Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Hi Max,

This is really interesting!

 1. There exist total functions:
 lift :: X d = d a - D a
 lower :: X d = D a - d a
 2. And you can write a valid instance:
 instance X D
 With *no superclass constraints*.

All your examples have a more specific form:

 lift :: X d = d a - D d a
 lower :: X d = D d a - d a
 instance X (D d)

This might help when looking for a matching categorical concept. With your 
original signatures I was thinking of initial/terminal objects, but that's not 
the case.

 2. Is there a mother of all idioms? By analogy with the previous three
 examples, I tried this:
 -- (**) :: forall a. i a - (forall b. i (a - b) - i b)
 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a - b) - i b }
 But I can't see how to write either pure or * with that data type.
 This version seems to work slightly better:
 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i (a - b) - i 
 b }
 Because you can write pure (pure x = Thingy (\k - lowerYoneda (fmap
 ($ x) k))). But * still eludes me!

It's usually easier to switch to Monoidal functors when playing with 
Applicative. (See the original Functional Pearl Applicative programming with 

Then I got this:

newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i b - Yoneda i (a, 
b) }

() :: Thingy i c - Thingy i d - Thingy i (c, d)
mf  mx = Thingy $ fmap (\(d, (c, b)) - ((c, d), b)) . runThingy mx . 
runThingy mf
instance Functor (Thingy i) where
  fmap f m = Thingy $ fmap (first f) . runThingy m

instance Applicative (Thingy i) where
  pure x = Thingy $ fmap (x,)
  mf * mx = fmap (\(f, x) - f x) (mf  mx)

Note that Yoneda is only there to make it possible to use fmap without the 
Functor f constraint. So I'm not sure if requiring no class constraints at all 
is a good requirement. It only makes things more complicated, without providing 
more insights.

I'd say that if class X requires a superclass constraint Y, then the instance 
of X (D d) is allowed to have the constraint Y d. The above code then stays the 
same, only with Yoneda removed and constraints added.

Sjoerd Visscher

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Sjoerd Visscher
Allowing Functor i also makes defining Thingy directly (without going though 
Monoidal) easy:

newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a - b) - i b }

instance Functor i = Functor (Thingy i) where
  fmap f m = Thingy $ runThingy m . fmap (. f)

instance Functor i = Applicative (Thingy i) where
  pure x = Thingy $ fmap ($ x)
  mf * mx = Thingy $ runThingy mx . runThingy mf . fmap (.)

Not allowing Functor i and adding Yoneda also works.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:43 PM, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

 Hi Max,
 This is really interesting!
 1. There exist total functions:
 lift :: X d = d a - D a
 lower :: X d = D a - d a
 2. And you can write a valid instance:
 instance X D
 With *no superclass constraints*.
 All your examples have a more specific form:
 lift :: X d = d a - D d a
 lower :: X d = D d a - d a
 instance X (D d)
 This might help when looking for a matching categorical concept. With your 
 original signatures I was thinking of initial/terminal objects, but that's 
 not the case.
 2. Is there a mother of all idioms? By analogy with the previous three
 examples, I tried this:
 -- (**) :: forall a. i a - (forall b. i (a - b) - i b)
 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a - b) - i b }
 But I can't see how to write either pure or * with that data type.
 This version seems to work slightly better:
 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i (a - b) - i 
 b }
 Because you can write pure (pure x = Thingy (\k - lowerYoneda (fmap
 ($ x) k))). But * still eludes me!
 It's usually easier to switch to Monoidal functors when playing with 
 Applicative. (See the original Functional Pearl Applicative programming with 
 Then I got this:
 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i b - Yoneda i 
 (a, b) }
 () :: Thingy i c - Thingy i d - Thingy i (c, d)
 mf  mx = Thingy $ fmap (\(d, (c, b)) - ((c, d), b)) . runThingy mx . 
 runThingy mf
 instance Functor (Thingy i) where
  fmap f m = Thingy $ fmap (first f) . runThingy m
 instance Applicative (Thingy i) where
  pure x = Thingy $ fmap (x,)
  mf * mx = fmap (\(f, x) - f x) (mf  mx)
 Note that Yoneda is only there to make it possible to use fmap without the 
 Functor f constraint. So I'm not sure if requiring no class constraints at 
 all is a good requirement. It only makes things more complicated, without 
 providing more insights.
 I'd say that if class X requires a superclass constraint Y, then the instance 
 of X (D d) is allowed to have the constraint Y d. The above code then stays 
 the same, only with Yoneda removed and constraints added.
 Sjoerd Visscher
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Sjoerd Visscher

