Re: [Haskell-cafe] A model theory question

2010-09-28 Thread Patrick Browne
Alexander Solla wrote:
> Doing similar constructions with type classes is possible.  I think you
> might have to use witness types (or even a nice functorial wrapper
> around your target value in the original algebra, or both) to do
> generalizations of type classes.  For example:
> class Uneditable obj where
>   a :: a -> obj
>   b :: b -> obj
> class Refactored obj witness where
>   a' :: Maybe (a -> obj)
>   b' :: Maybe (a -> obj)
> data EmptyFilter -- I think the name of the extension needed for this is
> 'EmptyDataDecls'
> data NoA
> data NoB
> instance Uneditable obj => Refactored obj EmptyFilter where a' = Just a;
> b' = Just b
> instance Uneditable obj => Refactored obj NoA where a' = Nothing; b' =
> Just b
Thank you for your excellent explanation and example. Due to my lack of
knowledge, I do not fully understand what is going in the example.

I had a look at the types of a and a’.
*Main> :t a
a :: forall a obj. (Uneditable obj) => a -> obj
*Main> :t a'
a' :: forall witness a obj. (Refactored obj witness) => Maybe (a -> obj)

Could you explain the example a little more.

Apologies for my slowness.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Christopher Done
Hmm. Maybe we should sort this out. It's incomplete. The Web category
is sporadic:

Supposing we made a Web/Foo namespace and got some proper hierarchy.
Of interest to most people are:

* What can I do?
* How can I do it?
* Who has already done it?
* Why did they do it like this?
* What needs doing?
* How up to date is all this information?

Our discussions here, on IRC and on web-devel should really be
documented. It should be that whenever we create or discover something
substantial for web dev we should document it with examples on the
Wiki. There isn't much centralised comparison of frameworks and
libraries, either. One could make a table of frameworks/libraries and
their features a la Wikipedia does. I don't know many frameworks but
other people can fill the holes in. is a good start, as is
for examples is also a good example of
giving examples of a library. It's nice to link to some blog or
external page but those disappear or lose relevance/compatibility over
time, whereas a Wiki remains, and anyone can update it. For this
reason I think it's a good idea for us to put work into the wiki.

I'll reformat the entire Web category (immutably! I'll do it in
Web/..) as a proposal, see what you guys think.


On 27 September 2010 09:24, Jasper Van der Jeugt  wrote:
> Hey Dave,
> You should check out this page (if you haven't already):
> Cheers,
> Jasper
> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Dave Hinton  wrote:
>> There are 179 packages in the Web category on Hackage.
>> It am finding it difficult, as someone who is not familiar with any of
>> the Haskell web application frameworks on Hackage (and there seem to
>> be at least 9), to determine which are good quality, which do things I
>> would like a web framework to do for me, and which insist on doing
>> things I would rather do myself.
>> Is there a page comparing the major frameworks somewhere? I've been
>> unable to find one via Google.
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Christopher Done
> Hmm. Maybe we should sort this out. It's incomplete. The Web category
> is sporadic:
> Supposing we made a Web/Foo namespace and got some proper hierarchy.
> Of interest to most people are:
> * What can I do?
> * How can I do it?
> * Who has already done it?
> * Why did they do it like this?
> * What needs doing?
> * How up to date is all this information?
> Our discussions here, on IRC and on web-devel should really be
> documented. It should be that whenever we create or discover something
> substantial for web dev we should document it with examples on the
> Wiki. There isn't much centralised comparison of frameworks and
> libraries, either. One could make a table of frameworks/libraries and
> their features a la Wikipedia does. I don't know many frameworks but
> other people can fill the holes in.
> is a good start, as is
> for examples
> is also a good example of
> giving examples of a library. It's nice to link to some blog or
> external page but those disappear or lose relevance/compatibility over
> time, whereas a Wiki remains, and anyone can update it. For this
> reason I think it's a good idea for us to put work into the wiki.
> I'll reformat the entire Web category (immutably! I'll do it in
> Web/..) as a proposal, see what you guys think.

+1. I did the rewrite of the /Web wiki page to try to make it more
accessible. If you have a better format and want to move some of that
content around, feel free to do so. Also, if you need any content or
other assistance, please let me know. I think we need to improve our
image on the wiki.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Christopher Done
On 28 September 2010 13:15, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
> +1. I did the rewrite of the /Web wiki page to try to make it more
> accessible. If you have a better format and want to move some of that
> content around, feel free to do so. Also, if you need any content or
> other assistance, please let me know.

Yeah, the /Web page is good stuff. The dates are especially a good
idea! I want to flesh out the TODOs and re-shuffle some bits. I think
the lists could be made into tables. The site's stylesheet doesn't
really help.

> I think we need to improve our image on the wiki.

Agreed. Hopefully the new wiki will be rolled out soon. The current
style sheet is "printable". It kinda makes every page look like a dead
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Christopher Done
> On 28 September 2010 13:15, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
>> +1. I did the rewrite of the /Web wiki page to try to make it more
>> accessible. If you have a better format and want to move some of that
>> content around, feel free to do so. Also, if you need any content or
>> other assistance, please let me know.
> Yeah, the /Web page is good stuff. The dates are especially a good
> idea! I want to flesh out the TODOs and re-shuffle some bits. I think
> the lists could be made into tables. The site's stylesheet doesn't
> really help.

I *do* really like having the dates there, but the problem is that
someone has to actually update them. It would be nice if that could be
automated, but I have a feeling that's asking for too much.

>> I think we need to improve our image on the wiki.
> Agreed. Hopefully the new wiki will be rolled out soon. The current
> style sheet is "printable". It kinda makes every page look like a dead
> site.

I wasn't aware there was a new wiki rolling out. Is there any more
information available?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Christopher Done
On 28 September 2010 14:06, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
> I *do* really like having the dates there, but the problem is that
> someone has to actually update them. It would be nice if that could be
> automated, but I have a feeling that's asking for too much.

Probably too much. If the wiki made it trivial to embed feeds then it
would be easy. As long as the documentation and examples has a version
number attached to it, I think that's most important. Is this
documentation recent or two main versions ago? I don't mind out of
date documentation if it's explicitly labelled, then I can choose to
garner information from it or ignore it and not waste my time.

> I wasn't aware there was a new wiki rolling out. Is there any more
> information available?

