make a class that can convert
 between tuples and lists.

 -- XXX This doesn't work, and is just wrong.
 -- instance TupleList (a) [a] where
 --tupleToList (a) = [a]
 --listToTuple [a] = (a)

  It's not clear to me what is so wrong about it. If the 1-ary
  tuple is the 1-ary product, it makes sense.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Oct 3, 2008, at 15:10 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the 
method names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?

Because typeclasses aren't like OO classes.  Specifically:  while you 
can specify what looks like class inheritance (e.g. this Monad is 
also a Monoid you can't override inherited methods (because it's a 
Monad, you can't specify as part of the Monad instance the definition 
of a Monoid class function).  So if you want to define MonadPlus to 
look like a Monad and a Monoid, you have to pick one and *duplicate* 
the other (without using the same names, since they're already taken 
by the typeclass you *don't* choose).

I was thinking more, why not just delete MonadPlus completely, and have 
any function that needs a monad that's also a monoid say so in its 
context? (Obviously one of the answers to that is because it would 
break vast amounts of existing code.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 12:59 -0700, Jonathan Cast wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 21:02 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
  Jonathan Cast wrote:
   On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 20:43 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
   OK. So it's broken for compatibility then? (Presumably any time you
   change something from the Prelude, mass breakage ensues!)
   I'm not a big fan of backward-compatibility myself, but changing Monad
   to be a sub-class of Applicative actually would have broken every monad
   instance in existence (at the time Applicative was added, since it
   didn't have any instances yet).  I don't know what proportion of Haskell
   programs/libraries/etc. have at least one Monad instance in them, but I
   would guess it's high.
  Hmm, that's quite a lot of breakage.
  So if it had been set up this way from day 1, we wouldn't be having this 
  conversation, but it's now too expensive to change it. Is that basically 
  what it comes down to?
 Sort of.  (Although I note that Monad isn't a sub-class of Functor,
 either, and I think those are coeval.)  It is too expensive to change it
 during the period between when Applicative was discovered and now.  But
 that could change in the future --- I'm sure a much higher of types with
^ proportion
 Monad instances happen to have Applicative instances as well now.  If
 that proportion rises by enough, the backward compatibility argument
 would become less compelling.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Oct 3, 2008, at 15:38 , Paul Johnson wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:
Oh, no. The entire bar is 2 Kg, I wasn't actually planning to eat  
the whole thing! o_O My god, my pancreas would explode or  
My Dad once ate two bars of dark cooking chocolate.  He said he got  
some odd visual distortions; flickering auras around things, and  
size distortions where small things looked big and big things looked  

Theobromine is interesting stuff.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jake McArthur

Andrew Coppin wrote:
I was thinking more, why not just delete MonadPlus completely, and 
have any function that needs a monad that's also a monoid say so in 
its context? (Obviously one of the answers to that is because it 
would break vast amounts of existing code.) 
Because they are not the same. MonadPlus has more restrictions than 
Monoid. For an instance of the form instance MonadPlus m where, m a 
_must_ be a Monoid for _all_ a, whereas instance Monoid (m a) where 
may be defined for some specific a instead.

- Jake
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alex and Flex

2008-10-03 Thread Manlio Perillo

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH ha scritto:

On Oct 3, 2008, at 09:24 , Manlio Perillo wrote:

Manlio Perillo ha scritto:
However I have noted that there are some difference in the syntax 
between Alex and Flex?

What is the rationale?

By the way, here is the list of differences between Alex and Flex I 
have found, for people interested:

3) Alex does not support
  that must be rewritten as

The only *reliable* way to write that cset is to put the '-' as the 
first item.  Likewise for ']' (and if you must match both, [-]...]).

Escaping the character solve the problem, or at least I have tested and 
it works.

It seems, however, that Alex is quite strict in accepted characters.

As an example, this rule
[ \t\r\n\f]

does not match the space character; this character must be escaped:
[\ \t\r\n\f]

Flex seems to be more smart, here.

