Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-04-02 Thread Peter Althainz

Hi Heinrich, Hi Ertugrul

thanks for all your comments so far. In last e-mail, you wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

In the case of HGamer3D, the sink combinator would replace the need to
declare a final "wire which runs all the wires at each step".  It
feels a bit weird to me to have wires like guiSetPropW that perform
side effects, i.e. where it makes a different whether you observe
their results or not. That's a complexity where I feel that something
"has been swept under the rug".

In particular imperative wires like guiSetPropW (or anything for which
*set*  is a sensible name) are simply wrong.  A widget, e.g. a button,
should look like this:

type MyWire= WireM (Reader MyConfig)
type MyEvent a = MyWire a a

button :: MyEvent Button


A short explanation on the guiSetPropW wire:

The guiSetPropW can be considered as being part of the GUI binding actually. It 
in the public Api to overcome the limitation of not having all properties as 
single wires coded.
Anyhow, if you want to act on something in the GUI (for example make a window 
visible or not)
you will probably need something with a side effect. That is, where
the guiSetPropW is used in the examples. But it is a little bit low level, the
higher level wires look more nicer:

for example, the button wire creation acutally looks like that:

buttonW:: GUIElement -> GameWire a a

with the button wire having the type of: GameWire a a
It is a pure event wire, which gets fired, when the button is pressed.

the "label" wire creation

staticTextW :: GUIElement -> GameWire String String

with the labe wire having the type of: GameWire String String

the "editbox" wire creation:

editBoxW :: GUIElement -> (GameWire a String, GameWire String String)

creates two wires, one for getting notified on changes of the element:
type: GameWire a String

and one for setting a new value to the string:
type: GameWire String String

Here, I would be interested in your view. Of course you can make one wire out 
of it, but this has different

- how to check for a change in the widget, if the wire is not executed, because 
no input value occur?
- usually you need the output of the wire in different places of your final 
network where the input wire is needed, if you have only one wire this might be 
cumbersome, to code in combining the final network
- and: yes, there has been also something swept under the rug here, because 
since both wires refer to the same GUI element, there is the same GUI element 
used inside, which is a reference. Actually this is somthing more OO/Scala like 
then Haskell but it works fine for me so far, since it does overcome the 
limitations of the points above.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-29 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

> In the case of HGamer3D, the sink combinator would replace the need to
> declare a final "wire which runs all the wires at each step".  It
> feels a bit weird to me to have wires like guiSetPropW that perform
> side effects, i.e. where it makes a different whether you observe
> their results or not. That's a complexity where I feel that something
> "has been swept under the rug".

I did not review the interface of HGamer3D, mostly because it's
Windows-only.  But I'd like to point out that you would prefer a non-IO
monad for wires.  In most cases I would recommend a monad for which (>>)
is commutative like a reader and/or a commutative writer.  The purpose
of the underlying monad is to allow some event wires to be written more
cleanly.  Without the monad:

keyPressed :: (Monad m, Monoid e)
  => SDL.Keysym
  -> Wire e m SDL.Event SDL.Event

With the monad:

keyPressed :: (SDLMonad m, Monoid e)
  => SDL.Keysym
  -> Wire e m a a

In particular imperative wires like guiSetPropW (or anything for which
*set* is a sensible name) are simply wrong.  A widget, e.g. a button,
should look like this:

type MyWire= WireM (Reader MyConfig)
type MyEvent a = MyWire a a

button :: MyEvent Button

This wire takes a button configuration describing the current state of
the button.  Given an IsString Button instance and OverloadedStrings a
GUI with a button could look like this:

numberField =
label >>>
textField "" <|> errorLabel . "Please enter a valid number"

dialog = proc _ -> do
n1 <- numberField -< "Number 1"
n2 <- numberField -< "Number 2"

let s = n1 + n2 :: Integer
label -< "Sum: " ++ show s

button -< "Okay"
id -< s

As most event wires the button wire acts like identity when the button
is pressed, so it would return back the button configuration.  I hope
this sheds some light onto what GUI code in Netwire /should/ (in fact
/will/) look like.


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(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-29 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Althainz wrote:

Hi Heinrich:

Its simply the types are more cumbersome, now. In netwire you basically 
have one type, which is "Wire " with some type parameters 
(underlying monad, inhibition type, in-type, out-type), When underlying 
monad and inhibition type is choosen, you can define a type synonym and 
all boils done to "GameWire a b" in all types, events (GameWire a a), 
behaviours (GameWire a b), what you want. Signal inhibition makes Events 
and Behviours looks equal. Also the overall network has this type. And 
by the way, no generalized datatypes (forall t. ), which I'm also 
not too comfortable with.

