[Haskell-cafe] Wow you have to check this out Haskell

2012-01-25 Thread R J
hello Haskell the holidays are coming up soon and I think this can help 

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[Haskell-cafe] Happy holidays Haskell

2012-01-24 Thread R J
hello Haskell ever since I started this my life has been better than ever 

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[Haskell-cafe] Happy holidays Haskell

2012-01-17 Thread R J
hey Haskell I didn't believe this at all until I started 

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[Haskell-cafe] hello Haskell

2011-10-20 Thread R J
hey Haskell this is nuts http://www.business10i.com

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[Haskell-cafe] hello Haskell

2011-10-18 Thread R J
hey Haskell check it out http://www.fastnews10i.com

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[Haskell-cafe] hi Haskell

2011-10-16 Thread R J
hey Haskell i cant believe this http://www.fastnews10i.com

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[Haskell-cafe] hello Haskell

2011-10-14 Thread R J
hey Haskell this is sick http://www.bestsource10.com

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[Haskell-cafe] Removing alternate items from a list

2010-06-07 Thread R J

What's the cleanest definition for a function f :: [a] -> [a] that takes a list 
and returns the same list, with alternate items removed?  e.g., f [0, 1, 2, 3, 
4, 5] = [1,3,5]?
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[Haskell-cafe] Span function

2010-06-07 Thread R J

Can someone provide a hand calculation of:
span (< 0) [-1, -2, -3, 0, 1, 2, -3, -4, -5]?
I know the result is ([-1, -2, -3], [0, 1, 2, -3, -4, -5]), but the recursion 
flummoxes me.
Here's the Prelude definition:
mySpan :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])mySpan _ 
[]=  ([], [])mySpan p xs@(x:xs')| p x   
   =  (x:ys, zs)| otherwise=  ([], xs)  
 where   (ys, zs) = mySpan p xs'
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[Haskell-cafe] Function to find a substring

2010-06-07 Thread R J

What's an elegant definition of a Haskell function that takes two strings and 
returns "Nothing" in case the first string isn't a substring of the first, or 
"Just i", where i is the index number of the position within the first string 
where the second string begins?
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[Haskell-cafe] Clean proof -- correction

2010-05-23 Thread R J

Correction:  the theorem is
h . either (f, g) = either (h . f, h . g)

(Thanks to Lennart for pointing out the typo.)
From: rj248...@hotmail.com
To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Clean proof?
Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 15:41:20 +

Given the following definition of "either", from the prelude:
either  :: (a -> c, b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (f, g) (Left x)  =  f xeither (f, g) (Right x) =  g x
what's a clean proof that:
h . either (f, g) = either (h . f, g . h)?
The only proof I can think of requires the introduction of an anonymous 
function of z, with case analysis on z (Case 1:  z = Left x, Case 2:  z = Right 
y), but the use of anonymous functions and case analysis is ugly, and I'm not 
sure how to tie up the two cases neatly at the end.  For example here's the 
"Left" case:
  h . either (f, g)  ={definition of "\"}  \z -> (h . either (f, 
g)) z  ={definition of "."}  \z -> (h (either (f, g) z)
  ={definition of "either" in case z = Left x}  \z -> (h (f x))  =
{definition of "."}  \z -> (h . f) x  ={definition of "."}  h . f 
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[Haskell-cafe] Clean proof?

2010-05-23 Thread R J

Given the following definition of "either", from the prelude:
either  :: (a -> c, b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (f, g) (Left x)  =  f xeither (f, g) (Right x) =  g x
what's a clean proof that:
h . either (f, g) = either (h . f, g . h)?
The only proof I can think of requires the introduction of an anonymous 
function of z, with case analysis on z (Case 1:  z = Left x, Case 2:  z = Right 
y), but the use of anonymous functions and case analysis is ugly, and I'm not 
sure how to tie up the two cases neatly at the end.  For example here's the 
"Left" case:
  h . either (f, g)  ={definition of "\"}  \z -> (h . either (f, 
g)) z  ={definition of "."}  \z -> (h (either (f, g) z)
  ={definition of "either" in case z = Left x}  \z -> (h (f x))  =
{definition of "."}  \z -> (h . f) x  ={definition of "."}  h . f 
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[Haskell-cafe] Declaring a tuple of instances of Enums as an instance of the Enum class

