Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-15 Thread Thomas Johnsson
  printastable :: [([Int],Word)] - String
  printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++
  \n) l

 I'd use

 [ c | (xs,w) - l, c - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++ \n ]

 instead -- after all, list comprehensions provide a much nicer
 syntax for map, filter and concat.

 I try to stay away from list comprehension because I can't memorize in
 which order the conditions are processed and I have to introduce new
 variables. [..]

I find it helpful to compare list comprehensions to nested loops  ifs
in imperative languages, so that eg

   [ E | v1 - E1, pred2, v3 - E3 ]

'does the same thing as'

   for( v1 - E1 ){
  if( pred2 ){
 for( v3 - E3){
put-elem-in-resulting-list( E )

-- Thomas

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread Conor McBride
David Menendez wrote:
Now that I think about it, you can generalize the trick I mentioned
elsewhere to work over any
Idiom/Sequence/more-than-a-functor-not-yet-a-monad thingy.
Just to fill in the genealogy: the numeral thing is from Daniel
Fridlender and Mia Indrika's 'Do we need dependent types?', it's
inspired by Olivier Danvy's 'Functional Unparsing' and it was part
of the inspiration for my own 'Faking It'.
*Main unL1 $ liftN two (,) (L1 [1,2,3]) (L1 abc)
*Main unL2 $ liftN two (,) (L2 [1,2,3]) (L2 abc)
My funny brackety notation, cheap hack though it is, spares the counting
  idI (,) (L1 [1,2,3]) (L1 abc) Idi
Here's an idiom I knocked up the other day. It's quite like the zipWith,
except that it pads instead of truncating (so it's like the zero and max
monoid, not the infinity and min monoid).
  data Paddy x = Pad [x] x
  instance Idiom Paddy where
idi x = Pad [] x
Pad fs fp % Pad ss sp = Pad (papp fs ss) (fp sp) where
  papp [] [] = []
  papp [] ss = map (fp $) ss
  papp fs [] = map ($ sp) fs
  papp (f : fs) (s : ss) = f s : papp fs ss
I use it for two-dimensional formatting.
  type Box = Paddy (Paddy Char)
Idioms have two key good points
  (1) they look applicative
  (2) they compose without difficulty
If you're willing to make the types distinguish the idioms you're using,
as in choice-lists and vector-lists, then a lot of routine operations wither
to a huddle of combinators sitting under a type signature which actually does
most of the work. Instance inference is like having a great rhythm section:
you hum it, they play it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread Josef Svenningsson
On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 10:18:12 -0500, Robert Dockins
   And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be
 Is this true?  Can you not use backticks on a partially applied
 function?  If so, it seems like such a thing would be pretty useful
 (although I've never actually had occasion to need it, so)  I'll dig
 out the report and check sometime, but does anyone know for sure that
 the following wouldn't work?
 [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
It is possible to emulate this behaviour with some operator trickery. See:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
At the moment the unix encrypted passwords are downloaded using
sov_slave (an application written by ICT that talks directly
to the SOV database)... As far as I am aware all unix cluster
in college that are part of ICTs single sign-on us this method
unless you have recently changed them...

I am suggesting that if there are currently no restrictions on which
machines can download using sov_slave, then such restrictions should
be put in place.

We use scp to update the shadow password files directly on each machine,
so the unix crypted password is not exposed (except on a legacy YP domain
which is not used by us anymore for password authentication)...

I should be able to disable this YP domain, in which case there would
be no exposure of the unix passwords, except the possiblility of snooping
the sov_slave transfer. This in turn could be done over an encryted
SSH tunnel, removing _all_ exposure of the passwords. 

(we would still download using sov_slave - but as we would authenticate
using an ssh key, and only the shadow files would be updates there
would be no exposure)...

Anyway that is all temporary, we intend to move to Kerberos, once 
I have sorted out a couple of issues (like ACLs for restricted access

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen - Sun Labs East
Thomas Johnsson wrote:
printastable :: [([Int],Word)] - String

printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++
\n) l
 I'd use
 [ c | (xs,w) - l, c - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++ \n ]
 instead -- after all, list comprehensions provide a much nicer
 syntax for map, filter and concat.

Or, if you hate append as much as I do:

[ c | (xs,w) - l, cs - [show xs,  , w, \n], c - cs ]

If you're hard-core, you can turn show into shows and delete a comma...

