Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-15 Thread wren ng thornton

John Lato wrote:

Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name existential
quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
learnin' slope.  Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper
mentality.  Which is exactly what I fear is the current situation.

Although my list example is far to shallow to make this point, it
seems to me that it's fairly likely that somebody faced with this
problem has had something go severely wrong at some earlier time.

Existentials are certainly useful, but isn't it also possible that,
for many cases, an alternative design exists which fits a functional
idiom better and doesn't face this issue at all?


I think one of the reasons more people don't highlight the differences 
is that, with all due respect, the differences are often too subtle for 
OOP programmers. That is, few OOP programmers are taught to think about 
type theory as deeply as is necessary to see why they're so 
different[1]. On the one hand, few programmers of any ilk are taught to 
think deeply about type theory so that's unfair to OOP. But on the other 
hand OO propaganda is rife with claims that the class/inheritance model 
of types is The One True Way(tm). I'm not saying this to be rude; there 
are many OO programmers who do know quite a bit about type theory. 
However, tutorials for OOP are full of indoctrination about how OO type 
systems are better than C. In my experience that tends to create 
OO-programmers who don't question the class/inheritance model or think 
about what other approaches would look like. Discussions where an OO 
type system is not assumed typically lead to talking past one another, 
as here[2]. The idea of defining allomorphic functions which don't use 
dynamic dispatch and don't use inheritance is difficult to explain 
without a lot of groundwork to undo OO assumptions.

That said, I agree it's a pernicious meme which does disservice to 
everyone. Though I'm not sure showing people Oleg's handiwork is a 
gentler introduction either ;)

[1] Consider, for example, the question of whether the arguments/value 
of a function should be covariant or contravariant in subclasses. Java 
got this wrong for arrays. Their answer seems intuitively right, but 
this is one area where intuitions are suspect.


Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-15 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Derek Elkins wrote:
 In general, to encode OO...
 turns out all you needed was recursive bounded
 existential quantification.

Do you have a reference for that?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-15 Thread Karl Mazurak

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Derek Elkins wrote:

In general, to encode OO...
turns out all you needed was recursive bounded
existential quantification.

Do you have a reference for that?

I'm not sure if this is precisely what Derek had in mind, but Bruce, 
Cardelli, and Pierce did a comparison of various object encodings:

It's been a while since I read that paper, but skipping to the end tells 
me that the approach with recursive types and bounded existentials was 
the only one to support method override, although it was less attractive 
on other fronts.

Karl Mazurak
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-15 Thread Dan Weston

I suspect that more has been done since 1997. Isn't that pre-Oleg?

Karl Mazurak wrote:

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Derek Elkins wrote:

In general, to encode OO...
turns out all you needed was recursive bounded
existential quantification.

Do you have a reference for that?

I'm not sure if this is precisely what Derek had in mind, but Bruce, 
Cardelli, and Pierce did a comparison of various object encodings:

It's been a while since I read that paper, but skipping to the end tells 
me that the approach with recursive types and bounded existentials was 
the only one to support method override, although it was less attractive 
on other fronts.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread John Lato
Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name existential
quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
learnin' slope.  Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper
mentality.  Which is exactly what I fear is the current situation.

Although my list example is far to shallow to make this point, it
seems to me that it's fairly likely that somebody faced with this
problem has had something go severely wrong at some earlier time.

Existentials are certainly useful, but isn't it also possible that,
for many cases, an alternative design exists which fits a functional
idiom better and doesn't face this issue at all?


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Lennart Augustsson
 You can do equivalent of
 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }
 in Haskell as well.  But to do that you have to introduce an
 existential wrapper in the return type.
 In OO languages the existential wrapper is built in to OO constructs,
 but in Haskell you have smaller building blocks that you have to
 assemble to make the thing you want.

 So to extend your example, you can do
 data IList = forall a . (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IList a
 getListOfData :: IO IList
 and now you can return different kinds of types from getListOfData
 depending on circumstances.

  -- Lennart

 On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:11 PM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just thinking about what I wish someone had told me when I
 started working with Haskell (not that long ago).  It would have saved
 me a great deal of trouble.