Note that the escaping solve the problem 7):

Thanks   Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 21:12 +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
 Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
  On Oct 3, 2008, at 15:10 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
  Again, it looks like MonadPlus == Monad + Monoid, except all the 
  method names are different. Why do we have this confusing duplication?
  Because typeclasses aren't like OO classes.  Specifically:  while you 
  can specify what looks like class inheritance (e.g. this Monad is 
  also a Monoid you can't override inherited methods (because it's a 
  Monad, you can't specify as part of the Monad instance the definition 
  of a Monoid class function).  So if you want to define MonadPlus to 
  look like a Monad and a Monoid, you have to pick one and *duplicate* 
  the other (without using the same names, since they're already taken 
  by the typeclass you *don't* choose).
 I was thinking more, why not just delete MonadPlus completely, and have 
 any function that needs a monad that's also a monoid say so in its 

This would be clunky.


  select as = msum $ do
(as0, a:as) - breaks as
return $ do
  x - a
  return (x, as0 ++ as)

  -- | Divide a list into (snoc-list, cons-list) pairs every possible
  -- way
  breaks :: [a] - [([a], [a])]
  breaks as = breaks [] as where
breaks' as0 [] = [(as0, [])]
breaks' as0 (a:as) = (as0, a:as) : breaks' (a:as0) as

You can say

  select :: MonadPlus m = [m a] - m (a, [m a])

but not

  select :: (Monad m, Monoid (m a)) = [m a] - m (a, [m a])

--- for this particular implementation, you need

  select :: (Monad m, Monoid (m (a, [m a]))) = [m a] - m (a, [m a])

but then if you want to write

  select_ = fmap fst . select

you have

  select_ :: (Monad m, Monoid (m (a, [m a]))) = [m a] - m a

.  This is a wtf constraint, obviously.

You can avoid this by writing

  select_ :: (Monad m, forall b. Monoid (m b)) = [m a] - m a

but that's somewhat beyond the scope of the existing type class system.

Unless you write a new type class that is *explicitly* (Monad m, forall
b. Monoid (m b)).  Which is what MonadPlus is.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

Jake McArthur wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:
I was thinking more, why not just delete MonadPlus completely, and 
have any function that needs a monad that's also a monoid say so in 
its context? (Obviously one of the answers to that is because it 
would break vast amounts of existing code.) 
Because they are not the same. MonadPlus has more restrictions than 
Monoid. For an instance of the form instance MonadPlus m where, m a 
_must_ be a Monoid for _all_ a, whereas instance Monoid (m a) where 
may be defined for some specific a instead.

OK, fair enough then.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Andrew Coppin
 David Menendez wrote:

 It wasn't until fairly recently that people realized
 that you could do useful things if you had return and ap, but not
 (=), which why we have some unfortunate limitations in the Haskell
 prelude, like Applicative not being a superclass of Monad.

 This leads to all the duplication between Applicative and Monad. In a
 perfect world, we would only need the Applicative versions.

 OK. So it's broken for compatibility then? (Presumably any time you change
 something from the Prelude, mass breakage ensues!)

Exactly. Since the Prelude is specified in the Haskell 98 report, you
can't add or subtract things without losing Haskell 98 compatibility.

We *could* define a new Prelude that did things more sensibly, but
then code either has to pick which Prelude to support or else jump
through extra hoops to be cross-compatible.

 Would you be willing to share the implementation of ResultSet? If
 you're relying on a list somewhere, then it should be possible to
 switch the implementation to one of the nondeterminism monad
 transformers, which would give you the exception behavior you want.

 Consider the following:

  factorise n = do
   x - [1..]
   y - [1..]
   if x*y == n then return (x,y) else fail not factors

 This is a very stupid way to factorise an integer. (But it's also very
 general...) As you may already be aware, this fails miserably because it
 tries all possible values for y before trying even one new value for x. And
 since both lists there are infinite, this causes an endless loop that
 produces (almost) nothing.

