Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-06 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2007 Feb 5, at 6:13 AM, Ulf Norell wrote:

How about instead writing

( expr
, expr
, expr
, expr
, expr

The only extra work is when inserting an element at the beginning,  
but you have the same problem in your example.

This a coding style issue. My point was that the syntax should not be  
inconsistently enforcing style, which it is, unless there is some  
payoff (which there doesn't seem to be).

I argue for making trailing commas optional everywhere that commas  
are used to separate items in a grouping (though the syntax  snippets  
I've posted before were only a few of those places, such as in tuples  
and lists).
Enforcing style is not always bad, and layout has some great things  
going for it. Layout is also flexible where
it doesn't need to be rigid. Given the experience with trailing  
commas in other languages, even some that support
a glimmer of functional programming :-), being rigid in this area  
doesn't seem to have a counterbalancing payoff...

I really like Brian Hulley's layout proposal:  
because it means I can abandon commas and other syntax noise  
altogether and thus moot the issue.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-06 Thread Jeffrey Yasskin

On 2/5/07, Ulf Norell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Feb 3, 2007, at 6:35 AM, Douglas Philips wrote:

 Well, if we're going to bring personal points of view in, it highly
 pisses me off that in a construct such as:
 ( expr ,
   expr ,
   expr ,
   expr ,
   expr ,
 I have to be vigilant to remove that trailing comma when it is in
 _no way_ ambiguous.

How about instead writing

( expr
, expr
, expr
, expr
, expr

The only extra work is when inserting an element at the beginning,
but you have the same problem in your example.

That style would be slightly improved by allowing a _leading_ comma:

, expr
, expr
, expr
, expr
, expr

In the trailing comma style, it looks like:

 expr ,
 expr ,
 expr ,
 expr ,

Both require a similar amount of extra space, but I've found the
second useful in python lists that change a lot, so I assume I'd find
similar use in Haskell lists. Of course, the layout proposal solves
this problem too, but it feels like a larger change.

Regarding tuples vs. lists, I care a lot less about tuples because
rearranging them usually requires a type change in lots of places, so
fixing a comma is the least of my worries.

Jeffrey Yasskin
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-05 Thread Ulf Norell

On Feb 3, 2007, at 6:35 AM, Douglas Philips wrote:

Well, if we're going to bring personal points of view in, it highly  
pisses me off that in a construct such as:

( expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
I have to be vigilant to remove that trailing comma when it is in  
_no way_ ambiguous.

How about instead writing

( expr
, expr
, expr
, expr
, expr

The only extra work is when inserting an element at the beginning,  
but you have the same problem in your example.

/ Ulf
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-03 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2007 Feb 3, at 2:55 AM, Brian Hulley indited:
Of course, but when I said error I meant error with respect to  
the intentions of the programmer not syntax error detected by the  
compiler. The problem with your proposal is that if optional  
trailing commas were allowed, if *I* wrote:


by mistake, forgetting to add in the last element, the fact that  
the compiler would now treat the trailing comma as optional means  
it would now accept the code as being syntactically ok. If *you*  
wrote that same code, it *would* correspond to what you meant ie  
just (1,2), for me it would not because I'd have meant to write  
something like (1,2,3), so for me, instead of a nice simple syntax  
error I'd get a confusing type error possibly somewhere else in the  
code therefore my net productivity would be reduced.

However a compiler option could be used to switch the optional  
trailing comma feature on and off and therefore suit everyone.

So far as I can tell, this has not been a problem complained about in  
other languages that have this feature. I don't know Ruby well  
enough, but Python far too well, and it just doesn't seem to be a  
problem in practice.

I was about to go through the syntax and construct a proposal that  
added an optional comma to all those places where commas are used as  
separates for the elements of groups (such as in deriving, which by  
the way, already has these other interesting variants: 'deriving ()',  
'deriving A', 'deriving (A)' and 'deriving (A,B)'... But looking at  
the time table for Haskell' that is probably asking too much at this  

I was going to suggest that a compiler option seems to be the worst  
of both worlds since it still leaves the existing inconsistencies in  
the syntax for your case.

So again, considering the timing, perhaps the right thing to is  
submit compiler patches for GHC and Hugs...

For a starting volley (names are hard, these are just placeholders):

At least hypothetically, I haven't looked at Hugs or GHC yet. :-)
I think WARN would go a long way towards relieving the concern that  
someone might have that they are deliberately (maybe even  
subconsciously or habitually) using ,) as a way to force themselves  
to come back and add something later?

