Re: In opposition of Functor as super-class of Monad

2012-10-24 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra
There are very good reasons for not following this road; indeed everything 
which is a Monad can also be made an instance of Applicative. But more often 
than not we want to have a more specific implementation. Because Applicative is 
less general, there is in general more that you can do with it.

An analogue is the relation between regular grammars and context-free grammars; 
indeed, once we have the latter concept we might argue that we do not need the 
first one any more. But if we know that something is in the first category we 
can do all kins of nice things which we cannot do with conxet-free grammars, 
such as constructing a finite state machine for recognising sentences.

You proposal would introduce overlapping instances is such cases where we want 
to give a ``better'' implementation in case we know we are dealing with the 
more restricted case.

I have explained this phenomenon for the first time in:

Author = {Swierstra, S. D. and Duponcheel, L.},
Booktitle = {Advanced Functional Programming},
Date-Added = {2009-01-04 17:21:54 +0100},
Date-Modified = {2009-01-04 17:21:54 +0100},
Editor = {Launchbury, John and Meijer, Erik and Sheard, Tim},
Pages = {184-207},
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
Series = {LNCS-Tutorial},
Title = {Deterministic, Error-Correcting Combinator Parsers},
Urlpdf = 
Volume = {1129},
Year = {1996}}

If you look at the uu-parsinglib library you will see that the Applicative 
instance of the parsers used there is definitely more involved that what you 
can do with the monadic interface. Your proposal would ruin this library.

Unless we have things like e.g. named instances, the possibility to choose 
between overlapping instances, etc. I think we should leave things the way they 
are; the only reason I see for having superclasses is to be able to use 
functions from those classes in the default implementations of functions in the 
new class, and to group functionality coming from several classes.


On Oct 24, 2012, at 10:01 , Petr P 

>  Hi,
> I was thinking lately about the well known problem that Monad is
> neither Functor nor Applicative. As I understand, it is caused by some
> historical issues. What I like about Haskell is that it allows to
> describe very nicely what different objects actually are - something
> that I find very important for programming. And this issue violates
> this principle.
> This has been discussed here more than year ago in
> :
> On 1/4/11 11:24, oleg at wrote:
>> I'd like to argue in opposition of making Functor a super-class of
>> Monad. I would argue that superclass constraints are not the right
>> tool for expressing mathematical relationship such that all monads are
>> functors and applicatives.
>> Then argument is practical. It seems that making Functor a superclass
>> of Monad makes defining new monad instances more of a chore, leading
>> to code duplication. To me, code duplication is a sign that an
>> abstraction is missing or misused.
>> ...
> The main objections were that it would break existing code and that it
> would lead to code duplication. The former is serious, the second can
> be easily solved by standard Haskell, since one can define
> instance Applicative ... where
>pure   = return
>(<*>)  = ap
> instance Functor ... where
>fmap   = liftM
> To address the first objection:
> AFAIK nobody mentioned the "Default superclass instances" proposal:
> To give an example how it would work:
>class Applicative f => Monad f where
>  (>>=) :: f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
>  ...
>  instance Applicative f where
>ff <*> fs = ff >>= \ f -> fs >>= \ s -> return (f s)
> This says that if somebody defines an instance of Monad it
> automatically becomes an instance of Applicative as defined in the
> nested "instance" block. So there is no need to define
> Applicative/Functor explicitly, making existing code work.
> Implementing this proposal would allow making Monad to extend Functor
> and Applicative without breaking existing code. Moreover, this would
> simplify other things, for example it would be possible to define an
> instance of Traversable and the instances for Functor and Foldable
> would be defined implicitly using fmapDefault and foldMapDefault. I'm
> sure there are many other cases where splitting type classes into a
> more fine-grained hierarchy would be beneficial, and the main reason
> against it is simply not to break compatibility with existing code.
> IMHO this would be worthwhile to consider for some future revision of Haskell.
>  Best regards,
>  Petr Pudlak
> __

Re: In opposition of Functor as super-class of Monad

2011-01-05 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra

On 4 jan 2011, at 11:24, wrote:

> I'd like to argue in opposition of making Functor a super-class of
> Monad. I would argue that superclass constraints are not the right
> tool for expressing mathematical relationship such that all monads are
> functors and applicatives.
> It _almost_ makes me wish the constraint go the other way:
>> instance Monad m => Functor m where
>>  fmap f m = m >>= (return . f)
> That is, we need an instance rather than a superclass constraint, and
> in the other direction. The instance constraint says that every monad
> is a functor. Moreover,
>   \f m = m >>= (return . f)
> is a _proof term_ that every monad is a functor. We can state it once
> and for all, for all present and future monads.
> Alas, the instance ``instance Monad m => Functor m'' above has several
> drawbacks (for one, requiring overlapping instances everywhere). This
> makes me wonder if something is amiss.

