[Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread James Hunt


As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in order 
to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz 
(http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind 
enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a 
better way of doing it!

subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
subarrays [] = [[]]
subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
 where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]

maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
   msa m [] = m
   msa m (x:xs)
 | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
 | otherwise = msa m xs

--for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem to 
find any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way. Is there 
anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone could recommend?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread brad clawsie
> I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem to find 
> any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way. Is there 
> anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone could recommend?

the book "The Haskell School of Expression" is a good printed resource
in this regard

one thing i like about haskell is that it the tools are very clear
about enforcing many semantic elements of the language. for example,
you won't have to think too much about the haskell way of doing i/o -
its enforced.

on the other hand, you *do* have the choice as to the degree to which
you want to engage the type system, and that for me continues to be a
challenge coming from a "duck type" world of perl for nearly a
decade. i admit i started in haskell throwing strings around and even
wanting to regex them to extract meaning. all perfectly legit in
haskell but not really exploiting the strength of the type system to
aid in the development of robust and elegant programs. to me that is
the biggest challenge to thinking in a haskell way - thinking "typefully".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Bjorn Bringert

On Jul 17, 2007, at 22:26 , James Hunt wrote:


As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in  
order to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz (http:// 
www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind  
enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a  
better way of doing it!

subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
subarrays [] = [[]]
subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
 where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]

maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
   msa m [] = m
   msa m (x:xs)
 | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
 | otherwise = msa m xs

--for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem  
to find any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way.  
Is there anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone  
could recommend?


Hi james,

here's one solution:

import Data.List

maxsubarrays xs = maximumBy (\x y -> sum x `compare` sum y) [zs | ys  
<- inits xs, zs <- tails ys]

This can be made somewhat nicer with 'on':

import Data.List

maxsubarrays xs = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) [zs | ys <- inits xs,  
zs <- tails ys]

on, which will appear in Data.Function in the next release of base,  
is defined thusly:

on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
(*) `on` f = \x y -> f x * f y


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Eric Mertens

On 7/17/07, James Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in order
to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz
(http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind
enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a
better way of doing it!

subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
subarrays [] = [[]]
subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
  where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]

Check out the functions in Data.List
inits :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails :: [a] -> [[a]]

also, in a list comprehension, rather than: ys <- [x] consider: let ys = x
in this specific case: [take n xs | n <- [1..length xs]] would be even better
(though using inits and tails to accomplish this would be best of all)

maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
msa m [] = m
msa m (x:xs)
  | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
  | otherwise = msa m xs

--for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

This problem lends itself to being solved with Dynamic Programming and
can be solved in a single pass of the input list. (Rather than supply
the answer I'll encourage you to seek it out)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread J. Garrett Morris

Hi James.

I would be tempted to write this a little differently than you did.
First, some of the pieces you've written have equivalents in the
standard library; there's no harm in rewriting them, but I figured I'd
point out that they're there.  (Hoogle - haskell.org/hoogle, I believe
- can be a good way to find these.)

Second, I've rewritten it using function composition.  To me, this
makes the combination of different components more obvoius - like the
pipe in Unix.

So, code:

import Data.List

-- I believe this is scheduled for inclusion in the standard library;
-- I find it very useful
f `on` g = \x y -> f (g x) (g y)

-- We can find the maximum sublist by comparing the sums
-- of each sublist.
maxsl = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . sublists
   -- the tails function returns each tail of the given list; the
inits function
   -- is similar.  By mapping inits over tails, we get all the sublists.
   where sublists = filter (not . null) . concatMap inits . tails

That works for your test case; I haven't tried it exhaustively.


