Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: capture of idioms and patterns

2010-09-22 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Johannes Waldmann :

you got this backwards: what some folks call "idioms and (design) patterns"
actually *is* FP, because it is just this: higher order functions.
And it's been there some decades (lambda calculus).
That also explains the absence of any Design Patterns/Gang-of-Four
kind of book for Haskell - it's just not needed.

Err... no.

The phrase "design patterns" is a shorthand for "vocabulary of
engineering experience".  Zippers, continuation passing style, Church
encoding... these are not what FP "is", but they are specific techniques
that engineers working in Haskell need to know to use the language

You can think of design patterns as techniques that you need to overcome
shortcomings in the language.  That's why you need special techniques
for, say, iterators in C++ or Java where in Haskell that comes more or
less for free.  But then, you need special techniques for mutable global
state in Haskell, where in C++ or Java you get that for free.  Or, to put
it another way, nothing is ever free.

There is no GoF-like book for Haskell because it's not an idea that
needs promoting in printed form.  We just point people to the wiki.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lambdacats

2010-08-07 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Doel :

Simon cat and Oleg cat are also missing, unfortunately.

I can't remember if this one made it to the site or not:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lambdacats

2010-08-07 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Andrew Coppin :

Heh. unsafePerformDoggeh# still amuses me...

I still have the original at full resolution of all the ones
I did (including unsafeDoggeh#), plus a couple that didn't make
it to the web site because they were deemed too obscure.

For your viewing pleasure:

(And yes, I'm aware that there's one "l" in "Philip Wadler".  I
think I was trying for a creative misspelling or something.)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tiger compiler in Haskell: annotating abstract syntax tree

2010-07-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting José Romildo Malaquias :

I am writing here to ask suggestions on how to annotate an ast with
types (or any other information that would be relevant in a compiler
phase) in Haskell.

This might help:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Transformers versus monadLib versus...

2010-07-08 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Ertugrul Soeylemez :

Do you realize at what level we are complaining?

Yes, we're complaining at the level of the frustrated idealist, which is
what many Haskell programmers are.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Transformers versus monadLib versus...

2010-07-07 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Ertugrul Soeylemez :

In its highest level "not fragmenting the user base" means going back to
C++ and Windows.

Ha.  You wouldn't say that if you were familiar with the current state
of C++ on Windows.

Since nobody has come out and admitted it, here's the real problem: What
constitutes the best API for a monad library is still a research problem.
This is evidenced by the fact that a few times a year we get yet another
paper which proposes a fundamental change to the API which would improve
matters in yet another direction.

Transformers, monadLib and MTL all have their respective strengths and
weaknesses, but they are all considerably behind the state of the art,
if you go by published research.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Huffman Codes in Haskell

2010-06-22 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Andrew Coppin :

What the...?

Oh, I see. It uses another package to handle the tricky sorting and
searching stuff. Well, yeah, that would make the code a bit shorter...

Even so, it's not nearly as elegant to behold as, say, the quicksort
algorithm, despite being of roughly similar complexity. Still, it's
shorter than what I had.

Ah, but the famous Haskell quicksort algorithm is optimised for brevity.
It's an executable specification of quicksort, not a practical sort

But honestly, it's just not that hard to do in linear time, assuming
the symbols are sorted by frequency:

data HuffmanTree a = Empty
   | Node (HuffmanTree a) (HuffmanTree a)
   | Leaf a
  deriving Show

huffmanTree :: (Ord w, Num w) => [(w,a)] -> HuffmanTree a
  = build . map (id &&& Leaf) . sortBy (comparing fst)
build [] = Empty
build [(_,t)] = t
build ((w1,t1):(w2,t2):wts)
  = build $ insertBy (comparing fst) (w1+w2, Node t1 t2) wts

Now if you want a real challenge, implement length-limited Huffman
codes.  Here's a suggested interface:

-- There really should be a better traits typeclass for bit hackery,
-- but there isn't.
class (Integral w, Bits w) => WordType w where { wordBits :: w -> Int }
instance WordType Word8 where { wordBits = 8 }
instance WordType Word16 where { wordBits = 16 }
instance WordType Word32 where { wordBits = 32 }
instance WordType Word64 where { wordBits = 64 }

minimalRedundancyCode :: (Ord w, Num w, WordType word) =>
[(w,a)] -> [(a,Int,word)]
-- minimalRedundancyCode returns an optimal prefix-free minimal-redundancy
-- code such that every code fits in a word of size w. An entry (a,b,w)
-- in the result means that the code for a is stored in the b least
-- significant bits of w.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-02 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting aditya siram :

I'm a little confused about this too. I've seen many functions defined like:
f x = (\s -> ...)
which is a partial function because it returns a function and is the same as:
f x s = ...

Off the top of my head the State monad makes extensive use if this
style. Is this bad?

It's not inherently bad style.

In the State/Reader monads, the passed-in parameter is part of the type:

type State s a = s -> (s,a)
f :: Foo -> State s a

Since f has only one argument according to its type signature, it
makes sense to give it only argument in its rules as well:

f x = \s -> ...

This re-enforces the fact that s is an implementation detail of State.

It is an error in Haskell to have multiple rules for a function with
different arities.  So this, for example, is illegal:

f True = length
f False [] = 3
f False (_:_) = 2

If there were a good reason for writing the first rule in a point-free
manner, it would be perfectly reasonable to rewrite this using an
explicit lambda.

There are also performance issues which may be relevant.  GHC doesn't
break up lambdas to do let-floating, so if that's what you want, you
may need to express it manually:

data TreeSet a
= Null
| Singleton a
| Doubleton a a
| Branch a TreeSet TreeSet

elem :: (Ord a) => TreeSet a -> a -> Bool
elem Null
= \p -> False
elem (Singleton p1)
= \p -> p == p1
elem (Doubleton p1 p2)
= \p -> p == p1 || p == p2
elem (Branch p' l r)
= let elem_l = elem l
  elem_r = elem r
  in \p -> if p < p' then elem_l p else elem_r p

Like all situations where you've got more than one way to express
something, which one you pick depends on what you're trying to say.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Are there any gay haskelleres?

2010-03-28 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Am 28.03.10 23:25, schrieb Ketil Malde:

Look, Günther, I'll give you credit for trying, but you might as well
accept the fact that using Haskell isn't going to get you laid.

For what it's worth, I got away with naming a daughter "Miranda".

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] lawless instances of Functor

2010-01-04 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Derek Elkins :

Ignoring bottoms the free theorem for fmap can be written:

If h . p = q . g then fmap h . fmap p = fmap q . fmap g
Setting p = id gives
h . id = h = q . g && fmap h . fmap id = fmap q . fmap g
Using fmap id = id and h = q . g we get,
fmap h . fmap id = fmap h . id = fmap h = fmap (q . g) = fmap q . fmap g

Dan Piponi points out:

When I play with I get examples that
look more like:

If fmap' has the same signature as the usual fmap for a type
and h . p = q . g
then fmap h . fmap' p = fmap' q . fmap g

From which it follows that if fmap' id = id then fmap' is fmap.

The free theorem for:

  fmap' :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> F a -> F b

assumes that F is already a Functor.  That is, it shows that if there
exists a valid fmap instance for F, then for any other function fmap'
with the same signature as fmap, fmap' id = id implies fmap' = fmap.

So if you want to invent a data type and fmap instance which satisfies
law 1 but not law 2, then it needs to be a data type for which no valid
fmap instance is possible *at all*.

So it doesn't rule out the possibility completely, but it narrows down
the search space considerably.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Zumkeller numbers

2009-12-09 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Weston :

Ouch. That's what happens when you let a machine do the translation.
How about:

"Once your good name is trashed, you can live unabashed."

"Until you've lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was."
-- Margaret Mitchell

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Zumkeller numbers

2009-12-07 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Richard O'Keefe :

These lines of Haskell code find the Zumkeller numbers up to 5000
in 5 seconds on a 2.2GHz intel Mac.  The equivalent in SML took
1.1 seconds.  Note that this just finds whether a suitable
partition exists; it does not report the partition.

