Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Claus Reinke

My current best try uses the uvector package, has two 'vectors' of type
(UArr Double)  as input, and relies on the sumU and zipWithU functions
which use streaming to compute the result:

dist_fast :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
dist_fast p1 p2 = sumDs `seq` sqrt sumDs
sumDs = sumU ds
ds= zipWithU euclidean p1 p2
euclidean x y = d*d
d = x-y

You'll probably want to make sure that 'euclidian' is specialized to
the types you need (here 'Double'), not used overloaded for 'Num a=>a'
(check -ddump-tc, or -ddump-simpl output).

After that, unrolling the fused fold loop (uvector internal) might help
a bit, but isn't there yet:

And even if that gets implemented, it doesn't apply directly to your
case, where the loop is in a library, but you might want to control its
unrolling in your client code. Having the loop unrolled by a default
factor (8x or so) should help for loops like this, with little computation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Don Stewart
> Hello,
> For a while now, I've been trying to come up with a fast Haskell-only
> function which implements Euclidean distance in n-dimensional space.
> So far, I've been disappointed by the performance of my best effort
> in Haskell, compared to C. I'm hoping some of the Haskell experts
> and/or performance gurus on this list can help me out on resolving this,
> and also maybe shed some light on some strange (imho) things I've run
> into.
> My current best try uses the uvector package, has two 'vectors' of type
> (UArr Double)  as input, and relies on the sumU and zipWithU functions
> which use streaming to compute the result:
> dist_fast :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
> dist_fast p1 p2 = sumDs `seq` sqrt sumDs
> where
> sumDs = sumU ds
> ds= zipWithU euclidean p1 p2
> euclidean x y = d*d
> where
> d = x-y

The problem in your uvector code is the use of lists, rather than uvector
generators. Replace [1..n] with enumFromTo:

import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.Array.Vector

dist :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
dist p1 p2 = sumU (zipWithU euclidean p1 p2)
euclidean x y = d*d where d = x-y

main = do
[dim] <- map read `fmap` getArgs

print $
(enumFromToFracU 1.0 dim)
(enumFromToFracU 1.0 dim)

Now the entire thiing will fuse to a loop.

  $s$wfold_s1RR :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# -> Double#

  $s$wfold_s1RR =
\ (sc_s1RH :: Double#)
  (sc1_s1RI :: Double#)
  (sc2_s1RJ :: Double#) ->
  case >## sc1_s1RI a5_s1QR of wild4_a1tn {
False ->
  case >## sc_s1RH a5_s1QR of wild5_X1vx {
False ->
  let {
x1_a1Jg [ALWAYS Just L] :: Double#

x1_a1Jg = -## sc1_s1RI sc_s1RH } in
(+## sc_s1RH 1.0)
(+## sc1_s1RI 1.0)
(+## sc2_s1RJ (*## x1_a1Jg x1_a1Jg));
True -> sc2_s1RJ
True -> sc2_s1RJ
  }; } in
case $s$wfold_s1RR 1.0 1.0 0.0 of ww_s1QH { __DEFAULT ->
a19 (D# ww_s1QH)

and this assembly:

$ ghc -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3

  movsd   5(%rbx), %xmm7
  ucomisd %xmm7, %xmm6
  ja  .L15
  ucomisd %xmm7, %xmm5
  jbe .L18
  movsd   (%rbp), %xmm5
  leaq8(%rbp), %rbp
  jmp *(%rbp)
  movapd  %xmm6, %xmm7
  subsd   %xmm5, %xmm7
  mulsd   %xmm7, %xmm7
  addsd   (%rbp), %xmm7
  movsd   %xmm7, (%rbp)
  movsd   .LC0(%rip), %xmm7
  addsd   %xmm7, %xmm5
  addsd   %xmm7, %xmm6
  jmp s1T9_info

Which I'd wager will match the C, which has to allocate the two arrays (GHC
essentially decides it doesn't need the arrays any more.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Claus Reinke

dist_fast :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
dist_fast p1 p2 = sumDs `seq` sqrt sumDs
sumDs = sumU ds
ds= zipWithU euclidean p1 p2
euclidean x y = d*d
d = x-y

You'll probably want to make sure that 'euclidian' is specialized to
the types you need (here 'Double'), not used overloaded for 'Num a=>a'
(check -ddump-tc, or -ddump-simpl output).