Thomas Schilling (aka. nomilo) is working on it:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Christopher Done
> On 28 September 2010 14:06, Michael Snoyman  wrote:
>> I *do* really like having the dates there, but the problem is that
>> someone has to actually update them. It would be nice if that could be
>> automated, but I have a feeling that's asking for too much.
> Probably too much. If the wiki made it trivial to embed feeds then it
> would be easy. As long as the documentation and examples has a version
> number attached to it, I think that's most important. Is this
> documentation recent or two main versions ago? I don't mind out of
> date documentation if it's explicitly labelled, then I can choose to
> garner information from it or ignore it and not waste my time.
>> I wasn't aware there was a new wiki rolling out. Is there any more
>> information available?
> Thomas Schilling (aka. nomilo) is working on it:

Looks good, the /Web page looks much nicer over there:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question on monad transformers stack

2010-09-28 Thread Jonathan Geddes

You might also consider writing monad-agnostic code: code that doesn't
know which monad it is executing in.

For example:

>class (Monad g) => MonadGit g where
>   gitOp1 :: 
>   gitOp2 :: 
>instance MonadGit Git where
>   gitOp1 = ...
>   gitOp2 = ...
>   ...
>intance MonadGit DebugGit where
>  gitOp1 = ...
>  gitOp2 = ...
>otherGitOp :: (MonadGit g) => a -> b -> g a
>otherGitOp = gitOp1 . gitOp2 . otherF . etc

In other words, you create a typeclass that (at least) two different
monads will implement. One which runs the code normally, while the
other performs the debug actions that you described. Then your "debug
flag" becomes a choice of which monad to begin execution in. Note that
this can be a bit cumbersome (but I don't think impossible) if the
debug flag has to be changed at runtime.

Hope this helps,


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Arnaud Bailly  wrote:
> Hello Cafe,
> I have the following type which represents some action using Git
>> newtype (Monad m) => Git m a = Git { runGit :: ErrorT String (StateT 
>> Environment m) a }
>>              deriving (Monad, MonadState Environment, MonadError String)
> and the following typeclass whose purpose is to abstract away the
> details of executing commands in the OS, with an obvious IO instance,
> and to ease testing of commands effects:
>> -- | A monad for simple execution of a process within the
>> class (MonadError e m) => MonadExec e m  where
>>   debug :: String -> m ()
>>   exec  :: String -> [String] -> m String
>>   -- ^Do not really execute commande but output the command string and 
>> arguments passed
>>   exec' :: String -> [String] -> m String
>>   exec' proc args = return $ program proc args
> The type environment is :
>> data Environment = Env { debugMode     :: Bool,
>>                          baseDirectory :: FilePath,
>>                          maven         :: FilePath,
>>                          git           :: FilePath,
>>                          p4            :: FilePath,
>>                          javaHome      :: FilePath}
>>                  deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
> This follows the monad stack pattern presented in RWH and in Don
> Stewart's presentation on scripting with haskell. Actually, what I am
> trying to achieve is to be able to write my own scripts in Haskell.
> What I would like to do is to be able to wrap each Git action occuring
> in a MonadExec instance into a call to debug according to the status
> of the debugMode flag in environment, in order to prevent the need of
> explicit calls to debug. Something like the -v flag in bash...
> I can imagine being able to do this using 2 different ways:
>  - add a constraint on Git monad and write explicitly return and >>=
>   to use debug
>  - push the environment or part of it inside the MonadExec, for
>   example as a Reader.
> What is the "best" (i.e. most economical) way of doing this?
> Thanks for your advices.
> Arnaud Bailly
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Non-strict evaluation and concurrency (STM) : conflict?

2010-09-28 Thread Romain Demeyer

I'm working on Concurrent Haskell, especially with the monad STM. I don't
fully understand the way my program is executed. I think the lazy evaluation
leads to a loss of performance, if we don't pay attention to this problem. A
short example will be more explicit :

Imagine this scenario : we have a set of threads (the workers) that have
(each) a result to compute (purely). When finished, they try to save the
result in an shared inbox, using STM. If the inbox is full, the thread waits
until the inbox is empty.
A specific thread is looking at the inbox: when it finds a value in the
inbox, it prints the value on the screen (for example, it could be any
processing based on the value) and then empty the inbox and wait that a
remaining thread add a new value).

Let's a function "do_job", the function to execute by the threads (the
workers) :

do_job :: (b -> a) -> b -> Inbox a -> IO ()
do_job f input inbox = do { value <- return (f input)
  ; atomically ( writeMsg inbox value ) }

The idea is : (f input) is the function to compute. Once compute, we want to
save the result atomically.
The problem is, because of the lazy evaluation, the "value" is computed in
the atomic section, and not before, resulting in a loss of efficiency.
Indeed, to be fast, a concurrent program has to keep the atomic sections as
"small" as possible, because it limits the parallelism.

To illustrate this, let's see this source code :

module Main where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe
import System.Random
import System.IO

{-- Inbox --}
type Inbox a = TVar (Maybe a)

createInbox ::  STM (Inbox a)
createInbox = newTVar Nothing

readMsg ::  Inbox a -> STM a
readMsg inbox = do { inboxContent <- readTVar inbox
   ; if (isNothing inboxContent)
 then retry
 else do { writeTVar inbox Nothing
 ; return (fromJust inboxContent) } }

writeMsg ::  Inbox a -> a -> STM ()
writeMsg inbox value = do { inboxContent <- readTVar inbox
  ; if (isNothing inboxContent)
then writeTVar inbox (Just value)
else retry }

{-- Workers --}
do_job :: (b -> a) -> b -> Inbox a -> IO ()*
*do_job f input inbox = do { value <- return (f input) *
*  ; atomically ( writeMsg inbox value ) }*

do_jobs_in_threads ::  [((b->a),b)] -> Inbox a -> TVar Int -> IO ()
do_jobs_in_threads [] _ _ = return ()
do_jobs_in_threads ((f,input):xs) inbox flag =
do { forkIO_and_notify flag (do_job f input inbox)
   ; do_jobs_in_threads xs inbox flag }

{-- Caller --}
*caller ::  Inbox a -> (a -> IO ()) -> Int -> IO ()*
*caller _ _ 0 = return ()*
*caller inbox process n = do { msg <- atomically (readMsg inbox)*
*; process msg *
*; caller inbox process (n-1) }*

caller_in_thread flag inbox process n =
forkIO_and_notify flag (caller inbox process n)

{-- forkIO with notification --}

create_flag = atomically ( newTVar 0 )

forkIO_and_notify :: TVar Int -> IO () -> IO ()
forkIO_and_notify tvar action =
do { atomically ( do { oldValue <- readTVar tvar
 ; writeTVar tvar (oldValue + 1) } )
   ; forkIO (do { action
; atomically ( do { oldValue <- readTVar tvar
  ; writeTVar tvar (oldValue - 1) } ) }
   --; putStrLn "Tread lancé" }
   ; return () }

waitFlag flag = atomically ( do { valueflag <- readTVar flag
 ; if valueflag > 0 then retry else return
() } )