On 7/17/07, James Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in order
to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz
(http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind
enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a
better way of doing it!

subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
subarrays [] = [[]]
subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
 where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]

maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
   msa m [] = m
   msa m (x:xs)
 | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
 | otherwise = msa m xs

--for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem to
find any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way. Is there
anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone could recommend?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

The man who'd introduced them didn't much like either of them, though
he acted as if he did, anxious as he was to preserve good relations at
all times. One never knew, after all, now did one now did one now did
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread David F. Place
You hardly ever need to use explicit recursion in Haskell.  Every  
useful way of doing recursion has already been captured in some  
higher order function.  For example here is your subarrays  
implemented using unfoldr:

subarrays xs = concat $ unfoldr f xs
 f [] = Nothing
 f xs = Just  ( [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n  
xs)]], tail xs)

On Jul 17, 2007, at 4:26 PM, James Hunt wrote:


As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in  
order to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz (http:// 
www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind  
enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a  
better way of doing it!

subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
subarrays [] = [[]]
subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
 where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]

maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
   msa m [] = m
   msa m (x:xs)
 | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
 | otherwise = msa m xs

--for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem  
to find any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way.  
Is there anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone  
could recommend?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Eric Mertens


In my earlier post I mentioned that you should find a dynamic
programming approach to this problem. My solution is presented below,
so you've been warned if you are still working this out:

=== READ ABOVE ===

import Data.List (foldl')

solve = snd . foldl' aux (0, 0)
 aux (cur, best) x = (max 0 cur', max best cur')
   cur' = cur + x

Eric Mertens
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Thomas Hartman
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ProjectRepos/learning$ ghc -fglasgow-exts -e 'main' 
should be [2,5,-1,3]:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ProjectRepos/learning$ cat maxSubArrays.hs
import Data.List
-- maximum sub-array:  [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = do putStrLn $ "should be " ++ show [2, 5, -1, 3] ++ ":"
  putStrLn $ show $ maxsubarray [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

maxsubarray :: forall a. (Ord [a], Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> [a]
maxsubarray a = head $ reverse $ sortBy comparelists $ sublists a

comparelists l1 l2 = compare (sum l1) (sum l2)
sublists a = nub $ sort $ concat $ map inits $ tails a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ProjectRepos/learning$

cheers :)


07/17/2007 04:26 PM


[Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?


As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in order 
to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz 
(http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind 
enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a 
better way of doing it!

subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
subarrays [] = [[]]
subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
  where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]

maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
msa m [] = m
msa m (x:xs)
  | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
  | otherwise = msa m xs

--for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]

I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem to 
find any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way. Is there 
anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone could recommend?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Weston

Bjorn Bringert wrote:

import Data.List

maxsubarrays xs = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  [zs | ys <- inits xs, zs <- tails ys]

I love this solution: simple, understandable, elegant.

As a nit, I might take out the ys and zs names, which obscure the fact 
that there is a hidden symmetry in the problem:

maxsubarrays xs = pickBest  (return xs >>= inits >>= tails)
 where pickBest = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  -- NOTE: Since pickBest is invariant under permutation of its arg,
  --   the order of inits and tails above may be reversed.

Dan Weston

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki

on, which will appear in Data.Function in the next release of base,
is defined thusly:

on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
(*) `on` f = \x y -> f x * f y

You can also use Data.Ord.comparing, in this case -- comparing is just
(compare `on`).

From Ord.hs:

-- |
-- > comparing p x y = compare (p x) (p y)
-- Useful combinator for use in conjunction with the @xxxBy@ family
-- of functions from "Data.List", for example:
-- >   ... sortBy (comparing fst) ...
comparing :: (Ord a) => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering
comparing p x y = compare (p x) (p y)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Weston

Nicest. I think your definition has reached nirvana.

I think a good haskell-cafe thread is like a Shakespeare play. People at 
every level of experience can get something from it. The early replies 
answer the question, with follow-on ones exploring the roads less 
traveled. I for one did not know how to construct the fully pointless 
version below, and if I hadn't asked, I doubt I ever would.

I also learned of the list monad this exact same way, so I think its a 
good and gentle way to introduce people to it.


