Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market (was Re: Why functional programming matters

2008-01-27 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Stefan,

Sunday, January 27, 2008, 1:14:46 AM, you wrote:

 But historically, computers have been available at all kinds of price
 ranges, so people chose the price point that fit them.  So, for the last
 15 years or so already computers have been chosen (in the wealthy
 countries) to be cheaper than programmers.

 Is there any reason to think that the same forces aren't at play in
 lower-income nations?  After all, cheap (typically second hand)
 computers are easy to come by.

what you mean by cheap computer? one which can't run modern software
at all, smth like first IBM PC? :)  in poor countries there is not
just second-hand computers because local sources doesn't exist (in
order to have 100k of second-hand computers people should buy the same
100k new computers a few years ago), and global import of second-hand
computers is non-existant

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market

2008-01-27 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Derek Elkins writes: 

//Discussion about Lisp in Russia, some people not getting younger, Scheme
with types, and other bedlam// 

No language that was ever popular has ever died as far as I can tell.

This is one of the persistent truths which has to be carefully
interpreted. Languages mutate and give offsprings, bearing sometimes the
same name. The original Fortran is undoubtly dead and buried. Long live

In some cases people defend this thesis with sophism. Algol is dead. No
sense in disputing it. So what? It simply was never popular enough... 

Since the Nature abhorrs vacuum, all niches tend to become non-empty, and
for any language, there will be some guys who will play with it. Snobol
is alive, APL as well. Perhaps even Simula. 

When can we say that it is *really* dead? How many users? Languages are
alive when people who used them are alive, and we didn't have had time
enough to kill all of them, patriarchs... Look, Simon Peyton Jones was
born more or less simultaneously with Fortran. And he is not so terribly
old, is he? (Welll, perhaps for some of you, but not for me.) 

Anyway, a language, as any other conceptual structure, can be
stored and communicated. You may kill all the working instances, and
rekindle it later. It such a way it is difficult to kill a religion, or
a political doctrine. But it may die, become useless/unused temporarily.
So, you never really know... 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market

2008-01-27 Thread ajb

G'day all.


Algol is dead. No
sense in disputing it.

And yet Delphi is still alive.  So is Modula-3, though it tends to be
referred to as Java these days.

And, of course, Haskell is ensuring that Miranda will never really die.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market

2008-01-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

 Hello Hans,

 Sunday, January 27, 2008, 5:02:57 PM, you wrote:

  This reminds me, I worked at a Dutch telecomm software production
  company for a short while in 1999 and they had two Russian software
  engineers there, one from St. Petersburg and one from Wladiwostok, both
  female and under 25 years of age. They programmed in C and were highly
  respected by their managers and colleagues! So, there are at least
  counterexamples :-)

 no. you should asked them HOW they learned programming and i'm pretty
 sure (knowing too much about our universities and institutes) that
 they were just a self-learned - like myself. generally speaking, our
 higher education now just starting to teach students new Java
 technologies - you can imagine how old is knowledge they get there.
 actually, all the good russian programmers i ever seen are

Many things I need today for math and computer science I have acquired in
an auto-didactic way. These are usually the things I can remember most
easily. Isn't it a good education system if it allows, or supports, or
encourages or forces you to learn this way? :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market

2008-01-26 Thread Artem V. Andreev

 Tim Chevalier/Paul Johnson about cheap computers, expensive programmers

  This is true only if talking to people in high-income nations.
 Even in low-income nations, its only false in the short term.  If you
 have skilled programmers with computers and Internet connections then
 their wages inflate to the world norm.  IIRC India is seeing 20%/year
 wage inflation...

 It's true that India seems to be going in that direction, but
 personally I don't feel I have the background or temerity to suggest
 that it will definitely happen for the rest of the world.

 The issue is less related to the actual income, but to the global politics,
 sometimes doctrinal. Not always the invisible hand of market may easily
 change things, and if a given nation/country has historical strong views
 on the power of the people, the evolution is different than at your place.
 India doesn't seem to boast that they are numerous and powerful. Chinese
 do... We shall see.

 You may perhaps remember (which you won't, because you are too young) the
 glorious times when computers became a reality even in Soviet Union. They
 had at that time plenty of really good mathematicians. But the totalitarian
 view of the science, plus the nationalistic proudness, made them (the rulers
 not the scientists...) think and say that with so many good people, there
 is no need to develop the programming automated tools.

 They neglected the programming languages. Russia and their satellites became
 a kind of desert here not only because of economical problems...
Not wishing to refute your general point, I can only note that U.S.S.R did 
have its own school of computer science in general, and of developing
programming language implementations in particular. 
There were Fortran and Algol compilers, there is Refal, after all, 
which is a purely Soviet invention (and which, for that matter, 
is still being taught in several Russian universities).
So in this particular respect you are definitely wrong.


S. Y. A(R). A.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market (was Re: Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread Stefan Monnier
 * Say computers are cheap but programmers are expensive whenever
 explaining a correctness or productivity feature.
 This is true only if talking to people in high-income nations.

Is it?  Maybe you're right.

But historically, computers have been available at all kinds of price
ranges, so people chose the price point that fit them.  So, for the last
15 years or so already computers have been chosen (in the wealthy
countries) to be cheaper than programmers.

Is there any reason to think that the same forces aren't at play in
lower-income nations?  After all, cheap (typically second hand)
computers are easy to come by.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The programming language market (was Re: Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread Tim Chevalier
On 1/26/08, Stefan Monnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  * Say computers are cheap but programmers are expensive whenever
  explaining a correctness or productivity feature.
  This is true only if talking to people in high-income nations.

 Is it?  Maybe you're right.

Yes -- consider the OLPC project (and its competitors). In some
developing nations, $200 for a laptop is still a *lot* to pay (the
laptop I'm typing this on cost $1400, purchased on a government grant,
and that purchase was treated as nothing.) Labor is a lot cheaper in
those places. And there's not much in the way of big government
funding (whether for universities or companies) to pay for any of it.

 But historically, computers have been available at all kinds of price
 ranges, so people chose the price point that fit them.  So, for the last
 15 years or so already computers have been chosen (in the wealthy
 countries) to be cheaper than programmers.

 Is there any reason to think that the same forces aren't at play in
 lower-income nations?  After all, cheap (typically second hand)
 computers are easy to come by.

Not with the same amount of computing power that computers that run
modern application tend to have; a lot of places don't even have
reliable *electricity* (so in that case, lots of people and limited
machines could be *good*, if the machines aren't working all the
time), etc. I don't really know enough to give a more complete answer
to your question. But my original point is that saying labor is always
expensive and hardware is always cheap by comparison is a culturally
biased statement, at least right now, on January 26, 2008.


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
I eat too much / I laugh too long / I like too much of you when I'm
gone. -- Ani DiFranco
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