 My ResultSet monad works the same way as a list, except that the above
 function discovers all finite solutions in finite time. The result is still
 infinite, but all the finite solutions are within a finite distance of the
 beginning. Achieving this was Seriously Non-Trivial. (!) As in, it's several
 pages of seriously freaky code that took me days to develop.

 AFAIK, nothing like this already exists in the standard libraries.

Now I'm even more curious to see how you did it. I spent some time a
few months ago developing a monad that does breadth-first search. It
would be able to handle the example you gave almost without change.

Some other possibilities:

(1) logict

This defines a backtracking monad transformer (the NondetT I mentioned
in my previous message), and provides a fair variant of (=) that
you could use to define factorise. It's not as foolproof as the other

(2) control-monad-omega

This is a monad similar to [] that uses a diagonal search pattern.

(3) Oleg Kiselyov's fair and backtracking monad

This uses a search pattern that I don't fully understand, and only
satisfies the Monad and MonadPlus laws if you ignore the order of
results, but think it's at least as robust as Omega.

 If you look at run_or, you'll see that this is _not_ a simple state
 as in that function I run two actions starting from _the same_ initial
 - something which, AFAIK, is impossible (or at least very awkward) with a
 state monad.

 Really, it's a function that takes a state and generates a new state, but
 may also happen to generate *multiple* new states. It also consumes a Foo
 two in the process.

 That's what happens if you apply a state monad transformer to a
 nondeterminism monad.

 So it might be possible to rewrite your code along these lines:

type M = StateT State []

run :: Foo - M ()

runOr :: Foo - Foo - M ()
runOr x y = mplus (run x) (run y)

runAnd :: Foo - Foo - M ()
runAnd x y = run x  run y

 The type StateT State [] alpha is isomorphic to State - [(alpha,
 State)], which means that each of the computations in mplus gets its
 own copy of the state.

 What does mplus do in this case? (I know what it does for Maybe, but not for
 any other monad.)

mplus a b returns all the results returned by a and b. For
lists, it returns all the results of a before the results of b. I
suspect it corresponds to merge in your code.

For true backtracking monads (that is, not Maybe), mplus also has this property:

mplus a b = f == mplus (a = f) (b = f)

There is a school of thought that Maybe (and Error/ErrorT) should not
be instances of MonadPlus because they do not satisfy that law.

 2. StateT State (NondetT (Either ErrorType)) alpha

 (NondetT isn't in the standard libraries, but I can provide code if

 Left uncaught, an exception raised in any branch will cause all
 branches to fail.

 That looks more like it, yes.

That's what I figured. You'll need a transformer, then, which rules
out Omega. Since you don't care about catching exceptions, you can
just do something like

type M = StateT State (LogicT (Either 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Derek Elkins
On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 15:38 -0400, David Menendez wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Perhaps I am lacking in imagination, but I still can't see the
   value of one tuples.
 You can use them to defeat seq.
 undefined `seq` x == undefined
 OneTuple undefined `seq` x == x
 That might be useful if a polymorphic function is using seq to force
 evaluation, and you don't want it to. But I can't imagine that coming
 up much in practice.

Think element strict polymorphic containers, e.g.

data HeadStrictList a = Nil | Cons !a (HeadStrictList a)


type LazyList a = HeadStrictList (OneTuple a)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Don Stewart
 On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 15:38 -0400, David Menendez wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 3:17 AM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Perhaps I am lacking in imagination, but I still can't see the
value of one tuples.
  You can use them to defeat seq.
  undefined `seq` x == undefined
  OneTuple undefined `seq` x == x
  That might be useful if a polymorphic function is using seq to force
  evaluation, and you don't want it to. But I can't imagine that coming
  up much in practice.
 Think element strict polymorphic containers, e.g.
 data HeadStrictList a = Nil | Cons !a (HeadStrictList a)
 type LazyList a = HeadStrictList (OneTuple a)

Used in practice to prevent strict state components in list fusion
leaking into user's lazy code,

dataL a = L a  -- lazy / lifted
newtype S a = S a  -- strict / unlifted

class Unlifted a where

instance Unlifted (L a) where
  expose (L _) s = s

instance Unlifted (S a) where
  expose (S a) s = seq a s

data Stream a = forall s. Unlifted s =
  Stream !(s - Step a s)  -- ^ a stepper function
 !s-- ^ an initial state

So we can then ensure

stream :: [a] - Stream a
stream xs0 = Stream next (L xs0)
next (L []) = Done
next (L (x:xs)) = Yield x (L xs)

Has the appropriate strictness properties.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Jason Dusek
Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But (a) is not a lifted version of a, whereas (a,b) is a lifted
 version of the a b product.
 So it's not consistent, and thereby wrong.