Bjorn Bringert wrote:

On Jul 18, 2007, at 1:00 , Dan Weston wrote:

Bjorn Bringert wrote:

import Data.List
maxsubarrays xs = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  [zs | ys <- inits xs, zs <- tails ys]

I love this solution: simple, understandable, elegant.

As a nit, I might take out the ys and zs names, which obscure the fact 
that there is a hidden symmetry in the problem:

maxsubarrays xs = pickBest  (return xs >>= inits >>= tails)
 where pickBest = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  -- NOTE: Since pickBest is invariant under permutation of its arg,
  --   the order of inits and tails above may be reversed.

Dan Weston

Nice. Here's a pointless version:

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . (>>= tails) . inits

Though I avoided using the list monad in the first solution, since I 
thought it would make the code less understandable for a beginner.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread David F . Place

On Jul 17, 2007, at 7:10 PM, Bjorn Bringert wrote:

Nice. Here's a pointless version:

Good Freudian slip.

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . (>>= tails) . inits

For the monadically-challenged, this is equivalent, yes-no?

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . concat . (map tails) .  

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Bjorn Bringert

On Jul 18, 2007, at 1:00 , Dan Weston wrote:

Bjorn Bringert wrote:

import Data.List
maxsubarrays xs = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  [zs | ys <- inits xs, zs <- tails ys]

I love this solution: simple, understandable, elegant.

As a nit, I might take out the ys and zs names, which obscure the  
fact that there is a hidden symmetry in the problem:

maxsubarrays xs = pickBest  (return xs >>= inits >>= tails)
 where pickBest = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  -- NOTE: Since pickBest is invariant under permutation of its arg,
  --   the order of inits and tails above may be reversed.

Dan Weston

Nice. Here's a pointless version:

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . (>>= tails) . inits

Though I avoided using the list monad in the first solution, since I  
thought it would make the code less understandable for a beginner.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki

For the monadically-challenged, this is equivalent, yes-no?

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . concat . (map tails) .

Or: maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . concatMap tails . inits
(>>=) for lists is just (flip concatMap).

Also, this is working with lists, not arrays -- maxsubarrays is
probably a misleading name.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Michael Vanier
Incidentally, this thread demonstrates a curious feature of Haskell programming.  You write a 
function which works, but somehow you're not satisfied with it.  You stare at it for a while, 
refactor it into a much smaller version, stare at it some more, refactor it again, and on and on 
until your original function is reduced to one line.  Haskell must be the only language which is too 
good at refactoring -- I think I spend as much time refactoring my Haskell code as I do writing the 
original (working) version.  Maybe I'll get better at this as I get more experience (i.e. by 
bypassing the first few stages).


Dan Weston wrote:

Nicest. I think your definition has reached nirvana.

I think a good haskell-cafe thread is like a Shakespeare play. People at 
every level of experience can get something from it. The early replies 
answer the question, with follow-on ones exploring the roads less 
traveled. I for one did not know how to construct the fully pointless 
version below, and if I hadn't asked, I doubt I ever would.

I also learned of the list monad this exact same way, so I think its a 
good and gentle way to introduce people to it.


Bjorn Bringert wrote:

On Jul 18, 2007, at 1:00 , Dan Weston wrote:

Bjorn Bringert wrote:

import Data.List
maxsubarrays xs = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  [zs | ys <- inits xs, zs <- tails ys]

I love this solution: simple, understandable, elegant.

As a nit, I might take out the ys and zs names, which obscure the 
fact that there is a hidden symmetry in the problem:

maxsubarrays xs = pickBest  (return xs >>= inits >>= tails)
 where pickBest = maximumBy (compare `on` sum)
  -- NOTE: Since pickBest is invariant under permutation of its arg,
  --   the order of inits and tails above may be reversed.

Dan Weston

Nice. Here's a pointless version:

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . (>>= tails) . inits

Though I avoided using the list monad in the first solution, since I 
thought it would make the code less understandable for a beginner.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread ok

On Jul 17, 2007, at 22:26 , James Hunt wrote:
As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in  
order to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz (http:// 
www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell.