(since the whole point of the (,,) syntax is that the number of  
commas is the same as that used when writing out the value in tuple  
notation) but we can't have a programmer choice when it comes to  
the constructor: the compiler writer must choose one way or the  
other. So I don't think there should be a choice in the sugar  
syntax either. Then if we choose to use (,,) to represent the pair  
constructor because of the popularity of trailing commas in the  
applied syntax, this would beg the question of what (,) would  
represent hence the spectre of introducing 1-tuples...

I really don't see that making (,,) represent a pair constructor  
makes any sense.

The whole compressed tuple constructor seems quite sensible in  
theory, however it is a slippery slope, and the Cons from: http:// are rather  

Additionally, it doesn't have the correct inductive properties:
Prelude (1,2)
Prelude (,) 1 2
Prelude ((1,2),3)
Prelude ((,),) 1 2 3
interactive:1:5: parse error on input `)'

So I don't think there is much point with pretending that I can take  
an arbitrary tuple sugar and turn it into something functional. It is  
just _not the case_ that the comma in a list or tuple constructor is  
an operator.
And *if* it were an operator, wouldn't it be a binary operator so  
that ( 1, 2, 3 ) would be equal to
either ( (1, 2), 3 ) or ( 1, (2, 3) ) ??? No, it isn't, and wouldn't  
be else you couldn't utter nested tuples with sugar. ;-)

Instead it is a special case of a flat tuple with a magical cascading  
',' operators which looks sort of like an operator, but only when  
you don't focus on it very much, or only when you don't try to apply  
it as a general mechanism. Isn't a special case which strongly  
suggests a deeper regular mechanism that actually isn't there a kind  
of confusion/misleadingness that should be avoided?

But this is probably way off topic for Haskell'...

Also, I think in maths the convention is to use commas as
separators when writing down coordinates etc.

??? I don't quite get the applicability here...

Perhaps it is not applicable, but I thought a guiding principle of  
Haskell syntax was to try and stay as close to normal mathematical  
notation where possible, and I remember learning 2d coordinates in  
school as (x,y) not (x,y,).

Again, you wouldn't have to use (1,2,) if you didn't want to.
The medium has changed. We are writing programs with a ease not  
available in the preceding centuries of 

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-03 Thread Brian Hulley

Douglas Philips wrote:

On 2007 Feb 3, at 2:55 AM, Brian Hulley indited:

I know, I find the need to manually delete and insert commas
extremely tedious as well. This is why I proposed:

I like that. (I haven't done enough analysis on the layout part of
the grammar to personally make sure it is ok.)

The #( sugar ...

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Saturday, February 3, 2007, 10:55:52 AM, you wrote:

(enter a)
(exit a)
c)-- looks like LISP...

this pattern is very typical in my programs and i use '$' before last

I've written more details (and made some improvements to my original idea) 


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-03 Thread Taral

On 2/3/07, Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Of course, but when I said error I meant error with respect to the
intentions of the programmer not syntax error detected by the compiler.
The problem with your proposal is that if optional trailing commas were
allowed, if *I* wrote:


by mistake, forgetting to add in the last element, the fact that the
compiler would now treat the trailing comma as optional means it would now
accept the code as being syntactically ok.

And invariably your code would fail to typecheck. That makes this a
lot safer for tuples than for lists, for example.

You can't prove anything.
   -- Gödel's Incompetence Theorem
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Douglas Philips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What would be the proper way to propose that:
   | ( exp1 , ... , expk ) (tuple, k=2)
   | [ exp1 , ... , expk ] (list, k=1)
 be amended to:
   | ( exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] )   (tuple, k=2)
   | [ exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ]   (list, k=1)

I think you just did.  :-)  Actually, it would eventually need a
supporter on the committee to add a ticket on the trac/wiki for this.

I believe that ghc at one time did accept any sequence of white-space
separated commas as if they were a single comma, leading to code such as
[ 1 , , 2 , 3 , ]

Whilst programmers might be able to see the obvious meaning when it
occurs in list exprs, do stmts, imports, exports, and the like, they
might run into difficulties in the tuple case.  For instance,
has been proposed as syntactic sugar for a tuple-section, meaning
   \x- (1,2,x)
and this would be a perfectly reasonable and intuitive interpretation
IMO.  The number of commas is a powerful visual indication of the arity
of the tuple.