  Well, we can't represent the unlifted product in Haskell,
  right? You have to use some constructor. So if we just say we
  are using tuples to represent unlifted products, what's so bad
  about that?

  At present, tupling doesn't lift values into anything, since
  we don't have generic operations on tuples.

  The last two messages in this thread suggests this has more to
  do with the internals of Haskell than they do with consistent
  semantics -- so I am perhaps missing the point.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov

On 3 Oct 2008, at 23:50, Andrew Coppin wrote:

For what it's worth, 80% of my diet is cheese, and 10% is chocolate.

Remind me not to take food out of your hands, OK?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building gtkhs, OpenSolaris x86

2008-10-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 Oct 3, at 16:08, Lally Singh wrote:

 I know it seems an obtuse OS to build on, but trust me, it's pretty
nice despite the hassles.

 I'm getting these three errors (repeated a few times) while building
gtkhs-0.9.13 on ghc 6.8.3, and was hoping for any suggestions on where
to go from here:

   Could not find module `Data.Map':
 it is a member of package containers-, which is hidden
   Failed to load interface for `Position':
 Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
   Failed to load interface for `System.Glib.UTFString':
 Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

The first error is the real one; the others happen because the gtk2hs  
makefile doesn't properly abort when a sub-build fails.  (This is  
probably a bash-ism:  setting -e aborts the current iteration of a  
loop, not the entire script/fragment containing the loop.  Supposedly  
POSIX mandates this braindamage.  I'm dubious.)

I have no idea what's causing the first one, though; normally it means  
something is missing from a Cabal configuration file, but last I  
checked gtk2hs didn't use Cabal and I don't see an obvious candidate  
in our gtk2hs 0.9.13 source tree.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Galchin, Vasili
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:47 AM, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge
   Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.
   Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort
   Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will
 have to
   be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?
   Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
   the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)
   I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
   researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
   infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
   they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
   first place (or something).
  Well, with the LHC efforts I don't think a technology like Haskell
  really has a least not now.  Even just a few years back,
  when I worked on this stuff, we were still doing lots of simulation in
  preparation for the actual live experiment and Haskell might have been
  a good choice for some of the tools.  All of the detector simulation
  was written in C++, because C++ is the new FORTRAN to physicists, and
  you ain't seen nothing till you've seen a jury-rigged form of lazy
  evaluation built into a class hierarchy in C++.  Now, would the C++
  based simulation have run faster than a Haskell based one?  Quite
  possibly.  On the other hand, I remember how many delays and problems
  were caused by the sheer complexity of the codebase.  That's where a
  more modern programming language might have been extremely helpful.

 How about EDSLs for producing high assurance controllers, and other
 robust devices they might need. I imagine the LHC has a good need for
 verified software components...

^^ totally agree on the verified Don.  Don, by controller do you
mean an I/O controller??

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: having fun with GADT's

2008-10-03 Thread Luke Palmer
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Anatoly Yakovenko
 has the with syntax described in

 been replaced with the where syntax?


 data Foo a where
  FooInt :: FooInt

 the same thing as

 data Foo A = FooInt with a = Int

I don't see any such syntax in the aforementioned message.  But yes,
the where syntax is currently the only way to do GADTs  (and I hope
that does *not* change, because I love the GADT syntax!):

  data Foo a where
FooInt :: Foo Int

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell participating in big science like CERN Hadrian...