Haskell guru level:  I am comfortable with higher order functions, but
never think of using the list monad.

Developing the answer went like this:
  - find all sublists
  - annotate each with its sum
  - find the best (sum, list) pair
  - throw away the sum

best_sublist = snd . maximum . annotate_with_sums . all_sublists

All sublists was easy:

all_sublists = concatMap tails . inits

Confession: the one mistake I made in this was using map here instead
of concatMap, but the error message from Hugs was sufficiently clear.

Annotating with sums is just doing something to each element, so

annotate_with_sums = map (\xs -> (sum xs, xs))

Put them together and you get

best_sublist =
snd . maximum . map (\xs -> (sum xs, xs)) . concatMap tails . inits

The "trick" here is that as far as getting a correct answer is
concerned, we don't *care* whether we compare two lists with equal
sums or not, either will do.  To do without that trick,

best_sublist =
snd . maximumBy c . map s . concatMap tails . inits
where s xs = (sum xs, xs)
  f (s1,_) (s2,_) = compare s1 s2

Confession: I actually made two mistakes.  I remembered the inits
and tails functions, but forgot to import List.  Again, hugs caught  

However, the key point is that this is a TRICK QUESTION.

What is the trick about it?  This is a well known problem called
The Maximum Segment Sum problem.  It's described in a paper
"A note on a standard strategy for developing loop invariants and loops"
by David Gries (Science of Computer Programming 2(1984), pp 207-214).
The Haskell code above finds each segment (and there are O(n**2) of
them, at an average length of O(n) each) and computes the sums (again
O(n) each).  So the Haskell one-liner is O(n**3).  But it CAN be done
in O(n) time.  Gries not only shows how, but shows how to go about it
so that you don't have to be enormously clever to think of an
algorithm like that.

What would be a good exercise for functional programmers would be
to implement the linear-time algorithm.  The algorithm given by
Gries traverses the array one element at a time from left to right,
so it's not that hard.  The tricky thing is modifying the algorithm
to return the list; it might be simplest to just keep track of the
end-points and do a take and a drop at the end.

I think it is at least mildly interesting that people commented about
things like whether to do it using explicit parameters ("pointful"
style) or higher-order functions ("pointless" style) and whether to
use the list monad or concatMap, but everyone seemed to be happy
with a cubic time algorithm when there's a linear time one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Derek Elkins
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 12:13 +1200, ok wrote:
> > On Jul 17, 2007, at 22:26 , James Hunt wrote:
> >> As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in  
> >> order to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz (http:// 
> >> www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell.

> What is the trick about it?  This is a well known problem called
> The Maximum Segment Sum problem.  

So well known that it is commonly used as an example in Haskell papers
on calculating programs.  I'm betting googling '"Maximum Segment Sum"
haskell' will find some of them.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Weston

ok wrote:

I think it is at least mildly interesting that people commented about
things like whether to do it using explicit parameters ("pointful"
style) or higher-order functions ("pointless" style) and whether to
use the list monad or concatMap, but everyone seemed to be happy
with a cubic time algorithm when there's a linear time one.

Speaking only for myself, I concern myself with an algorithm when I am 
learning an algorithm, or using one to solve a real problem.

I try out list monads to learn about list monads, because I am already 
comfortable with list comprehensions.

I concern myself with syntax manipulations and pointedness for the sheer 
unadulterated fun of it.

Then I go back to my day job using C++.

Everyone has their own motivations. I would not draw any further 
conclusions about them from the data at hand.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread David F. Place

On Jul 17, 2007, at 7:10 PM, Bjorn Bringert wrote:

maxsubarrays = maximumBy (compare `on` sum) . (>>= tails) . inits

Though I avoided using the list monad in the first solution, since  
I thought it would make the code less understandable for a beginner.