(OK, it's terribly silly in this example, but I do use list
comprehensions in this way to avoid concat-ing an
already-appended-together list.)

-Jan-Willem Maessen

 -- Thomas
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Thomas Johnsson wrote:

  printastable :: [([Int],Word)] - String
  printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++
  \n) l
 I'd use
 [ c | (xs,w) - l, c - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++ \n ]
 instead -- after all, list comprehensions provide a much nicer
 syntax for map, filter and concat.

I try to stay away from list comprehension because I can't memorize in
which order the conditions are processed and I have to introduce new
variables. List comprehension means thinking with variables, using 'map'
and 'concat' means thinking with functions.
 Btw. if you want to save characters you can also use 'concatMap':

printAsTable = concatMap (\(xs,w) - show xs ++   ++ w ++ \n)


printAsTable = unlines . map (\(xs,w) - show xs ++   ++ w)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread Simon Marlow
On 09 December 2004 16:37, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 Robert Dockins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Prelude [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
   interactive:1: parse error on input `('
 is there a technical reason for this or did it just happen?
 If you are asking why general expressions are prohibited between
 backticks, yes, there is a reason.  The expression could be
 arbitrarily large, so you might have to search many lines to find the
 closing backtick.  But in such a situation, it is surely much more
 that the programmer has simply forgotten to close the ticks around
 a simple identifier.  Just think of the potential for delightfully
 baffling type error messages that might result!

Forgetting to close a tick would lead to an odd number of ticks, which
would probably be flagged as a parse error.  Unless you had an even
number of missing ticks, of course :-)

You can't allow completely general expressions inside backticks,
otherwise you run into ambiguity with:

  1 `plus` 2 + 3 `plus` 4

so, is that 

  (plus 1 2) + (plus 3 4)

or is it
  ((2+3) plus plus) 1 4

So it would have to be `fexp` only (see the Haskell grammar for fexp).

And there's fixities: you can specify the fixity of `x`, but it doesn't
make sense to specify the fixity of an expression.

There's a historical reason too: `x` and (+) used to be single lexical
tokens.  I think that changed in Haskell 1.3, but I could be mistaken.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-10 Thread Ben Rudiak-Gould
Henning Thielemann wrote:
I try to stay away from list comprehension because I can't memorize in
which order the conditions are processed [...]
I remember it as being slowest-changing-to-the-left, just like the 
positional notation for integers. E.g.

   [[x,y] | x - ['1'..'4'], y - ['0'..'9']]
will give you the numbers from 10 to 49 in order (as strings).
Another way to remember is that it's the same order as its equivalent 
using the list monad:

   do { x - ['1'..'4']; y - ['0'..'9']; return [x,y] }
-- Ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Douglas Bromley
Hi Everyone

My first post to the mailing list is a cry for help.  Apologies for that.
I've seen an example of how this is done in the archives but I'm
afraid I'm a bit more behind than the person who seemed to understand
the answer so if someone could help me??

The problem is this:

I've show(n) a particular data type and it shows up as:

What I want to do is format that nicely into a table.
The best way of doing (I thought) was to:
Remove the first [( and final )]
Then replace ),( with a newline(\n)

Which would give: 

I get the impression I may find it easier adding newlines earlier on
in my program but I thought this may be the easiest way.  I'll include
all the code for the whole program in case it helps to see where I'm
coming from.  It takes an input file of text and outputs an index to
an output file.  My soul question and drive is to lay out the index in
a nicely formatted fashion.  Any help would be very much appreciated.

module TextProc where
-- import Prelude hiding (Word)
import IO
import List
type Word = String  -- define types
type Line = String
type Doc = String

start :: IO ()
 = do
   putStrLn  Enter Choice *
   putStrLn 1. Enter Input and Output files
   putStrLn 2. Exit
   putStrLn ***
   choice - getLine
   if (choice == 1)
   ( do
 putStrLn Type input file name:
 fileNameI - getLine
 text - readFile fileNameI
 putStrLn Type output file name:
 fileNameO - getLine
 writeFile fileNameO (makeIndex text)
   ( do

makeIndex :: Doc - Doc  -- changed so output can be written to file
 = show .
   shorten .-- [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)] 
   amalgamate . -- [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
   makeLists .  -- [(Int, Word)]   - [([Int], Word)]
   sortLs . -- [(Int, Word)]   - [(Int, Word)]
   allNumWords . -- [(Int, Line)]   - [(Int, Word)]
   numLines .   -- [Line]  - [(Int, Line)]
   splitUp -- Doc - [Line]

