Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-29 Thread David Fox
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 5:06 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 2:01 PM, TP wrote:

 My primary problem may be reduced to adding elements of two lists:
 [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] = [5,7,9]

 My first idea was to declare a list of Int as an instance of Num, and define 
 in the correct way.
 However, it seems it is not possible to do that:

 instance Num [Int] where
        l1 + l2 = 

 It seems it is necessary to do:

 newtype ListOfInt = ListOfInt { getList :: [Int] }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

 instance Num ListOfInt where
     l1 + l2 = ...

 Am I correct? Is it the best way to do that?

 Now, what is the most usual way to implement l1+l2?
 I have just read about applicative functors, with which I can do:

 import Control.Applicative
 let l1 = [1,2,3]
 let l2 = [4,5,6]
 print $ getZipList $ (+) $ ZipList l1 * ZipList l2

 Is it the correct way to do that?
 I have tried:

 instance Num ListOfInt where
     l1 + l2 = ListOfInt $ getZipList $ (+) $ ZipList (getList l1) *
                                     ZipList (getList l2)

 Isn't it too much complicated?



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 A simple solution is to use the zipWith[1] function:

    zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] == [5,7,9]

 It takes a bit of time to get acquainted with all of the incredibly
 convenient functions in base, but once you know them, it can greatly
 simplify your code.


Not knowing zipWith, I usually write

   map (uncurry (+)) (zip [1,2,3] [4,5,6])

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-29 Thread Ketil Malde
Richard O'Keefe writes:

 newtype PS a = PS [a] deriving (Eq, Show)

 u f (PS x)= PS $ map f x
 b f (PS x) (PS y) = PS $ zipWith f x y
 to_ps x   = PS (x : repeat 0)

BTW, isn't this a good candidate for an Applicative instance (similar to

 u f p = f $ p  -- or u = fmap
 b f p1 p2 = f $ p1 * p2

Not a big deal for the Num instance, perhaps, but more general than u
and b, and it might make it easier to work with in other ways.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-29 Thread Doug McIlroy
 From: Richard O'Keefe
 Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 16:34:46 +1300
 On 29/03/2012, at 3:08 PM, Doug McIlroy wrote:
  - without newtype
  toSeries f = f : repeat 0   -- coerce scalar to series
  instance Num a = Num [a] where
(f:fs) + (g:gs) = f+g : fs+gs
(f:fs') * gs@(g:gs') = f*g : fs'*gs + (toSeries f)*gs'
  - with newtype
  newtype Num a = PS a = PS [a] deriving (Show, Eq)
  fromPS (PS fs) = fs -- extract list
  toPS f = PS (f : repeat 0)  -- coerce scalar to series
  instance Num a = Num (PS a) where
(PS (f:fs)) + (PS (g:gs)) = PS (f+g : fs+gs)
(PS (f:fs)) * gPS@(PS (g:gs)) =
   PS $ f*g : fromPS ((PS fs)*gPS + (toPS f)*(PS gs))
 Try it again.
 newtype PS a = PS [a] deriving (Eq, Show)
 u f (PS x)= PS $ map f x
 b f (PS x) (PS y) = PS $ zipWith f x y
 to_ps x   = PS (x : repeat 0)
 ps_product (f:fs) (g:gs) = whatever
 instance Num a = Num (PS a)
 (+) = b (+)
 (-) = b (-)
 (*) = b ps_product
 negate  = u negate
 abs = u abs
 signum  = u signum
 fromInteger = to_ps . fromInteger
 I've avoided defining ps_product because I'm not sure what
 it is supposed to do: the definition doesn't look commutative.

You have given the Hadamard product--a construction with somewhat
esoteric properties.  The product I have in mind is the ordinary
mathematical product that one meets in freshman calculus.  The
distributive law yields this symmetric formulation

(f:fs) * (g:gs) = f*g : (toSeries f)*gs + fs*(toSeries g) + (0 : fs*gs)

The version I gave is an optimization (which I learned from Jerzy). For more
explanation see

I like the lifting functions b and u, but they don't get one very far.
The product is where the PS pox begins to bite badly. I would welcome 
a perspicuous formulation of that using newtype.

