[Haskell-cafe] ideas for a phd in the area of paralleism?

2009-01-07 Thread Michael Lesniak

currently I'm searching for a topic for my phd-thesis or at least for
a workshop-paper (as a starting point, to get my feet wet...). My
academic group has specialized itself on (practical, i.e. not too
theoretical stuff like verification, etc...) parallel programming and
related topics, so my future thesis has to be in this area, but as
long as its related I'm free to choose whatever I want.

Since I've been interested in FP in general for a few years as a
private hobby and since Haskell has as a pure language a lot of
potential in the area of parallelism, and it's community (esp.
#haskell and this list) is really nice and supportive I'd like to do
something in this area; I've been hacking in Haskell more intensive
for about six month now.

I've looked at the different parallelism/concurrency models in Haskell
(dph, gph, nested data parallelism) and (after a preliminary
overview-reading) it seems that a lot of research has already been
done on the basic topics, except for distributed Haskell, where I
could not found current papers (i.e. newer than ~2003).

If anyone could give me further advice, tips, or hints in general,
what could be interesting or where I should take a more deeper look to
find a niche I'd really be thankful (and you'll get a special thanks
in my foreword in 3 years! ;-)).

Best regards,

Dipl.-Inf. Michael C. Lesniak
University of Kassel
Programming Languages / Methodologies Research Group
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Wilhelmshöher Allee 73
34121 Kassel

Phone: +49-(0)561-804-6269
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Updating doubly linked lists

2009-01-07 Thread Apfelmus, Heinrich
Dan Weston wrote:
 I hope the code is better than my description! :) The structure is more
 Nothing(RK 0 _)
   Nothing(RK 1 _)
 A(RK 2 4)
   B(RK 3 6)
 C(RK 2 0)
 The root of the tree is the center and you can descend on the right.
 But with this structure, walking from A to B is O(d) = O(n)
 (where d is the distance from the origin,
 n the side length of the grid) instead of O(1).
 No. The tree is [[Node]], where the outer list has one element for each
 radius that has an occupied node and each inner list has the number of
 nodes at the given radius.
 You descend the spine of the outer list radially in O(deltaR) time,
 which for incremental moves is O(1).
 Then you search for an existing inner list element in O(nk(r)), which
 stays fairly constant for reasonable paths (basically, the width of a
 path swath).

Ah, so you're using a sparse representation for grids. That's a good
idea! Unfortunately, it doesn't help when the grid is a full rectangle,
i.e. when nk(r) becomes proportional to r.

The (most likely unattainable) goal I had in mind is to create a zipper
for the full grid that supports O(1) operations.

 I mean, O(d) may be fine for you, but it's not O(1) for everything as
 advertised. :)
 d is not the distance from the origin, it is nk(r), the number of nodes
 at a given radius: d(2) = 2, d(3) = 1.

Oh, right.

 An outward radial path will only expand the tree linearly, not
 quadratically, in size.

Well, that's still linear in the side length of a full grid. Directly using

   Data.Map (Integer,Integer) a

would improve that to a logarithm. Of course, your structure can be
enhanced by using a  Data.Map  instead of a linked list for each ring à la

   [Data.Map Integer a]

This will give O(log nk(r)) movements, but that's still not constant time.

H. Apfelmus

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ideas for a phd in the area of paralleism?

2009-01-07 Thread Frederik Deweerdt
On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 10:35:25AM +0100, Michael Lesniak wrote:
 currently I'm searching for a topic for my phd-thesis or at least for
 a workshop-paper (as a starting point, to get my feet wet...). My
 academic group has specialized itself on (practical, i.e. not too
 theoretical stuff like verification, etc...) parallel programming and
 related topics, so my future thesis has to be in this area, but as
 long as its related I'm free to choose whatever I want.

GPU programming seems to be hot:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Maintaining laziness

2009-01-07 Thread Jan Christiansen
This is great. I am working on the very same topic for quite a while  
now. My aim is to develop a tool that tells you whether a function is  
least strict. My work is based on an idea by Olaf Chitil:


I think he was the first who introduced the idea of least strictness.  
In a paper in the pre-proceedings of IFL 2006 he introduced the term  
least strict and presented the idea behind a tool called StrictCheck.  
This tool was supposed to check whether a function is least strict.  
The problem with this tool was that it proposes non-sequential  
function definitions that are not implementable in Haskell.

The main example in the StrictCheck paper is the definition of unzip  
by using foldr. This one is very similar to your partition example as  
it is too strict if you do not use lazy pattern matching for the  
tuple structure.

unzip2 :: [(a, b)] - ([a], [b])
unzip2 = foldr (\(x,y) (xs,ys) - (x:xs,y:ys)) ([],[])

My favorite example right now is the multiplication of Peano numbers.  
Suppose the definition of a data type for Peano numbers and addition  
and multiplication.

data Natural = Z | S Natural

(+) :: Natural - Natural - Natural
Z + y = y
S x + y = S (x + y)

(*) :: Natural - Natural - Natural
Z * _ = Z
S x * y = y + (x * y)

Now we can define an infinite Peano number as follows

infinity :: Natural
infinity = S infinity

The evaluation of Z * infinity yields Z while infinity * Z does not  
terminate. The tool I am working on is supposed to yield the  
following information.

