Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Transformers versus monadLib versus...

2010-07-07 Thread Yves Parès

 Fragmenting Hackage is bad.  But on the other hand I don't see why I
 should stick with the inconvenient mtl.  Open source software is all
 about choice, and as long as the mtl fails to provide the same
 flexibility and convenience, I won't use it.  Combined with the fact
 that fixing it would break existing packages, it appears like I won't go
 back to the mtl ever.

So tell me how you do when you have to use a package which relies on mtl's
You re-develop the package?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [C Binding] Turning the mutable to immutable?

2010-07-07 Thread Yves Parès
That's indeed an advice I've read [1].
But wouldn't it damage the performances, since code will have to go through
an extra layer?


2010/7/7 Chris Eidhof

 On 5 jul 2010, at 23:48, Yves Parès wrote:

  I don't know if some of you are familiar with the SFML library (stands
 for Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) --
  As SDL, SFML is a 2D graphics library, but conversely to SDL it provides
 a hardware-accelerated drawing, through OpenGL.
  Well, I'm currently writing its Haskell binding, and I'm stuck with
 design issues.
  What I'm heading to is a full IO binding, and that's what I'd like to

 Have you considered writing a low-level binding and building a high-level
 library on top of that?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [C Binding] Turning the mutable to immutable?

2010-07-07 Thread Yves Parès
 2010/7/7 Liam O'Connor
 Making an immutable API from a mutable one generally damages performance
(on von neumann architectures) somewhat, the goal is to minimize that

In fact, I would like to determine if an EFFICIENT way to make images and
such immutable exists, or if it is impossible.

I looked at graphics-drawingcombinators. It is nice, but it doesn't fully
answer to my problem since it just loads images and draws them. It provides
no ways to alter them, no problem of mutability, then.

 2010/7/7 Chris Eidhof
 Premature optimization is the root of all evil ;)

Yes, you are right, this is wise.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [C Binding] Turning the mutable to immutable?

2010-07-07 Thread Yves Parès
so I think that the better idea is to carry on with my low-level, imperative
binding, and then build a more functional on top of this.

Concerning the mutability of images, I notice that the problem with SFML is
that it handles Sprites in a way that is even more imperative than OpenGL
texture handling.

2010/7/7 Sebastian Sylvan

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Yves Parès wrote:

  2010/7/7 Liam O'Connor

  Making an immutable API from a mutable one generally damages performance
 (on von neumann architectures) somewhat, the goal is to minimize that

 In fact, I would like to determine if an EFFICIENT way to make images and
 such immutable exists, or if it is impossible.

 Both OpenGL and DirectX, while supporting updates to images, make it slow
 enough that any image data is effectively immutable. Each animation step a
 completely fresh frame buffer is created, without overwriting any of the
 inputs, by combining these immutable images in interesting ways.

 You're expected to combine multiple immutable data sources in the shader to
 produce the final output (which will be a different image from the inputs).
 Examples of data sources would be images, transformation matrices, colours

 It's extremely rare to see people poke values individually into a mutable
 buffer (in fact, the capability of doing this on the GPU is very recent, and
 even then it's highly limited). You do a big purely functional transform
 from inputs to outputs instead. HLSL and GLSL may not look like functional
 languages, but they essentially are, in that each kernel runs independently
 with no shared mutable state, producing outputs from immutable inputs.

 So, if you want to do it on the CPU, I would mimic the way GPUs have been
 doing it for ages. Define what operations you want to perform in terms of
 the inputs, and then do them all in bulk to produce the output image. You
 don't want people to go in and arbitrarily set pixels to anything they want
 at any time they want.

 Sebastian Sylvan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Transformers versus monadLib versus...

2010-07-06 Thread Yves Parès
monadLib looks nice, indeed, but the major problem with using it resides in
the fact that most of the libraries on hackage use MTL.
Must be tedious to have to use two monad libraries at the same time...

2010/7/6 Ertugrul Soeylemez

 Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

  What is the current state of opinion regarding transformers versus
  monadLib versus mmtl versus ... etc.?  Transformers seems to be the
  blessed replacement for mtl, so when is it worthwhile to use the
  other libraries instead?
  (It hadn't even occurred to me to look closely at packages other than
  transformers for this purpose until I read a message earlier today
  from someone who said that he uses monadLib whenever he needs to use
  monad transformers, and it has now made me curious about them.)

 That would be me.  When I was sick of flipping runWhateverT all the
 time, I had a closer look at the 'transformers' package.  But my
 impression was that the only advantage is that I wouldn't need to flip

 I compared it to monadLib, which does a lot more.  It saves me from
 having to do multi-lifts in complicated monads and it has a generalized
 MonadIO, called BaseM, which works for other lowest-level-monads, too,
 like 'ST s'.  It includes a ChoiceT monad transformer, which is like
 ListT, but is not broken.

 Further it has very useful monadic functions.  For example there is an
 'abort' function to escape from a ContT computation, so you don't need
 to use that ugly callCC, if you just want early exit route.  You also
 get labelled jumps for free, if you ever need them desperately.

 As an interesting feature, if you have a monad, which is isomorphic to a
 known monad, you can derive all the Functor/Monad instance functions
 from this isomorphism.  All you need to do is to tell monadLib how one
 would turn a computation of the monad in question into a computation of
 the known monad.


 nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife = sex)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Transformers versus monadLib versus...

2010-07-06 Thread Yves Parès
Yes but, for instance, every library which provides monad transformers will
provides a MTL's MonadTrans instance, not a monadLib's MonadT instance.
And since a library hides its types internals, you cannot write the MonadT
instances yourself.

For instance, I was planning to translate a little program of mine (which
uses quite heavily monad transformers) to monadLib. It uses the packages
operational which is based on MTL, and I cannot make myself operational's
transformers instances of MonadT.

How would you solve that?

(btw, I like the fact that monadLib provides IdT ^^ (IdentityT))

2010/7/6 Ertugrul Soeylemez

 Yves Parès wrote:

  monadLib looks nice, indeed, but the major problem with using it
  resides in the fact that most of the libraries on hackage use MTL.
  Must be tedious to have to use two monad libraries at the same time...

