Bismillah [hidayahnet] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 13 August 05

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

60 Years After Hiroshima, America Yet to Find Its Way

Washington's support for Israel's 'terrorist' regime, its miserable conduct 
of the Iraqi occupation and it's use of atomic weapons on a largely 
innocent civilian population disqualify it as a moral arbiter of Iran's 
nuclear program.

The world is remembering that it has been 60 years since the nuclear bomb 
fell on Hiroshima, which destroyed the city and killed 80,000 civilians, 
including 108 doctors and 1,654 nurses. The U.S. followed the Hiroshima 
attack with the atomic bombing of the city of Nagasaki, causing similar 
casualties. For many years thereafter, Japanese continued to die from 

While the U.S. fought the Nazi fascists in Europe and Japan's imperial 
ambitions in Asia during WW II, it had right on its side. But killing 
hundreds of thousands of civilians was unjustified, even if we take into 
account Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.


"Bring 'em on!" - Bush's Legacy of Death in Iraq

Posted Aug 11, 2005 09:30 PM PST - Category: IRAQ


"Let's Divide Iraq as We Did in Yugoslavia!"

They have found the solution! Divide Iraq into three mini-states and then 
pit them against one another. Does that remind you of something else? Oh, 
yes! It's not the first time something like this happened

The New York Times published an editorial on November 25, 2003 carrying 
Leslie Gelb's by-line. He's an influential man who, until recently, 
presided over the very important Council of Foreign Affairs, a think tank 
that brings together the CIA, the secretary of state and big shots from 
U.S. multinational corporations.


War Mothers, Bush Are Worlds Apart

Our children weren't sent into Iraq to bring them Democracy. We were told 
that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that were a direct threat to the 
United States. There were no WMDs. We were told that Iraq was aiding Al 
Qaeda. They were not. Iraq and Al Qaeda were enemies. We were told we were 
exacting just revenge for 9-11. But Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.


Ranks Swelling At Camp Crawford

"Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy," he said.

WHAT enemy? We were told we were invading Iraq to end the threat of weapons 
of mass destruction. Well, there WEREN'T any weapons of mass destruction in 
Iraq. The reason we were given for this war DOES NOT EXIST. The enemy was 
declared to be weapons of mass destruction, so the enemy does not exist.

Bush started a war with lies, and he is desperate to keep those lies and 
the war going, and it will come down to who wants it more.


It is not only Iraq that is occupied. America is too

My country is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits.

Posted Aug 12, 2005 04:29 PM PST - Category: DICTATORSHIP,,1547587,00.html



Posted Aug 12, 2005 11:55 AM PST - Category: CURRENT EVENTS



The savaging of Cindy Sheehan

This classic guilt-by-association trope just shows the reflexive response 
of the right: When your critic has credibility, and you can't find anything 
else on her, destroy her with the old standby: You're a communist dupe!


Cindy Sheehan - A true American Patriot exposing the real Dubya

Cindy Sheehan shames every American who knows these wars are based on lies 
yet remain silent. One Cindy Sheehan shows what one voice can accomplish. A 
million Cindy Sheehans speaking with a million voices can save this country.


Bush Motorcade Passes Protester Site Near Texas Ranch

Want to send a message to Bush that he cannot ignore? Go after the donors. 
Publicly point out the names of those whose money paid for the lies that 
sent our young men and women off to die in a war based on lies. Picket 
their homes. Demand they explain how they can give money to a man who 
committed the gravest crime a government can commit against its own people; 
to lie the nation into a war of conquest against an innocent people.

Name the dictator's henchmen. Put them on public view.\ACQDJON200508121417DOWJONESDJONLINE000705.htm&;


Cindy Sheehan: 'This is George Bush's Accountability Mome


2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline


Yvonne Ridley: US Desecration of the Qur'anBy Yvonne 
RidleyCageprisoners.comWednesday, May 18, 2005 
WONDER what would happen if I strolled in to St John's Church inLafayette 
Square opposite The White House and ripped up a few bibles.Imagine the 
headlines if I took an aerosol can and sprayed in brightred paint the word 
JIHAD across the altar of the historic church inthe US capital.And I 
can just hear the outcry if I pitched up with a few Muslimbrothers and 
sisters and began brewing a pot of tea over a gas burnerin the nave after 
stubbing out a few cigarettes on the deep pile altarcarpet.I would 
be locked up and put in an orange jumpsuit faster than youcould say 
Cuba.And yet many Americans seem quite perplexed by the anger which 
eruptedacross the Muslim world last week following the publication of 
amagazine article which revealed US interrogators at Guantanamo 
Bayflushed a copy of the Holy Qur'an down a toilet.I was not 
perplexed ... just a wee bit surprised it had taken thislong for the news to 
have an impact.Agents of the CIA, Homeland Security, FBI etc. have been 
ripping upand desecrating copies of the Qur'an as part of their ritual 
andsadistic abuse of Muslim prisoners for years.And the US military 
have been abusing our faith, Qur'an, beliefs andmosques ever since 9/11 
without any sort of great outpouring from anyof us Muslims.But when 
the former Pakistan cricketer Imran Khan waved an articlefrom the American 
magazine Newsweek revealing the Qur'anic abuse inGuantanamo earlier this 
month all hell broke loose.From Afghanistan, through Pakistan, across 
Indonesia, Nigeria and theMiddle East brothers and sisters took to the 
streets and protested -some quietly, some violently and some 
loudly.Hundreds were injured and several were killed as authorities on 
theground clashed with protestors.This, I felt, was some sort of a 
comeback for American journalismuntil shocked Newsweek executives began to 
put a distance betweenthemselves and the story. Then an apology followed - 
gutless, or what?Well, in the interests of good journalism, let's put 
the recordstraight in the pages of Muslims Weekly, shall we?That 
Newsweek story was true. And according to one former Guantanamodetainee from 
Britain - Martin Mubanga - the article was simply thetip of a Titanic-sized 
iceberg.Not only had he heard of the 'flushing incident' he witnessed 
Qur'anicabuse firsthand when yobs in uniform stormed his cage and threw 
theHoly book on to the floor. He was even beaten up by them for 
protesting.This was not a one off. From Cuba to Abu Ghraib, from Baghdad 
toBasra, Kabul to Kandahar there have been many cases of US 
militaryabusing Islam ... until now that is. Somehow, I don't think they 
willdare do it again.Thanks to the heroic actions of ordinary 
brothers and sisters acrossthe globe I think they and the White House junta 
have finally got themessage ... STOP ABUSING OUR FAITH.Check out the 
pictures on my website andyou 
will see several examples of pictures of US forces showing norespect for 
Islam. I still shudder when I see the uniformed USmilitary with their dirty 
boots stomping all over an Iraqi masjid.If you have anymore examples 
please send them to the site's webmaster.The message is quite clear now 
- we Muslims have had enough of thedisrespect shown towards us and our 
faith.Now that we have shown our mettle over the desecration of the 
Qur'anisn't it about time we began to rise up and march over 
thecold-blooded murder of our brothers and sisters in Iraq, 
Afghanistan,Palestine, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Kashmir, Indonesia, 
Sudanet al?Well last week we had a glimpse, a rare insight of what 
we can achievewhen we rise up as one.Could this be the start of a 
new Islamic revolution? Last week asleeping giant began to stir across the 
Muslim world and it scared thehell of out the imperialistic bully 
boys.The great only seem great when they keep us on our knees.* 
Yvonne Ridley is the political editor of The Islam Channel and hercurrent 
affairs show, The Agenda, goes out weekdays at 10am and 10pmGMT on the 
satellite station www.islamchannel.tv


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] The man who didn't disobey Allah again

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline

From: adil naveed 

The man who didn't disobey Allah again

The man who didn't disobey Allah 
A man came to Ibrahim ibn Adham, may Allah be 
pleased with him, and said, "Abu Ishaq, I am unable to control myself. Please 
give me something to help me with it""If you accept five conditions," 
said Ibrahim, "and are able to put them into practice, your disobedience will 
not cause you any problem.""Just tell me what they are, Abu Ishaq!" the 
man said. "The first is that when you want to disobey Allah you do not eat 
anything He provides." "Then how will I get anything to eat? Everything on the 
earth is from Him!" "So is it right to eat His provision and disobey Him at the 
same time?" replied Ibrahim."No, it is not. What is the second 
condition?" "When you want to disobey him, move off His land.""That is 
even more difficult! Exclaimed the man. "In that case where will I 
live?""Is it right to eat his provision and live on His land and then to 
disobey Him?" asked Ibrahim. "No, it is not.""What is the third 
condition?" "When you want to disobey Him in spite of eating His provision and 
living on His land, find a place where He will not see you and disobey Him 
there.""What do you mean, Ibrahim? He knows everything that happens even 
in the most hidden places!" "So is it right to disobey Him when you eat His 
provision and live on His land and when you know that He can see everything you 
do?" "It certainly is not!" the man replied."Tell me the fourth 
condition." "That when the Angel of Death arrives to take your soul, you say to 
him, 'Give me a reprieve so that I can repent and act righteously for 
Allah.'""But he won't listen to me!" "Then if you cannot ward off death 
long enough to give yourself time to repent, and you know that when it comes 
there will be no reprieve, how can you hope to be saved?""What is the 
fifth?" "That when the angels of the Fire come to you to take you to the Fire, 
you do not go with them." "They will take me whether I like it or not!" 
exclaimed the man."So how can you hope to be saved?""Enough, 
enough, Ibrahim! I ask Allah's forgiveness and I turn to Him!"The man's 
repentance was sincere and from that time on he was assiduous in his worship and 
avoided acts of disobedience until the day he 


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] FW: FW: Malaikatmu...(Baca sampai habis)

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Desa, Zainuddin
> Suatu hari seorang bayi siap untuk dilahirkan ke dunia...Dia
kepada Tuhan : "Para malaikat disini mengatakan bahawa besok Engkau
mengirimkan saya kedunia, tetapi bagaimana cara saya hidup

> disana; saya begitu kecil dan lemah ?"
> Dan Tuhan menjawab: "Aku telah memilih satu malaikat untukmu. Ia
menjaga dan mengasihimu."
> Bayi bertanya lagi: "Tetapi disini; didalam syurga ini, apa yang
lakukan hanyalah bernyanyi, bermain dan tertawa...Inikan sudah cukup
saya untuk berbahagia."

> "Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan tersenyum untukmu setiap hari. Dan
akan merasakan kehangatan cintanya dan menjadi lebih berbahagia"

> "Dan bagaimana bisa saya mengerti disaat orang-orang berbicara
saya jika saya tidak mengerti bahasa mereka ?"
> "Malaikatmu akan berbicara kepadamu dengan bahasa yang paling indah
pernah kamu dengar; dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian. Dia akan
mengajar kepadamu cara berbicara.">

> "Dan apa yang akan saya lakukan saat saya ingin berbicara kepadaMu
> " Malaikatmu akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara kamu berdoa"
> "Saya mendengar bahawa di Bumi banyak orang jahat. Siapa yang akan
melindungi saya ?"
> "Malaikatmu akan melindungimu; walaupun hal tersebut mungkin akan
mengancam jiwanya"
> "Tapi, saya pasti akan merasa sedih kerana tidak melihatMu lagi"
> "Malaikatmu akan menceritakan kepadamu tentang Aku, dan akan
bagaimana agar kamu bisa kembali kepadaKu; walaupun sesungguhnya Aku
sentiasa disisimu"

> Disaat itu, Syurga begitu tenang dan heningnya sehingga suara dari
dapat terdengar, dan sang bayi bertanya perlahan : "Tuhan, jika saya
pergi sekarang, bisakah Kamu memberitahuku nama malaikat tersebut ?"

> "Kamu akan memanggil malaikatmu itu: IBU"
> Ingatlah sentiasa kasih sayang dan pengorbanan ibu. Berbakti, berdoa
cintailah dia sepanjang masa. Dialah sesatunya harta yang tiada
gantinya dunia akhirat

> Dan untuk para ibu, ingatlah kisah ini dikala kamu hilang sabar
karenah anak-anak yang sedang membesar...sesungguhnya Syurga itu
telapak kakimu...

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2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline


aleikum."Thousands of untouchable female children (between 6 and 8 
years) areforced to become maidens of God (Devadasis, Jogins, a Hindu 
religiouspractice in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka State, Maharashtra, 
OrissaState, to mention only a few). They are taken from their 
families,never to see them again. They are later raped by the temple priest 
andfinally auctioned secretly into prostitution and ultimately die 
fromAIDS. It is estimated by NGOs that 5,000 to 15,000 girls are 
auctionedsecretly every year."Note: The numbers [217] - [224] in the 
first article refer tofootnotes that appear below the article.Please 
note that 2 articles follow:*The Devadasi System: Ritualized 
Prostitution (1999)*Sacrificing life to serve the 
goddess---(1)The Devadasi System: Ritualized 
Prostitution [217]Human Rights Watch 
practice of devadasi, in which a girl, usually before reaching theage of 
puberty, is ceremoniously dedicated or married to a deity or toa temple, 
continues in several southern states including AndhraPradesh and Karnataka. 
Literally meaning "female servant of god,"devadasis usually belong to the 
Dalit community. Once dedicated, thegirl is unable to marry, forced to 
become a prostitute for upper-castecommunity members, and eventually 
auctioned into an urban brothel. Theage-old practice continues to legitimize 
the sexual violence anddiscrimination that have come to characterize the 
intersection betweencaste and gender. The patrons of the devadasis are 
generally from thehigher castes because those from the devadasis own castes 
are too poorto afford to [pay] for the rituals_ In many cases a patron kept 
manygirls and the number of girls used to be a yard stick of the status 
ofthat man. This system of patronage has given way to [a system 
of]commercial prostitution in the populated big cities. 
[218]Activists involved in the Dalit women's movement explain that 
thenexus between caste and forced prostitution is quite strong and 
thatthe devadasi system is no exception. Most Indian girls and women 
inIndia's urban brothels come from lower-caste, tribal, or 
minoritycommunities. Like other forms of violence against women, 
ritualizedprostitution, activists believe, is a system "designed to 
killwhatever vestiges of self-respect the untouchable castes have in 
orderto subjugate them and keep them underprivileged." [219] By 
keepingDalit women as prostitutes, and by tying prostitution to bondage 
inrural areas, upper-caste men reinforce their declaration of social 
andeconomic superiority over the lower castes.According to the 
Ambedkar Centre for Justice and Peace, a Canada-basedNGO:Thousands 
of untouchable female children (between 6 and 8 years) areforced to become 
maidens of God (Devadasis, Jogins, a Hindu religiouspractice in Andhra 
Pradesh, Karnataka State, Maharashtra, OrissaState, to mention only a few). 
They are taken from their families,never to see them again. They are later 
raped by the temple priest andfinally auctioned secretly into prostitution 
and ultimately die fromAIDS. It is estimated by NGOs that 5,000 to 15,000 
girls are auctionedsecretly every year. [220]In an interview with 
Human Rights Watch, the head of an NGO active inKarnataka explained that in 
her state the girl is offered to theGoddess Yellamma in a village 
ceremony:Earlier it was for priests, but now it is for high-caste men. 
Theyused to live in the temples_ now anyone can use them including 
lorrydrivers_ Dreadlocked hair is taken as a sign from the Goddess 
Yellammathat the girl is meant to be a devadasi. In a festival, a 
marriageceremony takes place between the girl and god. The eldest lady of 
thedevadasi community ties the mangal sutra [marriage necklace]. In 
someceremonies the girl wasparaded almost naked. The girl is then 
givensome money but still works in the fields. She lives separately in 
thevillage and is used by all the men, including Dalit men. [221]In 
1992 the Karnataka state government passed the Karnataka 
Devadasi(Prohibition of Dedication) Act and called for the rehabilitation 
ofdevadasi women. Like many laws aimed at protecting women and 
lowercastes, the act suffers from a lack of enforcement. Moreover, 
thepolice themselves have been known to use devadasis. As the 
Karnatakaactivist explained, the law works to the disadvantage of women 
becauseit criminalizes their actions and not the actions of their 
patrons.Police will even go so far as to demand sex as a bribe: "They 
willthreaten to file charges under the act if the woman says no." 
[222]Their perceived status in society, as women who are supposed to 
servemen sexually, also makes it more difficult for devadasis to 
approachthe police for help: "When a devadasi is raped, it is not 
consideredrape. She can be had by any man at any time." [223]In 
reviewing India's third periodic re