2010-05-23 Thread R J

Say I've got a type "Month" declared as an instance of the "Enum" class, and a 
type "MonthPair" declared as a pair of months:
data Month =  January   |  February 
  |  March   |  April   
|  May   |  June   
|  July   |  August   |  
September   |  October   |  
November   |  December   
deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Show)
type MonthPair =  (Month, Month)   deriving 
The "deriving" on "MonthPair" gives me the error "parse error on input 
Why is this error generated?  Is there a syntax error, or is there a conceptual 
problem with enumerating a Cartesian product, such as Month x Month?  The 
cardinality of the Cartesian product is finite (including the bottom values, 
cardinality = 1 + (12 + 1)*(12 + 1) = 170), and so the product is amenable at 
least to some arbitrary enumeration (such as Cantor's diagonal method).

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[Haskell-cafe] Enum instantiation

2010-05-21 Thread R J

I'd like to make "Day" an instance of class "Enum," but the definition of 
toEnum below seems to be completely wrong, because integers seem not permit 
pattern matching.  How is toEnum defined?  Thanks.
data Day   =  Sunday   |  Monday
   |  Tuesday   |  Wednesday
   |  Thursday   |  Friday  
 |  Saturday   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Enum Day wherefromEnum Sunday=  0fromEnum Monday   
 =  1fromEnum Tuesday   =  2fromEnum Wednesday =  3fromEnum 
Thursday  =  4fromEnum Friday=  5fromEnum Saturday  =  
6toEnum 0   =  SundaytoEnum 1   =  Monday   
 toEnum 2   =  TuesdaytoEnum 3   =  Wednesday
toEnum 4   =  ThursdaytoEnum 5   =  Friday
toEnum 6   =  Saturday  
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[Haskell-cafe] Proof question -- (==) over Bool

2010-05-21 Thread R J

I'm trying to prove that (==) is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive over the 
Bools, given this definition:
(==)   :: Bool -> Bool -> Boolx == y =  
(x && y) || (not x && not y)
My question is:  are the proofs below for reflexivity and symmetricity 
rigorous, and what is the proof of transitivity, which eludes me?  Thanks. 
Theorem (reflexivity):  For all x `elem` Bool, x == x.
  x == x  ={definition of "=="}  (x && x) || (not x && not x)  =
{logic (law of the excluded middle)}  True
Theorem (symmetricity):  For all x, y `elem` Bool, if x == y, then y == x.
  x == y  ={definition of "=="}  (x && y) || (not x && not y)  =
{lemma:  "(&&)" is commutative}  (y && x) || (not x && not y)  ={lemma: 
 "(&&)" is commutative}  (y && x) || (not y && not x)  ={definition of 
"=="}  y == x
Theorem (transitivity):  For all x, y, z `elem` Bool, if x == y, and y == 
z,then x == z.
Proof: ?  
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[Haskell-cafe] FW: Why does this Ord-class instance crash?

2010-05-21 Thread R J

Why does the following, trivial  code snippet below hang GHCi when I 
type"Scalene > Failure", and what's the fix?

data Triangle  =  Failure   |  
Equilateral   |  Isosceles  
 |  Scalene   deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord Triangle whereFailure < Failure  = FalseFailure
 < _= True
Equilateral < Failure  = FalseEquilateral < Equilateral  = False
Equilateral < _= True
Isosceles   < Scalene  = TrueIsosceles   < _= False
Scalene < _= False

(I tried submitting this to beginn...@haskell.org, but even though I've signed 
up for that mailing list, I got a bounce-back saying that I needed admin 
approval to submit anything to that list, and I haven't heard from an admin, so 
I'm posting it here.) 
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[Haskell-cafe] Deducing a type signature

2010-05-19 Thread R J

Bird 1.6.3 requires deducing type signatures for the functions "strange" and 
Are my solutions below correct?
(i)  strange f g = g (f g)
Assume g :: a -> b.  Then f :: (a -> b) -> c.  But since g :: a -> b,f g :: a, 
so c = a.  Therefore, f :: (a -> b) -> a, and g (f g) :: a.Therefore, strange 
:: ((a -> b) -> a) -> (a -> b) -> a.
(ii)  stranger f = f f
Assume f :: a -> b.  Since "f f" is well-typed, type unification requiresa = b. 
 Therefore, f :: a -> a, and stranger :: (a -> a) -> a. 
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[Haskell-cafe] Bird problem 1.6.2 -- is there an easier method?