I felt uncomfortable seeing this.  Let me see if I can explain why.   
Isn't the use of monads here unnecessary and obscure?   The use of  
inits, tails and maximumBy ground the function to a list  
representation.  There seems no hope of generalizing it to other  
monads.  The use of >>= is just an obscure way of saying (flip  

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-17 Thread Tony Morris
Hash: SHA1

David F. Place wrote:
> The use of >>= is just an obscure way of saying (flip concatMap).

The use of >>= is a more general way of saying (flip concatMap).

Tony Morris

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Johan Tibell

I found myself wanting a map that looks at neighboring elements. This is
where I used explicit recursion the most. Something like this:

f [] = []
f ((Foo a) : (Bar b) : xs)
  | fooBar a b = Foo a : f xs
  | otherwise = Bar b : f xs

This is almost a map. A variation is when filtering and you want some
look-ahead to make the filtering decision. There's probably a good way to do
this I'm not aware of.


On 7/17/07, David F. Place <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You hardly ever need to use explicit recursion in Haskell.  Every
useful way of doing recursion has already been captured in some
higher order function.  For example here is your subarrays
implemented using unfoldr:

subarrays xs = concat $ unfoldr f xs
  f [] = Nothing
  f xs = Just  ( [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n
xs)]], tail xs)

On Jul 17, 2007, at 4:26 PM, James Hunt wrote:

> Hi,
> As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in
> order to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz (http://
> www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell. Would someone be kind
> enough to cast their eye over my code? I get the feeling there's a
> better way of doing it!
> subarrays :: [a] -> [[a]]
> subarrays [] = [[]]
> subarrays xs = (sa xs) ++ subarrays (tail xs)
>  where sa xs = [ys | n <- [1..length xs], ys <- [(take n xs)]]
> maxsubarrays :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
> maxsubarrays xs = msa [] (subarrays xs)
>  where
>msa m [] = m
>msa m (x:xs)
>  | sum x > sum m = msa x xs
>  | otherwise = msa m xs
> --for testing: should return [2, 5, -1, 3]
> main = maxsubarrays [-1, 2, 5, -1, 3, -2, 1]
> I've read tutorials about the syntax of Haskell, but I can't seem
> to find any that teach you how to really "think" in a Haskell way.
> Is there anything (books, online tutorials, exercises) that anyone
> could recommend?
> Thanks,
> James
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Bjorn Bringert

On Jul 18, 2007, at 2:13 , ok wrote:

On Jul 17, 2007, at 22:26 , James Hunt wrote:
As a struggling newbie, I've started to try various exercises in  
order to improve. I decided to try the latest Ruby Quiz (http:// 
www.rubyquiz.com/quiz131.html) in Haskell.

Haskell guru level:  I am comfortable with higher order functions, but
never think of using the list monad.

Developing the answer went like this:
  - find all sublists
  - annotate each with its sum
  - find the best (sum, list) pair
  - throw away the sum

best_sublist = snd . maximum . annotate_with_sums . all_sublists

All sublists was easy:

all_sublists = concatMap tails . inits

Confession: the one mistake I made in this was using map here instead
of concatMap, but the error message from Hugs was sufficiently clear.

Annotating with sums is just doing something to each element, so

annotate_with_sums = map (\xs -> (sum xs, xs))

Put them together and you get

best_sublist =
snd . maximum . map (\xs -> (sum xs, xs)) . concatMap tails .  

The "trick" here is that as far as getting a correct answer is
concerned, we don't *care* whether we compare two lists with equal
sums or not, either will do.  To do without that trick,

best_sublist =
snd . maximumBy c . map s . concatMap tails . inits
where s xs = (sum xs, xs)
  f (s1,_) (s2,_) = compare s1 s2

Confession: I actually made two mistakes.  I remembered the inits
and tails functions, but forgot to import List.  Again, hugs caught  

However, the key point is that this is a TRICK QUESTION.