This takes 0.1 seconds on a 2GHz Dell running Linux:

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.List as L

primesUpTo :: Integer -> [Integer]
primesUpTo n
| n < 13 = takeWhile (<= n) [2,3,5,11]
| otherwise = takeWhile (<= n) primes
primes = 2 : 3 : sieve 0 (tail primes) 5
sieve k (p:ps) x
= let fs = take k (tail primes)
  in [x | x<-[x,x+2..p*p-2], and [x `rem` p /= 0 | p<-fs] ]
++ sieve (k+1) ps (p*p+2)

pseudoPrimesUpTo :: Integer -> [Integer]
pseudoPrimesUpTo n
| n <= wheelModulus = takeWhile (<= n) smallPrimes
| otherwise = smallPrimes ++ pseudoPrimesUpTo' wheelModulus
largestSmallPrime = 11
verySmallPrimes = primesUpTo largestSmallPrime
wheelModulus = product verySmallPrimes
smallPrimes = primesUpTo wheelModulus

wheel = mkWheel 1 [1] verySmallPrimes

mkWheel _ rs [] = rs
mkWheel n rs (p:ps) = mkWheel (p*n) (do
k <- [0..p-1]
r <- rs
let r' = n*k + r
guard (r' `mod` p /= 0)
return r') ps

pseudoPrimesUpTo' base
| n <= base + wheelModulus
= takeWhile (<= n) . map (+base) $ wheel
| otherwise
= map (+base) wheel ++ pseudoPrimesUpTo' (base + wheelModulus)

-- Integer square root.
isqrt :: Integer -> Integer
isqrt n
  | n < 0 = error "isqrt"
  | otherwise = isqrt' ((n+1) `div` 2)
isqrt' s
| s*s <= n && n < (s+1)*(s+1) = s
| otherwise   = isqrt' ((s + (n `div` s)) `div` 2)

-- Compute the prime factorisation of an integer.
factor :: Integer -> [Integer]
factor n
| n <= 0   = error "factor"
| n <= primeCutoff = factor' n (primesUpTo primeCutoff)
| otherwise= factor' n (pseudoPrimesUpTo (isqrt n))
primeCutoff = 100

factor' 1 _ = []
factor' n [] = [n]
factor' n (p:ps)
| n `mod` p == 0 = p : factor' (n `div` p) (p:ps)
| otherwise  = factor' n ps

-- The only function used from above is "factor".

zumkeller :: Integer -> Bool
zumkeller n
| isPrime= False
| isPrime= False
| sigma `mod` 2 == 1 = False
| sigma < 2*n= False
| otherwise  = sigmaTest ((sigma - 2*n) `div` 2) (factors n)
isPrime = case factorn of
   [_] -> True
   _   -> False
factorn = factor n
sigma = product . map (sum . scanl (*) 1) . $ factorn
factors n = reverse [ f | f <- [1..n `div` 2], n `mod` f == 0 ]

sigmaTest 0 _ = True
sigmaTest _ [] = False
sigmaTest n (f:fs)
| f > n = sigmaTest n fs
| otherwise = sigmaTest (n-f) fs || sigmaTest n fs

main = print (filter zumkeller [1..5000])

Yes, I cheated by using a different algorithm.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What's the deal with Clean?

2009-11-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting wren ng thornton :

Sometimes in Haskell I've thought about how uniqueness typing would
make something faster, but in general all the plumbing associated with
it in Clean makes me feel like I'm writing systems-level code (i.e. C,
asm) instead of using a high-level language. The extra plumbing really
makes it feel dirtier to work with. That doesn't mean Clean is bad, but
I think it does contribute to the "cluttered" feeling Haskellers get.

I think you're right here.

Haskell has developed something of an aversion to naming things that
aren't important enough to have a name, such as variables whose only
reason to exist is "plumbing".  We'd far rather spend effort on more
higher-order functions, monads, combinators and points-freeness than
name something that's unimportant.  And the funny thing about this is
that it usually works, because in Haskell, abstraction is cheap.

I believe that this is the main reason why Haskell programmers haven't
embraced arrows, despite their theoretical advantages: Every notation
that has been implemented so far requires names for things that shouldn't
need names.

But as I said, it's a silly argument and folks should use whichever
gives them warm fuzzies.

I'd like to think that professional developers are a bit more scientific
than this.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monoid wants a (++) equivalent

2009-06-30 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 08:02:48PM -0400, Daniel Peebles wrote:

But we don't want to imply it's commutative either. Having something
"bidirectional" like <> or <+> feels more commutative than associative
to me.

Quoting John Meacham :

Not really, think of '++', which doesn't commute but is visually
symmetric, or Data.Sequence.<>, or the common use of <> to mean
concatination in pretty printers.

Other good examples are && and ||.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monoid wants a (++) equivalent

2009-06-30 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting John Meacham :

(+>) seems to imply to me that the operator is non-associative. Something
like (<>) or (<+>) would be better.

I tend to agree.  Moreover, and I realise this may be a losing battle,
I want (++) to be the generic operator.

I understand the argument.  I even agreed with it at the time.  In 1998,
academic use of Haskell (both for research and education) was the most
important imperative.

Today, Haskell is officially cool, so the good names and operators should
not be stolen by operations that are distinguished only by being less
useful (e.g. by working on lists alone).

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: TernaryTrees- - An efficient ternary tree implementation of Sets and Maps

2009-06-29 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Andrew Coppin :

That's just scary. I was just in the middle of writing the exact same
thing! :-D (I read that very article...)

When you're both done, please compare with the implementation that's
been in Edison for about five years:

If you've got something that's an improvement (and believe me, it
shouldn't be hard to improve on it), I'm sure that Rob would appreciate
a patch.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type checking that I can't figure out ....

2009-06-02 Thread ajb

G'day Vasili.

This should do it:

remLookupFwd :: (ReVars m t) => SimplRe t -> ReM m t (ReInfo t)
remLookupFwd re
  = do fwd <- gets resFwdMap
   let { Just reinfo = fromJust (M.lookup re fwd) }
   return reinfo

The FiniteMap lookup operation took its arguments in the opposite order.
That's really the only problem here AFAICT.

Wow, this brings back memories.  I wrote this module about ten years ago,
and I'm shocked that it's still getting use.  I'd appreciate a copy when
you're done updating it for the modern era.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-25 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Conal Elliott :

The main objection I have to the negative process (can't be done) is that is
so often bogus.  "Proof by lack of imagination".  I guess it works for
Richard, though not for Michael's architect, because Richard is able to
catch his bogus reasoning *and he is willing*** to do so, which requires
humility and ego-strength.

Conal is definitely on to something here.  I've noticed that the best
designers have this weird personality quirk that allows them to put all
of their effort into pushing an idea, and then instantly back down and
revise the moment that it's been shown that the idea won't work.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for the fastest Haskell primes algorithm

2009-04-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Weston :

Unless primesUpTo n goes from highest to lowest prime (ending in 2), I
don't see how sharing is possible (in either space or time) between
primesUpTo for different n.

Given that it's a mistake for a library to leak memory, there are
essentially three possibilities: Make the implementation impure, move
responsibility onto the application, or only retain a finite number
of primes between calls.

This library:

only retains primes up to product [2,3,5,7,11,13,17], for several

- It's convenient for the wheel algorithm to store all primes up
  to the product of the first k primes for some k.
- It's ultra-convenient if the stored primes can fit in machine
- For the types of numbers that we typically care about, it's
  useful to store at least all primes up to 2^(w/2) where w
  is the machine word size.
- Storing more than a million seemed wrong.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for the fastest Haskell primes algorithm

2009-04-16 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Eugene Kirpichov :

I'd suggest also

primesFrom :: Integer -> [Integer]


primes :: [Integer]

isn't as useful as you might think for a library, because it must, by
definition, leak an uncontrolled amount of memory.  This:

primesUpTo :: Integer -> [Integer]

is a better interface in that respect.

For the number theory library, I went overboard with a bunch of type
classes.  I don't have the code handy, but this was the sort of thing:

class TestableProperty s a | s -> a where
is :: s -> a -> Bool

data Prime = Prime

class TestableProperty Prime Integer where
is Prime n = {- ... -}

Then you could add instances for Fibonacci or whatever you wanted.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [OT] Plural forms of the word "octopus" [Was: Re: Marketing Haskell]

2009-04-06 Thread ajb

[Shifted to haskell-cafe.]

G'day all.

Quoting "Benjamin L.Russell" :

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, it is "topoi" (see

Topoi form a certain class of category.  You can study topous, you can
prove theorems about topois and you can discover properties of topon.

(That last one is an omega, so it's pronounced more like "top-own".)

Where did you find "octoposi?"

In my ancient copy of Liddell and Scott.  Here's the online entry:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for practical examples of Zippers

2009-03-31 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Gü?nther Schmidt :

my quest for data structures continues. Lately I came across "Zippers".

Can anybody point be to some useful examples?

This is a good example, currently in use in GHC:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unique monad?

2009-03-30 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Lennart Augustsson :

I think Data.Unique is horrible and should be banned.
It encourages a global variable style of programming that will just
bite you in the end.

In the sense that it doesn't give you anything that Monad.Supply
or Control.Comonad.Supply doesn't, I agree.

However, Data.Unique is a building block for the grubby implementation
details of prettier, higher-level data structures (e.g. data structures
that use hash consing).  It's not supposed to be used at the application
level.  In that sense, it's no worse than unsafePerformIO.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design Patterns by Gamma or equivalent

2009-03-15 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting wren ng thornton :

Most of the (particular) problems OO design patterns solve are
non-issues in Haskell because the language is more expressive.

...and vice versa.  Some of the "design patterns" that we use in
Haskell, for example, are to overcome the fact that Haskell doesn't
have mutable global state.

A number of other patterns can
actually be written down once and for all (in higher-order functions
like foldr, map,...) instead of needing repetition.

This is also true in many OO languages.  A lot of the GoF book, for
example, can be implemented as libraries in Ada or C++.

And then there are some things like monoids which fall somewhere
between idiom and pearl.