Incidentally, a more efficient way to write the symmetric product is

(f:fs) * (g:gs) = f*g : zipWith (f*) gs + zipWith fs (*g) + (0 : fs*gs)

toSeries and zipWith appear in the formulas because Haskell overloading
won't let one use the multiplication symbol for both series*series and
scalar*series. One might also invent a distinct operator for the purpose.
Coercion with toSeries strikes me as the least jarring of these approaches.
zipWith suffers from mixing levels of abstraction--it signifies not the
idea of multiplication, but the algorithm.  A new operator would suffer
both from unfamiliarity and lack of commutativity.

  The code suffers a pox of PS.
 But it doesn't *need* to.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-29 Thread Ozgur Akgun
On 29 March 2012 04:34, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

 u f (PS x)= PS $ map f x
 b f (PS x) (PS y) = PS $ zipWith f x y
 to_ps x   = PS (x : repeat 0)

Also see:

Ozgur Akgun
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-28 Thread Doug McIlroy
 Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 11:03:54 +1300
 From: Richard O'Keefe
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists
 And *that* is why I stopped trying to define instance Num t = Num [t].
 If I KNEW that the length of the lists is ... fixed ... then the type
 wasn't *really* [t], but some abstract type that happened to be implemented
 as [t], and that abstract type deserved a newtype name of its own.
 Naming the type
  - makes the author's intent clearer to readers
  - lets the compiler check it's used consistently
  - lets you have instances that don't match instances for
other abstract types that happen to have the same implementation
  - provides a natural place to document the purpose of the type
  - gives you a way to enforce the intended restrictions
 all for zero run-time overhead.

Quite taken by this manifesto for high style and morality,
I resolved to do right by some old code, of which I had
been quite proud:
Sadly, the exercise took some bloom off the rose. What
the code gained in honesty and safety, it lost in beauty
and readability.

Here's the contrast, seen in overloading arithmetic to
handle addition and multiplication of power series.

- without newtype

toSeries f = f : repeat 0   -- coerce scalar to series

instance Num a = Num [a] where
   (f:fs) + (g:gs) = f+g : fs+gs
   (f:fs') * gs@(g:gs') = f*g : fs'*gs + (toSeries f)*gs'

- with newtype

newtype Num a = PS a = PS [a] deriving (Show, Eq)

fromPS (PS fs) = fs -- extract list
toPS f = PS (f : repeat 0)  -- coerce scalar to series

instance Num a = Num (PS a) where
   (PS (f:fs)) + (PS (g:gs)) = PS (f+g : fs+gs)
   (PS (f:fs)) * gPS@(PS (g:gs)) =
  PS $ f*g : fromPS ((PS fs)*gPS + (toPS f)*(PS gs))

The code suffers a pox of PS. When one goes on to
introduce efficiencies and generalize to handle
finite series (polynomials), it only gets worse.

One unpleasant technical problem: the deriving
clause is almost useless--one can't print or
detect equality of infinite objects.  For output  
one must apply something like (take 10 . fromPS).

Yet this modest package would likely pose
problems if it were combined with others in a
grander suite for automated mathematics.  What to
do? I think I might write the package without
newtype, and then wrap it in PS for export in hopes
of exploiting the advantages of both styles.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-28 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 29/03/2012, at 3:08 PM, Doug McIlroy wrote:
 - without newtype
 toSeries f = f : repeat 0   -- coerce scalar to series
 instance Num a = Num [a] where
   (f:fs) + (g:gs) = f+g : fs+gs
   (f:fs') * gs@(g:gs') = f*g : fs'*gs + (toSeries f)*gs'
 - with newtype
 newtype Num a = PS a = PS [a] deriving (Show, Eq)
 fromPS (PS fs) = fs -- extract list
 toPS f = PS (f : repeat 0)  -- coerce scalar to series
 instance Num a = Num (PS a) where
   (PS (f:fs)) + (PS (g:gs)) = PS (f+g : fs+gs)
   (PS (f:fs)) * gPS@(PS (g:gs)) =
  PS $ f*g : fromPS ((PS fs)*gPS + (toPS f)*(PS gs))

Try it again.

newtype PS a = PS [a] deriving (Eq, Show)

u f (PS x)= PS $ map f x
b f (PS x) (PS y) = PS $ zipWith f x y
to_ps x   = PS (x : repeat 0)

ps_product (f:fs) (g:gs) = whatever

instance Num a = Num (PS a)
(+) = b (+)
(-) = b (-)
(*) = b ps_product
negate  = u negate
abs = u abs
signum  = u signum
fromInteger = to_ps . fromInteger

I've avoided defining ps_product because I'm not sure what
it is supposed to do: the definition doesn't look commutative.