2008-10-03 Thread Galchin, Vasili
I have to write in C++ everyday.  I just worked at D*ll .. a total train
wreck . software very unstable .. written in C++  Maybe a lot of blame
can be put at the door of very lazy people; however, in my opinion, the
strong/static type checking seriously corral lazy developers. I have
found myself almost unconsciously thinking in the Haskell strong type
checking Welt Anschauung at work! Totally rocks!


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:29 AM, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:47 AM, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2008/10/3 Galchin, Vasili [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  One of my interests based on my education is grand challenge
  Ok .. let's take the  CERN Hadrian Accelerator.
  Where do you think Haskell can fit into the CERN Hadrian effort
  Where do you think think Haskell currently is lacking and will have
  be improved in order to participate in CERN Hadrian?
  Is that the experiment where Picts are accelerated to just short of
  the speed of light in order to smash through to the Roman Empire? ;-)
  I don't know what the main computational challenges are to the LHC
  researchers. The stuff in the press has mostly been about
  infrastructure --- how to store the gigabytes of data per second that
  they end up keeping, out of the petabytes that are produced in the
  first place (or something).

 Well, with the LHC efforts I don't think a technology like Haskell
 really has a least not now.  Even just a few years back,
 when I worked on this stuff, we were still doing lots of simulation in
 preparation for the actual live experiment and Haskell might have been
 a good choice for some of the tools.  All of the detector simulation
 was written in C++, because C++ is the new FORTRAN to physicists, and
 you ain't seen nothing till you've seen a jury-rigged form of lazy
 evaluation built into a class hierarchy in C++.  Now, would the C++
 based simulation have run faster than a Haskell based one?  Quite
 possibly.  On the other hand, I remember how many delays and problems
 were caused by the sheer complexity of the codebase.  That's where a
 more modern programming language might have been extremely helpful.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 Oct 3, at 15:50, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Paul Johnson wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:

Oh, no. The entire bar is 2 Kg, I wasn't actually planning to eat  
the whole thing! o_O My god, my pancreas would explode or  
My Dad once ate two bars of dark cooking chocolate.  He said he got  
some odd visual distortions; flickering auras around things, and  
size distortions where small things looked big and big things  
looked small.

headaches). I suffer no such symptoms that I'm aware of. Never have.  
(But then, people tell me they get a lift from caffine, and I find  
no such effect. Nor do I have severe withdrawal symptoms when I stop  
taking it.)

I resemble that.  In fact, I have to be careful with caffeine because  
I won't notice how much I've had until I start having heart  
palpitations, odd joint aches, and other signs of caffeine overdose.

In other news... apparently chocolate is leathaly toxic to dogs.  

And cats.  Theobromine is fun stuff, as I said.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] pure Haskell database

2008-10-03 Thread Sterling Clover
So the issue is one writer, many readers across processes? Creating  
an actual mini-db-server might be the proper way to do this. Expose a  
simple socket by which other processes can query the DB state. If you  
need persistence between runs of your main server you can always  
snapshot on shutdown, or for error-tolerance you can also write to a  
transactional log (probably with a single writer thread that takes  
input over a chan). Assuming its still in good shape, haxr [http://] would simplify writing the socket portion.

Depending on how you wrote the surrounding server, you might be able  
to avoid mvars altogether (i.e. if your server was built in an  
agent style with only a single request handler thread, then state  
could just be passed between recursive calls [or even stashed in a  
State monad] and the request serialization would handle concurrency  
issues for you).


On Oct 1, 2008, at 3:09 PM, Manlio Perillo wrote:

Graham Fawcett ha scritto:


Never though about sparse array, what is the advantage?
For the complexity, the same of a good hash map.

Almost certainly worse complexity than a hash map; but the overhead
could be much smaller. If (for example) you only needed a small  

of key/value pairs (say, hundreds of thousands), you could implement
your database trivially, e.g. a NULL-terminated array of key/value
structs in shared memory. (Though having separate arrays for keys and
values might help cache locality and boost performance). Lookup might
be O(n) but with a small-ish N and with such a low overhead, it could
perform very, very well.

