Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2011-01-18 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 04:15:07PM +0100, Christian Maeder wrote:
 Am 04.01.2011 15:48, schrieb Henning Thielemann:
  Christian Maeder schrieb:
  Am 27.12.2010 08:44, schrieb Henning Thielemann:
  On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:
  #2 Provide instances automatically.
  I see the text below and have no idea where the package lang or the
  module Generic comes from. Can someone enlighten me?
  The package 'syb' - 'scrap your boilerplate' looks quite similar.
 Yes, thanks. So the documentation should be updated
 to say package syb and module Data.Generics.
 @Ian, can you take care of this (without ticket)?

Done, ta.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2011-01-04 Thread Christian Maeder
Am 27.12.2010 08:44, schrieb Henning Thielemann:
 On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:
 #1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
 representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
 be an EDSL.
 I think it would be enough, if the compiler could be told to unfold an
 expression like
   parse text in a domain specific language
  at compile time.
 #2 Provide instances automatically.

I see the text below and have no idea where the package lang or the
module Generic comes from. Can someone enlighten me?

I didn't find package lang on hackage.

Cheers Christian

7.16.1.  Using generics

To use generics you need to


  Use the flags -fglasgow-exts (to enable the extra syntax),
-XGenerics (to generate extra per-data-type code), and -package lang (to
make the Generics library available.

  Import the module Generics from the lang package. This import
brings into scope the data types Unit, :*:, and :+:. (You don't need
this import if you don't mention these types explicitly; for example, if
you are simply giving instance declarations.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2011-01-04 Thread Dominique Devriese

2010/12/27 Jonathan Geddes
 I see TH used most for the following tasks:

 #1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
 representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
 be an EDSL.
 #2 Provide instances automatically.

Just a note that TH is also sometimes used in its generality: as a
general compile time meta-programming facility. For example, in my
experimental grammar-combinators parsing library [1], I am using it to
perform grammar transformations at compile time by simply generating
the definition for the transformed grammar using TH. This could be
extended in the future to provide a low-cost parser generator that
works from within TH, which can reuse the library's infrastructure.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2011-01-04 Thread Henning Thielemann
Christian Maeder schrieb:
 Am 27.12.2010 08:44, schrieb Henning Thielemann:
 On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:

 #2 Provide instances automatically.
 I see the text below and have no idea where the package lang or the
 module Generic comes from. Can someone enlighten me?

The package 'syb' - 'scrap your boilerplate' looks quite similar.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2011-01-04 Thread Christian Maeder
Am 04.01.2011 15:48, schrieb Henning Thielemann:
 Christian Maeder schrieb:
 Am 27.12.2010 08:44, schrieb Henning Thielemann:
 On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:

 #2 Provide instances automatically.

 I see the text below and have no idea where the package lang or the
 module Generic comes from. Can someone enlighten me?
 The package 'syb' - 'scrap your boilerplate' looks quite similar.

Yes, thanks. So the documentation should be updated
to say package syb and module Data.Generics.

@Ian, can you take care of this (without ticket)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-28 Thread Tillmann Rendel


Jonathan Geddes wrote:

For TH use #1, compile-time parsing of arbitrary strings, I think it
would be nice for quasiquote semantics to be modified so that code

json :: String -  JsonObject
json = ...

data = [ json |
{ name : Jonathan
, favorite language: Haskell

causes the function json to be called at compile time with a string
argument of{\name\ : \Jonathan\\n   , \favorite language\:
\Haskell\\n   }. The whole expression being then replaced with the
result of the function application. What I like about this is that
defining quasiquoters is trivial. They're just functions of the form
String -  a. Many such quasiquoters already exist and would be ready
for use! I imagine certain rules would apply, ie a quasiquoter must be
defined prior to use and in a separate module, etc.

First note that this is just quotation, not yet quasiquotation. For 
quasiquotation, you would also need to support antiquotation (i.e., the 
use of Haskell identifiers or even expressions in the middle of quoted 
syntax). And to reach something similar to the current support for 
quasiquotation, you would need to support patterns etc., too.