 The Difference Between Interfaces and Type Classes.

 Many Introduction to Haskell for the OOper style tutorials claim
 that type classes are like Interfaces (for languages with that
 feature).  I now think that, although this is technically true, it's
 fundamentally misleading.  Here's a simple example demonstrating my
 line of thought:

 In C# (and presumably Java), this sort of function is common:
 public IList GetListOfData()

 In Haskell, a similar function may be
 GetListOfData :: (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IO a

 In C#, it doesn't matter what the actual type returned by
 GetListOfData is, as long is it supports the IList interface.  It's
 not uncommon for GetListOfData to make a choice between several
 different implementations, depending on the nature of the data to be
 returned.  The following code is perfectly reasonable in C# :

 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }

 The equivalent won't compile in Haskell, because the actual return
 type does matter, and *is determined by the calling code*.  Our
 fictional GetListOfData can't return a List or a Mylist depending on
 some conditional, in fact it can't explicitly return either one at
 all, because the actual type of the result, as determined by the
 caller, could be either one, or something else entirely (ignoring the
 IO bit for the time being).

 So I've come to the conclusion that stating type classes are like
 interfaces is misleading to newcomers to Haskell, because it leads
 people to think they should use type classes for the same sorts of
 problems OO-languages solve with interfaces.  In turn this means new
 programmers are encouraged to use OO-style architecture in programs,
 reassured that they're in a functional idiom because they're using
 the functionally-approved feature of type classes.  I think that if
 I had understood this earlier, I would have embraced functional idioms
 more quickly.

 Incidentally, I'm still horrible at designing functional APIs and
 modules, but at least now I know it, and I'm no longer trying to force
 OO interfaces into Haskell.  So I've made progress.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 18:15 +0100, John Lato wrote:
 Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
 Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name

Invalid argument.

 quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
 learnin' slope.

Invalid argument.  Head explosion is the *goal* of teaching Haskell.

 Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
 want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
 a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper

Of course not.  That's just translating OO into Haskell.  Personally, I
would avoid comparing Haskell to other language at all (SOE I believe
takes this approach).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Alexey Romanov
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Jonathan Cast
 On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 18:15 +0100, John Lato wrote:
 Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
 Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name

 Invalid argument.

 quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
 learnin' slope.

 Invalid argument.  Head explosion is the *goal* of teaching Haskell.

Is it? I would certainly prefer my students to say This is obvious. Why would
things work in any other way? They don't, but I can dream.

 Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
 want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
 a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper

 Of course not.  That's just translating OO into Haskell.  Personally, I
 would avoid comparing Haskell to other language at all (SOE I believe
 takes this approach).


I find such comparisons pretty useful.

Yours, Alexey Romanov
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Alexey Romanov
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 9:15 PM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
 Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name existential
 quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
 learnin' slope.  Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
 want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
 a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper
 mentality.  Which is exactly what I fear is the current situation.

I don't think this is the current situation at all. For one, the
beginning Haskellers do
_not_ learn about existential types.

Yours, Alexey Romanov
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Alexey Romanov
Well, they act like interfaces in argument types, just not variable or
return types.

Yours, Alexey Romanov

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:11 PM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just thinking about what I wish someone had told me when I
 started working with Haskell (not that long ago).  It would have saved
 me a great deal of trouble.

 The Difference Between Interfaces and Type Classes.

 Many Introduction to Haskell for the OOper style tutorials claim
 that type classes are like Interfaces (for languages with that
 feature).  I now think that, although this is technically true, it's
 fundamentally misleading.  Here's a simple example demonstrating my
 line of thought:

 In C# (and presumably Java), this sort of function is common:
 public IList GetListOfData()

 In Haskell, a similar function may be
 GetListOfData :: (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IO a

 In C#, it doesn't matter what the actual type returned by
 GetListOfData is, as long is it supports the IList interface.  It's
 not uncommon for GetListOfData to make a choice between several
 different implementations, depending on the nature of the data to be
 returned.  The following code is perfectly reasonable in C# :

 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }

 The equivalent won't compile in Haskell, because the actual return
 type does matter, and *is determined by the calling code*.  Our
 fictional GetListOfData can't return a List or a Mylist depending on
 some conditional, in fact it can't explicitly return either one at
 all, because the actual type of the result, as determined by the
 caller, could be either one, or something else entirely (ignoring the
 IO bit for the time being).

