Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-06 Thread David House
On 6 April 2010 05:32, Ivan Miljenovic  wrote:
> 5) No-one is convincing anyone else to their point of view, so we have
> a stale mate.

Let me summarise the main arguments against the restriction:

1. It stops people from contributing to hackage. (It is immaterial
that if you were in their position, you would have no problem with the
restriction. Because of this policy, we have fewer libraries on
hackage.) The reason this came up is because someone on IRC wrote a
great implementation of which(1) as a Haskell library. I suggested
they put it on hackage, and they told me they wouldn't because of this
policy. The community loses out.

2. Inconsistency. If someone is known by their pseudonym on the
mailing list, IRC, haskellwiki, blogs and so on, that is how I know
them. How am I meant to find out their real name, in general? The rest
of the internet works off pseudonyms and it is more convenient for
everyone if hackage follows suit.

3. Privacy issues. Some people simply cannot reveal their real names.

I've been over this thread and couldn't see anywhere where you'd made
an attempt to refute these arguments, so I guess you take them as
solid. On the other hand, every argument put forward by the
pro-restriction group has been picked at and argued against by those
against the restriction. That is not a stalemate.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-06 Thread David House
On 6 April 2010 05:01, Luke Palmer  wrote:
> When you say convincing, you are talking about yourself being
> convinced, right?  So this paragraph means "The arguments against my
> position haven't convinced me, but the arguments for my position
> have."

Had I been told a convincing reason for the restriction, I would have
changed my mind on the issue. This paragraph was pointing out that I
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-06 Thread David House
2010/4/6 Jonas Almström Duregård :
> Maybe users could choose between using a real name and being given a
> random one (like Anonymous). This will (1) protect from data
> mining, (2) protect from government persecution and (3) keep the
> damned 1337 Haxxor names away from Hackage :)

I think this is a bad idea as it ruins recognisability. How am I meant
to know that anonymous1 on hackage is the same person as mrfoo on
haskellwiki, for example?

P.s. if (3) is your real reason for supporting this restriction,
please rethink your perspective. You are supporting a policy that is
hurting the community for mere aesthetic reasons.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-05 Thread David House
On 5 April 2010 23:52, Jason Dusek  wrote:
>  There certainly is a significant subculture of anonymity on
>  the internet but maybe it has spread beyond its useful limits?
>  There are places where it is helpful (Allberry's examples
>  above come to mind) but I don't think contributing code to
>  Hackage (or Cheeseshop or anything else) is like that.

You're coming at this from the wrong angle. Rather than saying, "why
should we allow pseudonyms?" we should ask "why are we restricting the
freedom of users that just wish to contribute code?"

If I'm honest, I'm really surprised so many people have replied in
favour of the restriction. I've stated an explicit way in which it's
hurting the community, and the only person to say anything in the
policy's defence other that "well, why not?" has been Ross (and I hope
I dealt with the flaky arguments he linked to in my reply).

(P.s., I certainly wouldn't describe the use of pseudonym anonymity a
"subculture". Perhaps it's not the norm in academic circles, but
virtually all websites requiring a registration allow you to use
whatever you like as a username. As does email. As does IRC. I can't
think of many bits of the internet that don't.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-05 Thread David House
On 5 April 2010 12:52, Ross Paterson  wrote:
> Basically, especially
> simplicity, trust and recognizability.

Allow me to respond to some of these points. I find none of them
particularly convincing, especially not when compared to the
disadvantage that it's holding back contributors to hackage.

> Simplicity. It's the simplest thing. You need a name, you use your name.

Disagreed. For those people who consistently use an online pseudonym,
the simplest thing is to continue that consistency, rather than
remember a list of exceptions who had a real names policy.

Moreover it makes things more difficult for everyone else. If someone
uses their pseudonym on IRC, on the wiki, on the mailing lists, on
their website and so on and so forth, that's how I know them. If I
want to find their hackage contributions, now I need to know their
real name. Where do I find this information, in general? (I presume
this addresses your "recognisability" point as well.)

> Trust. If a person doesn't use their RealName, there is a reason for it. 
> There are many possible reasons, most of them mean problems. So the community 
> will not trust people without RealName - except if there is a really credible 
> explanation.

This is an incredible claim. The number of online communities that
mandate real names is tiny. This article seems to imply that the vast
majority of online communities would be rife with mistrust. This is
simply not how the internet works, or has ever worked.

The rest of that article is a list of barrel-scraping excuses, e.g.,
* "Authorship. Being recognized (and honored) as the author." (Why
doesn't that apply to a pseudonym?)
* "Reputation. Using a RealName is the most credible way to build a
combined online and RealLife identity." (Some people don't want this,
for whatever reasons.)
* ... and so on.

> I don't recall anyone else refusing to use their real name, though
> a number of people have not responded to enquiries I made of them.
> Of course some may have been put off by the User accounts page.

There was at least one other person in the conversation who mentioned
they'd be put off by this policy. A few others chimed in with general
support, if not a specific mention of boycott.

IMO this policy is hurting the community in much greater weight than
any purported advantages. I'd like to see the restriction lifted.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-05 Thread David House
.On 5 April 2010 03:57, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic  wrote:
> I can understand wishing to be anonymous in these kinds of situations,
> but in terms of submitting open source software?  Unless their employer
> is worried about them releasing proprietary software on Hackage, I don't
> see the potential for embarrasment there.

I think the bottom line is that this is preventing people from
contributing to Hackage, and there is no good reason behind it other
than "Why not".
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hackage accounts and real names

2010-04-04 Thread David House

An issue came up on #haskell recently with Hackage accounts requiring
real names. The person in question (who didn't send this email as he's
wishing to remain anonymous) applied for a Hackage account and was
turned down, as he refused to offer his real name for the username.

Those of us in the conversation thought this a bit of an odd policy,
and were wondering where this came from. It also emerged that a couple
of other people had been held back from getting Hackage accounts
because of this reason.

Seeing as it's also trivially easy to fake a name, what's the purpose
of this restriction?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] language proposal: ad-hoc overloading

2008-08-31 Thread David House
2008/8/31 Ryan Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> My proposal is to allow "ad-hoc" overloading of names; if a name is
> ambiguous in a scope, attempt to type-check the expression against
> each name.  It is only an error if type-checking against all names
> fails.  If type-checking succeeds for more than one then the
> expression is ambiguous and this is also an error.

-1, at least for now.

Haskell already has one method of overloading: type classes. What you
propose is a seemingly innocent extension that I now doubt has
extremely far-reaching consequences into the language. Such a feature
should be properly researched before it is added to the language.
Here's an example of such a concern: you write the following:

import Data.Map
foo = map

What is the type of `foo'? I can think of several solutions to this
problem: one that springs to mind is to create something akin to an
"on-the-fly" typeclass "class HasMap h where map :: h" and add
instances for [a] and Ord k => Map k a. But I suspect there are other
options, with differing semantics. What if you further define bar =
map (+1), what happens then? Etc. etc.

The point I'm trying to make is that such a seemingly simple change is
in actual fact not nearly as simple as you might expect. So we should
consider carefully how this changes the language, and whether it's
worth it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Syntax of 'do'

2008-08-29 Thread David House
2008/8/29 Philip Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It sounds like you tried to redefine (>>) and (>>=) and make 'do' use the
> new definitions.  This is not possible, regardless of what types you give
> (>>) and (>>=).

Watch out for rebindable syntax:

At first reading, I thought that -XNoImplicitPrelude was required to
turn this on. But now I'm not sure: it seems that if you hide
Prelude.>>= and Prelude.return, that ought to be enough to make do
notation work with your alternative definitions. I'm not at home, so I
can't try this right now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Syntax of 'do'

2008-08-29 Thread David House
2008/8/29 Maurí­cio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> x :: Prelude.Monad a
> y :: Prelude.Monad b
> foo :: b -> Prelude.Monad c

Monad is not a type, it is a type class, so you probably mean:

x :: Monad m => m a
y :: Monad m => m b
foo :: Monad m => b -> m c

With the further understanding that all three `m's must be the same.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell symbol ~

2008-08-28 Thread David House
2008/8/28 Maurí­cio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> After the explanations, I think I got it, and just
> updated the wiki.

Glad you've understood it. Seems I arrived a little late at this
thread, but there is also:

In addition, the first three chapters of that page might be worth
reading if you're a little unclear about laziness etc. in general.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cleaning up the Debian act (report from the trenches)

2008-08-27 Thread David House
2008/8/25 Ketil Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 1. Etch comes with ghc-6.6, and that didn't work with my .cabal file.

Is it not an option to make your software work with the
not-quite-latest compiler? 6.8 is less than a year old, so I imagine
6.6 is still in quite a few major distro's stable repositories.