Secondly, I was going to propose to use generic programming to convert 
from a parser like (String - JsonObject) to a quasiquoter for Json. But 
after half a day of experiments, I figured out that this idea is already 
developed in

  Geoffrey B. Mainland.
  Why It's Nice to be Quoted: Quasiquoting for Haskell.
  Haskell Workshop 2007

  Available at:

In that paper, Geoffrey Mainland explains how a parser can be 
generically upgraded to a quoter, reaching an intermediate conclusion on 
page 6:

By using generic programming, we can take a parser and create
expression and pattern quasiquoters for the language it parses with
only four lines of code, including type signatures! This holds not
just for our simple object language, but for any object language.

He goes on to explain how to add support for antiquotation [...] with 
only slightly more than four lines of code.

The functions dataToExpQ and dataToPatQ from that paper are available in 
the TH library in Language.Haskell.TH.Quote. A simple helper function

  quasiQuoter :: Data a = (String - Either String a) - QuasiQuoter
  quasiQuoter parser = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = either fail (dataToExpQ (const Nothing)) . parse
, quotePat = either fail (dataToPatQ (const Nothing)) . parse

should allow you to write your JSON example as follows:

  parse :: String - Either String JsonObject
  parse = ...

  json = quasiQuoter parse

This seems simple enough to me, so it looks as if your use case is 
already supported as a library on top of the more general API.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-28 Thread Jonathan Geddes
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:
 This seems simple enough to me, so it looks as if your use case is already
 supported as a library on top of the more general API.

This is exactly what I was looking for, and much simpler than my
previous experiences with quasiQuoters.

In the original post I said, It may very well be that I am simply not
experienced enough with TH to fully appreciate and embrace it. More
and more I am thinking this is the case. I'll have to give TH a more
thorough look.

BTW, in addition to the resources already given, can anyone suggest
materials for my aforementioned more thorough look?

Thanks again for the responses.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Stephen Tetley
On 27 December 2010 07:35, Jonathan Geddes wrote:

 #1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
 representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
 be an EDSL.

Hello Jonathan

By this are you meaning to add quasiquoting to the language Haskell
or the Glasgow Haskell, taking it out of the domain of Template

How would the first example look like with Template Haskell and is
current quasiquoting syntax? I'm suspecting the differences are pretty

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonas Almström Duregård

 But TH gives me the same feeling as other language features that have
 been described as bolted on. Also, TH is both library and built-in
 syntax (via an extension) which feels strange to me.

I don't understand why the library/extension duality is a problem. I would
say that the best approach is to have language support (through extensions)
for primitive operations like splicing, and to have libraries that combine
these operations into more complex systems (like automatic derivation of
type classes).

 Again, TH is very powerful, and fills in a number of holes in
 Haskell's feature set. But it leaves me wondering if these holes
 should not be filled in by other, more specialized features, leaving
 TH to continue to find other holes to fill.

Shouldn't specialized features be defined in terms of general features?

 json :: String - JsonObject
 json = ...

 data = [ json |
{ name : Jonathan
, favorite language: Haskell

How does this differ from the current QuasiQuotes extension? From what I can
tell, all you need to achieve this with TH is to automatically derive a
Language.Haskell.TH.Lift instance for JsonObject, i.e. a  function lift ::
JsonObject - Q Exp such that the expression will evaluate to the original
JsonObject. A QuasiQuoter like the one you describe can then be created by
QuasiQuoter { parseExp = lift . json }. Should both approaches be supported
directly, or should we sacrifice the generality of the current quoters for
the simplicity of the ones you suggest?

The second part (deriving instances for general type classes) is a lot more
complicated. I would say that the most general way of showing that a class
can be derived is to provide a function that produces a set of declarations
given the name of the datatype. Here's a very simple suggestion for
incorporating this into the Haskell deriving syntax. Suppose we have these
two classes and TH functions for deriving them:

class Class1 ...
class Class2 ...

class1 :: Name - Q [Dec]
class2 :: Name - Q [Dec]

data D = D deriving (Show,class1,class2)

The last declaration could expand to:

data D = D deriving Show
class1 'D
class2 'D

If you don't want to write class1 and class2 by operating directly on
Haskell declarations, but rather use some DSL for specifying instances, then
all you need is a function deriv :: DerivationDSL - (Name - Q [Dec]).


On 27 December 2010 08:35, Jonathan Geddes

 First let me say that Template Haskell is very powerful and a lot of
 great work has been done in this area. It fills in a number of holes
 in Haskell's feature set.

 But TH gives me the same feeling as other language features that have
 been described as bolted on. Also, TH is both library and built-in
 syntax (via an extension) which feels strange to me. Finally, It's
 very complicated to do some simple things.