In reactive banana we have considerably more types then in netwire:

- One tpye for Behaviours

- One type for Events

- sinks in addition: sinkoutput[text:==showNumber<$>result]- what is 
that? (I know it has something to do with feedback loops)

- scary type for the network description: "forallt.Frameworkst=>Momentt()"

Thanks Peter!

The distinction between Behavior and Event is something fundamental that 
I don't want to give up easily. They behave differently under products 
and coproducts, they correspond to modalities in temporal logic and they 
are also very useful for recursion.

Concerning the  sink  combinator, it's actually part of the GUI bindings 
and not of the core library. It's used to bind, say the text value of an 
edit widget to display the value of a  Behavior String .

Likewise, the  forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()  type signature is 
used when binding to a GUI framework. The explicit  forall  is only used 
to be get the right name for the type  t , usually you would just write 
 Frameworks t => Moment t () .

Overall, I like to think that the complexity is only superficial. I 
agree that the type parameter t is somewhat annoying, but it's necessary 
for fundamental reasons. Fortunately, it has a nice conceptual 
interpretation as "starting time".

In the case of  HGamer3D, the  sink  combinator would replace the need 
to declare a final "wire which runs all the wires at each step". It 
feels a bit weird to me to have wires like  guiSetPropW  that perform 
side effects, i.e. where it makes a different whether you observe their 
results or not. That's a complexity where I feel that something "has 
been swept under the rug".

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-25 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Peter Althainz  wrote:

> Its simply the types are more cumbersome, now. In netwire you
> basically have one type, which is "Wire " with some type
> parameters (underlying monad, inhibition type, in-type, out-type),
> When underlying monad and inhibition type is choosen, you can define a
> type synonym and all boils done to "GameWire a b" in all types, events
> (GameWire a a), behaviours (GameWire a b), what you want.  Signal
> inhibition makes Events and Behviours looks equal. Also the overall
> network has this type. And by the way, no generalized datatypes
> (forall t. ), which I'm also not too comfortable with.

Actually for the higher rank types there is a rationale: safety.  In
fact I first had this:

type Event e m = forall a. Wire e m a a

However, this turned out to be too restrictive, when I decided to
simplify it:

type Event e m a = Wire e m a a

The reason is that many events like 'require', even though they still
act like identities, have to examine the input value to make decisions.

Also you can expect that there will be at least one higher rank type in
all libraries I release based on Netwire, for example my upcoming
Vty-based text UI library:

simpleUI ::
(Monad m)
=> (forall a. m a -> IO a)
-> UI m () b
-> IO b

The first argument is a monad morphism.  It would be totally fine for it
to be less restrictive for this case, but I want to stick with
categorical concepts as far as possible.  This makes it easier to reason
about the code.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-25 Thread Peter Althainz

Hi Heinrich:

Its simply the types are more cumbersome, now. In netwire you basically 
have one type, which is "Wire " with some type parameters 
(underlying monad, inhibition type, in-type, out-type), When underlying 
monad and inhibition type is choosen, you can define a type synonym and 
all boils done to "GameWire a b" in all types, events (GameWire a a), 
behaviours (GameWire a b), what you want. Signal inhibition makes Events 
and Behviours looks equal. Also the overall network has this type. And 
by the way, no generalized datatypes (forall t. ), which I'm also 
not too comfortable with.

In reactive banana we have considerably more types then in netwire:

- One tpye for Behaviours

- One type for Events

- sinks in addition: sinkoutput[text:==showNumber<$>result]- what is 
that? (I know it has something to do with feedback loops)

- scary type for the network description: "forallt.Frameworkst=>Momentt()"

best regards Peter

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-24 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

> So context has the same purpose as Conal's trim combinator [1].
> However, I believe that it is too inconvenient for managing very
> dynamic collections that need to keep track of state, as the context
> function significantly limits the scope of the stateful wire. That's
> why I've opted for a more flexible approach in Reactive.Banana.Switch
> , even if that introduces significant complexity in the type
> signatures.

Again you are thinking in primitive combinators.  Keep in mind that
context is nothing primitive.  In earlier releases of Netwire I had a
"manager" wire that allowed to manage a set of running wires by message
passing.  However, that wire turned out to be either too generic or too
specific.  There was no good balance, so I decided to get rid of it

Now every library layer or application would write its own
application-specific manager wire.