I don't know the details of what changed with Cabal between 6.6 and
6.8, and you didn't provide any details of what broke, so this might
not be an option. But something to consider.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: darcs hacking sprint (25-26 October)

2008-08-19 Thread David House
2008/8/17 Eric Y. Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Correction!  We have a tentative offer for space near *Cambridge*
> (thanks to Ganesh) and to Ian for picking up on the blunder.

Where exactly?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language semantics

2007-06-29 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > I wonder what the layout for that is... something like this?
 >   case foo of
 > patter1
 >   | guard1 -> ...
 >   | guard2 -> ...
 > pattern2
 >   | guard3 -> ...
 >   | guard4 -> ...

Something like that should work. If the patterns are more indented than the
'case', and the guards are more indented than the patterns, then the layout rule
should work fine. As always, once you get used to the way layout works,
everything is pretty intuitive.

 > Well, I'll have to go try it...

Always a nice solution to these kinds of problems!

 > I always thought of guards as being a nice shorthand for if-expressions 
 > - but if they can affect the order of pattern matching, clearly they are 
 > more drastically different than I realised. (Generally, I never ever use 
 > 'em!)

A useful rule to remember with guards is that "once you cross the equals sign,
you can't go back". So if one of your patterns matches and a guard on that
pattern is true, that right-hand side will be evaluated and there is no way to
fall back to another guard or pattern.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lazy patterns versus where-clauses

2007-06-21 Thread David House
Peter Padawitz writes:
 > Is f(~p(x))=e(x) semantically equivalent to: f(z)=e(x) where p(x)=z?


See also
regarding lazy patterns.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Useful IDE features -

2007-06-20 Thread David House
peterv writes:
 > That's nice. When will a new Haskell standard become official? It seems so
 > many new extensions exist, that one cannot judge the language by looking at
 > "Haskell98" anymore.

When haskell-prime is ready, which won't be before the MPTC Dilemma [1] gets
resolved, which probably won't be until associated types get fully implemented
in GHC, a new version of GHC gets released and people start to use them.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell mode for emacs - some questions

2007-06-20 Thread David House
peterv writes:
 > Yes, but I can only use GHCI for error checking, because I'm using
 > GTK2HS/SOE which does not work well with GHCI under Windows, it only runs
 > when using GHC.

Why is this? I'm not that familiar with Gtk2Hs, but I don't understand why it
wouldn't work with GHCi if it works with GHC. They use the same code to compile

On the other hand, you could always just set up a Makefile (which is pretty
trivial) and use M-x compile (which you should bind to a key if you use it a

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collections

2007-06-19 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > Maybe it's just a culture thing then... In your typical OOP language, 
 > you spend five minutes thinking "now, what collection type shall I use 
 > here?" before going on to actually write the code. In Haskell, you just 
 > go "OK, so I'll put a list here..."

The design stage of any Haskell program should include a lot of time thinking
about your data structures, type classes, and how they all interact. If anything
this plays a larger role than in OOP.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collections

2007-06-19 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > > Data.Graph -- graph type
 > >   
 > What would you use that for? (And what does it do?)

It's for graphs, in the graph-theory [1] sense. The referenced page gives a list
of example problems in the area, most of which are very practical.


 > > Data.Tree -- rose tree type
 > >   
 > What's a rose tree? (I only know about binary trees. Well, and N-ary 
 > trees... but nobody uses those.)

Well, it is said that a rose tree by any other name would be just as N-ary. (I
think they're the same concept :)).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collections

2007-06-19 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > However, Haskell only has 1 type of collection: linked lists. (And only 
 > single-linked at that.)

Woah there, what about:

Data.Map -- lookup tables
Data.Array -- lookup tables with enumerated keys. Mutable interfaces are also
Data.Sequence -- two-ended sequence type supporting a fast variety of operations
quicker than lists
Data.Graph -- graph type
Data.Set -- unordered collection
Data.Tree -- rose tree type

And those are just the ones distributed with GHC.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell mode for emacs - some questions

2007-06-18 Thread David House
peterv writes:
 > - How can I just compile and run in one go without having to type "ghc
 > --make main.hs" as arguments for the "compile..." command and then typing
 > "main.exe" for "shell command..."? This is what you do all the time when
 > using Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc: just hit the F5 key which builds all the
 > dependencies and runs one or more generated executables. Easy. Visual
 > Haskell does this (in the cases it does not hang for some unknown reason).
 > Of course I could dig into ELISP, but somehow I feel this must be supported
 > somehow. 

Use C-c C-l to load the file into GHCi. This is better than just compiling it:
you get an interactive environment in which to play around with, test out
functions, etc. You can still 'run' your program by typing 'main' in GHCi.

 > - There seems to be support for "Haskell Font Lock Symbols", which should
 > convert \, -> and maybe other symbols to good looking Unicode fonts. I can't
 > get the correct fonts working on Windows. Now as I understood this is not
 > really supported because of indentation problems, as underneed the single
 > Unicode arrow character is converted into ->? This is unfortunate, because
 > that's one of the things I really like about Sun's Fortress: the usage of
 > Unicode symbols makes the text look much more mathematically, versus the
 > half-century-old ASCII text. Furthermore in almost all Haskell books the
 > richer font symbols are used for clarity. Any hints on this topic?

I wouldn't be surprised if this code had bit-rotted, or if there never has been
Windows support. It's a corner function, used by few and therefore not that
polished. By all means, try it out, and if it doesn't work, feel free to submit
patches, but I doubt it'll get changed any time soon by a haskell-mode developer

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-17 Thread David House
peterv writes:
 > But people, emacs is so weird for a Windows user... 

Yes, there's no denying this.

 > For example, ALL windows (and motif?) programs use CTRL-Z for undo. But not
 > emacs... So after some googling, I found and installed CUA, to get more
 > Windows compliant keys. CTRL-Z does undo, woohoo! 

My personal recommendation is that as soon as you're familiar with Emacs, turn
off CUA mode. It shouldn't take too long to retrain your brain to use the new
shortcuts, and with CUA mode you can't really use Emacs to its full potential.

 > But CTRL-Y doesn't do redo yet, as in ALL windows programs.

Emacs uses a different (and more powerful) undo model to everyone else. The
'Undo' section of the Emacs tour [1] explains this well.


 > Select a block, press delete. ALL Windows text editors will delete the block,
 > but not emacs, it just deselects the block and deletes the current character.

Place (delete-selection-mode 1) in your .emacs.

 > I also couldn't get the auto indentation working, not sure why, I thought
 > that pressing ENTER would automatically indent my code, especially when I end
 > my line with $. Pressing TAB will not insert a TAB, like in ALL Windows
 > editors.

It's more traditional in Emacs to use TAB to indent code, and Enter (aka RET in
Emacs circles) just creates a newline. You can use C-j to perform a newline and

Make sure you read up on how indentation works in haskell-mode, though,
otherwise you'll confuse yourself. The Haskell wiki page for haskell-mode [2]
would be a good place to start.


 > But I have no interest in learning emacs, I just want to learn Haskell
 > without having to perform too much manual text editing that one does not
 > expect to do in the 21st century :) 

You will have to learn Emacs in order to use Emacs. But once you do, you'll
never go back. That's my experience at least.

 > No pun intended; I know Emacs is an incredible system (I used to work with
 > it on OS/2, and if I recall correctly, I could even read my email right
 > inside of it, heck it could even make me lispy breakfast! ;), but it's just
 > so... alien, at least when looking at it from a Windows perspective. 

In fact I read your mail and am reponding using the excellent VM [3], a mail
reader for Emacs :)


 > And that's why IMHO for Windows users, one needs a friendly IDE to get
 > started with Haskell in a modern way. And the Windows version should comply
 > to the Windows styleguides. Haskell is such a nice language, it should reach
 > a larger audience, and just like Concurrent Clean, that could be done by
 > providing a simple IDE.

Emacs isn't a Windows editor, that's for certain. However, that doesn't mean it
isn't worth sticking with.

 > Phew, my frustration leaked into this email, but at least now I got rid of
 > it, sorry guys ;)

It's the same frustration I felt when I was looking for a good Haskell IDE. I
really didn't want to try Emacs because I was under the impression that it would
be arcane and impossible to learn. But it's the most powerful editor around
today, and let me tell you, if you can learn Haskell, you can certainly learn
Emacs :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-17 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > The only ones I managed to actually edit files with are Nano and Pico. 
 > But given the choice, I'd *much* rather use KWrite. (Or Kate if I really 
 > have to.)

Despite it exhibing virtually none of your own aforementioned IDE features?
Emacs may be hard to get used to, but its power makes it worth it. Give it a
fair try over a weekend or so, count the experience as gaining a life skill.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-17 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > Well, part 1 would be being *graphical*. I really have no time for ugly 
 > cryptic ASCII art "graphical" UIs... I just like being able to *see* 
 > what's happening. Is that too much to ask?