 I see TH used most for the following tasks:

 #1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
 representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
 be an EDSL.
 #2 Provide instances automatically.

 I would propose that more specialized features be implemented to
 accomplish these tasks. To start, I'll throw out some ideas that
 provide these capabilities.

 For TH use #1, compile-time parsing of arbitrary strings, I think it
 would be nice for quasiquote semantics to be modified so that code

 json :: String - JsonObject
 json = ...

 data = [ json |
{ name : Jonathan
, favorite language: Haskell

 causes the function json to be called at compile time with a string
 argument of{\name\ : \Jonathan\\n   , \favorite language\:
 \Haskell\\n   }. The whole expression being then replaced with the
 result of the function application. What I like about this is that
 defining quasiquoters is trivial. They're just functions of the form
 String - a. Many such quasiquoters already exist and would be ready
 for use! I imagine certain rules would apply, ie a quasiquoter must be
 defined prior to use and in a separate module, etc.

 For TH use #2, automatic instances, I would propose a way of declaring
 that a class can be automatically derived, and therefore added to the
 set [Eq, Ord, Show, Read, ... , etc]. This is the set of classes that
 can be put in the deriving clause of a type declaration. I don't
 know exactly what the syntax for this would look like, but I imagine
 it would look a bit like the various current implementations of
 automatic instances in TH.

 Again, TH is very powerful, and fills in a number of holes in
 Haskell's feature set. But it leaves me wondering if these holes
 should not be filled in by other, more specialized features, leaving
 TH to continue to find other holes to fill.

 I'm wondering if others see TH as a permanent solution, or if you
 agree with me that some of TH's most common usages should have more
 specialized features dedicated to them. It may very well be that I am
 simply not experienced 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonas Almström Duregård
Hi Henning,

 I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several
 things that are done in existing libraries could be done in plain
 Haskell in a better way.

Can you give any examples of this? I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just
curious as to why you would venture into the realm of TH without a reason.


On 27 December 2010 08:44, Henning Thielemann

 On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:

  #1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
 representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
 be an EDSL.

 I think it would be enough, if the compiler could be told to unfold an
 expression like
  parse text in a domain specific language
  at compile time.

  #2 Provide instances automatically.

 I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several things that
 are done in existing libraries could be done in plain Haskell in a better
 way. For the cases where Template Haskell is really needed, I'd prefer a
 solution that allows to generate the code before compilation, such that
 packages with automatically generated code can be run also on compilers that
 do not support Template Haskell.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:

Hi Henning,

 I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several
 things that are done in existing libraries could be done in plain
 Haskell in a better way.

Can you give any examples of this? I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just 
curious as to why you
would venture into the realm of TH without a reason.

E.g. refer to the recent discussion of storable-endian.

Or look into package 'encoding'. It uses TemplateHaskell in order to 
convert Text descriptions of character sets into Haskell tables. I think 
the character tables could be simply rewritten to Haskell syntax, or they 
could be parsed by a function, where the parsed content is unfolded at 
compile time. It could even be computed at runtime, since it is only 
computed once because of laziness.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
2010/12/27 Henning Thielemann
 Or look into package 'encoding'. It uses TemplateHaskell in order to convert
 Text descriptions of character sets into Haskell tables. I think the
 character tables could be simply rewritten to Haskell syntax, or they could
 be parsed by a function, where the parsed content is unfolded at compile
 time. It could even be computed at runtime, since it is only computed once
 because of laziness. ?

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonathan Geddes
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 I think it would be enough, if the compiler could be told to unfold an
 expression like
  parse text in a domain specific language
  at compile time.

I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here. Being able to specify
that the string should be parsed at compile time is only half of the
equation in my mind. The other half is the clean syntax for multi-line

Haskell already has great syntax for specifying data in a declarative
manner. Especially in contrast with ie Java/C++. Even as good as the
dynamic languages ie JavaScript/Python/Ruby. When you add the ability
to specify data in ANY syntax you can parse, Haskell is clearly the
best. But the complexity of TH detracts from the elegance of this
greatly in my opinion. And wrapping your data in string syntax,
multi-line or otherwise, detracts from the elegance as well. A syntax
has to be less painful or more convenient or more
readable/maintainable than literal list/record syntax before it is

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonathan Geddes
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 1:14 AM, Stephen Tetley wrote:

 By this are you meaning to add quasiquoting to the language Haskell
 or the Glasgow Haskell, taking it out of the domain of Template

I believe that all new features should start as extensions and as an
extension, these things could coexist with TH. I just can't see TH
becoming standard. I think something much simpler that accomplishes
the common uses of TH is more likely to make it into Haskell'


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonathan Geddes
Thanks, everyone, for the responses.