 In general this is a minor problem.  Note that when using a monad from
 another library usually you get provided with a type alias (or even a
 newtype) and a number of convenience functions, so you don't have to
 access names from both libraries at the same time.

 I can only speak for myself, but I've never had a problem with this,
 even though my packages often have lots and lots of dependencies.


 nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife = sex)

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Transformers versus monadLib versus...

2010-07-06 Thread Yves Parès
I was wondering : wouldn't it be possible that things like BaseM be
implemented on top of MTL?
Couldn't just one develop a package, say mtl-missing, that would contain the
functionnalities of monadLib, but compatible with MTL?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is Haskell unsuitable for?

2010-07-06 Thread Yves Parès
 I must have the same impediment. We should start a support group, that, or
give in and write a compiler. To add insult to injury,
 I think it should be called Turbo Haskell.

That's true... I never noticed, because in French the two words get
pronounced very differently.

 While we're on the topic, does anyone else get funny looks when they say
 Sadly, yes. ;)

^^ Had some puns related to genitals?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is my code too complicated?

2010-07-05 Thread Yves Parès

 About monad transformers, I don't really like to use them because they
 can get hairy in some cases, and because they have poor performance in
 other cases.

Then what is your alternative? How do you replace monad transformers?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Subtype polymorphism in Haskell

2010-07-05 Thread Yves Parès

 data A_GADT where A_GADT :: A t = t - A_GADT

By the way, is there an extension that enables A_GADT to be automatically
declared as an instance of class A?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [C Binding] Turning the mutable to immutable?

2010-07-05 Thread Yves Parès

I don't know if some of you are familiar with the SFML library (stands for
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) --
As SDL, SFML is a 2D graphics library, but conversely to SDL it provides a
hardware-accelerated drawing, through OpenGL.
Well, I'm currently writing its Haskell binding, and I'm stuck with design
What I'm heading to is a full IO binding, and that's what I'd like to avoid.
I particularly like the way HGL works, with the Draw monad which (IMO)
enables powerful composability of the drawings.
But HGL is simpler in the way that, for instance, it doesn't deal with
So that's why I would like to pick up advice concerning the design of such a

First, this is how SFML (in C/C++) works:
The main types are RenderWindow, Drawable, Image, Sprite, Shape, Font and
An Image basically represents an array of pixels. It is just a resource, and
is not directly drawable. An image is loaded from a file, and provides
methods for accessing/altering its pixels. Its main purpose is to be bound
as an OpenGL texture.
A RenderWindow is the window on which the Drawables are... well... drawn.
A Sprite, now, is a Drawable. One Sprite is linked to one Image. A Sprite
NEVER alters its Image, it just provides
positionning/rotation/resizing/colorizing methods that will be translated,
when drawing on the RenderWindow, to glTranslate/glRotate/glScale/glColor,
So we can see a Sprite as an instance of an Image, since if a same Image is
to be drawn 3 times on the same frame, we are advised to create three
Sprites of it, which will differ by their position.

A Font is loaded from a file, it is a simple resource, just like Image.
Text and Shape are Drawables.

So, now, questions:
1) For those who know HGL, can the monad Draw principle be adapted to my
case? Or am I heading for disaster?

2) How would I handle images? SFML API enables the user to alter the pixels
of the image, and I obviously don't wanna copy the entire Image each time a
pixel is changed.
3) Is there another library on hackage that handles images in a functional
way? (I mean not *all in IO*)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rank2Types and pattern matching

2010-07-04 Thread Yves Parès
Okay, I understand better, now.
But I could never have guessed it just from the GHC error message.

Another question on the same code:

import Control.Monad.Identity

newtype SomeMonad s a = SomeMonad { unSome :: Identity a }
  deriving (Monad)

newtype SomeType s = SomeType Int

runSomeMonad :: (forall s. SomeMonad s a) - a
runSomeMonad x = runIdentity . unSome $ x

foo :: SomeType s
foo = runSomeMonad (return $ SomeType 42)

According to what I read about ST, it should not compile because of 'foo'
(hence the protection), well it does.
What have I forgotten in my code?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Rank2Types and pattern matching

2010-07-04 Thread Yves Parès
That's it !
Indeed, you do not create a STRef yourself using a STRef data constructor,
you use the function:
newSTRef :: a - GHC.ST.ST s (STRef s a)


2010/7/4 Dan Doel

 On Sunday 04 July 2010 5:41:07 am Yves Parès wrote:
  Okay, I understand better, now.
  But I could never have guessed it just from the GHC error message.
  Another question on the same code:
  import Control.Monad.Identity
  newtype SomeMonad s a = SomeMonad { unSome :: Identity a }
deriving (Monad)
  newtype SomeType s = SomeType Int
  runSomeMonad :: (forall s. SomeMonad s a) - a
  runSomeMonad x = runIdentity . unSome $ x
  foo :: SomeType s
  foo = runSomeMonad (return $ SomeType 42)
  According to what I read about ST, it should not compile because of 'foo'
  (hence the protection), well it does.
  What have I forgotten in my code?

 The s in your SomeType isn't linked in any way to the variable quantified
 the SomeMonad. You're producing:

  return $ SomeType 42 :: forall t. SomeMonad t (SomeType s)

 and running it to get the SomeType s. You need something to tie them

  mkSomeType :: Int - SomeMonad s (SomeType s)
  mkSomeType i = return (SomeType i)

 and then hide the SomeType constructor, perhaps.

 -- Dan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are you a Haskell expert? [How easy is it to hire Haskell programmers]

2010-07-03 Thread Yves Parès
And conversely, someone who have made a C-to-Haskell binding may not be a
Haskell guru.

What about Arrows: do you think one should master them so that he could be
regarded as experienced?
It's kind of hard to put a border between casual Haskell and skilled
Haskell, since it's a very wide language and your knowledge will depend on
what you have already done.

2010/7/3 Thomas Davie

 On 3 Jul 2010, at 11:04, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

  Hash: SHA1
  On 7/3/10 05:57 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
  Agreed. So let me rephrase: Why should _every_ Haskell library involve
 C? ;-)
  Who says they do, or should?