Sorry about that misdirection - as it happened, I was looking at the 
tc output for 'dist_fast' (euclidean :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a), 
but the simpl output for 'dist_fast_inline' .., which uses things like 

   __inline_me ..
   case Dist.sumU (Dist.$wzipWithU ..
   GHC.Num.- @ GHC.Types.Double GHC.Float.$f9 x_aLt y_aLv 

Once I actually add a 'dist_fast_inline_caller', that indirection 
disappears in the inlined code, just as it does for dist_fast itself.

   dist_fast_inlined_caller :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Bool
   dist_fast_inlined_caller p1 p2 = dist_fast_inlined p1 p2 > 2

However, in the simpl output for 'dist_fast_inline_caller', the
'sumU' and 'zipWithU' still don't seem to be fused - Don?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Don Stewart
>>> dist_fast :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
>>> dist_fast p1 p2 = sumDs `seq` sqrt sumDs
>>> where
>>> sumDs = sumU ds
>>> ds= zipWithU euclidean p1 p2
>>> euclidean x y = d*d
>>> where
>>> d = x-y
>> You'll probably want to make sure that 'euclidian' is specialized to
>> the types you need (here 'Double'), not used overloaded for 'Num a=>a'
>> (check -ddump-tc, or -ddump-simpl output).
> Sorry about that misdirection - as it happened, I was looking at the tc 
> output for 'dist_fast' (euclidean :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a),  
> but the simpl output for 'dist_fast_inline' .., which uses things like 
>__inline_me ..
>case Dist.sumU (Dist.$wzipWithU ..
>GHC.Num.- @ GHC.Types.Double GHC.Float.$f9 x_aLt y_aLv 
> Once I actually add a 'dist_fast_inline_caller', that indirection  
> disappears in the inlined code, just as it does for dist_fast itself.
>dist_fast_inlined_caller :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Bool
>dist_fast_inlined_caller p1 p2 = dist_fast_inlined p1 p2 > 2
> However, in the simpl output for 'dist_fast_inline_caller', the
> 'sumU' and 'zipWithU' still don't seem to be fused - Don?

All the 'seq's and so on should be unnecessary, and even so, I still get
the expected fusion:

import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.Array.Vector

dist :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
dist p1 p2 = sumU (zipWithU euclidean p1 p2)
euclidean x y = d*d where d = x-y

main = do
[dim] <- map read `fmap` getArgs

print $
(enumFromToFracU 1.0 dim)
(enumFromToFracU 1.0 dim)

dist_fast_inlined :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
{-# INLINE dist_fast_inlined #-}
dist_fast_inlined p1 p2 = sumDs `seq` sqrt sumDs
sumDs = sumU ds
ds= zipWithU euclidean p1 p2
euclidean x y = d*d
d = x-y


19 RuleFired
2 /##
3 SC:$wfold0
5 int2Double#
1 map
1 mapList
3 streamU/unstreamU
2 truncate/Double->Int
1 unpack
1 unpack-list

$s$wfold_s1TB :: Double# -> Double# -> Double# -> Double#

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Claus Reinke
Once I actually add a 'dist_fast_inline_caller', that indirection  
disappears in the inlined code, just as it does for dist_fast itself.

   dist_fast_inlined_caller :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Bool
   dist_fast_inlined_caller p1 p2 = dist_fast_inlined p1 p2 > 2

However, in the simpl output for 'dist_fast_inline_caller', the
'sumU' and 'zipWithU' still don't seem to be fused - Don?

All the 'seq's and so on should be unnecessary, and even so, I still get
the expected fusion:

As I said, I don't get the fusion if I just add the function above to the 
original Dist.hs, export it and compile the module with '-c -O2 -ddump-simpl':

