[Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian
This is about to put a definition/description to test. So please cooperate!
Is this a useful – sufficient, not complete – definition/description for a
monad; for an imperative mind: (?)

"A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against it's variable in
each iteration."

(I insist on the simplicity! And I will resist any expansion of this
sentence (except for an exceptional note that I think of it hardly).
I think there is not any complete definitions in computer world. At least
there are many things to know when you want to use them in practice. So
please have this in mind and review me!)

Cheers :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Alexis Hazell
On Wednesday 01 August 2007 17:02, Kaveh Shahbazian wrote:
> This is about to put a definition/description to test. So please cooperate!
> ;)
> Is this a useful – sufficient, not complete – definition/description for a
> monad; for an imperative mind: (?)
> "A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against it's variable
> in each iteration."

At least in the context of Haskell, that's not correct.

For a recent discussion about a simple definition of Haskell monads, see the 
thread beginning at:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Dougal Stanton
On 01/08/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems wrong to me. A monad is, first and foremost, a type
> constructor class. I'm not sure how you can really compare that to a
> loop. But perhaps the easiest way to test your definition would be to
> ask this: How is, for example, the Maybe monad like a loop, in your
> definition?

I am baffled by this discussion. I thought monads were something to do
with boxes of toxic apples in space? Obviously we can relate monadic
apples to arrows through the William Tell analogy. And erm... yeah.

Still needs a little polishing. I just hope the whole metaphor isn't
rotten to the core.

I will be here all week. Please, try the spice cake.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Andrew Wagner
This seems wrong to me. A monad is, first and foremost, a type
constructor class. I'm not sure how you can really compare that to a
loop. But perhaps the easiest way to test your definition would be to
ask this: How is, for example, the Maybe monad like a loop, in your

On 8/1/07, Kaveh Shahbazian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is about to put a definition/description to test. So please cooperate!
> ;)
> Is this a useful – sufficient, not complete – definition/description for a
> monad; for an imperative mind: (?)
> "A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against it's variable in
> each iteration."
> (I insist on the simplicity! And I will resist any expansion of this
> sentence (except for an exceptional note that I think of it hardly).
> I think there is not any complete definitions in computer world. At least
> there are many things to know when you want to use them in practice. So
> please have this in mind and review me!)
> Cheers :)
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread david48
On 8/1/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems wrong to me. A monad is, first and foremost, a type
> constructor class. I'm not sure how you can really compare that to a
> loop. But perhaps the easiest way to test your definition would be to
> ask this: How is, for example, the Maybe monad like a loop, in your
> definition?

As a beginner haskeller coming from an imperative experience, I think
I understood what he meant.

say you have this code :

   putStrLn "1" >> putStrLn "2" >> putStrLn "3"

you can imagine each of the calls to putStrLn gets implicitly passed a
variable (here, the world ) and they happen in succession so it's
"like a loop".

Except that a loop... loops so the comparison is far fetched.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread david48
On 8/1/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > you can imagine each of the calls to putStrLn gets implicitly passed a
> > variable (here, the world ) and they happen in succession so it's
> > "like a loop".

> It breaks down further as soon as you add any amount of complexity to
> the code as well. E.g.:
> Not loop-ish at all!

I totally agree I was just stating how I understood the original
poster's statement :)

Personally I showed haskell to a Friend last week end.
To explain some monadic code I explained it somewhat this way ( please
keep in mind that I'm a beginner so the explanation I gave him is
probably not accurate )

I told him that in a lazy functional programming language you can't
decide when a function gets evaluated or not.
I then told him that it gets problematic if you want evaluate some
functions in sequence.

I also told him that haskell is a pure language, that is there is no
side effects in the functions.
I then told him that it's a problem if you want to interact with the
outside world (IO)

I explained that a monad is a way to get functions evaluated in a
specific order, with a type such that you can't mix actions with pure

I told him that monads are just a special datatype and implementation
of 2 functions :
- a function that lets you evaluate a function before evaluating the
next one, taking the output of the first function to feed the input of
the second.
- a function that takes a pure value and "promotes" to the monad's type.

I told him that in the case of IO the datatype in question is IO and
it contains data about the outside world, but there are many other
monads, but I didn't go there too much because it's not totally clear
for me.

He seemed to be not too much confused by the concept, so I hope that I
didn't told him too much inaccuracies...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Christopher L Conway
On 8/1/07, david48 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As a beginner haskeller coming from an imperative experience, I think
> I understood what he meant.
> say you have this code :
>putStrLn "1" >> putStrLn "2" >> putStrLn "3"
> you can imagine each of the calls to putStrLn gets implicitly passed a
> variable (here, the world ) and they happen in succession so it's
> "like a loop".

Why isn't this "like a semicolon"?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Andrew Wagner
> say you have this code :
>putStrLn "1" >> putStrLn "2" >> putStrLn "3"
> you can imagine each of the calls to putStrLn gets implicitly passed a
> variable (here, the world ) and they happen in succession so it's
> "like a loop".

It breaks down further as soon as you add any amount of complexity to
the code as well. E.g.:

putStrLn "1" >> getLine >>= \line -> putStrLn line >> putStrLn "end"

This prints something, gets something from the user and prints it, and
then prints something else. The equivalent imperative pseudo-code is
something like:
print "foo";
line = inputLine();
print line;
print "end";

Not loop-ish at all!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Seth Gordon
My own perspective on monads is this:

In procedural and OO languages, when dealing with compound data
structures, we think in terms of getters (*taking data out* of the
structure) and setters (*putting data in* to the structure).

Languages with some impure functional features (Lisp, Scheme, Perl,
Python) let you operate on lists with a "map" function ("mapcar" in
Common Lisp), where instead of *taking data out* of a list, you *put a
function in*, and the function manipulates each element without being
aware of the context.  You *turn the data structure inside-out*, as it
were, so you don't have to think about how the elements are accessed.

Functors are a generalization from lists to "things that can be mapped
over" in general, and then monads are a generalization of functors.

Haskell solves the "how can I do I/O in a pure functional language"
problem by *turning the world inside-out*.  Instead of taking data from
the mutable outside world, using functions to manipulate it, and
depositing results back into that world, you put your functions into the
IO monad.

It's like the joke about how a theoretical mathematician catches an
elephant: build a cage, go inside, close the door, and redefine outside
as inside.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Frank Buss

> How does all this map to C++? A monad is a a class, with no useful 
> interface for the end user, that looks roughly (i.e. I haven't tested 
> it) like:

trying to implement it in other languages is a good idea for understanding
monads. I've tried this with the Maybe monad in Lisp:


There are other tries in Scheme and Lisp, even a general Arrows approach

http://www.frank-buss.de, http://www.it4-systems.de

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Alexis Hazell
On Thursday 02 August 2007 08:17, Claus Reinke wrote:
> a Monad is a type constructor with two operations, implementing
> a standard interface and following a few simple rules.