 So I've come to the conclusion that stating type classes are like
 interfaces is misleading to newcomers to Haskell, because it leads
 people to think they should use type classes for the same sorts of
 problems OO-languages solve with interfaces.  In turn this means new
 programmers are encouraged to use OO-style architecture in programs,
 reassured that they're in a functional idiom because they're using
 the functionally-approved feature of type classes.  I think that if
 I had understood this earlier, I would have embraced functional idioms
 more quickly.

 Incidentally, I'm still horrible at designing functional APIs and
 modules, but at least now I know it, and I'm no longer trying to force
 OO interfaces into Haskell.  So I've made progress.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I'm not advocating existential types in this case.  I rarely use them myself.
I was just pointing out that the mechanism for doing the OO thing
exists in Haskell too, albeit looking a little different.

I don't think there's anything weird about existential types, except
an unfamiliar name.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 1:15 AM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
 Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name existential
 quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
 learnin' slope.  Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
 want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
 a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper
 mentality.  Which is exactly what I fear is the current situation.

 Although my list example is far to shallow to make this point, it
 seems to me that it's fairly likely that somebody faced with this
 problem has had something go severely wrong at some earlier time.

 Existentials are certainly useful, but isn't it also possible that,
 for many cases, an alternative design exists which fits a functional
 idiom better and doesn't face this issue at all?


 On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Lennart Augustsson
 You can do equivalent of
 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }
 in Haskell as well.  But to do that you have to introduce an
 existential wrapper in the return type.
 In OO languages the existential wrapper is built in to OO constructs,
 but in Haskell you have smaller building blocks that you have to
 assemble to make the thing you want.

 So to extend your example, you can do
 data IList = forall a . (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IList a
 getListOfData :: IO IList
 and now you can return different kinds of types from getListOfData
 depending on circumstances.

  -- Lennart

 On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:11 PM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just thinking about what I wish someone had told me when I
 started working with Haskell (not that long ago).  It would have saved
 me a great deal of trouble.

 The Difference Between Interfaces and Type Classes.

 Many Introduction to Haskell for the OOper style tutorials claim
 that type classes are like Interfaces (for languages with that
 feature).  I now think that, although this is technically true, it's
 fundamentally misleading.  Here's a simple example demonstrating my
 line of thought:

 In C# (and presumably Java), this sort of function is common:
 public IList GetListOfData()

 In Haskell, a similar function may be
 GetListOfData :: (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IO a

 In C#, it doesn't matter what the actual type returned by
 GetListOfData is, as long is it supports the IList interface.  It's
 not uncommon for GetListOfData to make a choice between several
 different implementations, depending on the nature of the data to be
 returned.  The following code is perfectly reasonable in C# :

 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }

 The equivalent won't compile in Haskell, because the actual return
 type does matter, and *is determined by the calling code*.  Our
 fictional GetListOfData can't return a List or a Mylist depending on
 some conditional, in fact it can't explicitly return either one at
 all, because the actual type of the result, as determined by the
 caller, could be either one, or something else entirely (ignoring the
 IO bit for the time being).

 So I've come to the conclusion that stating type classes are like
 interfaces is misleading to newcomers to Haskell, because it leads
 people to think they should use type classes for the same sorts of
 problems OO-languages solve with interfaces.  In turn this means new
 programmers are encouraged to use OO-style architecture in programs,
 reassured that they're in a functional idiom because they're using
 the functionally-approved feature of type classes.  I think that if
 I had understood this earlier, I would have embraced functional idioms
 more quickly.