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 27/06/2010, at 19:54, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

 Q: What is the mother of all X, where X is some type class?
 A: It is a data type D such that:
 1. There exist total functions:
 lift :: X d = d a - D a
 lower :: X d = D a - d a

Are those universally quantified over d? If so, then none of your examples fit 
this definition. I assume you mean this:

lift :: X d = d a - D d a
lower :: X d = D d a - d a

In that case, isn't D just the dictionary for (X d) and a value of type (d a)? 
I.e., couldn't we always define it as:

data D d a where { D :: X d = d a - D d a }


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Felipe Lessa
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 10:54:08AM +0100, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
 Example 2: Codensity is the mother of all Monads

I thought the continuation monad was the mother of all monads. :)
For example, see [1].



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 27 June 2010 14:30, Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:
 In that case, isn't D just the dictionary for (X d) and a value of type (d 
 a)? I.e., couldn't we always define it as:

 data D d a where { D :: X d = d a - D d a }

I wondered about this, but how would you write e.g. the return
method for Codensity? You don't have an input dictionary to work with.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 27 June 2010 16:07, Felipe Lessa wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 10:54:08AM +0100, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
 Example 2: Codensity is the mother of all Monads

 I thought the continuation monad was the mother of all monads. :)

I actually already referenced Dan's article, and stole the vocabulary
from him :-). Codensity is a better model, see e.g. Edward Kmett's
first comment on Dan's post

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 27 June 2010 13:16, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
 Allowing Functor i also makes defining Thingy directly (without going though 
 Monoidal) easy:

 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a - b) - i b }

Great stuff! I particularly like your * definition, because it
mirrors the composition law for Applicative nicely:
-- pure id * v = v-- Identity
-- pure (.) * u * v * w = u * (v * w) -- Composition
-- pure f * pure x = pure (f x)   -- Homomorphism
-- u * pure y = pure ($ y) * u  -- Interchange

I think it's very important that we use Yoneda here. The reason is
that all the examples I have so far express some sort of normalisation
1) Functors can be normalised by fusing together fmap compositions
into single fmaps
2) Categories can be normalised by reassocating (.) applications into
a canonical form, and using identity to discard compositions with id.
This is achieved in Wotsit by using the associativity and id property
of (.) for functions.
3) Monads can be normalised using the monad laws to reassociate (=)
rightwards and using left and right identity to discard parts of the
computation. The resulting form seems to correspond to the monadic
normal form from the literature.

Applicatives also have a normalisation property. I first saw this in
Malcolm Wallaces's Flatpack presentation at Fun In The Afternoon: Unfortunately the slides are
not online. The normalisation rules are something like this, each
corresponds to an applicative law:

v == pure id * v  -- Identity
u * (v * w)   == pure (.) * u * v * w -- Composition
pure f * pure x == pure (f x) -- Homomorphism
u * pure y  == pure ($ y) * u   -- Interchange

Some critical side conditions are needed here and there to ensure
termination. But the idea as I remember it was to rewrite all
applicative expressions to a form (pure f * u1 * ... * un) where
f is a pure function and each ui is a side-effecting computation which
is not of the form (v * w) or (pure f) -- i.e. it uses some
non-Applicative combinators to get its side effects.

Somehow the mother of all applicatives should encode this
normalisation property. If we didn't use Yoneda in our current
definition, then my intuition tells me that we wouldn't be able to get
guaranteed fusion adjacent pure f * pure x computations, so the
normalisation property corresponding to the modified Thingy would be

I'm going to try automatically deriving a NBE algorithm for Moggi's
monadic metalanguage from the Codensity monad - with luck it will
correspond to the one-pass algorithm of Danvy. If this is possible it
will further strengthen the connection between mothers and NBE. By
repeating this exercise for Applicative and Thingy we should get a
beautiful algorithm for finding applicative normal forms.