What is the trick about it?  This is a well known problem called
The Maximum Segment Sum problem.  It's described in a paper
"A note on a standard strategy for developing loop invariants and  

by David Gries (Science of Computer Programming 2(1984), pp 207-214).
The Haskell code above finds each segment (and there are O(n**2) of
them, at an average length of O(n) each) and computes the sums (again
O(n) each).  So the Haskell one-liner is O(n**3).  But it CAN be done
in O(n) time.  Gries not only shows how, but shows how to go about it
so that you don't have to be enormously clever to think of an
algorithm like that.

What would be a good exercise for functional programmers would be
to implement the linear-time algorithm.  The algorithm given by
Gries traverses the array one element at a time from left to right,
so it's not that hard.  The tricky thing is modifying the algorithm
to return the list; it might be simplest to just keep track of the
end-points and do a take and a drop at the end.

I think it is at least mildly interesting that people commented about
things like whether to do it using explicit parameters ("pointful"
style) or higher-order functions ("pointless" style) and whether to
use the list monad or concatMap, but everyone seemed to be happy
with a cubic time algorithm when there's a linear time one.

Well, the original poster wanted advice on how to improve his Haskell  
style, not algorithmic complexity. I think that the appropriate  
response to that is to show different ways to write the same program  
in idiomatic Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread David F. Place

On Jul 17, 2007, at 10:13 PM, Tony Morris wrote:

David F. Place wrote:

The use of >>= is just an obscure way of saying (flip concatMap).

The use of >>= is a more general way of saying (flip concatMap).

Tony Morris

Yes, but that generality is entirely wasted here and thus an  
obscuring element.  There is no way that this function can be  
generalized to work with other monads.

David F. Place

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Johan Tibell wrote:

I found myself wanting a map that looks at neighboring elements. This is
where I used explicit recursion the most. Something like this:

f [] = []
f ((Foo a) : (Bar b) : xs)
  | fooBar a b = Foo a : f xs
  | otherwise = Bar b : f xs

This is almost a map. A variation is when filtering and you want some
look-ahead to make the filtering decision. There's probably a good way 
to do this I'm not aware of.

If you want to map over all elements, but need to look ahead in the 
mapped function, you can map over the tails:

  map' :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> b
  map' f = map f . tails

f should be something like
  f (a:b:c:_) = ...

If you want to handle groups of n elements together, producing only one 
element per group, you can use unfoldr with splitAt:

  map'' :: Int -> ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
  map'' n f =
map f . unfoldr (((not . null . fst) `guarding`) . splitAt n)

  guarding p x = guard (p x) >> return x

If you want to decide in the mapped function how many elements to 
consume, you can use unfoldr directly.

  Tillmann Rendel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Johan Tibell

Sounds like what I want. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

On 7/18/07, Tillmann Rendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Johan Tibell wrote:
> I found myself wanting a map that looks at neighboring elements. This is
> where I used explicit recursion the most. Something like this:
> f [] = []
> f ((Foo a) : (Bar b) : xs)
>   | fooBar a b = Foo a : f xs
>   | otherwise = Bar b : f xs
> This is almost a map. A variation is when filtering and you want some
> look-ahead to make the filtering decision. There's probably a good way
> to do this I'm not aware of.

If you want to map over all elements, but need to look ahead in the
mapped function, you can map over the tails:

   map' :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> b
   map' f = map f . tails

f should be something like
   f (a:b:c:_) = ...

If you want to handle groups of n elements together, producing only one
element per group, you can use unfoldr with splitAt:

   map'' :: Int -> ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
   map'' n f =
 map f . unfoldr (((not . null . fst) `guarding`) . splitAt n)

   guarding p x = guard (p x) >> return x

If you want to decide in the mapped function how many elements to
consume, you can use unfoldr directly.