 Incidentally, I'm still horrible at designing functional APIs and
 modules, but at least now I know it, and I'm no longer trying to force
 OO interfaces into Haskell.  So I've made progress.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Lennart Augustsson
You can do equivalent of
// List and MyList are different classes
if (something) { return new List(); }
else { return new MyList(); }
in Haskell as well.  But to do that you have to introduce an
existential wrapper in the return type.
In OO languages the existential wrapper is built in to OO constructs,
but in Haskell you have smaller building blocks that you have to
assemble to make the thing you want.

So to extend your example, you can do
data IList = forall a . (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IList a
getListOfData :: IO IList
and now you can return different kinds of types from getListOfData
depending on circumstances.

  -- Lennart

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:11 PM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just thinking about what I wish someone had told me when I
 started working with Haskell (not that long ago).  It would have saved
 me a great deal of trouble.

 The Difference Between Interfaces and Type Classes.

 Many Introduction to Haskell for the OOper style tutorials claim
 that type classes are like Interfaces (for languages with that
 feature).  I now think that, although this is technically true, it's
 fundamentally misleading.  Here's a simple example demonstrating my
 line of thought:

 In C# (and presumably Java), this sort of function is common:
 public IList GetListOfData()

 In Haskell, a similar function may be
 GetListOfData :: (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IO a

 In C#, it doesn't matter what the actual type returned by
 GetListOfData is, as long is it supports the IList interface.  It's
 not uncommon for GetListOfData to make a choice between several
 different implementations, depending on the nature of the data to be
 returned.  The following code is perfectly reasonable in C# :

 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }

 The equivalent won't compile in Haskell, because the actual return
 type does matter, and *is determined by the calling code*.  Our
 fictional GetListOfData can't return a List or a Mylist depending on
 some conditional, in fact it can't explicitly return either one at
 all, because the actual type of the result, as determined by the
 caller, could be either one, or something else entirely (ignoring the
 IO bit for the time being).

 So I've come to the conclusion that stating type classes are like
 interfaces is misleading to newcomers to Haskell, because it leads
 people to think they should use type classes for the same sorts of
 problems OO-languages solve with interfaces.  In turn this means new
 programmers are encouraged to use OO-style architecture in programs,
 reassured that they're in a functional idiom because they're using
 the functionally-approved feature of type classes.  I think that if
 I had understood this earlier, I would have embraced functional idioms
 more quickly.

 Incidentally, I'm still horrible at designing functional APIs and
 modules, but at least now I know it, and I'm no longer trying to force
 OO interfaces into Haskell.  So I've made progress.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Derek Elkins
On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 13:11 +0100, John Lato wrote:
 I was just thinking about what I wish someone had told me when I
 started working with Haskell (not that long ago).  It would have saved
 me a great deal of trouble.

A recent quote of mine from HWN:
* ddarius: Here's the short guide to Haskell for OO programmers:
  Haskell isn't at all an OO language.

 The Difference Between Interfaces and Type Classes.
 Many Introduction to Haskell for the OOper style tutorials claim
 that type classes are like Interfaces (for languages with that
 feature).  I now think that, although this is technically true, it's
 fundamentally misleading.

It's not technically true.  Type classes and interfaces a la Java are
very fundamentally different neither is remotely capable of doing what
the other does.  As my quote above suggests, essentially nothing
transfers from OO programming to Haskell.  Haskell has absolutely no
support whatsoever for object-oriented programming.  At best, you can
try to encode objects.

