[Histonet] TGF beta on FFPE

2010-03-08 Thread histonet . nospam
Hello Histonet,

I'd like to know if anyone of you has experience with TGF beta receptor and TGF 
beta ligand IHC on FFPE tissue.

Any input will be highly appreciated :)

Thanks a lot

V. Neubert

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: [ Histonet ] Tris Buffer Preservative

2010-02-25 Thread histonet . nospam
I used to sterilze my TBS by autoclaving it.
For aliquots  I used TBS with 0,1% sodium acide.
I never had any problems with bacteria; my 10x TBS concentrate was fine for 

- Original Message -
From: amosbro...@gmail.com
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Date: 24.02.2010 17:59:45
Subject: [Histonet] Tris Buffer Preservative

    I have been making up my own tris buffer for immunohistochemistry. It has
 been working swimmingly, with one exception. I have been doing some work on
 Salmonella, and apparently the researcher has been seeing bacteria in her
 immunofluorescent slides that she says are moving and seem to be viable. She
 wanted to culture all my reagents. So the primary and secondary antibody
 diluents (commercially purchased) came up clean, but the TBS ended up with a
 pretty healthy growing colony. Now since I don't do IHC overnight in an
 incubator, I don't think this is necessarily a catastrophy. (No one else has
 noticed this) It does seem to warrant further investigation though. So for
 the folks that make their own solutions up, what do you use as a
 preservative for your buffers and how much do you use. I haven't seen
 anything in any of the recipes I have found. I was thinking Sodium Azide,
 but it is really hazardous, and Wikipedia says it is actually explosive (
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_azide). Biocare Medical's data sheet
 says they use less than 0.25% procyclin. (thanks for not hiding the
 ingredients Biocare, I love you for that!) Has anyone tried that? Any other
 suggestions would be welcome.
 Histonet mailing list

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] [ SOLVED ][ Histonet ] Strange circles in IHC slides

2010-02-25 Thread histonet . nospam
Hello Histonet,

it has been a while (~10 months) since I posted a problem about uneven 
immuno-staining with specimen showing unstained circles after manual staining 
with HRP-polymere/DAB method; complete mail see below, response mails see 
Histonet archive (via website).
Links to pictures I took:

The problem occured suddenly, without having changed any reagents or methods.
Things I changed to avoid the unstained spots:
*Adding 0,05% Tween 20 to TBS
*Blocking peroxidase in coplin jar, not mounted in racks
*Lowering antibody concentration
which temporarily produced better results.

After reviewing a big number of slides it showed up that most of the tissue 
affected was lung, liver and kidney which mostly means a lot of blood in the 
tissue when fixation in formalin starts.
Erythrocytes, granulocytes and macrophages show a lot of endogenous and 
pseudoendogenous peroxidase activity.

This is how it's done since then:
Slides are taken from racks into a big coplin jar with 3% H2O2 diluted in 
distilled water (demineralized H2O).
A slow magnetic stirrer on the bottom of the jar keeps the solution floating 
around the tissue, removing any O2 bubble that might appear. Slides then are 
remounted and rinsed a lot with TBS-T.

Thank you for all your help, though it's a little late...

V. Neubert,

- Original Message -
From: histonet.nos...@vneubert.com
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Date: 02.04.2009 18:12:18
Subject: [Histonet] Strange circles in IHC slides

[...] http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/8513/ts0402162049.jpg
 So, has ever anyone experienced sth. like this?
 My conjugate control (every step except the antibody) was fine, nothing 
 to be seen about DAB and no circles at all.
 I used Shandon single-use coverplates, sterile buffer, fresh antibody 
 aliquots. Any idea?
 V. Neubert

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: [ Histonet ] Hematoxylin

2009-11-11 Thread histonet . nospam
Gill II (ThermoFisher) 5 min, 3x1 min A. Dest.

That's it :)

 I need some pointers on how to intensify the hematoxylin on the H and E 
 stain. Is there a way to do that? I currently use Richard Allan hematoxylin 
 7211. The H is weak. All reagents were changed out last night. Any of your 
 expertise would be of great help. Thank you guys in advance. 

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