 Dons rather implied it... The suggestion is that someone who hasn't used
 hsc2hs is an inexperienced Haskeller... I'd bet though that there are many
 *extremely* experienced haskellers who have never once in their life written
 a C binding.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are you a Haskell expert? [How easy is it to hire Haskell programmers]

2010-07-03 Thread Yves Parès
Back to initial topic, I have a sudden fear: do you have to master Template
Haskell so as to be regarded as a guru :-{ ?
Let it be no, please, let it be no...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Rank2Types and pattern matching

2010-07-03 Thread Yves Parès
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to implement the type protection used by ST to prevent a monad
from returning a certain type.
There's my code:

import Control.Monad.Identity

newtype SomeMonad s a = SomeMonad { unSome :: Identity a }
  deriving (Monad)

newtype SomeType s = SomeType Int

runSomeMonad :: (forall s. SomeMonad s a) - a
runSomeMonad (SomeMonad x) = runIdentity x

And when compiled, I got this error:
Couldn't match expected type `forall s. PwetMonad s a'
   against inferred type `PwetMonad s a1'
In the pattern: PwetMonad x
In the definition of `runPwetMonad':
runPwetMonad (PwetMonad x) = runIdentity x

But when I change line 10 to:
runSomeMonad x = runIdentity . unSome $ x

then it works, so obviously, the trouble is about pattern matching.
What was I doing wrong?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Continuations and coroutines

2010-06-19 Thread Yves Parès

I saw on the haskell wikibook that coroutines could be implemented by using
continuations :,
the section is empty)
Since I'm actually learning the wonders of continuations, I just wonder :
how ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Continuations and coroutines

2010-06-19 Thread Yves Parès
It helps me understand better, but would you have some simple code that
would do that ?

2010/6/19 Paul Johnson

 On 19/06/10 10:36, Yves Parčs wrote:


 I saw on the haskell wikibook that coroutines could be implemented by
 using continuations :,
  the section is empty)
 Since I'm actually learning the wonders of continuations, I just wonder :
 how ?

 Coroutines depend on the ability to suspend and resume execution.  A
 continuation acts as the resume point in the current function.  The
 callCC function in the continuation monad takes a function that expects
 the continuation as an argument (which is how you get access to it).  So you
 say something like:

   yield = callCC $ \continuation - 

 Then you would typically store the continuation somewhere and call some
 other previously stored continuation to switch contexts.

 Continuations can be used to pass data back into the continuation: you call
 the continuation with an argument, and that argument becomes the return
 value of the callCC.  In this case you probably just want to use ().

 You typically have a queue for continuations, so the new continuation goes
 on the back of the queue and then you call the head of the queue.  Obvious
 modifications for priority, simulated time, real time or whatever else you
 are trying to schedule.  This implies some kind of monadic state to store
 the queue in, so you will probably make your monad of type ContT (State

 If you want a thread to wait, say on a semaphore, then you have a queue of
 continuations in the semaphore data structure.

 Is this any help?

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple game: a monad for each player

2010-04-10 Thread Yves Parès

I looked at the operational package (since it seemed simpler).
I see its interest when building sets of operations.
I think I see how I could apply it to my current problem. I saw in the
tutorial the sentence: The ability to write multiple interpreters is also
very useful for implementing games, specifically to account for both human
and computer opponents as well as replaying a game from a script.
So I'm supposed to write 2 functions, one interpretHuman (running in IO, and
prompting the user), and one interpretAI (running in Identity)?

Are there examples of such games using operational?

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
 Gwern Branwen wrote:
 Yves Parès wrote:
 But when running the game, the program cannot switch from a player's
 to another.

 Do you have any suggestion?
 Your desires remind me of the MonadPrompt package, which IIRC, has been
 used in some game demos to provide abstraction from IO/test
 harness/pure AI etc.
 The game demo can be found by chasing links from the package
 There's also my package operational
 which implements the same concept. It's throughly explained here:
 Heinrich Apfelmus
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Yves Parès

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple game: a monad for each player

2010-04-10 Thread Yves Parès

I answered my own question by reading this monad-prompt example:

But one issue remains: those examples show how to make play EITHER a human
or an AI. I don't see how to make a human player and an AI play SEQUENTIALLY
(to a TicTacToe, for instance).

Yves Parès wrote:
 I looked at the operational package (since it seemed simpler).
 I see its interest when building sets of operations.
 I think I see how I could apply it to my current problem. I saw in the
 tutorial the sentence: The ability to write multiple interpreters is also
 very useful for implementing games, specifically to account for both human
 and computer opponents as well as replaying a game from a script.
 So I'm supposed to write 2 functions, one interpretHuman (running in IO,
 and prompting the user), and one interpretAI (running in Identity)?
 Are there examples of such games using operational?
 Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
 Gwern Branwen wrote:
 Yves Parès wrote:
 But when running the game, the program cannot switch from a player's
 to another.

 Do you have any suggestion?
 Your desires remind me of the MonadPrompt package, which IIRC, has been
 used in some game demos to provide abstraction from IO/test
 harness/pure AI etc.
 The game demo can be found by chasing links from the package
 There's also my package operational
 which implements the same concept. It's throughly explained here:
 Heinrich Apfelmus
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Yves Parès

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple game: a monad for each player

2010-04-10 Thread Yves Parès

Okay for IA, which doesn't need any special monad, but what if I want to make
a network player ?
It would have to run in a State monad, accessing to IO, storing a
For instance, (Monad m) = StateT ByteString m.
The ByteString is a lazy one, we read from it to get the data sent by the
real player through the network.

Then, if I want to have a human an a network player playing sequentially,
how can I do this without stacking each player's monad? (See my first mail)

Philippa Cowderoy wrote:
 On 10/04/2010 13:57, Yves Parès wrote:
 I answered my own question by reading this monad-prompt example:

 But one issue remains: those examples show how to make play EITHER a
 or an AI. I don't see how to make a human player and an AI play
 (to a TicTacToe, for instance).