More generally, the notation (,,) is already widely used as the name of
both the type- and data- constructor for triples.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Brian Hulley

Douglas Philips wrote:

What would be the proper way to propose that:

( exp1 , ... , expk ) (tuple, k=2)
[ exp1 , ... , expk ] (list, k=1)

be amended to:

( exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ) (tuple, k=2)
[ exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ] (list, k=1)

I think a problem with the above proposal is that by allowing an optional 
trailing comma the compiler can no longer detect as an error the case where 
the programmer has simply just forgotten to fill in the last element of the 
tuple/list. The existing syntax forces the user to do some extra work 
fiddling about with commas but the reward is that the compiler can verify 
that you haven't forgotten the last argument.

About a year ago I proposed (on the cafe) a syntax sugar to avoid commas in 
tuples and lists which made use of the layout rule something like:

   let a = #[-- introduces new layout block

   let b = #(

As an aside it would also be nice to be able to use layout for function 
arguments as in:

   a - foo

the general idea being that '#' immediately followed by an identifier (which 
may be qualified) or the symbol '(' or '[' would start a layout block. ('#' 
of course would no longer be able to be used in symbolic identifiers)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Atze Dijkstra

On  2 Feb, 2007, at 16:55 , Malcolm Wallace wrote:

Douglas Philips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What would be the proper way to propose that:
| ( exp1 , ... , expk ) (tuple, k=2)
| [ exp1 , ... , expk ] (list, k=1)
be amended to:
| ( exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] )   (tuple, k=2)
| [ exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ]   (list, k=1)

I believe that ghc at one time did accept any sequence of white-space
separated commas as if they were a single comma, leading to code  
such as

[ 1 , , 2 , 3 , ]

Whilst programmers might be able to see the obvious meaning when it
occurs in list exprs, do stmts, imports, exports, and the like, they
might run into difficulties in the tuple case.  For instance,
has been proposed as syntactic sugar for a tuple-section, meaning
   \x- (1,2,x)
and this would be a perfectly reasonable and intuitive interpretation
IMO.  The number of commas is a powerful visual indication of the  

of the tuple.

This would be an instance of an arbitrary expression where a  
subexpression has been omitted, forming a hole. So

[ 1 , , 2 , 3 , ]   means   \x y - [ 1 , x , 2 , 3 , y ]
5 + * 6 means   \x - 5 + x * 6
(3 + *) means   \x y - (3 + x * y) 
 (operator section)

Thus the following interpretations could be chosen from:
1 - an operator/comma without operand is an error (as a safety net  
against typos)
2 - a comma without operand is redundant, means the same as an  
expression without

3 - an operator/comma without operand has meaning as described above

I do prefer option 1, I do not mind writing \x - 5 + x * 6  
explicitly instead of implicitly (and more cryptic) 5 + * 6. I do not  
feel that stretching the syntax in this way warrants the loss in  
possibilities to check for errors.


- Atze -

Atze Dijkstra, Department of Information and Computing Sciences. /|\
Utrecht University, PO Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands. / | \
Tel.: +31-30-2534093/1454 | WWW  : . /--|  \
Fax : +31-30-2513971  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /   |___\

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2007 Feb 2, at 11:32 AM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Douglas Philips wrote:

What would be the proper way to propose that:

( exp1 , ... , expk ) (tuple, k=2)
[ exp1 , ... , expk ] (list, k=1)

be amended to:

( exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ) (tuple, k=2)
[ exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ] (list, k=1)

I think a problem with the above proposal is that by allowing an  
optional trailing comma the compiler can no longer detect as an  
error the case where the programmer has simply just forgotten to  
fill in the last element of the tuple/list. The existing syntax  
forces the user to do some extra work fiddling about with commas  
but the reward is that the compiler can verify that you haven't  
forgotten the last argument.