 The code suffers a pox of PS.

But it doesn't *need* to.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 26/03/2012 02:41, Chris Smith a écrit :

Of course there are rings for which it's possible to represent the
elements as lists.  Nevertheless, there is definitely not one that
defines (+) = zipWith (+), as did the one I was responding to.


The additive structure does not define a ring.
The multiplication can be a Legion, all different.

Jerzy K

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Jake McArthur
This is interesting because it seems to be a counterexample to the claim
that you can lift any Num through an Applicative (ZipList, in this case).
It seems like maybe that only works in general for monoids instead of rings?
On Mar 25, 2012 8:43 PM, Chris Smith wrote:

 Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
  Le 26/03/2012 01:51, Chris Smith a écrit :
  instance (Num a) = Num [a] where
  xs + ys = zipWith (+) xs ys
  You can do this in the sense that it's legal Haskell... but it is a bad
 idea [...]

  It MIGHT be a ring or not. The real problem is that one should not
  structural and algebraic (in the classical sense) properties of your

 Of course there are rings for which it's possible to represent the
 elements as lists.  Nevertheless, there is definitely not one that
 defines (+) = zipWith (+), as did the one I was responding to.  By the
 time you get a ring structure back by some *other* set of rules,
 particularly for multiplication, the result will so clearly not be
 anything like a general Num instance for lists that it's silly to even
 be having this discussion.

 Chris Smith

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Chris Smith
Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
 Le 26/03/2012 02:41, Chris Smith a écrit :
 Of course there are rings for which it's possible to represent the
 elements as lists.  Nevertheless, there is definitely not one that
 defines (+) = zipWith (+), as did the one I was responding to.


 The additive structure does not define a ring.
 The multiplication can be a Legion, all different.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying there.  If you were
asking about why there is no ring on [a] that defines (+) = zipWith
(+), then here's why.  By that definition, you have [1,2,3] + [4,5] =
[5,7].  But also [1,2,42] + [4,5] = [5,7].  Addition by [4,5] is not
one-to-one, so [4,5] cannot be invertible.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 26/03/2012 16:31, Chris Smith a écrit :

If you were
asking about why there is no ring on [a] that defines (+) = zipWith
(+), then here's why.  By that definition, you have [1,2,3] + [4,5] =
[5,7].  But also [1,2,42] + [4,5] = [5,7].  Addition by [4,5] is not
one-to-one, so [4,5] cannot be invertible.
So, * the addition* is not invertible, why did you introduce rings to 
this discussion, if the additive group within is already lousy?...
OK I see now. You are only interested in the explicitly ambiguous usage 
of the element-wise addition which terminates at the shortest term...
But I don't care about using (+) = zipWith (+) anywhere, outside of a 
programming model / framework, where you keep the sanity of your data. 
In my programs I KNEW that the length of the list is either fixed, or of 
some minimal size (or infinite). Your [4,5] simply does not belong to MY 
rings, if I decided to keep the other one.

Jerzy K.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Chris Smith
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
 So, * the addition* is not invertible, why did you introduce rings ...

My intent was to point out that the Num instance that someone
suggested for Num a = Num [a] was a bad idea.  I talked about rings
because they are the uncontroversial part of the laws associated with
Num: I think everyone would agree that the minimum you should expect
of an instance of Num is that its elements form a ring.

In any case, the original question has been thoroughly answered... the
right answer is that zipWith is far simpler than the code in the
question, and that defining a Num instance is possible, but a bad idea
because there's not a canonical way to define a ring on lists.  The
rest of this seems to have devolved into quite a lot of bickering and
one-ups-manship, so I'll back out now.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread wren ng thornton

On 3/26/12 8:16 AM, Jake McArthur wrote:

This is interesting because it seems to be a counterexample to the claim
that you can lift any Num through an Applicative (ZipList, in this case).
It seems like maybe that only works in general for monoids instead of rings?