splitUp :: Doc - [Line]
splitUp [] = [] 
splitUp ls 
 = takeWhile (/='\n') ls :   -- first line
   (splitUp .-- split up other line
dropWhile (=='\n') . -- delete 1st newLine(s)
dropWhile (/='\n')) ls   -- other lines

numLines :: [Line] - [(Int, Line)]
numLines lines   -- list of pairs of
 = zip [1 .. length lines] lines -- line no.  line

splitWords :: Line - [Word] -- split up lines into words
splitWords [] = [] 
splitWords line
 = takeWhile isLetter line : -- first word in line
(splitWords .-- split other words  
 dropWhile (not.isLetter) .   -- delete separators
 dropWhile isLetter) line-- other words

isLetter ch
=('a' = ch)  (ch = 'z')
  || ('A' = ch)  (ch = 'Z')
  || ('-' == ch)

numWords :: (Int, Line) - [(Int, Word)] -- attach line no. to each word
numWords (number, line) 
 = map addLineNum (splitWords line)  -- all line pairs
addLineNum word = (number, word) -- a pair

allNumWords :: [(Int, Line)] - [(Int, Word)]
allNumWords = concat . map numWords -- doc pairs

sortLs :: [(Int, Word)] - [(Int, Word)]
sortLs [ ] = [ ]
sortLs (a:x)
 = sortLs [b | b - x, compare b a] -- sort 1st half
 ++ [a] ++  -- 1st in middle 
 sortLs [b | b - x, compare a b]   -- sort 2nd half
   compare (n1, w1) (n2, w2) 
= (w1  w2) -- 1st word less 
  || (w1 == w2  n1  n2)  -- check no.

makeLists :: [(Int, Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
 = map mk   -- all pairs 
   where mk (num, word) = ([num], word)
-- list of single no.

amalgamate :: [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
amalgamate [ ] = [ ]
amalgamate [a] = [a]
amalgamate ((n1, w1) : (n2, w2) : rest) -- pairs of pairs 
 | w1 /= w2   = (n1, w1) : amalgamate ((n2, w2) : rest) 
 | otherwise = amalgamate ((n1 ++ n2, w1) : rest) 
-- if words are same grow list
of numbers

shorten :: [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
 = filter long  -- keep pairs 4 
   long (num, word) = length word  4-- check word 4
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Ketil Malde
Douglas Bromley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've show(n) a particular data type and it shows up as:

Let me guess: type [([Integer],String)]?

 What I want to do is format that nicely into a table.

Since you (probably) want one list entry on a line, why not
format each entry as a string, and output each string as a line?  You
may find the function unlines to be helpful.

 The best way of doing (I thought) was to:
 Remove the first [( and final )]
 Then replace ),( with a newline(\n)

If you really want to do this (reformat the string), you could perhaps
write a function that substitutes a substring for something else,
perhaps using isPrefixOf, drop and take.  But this will be a
more fragile design than working from the original data strucure.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Jules Bean
To amplify on the other replies you already had, don't use show here:
makeIndex :: Doc - Doc  -- changed so output can be written to file
 = show .
   shorten .-- [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
   amalgamate . -- [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
   makeLists .  -- [(Int, Word)]   - [([Int], Word)]
   sortLs . -- [(Int, Word)]   - [(Int, Word)]
   allNumWords . -- [(Int, Line)]   - [(Int, Word)]
   numLines .   -- [Line]  - [(Int, Line)]
   splitUp -- Doc - [Line]
Instead use, e.g.
printastable :: [([Int],Word)] - String
printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++ 
\n) l

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Douglas Bromley
I'd just like to thank everyone for helping.  Its now working great!
I really appreciate your help.  I only wish I'd discovered the mailing
list sooner.

All the best.