Did you read the rest of my email? For every feature you cited I gave links and
screenshots to the Emacs equivalents, none of which (AFAIK -- I don't actually
use them all) use ASCII art.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Useful IDE features - What abaut automatically adding import statements?

2007-06-17 Thread David House
Marc Weber writes:
 > Eclipse does have this which saves you a lot of time:
 > Fix imports.

Could you describe the semantics of that more precisely?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-16 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > >  > Personally, I really hate text-mode editors. (I won't even go into how
 > >  > many times I've had to reboot Linux just to get *out* of Vi!)
 > >
 > > 'Z Z' is the command to quit vi, right?
 > >   
 > Sometimes. Sometimes it just types "zz" in the document. It depends on 
 > the alignment of the planets.

Ah, then you're in the wrong mode. Press ESC first.

 > It's a text-mode editor.

With graphical support.

 >  quod erat demonstrandum.

Please don't be so quick to jump to conclusions like that.

 > Since it only operates in text-mode, it cannot possibly provide things 
 > like clickable fold points,

I'm not sure any of those supply _clickable_ points, but there's no reason in
principle it couldn't be done. Emacs users just feel that using the keyboard is

 > or a side-bar containing a bunch of icons representing the objects in the
 > current file,

Speedbar: -- screenshot -- screenshot

Not sure about integration with haskell-mode, but there's no reason this
couldn't be done in Emacs.

 > or a spell checker,

Flyspell: -- 

 > or an interactive debugger,

As previously mentioned, debugging in Haskell hasn't really reached maturity
yet, but there's an Emacs interface to gdb: -- screenshot

 > or any of those other features that require a GUI. 

Perhaps you ought to revise your opinions on what constitutes a GUI.

(By the way, all those screenshots above show Emacs with horrible fonts that
haven't been anti-aliased. By checking out the unicode-2 branch of Emacs, which
will be merged into the trunk before Emacs 23, you can easily get XFT support. I
wouldn't live without it.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-16 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > > Why not contribute an afternoon's hacking?
 > >   
 > 1. I'm not good enough.

How do you intend to remedy that, apart from by writing Haskell code? Start
small, fix small typos or bugs, and build it up from there. Seriously, just give
it a go, I doubt any of your patches will be rejected out of hand. Rather,
you'll get comments on your coding style which will help you become a better

 > Personally, I really hate text-mode editors. (I won't even go into how
 > many times I've had to reboot Linux just to get *out* of Vi!)

'Z Z' is the command to quit vi, right?

 > What I would *really* like is a nice big IDE... but it seems there isn't
 > one for Haskell. :-(

This was my attitude, too, for a long time when I started to learn Haskell. I'd
only heard that Emacs was hard to get used to, hard to use, and somewhat
old-fashioned. Seeing as there was nothing better, I decided to spend a weekend
learning Emacs and count it as a life skill, as my productivity was sure to
increase. What did I find out? Well, the first of those complaints is true,
there's no doubting that, but the second isn't really and the third most
certainly not. It might not be the most conformist of editors but that doesn't
make it old-fashioned, nor arcane, nor irrelevant.

Give it a go. Start out with the Emacs tutorial [1] so that you have your feet
on solid ground, then jump to the Emacs tour [2] to whet your appetite to the
breadths of features that Emacs provides.

[1]: Use C-h t (hold Ctrl, press h, then let go of both and press t) inside

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] hSetBuffering woes

2007-06-16 Thread David House
Eric writes:
 > I tried to turn off buffering with the command hSetBuffering (from 
 > System.IO) but my app still blocks on hGetContents (from 
 > Data.ByteString). Does anyone know what's happening?

I very much doubt anyone will be able to help you unless you include some code
for us all to look at.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-16 Thread David House
Andrew Coppin writes:
 > Dude... somebody should write the world's next killer editor in Haskell, 
 > just to show how awsome Haskell is!

Yi [1] does exist, with roughly this aim. Why not contribute an afternoon's


However, one of the reasons that Emacs is so great is the absolute wealth of
libraries available for it. It's been aroud a long time and people like it a lot
so there's pretty much an Emacs Lisp library to integrate _any_ tool, to help
editing _any_ kind of source/configuration file etc. It would take many
lifetimes to replicate this in a different language.

I've thought a little about writing a Haskell → Elisp compiler, so that people
could contribute to Emacs by writing Haskell, but I've got doubts about its

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-16 Thread David House
 > The point I wanted to make is, that I can't find an
 > easy-to-install-ready-to-use-and-rock-n-roll IDE for Windows that comes with
 > all or most of those features. I mean something like Borland TurboPascal
 > from the 80's, Visual Studio 2005, IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.

Would you rather have a different editor for every language, and be forced to
learn new editor paradigms, keyboard shortcuts, tools and so on, or have one
editor for every language? This is one of Emacs's greatest strengths, IMO: it
can handle _everything_.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memo + IORef

2007-06-16 Thread David House
Tony Morris writes:
 > Yes, but where does the IORef live? Wouldn't I have to pass it back and
 > forth between invocations? If not, where do I get the IORef from on
 > subsequent invocations? Got a short example?

That's where the unsafePerformIO comes in. With unsafePerformIO and IORefs, you
can have global mutable variables:

{-# NOINLINE #-}
memo :: IORef Int
memo = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Nothing)

f = unsafePerformIO $ do
  ref <- readIORef memo
  case ref of
Just val -> return val
Nothing  -> let val = complexCalculation
in writeIORef memo val >> return val

Something like that. If f took an argument then you'd probably use a IORef Map
or IORef IntMap or something in place of IORef Int. Be careful to:

1) Not break referential transparency. I.e. in my example, f will always return
the same value, how ever many times you call it. It's possible to break this
property using this trick.

2) Not use polymorphic references, as they lead to type unsafety [1].

3) Always use the {-# NOINLINE #-} pragma on any IORefs you create this way.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-15 Thread David House
 > - syntax highlighting
 > - quick navigation (goto symbol, goto instance, find usages, etc)
 > - code completion

Emacs with haskell-mode can do this.

 > - cross module refactoring 

Refactoring doesn't feature as heavily in Haskell workflow as, say, Java,
just because of the differing natures of the language (e.g. Haskell features
more powerful polymorphism). So you can pretty much get by without refactoring
tools, although some do exist. HaRe, for example, has Emacs integration.

 > - "debugging" (not imperative debugging, so no breakpoints, but just
 > plugging in a visualizer/pretty printer for a function in a separate
 > dedicated window, like what does on each "node")

Debugging in Haskell is a bit of a no-show for now. There's some support in the
latest versions of GHCi, but I don't think it's very mature.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell record extension?

2007-06-15 Thread David House
Paul Johnson writes:
 > This is a feature, not a bug.  Haskell in general does not let you give 
 > two functions the same name (which is what you want to do). 

Record namespacing would still be nice to have, so perhaps call it a
"limitation" rather than a bug, but it's not really a "feature".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Parsec problem

2007-06-06 Thread David House

On 06/06/07, Christian Maeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"try names" does not consume input when names fails, but it may also not
consume input when names succeeds on the empty input. In that (latter)
case the other alternative (type) is not tried.

But in that case it'd be successful and return Right.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-06-05 Thread David House

On 05/06/07, PR Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What do the ≤ symbols represent?

'Less than or equal to'. To say that x ≤ y, if x and y are numbers,
means that x is either less than y, or x and y are equal (so x cannot
exceed y). However, in the spirit of mathematics, the symbol now
actually means slightly more than just that. There's a general concept
called a "partial order" which is quite important in all of
mathematics, especially in computer science. Here ≤ still means 'less
than or equal to', but that takes on a different meaning depending on
which partial order you're talking about. For example, you can order
sets by inclusion, so that {1, 2, 3} ≤ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} because {1,
2, 3} is a subset of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Or you could order the
natural numbers by 'divisibility', i.e. you could say that x ≤ y if
and only if x is a factor of y (so that 2 ≤ 4, and 3 ≤ 18). You could
say that a function f ≤ another function, g, if and only if f(x) ≤
g(x) for every x. If you're familiar with denotational semantics, the
partial order on expressions used there roughly corresponds to how
many evaluation steps you've gone through, so that 1:2: ≤
1:2:3:4:, and (, ) ≤ ("hello", 4.3).

The reason these are "partial" orders is because sometimes it makes no
sense to say that x ≤ y, and it makes equally little sense to say that
y ≤ x. For example, if you had the sets {1, 2} and {4, 5}, neither is
a subset of the other, so {1, 2} ≤ {4, 5} is false, but {4, 5} ≤ {1,
2} is false, too. contains a formal
definition and a few more examples.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] newbie question on Parsers from "Programming In Haskell"

2007-06-04 Thread David House

On 04/06/07, Alfonso Acosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hugs is probably complaining because it identifies "x <- item" (which
is not a simple expression) as the last element of do.