{-- main --}

main :: IO ()
main = do { flag <- create_flag
  ; inbox <- atomically (createInbox)
  ; *caller_in_thread flag inbox (\x -> putStrLn ("Caller : "++
(show (x 3*
*  ;
do_jobs_in_threads [(perm,[1..11]),(perm,[1..8]),(perm,[1..3])] inbox flag*
  ; waitFlag flag
  ;  return () }
where perm (l:ls) = injectett l (perm ls)
  injectett x (l:ls) = injecte x l ++ injectett x ls
  injecte x (l:ls) = [x:l:ls]++map (l:) (injecte x ls)
  inputs = zip (replicate 3 f) [[1..11],[1..8],[1..3]]

As you can see, we ask for 3 threads to compute permutations for [1..11],
[1..8] and [1..3]. The "Caller" write a message when a thread finished. What
we expect is that the second and third thread finish their work before the
first one. But the output of this program is :

*Caller : 39916800*
*Caller : 40320*
*Caller : 6*

... which means that threads 2 and 3 have to wait the first thread before
being able to save (and probably compute) their own result.

If I force to evaluate "value" before the atomic section, by defining :

do_job :: (b -> a) -> b -> Inbox a -> IO ()
do_job f input inbox = do { value <- return (f input)
  ; value `seq` atomically ( writeMsg inbox value )

Then I obtain a more efficient program, as the output 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-strict evaluation and concurrency (STM) : conflict?

2010-09-28 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Romain Demeyer's message of Tue Sep 28 09:06:53 -0400 2010:
> That's what we want, but what is the explanation of this behavior? STM is
> designed to be optimistic, not blocking. So, does it means that the "value"
> is evaluated at "commit-time"?
> Do you know some problems that are related or do you know some works that
> can be useful at this subject?

STM's interface is lazy; so you have to tell Haskell when to evaluate
computationally expensive thunks, otherwise it will wait till the last possible
moment.  This is a common trip up point for concurrency programming.  Don
Stewart wrote strict-concurrency, which is a strict version of MVars and Chans,
though I don't see a strict STM class.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question on monad transformers stack

2010-09-28 Thread Arnaud Bailly
Look rather obvious when explained :-) And this is a pattern I have
already used for other code :-(

Thanks a lot Jonathan, that's indeed quite helpful.


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Jonathan Geddes
> Arnaud,
> You might also consider writing monad-agnostic code: code that doesn't
> know which monad it is executing in.
> For example:
>>class (Monad g) => MonadGit g where
>>   gitOp1 :: 
>>   gitOp2 :: 
>>instance MonadGit Git where
>>   gitOp1 = ...
>>   gitOp2 = ...
>>   ...
>>intance MonadGit DebugGit where
>>  gitOp1 = ...
>>  gitOp2 = ...
>>otherGitOp :: (MonadGit g) => a -> b -> g a
>>otherGitOp = gitOp1 . gitOp2 . otherF . etc
> In other words, you create a typeclass that (at least) two different
> monads will implement. One which runs the code normally, while the
> other performs the debug actions that you described. Then your "debug
> flag" becomes a choice of which monad to begin execution in. Note that
> this can be a bit cumbersome (but I don't think impossible) if the
> debug flag has to be changed at runtime.
> Hope this helps,
> --Jonathan
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Arnaud Bailly  
> wrote:
>> Hello Cafe,
>> I have the following type which represents some action using Git
>>> newtype (Monad m) => Git m a = Git { runGit :: ErrorT String (StateT 
>>> Environment m) a }
>>>              deriving (Monad, MonadState Environment, MonadError String)
>> and the following typeclass whose purpose is to abstract away the
>> details of executing commands in the OS, with an obvious IO instance,
>> and to ease testing of commands effects:
>>> -- | A monad for simple execution of a process within the
>>> class (MonadError e m) => MonadExec e m  where
>>>   debug :: String -> m ()
>>>   exec  :: String -> [String] -> m String
>>>   -- ^Do not really execute commande but output the command string and 
>>> arguments passed
>>>   exec' :: String -> [String] -> m String
>>>   exec' proc args = return $ program proc args
>> The type environment is :
>>> data Environment = Env { debugMode     :: Bool,
>>>                          baseDirectory :: FilePath,
>>>                          maven         :: FilePath,
>>>                          git           :: FilePath,
>>>                          p4            :: FilePath,
>>>                          javaHome      :: FilePath}
>>>                  deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
>> This follows the monad stack pattern presented in RWH and in Don
>> Stewart's presentation on scripting with haskell. Actually, what I am
>> trying to achieve is to be able to write my own scripts in Haskell.
>> What I would like to do is to be able to wrap each Git action occuring
>> in a MonadExec instance into a call to debug according to the status
>> of the debugMode flag in environment, in order to prevent the need of
>> explicit calls to debug. Something like the -v flag in bash...
>> I can imagine being able to do this using 2 different ways:
>>  - add a constraint on Git monad and write explicitly return and >>=
>>   to use debug
>>  - push the environment or part of it inside the MonadExec, for
>>   example as a Reader.
>> What is the "best" (i.e. most economical) way of doing this?
>> Thanks for your advices.
>> Arnaud Bailly
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-strict evaluation and concurrency (STM) : conflict?

2010-09-28 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Romain Demeyer
> Let's a function "do_job", the function to execute by the threads (the
> workers) :
> do_job :: (b -> a) -> b -> Inbox a -> IO ()
> do_job f input inbox = do { value <- return (f input)
>                           ; atomically ( writeMsg inbox value ) }

First of all, note that

  do v <- return (f x)

is exactly the same as

  do let v = f x

Now, if you want to evaluate your value to WHNF (Weak Head Normal
Formal), you may use

> do_job :: (b -> a) -> b -> Inbox a -> IO ()
> do_job f input inbox = do
>   value <- evaluate (f input)
>   atomically (writeMsg inbox value)

This will work pretty well if your value is simple (eg. an Int)
but not so well if it is complex (eg. a Data.Map) because it will
evaluate only as much as 'seq'.

You may than use the 'deepseq' package:

> import Control.DeepSeq
> do_job :: NFData a => (b -> a) -> b -> Inbox a -> IO ()
> do_job f input inbox =
>   let value = f input
>   in value `deepseq` atomically (writeMsg inbox value)

This will fully evaluate the structure before calling 'writeMsg'.

> That's what we want, but what is the explanation of this behavior? STM is
> designed to be optimistic, not blocking. So, does it means that the "value"
> is evaluated at "commit-time"?
> Do you know some problems that are related or do you know some works that
> can be useful at this subject?

