Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-05 Thread Claus Reinke

Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?  I don't see how.
If you are really keen, you might want to try altering the "working  
backwards with tuples" version into one which is properly lazy (many  
people who read the paper pointed out the omission).

you might want to mention the story of the predecessor function in church 
numerals (where data structures are represented as their right folds, and 
the predecessor function goes against the grain of that recursion, but can
be defined using pairing/returning functions)? 

for some history/anecdotes:

   The Impact of the Lambda Calculus in Logic and Computer Science,
   Barendregt, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 1997, section 2, paragraph 2

for the tupling trick applied to dropWhile and primitive recursion, Graham's
tutorial has already been mentioned:

   A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold
   Graham Hutton. Journal of Functional Programming, 1999, section 4


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread oleg

> Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?

One can write foldr that represents drop or dropWhile of the
original foldr. One can do even more: zip two folds. That is,
obtain a fold that is equivalent to zipping up two lists represented
by the original folds. Even furthermore, one can do all these things
without recursion (neither at the value level, nor at the type level).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Bernie Pope

On 05/07/2007, at 10:08 AM, Michael Vanier wrote:

Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?  I don't see how.


I considered that very question in an article I wrote for the  
Monad.Reader magazine:

If you are really keen, you might want to try altering the "working  
backwards with tuples" version into one which is properly lazy (many  
people who read the paper pointed out the omission).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> On Thursday 05 July 2007 11:20, Michael Vanier wrote:
> > Again, I'm sure this has been done before (and no doubt better); I'd
> > appreciate any pointers to previous work along these lines.
> Takusen is, if I recall correctly, based around a generalised fold supporting 
> accumulation and early termination.  Maybe have a look at that.

Streams are a similar idea, a generalised unfold supporting early
termination, skipping, and accumulation. Useful for coding up lots of
list functions with the same underlying type, so you can fuse them with
a single rule.

A data type to encode this unfold:

data Stream a = forall s.  Stream !(s -> Step a s)  -- ^ a stepper function
  !s-- ^ an initial state

data Step a s = Yield a !s
  | Skip!s
  | Done

Give a way to introduce and remove these guys:

stream :: [a] -> Stream a
stream xs0 = Stream next xs0
next [] = Done
next (x:xs) = Yield x xs

unstream :: Stream a -> [a]
unstream (Stream next s0) = unfold_unstream s0
unfold_unstream !s = case next s of
  Done   -> []
  Skips' -> unfold_unstream s'
  Yield x s' -> x : unfold_unstream s'

We can roll a fair few list functions:

-- folds
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> b
foldl f z0 (Stream next s0) = loop_foldl z0 s0
loop_foldl z !s = case next s of
  Done   -> z
  Skips' -> loop_foldl z s'
  Yield x s' -> loop_foldl (f z x) s'

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Stream a -> b
foldr f z (Stream next s0) = loop_foldr s0
loop_foldr !s = case next s of
  Done   -> z
  Skips' -> expose s' $ loop_foldr s'
  Yield x s' -> expose s' $ f x (loop_foldr s')

-- short circuiting:
any :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Bool
any p (Stream next s0) = loop_any s0
loop_any !s = case next s of
  Done   -> False
  Skips' -> loop_any s'
  Yield x s' | p x   -> True
 | otherwise -> loop_any s'

-- maps
map :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
map f (Stream next0 s0) = Stream next s0
next !s = case next0 s of
Done   -> Done
Skips' -> Skips'
Yield x s' -> Yield (f x) s'

-- filters
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
filter p (Stream next0 s0) = Stream next s0
next !s = case next0 s of
  Done   -> Done
  Skips' -> Skips'
  Yield x s' | p x   -> Yield x s'
 | otherwise -> Skips'

-- taking
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
takeWhile p (Stream next0 s0) = Stream next s0
next !s = case next0 s of
  Done   -> Done
  Skips' -> Skip s'
  Yield x s' | p x   -> Yield x s'
 | otherwise -> Done

-- dropping
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Stream a -> Stream a
dropWhile p (Stream next0 s0) = Stream next (S1 :!: s0)
next (S1 :!: s)  = case next0 s of
  Done   -> Done
  Skips' -> Skip(S1 :!: s')
  Yield x s' | p x   -> Skip(S1 :!: s')
 | otherwise -> Yield x (S2 :!: s')

next (S2 :!: s) = case next0 s of
  Done   -> Done
  Skips' -> Skip(S2 :!: s')
  Yield x s' -> Yield x (S2 :!: s')

-- zips
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c
zipWith f (Stream next0 sa0) (Stream next1 sb0) 
= Stream next (sa0 :!: sb0 :!: Nothing)
next (sa :!: sb :!: Nothing) = case next0 sa of
Done-> Done
Skipsa' -> Skip (sa' :!: sb :!: Nothing)
Yield a sa' -> Skip (sa' :!: sb :!: Just (L a))

next (sa' :!: sb :!: Just (L a)) = case next1 sb of
Done-> Done
Skipsb' -> Skip  (sa' :!: sb' :!: Just (L a))
Yield b sb' -> Yield (f a b) (sa' :!: sb' :!: Nothing)