Natural strictCheck2 (*) 5 100

You have to fulfil

f (S _|_) Z = Z (_|_)

This states that the evaluation of S _|_ * Z yields _|_ but it could  
yield Z.

Therefore we can improve the function as follows

(*) :: Natural - Natural - Natural
Z   * _ = Z
S _ * Z = Z
S x * y = y + (x * y)

Now the evaluation of infinity * Z yields Z as we wanted it to. If we  
test this new implementation using StrictCheck we get

*Natural strictCheck2 (*) 5 100

The function seems to be least strict

The non least strict definition of (*) is taken from the module  
Data.Number.Natural which was published by Lennart Augustsson in the  
numbers package at hackage. I mention this here because I think it  
clearly shows that it is even hard for experienced Haskell  
programmers to define least strict functions.

An even more promising area of application are functional logic  
programs as least strict functions result in smaller search spaces.  
For example I was able to improve the enumeration of pythagorean  
triples in Curry by a factor of 4 only by making a function least  

Cheers, Jan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining laziness

2009-01-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Jan Christiansen wrote:

The non least strict definition of (*) is taken from the module 
Data.Number.Natural which was published by Lennart Augustsson in the numbers 
package at hackage. I mention this here because I think it clearly shows that 
it is even hard for experienced Haskell programmers to define least strict 

very interesting ...

It's the third time within about 2 months were I was pointed to a lack of 
laziness in my own Peano implementation!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Bueno, Denis
Hi all,

I'm seeing a lot of unexpected memory allocation with some simple code that
copies the contents of one vector (IOUArray Int Int64) into another of the
same type and dimensions.  In particular, profiling reveals that `copyInto'
is allocating oodles and oodles of memory.

My small test case creates two 5-element arrays and performs 1
copies from one into the other.  Since the elements are Int64s and the
arrays are unboxed, each array should be

5 elements * 8 bytes per element = 400,000 bytes

and so the arrays should only take 800,000 bytes total.  I understand
there's some overhead for thunks and whatnot, but the profiler reported
allocation is around 40 billion bytes.  And almost all of that allocation is
in my copying function, not in main (main allocates the arrays).

I've attached two versions of the code, just for comparison.  The only
difference is the way the copying is done.  One calls `getBounds' to figure
out the bounds, and one is given the bounds for copying.  They're both about
the same speed and allocation (originally I was using IOUArray Int64 Int64,
and there was a much greater allocation difference between the two versions;
but that went away.  Oh well).

So, does anyone know why copying takes so much allocation?  I expect there
is _some_ way to just move memory from one array to another, like a memcpy
-- how can I do that?

Description: ArrayCopyGetBounds.hs

Description: arraycopygetbounds.prof

Description: ArrayCopyWithBounds.hs

Description: arraycopywithbounds.prof
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Denis,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 6:56:36 PM, you wrote:

memory allocated for i :)))

each new copy of i needs one word. the situation was much worse with
Int64, of course :)

 Hi all,

 I'm seeing a lot of unexpected memory allocation with some simple code that
 copies the contents of one vector (IOUArray Int Int64) into another of the
 same type and dimensions.  In particular, profiling reveals that `copyInto'
 is allocating oodles and oodles of memory.

 My small test case creates two 5-element arrays and performs 1
 copies from one into the other.  Since the elements are Int64s and the
 arrays are unboxed, each array should be

 5 elements * 8 bytes per element = 400,000 bytes

 and so the arrays should only take 800,000 bytes total.  I understand
 there's some overhead for thunks and whatnot, but the profiler reported
 allocation is around 40 billion bytes.  And almost all of that allocation is
 in my copying function, not in main (main allocates the arrays).

 I've attached two versions of the code, just for comparison.  The only
 difference is the way the copying is done.  One calls `getBounds' to figure
 out the bounds, and one is given the bounds for copying.  They're both about
 the same speed and allocation (originally I was using IOUArray Int64 Int64,
 and there was a much greater allocation difference between the two versions;
 but that went away.  Oh well).

 So, does anyone know why copying takes so much allocation?  I expect there
 is _some_ way to just move memory from one array to another, like a memcpy
 -- how can I do that?

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining laziness

2009-01-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Jan Christiansen wrote:

This is great. I am working on the very same topic for quite a while now. My 
aim is to develop a tool that tells you whether a function is least strict. 
My work is based on an idea by Olaf Chitil:


Although it seems to be overkill for a single module - How about a 
cabalized version on Hackage and a darcs repository? It would simplify 
using and updating it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maintaining laziness

2009-01-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Jan Christiansen wrote:

This is great. I am working on the very same topic for quite a while now. 
My aim is to develop a tool that tells you whether a function is least 
strict. My work is based on an idea by Olaf Chitil:


Although it seems to be overkill for a single module - How about a cabalized 
version on Hackage and a darcs repository? It would simplify using and 
updating it.

... I meant StrictCheck.hs
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Don Stewart
You can of course memcpy unboxed arrays fairly easily.