> Again, I would be interested in an implementation of the BarTab
> example [2] to compare the two approaches.

I'm happy to provide one.  Please be patient until I release
netwire-vty, a terminal UI library based on Netwire.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

I concur that chaining wires with the andThen combinator is very
slick, I like it a lot. Wolfgang Jeltsch recently described a similar
pattern for classical FRP, namely a behavior that doesn't live
forever, but actually ends at some point in time, which can be
interpreted as an event occurrence. ("It ends with a bang!")

Well, that would work, but I wonder why then you wouldn't want to go all
the way to signal inhibition.  You don't need AFRP to have it.  It's
actually quite a light-weight change.  Allow behaviors not to produce a
value, i.e. somewhere in your library replace "a" by "Maybe a".

I think that the  andThen  combinator is slick, but I'm not sure whether 
I find the underlying model -- signal inhibition -- to be equally 
pleasing. In the context of GUI programming, chaining several events 
with the  andThen  combinator is almost never needed, so I've postponed 
these questions for now.

How would you express the TwoCounters example [1] using dynamic event
switching in netwire? (The example can be implemented without dynamic
event switching, but that's not what I mean.) What about the BarTab
example [2]?

I've been asked that via private mail.  Let me just quote my answer:

"This is a misconception caused by the very different nature of
Netwire.  In Netwire everything is dynamic.  What really happens in
w1 --> w2 is that at the beginning only w1 exists.  When it inhibits
it is removed from the network and w2 takes its place.  The missing
ingredient is that w2 is not actually produced by a wire, but this
is equally easy and natural.  Just consider the context wires:

context id w

This wire will dynamically create a version of 'w' for every
different input, so it acts like a router that will create wires if
they don't already exist.  Deletion works similarly:

contextLatest id 1000 w

This is a version that only keeps the 1000 latest contexts.

So  context  has the same purpose as Conal's  trim  combinator [1]. 
However, I believe that it is too inconvenient for managing very dynamic 
collections that need to keep track of state, as the  context  function 
significantly limits the scope of the stateful wire. That's why I've 
opted for a more flexible approach in  Reactive.Banana.Switch  , even if 
that introduces significant complexity in the type signatures. Again, I 
would be interested in an implementation of the BarTab example [2] to 
compare the two approaches.



Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-24 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

> I concur that chaining wires with the andThen combinator is very
> slick, I like it a lot. Wolfgang Jeltsch recently described a similar
> pattern for classical FRP, namely a behavior that doesn't live
> forever, but actually ends at some point in time, which can be
> interpreted as an event occurrence. ("It ends with a bang!")

Well, that would work, but I wonder why then you wouldn't want to go all
the way to signal inhibition.  You don't need AFRP to have it.  It's
actually quite a light-weight change.  Allow behaviors not to produce a
value, i.e. somewhere in your library replace "a" by "Maybe a".

> However, do note that the andThen combinator in netwire can only be so
> slick because "switching restarts time" (as the documentation puts
> it). I don't see a nice way to switch between wires that have
> accumulated state.

Time doesn't necessarily restart.  This choice is left to the (-->)
combinator.  I've decided for that one to restart time, because it
more closely resembles the behavior of other libraries.  As a
counterexample consider this:

time . holdFor 0.5 (periodically 1) <|> 2*time

This wire will switch back and forth between the two wires 'time' and
'2*time' filling the gap between the inactive times of each.  Unlike
(-->), the (<|>) combinator keeps state.  This is also true for the
context wires (see below).

> How would you express the TwoCounters example [1] using dynamic event
> switching in netwire? (The example can be implemented without dynamic
> event switching, but that's not what I mean.) What about the BarTab
> example [2]?

I've been asked that via private mail.  Let me just quote my answer:

"This is a misconception caused by the very different nature of
Netwire.  In Netwire everything is dynamic.  What really happens in
w1 --> w2 is that at the beginning only w1 exists.  When it inhibits
it is removed from the network and w2 takes its place.  The missing
ingredient is that w2 is not actually produced by a wire, but this
is equally easy and natural.  Just consider the context wires:

context id w

This wire will dynamically create a version of 'w' for every
different input, so it acts like a router that will create wires if
they don't already exist.  Deletion works similarly:

contextLatest id 1000 w

This is a version that only keeps the 1000 latest contexts.  There
is also the classic dynamic switcher called 'switch':

switch nw w

This wire acts like 'w' until 'nw' produces a new wire, then
switches to that one.  Indeed 'nw' is of type Wire e m a (Wire e m a

Really nothing is static in Netwire.  It's actually very easy to
write combinators like 'switch' and 'context' yourself.  In fact you
can even write a sensible ArrowApply instance.  The problem is that
it would have linear time complexity with respect to the number of
instants that have passed, so it's not exactly useful."

