[Histonet] p16 Nordi QC

2016-05-10 Thread Eridana via Histonet
There is a fantastic resource for antibody assessment and optimization and they 
have done p16 as well as many many other antibodies. Their results of testing 
is free on line.   p16 is http://www.nordiqc.org/Epitopes/p16/p16.htm from 2009 
with many different companies antibodies.

Here is the list of their epitopes http://www.nordiqc.org/epitopes.htm

Donna Harclerode, HT, ASCP, HTL, QIHC
Lead Histotechnologist
VA San Diego, CA

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Anti static gun

2012-02-17 Thread Eridana
Available through VWR, but may be cheaper elsewhere.  They work much better 
than I expected.

ZEROSTAT ANTISTATIC GUN VWR cat #100496-120 Vendor cat #60610   
Each$122.64 list

Donna Harclerode, HTL, QIHC, SLS (ASCP)
Associate Scientist
9393 Towne Center Road
San Diego, CA 92121

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Trichrome stain on frozens

2011-06-01 Thread Eridana
I had major problems with frozen trichrome years ago and Jamie Watson from GNF, 
La Jolla said to fix in the Bouins and not fix in formalin and then mordant in 
Bouins. (duh) I am not sure why I never tried that, but when I fixed in Bouins 
for 10 minutes I got consistent trichrome on frozen skin sections. 

Donna Harclerode, HT,HTL (ASCP) QIHC, SLS
Arista Molecular
10455 Pacific Center Court
San Diego, CA 92121

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Folding sections

2010-09-30 Thread Eridana
Hi Alexia
I am not sure exactly what you are describing but my first question would be 
what is your nuclear stain in? If it is an alcoholic solution the sections may 
get shocked and stick together.  I normally used DAPI in the secondary to 
counter-stain nuclei which is aqueous so that was less stress on the slices.

I  put 1-3ml of the 0.3% Triton in the mounting dish- it helped flatten and 
drag the slides on to the slides.

For incubations I used micro centrifuge tubes with VERY slow rotation. Primary 
was ON at 4o. Rinses were in dishes from Brain Research.  We changed the nets 
to panty hose and tightened them and glued them down with nail polish.   I 
usually was staining 30u sliding microtome sections not vibrotome so may not 
cross over.
I tried not to use paint brushes- they tended to damage the sections due to 
sticking to my sections.  I made bent glass rods out of pasture pipettes with a 
bunsen burner.

I once had the knife angle too steep on the sliding microtome, cut too fast and 
then had curled sections that never did flatten right.  I do not know if that 
is is a possibility on the vibrotome.

Good luck

Donna Harclerode HT,HTL,QIHC (ASCP),SLS 
Histology Core Manager 
UCSD, Dept of Pathology 
9500 Gillman Drive 
BSB 2009
San Diego, CA 92093
858 534 7438

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 22:14:31 + 
From: Alexia Francisca N??ez Parra  alexia_f...@hotmail.com 
Subject: [Histonet] Free floating sections 
To: lita de foro histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
Message-ID: snt129-w2203a4dc1629c55f3b778e93...@phx.gbl 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 
Hello Histonetters! 
I am currently running a immunofluorescence reaction using free floating brain 
sections and am having problems with the sections folding as I lift them to 
mount at the end of the reaction. 
To obtain the sections, I first perfused the mouse with 4%PFA, dissected the 
brain and postfixed it in 4%PFA for three hours, washed it twice in PBS 
solution, and stored the brain in PBS at 4 degrees celcius. Then, I used a 
vibratome to slice the brain in 100um sections (I have also tried using a 
cryostat - and tissue tek- but this immuno runs better on sections from the 
vibratome). After being sliced, the sections were stored at 4 degrees in PBS. 
I am running the immuno using a culture plate with incubation with a blocker 
(10%DS in PBS-T), primary antibody incubation overnight at RT, and incubation 
with secondary antibody at RT for two hours. All these incubations are made 
under agitation. Also, I am co-staining the cells with the nuclear stain TOPRO. 
To mount the sections, I am lifting them using a thin paintbrush and placing 
them into a petri dish filled with PBS. Then I drag the sections on to a 
slide, apply Vectashield and the coverslip. Normally the sections should unfold 
as soon as they are placed in PBS 
solution, but many of them are staying folded on the brush. I have already 
incubating the primary antibody at 4C and I observed even more folding. 
Can you suggest anything to prevent this? 
Thank you very much 
Alexia Nunez-Parra 
Graduate Student 
University of Maryland 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Flat mount eye sections