 I don't understand why the library/extension duality is a problem.

I don't think it is a _problem_ it just feels strange to me. Maybe I'm
misunderstanding, is it possible to use TH without using the library

 Shouldn't specialized features be defined in terms of general features?

Absolutely, but usually don't you use the specialized features over
general ones where you can? For example, I don't often (if ever) use
the general feature of the goto statement in C. Instead I use
conditionals, loops, and functions. I don't often write explicitly
recursive functions in Haskell, rather I use map, filter, fold, etc.
whenever the structure of the recursion allows.

 How does this differ from the current QuasiQuotes extension? From what I can
 tell, all you need to achieve this with TH is to automatically derive a
 Language.Haskell.TH.Lift instance for JsonObject, i.e. a  function lift ::
 JsonObject - Q Exp such that the expression will evaluate to the original
 JsonObject. A QuasiQuoter like the one you describe can then be created by
 QuasiQuoter { parseExp = lift . json }.

Right, it's not a lot of extra work. But it's enough that in most
cases, I stick with constructing records or using other built-in

 Should both approaches be supported
 directly, or should we sacrifice the generality of the current quoters for
 the simplicity of the ones you suggest?

No, I don't think TH should be sacrificed. I just think more specific
(and more simple) features might be nice in place of some of TH's
specific uses.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-26 Thread Jonathan Geddes

First let me say that Template Haskell is very powerful and a lot of
great work has been done in this area. It fills in a number of holes
in Haskell's feature set.

But TH gives me the same feeling as other language features that have
been described as bolted on. Also, TH is both library and built-in
syntax (via an extension) which feels strange to me. Finally, It's
very complicated to do some simple things.

I see TH used most for the following tasks:

#1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
be an EDSL.
#2 Provide instances automatically.

I would propose that more specialized features be implemented to
accomplish these tasks. To start, I'll throw out some ideas that
provide these capabilities.

For TH use #1, compile-time parsing of arbitrary strings, I think it
would be nice for quasiquote semantics to be modified so that code

 json :: String - JsonObject
 json = ...

 data = [ json |
{ name : Jonathan
, favorite language: Haskell

causes the function json to be called at compile time with a string
argument of{\name\ : \Jonathan\\n   , \favorite language\:
\Haskell\\n   }. The whole expression being then replaced with the
result of the function application. What I like about this is that
defining quasiquoters is trivial. They're just functions of the form
String - a. Many such quasiquoters already exist and would be ready
for use! I imagine certain rules would apply, ie a quasiquoter must be
defined prior to use and in a separate module, etc.

For TH use #2, automatic instances, I would propose a way of declaring
that a class can be automatically derived, and therefore added to the
set [Eq, Ord, Show, Read, ... , etc]. This is the set of classes that
can be put in the deriving clause of a type declaration. I don't
know exactly what the syntax for this would look like, but I imagine
it would look a bit like the various current implementations of
automatic instances in TH.

Again, TH is very powerful, and fills in a number of holes in
Haskell's feature set. But it leaves me wondering if these holes
should not be filled in by other, more specialized features, leaving
TH to continue to find other holes to fill.

I'm wondering if others see TH as a permanent solution, or if you
agree with me that some of TH's most common usages should have more
specialized features dedicated to them. It may very well be that I am
simply not experienced enough with TH to fully appreciate and embrace

By the way, did I miss any uses of TH as common as the ones I mentioned?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Template Haskell a Permanent solution?

2010-12-26 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:

#1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
representing data can be used. At the extreme, this data might even
be an EDSL.

I think it would be enough, if the compiler could be told to unfold an 
expression like

  parse text in a domain specific language
 at compile time.

#2 Provide instances automatically.

I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several things that 
are done in existing libraries could be done in plain Haskell in a better 
way. For the cases where Template Haskell is really needed, I'd prefer a 
solution that allows to generate the code before compilation, such that 
packages with automatically generated code can be run also on compilers 
that do not support Template Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list