 Hello Denis,
 Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 6:56:36 PM, you wrote:
 memory allocated for i :)))
 each new copy of i needs one word. the situation was much worse with
 Int64, of course :)
  Hi all,
  I'm seeing a lot of unexpected memory allocation with some simple code that
  copies the contents of one vector (IOUArray Int Int64) into another of the
  same type and dimensions.  In particular, profiling reveals that `copyInto'
  is allocating oodles and oodles of memory.
  My small test case creates two 5-element arrays and performs 1
  copies from one into the other.  Since the elements are Int64s and the
  arrays are unboxed, each array should be
  5 elements * 8 bytes per element = 400,000 bytes
  and so the arrays should only take 800,000 bytes total.  I understand
  there's some overhead for thunks and whatnot, but the profiler reported
  allocation is around 40 billion bytes.  And almost all of that allocation is
  in my copying function, not in main (main allocates the arrays).
  I've attached two versions of the code, just for comparison.  The only
  difference is the way the copying is done.  One calls `getBounds' to figure
  out the bounds, and one is given the bounds for copying.  They're both about
  the same speed and allocation (originally I was using IOUArray Int64 Int64,
  and there was a much greater allocation difference between the two versions;
  but that went away.  Oh well).
  So, does anyone know why copying takes so much allocation?  I expect there
  is _some_ way to just move memory from one array to another, like a memcpy
  -- how can I do that?
 Best regards,
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ICFP: Child care at conference

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
Potential ICFP attendees:

The ACM-SIGPLAN Executive Committee, which oversees and sponsors ICFP,
is considering expanding its travel grants for event participants in
need of child care assistance.  (Such expansion would also apply to
other major SIGPLAN-sponsored conferences, such as PLDI, POPL,
OOPSLA.)  The purpose of this message is to solicit feedback from
potential attendees regarding the desirability for child care
assistance and what forms of assistance be most appropriate.

If child care assistance at ICFP (or other SIGPLAN events) is of
interest to you, please contact me (at icfp.public...@gmail.com -or-
fl...@tti-c.org) with your comments.  Some questions of particular
 * What age groups of children are most appropriate to cover?
 * What types of costs might SIGPLAN cover to facilitate your
participation in events?

-Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Bueno, Denis
Ooh, great -- could you point me in the right direction for that?

From: Don Stewart [d...@galois.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:23 AM
To: Bulat Ziganshin
Cc: Bueno, Denis; haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

You can of course memcpy unboxed arrays fairly easily.

 Hello Denis,

 Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 6:56:36 PM, you wrote:

 memory allocated for i :)))

 each new copy of i needs one word. the situation was much worse with
 Int64, of course :)

  Hi all,

  I'm seeing a lot of unexpected memory allocation with some simple code that
  copies the contents of one vector (IOUArray Int Int64) into another of the
  same type and dimensions.  In particular, profiling reveals that `copyInto'
  is allocating oodles and oodles of memory.

  My small test case creates two 5-element arrays and performs 1
  copies from one into the other.  Since the elements are Int64s and the
  arrays are unboxed, each array should be

  5 elements * 8 bytes per element = 400,000 bytes

  and so the arrays should only take 800,000 bytes total.  I understand
  there's some overhead for thunks and whatnot, but the profiler reported
  allocation is around 40 billion bytes.  And almost all of that allocation is
  in my copying function, not in main (main allocates the arrays).

  I've attached two versions of the code, just for comparison.  The only
  difference is the way the copying is done.  One calls `getBounds' to figure
  out the bounds, and one is given the bounds for copying.  They're both about
  the same speed and allocation (originally I was using IOUArray Int64 Int64,
  and there was a much greater allocation difference between the two versions;
  but that went away.  Oh well).

  So, does anyone know why copying takes so much allocation?  I expect there
  is _some_ way to just move memory from one array to another, like a memcpy
  -- how can I do that?

 Best regards,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Bueno, Denis
Oh, do you mean by actually calling memcpy via ffi?

From: Don Stewart [d...@galois.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:23 AM
To: Bulat Ziganshin
Cc: Bueno, Denis; haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

You can of course memcpy unboxed arrays fairly easily.

 Hello Denis,

 Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 6:56:36 PM, you wrote:

 memory allocated for i :)))

 each new copy of i needs one word. the situation was much worse with
 Int64, of course :)

  Hi all,

  I'm seeing a lot of unexpected memory allocation with some simple code that
  copies the contents of one vector (IOUArray Int Int64) into another of the
  same type and dimensions.  In particular, profiling reveals that `copyInto'
  is allocating oodles and oodles of memory.

  My small test case creates two 5-element arrays and performs 1
  copies from one into the other.  Since the elements are Int64s and the
  arrays are unboxed, each array should be

  5 elements * 8 bytes per element = 400,000 bytes

  and so the arrays should only take 800,000 bytes total.  I understand
  there's some overhead for thunks and whatnot, but the profiler reported
  allocation is around 40 billion bytes.  And almost all of that allocation is
  in my copying function, not in main (main allocates the arrays).

  I've attached two versions of the code, just for comparison.  The only
  difference is the way the copying is done.  One calls `getBounds' to figure
  out the bounds, and one is given the bounds for copying.  They're both about
  the same speed and allocation (originally I was using IOUArray Int64 Int64,
  and there was a much greater allocation difference between the two versions;
  but that went away.  Oh well).

  So, does anyone know why copying takes so much allocation?  I expect there
  is _some_ way to just move memory from one array to another, like a memcpy
  -- how can I do that?

 Best regards,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009 16:56 schrieb Bueno, Denis:
 Hi all,

 I'm seeing a lot of unexpected memory allocation with some simple code that
 copies the contents of one vector (IOUArray Int Int64) into another of the
 same type and dimensions.  In particular, profiling reveals that `copyInto'
 is allocating oodles and oodles of memory.