2010-05-19 Thread R J

Bird problem 1.6.2 is:
If f :: (a, b) -> c, then define a function "swap" such that:
flip (curry f) = curry (f . swap).
I'd very much appreciate if someone could tell me whether there's a rigorous 
solution simpler than mine, which is:
Since (.) :: (q -> r) -> (p -> q) -> (p -> r), we have f :: q -> r and swap :: 
p -> q.  Type unification of f requires q = (a, b) and r = c.
Since f :: (a, b) -> c and curry :: ((l, m) -> n) -> (l -> m -> n), 
typeunification requires l = a, b = m, and n = c.  Therefore,curry :: ((a, b) 
-> c) -> (a -> b -> c), and (curry f) :: a -> b -> c.
Since flip :: (s -> t -> u) -> t -> s -> u, type unification requiress = a, t = 
b, and u = c.  Therefore, flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c,and flip (curry 
f) :: b -> a -> c.
Therefore, curry (f . swap) ::  b -> a -> c, and p :: b -> a.  Therefore,swap 
:: b -> a -> (a, b), and:

swap   :: b -> a -> (a, b)swap x y   =  (y, 

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[Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2010-05-19 Thread R J

This is another proof-layout question, this time from Bird 1.4.7.
We're asked to define the functions curry2 and uncurry2 for currying and 
uncurrying functions with two arguments.  Simple enough:
curry2 :: ((a, b) -> c) -> (a -> (b -> c))curry2 f x y   =  f 
(x, y)
uncurry2   :: (a -> (b -> c)) -> ((a, b) -> c)uncurry2 f (x, y)  =  f x 
The following two assertions are obviously true theorems, but how are the 
formal proofs laid out?
1.  curry2 (uncurry2 f) x y = f x y
2.  uncurry2 (curry 2 f) (x, y) = f (x, y)  
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[Haskell-cafe] Proof format

2010-05-19 Thread R J

Is this how a rigorous Haskeller would lay out the proofs of the following 
theorems?  This is Bird 1.4.6.
Theorem:  (*) x = (* x)
  (*) x  ={definition of partial application}  \y -> x * y  =
{commutativity of "*"}  \y -> y * x  ={definition of "(* x)"}  (* x)
Theorem:  (+) x = (x +)
  (+) x  ={definition of partial application}  \y -> x + y  =
{definition of "(x +)"}  (x +)
Theorem:  (-) x /= (- x)
  (-) x  ={definition of partial application}  \y -> x - y  /=   
{definition of prefix negation, which is not a section}  (- x)
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[Haskell-cafe] Intuitive function given type signature

2010-05-18 Thread R J

What are some simple functions that would naturally have the following type 
f :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer
g :: (Integer -> Integer) -> (Integer -> Integer)
(Bird problem 1.4.5)
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[Haskell-cafe] Help with Bird problem 1.4.1

2010-05-18 Thread R J

Newbie trying to get through Bird.  Could someone provide a clean solution, 
with proof (so I can see how these proofs are laid out), to this:
f :: Integer -> Integerg :: Integer -> (Integer -> Integer)
h :: ...h x y =  f (g x y)
a.  Fill in the type assignment for "h".
b.  Which of the following is true: (i)   h = f . g (ii)  h x = f . (g 
x) (iii) h x y = f . (g x y)   
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[Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell Platform for Snow Leopard

2009-12-15 Thread R J

Could someone provide the status and expected release date of the Haskell 
Platform for Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.2)?
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[Haskell-cafe] How do I uninstall GHC on a Mac running Snow Leopard?

2009-10-24 Thread R J

What's the cleanest way to fully uninstall GHC on a Mac running Snow Leopard?
Running Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Tools/Uninstaller from an account with 
admin privileges produced the following, surprising error message:
> GHC.framework installer must be run with admin privileges> Prefix command by 
> 'sudo'> logout
> [Process completed]
Thanks as always. 
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[Haskell-cafe] Proof of duality theorem of fold?