This seems an interesting idea, thanks.

Manlio Perillo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell-cafe-cafe? Was: Re: Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Christopher Lane Hinson

What /is/ it with haskell-cafe lately?

Do we need a haskell-blah mailing list?  I would subscribe to that.  Hell, 
I would post to it probably more than I post to haskell-cafe.  But I'd 
also divert it to a separate mailbox for when I have too much free time.

Maybe call it haskell-cafe-cafe?  not-haskell?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell-cafe-cafe? Was: Re: Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread brian
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Christopher Lane Hinson
 What /is/ it with haskell-cafe lately?
 Do we need a haskell-blah mailing list?

Thanks for saying it. +1.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Andrew Coppin wrote:

ap generalizes the liftM* functions, so

liftM2 f a b = return f `ap` a `ap` b
liftM3 f a b c = return f `ap` a `ap` b `ap` c

and so forth.

Now that at least makes sense. (It's non-obvious that you can use it for 
this. If it weren't for curried functions, this wouldn't work at all...)

Note that the documentation for ap states:

In many situations, the liftM operations can be replaced by uses of ap, which 
promotes function application.

   return f `ap` x1 `ap` ... `ap` xn

is equivalent to

   liftMn f x1 x2 ... xn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stacking monads

2008-10-03 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Andrew Coppin wrote:

 run_or s0 x y =
 either_rset1 = sequence $ run s0 x
 either_rset2 = sequence $ run s0 y
 either_rset3 = do rset1 - either_rset1; rset2 - either_rset2; 
return (merge rset1 rset2)

 in case either_rset3 of
   Left  e- throwError e
   Right rset - lift rset

Just to expand on that discussion of Control.Monad.ap aka. 
(Control.Applicative.*) in the other half of the thread. The expression

  do rset1 - either_rset1
 rset2 - either_rset2
 return (merge rset1 rset2)

follows exactly the pattern Applicative is made for: We execute some 
actions, and combine their result using a pure function. Which action we 
execute is independent from the result of the previous actions. That 
means that we can write this expression as:

  return merge `ap` either_rset1 `ap` either_rset2

Note how we avoid to give names to intermediate results just to use them 
in the very next line. Since return f `ap` x == f `fmap` x, we can write 

  merge `fmap` either_rset1 `ap` either_rset2

Or in Applicative style:

  merge $ either_rset1 * either_rset2

Now that the expression is somewhat shorter, we can inline the 
either_rset1, 2 and 3 as follows:

  case merge $ sequence (run s0 x) * sequence (run s0 y) of
Left  e- throwError e
Right rset - lift rset

Note how the structure of the code reflects what happens. The structure 
is merge $ ... * ..., and the meaning is: merge is called on two 
arguments, which are created by running some actions, and the result is 
again an action.

While we are one it, we can get rid of the pattern matching by employing 
the either function as follows:

  either throwError lift (merge $ sequence (run s0 x) * sequence 
(run s0 y))

Do you realise, this single snippet of code utilises the ErrorT monad [transformer], the ResultSet monad, *and* the Either monad, all in the space of a few lines?? That's three monads in one function! o_O 

Now it fits on a single line!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Tim Chevalier
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But (a) is not a lifted version of a, whereas (a,b) is a lifted
 version of the a b product.
 So it's not consistent, and thereby wrong.

  Well, we can't represent the unlifted product in Haskell,
  right? You have to use some constructor. So if we just say we
  are using tuples to represent unlifted products, what's so bad
  about that?

Unless I'm confused, unboxed tuples represent unlifted products. In a
sense this is [using] some constructor, but in a sense not, since an
unboxed tuple constructor has no runtime representation.

  The last two messages in this thread suggests this has more to
  do with the internals of Haskell than they do with consistent
  semantics -- so I am perhaps missing the point.

I think most Haskellers try their best to keep the first subservient
to the second.