 My small test case creates two 5-element arrays and performs 1
 copies from one into the other.  Since the elements are Int64s and the
 arrays are unboxed, each array should be

 5 elements * 8 bytes per element = 400,000 bytes

 and so the arrays should only take 800,000 bytes total.  I understand
 there's some overhead for thunks and whatnot, but the profiler reported
 allocation is around 40 billion bytes.  And almost all of that allocation
 is in my copying function, not in main (main allocates the arrays).

I think you've run into a profiling/optimising incopatibility.
Compiling the code just with -O2 --make and running with -sstderr, both report
899,944 bytes allocated in the heap
  1,272 bytes copied during GC (scavenged)
  0 bytes copied during GC (not scavenged)
 16,384 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))

  2 collections in generation 0 (  0.00s)
  1 collections in generation 1 (  0.00s)

  2 Mb total memory in use

which looks reasonable, but it is dog slow on my box, 26.7/26.9 seconds :(
Compiled with -prof -auto-all -O2 --make, both allocate madly (~40G) and take 
nearly ten times as long.

It is known that profiling and optimising don't mix too well, but this is 
remarkable, maybe it's worth an investigation.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ideas for a phd in the area of paralleism?

2009-01-07 Thread Trin

Frederik Deweerdt wrote:

On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 10:35:25AM +0100, Michael Lesniak wrote:


currently I'm searching for a topic for my phd-thesis or at least for
a workshop-paper (as a starting point, to get my feet wet...). My
academic group has specialized itself on (practical, i.e. not too
theoretical stuff like verification, etc...) parallel programming and
related topics, so my future thesis has to be in this area, but as
long as its related I'm free to choose whatever I want.

GPU programming seems to be hot:


Make OpenCL bindings please, please ... pretty please.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell question

2009-01-07 Thread Jeff Heard
It doesn't typecheck, no, but it also doesn't check out in scope.  It
complains in

[FunD 'mousePosition [| mousePositionf |] ...

that mousePositionf isn't in scope.

What I believe I need to do is use mkName mousePositionf, but how do
I bind the record getter mousePositionf that is defined by the code
in the function named  additions to mousePosition -- a.k.a. how do I
write that template?  Is it a ConE?  And how do I encode

a{ mousePositionf = b }

in template haskell without using the [| |] syntax, so that I can use mkName?

-- Jeff

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Eelco Lempsink ee...@lempsink.nl wrote:
 On 6 jan 2009, at 18:08, Jeff Heard wrote:

 Alright...  I *think* I'm nearly there, but I can't figure out how to
 derive a class instance using record accessors and updaters...  Can
 anyone help?  There are [| XXXf |] instances at the end of the module
 and they all need replaced, but I can't figure out what to replace
 them with.


 -- usage: $(deriveUIState ''MyTypeWithUIState)
 - Derive an instance of UIState from some type that has had UIState
 fields added to it.
 deriveUIState tp = do
   return [InstanceD []
 (appUIState $ appType tp [])
 [FunD 'mousePosition  [| mousePositionf |]


,FunD 'setMousePosition[| \b a - a{
 mousePositionf=b } |]


 Quick guess: this doesn't typecheck?

 FunD :: Name - [Clause] - Dec

 while [| ... |] will return something of type ExpQ (which is the same as Q

 You're indeed nearly there, but if you use the quotation brackets you need
 to write monadic code (for the Q monad) and use functions like clause and
 funD.  The tutorials on the wiki (you've probably seen them,
 http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Template_Haskell) or pretty good and you
 could also look at packages at hackage for inspiration/examples, e.g.


 Eelco Lempsink

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] template haskell

2009-01-07 Thread brian
Smart constructors sometimes need to generate errors like
Foo.Bar.Baz.create: invalid value, etc. Can TH generate the module
and function names?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Blitting one IOUArray into another

2009-01-07 Thread Neal Alexander

Bueno, Denis wrote:

Oh, do you mean by actually calling memcpy via ffi?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Taking Exception to Exceptions

2009-01-07 Thread Immanuel Litzroth
I'm trying to use the new (for me at least) extensible exceptions and
I am little amazed that I cannot get catch, try or mapException to work
without telling them which exceptions I want to catch.
What is the rationale behind this?
How does bracket manage to catch all exceptions?
What should onException do?
Is there some example code that uses these exceptions, or better
Thanks in advance,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Taking Exception to Exceptions

2009-01-07 Thread Austin Seipp
Excerpts from Immanuel Litzroth's message of Wed Jan 07 16:53:30 -0600 2009:
 I'm trying to use the new (for me at least) extensible exceptions and
 I am little amazed that I cannot get catch, try or mapException to work
 without telling them which exceptions I want to catch.
 What is the rationale behind this?

The rational is that it's normally not a good idea to simply gobble
all exceptions; although the library makes it possible to do this

You can either use the ScopedTypeVariables extension and do:

... `catch` \(e::SomeException) - ...

Or without an extension you can do:

... `catch` handler
  where handler :: SomeException - IO a
handler e = ...

(It's really a matter of taste if you want to use a non-haskell98
extension, although considering that the new extensible exceptions
library uses deriving data/typeable and existentials anyway, I think
ScopedTypeVariables are the way to go.)