-- concat
concat :: Stream [a] -> [a]
concat (Stream next s0) = loop_concat_to s0
loop_concat_go [] !s = loop_concat_tos
loop_concat_go (x:xs) !s = x : loop_concat_go xs s

loop_concat_to !s = case next s of
  Done-> []
  Skip s' -> loop_concat_tos'
  Yield xs s' -> loop_concat_go xs s'

The nice thing is that once all your functions are in terms of these, usually
non-recursive guys, and you have a rewrite rule:


"STREAM stream/unstream fusion" forall s.
stream (unstream s) = s


Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Guido Genzone

2007/7/4, Michael Vanier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

That's cool -- good point.  takeWhile is also trivially defined in terms of 

 > takeWhile p = foldr (\x r -> if p x then x:r else []) []

Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?  I don't see how.

I 'm very bad in english, sorry.

Here is a solution
dropWhile in terms of fordr

Author : Graham Hutton
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Daniel McAllansmith
On Thursday 05 July 2007 11:20, Michael Vanier wrote:
> Again, I'm sure this has been done before (and no doubt better); I'd
> appreciate any pointers to previous work along these lines.

Takusen is, if I recall correctly, based around a generalised fold supporting 
accumulation and early termination.  Maybe have a look at that.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 05:08:01PM -0700, Michael Vanier wrote:
> That's cool -- good point.  takeWhile is also trivially defined in terms of 
> foldr:
> > takeWhile p = foldr (\x r -> if p x then x:r else []) []
> Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?  I don't see how.

dropWhile cannot be expressed (with full sharing semantics) in terms of
foldr alone, but it can be done nicely as a so-called paramorphism using
foldr and tails.

dropWhile p = foldr (\l cont -> case l of { (x:xs) | p x -> cont ; _ -> l }) [] 
. tails

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Michael Vanier

That's cool -- good point.  takeWhile is also trivially defined in terms of 

> takeWhile p = foldr (\x r -> if p x then x:r else []) []

Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?  I don't see how.


Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 04:20:20PM -0700, Michael Vanier wrote:
I'm sure this has been done a hundred times before, but a simple 
generalization of foldl just occurred to me and I wonder if there's 
anything like it in the standard libraries (I couldn't find anything).
Basically, I was trying to define the "any" function in terms of a fold, 
and my first try was this:

any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
any p = foldl (\b x -> b || p x) False
This is inefficient, because if (p x) is ever True the rest of the list is 
scanned unnecessarily.

Rather than create a new escape fold, it's much easier, simpler, and
faster just to use a right fold:

any p = foldr (\x b -> p x || b) False

That will short-ciruit well by laziness, and is made tailrecursive by


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 04:20:20PM -0700, Michael Vanier wrote:
> I'm sure this has been done a hundred times before, but a simple 
> generalization of foldl just occurred to me and I wonder if there's 
> anything like it in the standard libraries (I couldn't find anything).
> Basically, I was trying to define the "any" function in terms of a fold, 
> and my first try was this:
> > any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
> > any p = foldl (\b x -> b || p x) False
> This is inefficient, because if (p x) is ever True the rest of the list is 
> scanned unnecessarily.

Rather than create a new escape fold, it's much easier, simpler, and
faster just to use a right fold:

any p = foldr (\x b -> p x || b) False

That will short-ciruit well by laziness, and is made tailrecursive by

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Michael Vanier
I'm sure this has been done a hundred times before, but a simple generalization of foldl just 
occurred to me and I wonder if there's anything like it in the standard libraries (I couldn't find 
anything).  Basically, I was trying to define the "any" function in terms of a fold, and my first 
try was this:

> any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
> any p = foldl (\b x -> b || p x) False

This is inefficient, because if (p x) is ever True the rest of the list is scanned unnecessarily. 
So I wrote a more general foldl with an "escape" predicate which terminates the evaluation, along 
with a function which tells what to return in that case (given an argument of the running total 'z'):

> foldle :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
> foldle _ _ _ z [] = z
> foldle p h f z (x:xs) = if p x then h z else foldle p h f (f z x) xs

Using this function, "foldl" is:

> foldl' = foldle (const False) id

and "any" is just:

> any p = foldle p (const True) const False

I also thought of an even more general fold:

> foldle' :: (b -> Bool) -> (a -> b -> [b] -> a) -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] 
-> a
> foldle' _ _ _ z [] = z
> foldle' p h f z (x:xs) = if p x then h z x xs else foldle' p h f (f z x) xs

Using this definition, you can write "dropWhile" as:

> dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
> dropWhile p = foldle' (not . p) (\_ x xs -> x:xs) const []

Again, I'm sure this has been done before (and no doubt better); I'd appreciate any pointers to 
previous work along these lines.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list