Dist.dist_fast_inlined_caller =
 \ (w1_s1nb :: Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UArr GHC.Types.Double)
   (w2_s1nc :: Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UArr GHC.Types.Double) ->
   case (Dist.$wzipWithU Dist.lvl2 w1_s1nb w2_s1nc)
`cast` (trans
:: Data.Array.Vector.UArr.UArr GHC.Types.Double
   Data.Array.Vector.Prim.BUArr.BUArr GHC.Types.Double)
   of _
   { Data.Array.Vector.Prim.BUArr.BUArr ipv_s1lb
ipv2_s1ld ->
   letrec {
 $wfold_s1nN :: GHC.Prim.Double#
-> GHC.Prim.Int#
-> GHC.Prim.Double#
 [Arity 2
  Str: DmdType LL]
 $wfold_s1nN =
   \ (ww_s1mZ :: GHC.Prim.Double#) (ww1_s1n3 :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
 case GHC.Prim.==# ww1_s1n3 ipv1_s1lc of _ {
   GHC.Bool.False ->
 ipv2_s1ld (GHC.Prim.+# ipv_s1lb ww1_s1n3)))
   (GHC.Prim.+# ww1_s1n3 1);
   GHC.Bool.True -> ww_s1mZ
 }; } in
   case $wfold_s1nN 0.0 0 of ww_s1n7 { __DEFAULT ->
   GHC.Prim.>## (GHC.Prim.sqrtDouble# ww_s1n7) 2.0


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Don Stewart
>>> Once I actually add a 'dist_fast_inline_caller', that indirection   
>>> disappears in the inlined code, just as it does for dist_fast itself.
>>>dist_fast_inlined_caller :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Bool
>>>dist_fast_inlined_caller p1 p2 = dist_fast_inlined p1 p2 > 2
>>> However, in the simpl output for 'dist_fast_inline_caller', the
>>> 'sumU' and 'zipWithU' still don't seem to be fused - Don?
>> All the 'seq's and so on should be unnecessary, and even so, I still get
>> the expected fusion:
> As I said, I don't get the fusion if I just add the function above to the 
> original Dist.hs, export it and compile the module with '-c -O2 
> -ddump-simpl':

I can't reproduce this.

Does the complete program fragment I posted earlier yield the desired

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-18 Thread Claus Reinke
As I said, I don't get the fusion if I just add the function above to the 
original Dist.hs, export it and compile the module with '-c -O2 

I can't reproduce this.

Interesting. I'm using ghc 6.11.20090320 (windows), uvector- 
I attach the modified Dist.hs and its simpl output, created via:

   ghc -c Dist.hs -O2 -ddump-tc -ddump-simpl-stats -ddump-simpl > Dist.dumps

Perhaps others can confirm the effect? Note that the 'dist_fast' in the 
same module does get fused, so it is not likely an options issue. I still 
suspect that the inlining of the 'Dist.zipWith' wrapper in the 'dist_fast_inlined'

'__inline_me' has some significance - it is odd to see inlined code in an
'__inline_me' and the fusion rule won't trigger on 'Dist.sumU . 

Does the complete program fragment I posted earlier yield the desired

Yes. Note that the original poster also reported slowdown from
use of 'dist_fast_inlined'.


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Kenneth Hoste

On May 18, 2009, at 15:28 , Claus Reinke wrote:

My current best try uses the uvector package, has two 'vectors' of  
(UArr Double)  as input, and relies on the sumU and zipWithU  

which use streaming to compute the result:
dist_fast :: UArr Double -> UArr Double -> Double
dist_fast p1 p2 = sumDs `seq` sqrt sumDs
   sumDs = sumU ds
   ds= zipWithU euclidean p1 p2
   euclidean x y = d*d
   d = x-y

You'll probably want to make sure that 'euclidian' is specialized to
the types you need (here 'Double'), not used overloaded for 'Num a=>a'
(check -ddump-tc, or -ddump-simpl output).

I understand from your later post that is was in fact specialized, but
how do I make sure it _is_ specialized? Can I just add a type signature
in the dist_fast definition for euclidean, or should I define euclidean
outside of dist_fast, with an explicit type signature?
If the latter, won't that hurt performance? Or should marking it INLINE
take care of that?

After that, unrolling the fused fold loop (uvector internal) might  

a bit, but isn't there yet:

And even if that gets implemented, it doesn't apply directly to your
case, where the loop is in a library, but you might want to control  

unrolling in your client code. Having the loop unrolled by a default
factor (8x or so) should help for loops like this, with little  

This seems rather serious, and might be one of the bigger reasons why
I'm getting nowhere close to C in terms of performance...
The loop body is ridiculously small, so it would make sense to
unroll it somewhat to help avoid the loop overhead.
However, it seems like GHC isn't able to do that now.

Is there any way to unroll the loop myself, to speed things up?
Seems hard, because I'm using uvector...