That was my first guess, too, but it's not the case, switch to a
monospaced font to see this.

Juozas, you could only use do-notation if your Parser type were
declared an instance of the Haskell type-class Monad. Seeing as you
haven't done this, you have to stick to the "de-sugared" version
involving (>>=) and return:

p :: Parser (Char, Char)
p = item >>= \x ->
   item >>= \_ ->
   item >>= \y ->
   return (x, y)  -- LINE 34

You might also need a line at the top of your file that looks like this:

import Prelude hiding (return, (>>=))

This instructs Hugs not to load the default Haskell definitions of
return and (>>=), so that you can use the versions you've defined in
your file.

The proper solution is to declare Parser an instance of Monad.
Unfortunately, this isn't as simple as writing "instance Monad Parser
where...", because 'Parser a' is a type synonym, and there's a rule
that type synonyms have to be fully applied, but 'Parser' on its own
is missing an argument. The only sane way to do it is to make a

newtype Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)])

Then you can write your instance declaration, using the definitions of
return and (>>=) you provided, modified slightly now that Parser has a
constructor we need to use:

instance Monad Parser where
 return v = P $ \inp -> [(v, inp)]
 fail _ = P $ \inp -> []
 p >>= f = P $ \inp -> case parse p inp of
 [] -> []
 [(v, out)] -> parse (f v) out

(Note also that it's called fail, not failure.) item and parse need to
change slightly to reflect the fact that you've got a P constructor
floating around:

item :: Parser Char
item = P $ \inp -> case inp of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> [(x, xs)]

parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse (P p) inp = p inp

You should find with those definitions that you can write p as you would expect.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existentials and type var escaping

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Isaac Dupree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

foo undefined = undefined

That's not true. When you evaluate foo undefined, it matches the first
(irrefutable) pattern immediately, without any deconstruction of the
undefined argument (which is the entire point of it being a lazy
pattern). So it becomes the right hand side, C . Only when you
force that  would you have to force the undefined argument, so
foo undefined = C undefined:

*Main> foo undefined
C *** Exception: Prelude.undefined

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Note that the challenge asks for the "internal" bitmap representation of
an IEEE double-precision integer - not the mathematical binary
expansion. (In particular, things like Infinity and NaN have special bit

Ah, sorry, then disregard my solution. I did wonder why you'd
immediately jump to Data.Bits.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

Try using floatToDigits:

"floatToDigits takes a base and a non-negative RealFloat number, and
returns a list of digits and an exponent."

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Crazy idea: overloading function application notation

2007-05-31 Thread David House

On 31/05/07, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it possible to implement this in Haskell using type classes? Is there any
way this could actually be practicable?

I had a go but didn't manage to quite get it. Here's my attempt, and
the error it produces:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

type Endo a = a -> a

-- Dummy instances to satisfy the (Show n, Eq n) => Num n constraints
instance Show (Endo a) where show _ = ""
instance Eq (Endo a) where _ == _ = False

instance Num a => Num (Endo a) where
 fromInteger x = (fromInteger x *)
 x + y = \z -> x z + y z
 x * y = \z -> x z * y z
 abs x = error "Aaargh."
 signum x  = error "Aaargh."

main = print (2 3)

   No instance for (Num (t -> a))
 arising from the literal `2'
 at /home/david/hs/sandbox/application-multiplication.hs:15:14-16
   Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (t -> a))
   In the first argument of `print', namely `(2 3)'
   In the expression: print (2 3)
   In the definition of `main': main = print (2 3)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

It seems to be wanting a more general instance than the one I'm
providing, for whatever reason. Using print ((2 :: Endo Integer) 3)
works, but that's hardly satisfactory.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cute code [was: The C Equiv of != in Haskell miscommunication thread]

2007-05-29 Thread David House

On 29/05/07, Vincent Kraeutler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

anyhow. if someone has a "pedestrian's guide to the fixed point
operator" lying around, a link would be much appreciated.

Here's a paraphrased quotation from Pierce's "Types and Programming Languages":

Suppose we want to write a recursive function definition of the form h
= (body containing h) -- i.e., we want to write a definition where the
term on the right-hand side of the = uses the very function that we
are defining. The intention is that the recursive definition should be
"unrolled" at the point where it occurs; for example, the definition
of factorial would intuitively be

if n=0 then 1
else n * (if n-1=0 then 1
 else (n-1) * (if n-2=0 then 1
   else (n-2) * ...))

This affect can be achieved using the fix combinator by first defining
g = \f. (body containing f) and then h = fix g. For example, we can
define the factorial function be

g = \fct n. if n == 0 then 1 else n * (fct (n-1))
factorial = fix g

Figure 5-2 shows what happens to the term factorial 3 during evaluation:

factorial 3
fix g 3
g (fix g) 3   --  Using fix f = f (fix f)
if 3 == 0 then 1 else 3 * (fix g 2)  -- Using the definition of g
3 * (fix g 2)
3 * (g (fix g) 2)
3 * (if 2 == 0 then 1 else 2 * (fix g 1))
3 * (2 * (fix g 1))
3 * (2 * (g (fix g) 1))
3 * (2 * (if 1 == 0 then 1 else 1 * (fix g 0)))
3 * (2 * (1 * (fix g 0))
3 * (2 * (1 * (g (fix g) 0)))
3 * (2 * (1 * (if 0 == 0 then 1 else 0 * (fix g -1
3 * (2 * (1 * 1)))

The key fact that makes this calculation work is that fix g n
evaluates to g (fix g) n. That is, fix g is a kind of
"self-replicator" that, when applied to an argument, supplies _itself_
and n as arguments to g. Wherever the first argument appears in the
body of g, we will get another copy of fix g, which, when applied to
an argument, will again pass itself and that argument to g, etc. Each
time we make a recursive call using fix g, we unroll one more copy of
the body of g and equip it with new copies of fix g that are ready to
do the unrolling again.

(Adapted from pp59-60, Types and Programming Languages, Benjamin C. Pierce.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The C Equiv of != in Haskell

2007-05-29 Thread David House

On 29/05/07, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, not quite :)  You forgot "-> Bool" at the end :)

Ha! Sorry, what a lovely ironic typo. :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The C Equiv of != in Haskell

2007-05-29 Thread David House

On 29/05/07, Daniel McAllansmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just in case there was some sort of miscommunication, the actual answer to
your question is (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool, as Neil said.

Almost, (/=) :: Eq a => a -> a.

(Just for completeness.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Curiose types

2007-05-28 Thread David House

On 28/05/07, Rodrigo Queiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After a little too long trying, I managed to get code from which the type
system will infer that type, without using 'undefined':

Yes, but you do it by writing a coerce :: a -> b, which is surely cheating.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions

2007-05-28 Thread David House

On 27/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Almost all language extensions seem to be of the form "hey, let's see
what happens if we randomly change the type checking rules so that
*this* is permitted. What would that be like?" Usually it's an extreme
struggle to even wrap my brain around what the extension *is*, never
mind why this would be a useful thing...

I've read through pretty much all your arguments, and I think they
boil down to this:

"I don't understand why X is useful, and therefore it can't be useful."

Probably the reason why you don't understand why X is useful is
because you don't understand X itself in the first place. How can you
claim GADTs, existentials etc. aren't useful without understanding
what they are in the first place? If you're looking for a good
reference to learn these, I suggest the papers apfelmus pointed you
towards, or the Wikibook at

Moreover, if you've ever written a full-sized Haskell program you'd
probably find a use case for at least one of these extensions. For
example, you're writing low-level code, and you want in-place array
updates. Sounds like a job for the ST monad, which would completely
crippled and inherently type-unsafe without rank-2 polymorphism. Or
say, as I have done recently, you're writing some forum software, and
have a type to represent a Forum, Thread and Post. Now say you want to
write some generic code to handle the addition of any one of these --
so this one piece of code allows you to add a new forum, thread or
post. Without a splattering of type-system extensions (I used at least
MPTCs, FDs and existentials), this isn't going to be possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions [was: Memoization]

2007-05-27 Thread David House

On 27/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So... ∀x . P means that P holds for *all* x, and ∃ x . P means that x
holds for *some* x? (More precisely, at least 1 possible choice of x.)

Exactly. There's also a lesser-used "there exists a unique", typically
written ∃!x. P, which means that P is true for one, and only one,
value of x. For some examples of how these "quantifiers" are used:

∀x in R. x^2 >= 0 (real numbers have a nonnegative square)
∃x in N. x < 3 (there is at least one natural number less than 3)
∃!x in N. x < 1 (there is only a single natural number less than 1)

For the LaTeX versions,

Erm... oh...kay... That kind of makes *slightly* more sense now...