2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline


From: Assalamu 
Assalamu aleikum.note: US$1 ~ Nigerian Naira 
132.85---Sharia: Over N250m Liquor DestroyedFrom 
Segun Awofadeji in Bauchi, This Day (Nigeria)02.10.2005 
part of efforts to ensure strict compliance toSharia Law , Bauchi State 
Sharia Commission, hasdestroyed alcoholic beverages worth over N250 
millionand demolished the popular liquor brewing andconsumption centre 
in Moroko.Acting Chairman of the Commission, Ustaz 
Muham-madBabangida Muhammad, who disclosed this in Bauchiyesterday while 
reviewing activities of theCommission, said it is committed to strict 
compliancewith the Sharia Legal System, adopted over four 
yearsago.According to him, about 25 people have been arrestedand 
charged to court for anti-sharia activities duringthe year under review, 
adding that the reconciliationcommittee of the Commission also received 250 
cases ofcomplaints involving couples and other people, andtreated them 
accordingly.He reminded non muslims that Sharia was meant forMuslims 
only, and therefore should have nothing tofear over its 
execution.Muhammad said the Commission has distributed over 
N1million as Zakat in Bauchi metropolis, adding that theZakat Committees 
of the remaining 19 Local GovernmentCouncils have also distributed money, 
animals and farmproduce worth several thousands of naira as Zakatduring 
the year under review.He, however, expressed displeasure over the 
lukewarmattitude of some wealthy Muslims towards the paymentof Zakat, 
and therefore called for a change ofattitude.


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] MINTA PERTOLONGAN SAHABAT

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik norjannah mohamed noh
From: Syaiful Azlan Bin Ramly 
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 10:06:45 +0800
Morning All My friends..
Nak mintak tolong sahabat2 semua,kalau ada ternampak/terlihat :
Jenis Kereta : Wira SE 1.5
No Plat : DAH 22
Warna : HITAM
Tempat Di Curi :Kawasan Perumahan berdekatan dgn KLANG PRADE..
Tarikh/Masa Di Curi :Around 0100am - 0800am..09/08/2005..
Sesiapa ada ternampak,di harap dpt menelefon Puan Rafidah Bt Mohd Yunus..No
telefon : 012-2736407..Office : 03-55122212 @ Encik Shahril Azmi Ramly..No
telefon : 013-3689051...
Segala perhatain sahabat,amat2 di hargai..Hanya Allah shj dpt membalas

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] This letter appeared in the News on sunday

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline 

On May 27, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, 
the head of Al Azhar Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid al-Tantawi, declared his unequivocal 
support for Karimov's brutal suppression of Muslims in the Uzbek town of 
Andijan. Moreover, he blamed "Islamists" and their call the re-establishment of 
the Caliphate for being responsible for the massacre.
He said: "Various terrorist and 
extremist groups, which cover up their real objectives by provocative slogans 
like the revival of the Islamic Caliphate and jihad, are really furthering 
anti-human aims. If the plans of the extremists are put into effect, it will 
drive the Islamic world many centuries back." Tantawi's statement demonstrates 
his complete ignorance of the situation in Uzbekistan, and is at odds with 
testimonies gathered from journalists, human rights organizations, international 
observers and survivors of the massacre in Andijan. All of them hold Karimov's 
tyrannical regime responsible for the slaughter, and not "Islamists."
Furthermore, Karimov used the events 
in Andijan to execute thousands of prisoners belonging to various Islamic 
groups. A fact confirmed by relatives of the deceased. Even Karimov's staunchest 
supporters in the West could not condone what he did. Despite this, Tantawi has 
chosen to throw his weight behind Karimov and has labelled the Uzbek Islamists 
and their call for the re-establishment of the Caliphate for as anti-human and 
People like 
Tantawi, who bestow legitimacy on rulers and implement the plans of the 
imperialist powers, can be found throughout the Muslim world. They dare not 
criticise the rulers, but are the first to spew venom against those who call for 
a return to the Islamic way of life. Therefore, it is not surprising to find 
Tantawi enthusiastically endorsing Karimov's barbaric treatment of his people, 
which includes gunning down unarmed civilians, and boiling alive political 
opponents. The quickest way for the Muslim Ummah to eliminate this partnership 
of corruption and infidelity is to work for the re-establishment of the 
Abdul Basit


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] The lion, rats, snake and the honey comb - a beautiful story

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline


From: adil naveed 

The lion, rats, snake and the honey comb - a beautiful story

The lion, rats, 
snake and the honey comb - a beautiful story
I heard the following story from 
a pious brother. Hopefully, this story will be beneficial for everyone, 
Inshallah. Once a man saw in his dream, that a lion was chasing him. The 
man ran to a tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. He looked down and saw 
that the lion was still there waiting for him. The man then looked to his side 
where the branch he was sitting on was attached to the tree and saw that two 
rats were circling around and eating the branch. One rat was black and the other 
one was white. The branch would fall on the ground very soon. The man then 
looked below again with fear and discovered that a big black snake had come and 
settled directly under him. The snake opened its mouth right under the man so 
that he will fall into it. The man then looked up to see if there was anything 
that he could hold on to. He saw another branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey 
were falling from it. The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he put his 
tongue out and tasted one of the fallen drops of honey. The honey was amazing in 
taste. So, he wanted to taste another drop. As he did, he got lost into the 
sweetness of the honey. Meanwhile, he forgot about the two rats eating his 
branch away, the lion on the ground and the snake that is sitting right under 
him. After a while, he woke up from his sleep. To get the meaning behind 
this dream, the man went to a a pious scholar of Islam. The scholar said "The 
lion you saw is your death. It always chases you and goes where ever you go. The 
two rats, one black and one white, are the night and the day. Black one is the 
night and the white one is the day. They circle around, coming one after 
another, to eat your time as they take you closer to death. The big black snake 
with a dark mouth is your grave. It's there, just waiting for you to fall into 
it. The honeycomb is this world and the sweet honey is the luxaries of this 
world. We like to taste a drop of the luxaries of this world but it's very 
sweet. Then we taste another drop and yet another. Meanwhile, we get lost into 
it and we forget about our time, we forget about our death and we forget about 
our graves." May Allah wake us up from the sleep and save us before it's 
too late. Ameen.


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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hinduism to Christianity to Islam

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline

- Original Message - 
From: adil naveed 

Hinduism to Christianity to Islam

The following story is about a brother from Guyana 
who became a Muslim from being a Hindu and Christian Priest for 10 
years.His current name is Ahmed Tabarani. He was born in a poor Hindu 
family in Guyana. However, he used to dislike worshipping statues since his 
childhood. As he grew up, he became connected with the local Church because they 
worshipped three divine beings (God, Jesus and Holy Spirit) rather than 
worshipping hundreds of idols. Eventually, he became a Christian and studied for 
many years to become a Christian priest. The Church hired him and paid for all 
his travelling and living expenses. His family became very pleased to see that 
because he became a Christian, their poverty was removed. As a result, the whole 
family became Christians. During the 10 years of serving as a Priest, he always 
used to wake up at night and meditate. He used to ask God to show him whether he 
was following the truth. In one such nights, he had a vision. He saw that three 
people dressed in white long throbes, wearing turban and beard are walking 
towards him and these people are to show him the true religion. After seeing 
this vision, many years passed by but he didn't see such a thing happening. But 
one day, a group of Muslims (part of Tabligh Jamah) visited a Masjid near his 
place to call people towards Allah. That afternoon, as he was going to the 
Church, he saw three of these Muslims are coming towards him. Immediately, he 
remembered his vision. These three Muslims resembled exactly what he saw in the 
vision. Then he approached them and asked what religion they follow. The Muslims 
told him about Islam and he became a Muslim on the spot and quit being a priest. 
Poverty again took over his family as he quit his job. All his family members, 
especially his mother, became angry at him for becoming a Muslim. But he said 
the following words to his mother, "Dear mother, I could give you a new pair of 
shoes, but they will become worn out. I could give you a new dress, but that too 
will become old and ripped. But I can give you something that will never finish. 
My mother, say 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.'" The 
mother was really touched by this statement and became a Muslim. Following her, 
everyone else in the family also became Muslims. For 15 years, Ahmed Tabarani is 
a practising Muslim serving Islam with his total energy. He is currently living 
in Canada.


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2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline


Assalamu aleikum.-The EU's foreign policy 
representative, Javier Solana, today said thekillings had seen a shameful 
failure by the international community."The victims had put their trust in 
international protection," he saidin a statement. "But we, the international 
community, let them down.This was a colossal, collective and shameful 
failure."-This was more than a "failure"; it was a 
genocide.For the christian alliance calling itself the "UN Security 
Council"had decreed that no one could import arms into "Yugoslavia". 
Thisdenied Muslims their right of self-defense and left them 
defenselesswhile allowing the Serbs to accumulate vast weapons supplies. 
For while the ban on importing arms technically applied to Muslims 
andSerbs alike, the reality was that the ban could be and in fact 
wasenforced much easier from the sea by means of a UN naval 
blockade.The sea is where Bosnia - surrounded on land by enemies - would 
havereceived such arms in a narrow strip of land. See the map 
the ban was completely unenforceable over land, which is how theSerbs and 
Croats received their weapons.And all this was known at the time. This 
was no secret, no surpriseresult, no "failure": this deliberate policy by 
the nations of thechristian west of leaving the Muslims defenseless reaped 
its intendedgenocidal consequences at Srebrenica and against a quarter of 
amillion other Muslim victims while Clinton, Solano and others 
laughed.Today, the policy of deliberate genocide is continued by dajjal 
Bushand his poodle Blair, the difference today being that rather 
thanconducting genocide by Serb-style proxy, it is conducted directly 
byAntichrist and Poodle minions.---Straw: world's 
shame over Srebrenica massacreSimon Jeffery and 
agenciesGuardianMonday July 11, 2005,11538,1526196,00.html-A 
child sits as a Bosnian Muslim woman digs a grave in Potocari for arelative 
killed in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. Photograph: 
foreign secretary, Jack Straw, today said it was to the shame ofthe 
international community that the massacre of more than 7,000Bosnian Muslims 
at Srebrenica 10 years ago had happened "under our noses".At a ceremony 
in the hills of eastern Bosnia where, 10 years ago thisweek, men and boys 
from the poorly-protected UN safe haven atSrebenica were taken to barns and 
warehouses and murdered, dignitariesand relatives of the dead gathered to 
remember the killings.For some, it was also a funeral. Bodies from the 
massacre are stillbeing recovered from mass graves and undergoing 
painstaking processesof identification before being given a decent 
burial.The wives and mothers of 610 of the victims were today at the 
Potocaricemetery to see their loved ones interred in individual marked 
graves.Mr Straw, who is also representing the EU during Britain's 
presidency,said it was "sickening" that those behind the worst act of 
genocide inEurope since the second world war were still 
free.Speaking at the cemetery, he named the former Bosnian Serb 
leaderRadovan Karadzic and his army commander, General Ratklo Mladic, as 
thetwo men behind the massacre.Both are indicted by UN war crimes 
tribunal in the Hague, but it isbelieved they are being sheltered by 
sympathisers in the Serbianmilitary or church.But Mr Straw said the 
international community bore some of the blame,adding: "We mourn the 
thousands killed here. And, as we utterlycondemn those responsible for the 
slaughter, we recall the chillingwords of Edmund Burke that 'the only thing 
that is necessary for thetriumph of evil is that good men do 
nothing'."For it is to the shame of the international community that 
this eviltook place under our noses, and we did nothing like enough. I 
bitterlyregret this, and I am deeply sorry for it."When the enclave 
- which was under the protection of lightly armedDutch peacekeepers - fell, 
Bosnian Serb troops sent women and childrento Muslim-held territory and kept 
males aged between 16 and 70 - butsometimes younger or older - behind for 
"war crimes screening".They were crammed into warehouses, schools and 
barns in the areaoutside Srebrenica and shot before being buried in dozens 
of massgraves from July 11 to July 18 1995.Bosnian Serb forces 
attempted to cover up the massacre, and the firstnews of what had happened 
did not emerge for more than a month.The EU's foreign policy 
representative, Javier Solana, today said thekillings had seen a shameful 
failure by the international community."The victims had put their trust 
in international protection," he saidin a statement. "But we, the 
international community, let them down.This was a colossal, collective and 
shameful failure.