I assert that the trailing comma is a feature, not a programmer  
forgetting the last element, and that this
is already explicitly allowed, as per the syntax fragments already  
quoted, repeated here for convenience:

-- from:
impspec -( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )   (n=0)
|hiding ( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )(n=0)
exports -( export1 , ... , exportn [ , ] )   (n=0)

stmts   -stmt1 ... stmtn exp [ ; ]   (n=0)
stmt-   exp ;
|   pat - exp ;
|   let decls ;
|   ;   (empty statement)

(Personally I prefer no separators at all as per your other  
suggestion, but haven't fully grok'd that yet, but either way, the  
overall syntax should be consistent, so saying a trailing comma  
means you forgot the last
element should imply removing the trailing commas above, right? Or,  
perhaps, it means saying that, as Python and Ruby and .. programmers  
have been able to do, the regularity of ( expr ',' )* is compelling  
for eye/brain pattern matching and other silly human factors  
reasons. :-) )


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/2/07, Douglas Philips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I assert that the trailing comma is a feature, not a programmer
forgetting the last element, and that this
is already explicitly allowed, as per the syntax fragments already
quoted, repeated here for convenience:

-- from:
impspec -   ( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )   (n=0)
|hiding ( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )(n=0)
exports -   ( export1 , ... , exportn [ , ] )   (n=0)

Huh? I don't quite see what you're getting at here. The report says
that the trailing comma is allowed in import and export lists, yes.
But you were talking about trailing commas in lists and tuples, which
would be a change to the existing language, not something that's
already explicitly allowed. Can you clarify what you meant?


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
and there's too much darkness in an endless night to be afraid of the way we
feel -- Bob Franke
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2007 Feb 2, at 12:13 PM, Kirsten Chevalier inquired:

On 2/2/07, Douglas Philips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I assert that the trailing comma is a feature, not a programmer
forgetting the last element, and that this
is already explicitly allowed, as per the syntax fragments already
quoted, repeated here for convenience:

-- from:
impspec -   ( import1 , ... , importn [ , ] )
|hiding ( import1 , ... , importn  
[ , ] )(n=0)
exports -   ( export1 , ... , exportn [ , ] )

Huh? I don't quite see what you're getting at here. The report says
that the trailing comma is allowed in import and export lists, yes.
But you were talking about trailing commas in lists and tuples, which
would be a change to the existing language, not something that's
already explicitly allowed. Can you clarify what you meant?

Hmmm...stated another way:
I am proposing that the list and tuple syntax change to be consistent  
with the import and export syntax.
The argument that a trailing comma means the programmer forgot the  
last item in a list / tuple is
inconsistent with the deliberately explicit permissiveness of a  
trailing comma in the import / export lists.
In the import / export lists such a trailing comma does not mean  
programmer forgot additional thing at the end.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/2/07, Douglas Philips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmmm...stated another way:
I am proposing that the list and tuple syntax change to be consistent
with the import and export syntax.
The argument that a trailing comma means the programmer forgot the
last item in a list / tuple is
inconsistent with the deliberately explicit permissiveness of a
trailing comma in the import / export lists.
In the import / export lists such a trailing comma does not mean
programmer forgot additional thing at the end.

Ok, now I see your point. I agree it does seem inconsistent. I don't
know the reasons for the choice to make the import/export lists work
that way, but I would guess that it's because when people use
import/export lists, they often add/remove items from the lists, and
allowing the trailing comma just makes things easier. On the other
hand, with constant lists and tuples, you're probably not going to
frequently edit the same constant list value. Am I missing something?


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
The world is absurd and beautiful and small -- Ani DiFranco
Haskell-prime mailing list

RE: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh
On 2/2/07, Kirsten Chevalier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On the other hand, with constant lists and tuples, you're probably not
 going to frequently edit the same constant list value. Am I missing

Sometimes people maintain static configuration items and the like in lists. 
I've certainly found myself wishing for the trailing ',' to be allowed on some 
occasions, though it's not a big enough deal for me to argue for it strongly if 
there is significant opposition. I think record syntax is the other significant 
place where it'd be useful (more so than tuples, given that adding an item to a 
tuple generally involves a type change that has an impact in many other places, 
whereas adding a record item is often just a question of adding it to the type 
and to a few other locations.)



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Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Neil Mitchell


The argument that a trailing comma means the programmer forgot the
last item in a list / tuple is
inconsistent with the deliberately explicit permissiveness of a
trailing comma in the import / export lists.
In the import / export lists such a trailing comma does not mean
programmer forgot additional thing at the end.

An import list is not a value, you can't examine whats in the list,
you can't enumerate it etc. As such, it doesn't really matter how many
elements are in there, the important thing is what the elements are.

A real list/tuple IS a value. A 3 element tuple is completely
different from a 4 element tuple.

Thats the difference, there is a real semantic difference - its not a
case of inconsistency.