 Make them polymorphic - the human player in any MonadIO, the AI player 
 in any monad. Then run them both in the same monad, with some kind of 
 wrapping function around the calls setting a context for the appropriate 
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-08 Thread Yves Parès

It's amazing!

But I'm surprised no one else has this problem, as I assume using network +
lazy bytestrings is quite frequent when you want to do network programming
in Haskell.

BTW, you may not have the same libraries versions as me. Maybe this problems
doesn't occur in older versions of bytestring or network.
I have the last versions :
- network-
- bytestring-
(and binary-, but the simple example showed that the problem came
from deeper than it)

Daniel Fischer-4 wrote:
 Am Mittwoch 07 April 2010 21:53:20 schrieb Daniel Fischer:
 Am Mittwoch 07 April 2010 20:43:24 schrieb Yves Parès:
  Yes, from what I read, I assumed it had this behavior.
  But, then, I don't see why the server holds...
  I've posted a mail on Haskell-Cafe called Network: buffering
  troubles, in which I put a smaller example which reproduces this

 I know :)

 I have now tested it, with both (simple) servers and I can't reproduce
 the problem (ghc-6.12.1 and ghc-6.10.3).
 Installed binary-protocol and tried the original (no hSetBuffering), that 
 also works flawlessly (ghc-6.12.1 on openSuSE 11.1).
 $ ../BeginnersTesting/Server
 I wait for a client...
 Result: Just 1.6190478
 I wait for a client...
 Result: Just 12.0
 I wait for a client...
 Result: Nothing
 $ ./Client localhost
 Operation 3.4 Div 2.1
 Operation sent.
 Operation 17 Minus 5
 Operation sent.
 Operation sent.
 Seems to be something with Ubuntu.
 Maybe somebody else on Ubuntu could test it?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Yves Parès

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-08 Thread Yves Parès

Problem tracked!

It comes from the last version of bytestring package.
I tried with bytestring-, and it works perfectly.

Do you know where I should submit this bug?

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-08 Thread Yves Parès

By the way, Gregory, concerning the package binary-protocol, I was wondering
if it was possible to turn the BinaryProtocol monad from
type BinaryProtocol = StateT (Handle, Handle, ByteString) IO
type BinaryProtocol = StateT (Handle, Handle, ByteString)

And then the functions, like runProtocol, would become:
runProtocol :: (MonadIO m) = BinaryProtocol m a - Handle - Handle - m a

I mean that BinaryProtocol could run within any MonadIO, not only IO. This
would turn the BinaryProtocol into a monad trans, which would be more
generic (we could for instance stack two BinaryProtocols).

Yves Parès wrote:
 Problem tracked!
 It comes from the last version of bytestring package.
 I tried with bytestring-, and it works perfectly.
 Do you know where I should submit this bug?

Yves Parès

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Simple game: a monad for each player

2010-04-08 Thread Yves Parès

Hello Cafe,

I have a question about program design.
Let's say I have a simple sequential game (a TicTacToe for instance, but
with more than 2 players).
I have a Player datatype which is like:

data Player m = Player {
plName :: String,  -- unique for each player
plTurn :: GameGrid - m Move  -- called whenever the player must play

As you may guess, the 'm' type variable is intended to be a Monad.
The goal is that every player has his own monad. For instance :
- a human player needs to interact with the program, so its monad would be
IO, or an instance of MonadIO.
- a network player, which transparently sends the game state and receives
moves through network, must also have access to IO to play.
- an AI doesn't need to interact with the outside of the program, so its
monad can be the one we want (e.g. Identity).

First, do you think it is a good way to design the program?
I want the game to be totally independent of the players who are currently
playing. They can be humans, AIs, AIs and network players and humans, and so

But when running the game, the program cannot switch from a player's monad
to another.
If we want every player to run in his own monad, I think we have to stack
every players' monad, and lift their actions each time they have to play.
This is not a problem, the sole condition now is that every player has type:
(Monad m, MonadTrans m) = Player m.

But I think it's a little bit of overkill, and it may be a little bit
complicated to implement such a thing.
What I try to avoid is having every player running in IO monad.

Do you have any suggestion?

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-08 Thread Yves Parès


Guess I will have to learn how to use git.
I used darcs so far...

Concerning the bug in bytestring, I sent a mail to dons. I just still have
no answer.

Gregory Crosswhite-2 wrote:
 That sounds like a reasonable modification;  if you want, free to fork it
 at and push me your proposed
 On Apr 8, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Yves Parès wrote:
 By the way, Gregory, concerning the package binary-protocol, I was
 if it was possible to turn the BinaryProtocol monad from
 type BinaryProtocol = StateT (Handle, Handle, ByteString) IO
 type BinaryProtocol = StateT (Handle, Handle, ByteString)
 And then the functions, like runProtocol, would become:
 runProtocol :: (MonadIO m) = BinaryProtocol m a - Handle - Handle - m
 I mean that BinaryProtocol could run within any MonadIO, not only IO.
 would turn the BinaryProtocol into a monad trans, which would be more
 generic (we could for instance stack two BinaryProtocols).
 Yves Parès wrote:
 Problem tracked!
 It comes from the last version of bytestring package.
 I tried with bytestring-, and it works perfectly.
 Do you know where I should submit this bug?
 Yves Parès
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Yves Parès

Live long and prosper
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Network: buffering troubles

2010-04-07 Thread Yves Parès


I have isolated a problem when using (lazy) ByteStrings through the network
(GHC 6.12.1, Ubuntu 9.10 32bits):

Here is my client: Client.hs 
And my server: Server.hs 

The server holds until the client closes the connection, even if I flush the
handle on the client side after writing or even if I turn off buffering on
both sides.

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Network: buffering troubles

2010-04-07 Thread Yves Parès

Apparently, the trouble seems to come from binary deserialization.

When I read my handle with:
inp - L.hGet hdl 24
and no longer with:
inp - L.hGetContents hdl
I get a lazy bytestring which is no longer infinite, and then
deserialization occurs right.
It proves that at the time of deserialization, the server has all the data
it needs, and should not hold.

I usually don't know the size of the structures I receive through network. I
only know their type, and this should be sufficient for Data.Binary.decode,
since it knows how to work with lazy bytestrings.