2009-03-18 Thread R J

I'm trying to prove the following duality theorem of fold for finite lists:

   foldr f e xs =  foldl (flip f) e (reverse xs)


   reverse  :: [a] -> [a]
reverse []   =  []
reverse (x:xs)   =  reverse xs ++ [x]

   flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
   flip f y x   =  f x y

   foldr:: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
   foldr f e [] =  e
   foldr f e (x : xs)   =  f x (foldr f e xs)

   foldl:: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
   foldl f e [] =  e
   foldl f e (x : xs)   =  foldl f (f e x) xs

I'm stuck on the induction case.  Can someone help?  Here's what I've got so 


   Case _|_.

  Left-side reduction:

 foldr f e _|_
  =  {case exhaustion of "foldr"}

  Right-side reduction:

 foldl (flip f) e (reverse _|_)
  =  {case exhaustion of "reverse"}
 foldl (flip f) e _|_
  =  {case exhaustion of "foldl"}

   Case [].

  Left-side reduction:

 foldr f e []
  =  {first equation of "foldr"}

  Right-side reduction:

 foldl (flip f) e (reverse [])
  =  {first equation of "reverse"}
 foldl (flip f) e []
  =  {first equation of "foldl"}

   Case (x : xs).

  Left-side reduction:

 foldr f e (x : xs)
  =  {second equation of "foldr"}
 f x (foldr f e xs)
  =  {induction hypothesis: foldr f e xs = foldl (flip f) e (reverse xs)}
 f x (foldl (flip f) e (reverse xs))

  Right-side reduction:

 foldl (flip f) e (reverse (x : xs))
  =  {second equation of "reverse"}
 foldl (flip f) e (reverse xs ++ [x])
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[Haskell-cafe] Help with Bird problem 4.5.6: sequence of successive maxima

2009-03-15 Thread R J

This Bird problem vexes me, in the first instance because it doesn't seem to 
specify a unique solution:

Given a list xs = [x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n], the sequence of successive maxima 
"ssm xs" is the
longest subsequence [x_j1, x_j2, x_j3..x_jk] such that j_1 = 1 and j_m < j_n => 
x_jm < x_jn.
For example, xs = [3, 1, 3, 4, 9, 2, 10, 7] => ssm xs = [3, 4, 9, 10].  Define 
"ssm" in terms of "foldl".

>From this specification, I infer:

ssm []   = []
ssm [1]  = [1]
ssm [1, 2, 3]= [1, 2, 3]
ssm [1, 0, 3, 2] = [1, 3]

However, what is ssm [1,0,100,2,3,4,5]?  Is it [1, 100] or [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]?  I 
think the latter, but am not certain.  Whichever it is, what's the solution?


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[Haskell-cafe] Most elegant funciton for removing adjacent duplicates from a list using foldl and foldr

2009-03-15 Thread R J

I need to write an implementation using foldl, and a separate implementation 
using foldr, of a function, "remdups xs", that removes adjacent duplicate items 
from the list xs.  For example, remdups [1,2,2,3,3,3,1,1]= [1,2,3,1].

My approach is first to write a direct recursion, as follows:

   remdups   :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
   remdups []=  []
   remdups (x : [])  =  [x]
   remdups (x : xx : xs) =  if x == xx then remdups (x : xs) else x : remdups 
(xx : xs)

This code works, but it has three cases, not usual two, namely [] and (x : xs).

What, if any, is the implementation using only two cases?

Also, if three cases are required, then how can it be implemented using foldr, 
and how using foldl?


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[Haskell-cafe] A non-inductive Haskell proof?

2009-03-15 Thread R J

The following theorem is obviously true, but how is it proved (most cleanly and 
simply) in Haskell?

Theorem:  (nondecreasing xs) => nondecreasing (insert x xs), where:

   nondecreasing   :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
   nondecreasing []=  True
   nondecreasing xxs@(x : xs)  =  and [a <= b | (a, b) <- zip xxs xs]

   insert  :: (Ord a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
   insert x xs =  takeWhile (<= x) xs ++ [x] ++ dropWhile (<= 
x) xs


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[Haskell-cafe] Proof of induction case of simple foldl identity.