Kenneth Hoste
Paris research group - ELIS - Ghent University, Belgium

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Kenneth Hoste

On May 18, 2009, at 20:54 , Claus Reinke wrote:

As I said, I don't get the fusion if I just add the function above  
to the original Dist.hs, export it and compile the module with '-c  
-O2 -ddump-simpl':

I can't reproduce this.

Interesting. I'm using ghc 6.11.20090320 (windows), uvector-  
I attach the modified Dist.hs and its simpl output, created via:

  ghc -c Dist.hs -O2 -ddump-tc -ddump-simpl-stats -ddump-simpl >  

Perhaps others can confirm the effect? Note that the 'dist_fast' in  
the same module does get fused, so it is not likely an options  
issue. I still suspect that the inlining of the 'Dist.zipWith'  
wrapper in the 'dist_fast_inlined'
'__inline_me' has some significance - it is odd to see inlined code  
in an
'__inline_me' and the fusion rule won't trigger on 'Dist.sumU . Dist. 


As far as I can tell, the dist_fast_inlined doesn't get fused, i.e.  
I'm seeing

zipWithU and sumU being used in it, which is not the case in dist_fast.

This is on OS X/PowerPC, using GHC 6.10.1.

Does the complete program fragment I posted earlier yield the desired

Yes. Note that the original poster also reported slowdown from
use of 'dist_fast_inlined'.

Don, you were defining dist inside the main module, while in our
case the dist functions are defined in a seperate Dist.hs module...
Would that matter?



Kenneth Hoste
Paris research group - ELIS - Ghent University, Belgium

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Schüssler

On Monday 18 May 2009 14:37:51 Kenneth Hoste wrote:
> I'm mostly interested in the range 10D to 100D

is the dimension known at compile-time? Then you could consider Template 
Haskell. I wrote up some code for generating the vector types and vector 
subtraction/inner product below, HTH. One problem is that I'm using a 
typeclass and apparently you can't make {-# SPECIALISE #-} pragmas with TH, 
so let's hope it is automatically specialised by GHC.



{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module TH where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

-- Non-TH stuff
class InnerProductSpace v r | v -> r where
innerProduct :: v -> v -> r

class AbGroup v where
minus :: v -> v -> v

euclidean x y = case minus x y of
  z -> sqrt $! innerProduct z z

-- TH
noContext :: Q Cxt
noContext = return []
strict :: Q Type -> StrictTypeQ
strict = liftM ((,) IsStrict)
makeVectors :: Int -- ^ Dimension
-> Q Type -- ^ Component type, assumed to be a 'Num'
-> String -- ^ Name for the generated type
-> Q [Dec]
makeVectors n ctyp name0 = do
  -- let's assume ctyp = Double, name = Vector for the comments
  -- generate names for the variables we will need
  xs <- replicateM n (newName "x")
  ys <- replicateM n (newName "y")
  name = mkName name0
  -- shorthands for arithmetic expressions; the first takes expressions,
  -- the others take variable names 
  sumE  e1 e2 = infixE (Just   e1)  [|(+)|] (Just   e2)
  varDiffE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(-)|] (Just (varE e2))
  varProdE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(*)|] (Just (varE e2))

  conPat vars = conP name (fmap varP vars)
  -- > data Vector = Vector !Double ... !Double
  theDataD = 
  dataD noContext name [] -- no context, no params
[normalC name (replicate n (strict ctyp))] 
[''Eq,''Ord,''Show] -- 'deriving' clause
  innerProdD = 
  -- > instance InnerProductSpace Vector Double where ...
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''InnerProductSpace 
`appT` conT name 
`appT` ctyp)  
-- > innerProduct = ...
 (varP 'innerProduct)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) ->
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys]
   -- x1*y1 +  + xn*yn + 0
   (foldl sumE [|0|] $
  zipWith varProdE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause
  abGroupD = 
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''AbGroup
`appT` conT name)  
-- > minus = ...
 (varP 'minus)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) ->
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys] 
   -- Vector (x1-y1) ... (xn-yn)
   (foldl appE (conE name) $
  zipWith varDiffE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause

  sequence [theDataD,innerProdD,abGroupD]

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Main where

import TH

$(makeVectors 3 [t|Double|] "Vec3")

main = print $ euclidean (Vec3 1 1 1) (Vec3 0 0 0)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Claus Reinke

I understand from your later post that is was in fact specialized, but
how do I make sure it _is_ specialized? 