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
If you don't understand the causes, it is impossible to come up with
a solution. -- Joe Biden
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] maybe a goal and challenge for the Haskell in terms of scientific computing

2008-10-03 Thread Galchin, Vasili

 Here is a site I discovered a while back for another language ... I
guess in the back of my mind this more where
I was going vis-a-vis scientific computing

Kind regards, Vasili
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell-cafe-cafe? Was: Re: Health effects

2008-10-03 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2008 Oct 3, at 21:01, Christopher Lane Hinson wrote:

What /is/ it with haskell-cafe lately?

Do we need a haskell-blah mailing list?  I would subscribe to that.   
Hell, I would post to it probably more than I post to haskell-cafe.   
But I'd also divert it to a separate mailbox for when I have too  
much free time.

Oddly enough, it seems to me that haskell-*cafe* identifies a list  
that isn't tightly focused, as compared to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Perhaps we need to rethink names (although any changes will probably  

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Model-driven development (was: Haskell participting in big science like CERN Hadrian...)

2008-10-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

How about EDSLs for producing high assurance controllers, and other
robust devices they might need. I imagine the LHC has a good need for
verified software components...

On a related topic, I'm curious if anyone apart from me has been secretly
using Haskell for model-driven-development-lite.

My current boss, not being a programmer, doesn't care where the code
comes from, so the following conversation is unlikely to happen.  Still.
other people must also have thought of doing this:

Well, the reason why I've produced so much C++ lately is because I've
been generating all the boilerplate automatically.  What with?  Glad
you asked...

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] maybe a goal and challenge for the Haskell in terms of scientific computing

2008-10-03 Thread Jeff Wheeler

On Oct 3, 2008, at 8:26 PM, Galchin, Vasili wrote:

Here is a site I discovered a while back for another  
language ... I guess in the back of my mind this more where

I was going vis-a-vis scientific computing

I interned at Enthought over this last summer; it's a very cool place.  
Many of the open-source scientific libraries could be rewritten in  
Haskell without significant difficulty, and this actually seems like a  
decent idea.

SciPy and NumPy are the two most significant libraries worth thinking  
about, in my opinion. Some of the other software, e.g. Traits, is less  
relevant to scientific software in the context of Haskell.

Much of their stack, especially Traits, TraitsGUI, and application  
libraries are designed to help write applications quickly without much  
programming experience. With these tools, it's easy for scientists,  
without knowing much Python, to write large programs that work well  
for most of their purposes.

Jeff Wheeler
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] New System.Process

2008-10-03 Thread john lask

Something that has irked me in the past about System.Process is the inability 
to obtain an OS system handle from the haskell Process handle. Such a facility 
would greatly enhance the interoperabity of c and haskell libraries.

Provision is made (although not standardised) to obtain OS specific handles 
from haskell File Handles which is very useful. The same should be provided for 
Haskell Process handles. The main barrier to such a facility is the variability 
between OS representations of such a type (aka windows Handles, unix PID).

comments anyone.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Simplifying a IsFunction type class using type equality constraints

2008-10-03 Thread Corey O'Connor
I recently had a need to use the IsFunction typeclass described by Oleg here:

and am wondering if the use of the TypeCast class can be correctly
replaced by a type equality constraint.

The IsFunction and TypeCast classes were defined as:
 data HTrue
 data HFalse

 class IsFunction a b | a - b
 instance TypeCast f HTrue = IsFunction (x-y) f
 instance TypeCast f HFalse = IsFunction a f

 -- literally lifted from the HList library
 class TypeCast   a b   | a - b, b-a   where typeCast   :: a - b
 class TypeCast'  t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'  :: t-a-b
 class TypeCast'' t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'' :: t-a-b
 instance TypeCast'  () a b = TypeCast a b where typeCast x = typeCast' () x
 instance TypeCast'' t a b = TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' = typeCast''
 instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x

I found the use of TypeCast in the IsFunction could be replaced by a
type family:

 class IsFunction a b | a - b
 instance (f ~ TTrue) = IsFunction (x-y) f
 instance (f ~ TFalse) = IsFunction a f

Which, to me, is easier to understand and appears to function the
same. The type
equality is a stronger (?) constraint than the TypeCast class, but for
the case of
IsFunction the use of type equality is correct.