 In C# (and presumably Java), this sort of function is common:
 public IList GetListOfData()
 In Haskell, a similar function may be
 GetListOfData :: (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IO a
 In C#, it doesn't matter what the actual type returned by
 GetListOfData is, as long is it supports the IList interface.  It's
 not uncommon for GetListOfData to make a choice between several
 different implementations, depending on the nature of the data to be
 returned.  The following code is perfectly reasonable in C# :
 // List and MyList are different classes
 if (something) { return new List(); }
 else { return new MyList(); }
 The equivalent won't compile in Haskell, because the actual return
 type does matter, and *is determined by the calling code*.  Our
 fictional GetListOfData can't return a List or a Mylist depending on
 some conditional, in fact it can't explicitly return either one at
 all, because the actual type of the result, as determined by the
 caller, could be either one, or something else entirely (ignoring the
 IO bit for the time being).
 So I've come to the conclusion that stating type classes are like
 interfaces is misleading to newcomers to Haskell, because it leads
 people to think they should use type classes for the same sorts of
 problems OO-languages solve with interfaces.  In turn this means new
 programmers are encouraged to use OO-style architecture in programs,
 reassured that they're in a functional idiom because they're using
 the functionally-approved feature of type classes.  I think that if
 I had understood this earlier, I would have embraced functional idioms
 more quickly.
 Incidentally, I'm still horrible at designing functional APIs and
 modules, but at least now I know it, and I'm no longer trying to force
 OO interfaces into Haskell.  So I've made progress.

I strongly agree with the thrust of your email.  This type classes are
kinda like interfaces meme is horrible.  The sooner newcomers realize
type classes have nothing to do with object oriented programming, or
likely anything they've seen before, the better.  Unfortunately, there
is a glut of crappy tutorials out there.  Good introductions tend to
deal with this much better and the best advice I can give is to simply
ignore most or all tutorials and read or steer others to more
comprehensive and better regarded/reviewed resources.  For example, this
is a line from RWH: Typeclasses may look like the objects of
object-oriented programming, but they are truly quite different.  Also
later there is another sidebar along those lines.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Derek Elkins
On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 05:39 +0800, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 I'm not advocating existential types in this case.  I rarely use them myself.
 I was just pointing out that the mechanism for doing the OO thing
 exists in Haskell too, albeit looking a little different.

In general, to encode OO you need quite a bit more than existentials.
As you are probably aware, there was a cottage industry in the mid to
late '90s working on encodings of OO languages into System F + foo
calculi.  They just about gave up on a complete encoding until someone
figured one out.  'turns out all you needed was recursive bounded
existential quantification.  Of course, the encoding wasn't any fun to
use.  There are two morals that you can take out of this.  Either:
classes/objects are a conflation of ideas that might be more profitably
separated apart, or: OO is best approached on its own terms.

 I don't think there's anything weird about existential types, except
 an unfamiliar name.

Agreed.  I'm extremely tired of the I haven't heard this term therefore
it must be 'scary' and complicated and beyond me attitude.  Such people
need to stop acting like five year old children.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 22:28 +0400, Alexey Romanov wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Jonathan Cast
  On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 18:15 +0100, John Lato wrote:
  Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
  Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name
  Invalid argument.
  quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
  learnin' slope.
  Invalid argument.  Head explosion is the *goal* of teaching Haskell.
 Is it? I would certainly prefer my students to say This is obvious. Why would
 things work in any other way?

Sure.  But I see head explosion as a means to that end (in the finest
tradition of functional languages, from lisp onward).

 They don't, but I can dream.
  Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
  want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
  a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper
  Of course not.  That's just translating OO into Haskell.  Personally, I
  would avoid comparing Haskell to other language at all (SOE I believe
  takes this approach).

 I find such comparisons pretty useful.

What kind of comparisons?  Translations between languages or comparisons
of idioms (which usually involve quite different factorings)?  And
useful for getting students to be quiet, or useful for getting them to
produce idiomatic Haskell?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Claus Reinke

I'm not advocating existential types in this case.  I rarely use them myself.
I was just pointing out that the mechanism for doing the OO thing
exists in Haskell too, albeit looking a little different.

I don't think there's anything weird about existential types, except
an unfamiliar name.