Apparently, this example shows no problem with GHC 6.10.

I think that network+binary is quite a common combination in Haskell, so is
there anyone here who also uses GHC 6.12 and has this problem?

Yves Parès wrote:
 I have isolated a problem when using (lazy) ByteStrings through the
 network (GHC 6.12.1, Ubuntu 9.10 32bits):
 Here is my client:
 And my server: Server.hs 
 The server holds until the client closes the connection, even if I flush
 the handle on the client side after writing or even if I turn off
 buffering on both sides.

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Network: buffering troubles

2010-04-07 Thread Yves Parès

News! (Sorry for the spam, but this problem turns to be a headache)

The problem actually comes from ByteStrings (either lazy or strict).
I reduced my server code to this:

import Network
import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString(.Lazy) as L

main = do
  (hdl,_,_) - listenOn (PortNumber ) = accept
  hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
  inp - L.hGetContents hdl
  putStrLn . show $ L.take 8 inp

My client hasn't changed, and sends properly the data. So the server
shouldn't hold. Well, even when trying to rawly print the first 8 bytes of
the stream, it does.

But when I use normal Strings, it doesn't hold:

import Network
import System.IO

main = do
  (hdl,_,_) - listenOn (PortNumber ) = accept
  hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
  inp - hGetContents hdl
  putStrLn . show $ take 8 inp

I think this behavior is normal for strict ByteStrings, but not for lazy

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-07 Thread Yves Parès

I'm wondering, would it be a problem of chunk size when using L.hGetContents?
Since the data to read is shorter than the default chunk size (32k), would
it cause problems?

Yves Parès wrote:
 Okay, so I turned off every buffering using hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
 on both Client and Server, but that doesn't fix it...
 BTW, I tried to do the same without your package, i.e. simply through Lazy
 ByteString and Binary, but it doesn't work either, I come up against the
 same issue.
 Gregory Crosswhite-2 wrote:
 Hmm, I am guessing it is more likely that the problem is that the I/O
 system changed from 6.10.4 to 6.12.1 somehow in a way that broke the
 package.  You could try turning off all buffering in the handle using
 hSetBuffering and seeing if that works.
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Yves Parès wrote:
 I use GHC 6.12.1, and I run Ubuntu 9.10 (32bits version).
 Would have I miss something? Like a flush or a close? Logically, I don't
 where I would...
 Gregory Crosswhite-2 wrote:
 Yay, I'm glad to see someone else using my package.  :-)
 Hmm, your program seems to work for me.  I compiled and ran the Server
 (with ghc --make), then compiled and ran the Client, and then typed
Operation 1.0 Mult 2.0
 into the Client process, and the result it got was
 with the output
Just 2.0
 on the Server.
 I got the same results running this on Mac OSX and (Gentoo) Linux, with
 GHC 10.4.  What platform/GHC version are you running it on?
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Yves Parès wrote:
 I'm trying to use the packages Network and
 together, with a very simple program in which a client sends an
 the server, which computes the result and sends it back.
 But the server holds when trying to receive (Server.hs, line 22),
 the client has actually sent the data (Client.hs, line 17).
 The server stops to hold only when the client is killed with a Ctrl-C.
 This should be rather simple, and I can't get to know why it doesn't
 The files are here: Client.hs Server.hs SharedData.hs 
 Yves Parès
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 Yves Parès
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Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-07 Thread Yves Parès

Yes, from what I read, I assumed it had this behavior.
But, then, I don't see why the server holds...
I've posted a mail on Haskell-Cafe called Network: buffering troubles, in
which I put a smaller example which reproduces this problem.

Daniel Fischer-4 wrote:
 That shouldn't cause problems. When less than the default chunk size is 
 available, it makes a chunk of what it got and tries to get more later 
 (unless it found EOF, then it closes the handle).

Yves Parès

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[Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-06 Thread Yves Parès


I'm trying to use the packages Network and Control.Monad.BinaryProtocol
together, with a very simple program in which a client sends an operation to
the server, which computes the result and sends it back.

But the server holds when trying to receive (Server.hs, line 22), whereas
the client has actually sent the data (Client.hs, line 17).
The server stops to hold only when the client is killed with a Ctrl-C.

This should be rather simple, and I can't get to know why it doesn't work.

The files are here: Client.hs Server.hs SharedData.hs 

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-06 Thread Yves Parès


I use GHC 6.12.1, and I run Ubuntu 9.10 (32bits version).

Would have I miss something? Like a flush or a close? Logically, I don't see
where I would...

Gregory Crosswhite-2 wrote:
 Yay, I'm glad to see someone else using my package.  :-)
 Hmm, your program seems to work for me.  I compiled and ran the Server
 (with ghc --make), then compiled and ran the Client, and then typed
   Operation 1.0 Mult 2.0
 into the Client process, and the result it got was
 with the output
   Just 2.0
 on the Server.
 I got the same results running this on Mac OSX and (Gentoo) Linux, with
 GHC 10.4.  What platform/GHC version are you running it on?
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Yves Parès wrote:
 I'm trying to use the packages Network and Control.Monad.BinaryProtocol
 together, with a very simple program in which a client sends an operation
 the server, which computes the result and sends it back.
 But the server holds when trying to receive (Server.hs, line 22), whereas
 the client has actually sent the data (Client.hs, line 17).
 The server stops to hold only when the client is killed with a Ctrl-C.
 This should be rather simple, and I can't get to know why it doesn't
 The files are here: Client.hs Server.hs SharedData.hs 
 Yves Parès
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Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple binary-protocol through network test

2010-04-06 Thread Yves Parès

Okay, so I turned off every buffering using hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering on
both Client and Server, but I doesn't fix it...
BTW, I tried to do the same without your package, i.e. simply through Lazy
ByteString and Binary, but it doesn't work either, I come up against the
same issue.