2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline

From: "assalamu alaykum"
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 6:33 AM

By Mark Ellis
Daily Mirror
Apr 15 2005

EIGHTY people have been charged with burying children
alive in an old Hindu ritual.

All the children - some under a year old - survived
their ordeal in the southern Indian state of Tamil

They were buried in two-feet deep graves and covered
with dirt while a prayer was said.

Police have been trying for years to stamp out the
risky "festival of the pits".

Parents face a £60 fine and up to three years in jail
for putting their children through the 400-year-old

Devotees believe it protects them from serious

The festival takes place every two years.

District magistrate for the Rajapalayam area, Mohammed
Aslam, said he "would not tolerate the ritual".

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2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline


Afghan clerics threaten Muslim holy war over KoranBy 
Qurban Ali HamziReutersSunday May 15, 2005, 
Afghanistan (Reuters) - A group of Afghan Muslim clericsthreatened on Sunday 
to call for a holy war against the United Statesin three days unless it 
hands over military interrogators reported tohave desecrated the 
Koran.The warning came after 16 Afghans were killed and more than 100 
hurtlast week in the worst anti-U.S. protests across the country 
sinceU.S. forces invaded in 2001 to oust the Taliban for sheltering 
Osamabin Laden and his al Qaeda network.The clerics in the 
northeastern province of Badakhshan said theywanted President Bush to handle 
the matter honestly "and hand theculprits over to an Islamic country for 
punishment.""If that does not happen within three days, we will launch a 
jihadagainst America," said a statement issued by about 300 
clerics,referring to Muslim holy war, after meeting in the main mosque in 
theprovincial capital, Faizabad.The statement was read out by Abdul 
Fatah Fayeq, the top judicialofficial in the mountainous, conservative 
province near the borders ofTajikistan and China.Muslim clerics have 
traditionally been teachers and leaders in Afghansociety and throughout its 
history they have rallied public opinionand sometimes led uprisings against 
unpopular rulers and foreignoccupiers.Newsweek magazine said in its 
May 9 edition investigators probingabuses at the U.S. military prison at 
Guantanamo Bay found thatinterrogators "had placed Korans on toilets, and in 
at least one caseflushed a holy book down the toilet."Muslims 
consider the Koran the literal word of God and treat each bookwith deep 
reverence.The United States has tried to calm global Muslim outrage over 
theincident, saying disrespect for the Koran was abhorrent and would 
notbe tolerated, and military authorities were investigating the 
allegation.GROWING RESENTMENTAnother group of clerics in the 
north demanded punishment for thoseresponsible for desecrating the Koran but 
did not call for holy war,the governor of Kunduz province said.The 
protests began in the eastern city of Jalalabad on Tuesday.Violence broke 
out there on Wednesday and there were clashes inseveral other places on 
Thursday and Friday.Scattered protests on Saturday were mostly peaceful, 
while on Sundayno demonstrations were reported.While some Afghan 
analysts say Muslim rage over the desecration reportsparked the protests, 
not hatred of America, there is growingresentment of U.S. troops, especially 
in southeastern areas where theyare most active.The United States 
commands a foreign force in Afghanistan of about18,300, most of them 
American, fighting Taliban insurgents and huntingmilitant leaders, including 
bin Laden.President Hamid Karzai, a staunch U.S. ally, has urged the 
UnitedStates to punish anyone found guilty of desecrating the Koran. He 
saidforeign hands were behind the disturbances, but did not identify 
them.The anti-U.S. protesters have also criticized Karzai and 
hisU.S.-backed government, attacking and torching provincial offices 
andpolice stations as well as U.N. and aid agency compounds.


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2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Islahonline

Usually we heard honor killing in muslim family in pakistan, but when honor 
killing was carried out by christian fundamentalist, the media just keep 
quite of that.

- Original Message - 
From: "Assalamu Aleikum"

> Soldier's Iraq trauma fueled wife's murder, lawyer
> says
> By Hal Bernton
> Researcher Gene Balk contributed to this report.
> Seattle Times
> Wednesday, February 09, 2005
> VANCOUVER, Wash. - Matthew Denni is an Army Reserve
> soldier who went to Iraq, got shot and was sent home
> to heal. But on a late night in March he pulled a hand
> gun from his dresser and killed his wife, Kimberly,
> with a single shot.
> At his trial, which began yesterday in Clark County
> Superior Court, the prosecution and defense agreed on
> the chain of events that night, which Denni recounted
> in a taped confession to police.
> But what is in dispute - and looms as the core issue
> in the trial - is Denni's state of mind the night he
> killed his wife, stuffed her body in a footlocker and
> placed it in the back of their blue Ford Aerostar van.
> Was it a clear-cut case of premeditated murder, as
> Clark County Deputy Prosecutor Mike Kinnie argued
> yesterday before the jury. Or was this a crime of
> passion, a sudden, spontaneous act, fueled by the
> trauma Denni experienced in Iraq and the stress of a
> rocky homecoming, as Thomas LaDouceur, Denni's
> attorney, maintained.
> "Now he has to be held accountable, but this wasn't
> something that he thought about a month, a week, a day
> or a minute earlier," LaDouceur said. "It was murder
> ... but not premeditated."
> Denni, 39, is one of a small group of soldiers who
> have returned from combat and killed their wives. A
> trio of Special Operations soldiers based at Fort
> Bragg N.C., who returned from Afghanistan in 2002,
> killed their wives. All three men committed suicide.
> Last year, a Fort Lewis soldier who returned from Iraq
> confessed to killing his wife.
> For some, these cases underscore the importance of
> making mental-health counseling widely available to
> returning veterans.
> "This was a wake-up call," said Sgt. Myron Denny, a
> friend of Denni's, who served with him in the 671st
> Engineer Company, a Portland-based Army Reserve unit
> that returned from Iraq last February.
> A month after Denni's arrest, Denny said in an
> interview, his unit was visited by several Army
> mental-health counselors. The counseling was a good
> thing, Denny said, "but should have been done when we
> got home - not months after we'd been home."
> In opening arguments, LaDouceur cited Denni's Iraq
> experiences as context for understanding his violent
> outburst the night his wife died. But it will be up to
> the 12-person jury to decide whether his Iraq
> experience, or the stress of his homecoming, altered
> the seriousness of the crime.
> Denni is charged with premeditated murder in the first
> degree, which could result in a prison sentence of
> more than 25 years. His attorney said he should face a
> charge of second-degree murder, a lesser crime that
> would make him eligible for a lighter sentence.
> Denni had no prior criminal record and has been
> described by friends and neighbors as a quiet man who
> kept his feelings to himself. His unit was part of the
> invasion of Iraq. After the fall of Baghdad, it set up
> a tent camp and was there during the early months of
> the occupation.
> During his stint, Denni served as a supply sergeant
> and helped ensure that the unit had enough ammunition,
> food and clothing. Denni saw death and destruction and
> "lived in constant fear," LaDouceur said.
> In November 2003, a loaded rifle accidentally
> discharged and a bullet struck Denni in the leg,
> according to LaDouceur. Wounded, Denni returned home
> several months before the rest of his unit returned in
> February 2004.
> Denni rejoined his wife and their young daughter. The
> family rented an apartment in Battle Ground, a small
> city north of Vancouver.
> Their landlord - Wayne Redjou - yesterday testified
> that Kimberly was a lively, sociable woman who enjoyed
> frequenting garage sales and second-hand shops. Though
> she seemed to have a very different personality from
> her more reserved husband, Redjou, who lived next
> door, said he never heard the couple have any big
> fights.
> But in the courtroom, the prosecution played taped
> excerpts of Denni's May 31 confession, when he
> described the couple's final night together. They went
> out dancing, shot some pool and sipped beers, Denni
> said. But once back at their apartment, a bitter
> argument ensued.
> Denni said their talk grew heated over his wife's
> alleged affair. Denni said his wife followed him into
> their bedroom and declared she was leaving him for the
> other man.
> At that moment, Denni said, he

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Pernikahan Rosululloh SAW dengan Siti Khodijah---- Cinta II [7]

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik unicom

Cinta II 

Rosululloh SAW dengan Siti Khodijah
Muhammad Rosululloh saw 
“Alloh tidak memberi kepadaku pengganti 
isteri yang lebih baik dari dia (Khodijahr.a). 
Ia beriman kepadaku di kala semua orang 
mengingkari kenabianku. 
Ia membenarkan kenabianku di kala semua 
orang mendustakan diriku. 
Ia menyantuni diriku dengan hartanya, 
dikala semua orang tidak mau menolongku. 
Melalui dia Alloh menganugrahkan anak 
kepadaku, tidak dari isteri yang lain"
Jauh sebelum Khodijah bertemu dengan 
Ia pernah bermimpi, Khodijah bermimpi 
kejatuhan Matahari. Sinarnya menghanguskan semua rumah penduduk Mekkah, kecuali 
satu dapur.
Mimpi itu ditanyakan pada pamannya yang 
ahli mimpi, Waroqah bin Nufal,
Apa gerangan maksud dari 
Sang Paman berkata,
“Engkau akan mendampingi Nabi akhir jaman”, 

“dari negeri manakah 
“Suku apa ?”
“Suku Quraisy”
“Keturunan siapa ?”
“Bani Hasyim”
“Siapakah namanya ?”
“Ia bernama 
Siti Khodijah gundah, 
“Benarkah ? benarkah 
pertanyaan itu kini mengganggu 
Syahdan, sejak saat itu, ada harapan pada 
diri Khodijah,
Dan ia menunggu terpenuhinya nubuwat 
Sudah berapa banyak para pemuka suku di 
jazirah Arab yang mencoba melamarnya,
Tapi ditolak olehnya,
“Ada yang kutunggu”, gumamnya dalam 
Sampai satu ketika,
Didengarnya dari kalangan 
Ada seorang pemuda yang terkenal paling dapat 
“Muhammad Al-Amin”.
Khodijah gelisah,
“Diakah yang dulu hadir dalam perlambang 
mimpiku ?”
“Diakah sang matahari dan sang Bulan 
“Muhammad ? anta samsum anta badrun 
Abu tholib paman Muhammad satu waktu 
“Anakku, aku bukan orang berpunya. Keadaan 
makin menekan kita juga. Aku mendengar bahwa Khodijah mengupah orang dengan dua 
ekor anak unta. Tapi aku tidak setuju kalau akan mendapatkan upah semacam itu 
juga. Setujukah kau kalau hal ini kubicarakan dengan dia 
“Terserah paman”, jawab 
Abu Tholib-pun mengunjungi 
“Khodijah, setujukah kau mengupah Muhammad 
“Aku mendengar engkau mengupah orang  dengan dua ekor anak unta. Tapi buat 
Muhammad aku tidak setuju kurang dari empat ekor”.
Khodijah menjawab,
“Kalau permintaanmu itu buat orang yang 
jauh dan tidak kusukai, akan kukabulkan, apalagi buat orang yang dekat dan 
Demikianlah Muhammad dengan diiringi oleh 
Maisaro, budak Khodijah, berangkat ke Syam guna berdagang barang milik 
Khodijah berpesan pada Maisaro, agar 
benar-benar memperhatikan Muhammad, jangan sampai ada kekurang apapun, dan 
dimintanya ia melayani Muhammad sebagaimana ia melayani 
Maisaro mengangguk.
Mengantar keberangkatan Muhammad dan 
Khodijah seolah melepas hatinya mengikuti 
Ada rasa-rasa aneh yang tidak enak di 
Getar-getar perasaan yang aneh seolah 
terikut bersama berangkatnya Muhammad ke Syam.
Beberapa hari telah 
Khodijah dengan gelisah menunggu di 
Kadang dilihatnya di depan rumah, siapa 
tahu Muhammad sudah datang,
Malam-malam kini yang terbayang wajah 
Muhammad al Amin,
“duhai, apa gerangan yang sudah terjadi ? 
Mengapakah aku jadi begini ?
benarkah ia Nabi yang akan kudampingi, 
ataukah ?”
Benar !, kerinduan telah menguasai hati 
Kerinduan yang tulus, kasih sayang yang 
Kini mengharap adanya pertemuan segera 
dengan Muhammad.
Ketika itu Khodijah sedang berada di ruang 
Di kejauhan, tampak Muhammad bersama 
beberapa barang untuk Khodijah dan untanya perlahan-lahan datang menuju 
Hampir berteriak Khodijah karena 
Malam-malam yang menyiksa sebab rindunya 
kini seolah mendapat siraman air yang segar.
Bersegera, dengan sedikit berlari, Khodijah 
turun dari sotoh (ruang atas) untuk menemui Muhammad yang 
Muhammad menceritakan pengalamannya di Syam 
dan berita tentang perdagangannya dengan bahasa yang halus dan fasih, serta laba 
yang diperolehnya.
Beberapa saat kemudian, Maisaroh datang 
menyusul di belakang.
Dari Maisyaroh inilah, Khodijah 
mendengarkan cerita selama Muhammad di perjalanan.
“Sampai disebuah perhentian, dekat sebuah 
gereja, kami dihentika oleh seorang utusan pendeta, kemudian kami dipersilakan 
masuk ke dalam rumah sang pendeta, sementara Muhammad berteduh disebuah 
“Sang pendeta bertanya, masih adakah 
rombonganmu yang belum masuk ke sini ?”
“Ada”, jawabku. “Dia Muhammad al –Amin dari 
suku Quraisy.
“Mendengar itu”, cerita Maisyaroh pada 
“sang pendeta berlari keluar sendiri 
menemui Muhammad. Dan kemudian ia menangis di depan Muhammad. Dari jauh aku 
mendengar ia berkata,”Engkaulah Nabi yang dijanjikan…engkaulah Nabi yang 
dijanjikan…Aku bersaksi tidak ada Tuhan selain Alloh dan engkau Muhammad adalah 
“Kemudian pendeta itu menghampiri aku dan 
berkata kepadaku”, kata Maisaro.
“Segeralah kembali ke Mekkah, jangan sampai 
orang Yahudi tahu keberadaan Muhammad, jagalah ia dengan baik, ia adalah Nabi 
akhir jaman. Lihatlah 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Jarum dan kondom percuma?