The only real use I have ever seen of using superclasses is to be able to give 
default definitions which can be overridden 
with more efficient versions where needed, so here I would have expected:

class Monad m => Functor m where
  fmap f m = >>= (return . f)


> In the meanwhile, there is a practical work-around. Introduce a
> TemplateHaskell operation generating an instance such as
>> instance Monad (Iteratee el m) => Functor (Iteratee el m) where
>>  fmap f m = m >>= (return . f)
> (the code for the method remains the same; only the type in the
> instance head varies). Alas, that requires undecidable instances. All
> the code before was Haskell98.
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

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Re: Add haskell-src as an official machine-readable component of the Haskell standard

2010-11-17 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra
On 17 nov 2010, at 16:21, Ben Millwood wrote:

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Yitzchak Gale  wrote:
>> Reading this proposal I think it clearly states my point made earlier: 
>> allowing infix specifications everywhere provides unneeded  flexibility and 
>> unnecessary complexity.
>> Ideally I would like to see them even before the module keyword: they state 
>> how to read the text that follows, and thus fall in the category of:
>> - LANGUAGE pragma's which add sometimes extra syntax
>> - import's, which extend the name space
>> Restricting them to occur only directly after the imports is something I 
>> cannot see anyone to object to, and would enable the immediate correct 
>> parsing of all expressions to follow.
>> Doaitse
> This is an interesting idea! It would certainly solve a fair few
> issues with fixity parsing, but I worry that we'd lose a lot of
> consistency, and/or gain a lot of redundancy - we want operators to
> associate the same way in every file, but people will have different
> ideas about which way to associate what (I like associating $ to the
> left, but I generally don't for the sake of my readers' sanity).
> Plus, like explicit import lists, I suspect that a list of all
> operators used in the program, potentially some distance away from
> their usage site, is going to invite subtle errors when people forget
> to add one, redundancy when people forget to remove one, and noise in
> patch files when people do the right thing. So as much as I want to
> see Haskell's infix syntax simplified, I'm not sure this is a
> practical way to do so. I once had the idea of having fixity
> determined in some sense by the name of the operator - long operators
> binding more tightly/loosely than short ones, or an angle bracket in
> the right place changing the associativity - but I don't think there's
> any satisfactory way of doing that either.

That is why I refined the proposal in my last sentence to only allowing them 
after the import's. It is also the only way I see programming environments ever 
becoming "priority aware".


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Re: Add haskell-src as an official machine-readable component of the Haskell standard

2010-11-17 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra

Reading this proposal I think it clearly states my point made earlier: allowing 
infix specifications everywhere provides unneeded  flexibility and unnecessary 

Ideally I would like to see them even before the module keyword: they state how 
to read the text that follows, and thus fall in the category of:

- LANGUAGE pragma's which add sometimes extra syntax
- import's, which extend the name space

Restricting them to occur only directly after the imports is something I cannot 
see anyone to object to, and would enable the immediate correct parsing of all 
expressions to follow.


On 17 nov 2010, at 08:55, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> See for what we are proposing 
> for Template Haskell.
> S
> | -Original Message-
> | From: 
> [] On
> | Behalf Of Lennart Augustsson
> | Sent: 16 November 2010 19:52
> | To: Ben Millwood
> | Cc:
> | Subject: Re: Add haskell-src as an official machine-readable component of 
> the Haskell
> | standard
> | 
> | Please explain.  Fixity information cannot be provided unless you find
> | all the imported modules and process those, so I'm not sure how
> | haskell-src-exts could do any better than it currently does.
> | 
> | >
> | > (Examples of controversies possible in haskell-src: we have the Hs
> | > prefix on constructors everywhere, we can't provide fixity information
> | > (and the haskell-src-exts implementation of this is unsatisfactory in
> | > several important ways), a lot of type class instances are absent
> | > (even Ord!), the distribution of SrcLocs is a little awkward when
> | > manipulating source abstractly, and some constructors allow impossible
> | > values, e.g. HsLambda can contain zero patterns)
> | ___
> | Haskell-prime mailing list
> |
> |
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list

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Re: new keyword: infixlr?