-ddump-tc seems to give the generalized type, so it seems you'd need
to look at the -ddump-simpl output if you want to know whether a
local function is specialized.

Can I just add a type signature in the dist_fast definition for euclidean, 

If you need it at exactly one type, that is the simplest way. There's
also the SPECIALIZE pragma

and for local and non-exported functions '-O' should enable auto-specialization

After that, unrolling the fused fold loop (uvector internal) might  
help a bit, but isn't there yet:

And even if that gets implemented, it doesn't apply directly to your
case, where the loop is in a library, but you might want to control  
its unrolling in your client code. Having the loop unrolled by a default
factor (8x or so) should help for loops like this, with little  

This seems rather serious, and might be one of the bigger reasons why
I'm getting nowhere close to C in terms of performance...

You should be able to get near (a small factor) without it, but not having 
it leaves a substantial gap in performance, especially for simple loop 
bodies (there is also the case of enabling fusion over multiple loop 
iterations, but that may call for proper fix-point fusion).

The loop body is ridiculously small, so it would make sense to
unroll it somewhat to help avoid the loop overhead.
However, it seems like GHC isn't able to do that now.

Apart from the links above, the new backend also has relevant TODO

Is there any way to unroll the loop myself, to speed things up?
Seems hard, because I'm using uvector...

You could 'cabal unpack' uvector, hand-unroll the core loop all
its operations get fused into, then reinstall the modified package..
(perhaps that should be a package configuration option, at least
until GHC gets loop or recursion unrolling - since this would be
a temporary workaround, it would probably not be worth it to 
have multiple package versions with different unroll factors; if
this actually helps uvector users with performance in practice, 
they could suggest it as a patch).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Daniel Schüssler

meh, I just realised that there is no sensible way to actually 
introduce/eliminate the generated types. I'm attaching a revised version with 
fromList/toList functions. Maybe the vector type should be polymorphic and be 
an instance of Functor, Monad and Foldable? But then we really depend on 

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module TH where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

-- Non-TH stuff
class InnerProductSpace v r | v -> r where
innerProduct :: v -> v -> r

class AbGroup v where
minus :: v -> v -> v

class FromToList v r | v -> r where
fromList :: [r] -> Maybe v
toList :: v -> [r]

euclidean x y = case minus x y of
  z -> sqrt $! innerProduct z z

-- TH
noContext :: Q Cxt
noContext = return []
strict :: Q Type -> StrictTypeQ
strict = liftM ((,) IsStrict)
makeVectors :: Int -- ^ Dimension
-> Q Type -- ^ Component type, assumed to be a 'Num'
-> String -- ^ Name for the generated type
-> Q [Dec]
makeVectors n ctyp name0 = do
  -- let's assume ctyp = Double, name = Vector for the comments
  -- generate names for the variables we will need
  xs <- replicateM n (newName "x")
  ys <- replicateM n (newName "y")
  lst <- newName "list"
  name = mkName name0
  -- shorthands for arithmetic expressions; the first takes expressions,
  -- the others take variable names 
  sumE  e1 e2 = infixE (Just   e1)  [|(+)|] (Just   e2)
  varDiffE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(-)|] (Just (varE e2))
  varProdE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(*)|] (Just (varE e2))

  conPat vars = conP name (fmap varP vars)
  -- > data Vector = Vector !Double ... !Double
  theDataD = 
  dataD noContext name [] -- no context, no params
[normalC name (replicate n (strict ctyp))] 
[''Eq,''Ord,''Show] -- 'deriving' clause
  innerProdD = 
  -- > instance InnerProductSpace Vector Double where ...
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''InnerProductSpace 
`appT` conT name 
`appT` ctyp)  
-- > innerProduct = ...
 (varP 'innerProduct)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) ->
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys]
   -- x1*y1 +  + xn*yn + 0
   (foldl sumE [|0|] $
  zipWith varProdE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause
  abGroupD = 
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''AbGroup
`appT` conT name)  
-- > minus = ...
 (varP 'minus)
  -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn) ->
  (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys] 
   -- Vector (x1-y1) ... (xn-yn)
   (foldl appE (conE name) $
  zipWith varDiffE xs ys)
 [] -- no 'where' clause
  fromToListD =
  instanceD noContext ( conT ''FromToList
`appT` conT name
`appT` ctyp)  
[ funD 'fromList
  [ clause [listP $ fmap varP xs]
  ([|Just|] `appE`
   (foldl appE (conE name) $ fmap varE xs)))
  , clause [wildP] (normalB [|Nothing|]) [] -- wrong number 
of elements
, funD 'toList
  [ clause [conPat xs]
  (listE (fmap varE xs)))


  sequence [theDataD,innerProdD,abGroupD,fromToListD]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fast Eucl. dist. - Haskell vs C