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Noor Azlinda Yazizur

Ulama sepakat tolak pemberian kondom jarum percuma -- Abu Hassan Din Al-Hafiz...
"Kuala Lumpur : Pegawai Agama Istana Negara Us. Dato' Abu Hassan Din Al-Hafiz berkata, dalam al-Quran jelas adanya larangan supaya menjauhi zina kerana ia perkara buruk, keji dan menjijikkan, terutama bagi yang bersuami atau beristeri. Ianya jelas haram walau apapun alasan yang diberi.Beliau berkata demikian ketika menjawab soalan salah seorang peserta pada Seminar mengenai Pelacuran Dari Kacamata Islam dan Pelacuran Sebagai Satu Jenayah Terancang anjuran Unit Kajian Wanita Untuk Pembangunan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) di sini, semalam.Ditanya mengapa ulama berdiam diri apabila isu itu ditimbulkan, Dato' Abu Hassan berkata, ulama tiada ruang dan ramai orang yang tiada kepakaran mempunyai saluran untuk menyuarakan pendapat individu.“Inilah yang berlaku hingga ada individu berpendapat azab neraka tidak wujud, sedangkan perkara itu dijelaskan dalam al-Quran,” katanya.Mengulas cadangan memberi kondom, jarum suntikan
 dan methadone percuma untuk penagih dadah dan penghidap HIV/Aids sebagai langkah mengurangkan kadar jangkitan virus HIV menjelang 2015 yang dijangka dilaksanakan Kementerian Kesihatan mulai Oktober ini, Abu Hassan berkata, isu itu menimbulkan perdebatan hangat di kalangan ulama yang diminta memberi pendapat selepas ia diputuskan.“Dalam mesyuarat untuk membincangkan cadangan itu, ulama-ulama bersepakat tidak bersetuju kerana tindakan itu seolah-olah menggalakkan mereka terbabit dalam kegiatan itu secara meluas.“Mungkinkah penagih boleh mengikut arahan, menggunakan jarum suntikan untuk dirinya seorang saja. Malah, jika diberi kondom, mungkin mereka yang terbabit juga tidak menggunakannya, silap-silap ia dijual pula,” katanya.Ali panel yang turut dijemput ialah Asisten Superintendan Noraini Sa’at dari Bahagian Jenayah PDRM Bukit Aman dan Pensyarah Kuliyyah Undang-Undang Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, Prof Madya Dr Najibah Mohd Zin." 
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2005-08-12 Terurut Topik dina scully

Assalamualaikum, saya sokong pendapat cik noor. Saya dan suami hanya tengok siri ni on and off sahaja, sebab rasa tak berfaedah, tak tahu lah apa faedahnya kepada pembangunan masyarakat mahupun keluarga.
Lagi satu, saya sebenarnya kasihan dengan nasib semua sembilan jejaka yang ambil bahagian dalam siri ni. Frankly said, kalau saya lah, after I tengok lelaki-lelaki ni disingkir atau lebih tepat di"reject" oleh Cik Elly Zakaria tu, mmg saya tak amik buat jadi suami
bukan apa, rasa macam second choice pulak, tengok dalam tv tu gilakan Cik Elly tu macam desperado jer.pastu kena reject, reti pulak cari pompuan lainMy hubby pun kata memalukan orang lelaki jeall of them nampak mcm dah takde perempuan lain, especially masa first time diorg bertemu dengan Cik Elly tu, puji melambung2 mcm nak rak...come on guys, all women are beautiful actually, apatah lagi wanita yg bertudung, jika anda lihat wanita bertudung itu cantik, bayangkan kecantikannya apabila membuka tudung.
sorry to say, if a man seek for wife candidate yg free hair (ada lelaki yg mcm tu), then apa speciality yg u dapat? rambut dia? u dapat tengok, lelaki lain pun dapat tengok jugak...seerugi apa...i ada a few friends yg bertudung tapi jenis simple (yg takde la kita buleh kategorikan cantik macam wardina ke apa...), tapi bila i tengok diorg buka tudung, masyaAllah, cantiki yg perempuan ni boleh kata diorang cantik (jarang orang pompuan nak puji orang pompuan ni cantik)...itu dair fizikalnya lah.yang penting sekali sbenarnya ialah SPIRITUALnya.
i tak tahu...tapi i am 99% so sure that man will look on kecantikan at first sight, after that baru tengok yg lain. masa i study kat UKM, i duduk di kamsis yg boleh i kategorikan sebagai kamsis "hijau". i've got many muslimah friends yang jenis pakai tudung labuh (even i pakai tudung biasa jer), sbb i suka involve dgn kawan2 yg mcm ni...tapi of course dalam ramai2 yg pakai tudung labuh tu ada yg kulit cerah (lawa le, muka licin), ada juga yg sederhana, ada juga yg kulitnya gelap (kejadian Allah SWT, siapa kita untuk menafsirkan ianya sebagai tidak cantik). tetapi lumrah manusia, si pemakai tudung labuh yang kulitnya mulus ini, yang putih ini, peminatnya yang terdiri dari kaum muslim (yang tak kurang berkopiahnya), amboi ramainya, kalau tak salah saya, adalah dalam 10 jejaka yg try approach diatapi saya kasihan dengan rakan saya yang lain (yg turut bertudung labuh), tetapi sedikit mengeluh kerana risau tidak berteman, sedangkan usia meningkat dan seru untuk kahwin sudah
 sampai. Bukanlah saya bermaksud nak suruh buat maksiat pegi dating ke apa, tapi sekurang2 nya ada teman, bolehlah berkenalan sebentar dan terus je masuk meminang, tak payah couple lama-lama.
Akhirnya saya memberanikan diri bertanya kepada 2-3 orang peminat kawan saya yang agak "cantik" ini, kebetulan lelaki-lelaki ini adalah kenalan saya. Soalan saya lebih kurang begini "Jika korang rasa korang nak cari wanita bertudung labuh sebagai bakal isteri, kerana mungkin imej bertudung labuh itu meyakinkan kalian bahawa wanita itu lengkap akhlaknya, dan cukup tinggi pengetahuan agamanya, maka kenapa kamu rela berebut2 memenangi hati si pemakai tudung labuh yang cantik berkulit putih ini, sedangkan ramai lagi rakan-rakan kita yang bertudung labuh, tapi wajah biasa-biasa sahaja.masih kesepian, tidak berteman...dan ada antara mereka yang rendah diri mengatakan "aku tak lawa", semata-mata kerana tidak diminati lelaki".unfortunately, none of them dapat menjawab soalan saya hingga kini. 
Jadi, para netters nilailah sendiri...sekian..
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...
Aku hanya ingin menjadi isteri yang dirahmati
Isteri yang dikasihi
Isteri yang soleha
Isteri yang sentiasa dihati
Amin, amin Ya Rabbal Allamin..
Assalamualaikum;Pada semua, sesuatu utk difikirkan.NoorTitle: MENCARI CINTA PROGRAM YANG MENCARI KECEWA LELAKIPosted By: ladyice (NuR, LyNn) Posted On: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 08:13:14 AMPengenalan:Program realiti TV3 terbaru iaitu Mencari Cinta yang memaparkan sembilan lelaki merebut untuk menawan hati seorang gadis semakin hangat diperkatakan di kalangan peminat rancangan Realiti Tv. Jadi dekat sini sebagai penonton program realiti ingin membuat sedikit komen atas rancangan tersebut yang sememangnya kita ketahui meniru akan program dari negara barat. Begitu juga dengan program realiti televisyen yang lain seperti Mentor, Akademi Fantasia, Audition yang sememangnya lebih kepada hiburan kosong semata-mata. Rakyat Malaysia hari ini lebih kepada membicarakan isu pitisan dan hiburan semata-mata tanpa lebih
 membicarakan isu yang lebih mendatangkan faedah kepada pembangunan akhlak.Berbalik kepada Mencari Cinta awal-awal lagi saya mengatakan bahawa program ini sebenarnya tidak ada matlamat dalam sebuah rancangan. Jauh sekali mendatangkan kebaikan pada pihak penonton ataupun mereka yang terlibat.Mencari cinta ini sebenarnya tidak tepat dengan tajuk utama iaitu

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Judi semakin menjadi

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Roslan SMS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Judi terus kita beri mukaROSLAN SMS
Dalam keghairahan kerajaan memperomosikan jenama Islam Hadhari, tidak melesetlah jika ada yang memiliki persepsi bahawa komitmen kerajaan terhadap Islam samada pemahaman mahupun perlaksanaannya akan semakim rancak dan bersungguh-sungguh. Definasi rasmi yang diberikan berbunyi:Suatu pendekatan pembangunan manusia, masyarakat dan negara yang bersifat menyeluruh, berdasarkan kepada perspektif tamadun Islam.Manakala prinsip pertama dari 10 prinsip Islam versi kerajaan ini adalah:Keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Ilahi.Lantaran itu kita menganggap akan dibentuk dan dibinalah sebuah negara yang berpegang teguh kepada ajaran dan peraturan Islam. Tamadun Islam yang kita tahu menolak segala amalan dan peraturan jahiliyah yang bertentangan dengan Islam. Demikian juga tamadun Islam yang kita tahu terbina dengan penyuntikan dan pemberian nafas Islam ke dalam
 setiap aspek penghidupan rakyatnya termasuklah aktiviti sosial dan ekonomi menuju kepada keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah Azzawajalla.Begitukah Malaysia agaknya?Akhbar THE STAR dalam ruangan STAR BIZ nya hari ini menonjolkan di muka depan tajuk:BToto believed to have nod for new betting gameMenurut laporannya salah sebuah syarikat perjudian terbesar dalam negara iaitu Berjaya Sports Toto telah diberikan kelulusan oleh Kementerian Kewangan untuk mempromosikan satu lagi produk judi baru iaitu I Perm.(Untuk rekod: lesen perjudian dikawal oleh Kementerian Kewangan. Menteri Kewangan Malaysia adalah PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, lulusan Sarjana Muda Pengajian Islam, UM. Tokoh yang memperkenalkan Islam Hadhari)Menurut laporan akhbar itu lagi:The launch of I Perm is expected to boost BTotos bottom line as the new service would likely draw more customers to its outlets and raise the betting amounts.Bermakna dengan bermurah hati Kementerian Kewangan yang diketuai Pak Lah memberikan keizinan kepada syarikat judi ini untuk memperkenalkan satu produk judi baru bermakna lebih ramai lagi kaki judi dijangka mengunjungi kedai-kedai judi syarikat ini dan dengan itu perolehan syarikat dijangka bertambah.Bagi tahun berakhir April 2005 Berjaya Sports Toto mencatatkan keuntungan sebelum cukai sebanyak RM488.4 juta dengan pendapatan sebanyak RM2.67 billion pada tahun itu.Tidakkah sepatutnya negara yang mendakwa mahu membina sebuah tamaddun Islam itu jika tidak pun serta merta mengharamkan judi, mempunyai program berjadual kea rah pembenterasan aktiviti perjuadian yang jelas diharamkan oleh Allah swt itu.Kalau masyarakat bukan Islam menuntut supaya industri judi ini
 diteruskan untuk mereka sekalipun, namun kerajaan Islam Hadhari sepatutnya tidaklah pula mengambil langkah menggalak dan menyuburkan lagi industrinya dengan memberikan pelbagai kelulusan baru seumpama ini.Kalau demikianlah rupanya maka negara Islam Hadhari kita sebenarnya menggamit dan mengundang bala dan murka Allah bukannya rahmat dan barakah Nya. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Kisah Tauladan........-Sedekah untuk si mati

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Asnal Nadhim

Assalamulaikum wbt.
HADIAH MALAM JUMAAT                  Perkara : Hadiah Malam Jumaat (Pengalaman Salih Al Mazi)                  Pada suatu malam bertepatan malam Jumaat Salih Al Mazi                  pergi ke                  Masjid jamik untuk mengerjakan solat subuh. Kebiasaannya                  ia berangkat                  Awal sebelum masuk waktu subuh dan melalui sebuah                  pekuburan. Di situ                  Salih                  Duduk sekejap sambil membaca apa-apa yang boleh              
    mendatangkan pahala bagi                  ahli kubur memandangkan waktu subuh masih lama lagi.                  Tiba-tiba dia                  tertidur                  dan bermimpi melihat ahli-ahli kubur keluar beramai-ramai                  dari kubur                  masing-masing. Mereka duduk dalam kumpulan-kumpulan                  sambil                  berbual-bual sesama mereka. Al Mazy ternampak seorang                  pemuda ahli kubur                  memakai baju kotor
 serta tidak berkumpul dengatn                  ahli-ahli kubur yang                  lain.                  Dia duduk seorang diri di tepi kuburnya dengan wajah                  murung, gelisah                  kerana                  sedih. Tidak berapa lama kemudian datang malaikat membawa                  beberapa talam                  yang ditutup dengan saputangan. Seolah-olah seperti                  cahaya yang                  gemerlapan. Malaikat mendatangi para ahli kubur dengan  
                membawa                  talam-talam                  itu, tiap seorang mengambil satu talam dan dibawanya                  masuk ke dalam                  kuburnya.                  Semua ahli kubur mendapat satu talam seorang sehingga                  tinggallah si                  pemuda yang kelihatan sedih itu seorang diri tidak                  mendapat apa-apa.                  Dengan perasaan yang sedih dan duka dia bangun dan masuk              
    semula ke dalam                  kuburnya.                  Tapi sebelum dia masuk Al Mazy yang bermimpi segera                  menahannya                  untuk bertanyakan keadaannya. "Wahai hamba Allah ! Aku                  lihat engkau                  terlalu sedih mengapa ?" tanya Salih Al Mazy. "Wahai                  Salih, adakah                  engkau lihat talam-talam yang dibawa masuk oleh malaikat                  sebentar tadi?"                  tanya    
              pemuda itu. "Ya aku melihatnya. Tapi apa benda di dalam                  talam-talam                  itu?"                  tanya Al Mazy lagi. Si pemuda menerangkan bahwa                  talam-talam itu berisi                  hadiah orang-orang yang masih hidup untuk orang-orang                  yang sudah mati                  yang terdiri dari pahala sedekah, bacaan ayat-ayat suci                  Al Quran dan                  doa.                
  Hadiah-hadiah itu selalunya datang setiap malam Jumaat                  atau pada hari                  Jumaat.                  Si pemuda kemudian menerangkan tentang dirinya dengan                  panjang lebar.                  Katanya dia ada seorang ibu yang masih hidup di alam                  dunia bahkan telah                  berkahwin dengan suami baru.Akibatnya dia lupa untuk                  bersedekah untuk                  anaknya yang sudah meninggal dunia sehingga tidak ada              
    lagi orang yang                  mengingati si pemuda.                  Maka sedihlah si pemuda setiap malam dan hari jumaat                  apabila                  melihat orang-orang lain menerima hadiah sedangkan dia                  seorang tidak                  menerimanya. Al-Mazy sangat kasihan mendengarkan cerita                  si pemuda. lalu                  ia                  bertanya nama dan alamat ibunya agar ia dapat                  menyampaikan berita keadaan
 anaknya.                  Si pemuda menerangkan sifat2 ibunya. Kemudian Al Maizy                  terjaga. Pada                  sebelah paginya                  Al Maizy terus pergi mencari alamat ibu pemuda tersebut.                  Setelah mencari kesana kemari beliaupun berjumpa ibu si                  pemuda                  tersebut lantas menceritakan perihal mimpinya. Ibunya                  menangis mendengar                  keterangan Al maizy mengenai nasib anaknya yang merana di              
    alam barzah.                  Kemudian ia berkata :"Wahai Salih ! Memang betul dia                  adalah anakku.                  Dialah                  belahan hatiku, dia keluar dari dalam perutku. Dia                  membesar dengan minum                  susu dari dadaku dan ribaanku inilah tempat dia berbaring                  dan tidur                  ketika                  kecilnya."                  Al Maizy turut sedih melihat keadaan ibu yang meratap dan    
              menangis                  penuh penyesal

Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Pengalaman Langsing dan Kebahagian Rumah Tangga

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Maryam Tamby

Waalaikumsalam dan salam sejahtera 
Saya, Puan Maryam Haji Tamby dari Kuching, Sarawak.
Terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas penghantaran email yang saya amat minat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut berkenaan produk 'Bidadari'.
So... macam mana nak place order untuk mendapatkan produk tersebut.  Ada tak stokis dekat Sarawak.  Saya ingin tahu.
Sekian, terima kasih dan wasallam.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Assalamulalaikum dan salam sejahteraDi sini Cektona nak berkongsi pengalaman bersama kawan-kawan semua. Cektona mula mengalami masalah berat badan selepas melahirkan cahayamata kedua. Jika zaman anak dara dulu berat Cektona hanya 52kg, selepas bersalin berat Cektona naik mendadak sehingga 80kg. Cektona banyak berhabis duit untuk menguruskan badan, sebut saja apa jenis rawatan yang berada di pasaran seperti teh pelangsing, pil herba dan rawatan membalut badan namun semuanya tidak berhasil. Kemudian Cektona mengambil produk Biodex. Berjaya juga Cektona turun sebanyak 15kg. Kemudian berat Cektona statik je takat 75kg, taknak turun-turun. Sehinggalah seorang kawan Cektona memperkenalkan produk Nutripoint Trimz & Klenz pada Cektona. Mula-mula Cektona tak yakin sebab produk ni baru berada di pasaran tetapi setelah jumpa dengan
 kawan Cektona yang ambik produk ni dan memang nampak kurus, Cektona pun mencuba, manalah tahu serasi dengan Cektona pula kan. Hari pertama Cektona ambil Nutripoint Trimz & Klenz, memang Cektona tak lalu  makan. Kenyang sepanjang hari. Cektona juga suka rasa Trimz perisa _mocha sebab Cektona ni memang suka minum coffee. Tapi sepanjang hari Cektona memang kena minum air banyak sebab rasa haus sangat, tapi tak panas macam masa Cektona ambil Biodex. Walau bagaimanapun, Cektona makan juga nasik atau roti untuk alas perut, bukan apa, kalau tak makan langsung, nanti kena gastrik pulak. Walaupun nak kurus, tapi kesihatan kena jaga, betul tak? Cik tona Cuma ambil 2-3 sudu nasi dan lebihkan makan sayur dan buat.  Belah malam pula Cektona ambil Klenz 2 biji. Klenz berfungsi untuk melancarkan pembersihan sisa sisa buangan dan toksin yang selama ini terperangkap pada dinding usus. Pagi esoknya mesti Cektona akan
 ketandas. Istimewa klenz ni perut kita tak memulas dan tak pula cirit-birit macam masa Cektona ambil teh orang kampung dulu Waktu petang Cektona minum Guara Cafe keluaran DCL yang mana bagus untuk mengurangkan selera makan.  Untuk mengurangkan selulit di bahagian lengan, perut dan peha, Cektona menggunakan Be-One Multi Gel juga keluaran DCL. Gel ni bagus sebab tak rasa panas pijar macam Bodylite Gel Cosway. Mula-mula sapu Be-One Multi Gel ni kita akan rasa sejuk je, tapi selepas setengah jam, baru rasa kesan hangat dan bertahan selama 5-7 jam, tengok pada diri individu. Setelah 3 bulan Cektona ambil produk Nutripoint Trimz & Klenz dan digabungkan dengan Guara Cafe dan Be-One Multi Gel DCL, Cektona berjaya menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 10kg. Jangan marah ye kawan-kawan, sekarang berat Cektona 55kg. Seronok rasanya bila Cektona dapat menyarung kembali baju yang Cektona pakai masa anak dara dulu, termasuklah
 baju bertunang dan nikah. Cara pemakanan Cektona semasa diet :-Sarapan1 sachet Nutripoint Trimz1 keping roti wholemeal dan sosej atau telurTengahari2-3 sudu nasiseketul ikan atau ayamlebihkan sayurPetangSepeket Guara Cafe2 keping biskut wholemeal (jika lapar sahaja)Malam1-2 sudu nasi (sekadar untuk temankan suami)atau sekeping rotisupsayur dan buah-buahanSebelum tidur2 biji Nutripoint KlenzKepada yang sedang menjalani diet, Cektona sarankan kurangkan pengambilan makanan yang tinggi karbohidrat seperti nasi, mi kuning, kuetiaw, roti gandum, kek dan kuih-muih. Penjagaan Dalaman Wanita.Lagi satu Cektona nak kongsi, mengenai penjagaan dalaman wanita. Biasalah, kita ni bila dah lama berumahtangga dan beranak pinak, tentunya bentuk badan dan `servis' kita pada suami tak sehebat masa zaman baru berumahtangga dulu. Maklumlah bila penat bekerja,
 kalautakde pembantu rumah, kena kemas rumah, layan kerena anak, memasak, membasuh, lipat kain, melayan suami, semuanya membuatkan kita jadi letih. Bila berkumpul dan berbual dengan kawan-kawan di pejabat, macam-macam cerita yang keluar. Masing-masing mengeluh bila seharian dah letih, bila suami ajak bersama mesti ada saja alasan untuk mengelak. Dan bila sudah 2-3 kali bersalin, semestinya bahagian dalaman kita akan terjejas. Bila dah ramai-ramai berkumpul, tiba-tiba salah sorang kawan Cektona bercerita tentang satu produk yang kawan Cektona pernah cuba dan berkesan. Menurut kawan Cektona, dia dapat tau mengenai produk ini dari salah satu forum di internet. Produk ni namanya Bidadari keluaran syarikat bumiputera, DCL. Menurut kawan Cektona, testimoni dari pengguna Bidadari ni membuatkan kawan Cektona teruja sangat nak mencuba. Bukan apa, menurut kawan Cektona, Bidadari ni dapat mengetatkan otot faraj, meningkatkan daya
 kemutan, menghilangkan masalah keputihan, menyelesaikan masalah haid tidak teratur, menegangkan payudara, menambahkan 

Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fwd: FW: Antara Hinaan Utk Islam & Hinaan Utk Mawi AF3 (Melayu Tak Cerdik?)

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Shah
salah peribahasa tu
sebab babi sekor masuk kampung,
satu kampung kena samak...hahahahaa

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fwd: FW: Antara Hinaan Utk Islam &
Hinaan Utk Mawi AF3 (Melayu Tak Cerdik?)

> Betul tu shahrizal
> Tak semestinya ada Astro tgk AF aje... bnyk lagi rancangan yg berbentuk
> ilmiah... mcm discovery chanell , animal planet.. mcm saya suka tgk Travel
> & Living sbb mcm2 rancangan masakan ada kat situ... sedap and kalau
> melancong pun boleh tgk mana2 tmpt yg cantik2semua ada kat situ... tak
> semestinya terlampau sempit pikiran.. ada Astro tgk AF sajae... because of
> seekor lembu bawak lumpur habis semua tepalit.
>  shahrizal.abdtali
>  b
>  Sent by:   To
>  cc
>  30/07/2005 11:47  Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fwd: FW:
>  PMAntara Hinaan Utk Islam & Hinaan
>Utk Mawi AF3 (Melayu Tak Cerdik?)
>  Please respond to
> Assala'mualaikum Warohmatullah Hiwabarokatuh..
> Dari Aisyah ra, dari Nabi saw, beliau bersabda, "Orang yang paling
> dibenci oleh Allah adalah orang yang paling suka bermusuhan."
> Maaf andai pencelahan ini tidak disenangi..
> Norman - adakah sekiranyer pemilik Astro itu Melayu anda akan tulis
> sebegitu juga ?? tiada Astro pun ader kerugianyer..
> Helmi - kalau dah anggap remeh, kan baik tap payah campur.. hehehe
> Ila - berdasarkan kenyataan anda, rasanyer anda dah layak mengundi.. baru2
> nie undi sapa ???
> Inor - kalau suara cik norshidah tak berkumandang, suara cik Inor ader ker
> ??
> Norshidah - tak perlu latahan yg panjang.. semua pihak berhak bersuara
> kerana pendapat/pendirian masing2.. ada baik dan buruk.. nyata dan hak..
> Pertikaian amat mudah ditimbulkan.. alangkah lebih baik jika kiter tanyer
> aper yg telah kiter buat...
> Dari Abu Hurairah ra Rasulullah saw bersabda, " Siapa yang merosakkan
> nama baik atau harta benda orang lain, maka minta maaflah kepadanya
> sekarang ini, sebelum datangnya hari di mana mata wang tidak laku
> lagi. Kalau dia mempunyai amal baik, sebahagian dari amal baiknya itu
> akan diambil, sesuai dengan kadar penganianyaan yang telah
> dilakukannya. Kalau dia tidak mempunyai amal baik, maka dosa orang
> lain itu akan diambil dan ditambah kepada dosanya."
> To:
>   Sent by:cc:
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Re:
> Bismillah [hidayahnet] Fwd: FW: Antara Hinaan Utk Islam &
>   .com  Hinaan Utk Mawi
> (Melayu Tak Cerdik?)
>   07/26/05 12:53 PM
>   Please respond to
>   hidayahnet
> Hi Mawimania sekalian,
> Korang berhabis bayar bil Astro dan SMS sokong AF3 tu.. Ananda Krishna
> kaya.. orang  melayu dapat apa???
> Ada otak pakai.. jangan leka.. rumah aku tak ada astro..
> Hehehhe
>  Aduahai Nurshidah Abdullah u terima saja apa2 kritikan dari makhluk dunia
>  ini tentang mawi tu ..jangan terlalu finatik ,anggaplah mereka itu
>  golongan pelajar bukannya golongan terpelajar. Bila disebut golongan
>  pelajar maka mereka ini perlulah diajar supaya mereka tidak kurang ajar .
>  mawi tu pun tak kenal u pun maka sedarlah diri anda . bagi saya maaf
>  saya tak kenal pun siapa itu mawi dan lain2 pelajar af 3 biarlah mereka
>  dengan gelagat mereka. jgn sesekali timbulkan perasaan finatik didalam
>  diri anda kerana finatik akan menjadi bombastik dan seterusnya akan
>  menjadi jentik-jentik seterus nya menjadi se ekor nyamuk yang terbang
>  berkeliaran menyusahkan telinga orang . Benar apa kata Inor sedarkan
>  anda dari perkara remeh temeh af3 tu.
>   entah lah... begitu fanatik sekali org ramai dgn rancangan realiti tv
>   seperti AF especially... sedangkan kita tak tahu itu salah satu strategi
>   untuk melekakan kita umat islam ni. statement drp peminat spt tersebut
>   menggambarkan kpd kita ttg betapa terancamnya kita dgn berbagai hidangan
>   hiburan ikutan barat ni dimana penyanyi2 begitu diagung-agungkan sampai
>   begitu sekali.. paling menyedihkan, rancangan tersebut juga memaparkan
>   kehidupan sehari-harian pelajar2 tersebut yang tentunya tak terlepas dr
>   pergaulan 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Badawi's Misguided Advice for Muslim Women to Abandon the Hijab

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik what a relief

As'salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhuBadawi's Misguided Advice for Muslim Women to Abandon the Hijab London, UK, August 4 - Zaki Badawi, head of the Muslim College in London and Chairman of the Council of Mosques and Imams, has advised Muslim women who fear being attacked to abandon the Hijab so as not to be identified by those hostile to Muslims. The advice was issued in response to the recent rise in hate crimes against Muslims following the 7th July creaming. He commented, "The dress is meant to protect from harm, not to invite it". Many Muslim women across the UK have faced a backlash of verbal and physical abuse as well as general discrimination due to an increasing atmosphere of Islamophobia. This has been fuelled by irresponsible,
 inflammatory, anti-Islamic statements by various politicians, journalists and commentators. These have sought to shift the spotlight of blame for the creamings away from the individuals involved and upon Islam and the "failings" of the Muslim community as a whole.Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, the Women's Media Representative of H.izb ut-Ta.hrir Britain, commented, “The advice of Zaki Badawi is not acceptable - Muslim women do not wear the Hijab to protect themselves from harm but to fulfil an Islamic obligation. This cannot be discarded due to societal pressures. Dr. Badawi should understand that unlike the human rights policies of the Western governments, the Islamic values are not open to flexible application dependent upon changing realities.”"Rather than calling on Muslim women to abandon their Islamic dress, we should be demanding more action to prevent these hate crimes that have been incited by
 anti-Muslim hysteria whipped up by politicians and the media. Western governments must stop radicalising their people against Islam and Muslims."CONTACT:Dr Nazreen Nawaz – Women's Media Representative
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Divine inspiration



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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Memecah hegemoni petroleum

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik what a relief

Memecah hegemoni petroleumHishamuddin Rais -Aug 5, 05 1:04pm 

Hishamuddin Rais

HISHAMUDDIN RAIS adalah seorang manusia baru dengan roh yang bebas. Beliau merupakan pendukung dan pengembang asal mazhab NGI (non-governmental individual). Dipengaruhi oleh fahaman Marxis jenis Groucho, Isham adalah lulusan daripada sekolah pemulihan pemikiran politik seperti Melbourne Tellamarine Center, Bombay Arthur Road, Ayer Molek dan Dang Wangi. Kolumnya di malaysiakini - DOTMAI - terberhenti sejak April 2001 selepas penahanannya di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri. Isham dibebaskan Jun lalu selepas dua tahun di Kem Tahanan Kemunting. Kini Isham muncul semula dengan kolum DOTMAI KEMBALI di mana beliau akan menulis mengenai isu-isu politik semasa, filem, seksualiti hingga kepada isu estetika kebosanan hidup. 