2010-09-10 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra

On 10 sep 2010, at 20:13, Ian Lynagh wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 07:51:10PM +0200, S. Doaitse Swierstra wrote:
>> Currently Haskell has infix, infixl and infixr operators. I see a use for 
>> infixlr as well. This indicates that the implemtation may assume the 
>> operator to be associative, and thus has the freedom to "balance" an 
>> expression containing several operator occurrences.
> Would it be restricted to use with operators with types that are (a -> a
> -> a) (or more specific)?

This is what I would normally expect from an infix operator. 

> Otherwise e.g.
>   let (+:) = (:)
>   infixlr :+
>   in [] +: [] +: []
> could have type [[a]] or [[[a]]].
>> The reason that I bring up this is that in a new combinator I have added to 
>> my parser library (the <||> in Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Derived) internally 
>> uses cartesian products, which are being constructed and updated. If the 
>> compiler had the right to interpret  the expressions a <||> b <||>c <||> d  
>> as e.g. (a <||> b) <||> (c <||> d) then the updating time for would go down 
>> from O(n) to O(log n). 
> How would the compiler work out which parsing to prefer? Or would it
> assume that infixlr expressions are best balanced?

Yes, that is the idea.

> When first reading the proposal, I thought the idea was to allow the
> compiler to more easily perform optimisations like
>   a+b+c+2+3+d => a+b+c+5+d
> but I guess that wasn't something you were thinking about?

Indeed, but the behaviour would not be forbidden either. If you would expect 
this then I would probably also want to introduce "comm" for commutative 
operators, so a+2+b+c would get transformed into a+b+c+(2+4). The only suse for 
this is that after inlining  some further optimisations might take place, which 
would be hard for a programmer to achieve otherwise. My intention was however 
not to make things very complicated at this point.


> Thanks
> Ian
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list
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new keyword: infixlr?

2010-09-10 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra

Currently Haskell has infix, infixl and infixr operators. I see a use for 
infixlr as well. This indicates that the implemtation may assume the operator 
to be associative, and thus has the freedom to "balance" an expression 
containing several operator occurrences.

The reason that I bring up this is that in a new combinator I have added to my 
parser library (the <||> in Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Derived) internally uses 
cartesian products, which are being constructed and updated. If the compiler 
had the right to interpret  the expressions a <||> b <||>c <||> d  as e.g. (a 
<||> b) <||> (c <||> d) then the updating time for would go down from O(n) to 
O(log n). 

I admit it is probably a minor point, but given the increased use of "type 
level" programming, and the use of cartesian products to keep "lists of values 
of a different type", I can also see many good uses for this.

Any comments?


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Re: Negation

2010-02-14 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra

On 14 feb 2010, at 09:32, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 14/02/10 02:21, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I agree, I don't think this is a bug.  If the grammar actually says
that this is legal, then I think the grammar is wrong.

As far as I can tell Doitse is correct in that GHC does not  
implement the grammar, so it's either a bug in GHC or the grammar.   
To fix it in the grammar would no doubt involve quite a bit of  
refactoring, I can't immediately see how to do it easily.

This is indeed not easy, and probably one more situation where some  
extra text has to exclude this since I actually think it should not be  
accepted from a language design point of view. How would you explain  

weird :: Int -> Int
weird = (if True then 3 else 5+)

is perfectly correct Haskell?



On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 1:48 AM, John Launchbury   
I don't think this is a bug. I do not expect to be able to unfold  
a definition without some syntactic issues. For example,

two = 1+1
four = 2 * two

but unfolding fails (four = 2 * 1 + 1). In general, we expect to  
have to parenthesize things when unfolding them.


On Feb 13, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 09/02/10 21:43, S. Doaitse Swierstra wrote:
One we start discussing syntax again it might be a good occasion  

reformulate/make more precise a few points.