Those values are pure, so if you say

  writeMsg inbox (f x)

then internally a thunk is created referencing 'f' and 'x', and a
pointer to that thunk is atomically commited.  Just like the rest
of the program.

The value is not being evaluated by STM at all, as your STM functions
don't need the value.  In your program is evaluating when you print
the answer in the main thread, as printing requires the value of the
computation.  If you didn't print, nothing would be computed at all.
Lazy =).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Tom Hawkins
Has anyone in the STM community considered the ability to read a TVar,
such that it would allow the transaction to complete even if the TVar
was modified by another transaction?  (I am assuming this is not how
STM works by default.)  For example:

looselyReadTVar :: TVar a -> STM a

Atom [1] has similar semantics to STM.  If Atom were to relax it's
rule atomicity in this fashion, it could open the door to improved
task scheduling and higher levels of program description.  Has STM
research already gone down this path?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Peter Robinson
On 28 September 2010 15:35, Tom Hawkins  wrote:
> Has anyone in the STM community considered the ability to read a TVar,
> such that it would allow the transaction to complete even if the TVar
> was modified by another transaction?

Maybe something like this:
(Pasted from
readTVarIO :: TVar a -> IO a
Return the current value stored in a TVar. This is equivalent to
  readTVarIO = atomically . readTVar
but works much faster, because it doesn't perform a complete
transaction, it just reads the current value of the TVar.


> (I am assuming this is not how
> STM works by default.)  For example:
> looselyReadTVar :: TVar a -> STM a
> Atom [1] has similar semantics to STM.  If Atom were to relax it's
> rule atomicity in this fashion, it could open the door to improved
> task scheduling and higher levels of program description.  Has STM
> research already gone down this path?
> -Tom
> [1]
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread bieniusa
Hi Tom,

you can do this with Twilight STM. I recently uploaded the first version
on hackage[1].
The next version including a better algorithm and examples is about to
be released in a few days.

Twilight STM features include tagging of variables and fine-grained
conflict detection, flexible isolation level semantics (snapshot
isolation and opacity) as well as safe integration of I/O.

- Annette

Am 28.09.2010 15:35, schrieb Tom Hawkins:
> Has anyone in the STM community considered the ability to read a TVar,
> such that it would allow the transaction to complete even if the TVar
> was modified by another transaction?  (I am assuming this is not how
> STM works by default.)  For example:
> looselyReadTVar :: TVar a -> STM a
> Atom [1] has similar semantics to STM.  If Atom were to relax it's
> rule atomicity in this fashion, it could open the door to improved
> task scheduling and higher levels of program description.  Has STM
> research already gone down this path?
> -Tom
> [1]
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Peter Robinson  wrote:
> readTVarIO :: TVar a -> IO a

One needs to know if it is ok to wrap this IO action into an STM
action.  For example,

> data I a = I a
> looselyReadTVar :: TVar a -> STM a
> looselyReadTVar tvar =
>   let v = unsafePerformIO (I <$> readTVarIO tvar)
>   in case v of I x -> return x

The 'case' is needed because otherwise the TVar would be read
only when its value was requested, and we want to keep the
ordering.  The 'I' datatype is used to avoid evaluating the
user's value (which could even be 'undefined').

Note that this function can be used on any monad, but I don't
think that is a good idea =).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Antoine Latter
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Felipe Lessa  wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Peter Robinson  wrote:
>> readTVarIO :: TVar a -> IO a
> One needs to know if it is ok to wrap this IO action into an STM
> action.  For example,
>> data I a = I a
>> looselyReadTVar :: TVar a -> STM a
>> looselyReadTVar tvar =
>>   let v = unsafePerformIO (I <$> readTVarIO tvar)
>>   in case v of I x -> return x
> The 'case' is needed because otherwise the TVar would be read
> only when its value was requested, and we want to keep the
> ordering.  The 'I' datatype is used to avoid evaluating the
> user's value (which could even be 'undefined').
> Note that this function can be used on any monad, but I don't
> think that is a good idea =).
> Cheers!

Isn't there an 'unsafeIOToSTM' function somewhere? Something like:

> unsafeIOToSTM (IO k) = STM k

Then you might not need the case statement.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Antoine Latter  wrote:
> Isn't there an 'unsafeIOToSTM' function somewhere? Something like:
>> unsafeIOToSTM (IO k) = STM k
> Then you might not need the case statement.

I thought there was, but I couldn't find it in the 'stm' package [1],
using Hoogle [2] nor using Hayoo [3].


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Antoine Latter
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Felipe Lessa  wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Antoine Latter  wrote:
>> Isn't there an 'unsafeIOToSTM' function somewhere? Something like:
>>> unsafeIOToSTM (IO k) = STM k
>> Then you might not need the case statement.
> I thought there was, but I couldn't find it in the 'stm' package [1],
> using Hoogle [2] nor using Hayoo [3].

Funny - I had the module open in another window as I wrote my response.

It's in GHC.Conc[1]:

> unsafeIOToSTM :: IO a -> STM a

defined as I had guessed.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-strict evaluation and concurrency (STM) : conflict?

2010-09-28 Thread Romain Demeyer
Thanks for your help. It's more clear now.

> The value is not being evaluated by STM at all, as your STM functions
> don't need the value.  In your program is evaluating when you print
> the answer in the main thread, as printing requires the value of the
> computation.  If you didn't print, nothing would be computed at all.
> Lazy =).

Does it means that the value is computed *by* the "caller", based on the
thunk, and not by the worker itself?
In this case, in this specific example, it would mean that this program does
not exploit the parallelism at all (except using deepseq or seq).
I understand the principles (lazy evaluation, thunk,...) , but I'm surprised
that no work has been done to "solve" this problem (in the sense that it's
not intuitive to write concurrent programs in this context).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-strict evaluation and concurrency (STM) : conflict?

2010-09-28 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Romain Demeyer
> Does it means that the value is computed by the "caller", based on the
> thunk, and not by the worker itself?

It is computed by the one who needs the value.  Your worker doesn't.
Note that the value is computed on 'print', which is *after* the
worker has returned the value.  So, it is the caller who evaluates,
but it does not evaluate while calling the worker.

> In this case, in this specific example, it would mean that this program does
> not exploit the parallelism at all (except using deepseq or seq).
> I understand the principles (lazy evaluation, thunk,...) , but I'm surprised
> that no work has been done to "solve" this problem (in the sense that it's
> not intuitive to write concurrent programs in this context).

It is not a problem, it is a feature.  It is our beloved lazy
evaluation applied to STM.