MalaysiakiniSecara perbandingan, harga minyak di Malaysia lebih murah daripada kebanyakan negara Asean. Malah, ia adalah antara terendah di dunia. Satu daripada kesan negatif (subsidi) ialah berlakunya herotan pasaran yang boleh menjejaskan ekonomi negara. Ini bermakna harga komoditi itu tidak menggambarkan kos sebenar. Ini kerana harga pasaran adalah di bawah harga sebenar. Akibatnya, akan berlaku penggunaan yang berlebihan dan pembaziran. Di samping itu, akan timbul kegiatan yang tidak sihat seperti penyelewengan, penipuan dan penyeludupan. Pada hari ini, subsidi juga menguntungkan orang kaya yang memiliki banyak kereta berbanding orang miskin yang mempunyai motosikal. Ini tidak adil. Lebih baik jika wang yang digunakan untuk subsidi ini dipakai untuk tujuan lain yang lebih menguntungkan rakyat jelata. (Dipetik dari Berita Harian Isnin 1 Ogos
 2005). Kabinet hari ini mengarahkan semua kementerian mengemukakan cadangan dan pandangan mengenai langkah jangka panjang penjimatan tenaga bagi mengurangkan pergantungan terhadap elektrik dan minyak. 

Memasang alat solar bagi menjana elektrik di setiap kediaman yang baru dibina. 
Menggalakkan penggunaan pengangkutan awam di kalangan orang ramai. Sementara bagi langkah jangka pendek pula ialah: 

Semua pejabat kerajaan diminta memadamkan lampu pada waktu rehat tengah hari.(Dipetik dari Utusan Malaysia 4 Ogos 2005 – Tulisan Sri Angreni Mohd Zet) Data tidak lengkap, tapi tepat Harga bahan bakar minyak petrol telah dinaikkan lagi. Yakinlah, tidak berapa lama lagi harga ini akan dinaikkan sekali lagi. Hari ini harga setong minyak mentah ialah US$62. Pemerhati pasaran minyak pernah menyatakan yang harga ini mungkin mencecah US$200 dollar setong. Dan akan sampai ketikanya nanti apabila harga ini juga akan terus melambung tinggi.Untuk pertama kalinya, media arus perdana dalam negara kita telah cuba memberitahu tentang ketidak seimbangan pengeluaran dan permintaan bahan bakar minyak mentah. Ini terpaksa dilakukan kerana kerajaan ingin mengolah persetujuan orang ramai yang pasti akan menghadapai bahang kenaikkan harga bahan bakar petrol. Data-data yang dipaparkan
 oleh media walaupun tidak lengkap tetapi adalah tepat. Saya tidak akan mempertikaikan tentang statistik dan data. Seperti biasa orang ramai akan diberi candu tentang bagaimana harga minyak di negara kita adalah yang termurah berbanding di Jerman, Sweden atau Britain. Fakta ini memang betul dan tepat. Tetapi tidak pula dinyatakan bahawa gaji minima memburuh di negara-negara ini melintasi RM200 sehari. Ini juga tidak akan saya pertikaikan. Saya merasa marah kerana masih ada lagi satu fakta yang terus ingin disorok dari pengetahuan orang ramai. Fakta yang ingin diselindungi ialah tentang kekeringan bahan bakar minyak petroleum. Fakta minyak semakin kering ini sebenarnya adalah punca utama yang memaksa kenaikan harga. Pergolakan politik, perang, cuaca dan spekulasi pasaran hanya rempah-ratus dalam hal jual-beli minyak. Rempah ratus ini hanya membantu fakta utama – di mana
 negara pengeluar bahan mentah ini tidak lagi memiliki telaga minyak yang melimpah ruah. Memadamkan lampu atau mengurangkan suhu alat hawa dingin ini bukan jawapan untuk berjimat-cermat. Malah, tutup pasang tutup pasang akan membawa kemudaratan kepada alat-alat ini. Sebenarnya, berapa sen sangat yang dapat dijimatkan dengan nasihat tutup-pasang-tutup-pasang ini. Pembakaran minyak yang paling membazir bukan kerana lampu di rumah, di pejabat atau alat hawa dingin. Pembaziran petrol yang terbesar ialah penggunaan kereta persendirian. Kereta persendirian ialah alat pengangkutan yang paling tidak ekonomik. Satu keluarga sebuah kereta adalah dasar salah yang telah dikembangkan oleh budaya konsumer kapitalis. Di era awalan penemuan minyak dan kemunculan teknoloji enjin, mungkin kereta adalah satu-satunya alat pengangkutan. Ketika itu, minyak senang ditemui dan kereta belum banyak. Hari ini, budaya kereta persendiran telah menjadi musuh utama umat manusia. Ianya
 terbukti sebagai satu alat pengangkutan yang tidak ekonomik. Jumlah tenaga bahan bakar yang digunakan untuk menggerakan sebuah kereta dengan seorang pemandu, sebenarnya boleh digunakan untu

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Minister's no-show upsets Orang Asli

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik what a relief

Minister’s no-show upsets Orang AsliFauwaz Abdul Aziz - Aug 8, 05 12:07pm
They came from across the country to air their grouses and problems. But the 1,000 odd Orang Asli left disappointed when Rural and Regional Development Minister Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin failed to show-up.
Abdul Aziz had been slated to officiate the 15th annual general assembly of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Association (POASM) in Putrajaya yesterday. “We are very disappointed. Government officials have always been talking and talking, but are never brave enough to be up front with the Orang Asli community,” said past POASM deputy-president Arif Embing when met. Meanwhile, vice-president Melati Jamil expressed her disappointment in having let down the members who had traveled far to have an audience with the minister. “We didn't pay for their transportation costs. When they were told that the minister would officiate this AGM, they came by paying their own bus fares and other transportation costs,” she said. Malaysiakini learnt there was a death in the minister's family but he was expected to return to Kuala Lumpur
 the same morning. Change mindsetEarlier, in a speech read out by his political secretary, Abul Aziz said the government was committed to protect the interests of the Orang Asli. “For us, this is a responsibility that has to be carried out... we are highly committed to realise the aspirations of the government in ensuring the community share in the plans for development,” he said. The onus in realising such plans, he added, laid with the Orang Asli community as the government had provided sufficient facilities and amenities to facilitate their development. “As such, POASM is responsible to help the government in increasing the awareness and changing the mindset among the Orang Asli to accept development. “This is among the areas that we need to focus on while, at the same time, seeking physical development such as housing, roads, water and electricity,” he said. On the alarming rate of
 Orang Asli children dropping out of school before reaching secondary level, the minister said there were 25,354 pupils registered at the primary level but only 7,559 were registered in secondary schools. “Does it have to do with inadequate facilities or a mindset that still does not stress on the importance of education?” he asked. Abdul Aziz also argued that the success of about 500 Orang Asli who had reached or completed tertiary education, with some acquiring PhDs, meant that others were just as capable. Addressing the question as to why there was only one Orang Asli holding a management position in the Department of Orang Asli Affairs, he said this was not because the government was intentionally not according high positions to them. “Admittedly, there area many Orang Asli who have succeeded in graduating from institutions of higher learning. (But) those who had completed their studies ventured into other fields such as lecturing or engineering
 (instead of applying to the department),” he said. “The crux of it is, they must be interested in building and developing their communities themselves,” he added. On the economic front, Abdul Aziz lamented the fact that 76 percent of the 29,873 Orang Asli households are categorised as poor, but promised that the ministry was in the midst of floating a proposal to the state governments involving the distribution of land to them. At the same time, he added that the Orang Asli should be encouraged to seek additional sources of livelihoods to supplement their meager income and to break out of the cycle of poverty. However, the speech failed to make up for his absence and the messages fell on cynical ears. Raised many timesPOASM past president 'Bah' Anthony Williams-Hunt said Abdul Aziz's absence was in
 line generally with the government's general indifference to the plight of the Orang Asli community. “Frankly speaking, I'm not disappointed. It was in a way expected,” he added. Questioning the minister for blaming the Orang Asli for their socio-economic conditions, Tony noted that many proposals for the betterment of the community had long been presented to the authorities nothing has happened. “It simply defies logic that we would be opposed to development as he implies. What 'mindset' are they trying to change? The land issue, for example, has been highlightded for many years and we have proposed many solutions (but these have been ignored),” he said. On Orang Asli children dropping out from school, Tony said a comprehensive study should be done on the factors contributing to the large drop-out rate instead of lumping it simplistically and conveniently on parents. Earlier in his speech, POASM president Majid Suhut raised the similar problem of
 Orang Asli issues being placed on the back burner of the government's development plans. “Our community is behind in many aspects and there are many problems that we have discussed many times in past AGMs. Various objectives and decisions that been 

Bismillah [hidayahnet] 95% AIDS merebak melalui zina, kondom tak selamat, Prof. Dr. Hawari

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik syed dahij

Rozmal bin Malakan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
KONDOM Tidak 100% Aman!, KCMMeski penularan virus HIV/AIDS, bisa terjadi lewattransfusi darah, jarum suntik dan bayi melalui talipusat ibu, namun penularan terbanyak melaluiperzinaan.  Dijelaskan oleh psikiater Prof. Dr. dr. H. DadangHawari (63), dalam seminar tentang HIV/AIDS diFakultas Kedokteran UI, belum lama ini, konsentrasivirus HIV/AIDS terbanyak terdapat pada cairan liangsenggama, sperma dan darah.“Untuk menghindari tertular dari virus HIV/AIDS,hendaknya hindari perbuatan yang mengarah padaperzinaan, misalnya pornografi, dan juga perzinaan itusendiri, seperti  pelacuran, homoseksual dan seksbebas,” tegas Guru Besar Tetap Fakultas KedokteranUniversitas
 Indonesia ini.Dilanjutkannya, provokator penularan HIV/AIDS adalahperzinaan sebagai akibat dari pornografi. Pelacuranyang semakin di organisir, pola hidup seks bebas sertapenyimpangan seks seperti; kekerasan seksual(pemerkosaan); pelecehan seksual dan perilakuhomoseksual, ditambah lagi penggunaan NAZA (Narkotika,Alkohol & Zat Adiktif).Penelitian membuktikan penyakit AIDS ditularkan 95,7%melalui perzinaan/pelacuran termasuk perilakuhomoseksual dan seks bebas. Oleh sebab itu, AIDSdikatakan sebagai penyakit kelamin.Perihal pemakaian kondom untuk perzinaan, tidak 100%aman, hanya mengurangi risiko penularan (risikopenularan mencapai 30%, dengan catatan kalau kondomitu tidak bocor).Hal ini disebabkan material kondom mengandung beberapakelemahan seperti: · Bahan kondom terbuat dari karet (latex) yangmerupakan senyawa hidrokarbon dengan polimerisasi;yang berarti berserat dan berpori bagaikan
 tenunankain.·  Pori-pori kondom dan virus HIV/AIDS hanya dapatdilihat melalui elektron mikroskop..  Besarnya pori-pori kondom dalam keadaan tidakmeregang 1/60 mikron, kalau meregang 10 kali lebihbesar.·   Kecilnya virus HIV/AIDS 1/250 mikron.·   Sperma dapat dilihat dengan mikroskop biasa,sedangkan virus HIV/AIDS harus dilihat dengan elektronmikroskop.Seharusnya ada beberapa persyaratan yang harusdipenuhi untuk pembuatan kondom oleh pabrik, seperti:· Jumlah cacat lubang kecil mikroskopis (pinholes)maksimum 0,4% berdasarkan uji kebocoran denganpengisian 30 ml air pada suhu kamar.· Memenuhi standar ASTMD3492-83.· Luas kondom 80 cm2· Jumlah pinholes maksimum 0,4% x 80 cm2 = 4/1.000 x8.000 mm2 = 32 mm2.· Satu buah pinhole kalau lubangnya berdiameter 0,01mm atau 10 mikron, maka banyaknya pinholes dalam 1kondom ada 3.200 buah. Dan kalau diameter pinholes 1mikron,
 maka akan terdapat 32.000 pinholes per kondom.Saat ini, kegagalan penggunaan kondom untuk KBmencapai 20%. Di Indonesia setiap tahunnya terdapat3,5 juta kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, 60%diantaranya minta diaborsi.Apabila efektifitas kondom untuk KB saja tidak 100%aman, apalagi untuk mencegah penularan HIV/AIDS. (zrp)Layari
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] Hari Al-Quds 2005: Kenali dan cintai Aqsa KITA-18-25 Ogos

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik what a relief


"Kenali dan cintai Aqsa KITA"

Sebuah pesanan persaudaraan, keamanan dan kebenaran daripada,

Palestina, Al-Quds dan Masjid Al-Aqsa berada pada kedudukan dan tempat yang terhormat di hati kaum muslimin seluruh dunia. Islam telah menempatkan dan menambah kemuliaan bagi Al-Quds dan Masjid Al-Aqsa melalui ungkapan ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang menyebutkannya sebagai negeri penuh berkah dan suci.

Kemuliaan dan penghormatan pun semakin bertambah dengan Isra Rasulullah SAW, dimana beliau menjadi imam solat bagi para nabi dan rasul AS di Masjid Al-Aqsa. Hal ini menegaskan bahawa Islam adalah kalimat Allah terakhir bagi manusia sekaligurs menunjukkan bahawa Shibghah (warna) terakhir bagi Al-Aqsadi dalam Syariat Allah adalah Shibghah Islam hingga hari Kiamat, maka jelaslah bahawa Al-Aqsa menjadi milik ummat ini. Semua itu diabadikan dalam puncak kefasihan firman-Nya: Maha suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya dimalam hari dari Masjid Al-Haram ke Masjid Al-Aqsa yang telah kami berkati…

Dan saat ini, Al-Quds dan Palestina yang diberkahi menjadi tawanan tangan-tangan Yahudi yang membuat luka mendalam di hati setiap Muslim, menyuburkan kerinduan untuk membebaskan Masjid Al-Aqsa dan melakukan solat di dalamnya.