. . . . and this is one of the best definitions i've seen yet. Thanks Claus!

i think we need to be looking at "What is a Monad?" issue from the point of 
view of putting together a Dictionary of Haskell. There's no room for long 
explanations - just a concise sentence or two that gets to the heart of what 
a Haskell Monad is.

Personally, my feeling is that people are scared by Monads, not because of the 
name, but because whenever they ask about what a Monad essentially /is/, they 
get a plethora of less-than-concise explanations that often don't include the 
sort of straightforward starting definition than Claus has presented here. No 
wonder Monads seem scary when even experienced Haskell programmers put 
forward such a variety of attempts to describe what a Monad actually is! (In 
some ways, i'm reminded of discussions about what continuations are - many 
definitions are vague and involve hand-waving; only a few seem to provide a 
straightforward technical definition that doesn't skirt around the guts of 
the matter.)

That's why i've banged on about presenting my own attempt at a concise 
definition - not because i think my definition is that great at all, but 
because it at least represents a starting point to work towards developing a 
concise definition that we can quote and /then/ elaborate on in the way that 
we think is most likely to convey how Monads work to the querent in question. 
And again, i really like Claus' elaboration:

> the Monad type class tells you the interface (what operations
> you've got, and their types), the Monad laws tell you what all
> types implementing that interface should have in common.
> the monadic interface gives you two operations, one to throw
> things into a monad thing (return), and one to chain two monad
> things together (>>=). the chaining explicitly caters for information
> flowing from the first to the second parameter of (>>=).
> the monad laws tell you two useful facts about monad things
> thrown together in that way: whatever it is the monad does,
> anything just thrown into it will take no part in that action,
> and whichever way you use that chaining operation, the
> structure of chaining is irrelevant, only the ordering of chained
> monad things matters.
> there are usually other ways to create 'primitive' monadic things,
> which can be combined into complex monadic structures using
> the operations from the Monad interface.
> there is usually a way to interpret monadic structures built in
> this way (a 'run' operation of some kind).

Category theorists can define monads concisely using the language of their 
discipline - surely we can settle on a definition of Haskell Monads that 
would make sense to any programmer who has mastered basic programming 
concepts? i would suggest that Claus' definition, above, would be a great 
place to start. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread ok

Someone asked about comparing monads to loops.

If you are chiefly familiar with the i/o and state monads, that doesn't
really make a lot of sense, but there IS a use of monads which IS a kind
of loop.

Only yesterday I was trying to read someone else's Haskell code where
they had imported Control.Monad for the sake of >>= and liftM2.  And
how were they using >>= and liftM2?

 - they were using >>= on lists, where it means the same as concatMap

To a beginner, I suggest that (concatMap f xs) is clearer than
(xs >>= f)

 - they were using (liftM2 f xs ys) on lists, where it means the same
[f x y | x <- xs, y <- ys]

No doubt there are people who find the monadic versions clearer.
However, since the monadic operations *ARE* loops when applied to lists,
it could very easily give rise to the misunderstanding that monads have
something to do with looping.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread ok

On 2 Aug 2007, at 1:20 pm, Alexis Hazell wrote:
Category theorists can define monads concisely using the language  
of their
discipline - surely we can settle on a definition of Haskell Monads  

would make sense to any programmer who has mastered basic programming

It all depends on what you mean "make sense to".
I can tell my student that (an instance of Monad) is a type constructor
applications of which support certain operations that must satisfy  
operations.  They can memorise that.  But it remains meaningless  
noise to

them.  What matters is not what monads *ARE* but what they are *FOR*.
Why should anyone care what monads are until they know why monads  

One of my colleagues here, who has worked in logic for many years, is  
of saying that there are "set theory" people who like to have their  
feet on
the ground and "category theory" people who like to have their heads  
in the
air.  There's no dispute that you get a much better view with your  
head in
the air; there is no dispute that the general definitions and  
of monads have power and utility.  Me, I'm a set theory person.  I  
have no

trouble with fields, got my head around tensors and Lie groups (or very
nearly), and I even know what a fibre bundle is (got an A for that).   
All of

this is *grounded*.  But I have repeatedly hit category theory and as
repeatedly bounced.  Chapter 1?  No trouble.  Chapter 2?  No trouble.
Chapter 3?  Bounce.

If a "category theory" person wants to understand monads, they will be
happy with an abstract approach and work down from there.  But if a
"set theory" person wants to understand monads, they have to start with
simple specific cases.  The IO monad first.  The ST monad.  Then perhaps
Maybe and [].  And then start learning about monad transformers.  The
understanding of monads as such will grow out of this; by the time they
are ready to cope with these compact high level definitions people are
talking about they won't need it any more.

I don't have any numbers.  It would be interesting if someone did a  

But I suspect that "category theory" people are a minority even among
functional programmers.  How many O'Caml programmers worry about the
definition of monads?

So go on arguing about how to define monads for Haskell, but consider
your audience.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Alexis Hazell
On Thursday 02 August 2007 15:57, ok wrote:

> It all depends on what you mean "make sense to".
> I can tell my student that (an instance of Monad) is a type constructor
> applications of which support certain operations that must satisfy
> certain operations.  They can memorise that.  But it remains meaningless
> noise to them.  What matters is not what monads *ARE* but what they are
> *FOR*. Why should anyone care what monads are until they know why monads
> matter?

Well, i would argue that people learning Haskell come to quite quickly 
appreciate that these 'monad' things are very important in Haskell; that they 
have to learn about them in order to perform IO and maintain state[1]; and 
that it's for those reasons at least that they matter. In my experience, many 
programmers - including myself! :-) - then try to get their head around what 
a Haskell Monad "is", and start asking questions of more experienced 
Haskellers, trying to get some sense of a possible answer.

It's at this point that i feel there's an issue. Haskell Monads are used FOR 
many many things. And rather than get to the core of what a Monad is, many 
people provide two or three motivating examples - examples which merely serve 
to show /some/ of what Monads are about, but which will lead astray any 
person who incorrectly assumes that these two or three examples constitute 
the totality of the Monadic universe, and who makes inferences about Monads 
accordingly. (To me, the notion that a Monad is merely a kind of loop is an 
example of this.)

This is why i feel it's important to provide an agreed-upon minimalist 
definition of a Monad - it can serve as a /correct/ starting point (to be 
elaborated on, of course - as Claus did), rather than forcing the programmer 
new to Haskell to /guess/ what a Monad might "be". We keep trying to suggest 
that Monads aren't really that scary, but the fact that we can't seem to 
agree upon a straightforward definition of what a Monad "is" belies that - i 
feel it tends to convey that in fact Monads /are/ a very complex concept, 
that asking what Monads are is like asking what God is or something. :-P And 
in my opinion, feeling that a given topic is overwhelming complex can become 
a block to further learning.