 How does bracket manage to catch all exceptions?
 What should onException do?

onException takes an IO action and what to do if it fails - if the IO
action fails, it is caught and your 'failure action' is run, followed by
onException re-throwing the error.

 Is there some example code that uses these exceptions, or better

The GHC docs don't have source-code links (don't know why,) but
luckily in order to aid in using the new extensions system with older
GHCs there has been a hackage package uploaded that provides the
identical functionality:


The source is here:


As for documentation e.g. haddock stuff, this is currently a bug as
there is none:


I recommend this paper for info, it's very easy to follow:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Linking in GMP as a Windows DLL w/ GHC

2009-01-07 Thread Sigbjorn Finne


a number of folks have been asking/looking for ways to avoid statically 

in GMP into GHC binaries under Windows. I've written up some notes on how
to go about doing this, which are now available from


Let me know if it is useful (or works ;-) )


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hypothetical Haskell job in New York

2009-01-07 Thread Tony Hannan
Hello Haskellers,

I'm trying to convince my boss to use Haskell. His main concern is finding
people who know Haskell when hiring. He is comfortable with Java because he
knows he can always find a Java developer. So if I advertised we were
looking for Haskell programmers in New York City, how many would respond?
Please reply to this email if you would respond. Email me privately if you
like and I will post the results to haskell-cafe later.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hypothetical Haskell job in New York

2009-01-07 Thread Tony Hannan
Let me give you more information about this hypothetical job posting. Our
company is a startup CDN (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_Delivery_Network) about 3 years old and
doing well. You would hythothetically be one of 7 programmer who write all
the software involved in a CDN including http server, dns server,
monitoring, load balancing, customer and operator user interface, etc. The
pay depends on experience but is good.

I already got a few replies, keep them coming.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Tony Hannan tonyhann...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello Haskellers,

 I'm trying to convince my boss to use Haskell. His main concern is finding
 people who know Haskell when hiring. He is comfortable with Java because he
 knows he can always find a Java developer. So if I advertised we were
 looking for Haskell programmers in New York City, how many would respond?
 Please reply to this email if you would respond. Email me privately if you
 like and I will post the results to haskell-cafe later.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] State Monad - using the updated state

2009-01-07 Thread Phil

I¹m a newbie looking to get my head around using the State Monad for random
number generation.  I¹ve written non-monad code that achieves this no
problem.  When attempting to use the state monad I can get what I know to be
the correct initial value and state, but can¹t figure out for the life of me
how to then increment it without binding more calls there and then.  Doing
several contiguous calls is not what I want to do here ­ and the examples
I¹ve read all show this (using something like liftM2 (,) myRandom myRandom).
I want to be able to do:


 a whole load of other stuff 

Get the next number as defined by the updated state in the first call

some more stuff

Get another number, and so on.

I get the first number fine, but am lost at how to get the second, third,
forth etc without binding there and then.  I just want each number one at a
time where and when I want it, rather than saying give 1,2,10 or even Œn¹
numbers now.  I¹m sure it¹s blindly obvious!

Note: I¹m not using Haskell¹s built in Random functionality (nor is that an
option), I¹ll spare the details of the method I¹m using (NRC¹s ranq1) as I
know it works for the non-Monad case, and it¹s irrelevent to the question.
So the code is:

ranq1 :: Word64 - ( Double, Word64 )
ranq1 state = ( output, newState )
newState = ranq1Increment state
output = convert_to_double newState

ranq1Init :: Word64 - Word64
ranq1Init = convert_to_word64 . ranq1Increment . xor_v_init

-- I¹ll leave the detail of how ranq1Increment works out for brevity.  I
know this bit works fine.  Same goes for the init function it¹s just
providing an initial state.

-- The Monad State Attempt
getRanq1 :: State Word64 Double
getRanq1 = do
  state - get
  let ( randDouble, newState ) = ranq1 state
  put newState
  return randDouble

_ And then in my main _

-- 124353542542 is just an arbitrary seed
main :: IO()
main = do
   let x = evalState getRanq1 (ranq1Init 124353542542)
   print (x)

As I said this works fine; x gives me the correct first value for this
sequence, but how do I then get the second and third without writing the
giveMeTenRandoms style function?  I guess what I want is a next() type
function, imperatively speaking.

Many thanks for any help,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell question

2009-01-07 Thread Ryan Ingram
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Jeff Heard jefferson.r.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 And how do I encode

 a{ mousePositionf = b }

 in template haskell without using the [| |] syntax, so that I can use mkName?

Whenever I have a question like that, I just ask ghci:

$ ghci -fth
ghci :m Control.Monad.Identity Language.Haskell.TH
ghci runQ [| 1 + 1 |]
InfixE (Just (LitE (IntegerL 1))) (VarE GHC.Num.+) (Just (LitE (IntegerL 1)))
ghci runQ [| \x - x { runIdentity = 1 } |]
LamE [VarP x_1] (RecUpdE (VarE x_1) [(Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity,LitE (I
ntegerL 1))])

Note that GHCi shows TH names without mkName or quotes, so you need
to add those.  But it shows you the structure you want to generate.