   Tillmann Rendel

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
J. Garrett Morris wrote:
>-- the tails function returns each tail of the given list; the
> inits function
>-- is similar.  By mapping inits over tails, we get all the sublists.
>where sublists = filter (not . null) . concatMap inits . tails

Nice, but

concatMap tails . inits

is much better in my opinion, for several reasons:

- inits is expensive (O(n^2)) while tails is cheap (O(n)), so it's
  better to use inits only once.
- the result lists of inits can't be shared (which is essentially the
  reason why it's so expensive); tails shares the common part of the
  result lists.
- finally,  concatMap tails . inits  works nicely with infinite lists,
  with every substring occuring in the result eventually

Btw, if you don't want the empty lists, you can use

concatMap (init . tails) . tail . inits

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Dan Weston

> Btw, if you don't want the empty lists, you can use
> concatMap (init . tails) . tail . inits

Would it not be more efficient and perspicuous to keep the sublists 
definition as is, just interchanging inits and tails?

  where sublists = filter (not . null) . concatMap tails . inits

Or am I missing some argument about sublist sharing?


Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:
> J. Garrett Morris wrote:
>>-- the tails function returns each tail of the given list; the
>> inits function
>>-- is similar.  By mapping inits over tails, we get all the sublists.
>>where sublists = filter (not . null) . concatMap inits . tails
> Nice, but
> concatMap tails . inits
> is much better in my opinion, for several reasons:
> - inits is expensive (O(n^2)) while tails is cheap (O(n)), so it's
>   better to use inits only once.
> - the result lists of inits can't be shared (which is essentially the
>   reason why it's so expensive); tails shares the common part of the
>   result lists.
> - finally,  concatMap tails . inits  works nicely with infinite lists,
>   with every substring occuring in the result eventually
> Btw, if you don't want the empty lists, you can use
> concatMap (init . tails) . tail . inits
> Bertram

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread ok

On 18 Jul 2007, at 8:52 pm, Bjorn Bringert wrote:
Well, the original poster wanted advice on how to improve his  
Haskell style, not algorithmic complexity. I think that the  
appropriate response to that is to show different ways to write the  
same program in idiomatic Haskell.

(a) I gave some of that; I wrote my solution before seeing anyone
(b) I find it hard to imagine a state of mind in which algorithmic
complexity is seen as irrelevant to style.  I am reminded of the
bad old days when Quintus had customers who were infuriated
because writing an exponential-time algorithm in a few lines of
Prolog didn't mean it ran fast on large examples.  Their code
was short, so it HAD to be good code, which meant the slowness
had to be our fault.  Not so!
(c) The key point in my posting was the reference to Gries' paper,
in which he derives an imperative program in Dijkstra's notation
USING A CALCULATIONAL STYLE, very like the bananas-lenses-and-
barbed wire stuff popular in some parts of the functional


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov
DFP> Yes, but that generality is entirely wasted here and thus an
DFP> obscuring element. There is no way that this function can be
DFP> generalized to work with other monads.

As for me, concatMap (and concat.map as well) seems much more
obscuring. (>>=) is so general, that I use it almost everywhere, but
I have to dig into my memory to remember concatMap (or is it

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough?

2007-07-18 Thread J. Garrett Morris

This is probably just me, but I've always mentally separated the list
monad (representing choice) from operations on ordered sets
implemented by lists (which don't always have to represent choice).
In this case, since the remainder of the code wasn't monadic, I find
it much easier to understand what concatMap (or concat . map if you
don't like the merged function) does than what (>>= tails) would do.


On 7/18/07, Miguel Mitrofanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DFP> Yes, but that generality is entirely wasted here and thus an
DFP> obscuring element. There is no way that this function can be
DFP> generalized to work with other monads.

As for me, concatMap (and concat.map as well) seems much more
obscuring. (>>=) is so general, that I use it almost everywhere, but
I have to dig into my memory to remember concatMap (or is it

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

The man who'd introduced them didn't much like either of them, though
he acted as if he did, anxious as he was to preserve good relations at
all times. One never knew, after all, now did one now did one now did
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough? -- errm but every answer is wrong(?)