2010-08-09 Thread Eridana
I have done flat retina sections- which may be what you are being asked to do 
which is a very specialized procedure even for most research labs.
Do you have access to a sliding microtome with a freezing stage?  Otherwise I 
do not know any way to do this.  If you are doing flat retina (I have done 
birds and rats- the rats are very difficult and require a dissecting scope to 
even prepare them).  I did this in a lab 15 years ago but now that I am older 
and do not see so well, I would use a scope for any species.
For birds or rodents, perfuse the animal usually 4%PFA, remove the eye, excise  
the cornea, iris and lens and being carefully not disturbing the retina remove 
the vitreous humor and post fixed in 4% at 4oC overnight 
Transfer to 30% sucrose in PBS at least another 24 hours
Dissect the retina from the eyecup and trimmed it with a fresh scalpel blade to 
flatten it out.  I cannot remember the correct term, but pigeon and chicken 
eyes have a comb structure inside their eyes that must be removed before 
flattening. It usually took about 4 cuts of varying sizes to get a flat sample. 
 Looks kind of like an uneven flower with cuts from the center out.  On a few 
eyes they had to be cut into 2 pieces to get them flat.  On a sliding microtome 
with freezing stage (or with dry ice on either end of the platform, build a 30% 
sucrose platform bigger than the eye to be sectioned
Then with the blade in place, shave down the platform to make a flat place big 
enough to mount the retina.  Remove the blade for safety reasons for mounting 
of the retina.
Use a wooden block that is super flat covered with saran wrap.  Very carefully 
on one side so there were no wrinkles in the wrap, place the inside of the eye 
against the saran wrap (with no liquid or it will slide off) and very carefully 
but quickly wipe the retina onto the prepared platform and let it freeze.
Replace the blade from and drop the stage or raise the blade (depending on the 
microtome ) and carefully section the retina.  On a pigeon we usually got at 
best 3 30u sections but usually did not get the retina quite flat and got 4 
sections. The sections are collected in PBS and stained in micro centrifuge 
tubes for various antibodies then mounted on slides after staining..

Good luck

Donna Harclerode HT,HTL,QIHC (ASCP),SLS 
Histology Core Manager 
UCSD, Dept of Pathology 
9500 Gillman Drive 
BSB 2009
San Diego, CA 92093
858 534 7438

Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 10:57:02 -0700 
From: sgoe...@xbiotech.com 
Subject: [Histonet] Flat Mount 
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 

Hello all, 
   I  am being asked to do immunostaining on fla   eyes.   First,  what is a 
flat mount and does an   on  how  to  make one?  Second, what is the methodol   
stains  on  these?   Do you have to fix them, cut them,done this and need 
some help.  Thanks guys!! 
   Sarah Goebel, B.A., HT (ASCP) 
   [DEL: XBiot 
   8201 East Riverside Dr. 
   Austin, Texas

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Tungesten Carbide Knives and araldite

2010-04-08 Thread Eridana
I have a tiny project using araldite on mouse nerves and wondered if anyone 
could recommend the tungsten carbide knife that Ted Pella cat #121-50 or any 
other company sells. I cut methacrylate ages ago with glass knives but wonder 
if the tungesten carbide blade might be a  easier and way less expensive option 
than a $9k Leica glass knife breaker.  I used the Sorvall breaker  but it looks 
to be discontinued.

If anyone has an opinion on araldite, I would appreciate that too.



Donna Harclerode HT,HTL,QIHC (ASCP),SLS 
Histology Core Manager 
UCSD, Dept of Pathology 
9500 Gillman Drive 
BSB 2010 
San Diego, CA 92093
858 534 7438

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] San Diego Chapter meeting

2009-08-31 Thread Eridana
The San Diego chapter will be having our next meeting on Sept 10 from 4:30 to 7 
at Pfizer.  The topic will be on laboratory safety and hopefull we will come up 
with more topics for future meetings.  There will be a light dinner and 
everyone is welcome but please let us know you are planning to attend.

Please contact me for further information or to RSVP


Donna Harclerode 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Cryostat thick and thin sections

2009-08-28 Thread Eridana
One more possible issue along with the others.  Over tightening of some 
disposable blades can cause thick and thin sections. Leica 1800 and 3050 only 
should have the knife tightened snug, not have the handle (tightening bar or 
whatever you call it) pushed as far as it goes.  My rule of thumb is to go just 
beyond the angle of the knife and quit there.  I love the 3050- it is my 
favorite for any cryo work.

Donna Harclerode

Histonet mailing list