You can also use $() and [| |] inside [| |] to generate additional
data in TH directly:

ghci runQ $ do { VarE n - [| runIdentity |] ; [| \x - $(recUpdE [|
x |] [ fmap (\e - (n,e)) [| 1 |] ]) |] }
LamE [VarP x_2] (RecUpdE (VarE x_2) [(Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity,LitE (I
ntegerL 1))])

Note the VarE n - [| identifier |] trick to extract the name from
an identifier.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] State Monad - using the updated state in an adhoc manner

2009-01-07 Thread Phil

I¹m a newbie looking to get my head around using the State Monad for random
number generation.  I¹ve written non-monad code that achieves this no
problem.  When attempting to use the state monad I can get what I know to be
the correct initial value and state, but can¹t figure out for the life of me
how to then increment it without binding more calls there and then.  Doing
several contiguous calls is not what I want to do here ­ and the examples
I¹ve read all show this (using something like liftM2 (,) myRandom myRandom).
I want to be able to do:


 a whole load of other stuff 

Get the next number as defined by the updated state in the first call

some more stuff

Get another number, and so on.

I get the first number fine, but am lost at how to get the second, third,
forth etc without binding there and then.  I just want each number one at a
time where and when I want it, rather than saying give 1,2,10 or even Œn¹
numbers now.  I¹m sure it¹s blindly obvious!

Note: I¹m not using Haskell¹s built in Random functionality (nor is that an
option), I¹ll spare the details of the method I¹m using (NRC¹s ranq1) as I
know it works for the non-Monad case, and it¹s irrelevent to the question.
So the code is:

ranq1 :: Word64 - ( Double, Word64 )
ranq1 state = ( output, newState )
newState = ranq1Increment state
output = convert_to_double newState

ranq1Init :: Word64 - Word64
ranq1Init = convert_to_word64 . ranq1Increment . xor_v_init

-- I¹ll leave the detail of how ranq1Increment works out for brevity.  I
know this bit works fine.  Same goes for the init function it¹s just
providing an initial state.

-- The Monad State Attempt
getRanq1 :: State Word64 Double
getRanq1 = do
  state - get
  let ( randDouble, newState ) = ranq1 state
  put newState
  return randDouble

_ And then in my main _

-- 124353542542 is just an arbitrary seed
main :: IO()
main = do
   let x = evalState getRanq1 (ranq1Init 124353542542)
   print (x)

As I said this works fine; x gives me the correct first value for this
sequence, but how do I then get the second and third without writing the
giveMeTenRandoms style function?  I guess what I want is a next() type
function, imperatively speaking.

Many thanks for any help,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] State Monad - using the updated state

2009-01-07 Thread Ryan Ingram
Hi Phil.  First a quick style comment, then I'll get to the meat of
your question.

getRanq1 is correct; although quite verbose.  A simpler definition is this:
getRanq1 = State ranq1

This uses the State constructor from Control.Monad.State:
State :: (s - (a,s)) - State s a

What it sounds like you want is this:

main = do
x - getARandomNumber
... do some other stuff
y - getAnotherRandomNumber
.. etc.

using State.  There are two ways to go about this; the first is, if
the entire computation is pure, that is, the do some other stuff
doesn't do IO, you can embed the whole computation in State:

seed = 124353542542
main = do
result - evalState randomComputation (ranq1Init seed)
... some IO using result ...

randomComputation = do
x - getRanq1
let y = some pure computation using x
z - getRanq1
w - something that uses x, y, and z that also uses the random source
... etc.
return (some result)

The other option, if you want to do IO in between, is to use a
transformer version of State:

type MyMonad a = StateT Word64 IO a

main = withStateT (ranq1Init seed) $ do
x - getRanq1_t
liftIO $ print x
y - getRanq1_t

getRanq1_t :: MyMonad Double
getRanq1_t = liftStateT getRanq1

liftStateT :: State s a - MyMonad a
liftStateT m = StateT $ \s - return (runState m s)

withStateT :: Word64 - MyMonad a - IO a
withStateT s m = evalStateT m s  -- can also just use withStateT =
flip evalStateT

This uses these functions from Control.Monad.State:

liftIO :: MonadIO m = IO a - m a
   This takes any IO action and puts it into any monad that supports
IO.  In this case, StateT s IO a fits.

runState :: StateT s a - s - (a,s)
   This evaluates a pure stateful computation and gives you the result.

StateT :: (s - m (a,s)) - StateT s m a
   This builds a StateT directly.  You could get away without it like this:

liftStateT m = do
s - get
let (a, s') = runState m s
put s'
return a

(note the similarity to your getRanq1 function!)

evalStateT :: StateT s m a - s - m a
This is just evalState for the transformer version of State.  In
our case it has the type (MyMonad a - Word64 - IO a)

This said, as a beginner I recommend trying to make more of your code
pure so you can avoid IO; you do need side effects for some things,
but while learning it makes sense to try as hard as you can to avoid
it.  You can make a lot of interesting programs with just interact
and pure functions.

If you're just doing text operations, try to make your program look like this:

main = interact pureMain

pureMain :: String - String
pureMain s = ...

You'll find it will teach you a lot about laziness  the power of
purity!  A key insight is that State *is* pure, even though code using
it looks somewhat imperative.

  -- ryan

P.S. If you can't quite get out of the imperative mindset you can
visit imperative island via the ST boat.