Alas, there isn't a single "solution".  You may want 'seq', 'deepseq'
or something between.  Your data may already be in WHNF or HNF, so
calling 'seq' or 'deepseq' always would decrease performance for no
gain on these cases.  And sometimes you really want the lazy
behaviour, for example, if you were using an infinite data structure.

It is only a problem when you are learning how to use concurrency or
parallelism in Haskell.  Just repeat to yourself that everything is
lazy and you'll get used to it =).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverse of HaskellDB

2010-09-28 Thread Chris Eidhof
Hey Jonathan,

I've done some work on this. The hard part is defining relationships between 
datatypes: how do you model this in Haskell? I've some code on github:, you might be interested in that.


On 25 sep 2010, at 21:31, Jonathan Geddes wrote:

> Cafe,
> HaskellDB takes a database schema and produces Haskell data structures
> (plus some other query-related stuff for its EDSL query language).
> What I'm looking for is the inverse of this functionality. I want to
> create tables based on a Haskell data structure with a few simple
> rules. These rules include: if a field is not of the form `Maybe a'
> then it can't be nullable in the database. If a field is not a
> primitive (in the database) then it is actually stored in another
> table and a reference id is stored in the table. Tables are produced
> recursively, unless they already exist, etc.
> The HaskellDB approach is great for interfacing with existing tables,
> but in my case I already have data structures and now I would like a
> quick way to create tables to persist them.
> Does such a thing exist? If not, would you find it useful? I may take
> this up as a side project if it does not already exist and others
> would find it useful.
> Thanks,
> --Jonathan
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverse of HaskellDB

2010-09-28 Thread Jeremy Shaw
Do you need to persistently store your Haskell data types in tables ?
Or just persistently store them ?

happstack-state provides the latter for you. Your data-types are just
plain-old Haskell data types and your queries and updates are just
functions in the Reader or State monad. It provides ACID properties
with write-ahead logging to the disk, S3, or other backends. It also
includes data-type versioning and automatic migration. Although it is
associated with the happstack web application framework, there is
nothing web specific about it. It does not even require that you build
or install any of the web stuff in Happstack.

To get a quick feel for how it works, I recommend this tutorial:

It is a little out of date -- but mostly you just need to change the
imports from HAppS to Happstack.

 - jeremy

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Jonathan Geddes
> Cafe,
> HaskellDB takes a database schema and produces Haskell data structures
> (plus some other query-related stuff for its EDSL query language).
> What I'm looking for is the inverse of this functionality. I want to
> create tables based on a Haskell data structure with a few simple
> rules. These rules include: if a field is not of the form `Maybe a'
> then it can't be nullable in the database. If a field is not a
> primitive (in the database) then it is actually stored in another
> table and a reference id is stored in the table. Tables are produced
> recursively, unless they already exist, etc.
> The HaskellDB approach is great for interfacing with existing tables,
> but in my case I already have data structures and now I would like a
> quick way to create tables to persist them.
> Does such a thing exist? If not, would you find it useful? I may take
> this up as a side project if it does not already exist and others
> would find it useful.
> Thanks,
> --Jonathan
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverse of HaskellDB

2010-09-28 Thread Ozgur Akgun
> How do you define relationships between data types?

Well, why is it any different from other fields? From one of your examples
[1], I'd expect you to have a list of questions in the Quiz data type, and
if necessary, a quiz field in the Question data type. This might be a bit
tricky but certainly achievable [2].

Something like the following:

data Quiz = Quiz {
  description :: String,
  subject :: String,
  questions   :: [Question]
} deriving (Show, Read)

data Question = Question {
  title   :: String,
  choiceA :: String,
  choiceB :: String,
  choiceC :: String,
  quiz:: Quiz
} deriving (Show, Read)


On 28 September 2010 16:13, Chris Eidhof  wrote:

> Hey Jonathan,
> I've done some work on this. The hard part is defining relationships
> between datatypes: how do you model this in Haskell? I've some code on
> github:, you might be interested in
> that.
> -chris
> On 25 sep 2010, at 21:31, Jonathan Geddes wrote:
> > Cafe,
> >
> > HaskellDB takes a database schema and produces Haskell data structures
> > (plus some other query-related stuff for its EDSL query language).
> >
> > What I'm looking for is the inverse of this functionality. I want to
> > create tables based on a Haskell data structure with a few simple
> > rules. These rules include: if a field is not of the form `Maybe a'
> > then it can't be nullable in the database. If a field is not a
> > primitive (in the database) then it is actually stored in another
> > table and a reference id is stored in the table. Tables are produced
> > recursively, unless they already exist, etc.
> >
> > The HaskellDB approach is great for interfacing with existing tables,
> > but in my case I already have data structures and now I would like a
> > quick way to create tables to persist them.
> >
> > Does such a thing exist? If not, would you find it useful? I may take
> > this up as a side project if it does not already exist and others
> > would find it useful.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --Jonathan
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Ozgur Akgun
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HackageDB: Haddock parse failure

2010-09-28 Thread David Waern
Den 27 september 2010 18:22 skrev Jonas Almström Duregård
> HackageDB reports a build failure for happy-meta-0.1.1
> (, but from the
> log it seems that the failure occurs when building the documentation.
> The error is
> src/LALR.lhs:230:2: parse error on input `numberSets'
> I'm guessing there is no syntax error in this file (it is taken from
> Happy), but rather an error in Haddock?

I suspect this has something to do with the comment before that line.
I might be wrong but I think Cabal turns the text in literal haskell
files into haddock comments. If that's the case then you have to be
careful to not use haddock comment markup in the wrong way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Web application framework comparison?

2010-09-28 Thread Jeremy Shaw
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 5:46 AM, Christopher Done
> for examples

If you search on google for 'haskell web framework' that link actually
comes up higher than any other wiki page.. and it does seem to have
more complete entries in many ways..

Not sure what that means. But I am only willing to maintain so many
wiki pages. So far at least three have come up in this thread.

- jeremy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help to create a function to calculate a n element moving average ??

2010-09-28 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra
Avoiding repeated additions:

movingAverage :: Int -> [Float] -> [Float]
movingAverage n l = runSums (sum . take n $l) l (drop n l)
 where n' = fromIntegral n
   runSums sum (h:hs) (t:ts) = sum / n' : runSums (sum-h+t) hs ts
   runSums _   _ []  = []


On 28 sep 2010, at 03:40, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

> On 27/09/2010, at 5:20 AM, rgowka1 wrote:
>> Type signature would be Int -> [Double] -> [(Double,Double)]
>> Any thoughts or ideas on how to calculate a n-element moving average
>> of a list of Doubles?
>> Let's say [1..10]::[Double]
>> what is the function to calculate the average of the 3 elements?
>> [(1,0),(2,0),(3,2),(4,3)] :: [(Double,Double)]
>> moving_average3 (xs0 @ (_ : (xs1 @ (_ : xs2 =
>>  zipWith3 (\x y z -> (x+y+z)/3) xs0 xs1 xs2
> *Main> moving_average3 [1..10]
> [2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0]
> The result is two elements shorter than the original, but that
> _is_ the definition of moving average after all.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Non-strict evaluation and concurrency (STM) : conflict?