Notice that wires (just like all other arrowic automata in Haskell)
switch all the time.  Moving forward in time involves switching, so it's
their very nature to do it.  They could decide to switch to anything
(provided the types fit) and they can observe the switching of other
wires.  There is no need for special library support for wires that
manage a set of wires.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-24 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

You said that reactive-banana didn't feel as simple after the
introduction of dynamic event switching, though. Could you pinpoint
some particular thing that made you feel like that? Maybe a type
signature or a tutorial or something else? I took great care trying to
make the dynamic event switching stuff entirely optional, so you can
use reactive-banana without understanding it at all, but I'm not sure
if I succeeded.

I think this is less of an issue with reactive-banana than with classic
FRP in general.  The type signatures of Netwire can be scary at first
sight, but they are consistent throughout the entire library.  Once you
understand one of these type signatures you understand all of them.
Once you know how to use one wire, you know how to use all others.

Let me pinpoint something in particular: events.  In reactive-banana
events are special, in Netwire they are not.  This makes dynamic
switching special in reactive-banana and natural in Netwire.  Let me
show you an example:  You want to dispaly "one" for ten seconds, then
"two" for twelve seconds, then start over:

myWire =
"one" . for 10 -->
"two" . for 12 -->

Events and particularly dynamic event switching is one of the main
problems Netwire solves elegantly.  You can add this to reactive-banana,
too, but it would require changing almost the entire event interface.

I concur that chaining wires with the  andThen  combinator is very 
slick, I like it a lot. Wolfgang Jeltsch recently described a similar 
pattern for classical FRP, namely a behavior that doesn't live forever, 
but actually ends at some point in time, which can be interpreted as an 
event occurrence. ("It ends with a bang!")

However, do note that the  andThen  combinator in netwire can only be so 
slick because "switching restarts time" (as the documentation puts it). 
I don't see a nice way to switch between wires that have accumulated 
state. How would you express the TwoCounters example [1] using dynamic 
event switching in netwire? (The example can be implemented without 
dynamic event switching, but that's not what I mean.) What about the 
BarTab example [2]?



Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-23 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Heinrich Apfelmus  wrote:

> You said that reactive-banana didn't feel as simple after the
> introduction of dynamic event switching, though. Could you pinpoint
> some particular thing that made you feel like that? Maybe a type
> signature or a tutorial or something else? I took great care trying to
> make the dynamic event switching stuff entirely optional, so you can
> use reactive-banana without understanding it at all, but I'm not sure
> if I succeeded.

I think this is less of an issue with reactive-banana than with classic
FRP in general.  The type signatures of Netwire can be scary at first
sight, but they are consistent throughout the entire library.  Once you
understand one of these type signatures you understand all of them.
Once you know how to use one wire, you know how to use all others.

Let me pinpoint something in particular: events.  In reactive-banana
events are special, in Netwire they are not.  This makes dynamic
switching special in reactive-banana and natural in Netwire.  Let me
show you an example:  You want to dispaly "one" for ten seconds, then
"two" for twelve seconds, then start over:

myWire =
"one" . for 10 -->
"two" . for 12 -->

Events and particularly dynamic event switching is one of the main
problems Netwire solves elegantly.  You can add this to reactive-banana,
too, but it would require changing almost the entire event interface.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-23 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Peter Althainz wrote:

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Of course, I have to ask: what influenced your choice of FRP library in
favor of  netwire  instead of  reactive-banana ?

good question, actually I need to thank you for your excellent tutorials
on FRP and GUI on the WEB. I tried the version of reactive-banana
without switches as the first FRP framework to have contact with and I
liked its simplicity and the cool introduction around Excel cells you 
gave on the Web.

My pleasure. :) I have to thank Peter Minten for writing the tutorial 
with Excel cells, though.

HGamer3D is my personal way to get more insight into FP and Haskell
especially and from the beginning I wanted to have a FRP API to try it
with game examples. So your intro on FRP and the examples were very
helpful with that.

After reading a lot on the web it became clear, that currently
reactive-banana and netwire are good candidates to start with. So why in
the end I decided to use netwire for the binding?