I'm not so sure about that. The Applicative structure of ZipLists is 
specifically defined for infinite lists (cf., pure = repeat). And in the 
case of infinite lists the (+) = zipWith(+) definition works just fine, 
since we don't have to worry about truncation. I wasn't aware that Num 
was supposed to be liftable over any Applicative, but this doesn't seem 
like a counterexample...

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 27/03/2012, at 5:18 AM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

 But I don't care about using (+) = zipWith (+) anywhere, outside of a 
 programming model / framework, where you keep the sanity of your data. In my 
 programs I KNEW that the length of the list is either fixed, or of some 
 minimal size (or infinite). Your [4,5] simply does not belong to MY rings, if 
 I decided to keep the other one.

And *that* is why I stopped trying to define instance Num t = Num [t].
If I KNEW that the length of the lists is ... fixed ... then the type
wasn't *really* [t], but some abstract type that happened to be implemented
as [t], and that abstract type deserved a newtype name of its own.

Naming the type
 - makes the author's intent clearer to readers
 - lets the compiler check it's used consistently
 - lets you have instances that don't match instances for
   other abstract types that happen to have the same implementation
 - provides a natural place to document the purpose of the type
 - gives you a way to enforce the intended restrictions
all for zero run-time overhead.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-26 Thread Jake McArthur
Well, ZipList's pure is indeed repeat, but there is nothing about ZipList
restricting it to infinite lists. As long as pure is repeat, I'm pretty
sure any other value can still be finite without violating Applicative's
On Mar 26, 2012 1:02 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

 On 3/26/12 8:16 AM, Jake McArthur wrote:

 This is interesting because it seems to be a counterexample to the claim
 that you can lift any Num through an Applicative (ZipList, in this case).
 It seems like maybe that only works in general for monoids instead of

 I'm not so sure about that. The Applicative structure of ZipLists is
 specifically defined for infinite lists (cf., pure = repeat). And in the
 case of infinite lists the (+) = zipWith(+) definition works just fine,
 since we don't have to worry about truncation. I wasn't aware that Num was
 supposed to be liftable over any Applicative, but this doesn't seem like a

 Live well,

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list**mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 2:01 PM, TP wrote:

 My primary problem may be reduced to adding elements of two lists:
 [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] = [5,7,9]

 My first idea was to declare a list of Int as an instance of Num, and define 
 in the correct way.
 However, it seems it is not possible to do that:

 instance Num [Int] where
        l1 + l2 = 

 It seems it is necessary to do:

 newtype ListOfInt = ListOfInt { getList :: [Int] }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

 instance Num ListOfInt where
     l1 + l2 = ...

 Am I correct? Is it the best way to do that?

 Now, what is the most usual way to implement l1+l2?
 I have just read about applicative functors, with which I can do:

 import Control.Applicative
 let l1 = [1,2,3]
 let l2 = [4,5,6]
 print $ getZipList $ (+) $ ZipList l1 * ZipList l2

 Is it the correct way to do that?
 I have tried:

 instance Num ListOfInt where
     l1 + l2 = ListOfInt $ getZipList $ (+) $ ZipList (getList l1) *
                                     ZipList (getList l2)

 Isn't it too much complicated?



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

A simple solution is to use the zipWith[1] function:

zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] == [5,7,9]

It takes a bit of time to get acquainted with all of the incredibly
convenient functions in base, but once you know them, it can greatly
simplify your code.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Jonathan Grochowski
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 5:01 AM, TP wrote:


 My primary problem may be reduced to adding elements of two lists:
 [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] = [5,7,9]

 My first idea was to declare a list of Int as an instance of Num, and
 define (+)
 in the correct way.
 However, it seems it is not possible to do that:

 instance Num [Int] where
l1 + l2 = 

 It seems it is necessary to do:

 newtype ListOfInt = ListOfInt { getList :: [Int] }
deriving (Show, Eq)

 instance Num ListOfInt where
 l1 + l2 = ...