Gregory Crosswhite-2 wrote:
 Hmm, I am guessing it is more likely that the problem is that the I/O
 system changed from 6.10.4 to 6.12.1 somehow in a way that broke the
 package.  You could try turning off all buffering in the handle using
 hSetBuffering and seeing if that works.
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Yves Parès wrote:
 I use GHC 6.12.1, and I run Ubuntu 9.10 (32bits version).
 Would have I miss something? Like a flush or a close? Logically, I don't
 where I would...
 Gregory Crosswhite-2 wrote:
 Yay, I'm glad to see someone else using my package.  :-)
 Hmm, your program seems to work for me.  I compiled and ran the Server
 (with ghc --make), then compiled and ran the Client, and then typed
 Operation 1.0 Mult 2.0
 into the Client process, and the result it got was
 with the output
 Just 2.0
 on the Server.
 I got the same results running this on Mac OSX and (Gentoo) Linux, with
 GHC 10.4.  What platform/GHC version are you running it on?
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Yves Parès wrote:
 I'm trying to use the packages Network and Control.Monad.BinaryProtocol
 together, with a very simple program in which a client sends an
 the server, which computes the result and sends it back.
 But the server holds when trying to receive (Server.hs, line 22),
 the client has actually sent the data (Client.hs, line 17).
 The server stops to hold only when the client is killed with a Ctrl-C.
 This should be rather simple, and I can't get to know why it doesn't
 The files are here: Client.hs Server.hs SharedData.hs 
 Yves Parès
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 Yves Parès
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Re[Haskell-cafe] mote invocations in Haskell?

2010-03-23 Thread Yves Parès


Is there a way to perform some kind of remote method invocation in haskell?
(Or, remote object, but I prefer not to use this term, as there are no
objects strictly speaking in Haskell)
I would like to use a higher level API than sockets for network programing.

Yves Parès

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Re: Re[Haskell-cafe] mote invocations in Haskell?

2010-03-23 Thread Yves Parès

Okay, I tried to make the sample here:

But I can't get it working... Is there an external XML-RPC server that must
be running? Maybe even an external HTTP server?
The server launches without complaining about anything, whereas the client
tells: simple_client: user error (Error calling examples.add: connect: does
not exist (Connection refused))

I know I have to adapt the url the client tries to connect at (in the
sample, http://localhost/~bjorn/cgi-bin/simple_server;), but I don't know

Roman Cheplyaka-2 wrote:
 * Yves Parès [2010-03-23 13:46:25-0700]
 Is there a way to perform some kind of remote method invocation in
 (Or, remote object, but I prefer not to use this term, as there are no
 objects strictly speaking in Haskell)
 I would like to use a higher level API than sockets for network
 There is for example XML-RPC library for Haskell.
 Roman I. Cheplyaka ::
 Don't let school get in the way of your education. - Mark Twain
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Re: Re[Haskell-cafe] mote invocations in Haskell?

2010-03-23 Thread Yves Parès

Okay, well, apparently I have to rely on an external HTTP server. This is not
very simple, is there another more suitable way to get RPC working in

Yves Parès wrote:
 Okay, I tried to make the sample here:
 But I can't get it working... Is there an external XML-RPC server that
 must be running? Maybe even an external HTTP server?
 The server launches without complaining about anything, whereas the client
 tells: simple_client: user error (Error calling examples.add: connect:
 does not exist (Connection refused))
 I know I have to adapt the url the client tries to connect at (in the
 sample, http://localhost/~bjorn/cgi-bin/simple_server;), but I don't know
 Roman Cheplyaka-2 wrote:
 * Yves Parès [2010-03-23 13:46:25-0700]
 Is there a way to perform some kind of remote method invocation in
 (Or, remote object, but I prefer not to use this term, as there are no
 objects strictly speaking in Haskell)
 I would like to use a higher level API than sockets for network
 There is for example XML-RPC library for Haskell.
 Roman I. Cheplyaka ::
 Don't let school get in the way of your education. - Mark Twain
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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[Haskell-cafe] Lists of Existential DT

2010-02-28 Thread Yves Parès


I have a class Drawable, and some datatypes which are instances of it, and I
would like to be able to draw them all at once!
drawMany window [image, text, otherImage]

I think the type of the function drawMany would be:
drawMany :: Window - [forall a. (Drawable a) = a] - IO ()

However it doesn't work.
I know one solution is to make a new datatype (e.g. DrawableObj) which will
data DrawableObj = forall a (Drawable a) = 
  DrawableObj a

And then declare drawMany as:
drawMany :: Window - [DrawableObj] - IO ()

But to use it I have to wrap up myself every drawable in a DrawableObj:
drawMany window [DrawableObj image, DrawableObj text, DrawableObj

Is there another more suitable way to handle a list of drawables?

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lists of Existential DT

2010-02-28 Thread Yves Parès

jkff wrote:
 Or like this, with the benefit of using lists.
 data DrawableObj a = forall a.Drawable a = DrawableObj a
 a , b = DrawableObj a : b
 drawMany (a,b,c,[])

I like this solution, but it's a pity I think that Haskell doesn't provide a
way to use types like [forall a. (Drawable a) = a], which obligates you to
declare an extra datatype...

Yves Parès

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Re: Re[Haskell-cafe] [2]: Threading and FFI

2010-02-20 Thread Yves Parès

Dean Herington wrote:
Careful.  If you're calling foreign functions 
that rely on thread-local storage, you must call 
them using the same OS thread (to provide them
with the correct thread state), which means using 
the same, *bound*, Haskell thread.  It wouldn't 
work to call them from both the main Haskell 
thread and another Haskell thread, even if the 
latter were a bound thread, as there would be two 
copies of thread-local storage at play.

That's alright. I'm used to putting all the related calls in the same thread
as long as it is possible. It'd seem unlogical to me -- conceptually
speaking -- to spread OpenGL calls between several threads.

I understand better, now. Actually, I think I was getting worked up for
nothing ^^.
Just one last remark: when I moved all my OpenGL calls from the main thread
to an unbound thread. I thought it'd not work -- because I assumed I would
have to launch it in a bound thread -- and however it went right...