Exciting stuff! Will report back if I make progress :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 27 June 2010 18:28, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
 I'm going to try automatically deriving a NBE algorithm for Moggi's
 monadic metalanguage from the Codensity monad - with luck it will
 correspond to the one-pass algorithm of Danvy.

Well, that works. On second thoughts, it's more akin to A-normalisation.

What I will show is how to derive an algorithm for A-normalisation
from the definition of the Codensity monad.

First, the language to normalise. Hacked this together, so I'm just
going to use Strings to represent terms of pure type:

 type Term = String

Terms of computational type:

 data MonadSyn = Return Term
  | Bind MonadSyn (String - MonadSyn)
  | Foreign String

We have an injection from the pure terms, a bind operation in HOAS
style, and a Foreign constructor. I'm going to use Foreign to
introduce operations that have side effects but don't come from the
Monad type class. For example, we might include get and put x for
a state monad in here.

Now the meat:

normalise :: MonadSyn - MonadSyn
normalise m = go m Return
go :: MonadSyn - (String - MonadSyn) - MonadSyn
go (Return x)  k = k x
go (Bind m k)  c = go m (\a - go (k a) c)

go (Foreign x) k = Bind (Foreign x) k

What's really fun about this is that I pretty much transcribed the
definition of the Codensity monad instance. The initial Return comes
from lowerCodensity and then I just typed in the Return and Bind
implementations pretty much verbatim:

return x = Codensity (\k - k x)
m = k = Codensity (\c - runCodensity m (\a - runCodensity (k a) c))

Foreign didn't come automatically: I had to use intelligence to tell
the normaliser how to deal with non-Monad computations. I'm happy with

Now we can have an example:

non_normalised = Bind (Return 10) $ \x -
 Bind (Bind (Bind (Foreign get) (\y - Return y))
(\z - Bind (Foreign (put  ++ x)) (\_ - Return z))) $ \w -
 Return w

main = do
putStrLn == Before
print $ pPrint non_normalised

putStrLn == After
print $ pPrint $ normalise non_normalised

Which produces:

== Before
let x2 = 10
in let x0 = let x1 = let x4 = get
 in x4
in let x3 = put x2
   in x1
   in x0
== After
let x2 = get
in let x0 = put 10
   in x2

Amazing! A-normalisation of a monadic metalanguage, coming pretty much
mechanically from Codensity :-)

I'm going to try for normalisation of Lindleys idiom calculus now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Max Bolingbroke
On 27 June 2010 19:14, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
 I'm going to try for normalisation of Lindleys idiom calculus now.

Made me sweat, but I got it to work. From Thingy you get a free
one-pass normaliser for idioms. Is this a novel result? It's certainly
very cool!

Term language:

type Term = String

data IdiomSyn = Pure Term
  | Ap IdiomSyn IdiomSyn
  | Foreign String

The normalisation algorithm:

normalise :: IdiomSyn - IdiomSyn
normalise m = go m (\tt - Pure (tt id)) id
--i a  - forall b. (forall c. ((a - b) - c) - i c)
 - (forall d. (b - d)   - i d)
go :: IdiomSyn - ((Term - Term)  -
IdiomSyn) - (  (Term - Term) - IdiomSyn)

go (Pure x)m = \k - m (k . (\t - t ++  ( ++ x ++ )))
go (Ap mf mx)  m = go mx (go mf (\k - m (k . (\t - (.) ( ++ t
++ )
go (Foreign e) m = \k - m (\t - (.) (\\x -  ++ k x ++ ) (
++ t ++ )) `Ap` Foreign e

As before, we get Pure and Ap for free from Thingy if we just unfold
the uses of the Yoneda fmap like so:

 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i (a - b) - 
 Yoneda i b }

 instance Applicative (Thingy i) where
 pure x= Thingy $ \m - Yoneda (\k - runYoneda m (k . ($ x)))
 mf * mx = Thingy $ \m - runThingy mx (runThingy mf (Yoneda (\k - 
 runYoneda m (k . (.)

It is fairly easy to see how they relate. The Foreign rule was
tricky, and I derived the correct form by following the types (please
pardon my lack of variable hygiene too!).