2009-03-14 Thread R J

Can someone provide the induction-case proof of the following identity:

   foldl (-) ((-) x y) ys = (foldl (-) x ys) - y

If foldl is defined as usual:

   foldl  :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
   foldl f e []   =  e
   foldl f e (x : xs) =  myFoldl f (f e x) xs

The first two cases, _|_ and [], are trivial.

Here's my best attempt at the (y : ys) case (the left and right sides reduce to 
expressions that are obviously equal, but I don't know how to show it):

   Case (y : ys).

  Left-side reduction:

 foldl (-) ((-) x y) (y : ys)
  =  {second equation of "foldl"}
 foldl (-) ((-) ((-) x y) y) ys
  =  {notation}
 foldl (-) ((-) (x - y) y) ys
  =  {notation}
 foldl (-) ((x - y) - y) ys
  =  {arithmetic}
 foldl (-) (x - 2 * y) ys

  Right-side reduction:

 (foldl (-) x (y : ys)) - y
  =  {second equation of "foldl"}
 (foldl (-) ((-) x y) ys) - y
  =  {induction hypothesis: foldl (-) ((-) x y) ys = (foldl (-) x ys) - y}
 ((foldl (-) x ys) - y) - y
  =  {arithmetic}
 (foldl (-) x ys) - 2 * y

Thanks as always.

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[Haskell-cafe] Hand calculation of Bird's definition of zip using foldr

2009-03-12 Thread R J

Can someone provide a complete hand calculation of zip [1,2,3] [4,5,6] using 
the following definition of zip, based on foldr:

zip::[a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]

zip=foldr f e


e ys=[]

f x g [ ]=[]

f x g (y : ys)=(x , y) : g ys 

foldr::(a -> b -> b) -> b -> ([a] -> b)
foldr _ e []=e
foldr f e (x : xs)=f x (foldr f e xs)

This implementation of zip produces the expected result [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 
6)], but I'm unable to do the hand calculation and don't understand why it 
works.  Part of my problem is that "e" is defined as a function that takes one 
argument, I don't see how that fits in with the usual scheme for foldr, which, 
as I understand it, is:

foldr f e [x1, x2, ...] = f x1 (f x2 (f x3 ...(f xn e)))...

Thanks, as always, to all in this great community.

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[Haskell-cafe] A systematic method for deriving a defintion of foldl using foldr?

2009-03-11 Thread R J

foldl and foldr are defined as follows:

  foldr:: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
  foldr f e [] =  e
  foldr f e (x : xs)   =  f x (foldr f e xs)

  foldl:: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
  foldl f e [] =  e
  foldl f e (x : xs)   =  foldl f (f e x) xs

1.  I understand how these definitions work, and yet I'm unable to implement 
foldl in terms of foldr.  What's a systematic approach to identifying such an 
implementation, and what is the implementation?

2.  I believe that the reverse implementation--namely, implementing foldr in 
terms of foldl--is impossible.  What's the proof of that?

3.  Any advice on how, aside from tons of practice, to develop the intuition 
for rapidly seeing solutions to questions like these would be much appreciated. 
 The difficulty a newbie faces in answering seemingly simple questions like 
these is quite discouraging.

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[Haskell-cafe] Horner's Rule, foldl, and direct recursion

2009-03-10 Thread R J

Given a list of decimal digits represented by Integers between 0 and 9--for 
example, the list [1,2,3, 4]--with the high-order digit at the left, the list 
can be converted to a decimal integer n using the following formula, an 
instance of Horner's rule:

  n = 10 *  10 * 10 * 1 + 10 * 10 * 2 + 10 * 3 + 4
= 10 * (10 * 10 * 1 + 10 * 2 + 3) + 4
= 10 * (10 *(10 * 1 + 2) + 3) + 4

In Haskell, the foldl function neatly captures this pattern:

horner  :: [Integer] -> Integer
horner  =  myFoldl timesPlus 0
   where timesPlus x y = 10 * x + y

What is the direct recursive calculation of this function without using the 
call to foldl?  In other words, what's the second equation of:

horner2  :: [Integer] -> Integer
horner2 []   =  0
horner2 (x : xs) =  ?

Given that we've already got the definition using foldl, it ought to be easy to 
express the second equation, but it's eluding me.