"Things like monoids" are constructions from algebra.

Abstract algebra and design patterns have a lot in common.  They're
based on the same idea, in fact: When a pattern keeps showing up,
define it and give it a name so you can talk about it independently
of any specific implementation.

Or to put it another way, category theory is the pattern language of

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Improved documentation for Bool

2009-01-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

I wrote:

- Intuitionistic logic systems.

- The "truth values" of an arbitrary topos (i.e. the points of the
subobject classifier).

Sorry, I misread the question.  These are _not_ instances of Boolean
(or at least the latter isn't an instance in general).

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Improved documentation for Bool

2009-01-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting David Menendez :

Are there any instances of Boolean that aren't isomorphic to Bool?

Sure.  Two obvious examples:

- The lattice of subsets of a "universe" set, where "or" is union
"and" is intersection and "not" is complement with respect to the

- Many-valued logic systems.

- Intuitionistic logic systems.

- The "truth values" of an arbitrary topos (i.e. the points of the
subobject classifier).

Look up "Heyting algebra" for examples.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Improved documentation for Bool

2009-01-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 19:33 +, Andrew Coppin wrote:

My only problem with it is that it's called Bool, while every other
programming language on Earth calls it Boolean. (Or at least, the
languages that *have* a name for it...)

Jonathan Cast commented:

Except C++?

And perhaps more to the point, "Boolean" is an adjective, not a noun.
Therefore, it would be better reserved for a typeclass.

class (PartialOrder a) => JoinSemilattice a where
(||) :: a -> a -> a

class (MeetSemilattice a) => BoundedJoinSemilattice a where
bottom :: a

class (PartialOrder a) => MeetSemilattice a where
(&&) :: a -> a -> a

class (MeetSemilattice a) => BoundedMeetSemilattice a where
top :: a

class (BoundedJoinSemilattice a, BoundedMeetSemilattice a) => Heyting a where
implies :: a -> a -> a

not :: a -> a
not x = x `implies` bottom

class (Heyting a) => Boolean a where
{- the additional axiom that x || not x == top -}

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MonadTrans lift implementation

2009-01-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jonathan Cast :

(By the way, you *do* have the equations

lift (return x) = return x


Right.  And you could, at least in principle, implement "return" this
way in all monad transformers.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-17 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Dan Weston wrote:

Richard Feinman once said: "if someone says he understands quantum   
mechanics, he doesn't understand quantum mechanics".

But what did he know...

Presumably not quantum mechanics.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-17 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting John Goerzen :

If I see Appendable I can guess what it might be.  If I see "monoid", I
have no clue whatsoever, because I've never heard of a monoid before.

Any sufficiently unfamiliar programming language looks like line noise.
That's why every new language needs to use curly braces.

If you're learning Haskell, which communicates the idea more clearly:

 * Appendable


 * Monoid

I can immediately figure out what the first one means.

No you can't.  It is in no way clear, for example, that Integers
with addition are "Appendable".

I'm not saying that "Monoid" is the most pragmatically desirable term,
merely that "Appendable" is misleading.

And FWIW, I agree with everyone who has commented that the documentation
is inadequate.  It'd be nice if there was some way to contribute better
documentation without needing checkin access to the libraries.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-17 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Gracjan Polak :

I remember my early CS algebra courses. I met cool animals there: Group,
Ring, Vector Space. Those beasts were very strong, but also very calm at
the same time. Although I was a bit shy at first, after some work we
became friends.

I don't know about you, bu the word "module" threw me.  That is probably
the one name from algebra that clashes with computer science too much.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Don't make 'show*' functions

2008-12-27 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jeff Heard :

I don't think that making Show a type class was a mistake.

I don't either.  Two main reasons:

1. [Char] should not be shown ['l','i','k','e',' ','t','h','i','s'].

2. Default implementations of Show can break abstractions by leaking
   implementation details.

I think
that we have long since overloaded the meaning of Show and made it
ambiguous.  There are multiple distinct reasons people use Show, and
this gets confusing.  It would be good if we as a community tried to
nail down these different meanings that people tend to attach to Show
and fork out new type classes that each encompass those meanings.
Text is useful and often ignored as a means of debugging, inspecting,
logging, and serializing.

I tend to agree.  Some thoughts:

- Show is what print outputs and what GHCi reports.  Therefore, to most
  programmers, it's primarily for human-readability regardless of what
  the standard says.

- Read is barely useful as-is.  Don't get me wrong; the "read" function
  has a very handy interface, especially if all you need is to convert
  a String into an Integer.  But I'd wager that the majority of the most
  expert of expert Haskellers couldn't write a custom Read instance
  without constantly referring to the documentation and/or example code.
  In addition, very few people are aware of the performance characteristics
  of "reads".

- If you want serialisation and deserialisation, Show and Read are
  poorly-suited for it.  A real solution requires handling tricky
  cases like versioning, redundancy (e.g. computed fields), smart
  constructors etc.

- If what you actually want is parsing and/or pretty-printing, we have
  some great solutions for that.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Haskell re-branding exercise

2008-12-21 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Sebastian Sylvan :

Personally I find the current logo horrendous. I think it's ugly and
intimidating at the same time. I don't really care too much which one of the
proposals should win, just so long as I can weed out some of the ones I
really hate.

I guess this is one difference between the Haskell rebranding exercise
and other corporate rebranding exercises: Nobody especially likes the
current logo.

(Disclaimer: It would be fair to say that there are some who don't hate
it as much as Sebastian, but nobody really "likes" it.)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional version of this OO snippet

2008-12-05 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Thomas Davie wrote:

class IEngine a where
  foo :: a -> String
  bar :: a -> String -> String

"Apfelmus, Heinrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied:

You don't even need a type class, a simple data type is enough.

  data Engine = Engine { foo :: IO (), bar :: String -> IO () }

There is a tradeoff here, that you should be aware of.

1. Using typeclasses.

Pro: It works with the SPECIALIZE pragma.

Pro: You can put arbitrary data in the concrete data type which is
the instance of IEngine.  (If you don't, incidentally, this is called
a "traits typeclass".)

Con: You can't generate instances of IEngine dynamically at run-time
(at least without using unportable unsafeCast# magic).  So you're
limited to only those implementations that you (possibly dynamically)
link in.

2. Using records.

Pro: Usually simpler, and using fewer lines of code.

Pro: You can generate new "instances" at will, and you're not limited
to that which you link in.

Con: Usually more explicit arguments passed around.

Con: If your methods involve polymorphism, then the record will turn
out to have a higher-rank type, which isn't valid Haskell 98.

This always works because all object methods expect a "self" argument.

That's not true for OO languages which have virtual constructors.

Haskell typeclasses support virtual constructors/factory methods just
fine, because the "self" type can appear anywhere in the signature,
including being the return value.  The monad "return" method is one
example of this.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Knight's Tour: solutions please

2008-12-02 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Bertram Felgenhauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

  successors n b = sortWith (length . succs) . succs


  successors n b = sortWith (length . (succs =<<) . succs) . succs

  successors n b = sortWith (length . (succs =<<) . (succs =<<) .   
succs) . succs


These improved heuristics don't come cheap though.

The heuristic is cheaper and more useful when the ply of the tree
is low.  It's more expensive and less useful when the ply is high.
Moreover, deeper neighbour searches may only be useful in cases where
the shallower searchers fail to settle on the best course of action.

So something like the following might be better.  Note that "d" here
is an example only; I don't promise it's good.

successors n b = sortWith heuristic . succs
heuristic p = let ps = succs p
  d = 5 - length ps `div` 2
  in map length . take d . iterate (succs =<<) $ ps

One more thing: Deeper neighbour searches are also unnecessarily expensive
because they recompute "succs" a lot.  It seems to me that if you memoed
this, what you'd actually have is an explicit lazy search tree data
structure.  Hint hint.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Knight's Tour: solutions please

2008-11-30 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

So, team, anyone want to implement a Knight's Tour solver in a list
monad/list comprehension one liner? These little puzzles are made for
fast languages with backtracking monads

I conjecture that any one-liner won't be efficient.

Anyway, here's my ~30 min attempt.  The showBoard and main are both very
quick and dirty, and I'm sure someone can do much better.

I particularly like the fact that changing "Maybe" to "[]" will make
knightsTour return all tours starting at the upper left-hand corner,
rather than just one.  Warm fuzzy things rule.