On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 10:31:52 +, Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To amplify on the other replies you already had, don't use show here:
  makeIndex :: Doc - Doc  -- changed so output can be written to file
   = show .
 shorten .-- [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
 amalgamate . -- [([Int], Word)] - [([Int], Word)]
 makeLists .  -- [(Int, Word)]   - [([Int], Word)]
 sortLs . -- [(Int, Word)]   - [(Int, Word)]
 allNumWords . -- [(Int, Line)]   - [(Int, Word)]
 numLines .   -- [Line]  - [(Int, Line)]
 splitUp -- Doc - [Line]
 Instead use, e.g.
 printastable :: [([Int],Word)] - String
 printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) - (show xs) ++   ++ w ++
 \n) l

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen - Sun Labs East
Keith Wansbrough wrote:
 zip stops when it reaches the end of the shorter list, so you can just say
   zip [1 ..] lines
 In fact, most programmers use the infix version of zip, like this:
   [1..] `zip` lines
 which is nicely readable.  (any function can be turned into an infix by 
 surrounding it in `backticks`).

And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be

Proving that I so rarely want lists of pairs,

-Jan-Willem Maessen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Robert Dockins
 And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be
Is this true?  Can you not use backticks on a partially applied 
function?  If so, it seems like such a thing would be pretty useful 
(although I've never actually had occasion to need it, so)  I'll dig 
out the report and check sometime, but does anyone know for sure that 
the following wouldn't work?

[1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Ketil Malde
Robert Dockins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be

 [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]

You don't have a computer at your end of the internet? :-)

  Prelude [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
  interactive:1: parse error on input `('
  Prelude  let zwp = zipWith (+) in [1..5] `zwp` [7..]

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Robert Dockins
Ketil Malde wrote:
Robert Dockins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be

[1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]

You don't have a computer at your end of the internet? :-)
Yes, but I'm at work, and I try to limit the amount of time I spend on 
my hobbies while on the clock; thus I have not haskell 
compilers/interpreters here because otherwise I'd spend all of my time 
playing around with haskell instead of doing what I'm supposed to ;-)
Haskell is a lot more fun than Java.

  Prelude [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
  interactive:1: parse error on input `('
  Prelude  let zwp = zipWith (+) in [1..5] `zwp` [7..]

I thought that might be the case.
To the haskell gods:  is there a technical reason for this or did it 
just happen?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Robert Dockins wrote:

   And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be
 Is this true?  Can you not use backticks on a partially applied 
 function?  If so, it seems like such a thing would be pretty useful 
 (although I've never actually had occasion to need it, so)  I'll dig 
 out the report and check sometime, but does anyone know for sure that 
 the following wouldn't work?
 [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]

Infix operators are syntactic sugar, they are neither necessary nor
essential. They can be used to simulate mathematical notation, if one
considers that to be more readable, not only because it is more common.  I
don't think that it is a good idea to extend the infix notation to any
functional expression. I also think that one should use backquotes rarely
and especially one should not define library functions with their
parameters in the wrong order just because one expects that the user of
the library will stick to the infix notation and slicing (such as (`zip` x)).
 I hope that it is not true, that most programmers write `zip`. If it is
true, I doubt, that this is good style.  :-]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 10:02:39AM -0500, Jan-Willem Maessen - Sun Labs East 
 And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to be

You can also use zipWith to simulate zipN, for any N (however, the following
code uses infix notation):

Prelude let l = words Haskell is great
Prelude let zwApply = zipWith ($)
Prelude repeat (,,) `zwApply` [1..] `zwApply` l `zwApply` map length l
Prelude map (,,) l `zwApply` [1..] `zwApply` map length l

I found it useful recently, when I needed zip functions for Trees - this way I
didn't have to define functions for 3 trees, 4 trees, and so on.

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Robert Dockins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Prelude [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
interactive:1: parse error on input `('
 is there a technical reason for this or did it just happen?

If you are asking why general expressions are prohibited between
backticks, yes, there is a reason.  The expression could be arbitrarily
large, so you might have to search many lines to find the closing
backtick.  But in such a situation, it is surely much more likely
that the programmer has simply forgotten to close the ticks around
a simple identifier.  Just think of the potential for delightfully
baffling type error messages that might result!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Derek Elkins
 Robert Dockins robdockins at writes:
And I thought that most programmers used zipWith, which has to
be prefix.
  [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
 You don't have a computer at your end of the internet? :-)
   Prelude [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
   interactive:1: parse error on input `('
   Prelude  let zwp = zipWith (+) in [1..5] `zwp` [7..]

