Re: [Histonet] Stability Guarantee vs Expiration date

2022-03-18 Thread Hobbs, Carl via Histonet
Good info
I have always made 1/10 stocks of my abs ( in TBS/BSA/azide) and frozen 
aliquoted neat stocks.
For eg: I still use a 10 yr old "Dako" anti GFAP at 1/5000 ( stock 4C 1/10)
Sure, I am in research
Sure, I always add a positive control
Today I used a 5 yr old 1/10 4C of anti PCNA ( Abcam ab29)...worked as well as 
when I 1st made the 1/10 stock 
Sureone has to keep checking by adding controls (  a known positive  like 
gut so that if crypt nuclei are exclusively +ve...OK)
Mind you.PCNA is NOT a great prolif marker : far better to use anti Ki67
( half-life difference)
However, I wanted to see if Ki67/PCNA was good for worm Pwax sections ( former 
-ve, latter TOO positive)
Caveat: stored positive control sections can "go off"
Some call it "oxidation" of epitopes
It happens to some epitopes/ags
Best wishes, Histonet


Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge 
Kings College London

020 7848 6810
Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] Stability Guarantee vs Expiration date

2022-03-17 Thread Terri Braud via Histonet
Richard's suggestion is the most sensible suggestion that I've seen in a while, 
however, it means less money for reagent manufacturers, so I doubt we will ever 
see it come to pass. - Terri

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 13:45:44 +
From: "Cartun, Richard" 

Well stated Tony, and thank for all this useful information.  I am hopeful that 
we can get expiration dates overturned here in the United States.  In the past, 
I have recommended a "Stability Guarantee" date to replace the "Expiration 
Date".  After that date passes it would be the responsibility of the performing 
laboratory to validate that the antibody is still working properly.  And, as 
you pointed out, this is easily accomplished with the positive control which is 
run in parallel.  Laboratories cannot no longer afford to discard expensive 
reagents, especially those that are not being produced any longer.  Also, with 
the current staffing crisis in Histology/IHC laboratories and supply-chain 
issues we need to simplify our work environment.


Richard W. Cartun, MS, PhD
Director, Histology & The Martin M. Berman, MD
  Immunopathology/Morphologic Proteomics Laboratory
Assistant Director, Anatomic Pathology
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CT  06102
(860) 972-1596 Office
(860) 545-2204 (Fax)

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