[1] Yes, they're obviously used for many other things besides those two 
things; but it's these two cases that are often of most interest to 
programmers coming from a non-functional background.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Dougal Stanton
On 02/08/07, Alexis Hazell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's at this point that i feel there's an issue. Haskell Monads are used FOR
> many many things. And rather than get to the core of what a Monad is, many
> people provide two or three motivating examples - examples which merely serve
> to show /some/ of what Monads are about, but which will lead astray any
> person who incorrectly assumes that these two or three examples constitute
> the totality of the Monadic universe, and who makes inferences about Monads
> accordingly. (To me, the notion that a Monad is merely a kind of loop is an
> example of this.)

I agree with this very much. Monads are used for a great deal of
things, some of which seem related (IO/State, []/Maybe) while others
are utterly disconnected.

Simon Peyton Jones has jokingly said that "warm fuzzy things" would
have been a better choice of name. In seriousness, though, I think the
exact name is not the problem. I would suggest that *having a name* is
the problem.

In imperative programming there are many idioms we would recognise.
Take the "do something to an array" idiom:

for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = foo(arr[i]);

This is a pretty obvious pattern. Some might say it's so obvious that
it doesn't need a name. Yet we've got one in functional programming
because we can. Without higher-order functions it's not possible to
encapsulate and name such common idioms. It seems a bit superfluous to
name something if you can't do anything with the name.

But with higher-order functions we *can* encapsulate these ideas, and
that means we *must* name them. Add to that the insatiable
mathematical desire to abstract, abstract, abstract...

Intuitively it seems that monads are similar, except the instances are
much less obviously connected. It's easy to see the connection between
State and IO. But those two to []?

Do I have an suggestions? Well, maybe the right way would be to do as
we do with map and fold, etc: show the explicitly recursive example,
then generalise. So, show how we could we would thread state in
Haskell, or how we would do optional (Maybe-style) values, then
generalise, *slowly* coalescing the more similar monads first before
reaching the 'top' of the monadic phylogenetic tree.

Hmm, I can see that previous paragraph is not as clear as it could be.
But anyway: has anyone used this approach before?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Stuart Cook
On 8/2/07, Seth Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Haskell solves the "how can I do I/O in a pure functional language"
> problem by *turning the world inside-out*.  Instead of taking data from
> the mutable outside world, using functions to manipulate it, and
> depositing results back into that world, you put your functions into the
> IO monad.

That's a very interesting perspective. One of the questions often
asked by Haskell newcomers is "how do I turn an IO a into an a?". The
correct answer is that you don't; instead, you use a function (a -> m
b) to indicate what you would have done with that a, and the bind
operator takes care of the messy details for you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Stuart Cook
On 8/2/07, Dougal Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do I have an suggestions? Well, maybe the right way would be to do as
> we do with map and fold, etc: show the explicitly recursive example,
> then generalise. So, show how we could we would thread state in
> Haskell, or how we would do optional (Maybe-style) values, then
> generalise, *slowly* coalescing the more similar monads first before
> reaching the 'top' of the monadic phylogenetic tree.
> Hmm, I can see that previous paragraph is not as clear as it could be.
> But anyway: has anyone used this approach before?

These immediately came to mind:

"You Could Have Invented Monads! (And Maybe You Already Have.)"

"Monads for Functional Programming"

I personally received my first monadic enlightenment from Bird's
"Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell", which also
uses the same approach. I think it's an excellent way to approach the

Stuart Cook
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-08 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Seth Gordon wrote:
> Functors are a generalization from lists to "things that can be mapped
> over" in general, and then monads are a generalization of functors.

Way to go! That way lies true co/monadic enlightenment. Put another way,
monads are no more about (only) IO/sequencing than fmap is about (only)
lists. To learn about monadic imperative programming there are excellent
places for doing so, but to learn about co/monads qua co/monads well, too

So here's my co/monad tutorial, or at least the barest outline of one. I
guess that almost everyone can "get" fmap :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b) if
only they got a good workout at it. So let's do lists, then trees, then your
favorite exponential types, say parsers. Howsoever it's done, be sure to get
a good grip on fmap.

Next introduce flip (>>=) :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b) as a left-sided
fmap. Thinking what it means to lift just one side "nicely" should motivate
the return function and monadic laws. Here "nicely" is in the sense that
fmap lifts "nicely."

Of course the classy way of figuring out one-sided fmap's is to contemplate
both flip (>>=) and (comonadic) coextension :: (m a -> b) -> (m a -> m b) at
the same time.

This is my preferred approach to a co/monad tutorial. For sure, You Could
Have Invented Co/Monads Too.

Seth Gordon wrote:
> Haskell solves the "how can I do I/O in a pure functional language"
> problem by *turning the world inside-out*.  Instead of taking data from
> the mutable outside world, using functions to manipulate it, and
> depositing results back into that world, you put your functions into the
> IO monad.

But (the illusion of) taking data out from the real world, manipulating it,
and then putting it back is exactly what the monadic-do syntax sugar
  x <- inputFromRealWorld
  let y = manipulateIt x
  return y

You could use (fmap manipulateIt) to "put" it into the IO monad as you
describe, but monadic-do is by far the more common approach.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Haskell - Haskell-Cafe mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-08 Thread Seth Gordon

Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:

Seth Gordon wrote:

Functors are a generalization from lists to "things that can be mapped
over" in general, and then monads are a generalization of functors.

Way to go! That way lies true co/monadic enlightenment.

I feel like I still don't understand comonads.  Maybe I just need a Zen 
comaster to hit me with a costick and then I'll become coenlightened.

Haskell solves the "how can I do I/O in a pure functional language"
problem by *turning the world inside-out*.  Instead of taking data from
the mutable outside world, using functions to manipulate it, and
depositing results back into that world, you put your functions into the
IO monad.

But (the illusion of) taking data out from the real world, manipulating it,
and then putting it back is exactly what the monadic-do syntax sugar

The type system turns the world inside-out and then the do-notation 
provides a right-side-in syntax to code functions in the inside-out world.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-10 Thread Alexis Hazell
On Thursday 09 August 2007 04:02, Seth Gordon wrote:

> I feel like I still don't understand comonads. 

If you haven't done so already, you might like to check out:

"(Co)Monads for Grad Students"

"Codata and Comonads in Haskell"

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread peterv
Kaveh> "A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against its variable 
in each iteration." 

I’m an imperative programmer learning Haskell, so I’m a newbie, but I’ll give 
it a try ☺ Making mistakes is the best way to learn it ;)

There are lots of different kinds of monads, but let’s stick to the IO monad 
first, which you seem to refer to.