Perhaps, it helps to make Lennart's point about composable building
blocks made more explicit (simplifying slightly):

- a function 'f :: a - IO a' has to accept any type 'a', so it can't know
   anything about those 'a's

- a function 'f :: Interface a = a - IO a' only has to accept types 'a'
   that *at least* implement 'Interface', so there's a *lower bound* on the
   information required about those 'a's, and 'f' can't use any more than
   that (but since 'a' is exposed to 'f's calling context, it might be fixed 

- a constructor of type '(forall a . Interface a = a) - SomeType' can only
   be applied to objects of type 'a' that *at least* implement 'Interface',
   but if 'SomeType' doesn't mention 'a', the result *at most* implements
   'Interface' and 'a' itself gets hidden, so there's an *upper bound* on
   the information being provided

The reference that comes to mind

   On understanding types, data abstraction, and polymorphism.
   Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner.
   ©1985  Computing Surveys, 17(4):471-522, 1985.

predates Haskell, so any 'splodin' heads can't be blamed on Haskell!-)

I wouldn't expose beginning programmers to this level of detail about
types, but if you're going to talk about interfaces and types at all, and
about type classes in particular, to programmers who are beginning
their switch to Haskell, it can't hurt them much to read it. It might
even help, and if not, it is at least a concrete basis for more Haskell
specific explanations when they start running into those questions.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 1:15 AM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name existential
quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
learnin' slope.  Certainly there's a place for them, but I wouldn't
want to see new Haskell programmers habitually approach problems with
a first create a type class, then make an existential wrapper
mentality.  Which is exactly what I fear is the current situation.

Although my list example is far to shallow to make this point, it
seems to me that it's fairly likely that somebody faced with this
problem has had something go severely wrong at some earlier time.

Existentials are certainly useful, but isn't it also possible that,
for many cases, an alternative design exists which fits a functional
idiom better and doesn't face this issue at all?


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Lennart Augustsson

You can do equivalent of
// List and MyList are different classes
if (something) { return new List(); }
else { return new MyList(); }
in Haskell as well.  But to do that you have to introduce an
existential wrapper in the return type.
In OO languages the existential wrapper is built in to OO constructs,
but in Haskell you have smaller building blocks that you have to
assemble to make the thing you want.

So to extend your example, you can do
data IList = forall a . (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IList a
getListOfData :: IO IList
and now you can return different kinds of types from getListOfData
depending on circumstances.

 -- Lennart

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:11 PM, John Lato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was just thinking about what I wish someone had told me when I
started working with Haskell (not that long ago).  It would have saved
me a great deal of trouble.

The Difference Between Interfaces and Type Classes.

Many Introduction to Haskell for the OOper style tutorials claim
that type classes are like Interfaces (for languages with that
feature).  I now think that, although this is technically true, it's
fundamentally misleading.  Here's a simple example demonstrating my
line of thought:

In C# (and presumably Java), this sort of function is common:
public IList GetListOfData()

In Haskell, a similar function may be
GetListOfData :: (Foldable a, Indexable a) = IO a

In C#, it doesn't matter what the actual type returned by
GetListOfData is, as long is it supports the IList interface.  It's
not uncommon for GetListOfData to make a choice between several
different implementations, depending on the nature of the data to be
returned.  The following code is perfectly reasonable in C# :

// List and MyList are different classes
if (something) { return new List(); }
else { return new MyList(); }

The equivalent won't compile in Haskell, because the actual return
type does matter, and *is determined by the calling code*.  Our
fictional GetListOfData can't return a List or a Mylist depending on
some conditional, in fact it can't explicitly return either one at
all, because the 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008 00:34 schrieb Derek Elkins:
 It's not technically true.  Type classes and interfaces a la Java are
 very fundamentally different neither is remotely capable of doing what
 the other does.  

Could you elaborate on that, please?
I always understood Java's interfaces to be somewhat similar to type classes 
(and I learnt the bit of Java I know before I even knew the term Functional 
Programming, never really got the whole OO thing though).
An interface, I thought, is a contract stating that the classes implementing 
that interface provide certain operations (obeying some rules). If there's 
more to interfaces, I'm happily unaware of that :)
In what way is that very fundamentally different from type classes?

As the languages as a whole are fundamentally different, that similarity is of 
course rather superficial, so I will not say that stressing it is beneficial, 
but I'm not convinced it is detrimental either.

 I strongly agree with the thrust of your email.  This type classes are
 kinda like interfaces meme is horrible.  