I wrote most of the second article, I'd appreciate any feedback you have on it.

Seriously. Haskell seems to attract weird and wonderful type system
extensions like a 4 Tesla magnet attracts iron nails... And most of
these extensions seem to serve no useful purpose, as far as I can
determine. And yet, all nontrivial Haskell programs *require* the use of
at least 3 language extensions. It's as if everyone thinks that Haskell
98 sucks so much that it can't be used for any useful programs. This
makes me very sad. I think Haskell 98 is a wonderful language, and it's
the language I use for almost all my stuff. I don't understand why
people keep trying to take this small, simple, clean, elegant language
and bolt huge, highly complex and mostly incomprehensible type system
extensions onto it...

Ever tried writing a nontrivial Haskell program? Like you said, they
require these type system extensions! :) Obviously they don't
"require" them, Haskell 98 is a Turing-complete language, but they're
useful to avoid things like code-reuse and coupling. One of Haskell's
design aims is to act as a laboratory for type theory research, which
is one of the reasons why there are so many cool features to Haskell's
type system.

Anyway, existential types (and higher-rank polymorphism), along with
multi-parameter type classes, some kind of resolution to the "MPTC
dliemma" -- so functional dependencies or associated types or
something similar -- and perhaps GADTs are really the only large type
system extensions likely to make it into Haskell-prime. They're really
more part of the Haskell language than extensions now, so well-used
are they.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bug in GADT Implementation?

2007-05-26 Thread David House

On 26/05/07, Dominic Steinitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This seems even worse to me. A is not inhabited so how can 42 be of type A?

I think it should work. The context on the F constructor says that A
is an instance of Num, so you could only have an F value if you could
prove that A was an instance of Num. Therefore, when deconstructing in
bar's pattern, if you match an F, then A must be an instance of Num,
so to say 42 :: A is valid. F is a proof, or witness, of A's
instantiation of Num. As A isn't, in actuality, an instance of Num,
you can never have an F value, but that doesn't matter: all that bar
does is express the fact that _if_ you have a value F, then it's valid
to say 42 :: A.

In a way, it's a bit like saying the following is a true statement:
 If there are 8 days in the week, then pigs can fly.
Neither of the substatements ("there are 8 days in the week" and "pigs
can fly"), when taken by themselves, are true. However, the statement
as a whole is true. Here are a couple of ways of explaining this:

* If you can prove that there are in fact 8 days in the week, then you
must have a faulty logic system, so you could prove anything
(including "pigs can fly").
* In order to disprove the statement, you'd have to prove that "there
are 8 days in the week" is true and simultaneously that "pigs can fly
is false". However, you can't do this, because you could never prove
that "there are 8 days in the week" is true. Hence, the statement
can't be false, so it must be true.

(I'm ignoring the difference between truth and provability; think of
my arguments as classical rather than intuitionistic.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Darcs users [was: New book: Real-World Haskell!]

2007-05-26 Thread David House

On 26/05/07, Donald Bruce Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

These are also Haskell repos that you missed, bringing the figure up
to 8. Still, I wouldn't describe that as "just used by Haskellers".

It's also interesting to note that there's a fairly large percentage
of Ruby users using darcs. Perhaps we out to push more on this front?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-26 Thread David House

On 26/05/07, Matthew Sackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(On the other hand, I don't know of anyone outside immediate
"haskellers" using Darcs.)

A lot of people in the Emacs subcommunity use darcs; many of them may
have heard of Haskell but certainly wouldn't describe themselves as
Haskellers. See for a few

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] global variables

2007-05-24 Thread David House

On 24/05/07, Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Or even at compile time (which is why I think it's reasonable to
regard operations like newIORef etc.. as not really being "IO"
operations at all).

You can allocate heap space at compile time? (Well, I guess you could,
but that wouldn't still be usable at run time...) I imagine newIORef
as mallocing() some room, then returning a pointer to that memory.
That doesn't seem like something that could be done at compile time.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Should "do 1" compile

2007-05-23 Thread David House

On 23/05/07, David House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why should it compile? Expressions in a do-block have to have the type
m a for some monad m, don't they?

Further developments on #haskell:

 dmhouse: where in the report does it say that do blocks constrain
   types inherently?
 SamB_XP: I was under that impression, nothing more.
 dmhouse: ah.
 well, you would kind of think it would. but it looks like do is
   defined by translation, and like the Monad constraint only comes from >>
   and >>=
 SamB_XP: right, so do (1 :: Int); (2 :: Int) is illegal as it
   doesn't match the type of (>>), but do (1 :: Int) isn't?
 dmhouse: so it would seem

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Should "do 1" compile

2007-05-23 Thread David House

On 23/05/07, Neil Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As discussed on #haskell, the following code:

module Foo where
foo = do (1 :: Int)

Compiles fine on Yhc, but doesn't on Hugs and GHC.

Why should it compile? Expressions in a do-block have to have the type
m a for some monad m, don't they?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Editor

2007-05-21 Thread David House

On 21/05/07, Michael T. Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Easy, quick access to online documentation for said functions and declarations.

I'm writing this for Emacs right now. At the moment both Emacs and Vim
can access everything that GHCi has to offer on a function, which
means where it's defined, it's type and so on, but not Haddock
documentation. I'm extending haskell-mode's inf-haskell.el to take
this into account.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small error

2007-05-19 Thread David House

On 19/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How about this?

y <- if x < 0
   then do ...
   else do ...

As with many other things in Haskell, the rule is "Give it a go and
see if it works!" You should find that the above code runs fine.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small error

2007-05-19 Thread David House

On 19/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Um... why doesn't this work?

my_fn x = do
  if x < 0
then do
  let y = 5
  return ()
else do
  let y = 8
  return ()

  print y

(Error: "y" is not in scope.)

let-blocks only scope over the do-block they're contained in. Here y
is out of scope once you leave the inner do-block. The solution is to
do something like the following:

 let y = if x < 0 then 5 else 8
 print y

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Accepted by Hugs, not by GHC

2007-05-19 Thread David House

On 19/05/07, Hans van Thiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

causes no problems in Hugs (-98 flag) but compiling with GHC produces:

There's the solution to your problem: type synonym instances aren't
Haskell98, so you have to pass the -98 flag ('turn on extensions') to
Hugs in order for it to work. The corresponding GHC flag is
-fglasgow-exts. Try that.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Debunking tail recursion

2007-05-18 Thread David House

On 18/05/07, Albert Y. C. Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lazy evaluation says, to evaluate x, call f first, then x is the last

x may be the last to be evaluated, but you still have to pass through
f's call context 'on the way out'. For example, suppose in the
expression 'f x y' you have f = (+), x = 2 and y = 3, then lazy
evaluation looks something like the following:

f x y
(+) x y
(+) 2 3

Notice that you still have to evaluate x and y before you can perform
the addition. In other words, although you may perform the
manipulations that the definition of f describes on thunks, and only
later force those thunks, you still have the call context of the f to
pass through: you're not evaluating those thunks for no particular
reason, you're evaluating them so that f may return.

Your argument also seems to be using the reflexivity of the =
operation, which doesn't really hold at the binding level. To
exemplify, set f = (:) and y = 1, so that you have:

(0)   x  = (:) 1 x
(1)   (:) 1 x = x

The first sets up a binding for 'x', that when evaluated will yield
the infinite list [1, 1,  1, ...]. The second sets up a binding for
the function '(:)', which when given two arguments, the first of which
is 1, will evaluate to its second. I don't really see these as being
the same expression.


(2)cs = 'c' : cs

Is (2) a tail recursion?

No, for the same reason discussed above: you still have to pass
through the call context of (:) once cs is evaluated. What I'm trying
to do is disassociate the concept of tail recursion from evaluation
order. To say something is tail recursive is to say that a call to
itself appears at the top of the call stack: to say it's the "last
thing you do" is helpful intuitively but starts to fall apart once you
move away from the traditional strict evaluation order semantics.

Let's have one more example to explain what I mean by 'call stack'.
The classic tail recursive function is foldl, contrasting with the
non-tail recursive function foldr. Equations from both these functions
are shown below, with their right-hand sides transformed into a tree
(ASCII art: don't use a proportional font):

foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs

 |  | |
 f  f--+  xs
|  |
z  x

foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)

 |  |
 x  foldr-+--+--+
  |  |  |
  f  z  xs

Tail recursion, then, expresses the idea that a function appears at
the top of its call stack, or at the top of the tree of its right-hand
side. It's got nothing to do with evaluation order.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bad "" syntax

2007-05-17 Thread David House

On 17/05/07, Chad Scherrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But GHC complains of "Empty 'do' construct".