No *an IO monad is not a loop at all*. Instead, from an imperative programmer’s 
point of view, the following might be better:

“an IO monad is a delayed action that will be executed as soon as that action 
is needed for further evaluation of the program.”

The simple program

main = getLine >>= putStrLn 

can be visually represented as (see attachment)

The “world” (=a representation of your computer’s hardware) is passed to the 
main function, which passes it to all actions that it encounters during its 
lazy evaluation, causing the executing of the actions as an effect. 

The red wire through which the “world flows” is a “single thread”, it cannot be 
split (because the physical world cannot be copied!!!), so no unwanted side 
effects can ever occur, making IO safe in Haskell. 

When you write your IO program, this world object is never available (the IO 
type is a special internal type), so the red wire is erased from the diagram, 
and the getLine and putStrLn boxes become “delayed actions”. 

Imperative programmers like myself might initially be confused when they see 
Haskell’s do notation, because it looks like the actions are strict statements 
as in C/C++/Pascal/Java/C#/etc, but they are not.

For example, try the following program:

main = do last [
   putStrLn "NOT executed although it is first in the list, as it is 
not used by the main function!",
   putStrLn "This action IS executed because it is evaluated by the 
main function." ]

This is of course all due to Haskell’s laziness which only evaluates just those 
expressions that it needs to evaluate the main function.

One thing to note in the diagram above is that the getLine box has TWO outputs, 
the String and the World. But functions can only have a single output, but this 
can be tuple. Hence the passing of the world from one box to the other is a bit 
more complicated. It is this pattern of extracting both values from the output 
and passing them to the next function and other related combinations that form 
the generic monad class, which can be used for many more things than IO.

See http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/IO_inside for a much deeper and more correct 
explanation ☺

And for the pros here, did this newbie make any sense? Probably not ;-) 

Oh no, yet another monad explanation!!! Now the universe will most certainly 

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread alpheccar

Kaveh> "A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against  
its variable in each iteration."

I’m an imperative programmer learning Haskell, so I’m a newbie,  
but I’ll give it a try ☺ Making mistakes is the best way to  
learn it ;)

I was a newbie not so long ago so I can understand the trouble of  
imperative programmers when they meet monads for the first time. I  
think the problem is due to a few bad tutorial still available on the  
web and which are making two mistakes:

1 - Focusing on the IO monad which is very special ;
2 - Detailing the implementation. As a newie we don't care and we  
would prefer to see how to use monads rather than how to develop monads.

When you look at monads you see they can be used for controlling the  
evaluation order (list monad, error monad, IO monad). They can be  
used for side effects (IO, state monad). They can be seen as  
containers (list, Maybe). They can be used to provide a protected  
environment (tainting). So, it is difficult to see what they have in  
common. Of course, what they have in common is a set of algebraic  
laws : the monadic laws but it does not help to know it.

I think that a way to see monads (and a consequence of the monadic  
laws) is that monads are interpreters for domain specific languages.  
Each monad will generally come with a runMonad function (runReader,  
runWriter etc...) to execute the monadic program. IO is different  
because runIO is controlled by the runtime and cannot be manipulated  
by the user.

The monadic combinators >>= are used to build programs. It is a way  
to concatenate two small programs to create a bigger one.
In fact a combinator like >>= is doing two things : building new  
sentences of your domain specific language and evaluating them.

if you take the list monad as example : [1,2,3] >>= \x -> [x*2,x*3].

First a new sentence will be created : [[2,3],[4,6],[6,9]]. Then, it  
is evaluated to give [2,3,4,6,6,9].

Here the interesting part is the sentence construction one. In other  
monads it may be the evaluation one.

So, instead of building a big sentence and then evaluating it, a  
monad is a dynamical interpreter. The sentences are built and  
evaluated progressively.

But of course, as I said, I was a newbie not long ago so the experts  
will correct me if needed.

Now, a bit of self promotion but just because it may help. I have  
summarized the problems I faced when I was a newbie learning  
Haskell : http://www.alpheccar.org/en/posts/show/67
Some people told me it was useful. It is a summary of how imperative  
programmers should change their state of mind to understand the  
Haskell way.


There are lots of different kinds of monads, but let’s stick to  
the IO monad first, which you seem to refer to.

No *an IO monad is not a loop at all*. Instead, from an imperative  
programmer’s point of view, the following might be better:

“an IO monad is a delayed action that will be executed as soon as  
that action is needed for further evaluation of the program.”

The simple program

main = getLine >>= putStrLn

can be visually represented as (see attachment)

The “world” (=a representation of your computer’s hardware) is  
passed to the main function, which passes it to all actions that it  
encounters during its lazy evaluation, causing the executing of the  
actions as an effect.

The red wire through which the “world flows” is a “single  
thread”, it cannot be split (because the physical world cannot be  
copied!!!), so no unwanted side effects can ever occur, making IO  
safe in Haskell.

When you write your IO program, this world object is never  
available (the IO type is a special internal type), so the red wire  
is erased from the diagram, and the getLine and putStrLn boxes  
become “delayed actions”.

Imperative programmers like myself might initially be confused when  
they see Haskell’s do notation, because it looks like the actions  
are strict statements as in C/C++/Pascal/Java/C#/etc, but they are  

For example, try the following program:

main = do last [
   putStrLn "NOT executed although it is first in the list,  
as it is not used by the main function!",
   putStrLn "This action IS executed because it is  
evaluated by the main function." ]

This is of course all due to Haskell’s laziness which only  
evaluates just those expressions that it needs to evaluate the main  

One thing to note in the diagram above is that the getLine box has  
TWO outputs, the String and the World. But functions can only have  
a single output, but this can be tuple. Hence the passing of the  
world from one box to the other is a bit more complicated. It is  
this pattern of extracting both values from the output and passing  
them to the next function and other related combinations that form  
the generic monad class, which can be used for many more things  
than IO.

See http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/IO_inside for a much deep

Re: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread ok

On 2 Aug 2007, at 5:13 am, alpheccar wrote:
I think the problem is due to a few bad tutorial still available on  
the web and which are making two mistakes:

1 - Focusing on the IO monad which is very special ;
2 - Detailing the implementation. As a newie we don't care and we  
would prefer to see how to use monads rather than how to develop  

When you look at monads you see they can be used for controlling  
the evaluation order (list monad, error monad, IO monad). They can  
be used for side effects (IO, state monad). They can be seen as  
containers (list, Maybe). They can be used to provide a protected  
environment (tainting). So, it is difficult to see what they have  
in common. Of course, what they have in common is a set of  
algebraic laws : the monadic laws but it does not help to know it.

I think that a way to see monads (and a consequence of the monadic  
laws) is that monads are interpreters for domain specific languages.

And so on.

But please, let's keep one foot in the real world if possible.
Monads were invented to solve the "how do I do imperative programming
in a pure functional language" problem.