A way to accomplish the above is given on

Also for those who haven't looked too hard at the wiki (or at all),
is probably the most densely packed page of information on it and makes
a great starting point for finding answers on the wiki.  The above link
is on it, and also the perennial questions about making functions strict
is on it under section Efficiency ForcingEagerEvaluation (where
you'll find things like DeepSeq), and some documentation on
Control.Monad.* modules under MonadTemplateLibrary.  So, just in
general, it's a useful and interesting page, and many posts to
haskell(-cafe) can be avoided just by perusing it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Conor McBride
Jan-Willem Maessen - Sun Labs East wrote:
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
I found it useful recently, when I needed zip functions for Trees - this way I
didn't have to define functions for 3 trees, 4 trees, and so on.

Note also that:
repeat f `zwApply` xs  =  map f xs
When cooking up my own collection-y things (including splittable
supplies, for example), I generally provide fmap and an equivalent of
zwApply (a generic repeat is not quite so simple or useful).  It's a
nice little idiom, and a recommend it highly.
Funny you should choose that word:
saves me banging the same old drum.
PS Many apologies for not having written this up yet!
--[I've moved again...]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Glynn Clements

Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 Prelude [1..5] `zipWith (+)` [7..]
 interactive:1: parse error on input `('
  is there a technical reason for this or did it just happen?
 If you are asking why general expressions are prohibited between
 backticks, yes, there is a reason.  The expression could be arbitrarily
 large, so you might have to search many lines to find the closing
 backtick.  But in such a situation, it is surely much more likely
 that the programmer has simply forgotten to close the ticks around
 a simple identifier.  Just think of the potential for delightfully
 baffling type error messages that might result!

There's also the issue that you wouldn't be allowed to use backticks
within such an expression, so you would need additional grammar rules
describing expressions which are allowed within backticks.

Glynn Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 05:55:09PM +, Conor McBride wrote:
 Funny you should choose that word:
 saves me banging the same old drum.

Is ap alias # alias % for [] really the same as zwApply? Probably
I am missing something.

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread Conor McBride
Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 05:55:09PM +, Conor McBride wrote:

Funny you should choose that word:

saves me banging the same old drum.

 Is ap alias # alias % for [] really the same as zwApply? Probably
 I am missing something.
Yes and no. Depends which list monad you're using. zwApply is the %
of one of the list idioms: it corresponds to the 'vectorizing' list monad
whose return is repeat and whose join computes the diagonal of a matrix.
But you're right: library ap for the 'list of successes' monad and zwApply
do not coincide. I tend to use different list functors, depending on what
they're for, so that all the plumbing is correctly cued from the types.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty

2004-12-09 Thread David Menendez
Conor McBride writes:
 Jan-Willem Maessen - Sun Labs East wrote:
  Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
 I found it useful recently, when I needed zip functions for Trees -
 this way I didn't have to define functions for 3 trees, 4 trees,
 and so on.
  Note also that:
  repeat f `zwApply` xs  =  map f xs
  When cooking up my own collection-y things (including splittable
  supplies, for example), I generally provide fmap and an equivalent
  of zwApply (a generic repeat is not quite so simple or useful). 
  It's a nice little idiom, and a recommend it highly.
 Funny you should choose that word:
 saves me banging the same old drum.

Now that I think about it, you can generalize the trick I mentioned
elsewhere to work over any
Idiom/Sequence/more-than-a-functor-not-yet-a-monad thingy.

 class Sequence f where
   unit  :: a - f a
   (*) :: f (a - b) - f a - f b
 liftN :: Sequence f = (f a - b) - a - b
 liftN d f = d (unit f)
 suc :: Sequence f = (f b - c) - f (a - b) - f a - c
 suc d f x = d (f * x)
 zero = id
 one :: Sequence f = f (a - b) - f a - f b
 one = suc zero
 two :: Sequence f = f (a - b - c) - f a - f b - f c
 two = suc one
 newtype L1 a = L1 { unL1 :: [a] }
 newtype L2 a = L2 { unL2 :: [a] }
 instance Idiom L1 where
   unit x = L1 [x]
   L1 fs * L1 xs = L1 [ f x | f - fs, x - xs ]
 instance Idiom L2 where
   unit x = L2 (repeat x)
   L2 fs * L2 xs = L2 (zipWith ($) fs xs)

*Main unL1 $ liftN two (,) (L1 [1,2,3]) (L1 abc)
*Main unL2 $ liftN two (,) (L2 [1,2,3]) (L2 abc)
David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] | In this house, we obey the laws  |of thermodynamics!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list