Andrew Bromage

module Main where

import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import System

knightsTour :: Int -> Maybe [(Int,Int)]
knightsTour size
= tour [(0,0)] (S.fromAscList [ (x,y) | x <- [0..size-1], y <-  

x /= 0 || y /= 0 ])
jumps = [(2,1),(1,2),(2,-1),(-1,2),(-2,1),(1,-2),(-2,-1),(-1,-2)]
tour moves@(pos:_) blank
| S.null blank = return (reverse moves)
| otherwise = msum [ tour (npos:moves) (npos `S.delete` blank) |
npos <- nextPositions pos ]
nextPositions = map snd . sortBy (compare `on` fst) .
map (length . neighbours &&& id) .
neighbours (x,y) = [ npos | (x',y') <- jumps,
let { npos = (x+x',y+y') }, npos `S.member` blank ]

showBoard :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> ShowS
showBoard size
= inter bdr .
  map (inter ('|':) . map (shows . fst)) .
  groupBy ((==) `on` fst.snd) .
  sortBy (compare `on` snd) .
  zip [1..]
bdr = ('\n':) . inter ('+':) (replicate size (replicate width '-' ++))
. ('\n':)
width = length . show $ size*size
pad s = \r -> replicate (width - length (s "")) ' ' ++ s r
inter sep xs = sep . foldr (.) id [ pad x . sep | x <- xs ]

main :: IO ()
main = do
a <- getArgs
size <- case a of
[] -> return 8
(s:_) -> return (read s)
putStrLn $ case knightsTour size of
Nothing -> "No solution found."
Just b -> showBoard size b ""
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What *not* to use Haskell for

2008-11-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

People have been admitting to using Haskell like that for quite a while now.
I think it's an excellent use of Haskell as a DSEL host.

DSL is a proper superset of DSEL.  Just saying.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What *not* to use Haskell for

2008-11-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Tom Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Actually, Haskell is an excellent language for hard real-time
applications.  At Eaton we're using it for automotive powertrain
control.  Of course, the RTS is not running in the loop.  Instead, we
write in a DSL, which generates C code for our vehicle ECU.

Bingo!  And thanks for someone for admitting that they do this. :-)
"Hard real-time applications" is a huge area, and not all of the code
that you write is code that ends up running on the target.

Generally, in DSL/MDD-style development, not very much of the code that
you write ends up running on the target.  In some cases, _none_ of the
code you write ends up running on the target.  Haskell is almost ideal
for tasks like this.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Efficient parallel regular expressions

2008-11-04 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Achim Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Considering that he's talking about a mud, I figure the grammar is a
quite straightforward

command = l[eft] | r[ight] | ... | t[ake]  | c[ast] 

That is, I'd be very surprised if you even need more than two or three
characters lookahead, much less backtracking.

In the case of a command followed by arguments, it would make more
sense to use a keyword recogniser followed by a command-specific parser.

One suggestion follows.

Andrew Bromage
8<---CUT HERE---8<
module KeywordMatch (keywordMatch) where

import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Control.Arrow

-- Exercise: Why would it be wrong to curry this function?
keywordMatch :: (Ord k) => [([k],v)] -> [k] -> Maybe v
keywordMatch kvs
= compileTrie . generateTrie . sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ kvs

data Trie k v
= Trie (Maybe v) (Trie' k v)

data Trie' k v
= Node0
| Node1 k (Trie k v)
| Node2 k (Trie k v) k (Trie k v)
| Branch k (Trie' k v) (Trie k v) (Trie' k v)

generateTrie :: (Ord k) => [([k],v)] -> Trie k v
generateTrie (([],v):rest)
= Trie (Just v) (generateTrie' rest)
generateTrie rest
= Trie Nothing (generateTrie' rest)

generateTrie' :: (Ord k) => [([k],v)] -> Trie' k v
generateTrie' []
= Node0
generateTrie' [(k:ks,v)]
= Node1 k $ foldr (\k -> Trie Nothing . Node1 k) (Trie (Just v) Node0) ks
generateTrie' [(k1:ks1,v1),(k2:ks2,v2)]
= Node2 k1 (generateTrie [(ks1,v1)]) k2 (generateTrie [(ks2,v2)])
generateTrie' kvs
= gt . map (head.fst.head &&& map (first tail))
. groupBy ((==) `on` head.fst) $ kvs
gt [] = Node0
gt [(k,kvs)] = Node1 k (generateTrie kvs)
gt [(k1,kvs1),(k2,kvs2)] = Node2 k1 (generateTrie kvs1)
 k2 (generateTrie kvs2)
gt kvs
= let (l,(k,m):r) = splitAt (length kvs `div` 2) kvs
  in Branch k (gt l) (generateTrie m) (gt r)

compileTrie :: (Ord k) => Trie k v -> [k] -> Maybe v
compileTrie (Trie emptyCase trie')
= let ctrie' = compileTrie' trie'
  in \key -> case key of
[] -> emptyCase
(k:ks) -> ctrie' k ks

compileTrie' :: (Ord k) => Trie' k v -> k -> [k] -> Maybe v
compileTrie' Node0
= \k ks -> Nothing
compileTrie' (Node1 k' t)
= let t' = compileTrie t
  in \k ks -> if k == k' then t' ks else Nothing
compileTrie' (Node2 k1 t1 k2 t2)
= let t1' = compileTrie t1
  t2' = compileTrie t2
  in \k ks -> if k == k1 then t1' ks
  else if k == k2 then t2' ks
  else Nothing
compileTrie' (Branch k' l m r)
= let
cl = compileTrie' l
cm = compileTrie m
cr = compileTrie' r
\k ks -> case compare k k' of
LT -> cl k ks
EQ -> cm ks
GT -> cr k ks

-- vim: ts=4:sts=4:expandtab
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Efficient parallel regular expressions

2008-11-04 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Achim Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Considering that he's talking about a mud, I figure the grammar is a
quite straightforward

command = l[eft] | r[ight] | ... | t[ake]  | c[ast] 

That is, I'd be very surprised if you even need more than two or three
characters lookahead, much less backtracking.

In the case of a command followed by arguments, it would make more
sense to use a keyword recogniser followed by a command-specific parser.

One suggestion follows.

Andrew Bromage
8<---CUT HERE---8<
module KeywordMatch (keywordMatch) where

import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Control.Arrow

-- Exercise: Why would it be wrong to curry this function?
keywordMatch :: (Ord k) => [([k],v)] -> [k] -> Maybe v
keywordMatch kvs
= compileTrie . generateTrie . sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ kvs

data Trie k v
= Trie (Maybe v) (Trie' k v)

data Trie' k v
= Node0
| Node1 k (Trie k v)
| Node2 k (Trie k v) k (Trie k v)
| Branch k (Trie' k v) (Trie k v) (Trie' k v)

generateTrie :: (Ord k) => [([k],v)] -> Trie k v
generateTrie (([],v):rest)
= Trie (Just v) (generateTrie' rest)
generateTrie rest
= Trie Nothing (generateTrie' rest)

generateTrie' :: (Ord k) => [([k],v)] -> Trie' k v
generateTrie' []
= Node0
generateTrie' [(k:ks,v)]
= Node1 k $ foldr (\k -> Trie Nothing . Node1 k) (Trie (Just v) Node0) ks
generateTrie' [(k1:ks1,v1),(k2:ks2,v2)]
= Node2 k1 (generateTrie [(ks1,v1)]) k2 (generateTrie [(ks2,v2)])
generateTrie' kvs
= gt . map (head.fst.head &&& map (first tail))
. groupBy ((==) `on` head.fst) $ kvs
gt [] = Node0
gt [(k,kvs)] = Node1 k (generateTrie kvs)
gt [(k1,kvs1),(k2,kvs2)] = Node2 k1 (generateTrie kvs1)
 k2 (generateTrie kvs2)
gt kvs
= let (l,(k,m):r) = splitAt (length kvs `div` 2) kvs
  in Branch k (gt l) (generateTrie m) (gt r)

compileTrie :: (Ord k) => Trie k v -> [k] -> Maybe v
compileTrie (Trie emptyCase trie')
= let ctrie' = compileTrie' trie'
  in \key -> case key of
[] -> emptyCase
(k:ks) -> ctrie' k ks

compileTrie' :: (Ord k) => Trie' k v -> k -> [k] -> Maybe v
compileTrie' Node0
= \k ks -> Nothing
compileTrie' (Node1 k' t)
= let t' = compileTrie t
  in \k ks -> if k == k' then t' ks else Nothing
compileTrie' (Node2 k1 t1 k2 t2)
= let t1' = compileTrie t1
  t2' = compileTrie t2
  in \k ks -> if k == k1 then t1' ks
  else if k == k2 then t2' ks
  else Nothing
compileTrie' (Branch k' l m r)
= let
cl = compileTrie' l
cm = compileTrie m
cr = compileTrie' r
\k ks -> case compare k k' of
LT -> cl k ks
EQ -> cm ks
GT -> cr k ks

-- vim: ts=4:sts=4:expandtab
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Why 'round' does not just round numbers ?

2008-10-27 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Henning Thielemann suggested:

In measured data the .5-case should be very rare - a "null set"?  
However I assume that .5 happens more often in practice - because of  
prior rounding, which was shown to be bad practice in this thread.

The usual case in floating point is usually not 0.5, but some power of
0.5 just beyond the precision of the mantissa.  And this is actually
one of the most common cases in rounding, due to the fact that we use
binary arithmetic.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why 'round' does not just round numbers ?

2008-10-27 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Daniel Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Who does such horrible things?
Repeat after me: 1 is NOT a prime. Never, under no circumstances.

The definition of "prime" is well-understood standard terminology, but
that doesn't escape the fact that it's arbitrary and human-defined.