The following program is accepted by the Utrecht Haskell  
Compiler (here

we took great effort to follow the report closely ;-} instead of
spending our time on n+k patterns), but not by the GHC and Hugs.

module Main where

-- this is a (rather elaborate) definition of the number 1
one = let x=1 in x

-- this is a definition of the successor function using section  

increment = ( one + )

-- but if we now unfold the definition of one we get a parser  
error in GHC

increment' = ( let x=1 in x + )

Now that *is* an interesting example.  I had no idea we had a bug  
in that area. Seems to me that it ought to be possible to fix it  
by refactoring the grammar, but I haven't tried yet.

Are there any more of these that you know about?

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Re: Negation

2010-02-10 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra

On 10 feb 2010, at 10:40, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

On Feb 9, 2010, at 10:43 PM, S. Doaitse Swierstra wrote:

-- but if we now unfold the definition of one we get a parser error  
in GHC

increment' = ( let x=1 in x  +  )

The GHC and Hugs parsers are trying so hard to adhere to the meta  
rule that bodies of let-expressions
extend as far as possible when needed in order to avoid ambiguity,  
that they even apply that rule when there is no ambiguity;
here we have  only a single possible parse, i.e. interpreting the  
offending expression as ((let x = 1 in ) +).

Despite the fact that there is a typo (second  x  is missing), I can  
think of two possible parses. Actually, my mental parser produced  
the second one:

  ((let x=1 in x)+)
  let x=1 in (x+)

The Haskell report may exclude my mental parse because operator  
sections need to be parenthesised.

Indeed, but it is not "may exclude", but "excludes".

Or are you arguing that in your example different possible parses  
have the same semantics for an arguably obvious reason and that this  
fact is relevant?




Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

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Re: Negation

2010-02-09 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra
One we start discussing syntax again it might be a good occasion to  
reformulate/make more precise a few points.

The following program is accepted by the Utrecht Haskell Compiler  
(here we took great effort to follow the report closely ;-} instead of  
spending our time on n+k patterns), but not by the GHC and Hugs.

module Main where

-- this is a (rather elaborate) definition of the number 1
one = let x=1 in x

-- this is a definition of the successor function using section notation
increment = ( one + )

-- but if we now unfold the definition of one we get a parser error in  

increment' = ( let x=1 in x  +  )

The GHC and Hugs parsers are trying so hard to adhere to the meta rule  
that bodies of let-expressions
extend as far as possible when needed in order to avoid ambiguity,  
that they even apply that rule when there is no ambiguity;
here we have  only a single possible parse, i.e. interpreting the  
offending expression as ((let x = 1 in ) +).

Yes, Haskell is both a difficult language to parse and to describe  


On 8 feb 2010, at 17:18, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:


Which of these definitions are correct Haskell?

x1 = 4 + -5
x2 = -4 + 5
x3 = 4 - -5
x4 = -4 - 5
x5 = 4 * -5
x6 = -4 * 5

Ghc accepts x2, x4, x6 and rejects the others with a message like
  Precedence parsing error
  cannot mix `+' [infixl 6] and prefix `-' [infixl 6] in the  
same infix expression

Hugs accepts them all.

I believe that the language specifies that all should be rejected.

I think that Hugs is right here.  After all, there is no ambiguity  
in any of these expressions.  And an application-domain user found  
this behaviour very surprising.

I'm inclined to start a Haskell Prime ticket to fix this language  
definition bug.  But first, can anyone think of a reason *not* to  
allow all the above?


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nomination for Haskell 2011

2009-12-23 Thread S. Doaitse Swierstra
Herewith I propose Atze Dijkstra as a member of the Haskell 2011  

Atze is the main architect/implementor of the Utrecht Haskell Compiler  
(see, and last year Haskell Symposium),  
and has as a result of that a very good insight in the implementation  
issues involved with new features/extensions/changes. He furthermore  
co-supervises Arie Middelkoop who is working on the Ruler system,  
which aims to be a tool for describing (the implementations of) type  
systems, and Jeroen Fokker who is working on a Grin-based whole- 
program analysis

The compiler itself is currently about 100.000 lines of Haskell. A  
second release is planned for the beginning of next year, which will  
contain a completely new garbage collector, a cabal based installation  
scheme, and the beginning of some global optimisations.

I think Atze primarily covers the following categories: Implementors,  
Academic users, Teachers.

If you have any questions I am more than willing to answer them,


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