2007-07-17 Thread Anthony Clayden
(Or at least the problem is under-specified.)

1. There may be several sub-sequences having the maximum
   So the type for the solution should be :: Num a => [a] ->
   (Note that the problem didn't ask for the maximum

2. The inits . tails approach adds a fault:
   It introduces a sprinkling of empty sub-sequences. These
have sum zero.
   So in case the input list is all negative numbers ...

Being a software tester for my day job, I looked first not
for an elegant and/or efficient solution; but for where to
stretch the boundaries of the problem.

> However, the key point is that this is a TRICK QUESTION.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough? -- errm but every answer is wrong(?)

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Weston
Correct, efficient, elegant: you can only have two out of three. I see 
where your priorities lie! :)


Anthony Clayden wrote:

(Or at least the problem is under-specified.)

1. There may be several sub-sequences having the maximum
   So the type for the solution should be :: Num a => [a] ->
   (Note that the problem didn't ask for the maximum

2. The inits . tails approach adds a fault:
   It introduces a sprinkling of empty sub-sequences. These
have sum zero.
   So in case the input list is all negative numbers ...

Being a software tester for my day job, I looked first not
for an elegant and/or efficient solution; but for where to
stretch the boundaries of the problem.

However, the key point is that this is a TRICK QUESTION.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough? -- errm but every answer is wrong(?)

2007-07-17 Thread J. Garrett Morris

On 7/17/07, Anthony Clayden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2. The inits . tails approach adds a fault:
   It introduces a sprinkling of empty sub-sequences. These
have sum zero.
   So in case the input list is all negative numbers ...

At least the concatMap inits . tails code that I posted also filtered
empty lists to avoid this problem... it seems like a simple omission
rather than a fault in the approach.


The man who'd introduced them didn't much like either of them, though
he acted as if he did, anxious as he was to preserve good relations at
all times. One never knew, after all, now did one now did one now did
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is this haskelly enough? -- errm but every answer is wrong(?)

2007-07-19 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Anthony Clayden wrote:

(Or at least the problem is under-specified.)

1. There may be several sub-sequences having the maximum
   So the type for the solution should be :: Num a => [a] ->

2. The inits . tails approach adds a fault:
   It introduces a sprinkling of empty sub-sequences. These
have sum zero.
   So in case the input list is all negative numbers ...

Being a software tester for my day job, I looked first not
for an elegant and/or efficient solution; but for where to
stretch the boundaries of the problem.

I am an academic into formal methods. Contrary to common myth, my 
perspective is compatible with, not contrary to, the tester perspective. 
If you start from testing and let one of your "size" or "coverage" 
parameters tend to infinity, you arrive at a formal method. Both 
perspectives demand well-scoped specifications, otherwise there is 
little to test for or verify against. Thus, I also look first for 
boundaries of problems.

Here are two test cases:

(A) [2, -10, 2]

(B) [-10, -11]

Following point #1, the answer to (A) may be [[2]] or [[2], [2]], 
depending on whether you consider the first [2] to be "the same as" the 
second [2]. Some people say, "[2]==[2], they are the same". Some other 
people say, "they occur at different places, they are different, in fact 
it is probably more interesting to give indexes rather than list 
contents, e.g., [(0,0), (2,2)]".

If you decide they are the same, then I have little to say about (B) and 
point #2, except that you should beware that the answer to (B) is [[]], 
and in your effort of killing off empty lists you should be careful in 
preserving one of them.

If you decide they are different, then point #2 is ill advice. As you 
would consider multiple occurrences of [2] to be distinct because they 
come from different positions, so you would consider multiple occurences 
of [] to be distinct because they come from different positions. In (B), 
there are three occurrences of []: before -10, between -10 and -11, and 
after -11. All three should be reported as answers. The answer should be 
[[], [], []] or [(0,-1), (1,0), (2,1)]. It is in fact paramount to use 
inits . tails or equivalent to sprinkle empty subsequences, since that's 
the only way you won't miss them.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list