I'll bet you insist on the non-triviality axiom for fields, too.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Why 'round' does not just round numbers ?

2008-10-27 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting "Mitchell, Neil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

With rounding to the nearest even integer for 0.5's you get 6, otherwise
if you always round up you get 7. If you bias towards rounding up you
get a general upwards trend as numbers are rounded, which is bad, while
the even condition ensures that statistically it averages to the same

There are also many numeric algorithms for which the rounding pattern
in the least-significant digit is somewhat systematic.  A simple example
might be this:

x <- round(x + 0.5)
x <- round(x - 0.5)
x <- round(x + 0.5)
x <- round(x - 0.5)
... etc

If you try this procedure starting with, say, x = 1.5, you can see a
clear difference between round-up and round-to-even.  With round-up,
the rounding error is keeps increasing as the procedure continues.  With
round-to-even, the error is bounded.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A heretic question

2008-10-23 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

For the record, C++ (and a crippled scripting language call MEL that
makes C look good) [...]

To be fair, MEL does exactly what it's designed to do.  It was supposed
to powerful enough to be a scripting language, UI builder and save file
format, while being restricted to the point where concurrency issues
(e.g. locking) are not exposed to the user.  In 1998.

(The concurrency issue is the main reason, I think, why you can't implement
a dependency node in MEL.)

There is (as yet) no Haskell API (anyone up for writing one?). Sorry to
burst y'alls delusions of grandeur. I love Haskell greatly over C++,
but the claims I've been reading about its use in industry are a still
a wee bit premature.

It depends on the industry.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A heretic question

2008-10-20 Thread ajb

G'day aoll.

Quoting "Benjamin L.Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Interesting argument.  At first I thought that the following
uncensored interview with Bjarne Stroustrup was a joke, but your
argument makes it seem all the more plausible:

That's not quite what I meant.  What I meant is that Visual Basic script
kiddie-ing may well be easy, real software development is hard.  C++ is
a hard tool to use well, but that's because it is doing a hard job.

Some say that C++ was intentionally designed to be extremely difficult
to use specifically in order for C++ programmers to earn those "big

Maybe this is just me, but if I had to choose a tool, I'd choose one
that would be easy to use well.

A paintbrush is easy to use, but hard to use well.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A heretic question

2008-10-19 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Sun, 2008-10-19 at 23:08 +0200, Achim Schneider wrote:

I'm asking 'cos I'm learning C++ and can't get the proper motivation to
do any program I can think of in it: If I need abstraction, I'm
thinking Haskell or Scheme, and if I'm thinking performance, C itself
more than suffices.

Unless I'm working on a platform where memory is so tight that I
can't afford the cost of vtables, EH, RTTI and extra stack usage,
I always prefer C++ to C.  Always.  On the sorts of CPUs you find
on desktops and servers, and even most embedded platforms these
days, there is no advantage in using C over C++, and significant
advantages in using C++ over C.

The trouble is that C++ is a tool that's hard to use well.  But that's
why they pay us the big bucks, right?

Quoting Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I tend to use C++ whenever I strongly care about data representation
(which is admittedly rarely.)

Indeed.  Having said that, type families mean that Haskell now gives
you much finer control over data representation, though still not fine
enough for many applications.

The more general thing is that C++ gives you fine control over
resources.  Resources appear and disappear at predictable times, which
in some applications is important.

My last point is that C++ has a lot more tool support: compilers,
libraries, frameworks, refactoring browsers and so on.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Name for Haskell based VPN Client/Server

2008-10-06 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting John Van Enk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm working on a Haskell based VPN. I can't think of any good names, so I'm
crowd sourcing it.

The naming of code is a difficult matter,
  It isn't just one of your LAN party games;
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, your code must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

First of all, there's the name that you use in publicity
  Such as Functional Forms, Nanocurses and HaRT,
Such as Proof General Kit, vector-space, and hinotify,
That will roll off the tongue and look good on slashdot.

But I tell you, your code needs a name that's evoking,
  A name that inhabits the package namespace.
Such as Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ, Data.ByteString,
That's easily typed when importing MixedCase.

But above and beyond, there's the name that's unique,
  And that is a name that is carefully picked.
The one that's so mangled it may well be Greek;
When it sits in slash-bin, it must never conflict.

It's the name that will cause most dissent with your peers,
  Far, far more than the task it is meant to perform.
It should work with your fingers, though not with your ears,
So de-vowel-ified acronym soup is the norm.

When you see a developer miffed and distracted,
  Tearing hair out in chunks or pacing without aim,
They are greatly afflicted by anger protracted,
Because somebody, somewhere, did not like the name.
  The simple, recognizable,
Deep, unattainable, singular Name.

OK, having said that, I concur with those who have implicitly admitted
that there are too many H's in the names of Haskell programs.

I'd be tempted to pick a word starting with "lan" and put a "v" in front
of it.  My favourite VLANscape in particular.  It sounds professional,
and can be shortened to vlscape for the name of the executable.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Model-driven development (was: Haskell participting in big science like CERN Hadrian...)

2008-10-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

How about EDSLs for producing high assurance controllers, and other
robust devices they might need. I imagine the LHC has a good need for
verified software components...

On a related topic, I'm curious if anyone apart from me has been secretly
using Haskell for model-driven-development-lite.

My current boss, not being a programmer, doesn't care where the code
comes from, so the following conversation is unlikely to happen.  Still.
other people must also have thought of doing this:

"Well, the reason why I've produced so much C++ lately is because I've
been generating all the boilerplate automatically.  What with?  Glad
you asked..."

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

But I called it One.

That's a _terrible_ name.  One, surely is (), just as Zero is Void.

While I'm at it, I really don't like the lexical syntax of comments.
Someone should fix that.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

I asked:

But more to the point: Can it send email?

Quoting John Dorsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Can you give an example of a use case?

I don't need one.  It's not maximally flexible until it can send email.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcing OneTuple-0.1.0

2008-10-02 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting John Dorsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Contributions are welcome.  The project could use a tutorial, and a
decent test suite.  Strict singleton tuples are planned for the next

I hope it has a Monad instance.

But more to the point: Can it send email?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Health effects

2008-10-01 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I often wonder how many cuts you need to divide a steak in n pieces.

One, if the cut is allowed to be curved and self-intersecting.

I think that the spirit of the problem, though is encapsulated in this
question: Given a circle, what is the maximum number of pieces that you
can divide it into by performing n straight cuts?

This is a great problem to set undergraduates, because if you work out
some small values of n on paper, you get:

n   #pieces
0   1
1   2
2   4
3   7

Most undergrads will stall at this point trying to work out how to
place the third line to get 8 pieces, and probably come up with an
incorrect justification for why it should be 2^n.

The details are here:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shooting your self in the foot with Haskell

2008-10-01 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Jake McArthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Couldn't match expected type 'Deer' against inferred type 'Foot'

No instance for (Target Foot)
  arising from use of `shoot' at SelfInflictedInjury.hs:1:0
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Target Foot)
In the expression: shoot foot

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hmm, what license to use?

2008-09-28 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Magnus Therning:

Recently I received an email with a question regarding the licensing
of a module I've written and uploaded to Hackage.  I released it under
LGPL.  The sender wondered if I would consider re-licensing the code
under BSD (or something similar) that would remove the need for users
to provide linkable object files so that users can re-link programs
against newer/modified versions of my library.

Generally speaking, the Haskell community releases general-purpose
libraries under a BSD-like licence.  Programs are generally either
released under the BSD-like licence or the GPL.

The reason that we generally use the BSD-like licence for libraries
is that libraries are intended to be maximally reusable.  Hence, the
de facto standard is a licence that allows for maximum reuse.

There's nothing wrong with releasing a Haskell library under the LGPL.
The biggest risk in doing so is that not everyone will use your library.

The risk in picking yet another licence, one that satisfies your
opinions on software freedom, is even more confusion.  If the usual
BSD-like licence doesn't do it for you, I would be concerned about
adding yet another licence into the mix if you don't have to.  Just
use the LGPL, and add explicit exceptions if it makes you feel better.

We know where we stand with GPL, LGPL and BSD.  More licences causes
more confusion.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there already an abstraction for this?

2008-09-23 Thread ajb


Quoting Jeremy Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have an expression data-type:

data Expr
   = Quotient Expr Expr
   | Product Expr Expr
   | Sum Expr Expr
   | Difference Expr Expr
   | Lit Double
   | Var Char
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Read, Show)

And I want to write a function that will take an expression and
automatically apply the identity laws to simplify the expression.


I would also be interested in alternative approaches besides the ones
I outlined.

A low-tech alternative that would work here is to use smart
constructors.  This approach avoids non-termination, and allows for
quite general transformations.


sum :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
sum (Lit 0) y = y
sum x (Lit 0) = x
sum (Lit x) (Lit y) = lit (x+y)  -- Call smart constructors recursively
sum (Var v1) (Var v2) | v1 == v2 = product (Lit 2) (Var v1) -- Guards are OK
sum x y@(Sum _ _)
= foldl1 sum x . getTerms y $ []
-- So is complex stuff.
-- This is a simple version, but it's also not too hard to write
-- something which rewrites (x + 1) + (y + 2) to (x + y) + 3, say.
-- Applying the Risch structure theorem is left as an exercise.
getTerms (Sum x y) = getTerms x . getTerms y
getTerms e = (e:)
sum x y = Sum x y  -- And here's the default case

lit :: Double -> Expr
lit = Lit -- Some constructors are trivial.  Include them anyway.