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Re: Re[Haskell-cafe] [2]: Threading and FFI

2010-02-18 Thread Yves Parès

Ben Franksen wrote:
You can leave them unsafe if you are sure that

1) they do not call (back) any function in your program
2) they do not block (or not long enough that it bothers you)

Otherwise they are no less safe that the safe calls. If (1) is not
fulfilled bad things might (that is, probably will) happen. Thus, if you
are not sure, chose safe.

Okay. Since I know which functions call back to haskell code and which make
pauses, I know what need to be safe and what can be let safely unsafe (^^).

 Bound thread are ONLY needed if you (that is, some foreign functions
 you use) rely on thread-local storage.

Yes, but since the main thread (if I understood well) is bound, if I call to
C functions which rely on thread-local storage (like OpenGL functions,
according to GHC Control.Concurrent doc) in this thread I should have no
problem, shouldn't I?
And if I choose to call these functions from outside the main thread it'll
have to be from a thread launched with forkOS? (The C functions I call in my
real code actually use OpenGL internally)

 If runtime is threaded and FFI call is marked safe and Haskell thread is
 unbound, then calls to such a function will be executed from SOME extra OS
 thread that is managed completely behind the scenes.

Okay, that's what I didn't understand! Only the call to my safe function
will be done in an external bound thread, not the whole thread in which the
call is done.
So, to sum up, my program will run this way (not necessarily in this order):
My main is launched in a bound thread.
My casual haskell I/O operations (read and print from and to the terminal)
are launched in an unbound thread.
Whenever my main thread reaches the call to my safe C function which
'sleeps', it launches it in another bound thread.
Am I right or is it no that easy to foresee the behaviour of my program?

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Threading and FFI

2010-02-17 Thread Yves Parès

I've also discovered something interesting: when I link with the 'threaded'
runtime, but let the program use only one core (with '+RTS -N1'), the
problem disappears. How comes?
The whole thing remains a mystery, because I think what I'm trying to do is
quite common...

Yves Parès wrote:
 There is a minimal code which produces this issue: func.c main.hs 
 Yves Parès wrote:
 Well I tried both 'unsafe' and 'safe', and actually I saw no
 Even with 'safe', I see a huge difference between calling a C function
 which sleeps and another which doesn't. When there is a sleep, the other
 thread is really slower (it just prints numbers, and I look at which pace
 they're displayed).

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Threading and FFI

2010-02-17 Thread Yves Parès

Okay! So under UNIX, haskell threaded runtime uses pthreads, if I well

To sum up, in order to achieve what I want, I have no other choice than
compiling with '-threading' and importing as 'safe' the functions which can
make a 'sleep'.


Ben Franksen wrote:
 Yves Parès wrote:
 I've also discovered something interesting: when I link with the
 'threaded' runtime, but let the program use only one core (with '+RTS
 -N1'), the problem disappears. How comes?
 The whole thing remains a mystery, because I think what I'm trying to do
 is quite common...
 Yves Parès wrote:
 There is a minimal code which produces this issue: func.c main.hs
 Yves Parès wrote:
 Well I tried both 'unsafe' and 'safe', and actually I saw no
 Even with 'safe', I see a huge difference between calling a C function
 which sleeps and another which doesn't. When there is a sleep, the
 thread is really slower (it just prints numbers, and I look at which
 pace they're displayed).
 This is to be expected. From the docs
 The downside of having lightweight threads is that only one can run at a
 time, so if one thread blocks in a foreign call, for example, the other
 threads cannot continue. The GHC runtime works around this by making use
 full OS threads where necessary. When the program is built with
 the -threaded option (to link against the multithreaded version of the
 runtime), a thread making a safe foreign call will not block the other
 threads in the system; another OS thread will take over running Haskell
 threads until the original call returns. The runtime maintains a pool of
 these worker threads so that multiple Haskell threads can be involved in
 external calls simultaneously.
 IIRC, with -threaded, the RTS spawns a separate OS thread for 'safe'
 calls _in addition_ to the OS threads used for Haskell code (the number of
 which you give with the +RTS -Nn option).
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Re: Re[Haskell-cafe] [2]: Threading and FFI

2010-02-17 Thread Yves Parès

Thank you all.

But there are two things that remain obscure:
First, there is my situation: int the main thread, I call to some C
functions binded through FFI. All of them are marked 'unsafe', except one,
which is internally supposed to make pauses with 'usleep'.
I then execute in another haskell thread (with forkIO) some pure haskell
I then compile with the threaded RTS, and let at run the default behaviour
which is to use one core.

Question 1) What happens to the unsafe C functions? I that simply that the
threaded RTS is unable to prevent them from blocking haskell threads (which
in my case is a problem only for the function which pauses, since other C
calls are fast)? Or they could provoke a hazardous issue, so I have to mark
all the C functions as safe (which will be much slower) because ?

Question 2) In the Control.Concurrent documentation, I understood that
forkIO creates unbound threads whereas forkOS creates bound threads, but
what is not very clear is: when does GHC threaded runtime launches as bound
instead of unbound if this one has been started with forkIO? When it detects
the thread calls to a C function? When it detects it calls to a safe C
function (*)? When it detects another thread calls to a (safe) C function
(which is my case)?

(*) according to documentation it would be this case. However as I said my C
calls are done in the MAIN thread. The other thread just executes casual
haskell operations, however it is not blocked, which makes me think that
even if I launch it with forkIO, it is launched as an bound thread.

Bulat Ziganshin-2 wrote:
 Hello Yves,
 Thursday, February 18, 2010, 2:10:42 AM, you wrote:
 Okay! So under UNIX, haskell threaded runtime uses pthreads, if I well
 not exactly. it still uses lightweight (green) threads, but starts
 additional OS threads as required to keep N haskell threads running.
 it's very smart
 To sum up, in order to achieve what I want, I have no other choice than
 compiling with '-threading' and importing as 'safe' the functions which
 make a 'sleep'.

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Undecidable instances with functional dependencies

2010-02-16 Thread Yves Parès

However, TypeFamilies seems too be non portable as according to this, it works only as from
GHC 6.10.1.