2010-09-28 Thread Ben Franksen
Romain Demeyer wrote:
> Imagine this scenario : we have a set of threads (the workers) that have
> (each) a result to compute (purely). When finished, they try to save the
> result in an shared inbox, using STM. If the inbox is full, the thread
> waits until the inbox is empty.
> A specific thread is looking at the inbox: when it finds a value in the
> inbox, it prints the value on the screen (for example, it could be any
> processing based on the value) and then empty the inbox and wait that a
> remaining thread add a new value).

The technical reason this does not work as expected was given by others
(lazy evaluation, etc).

One additional remark: It seems you are using STM for parallelism, i.e. to
enhance performance, not for explicit concurrency. (Otherwise it would make
no difference to you which thread actually evaluates some expression). This
can be done much easier with the `par` combinator and friends
( The same caveat wrt lazyness
applies to this method, but your code will become a lot simpler: no need to
explicitly manage threads, pure functional (non-monadic) code.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Tom Hawkins
Thanks for the responses, but I think I should explain a bit more.
I'm not interested in being able to read the live value of a TVar at
any arbitrary time (via. unsafeIOToSTM).  But rather I would like
looslyReadTVar to have exactly the same semantics as readTVar, except
that the STM runtime would not reject the transaction if the TVar is
modified by another transaction before the atomic commit takes place.

Also, as I would be implementing something similar in Atom, I'm not
necessarily interested in a Haskell implementation, but rather if the
programming experience is elevated by these alternative semantics.

For example:

incr :: TVar -> STM ()
incr a = looslyReadTVar a >>= writeTVar a . (+ 1)

decr a :: TVar -> STM ()
decr a = readTVar a >>= writeTVar a . (- 1)

If incr and decr where atomically started at the same time with the
same TVar, decr would be rejected if incr completed first, but not the
other way around.  The initial reaction may be that this seriously
breaks the atomicity of STM, but there may be cases where this could
be useful.  For instance, it allow a computationally expensive
transactions to complete, even if their inputs are constantly being
modified.  In the embedded domain, this could be a fault monitor that
reads a bunch of constantly changing sensors.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Serguey Zefirov
2010/9/29 Tom Hawkins :
> In the embedded domain, this could be a fault monitor that
> reads a bunch of constantly changing sensors.

I think that sensor reading belongs to IO, not STM.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ICFP2010 contest results?

2010-09-28 Thread Ryan Ingram
I saw the winner was announced.  Is there a highscore table?  We were
in the top 5, I want to see how well we did.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Tom Hawkins
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Serguey Zefirov  wrote:
> 2010/9/29 Tom Hawkins :
>> In the embedded domain, this could be a fault monitor that
>> reads a bunch of constantly changing sensors.
> I think that sensor reading belongs to IO, not STM.

Sensors would be transfered from IO to TVars via a transaction in an
input processing thread.  My question is not this, but is
looselyReadTVar advantageous to STM programming in general?

My applications can't use Haskell STM, nor the Haskell runtime, due to
their hard realtime requirements.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Retargeting Haskell compiler to embedded/hardware

2010-09-28 Thread Tom Hawkins
A few years ago I attempted to build a Haskell hardware compiler
(Haskell -> Verilog) based on the Yhc frontent.  At the time I was
trying to overcome several problems [1] with implementing a hardware
description language as a light eDSL, which convinced me a proper
compiler may be a better approach.  Yhc was recommended as a good
starting point since it had a simpler IR compared with GHC -- at least
at the time.

I am considering restarting this effort, but this time to target hard
realtime embedded code.  What is the recommended compiler to start
from?  I need an IR that is post type checking with as much desugaring
as possible, and a code base that is relatively easy to splice and

My other requirement is not to be bound to IO () for 'main'.  The top
level will be a monad, but with different semantics than IO.  I would
also like to reuse the standard library, with exception to the values
related to IO.

What are my options?



[1] Lack of observable sharing; function definitions, case
expressions, ADTs disappear at compile time; etc.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Brandon Moore

On Sep 28, 2010, at 6:36 PM, Tom Hawkins  wrote:

Thanks for the responses, but I think I should explain a bit more.
I'm not interested in being able to read the live value of a TVar at
any arbitrary time (via. unsafeIOToSTM).  But rather I would like
looslyReadTVar to have exactly the same semantics as readTVar, except
that the STM runtime would not reject the transaction if the TVar is
modified by another transaction before the atomic commit takes place.

Given the current implementation, I think the easiest way to get those 
semantics is to lift the untracked readTVarIO into STM with unsafeIOToSTM.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Retargeting Haskell compiler to embedded/hardware

2010-09-28 Thread Shakthi Kannan

--- On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Tom Hawkins  wrote:
| A few years ago I attempted to build a Haskell hardware compiler
| (Haskell -> Verilog) based on the Yhc frontent.

If you are still at it, you can have a look at Chalmers Lava [1], or
Kansas Lava [2].

| I am considering restarting this effort, but this time to target hard
| realtime embedded code.

Feldspar [3] project targets DSP though.


[1] Chalmers Lava.

[2] Kansas Lava.

[3] Feldspar.

Shakthi Kannan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Coding conventions for Haskell?

2010-09-28 Thread Ben Millwood
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Evan Laforge  wrote:
> I write haskell and python in a proportional font and it hasn't yet
> let to tabs, so no pain so far :)
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

I like writing proportional haskell, but I haven't worked out how to
do let-blocks in ways that look nice - the tactic I use for do and
where of breaking the line immediately tends to look a little odd,
especially if you're only making about one binding.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Retargeting Haskell compiler to embedded/hardware

2010-09-28 Thread Tom Hawkins
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Shakthi Kannan  wrote:
> If you are still at it, you can have a look at Chalmers Lava [1], or
> Kansas Lava [2].
> Feldspar [3] project targets DSP though.