We teach schoolchildren how to add.  They spend years counting and  
before we point out that x+y == y+x.  Most people leave high school  
EVER having to know that the whole numbers are a ring or what that  
When they DO learn that, the only way they can really make sense of  
it is
to turn it back to front "a ring is a collection of things and  

that is rather like whole numbers".

In order to get almost anything *done* in a Haskell program, you HAVE to
learn about the IO monad.  You can get an amazing amount of useful stuff
done without EVER learning about any other monad at all.  The IO monad
gets in your face all the time.  You teach the IO monad before anything
else about monads because if you *don't* teach about that, if you delay
it any longer than you have to, the students become convinced that you
can't do anything useful in Haskell and lose interest in learning  

else about it.

Focussing on the implementation?  Well, I believe in giving my  
students the
original papers.  One of them is "How to Declare an Imperative".   
the students about the implementation is *important* to *gain their  

There's magic in Haskell, but THIS isn't magic.  I go over it again and
again: ">>= acts like semicolon; it's all about sequencing."

If you've read the Science of Discworld books you will be familiar  
with the
phrase 'lies-to-children'.  You DON'T tell them the full truth,  
because it

would take a long time, confuse the marrow out of their bones, and leave
them feeling this was masturbatory mathematics, not real programming,
having no connection with real world interests.  Once they are  

comfortable with the IO monad, you can introduce ST.  Once they are
reasonably comfortable with the use of ST for arrays, you can show  
them the
axioms that are required for monads to work the way we expect.  Once  

have got *that*, you can then show them that Maybe is a monad in that we
can define the operations in a useful way that also satisfies the  
Then we can go onto other monads, except that in a first course,  
there isn't

time for that.  But at least we haven't scared them off completely by
telling them that monads are interpreters.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Dan Weston


I am guessing that if you were Neo in The Matrix, you would have taken 
the Blue Pill. Blue Pill people ask How.

I suspect most people attracted to Haskell have already taken the Red 
Pill. Red Pill people ask Why.

It is compulsion, not self-interest, that drives Red Pill people to look 
under the hood of their programming language. If you are a Blue Pill 
person, you will never understand. If you were a Red Pill person, you 
would never have written the following paragraph.

ok wrote:

If you've read the Science of Discworld books you will be familiar with the
phrase 'lies-to-children'.  You DON'T tell them the full truth, because it
would take a long time, confuse the marrow out of their bones, and leave
them feeling this was masturbatory mathematics, not real programming,
having no connection with real world interests.

Your students can choose for themselves whether to take the Blue Pill or 
Red Pill. The least you can do is offer them the choice.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Dan Piponi
On 8/1/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For me, I think the key to monads is to really
> understand 2 things about them:
> ...
> 2.) Monads are about sequencing

Now I disagree on 2.

Monads are no more about sequencing than binary operators are about
sequencing. Sure, if you want to, you can define an operator like (*)
to be non-commutative, so that a*b is different to b*a, but that
doesn't really get to the essence of what a binary operator is. And in
everyday usage we use (*) to mean ordinary commutative multiplication
where there is no sense of sequencing.

The same holds for monads. If you want to use them for sequencing the
option is there, but there are plenty of commutative monads out there,
for which the order of operations doesn't matter, and the fact that
they are commutative doesn't make them any less monads. So while you
can use monads to sequence, I don't think sequencing gets to the
essence of what monads are.

I suspect I hold a minority view here... :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Andrew Wagner
> "an IO monad is a delayed action that will be executed as soon as that action 
> is needed for further evaluation of the program."

I'm not sure I like this, as it seems to confuse the issue. An expert
should correct me if I'm wrong, but monads in and of themselves don't
depend on laziness. Rather, *everything* in haskell is lazy, unless
explicitly strict-ified.

As for the rest of your email, I don't necessarily disagree, but don't
find it particularly helpful either. Which may, of course, be a
personal thing. For me, I think the key to monads is to really
understand 2 things about them:
1.) They are simply type constructor classes
2.) Monads are about sequencing

For point 2, think about the two main things you have to define to
create an instance of a monad:
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

That is, you have two monadic actions, m a and m b, and bind says how
to take the result of the first and fit it into the second -- in

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b

Again, we have 2 monadic actions that we're composing, in sequence.
This time, we're just discarding the result of the first.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Jeff Polakow

> On 8/1/07, Andrew Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For me, I think the key to monads is to really
> > understand 2 things about them:
> > ...
> > 2.) Monads are about sequencing
> Now I disagree on 2.
> Monads are no more about sequencing than binary operators are about
> sequencing. Sure, if you want to, you can define an operator like (*)
> to be non-commutative, so that a*b is different to b*a, but that
> doesn't really get to the essence of what a binary operator is. And in
> everyday usage we use (*) to mean ordinary commutative multiplication
> where there is no sense of sequencing.
> The same holds for monads. If you want to use them for sequencing the
> option is there, but there are plenty of commutative monads out there,
> for which the order of operations doesn't matter, and the fact that
> they are commutative doesn't make them any less monads. So while you
> can use monads to sequence, I don't think sequencing gets to the
> essence of what monads are.
> I suspect I hold a minority view here... :-)
You are entirely correct.

Data dependencies enforce/specify sequencing.



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Dan Weston
Here's my rant about the way monads are explained in Haskell tutorials 
(which are much too polluted with nuclear waste to be safely approached):

It is a big mistake to start with the IO monad. It pollutes and 
misdirects the understanding of what a monad is. The dreaded "nuclear 
waste" metaphor is actually a red herring, having nothing do do with a 
monad at all, merely the artifact of the absence of an exit function in 
the IO monad (which actually does exist and is called unsafePerformIO, 
but that is a secret. Shhh...), combined with Haskell's refusal to work 
for free.

Monads are required to have an extrance (reification/constructor 
function) called return. They are *not* required to have an exit 
(reflection/deconstructor function).

They *do* combine (bind) together like links in a chain, which is not a 
list but an equivalence class of trees, where the only thing that 
matters is the order of the leaves, so unlike a list you don't have to 
start at the tail and assemble one-by-one. [Actually, the compiler picks 
just one of these trees (the singly-linked list) but expects that all 
trees would evaluate the same.]

They *do* bind only with flavors of themselves (State a cannot bind to 
IO b, though a monad transformer can merge the two). The output type of 
one monad instance must match the input type of another monad 
reification function (e.g. return) that it wants to bind to.

In compensation for this tribalism, those snobby monads that want to 
clique off are out of luck: a monad cannot restrict what possible types 
can be used to construct a monad instance. That would be discrimination, 
and you must agree to accept all comers.

Simple, no? Apparently not...