2009/1/7 Phil pbeadl...@mail2web.com:

 I'm a newbie looking to get my head around using the State Monad for random
 number generation.  I've written non-monad code that achieves this no
 problem.  When attempting to use the state monad I can get what I know to be
 the correct initial value and state, but can't figure out for the life of me
 how to then increment it without binding more calls there and then.  Doing
 several contiguous calls is not what I want to do here – and the examples
 I've read all show this (using something like liftM2 (,) myRandom myRandom).
  I want to be able to do:


  a whole load of other stuff 

 Get the next number as defined by the updated state in the first call

 some more stuff

 Get another number, and so on.

 I get the first number fine, but am lost at how to get the second, third,
 forth etc without binding there and then.  I just want each number one at a
 time where and when I want it, rather than saying give 1,2,10 or even 'n'
 numbers now.  I'm sure it's blindly obvious!

 Note: I'm not using Haskell's built in Random functionality (nor is that an
 option), I'll spare the details of the method I'm using (NRC's ranq1) as I
 know it works for the non-Monad case, and it's irrelevent to the question.
  So the code is:

 ranq1 :: Word64 - ( Double, Word64 )
 ranq1 state = ( output, newState )
 newState = ranq1Increment state
 output = convert_to_double newState

 ranq1Init :: Word64 - Word64
 ranq1Init = convert_to_word64 . ranq1Increment . xor_v_init

 -- I'll leave the detail of how ranq1Increment works out for brevity.  I
 know this bit works fine.  Same goes for the init function it's just
 providing an initial state.

 -- The Monad State Attempt
 getRanq1 :: State Word64 Double
 getRanq1 = do
   state - get
   let ( randDouble, newState ) = ranq1 state
   put newState
   return randDouble

 _ And then in my main _

 -- 124353542542 is just an arbitrary seed
 main :: IO()
 main = do
let x = evalState getRanq1 (ranq1Init 124353542542)

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Tying a simple circularly STM linked list

2009-01-07 Thread John Ky
Thanks Chris,

The undefined works for me.


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:11 AM, ChrisK hask...@list.mightyreason.comwrote:

 You can use undefined or error ... :

  {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Monad.Fix

 -- Transactional loop.  A loop is a circular link list.
 data Loop a
   = ItemLink
  { item :: a
  , prev :: TVar (Loop a)
  , next :: TVar (Loop a)

 -- Create a new empty transactional loop.
 newLoop :: a - STM (TVar (Loop a))
 newLoop item = do
   tLoop - newTVar undefined
   writeTVar tLoop (ItemLink item tLoop tLoop)
   return tLoop

 Hmmm.. STM does not have a MonadFix instance.  But IO does:

 -- Use MonadFix instance of newLoopIO
 newLoopIO :: a - IO (TVar (Loop a))
 newLoopIO item = mfix (\ tLoop - newTVarIO (ItemLink item tLoop tLoop))

 But mfix (like fix) is difficult to read in large amounts, so there is

  -- Use RecursiveDo notation
 newLoopMDO :: a - IO (TVar (Loop a))
 newLoopMDO item = mdo
   tLoop - newTVarIO (ItemLink item tLoop tLoop)
   return tLoop


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] databases in Haskell type-safety

2009-01-07 Thread John Goerzen
On Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 10:48:44AM +0100, Gour wrote:

 So, considering that HDBC nicely abstracts API enabling one to easily
 switch from e.g. Sqlite3 to Postgres, and it is used as in example for
 database programming, it seems as logical (and the only) choice for
 Haskell database programming in a real-world?

Sorry to come to this late, but I figured I'd jump in a bit, as
someone that uses HDBC in the real world.

I would say that database interactions are typically limited to a
small part of code.  In small programs, I generally have a DB module
that does the queries, and marshals everything to/from the rich
Haskell types I define.  Any possible type issues are thus constrained
to that small part of code.

HDBC is a low-level abstraction, which can be used on its own or, of
course, as a layer underlying HaskellDB or some such.  I do not
dispute the use of tools such as HaskellDB or others that try to
automate the business of representing a database's schema -- and
queries against it -- using a language's type system.  There are a lot
of these systems in a lot of languages.  I've used some of them.

And, almost universally, they annoy me.  I find it takes longer to
write code with them than without, and often they have issues
representing some query that I know I can do easily in SQL but maybe
can't as easy in the toolkit.  As an example, when I last looked at
HaskellDB in 2005, I found that it was impossible to do a SELECT
without a DISTINCT [1].  There are many situations where such a thing
is necessary, so I had to discard it for my projects.

HDBC is more similar to Perl's DBI or Python's DB-API (or perhaps a
sane version of JDBC).  It is a standard interface to SQL RDBMS
engines that provides some tools for marshaling data back and forth,
but generally leaves you to construct the queries.  It does not really
solve the same problem as HaskellDB.

I wrote HDBC because of some issues with HSQL.  I had trouble with
segfaults, referencing returned data by column number instead of name,
and it did not support replacable parameters.  HDBC supports all of
that, and as a result, does not provide any functions to escape data
for a SQL engine because its design renders such functions
unnecessary.  I have not followed HSQL development since.

So, this was not intended as an HDBC commercial, just more of a
braindump as to why I wrote it.  Hope it helps.

HDBC is actively used in mission-critical applications where I work.
We use both the PostgreSQL and ODBC backends in production.  We even
use the ODBC backend along with the particularly nefarious ODBC
interface for the Progress 4GL database.  I use the Sqlite3 backend
quite a bit in my own personal projects, such as hpodder and twidge.