Am I correct? Is the second definition of IsFunction actually
equivalent to the original?

-Corey O'Connor
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Luke Palmer
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Tim Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Jason Dusek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But (a) is not a lifted version of a, whereas (a,b) is a lifted
 version of the a b product.
 So it's not consistent, and thereby wrong.

  Well, we can't represent the unlifted product in Haskell,
  right? You have to use some constructor. So if we just say we
  are using tuples to represent unlifted products, what's so bad
  about that?

 Unless I'm confused, unboxed tuples represent unlifted products. In a
 sense this is [using] some constructor, but in a sense not, since an
 unboxed tuple constructor has no runtime representation.

Well, unboxed tuples are not really lifted nor unlifed, since you
can't even pass one to a function.

I like to pretend tuples are unlifted.  Here's how I do it:

* Never use seq on tuples (or functions).  I could make this precise
by putting seq in a typeclass (like it used to be - like it should
be), and not having instances for tuples.
* Never do a strict pattern match on a tuple.  I.e. instead of writing
f (x,y) = ..., I will write f ~(x,y) =... everywhere.

Then (_|_,_|_) might as well be _|_, we have no way to tell them apart.

I like to pretend functions are unlifed the same way; i.e. const _|_ = _|_.

There are apparently occasions where lazily matching on a tuple will
introduce a space leak.  I am not 1337 enough to recognize them yet.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Tim Chevalier
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, unboxed tuples are not really lifted nor unlifed, since you
 can't even pass one to a function.

It's true that unboxed tuples are not first-class. But what I mean by
unlifted is that the type (# Int, Int #), when interpreted as a set,
does not contain _|_ as an element (and I'm purposely conflating the
unlifted/liftedness distinction with the unboxed/boxness distinction
here). Is that what you mean, or do you mean something else?

 I like to pretend tuples are unlifted.  Here's how I do it:

Sure. But the compiler won't check that assumption for you. I don't
know whether that has anything to do with the original question,
though :-)


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
If you don't understand the causes, it is impossible to come up with
a solution. -- Joe Biden
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread Luke Palmer
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Tim Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, unboxed tuples are not really lifted nor unlifed, since you
 can't even pass one to a function.

 It's true that unboxed tuples are not first-class. But what I mean by
 unlifted is that the type (# Int, Int #), when interpreted as a set,
 does not contain _|_ as an element (and I'm purposely conflating the
 unlifted/liftedness distinction with the unboxed/boxness distinction
 here). Is that what you mean, or do you mean something else?

Yeah kind of, because if it doesn't contain _|_ as an element, then
it's not even a domain!  :-)

 I like to pretend tuples are unlifted.  Here's how I do it:

 Sure. But the compiler won't check that assumption for you. I don't
 know whether that has anything to do with the original question,
 though :-)

Nobody's questions are original.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] maybe a goal and challenge for the Haskell in terms of scientific computing

2008-10-03 Thread Galchin, Vasili
Let me recuse myself  What is the nature of the open source license?


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Jeff Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 3, 2008, at 8:26 PM, Galchin, Vasili wrote:

  Here is a site I discovered a while back for another language ... I
 guess in the back of my mind this more where
 I was going vis-a-vis scientific computing

 I interned at Enthought over this last summer; it's a very cool place. Many
 of the open-source scientific libraries could be rewritten in Haskell
 without significant difficulty, and this actually seems like a decent idea.

 SciPy and NumPy are the two most significant libraries worth thinking
 about, in my opinion. Some of the other software, e.g. Traits, is less
 relevant to scientific software in the context of Haskell.

 Much of their stack, especially Traits, TraitsGUI, and application
 libraries are designed to help write applications quickly without much
 programming experience. With these tools, it's easy for scientists, without
 knowing much Python, to write large programs that work well for most of
 their purposes.

 Jeff Wheeler

Haskell-Cafe mailing list