Personally I'd make the rule that trailing commas are never allowed,
anywhere, but I do see an argument for adding them to import lists.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2007 Feb 2, at 1:03 PM, Neil Mitchell indited:

The argument that a trailing comma means the programmer forgot the
last item in a list / tuple is
inconsistent with the deliberately explicit permissiveness of a
trailing comma in the import / export lists.
In the import / export lists such a trailing comma does not mean
programmer forgot additional thing at the end.

An import list is not a value, you can't examine whats in the list,
you can't enumerate it etc. As such, it doesn't really matter how many
elements are in there, the important thing is what the elements are.

I don't know enough about it, but mightn't Template Haskell disagree  
on that point?
Or any other source-level manipulators? (perhaps that shouldn't be a  

A real list/tuple IS a value. A 3 element tuple is completely
different from a 4 element tuple.

I don't dispute that.

Thats the difference, there is a real semantic difference - its not a
case of inconsistency.

Personally I'd make the rule that trailing commas are never allowed,
anywhere, but I do see an argument for adding them to import lists.

You just highlighted the inconsistency:
	You refer to import lists... you appear to think of the import  
syntax _as a list_,
and it is precisely that mental processing where the inconsistency  
If it is an import _list_ it can have trailing commas, but if it is  
some other _list_, it can't.

I don't see the justification for making those two cases different.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Kirsten Chevalier

On 2/2/07, Douglas Philips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2007 Feb 2, at 1:03 PM, Neil Mitchell indited:
 An import list is not a value, you can't examine whats in the list,
 you can't enumerate it etc. As such, it doesn't really matter how many
 elements are in there, the important thing is what the elements are.

I don't know enough about it, but mightn't Template Haskell disagree
on that point?
Or any other source-level manipulators? (perhaps that shouldn't be a

Well, Template Haskell is an extension and not part of the current
Haskell 98 standard. And as far as I know there's no effort to make it
part of Haskell Prime. So yeah, probably it shouldn't be a

You just highlighted the inconsistency:
You refer to import lists... you appear to think of the import
syntax _as a list_,
and it is precisely that mental processing where the inconsistency
If it is an import _list_ it can have trailing commas, but if it is
some other _list_, it can't.
I don't see the justification for making those two cases different.

The thing that I think Neil and Ganesh were trying to get at is that
an import list can't appear in just any context (that's what's meant
by it not being a first-class value), so Haskell programmers *do*
usually think about them differently.


Kirsten Chevalier* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Often in error, never in doubt
Man, you're not so perfect / Man, you're not a pearl / You're nothing
more, man, than a little piece of sand / That grew up inside of a girl
-- Jude
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Brian Hulley

Douglas Philips wrote:

On 2007 Feb 2, at 1:03 PM, Neil Mitchell indited:

Personally I'd make the rule that trailing commas are never allowed,
anywhere, but I do see an argument for adding them to import lists.

You just highlighted the inconsistency:
You refer to import lists... you appear to think of the import
syntax _as a list_,
and it is precisely that mental processing where the inconsistency
If it is an import _list_ it can have trailing commas, but if it is
some other _list_, it can't.
I don't see the justification for making those two cases different.

I don't either, but I'd agree with Neil that trailing commas shouldn't be 
allowed anywhere, but would reject the argument of allowing them in import 
lists since it just seems to me that this was to save someone making the 
trivial effort to make their code look tidy and complete. Apart from the 
extra possibility for errors (yes I understood that you'd define it to not 
be an error but this doesn't change the fact that for people who always 
wrote their tuples using the normal mathematical convention not using an 
optional trailing comma it would be an error in their code) to go 
undetected, it would just substitute one inconsistency for another: as 
Malcolm pointed out the syntax (,,) represents the constructor for a 3-tuple 

   let a = (x,y,)-- in your proposal a 2-tuple
   let b = (,,) x y -- still a 3-tuple with a missing element

I think this would just be far too confusing: the choice to use (,) to 
represent the pair constructor is IMHO too deeply ingrained in existing 
Haskell code to change it to mean a 1-tuple (also do we want to add the 
concept of 1-tuples to the language?). Also, I think in maths the convention 
is to use commas as separators when writing down coordinates etc.