You can now either aggressively replace instances of data constructors
with smart ones (except within the smart constructors themselves!) or
write a single traversal which rewrites an expression:

simplify :: Expr -> Expr
simplify (Sum x y) = sum (simplify x) (simplify y)
simplify (Lit x) = lit x
-- etc etc

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [m..n] question

2008-09-21 Thread ajb


Quoting wren ng thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm sure you know *why* it's an infinite list[1], but as for why that's
useful I can't say. It has the feel of a bug in implementation, though
it is ...consistent.

Right.  I have no problem with [5,5..5] being logically an anamorphism,
but thinking abstractly about what I'd want it to mean, I'm pretty sure
I don't want it to mean an infinite list of 5's.

I asked a class of about a dozen bright undergrads about 10 years ago
what they thought it should mean, and IIRC the consensus seemed to be
split between [5] and [5,5].  Nobody correctly guessed what it actually
did.  So whether the behaviour is technically right or wrong, it violates
the Principle of Least Surprise.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [m..n] question

2008-09-21 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting "Richard A. O'Keefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm currently arguing that lists:seq(1, 0) should be [],
not an exception.  Oddly enough, I'm being beaten over the
head with Haskell, of all things.


Does anyone remember why the definition of enumFromTo is the way it is?

I don't know if this is the reason, but there's another nice property
that enumerations have, namely:

[p..q-1] ++ [q..r-1] == [p..r-1]  -- if p <= q <= r

If you think of the abstract semantics of ranges, this makes perfect
sense.  There needs to be a notation for empty ranges.

Having said that, I don't know of a good reason why [5,5..5] is an
infinte list of 5's.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Propeganda

2008-08-23 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

We promise both safety and efficiency.

We also provide (though don't promise) modularity, robustness
and correctness, which is not something that Java gives you out
of the box.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reader monad, implicit parameters, or something else altogether?

2008-08-18 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting "Richard A. O'Keefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Just an idiot-level question: so these "constants" are subject
to revision, but *how often*?

Good question.  For leap seconds:

 - The data can change no quicker than once every 6 months.
 - The shortest time between changes was 6 months, and the longest
   (so far) was 7 years.
 - The mean change is once every 18 months.
 - You get just under 6 months' notice before a change comes into
   effect.  (No more, no less.)

For most programs, it's the last point that concerns me the most...

What is the actual cost of
recompiling and using them *as* constants, compared with the
cost of rereading the stuff every time you run the program and
passing it around?

...because the main cost probably isn't recompiling, it's redeployment.
I don't know about this program in particular, but release cycles longer
than six months are hardly uncommon in our business.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reader monad, implicit parameters, or something else altogether?

2008-08-18 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Bjorn Buckwalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'd store the constants in a data structure along the lines of:

data AstroData a = AstroData
  { mu_Earth:: GravitationalParameter a
  , leapSeconds :: LeapSecondTable

I would like to know if there is any consensus on what is the best way
to make such a data structure accessible in pure functions. Passing it
explicitly would be a mess.

In this situation, there isn't necessarily any shame in using a
top-level unsafePerformIO as long as it's well-hidden:

module AstroData (AstroData(..), globalAstroData) where

data AstroData = AstroData Int

-- You really don't want this function inlined.  You also
-- really don't want this function to be polymorphic.
{-# NOINLINE globalAstroData #-}
globalAstroData :: AstroData
globalAstroData = unsafePerformIO $ do
d <- return 42-- Or whatever
return (AstroData d)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-13 Thread ajb


Quoting "C.M.Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

However I saw no real argument for not having cyclic inclusions. You
say we shouldn't have to spend time writing hi-boot files, and yet   
you also think

that GHC should not do it automatically. So we have to restrict all
programmers to never writing cyclic inclusions?  :)

GHC generates .hi files for most modules automatically.  The only reason
why hi-boot files are needed for cyclic imports is because of the
possibility that you can't generate a .hi file from the module alone.  If
you could do that, then you could support cyclic imports without needing
hi-boot files.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

To be honest, ghc compiles things so fast (at least on any of
my systems) that I couldn't care less if it took 10 times as long (I would
however like some added convenience for that time spent)

Have you ever compiled GHC itself?  Just curious what you'd think about
a 10x speed hit there.

If it helps, think about the lifetime of a program.  If you assume that
a program grows linearly over time, and that recompilations occur at
a roughly constant rate, it follows that the time spent recompiling
is O(n^2).  Constant factors matter.

If I compile a module on which lots of other modules depend,
I have to do lots of recompilation... If I compile a module which is in
a cyclic dependancy group, I have to do lots of recompilation,  I don't
see that there's a difference here.

If you only change the implementation of a module, not its interface,
you don't need to recompile anything that imports it.  (At least, this
is true at -O0, which if you care about fast recompilation because
you're deep in development, you're probably doing.)

That's a fair point about programming style, otoh, I don't think it's a
reason to restrict users to not using cyclic dependancies.

As previously noted, cyclic dependencies alone aren't the problem.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting "C.M.Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

But isn't this exactly the point I was trying to make!? The whole point,
to me, in functional programming, is that we shouldn't have to worry about
the underlying implementation.

It is not exposing an underlying implementation detail to mandate that
modules should have well-defined interfaces.  If anything, it's
enforcing good programming practice.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

As far as I know the real difficulties come from mutually recursive
class definitions.

I wouldn't be surprised, because that's a more blatant instance of the
same problem.  With classes and instances, there is no way to specify
whether or not they are exported or not, which makes it that much
harder to identify what the interface of a module is.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Why is separate compilation important?

I'm a little shocked that anyone on this list should have to ask this
question.  Two people have asked it now.

The simplest answer is that unless your program fits in cache, it
takes longer to compile two modules concurrently than it takes to
compile them separately.  This is even more true if one of those
modules does not actually need recompilation.

The longer answer is that in the Real World, programmer time is
far, far more precious than computer time.  Every second that the
programmer waits for the computer to finish some task, there is a
priority inversion.

It's therefore highly desirable that jobs done by computer are as
fast as possible or, failing that, as predictable as possible, so
the programmer knows to do something else while waiting.

Separate compilation puts a predictable upper bound on the amount
of recompilation that has to be done given some set of changes.
True, so does requiring recompilation of a package as a whole, but
Haskell development would then be notorious for its sluggishness.

I can understand your point
about a module on it's own not being analyzable, and that that's an odd
property -- on the other hand, the rapidly emerging "atomic" unit in
Haskell is the package, so I see no reason why modules within one
package shouldn't depend on each other.

Implicit in my working definition of "module" is that a module has a
well-defined interface.  Am I the only one who has that understanding?
(Well, me and David Parnas, at any rate.)

For the record, I have no problem with modules depending on each other,
so long as they only depend on their well-defined interfaces.

Finally, as chris suggests, if separate compilation is important to
you, why not have a flag in ghc -frequire-hi-boot or something?

Well, if I wanted separate header files, and the inevitable multiple-
maintenance headaches associated with them, I'd program in C.  Except
for mutually recursive modules, GHC can and does generate header files
automatically, so I don't see why my time should be wasted doing the
job of a compiler.

If something is preventing the compiler from doing that job, then that
something should be fixed.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Thomas Davie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm not sure that it does make a lot of sense -- we allow (mutually)
recursive functions, even though they come with an efficiency penalty.
Why should we not allow (mutually) recursive modules, even though they
too come with an efficiency penalty.

The problem is not mutually recursive modules.  Plenty of statically
typed languages support mutually recursive modules.

The problem is that it's impossible in general to say what the
"interface" of a module is by examining the module alone.  This is a
very unusual property as real-world programming languages go.

You could fix this by, for example, requiring that all symbols
exported from a module have an explicit type annotation.  Or, if you
think that's not lazy enough, it could be an error to use an imported
symbol that doesn't have an explicit type annotation.  You could even
formalise .hi-boot files if you were truly desperate.

If the Haskell spec requires that multiple modules be analysed
simultaneously (or multiple times to fixpoint), then that's a bug in
the spec.  Separate compilation is too important.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-11 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting "C.M.Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Yes, I saw that, thanks! I guess this is because it's hard to compile a
mutually recursive module...

It's because you don't need to declare the types of exported definitions.

Consider, this highly artificial example:

module A where

import B

f (x,y) = g (x,'A')

module B where

import A

g (x,y) = f (True,y)

To infer the types of f and g, you need to analyse both modules together.

And yes, some people think that this is a bug in the specification.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-07 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jan-Willem Maessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

There's one caveat: Always choose descriptive names, even if you are
assuming that you will usually use a qualified import.  The following
are wonderful names, even though they conflict with the prelude:

On the contrary, these are terrible names _because_ they conflict
with the Prelude.  Especially "map", for which there's no excuse.
If it does the obvious thing, it's far better to define a real
Functor instance.