Dari sini, Hari Al-Quds menjadi sangat penting bagi hati kaum muslimin seluruh dunia. Para mahasiswa Muslim, sebagaimana lazimnya-menjadi pelopor ummat dalam memperingati hari bersejarah ini, sekalugus memelihara permasalahan Palestina agar tetap hidup di hati umat Islam.

Risalah Pergerakan Pemuda Islam, Musthafa Muhammad Thahan, 14 Momen-Momen penting dalam Sejarah pp.209
"Kenali dan cintai Aqsa KITA"

Sebuah pesanan persaudaraan, keamanan dan kebenaran daripada,


Pada 21 Ogos 1969, seorang lelaki berbangsa Australia bernama Dennis Michael telah membakar Masjid Al-Aqsa. Api menyala besar dan membakar tembok dan mimbarnya yang besar (mimbar Solahuddin). Api marak dengan dasyat sekali seolah-olah seluruh Masjidil Aqsa akan musnah ketika itu. Malah, pihak bomba juga tidak hadir menghulur bantuan. Tetapi Allah telah menyelamatkan Masjid Al-Aqsa dan melindunginya. Akhirnya api dapat dipadamkan.

Setelah itu orang-orang Yahudi membuat pengadilan pura-pura terhadap Dennis Michael. Michael mendakwa bahawa dia diutus Allah untuk melakukan pembakaran itu sesuai dengan berita dari Kitab Zakaria. Kemudian, Yahudi membebaskannya dengan mengatakan Michael ‘gila’. Maka, atas sebab itu, Michael tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan atas kejadian tersebut. Negeri-negeri Muslim seluruh dunia bangkit mempertahankan tempat suci mereka dan mengecam perbuatan keji terhadap Al-Aqsa. Maka sejak itu 21 Ogos setiap tahun menjadi Hari Al-Quds sedunia.

Episod duka Palestin ini, ditambah dengan penindasan dan kezaliman yang tidak henti hingga ke saat ini hakikatnya menuntut sokongan dan bantuan kita, seluruh lapisan Ummah—pemilik tanah Palestin yang sah. Malah, 21 Ogos hadir setiap tahun mengingatkan kita bahawa sekiranya kita tidak mempertahankan tanah suci Palestin dan Masjidil Aqsa, kelak, kita bukan sahaja tidak dapat mempertahankannya daripada sekadar dibakar, malah dirampas terus keseluruhannya secara haram oleh Zionis Yahudi.

Justeru, bersempena Sambutan Memperingati Hari Al-Quds Sedunia tahun ini, adalah amat wajar untuk kita sama-sama mengajak masyarakat sekeliling memperingatinya, apatah lagi merencana langkah strategik, efektif dan praktikal yang boleh dilakukan dengan mengoptimakan kemahiran dan sumber yang ada demi menyumbang ke arah pembebasan Palestin. Semoga usaha kerdil kita demi mewujudkan keadilan dan keamanan di bumi Palestin diberkatiNya. Islami Ya Quds!

CD ROQ the World! (telah berada di pasaran!)

Poskad Hari Al-Quds, Little Book of Al-Quds Day & Akujanji Masjidil Aqsa--Janji ROQ!

TAQUE 2—Tears of Al-Aqsa the Return 
Pameran: Diary of Palestine 

Stage Performance

Hanya di Taman Ilmu dan Budi

A Tribute to Al-Aqsa
(Talk by Dr. Azzam and special performance by Brothers and/or Now See Heart)
Dewan Merak Kayangan

Sharing Moment with Dr. Azzam Tamimi
23 Ogos 2005
Main Auditorium UIAM
Intellectual Discourse bersama Dr Azzam Sultan Tamimi
Gerakan Mahasiswa dan Hari Al-Quds sedunia

Hari Al-Quds sedunia memiliki tempat khusus bagi gerakan mahasiswa di seluruh dunia dan aktivis amal thullabi harus memperingati hari bersejarah ini dengan membuat langkah –langkah dan program yang baik guna mengambil manfaatnya. Nilai-nilai penting yang harus dimuculkan pada momentum ini adalah;

1. Mengokohkan pentingnya masalah Palestina, Al-Quds , dan Al-Aqsa serta menghidupkannya dalam jiwa kaum muslimin. 
2. Melawan setiap serangan musuh terhadap Palestina dan usaha-usaha untuk merubah hakikat permasalahn

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Muslims Mourn Late Sheikh Deedat

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik what a relief

InnaliLlahi wa inna ilay hi roji'un
Muslims Mourn Late Sheikh Deedat

Deedat was a self-educated caller to Islam.
By Fatima Asmal, IOL Correspondent
DURBAN, South Africa, August 8, 2005 ( - Hundreds of people are expected to attend the funeral of South African caller to Islam Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, who passed away in the early hours Monday, August 8.
Sheikh Deedat, 87, passed away at his home in Trevennen Road, Verulam in the province of KwaZulu Natal at 7 a.m.
His son Yusuf told IOL that the cause of his death was heart failure.
The family was not in a state of shock, said Yusuf. “As Muslims we believe that every soul shall taste death.”
He added that the last moments of his father’s life were peaceful, and coincided with the commencement of a recitation of "Surah Yaseen" on an Islamic radio station.
“Channel Islam had just introduced and begun to play Surah Yaseen when the throes of death began,” he explained. “My father just looked at us and then passed away.”
Sheikh Deedat will be buried in the Verulam cemetery after Salaatul-Maghrib (Maghreb prayers) Monday.
Hundreds of people from around the country are expected to participate in his funeral prayer, and his family says that people from across the world, such as India, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been calling to convey their condolences.
“His death comes as a shock to us,” Maulana Ahmed Kathrada, of the Jamiatul ‘Ulama (Scholars' Group), a local theological body, told IOL.
He added that Sheikh Deedat had served not only South Africans, but the Muslim Ummah at large, for many years.
“We pray that Allah Grants him a lofty position in Jannah (Paradise), and that He Grants his family patience, especially his wife who has endured so much during the last few years.”
Dedicated Wife

He was bed-ridden for almost a decade.
Mrs Hawa Deedat, who had spent the last nine years nursing her husband and administering his daily injections, was present at her husband’s side at the time of his death, and she is well, said Yusuf.
“She is the wife of a soldier, and can therefore only be a soldier herself."
Several other religious leaders and political figures expressed their sadness at the news of Sheikh Deedat’s death.
Mr. Ashwin Trikamjee, president of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha, said that Sheikh Deedat would be missed by Muslims worldwide and the greater South African Muslim community.
“I think that the Islamic community has lost a great man, who was totally committed to the cause of Islam,” he said.
Mr. Trikamjee said that Sheikh Deedat had made a huge impact on constructive religious debate.
Mr Riaz Jamal, a director of the Al-Ansaar Foundation in Durban, South Africa, who had done a thesis on Sheikh Deedat as part of his Masters in Islamic Studies, said that there was a need for the Muslim and Christian worlds to continue to bring audiences together for religious debate and dialogue.
“Sheikh Ahmed Deedat was a global caller to Islam,” he said.
"I don’t think any other Muslim wrote to the Pope, inviting him to Islam, but Sheikh Deedat did. It’s our responsibility to continue in propagating his message.”
Sheikh Deedat’s health had been steadily deteriorating in the last few months after he had suffered various complications related to the lock in syndrome stroke which had left him paralysed and bed-ridden for almost a decade.
His death marks the end of an era of Da’wah in which his name became synonymous with breaking down inter-faith barriers.
His Life
Born on July 1, 1918, Sheikh Deedat arrived in South Africa, from India, as a nine-year-old in August 1927.
Although he hadn’t previously been exposed to the English language, he learnt it in six months, excelled at school and finished top of his class.
However, due to financial considerations, his father removed him from school during his early years of secondary schooling. He was sent to work in a store in a rural area, where his mission of Da’wah began.
Students from a Christian missionary school would visit the store preaching their beliefs to him, and knowing little more than the shahadah (testifying that no god but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet), he found it difficult to defend his beliefs.
He then stumbled upon a book which carried a religious dialogue between a Muslim imam and a Christian priest, and this proved to be the first of many books which he would read on the subject.
He began researching both religions and recording his findings in a notebook, after which he started delivering lectures in South Africa.
First Lecture

Deedat became famous for a debate with US Reverend Jimmy Swaggart, on the topic “Is the Bible the Word of God.”
His first lecture was entitled “Muhammad (peace be upon him): Messenger of Peace,” at it was delivered in 1940, to 15 people at a cinema in his province.
Within a short space of time, the numbers grew and people crossed the racial divides which were then prevalent in apartheid South Afr

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Batalkan program beri kondom, jarum percuma

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Amir Hamzah

Ulama PAS desak program beri kondom, jarum percuma dibatalkanMonday, August 08 @ 14:44:28 MYT Oleh SAIDATUL AMANIKUALA LUMPUR, 8 Ogos (Hrkh) - Kerajaan perlu membatalkan cadangan memberi kondom dan jarum percuma kepada penghidap Aids dan HIV sebaliknya perlu menggantikannya dengan program sistematik bagi mengatasi masalah penagihan dadah dengan segera. 
Setiausaha Dewan Ulama PAS Pusat (DUPP), Dr Badaruzaman Mohd Yusuf, berkata pihaknya kesal selepas menyedari bahawa pemberian kondom dan jarum secara percuma itu akan dilaksanakan di 10 hospital dan 10 klinik terpilih di seluruh negara, sebelum ini dilaksanakan secara sembunyi dan tidak rasmi sejak beberapa lama khasnya melibatkan penagih tegar di kawasan `pink triangle'. 
Beliau berkata, program itu dilaksanakan kerana kerajaan menyedari bahawa kes Aids dan HIV akan sentiasa meningkat kerana tiada kawalan yang menyeluruh dan perancangan yang holistik bagi mengurangkan jumlah penagih dadah. 
Katanya, bagi mengatasi masalah itu daripada berlanjutan DUPP yakin umat Islam perlu kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang benar dan tulen dan PAS amnya serta DUPP khasnya bersedia memberikan kerjasama dalam usaha membanteras semua masalah negara termasuk salahguna dadah. 
Tambah beliau, bagi menyelesaikan satu masalah yang besar usaha yang dilakukan mesti bersungguh-sungguh, bersistematik, berterusan serta penuh ikhlas. 
Katanya, hasil kajian mendapati program yang dilaksanakan di Amsterdam, Belanda belum terbukti mendapat kejayaan seperti yang diharapkan. 
‘Needle exchange program’ (program pertukaran jarum yang dilaksanakan di United Kingdom juga masih belum menunjukkan bukti kejayaan mengurangkan jangkitan HIV dan Aids. Manakala kajian di Kanada mendapati apabila pemberian jarum percuma dilaksanakan, jangkitan Aids menjadi lebih kritikal, katanya. 
Menurut DUPP, masyarakat di Barat khususnya remaja berusia seawal 13 tahun telah disediakan kondom percuma bagi menggelakkan jangkitan kuman atau mengandung tetapi masih belum ada kejayaan. 
Katanya, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menjangkakan HIV dan Aids akan menjadi satu wabak di seluruh Malaysia pada masa terdekat kerana Aids merupakan antara penyakit berjangkit yang tertinggi selepas denggi. 
Beliau berkata, di Malaysia didapati 90 peratus mereka yang terlibat dengan penagihan dadah terdiri daripada bangsa Melayu-Islam. 
Menurut Dr Badaruzaman, tujuan kerajaan melaksanakan program itu untuk menjimatkan perbelanjaan kerana program itu memerlukan RM145 juta sedangkan kerajaan terpaksa menyediakan RM500 juta setahun untuk merawat dan mengawal penyakit daripada merebak. 
Katanya, program itu juga dilaksanakan sebagai pelengkap pada program lain seperti pemberian ‘methadone’ percuma. 
DUPP menjelaskan, ada pihak yang berpandangan bahawa usaha itu dapat menghalang Aids, memelihara pesakit dan masyarakat, mengelak daripada berkongsi jarum, mengurangkan jangkitan dan hepatitis serta dijangka satu kod etika kepada penagih akan disediakan. 
Bahaya najis dadah 
Sehubungan itu, Dr Badaruzaman berkata, segala usaha itu tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah kerana ia tidak bertujuan memerangi bahaya najis dadah hingga ke akar umbi. 
Beliau berkata, isu itu wajar dibawa kepada Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan bagi mendapatkan pandangan golongan ulama dan mereka perlu diminta menyediakan garis panduan berasaskan pandangan Islam. 
"Apakah tujuan usaha itu dilaksanakan sedangkan penagih terdiri daripada mereka yang paling tidak bertanggungjawab malah akan menggalakkan penagih baru kerana kemudahan yang disediakan," katanya. 
Beliau terkilan dengan tindakan kerajaan yang memutuskan supaya semua pesakit membayar harga ubatan di hospital kerajaan tetapi dalam masa yang sama penagih dadah mendapat kondom dan suntikan percuma sedangkan mereka merupakan golongan yang paling tidak produktif dalam masyarakat. 
Dr Badaruzaman berkata, DUPP mempersoalkan mengapa golongan perokok tidak diberi bantuan yang sama iaitu bantuan `patch' kerana ramai di kalangan golongan itu produktif dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara. 
Menurut beliau, apabila kondom dan suntikan percuma diberikan bermakna kerajaan menggalakkan kegiatan penagihan dadah serta pelacuran sedangkan perbuatan itu bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. 
DUPP tegas mengatakan, menyediakan kondom dan jarum percuma sangat bertentangan dengan ayat al-Qur’an, surah al-Ma’idah ayat 2, "Allah memerintahkan supaya bertolong bantu dalam kebaikan dan melarang bertolong bantu dalam perkara dosa dan permusuhan." 
Katanya, kerajaan tidak serius membantu penghidap HIV dan Aids kerana hanya menyediakan seorang pegawai Kementerian Kesihatan sahaja untuk menjaga kes-kes HIV di peringkat negeri sedangkan tiada pegawai di daerah dan langkah itu perlu diambil bagi menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan pegawai. 
DUPP melihat keberkesanan pertubuhan NGO's seperti Pengasih telah berjaya dilaksanakan khususnya dalam usaha memulihkan penagih dadah. 
"Kami mendesak supaya kerajaan menerima pakai kaedah Pengasih dan diperkuku

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Kembalikan hak royalti petroleum kepada Terengganu