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[Haskell-cafe] Naturality condition for inits

2009-03-07 Thread R J

Here's another Bird problem that's stymied me:

The function "inits" computes the list of initial segments of a list; its type 
is inits :: [a] -> [[a]].  What is the appropriate naturality condition for 

The only discussion in the text concerning naturality conditions concerns map, 
where the naturality conditions are stated in what seem to be 
quasi-commutativity laws over the composition operator, as follows:

   f . head=  head . map f, where f is strict (i.e., f _|_ = _|_)
   map f . tail=  tail . map f
   map f (xs ++ ys)=  map f xs ++ map f ys
   map f . reverse =  reverse . map f
   map f . concat  =  concat . map (map f)

I believe that none of the following naturality conditions, extrapolated from 
those above, hold:

   a. head . inits =  inits [head]
   b. tail . inits =  inits . tail
   c. reverse . inits  =  inits . reverse
   d. concat . inits   =  inits . concat

In case the definition of "inits" is relevant, my definition is:

inits  :: [a] -> [[a]]

inits xs   =  [take n xs | n <- seglengths]


  seglengths = [0..length xs]


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[Haskell-cafe] Converting list comprehensions to combinatory style

2009-03-07 Thread R J

Can anyone help with this problem from Bird:

a. Convert the following list comprehensions to combinatory style:

   i.   [(x, y) | x <- [1..n], odd x, y <- [1..n]]
   ii.  [(x, y) | x <- [1..n], y <- [1..n], odd x]

b. Are they equal?

c. Compare the costs of evaluating the two expressions.

I gather that by combinatory style, he means the use of concat, map, and 
filter.  While Bird provides the following conversion rules, he doesn't prove 
them, justify them, or even provide an example using them:

   R1.  [ f x | x <- xs  ]  =  map f xs
   R2.  [   x | x <- xs, p x ]  =  filter p xs
   R3.  [ e   | Q, P ]  =  concat [[e | P] | Q]
   R4.  [ e   | x <- [d | P] ]  =  [e [x := d] | Q, P]


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[Haskell-cafe] Type question re: map

2009-03-06 Thread R J

Given the following (usual) definition of "map":

map:: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f []   =  []
map f (x : xs) =  f x : map f xs

What's the type of "map map"?

GHCi's :t command reveals:

*Main> :t map map
map map :: [a -> b] -> [[a] -> [b]]

I'd be grateful if anyone could provide a systematic type calculation so that I 
can reason through more complicated examples myself.


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[Haskell-cafe] Calculating with list comprehension

2009-03-05 Thread R J

I can calculate non-nested list comprehensions without a problem, but am unable 
to calculate nested comprehensions involving, for example, the generation of a 
list of pairs where the first and separate elements are drawn from two separate 
lists, as in:

   [(a, b) | a <- [1..3], b <- [1..2]]

How does one calculate the expansion of this list?  The two rules for expanding 
list comprehensions are:

1.  Generator rule:  [e | x <- xs, Q]  =  concat (map f xs)
  f x = [e | Q]

2.  Guard rule:  [e | p, Q]=  if p then [e | Q] else []

There is a third rule that I've seen on the Internet, not in an authoritative 

   [e | Q1 , Q2] =  concat [ [e | Q 2] | Q1 ]

I don't understand what this third rule means, or whether it's relevant.

Concat and map are defined as:

concat   :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat []=  []
concat (xs:xss)  =  xs ++ concat xss

map  :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] =  []
map f (x:xs) =  f x : (map f xs)

Any help is appreciated.

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[Haskell-cafe] Interesting problem from Bird (4.2.13)

2009-03-04 Thread R J

Could someone provide an elegant solution to Bird problem 4.2.13?

Here are the problem and my inelegant solution:


Since concatenation seems such a basic operation on lists, we can try to 
construct a data type that captures
concatenation as a primitive.

For example,

data (CatList a)   =  CatNil
   |  Wrap a
   |  Cat (CatList a) (CatList a)

The intention is that CatNil represents [], Wrap x represents [x], and Cat x y 
x ++ y.

However, since "++" is associative, the expressions "Cat xs (Cat ys zs)" and 
"Cat (Cat xs ys) zs" should be regarded as equal.

Define appropriate instances of "Eq" and "Ord" for "CatList".