Other things have nothing to do with monads per se gunk up the 
descriptions about monads:

One red herring (the nuclear waste metaphor) refers to the fact since 
monads may or may not have an escape-clause (called variously runXXX, 
evalXXX, unsafePerformXXX), and IO in particular does not. The presence 
or absence of this has *nothing* to do with monads (only with IO), 
participates in no monadic laws, and shouldn't even be in the chapter on 
Monads. Whether nuclear waste seeps in (as in a State monad) or stays 
out (IO monad) has nothing to do with their monadic property and is a 
special property of those particular classes.

Another even redder herring is the dreaded sequencing aspect. Monads do 
sequence *denotationally*, the way any nested closures sequence, which 
is exactly *backwards* from the naive understanding of sequencing: 
symbols defined to the left are in the *inner* scope, those to the right 
are in the *outer* scope. Perversely, when the symbols are evaluated, 
the rightmost monad is evaluated first. The leftmost monad in the 
program, the IO () passed in by main, is the *last* thing to be 
evaluated, not the first. The outermost monad (rightmost bound function) 
is in the driver seat, and is absolutely free to ignore the monad to its 
left (which in turn encloses monads to its left)! This includes of 
course the main input IO () monad.  Don't believe me?

Prelude> const 3 (return "Nuclear waste leaking..." >>= print) + 5

Phew, no nuclear waste leaked after all. What a relief!

This sequencing then has nothing to do with *operational* sequencing. 
When the symbols are evaluated is the basic call-by-need data-dependent 
stuff of most Haskell symbols and again, has nothing to do with monads.

I learned about the IO monad first and I regret it bitterly. It cost me 
a years' worth of misunderstanding. I misapprehended that a monad had 
something to do with nuclear waste and never escaping the 
single-threadedness. I hope the new O'Reilly book doesn't make that 
mistake. Teach IO right away, but just don't call it a monad. IO is the 
exception, not the rule, in the menagerie of Haskell monads.

How does all this map to C++? A monad is a a class, with no useful 
interface for the end user, that looks roughly (i.e. I haven't tested 
it) like:

class Monad

  virtual ~Monad() {}

  // return
  Monad(T t) : t_(t) {}

  // bind operator (>>=), where
  // F :: Monad -> (T -> Monad) -> Monad
  virtual template  Monad
operator>>(typename U::F f) = 0;

  T t_;

C++ programmers will immediately see past the syntactic kruft to notice that
1) the constructor arg is not a value but an unevaluated function 
object, that starts out unevaluated.

2) The result of m >> f is a monad object, totally unevaluated.
3) There is no member function to do anything with the monad at all! As 
is, it is useless.

Derivers of this class will naturally want to add such functionality:

class MyMonad : public Monad
  // The parent class needs to know what type of monad
  // this can bind to
  typedef someUnaryFunctionObjectTypeReturningB F;

  // There is no input, just an output!
  // The input is via the constructor arg of the innermost monad
  B operator()() { ... start the ball rolling 

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Dan Piponi
On 8/1/07, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The moral of the story is that monads are less than meets the eye. You
> can create them and concatenate them

I mostly sympathise with your rant, but I think you need to be clearer
about what exactly is concatenated. In general you can't concatenate
Monads. What you *can* concatenate are Kleisli arrows (ie. things of
type Monad m => a -> m b). You can also apply Kleisli arrows to
Monads, and that's what >>= does.

I feel that talking about Monads without Kleisli arrows is like
talking about category theory without arrows, or at least sets without
functions. In each case, without the latter, the former is more or
less useless.

Also, I'm having a terminological difficulty that maybe someone can help with:

'Monad' is a type class.

So what's 'IO'? Is the correct terminology 'instance' as in 'IO is an
instance of Monad'. I consider 'IO' to be 'a monad' as that fits with
mathematical terminology. But what about an actual object of type 'IO
Int', say? Some people have been loosely calling such an object 'a
monad'. That doesn't seem quite right. Maybe it's 'an instance of IO
Int', though that's stretching the word 'instance' to meaning two
different things. And if an object of type IO Int is in instance of IO
Int, is it reasonable to also call it an 'instance of IO', or even 'an
instance of Monad'? I'm sure there are proper words for all these
things if someone fills me in.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Dan Weston
> The outermost monad (rightmost bound function) is in the driver seat, 
and is absolutely free to ignore the monad to its

> left (which in turn encloses monads to its left)! This includes of
> course the main input IO () monad.  Don't believe me?
> Prelude> const 3 (return "Nuclear waste leaking..." >>= print) + 5
> 8
> Phew, no nuclear waste leaked after all. What a relief!

No, I don't believe you.

It's true that the right monad instance can ignore its left sibling 
(same monad of course, just a different instance) to allow backtracking 
(the Const monad being a trivial example of this), but IO is not such a 

Your example just shows that monad instance expressions (like any 
Haskell expression) are evaluated lazily in Haskell.

I am relieved though, that no nuclear waste was leaked by your example.

Dan Weston wrote:
Here's my rant about the way monads are explained in Haskell tutorials 
(which are much too polluted with nuclear waste to be safely approached):

It is a big mistake to start with the IO monad. It pollutes and 
misdirects the understanding of what a monad is. The dreaded "nuclear 
waste" metaphor is actually a red herring, having nothing do do with a 
monad at all, merely the artifact of the absence of an exit function in 
the IO monad (which actually does exist and is called unsafePerformIO, 
but that is a secret. Shhh...), combined with Haskell's refusal to work 
for free.

Monads are required to have an extrance (reification/constructor 
function) called return. They are *not* required to have an exit 
(reflection/deconstructor function).

They *do* combine (bind) together like links in a chain, which is not a 
list but an equivalence class of trees, where the only thing that 
matters is the order of the leaves, so unlike a list you don't have to 
start at the tail and assemble one-by-one. [Actually, the compiler picks 
just one of these trees (the singly-linked list) but expects that all 
trees would evaluate the same.]

They *do* bind only with flavors of themselves (State a cannot bind to 
IO b, though a monad transformer can merge the two). The output type of 
one monad instance must match the input type of another monad 
reification function (e.g. return) that it wants to bind to.

In compensation for this tribalism, those snobby monads that want to 
clique off are out of luck: a monad cannot restrict what possible types 
can be used to construct a monad instance. That would be discrimination, 
and you must agree to accept all comers.

Simple, no? Apparently not...

Other things have nothing to do with monads per se gunk up the 
descriptions about monads:

One red herring (the nuclear waste metaphor) refers to the fact since 
monads may or may not have an escape-clause (called variously runXXX, 
evalXXX, unsafePerformXXX), and IO in particular does not. The presence 
or absence of this has *nothing* to do with monads (only with IO), 
participates in no monadic laws, and shouldn't even be in the chapter on 
Monads. Whether nuclear waste seeps in (as in a State monad) or stays 
out (IO monad) has nothing to do with their monadic property and is a 
special property of those particular classes.