Henning Thielemann-4 wrote:
 Miguel Mitrofanov schrieb:
 -- {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies#-}
 -- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 module Register where
 -- class Register a r | a - r
 class Register a where
 type R a
 -- instance Register Int Int
 instance Register Int where
 type R Int = Int
 -- instance Register Float Float
 instance Register Float where
 type R Float = Float
 -- instance (Register a1 r1, Register a2 r2) = Register (a1, a2) (r1, 
 instance (Register a, Register b) = Register (a, b) where
 type R (a, b) = (R a, R b)

 So type functions are undecidable by default?
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Yves Parès

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[Haskell-cafe] Threading and FFI

2010-02-16 Thread Yves Parès


I was wondering: is the Haskell default runtime (that which uses only one
processor) scheduler able to interrupt a thread which is currently calling
to a C function in order to enable another haskell thread to progress?
I think it can't, because I have starvation problems when I have a thread
which calls inside its loop to a C function which makes a little sleep.

BTW, what is the portable way to sleep a thread in Haskell ?
Control.Concurrent.threadDelay is GHC only.

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Threading and FFI

2010-02-16 Thread Yves Parès

Well I tried both 'unsafe' and 'safe', and actually I saw no difference...
Even with 'safe', I see a huge difference between calling a C function which
sleeps and another which doesn't. When there is a sleep, the other thread is
really slower (it just prints numbers, and I look at which pace they're

Felipe Lessa wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 09:00:08AM -0800, Yves Parès wrote:
 I was wondering: is the Haskell default runtime (that which uses only one
 processor) scheduler able to interrupt a thread which is currently
 to a C function in order to enable another haskell thread to progress?
 I think it can't, because I have starvation problems when I have a thread
 which calls inside its loop to a C function which makes a little sleep.
 Did you try marking the call as safe?
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Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Threading and FFI

2010-02-16 Thread Yves Parès

There is a minimal code which produces this issue: func.c main.hs 

Yves Parès wrote:
 Well I tried both 'unsafe' and 'safe', and actually I saw no difference...
 Even with 'safe', I see a huge difference between calling a C function
 which sleeps and another which doesn't. When there is a sleep, the other
 thread is really slower (it just prints numbers, and I look at which pace
 they're displayed).

Yves Parès

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Atom Examples

2010-02-14 Thread Yves Parès


Looks a bit complex to me at the moment, but I'll probably have a look at it
when I have the time.

Tom Hawkins-2 wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

 I've been interested in using Atom since I saw this:
 However those samples are very outdated, do you have newer ones?
 Unfortunately, no.  I wish I had the time to write Atom examples and
 tutorials, but I don't.
 So in lieu of a tutorial, here's a few modules we use on our real
 projects -- with limited documentation.
 Arbiter.hs: A general purpose non-preemptive arbiter than implements
 Lamport's bakery algorithm.  We use this to arbitrate multiple
 software components that need to use the CAN protocol stacks for
 sending multi-packet messages.  This is a good example that
 illustrates some of the benefits of atomic state transitions rules.
 What I find interesting is it works without any centralized arbiter
 logic; notice there are no rule declarations in mkArbiter.
 ECU.hs:  This is the hardware abstraction layer to our ECU.  Nothing
 too interesting, but a good example of how to wire Atom up to external
 C code.  Note the ECU record includes a bunch of expressions (E types)
 and variables (V types).  The expressions form the inputs, like ADCs
 and discrete inputs, and the mutable variables form the outputs, such
 as PWMs and discrete outputs.  It also provides hooks to send and
 receive CAN messages.
 EVU.hs: The eVU is a little display mounted on the dash.  It presents
 the driver with information such as charge pressure, mode settings,
 and fault conditions.  The ECU talks to the eVU via the CAN bus.  This
 is a good example because it illustrates a common object-oriented
 pattern we tend to use all over the place:  the object contructor
 (mkEVU) creates some state variables, defines rules for stuff to do,
 and packages the state variables into an abstract type, or object
 (EVU); then methods operate on this object.  In the case of EVU, the
 object constructor defines variables for the things the eVU displays,
 and it defines a rule to periodically send this information to the eVU
 device via CAN.  And the methods set the various display elements such
 as the active fault code (setCode), the accumulator pressure
 (setCharge), and the active mode (setMode).
 Sensors.hs:  Sensor processing, which takes data from the hardware
 abstraction layer (ECU.hs).  One interesting feature is the oil
 temperature sensor computation.  Based on a 1-D lookup table the
 'lookup1D' function searches the table for the corresponding points
 and performs interpolation.  In C, this probably would have been
 written as a for-loop that would compute the lookup on every sample.
 But because change in oil temperature is much slower than the sample
 rate of the system, we only need to search one row of the table every
 50 samples or so (i.e. with rules 'below', 'above', 'next', and
 'found').  This effectively spreads out the computation over many
 samples, thus lowering the processing latency of every sample.  Doing
 this type of time-sharing in C would be tricky.  But in Atom, it's
 trivial.  One of the many ways Atom benefits hard realtime
 I hope this helps.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Yves Parès

Live long and prosper
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: atom-1.0.0

2010-02-13 Thread Yves Parès

I've been interested in using Atom since I saw this:
However those samples are very outdated, do you have newer ones?

Tom Hawkins-2 wrote:
 Atom is a Haskell DSL for designing hard realtime embedded software.
 The 1.0 release is meant to indicate some level of stability; most of
 the core has been unchanged for quite some time.
 That said, there are a few interesting changes in 1.0.  First the var'
 family of variable declarations (bool', word8', double', etc.) are no
 longer part of the Atom monad.  For example:
 bool' :: Name - V Bool
 This cleaned up quite a bit of code in our production design.  This
 also made the randomization in Atom's unit testing framework monadless
 as well.
 The other significant change with 1.0 is all state variables are now
 packed into a hierarchical C structure that matches the hierarchy of
 the Atom design.  Not only does this make the generated C a bit more
 legible, it is now possible to interface external C code directly to
 Atom's state variables and arrays.  Prior to this change, all
 interfacing had to be done through var' declarations and action calls
 -- too often a messy process.  To further aid interfacing to external
 code, Atom now generates a header file that exposes both the iterative
 function and the hierarchical state structure.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Yves Parès

Live long and prosper
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