Because it takes the indented following lines as being new bindings in
the let-block. The trick is to intent them past the 'sum':

let b = sum $ do
 y <- [0..x + 1]
 return y

Or to bypass layout altogether:

let { b = sum $ do
 y <- [0..x + 1]
 return y }

(Of course, in this specific case I'd write sum [0..x + 1], but I
guess that this is an example of a general case.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] reversing big list with constant heap space used

2007-05-16 Thread David House

On 16/05/07, Sergey Perminov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How to solve task of reversing big list with constant heap space used?

I think that as lists are singly-linked in Haskell, reversing a list
will always be O(n) space.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code layout in Emacs' haskell-mode

2007-05-14 Thread David House

On 14/05/07, Christopher L Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example, here's the "Hello, world" example from the tutorial, with
the indentation induced by pounding Tab in haskell-mode.

module Test

  import IO

main = do
  putStrLn "Hello, world"

Prelude> :l test
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( test.hs, interpreted )

Are you learning from YAHT, by any chance? That's the only place I've
seen the weird convention of placing the 'where' of the 'module X' bit
on a separate line. By far the most common convention in normal
Haskell is to do as follows:

module X where

[rest of module]

Things should work better if you follow this convention. What you
describe still sounds like a bug, though.

Again, if I hit tab on the "then" or "else" lines, emacs reports "Sole
indentation". But if I manually change the indentation, it works.

This too looks like a bug. As you remark, if statements within
do-blocks have different indentation to everywhere else, confusingly.

Does haskell-mode support code layout? Are there conventions I need to
know about to make it behave properly? I have haskell-mode version
2.1-1 installed from the Ubuntu feisty repository.

You should install 2.3 from the haskell-mode page [1]. Isaac Jones,
maintainer of the Debian haskell-mode package has been contacted in
order to get the latest version in the Debian repository, so it should
happen soon, but in the mean time you could download and install the
latest version yourself. It features quite a few bugfixes and new
features that I imagine are documented on the aforementioned page.

haskell-mode's indentation engine is still one thing I'm yet to get my
head around, and its being written in Emacs Lisp doesn't help the
matter! Still, it's on my todo list.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad pronounced like gonad?

2007-05-10 Thread David House

On 10/05/07, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been pronouncing monad like gonad (moh-nad), but it occurs to me
that it might be pronounced like monoid (mah-nad).

You say monoid mah-nad? I've always said mon-oyd, to rhyme with void or annoyed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re [Haskell-cafe] Vanishing polymorphism

2007-05-09 Thread David House

On 08/05/07, Matthew Sackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> :t let f r s = let g (fn::forall n . (Num n) => n -> n) = return (fn r, fn s) in 
(return negate) >>= g in f

Ah, I may have been off the mark earlier. I think the problem is due
to the fact that you can't pass higher-order polymorphic functions
around. I.e., the following is a classic example of something people
expect to work, but doesn't:

 runST $ ...

runST is a rank-2 polymorphic function, and you're attempting to pass
it as a parameter to the ($) function, which doesn't work. I think
your problem is similar. Here's the module I used to investigate
goings on:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
import Data.Complex

g :: (Num a, Num b, Monad m) => a -> b -> (forall n. Num n => n -> n)
-> m (a, b)
g r s fn = return (fn r, fn s)

f :: Maybe (Int, Complex Float)
f = return negate >>= g (4 :: Int) (1 :+ 2)

You're attempting to pass the rank-2 polymorphic function "g (4 ::
Int) (1 :+ 2)" as a parameter to (>>=), which doesn't work.

General point: couldn't GHC's error reporting be improved at times like these?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Vanishing polymorphism

2007-05-08 Thread David House

On 08/05/07, Matthew Sackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> :t let f r s = (return negate) >>= (\(fn::forall n . (Num n) => n -> n) -> 
return (fn r, fn s)) in f

Couldn't match expected type `a -> a'
   against inferred type `forall n. (Num n) => n -> n'
In the pattern: fn :: forall n. (Num n) => n -> n
In a lambda abstraction:
\ (fn :: forall n. (Num n) => n -> n) -> return (fn r, fn s)
In the second argument of `(>>=)', namely
`(\ (fn :: forall n. (Num n) => n -> n) -> return (fn r, fn s))'

I.e. why does the polymorphism get destroyed?

Here fn is bound by a lambda abstraction, and is therefore
monomorphic. I can't find anything in the Report about that, but that
is how it works. It might be how a H-M type system works in general,
I'm not sure.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (Chaos) [An interesting toy]

2007-05-07 Thread David House

On 07/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(Anybody know what the difference between GHC.Prim.Double#
and GHC.Float.Double is?)

It's the difference between unboxed and boxed types. A boxed type's
representation is in fact a pointer to the unboxed type (I think), so
that a Double would be internally represented to a pointer to a
Double#. As a consequence, a Double can be _|_, because this can be
represented by a null pointer. So such luck with unboxed types. So
working with unboxed types is quicker and consumes less memory, but
don't use them in any kind of high level because the lack of a _|_
will bite you sooner or later.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] c2hs errors when compiling hsGnuTls

2007-05-07 Thread David House

On 06/05/07, Duncan Coutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try the latest darcs version of c2hs, it has a new C parser which should
fix issues like this. We should have a new tarball release soon.

Works great. Thanks very much.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Arbitrary precision?

2007-05-06 Thread David House

On 06/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh, by the way, thanks for the extra syntax. It's really annoying having
to locate Notepad.exe on the start menu, type "import Blah", save it as
"Thing.hs", open Windoze Explorer, locate Thing.hs, and then
double-click it just so that I can try stuff out in GHCi...

Any reason you can't use :module Blah in GHCi?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Silly mail client

2007-05-06 Thread David House

On 06/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, this is hacking me off now... Does ANYBODY know how I can convince
Thunderbird to send replies to Haskell Cafe rather than sending them to
the original poster? This is really becoming tiresome...

Is there a 'Reply to All' option? That's what it's called in Gmail,
you just have to remember to click that instead of the vanilla

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Intermediate Haskell Books?

2007-05-06 Thread David House

On 06/05/07, Adrian Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are there any good books about intermediate to advanced Haskell? The
descriptions here
aren't very helpful.

One of the aims of the Haskell wikibook [1] is to provide a good
coverage of the more advanced topics interesting to a Haskell
programmer. A lot of the sections are incomplete as yet, but there's
still quite a lot of good stuff there. We'd appreciate very much any
feedback you have: a good place to send this is the wikibook mailing
list [2].

If you're reading this as a competent Haskell programmer, why not
spend an hour or so improving one of the advanced sections? If there's
something you want to write about but that isn't a current chapter,
just start it anyway and we'll include it in.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] c2hs errors when compiling hsGnuTls

2007-05-05 Thread David House

Hey there,

I'm getting the following errors when I try to compile hsGnuTls [1]:

~/hs/sandbox/hsgnutls $ c2hs --version
C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.14.5 Travelling Lightly, 12 Dec 2005
 build platform is "i486-pc-linux-gnu" <1, True, True, 1>
~/hs/sandbox/hsgnutls $ runhaskell Setup.lhs build
Setup.lhs: Warning: The field "hs-source-dir" is deprecated, please
use hs-source-dirs.
Preprocessing library hsgnutls-0.2.3...
c2hs: Error in C header file.

/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:69: (column 6) [FATAL]
 >>> Syntax error!
 The symbol `;' does not fit here.

Setup.lhs: got error code while preprocessing: Network.GnuTLS.GnuTLS

c2hs version:

I've attached the file it references in case that's relevant. Any tips
on how I might address this?

Thanks in advance,

/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   This file is part of the GNU C Library.