Inelegant Solution

The following solution works:

instance (Eq a) => Eq (CatList a) where
CatNil  ==  CatNil   =True
CatNil  ==  Wrap   z =False
CatNil  ==  Catz w   =  ( z == CatNil  && w == CatNil )

Wrap   x==  CatNil   =False
Wrap   x==  Wrap   z =x == z
Wrap   x==  Catz w   =  ( Wrap x == z  && w == CatNil ) ||
( Wrap x == w  && z == CatNil )

Catx y  ==  CatNil   =x == CatNil  && y == CatNil
Catx y  ==  Wrap   z =  ( x == Wrap z  && y == CatNil ) ||
( x == CatNil  && y == Wrap z )
Catx y  ==  Catz w   =  unwrap (Cat x y) == unwrap (Cat z w)

unwrap   :: CatList a -> [a]
unwrap CatNil=  []
unwrap (Wrap x)  =  [x]
unwrap (Cat x y) =  unwrap x ++ unwrap y

instance (Eq a, Ord a) => Ord (CatList a) where
x < y = unwrap x < unwrap y

This solution correctly recognizes the equality of the following, including 
nested lists(represented, for example, by Wrap (Wrap 1), which corresponds to 

Wrap 1   == Cat (Wrap 1) CatNil
Cat (Wrap 1) (Cat (Wrap 2) (Wrap 3)) == Cat (Wrap 1) (Cat (Wrap 2) (Wrap 3))
Wrap (Wrap 1)== Wrap (Cat (Wrap 1) CatNil)

Although this solution works, it's a hack, because unwrap converts CatLists to 
lists.  The question clearly seeks a pure solution that does not rely on 
Haskell's built-in lists.

What's the pure solution that uses cases and recursion on
CatList, not Haskell's built-in lists, to capture the equality of nested 

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[Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2009-03-04 Thread R J

Could someone provide an elegant solution to Bird problem 4.2.13?

Here are the problem and my inelegant solution:


Since concatenation seems such a basic operation on lists, we can try to 
construct a data type that captures
concatenation as a primitive.

For example,

data (CatList a)   =  CatNil
   |  Wrap a
   |  Cat (CatList a) (CatList a)

The intention is that CatNil represents [], Wrap x represents [x], and Cat x y 
x ++ y.

However, since "++" is associative, the expressions "Cat xs (Cat ys zs)" and 
"Cat (Cat xs ys) zs" should be regarded as equal.

Define appropriate instances of "Eq" and "Ord" for "CatList".

Inelegant Solution

The following solution works:

instance (Eq a) => Eq (CatList a) where
CatNil  ==  CatNil   =True
CatNil  ==  Wrap   z =False
CatNil  ==  Catz w   =  ( z == CatNil  && w == CatNil )

Wrap   x==  CatNil   =False
Wrap   x==  Wrap   z =x == z
Wrap   x==  Catz w   =  ( Wrap x == z  && w == CatNil ) ||
( Wrap x == w  && z == CatNil )

Catx y  ==  CatNil   =x == CatNil  && y == CatNil
Catx y  ==  Wrap   z =  ( x == Wrap z  && y == CatNil ) ||
( x == CatNil  && y == Wrap z )
Catx y  ==  Catz w   =  unwrap (Cat x y) == unwrap (Cat z w)

unwrap   :: CatList a -> [a]
unwrap CatNil=  []
unwrap (Wrap x)  =  [x]
unwrap (Cat x y) =  unwrap x ++ unwrap y

instance (Eq a, Ord a) => Ord (CatList a) where
x < y = unwrap x < unwrap y

This solution correctly recognizes the equality of the following, including 
nested lists(represented, for example, by Wrap (Wrap 1), which corresponds to 

Wrap 1   == Cat (Wrap 1) CatNil
Cat (Wrap 1) (Cat (Wrap 2) (Wrap 3)) == Cat (Wrap 1) (Cat (Wrap 2) (Wrap 3))
Wrap (Wrap 1)== Wrap (Cat (Wrap 1) CatNil)

Although this solution works, it's a hack, because unwrap converts CatLists to 
lists.  The question clearly seeks a pure solution that does not rely on 
Haskell's built-in lists.

What's the pure solution that uses cases and recursion on
CatList, not Haskell's built-in lists, to capture the equality of nested 

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