It's some personal things and I do not claim to have done a proper
evaluation or comparison. I also cannot judge on performance or other
relevant topics. Having said that, I can give you some points why I 
choosed netwire:

- The cool simplicity of reactive-banana API seems to have suffered a
little bit after the introduction of the switch functionality.
- After getting around Monads and Applicative by great help of "Learning
a Haskell for great good" I was shocked to see, there is even more to
learn, when I detected Arrows. So I started to look at it and discovered
some nice tutorials for Arrows.
- What struck me was introduction of netwire author Ertugrul Söylemez on
Arrows and the explanations of local state, which can be kept into an
arrow. Since I was also curious on OOP and FP and game state handling,
actually this raised some interest. So I think this "Arrows keep local
state" argument was the killer feature. But also behaviours keep
local state and maybe I got misguided here.
- I then did some trials with netwire and I felt it's a quite
comprehensive and nice API, so I got started with that.

I'm mainly asking because it helps me learn about issues with 
reactive-banana that could be fixed. Looking at other FRP libraries for 
fun and learning is definitely something that should be encouraged and 
not something that should be "fixed", so that's cool. :)

You said that reactive-banana didn't feel as simple after the 
introduction of dynamic event switching, though. Could you pinpoint some 
particular thing that made you feel like that? Maybe a type signature or 
a tutorial or something else? I took great care trying to make the 
dynamic event switching stuff entirely optional, so you can use 
reactive-banana without understanding it at all, but I'm not sure if I 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-22 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Peter Althainz  wrote:

> - What struck me was introduction of netwire author Ertugrul Söylemez
> on Arrows and the explanations of local state, which can be kept into
> an arrow. Since I was also curious on OOP and FP and game state
> handling, actually this raised some interest. So I think this "Arrows
> keep local state" argument was the killer feature. But also behaviours
> keep local state and maybe I got misguided here.

It's not arrows that keep local state, but it's specifically the
automaton arrows, in particular Auto and Wire.  Both are automaton
arrows.  One way to express Auto is the following:

data Auto a b = forall s. Auto s ((a, s) -> (b, s))

Similarly Wire can be expressed like that (simplified):

data Wire a b = forall s. Wire s ((a, s) -> (Maybe b, s))

Both contain a local state value and a transition function.  That's why
they are called automaton arrows.

> - I then did some trials with netwire and I felt it's a quite
> comprehensive and nice API, so I got started with that.

Thanks. =)


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announcement - HGamer3D - 0.2.1 - why netwire

2013-03-22 Thread Peter Althainz

Peter Althainz wrote:

Dear All,

I'm happy to announce release 0.2.1 of HGamer3D, the game engine with
Haskell API, featuring FRP based API and FRP based GUI. The new FRP API
is based on the netwire package. Currently only available on Windows:

Nice work!

Of course, I have to ask: what influenced your choice of FRP library in
favor of  netwire  instead of  reactive-banana ?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Hi Heinrich

good question, actually I need to thank you for your excellent tutorials
on FRP and GUI on the WEB. I tried the version of reactive-banana
without switches as the first FRP framework to have contact with and I
liked its simplicity and the cool introduction around Excel cells you gave on 
the Web.
HGamer3D is my personal way to get more insight into FP and Haskell
especially and from the beginning I wanted to have a FRP API to try it
with game examples. So your intro on FRP and the examples were very
helpful with that.

After reading a lot on the web it became clear, that currently
reactive-banana and netwire are good candidates to start with. So why in
the end I decided to use netwire for the binding?

It's some personal things and I do not claim to have done a proper
evaluation or comparison. I also cannot judge on performance or other
relevant topics. Having said that, I can give you some points why I choosed 
- The cool simplicity of reactive-banana API seems to have suffered a
little bit after the introduction of the switch functionality.
- After getting around Monads and Applicative by great help of "Learning
a Haskell for great good" I was shocked to see, there is even more to
learn, when I detected Arrows. So I started to look at it and discovered
some nice tutorials for Arrows.
- What struck me was introduction of netwire author Ertugrul Söylemez on
Arrows and the explanations of local state, which can be kept into an
arrow. Since I was also curious on OOP and FP and game state handling,
actually this raised some interest. So I think this "Arrows keep local
state" argument was the killer feature. But also behaviours keep
local state and maybe I got misguided here.
- I then did some trials with netwire and I felt it's a quite
comprehensive and nice API, so I got started with that.



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