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Amir Hamzah

Kembalikan hak royalti petroleum kepada TerengganuMonday, August 08 @ 10:09:41 MYT "Walaupun ketika mentadbir negeri, royalti dirampas, PAS Terengganu mahu royalti dikembali kepada kerajaan BN negeri sekarang " 
 KUALA NERUS, 8 Ogos (Hrkh) – Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu, Dato’ Mustafa Ali menggesa kerajaan pusat mengembalikan semula hak royalti petroleum kepada kerajaan negeri sekarang. 
Beliau berkata, hak mendapat royalti petroleum wajar dikembalikan semula kepada kerajaan negeri di bawah pemerintahan BN negeri. 
“Kita meminta kerajaan pusat beri balik hak royalti petroleum itu kepada kerajaan negeri sekarang. PAS sokong jika kerajaan pusat sedia mengembalikan semula hak itu kepada kerajaan negeri ini walaupun BN yang perintah,” katanya ketika berucap pada majlis perasmian penubuhan PAS Cawangan Alor Jambu Pindahan, Mengabang Telipot, baru-baru ini. Majlis tersebut disempurnakan oleh Presiden PAS, Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang. 
Katanya, PAS tidak mengira politik tetapi kepentingan rakyat lebih diberi keutamaan meski pun negeri ini diperintah oleh kerajaan BN. 
“Kita bukan kira politik sangat tapi untuk kepentingan rakyat dan tidak menjadi masalah kita sokong pemberian hak royalti itu kepada BN Terengganu sekarang ini,” ujarnya. 
Menurutnya, ketika kerajaan Barisan Alternatif (BA) pimpinan PAS diberi mandat dalam pilihan raya umum ke-10 lalu, hak royalti dinafikan. 
Ini kerana katanya, sikap tidak jujur serta iri hati pemimpin-pemimpin Umno yang meminta hak royalti itu ditarik balik oleh kerajaan pusat. 
Mustafa menjelaskan meski pun menghadapi kekangan kewangan akibat rampasan royalti tetapi kerajaan PAS Terengganu mampu mentadbir negeri dengan baik. 
Umno khianati orang Melayu 
Sementara itu, Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang semasa berucap pada majlis perasmian berkata, telah terbukti bahawa Umno adalah pengkhianat kepada orang Melayu Islam di negara ini. 
Katanya, Umno dan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) adalah pengkhianat yang besar kepada orang Islam dalam politik dan pemerintahan negara. 
“Ini jelas kepada kita, Umno adalah pengkhianat yang besar kepada orang Islam dalam bab politik dan pemerintahan sehingga Singapura ‘hilang’ dan banyak tanah-tanah wakaf orang Melayu di Pulau Pinang tergadai,” ujarnya. 
Ini kerana, katanya dasar politik Umno yang korup telah menyebabkan Singapura terlepas ke tangan orang bukan Islam sejak puluhan tahun lalu. 
Menurutnya lagi, politik wang pula bukan perkara baru kerana Umno sejak dari dahulu lagi telah menyuburkan agenda itu atau rasuah di kalangan ahli-ahlinya. 
Katanya, kuasa politik orang Melayu semakin lemah kerana terdapat di kalangan pemimpin Umno dan kerajaan BN mengamalkan budaya politik wang tersebut. 
Menurutnya, bahaya besar kepada orang Islam apabila pemimpin sesebuah kerajaan itu mengamalkan budaya duit dan rasuah. 
“Amalan politik wang dan rasuah di kalangan pemimpin Umno dan kerajaan BN hari ini akan melemahkan kuasa politik orang Melayu sahaja,” ujarnya. 
Pada majlis tersebut, sebanyak 23 keping borang keahlian PAS telah diserahkan oleh ketua cawangan, Ustaz Bachtiar Abd Halim kepada Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi yang turut disaksikan oleh Mustafa dan Yang Dipertua PAS kawasan, Ustaz Abu Bakar Abdullah.(Gambar atas)- KAM/ayu 
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Bismillah [hidayahnet] ~*~Jagalah Allah Pasti Allah Menjagamu~*~

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Dina Istova

Judul: Jagalah Allah Pasti Allah MenjagamuKategori: Nasihat UlamaDitulis Oleh: AdminSent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dari Abil Abbas Abdullah bin Abbas a dia berkata :"Dahulu aku pernah berada di belakang Rasulullah, lalu beliau bersabda : "Wahai anak kecil sesungguhnya aku ingin mengajarimu beberapa kata, jagalah Allah, maka pasti Allah menjagamu, jagalah Allah pasti kau akan menjumpai-Nya dihadapanmu. Apabila engkau meminta maka mintalah kepada Allah dan jika engkau meminta pertolongan maka mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah. Ketahuilah, seandainya suatu umat berkumpul untuk memberikan manfaat kepadamu maka mereka tidak bisa memberi manfaat tersebut kecuali yang telah ditakdirkan Allah untukmu dan apabila mereka berkumpul untuk memadharatkanmu maka mereka tidak bisa memadharatkanmu kecuali dengan apa-apa yang ditakdirkan oleh Allah atasmu, telah di angkat pena dan telah kering tinta" (HR. Tirmidzi, dan dia berkata hadits hasan shohih). Di dalamiwayat selain Tirmidzi : "Jagalah Allah maka engkau akan mendapatkan-Nya dihadapanmu,
 kenalilah Allah di kala senang maka Dia akan mengenalmu di kala susah. Ketahuilah sesungguhnya apa yang tidak menimpamu maka dia tidak akan menimpamu dan apa yang akan menimpamu pasti dia akan menimpamu (tidak akan meleset). Dan ketahuilah bahwa kemenangan bersama kesabaran, kelapangan bersama kesempitan dan setelah kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan." Takhrij HaditsHadits shohih, hadits ini memiliki 7 jalan dan lafadznya berbeda-beda. Dan yang paling baik adalahiwayat Hanasy ash-Shon'ani dari Ibnu Abbas a, dia berkata : "Dahulu aku pernah dibelakang Rasululllah .." Riwayat ini dikeluarkan oleh Tirmidzi 2635 bersama Tuhfatul Ahwadzi dan ini lafadz beliau, Ahmad 1/293, Ibnu Wahab dalam Al-Qodr 28, Abu Ya'la dalam musnadnya 2556, Ibnu Sunny dalam Amalul Yaum Wal Laila 327 dan Thobrani dalam Do'a 42 dari jalan Laits bin Sa'ad dari Qois bin Hajjaj dari Ibnu Abbas.Syaikh Salim bin 'Id Al-Hilali mengatakan : Isnadnya shohih dan perowi-perowinya
 tsiqoh.Hadits ini juga diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad 1/203&207, Baihaqi dalam Asma' Wa Sifat hal 97, Lalikai dalam Syarh Ushulu I'tiqod Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama'ah 1094&1095 dari jalan lain dari Qois bin al-Hajjaj. Dan juga dikuatkan oleh Yazid bin Abi Habib dari Hanasy, dan ini dikeluarkan oleh al-Ajuri dalam Syari'ah hal 198)Syaikh Salim mengatakan : "Isnadnya shohih, meskipun sebagian jalan-jalannya yang lain tidak luput dari kelemahan tapi pegangannya adalah yang telah di sebut di atas. Wallahu a'lam.1 1. Shohih kitabul Adzkar wa dhoifuhu Syaikh Salim bin 'Id Al-Hilaly 2/999-1000.Kedudukan HaditsIbnu Rojab v berkata : "Hadits ini mengandung wasiat yang berharga dan kaidah-kaidah umum tentang hal-hal penting dalam agama, sampai-sampai sebagian Ulama mengatakan 'ketika aku merenungi hadits ini aku sangat tertarik sekali dan hampir-hampir aku gemetar.' Maka sangat disayangkan jika ada yang tidak tahu dan tidak memahami makna hadits
 ini."Penjelasan HaditsNabi bersabda :"Jagalah Allah maka Allah pasti menjagamu".Maknanya adalah jagalah perintah-perintah, larangan-larangan dan batasan-batasan serta hak-hak Allah yaitu dengan menjalankan apa yang Allah dan Rasul-Nya perintahkan serta menjauhi apa yang di larang. Barangsiapa yang melaksanakan hal itu maka Allah telah memujinya dalam firman-Nya : "Inilah yang dijanjikan kepadamu, (yaitu) kepada setiap hamba yang selalu kembali (kepada Allah) lagi memelihara (semua peraturan-peraturan-Nya). (Yaitu) orang yang takut kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah sedang Dia tidak kelihatan (olehnya) dan dia datang dengan hati yang bertaubat." (QS.Qoof: 32-33)Termasuk hal yang penting untuk di jaga adalah sholat sebagaimana firman Allah ta'ala :"Jagalah segala sholatmu dan sholat wustho (shalat ashar)." (QS. Al-Baqoroh : 238)Allah sangat memuji orang yang menjaga sholatnya: "Dan orang yang selalu menjaga
 sholat mereka." (QS. Al-Ma'arij : 34)Allah juga memerintahkan untuk menjaga sumpah: "Dan jagalah sumpahmu" (QS. Al-Maidah : 89) Dan memerintahkan untuk menjaga kemaluan : "Dan orang laki-laki dan orang perempuan yang menjaga kemaluan-kemaluan mereka." (QS. Al-Ahzab: 35).Sabda Nabi : "Maka pasti Allah menjagamu" maknanya adalah barangsiapa yang menjaga perintah-perintah Allah serta menjalankan kewajiban-kewajiban dan meninggalkan yang dilarang maka pasti Allah menjaganya, karena balasan itu tergantung dari perbuatannya. Allah berfirman :"Jika kalian menolong Allah maka pasti Allah menolong kalian" (QS. Muhammad : 7).Penjagaan Allah kepada hamba-Nya di dunia ini berupa penjagaan terhadap kebaikan dan kemaslahatan dunia, badan, harta serta keluarganya. Allah berfirman :"Sedang ayahnya adalah seorang yang sholeh" (QS. Al-Kahfi : 82). Imam Ibnu Katsir v berkata (tentang tafsir ayat
 tersebut) : "Di dalam ayat ini terdapat dalil bahwa orang yang sholih itu keturunannya akan di jaga oleh Allah. Barokah ibadahnya akan meliputi mereka di dunia dan di akhirat. Dan dengan syafaatnya di hari akhir k

Bismillah [hidayahnet] Frightening dreams

2005-08-12 Terurut Topik Muhammad Abdul-Rahman
Frightening dreams


I am a young sister who got married recently to a man with very good character 
and deen, masha-Allah. Since I have got married, I frequently have very 
frightening dreams about my husband and others I love. 

Before marriage I never had frightening dreams as I always make my adhkaar at 
bedtime. Sometimes I see that there are jinns inside other people and I am 
trying to fight them by reciting ayatul-Kursi, but they are stopping me from 
doing so. I cannot sleep at night and wake up several times. One good sister 
suggested to me that it may be the evil eye brought on by others who are 
jealous. If that is the case, then please could you guide me as to what I can 
do about this problem as it is very distressing. May Allah Reward you greatly 
for your advice. 


Praise be to Allaah. 


Undoubtedly the frightening dreams that this sister sees are from the accursed 
Shaytaan who is trying his hardest to prevent people from following the true 
religion and keep them away from their Lord Whom they worship, and he wants to 
cause grief to the believers. But his plots against the pious close friends of 
Allaah are weak and insignificant, especially against those who fortify 
themselves with ruqya as prescribed in sharee'ah day and night. 


You should note that the best way in which the Muslim can protect himself 
against the Shaytaan is to remember Allaah. According to the hadeeth narrated 
by al-Tirmidhi (2863), Allaah commanded Yahya ibn Zakariyya (peace be upon him) 
to tell the Children of Israel to do five things, including the following: 

"I command you to remember Allaah, for the likeness of that is that of a man 
who enemy comes after him, until he comes to a strong fortress where he 
protects himself from him. Similarly, a person cannot protect himself against 
the Shaytaan except by remembering Allaah." 

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmdihi. 

If the Muslim fears Allaah in all his affairs, and adheres to that which Allaah 
has commanded and avoids that which He has forbidden, and he constantly 
remembers Allaah, praying and fasting and other kinds of worship, and he 
fortifies himself by reading Qur'aan night and day, out loud and silently, and 
he regularly recites the wirds and dhikrs prescribed in Islam for the morning 
and evening, and when eating, drinking, getting dressed and going to sleep, 
then the Shaytaan will go away from him, blameworthy and defeated, and will 
have no power to do anything to him. How can it be otherwise when Allaah says 
(interpretation of the meaning): 

"Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allaah, and those who disbelieve, 
fight in the cause of Taaghoot (Satan). So fight you against the friends of 
Shaytaan (Satan); ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytaan (Satan)" [al-Nisa' 

The Shaytaan only comes close to those who are far away from their religion and 
Qur'aan. The Shaytaan may try to divert the righteous from the straight path, 
in order to ruin their lives and religious commitment and worldly interests. 
But protection may be sought against him in the manner described above. You can 
also refer to the books of dhikr such as al-Adhkaar by al-Nawawi; `Aml al-Yawm 
wa'l-Laylah by al-Nasaa'i; `Aml al-Yawm wa'l-Laylah by Ibn al-Sunni; and other 
books of dhikr that deal with this topic, or books of Sunan in general. If you 
do that we hope that your situation will improve and you will find peace of 
mind, and Allaah will change your situation to a better one. 

Among the dhikrs with which we advise you to recite regularly are the 

1 _ Adhkaar for morning and evening. 

(a) Reciting every evening the words, "A'oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah il-taammah 
min sharri ma khalaqa (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the 
evil of that which He has created)." 

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: A man came to the Prophet (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, "O Messenger of Allaah, I am 
suffering because of a scorpion that stung me yesterday." He said, "If you had 
said in the evening, A'oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah il-taammah min sharri ma 
khalaqa (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the evil of that 
which He has created),' it would not have harmed you. Narrated by Muslim. 

Indeed, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged us 
to say that in every place where we stop (when travelling). 

It was narrated that Khawlah bint Hakeem al-Salamiyyah said: I heard the 
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: "Whoever 
makes a stop in some place, then says, `A'oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah il-taammah 
min sharri ma khalaqa (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the 
evil of that which He has created),' nothing will harm him until he moves on 
from that place." Narrated by Muslim, 2708. 

(b) It was narrated that `Uthmaan ibn `Affaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) 
said: T