These are examples light embedded DSLs, i.e. sophisticated libraries
where you compile, then run the program to generate code.  This is not
what I want.  Rather, I am looking for advice on how to splice GHC --
or another implementation -- where I can build a compiler starting
from a type checked, simplified Haskell AST; or better yet, an
unevaluated call graph.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Antoine Latter
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Brandon Moore
> On Sep 28, 2010, at 6:36 PM, Tom Hawkins  wrote:
> Thanks for the responses, but I think I should explain a bit more.
> I'm not interested in being able to read the live value of a TVar at
> any arbitrary time (via. unsafeIOToSTM).  But rather I would like
> looslyReadTVar to have exactly the same semantics as readTVar, except
> that the STM runtime would not reject the transaction if the TVar is
> modified by another transaction before the atomic commit takes place.
> Given the current implementation, I think the easiest way to get those
> semantics is to lift the untracked readTVarIO into STM with unsafeIOToSTM.

Even though I thought it was awsome up above, it is a really unsafe
function with that implementation:


import GHC.Conc
import Control.Monad

readTVarLoose :: TVar a -> STM a
readTVarLoose = unsafeIOToSTM . readTVarIO

testAction tv
= do
  readTVar tv >>= writeTVar tv . succ
  (,) `fmap` readTVar tv `ap` readTVarLoose tv

main = do
  tv <- newTVarIO 3
  (a,b) <- atomically $ testAction tv
  print a
  print b

What's happening is that readTVarIO doesn't know to hit the
transaction log for the "true" value of the TVar.

So we need something that will read previous entries in the
transaction log, but will not write to the transaction log.

You'll need a new primop for this, which would be implemented in rts/STM.c

It looks like you would take most of stmReadTVar from STM.c, and get
rid of everything that calls get_new_entry.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parsec question (new user): unexpected end of input

2010-09-28 Thread Peter Schmitz
I am a new Parsec user, and having some trouble with a relatively
simple parser.

The grammar I want to parse contains tags (not html) marked by
angle brackets (e.g., ""), with arbitrary text (no angle
brackets allowed) optionally in between tags.

Tags may not nest, but the input must begin and end with a tag.

Whitespace may occur anywhere (beginning/end of input,
inside/between tags, etc.), and is optional.

I think my problem may be a lack of using "try", but I'm not sure

At runtime I get:

Error parsing file: "...\sampleTaggedContent.txt" (line 4, column 1):
unexpected end of input
expecting "<"

The input was:

more stuff < tag 3 > even more

The code is below. (I'm using Parsec- I don't really want
to return anything meaningful yet; just parse okay.

Any advice about the error (or how to simplify or improve the code)
would be appreciated.

Thanks much,
-- Peter

> -- Parsers:
> taggedContent = do
>many tagOrContent
>return "Parse complete."
> tagOrContent = aTag <|> someContent  "tagOrContent"
> aTag = do
>xs <- many (noneOf [tagEndChar])
>return ()
> someContent = do
>manyTill anyChar tagBegin
>return ()
> optionalWhiteSpace = spaces   -- i.e., any of " \v\f\t\r\n"
> tagBegin = char tagBeginChar
> tagEnd = char tagEndChar
> -- Etc:
> tagBeginChar = '<'
> tagEndChar = '>'

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A model theory question

2010-09-28 Thread Alexander Solla

 On 09/28/2010 03:03 AM, Patrick Browne wrote:

I had a look at the types of a and a’.
*Main>  :t a
a :: forall a obj. (Uneditable obj) =>  a ->  obj
*Main>  :t a'
a' :: forall witness a obj. (Refactored obj witness) =>  Maybe (a ->  obj)

Could you explain the example a little more.
This is going to be a long email.  Logic is a bit of a rambling 
subject.  And then I went out and bought some beer. ;0)

First thing to note:  the importance of the types here is that the stuff 
contained inside the Maybe HAS to be the same type as the corresponding 
"Uneditable" function.  On a conceptual level, we're trying to quantify 
over the axioms embodied by "Uneditable".  It isn't important to my 
point what the axioms types are.  What matters is that the new axiom 
scheme as the same "inner" type, wrapped in a Maybe.  If you're looking 
to do object orientation or similar things, you would probably prefer 
something like:

class Uneditable obj where a :: obj -> a; b :: obj -> a


class Refactored obj witness where a' :: Maybe (obj -> a), b' :: Maybe 
(obj -> a)

You can do slick things with existential quantification too.  (To a 
mathematician, "slick" means "so elegant it looks trivial at first 
glance, but deep and unifying upon further inspection".  Compare to the 
mathematician joke about obviousness.[1]  Category theory is the 
slickest of mathematics, under an informal, subjective ordering of 
mine.  Mathematical logic is pretty damn slick too, but it has more 
primitives and so is less elegant.  In different words, it is more 
computational than category theory, which is compositional by design)

I am not sure what you don't understand, so I will start at the 
beginning, at least in broad strokes.

So, going back to the "basic" theory of logic, you have axiomatizations, 
theories, and models.  An axiomatization is a "chosen" finite a set of 
sentences (it's up to you to pick axioms that encode truths about what 
you want to study/program).  A theory is a set of sentences which is 
closed under logical implication, and a model is a set of objects[1] 
which "satisfies" an axiomatization (equivalently, the theory generated 
by an axiomatization, because of the compactness theorem)

In order to make an axiomatization "more specific", you add axioms.  In 
order to make it "more general", you drop axioms.  So, every group is a 
monoid, but not vice-versa:  the non-associative monoid of subtraction 
over the integers is not a group.  The monoid does not satisfy the axiom 
of associativity, and so must be excluded from the class of models for 
the group axioms.  Again, theories are "the same way", but you have to 
deal with logical closure.  I mean, if I was to remove a sentence from a 
theory, it *might* still generate the same theory, because the sentence 
I removed was a logical consequence of the others.  For example, we can 
have a theory of arithmetic where an axiom states that 1 + 1 = 2, in 
addition to the Peano axioms.  If we drop the 1 + 1 = 2 axiom and 
generate the closure of the new theory, we will see that 1 + 1 = 2 anyway.

The notion of "satisfaction" is important.  As I said, a model for an 
axiomatization is (conceptually) a set of objects which satisfies an 
axiomatization or theory.  In short, to show that a model satisfies an 
axiomatization, you need to provide an interpretation function for the 
model.  (This is what type class instances are for, under the 
Howard-Curry correspondence) An interpretation is a function which takes 
a sentence from the axiomatization and an object from the model and maps 
them to a truth value, under certain consistency constraints.  For 
example, I(a 'and' b) = I(a) "and" I(b), where 'and' is a symbolic 
notion of conjunction and also "and" is a semantic notion of 
conjunction.  (In particular, an interpretation I is a "proof-to-truth 
homomorphism", and can potentially be reified as a functor, among other 

Now it gets kind of tricky.  There are a few correspondences and facts 
to put together.  First is the Howard-Curry Correspondence theorem, 
which tells us that in a typed programming language, functions can be 
re-interpreted as proofs of type-level theorems in a corresponding typed 
logic.  That is, typed programming languages are typed constructive 
logics.  So all the "basic" mathematical logic stuff I have talked about 
applies.  But, I never said where axiomatizations and their models 
"live" on the programming side.  And in fact, models are particularly 
tricky, because they "live" in "shifting" grounds.