Another even redder herring is the dreaded sequencing aspect. Monads do 
sequence *denotationally*, the way any nested closures sequence, which 
is exactly *backwards* from the naive understanding of sequencing: 
symbols defined to the left are in the *inner* scope, those to the right 
are in the *outer* scope. Perversely, when the symbols are evaluated, 
the rightmost monad is evaluated first. The leftmost monad in the 
program, the IO () passed in by main, is the *last* thing to be 
evaluated, not the first. The outermost monad (rightmost bound function) 
is in the driver seat, and is absolutely free to ignore the monad to its 
left (which in turn encloses monads to its left)! This includes of 
course the main input IO () monad.  Don't believe me?

Prelude> const 3 (return "Nuclear waste leaking..." >>= print) + 5

Phew, no nuclear waste leaked after all. What a relief!

This sequencing then has nothing to do with *operational* sequencing. 
When the symbols are evaluated is the basic call-by-need data-dependent 
stuff of most Haskell symbols and again, has nothing to do with monads.

I learned about the IO monad first and I regret it bitterly. It cost me 
a years' worth of misunderstanding. I misapprehended that a monad had 
something to do with nuclear waste and never escaping the 
single-threadedness. I hope the new O'Reilly book doesn't make that 
mistake. Teach IO right away, but just don't call it a monad. IO is the 
exception, not the rule, in the menagerie of Haskell monads.

How does all this map to C++? A monad is a a class, with no useful 
interface for the end user, that looks roughly (i.e. I haven't tested 
it) like:

class Monad

  virtual ~Monad() {}

  // return
  Monad(T t) : t_(t) {}

  // bind operator (>>=), where
  // F :: 

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Jeff Polakow

> 'Monad' is a type class.
> So what's 'IO'? Is the correct terminology 'instance' as in 'IO is an
> instance of Monad'. I consider 'IO' to be 'a monad' as that fits with
> mathematical terminology. 
I agree with this.

>But what about an actual object of type 'IO
> Int', say? 
I usually describe the type resulting from applying a monad a computation. 
Then 'IO Int' would be something like an IO computation of an Int. This 
terminology also jibes well with, or rather comes from, Moggi's 
computational lambda calculus (one of the early papers showing uses of 
Monads to computer science).



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Claus Reinke

a Monad is a type constructor with two operations, implementing
a standard interface and following a few simple rules.

the Monad type class tells you the interface (what operations
you've got, and their types), the Monad laws tell you what all
types implementing that interface should have in common. 

the monadic interface gives you two operations, one to throw
things into a monad thing (return), and one to chain two monad 
things together (>>=). the chaining explicitly caters for information
flowing from the first to the second parameter of (>>=). 

the monad laws tell you two useful facts about monad things 
thrown together in that way: whatever it is the monad does, 
anything just thrown into it will take no part in that action,
and whichever way you use that chaining operation, the 
structure of chaining is irrelevant, only the ordering of chained

monad things matters.

there are usually other ways to create 'primitive' monadic things,
which can be combined into complex monadic structures using 
the operations from the Monad interface.

there is usually a way to interpret monadic structures built in
this way (a 'run' operation of some kind).

that's it, i think?-)


   examples include:

   - i/o: primitive monadic things are basic i/o operations, 
   the 'run' operation is outside the language, applied to

   'Main.main', and interprets (abstract) IO monad structures
   sequentially, starting with the leftmost innermost i/o 
   operation in the structure and applying the second

   argument of (>>=) to the result of executing the first.

   - []: primitive monadic things are lists, the 'run' operation
   is the identity, ie, the lists are directly exposed as data
   structures, return creates a singleton list, (>>=) applies
   its second argument to each element of its first argument
   and concatenates the results (concatMap).

   - State: primitive monadic things are operations on a state
   type, returning a result and a state; return returns its 
   parameter, passing its input state unchanged, (>>=) applies 
   its first parameter to the input state, applies its second 
   parameter to the result value and result state of the first. 
   'run' is runState and applies a (possibly) complex monadic 
   thing to an input state, returning a result and a (modified) 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Dan Weston
I knew someone was going to catch me wandering into the deep end of the 

Having read large parts of your blog, I would never presume to tell you 
anything about Haskell or category theory, but what the hell...

> I mostly sympathise with your rant, but I think you need to be clearer
> about what exactly is concatenated. In general you can't concatenate
> Monads. What you *can* concatenate are Kleisli arrows (ie. things of
> type Monad m => a -> m b). You can also apply Kleisli arrows to
> Monads, and that's what >>= does.
> I feel that talking about Monads without Kleisli arrows is like
> talking about category theory without arrows, or at least sets without
> functions. In each case, without the latter, the former is more or
> less useless.

OK, I'll be clearer. I did actually mean Kleisli arrows, though I 
disagree about your statement about concatenating monad instances and 
claims of "useless":

Prelude> print "Hello" >> return 3

Granted, >> is not as "general" as >>=, so combining one monad instance 
with another is not as "general" as with a Kleisli arrow: concatenating 
degenerates to simple sequencing.

Sequencing print statements is more rather than less useless to many 
people, but I see your point. Actually, you have made my point! :)

The forgetful action of Kleisli arrows acting on a monad (or conversely 
the free algebra of a monad as a subspace of Kleisli arrows) is to my 
understanding intimately connected with the specialness of the IO monad. 
It is the continuous nature of Haskell monads that gives non-IO monads 
value. So I guess my rant really was about Kleisli arrows not all being 
forgetful functors, used only for their sequencing effect. It just 
sounded too hard to pull that argument off without reinforcing the myth 
that you need to know category theory to have a rant about Haskell 

> Also, I'm having a terminological difficulty that maybe someone can 
help with:

> 'Monad' is a type class.

Actually I thought it was a type class constructor. The monad Monad m => 
m a is continuous in its instance type a, which is important in 
establishing the relationship between >>= and >>. The Haskell type 'IO 
()' is a monad instance that is also isomorphic to the discrete trivial 
monad, but that is not a Haskell Monad capital-M.

I used the term "instance" because the type IO () is an instance of the 
typeclass IO, not for any more profound reason.

Forgive the display of wanton ignorance above. After all, isn't that 
what ranting is all about?

Dan Weston

Dan Piponi wrote:

On 8/1/07, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The moral of the story is that monads are less than meets the eye. You
can create them and concatenate them

I mostly sympathise with your rant, but I think you need to be clearer
about what exactly is concatenated. In general you can't concatenate
Monads. What you *can* concatenate are Kleisli arrows (ie. things of
type Monad m => a -> m b). You can also apply Kleisli arrows to
Monads, and that's what >>= does.

I feel that talking about Monads without Kleisli arrows is like
talking about category theory without arrows, or at least sets without
functions. In each case, without the latter, the former is more or
less useless.

Also, I'm having a terminological difficulty that maybe someone can help with:

'Monad' is a type class.