2009-05-19 Thread Kenneth Hoste

On May 19, 2009, at 13:24 , Daniel Schüssler wrote:


On Monday 18 May 2009 14:37:51 Kenneth Hoste wrote:

I'm mostly interested in the range 10D to 100D

is the dimension known at compile-time? Then you could consider  


In general, no. :-)

It will be known for some applications, but not for others.

I'm more and more amazed what comes into play just to implement
something simple like n-dim. Euclidean distance relatively fast using  

It seems to me that GHC is missing several critical optimizations
(yes, I know, patches welcome) to enable it to emit fast code
for HPC applications.

I'm still a big fan of Haskell, for a variety of reasons, but it seems
like it's not ready yet for the task I had in mind, which is a shame.

Just to be clear, this isn't a flame bait post or anything, just my 2  


I wrote up some code for generating the vector types and vector
subtraction/inner product below, HTH. One problem is that I'm using a
typeclass and apparently you can't make {-# SPECIALISE #-} pragmas  
with TH,

so let's hope it is automatically specialised by GHC.



{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

module TH where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

-- Non-TH stuff
class InnerProductSpace v r | v -> r where
   innerProduct :: v -> v -> r

class AbGroup v where
   minus :: v -> v -> v

euclidean x y = case minus x y of
 z -> sqrt $! innerProduct z z

-- TH
noContext :: Q Cxt
noContext = return []
strict :: Q Type -> StrictTypeQ
strict = liftM ((,) IsStrict)

makeVectors :: Int -- ^ Dimension
   -> Q Type -- ^ Component type, assumed to be a 'Num'
   -> String -- ^ Name for the generated type
   -> Q [Dec]
makeVectors n ctyp name0 = do
 -- let's assume ctyp = Double, name = Vector for the comments

 -- generate names for the variables we will need
 xs <- replicateM n (newName "x")
 ys <- replicateM n (newName "y")

 name = mkName name0

 -- shorthands for arithmetic expressions; the first takes  

 -- the others take variable names
 sumE  e1 e2 = infixE (Just   e1)  [|(+)|] (Just   e2)
 varDiffE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(-)|] (Just (varE  
 varProdE e1 e2  = infixE (Just (varE e1)) [|(*)|] (Just (varE  

 conPat vars = conP name (fmap varP vars)

 -- > data Vector = Vector !Double ... !Double
 theDataD =
 dataD noContext name [] -- no context, no params
   [normalC name (replicate n (strict ctyp))]
   [''Eq,''Ord,''Show] -- 'deriving' clause

 innerProdD =
 -- > instance InnerProductSpace Vector Double where ...
 instanceD noContext ( conT ''InnerProductSpace
   `appT` conT name
   `appT` ctyp)
   -- > innerProduct = ...
(varP 'innerProduct)
 -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn)  

 (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys]
  -- x1*y1 +  + xn*yn + 0
  (foldl sumE [|0|] $
 zipWith varProdE xs ys)

[] -- no 'where' clause

 abGroupD =
 instanceD noContext ( conT ''AbGroup
   `appT` conT name)
   -- > minus = ...
(varP 'minus)
 -- \(Vector x1 x2 ... xn) (Vector y1 y2 ... yn)  

 (lamE [conPat xs, conPat ys]
  -- Vector (x1-y1) ... (xn-yn)
  (foldl appE (conE name) $
 zipWith varDiffE xs ys)

[] -- no 'where' clause

 sequence [theDataD,innerProdD,abGroupD]

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Main where

import TH

$(makeVectors 3 [t|Double|] "Vec3")

main = print $ euclidean (Vec3 1 1 1) (Vec3 0 0 0)
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Kenneth Hoste
Paris research group - ELIS - Ghent University, Belgium

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