From a personal aesthetic point of view the appearance of a trailing comma 
is highly irritating to me like passing a shelf in a shop where someone has 
left a book unsettled with the cover twisted over the edge at an annoying 
angle and some pages crumpled up, that forces me to stop and fix it... :-)

Regarding import/export lists, in some ways I think the {;} syntax should 
have been used instead then the layout rule could have been applied to good 
effect to get rid of the need for any separators eg:

   module Foo #-- # introduces a layout block 

   Bar #

   import Control.Monad.Trans #

(Though the above is obviously too radical a departure for Haskell')


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Douglas Philips

On 2007 Feb 2, at 11:25 PM, Brian Hulley indited:
Apart from the extra possibility for errors (yes I understood that  
you'd define it to not be an error but this doesn't change the fact  
that for people who always wrote their tuples using the normal  
mathematical convention not using an optional trailing comma it  
would be an error in their code)

Well it would now, but in my proposal it wouldn't be. So it would not  
make any correct code incorrect.

to go undetected, it would just substitute one inconsistency for  
another: as Malcolm pointed out the syntax (,,) represents the  
constructor for a 3-tuple therefore:

   let a = (x,y,)-- in your proposal a 2-tuple
   let b = (,,) x y -- still a 3-tuple with a missing element

Prelude :t (1,2,) 3
ERROR - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')
Prelude :t (1,2,)
ERROR - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')

Again, this would not break existing code, since there is no  
mechanism for section'd tuples.

I think this would just be far too confusing: the choice to use (,)  
to represent the pair constructor is IMHO too deeply ingrained in  
existing Haskell code to change it to mean a 1-tuple (also do we  
want to add the concept of 1-tuples to the language?).

Prelude :t (1,)
ERROR - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')
Prelude :t (,) 1
(1,) :: Num a = b - (a,b)

Again, this would not break existing code, there is no expectation  
for section'd tuples.
And no, I am not arguing for one-tuples. What I am asking for is to  

 |  ( exp1 , ... , expk )   (tuple, k=2)
 |  [ exp1 , ... , expk ]   (list, k=1)
 |  ( exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ) (tuple, k=2)
 |  [ exp1 , ... , expk [ , ] ] (list, k=1)

I'm not arguing to change 'k'.

Also, I think in maths the convention is to use commas as  
separators when writing down coordinates etc.

??? I don't quite get the applicability here...

From a personal aesthetic point of view the appearance of a  
trailing comma is highly irritating to me like passing a shelf in a  
shop where someone has left a book unsettled with the cover  
twisted over the edge at an annoying angle and some pages crumpled  
up, that forces me to stop and fix it... :-)

Well, if we're going to bring personal points of view in, it highly  
pisses me off that in a construct such as:

( expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
I have to be vigilant to remove that trailing comma when it is in _no  
way_ ambiguous. Python and Ruby and who knows how many other  
languages have dealt with this for years. The (,) operator is not  
being used to build tuples (nor to build lists, to which this  
discussion also applies). The trailing comma makes the code very  
convenient to rearrange without having to worry about gratuitous and  
annoying manipulations that exist solely for the pedantry of the  
syntax. Said gyrations in no way remind me of some deep, useful, or  
helpful language feature that I'm violating. Instead, I get brought  
up short, and instead of focusing on the problem I'm trying to solve  
it makes me pay attention attention to babying the parser.  
Furthermore I can see that the code is correct because it is all  
visually _the same_. I don't have to think about it, my eye/brain  
pattern matcher just does it. Forcing me to pay attention to minutia  
of syntax is like using a tool with a bur on the handle that keeps  
biting me instead of just doing its job.

I'm not saying that _you_ have to use it, and I'm not saying that all  
the standard library code has to change, what I am saying is for  
crying out loud, for those of us that find a trailing comma to be an  
aid, something which does not diminish the expressiveness or power of  
the language, what reason do you have, besides pedantic meanness, to  
reject it? Are we reduced to merely a popularity vote? I don't even  
see a slippery slope here, as I've already pointed out places in the  
syntax where trailing commas are explicitly allowed. So far as I can  
see, the arguments against have come down to This is the way it  
always was, and even if I'm not being forced to use this feature, I  
sure don't want anyone else to have that option either. Or is the  
the issue really just maybe you forgot there should be another token  
there? Cause if it is, then for hellfire sure I'll say are you sure  
you wanted a section (or partial application) there? Looks like you  
forgot a parameter--You'd better put in a gratuitous piece of syntax  
to indicate you really meant not to have something there.