It's okay if you highly encourage or effectively mandate qualified
import, like Data.Map does.  However, unlike Data.Map, if you do
that then please don't define any operators.  Requiring someone to
type m M.! k is just wrong.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How would you hack it?

2008-06-05 Thread ajb


Quoting Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Right. So a "Markov chain" is actually a technical way of describing
something that's intuitively pretty obvious? (E.g., PPM compression
works by assuming that the input data is some sort of Markov chain with
as-yet unknown transition probabilities.)

Yes.  In fact, DMC compression (which has been proven to be the same thing
as PPM up to isomorphism) explicitly uses a Markov model.

If you're curious, I recently put some code for building dynamic Markov
models here.  It's not pretty, but you might find it useful:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutually Recursive Modules

2008-06-02 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Isaac Dupree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

it is very often the case that your code will be better off anyway if
refactored to have less module recursion. (though not always.)

Nonetheless, I prefer not to leave the robustness of my code to luck.
Besides, if I liked structuring code around artificial language
restrictions, I'd be programming in C, not Haskell.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [ANN] bloomfilter 1.0 - Fast immutable and mutable Bloom filters

2008-05-31 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Achim Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Please tell me that this isn't reversible.

It isn't reversible.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Tree.Zipper in the standard libraries

2008-05-23 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is Haskell, we should use Maybe.

This is Haskell, more abstract is good.

I do agree, though, that Monad is arguably the wrong abstraction.  Something
like this would arguably be better:

class (Functor f) => Fail f where
return :: a -> f a
fail :: String -> f a

(And yes, the String is arguably important; Maybe doesn't give you that.)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] one-way monads

2008-05-20 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Piponi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

For any specific monad, m, it's usually possible
to write a function m a -> a.

Actually, it's true less than 50% of the time.  In particular, it's
not true of any monad transformer.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] List concat

2008-05-11 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The function (++) :: [x] -> [x] -> [x] has O(n) complexity.

That's not entirely true.

When you call (++), it does O(1) work.  If you evaluate k cons cells.
it takes O(min(k,n)) work.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A bright future for Haskell

2008-04-29 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting John Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Especially if SPJ decides to grow a beard.  Unfortunately Paul is   
now clean shaven so maybe Haskell is in trouble.

This explains why Clean never made it: Rinus Plasmeijer can't compete
with Phil Wadler in the beard department.

I should point out, for fairness, tht Mark Jones has suitable facial
hair, and John Hughes and Ralf Hinze are not fair behind.  John Peterson
clearly should complete his beard, though.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Longest increasing subsequence

2008-04-11 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Matt Amos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The most efficient algorithm relies on destructive updates, so a
simple translation doesn't seem possible.

Given that it's based on binary search, you might like to try using a
binary search tree.

You may or may not have discovered that the quadratic algorithm has a
more-or-less direct translation into Haskell using lazy arrays.  Did you
have a go at implementing that first?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance Monad m => Functor m

2008-04-09 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jules Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Other solutions, such as class Functor m => Monad m are frequently discussed.

I see no H' ticket for it, though.

Then add it. :-)

You'll probably want to make it depend on Ticket #101, because making
class hierarchies more granular generally depends on flexible instances.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Doing without IORef

2008-04-03 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jinwoo Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks everyone!
Now I think using IORef is the most practical way to do this.

Just a suggestion: Store it in a ReaderT instead of a StateT.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamic typing makes you more productive?

2008-03-18 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jeremy Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I like to imagine it works like this:

bad static type < dynamic typing < good static typing.

More succinctly:

Algol < Smalltalk < ML

Or perhaps:

C < Ruby < Haskell

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "GADT" rhymes with "cat"

2008-03-16 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Jeremy Apthorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Clearly, this pronounciation is "gay dee tea." I always new those
types were a bit queer.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] "GADT" rhymes with "cat"

2008-03-15 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Ashley Yakeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

"GADT" rhymes with "cat". The "d" is silent, like the Danish "godt", or
the German "Stadt", or the American trademark "Bundt".

I pronounce it so that it rhymes with "ADT".

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about "monad laws"

2008-03-15 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting askyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Yup: bind f = f <=< id -- whence you can say (>>=) = flip bind

Ah, yes.

My point is that (as far as I can see) you cannot prove the properties of
bind by only assuming identity and associativity for (<=<).

One thing that may help is that if you can prove that fmap is sane:

fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g

then the naturality of return is precisely its free theorem, and ditto
for bind.

So perhaps this law:

(f <=< g) . h === f <=< (g . h)

is actually the fmap law in disguise?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type system

2008-03-14 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

And yet they commonly pop up in Haskell. Can anybody put their finger
on precisely why that is?

One of the reasons why advanced type hackery shows up a lot in Haskell
is that Haskell has never taken the easy way out.

When confronted with an issue that doesn't seem to fit with purity,
Haskell's answer has always been to apply more research, raid more
category theory or generally think hard about the problem and come up
with a clean solution, rather than sell out to impurity.

And almost always, the theoretically clean solution has opened up new
uses for types that were not previously considered.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about "monad laws"

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting askyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

So you're either not taking (>=>) as primitive or you're stating the
property that there exists (>>=) such that f >=> g  === (>>= g) . f
(from which you can easily show that (f . g) >=> h === (f >=> h) . g ).

If you wanted to prove that bind is natural, you would need to define
bind, no?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If that's supposed it imply you think I'm in a minority of one I
don't think you've been following this thread very well.

Sorry, that was a bit of hyperbole.

Even the report uses the word "equality" in the prose.

Indeed, and the only sensible meaning of "equality" that I can
think of is _semantic_ equality.  Two values are semantically equal
if they mean the same thing.

A concrete example of a quotient type that I had in mind is rationals.
A rational is implemented as, for the sake of argument, a pair of
integers.  Two rational numbers, a/b and c/d, are equal iff ad = bc.
That's what everyone means by equality for rationals.

It's true that rationals have a normal form, and this can be
enforced by a smart constructor and an unbreakable abstraction.  But
if you've got an unbreakable abstraction, then you've also got the
mechanism to enforce observational equality.

Moreover, not all quotient types have a "one true" normal form (e.g.
regular expressions), and even in cases where there is a sensible
normal form, it might be undesirable for reasons of performance or

Besides there are good pragmatic safety and performance reasons
why Haskell should provide at least one class that offers
strong guarantees regarding equality and the (==) operator.

Well, I haven't heard any reasons that have convinced me yet.  No
arguing over taste, of course.

..and has almost certainly been implicitly assumed by heaven knows
what extant code (some of it in the standard libraries I suspect).

Nobody has yet gone to the trouble of consulting either heaven or the
source code (in whatever order is deemed appropriate) to see if this
claim is true.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Conor McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

How depressing!

Sorry, I don't understand that.  Quotient types are good, but they're
not the whole story.  They just happen to be one use case with a
solid history behind them.

it's just that
we need to manage information hiding properly, which
is perhaps not such a tall order.

It's my opinion (and I know I'm not alone in this) that modularity is
probably the one thing that Haskell really hasn't (yet) gotten right.
Haskell's implementation of modules/namespaces/whatever is the bare
minimum needed to be minimally useful.

It's a shame, because abstraction, in Haskell, is extremely cheap.  It's
often only one line, and you've got a compiler-checked abstraction that
can't be accidentally confused with its representation.  This should
encourage micro-abstractions everywhere, but without submodules,
namespaces or whatever you want to call them, these abstractions are
easy to break (on purpose, not by accident).

If only you could add a couple more lines of code, and instantly have
your abstraction unbreakable.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-13 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Adrian Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I take it you mean something like ..

Err... yes, I did.

Where's the Eq instance for OrdWrap?

Omitted for brevity.

This may or may not satisfy
the law: (compare a b) = EQ implies (a == b) = True. I think
everbody agrees about that, but I can't tell from the code
you've posted if it does in this case.

The default implementation of compare says that.

One thing that's not explicitly stated in the report is whether or not
the instances of typeclasses like Eq or Ord need to "do the same thing
as"[*] the default implementations.  Does x /= y "do the same thing as"
not (x == y)?

What's disputed is whether or not this law should hold:
 (a == b) = True implies a = b

Apart from possibly your good self, I don't think this is disputed.
Quotient types, as noted elsewhere in this thread, are very useful.
Their common use predates Miranda, so it's way too late to unbless
them now.

Well I hope you or anyone else hasn't used Data.Map or with OrdWrap
keys because if so it's likely that the code has either been broken in
the past, or is broken now (not sure which).

For Data.Map, using an OrdWrap-like wrapper for keys is wrong, because
it's not necessary.  OrdWrap is for situations where you need to
associate a value with a key which is, unsurprisingly, what Data.Map
also does.

As for sort, the behaviour hasn't been broken at any point in the past
or present that I'm aware of, and a lot of people would strongly resist
it if it ever were proposed that it be broken.