   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307 USA.  */



/* Thread identifiers.  The structure of the attribute type is not
   exposed on purpose.  */
typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;

typedef union
  char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T];
  long int __align;
} pthread_attr_t;

typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist
  struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next;
} __pthread_slist_t;

/* Data structures for mutex handling.  The structure of the attribute
   type is not exposed on purpose.  */
typedef union
  struct __pthread_mutex_s
int __lock;
unsigned int __count;
int __owner;
/* KIND must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
   binary compatibility.  */
int __kind;
unsigned int __nusers;
__extension__ union
  int __spins;
  __pthread_slist_t __list;
  } __data;
  char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T];
  long int __align;
} pthread_mutex_t;

typedef union
  long int __align;
} pthread_mutexattr_t;

/* Data structure for conditional variable handling.  The structure of
   the attribute type is not exposed on purpose.  */
typedef union
int __lock;
unsigned int __futex;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __total_seq;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __wakeup_seq;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __woken_seq;
void *__mutex;
unsigned int __nwaiters;
unsigned int __broadcast_seq;
  } __data;
  char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T];
  __extension__ long long int __align;
} pthread_cond_t;

typedef union
  long int __align;
} pthread_condattr_t;

/* Keys for thread-specific data */
typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t;

/* Once-only execution */
typedef int pthread_once_t;

#if defined __USE_UNIX98 || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Data structure for read-write lock variable handling.  The
   structure of the attribute type is not exposed on purpose.  */
typedef union
int __lock;
unsigned int __nr_readers;
unsigned int __readers_wakeup;
unsigned int __writer_wakeup;
unsigned int __nr_readers_queued;
unsigned int __nr_writers_queued;
/* FLAGS must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
   binary compatibility.  */
unsigned int __flags;
int __writer;
  } __data;
  char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_T];
  long int __align;
} pthread_rwlock_t;

typedef union
  long int __align;
} pthread_rwlockattr_t;

#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* POSIX spinlock data type.  */
typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t;

/* POSIX barriers data type.  The structure of the type is
   deliberately not exposed.  */
typedef union
  char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_BARRIER_T];
  long int __

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Excel a FP language?

2007-05-05 Thread David House

On 05/05/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I just had a thought... Why doesn't somebody implement a spreadsheet where
Haskell is the formula language? 8-)
may interest.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Displaying infered type signature of 'offside' functions

2007-05-02 Thread David House

On 2 May 2007 16:16:57 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* It would be nice if this worked inside the do-notation, too:

  do x :: Ordering
 x <- m

  (This is curently a syntax error.)

I think the following works with -fglasgow-exts:

do (x :: Ordering) <- m

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what exactly does "deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO)" do?

2007-05-01 Thread David House

On 01/05/07, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think all this does is save you from having to write a bunch of
wrappers that unwrap the contained value, do something to it, and
rewrap the result.

Exactly. Basically what newtype deriving does is if you have a
declaration like the following:

 newtype T = TConstructor M

And M instantiates some class (like Monad, Functor etc), you can
derive that class for T. For example, here's how the Functor instance
would look for the following newtype:

 newtype MyMaybe a = MM (Maybe a) deriving (Functor)

 -- The instance looks like this:
 instance Functor MyMaybe where
   fmap f (MM a) = MM (fmap f a)

The instance just unwraps and rewraps the newtype constructor.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Displaying infered type signature of 'offside' functions

2007-04-29 Thread David House

On 29/04/07, David House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's worth pointing out that Emacs's haskell-mode already has this.
For anyone that uses the major mode but hasn't heard of the
inf-haskell features:

I did forget to mention that this won't help with your 'offside'
functions, though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Displaying infered type signature of 'offside' functions

2007-04-29 Thread David House

On 28/04/07, Georg Sauthoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I mention this, because I would like to integrate some
lookup feature (for type signatures) into vim (if it doesn't
exist yet).

It's worth pointing out that Emacs's haskell-mode already has this.
For anyone that uses the major mode but hasn't heard of the
inf-haskell features:

C-c C-t inferior-haskell-type: looks up a type of the function under
point, built-in or user-defined.
C-c C-i inferior-haskell-info: looks up the info, à la GHCi :info, of
the identifer under point, built-in or user-defined.
C-c M-. inferor-haskell-find-definition: jumps to the definition of
the function, class or datatype etc. under point.

See the Haskell wiki page [1] for more information.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poor first impression

2007-04-29 Thread David House

On 29/04/07, Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Much quicker than waiting for a configure script to
detect the problem.

The fact remains that there is a bug in the build process (configure
doesn't check for all the dependencies), and that users have fallen
afoul of the bug, so it should be fixed, no matter how well the
workaround is documented.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE support

2007-04-23 Thread David House

On 22/04/07, Philipp Volgger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What IDE support is available for Haskell (Visuall Haskell, EclipseFP),
anything else?

There is pretty decent Emacs support. haskell-mode [1] provides the
basis of this support. There are Emacs Lisp libraries for Haskell
indentation, Haskell syntax highlighting, and many other things. Make
sure you read the notes on the Haskellwiki [2], as they contain a lot
of helpful hints for getting the best out of the mode.

There are also libraries for integration of common Haskell tools like
hoogle [3] and hpaste [4] in the form of hoogle.el [5] and hpaste.el



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Beginner's Question] How to read filenames from a DirStream

2007-04-09 Thread David House

On 09/04/07, Albert Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 mapM putStrLn files

Seeing as you're not doing anything with the results of this map, you
probably want to use mapM_ instead. Then the result type of ls_dir1
can be IO (), which is neater.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Short-circuiting a fold

2007-04-05 Thread David House

On 05/04/07, Kurt Hutchinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ssfold p f z = head . dropWhile ( not . p ) . scanl f z

I'd prefer find instead of head . dropWhile (not . p), making the
result type a Maybe, as this is essentially equivalent to searching
through the result of a scan for a specific value, so it should follow
find's example and use Maybe for its partiality.

I want to see some real creativity here, so pull out all the stops.

You may also be interested in the Compose experiment [1]: a bit of fun
seeing how many different ways compose :: [a -> a] ->(a -> a) could be
defined. Most are quite silly, but the solution involving the State
monad, for example, is really quite elegant.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unresolved overloading error

2007-04-01 Thread David House

On 31/03/07, Bryan Burgers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As a matter of style suggestion, it might make 'binom' more clear if
you use 'div' as an infix operator:

> binom n j = (fac n) `div` ( fac j * fac (n - j) )

You can even drop the first set of parentheses:

binom n r = fac n `div` (fac r * fac (n - r))

Remember that prefix function application has a higher precedence than
pretty much anything else.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-28 Thread David House

On 28/03/07, Steve Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another alternative:

 mylist =
   [ quite_lengthy_list_item_number_one
   , quite_lengthy_list_item_number_two
   , quite_lengthy_list_item_number_three

I see this a lot. My personal preference is:

mylist =
 [ foo, bar, baz,
   qux, quux, foo,
   bar, baz, qux ]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-28 Thread David House

On 28/03/07, Jeffrey Yasskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would vote for a Combinators module with the most important
combinators, and a somewhat larger Prelude to support quick scripts
and demonstrations.

I'd hate to have to import a module just to get at ($). Like I've
mentioned before, some combinators are so ubiqutos they're almost like
syntax. Seeing as the actual syntax will always be in scope, these
common combinators would also have to be in scope all the time, which
means placing them in the narrowed Prelude.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-28 Thread David House

On 28/03/07, Simon Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I support both reducing the prelude to just a few commonly used combinators, and
  requiring an explicit import Prelude.

Just to clear things up: would you need to do an import Prelude to get
at these few commonly used combinators, or would the import pull in
the 'wider' Prelude, with a more expansive selection, more akin to the
current Prelude?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-25 Thread David House

On 25/03/07, Ian Lynagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You wouldn't have to import a number of different modules like
Data.Function, you could just import Prelude.

I guess what I was getting at was that Haskell is very good at
blurring the distinction between userland function and actual syntax.
E.g. to the untrained eye 'otherwise' may seem like a keyword, but
it's defined in Data.Bool. Functions like map and catamorphisms like
maybe and foldr are used just like control structures, not to mention
things like when and unless which are built to directly emulate
control structures in other languages.

As real control structures, like if and case, are always in scope,
having _no_ functions imported by default would drive an unnatural
wedge between function and control structure.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-25 Thread David House

On 25/03/07, Ian Lynagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've submitted:

which I hope covers the essence of the result of this thread.

I'd hate to have to import things like Data.Function for such trivial
functions as (.) and ($), which are so often used that they become
almost like control structures and keywords in themselves. What did
people think of my idea of a stripped down prelude containing
primarily the functions like (.) and ($)? Here'd be my list:

1. Almost like control structures

2. To make including literals sane

3. Other basic functions
Ord((<), (>), (<=), (>=))

4. Miscellaneous

Of course, the precise details would be debateable.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-24 Thread David House

On 24/03/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a ranty request for comments, and the more replies the better.

Without responding to any particular comment, my opinion is that we
should have a minimal Prelude with functions like (.) that couldn't be
reasonably redefined in any function. Most of the list functions
should have to be imported, to encourage people to use a Map or Array
and so on. Read should be in Text.Read to encourage people to use
Parsec and so on.

I wouldn't necessarily be against a minimal Prelude/expanded Prelude
split determined by a 'module M where' declaration, as suggested by

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and a new web developement mailinglist?

2007-03-20 Thread David House

On 20/03/07, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been talking to Chris Eidhof the last days and we'd like to suggest adding
another specialized haskell mailinglist: Haskell and web developement.

I'd love to contribute here. You should be able to find an appropriate
email to ask for this mailing list on the site.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread David House

On 19/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Vectors don't act like numbers, a vector space is not a field, even if
they have some common operations.