For example, any logically consistent theory is its own model!  The 
objects of the model (which the interpretation function interprets) are 
sentences from the theory the model models.  The axioms for the theory 
are to be declared "true" (with respect to the model), and it is 
immediately obvious that the "identity functor" offers an 
interpretation, since I(A and B) exactly equals I(A) and I(B).  This is 
called the "free mode

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsec question (new user): unexpected end of input

2010-09-28 Thread Antoine Latter
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Peter Schmitz  wrote:
> I am a new Parsec user, and having some trouble with a relatively
> simple parser.
> The grammar I want to parse contains tags (not html) marked by
> angle brackets (e.g., ""), with arbitrary text (no angle
> brackets allowed) optionally in between tags.
> Tags may not nest, but the input must begin and end with a tag.
> Whitespace may occur anywhere (beginning/end of input,
> inside/between tags, etc.), and is optional.
> I think my problem may be a lack of using "try", but I'm not sure
> where.
> At runtime I get:
> Error parsing file: "...\sampleTaggedContent.txt" (line 4, column 1):
> unexpected end of input
> expecting "<"
> The input was:
> stuff
> more stuff < tag 3 > even more
> The code is below. (I'm using Parsec- I don't really want
> to return anything meaningful yet; just parse okay.
> Any advice about the error (or how to simplify or improve the code)
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks much,
> -- Peter
>> -- Parsers:
>> taggedContent = do
>>    optionalWhiteSpace
>>    aTag
>>    many tagOrContent
>>    aTag
>>    eof
>>    return "Parse complete."
>> tagOrContent = aTag <|> someContent  "tagOrContent"
>> aTag = do
>>    tagBegin
>>    xs <- many (noneOf [tagEndChar])
>>    tagEnd
>>    optionalWhiteSpace
>>    return ()
>> someContent = do
>>    manyTill anyChar tagBegin
>>    return ()
>> optionalWhiteSpace = spaces   -- i.e., any of " \v\f\t\r\n"
>> tagBegin = char tagBeginChar
>> tagEnd = char tagEndChar
>> -- Etc:
>> tagBeginChar = '<'
>> tagEndChar = '>'
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Here's something I put together:

It doesn't have the whitespace handling you want.

The big difference in what I did was that when parsing content, it
needs to stop on EOF as well as the signal char. Otherwise it won't
allow the document to end :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Retargeting Haskell compiler to embedded/hardware

2010-09-28 Thread Don Stewart
> A few years ago I attempted to build a Haskell hardware compiler
> (Haskell -> Verilog) based on the Yhc frontent.  At the time I was
> trying to overcome several problems [1] with implementing a hardware
> description language as a light eDSL, which convinced me a proper
> compiler may be a better approach.  Yhc was recommended as a good
> starting point since it had a simpler IR compared with GHC -- at least
> at the time.
> I am considering restarting this effort, but this time to target hard
> realtime embedded code.  What is the recommended compiler to start
> from?  I need an IR that is post type checking with as much desugaring
> as possible, and a code base that is relatively easy to splice and
> build.
> My other requirement is not to be bound to IO () for 'main'.  The top
> level will be a monad, but with different semantics than IO.  I would
> also like to reuse the standard library, with exception to the values
> related to IO.
> What are my options?

Have you looked at Clash, the GHC to VHDL compiler?
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Relaxing atomicity of STM transactions

2010-09-28 Thread Sterling Clover
Clojure has a commute operator whose semantics seem appropriate to your 

Commute in haskell would be roughly :: TVar a -> (a -> a) -> STM a.
The TVar touched by commute does not get marked such that the transaction could 
retry. Nor is the TVar itself even updated at the time. Rather, it is read, and 
the result of applying some transform to it is returned. Then, when the 
transaction commits, the tvar is atomically modified by the function and 
actually updated. This works if the operation commutes with all other 
operations performed on the TVar anywhere else that may be running 
concurrently, and if no essential use (i.e. requiring atomicity) is made of the 
value returned from commute. Both properties can only be enforced by the 
discipline of the programmer.

I don't know how much discussion there's been in the Clojure community about 
the utility of commute, as a quick google mainly reveals people trying to 
either figure it out or explain it.


On Sep 28, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Tom Hawkins wrote:

> Thanks for the responses, but I think I should explain a bit more.
> I'm not interested in being able to read the live value of a TVar at
> any arbitrary time (via. unsafeIOToSTM).  But rather I would like
> looslyReadTVar to have exactly the same semantics as readTVar, except
> that the STM runtime would not reject the transaction if the TVar is
> modified by another transaction before the atomic commit takes place.
> Also, as I would be implementing something similar in Atom, I'm not
> necessarily interested in a Haskell implementation, but rather if the
> programming experience is elevated by these alternative semantics.
> For example:
> incr :: TVar -> STM ()
> incr a = looslyReadTVar a >>= writeTVar a . (+ 1)
> decr a :: TVar -> STM ()
> decr a = readTVar a >>= writeTVar a . (- 1)
> If incr and decr where atomically started at the same time with the
> same TVar, decr would be rejected if incr completed first, but not the
> other way around.  The initial reaction may be that this seriously
> breaks the atomicity of STM, but there may be cases where this could
> be useful.  For instance, it allow a computationally expensive
> transactions to complete, even if their inputs are constantly being
> modified.  In the embedded domain, this could be a fault monitor that
> reads a bunch of constantly changing sensors.
> -Tom
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Retargeting Haskell compiler to embedded/hardware

2010-09-28 Thread Vo Minh Thu
2010/9/29 Tom Hawkins :
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Shakthi Kannan  wrote:
>> If you are still at it, you can have a look at Chalmers Lava [1], or
>> Kansas Lava [2].
>> Feldspar [3] project targets DSP though.
> These are examples light embedded DSLs, i.e. sophisticated libraries
> where you compile, then run the program to generate code.  This is not
> what I want.  Rather, I am looking for advice on how to splice GHC --
> or another implementation -- where I can build a compiler starting
> from a type checked, simplified Haskell AST; or better yet, an
> unevaluated call graph.

Hi Tom,

How much of GHC's Haskell do you want? If you are happy with something
*similar* to Haskell, did you consider to implement (or reuse if
something exists) your own concrete syntax and type checker? I would
think those problems are quite lightweight in regard to writing a new

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