Andrew Bromage

  [*]  "Do the same thing as" here means that they mean the
   same thing, but allows for the possibility that some
   implementation may be less stack-consuming, lazier or
   in some way more efficient than its default.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting David Menendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Adrian is arguing that compare a b == EQ should imply compare (f a) (f
b) == EQ for all functions f (excluding odd stuff). Thus, the problem
with your example would be in the Ord instance, not the sort function.

Understood, and the Schwartzian transform might be better understood as
"sortBy" rather than "sort".

As others have noted, this really is a question of what Eq and Ord
"mean".  And the answer to that is: Whatever makes the most
domain-specific sense.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about "monad laws"

2008-03-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting askyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If you use this presentation you also need the following law:
(a . b) >=> c  = (a >=> c) . b

that is, compatibility with ordinary function composition. I like to call
this "naturality", since it's instrumental in proving return and bind to be
natural transformations.


f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g
fmap f xs = xs >>= return . f


  fmap f . return
= (expand fmap)
  \x -> (return x >>= return . f)
= (defn. of >=>)
  \x -> (return >=> return . f) x
= (left identity)
  \x -> (return . f) x
  return . f

Therefore return is natural.

Bind (or, equivalently, join) is left as an exercise.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-12 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Adrian Hey wrote:

This might be a reasonable thing to say about *sortBy*, but not sort
as the ordering of equal elements should not be observable (for any
correct instance of Ord). It should be impossible to implement a
function which can discriminate between [a,a],[a,b],[b,a],[b,b] if
compare a b = EQ.

Nonsense.  Consider a Schwartzian transform wrapper:

data OrdWrap k v = OrdWrap k v

instance (Ord k) => Ord (OrdWrap k v) where
compare (OrdWrap k1 v1) (OrdWrap k2 v2) = OrdWrap k1 k2

It would be incorrect (and not sane) for sort [a,b] to return [a,a] in
this case, though a case could be made that either [a,b] or [b,a] make

Quoting Jules Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Stability is a nice property. I don't understand why you are arguing
against this so aggressiviely.

Stability is an occasionally very useful property.  However, if there
is a tradeoff between stability and performance, I'd prefer it if the
library didn't choose for me.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-10 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

6.3.2 (The Ord Class):

"The Ord class is used for totally ordered datatypes."

So... Double shouldn't be there, then?

As previously noted, nowhere is it even required that x /= y should
"do the same thing" as not (x == y).

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional programmer's intuition for adjunctions?

2008-03-05 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Of course, this is a concrete example using basic ideas of programming
and not some "intuitive analogy".  I feel comfortable working with
adjunctions, but I don't have some general analogy that I use.

I think this is important.  The concept of an adjunction isn't like that
of a natural transformation.  In Haskell, natural transformations are
functions that respect the structure of functors.  Since you can't
avoid respecting the structure of functors (the language won't let you
do otherwise), you get natural transformations for free.  (Free as in
theorems, not free as in beer.)

Adjunctions, on the other hand, you have to make yourself.  As such,
they're more like monads.

I use at least three distinct pictures when I'm working with monads:

  - Overloaded semicolon.
  - Functorial container (e.g. lists).
  - Term substitution system.

...but even that doesn't fully cover all the possibilities that monads
give you.  Monads are what they are, and you use them when it seems
to make sense to implement the Monad interface for them.

It's sometimes only obvious that an interface is conformed to after the
event.  For example, consider Data.Supply:

It's clear in retrospect that Supply is a comonad, but probably neither
the paper authors nor the package author, smart as they are, noticed
this at the time of writing, because you need experience with comonads
to identify them.

I think it's the same with adjunctions.

Having said that, I think it makes sense to come up with some example
pictures, much like the example pictures of monads that people use.

Looking at those examples again:

phi :: (F a -> b) -> (a -> U b)
phiInv :: (a -> U b) -> (F a -> b)

One thing that springs to mind is that an adjunction could connect
monads and their associated comonads.  Is that a good picture?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what is the fastest way to extract variables from a proposition?

2008-02-20 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Cetin Sert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

It is astonishing to see that your version actually performs the worst (at
least on my machine).

On your example, I'm not surprised:

plong 0 = Var 0
plong n | even n= Or  (Var n) (plong (n-1))
| otherwise = And (Var n) (plong (n-1))

This is effectively a singly linked list.  I would expect my (well, I
didn't invent it) to work better on something that didn't have this
unique structure, such as:

test 0 = Var 0
test n | even n= Or  (Var n) (test (n-1))
   | otherwise = And (test (n-1)) (Var n)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The Proliferation of List-Like Types

2008-02-20 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Neil Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Yes, its the projection onto another type:

[] = Nothing
(x:xs) = Just (x, xs)

Also known as msplit:

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] what is the fastest way to extract variables from a proposition?

2008-02-20 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Cetin Sert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

-- proposition
data Prp a = Var a
   | Not (Prp a)
   | Or  (Prp a) (Prp a)
   | And (Prp a) (Prp a)
   | Imp (Prp a) (Prp a)
   | Xor (Prp a) (Prp a)
   | Eqv (Prp a) (Prp a)
   | Cns Bool
   deriving (Show, Eq)

This is probably the fastest:

vars :: Prp a -> [a]
vars p = vars' p []
vars' (Var a) = (a:)
vars' (Not p) = vars' p
vars' (Or l r) = vars' l . vars' r
{- etc -}
vars' (Cns _) = id

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about "monad laws"

2008-02-14 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Thorkil Naur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Finding the "machine epsilon", perhaps, that is, the smallest   
(floating point,

surely) number for which 1.0+machine_eps==1.0 would be a candidate?

The machine epsilon is the smallest relative separation between two
adjacent normalised floating point numbers.  (The largest is the
machine epsilon multiplied by the radix, more or less.)

So as I understand it, if you're thinking relative error, this test:

(fabs(x1-x2) < machine_eps * fabs(x1))

should be true if and only if x1 == x2, assuming that x1 and x2 are
nonzero and normalised.

I've always had the impression that using the machine epsilon for
pseudo-equality testing is fairly useless, especially if you can work
out a meaningful problem-specific tolerance.

What seems to be more useful is using the machine epsilon to compute an
estimate of how much relative error your algorithm accumulates.  I've
seen this in a lot of Serious Numeric Code(tm), and I've done it myself
(probably inexpertly) a few times.

I haven't tried this, but I imagine that a computed relative error
estimate could be useful for assisting your approximate-equality
tests under some circumstances.  Richard might know of some
circumstances where this sort of thing would be useful.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about "monad laws"

2008-02-14 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:

That's one of the warning signs I watch out for.  "Never compare floats for
equality" is a sure sign of someone who thinks they know about   
floats but don't.

Quoting Roman Leshchinskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hmm. Personally, I've never seen an algorithm where comparing for exact
equality was algorithmically necessary.

One trick I've occasionally used is to avoid the need for a discriminated
union of floating point and integer types by just using a floating point

If you ignore bitwise operations and division/remainder, any integer
operation that doesn't cause overflow on 32-bit integers will work just
the same if you use IEEE-754 64-bit floating point numbers instead.
That includes equality.  Moreover, you even get a few more significant
bits of precision.

In these days of fast 64 and 128 bit words, it might not be entirely
moral, but it works.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Datatypes - Haskell

2008-02-10 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Feb 10, 2008 3:40 PM, Mattes Simeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Though in comparison with C or C++ I can't figure out so clear the syntax.

Quoting Victor Nazarov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I think this is the most native way to do it in C++:

Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu will find you and beat you up if
you write this.  This is considered more appropriate.  (Warning: untested
code follows.)


class Tuple : public boost::variant >
typedef std::pair pair_type;
typedef boost::variant base_type;

struct visitor_A : public boost::static_visitor
const A* operator()(const A& a) { return &a; }
const A* operator()(const pair_type& p) { return &p.first; }


Tuple(const A& a)
: base_type(a)

Tuple(const A& a, const B& b)
: base_type(pair_type(a,b))

const A* tuple1() const
return boost::apply_visitor(visitor_A(), *this);

const B* tuple2() const
const pair_type* p = boost::get(*this);
return p ? &p->second : 0;

But in this specific case, this might be more appropriate:

class Tuple
A m_a;
boost::optional m_b;
// etc

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Inverting a Monad

2008-02-06 Thread ajb

G'day all.

On Feb 6, 2008 12:45 PM, Felipe Lessa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I guess your parser is a monad transformer, so *maybe* the solution  
 is to require MonadError from the inner monad.

Quoting Bas van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Indeed my parser 'P t m a' is a monad transformer. I will try out
requiring 'm' to have a 'MonadError' constraint and see how far I come
with that.

I've occasionally found this useful:

class (Monad m) => MonadNegate m where
mtrue :: m ()
mfalse :: m ()
mnot :: m a -> m ()

mtrue = return ()
mfalse = fail "False"

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market

2008-01-27 Thread ajb

G'day all.


Algol is dead. No
sense in disputing it.

And yet Delphi is still alive.  So is Modula-3, though it tends to be
referred to as "Java" these days.

And, of course, Haskell is ensuring that Miranda will never really die.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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