 I'm not familiar with Takusen which says: Takusen's unique selling
 point is safety and efficiency... and I would appreciate if someone
 could shed some more light to its 'safety' and the present status?

[1] http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2005-August/011026.html

-- John
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell question

2009-01-07 Thread David Menendez
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Ryan Ingram ryani.s...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can also use $() and [| |] inside [| |] to generate additional
 data in TH directly:

 ghci runQ $ do { VarE n - [| runIdentity |] ; [| \x - $(recUpdE [|
 x |] [ fmap (\e - (n,e)) [| 1 |] ]) |] }
 LamE [VarP x_2] (RecUpdE (VarE x_2) [(Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity,LitE 
 ntegerL 1))])

 Note the VarE n - [| identifier |] trick to extract the name from
 an identifier.

You can use the single quote to get the name of a value.

ghci runQ [| \x - $(recUpdE [| x |] [ fmap (\e - ('runIdentity, e))
[| 1 |] ]) |]
LamE [VarP x_1] (RecUpdE (VarE x_1)
[(Control.Monad.Identity.runIdentity,LitE (IntegerL 1))])

There's more in section 8.9.1 of the GHC manual.
Dave Menendez d...@zednenem.com
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] data declarations should provide fold functions

2009-01-07 Thread Tim Newsham

I've had to use some fold functions recently and I've come to
the conclusion that Haskell should automatically generate
fold functions for data definitions.  To clarify what I mean,
for the data definition:

data MyData = This Int Char | That String Int Int

there should be a matching function definition:

foldMyData f g (This a b) = f a b
foldMyData f g (That a b c) = g a b c

This definition is as natural as the constructors This and
That.  Consider the tuple definition and its fold:

data (,) a b = (a, b)
foldTuple f (x, y) = f x y

and the definition of Either and its fold:

data Either a b = Left a | Right b
foldEither f g (Left x) = f a
foldEither f g (Right x) = g x

In logic these constructors define the introduction rules
((,), Left and Right) and the folds define the elimination
rules (exactly for Either, indirectly for tuples) for conjunction
and disjunction.

Further, while pattern-matching is very convenient for accessing
the constituents of the data type, patterns are not first-class
objects in Haskell.  Fold functions, on the othe hand, are.
They can be passed around and used in higher-order functions
to extract constituents in a points-free manner.

I know the short-term answer is use TH to derive folds if
I want them, but I think such an important concept should probably
be part of the language.

Tim Newsham
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Staged evaluation, names?

2009-01-07 Thread wren ng thornton

Dear Cafe,

Every now and then I find myself in the position where I'd like to 
define some hairy value as a CAF instead of a literal, but I'd like for 
it to be fully evaluated at compile-time rather than postponed until 
runtime. It'd be possible to bludgeon the CPP into doing this, but it 
seems easier to use an autocannon like Template Haskell to swat this fly.

This seems like a common thing for folks to want but the TH 
documentation targets much higher-hanging fruit, which actually made it 
harder to figure out how to do something this basic (which would have 
been transparent with MetaML/MetaOCaml-like syntax). I've figured it out 
and circumvented the gotchas, and I was thinking of releasing the code 
as a counterpoint to all the very-high level TH tutorials.

The question for y'all is what should I call it? I've been calling the 
template-function qaf (for Compiled Applicative Form ;) and the type 
class with that function would be the only thing in the package, but I'm 
not sure where QAF.hs should be in the module hierarchy. Thoughts?

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] data declarations should provide fold functions

2009-01-07 Thread wren ng thornton

Tim Newsham wrote:

I know the short-term answer is use TH to derive folds if
I want them, but I think such an important concept should probably
be part of the language.

If you don't mind the hairy code, there's always this generic answer 
from #haskell almost a year ago:


You'd need to hook it up with a preprocessor script since it's a 
String-String function. It should be pretty easy to rewrite that into 
TH code in order to clean it up.

I agree, it'd be nice to have it as a standard deriving clause, but 
since every fold has a different type it's challenging to make it fit 
into the language rather than being a wart. Some of the stuff in 
Data.Generics, Data.Typable, etc might could help. If you come up with 
anything you like, it shouldn't be too hard to (convince someone to) 
convert the logic into a language extension.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] State Monad - using the updated state in an adhoc manner

2009-01-07 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On 2009 Jan 7, at 20:58, Phil wrote:

-- 124353542542 is just an arbitrary seed
main :: IO()
main = do
   let x = evalState getRanq1 (ranq1Init 124353542542)
   print (x)

You're throwing away the state you want to keep by using evalState  
there.  But you're also missing the point of using State; done right  
the evalState *is* what you want.

What you want to do is run all of your operations within State,  
exiting it only when you're done:

 main = do
 print (evalState doRanqs (ranq1init 124353542542))

 doRanqs = do
 r - getRanq1
 -- do something involving it
 another - getRanq1
 -- do more stuff

Alternately you may use a tail recursive function or a fold, etc.,  
depending on what exactly you're trying to accomplish.

You do *not* want to execState or runState every individual time you  
want a random number; if you do that you'll have to carry the random  
state around yourself (in effect you'd be rewriting the State monad by  
hand, poorly).  Stay in State and let it do the carrying for you.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] allb...@kf8nh.com
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] allb...@ece.cmu.edu
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

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