 Am I correct? Is it the best way to do that?

 Now, what is the most usual way to implement l1+l2?
 I have just read about applicative functors, with which I can do:

 import Control.Applicative
 let l1 = [1,2,3]
 let l2 = [4,5,6]
 print $ getZipList $ (+) $ ZipList l1 * ZipList l2

 Is it the correct way to do that?
 I have tried:

 instance Num ListOfInt where
 l1 + l2 = ListOfInt $ getZipList $ (+) $ ZipList (getList l1) *
 ZipList (getList l2)

 Isn't it too much complicated?



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

As Michael suggests using zipWith (+) is the simplest solution.

If you really want to be able to write [1,2,3] + [4,5,6], you can define
the instnace as

instance (Num a) = Num [a] where
xs + ys = zipWith (+) xs ys

You'll also likely want to give definitions for the other functions ((*),
abs, signum, etc.) as well.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

TP  :

However, it seems it is not possible to do that:

instance Num [Int] where
l1 + l2 = 


Why not?? It is possible.

All what has been said by other people is right.
But you can do it your way as well, GHC won't protest if you :set 
-XFlexibleInstances .

(Then you might have some other small problems, but nobody is perfect).

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 26/03/2012, at 1:01 AM, TP wrote:

 My primary problem may be reduced to adding elements of two lists:
 [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] = [5,7,9]

zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
gets the job done.
 However, it seems it is not possible to do that:
 instance Num [Int] where
   l1 + l2 = 

Because the 'instance' machinery is keyed off the *outermost* type
constructor (here []) not the *whole* type (here [Int]) and the
reason for that is polymorphism; we want to be able to work with
[t] where t is not specially constrained.

You *can* do
instance (Num t) = Num [t] where ...

 It seems it is necessary to do:
 newtype ListOfInt = ListOfInt { getList :: [Int] }

That's *still* a good idea because there are lots of different
things that arithmetic on lists might mean.  For example,
is [1,2] + [3,4,5] an error or not?  If it is not an error,
what actually happens?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Chris Smith
Jonathan Grochowski wrote:
 As Michael suggests using zipWith (+) is the simplest solution.

 If you really want to be able to write [1,2,3] + [4,5,6], you can define
the instnace as

 instance (Num a) = Num [a] where
 xs + ys = zipWith (+) xs ys

You can do this in the sense that it's legal Haskell... but it is a bad
idea to make lists an instance of Num, because there are situations where
the result doesn't act as you would like (if you've had abstract algebra,
the problem is that it isn't a ring).

More concretely, it's not hard to see that the additive identity is
[0,0,0...], the infinite list of zeros.  But if you have a finite list x,
then x - x is NOT equal to that additive identity!  Instead, you'd only get
a finite list of zeros, and if you try to do math with that later, you're
going to accidentally truncate some answers now and then and wonder what
went wrong.

In general, most type classes in Haskell are like this... the compiler only
cares that you provide operations with certain types, but the type class
also carries around additional laws that you should obey when writing
instances.  Here there's no good way to write an instance that obeys the
laws, so it's better to write no instance at all.

Chris Smith
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Le 26/03/2012 01:51, Chris Smith a écrit :

 instance (Num a) = Num [a] where
 xs + ys = zipWith (+) xs ys

You can do this in the sense that it's legal Haskell... but it is a 
bad idea to make lists an instance of Num, because there are 
situations where the result doesn't act as you would like (if you've 
had abstract algebra, the problem is that it isn't a ring).

More concretely, it's not hard to see that the additive identity is 
[0,0,0...], the infinite list of zeros.  But if you have a finite list 
x, then x - x is NOT equal to that additive identity!  Instead, you'd 
only get a finite list of zeros, and if you try to do math with that 
later, you're going to accidentally truncate some answers now and then 
and wonder what went wrong.

In general, most type classes in Haskell are like this... the compiler 
only cares that you provide operations with certain types, but the 
type class also carries around additional laws that you should obey 
when writing instances.  Here there's no good way to write an instance 
that obeys the laws, so it's better to write no instance at all.

Sorry, Chris, I disagree quite strongly.
You begin badly: the problem is that it isn't a ring.
Who told you so?