I don't think we're ever going to get agreement on apparently  
irreconcilable personal aesthetics, but perhaps we can apply some  
principles, such as regularity and consistency and both get what we  

Regarding import/export lists, in some ways I think the {;} syntax  
should have been used instead then the layout rule could have been  
applied to good effect to get rid of the need for any 

Re: List syntax (was: Re: help from the community?)

2007-02-02 Thread Brian Hulley

Douglas Philips wrote:

On 2007 Feb 2, at 11:25 PM, Brian Hulley indited:

Apart from the extra possibility for errors (yes I understood that
you'd define it to not be an error but this doesn't change the fact
that for people who always wrote their tuples using the normal
mathematical convention not using an optional trailing comma it
would be an error in their code)

Well it would now, but in my proposal it wouldn't be. So it would not
make any correct code incorrect.

Of course, but when I said error I meant error with respect to the 
intentions of the programmer not syntax error detected by the compiler. 
The problem with your proposal is that if optional trailing commas were 
allowed, if *I* wrote:


by mistake, forgetting to add in the last element, the fact that the 
compiler would now treat the trailing comma as optional means it would now 
accept the code as being syntactically ok. If *you* wrote that same code, it 
*would* correspond to what you meant ie just (1,2), for me it would not 
because I'd have meant to write something like (1,2,3), so for me, instead 
of a nice simple syntax error I'd get a confusing type error possibly 
somewhere else in the code therefore my net productivity would be reduced.

However a compiler option could be used to switch the optional trailing 
comma feature on and off and therefore suit everyone.

to go undetected, it would just substitute one inconsistency for
another: as Malcolm pointed out the syntax (,,) represents the
constructor for a 3-tuple therefore:

   let a = (x,y,)-- in your proposal a 2-tuple
   let b = (,,) x y -- still a 3-tuple with a missing element

Prelude :t (1,2,) 3
ERROR - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')
Prelude :t (1,2,)
ERROR - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')

Again, this would not break existing code, since there is no
mechanism for section'd tuples.

What I meant was that the number of commas for a constructor is fixed: 
always 2 commas means a constructor for a 3-tuple. However you'd now have a 
choice of how many commas to use when writing out the sugared saturated 
application - either 2 or 3 commas. Which seems inconsistent, since in 5 
years time someone used to always writing a pair like:

   let pair = (1,2,)-- trailing commas now very popular

might quite sensibly want to write this as

   let pair = (,,) 1 2

(since the whole point of the (,,) syntax is that the number of commas is 
the same as that used when writing out the value in tuple notation) but we 
can't have a programmer choice when it comes to the constructor: the 
compiler writer must choose one way or the other. So I don't think there 
should be a choice in the sugar syntax either. Then if we choose to use (,,) 
to represent the pair constructor because of the popularity of trailing 
commas in the applied syntax, this would beg the question of what (,) would 
represent hence the spectre of introducing 1-tuples...

Also, I think in maths the convention is to use commas as
separators when writing down coordinates etc.

??? I don't quite get the applicability here...

Perhaps it is not applicable, but I thought a guiding principle of Haskell 
syntax was to try and stay as close to normal mathematical notation where 
possible, and I remember learning 2d coordinates in school as (x,y) not 

From a personal aesthetic point of view the appearance of a
trailing comma is highly irritating to me like passing a shelf in a
shop where someone has left a book unsettled with the cover
twisted over the edge at an annoying angle and some pages crumpled
up, that forces me to stop and fix it... :-)

Well, if we're going to bring personal points of view in, it highly
pisses me off that in a construct such as:
( expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
  expr ,
I have to be vigilant to remove that trailing comma when it is in _no
way_ ambiguous.

I know, I find the need to manually delete and insert commas extremely 
tedious as well. This is why I proposed:


as sugar for (expr, expr), because it seems crazy to me that we've got all 
the machinery in place in the form of the layout rule yet we can only use it 
for a handful of built in constructs, when everywhere else we still need to 
juggle with commas and try to make parentheses as invisible as possible eg:

   (enter a)
   (exit a)
   c)-- looks like LISP...

instead of just:

   enter a
   exit a

I don't think we're ever going to get agreement on apparently
irreconcilable personal aesthetics, but perhaps we can apply some
principles, such as regularity and consistency and both get what we

The #( sugar would only go part of the way to address your proposal since it 
doesn't address tuples written inline. But a