So what's 'IO'? Is the correct terminology 'instance' as in 'IO is an
instance of Monad'. I consider 'IO' to be 'a monad' as that fits with
mathematical terminology. But what about an actual object of type 'IO
Int', say? Some people have been loosely calling such an object 'a
monad'. That doesn't seem quite right. Maybe it's 'an instance of IO
Int', though that's stretching the word 'instance' to meaning two
different things. And if an object of type IO Int is in instance of IO
Int, is it reasonable to also call it an 'instance of IO', or even 'an
instance of Monad'? I'm sure there are proper words for all these
things if someone fills me in.
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RE: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Bayley, Alistair
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of peterv
> However, one thing which I find annoying is that a "classic 
> pure" function cannot evaluate an IO function unless you use 
> unsafePerformIO; one must "promote" (?demote) the pure 
> function into the IO monad.

That's just a property of the IO monad, rather than monads in general:

> Any ways of "promoting" such a pure function into the monadic 
> one automatically? I tried playing with "liftM", without succes.

This is where Claus plugs HaRe :-) (although liftM + friends is normally
what one uses). You might find this relevant:

Some people (but I'm not sure who) probably write most of their Haskell
code in a monadic style, so as to make conversion between various monads
less painful. It's still pure...

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread peterv
IMHO although this is a great explanation of what a monad is (as far as I 
understand it), for newbies I think it helps a lot to first look at the 
specific cases where monads are used and why they are invented, as explained in 
http://sigfpe.blogspot.com/2006/08/you-could-have-invented-monads-and.html and 
then looking at http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/IO_inside for the IO thingy.

However, one thing which I find annoying is that a "classic pure" function 
cannot evaluate an IO function unless you use unsafePerformIO; one must 
"promote" (?demote) the pure function into the IO monad.

For example, as an exercise I tried to convert the Monte Carlo experiment as 
demonstrated in http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node53.html 
into Haskell (warning: newbie code ahead, should be much nicer when I once 
become a real Haskeller in a million years ;-)

In the code below I had to change the monteCarlo1 into a completely different 
monteCarlo2 in order to use the IO random facility. Okay, this is "expected 
behavior", but for an imperative programmer, this is quite a shock!

Any ways of "promoting" such a pure function into the monadic one 
automatically? I tried playing with "liftM", without succes.

import Data.Ratio
import Data.List
import System.Random
import Control.Monad

-- Monte Carlo using "pure" functions
monteCarlo1 :: Integral n => n -> (a -> (a,Bool)) -> a -> Ratio n
monteCarlo1 trials experiment startValue = trialsPassed % trials
  where trialsPassed = genericLength $ filter id outcomes
outcomes = snd $ unzip $ genericTake trials $ iterate (experiment . 
fst) (experiment startValue)

cesaroTest1 :: StdGen -> (StdGen, Bool)
cesaroTest1 gen0 = (gen2, (gcd rand1 rand2) == 1)
  where (rand1, gen1) = random gen0
(rand2, gen2) = random gen1

estimatePi1 trials = sqrt $ 6 / (fromRational $ monteCarlo1 trials cesaroTest1 
(mkStdGen 0))

-- Monte Carlo using monadic IO
-- no genericReplicateM, so must use Int
monteCarlo2 :: Int -> IO Bool -> IO (Ratio Integer)
monteCarlo2 trials experiment = do
  outcomes <- replicateM trials experiment
  return $ fromIntegral (genericLength $ filter id outcomes) % fromIntegral 

cesaroTest2 = do
  rand1 <- getStdRandom random
  rand2 <- getStdRandom random
  return $ (gcd rand1 rand2) == 1

estimatePi2 trials = do
  mc <- monteCarlo2 trials cesaroTest2
  return $ sqrt $ 6 / (fromRational mc)

main = let pi1 = estimatePi1 5 in
   do pi2 <- estimatePi2 5
  putStrLn (show pi1) >> putStrLn (show pi2)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Claus Reinke
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:18 AM
To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

a Monad is a type constructor with two operations, implementing
a standard interface and following a few simple rules.

the Monad type class tells you the interface (what operations
you've got, and their types), the Monad laws tell you what all
types implementing that interface should have in common. 

the monadic interface gives you two operations, one to throw
things into a monad thing (return), and one to chain two monad 
things together (>>=). the chaining explicitly caters for information
flowing from the first to the second parameter of (>>=). 

the monad laws tell you two useful facts about monad things 
thrown together in that way: whatever it is the monad does, 
anything just thrown into it will take no part in that action,
and whichever way you use that chaining operation, the 
structure of chaining is irrelevant, only the ordering of chained
monad things matters.

there are usually other ways to create 'primitive' monadic things,
which can be combined into complex monadic structures using 
the operations from the Monad interface.

there is usually a way to interpret monadic structures built in
this way (a 'run' operation of some kind).

that's it, i think?-)


examples include:

- i/o: primitive monadic things are basic i/o operations, 
the 'run' operation is outside the language, applied to
'Main.main', and interprets (abstract) IO monad structures
sequentially, starting with the leftmost innermost i/o 
operation in the structure and applying the second
argument of (>>=) to the result of executing the first.

- []: primitive monadic things are lists, the 'run' operation
is the identity, ie, the lists are directly exposed as data
structures, return creates a singleton list, (>>=) applies
its second argument to each element of its first argument
and concatenates the results (concatMap).

- State: primitive monadic things are operations on a state

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-02 Thread Stuart Cook
On 8/2/07, Dan Piponi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I feel that talking about Monads without Kleisli arrows is like
> talking about category theory without arrows, or at least sets without
> functions. In each case, without the latter, the former is more or
> less useless.

The chapter on monads in Bird's "Introduction to Functional
Programming using Haskell" introduces an operator (<>) that's
equivalent to (>>>) on Kleisli arrows, without the intermediate
newtype. One nice property of this operator is that it turns "return"
into a genuine identity, rather than the weird pseudo-identity that it
forms with (>>=).

Sadly I don't actually own a copy of the book, so most of this is from memory.

> Also, I'm having a terminological difficulty that maybe someone can help with:
> [snip][What's a good word for an object of type IO Int?]

I tend to call it a "value in the [IO] monad". I don't claim to be a
canonical reference, though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: RE [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-03 Thread David Menendez
On 8/1/07, Jeff Polakow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >But what about an actual object of type 'IO
>  > Int', say?
> >
> I usually describe the type resulting from applying a monad a computation.

Same here. If "m" is a monad, then "m a" is a computation. (Of course,
computations are first-class values, like functions.) I've
occasionally called functions of type "a -> m b" monadic functions,
but I suspect that's poor style.

I wonder how much of the confusion surrounding monads comes from the
fact that using them in Haskell involves higher-order functions, type
constructors, and type constructor classes.
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