It MIGHT be a ring or not. The real problem is that one should not 
confuse structural and algebraic (in the classical sense) properties 
of your objects.

1. You may consider your lists as representants of polonomials. A very 
decent ring.

2. I used hundred times lists as representants of power series. 
Infinite, potentially, but often having just finite number of non-zero 
coefficients, and if those could be divided, the list was not only a 
ring, but a field. (Doug McIlroy did that as well, and his papers on 
power series are much better known than mine...) And NO, no truncation 
problems, if you know how to program correctly. The laziness helps.

3. A very similar stuff to series or polynomials is the usage of lists 
as differential algebras (uni-variate). I needed not only the numerical 
instances, but a derivation operator. A ring, a field, *different* from 
the previous ones.

4. I wanted to have the trajectories - the numerical sequences which 
were solutions of differential equations, to behave as mathematical 
objects that could be added, scaled, etc. A vector space, and much more.

5. I used lists as signals which could be added (sound composition), 
multiplied (modulation), etc. Good rings. Totally different from the 
previous ones.

Whether it would be better to use some specific ADT rather than lists, 
is a question of style. The fact that - as you say - there's no good 
way to write an instance that obeys the laws won't disturb my sleep. 
You know, there is no good way to organise a society where everybody 
obeys the Law. This is no argument against the organisation of a Society...

Thank you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Chris Smith
Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
 Le 26/03/2012 01:51, Chris Smith a écrit :

     instance (Num a) = Num [a] where
     xs + ys = zipWith (+) xs ys

 You can do this in the sense that it's legal Haskell... but it is a bad idea 

 It MIGHT be a ring or not. The real problem is that one should not confuse
 structural and algebraic (in the classical sense) properties of your

Of course there are rings for which it's possible to represent the
elements as lists.  Nevertheless, there is definitely not one that
defines (+) = zipWith (+), as did the one I was responding to.  By the
time you get a ring structure back by some *other* set of rules,
particularly for multiplication, the result will so clearly not be
anything like a general Num instance for lists that it's silly to even
be having this discussion.

Chris Smith

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread wren ng thornton

On 3/25/12 8:06 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:

A simple solution is to use the zipWith[1] function:

 zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] == [5,7,9]

It takes a bit of time to get acquainted with all of the incredibly
convenient functions in base, but once you know them, it can greatly
simplify your code.


And if you want different behavior with regards to lists of differing 
length, you may also be interested in pairWith[2] or zipOrWith[3]

-- Silently truncate uneven lists.
zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] == [5,7,9]
zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5]   == [5,7]

-- Give errors for uneven lists.
pairWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5,6] == Just [5,7,9]
pairWith (+) [1,2,3] [4,5]   == Nothing

-- Assume infinitely many trailing zeros.
zipOrWith plus [1,2,3] [4,5,6] == [5,7,9]
zipOrWith plus [1,2,3] [4,5]   == [5,7,3]
plus (Fst x   ) = x
plus (Sndy) = y
plus (Both x y) = x+y



Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] adding the elements of two lists

2012-03-25 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 26/03/2012, at 12:51 PM, Chris Smith wrote:
 More concretely, it's not hard to see that the additive identity is 
 [0,0,0...], the infinite list of zeros.  But if you have a finite list x, 
 then x - x is NOT equal to that additive identity!

Said another way:  if you do want [num] to support + and -, then you DON'T
want the definitions of + and - to be unthinking applications of zipWith.

The approach I took the time I did this (before I learned better) was this:

smart_cons :: Num t = t - [t] - [t]
smart_cons 0 [] = []
smart_cons x xs = x : xs

instance Num t = Num [t]
  where  (x:xs) + (y:ys) = smart_cons (x+y) (xs + ys)
 xs + [] = xs
 [] + ys = ys
fromInteger 0 = []
fromInteger n = [n]

so that a finite list acted _as if_ it was followed by infinitely many zeros.
Of course this wasn't right either: if the inputs don't have trailing zeroes,
neither do the outputs, but if they _do_ have trailing zeros, [0]+[] = [0]
when it should = [].  That was about the time I realised this was a bad idea.

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