Because of the tendency to confuse OO programmers learning Haskell, or is 
there a deeper reason? (Answer to this question could be superfluous after 
addressing the above)

  For example, this
 is a line from RWH: Typeclasses may look like the objects of
 object-oriented programming, but they are truly quite different.  Also
 later there is another sidebar along those lines.

Now that is something I wouldn't have dreamt of.
If anything, I would relate objects to values (except that objects tend to be 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Derek Elkins
On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 02:22 +0200, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008 00:34 schrieb Derek Elkins:
  It's not technically true.  Type classes and interfaces a la Java are
  very fundamentally different neither is remotely capable of doing what
  the other does.  
 Could you elaborate on that, please?
 I always understood Java's interfaces to be somewhat similar to type classes 
 (and I learnt the bit of Java I know before I even knew the term Functional 
 Programming, never really got the whole OO thing though).
 An interface, I thought, is a contract stating that the classes implementing 
 that interface provide certain operations (obeying some rules). If there's 
 more to interfaces, I'm happily unaware of that :)
 In what way is that very fundamentally different from type classes?

There are a lot of difference, for example, interfaces are types
insofar as you can have a variable of type IList; type classes are not
types, there are no variables of type Eq.  The fundamental one, however,
comes down to what it means to be object-oriented.  One defining
property of object-oriented programming is dynamic dispatch.  This is
the fundamental difference between interfaces and type classes.

The instance selection for an interface is done at run-time and this is
inherently necessary.  The instance (in a different sense) selection for
type classes is almost always resolvable statically.  In Haskell 98
there is only one case that can't be done simply because doing so would
result in infinite code.  That case is polymorphic recursion.  With
extensions we get another case, namely existentials.  With existentials
we do get something like dynamic dispatch.  Nevertheless, the equation:
interfaces = type classes + existentials
does both interfaces and type classes a huge disservice, and at any rate
it's the existential not the type class that results in the properties
with which OO programmers are familiar.  Indeed,
interfaces = existentials + record of functions
is a better equation in some respects.

Anyways, the examples do the talking:

void draw(IEnumerableIDrawable drawables) {
foreach(IDrawable drawable in drawables)

draw(new IDrawable[] { new Circle(), new Square(), new Star() });

The original motivating example of type classes is Eq.  Exactly the
problem that type classes were -literally- designed to solve is the
usual example of the binary method problem in the OO literature.  You
can see this problem in action in the messy semantics and brokenness and
gotchas surrounding the Equals method in C# and Java.  Then there are
examples that just inherently make no sense in a dynamic dispatch world:
Bounded, Read, the showList method of Show.

You can, if you want, -encode- various OO things into Haskell including
interfaces and even use type classes to do the lifting, but the result
is definitely an encoding and it is definitely not as simple as 
interfaces = type classes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

John Lato wrote:

Are you advocating introducing existential types to beginning
Haskellers?  I think something with the scary name existential
quantification would greatly increase the head'splodin' on the
learnin' slope.

OOP(*) advocates introducing existential types to beginning programmers. 
Although it uses an easy name object and not a technical name 
existential, the easy-name honeymoon ends in a few minutes as soon as 
the teacher demonstrates or the students discover the tricky behaviour 
and semantics. It results in the same confusion and head explosion. The 
learning curve is the same struggle struggle explosion struggle then click.

(*)Object Obfuscation Pomposity

The broken analogy between OOP interfaces and Haskell/Isabell type 
classes is there because some people insist that all languages should be 
like mainstream languages. You have heard it, even from reputable 
leaders and pioneers: if you know one language, picking up others 
should be easy, they just differ in syntax.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What I wish someone had told me...

2008-10-14 Thread Janis Voigtlaender

Derek Elkins wrote:

On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 05:39 +0800, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I don't think there's anything weird about existential types, except
an unfamiliar name.

Agreed.  I'm extremely tired of the I haven't heard this term therefore
it must be 'scary' and complicated and beyond me attitude.  Such people
need to stop acting like five year old children.

Not that it has much to do with the debate, but the attitude you
complain about is the exact opposite of the attitude of any five year
old children that *I* know (well, my son primarily ;-).

Dr. Janis Voigtlaender

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