As I said in my previous email, this is because Num is too big. We
need to split it down, but there's no sane way of doing this without
your average numeric function needing about a thousand different
constraints on it. Type class synonyms [1] look promising, but
no-one's implemented them yet AFAIK.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-19 Thread David House

On 19/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is is very ugly in my opinion, because for me a type class should
represent something more than just a way to overload, is something is
not a number then it should not have the class Num.

Num is a collection of types whose members can be added and subtracted
and so on. As numbers are the most common example of this, one could
say the members of Num _act like numbers_, rather than are numbers in

Really typeclasses are all about overloading. For example, Eq is the
collection of types that the equality predicate (==) applies to. I
don't see this as ugly; quite the contrary, in that if you know a type
instantiates Eq you can use (==) without worrying about using a
type-specific equality predicate. E.g. it's nice to see the same (==)
everywhere rather than seeing (say) (Int.==), (Bool.==) and so on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what I learnt from my first serious haskell programm

2007-03-17 Thread David House

On 17/03/07, Fawzi Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* namespaces *

First off something that disturbed me but does not seem to be discussed
much are namespaces, or rather the lack of them.

I'm also in the middle of writing a medium-sized program in Haskell,
but my experiences have been somewhat the opposite; I've found that
although most people complain about the lack of namespaces I haven't
really missed them.

Yes I know that haskell does have namespaces, but with object oriented
languages you basically get a namespace for each class, in haskell you
need modules, and I often like to have groups of related types in the
same module.

Surely within a group of related types there'd be no overlapping names anyway?

Records then also put everything in the module namespace, and it seems
that this misfeature has already been discussed.

I like to prefix my record accessors with three letters that describe
the type. For example, in my forum software, the author of a post can
be pulled out of a Post value using pstAuthor. Although this is
somewhat low-tech, it's a solution that works well and makes reading
code easier, while of course solving the one-namespace problem. I
don't really see why anything more complex would be needed.

So I am wondering how people cope with them,  share your opinion,
for me the best thing seem to be to try to use one
module per "big" type, and then "import qualified x as y", what are
good coding practices?

A practice I've seen a lot in small- to mid-sized programs is to have
a Types module that contains definitions of the types used in the

* vector & matrices *

A thing that bothered me a little was the absence of good standardized
vectors and matrices, for now I rolled my own 3x3, I have seen numerical
prelude, maybe in the future thre will be a standard interface for matrixes...
Rolling my own mattrixes/vectors I have hit against some limitations of
classes, nothing terrible, but not so nice, and something that I gather is
known for example the fact that you cannot overload + or (in haskell 98)
you cannot have overlapping instances.

Why not write up your module then send it off to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list? If this has frustrated you then
it's probably frustrated others. Why not contribute something back and
polish this problem off?

And you can overload (+), just make your matrix type an instance of
Num. If some operations shouldn't be supported (like signum, perhaps),
the general strategy is just to use error (this is basically due to
the fact that Num has too many methods because we don't have a sane
way of splitting up type classes. Type class synonyms -- google for
them -- look like a good solution, but are lacking an implementation).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Church Encoding Function

2007-03-10 Thread David House

On 10/03/07, Joachim Breitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a name for these functions? "Characteristic Church Encoding
Functions" maybe? Are there more than these:

Catamorphisms is indeed the name I've heard.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Usage of . and $

2007-03-08 Thread David House

On 08/03/07, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

NB that infix type constructors must start with ":", just like infix data 

Now that's just not true.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

type a $ b = a b

data Foo a = Foo a deriving (Show)
data Bar = Bar (Foo $ Int) deriving (Show)

main = print (Bar (Foo 4))

GHCi session:

Prelude> :load "/home/david/hs/sandbox/infix-tycons.hs"
[1 of 1] Compiling Main (
/home/david/hs/sandbox/infix-tycons.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> main
Bar (Foo 4)

There would be no reason for this restriction. The only reason to
start infix data constructors with ':' would be to seperate them
lexically from infix functions -- just as a leading capital serves to
seperate prefix data constructors from prefix functions. There is no
such clash with type constructors as there are no type functions.
Hence the classic example:

class Arrow (~>) where ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Usage of . and $

2007-03-07 Thread David House

On 07/03/07, Thomas Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course, what really gets me, is when I start trying to use $ in
type signatures and declarations:
   ... Map ByteString $ foo (bar baz) qux 

It's almost possible! GHC gives us infix type synonyms:

type a $ b = a b

(Probably needs -fglasgow-exts.) Sadly we don't have a fixity system
for type operators :(

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Usage of . and $

2007-03-07 Thread David House

On 07/03/07, Nicolas Frisby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) Emacs does the counting for me
2) parens don't surprise me if I happen to use rank-2 types.

i was bit enough times when learning why $ and runST don't like each
other that I've grown averse of $. I also like thinking of building a
composite function instead of sequencing applications--this has helped
me see patterns in other places like writing monad transformer
instances and other stuff, so maybe it's a good thing.

I don't use rank-2 types that often and when I do I'm aware of the
restriction on ($) and similar hofs. I tend to use ($) only when the
right-hand side gets very messy; a multiple-line do or similar. For

blah = fromMaybe $ do
 x <- blah1
 y <- blah2
 guard (x == f y)
 g x

The closing parenthesis would make things a little messy, so ($) is nice.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google summer of code

2007-03-07 Thread David House

On 06/03/07, Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, our wiki to gather ideas is now up-and-running again:

We should probably remove projects that were succeessfully completed
last year, along with the lists of interested students on every

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Usage of . and $

2007-03-06 Thread David House

On 06/03/07, Nicolas Frisby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Composition with (.) builds a function, but you eventually want an
Int, so we can't just use (.), but we can come pretty close.

(sum . IntMap.elems . IntMap.IntersectionWith (\x y -> x*y)
queryVector) rationalProjection

Often written:

f . g . h $ x

This is often prefered to the alternative:

f $ g $ h $ x

As it's visually lighter, and involves less editing if you wanted to
get rid of the x (say, you were eta-reducing the expression).

As to why:

f . g . h . x

doesn't work, (.) can only compose two functions, but x is not a
function, it is a value, so you have to apply it to the composite
function f . g . h using the ($) operator or parentheses.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPTCs and rigid variables

2007-03-06 Thread David House

On 06/03/07, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm not against adding "type is too monomorphic" or something like that if you 
think it'd help, but I'd like to say something about the incompatibility of 'a' and 
'Int'.  No?

Here's a proper draft, then.

foo :: [a] -- line 1
foo = "hello" -- line 2

Error message:
Inferred type is not as polymorphic as type signature claims.
 Inferred type: [Char]
 Expected type: [a]
   Provided by the type signature:
 foo :: [a]
   at ~/foo.hs:1
(`a', a polymorphic type variable, could not be unified with `Char', a
In the expression: "hello" at ~/foo.hs:1:8
In the definition of `foo': foo = "hello"

How's that sound?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPTCs and rigid variables

2007-03-06 Thread David House

On 06/03/07, Simon Peyton-Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

4.  The "rigid type variable" thing isn't just an implementation question.  
What *would* you like the error message to say when you write
   f :: ([a], Int) -> Int
   f (x:xs, y) = x+y
Here we unify 'a' with Int, which is wrong.  What would a nicer error message 

"Inferred type was monomorphic but a polymorphic type was given", or
something. Hugs says "Inferred type not as polymorphic as expected",
which is the right kind of area.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RE: MPTCs and rigid variables

2007-03-03 Thread David House

On 03/03/07, C Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

class Foo a b | a -> b where foo :: a -> FooBox b
data FooBox b = forall c. Foo b c => FooBox (Maybe c)

Existential boxes is indeed the method I've used to tackle this in
practice. However, it's kind of annoying, hence my email asking
whether there's a good reason it's not possible. I guess there are no
theoretical limitations, because, as you've just shown, you can hack
your way around it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MPTCs and rigid variables

2007-03-03 Thread David House

On 03/03/07, Bryan Burgers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As far as I know, you should be defining the type of bar in the class
declaration for Foo, not in an instance declaration.

I think I over-reduced my problem. Here's a more complex issue that
can't be resolved by moving bar to be a method of the class:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

class Foo a b | a -> b where
 foo :: Foo b c => a -> Maybe c

instance Foo String () where foo _ = Nothing
instance Foo Int String where foo 4 = Just (); foo _ = Nothing

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] MPTCs and rigid variables

2007-03-03 Thread David House

class Foo a b | a -> b
instance Foo Int String
bar :: Foo Int b => b
bar = "rargh"

Is there any reason why that shouldn't work? GHC gives one of its
silly "b is a rigid variable" errors (aside: that's a really confusing
error; I'd prefer something like Hugs's "Infered type is not general

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