Here are some examples that show how we can derive the applicative
normal forms of a few terms, in exactly the form that I remembered
from Wallace's Flatpack presentation:

== Before
launchMissiles * (obtainLaunchCode * (getAuthorization))
== After
pure ((.) (\x - (.) (\x - (.) (\x - x) (x)) ((.) (x))) ((.) (id)))
* (launchMissiles) * (obtainLaunchCode) * (getAuthorization)
== Before
pure (launchMissiles') * (pure (obtainLaunchCode') * (pure
== After
pure ((.) ((.) (id) (launchMissiles')) (obtainLaunchCode') (getAuthorization'))
== Before
pure (f) * (pure (x))
== After
pure ((.) (id) (f) (x))
== Before
launchMissiles * (pure (1337))
== After
pure ((.) (\x - x (1337)) ((.) (id))) * (launchMissiles)

Pretty awesome! Perhaps I should write a paper or at least a coherent
note on this topic :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Edward Kmett
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Sjoerd Visscher sjo...@w3future.comwrote:

 Hi Max,

 This is really interesting!

  1. There exist total functions:
  lift :: X d = d a - D a
  lower :: X d = D a - d a
  2. And you can write a valid instance:
  instance X D
  With *no superclass constraints*.

 All your examples have a more specific form:

  lift :: X d = d a - D d a
  lower :: X d = D d a - d a
  instance X (D d)

 This might help when looking for a matching categorical concept. With your
 original signatures I was thinking of initial/terminal objects, but that's
 not the case.

  2. Is there a mother of all idioms? By analogy with the previous three
  examples, I tried this:
  -- (**) :: forall a. i a - (forall b. i (a - b) - i b)
  newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a - b) - i b }
  But I can't see how to write either pure or * with that data type.
  This version seems to work slightly better:
  newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i (a - b)
 - i b }
  Because you can write pure (pure x = Thingy (\k - lowerYoneda (fmap
  ($ x) k))). But * still eludes me!

 It's usually easier to switch to Monoidal functors when playing with
 Applicative. (See the original Functional Pearl Applicative programming
 with effects.)

 Then I got this:

 newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i b - Yoneda i
 (a, b) }

 () :: Thingy i c - Thingy i d - Thingy i (c, d)
 mf  mx = Thingy $ fmap (\(d, (c, b)) - ((c, d), b)) . runThingy mx .
 runThingy mf

 instance Functor (Thingy i) where
  fmap f m = Thingy $ fmap (first f) . runThingy m

 instance Applicative (Thingy i) where
  pure x = Thingy $ fmap (x,)
  mf * mx = fmap (\(f, x) - f x) (mf  mx)

 Note that Yoneda is only there to make it possible to use fmap without the
 Functor f constraint. So I'm not sure if requiring no class constraints at
 all is a good requirement. It only makes things more complicated, without
 providing more insights.

 I'd say that if class X requires a superclass constraint Y, then the
 instance of X (D d) is allowed to have the constraint Y d. The above code
 then stays the same, only with Yoneda removed and constraints added.

This is an encoding of the fact that all Functors in Haskell are strong, and
that Yoneda i is a Functor for any i :: * - *.

-Edward Kmett
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The mother of all functors/monads/categories

2010-06-27 Thread Twan van Laarhoven

Max Bolingbroke wrote:

I don't actually know what the right name for this data type is, I
just invented it and it seems to work:

-- () :: forall a b. t a b - (forall c. t b c - t a c)
newtype Wotsit t a b = Wotsit { runWotsit :: forall c. t b c - t a c }

There is of course no reason to prefer () to (), so you can instead 
quantify over the first argument as opposed to second one:

newtype Wotsit' t a b = Wotsit' { runWotsit' :: forall c. t c a - t c b }

liftWotsit' :: Category t = t a b - Wotsit' t a b
liftWotsit' t = Wotsit' (() t)

lowerWotsit' :: Category t = Wotsit' t a b - t a b
lowerWotsit' t = runWotsit' t id

instance Category (Wotsit' t) where
id = Wotsit' id
t1 . t2 = Wotsit' (runWotsit' t1 . runWotsit' t2)

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